Peggy The Traveler by Dotti D

Chapter 1: The Ghost of her Past

Hi All, Guess who? it is Amber, yes Peggy’s daughter, well i don’t know what to say here, I was sure after Peggy beat Martha and earned the reputation as well as added to the one she already had, her days of being challenged for her towns were over.

Sure younger women wanted to topple the biggest and baddest they here about but unless you physically could match Peggy fight for over n hour or knew how t ouse your breasts the way she did , you stood no chance against her, many who just bumped head on into her walked away admitting ‘she would be like fighting rocks”.

I mean less face it Peggy forgot more about fighting than most will ever learn and her reputation by those who saw her fight , fought her , would openly attest to that to any who inquired.

Anyway as i was saying i thought mom was through, her story was printed , the club was doing well, and she beat the one of the most well known fighters and Queens next to herself and enough saw it that word spread far and wide, even her bitter rivals Beverly, June and Debra heard about it and they all agreed that challenging Peggy for what she took already was not worth the pain she caused them already.

Peggy still worked out often she referred to it as her (just in case) method, her creams were still a daily routine and well at 60 now Peggy was still able to pass for late 40’s and her body was as dangerous as ever.

Don’t get me wrong there were women who no matter the warnings came looking for Peggy but they had little to offer as far what Peggy typically put on the line, towns and such, but as you know Peggy was never one to refuse a fight, so after Martha Peggy put many a wandering woman in her place, but over all there weren’t many that wanted to risk losing all they earned against the one woman that was known to win more than she ever lost.

But like anyone Peggy had a past that always had the fear or maybe doubt would coming looking for her to get revenge or just beat the busty champ in her house , and at the very least get their name on the tongues of other Queens and fighters as the one to make Peggy get milked.

Peggy was in control however, the club she owned (well was bought for her for winning) was running itself, she still went to the other club that Trevor owned to dance and keep herself as the head liner, and she kept up with the those towns she gave away to women younger but were good fighters , everything was just going along great, but like any Queen or fighter Peggy had her past and a few of them never got over how they had Peggy on the brink of defeat only to be destroyed.

Many for years after thought  the following, “did i slip up? should i have pressed my move? did i take her seriously? and was i as fit and ready as she was for a fight” it is the one thing many who faced Peggy over the years never took seriously enough, Peggy’s regime and dedication to being fit firm and ready at all times, made her bigger threat then her round firm heavy 36G’s, and even despite not the best at a nipple duel, she even made her rivals sorry they fought her that way.

Mom often confided in me that as much as she enjoyed her reputation keeping potential threats away, she so missed the days of a knock on the door, a guest at the pool or yes even my Dad setting her up, she just loved to fight for more than anything life offered her with her money and reputation, was she wealthy? no, but she was living very comfortable .

I think deep down inside her, she just knew somewhere in the world, as well as in her life’s past that one woman who matched her so perfectly ,she would have to fight not just her best fight but dig so deep and still struggle to win it drove her both nuts and aroused her beyond anything she experienced already.

Peggy was going about her daily routine one Monday, strutting about the house in a thong and robe only, her robe and its sash nearly useless from trying to hold her heavy firm large weighted round breasts tight, so they would easily push the top part of the robe wide and her big breasts barely stayed in, she didn’t give it much thought, and she wasn’t shy who saw her proud breasts , i mean i can tell you first as could any she fought they were very impressive.

Peggy had enough confidence in herself and her breasts she took pride in others seeing them and marveling, it had been a long time since any woman came looking for her to fight for whatever the reason, so as Peggy grabbed herself a cup of coffee she was a bit taken when the door bell rang suddenly.

Peggy set her coffee down and with just her thong slipper heels and a robe that no matter how snug she tried with in three steps loosened against her heavy breasts barely jostled, she gets to her door she opens it, instantly her hip cocks as he right thigh extends, she sees the defined profile of a busty woman looking to the street , then Peggy eyes tracing the figure purrs, “can i help you?”, unaware who is here who she is or why.

The woman shorter black and grey hair but a slight wild style to it turns her head , they lock eyes as Peggy inhales slowly, the woman also takes a breath in  then her voice a catty hiss tone, “Well it has been a while”, Peggy for a second wasn’t sure who she was till their eyes locked then it hit her and her body tenses, “well if isn’t the Whore, what are you doing in my town this time?”, Gina yes the same rival that Peggy went to war with over her man, and at their last meeting Peggy bit so deep and hard Gina lost most of her nipple as a result, years since Peggy had put the wild cat in her rearview mirror certain their last fight was the last of Gina .

Peggy slowly rolls her body upright as her near bare breasts seem to swell outward snugging to the robe her nipples stiffen and tent , Peggy smirks as they do as she looks to Gina’s and see one tent and a stubby version of the other barely make a dent, Peggy’s sly smirk is all the insult she needed, as Gina cleared her throat and felt a bit broke still.

“What are you doing here Whore?”, Gina breathes in, “i was hoping you and I could have a few minutes to…chat?”, Peggy rolls her eyes, “if it is about my husband , i mean my ex  your wasting your time”, Gina tilts her chin up, “no after you and i settled that matter i could careless where he is”, Peggy a bit intrigued opens her door fully, “well then come on in , love to hear this”.

Gina steps in and their hips bump, Peggy locks the door then she follows Gina in to the only room mom ever entertained any woman coming to her door, the den which looked into the sun room she always fought in, Gina pauses as Peggy struts in and sits her long legs cross as she sips the coffee she had, “you have 5 minutes “ Peggy hisses, Gina sucks in a breath, “oh that should be fine, i wanted to tell you that despite your man setting us on each other, it wasn’t all him, i saw a few pictures on his phone of you and well straight up i was drooling to fight you tit to tit”, Peggy smirks and we did and as i recall i beat your tits 3 times”, Gina inhales a fake grin, “well not three straight times , if i recall our fight tit fight right in this room i milked you till your man tore me off you”.

Peggy a bored stare, “well you might also recall, you had to cheat and started a hair pull fight and you got me on all 4’s by my hair not by your tits, so if you need that so called win to sleep at night go ahead and claim it, but you and i know your tits while firm round full and heavy were being dragged about your pathetic chest”.

Gina huffs as her cheeks get flush she will never admit it but she did exactly that and well in their world of fights it was a loss for Gina, Peggy swelling in pride her point hit home raises a finger from her head “that it?”, Gina a nervous feel in her tummy, “one last thing before i go, but first i need to use your bathroom”, Peggy tells her down the hall last door on the left, Gina walks out, Peggy hears the bathroom door shut, as Gina is gone Peggy takes her cell out and positions it on the end table on its stand then she hears the door open and the heels of Gina slowly stalking back to the den.

Peggy is no fool she knows better than any one Gina’s being here isn’t to clear her mind, slowly the heels and long legs of Gina turn the corner and she is in a white robe , thong and her dress rolled up in the purse she enters the den and drops her bag on the floor then steps in front of Peggy, her hands on her hips she stares at Peggy, “this was the other thing Bitch”, Peggy taps the record button on her cell then stands up, Peggy’s hair was a bit longer now enough to put up but she kept it loose, she and Gina glare now, busts swell up and down, “Are you seriously here to challenge me to a titfight Gina?”.

Gina breaths in she feels a fear knowing Peggy’s reputation and dealing with her first hand, “you did more than beat my tits Bitch you disfigured my tits when you bit my nipple, i think it only fair i be allowed payback”, Peggy smirks as she never was so brutal but Gina was biting as well and Peggy’s breasts still wear the imprint scars of her teeth imprint, “As i recall Bitch you were the one biting first, whats wrong is you get beat at your own game and now it bothers you?”, Peggy inhales proudly as her breasts stand out ready her nipples stiff , her hands caress up over her bust under the robe then hands go on hair as she strikes a pose as Gina takes in her still fit firm body Peggy gives a slow sexy shimmy and shows her breasts are still the best around.

Peggy a proud smile, “well you have enough left to face the best ? or you looking to do this another way?”, Gina inhales as her hands caress up on to her hair her breasts stand out in her robe still round and firm, she shimmies slow at Peggy, “oh i still have plenty but i came here to flatten your tits and after i am taking at least one if not both of your weak nipples cow”.

Peggy fought Gina enough to know like herself if a threats made she will do anything to see it through, the two Amazon fighters stand glaring then Peggy pulls her sash free and the robe falls open , she peels it off and drops it then walks toward Gina at the last second she turns to the sun room and her breasts brush Gina’s, Peggy makes a point to look at the torn nipple now a folded stitch and scarred nub still stiff but less than half of Gina’s other nipple, Peggy makes sure to sneer at the damage she caused Gina then enters the sun room , she swaggers her body to far corner looks out at Gina flexes her breasts then says, “well?”.

Gina sucks in slowly her ability to flex isn’t as defined as Peggy’s she turns on her heels and drops her robe and struts in, she shuts the door containing them both in, the glares they have for each other are as venomous as the first time pure hate , pure jealousy.

Both women raise hands on hair as they start toward the other Peggy moans, “nmm are we doing this tit to tit or we going to wing it bitch?”, Gina breaths in a slight smirk as she finally is face to face with the woman who ruined her, “i am willing to start tit to tit, but no matter who wins it after i am going to bite your nipples and tear your tits apart with claws, if not here any where you like , but know this Bitch you and i? are going to fight ‘.

Peggy while keeping a straight face swallows deeply she knows if Gina starts to beat her she will go after her breasts and try to ruin them as much as she can, Peggy arches up her body,  breasts lift and broaden outward, “nmm well lets see who gets milked and after we can find a place to have  it out”, Gina smiles, “perfect” then she gently bumps side to side against Peggy’s round broad breasts both can feel instantly like a flash back to that first day , neither of their breasts has lost an ounce of firmness, it becomes clear to Peggy in that opening feeling Gina has been working her bust for this day.

The sun room is silent as they stare and breath slow, a sudden skip to their heart beats as they feel the round full heavy firmness of the other, as Gina lightly bumps side to side Peggy slowly bumps outward at Gina’s  globes, in all her fights Peggy has been in between other women’s at the start but this time out with such a personal hate and rivalry between them , she breaths in a bit deeper as her bumps at the inner walls seem as if Gina doesn’t feel it.

Gina arches as she feels her monster bust take the slow bumps and there is no give, but she also feels her rivals don’t shift an inch, softly as they bump slow and and rub barely, both feel the arousal of it , Gina softly gets closer and the light bumps become more a push bump, “uummmm ohh yess i been waiting for the day i destroy you Bitch”, Peggy bumps but instead of matching Gina she presses to Gina’s bust and rolls her own breasts in and around, Gina bites her lower lip a bit as Peggy sees a slight recoil in her rivals breast meat, she purrs, “nmmm feel me already ? you were firmer last time we did this”, as she rolls along Gina’s breasts Gina wants to pull away but she swallows a breath and starts to bully her own the opposite direction.

