The Pirate Adventures of Catalina Sacriste: Chapter 2 by Ahna Brown

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On Great Inagua Island in a cavern under the mansion, Catalina Sacriste closed her eyes through the pain throbbing from her branded right wrist. The skin was already raised and puckered. 

“Bring her over here,” Julien du Casse told the soldiers standing near to Catalina. 

The pirate captain tried to struggle free but the men were strong and brought her over to a table, throwing her face down and strapping her arms and feet in place. Sophie Dumood came into view, holding Catalina’s cutlass. 

“Lighter than most,” Sophie mused as she hefted the sword. “You are a crafty little black bitch!” She used the cutlass to slice the back of Catalina’s black shirt open, leaving her barefoot with just her leather pants on. “I see my love marks are still adorning your skin.” Fingers touched the raised scars from the whippings Catalina had received when she was owned by Sophie.  

“My dear Catalina,” Julien said as he moved into her field of view, “I find that torture is very arousing to me. It is one of the reasons why Sophie and I work so well together. I want no information from you. I just want to hear you scream and see your face in utter anguish. I do not plan to stop.”

“I swear to you,” Catalina said through gritted teeth, “You will not leave this island alive.”

“You have one ship, one!” Julien laughed. Bells started to ring in the distance. “Perfect timing as your ship has been spotted.”

“It is one ship,” Catalina said trying to force a smile through her pain. “One ship, 46 guns and ……. mortars.”

The look on Julien’s face changed as explosions sounded and shook the cavern. Dirt started to fall from the ceiling of the cavern. Closer explosions made the room shake more. Julien and Sophie stumbled towards the wooden stairs leading up to the mansion. Catalina looked up as a large stalactite was above her. More explosions as the cavern shook more violently; the stalactite broke off from the ceiling, coming down towards the bound woman. She pulled and strained to her left with the point of the sharp rock slicing through the bonds on her right wrist. She quickly untied her left wrist and then her ankles. She looked around for any clothing or weapons, finding a deceased Spanish soldier, head crushed by a falling rock, laying on the stone ground. She took his yellow coat and rifle. 

Julien and Sophie looked out over the port. Their ships were ablaze, men screaming and running to try and put out the fires. No ship was able to get underway. 

“How can one ship do all of this!” Julien screamed. Sophie stood next to him, looking at the sky lit up by the fires. She heard a wet TWACK and an exhale from her lover standing next to her. She looked over and a bayonet was sticking out of Julien du Casse’s chest. Sophie whirled to see the smiling face of Catalina Sacriste holding the rifle. 

“WHORE!” Sophie screamed as she uncurled the whip at her side. She backed up and cracked it at the black woman, who used the rifle to block the attack. The blonde French woman pulled the rifle out of the pirate’s grasp and brought her arm back to send another attack at Catalina. 

The pirate captain dove to the side but the popper end of the whip torn a line in the back of Catalina’s thigh through the leather pants. She yelped in pain, rolling and trying to get to her feet. Another crack and her back erupted in hot pain, the end tearing through the yellow soldier’s coat, adding another line among her back scars. She stumbled as Sophie changed her stance and the angle of attack. The whip coiled around the black woman’s neck as the French woman pulled her back. Catalina turned to face Sophie and grasped the whip. When the white woman tugged, the pirate captain, twisted her body to bring her closer. Sophie pulled harder but it only brought the black woman into striking distance. 

Catalina tackled her former mistress to the wood floor of the mansion. The whip was lost and the looped rope fell away from the black woman’s neck. The two women screamed in rage as they attacked the other with wild abandon. Bodies rolled violently over the hard wood floor. Rage is what kept Catalina going through the pain she was feeling all over her body. Sophie’s long blonde hair was pulled as the black woman rolled on top. A long slash with claws down her left side, unseated the pirate from the French woman. Sophie rose to pounce but Catalina grasped the top of the former mistress’s dress, used her feet and flipped her over with the top of the dress tearing down. The fall winded the blonde who slowly got up to see her breasts exposed through the tear. She pulled the dress down to her waist, the large pale breasts on display as Catalina shrugged out of the torn red coat. The two topless women launched at the other on their knees. A clap of skin meeting skin sounded in the mansion as heavy breasts slammed together. Hands slapped at bare skin, raked nails in flesh, pulled mightily on hair. Fists thudded into bellies and on large breasts. Each woman was howling in pain but fought on. Sophie slapped her hand down over the open wound caused by the whip. Catalina screamed in pain and rolled away. The French woman got to her feet and kicked the black woman in the side. She did in again as Catalina groaned out in pain. At the third time, the wily pirate grabbed the laced up boot and twisted, causing Sophie to fall to the floor. The black woman got up and noticed the whip next to her. She grasped it and looked at her former mistress. Sophie’s eyes went wide as she rushed for the staircase going to the second floor of the mansion. Catalina cracked the whip as Sophie howled, the back of the dress around her hips split. She started running up the stairs as the popper from the whip caught her across the frilly pantaloons, ripping a long tear in them. Catalina pursued her up the stairs but lost sight of her for only a moment. As the pirate captain rounded the edge of the bedroom, the sound of a whip cracked through the air. She hissed as her leather pants had yet another tear in them. A topless Sophie Dumood stood with another whip in her hand. 

