It had been several months since models Denise and Meghan had fought in a sumptuous Italian villa. Both were goddesses…Denise blonde, Meghan brunette. It was Meghan who had lured the little blonde in to indulge her insatiable desire for catfights. She loved tearing into other hot women. Meghan seemed to enjoy giving as well as receiving cruel punishment. She got off on it.
Denise had left the villa with things unresolved between the two beauties. Their fight ended in a sort of stalemate, both girls seemingly equals. They promised to meet again and Denise knew that Meghan was only a phone call away. Their lustful, savage fight had dominated the blonde girl’s thoughts. It was all she dwelled on…compulsively…obsessively. She even had dreams about it. Vivid dreams with all the lurid details still intact. She would awake in a cold sweat playing with herself. Denise knew this bitch was crazy but she desperately wanted to battle her again. Something cruel and vile had been unlocked in Denise during their first catfight…something primal. She now craved catfights just like Meghan did. She couldn’t wait to cross paths with Meghan once more. Her pussy throbbed with passion when she thought about fighting the dark haired vixen again. This time, she would dominate the arrogant cunt. No mercy.
She finally decided to make the call late one night. Denise was back in SoCal and knew Meghan was in LA on a modeling gig. The timing of it was just too perfect to pass up.
Meghan answered the call. Denise knew it wouldn’t go to voicemail. “Hey, baby,” Meghan said slyly.
”I think it’s time. I want to fight you again, bitch,” Denise said coldly.
Meghan was still her usual playful self. “Ohh, do you now?” she exclaimed with a lustful sigh. “Let’s set it up. I know you’ve got a condo here in LA. I‘m here until next week. Just tell me when and text me some directions to your place. You do want to hook up at your place, don‘t you? We can have some privacy there.”
”Yeah, my place is fine. This Friday night at 9. I’ll send directions,“ Denise said calmly.
”Mmm hmm…can’t wait.”
Denise ended the call and took a deep breath. Her heart was racing. On Meghan’s end, the little brunette was already getting wet.
The night quickly arrived. Denise had a nice, spacious condo. She sat on the couch with a red silk robe on. Five minutes till 9 and the doorbell rang. Denise crossed the floor and opened the door. There stood Meghan, looking as gorgeous as ever. She was in a little black sequin dress.
”You like the dress, Denise? It’s Louis Vuitton..from one of my jobs,” Meghan stated proudly as she entered, hands proudly on her hips. The women walked toward the center of the living room and faced one another.
”Mmm..it’s a gorgeous dress. You know it’s going to get destroyed,” Denise said flatly.
”I don’t care. I’ve got a closet full of this pricey shit. Now..let’s see what you’ve got under there, baby.” Meghan undid the blonde’s red robe. Denise grabbed at Meghan’s little dress and started to tear at the expensive fabric. It shredded and tore loudly as they pulled each other in close…Denise’s robe fell to the floor revealing a pink bra and thong panties. The top portion of Meghan‘s dress was quickly torn away revealing a dark bra.
They stood nose to nose and glared at each other, their faces almost touching. Their nails were so long and elegant. It seemed as though they had both grown them out into sharp claws in anticipation of a rematch.
”You stupid fuck,” Meghan hissed as she began to sink her sharp nails into Denise‘s breasts. “You are going to get torn to pieces,” she said as she flashed a cruel smile.
”Goddamn bitch,” Denise exclaimed as she dug her fingers into Meghan’s tits. She twisted her breasts and pinched nipples making Meghan howl with pain and exquisite excitement. Meghan dug her own nails in deeper and the two females swayed back and forth slowly. Yes, deeper and deeper..leaving pink and red scratch marks on those ivory mounds. Breathing heavily, they both got a whiff of each other’s sweet perfume.
Denise thrust her tits into Meghan’s and the brunette moaned and grunted as she arched her back and pressed her breasts harder into Denise’s. Meghan spit on Denise’s mammaries and clawed them again as she swiftly ripped off the blonde‘s pink bra. She then removed her own bra. “Let me take this off so you can get at my tits easier, bitch.” Denise wasted no time as she attacked Meghan‘s now exposed breasts. She pinched her opponent‘s left areola and viciously bit her firm, pink nipple. Meghan’s head fell back and she let out a deep moan. “Dirty..fucking..cunt.” Yes, Denise could be such a dirty fighter when she wanted to be.
Denise tore off the lower portion of Meghan’s dress and it dropped to the floor. The brunette was wearing a tiny black thong. Denise spanked and clawed Meghan’s gorgeous, bare ass. They grabbed each other’s long manes of luxurious, fragrant hair and began to pull violently, shredding long clumps of hair. They roughly jerked each other around. Meghan pulled Denise in close, spit in her face and laughed. She was trying to piss off the blonde and it worked. Denise slapped her enemy hard in the face and suddenly pushed her away.
Denise was becoming more livid by the second as Meghan grinned. She loved how she was stoking the blonde‘s raw emotions in their second fight, just as she had done in the first. The two slowly circled one another in the living room, their hot bodies starting to glow with sweat. It was about to get nastier. “Let’s go to my bedroom,” Denise said bluntly.
”Lead the way, honey,” Meghan replied with excitement, a crazed gleam in her eyes.