At first it is a struggle for Gina , Peggy smirks at the effort it takes her, but slowly that smirk gets taken away as Gina now starts to roll, and now both Amazons are rolling their large mass and the criss crossing pattern causes major bulging in both, Peggy lets her eyes drift between them and she sees Gina’s mass bulge and push and swell, then she sees her own being forced to, as he does the distinct hiss of Gina is heard as she looks down as well, “uuhhnnnn mmm feel me now as well, sure your title hasn’t made you soft ?”.

Peggy a little blushed in her cheeks stares at Gina, “oh i wasn’t expecting you would come here not ready Bitch, but glad you are now”, they increase the speed they are rolling and the flesh has a soft gentle clop as they criss cross breasts as they roll against the others,  they stand thighs stiff heels planted and stances average, their hands in own hair the glares are clear to read they want to stab their claws in others face , but Gina needs to break Peggy even once, their breathing starts to grow and the clops are like a switch as first Peggy then Gina as they roll and smear their big breasts spear their set of G’s into the others and the clops get louder and firmer.

The silent room now awake as the flesh CLOPs Firmer to the others and each parts her lips as they glare , “uuhh uhh uhh “, “uumff umff umf cmon “, the duel starts to get heated between them, as it does the flash backs of each fight till Gina was torn apart runs through their minds, each remembers every move, every weak spot and every way the other fights, but as it is the 4th titfight and Peggy won each Gina has to find another way , a way to break Peggy, get her hurt and get her down and really use her own tits on Peggy’s to stop her.

But Peggy is also recalling how Gina fights and she admits to herself this woman was one of if not her hardest to date, and she knows full well if Gina gets lands a good move she will exploit it and be able to fully hurt Peggy and beat her, Peggy can now feel Gina’s chest is firm as Gina tightens and drives her tits head on into Peggy’s. the move was well placed Gina just missed getting under Peggy’s breasts, and Peggy felt just how close it was, her face shows it as her eyes widen , Gina presses in , “nmmm i am gonna hurt your tits Bitch”, Peggy couldn’t help rolling her shoulders and forced to pump left then right to gain the inch of separation, as she does Gina steps at her and her breasts lift and just graze the heaviest roundest  area of Peggy’s.

Gina has that familiar hungry come fight face, “ohh running so soon?”, Peggy huffs , “ohhh cmon bitch i am right here fight my tits”,  Gina licks her lips, “nmmm so am i bitch , maybe after i crush those tits you and i can step out side and finish the rest of this hmm?”, Peggy a curled lip, “ohhh you Stupid cow you wanna fight me after we are done i will love to take you on after”, Gina snarls, “lets get this over with then cunt”.

Both tense their bodies but Gina as much as she tries can no longer flex her breasts and Peggy well hers lift as she grins, “cmon cunt my tits are ready as ever”, they lunge into each other and the SMACK of their breasts head on is sharp then as they stagger from the body collision they star to really drag, roll, smear , and push their breasts at the others rougher and rougher the flesh CLOPPING fuller and more dense as they drive directly into others bust.

Each woman steps forward then back then side to side and circle never giving the other an inch of space between them, and feeling of a miss or a push that was less than all they had caused anger and they pumped or shoved harder to make up for it, both grunting as the fight gets more intense and well after 30 minutes these two warrior goddesses are dead locked and like the first time i saw them countering each others every move and breath.

Their heels are clicking about and their heavy breathing becoming huffs and panting a lot faster than either can remember in their younger years, Gina is determined to hurt Peggy, she is becoming the aggressor , bring the fight to Peggy , making her back step, turn and refusing Peggy to set her heels and really come back, ‘uuhh uhh uhh bitch stop running, Fight”, Peggy is breathing heavy not hard, but she can feel Gina’s weighted firm round G’s are still strong and working her as much as her own on her rivals, “stand and fight then bitch cmon tit to tit cow lets go”, both women are going into 45 minutes and all either has to show for it , how red their big breasts are from the duel, to limit the shifting about Peggy feints left then steps right , she gets to plant her heels and as Gina falls for the fake she turns and sees Peggy stance a bit wider and her mighty breasts up and out and at the ready, Gina squares to her.

She swallows a large breath and slowly her muscled thighs cross over the other as she starts toward her rival, “well got you stand still”, Peggy smirks, “oh i wanted to all long just yourG’s against mine”, Gina raises a brow, inward she is a bit weary of going head to head to head with the champion the Queen, and she has great reason to be concerned, she sets her stance facing Peggy they breath heavy but not like women who already dueled for 45 minutes, other than a pink hue in cheeks and red breasts no one would know they were already going at it, as Gina lines up to Peggy their nipples rub and Peggy smirks as she feels the significant lack of nipple on Gina’s left breast, Peggy dabs her nipples in, then alternates her left and right at Gina’s right stiff nipple, “uwww i apologize i forget your left is lacking the ability to go nipple on nipple”.

Gina feels her blood boil she wants to pounce on Peggy and rip anything off her to even that score, instead she breathes in, and in a hiss with pure venom replies, “well its the risk of war and i wear that scar proudly Bitch, and after i break your tits  and we go outside, i’l tear both your nipples off now put those tits up and lets titfight, my claws are itching to get at you”.

Peggy knows the remark stung but more she knows everyday for the rest of her life Gina will look in the mirror or put on a bra and she will have to see Peggy sitting on top of her spiting her severed nipple in her face, Peggy does the sexy slow shimmy , “nmm bring those tits on bitch”.

Once again as it started Gina sets her stance and steps into Peggy their large round breasts meet and both women presses in and as their breasts swell up together Peggy starts to jam hers into Gina’s left then right and repeats it and then again, Gina takes the first few but as much as she tries to deny the effect she still purses her lips ,the power , the weight and the firmness Peggy had years ago is every bit still there, as Peggy continues Gina can’t help but react, “Uhhh Uhh mmf mmf mff Bitch’, Peggy smirks a bit and makes the driving jams a bit harder, and the fleshy collision again CLOPS ring out, Peggy closer to Gina now, “Give now Bitch you know you can’t beat my tits even when you cheat’, Gina shakes her head no,’ Fuck you cow shut up and fight my tits”.

The duel starts up again and it doesn’t take long for them to start to perspire, their round globes veiny and tanned glisten as they are pressing, jamming and pumping tits the fight is still even and Peggy is slowly like the first time they met now again is starting to feel just how even a fight Gina was and is now,  Peggy feels her smirk turn into a snarl as her attack is taken and returned now by her rival, it is Gina’s turn to remind Peggy  she can fight tit to tit like she did then, “mmff mff yess cmon bittch i am gonna hurt you”, Peggy tilts her head up, “uughh hughh ughh mmff mff Bitch ohhh”.

The jamming slows as they feel others firm breasts and Peggy shoves her tits head on at Gina’s who shimmies her heavy G’s and they manage to collide to the sides of Peggy’s breasts causing her own to collide together, Peggy feels the little motion and Gina does as well, she drags partially up Peggy’s breasts pushing them, Peggy arches into it, then Gina drops her own dips low and as Peggy breathes in and her breasts lift Gina thrusts up fast and hard the room explodes with a SMACK!!!, Peggy feels her mouth drop as her knees buckle and she falls on knees, Gina a wide smile, “ohhhh my my that hurt Bitch hmm?”, Peggy breathing hard “you cunt my tits”, Gina paces in front “get up and fight Bitch”, Peggy is a bit hurt but more stunned  she catches her breath as she can feel Gina’s upper cut had a solid effect, slow to get up Gina steps beyond her and sets her ass on the saddle of Peggy’s lower back then smiling she presses her warm breasts in Peggy’s back as her hands come around and cup her rivals big tits , “nmmm i am gonna milk you like the first time we fought here Bitch,” .

Peggy looks up as she feels the deadly claw and grip of Gina fill up with her breast meat, she arches up and her own hands grab Gina’s , “get your hands off my tits cunt, i am not done fighting your tits”, Gina a sadistic smile and glare squeezes Peggy’s breasts then drops them, she hisses in her ear, ‘nmmm get up or i’ll carve your tits up”, Gina eases up and of then takes a stance ready to go on, slowly Peggy gets up now, Gina sets hands to her hair a smile of confidence as she hurt her rival and fairly, she shimmies, “put em up and fight bitch”.

Peggy takes a breath in she isn’t shocked that Gina put her down early but she is mad at it, she stands and hands go back on her hair as she shimmies back still firm as Gina, “my girls are ready cmon then Bitch”, Gina smirks still but the reality hits her Peggy felt it but by no means will it end her especially just one solid hit, Gina wonders was it just luck that landed that move and downed her hated rival, if it was or wasn’t one thing was clear, Peggy was even madder now and wanted more.

The two busty amazons inhale then lunge together , another solid firm CLOP and instantly they both start to drag , roll and smear, chins tilt up as they crush into other, breasts mass swells, bulges and mushrooms from between their driving torsos, each grunts, and pants out as they now hate looking in others eyes so heads turn and they drive firmer harder and grind tits between them ,”uuh huhh cunt fight”, “uuugggg ohhh you Whore cmon get it on cmon”.

Again they stagger about the room swirling as they change direction but neither easing from the stalemate, after the short break and not counting it these two have been fighting into an hour and it is starting to wear on them physically as well as emotionally, both are the best and like back then it stands true now in the moment , one is going to all fours to be milked and plea for it to stop,  from where the duel took a pause to the 5 minutes into restarting it both women are sweating again and as they drag and pull and press the skin becomes tacky and the dragging gets an added feel as skin is stretched instead of sliding,  Gina hurt Peggy not deep but it hurt and as a result Gina knew to drag up and down and she starts to a bit slower then current action but none the less pressure on Peggy’s breasts.

Peggy pulls her lips in tight and her cheeks expand as she holds her breath , Gina is dragging and pumping up and down and making Peggy feel her tits, “umfff umffff yess feel my tits cmon bitch , uughhh nnmff fight my tits cmon or give you fake queen bitch, your no Queen just lucky , my tits are destroying yours say it”,  Peggy refuses to admit to her hated rival her dragging is having the desired effect and though her undersides aren’t exploited  the upward rolling drag like a rolling pin is catching part of her undersides and she feels it, and she knows given enough time Gina will finish her in this move, Peggy releases her lips , “UUUGHHHHH BITH MY TITS OHHHH “.

Gina hears, sees and feels what she is doing to peggy she hisses at her face, “ohhhhh thats it yesss nmmm my tits are better they are devouring your pathetic tits cunt, cmon nmmm more fight mine more yess feel me”, Peggy tries to hold her ground but gina is driving her , Peggy knows to stay off a wall or a corner with Gina attacking it would destroy her proud tits as she has the upper hand.

Peggy is dragging back into Gina but the side to side action isn’t landing the effect Gina’s up and down is getting , Peggy is growing desperate as Gina seems reenergized and is regaining control, “UUUhhh \mmff mffff cunt my tits oh you cow mmff mfff get off my tits “, Gina rolls her shoulders and now at hearing she has the big champ near beat , presses the advantage and widens her thighs and dares Peggy to stand firm and fight to the last , “cmon bitch center room bring it my tits and yours feel mine cmon your all but finished Cow, say it give to the best tits”.