The two women screamed at the other as the unleashed blow after blow with the whips. Yelps of pain were heard as poppers found homes on skin or clothing. For the next few minutes, neither woman stopped. With one final crack, they both fell. Each woman was now naked as the torn clothing had been shredded away. Their bodies were covered in red lines. Even Sophie’s lace up boots were on the floor next to her, the laces having been destroyed. Their arms were tired but they glared in hate at the other woman. Catalina rose, as did her rival. The whips were tossed aside as they rushed forward. Bodies impacted as they went down to the wood floor. Hands pulled at hair as naked bodies, covered in sweat and red lines from whips, tumbled about. Hands left hair to scratch at faces, pull and gouge nails into tits, slap and squeeze naked ass cheeks. Mouths opened to bite down over the others jaw. Each tasted blood and wanted more. They rolled and stopped as the hit the bottom of the bed. They pulled the other up by hair and breasts, each trying to stay upright through the pain and weariness. Sophie swung a slap that connected with Catalina’s face, sending her onto the bed, with the French woman climbing on top of her. The black woman grabbed the heavy white tits above her and squeezed with Sophie screaming and cursing in French. Her hands fell over the huge black breasts as nails dug in, making excess flesh ooze between fingers. They pulled and groped tits until Sophie could no longer take it and let go. Catalina pulled the blonde over to her side and then rolled on top. She pushed her wounded breasts into the white woman’s pair with a slap and then added her body weight to push the breath out of the other woman. Sophie groaned as her breasts compressed with Catalina’s, the excess of flesh pushing out at their sides. The white woman slapped her hands over the plump posterior and dug ten nails in. Pain coursed through the black woman’s body as she was rolled over to her back. Legs slithered around legs, the sweat dripping off of both making skin slide easily. 

The war of attrition raged on between the two women, bound by hatred for the other. The slaps and scratches each gave to the other brought yelps of pain and groans of torment. The bedsheets they rolled back and forth in were stained red with blood from open cuts created by the poppers of the whips. Hands reached up to encircle necks and begin to squeeze. Dark edges started to form around the outsides of both women’s vision. They rolled once with Catalina on top. She glared down into eyes that sent fiery hatred back at her. She was starting to lose consciousness when she felt hands pull her away. She tried to reach for Sophie but it seemed that she was getting further away. Then all went black. 

Catalina Sacriste woke in the same bed she had been fighting in. Only now it was clean and as she looked down over her naked body, she had bandages for her fresh wounds. A striking young brunette woman walked in with a tray of tea. She wore a blue off the shoulder dress; the tight corset pushed her considerable cleavage up. Her hair was set in a mass of dark curls that was piled onto her head. She set the tray down and placed the back of her hand on Catalina’s forehead. 

“Good,” she said in a slight French accent, “Looks like the fever has passed.”

“How long have I been here?” Catalina whispered. 

“Three full days, Ma Cherie,” the woman said as she poured a cup of tea. “Sugar?”

“Rum?” Catalina asked, trying to smile. “Who are you?”

“I am Ashlee du Casse,” Ashlee said, “I am the widow of the late Julien de Casse.”

Catalina’s eyes open wider as she was the one who killed Julien. 

“Do not fret, Ma Cherie,” Ashlee said seeing the alarm. “My dog of a husband and his bitch lover, Sophie, had me imprisoned here on the island.”

Catalina looked around, “Where is Sophie?” 

“I am afraid she was spirited away by those loyal to my husband,” Ashlee went on, “I believe they made it through the jungle to a waiting ship. Your crew was successful in taking this cove and island. I am your prisoner.”

“You are free to stay or leave as you please,” Catalina said as she sat up.

“Maybe there is an agreement you and I can work out,” Ashleesmiled. “I do not see you as a woman destined to stay in one place. Allow me to stay here, work with you to make the cove something my late husband dreamed of but never came to fruition.”

“If I agree,” Catalina said as she raised an eyebrow, “You will help oversee the building up of this island to rival Nassau. Tavern, brothel, homes, ship repair, and general stores. If you do that, you can stay here however long you desire.” 

“I imagine you have someone in mind to run the brothel?” Ashlee asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“Might be or maybe I bring her here for you and she to work it out, roughly,” Catalina smiled. 

“I look forward to meeting her,” Ashlee de Casse replied. “In the meantime, you do know that us French girls are very talented with our tongues?”

Catalina smiled and opened the covers of the bed. 