They barely had time to walk into the the bedroom before they were battling again, nastier and more heated now. They only wore tiny thong panties. They began slapping one another’s faces and breasts till their skin was raw. Panting and moaning, they punched one another in the stomach and then went lower…the tender pelvis…then lower still. They began to claw at each other’s cunts and tearing at panties. Their bodies clasped together, they fell against a wall and clawed tits again. Unrelenting abuse by both girls.
“Ahhh…fucking BITCH,” Meghan sighed. “Just like before, cunt….no rules…no mercy. Mmmmmm… Little girl wanna PLAY? Little girl gonna SCRATCH?”
”That’s right…no mercy,” cried Denise. God, she wanted to shut this bitch up for good. She raked her razor sharp nails across Meghan’s stomach and thigh as though to answer her. More deep scratch marks and damaged skin. Some more blood. Oh yes, Denise was going to scratch and claw like hell.
”I want blood, baby,” Meghan screamed as the girls tumbled onto the nearby bed. The brunette savagely tore at Denise’s breasts till they were soon bleeding. Meghan bared her teeth with a low feline snarl as Denise clenched her eyes shut, her mouth agape with pain. Yes, this catfight was all about illicit punishment. Their modeling careers might just be finished after tonight.
The blonde writhed in agony and clawed at Meghan’s face as her eyes welled with tears. She then ripped into Meghan’s breasts, clawing at them till the blood cascaded down in several dark crimson streams. She squeezed the dark haired girl’s tits until they felt like they would burst. “THIS is what you get…” Denise was almost delirious with rage, pain and a burning passion. Blood was now staining the white satin sheets. She started twisting and biting Meghan’s nipples, trying to tear them from her sweaty tits. Denise knew she was just as kinky and savage as Meghan. “I’ll make you BEG for mercy, cunt.” It was now an ugly back and forth battle to see who could be nastier and meaner.
They tumbled onto the floor, their heavenly bodies locked up in savage, impassioned embrace. They shredded hair and screamed. They pressed their sweaty, bloody tits together and rolled. Their legs coiled together, they began to tear at each other..wherever they could sink those claws in. They were more like two animals now. Meghan was grinning and laughing softly, despite the pain of battle. God, this bitch was insane, Denise thought to herself. She really did get off on this shit…the nastier the better. Meghan murmured something, almost a whisper, but Denise couldn’t make out what she was saying.
The women rolled and tussled violently on the floor. Meghan pushed Denise away. She suddenly started crawling away from Denise…maybe it was some kind of sudden, instinctive reflex kicking in. “No…you’re not escaping me, you crazy slut,” screamed Denise. She grabbed Meghan by the leg and pulled her back.
They rose to their knees and Meghan began to rip at Denise’s breasts again. Denise choked Meghan back down to the floor. “Sick..fucking BITCH.” Denise on top, choking Meghan. The brunette reached up and began to grasp at Denise’s throat. They rolled and strangled one another. They finally broke apart, lying on the floor, breathing heavily.
Denise got a sudden surge of strength and rose to her feet. She grabbed Meghan’s hair, lifted her up to her knees and started slapping and punching her enemy savagely. No mercy. Meghan swayed as the blood cascaded down her face. Still, Meghan laughed…despite the pain and violence. Denise brutally kicked Meghan in the face. Blood gushed from Meghan’s mouth as she fell to the floor. Denise looked at her opponent, seemingly unconscious but still grinning that wicked fucking grin. Denise rubbed her aching breasts and throbbing head. She then made the mistake of turning away from Meghan for a moment.
Suddenly, Meghan leapt up and attacked Denise. She grabbed the blonde and slammed her into a nearby wall. “Don’t turn your back on me, you blonde bitch,” cried Meghan as she unloaded on Denise. Slapping, punching and clawing until Denise was soon a bloody mess. She busted open her lip, nose and cheek and fresh blood ran down her face. She clawed the blonde‘s cunt till trails of blood streamed down her legs. “Stupid..stupid..fucking slut.“ She cruelly punched the blonde in her pelvis and then in her bloodied cunt. Denise doubled over in agony.
Meghan grasped Denise’s head, pulled her up and looked her in the eyes as the blonde swayed and was about to pass out. “Ohh yeah..no mercy, you fucking little cunt. You are getting better, baby…much better…but, you’re still NO match for me. I’ll always be the better bitch. Just remember, baby…I will ALWAYS be better than you…ALWAYS.”
Denise softly groaned as Meghan smashed her in the face and blood sprayed the wall. The beautiful blonde model crumpled to the floor, bloody and ravaged, her beautiful body throbbing with pain.
Once again, Denise heard that crazy laugh as Meghan headed for the door. She brazenly grabbed Denise’s silk robe to cover herself.
”I’ll show myself out, honey.“ Meghan said, smiling. The little brunette was a fucked up mess as well…bloodied, bruised and scratched…but she had gotten what she wanted. She had gotten her fix.
Meghan went to her car and wiped the blood from her face…licked the blood from her lips. She sat there and played with herself till she soon had a very nice little rolling orgasm that quivered from her hips and tingled throughout her body.
”Maybe…maybe next time, baby. If you’ve got the nerve to call me again.” She laughed and drove off.
Inside the condo, Denise slowly rose to her feet and then fell back onto the bloodstained sheets.
”Crazy…fucking..bitch…” she said aloud.