Peggy drops her hands from her hair as does, she and Gina  both know this fight is near over and about to get as bitter as a titfight can between them, both need a single heavy move to either turn this around or finished it now and they know it is finding and landing that move that will hurt her rival into total submission, Peggy is sweating more, her face contorting from the swelling and soreness of the long fight and Gina’s equal breasts fighting her own, “uuughhhh Bitchh i hate you Cmon”, but she and Gina know it is her fight to lose as she pumps into Peggy, “uuggg ugggg Bitch Give i have you, i beat you Give uuhhh uhhhh mmffff cunt say it”!.

Peggy arches and Gina grins, she thinks to herself Peggy just made the biggest mistake in a titfight , she just opened her breasts up and outward to a rivals, Gina can see it in her head , she is going to roll up and grind across then dip and deliver the devastating upper cut to her hated rivals undersides, she can taste it, her lis widen in to  smile, as the thought of what she plans is playing out in her mind, she steps into Peggy, her hands grab at Peggy’s upper arms, Peggy is not the type to make mistakes though, ninety percent of of what her rivals deem mistakes are more often a feint to a move she is lining up , Peggy tried to be 2-3 moves ahead of any fight she was in, she watches Gina’s face get that I am going to end you look.

Peggy swallows to hide a smirk of her own, she feels Gina slide ehr hands up onto her biceps, they both drag their breasts on the others to get nipples lined up to set the other up, sweat dripping , as muscles flex but shake a bit, they glare at the others eyes then Peggy widens her stance as does Gina, Gina feeling her breasts start to shift Peggy’s moans ,”nmmm yess i am going to hurt you Bitch”, then Peggy snakes her arms under Gina’s and her hands ease up her rivals back and her hands hook on to Gina’s shoulders, Gina feels it but in the moment doesn’t realize the set up her rival has her in, they press breasts tighter and rolling pin style grind and rub together softening each other up more, both are ready to drop well past an hour they are red and bruising up and gasping through panting breaths, g\Gina breaths in, ‘Nmm i are you ready to cry Bitch?”, just then Peggy taunts back, ‘Are you?’.

Gina scoffs and as Peggy hooks on to her shoulders she feels her breasts ride up on Peggy’s as Peggy suddenly dips Gina’s eyes go wide her mouth drops open, but before she can stop it or defend it, her large G’s swell up over Peggy’s and Peggy thrusts up and SMACK!!!!!! rings out Gina feels her breath escape but no sound as her eyes close, then SMACK!!!!, her body shutters and her eyes drop open a wide as pain will force them, her lips and mouth drop open as her head shakes no then it comes, SMACK!!!, Peggy thrust a third final time up into Gina’s undersides, the last thrust resulted in Gina’s breasts bouncing up and hitting her own chin, her head flies back as her knees buckle, and the scream ,”AWWWWW BITCH MY TITS!!!!!”, Peggy hurting purses her lips, “ohhhhh uwwww feel my tits now hmm cmon puut em cunt fight my tits , cmon Beat me you Cow”.

Gina grabs hold of Peggy’s shoulders to stay up, but she feels the round firm mass of Peggy’s breasts still under her own , she tries to drag atop to continue wearing peggy down but both know she is really hurt right now, Peggy is swollen and sore as well and every bit hurt and tired but after three solid uppercuts to the raw undersides Peggy has turned the fight around, but knows Gina isn’t the type to give easily if she can get back in this fight she will, Peggy does her next known move she pulls Gina in and starts her upwarrd thrusting pumping in at Gina, the denser almost muffled sounding clops are causing Gina’s breasts to jostle more freely, her lips purse now as they spit at others face, but Gina can’t hide the grunts as her breasts are being jabbed by Peggy’s from under, Gina stutter steps at Peggy, “i am still fighting Bitch cmon put your tits up lets get to it”, Peggy shakes her head she now understands how women she fought felt so close to a win then failed, “uuuhhh Bitch Give your done”.

Gina not realizing her only reason to be on her feet is Peggy’s grip on her and her own arms draped on Peggy’s shoulders, as they glare in others eyes Gina is slowly forcing her breasts back to Peggy’s so they are again head on to her rivals, Gina groans, “uughhh you Bittch my tits are as good as yours , you might hurt them but i am not done fighting your tits till you gi…uuughhh ohhh you Bitch owwww ughhh you Bitch my tits “, Peggy made Gina forcer her own breast between them again then delivers the move she did more then once to Gina , Peggy felt her rivals breasts weren’t straight the flesh as she pulled to go head on to Peggy’s twisted some, Peggy felt it and firmly drags a figure eight style design the firm pulling and dragging slowly caused Gina’s breasts to over lap and pinch and slowly caused a deep pain Gina couldn’t recover, “uuughhh ohhhh my tits you bitch aaaghhhh god damn your tits”.

Peggy easily could have thrust Gina bakwardd to the wall and hurried the painful grind, but instead she hoisted Gina up in her arms and now with new determination continued the brutal slow dragging design , her breasts though red and swollen were standing out correctly as Gina’s were now over lapped and pinched to themselves and each drag her rival pulled made Gina’s become heavier, weaker and stretched out, Peggy was hurting that familiar deep ache but she knew if Gina finally won a tittfight with her she would be torn apart by Gina as she was milked, Peggy hisses at her face, “wanna titfight hmm cmon Cow titfight me then hmm? cmon lets get going Bitch my tits want more”, Peggy now starts to press and drag and adds speed to it , Gina’s red mass is bulging from any open area as her chest is loosing and her breasts are becoming softened up as the muscle , ligaments and tendons  are stretched every way they can be.

Gina finally exhales heavy her head shakes no as he looks up at the ceiling, every drag by her rivals breasts to her own hurts now deeply, she drops her chin on Peggy’s shoulder and Peggy a smirk pumps as the tighter stance makes the design drag a bit tougher the pumping so close causes a wet Clopping ring from between them, and Gina finally stops fighting , she can only take it till her mouth says the words Peggy needs to hear , Gina starts wince now the pain is becoming heavy and to much her breasts are being loosened by the second now finally as her knees start to give she closes her ryes and gulps deeply then yells it, “OK OK ENOUGH YOU FUCKING BITCH , MY TITS OHHHH GOD DAMN YOU I GIVE I GIVE STOP”, Peggy a sigh of relief adds a few extra grinding pumps then pulls her arms from under Gina’s, like  puppet who strings were cut Gina drops on her knees, gulping for a breath as every inhale makes her wince she cradles her red breasts as she props a hand to the floor to stay on her knees, ‘you Bitch my tits ohh i am gonna hurt you “.

Peggy inhales looking down over her red breasts then a sexy smirk struts to the rear of Gina , she sits on the lower back of Gina and eases her face aside Gina’s then her hands stab on to her sore breasts and Gina winces, Peggy starts the humiliating process of kneading, twisting squeezing as she purrs at Gina’s ear, “give it to me all of it “ and she milks on her rivals breasts yet again, Gina hangs her head as her breasts are yet again beaten by her arch rivals, the pain causes flashes backs to every time she and Peggy went tit to tit, her first encounter she cheated and both women know it, it just adds to Gina’s self confidence loss as she feels her breasts mangled and ready to burst at the hands of the only woman she couldn’t beat in a titfight.

Peggy has a winners confident smile as she sits on her rivals bare back and tries to hurt her breasts deeper than she already is feeling, her hands pulsing as they twist, pull, stretch , squeeze at fgina’s breasts slowly peggy feels the supply Gina has build and swell then she grabs at the top and stretches downward as she squeezes and Gina lifts her head and shakes it as her supply is brought to her nipples and bursts free, milk sprays under her and Peggy moans, “nmmm that a girl never  disappoint bitch a cow to the end “, Gina has tears streaming as she endures the process then Peggy satisfied with her win stands , she takes Gina by her hair and pulls her to the front door like a dog on a leash, she opens the door and yanks Gina out , topless just a thong and heels and purrs in her deep catty tone, “i’ll be ready for you Bitch but know this, you come back again and i’ll rip your other nipple off and scratch your eyes out”, she shuts the door and goes up to her bedroom, grabs a shower and then smiling and humming dries her hair then after a glass of bourbon goes to bed.

Chapter 2: Taking the Fight to Them

The days after her and Gina fought again, Peggy was sure the knock on her door was coming any day, but Gina was beaten and though she never refused a fight either ,Gina was like Peggy and the thought of her rival winning another catfight and tearing her nipples again, well Gina needed to rethink her desire especially after yet another loss to the Queen, Peggy was lost in thought when Joe and I came by, i saw something was up and she and i went to the patio to talk.

I knew instantly by how swollen her breasts were mom had a fight recently, “So mom before you start i just need to ask, who was she?”, Mom smirked, ‘well i can’t hide what i do or when from you , it was Gina”, i nearly fell off my seat, my mouth dropped open, she smiled and purred, “ohhh its ok my tits beat hers again and i milked her like the cow she is”, i still was stunned i saw how much Gina was like mom when a fight or chance to came, she wouldn’t just stop, “so mom when are you both settling it again?”, Peggy looked out in the yard then back at me, “well Amber thats the issue i been waiting 3 days now , she promised she and i were going to fight again, but since i beat her tits she hasn’t come back , yet anyway”.

My eyes widen , “but mom thats a good thing isn’t it? i mean i know you really kicked her as last time but why be upset if she wants more or not?”, Peggy breathed in deep, “well Sweetie i been thinking with all the money i have from the club now and i won , i was going to travel some and have fun, but if i leave her and i settle it we both know what i will come home to, and there is no one i know that can handle that wild bitch like i have even in my loss to her i gave it back”, i saw mom’s point , the women she would leave to watch her town just in case were worthy fighters but against gina none would last long, and for mom to travel an come back home to fight to get her town back would be a lot at her age now especially against a crazy bitch like Gina, but yet i felt like this recent loss unannounced took to Gina like  deep gut punch and she was off licking her wounds , whatever the case i had to convince mom to take this trip while she was still both young enough fit and on top.

We chatted about it a while and i could see Peggy was waiting for that door bell to ring and Gina waiting to for her to step out and fight, i knew it was something that Bitch would do and mom expected it , thats why she was dressed to fight not to go out, after a while i explained to her that she can’t wait for the Gina’s of the area to come looking and expect the Queen home , you earned all you have you deserve to enjoy it, these jealous women will either move on or be here when you get back, she thought a moment then looked at me, “i have one other issue”,  i thought mom was going to say another fighter but she stunned even me.

She looked at me and called Joe out to join us and then said, “i have the money i want you to join me , we are going to visit Switzerland, Greece, Germany Italy, please say you will come”, Joe and i were stunned and smiling as we burst out , “YESS WE Will”, now yes i knew my mother might have a spat or two while away but i never expected this to become a trip to find her hardest fights thus far, to be honest it was tucked way in the back of my mind as i could only dream of the Europe travel we were set to go on.