Off the coast of Jamaica, The Marauder left Port Royal, and sailed North West towards the coast of Mexico. The heavily armed frigate boosted 60 cannons with 4 forward and 4 aft. The 200 person crew was a mix of former pirates and sailors, but unlike most ships, Captain Keelhaul Kelly had both men and women serving under her command. The Spanish governor Torres had provided her with valuable information; a Tanio high priestess, Esmerelda, had stolen a Spanish Man of War and had it protecting a small island she was occupying. The beautiful Esmerelda had been providing pirates with supplies and safe haven from the pursuing Spanish. The Marauder spotted the man of war just inside the inlet. She turned broadside and unleashed all of her starboard side cannons. The crew reloaded quickly and soon the man of war was half sunk in the harbor. Keelhaul led a group of 50 from her crew, all heavily armed. The fighting was fierce as they broke through the resistance. Esmerelda retreated to an ancient Mayan temple on the island. 

“If she emerges and I do not,” Kelly told 10 of her crew who followed her, “Kill her and hang her body from the mast.” Dressed in her blood red shirt, tight black leather pants and boots, Keelhaul Kelly drew her sword, holding it in one hand with a blunderbuss pistol in the other. 

Torches lit the narrow stone pathway, her white hair reflecting the light. “Come out come out, little pretty!” Kelly’s voice echoing off the stone. She kept close to one side of the passageway. A shot rang out and ricocheted on the stone in front of Kelly. “Come on now, Esmerelda, it is just us girls. I will give you a sporting chance.”

Kelly could hear the breathing from the other woman as she entered an open area at the center of the temple. The stone floor was overrun with vines and moss. Water dripped down from the ceiling, pooling in a depression in the stone in the middle of the room. There standing next to the depression was Esmerelda. She stood the same height as Kelly McDougal with large breasts but that was where the similarities stopped. While Kelly’s skin was pale and hair was white, Esmerelda had bronze skin and black straight hair. She stood with a long spear in front of her, a leopard skin top barely covering her breasts and matching skirt covered her ass and pussy. Kelly smiled as she placed the blunderbuss down moving the sword to her right hand. A cruel smile formed over her lips. 

“Do you want to keep the spear?” Kelly asked in a mocking tone, “It will not last long against my cutlass.”

Esmerelda seemed to ponder this for a moment, taking the spear and throwing it hard, impaling it into the stone wall. The pirate hunter kept the smile on her face as she set the cutlass down and removed her black boots. Not that both women were barefoot, they stalked towards the other. 

The native woman let out a battle cry as she lunged with the pirate hunter meeting her. The two bodies clashed together violently. Hands combed through hair as they stumbled over the ground pulling the long locks. Bodies pressed in tightly, tits jostled, bellies slapped and legs bumped. When Keelhaul Kelly was introduced to the governors and military leaders, what they didn’t know was that the head of Jacquotte Delahaye only came off after an hour long woman to woman battle in the captain’s cabin of Delahaye’s ship. She and Kelly fought to a naked and grueling finish and only after that, had the pirate hunter relievedthe woman of her head. Esmerelda pushed forward with Kelly tripping over a vine, taking them both down to the moss covered ground. Hands moved from hair and began to pull and tear at clothing. Alabaster and tan breasts were exposed with hands moving to grab, pull, twist and claw at the orbs. Legs tightened around legs as they rolled over the moss and foliage. The animal hide skirt was torn away from Esmerelda’s body with the native woman planting her feet into Kelly’s belly, pushing off and sending the woman 5 feet away. They both quickly scrambled to feet with the white woman smiling again at her now naked opponent. Kelly unbuckled her leather pants and tugged them down to reveal herself in all her naked spender to Esmerelda. What shocked the native woman was the patch covering Kelly’s mound was thick and black. The two naked woman came together again. The slap of naked flesh echoing off the stone walls. Feet stepped into the depression in the stone floor and they fell into half foot high water. They splashed around wildly, keeping their bodies in constant contact. The native woman rolled Kelly over and slammed her body, tits first into the white woman’s pair. Both women cried out from the shock of pain. Esmerelda slammed her breasts down again with a sickening wet thud. Kelly reached behind the tanned woman, grasped the long wet hair and pulled back. Their bodies ground together was they fought for control in the water. The pirate hunter powered the native woman over to her back. 

“Fucking cunt has some fight!” Kelly cursed down at Esmerelda. 

“I have fought better than you, English cow!” Esmerelda taunted back. 

“I am Irish, you twat!” Kelly screamed as she slammed her pale breasts down onto the tanned pair.  

The wet thud reverberated in the temple as the two started a slow roll in the water. Esmerelda moved her right leg up as she pushed Kelly’s head back, throwing the pirate hunter’s head in between her thighs. The white woman found herself facing the thick furry patch and the pussy of her bounty. Kelly opened her mouth and bit down on the puffy labia with Esmerelda screaming out like a wounded animal. She pulled the white woman’s hips around to her face and sunk her teeth into the pink flesh. They rolled back and forth in this perverse position, chewing on the other’s woman hoods. Fingers clawed at their spectacular ass cheeks, groping and stabbing skin with nails.Both constricted thighs over heads as they rolled side by side and forced the others face under the water. Each woman stabbed a finger into the sensitive dark star and screamed into their bites. Legs unlocked from heads and the pair rolled apart. 

