Mr. Cage’s Stories
About the Author
Written by Rival’s Rapture: Mr. Cage has been writing female fight fiction before some of our younger writers were even born. And in that time, he has mastered the craft — producing brutally hot stories of women locked in combat for decades now. And though his pace has slowed and presence has ebbed as of late, we are lucky enough to be able to present his works on Fights.Sexy for you.

Mr. Cage’s Stories
Meet the Midnight Meat Train
The camera suddenly jerked away from the fight and caught Mina and Kam struggling on a row of plastic seats, falling onto the floor and rolling back and forth. Fists, head butts, elbows, knees and boots struck. Kam’s vest was off. Her orange half tank top was ripped open. Mina had just rolled up the Indian girl’s white bra exposing a light brown round mound of firm tit flesh topped by a huge nipple. The Pakistani girl’s left hand went for the nipple. That freed Kam’s right hand and her black and green nails went straight for Mina’s dark eyes. Mina screamed and turned her face to the side.
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Connie tried to turn the fight into a contest of strength, but the blonde’s pumping fists and digging knees kept the bigger woman grunting and moaning. Nipples were pulled, elbows ground into guts and tits, fists were snapped into bleeding faces and jiggling flesh, knees dug into crotches and guts, handful’s of the black’s busy hair were ripped out, eyes were poked and faces were rubbed by chains and gravel. Connie finally kicked the furious dyke off and rolled away.
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Who’s the Bully Now?: Part 1
I stood my ground, “Fuck off you bitches!”
Cathy glared at me, “I’ll make you drink piss you little faggot. We’re going down to the basement bitch.”
Jill laughed, “You forget what we made you do the last time, Billie?”
“Fuck you too cunt!”
Jill stepped forward, but Cathy grabbed her arm and said, “Not out here. Down in the basement.”
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Teaching Conflict Resolution
Gemma and Saira suddenly rushed each other throwing wild punches. Fists hit faces, arms, shoulders, tits and even backs as they swung wildly from every direction and without rest or defense. Gemma’s nose opened up first, but Saira was quickly dribbling blood from both nostrils and her lip opened up to spread blood across her lower face. The grunts and groans were punctuated by the meaty smacks of fist on flesh.
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Walk in the Park
In between deep breaths they circled each other cursing. The dirt from the trail was staining Taj’s ankles and feet. Sharan’s stockings were shredded now at both knees and on her feet and her toes were sticking through the sheer black, now dirty brown, stockings. As they circled and recovered their breath they got closer and closer. Their eyes were locked as they sought to wound each other with words, getting physically closer with each angry verbal lashing.
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Hot for Teacher
Sarah moaned as she was pulled backwards painfully by the hair. She had her hands in the Indian’s hair too. More importantly she was half-straddling the bitch’s crotch pinning her on her back. They yanked hair, hurting each other. Cursing and spitting started with their faces a few inches apart.
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Matchmaking for Mom
Brenda was the first one to use her teeth. She bit deep into Mom’s sweaty left shoulder. Mom screamed and was forced back to the wall. Brenda slammed her body into Mom and continued to bite. Blood was on the bitch’s mouth and dribbling down Mom’s shoulder across her fat tit. Mom screamed and clawed at Brenda’s dyed hair. When that didn’t work, Mom dropped her right hand and curled two fingers into Brenda’s fat cunt. Now it was my Aunt’s time to scream. She yelped, released the bite and retreated yelling that Mom was a “fucking ugly dyke.”
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Dark Net Amazons
Trapped by my wife’s body, Gita let go of my wife’s breast and grabbed her chin, twisting her head using the hair and the chin. Despite four more belly busters, she forced Tabitha to slide to the side just enough to escape from the wall. She didn’t retreat; instead she kicked hard to the back of Tabitha’s left thigh and bounced like a Thai fighter. She moved in and hammered Tabitha’s lower belly with both fists, and then moved out taking a forearm across both her fat boobs. Her next kick got blocked by my wife’s shin. She had learned to fight like this defensively after a terrible beating at the hands of a professional kick boxer who had used our rules and still turned it into a striking match.