We knew the trip was going to be warm and Peggy made sure to pack her best bras, and outfits and bikinis as well as lingerie , i can’t wrap my head around her knowing where or who to look for but i was sure if a woman was out there wanting to fight hard and an equal Peggy was the one that was going to step up, we all get on the plane and take off i was beyond excited and Mom was smiling as well, Joe had seen a few places over here while he served so he was happy but not over the top as much as i was, the flight was long and  Peggy was reading a few areas she wanted to visit the most, during the over night flight Peggy got up to use the ladies room her tight zip front sweat jacket and red bra under it were making her swelling bust ready to be set free, i was listening to  music and nearly everyone was else was asleep.

I didn’t notice at first but when mom didn’t return right away i started looking at the curtain between us and first class i saw mom’s heels as she was standing just behind it and her right hands claws were holding the frame of the cabin, i saw another set of heels not exactly mom’s style but then it hit me they were of the stewardess for first class, i watched and waited then the curtain parted and Peggy a smirk was heading back, i looked past her and i saw this busty brunette stewardess pulling the curtain back, she watched Peggy return to her seat then Peggy unzipped her hoodie top her red bra was strained to the limits she turned to look back at the stewardess, who looked about then nodded.

Peggy opened her carry on fixed her hair a bit then pulled her ticket for the return flight home out, i grabbed her hand, “what are you doing ?” in a huffed whisper, Peggy a smile now leans to my ear, “her and i are going  to chat a bit if i win we are flying home first class courtesy of  Cara up there”, i look at mom, “and if you don’t win?”, Peggy swallowed softly , “well lets just say i will owe her the price of airfare home and i’l have to service her, be back in a bit”, Peggy carried her jacket her red bra cups were being over flowed, as she walks toward the curtain i see the stewardess un button her white blouse her cream bra was over flowing as well, she inhaled in pride as she showed them off to Peggy both women pause at the curtain and bump their bra cups then i see the airline worker offer Peggy to walk up the steps to the jets suite, as Peggy heads up Cara looks back at me and smiles then winks, she shuts the curtain and heads up as well.

I was beside myself i saw Cara for a second but she was at the very least an F cup if not more, i had to try to see if this woman was as good or better than Peggy, i eased up and snuck to the curtain , no one else was about so i eased up the steps , as i get to the top landing i see al the other female stewardesses in the suite and in the middle was Peggy and Cara, as i get to the top one sees me and she whispers, “you know her?” i nodded , “yeah that my mother”, she smiles, “stay out of it and stay quiet and you can watch, by the way our Cara there never loses”, i look at the stewardess and i grin , “neither does my mother”, she looks at me then licks her lips and slowly i see her whisper to one other about mom then it goes around he room.

I stood just behind her as i looked in at the two fighters standing staring, Peggy in her red bra and jeans and heels and the stewardess in her skirt and cream bra , they were discussing rules and how the fight would go and the stakes and Peggy was so ready i think should would have agreed to any thing to fight this woman. the other stewardesses were smiling and al were expecting Cara to have Peggy weeping on the rug in minutes, Cara i learned later was 5’8” 145 pound and a very full firm 38F, with jet black hair that was to her shoulders and up at the back of her head, she also was only 40 years old to Peggy’s 59 turning 60 before the trip was to end,  the age difference had me concerned but then again Peggy only looked 45 at best herself, i heard Cara say to mom, “so we agree tit to tit and then hands on till one gives, loser pleases winner and gets milked agree?”, Peggy a smirk, “agree and we also agree to start with nipples and hair holds are allowed yes?”, Cara breathes in “Agree “.

Cara was greek on her return flight home and as both women agreed to the rules and style after agreed on they both start to strip to their thongs, once done each woman reaches back and starts to unclasp her bra, they stare with that (i got her beat ) look as each clasp is popped open , then the elastic sides spring open and slowly they both ease the bras off and show them off then hand their bra to the closest woman to hold, their large round firm breasts sway free and both take a moment to pose their proud assets off to all watching and each other, then both caress their mighty weapons in hand as they massage the bra lines free and then each sets her hands on her hair as Cara smiles, “Fight me”.

Peggy was always a bit sly at first meetings and she arches up her round firm 36 Gs stand out as they draw in , both widen their stance and Peggy shimmies slow, “Fight me”, they breath in and Peggy takes a risk and starts the war, she doesn’t try to tease her new rival she stabs her nipples head on to Cara who sharply breathes in, “oohhhh” then Peggy starts to flick and dab her stiff nipples at her rivals, “mmm uhnn uhn uhn cmon “, Cara watches and feels the instant attack, “mmmm ohh uhmmff mff ohh cmon then”.

Everyone looks on as Peggy is bringing the fight to Cara and while i hate seeing it , inward i am screaming for mom to beat her, almost as much as i am worried as mom rarely did well in nipple duels, the suite cabin was quiet as all watch and the only noise was the hot breathing of both women, and the feint fleshy sound of nipples flicking back and forth, both women started excited but as the minutes click off both start to feel and see their nipples get stiffer and redder , their aureola’s are now so swollen as well they seem to grow outward extending their nipples out more, Peggy is squirming a bit and  i can’t tell if she is doing any harm to her rival, Cara seems to be in a slow motion as if letting Peggy do her best and waiting to end the duel once she is worn out a bit.

both women groan as they flick sharply then poke their broad tips at the others nipples and the base, you have to look to see the effect it has ,b ut if you catch it you can see as the time passes each jabbing poke at the nipples base gets a more defined dimple at the base, causing the stiff nipples to point off to the left or right or down, it isn’t super painful, but as your nipples ache it can make you feel it as well as loosen the stiff pegs to be bent back or inverted, the groans are louder as they whisper at the others face, “uuhh Bitch fight’, Peggy right back, ‘Uwww ughh cmon then fight mine Bitch”.

The flicking and head on stabbing gets a bit faster as does the breathing, both women straighten their frames up right and arch pushing out their breasts and stiff nipples to take on the others, the quicker they flick they become more intense and now they start to shift about the small room never easing off the other, they grip their own hair as the duel picks up pace and soon they are jamming their nipples  into the others and both of them pant heavy, looking at their faces while both grimace Peggy is easily forcing Cara about, the other women seem to be a bit concerned and the one i am next to smirks, “your girl looks to be in trouble”, i purred softly, she leans to me, ‘ohhh she does but yours is trying to hard”, i look back in at th duel and i see Peggy press Cara to a wall and she inhales as her nipples are jabbing in at Cara’s , i see Cara suck in a deep breath and she manages to spin Peggy and pin her to the wall then she seems to let loose , “Cmon bitch i’ll push your nipples in”, Peggy pants back, ‘uuuhhh ohhh you Bitch uuggnnn “.

Peggy arches on the wall her breasts rise and press out Cara rolls her shoulders and has a look of it is over on her face as she lines up her nipples to Peggy’s and they touch they both freeze then slowly Cara presses into Peggy, they press and press till aureolas meet then seem to seal together then both women let out a hiss at the feel , they glare in the others eyes then everything stops, other than their equal breathing and bodies tense up as they bulge their big breasts at the aureola’s , everyone watches to see which was inverted now ,then softly and slowly it is over as Cara hisses at Peggy’s face, ‘Shall we see ?”, Peggy nods, ‘Love to”.

They lock eyes as each sucks in a deep breath, then Cara slowly eases from Peggy , more and more their aureola’s come to view then the base of the nipples, they Cara steps away as Peggy arches of the wall, they listen to the women watching before looking, as they glare both in pride as if they won, they hear a few murmurs and a gasp, then Cara and Peggy caress their breasts to the nipples and both are stunned so much so they both look down and see each is partially inverted not fully but no doubt about it, Cara inhales with what pride he can, “well its a draw”, Peggy both angry and relieved “Seems it is”.

All the stewardesses are a bit taken back their so called champ was just matched in her fight and they are not use to it, Cara was a bit red in the cheeks obviously she wasn’t either, Peggy knew she wasn’t great at this duel but she was use to a win or loss not a draw so she was a bit put off by it as well, they pull apart fully and take a minute then stare at the other again, Cara inhales “well Bitch you want that titfight now?”, Peggy inhales, “oh i so do Bitch” then she shimmies sexy and slow , Cara does the same, hands go to hips now as they point their breasts ahead at the other and walk into each other.

The Clop is solid and neither pauses as they instantly start to drag their breasts hard and firm, both grunt as it starts so fast, Peggy is rolling and pressing in and up as Cara is dragging to the sides, “Bitch fight my tits”, Cara “ohhh uumff cmon bitch put those tits up”, every one watches as if they are seeing their girl fight for the first time ,yet as if Peggy was expected to be dominated right out of the gate, but as the two fighters stand face to face , their large round veiny breasts bulge, swell, splay, and get either pushed or pulled on their chests, the only movement are shoulders and backs driving their full heavy mass into the others and trying to cause reddening , swelling, soreness and that undeniable deep ache that comes from a extended breast fight.

Neither will allow a gasp as first then the other drives, drags and presses firmer and more often to her rivals breasts, after 15 minutes the deep constant abuse while slow and timed is every bit taking a tol on each of their glands, tendons , ligaments and chest wall, breathing increases into moans and faster tha each hoped groans as they refuse to retreat  step, the firm clops of breasts colliding is filling the room as the rest watch eyes wide and brows up, you can look at each one and se in their eyes the silent cheer for who they want to see win, my own eyes and clenched fingers do the same as i am telling my self ( cmon mom ruin her tits go at her), the stress is nearly unbearable.

Slowly now as the jealous hate builds between these busty women you can see the age vs the experience come to light, Cara starts to put more effort into going into Peggy’s tits while Peggy allows a certain amount of attack but still keeps her rival at bay, both women start to react more as breasts get swelled and red and looser as they go as firmly against the others as they can, Peggy starts to roll and lift her shoulders now and her firm heavy G’s are pushing Cara’s across her chest , Cara can feel it and is looking to get under Peggy but Peggy is to well versed to let this younger woman play her that easily, Peggy pumps firm and head on into Cara as he drags low, ‘CLOP rings out and Peggy groans ,”nmmmm ohhhh yess feel me Bitch my tits are ready to hurt yours’, Cara gulps inward and pants hotly outward, “Uuhhh Bitch oh you cow”.

Peggy is timing her attacks now and each starts to shift Cara on her stance, as he forces her to step and spin and retreat her breasts are left open to regain her stance and each time Peggy is in her space and is plunging, pumping and shoving her fuller tits in hard, ‘’ nmmff mmff mmfff Fight Bitch cmon”, Cara rolls her eyes back, “Uuggg Uughhnn Ohhh Bitch my tits uunnn’’, their flesh starts to glisten and the thwack and clops of flesh are louder, firmer, and become even more frequent, Peggy is becoming the aggressor now , ‘Cow? you silly Bitch i am the one going to milk you and smother that over made up Face Bitch’’.