The two slowly moved from their backs to hands and knees, both within striking distance of the other. They lunged with bodies impacting and taking them out of the depression and back onto the moss covered ground. By this moment, neither knew how long they had been fighting, they just knew they were too close in skill. Keelhaul Kelly whistled as they slowly and painfully rolled on the moss. Esmerelda moved her face to try and bite the pirate hunter but the white woman used her hands to push her head back. She turned her head when she heard footsteps, which Esmerelda heard as well. 

“Cheating whore!” Esmerelda weakly cried out. Then a boot foot slammed into her head. 

Keelhaul Kelly rolled the unconscious native woman off of her and took the hand of her First Mate, Sadie McDermott. Sadie and Kelly had grown up together in Ireland, both living a tough life. Tragedy and treachery had made them the best of friends and lovers. Sadie was good with her fists as well as with a sword. She had killed many men and women in combat. 

“Do you want to kill her now?” Sadie asked as Kelly got up, wincing, moving over to her clothing. 

“No, lass,” Kelly groaned out, “I like her spirit and she hasvaluable information for us. Take her aboard The Marauder and tie her up in my cabin. You and I will interrogate her.” Sadie bound the naked native woman as her lover put her own clothing back on. 

A few weeks later, the Sainte Maria Adventure sailed into Nassau. Catalina wanted to start inviting those she was closest with to Great Inagua. As the ship anchored, Catalina got a look at some of the other ships anchored in port. Many were ones she had never seen before. The small boat took her ashore with Lauretta White waiting for her. 

“I thought that was your ship,” Lauretta said as she pulled Catalina’s arm towards a quiet spot on the beach. “Woods Rodgers was here last week. He offered a pardon from the king to all pirate captains. Hornigold, Cockram, and Burgess took it so far. Vane and Rackham are holding out. I think you should get your ship back underway, Catalina. Leave this place while you can.”

“I will talk with Vane,” Catalina said, “You get passage on a ship today, take as many of your girls with you as you can. Go south to Great Iguana Island. There is a new haven there and you will be safe. Talk with a woman named Ashlee, she will set you right. Oh, and do not fight her, unless I can watch.” 

Lauretta kissed Catalina on the lips. “I will depart straightway.”

They went their separate ways as Catalina noticed more ships surrounding Nassau. She went looking for Captain Charles Vaneand found him half-drunk with a wench attached to his cock. 

“Welcome to the end of times, Captain,” Vane slurred. “God this woman knows how to use her lips!” 

Catalina rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Can you muster your crew and get out on the Ranger?” 

“No,” he said as he pushed the woman between his legs away, handing her some silver. “Commodore Peter Chamberlin is blockading Nassau. Either we sign the pardon or our ships will be sunk as we watch from the gallows.”

“Sober up quickly, you dumb fucker,” Catalina swore. “The Ranger and Adventure are anchored next to the other. We need pitch and a few ships.”

Charles Vane got the idea, “A fire ship. You devious bitch! It just might work.” He put his cock back in his pants. “Aim the fire ships at Chamberlin’s ship and the other frigates. It will give us a chance. No moon tonight. I will gather the pitch, you get your crew ready.”

The two captains departed. As the beach was blanketed with the darkness of night, Catalina sent her crew quietly to the Adventure. She swam out to one of the three sloops they stole for this endeavor. She and Van hoisted up the sails and tied a line to the ship’s wheel to hold the course. Bells sounded on shore and the British blockade in the harbor. She lit the pitch. The fire ships lit up the night as she made sure the course was true to the frigates. She and Charles Vane dove into the water and swam to their waiting ships. The night crews on the British ships fired at the incoming vessels but the fire ships hit the frigates, igniting powder holds, with the frigates exploding. Both The Ranger and Sainte Maria Adventure got underway, fighting their way out of Nassau, pointing north to the Carolina coast and Blackbeard. 

Onboard The Marauder, Captain Keelhaul Kelly McDougall walked into the captain’s cabin with First Mate Sadie McDermott following close behind her. Kelly smiled as she looked over the naked body of Esmerelda, tied spread eagle on the captain’s bed.  

“Shall we resume our lengthy interrogation, Sadie love?” Kelly cooed as she started to strip naked. 

Sadie stripped down as well, moving in between Esmerelda’s spread legs. “I am glad you learned that fucking the information out of someone is much more gratifying,” she said as she licked her fingers and started to rub between the native woman’s thighs. 

“Now, sweet lovely Esmerelda,” Kelly said softly as she kneeled next to the woman’s head, her heavy white tits dangling in front of the sweat soaked face. “As we speak, Nassau is no longer a pirate stronghold. Where would they survivors be heading?” 

“Fuck you, cunt!” Esmerelda spit up at Kelly. 