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Rent Wars 1
Melody rushed forward and took a brown foot in her belly. The blonde grunted and stepped back. Riya’s hard right hook missed. Melody punished her with a left to the right eye and a right to the left cheek. Her long black braid flew in an arch back and forth as her head was snapped back and forth by the blonde’s quick fists. Riya staggered forward and grabbed the blonde.
They wrestled with the heavier Indian girl bear hugging the tall blonde, trapping the left arm inside the hug. Melody rabbit punched the back of Riya’s neck and tried to stomp on the brown girl’s feet. Both women were well worked up, breathing heavy and sweating profusely. I had not kept track of time. I looked at the big digit timer on the wall and saw that only a minute had passed. I knew it would slow down from here. I was right.
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Mom’s Fight Club
Mrs. Carlo slide over Mom’s crushed chest and got a knee over Mom’s kicking legs. In a single motion the fat bitch ended up sitting on Mom’s bucking hips, legs spread over my Mom’s hips and knees digging into the mattresses. Mom grabbed the woman’s shoulders to roll her off, but Mrs. Carlo used her left to rip at the front of Mom’s dirty blonde hair and her right to grab the mattress to keep from being rolled off.
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Pick-Ups and Deliveries
The voice spoke, “Time for our final meeting. Both of you seem to want to live. Now we will see who wants it most. This fight will be over when one of you is dead. Before I let the winner go she must put the loser’s nipples in the bucket. Of course, you can put them in before she’s dead just to make a point. Remember, when you walk free I’ll have a close-up in digital glory of you biting off the other woman’s nipples. I wouldn’t want to explain that to the police or the neighbors. The doors will open in thirty seconds; after that it’s up to you. Who survives and whose nipples get added to trophies?”
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Private Connections
Julia pursued missing a left and then crushing the left tit again with a solid upper cut. The bloody nipple squirted lymph and the audience hooted. “Milk her.” Someone yelled first one to milk both tits get a gold coin. Julia’s left crushed the outside of the right tit. Annie cried out and lunged into the blonde grabbing her again around the arms wrestling them in a staggering circle. Annie stepped on Julia’s right foot and they went down in a thud onto the mat. Julia’s claws cut Annie’s sides and pushed her middle back for a knee to the cunt.
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Who’s the Bully Now?: Part 2
Cathy suddenly snapped her belt from the ground putting a wave in the leather strap that kicked the buckle off the ground throwing black dirt. The buckle snapped hitting the underside of Desiree’s left tit. Damn, I wondered how long Cathy had practiced that move. Desiree squealed and jumped backwards swinging her own belt in a more frequent side arm whip motion. The buckle missed Cathy’s belly by five inches at least. Cathy leapt forward as the belt passed by and slammed her ringed fist into Desiree’s mouth.
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That Seventies Story: #1
Mel’s right knee came up to her waist, her right foot angled downward. Then she stomp kicked to Amparo’s bush covered lower belly. My wife’s dirty foot hit perfectly in the middle of the lower belly swell. Her heel dug in above the pubic bone while the ball of her foot and toes sank into the brown gut almost leaving an imprint of dirt looking like someone had walked up the belly.
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Big Tipper
Rana and Elle stripped inches apart glaring at each other taking the exposure of the other’s skin as a personal insult. They hated each other beyond any reason as only women can. As my wife revealed her recently all over tanned tits you could still see some of the yellow bruises, but the pain was finally gone. Rana’s brown breasts had returned to their perfect shape with no evidence of the deep damage my wife had tried to do.
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Driving Around – Part One
Trigger Warning:
This story involves HEAVY racial animosity.
Then the first right fist sank into Jodie’s belly as she tried to bridge up. Her feet flew out from under her knees and the knees came up to guard her throbbing belly. My wife was a womb puncher and knew where to hit on the lower belly to drive the pain in deep. As soon as the knees came up my wife’s right hand open and shoved down pushing across the guarded belly and emerging between the uplifted thighs.