Cara is being pushed about and the other women who have watched her destroy busty women look on in awe as Peggy is bullying her about the suite, faces are wide eye and mouth shock as they see Cara is being worked, Peggy staying so close to her retreating rival is getting in solid drags, smears, pumps and side to side dragging collisions, Cara is panting hard and her shoulders are rowing forward as the touch is hurting, Peggy huffs deeply, “cmon Bitch give or fight lets hear it”, Cara is in trouble and knows it, “uughhh uummfff Bitch not to you Cow ohhhh mmff mff”, Peggy gives a sharp side to side and Cara digs deep, she steps at Peggy unexpectedly their big tits crush into others then as they pull apart a bit Cara starts to shimmy and sway her big tits , mmff mfff mff put em up Bitch lets use these tits”, Peggy inhales, “ohhhh you wanna titbox as well , nmm cmon put em up Bitch”.

Cara sucks in a deep breath then head on her breasts crush into Peggy’s the move forces Peggy back a step then Cara starts to pummel her tits across Peggy’s, Peggy rows her back as her tits being hit fill the room, SLAP CLAP,CLOP,SMACK, Cara is going at Peggy like a boxer hammering in rib blows, “Cmon,Cmon fight now Bitch”, Peggy is now moving about in retreat but still fighting and after another 15 minutes of even exchanges both women end up center room and pull hands behind them and start to go blow for blow with there breasts, the room fills with grunts and aches,and pained collisions, the exchange gets furious and both are giving and taking a lot of damage, Cara manages to back Peggy up now and Peggy has a mask of doubt and fear as her rival is going at her hard.

Cara suddenly twists her hips fast and her tits sway out and seem to double pound the open outer walls of moms breasts the collision had enough force Peggy was reared up and stutter steps backward, i nearly gasp as i hear a few stewardesses suddenly urge Cara on, “yesss get her honey beat her tits up go get her”, Cara fills with confidence as she knocks Peggy back, “Bitch stand and fight”, Peggy is swelling and its starting to hurt her deep, as Cara steps in Peggy braces everyone is sure another solid exchange and Cara has her rival, she storms at Peggy qwho sets her stance , Cara lifts her breasts and shimmies the as the women come into each other SMACK, SMACK, SMACK!!!!!!!, rings out, Cara is frozen in her advance her knees buckle and as she screeches out, “AAWWWW my tits!” her body falls forward from momentum, she drops on her knees and is on all 4’s Peggy breathing heavy struts around her rival, “Get up or give up Cow now”, Cara looks down, gasping in agony and doesn’t reply, Peggy grabs a fistful of hair from the top and hangs her rival by it, “wanna titfight me or not?”, Cara winces her breasts sway and droop freely “awwww no no more i give  i give” Peggy sneers and mounts her back, then roughly starts to grope, knead , squeeze and abuse her rivals breasts as deep as she can, loudly she humiliates Cara as her friends look on in shock,  ‘Give me that milk COW CMON”.

All Cara can do is rear up on her knees and take the abuse as slowly droplets start to fall from her nipples ,she winces and rolls her head about in aching dee pain ,”Ohh owwww you Bitch My tits stop aaghhhhh uughhh Let go”, Peggy a savage smirk, ‘Say it Bitch or ill keep going”, Cara nods as tears drop, “OK OK I GIVE YOUR TITS ARE BETTER PLEASE STOP”, Peggy drops her rivals breast and stands up and hands up over head smiling struts about the room, her full firm red slightly bruised breasts standout and ready , then she sets hands to hips as she waits to see if Cara wants to go on as they agreed.

Cara slowly stands as milk runs down her breasts and tummy she is red in the face as she opens her hands to go on, Peggy shakes her head then opens her hands as they step into the other, hand slap on to breasts and instantly hey are kneading, squeezing and twisting breasts deep as they can, Peggy breaths in, it hurts her swollen breasts but Cara stiffens her body as she shakes her head no, “aaaghh owwww Bitch my tits”, Peggy grabs tighter, “Give or ill hurt your tits Bitch cmon”.

They walk each other about for just under 15 minutes as Cara has more milk running down her body , her tears start as she winces and tries to last then she pulls free and turns from Peggy, Peggy grins and presses her warm tits to Cara’s bare back and her hands cup Cara’s as she starts to pull deep and hard, “Cmon Bitch give or i’ll hurt your weak tits’,  Cara shuts her eyes the pain is to much , her breasts turn purple as finger marks turn black and blue, her hands try to pry Peggy’s off, her co workers ar stunned and hint for her to stop, finally Cara cries out, “OK OK ENOUGH I GIVE STOP MY TITS OWWW I GIVE”, Peggy crushes Cara’s tits together and drops them then struts about again a huge smile hands over head as her firm G’s jostle in place.

Cara slips to her knees cupping her hurt tits as her co workers start to leave and shake their heads no as if Cara was just lucky or fought lesser women before tonight her reputation stripped as they watched, Peggy with full pride starts to get dressed as she takes Cara’s bra for herself along with her own, as her jeans are on Peggy smiling looks at Cara get up and ease her skirt on the slight sway of her loose breasts hurts as she glares at Peggy and she back.

Both are still topless as all the women leave and Peggy waits she knows Cara has a desire just what she has yet to know, the suite empties out as i hold thee door partially closed but still see in, Peggy cocks her hip, “something else on your mind Honey?”, Cara inhales slow as it hurts, “you might say that one last round?”, Peggy drops the bras, “name it”, Cara shakes out her hair, “till one gives?”, Peggy shakes her out, “mmm love to”, they snarl lips open hands and lunge into each other the CLOP of breasts crushing is solid as they stab fingers in others scalp and are ripping at each others scalp,

They growl in others face, “cunt Bitch cmon “, grunting snarling through the torrid hot and burning agony in scalps, they stagger about the room now in a fight, shaking each others head like rag dolls as their swollen sore tits rub and smear , Cara grabs deep at the back of Peggy’s scalp and YANKS , Peggy forced to stare up gasps, ‘AAwwww aghhh Bitch”, Cara shoves and pulls Peggy in reverse as Peggy grabs at the temples of Cara’s hair and pulls down, both women gasping as they curse the other”fucking bitch cmon, ‘bring it cunt i’ll bald you”.

Cara was not ready for Peggy , and worse she was tired and drained already, Peggy was to strong and ready for this fight, as they yank each other about, Cara starts to weaken fast, Peggy grabs her rival by the top of her hair and spins her the momentum causes Cara to fall on her knees and Peggy pounces on her back, Cara loses her grip to try to stop from being shoved face first on the rug, Peggy smiles evilly as she looks at he back of Cara’s head and twist a fist full up and pulls back and up bending Cara in half and her mouth drops open in pain as tears start to run she whimpers out, “STOP STOP I GIVE PLEAE STOP”, Peggy gives her head a savage shake and releases then stands up, she takes the bras and puts her top on and hisses at Cara, “Have my upgrade by the time we land bitch or I’ll finish this Got it?”, Cara holding her scalp nods as she cries. Peggy softly swaggers back to the seats, her nipples steely stiff tent her blouse as she has both bra’s in her hands, she smiles and winks at me, “First Class on the way home Sweetie”.

We landed and as we departed the plane Cara took our return tickets and stamped the upgrade on all three, they glared at each other and Peggy purrs, “Thank you i do hope the flight back is as well equipped as this one or maybe better?” Cara turned red in her face as every other stewardess knew as well as she did Peggy just openly humiliated her again and Cara had to swallow this one, we took a cab to the hotel and on the way Peggy asked the driver about some of the less touristy spots a woman might find action, the driver took a detour to downtown and slowly drove by a few alleyways and clubs that were obvious on the rough side, Peggy smirked then told the driver she wanted a more refined status but one that wasn’t afraid to get rough, the drive nodded his understanding as she flashed her veiny abundant cleavage, and we soon were at the hotel and the driver wrote down a number and a name and said to call her and arrange what you like, Peggy added 10 to the tip and we checked in.

Chapter 3: First Night in Greece

We had adjoining rooms and before i even unpacked i knocked and enter Mom’s room, she was in her thong and the same blouse open to just cover her stiff nipples, she was getting her stuff put away and her phone was out ,she looks at me, “Whats up Honey?”, I stepped in more, “mom are you going to fight and if so when?”, Peggy smiles “listen honey i plan to enjoy my trip and i want you both to as well, so don’t worry about me and what i might or might not do, you know about me well enough to know i won’t bother if its not worth my time or to to dangerous, but hey cmon your mama is aQueen you know i need it as much as these Euro bitches , so i have a little extra fun taking bras who will it hurt “ she winks then nods for me to go as she picks up her cell.

I started to shut the door then i hear her, “Yes i am looking for Helena please’, I pretend the door shuts then i open it just enough, “Yes Helena, I am an American here on vacation but i am so in need of some shall we say Woman to woman competition, and  a cab driver said to call you, ..Oh yes i can agree to ANY style any place as long as neither of ends up in prison….yes i have a laptop we can definitely chat on line and discuss ANY style if not more than one… i love stakes of course.. that will be fine 9 pm tonight ..yes i have a pen go ahead, wonderful i will talk to you then”, she hangs up and is already humming.

I sat by Joe on the bed and he asked what was up, I told him he was hard in seconds, I was both ready to see Mom break these euro women , a bit curious if they might break her, and a bit concerned she might end up in bed for weeks or worse the ER here somewhere, Joe just told me what I knew, “it’s Peggy babe she wants a fight she is gonna fight , we can either spy on her later or just go take in the sights, besides she hasn’t cam chatted yet with this woman, so we have hours, lets go enjoy Greece, and knows maybe we can find a fight your mom, you have her bikini pic right, we see a woman measures up we can arrange it”, I laughed cause mostly Peggy would love that, but she had a date to cam and if the other woman was her equal or bigger Peggy was gonna fight, if not she is going to be on the hunt”.”

He was right  Peggy will if she wants or needs a fight will and if any woman while we are here dares challenge her she will get her fight so we might as well enjoy the time, we knocked on her door, “Mom? we are gonna go hit the sights you coming?”, Peggy was arched laying on her bed her top barely covering her stiff nipples, “nmm not today , you go have fun momma needs to rest a bit”.

We left her to nap i knew her cam chat wasn’t till 9 tonight but if this woman wanted at Peggy as hot as Peggy was to fight they could very well meet later and fight and she would need to be ready, Joe and i went bout our day and saw as much as we could lunch and then a late dinner we still were loving the first day and still had so much to see, as we headed back to the hotel we walked along the streets and realized we were getting into the bad area, we were in the cab, Joe saw a taxi and we got in, as we drove about Joe asked the driver if there was a place where fights took place, the cab driver with no clue who we were held out his hand , Joe gave him a 20, then opened my cell and showed Peggy’s picture, the cab driver got wide eye then nodded , he drove us to a late club called the Olympus, we went in and as we paid the driver he said to Joe, “you want to find Venus” he left and we went in, as we get a drink the bar was dimly lit and the center was like a ring minus the ropes , in greek the DJ announces a name Maria, then this sexy blue eyes woman about 5’7” 135 pounds walks out, she drops her robe and her figure was easily 38D-26-36, she walked as if on a cloud, she raised a hand and was wearing a toga, then he says “Venus” I was stunned, a woman 5’8’ 145 pounds blue eyes and  light brown hair walks out she looked to be as busty as Peggy and so curvy Joe even was looking at me and mouthed, “she is as big as Mom”, I nodded.