“Sadie, if you please,” Kelly smiled at her first mate and lover. 

Sadie’s tongue dove into the native woman’s pussy, licking, sucking and nibbling on sensitive skin. Kelly moved her large breasts and dropped them onto Esmerelda’s face. The bound woman struggled against her bonds but the two pirate hunters held her in place. Esmerelda arched and writhed. Kelly pulled her tits up, letting the native woman breathe again. 

“Where?” Kelly asked. 

“Ocracoke…..Blackbeard,” Esmerelda answered weakly. 

Sadie and Kelly smiled at each other. The busty first mate positioned her pussy to line up with Esmerelda as the captain of The Marauder place her wet woman hood on the native woman’s mouth. Sadie and Kelly pulled their faces together, their large breasts rubbing back and forth. 

Two weeks later, The Ranger and Sainte Maria Adventure anchored next to Queen Anne’s Revenge at Ocracoke Island off the Carolina coast. The crews mingled on the small island. Bonfires lit the night sky as rum flowed freely. Catalina Sacriste made her way to Edward Teach. 

“I tried to get as many away from Nassau as I could,” Catalina said as she sat next to Blackbeard. “I instructed those I could trust to go to Inagua. Ben knows I went there and now he is with Rodgers.”

“Do not fret,” Blackbeard said with wry smile, “You kept the galleon and the many guns to protect the inlet. You will be able to protect it from a long way off.”

Catalina leaned closer, “Someone betrayed me. Pidgins were sent to Julien du Casse from Nassau. I believe it was Bonny.”

“If indeed it was her, you need to deal with it,” Blackbeard said as he turned his head to look towards Anne Bonny, walking to an area where shacks were built up. “No time like the present.” He pulled a dagger from his waist and handed it to Catalina. “She uses two swords, one a cutlass and the other a short sword. You might as well have one too.” 

Catalina slipped the long dagger into the right side of her sash as she got up to stalk the striking redhead Anne Bonny. She lost sight of Anne as she walked past some of the smaller shacks. She entered the last one in the row, finding it seemingly abandoned. The hairs on the back of Catalina’s neck stood up and she drew both her cutlass and dagger as she whirled and met the down stroke of Anne Bonny’s blades. The metal met with a clang. 

“Treacherous cunt!” Catalina swore as she swept her cutlass towards the redhead but Anne deftly dodged. “Traitor! You sold me out to de Casse!”

“I have no idea what you mean, whore!” Anne shouted as her swords again met the black woman’s cutlass and dagger. “I am going to kill you because you do not deserve to be a pirate or a captain!”

The two women danced with swords clashing in the shack. Both gained and gave up ground as sounds of metal meeting rang out. Anne swung at Catalina’s head which the black woman ducked and rolled, coming up to her feet. She kicked out and her booted foot caught Bonny in the belly, sending the redhead back against the wall of the shack. Catalina advanced as the cutlasses and daggers met above their heads. The heavy breasts compressed as the black woman leaned into the redhead. 

“I hate you, black mongrel!” Anne swore as she head butted Catalina, pushing the black woman back. 

The two prepared to meet with swords again, when a cannon ball ripped through the shack. The explosion threw both back and to the ground. As Catalina and Anne got to feet, they looked out over the water. Three large frigates were bombarding the ships and men on the beach. 

“Get to The Ranger,” Catalina said as she moved out from the shack. 

“This isn’t over,” Anne said as she and Catalina ran toward the beach. 

British troops were on the beach fighting with pirates as the two women joined the fray. Pistol and rifle shots as well as the clang of swords meeting filled the air. Catalina fought up to Peter Swift and Duncan. 

“Get the ship underway!” She shouted as she picked up a discarded rifle and shot one of the soldiers. 

Catalina fought her way to Blackbeard who thrust his sword into a British soldier. “Can you get the Revenge to sea?” She asked over the fighting. 

“With your help I can!” Edward Teach shouted back. The two mustered up a skeleton crew and made it onboard The Queen Anne’s Revenge. “Man the guns! Bring the ship about and let us get to sea!”

The pirate frigate was slow to maneuver and as Catalina looked up she saw another ship baring down on them. “BRACE!” She screamed out as the two ships met violently. The impact knocked Catalina off her feet. She rose and drew her cutlass as men and women from the other ship started to board and fight the Revenge crew. All around her, pirates and pirate hunters fought and died. Catalina found herself crossing swords with a tall man from the other ship. He tried to use his power to subdue her but she batted his attacks away and slashed him across his belly, his guts spilling out over the deck of the ship. The lead ball of a pistol impacted in front of her and she jumped back, looking up to see a woman with white hair swing in from the other ship. She wore a black eye patch over her right eye. The woman drew duel swords and engaged Blackbeard in battle.