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Hard Money
Tonight all the fighters were women, only two sets in the bonus money for pregnant fighters. Annie O’Connor five months gone would be the other Traveler woman and she was twenty-two. Their Paki, or Black, or Protestant opponents were housed in the other tent. The Travelers sometimes fought each other on feud nights but on nights like this the punters preferred a bit of color in the contest. For the English they chanted “Pikey verse Paki.” They really did not care if the Traveler women and the Pakistani women killed each other, in fact they probably preferred it.
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Your Mom is in the Ditch
As Deb struggled forward, Dani slide mud off her ass and thighs and pulled up her leggings covering her pale white ass with the muddy red nylon. Deb grunted twice and charged, hands reaching for Dani’s muddy tangled blonde hair. Dani planted her left foot and sank her right into Deb’s fat belly leaving a new muddy foot print on Beth’s mom’s once white leggings. Deb’s charge caused Dani to fall on her back against the edge of the ditch. Dani’s hard kick to the belly doubled over Deb and left her on her knees in the dirt gasping.
Jane shouted for her mother to “Kill that whore!”
Beth promised Jane, “I’ll kick in your cunt!”
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Rent Wars 2
Aarti cried out and sit down on the low rail. Farzana’s tear stained face twisted into a brutal smile and she slapped down again and again. Aarti’s head finally rolled back over the rail and she called out for some goddess or another. Farzana snarled some curse and hammered the big brown targets again and again. When the Pak was done, she had the Indian’s 38DDs ballooned to at least 42Js. The swelling was more uniform and the nipples were upward pointing now with all the fluid pumping up the volume from below. Of course that exposed the nipples to more direct shot and they had darkened to deep red brown. When the Pak finished, the Indian’s nipples were wet with pink lymph.
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Rent Money Moms
Mom screamed in total agony. One of her nipples had stopped leaking pinkish fluid and was now bleeding freely coloring my ex teacher’s fingers, Mom’s tit and belly. Mom gasped and groaned, but she kept working on the olive brown woman’s hanging boobs. Finally Mrs. Roma screamed and Mom had her left nipple bleeding freely.
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Bloody Gulch
The crowd roared as the meaty whacks of the blonde’s fists hit Linda’s face and fat arms. Linda cursed and rolled down to the floor getting dirtier. Trisha stomped her right foot down in the small of Linda’s back and pushed the bitch into the dirt tits first. The blonde jumped on the fat girl’s back and started punching her in the sides of the head and then in the back of the neck, bouncing on Linda’s back trying to keep the big girl down. Linda took a one-sided beating. People began to cheer openly for the blonde hoping the rule of the fat bully was over.
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I have a hard time explaining this to people, but to me, enjoying catfights is like an orientiation for me sexually, not just a fetish. As in, my aunt, who had her fair share of catfights with jealous wives taking a picture of me as a boy enjoying an imagined catfight (now that I think about it, thanks, lack of consent).
A few years later I came home, not really remembering much of the trip I was taking, but a fight had to be involved, that much I remember. The erotic part of a fight for me is exactly that the women feel neither attraction nor sympathy for each other, they’re not stand-ins for an imaginary threesome afterwards.
I can understand how people like differet aspects of it, that’s what works for me.
Just so people aren’t confused, there were some comments on this page about recently added stories of Mr. Cage. Those comments (one supportive and one negative) basically boiled down to fetish preference being presented as an absolute value. And though, yes, that issue is frighteningly common in this community, within the comments made, there was an harshness of the type I do not want on this site.
We’re here to celebrate authors and their works. To provide them respectful, useable feedback, not to shame them into writing stories that perfectly align with the curves and straights of our fetish preference.
I don’t think either commenter had anything malicious in their hearts, but I just wanted to stop the conversation before it grew into something broader and less easy to soften.
Bravo, always great never boring are cage stories, wondering if he does commissions.