A bell rang and both women dropped their robes , they collided into each other and fell in the dusty pit style floor, they pulled hair and rolled a bit then being nude instantly started to trib, the woman we were told to find was on top and instantly was grinding the other woman , they were locked at the crotches and despite all her efforts the woman named Maria was being easily out tribbed, Venus was making her rival orgasm easily after the first two and she never lost top position.  Maria went from trying to beat  Venus, to being dominated and forced to lay under Venus as she continued to rule over her rival and make her force orgasm after orgasm, at 20 minutes Venus peeled her wet folds off Maria’s and stood over her, Maria was crying, slithering and every time she tried to get up had another orgasm, the bell rang and Venus smiled and grabbed her toga and changed then went to the bar.

Joe decided to approach her and after a brief intro he was talking to her about how she takes on other woman, Venus explained it often had to do with taking another woman’s man but she was willing to fight any woman, Joe showed her Peggy’s picture the woman stood straight up and asked where she was, Joe smiled and said he could have her here in a day or so but was it ok he took a picture of her to show Peggy, Venus opens her toga  and Joe clicks one then he tells her he will see her soon with Peggy.

We went back to our room and after a drink I went to check on Peggy, I softly opened the adjoining door and peak in , I see Mom at the desk in the room and she is wearing her ritual red robe and a thong , her firm full G’s are pressing the robe out to their shape and her nipples are already starting to tent , as she sends an email to the woman she was talking to earlier a simple , “i am on and ready when you are”, Mom looked over and smiled and asked how the day went,  i showed her a few cell pics off Joe’s phone and as she swiped through them she stopped at Venus’s pic, she stared her lips curled a bit, ‘’ Who is she?’, I smiled , “oh thats A woman we saw at a club , Joe found her and she saw your pic , she is eager to meet you, in case this other woman doesn’t workout “, Peggy hands me the cell back, ‘’Oh you tell Joe i am ready and willing, let me handle his one first”.

I am not sure what it was but as i returned to our room i shut the door and looked at Joe, he looks at me, “What up?, she ok with that other woman and her?’, I nodded slow then i purred, “Honey I think you just gave me a great idea, what if since Mom refuses to stop fighting still, you and i arranged her fights from here on out, make sure she doesn’t get in over her head but still has to put up a solid fight, I think if we find the right woman I can get Mom to hang her bra up and settle down with her title in tacked”, Joe stared at me, “Isn’t that the same as what your Dad did though/’, I shrugged, “Not really , i mean, he found cats for her to fight yes but he wanted her to lose or be ruined, I just want her to win now and find that achievement,  where she can say (i am done) or she will meet her match and want to, the difference we aren’t using her or cheating just finding equal quality fighters”, Joe sat up pulled me on the bed and devoured me as we  giggled he thanked me over and over then asked one favor of it, i said name it, he softly asked, “can i set your mom up to fight Beverly again, not for a town, or me or anything just the two of them for bras and milk?’,  i thought a second and nodded, “ of course baby”.

Peggy was in her room , i knew i distracted her but she was going on with her cam session with this woman the driver informed her about, I think like Joe and I mom was sure this woman wasn’t going to be a match or put up much of one but we both were wrong in the end, the computer screen flickers then clears and sitting there was a blonde woman very very sexy looking,  her name was Iris, she had dark roots and a few streaks through the blonde hair but her face was tight and cheek bones were sharp, her lips were tight over full and her neckline was as long as Peggy’s , her blue grey eyes looked at Peggy as Peggy stared back, each silently accepted the others very young features.

Iris clears her throat and in a greek accent , “How did you come to find about me?’, Peggy a smirk, adjusts her self in the seat, her heavy G’s still covered give a firm jostle enough for Iris to notice, her chin rises as she patiently waits for a reply, Peggy softly says, “we took a cab to the hotel and i asked where a woman like me could find the right kind of action to , match up to my own tastes he quickly wrote your number down and here we are”.

Iris smirks she knows the cab driver well , she met with his wife once and ruined her as he watched, “well i must remember to thank him next time i see him, that is if you are worth my time shall we discus this then?”, Peggy smirks sexy at her new rival, “oh well that is why i contacted you please by all means lets get this going i am eager to meet if all is what we hope”, Iris adjusts her camera and her tight olive skinned cleavage swelling in her white lace robe,she raises a brow as she shows Peggy she is busty, but Peggy thirsty of any busty woman ,she loves to have her G’s destroy any size, she adjusts her camera, her own tan but paler skin cleavage as tight and  full is swelling to be free in her red satin style kimono, her own brow raises and Iris sees the fleshy mountains with in the robe and knows the driver knew exactly where to send her to.

Peggy her confident grin purrs, “Still want to go on?”, Iris feels her cheeks get flush then inhales deeply, “of course”, both sit up more then Iris unties her robe and eases her robe down the shoulders and eases then off fully, her round olive colored breasts stand out, the veins a duller blue from her skin color, her dark aureola’s seem to pull out to a point, browned nipples thinner and sharp looking stand stiff, she shows them off modeling for Peggy, then she caresses her breasts, “nmm hope you can compare”, Peggy unties her robe and rolls her shoulders as the robe slips behind her, her 36G’s sway outward and her light tan aureola’s bumpy as her thick nipples stand out stiff, after showing all sides she caresses hers for Iris, “oh i think i more than match up don’t you?”, they glare at each other as Iris swallows her words.

Iris inhales , “have a tape measure Dear?”, Peggy eases one into view as Iris shows hers, they eases the tape around their bodies, Iris straightens her frame and pulls the ends in,  she slides the tape through her finger then aligns and shows Peggy the numbers as she slips the tape off she purrs, ‘well a full 38F”, Peggy aligns her tape shows the numbers and as her tape slides off she smirks, “well a full 36G”, Iris swallows , she can give Peggy a duel but the round fuller G’s look and seem firmer at the chest wall, Peggy has that  winners smirk, Iris does a sexy slow shimmy showing her firmness, as they jostle a bit,  Iris smirks in pride but when Peggy shimmies back and hers barely move as well, Iris shows a little concern but then Peggy arches and flexes her breasts as they lift then lower Iris couldn’t help but drop her lips open, Peggy purrs now, “nmmm how about you just have that bra dropped at my hotel”.

Iris knew she  was going to be in a fight but she was still a proud woman, she inhales and her tone has more of a hiss, “why would i do that ? i have fought larger busts before, when shall we do this?”, Peggy accepts her reply, she herself has beat fuller and if Iris is as good  as she says it will be interesting fight, “nmm sooner the better, how about Tomorrow night my hotel room around 8 pm?”, Iris breathes in, “that will be fine rules and stakes?”, Peggy breathes in , winner takes Bras and milks loser, rules no other contact than breasts to breasts, no hair no hugs agree?”, Iris tilts her chin up, “i agree, what Hotel are you in?”, Peggy tells her and the room number, Peggy asks, “attire?”, Iris stares a moment, heels and G string and bra under what ever you like”, Peggy nods , “see you then “.

The next day Peggy took in the sights with us, we had an amazing day, mom was smiling and showed no concern for the fight she was facing tomorrow or the one she wants with Venus at that club, she was here for a reason and was ready.

Friday Peggy lounged at the pool , then took a nap, her red g string, heels and bra were laid on the desk, she hung he red robe on the bathroom door, at 7:30 she was dressed and did her make up and hair pulled back, her body was ready as were her strong breasts , her nipples were tenting the bra and robe as she paced about then looked out over her balcony at the hills of Greece , her room phone rang, the desk calling to ask if a guest was expected, Peggy told them to send her up and she unlocked the door and opened it just enough Iris could enter.

Peggy waited by the sliding door of her balcony, then a soft knock, before she could say it is open, a black heel steps in, then a long olive skinned leg and finally the fur coat hiding the sexy outfit under it, Iris enters the room shuts the door and latches it to Do Not Disturb, then she enters and sees Peggy is dressed as agreed on and ready, Iris  sheds her coat near the door and exposes her jet black G string and bra and her fit figure though not nearly as fit as Peggy, her thick bush showing from the G string, her nipples like tiny dagger points tent her bra as her 38F breasts swell in the cups, Peggy strips off her robe as she shows her tone figure both women are mature and they stare reading the others eyes.

Peggy drops her robe behind her and steps the center of her room , Iris does the same, they compress against the others bra cups , breasts mushroom and swell up as then each reaches around the others back and unclasp the others bra, as they feel the straps go slack , their fingers ease the straps down to others elbows, then each eases away to allow the bras to be removed, they toss the bras to the side as they pose topless for the other, and eyes scan every inch of the others breasts.

I heard the door shut when Iris entered and i listened a moment, not hearing much i waited before i inched the adjoining door open to see, finally when i could,  i saw that they were standing on an angle and i could see both of their full breasts, Peggy eased her hands on her hair and did a slow shake showing the weight and firmness, Iris follows suit then she dares Peggy to start this fight nipple to nipple, i wanted yell no, but Peggy knowing she wasn’t the best at this area accepts, Iris inhales and they ease closer and start to rub and drag nipples at the other.

I watch but more so i watch their faces , each looks between them and at the other, the slow rubbing goes on, then Iris inhales and she flicks Peggy’s each way, then Peggy inhales and does it back, they sharply flick and each of them can feel the added arousal and tension as Nipples seem to grow longer, Peggy huffs, ‘cmon more’, Iris curls a lip, “Lets go then “, and she lines up to Peggy then stabs those thinner pointed nipples into Peggy’s.

Peggy straightens her body as her nipples are stabbed and pressed back, Iris instantly sees she scored going head on into Peggy, Peggy sucks in a breath, her cheeks swell out as she holds it in to avoid a reaction, but Iris knows she scored again as Peggy couldn’t stop from rolling her shoulders back to try to ease the pressure, Iris smirks she stabs in again then this time steps into Peggy, i saw her sharp nipples buckle Peggy’s thicker shafts in on themselves, Peggy purses her lips as she blows out the hot breath she was holding with an added, “uwwww ohhh”, Iris sneers now and hisses at Peggy’s face, “ohhh something wrong big girl hmm”?, “is Iris already hurting you? mmm cmon give so my tits can hurt yours”.