Edward Teach parried away the blows from the advancing woman. He knocked the sword in her left hand away as he sent a booted right foot to her belly. He locked eyes with Catalina as she picked up a discarded flint lock pistol and tossed it to him. Blackbeard caught it with his right hand, whirling toward the white haired woman. But he turned too late. The cutlass sang through the air and cut off Edward Teach’s head. Catalina screamed in horror as her friends head rolled on the deck of his ship. She grabbed another pistol from a dead pirate and took aim at the white haired woman. A blur of movement slammed into her, knocking her off the ship and into the water below. 

Sadie, who was the one who knocked Catalina overboard, and Kelly looked over the side of the Queen Anne’s Revenge as they watched the black woman swim to a waiting ship. Keelhaul Kelly smiled and held up Blackbeard’s head as she and Catalina made eye contact. 

“Get us out of here, Mr. Turner,” Catalina said softly as cannon balls hit the ship. Out ahead of her, The Ranger limped away from the Battle of Ocracoke Island with the Sainte Maria Adventure following behind her. 

In Havana, the merchant ship made dock and the passengers departed. One woman received many strange looks as she stepped off the gangplank onto the dock. The full collared dress she wore was made of the most expensive silk and hugged her curves tightly. She walked with grace, with her head up high but many had never seen a Chinese woman before. The elderly but regal Governor Torres bowed deeply to her. 

“It is an honor to meet you at last, Jing Yang,” the Spanish knight said. “The ship you sent to us arrived last week. The cargo will fetch you a wonderful profit.”

“Thank you Governor,” Jing said, “I am afraid until I am able to secure a lane of shipping for both the silks and the opium, this will have to be just a taste of what I can provide. My departure from China came very suddenly. A dispute with a rival family caused me to leave.”

“I have taken the liberty of making arrangements for you here in Havana,” Torres said as they walked, flanked by Spanish soldiers. “I will introduce you to a British man who can help you secure the right shipping lanes for your goods to be sold here in the Caribbean.” 

“You are too kind, Governor,” Jing said. The large villa she was provided allowed her to relax after the months at sea. As she had the servants undress her to bathe, Jing thought back to the unfortunate events that caused her to leave China. She immersed herself in the hot water and examined her large breasts. Only a few scars remained from that fateful night. The rival family had taken control of much of the opium smuggling. Jing had attempted to buy them out but it proved futile. One night, she took it upon herself to seek what she deemed at justice, though it was seen by all as dishonorable. She snuck into the rival family’s home. Going from room to room, silently killing all there. In the last room, she found the mother of the family sleeping next to her youngest daughter. As Jing stabbed the daughter, the mother awoke and came at the intruder. The knife was lost as Jing and the older woman engaged in a fight to the death. Clothing was lost, nails created red furrows in pale flesh. No body part was off limits to the other as full breasts were kneaded and gouged as claws entered woman hoods to destroy their most intimate parts. In the end, Jing used her teeth to open up the older woman’s neck, causing her to bleed out. But the curse the woman gurgled out was that her daughter, Liyun Fang would avenge the dishonorable death of her family. As Jing remembered the fight, fingers massaged her growing clit as her other hand groped her own breasts. 

As the Ranger and Sainte Maria Adventure neared Great Inagua Island, Catalina could see a line of 5 ships heading into the inlet. One of the ships looked very strange to the captain and she used the spyglass for a closer look. The ship’s hull was painted with bright red and yellow. The ship looked more curved but about the same size as a brigantine. Two large pleated sails caught the wind that moved the ship into port. 

“Duncan, have Mr. Cotton come up here,” Catalina said to her quartermaster. A scraggly looking man with an eye patch and missing part of his nose came up to stand beside the captain. He was the only member of the crew who had sailed with William Kidd and Black Boot Bill. 

“With your good eye, Mr. Cotton,” Catalina smiled, “Can you look and see what type of ship that is?”

Cotton smiled a toothless grin at the black woman. “Aye, I saw these types in Madagascar. From the Orient. Only able to understand those who knew the kings tongue. Trade in silk. Their smoke though, it will make even the most seasoned sailor stumble around like a new born babe.”

“Thank you Mr. Cotton,” Catalina smiled. “You and I need to speak about Madagascar sometime.” 

“If the captain is buying, I will be talking,” Cotton said as he went back to the main deck. 

The docks were busy as Catalina departed the ship. She saw Ashlee de Casse standing near a newly built tavern directing where people and goods went. 

“I see you have been busy,” Catalina said as she walked up to the French woman. 

The busty Ashlee was dressed in an elegant light blue dress with lace trim. She looked out of place from the rough and tumble of the people around her. 

“The tavern is built and stocked. The jungle and passing ships have given us lumber and supplies,” Ashlee said, handing off the parchment she was writing on to the man standing next to her. “The brothel is nearly complete and we have small homes built and room to build more. There is a dock master on one of these ships who you have hired to run the docks.”

“I have hired?” Catalina asked with a smile.

“They come quicker if the dread pirate Catalina Sacriste is the one hiring them,” Ashlee smiled, but as she looked down the dock, her smile turned into a frown. “Well, she must be the brothel madam.” Ashlee hefted her large bosom in her dress to make the mass of cleavage more pronounced. 

Catalina turned to see Lauretta White walking down the docks towards them. She was in a vibrant red off the shoulder dress with black lace trim. As she neared, the frown on Lauretta’s face matched the one on Ashlee. She too moved her hands to her breasts to let more skin show. 

“Thank you, Catalina for allowing us to come here,” Lauretta said as she stopped in front of the two women. “Who is this lovely woman you are talking with?”

“Lauretta White, this is Ashlee du Casse,” Catalina said barely able to contain her glee. “Ashlee here has been getting this place in order for all of us. She also mentioned a desire to run the brothel that is almost complete.”

“Did she now?” Lauretta said as she shook hands with Ashlee. Both of them holding the handshake longer than expected. “I suppose she and I will have to discuss this, soon.”

“I agree with her, Catalina,” Ashlee said, “I think I can make arrangements for her and me to discuss this after dinner tonight. Of course, you should be present.”

“Should be an entertaining dinner,” Catalina smiled as she watched Ashlee and Lauretta eye the other up and down. The moment was broken as a crate was dropped next to her. She turned quickly and came face to face with a beauty she had never seen before. The dress she was wearing went from neck to ankle, made of both leather and silk. The dress revealed the woman was as busty as Catalina. She face was flawless. Her black hair was twirled up over her head and held there with two thin wooden sticks. 

“I am Liyun Fang, my ship is the Empress,” Liyun said. “I bring this for you.” She nodded as two of her crew opened the crate. “Silks and spices from China.”

Catalina held out her hand to the woman, “Welcome to Great Inagua. You and your crew are welcome here. I only ask that you help both building up and making this port safe. Please join me for dinner.” 

“You are more welcoming than other ports we have entered,” Liyun smiled. “My crew and I will help this haven thrive.” She turned and spoke to the men in a rapid language that Catalina couldn’t understand but the men obeyed.

At the estate home on the island, Catalina was joined by Lauretta White, Ashlee du Casse and Liyun Fang. Captain Vane was recovering from injuries received in the battle. During the dinner, Liyun told the three women her story. 

She, like her father before her, smuggled cargo around different ports in China. They had paid off the correct officials to do this without being bothered. A smuggler by the name of Jing Yang wanted to buy them out but neither side could come to a resolution. One night, Liyun’s family was murdered in their sleep. All but her mother was stabbed as they slept. Her mother had taken on the intruder. Liyun had been the one to discover this the next day. Her mother was naked and bore the marks of fierce combat. Word reached her that Jing was similarly clawed and bitten but had escaped the area. Liyun had tracked her across continents and oceans to the Caribbean. Since Jing Yang had denied her family of honorable deaths, Liyun swore to kill Jing. 

Catalina told the assembled women about the last moments of Blackbeard and the woman with white hair. Liyun froze at the description. 

“I know of her,” Liyun said in almost a whisper. “She fights like a demoness, hanging the skulls of her victims from the forward mast of her ship. At times she straps still live bodies to the bow. They call her Keelhaul.”

“At least I have something to go on now,” Catalina said as they finished dinner. Then her gaze went between Ashlee and Lauretta. “So have you two decided anything?”

The looks traded between the two women was icy. “Shall we retire upstairs for the discussion?” Ashlee asked. 

“Lead the way,” Lauretta answered. 

“Liyun, would you care to join me?” Catalina asked the puzzled Chinese woman. She nodded. 

The four women walked up the stairs and entered the large master bedroom. Catalina shut the doors and pulled out chairs for herself and Liyun to sit. Lauretta began first and started to untie the back of her dress. Ashlee started doing the same. Frilly dressed and lace up boots were discarded as now the two women stood in front of the other, topless in lacey white pantaloons. The older more experienced, black haired Lauretta was busty but the younger and brown haired Ashlee was even bigger. The two eyes the other up and down, each stepping closer. Ashlee purposefully put her arms behind her back as Lauretta did the same. The two women were about the same height barefoot, their massive breasts jutted out. Bellies were flat and each had hips that flared out. 