Peggy tries to squirm her shoulders to peel her nipples from Iris, but the greek fighter presses tighter and soon walks Peggy to a wall, her back on the wall, Iris slowly rolls, grinds and pins her nipples into Peggy’s, “i thought you could fight cow?, give now before i puncture your pathetic nipples”, Peggy turns her head slowly, “uuuhhhh Bitch ohhh uwww ssss oh your hurting my nipples …uuughhhh ok ok i give your nipples are better”, Iris stabs in one last time then pulls free and turns to step back center room, she massages her stiff nipples as she watches Peggy have to coax hers back out, Iris smiling purrs, ‘sure you want to fight my tits? i don’t lose titfight Bitch, and i won’t stop till i hurt yours”, Peggy eases off the wall “oh you Bitch i want to fight your tits i don’t lose either and my tits are going to crush yours cmon”.

They set hands on hair again and arch pushing their tits outward, then it comes the sound i know as well as mom, CLOP, they jam tit to tit and start to grind and drag, unlike other breast battles Peggy has done where it took minutes to hear groans, as these two women grind breasts and refuse to ease up, Peggy and Iris are groaning from the feel of the others breasts pushing and pulling to force the others up,or back or to either side, Peggy huffs hotly ,‘Uuhhnnmmfff Bitch”, Iris rolls her head, “uuhhh mmfff ohhh you Bitch”.

Their bodies tighten as they swell,press,push,and stretch their firm round breasts across the others, both are breathing heavier than should be so soon into the duel, heels widen the long legs take a  stance as they try to force the other off balance to gain any little advantage, the veins of their breasts seem to bulge, get brighter then dull as flesh warps into giant mushroom shape and back to firm round shape.

Peggy seems to be struggling getting a good move on this new rival and Iris seems to strain to push Peggy’s bust, both are a bit stunned at the give and take over either getting an advantage, Iris huffs out heavy, ‘You Bitch bring your tits on cmon”, Peggy rolls her shoulders and uses them to drive her firm bust into Iris, “Cmon Bitch waiting for you to fight my tits before i beat you”, Iris eyes flash, “YOU BITCH”, she jams her tits head on into Peggy’s but Peggy’s breasts were off to her left side as she was dragging across Iris’s chest, the move caught Peggy’s breasts together at the side wall, and Iris plows in and as Peggy GASPS,  ‘UUUGHH OHHH YOU BITCH”, Iris steps into Peggy and starts to really press and drag and grind, “Cmon, More Bitch Feel my tits now hmm, Fight me”.

My eyes widen as did my mouth, but some how Iris was starting to bully Peggy bout the room, and Peggy while fighting back was feeling her rival and her breath was becoming heavier as she was doing all she could to stop Iris from pinning her to a wall or a corner where she could very well break Peggy down in under the typical hour she can fight, Peggy was retreating as they rolled and dragged their breasts as hard as Peggy did to Iris , she was going after Peggy harder, “You stupid Bitch fight my tits stop running like a school girl you cow”.

Peggy was angry more at herself , her rival was dominating this fight and very early into it, if she didn’t turn the tables soon Iris was going to beat her tits and solidly.

As i watch the fight going all for Iris i see Peggy is ready to drop her hands and defend her breasts, but there isn’t enough separation from Iris to get much of a hand on her rival without breaking their agreed on rules, Peggy shakes her head in disbelief, “uughh ughh mfff mff Bitch my tits ohhhh “, Iris hears Peggy , “thats it Cow give up say it or i’ll pound your fat tits with mine cmon give”, Peggy steps back again her big G’s are being shoved about and i see they are being worked looser as Iris is relentlessly attacking, Peggy starts to pant harder, “mmff mff mff mff ohh ughh ughh aghhh uumfff you Bitch oh my tits “, as Peggy retreats to keep the heavy pressure off Iris wants a straight up face to face titfight she grabs Peggy by the hips and starts to pump her tits left then right hard into Peggy’s, the clops are loud and solid as i see Peggy’s breast meat quake, “nmm yesss i am going to hurt your tits cow cmon “, Peggy steps back but this time her back bumps the wall, it was what Iris wanted.

Peggy gasps at the feel of the wall, her hands come apart to drop but Iris was ready for it , she grabs Peggy’s wrists and pins them on the wall, her right thigh steps in between Peggy’s thighs and she grits her teeth, “i am going to ruin your fat tits Bitch”,  Peggy squirms on the wall her mind is reeling it is all over her face how she is losing fast and easy to this woman, Peggy against the wall snakes her calf around Iris’s calf , Iris feels the leg and knows it can break her attack, she rolling pins the side wall of Peggy’s right breast with both her own, the right breast on Peggy looks to go near flat as it is ground at, Iris sneers, “uuhnn mm your breaking bitch i own you soon”.

Peggy was being handled for sure, something she was not use to at all, her head shook side to side against the wall as iris was smearing her breasts against Peggy’s, and getting them loose on her chest, it was obvious Iris knew how to titfight as well if not better than Peggy, slowly Iris starts to do a oblong roll up against Peggy, and the effect was stretching her breasts now, i saw her face and she was feeling the move as her lips purse, Ohhh uuughhhh Bitch”.

Iris in her motion against Peggy,  was taking her time beating the Queen at her own game ,the oblong up and down rolling drag was pressing every part of Peggy’s large breasts , the weight of them was helping Iris as the tendons were being stretched in all directions, Peggy was hurt i saw it on her face and in her eyes, it was all but over, she pulls her calf in to buckle Iris’s knee and throw off her designed motion, Iris was ready for it as she had her stance apart and one leg forward, Peggy let her shoulders droop a bit as her attempt yielded no effect, and instead Iris pressed tighter to her, “nmmm I own you Bitch”.

Peggy was breathing hard, her breasts were turning redder each time Iris smeared again, her struggling squirming pinned to the wall was getting weaker, Joe was behind me and softly whispers at my ear, “I can’t believe this Babe, she is going to break your Mom’, I swallowed as i looked on, my mind was sure he was right but i whispered back, ‘It isn’t over yet, she has her but thats Peggy”, as Iris arches toward her,  it was clear her next move ,she was going to go after the undersides of Peggy, if she pulled this off, Peggy was going down without much of a fight back into her rival.

Iris stares at Peggy watching her squirm and can feel the red heat off her breasts, Peggy again tries to pull her leg in and buck her hips at Iris, her rival smirks, “i hurt you now bitch”, Peggy wasn’t sure what Iris was going to do till her rival drags her tits on top of Peggy’s downward stretching them again till her own pop under Peggy’s as they settle under mom’s i had to turn my face a bit, i knew what she was about to do, Peggy inhales a much needed breath and then Iris crushes her, a wide open upper cut to Peggy’s undersides, Peggy tosses her head back , mouth open , “aaahhhhh Bitch my tits, oh you cunt”, Iris was smiling as she pumped her tits in the undersides then delivers a second uppercut, SMACK, Peggy went pale and her knees buckled as she slumped to the rug hard.

Iris rolls her back upward ,her hands on her hips as she smiles and looks down over her tits at Peggy,  on her hip and her forearms cradling her red tits Peggy was hurting, Iris walked back from Peggy, and was acting as if the fight was over already.

I was worried for mom but i have seen her take a few uppercuts to the undersides and come back to tear a rival apart, Iris slowly swaggers to the other side of the room, her sharp thin nipples steely stiff, and her breasts are red but more from designed dragging against Peggy’s then her own being worked, she was  firm and still looked it and was so ready to win or go on, she was beyond confident as she watches Peggy hurting on the floor, “What do you say Bitch hmm? you ready to give or you want Iris to hurt your tits more hmm?’’.

Peggy was swollen and red, the weight of those G’s now loosened up had to be a deep deep pain in her chest to hold, they maintain their shape and as Peggy slowly rolls up on her knees she eases her arms from her breasts and though they sway , they sway outward and look round and ready to fight on, she stands up and Iris’s face loses the smile, she got a jump on Peggy and she knew she had to work to get the big red head down, now unless she could get Peggy in a spot again a fight was coming for sure.

Peggy stands fully and she rolls her back as she sucks in a deep breath her breasts rise and Iris arches off the desk front “oh you want more”, Peggy turns to her and somehow manages to still flex her breasts , instantly the cocky smile Iris had was gone, “oh i want a lot more Bitch”, Peggy hisses back.

They slowly close the gap again and slowly Peggy eases her hands up on her hair and sways her breasts slow, “cmon Bitch”, Iris watches the heavy full pendulum sway and she swallows as her own sway it is clear hers aren’t as heavy or still have the firm round shape, but she has to finish the fight and she knows if Peggy took that much and wants more she can deliver a lot as well.

Iris comes at Peggy again ready to go after her as fast as before, Peggy now has learned her rival though, she is not as full and knows how to titfight with what she has and can beat a fuller breast, Peggy knows it all to well as she has beaten fuller , they circle once then Iris thrusts at Peggy who pretend to tense for the impending collision , she sees Iris lean in thinking she will crush into Peggy’s stiff body, but at he last second Peggy drives at Iris lower and the CLOP of their breast flesh fills the room, but as they both curl a lip and grind at the other slowly Peggy is working upward as Iris can only press head on, “UUghhh you Bitch’ Iris spits as Peggy can see her move is causing Iris’s breasts to ride up and back on themselves, Iris was so close to winning she refuses to let up on Peggy ,but her demand to beat the redhead is blinding her to what Peggy is doing to her now, Peggy closes tighter to Iris and as they grind and press breast together, Iris being higher than Peggy thinks making her rival hold both their breast weight will wear her down fast, but she doesn’t realize Peggy is folding her breasts over on themselves and exposing the red undersides ,allowing Peggy’s to freely work them with her own.

Finally almost with their shoulders touching Peggy grabs the back of Iris’s hips and pulls her in, Iris loses her stance as she is stood up in Peggy’s grasp, Peggy feels the weight ease off and she smirks as she now stabs her breasts into the white undersides and as she sets her stance begins to drag and plow ahead a perfect X drag motion, Iris feels it , she knows she made a crucial error as the feel of her tits being dug into and pulled in such extended pattern is getting her loose, her hands grab at Peggy’s arms then push at her shoulders, “uuuhhhhh mmff get the fuck off my tits”,Peggy snarls, “Fight or give up you Cow cmon”.

The two women grunt and gasp and as they step,  i see between them and Iris’s breasts are nearly pointing up and are pinned so tight between them both she has no idea or no way out of her undersides getting mauled or to stop the intense stretch on her chest muscles and ligaments, her nipples are up at her chin nearly as Peggy pumps the exposed undersides then drags up and then shimmies into each breast pulling down, Iris feels Peggy now fully and her mouth drops open as she shakes her head, her hand goes to Peggy’s face to push her away but Peggy shakes her head, “keep your hands from my face Bitch or i’ll claw your eyes out”, Iris as Peggy jam pumps at the flush undersides looks up, “AAghh uuughhh Bitch my tits ohhh umff umfff owwww get off my tits you cunt”, Peggy spits at Iris, “want it to stop just give up”.