Catalina turned her head to see Liyun lick her lips. She smiled as she turned back just in time. Lauretta stepped into Ashlee, their breasts making contact with each gasping. The older woman turned her chest as her breasts moved across the brown haired woman’s tits. There was a sound like swishing fabric as the bare tits slid across the others, dipping into valleys of cleavage and emerging out the other side. They pressed in tighter, grimacing faces looked at the other as breasts slid and pressed with their hands still behind their backs. Teeth began to show as each leaned more into the other. Each took two steps back, both breathing hard. The slammed chests forward in slapping thud. Each woman grunted and stepped back again. The heavy tits mashed, pushing flesh out at the sides but as they stepped back, the breasts would resume their normal shape. As they came together again, Ashlee twisted her chest to send her left breasts slamming into Lauretta’s left tit. The black haired woman yelped in pain but twisted her chest as she slapped her heavy breasts into the younger woman’s pair. Ashlee cried out in pain as the mass of her breasts bounced on her chest. They growled like animals at the other as arms reached and grasped forearms, the biceps and elbows pushing their breasts inward from the outside. The smacked together and held each other there as big tits ground. Catalina and Liyun could see the sweat forming, reflecting off light in the room. Hands gripped arms tightly as they pumped their tits together. Liyun could see the nails on each woman’s hands dig into the skin on their arms. They used the grips to pull the other in, mashing the heavy breasts again and again. The sweat forming on skin did not help the grips they had on the other’s arms, hands slipped through holds as they slammed together, each wrapping arms around the other. Faces contorted with pain as they began to stumble but they rolled and ground the large orbs. Mouths moved to ears to whisper curses and threats. Lauretta started to move the other woman back some, Ashlee giving ground. The French woman’s face showed worry. Her hands reached up and pulled the long black locks. 

“Oh you bitch!” Lauretta screamed out as her head snapped back, changing the tide of the fight.

“Vache (Cow)!” Ashlee yelled out as she was pushing Lauretta back. 

The black haired woman turned her body as she and Ashlee went down to the feather bed. Pantaloon clad legs came together as the titfight turned into a catfight. Hands moved from hair as each woman started to slap at exposed skin. Curses in English and French echoed in the room. Both Liyun and Catalina stood and walked closer to the action. Ashlee reached in a grasped Lauretta’s large tits, her fingers digging in with excess flesh oozing between them. The older woman bellowed in pain and grabbed the brown haired woman’s tits right back. The large orbs took on grotesque shapes they each tortured the others tits. As Ashlee pulled the older woman’s tits out, a teary eyed Lauretta stretched the French woman’s breasts to their limit. Both had tears streaming down their faces. The pain seemed too much for both as they each released the big breasts and hugged back again. Lauretta dropped her hands to the back of the frilly white pantaloons, pulled them down over Ashlee’s shapely backside. 

“LA PUTE!” Ashlee cursed. Her hands starting to tear at Lauretta’s undergarments. 

The two tore the last of their clothing away as naked bodies rolled on the bed. Each seemed to know where the course of the fight needed to go. Bodies hugged tightly as faces went cheek to cheek. Their hips started to slap together, each starting to moan. Ashlee used her legs to open the older woman’s wider, her delicate flower and the older woman’s meeting in a wet kiss. Lauretta had led the younger woman into her trap. This was her profession, to use sex to her advantage. She used her skilled pussy to elicit moans of pleasure from the French woman’s lips as she rolled Ashlee over. The younger woman curled her legs over Lauretta’s hips as the two mashed pussies as well as huge breasts in this battle. Liyun and Catalina each felt flushed watching the sexfight on the large feather bed. Their flowers spread open, unsheathing clits like two facing off in a duel of swords. The nubs of flesh slashed and parried, sliding down the other and at times pinning one back. They gasped as if they were touched by lightning. Lauretta placed her hands on the bed and pushed up with Ashlee craning her neck up for her lips to latch on the black haired woman’s left nipple. The older woman let out a moan of satisfaction as the younger woman sucked and licked at the stiff nub. Lauretta started to slam her hips down as Ashlee bucked her hips up. The clits stabbed into wet cunts withsmacking jabs. The grunts and moans were getting louder as they fucked the other. The apex for both was coming closer. Ashlee felt her body tense, yield to the more experienced woman, she started to buck wildly like a woman possessed. Lauretta too felt her body falling over the edge as they screamed out loudly as the younger woman came, with the black haired woman on top erupting only a moment later. The bed rocked and creaked for the next few minutes. 

Lauretta leaned her face down and kissed Ashlee full on the lips. “I would do this with you anytime.”

“Oh me as well,” Ashlee whispered after their kiss. 

Liyun and Catalina left the two in the bedroom as Ashlee and Lauretta kissed and caressed more. The two pirate captains parted ways with Catalina deciding that a walk was needed to cool her heated mind and body. She trekked through the jungle, retracing the steps she took when she and her crew took the island. It took almost a quarter of an hour for her to come out at the southern part of the island. Catalina smelled the air. A mix of the salty sea and but something else with it. She pulled the cutlass free as turned to see Anne Bonny. Standing 10 feet away, sword in her right hand. 

“We have unfinished business, mongrel!” Anne growled as she advanced. 

Catalina matched her movement as they came together, swords clashing, holding each other tightly together. “Arrogant cunt!” Catalina hissed. They slashed and parried, swiped at heads and bodies, missing or meeting metal to metal. The humidity of the jungle caused both women to sweat. Swords were becoming heavier with each blow and harder to hold on to with the sweat each woman was pouring off. They came together with the cutlasses clanging and slipping from the others grip. Neither woman bothered to grab the swords as arms encircled the other with hands gripping hair. The spun and fell off the edge of the cliff into the darkness below.  

The End

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