The move Peggy had on Iris went on and the fight reached into 40 minutes, now i saw Iris was not conditioned to fight long, Peggy was draining the strength from her rival as she slowly beat her, Iris knowing she was in serious trouble now starts to thrash and squirm, as they start to sweat her body is getting free from Peggy’s grasp, finally as she shoves at Peggy and pulls herself backward, she manages to spin free, Peggy follows though and as Iris turns to face her, Peggy is in her face and again gets a hold of Iris , this time she wraps her arms around her body, her hands slip under the arm pits and she hooks her hands onto the shoulders of Iris and pulls down.

Iris feels the weight of Peggy on her shoulders and as Peggy pulls down her breasts are under the greek woman’s bust and instantly Peggy starts to punch her breasts upward into the reddened under sides of Iris, “cmon uummff umff umff fight me bitch lets go””, Iris tries to twist and press down on Peggy’s bust but all it does is add to the punishment.  Iris gasps “uughh ughhh ohhh owwww my tits you Bitch stop i am done i can’t do it”, Peggy is now punishing Iris’s undersides, ‘i said Fight Me Bitch”, Iris starts to slump she is beaten, Peggy stands her up eases her hands off the shoulder grip then totally unexpected thrusts up fast and the heavy SMACK fills the room, Iris throws her head back , “AWWWWWW STOP I GIVE”.

Peggy lets her rival go and watches her sink to her knees , instantly Peggy gets on her back and sets Iris on all fours and goes to work milking her loose tits now, Iris can only groan and cry as she shakes her head no and pleas to stop the torture, Peggy twists, crushes, squeezes and pulls at her rivals breasts then as milk starts Peggy gets off her and places her heel on the ass cheek of Iris and shoves forward.

Iris falls face first on the rug, Peggy paces looking over her red big G’s at her rival, “Get up and get out Bitch “, Iris sore swollen red stands she grabs her coat as she reaches for the bra, Peggy snaps it from her hand, “oh no Bitch i earned this”, Iris runs out tears streaming, the next day as we all went to the pool to sun, i asked mom how was last night as if i didn’t know, she smiles, “well it went my way dear but apparently these euro women know how to use their tits i’ll be in for a few real fights.

Peggy spent the day strutting about showing off her tone body and huge firm bust in a bikini but no one here was even thinking of taking her on.

Chapter 4: A Night with Venus

Peggy was riding high on her win in Greece, she was eager to get another now before we went to our next destination, Joe reminded her about the woman at the club we stumbled on , Peggy asked to see her pic again as she stared at it she saw while the woman was busty she was no match for Peggy’s firm G’s but she saw something her eyes that told her if they met it would be a fight, she hands the phone back to him, ‘Tomorrow night i’ll fight her”, Joe kisses me and jumps in a cab to run him over , he sees Venus and tells her tomorrow , she agrees to be there and he when he gets back he informs Peggy,  she smiles and goes to her room to shower.

Joe and I spoke about what might happen tomorrow he smiles, “Well Peggy will ruin her in a titfight babe, but i think this Venus chick wants something else”, I look at him, “like what?”, he smirks, “well i can see she wants to cat your mom, but i think she is looking to use her womanhood and fuck this out but i might be wrong”, i sat back i was about to inform Peggy then i thought (no i want to see her in a different fight), i lay back a grin as wide as Joe’s he holds my hand, “it will work out babe no worries”, i squeeze his hand, “oh it will”.

The next day Peggy lounged about as was her way to prepare, she was ready after a  close fight that she obviously took her rival for granted Peggy was back in her confident head, ready to fight but not ready to underestimate any woman she faced .

The sun starts to go down and peggy knocks on our door this time, “Amber you ready i need to make a stop before the club”, we open the door and Peggy was in jeans heels and a tight red blouse , other than her make up and hair she looked ready to for a night out then a fight, we all got in a cab and as we drove downtown Peggy had the driver stop and she ran into a store ready to close she was all of 5 minutes then came out a smile on her face.

I look to her “Everything ok?’, she smiles looks ahead “Perfect now”, we drove another few minutes and i could see Peggy mentally getting ready, we had no idea what this fight was going to be but knowing Peggy it wouldn’t be a quiet night, we get dropped off and Peggy grabs my hand and hurries to the side alley, she has me stand watch as she strips her jeans, and top off, i felt my mouth drop then i see she has a red toga under her street clothes, she smooths it out and has a huge smile, “how do a look?’’ I was stunned she hugs me , “ guess that means good’, we walk back to the front and Joe nearly drop his tongue as Peggy looked like a greek goddess , she posed hands on hips for him, ‘So do i match up to this woman?’, Joe stammers a yes and a nod, he opens the bar door and Joe then I then Peggy step in, no one paid much attention till Peggy swaggers from behind Joe and I, then all eyes shift her way.

As everyone gazes at her Peggy’s big G’s stretch the toga and her thick nipples spike it outward, she sways her hips while hands are on them then loudly asks, “where is this Venus Bitch ?”, i see a woman dash to the side and then reemerge after a nearly a minute i see a set of black heels under a curtain then out steps the woman called Venus, her white colored toga dress hugged her tone figure and her 36G breasts swelled in it  her long strong legs stood flexed as she stares at Peggy, she sees Joe and knows why instantly, Venus nods at Peggy then she swaggers slowly to the bar, Peggy does the same, they both order a drink the hem of the togas cup their ass cheeks as the gold waist thin and looped droops at the waist keeping the front closed just enough.

They sip their drinks in silence as their eyes take in every inch of the other, both see a gorgeous rival, a sexy rival, a threat and a blind person can see the jealous lusting tension boiling between them, Venus parts her full lips, “you sure your ready to match me?”, Peggy nods, “oh i am more than sure “, Venus leans to the bartender and she nods, then goes to the DJ, and tells him to announce Venus will be fighting tonight.

She looks back at Peggy, “we are doing right on the floor all will see”, Peggy rolls her hips slow, “how do you want it”?, Venus smiles leans closer to Peggy, her tongue extends as does Peggy’s they swirl and flick them then Venus kisses Peggy , she eases her lips back they stare a second then she purrs to Peggy, “i am going to out fuck you, then fight you winner has her way with loser”, Peggy inhales, “nmmm shall we warm up going to be a long night”, Venus was a little paused at Peggy willing and ready to have at it, but then she stares at Peggy and her nails trace down Peggy’s frame from cheek to cleavage, then as they stare her fingers ease in the front of Peggy’s tiny dress, and she caresses the left breast then right her finger tips tease the already thick stiff nipple, Peggy just smiles as if nothings being done, then she eases her hand in Venus’s dress top and pulls at the broad tip of her stiff nipple and rolls the thick shaft in her fingers.

Peggy slowly extends her tongue and Venus does the same and after they touch tongues both start to swirl and allow their tongues to tangle like two vipers in a fight, they openly deep and tongue duel as all watch , and both pull from the bar and into each other, soft moans between the open mouths as saliva builds around the lips.

The wet tongue duel is messy and goes from fast and intense to slow and passionate but they never break contact, as hands roam thinly covered bodies, the occasional break to suck in a breath Venus huffs, “i am going to ride your face after bitch”, Peggy huffs back, “come try it Bitch, i am going to milk you after i make you cum to many times”, they stab tongues again and now both quickly dart tongues and heads tilt side to side as they press together, moans as they seal lips faster and faster they kiss and swirl tongues, heels click as they try to pin other to the bar.

The tongue duel gets increasingly more arousing but very much competitive, both women hold the others face to her own by getting a good grip on the back of the others hair, saliva runs down their chins, the free hand of each caresses the others as cheek and starts to tug at the others thong, at any tiny break of their lips they either moan, or taunt to make the other cum more than she ever has, after 5 minutes both women are ready for the other, they shove apart, then glare, the D.J. stops the music and announces Venus will be fighting, Peggy .

Slowly each turns and side by side they enter what was once a dance floor, now a thin carpeted area, all the lights dim but the ones directly over the center area, they ease apart and look at the other, then each lowers her wet thong, and kicks it out of the way, the light nearly see through toga dresses stay on but they widen the top half exposing nearly all of their breasts, then each steps to the other and they stand thighs shoulder width apart, no one here needs to be told how venus fights, and Peggy knows a sexfight between women goes till one can’t go on, the winer will then have her way with loser.

they stare a moment then each reaches her right hand out then start to comb their finger nails through the others trimmed fur, their eyes lock but steal glances over the others body, then Venus hisses, “i am going to make you beg to me to stop making you cum, then i will use a strap on you”, Peggy rolls her shoulders and hisses back, “nmm try it, i am going to keep making you cum after you give up then make you worship my pussy”.

They stare as if frozen as their right hands ease lower through the others full bush, then each starts to knead the others folds, neither gasps they just breath in at the touch of another and start to rub other wet fleshy folds, slowly their large clits emerge from hoods and juices start to drip of the clits, Peggy pinches Venus’s and i see her eyes she is impressed, but when Venus pinches Peggy’s she licks her lips as they start to roll the others engorged clit between their fingers, Venus huffs at Peggy, “nmm my big clits to much for yours”, Peggy rolls the tip on her thumb, “nmm your clits no match lets them at each other whore”.

Slowly both women sink two fingers in the other and start to slowly pump in and out, as they do mouths open a bit , they glare and seem not to move as fingers are slowly gaining speed, their free hand rises up others bodies and Venus and then Peggy pinch at the stiff nipples of the other tenting the thin toga dress, “nmmm faster Bitch cmon”, Peggy moans, uuhnnmmm cmon finger me Whore”, they stare as if looking through the other and their fingers start to pump faster, the wet slurp can be heard now as each swallows a bit deeper, their fingers start to get a steady rhythm , lips purse as they begin to pant in others face.

Within minutes both press closer to use others body to stay steady, as knees bend a bit and thighs start to quiver, both moaning and try to swallow the heavier aroused moans, “cmon bitch your there let it go”, “Venus has you Bitch cum for me”, faster then suddenly Peggy uses a third finger and Venus nearly drops in a quiver to her knees, “uuuuhhhhh uhhhhh Bitch ohhhh nmmmmm yesssss “, Peggy licks her lips as Venus goes back at her with a third finger and Peggy shutters, “uuuuuhhhhh yessss you Bitch mmmmm damn you ohhhhh”.

The very bottom of both hems start to darken in their juices as fingers to hands become soaked, faster and then faster the women are pumping fingers in the other, both are panting fast and ready to explode , their muscles are tightening as they get rigid in the stance and uncontrollable quaking, their hips squirm out of desire and to ruin others steady fingering, Peggy is shaking her head and Venus starts to grin when suddenly Venus’s entire body jolts her eyes widen her mouth drops open her knees buckle as all hear her cry, “YOU BITCH!!! OH YESS YESSS I’LL RUIN YOU OHHH OHHHH FUCK CUMMING””, Peggy was able to lodge her thumb under the engorged clit of Venus and the gentle rubbing the shaft put Venus over the edge, as her body bucks Peggy goes to the floor with her rival fingering her through her entire orgasm, “Cum Whore more give it up”, Venus hips thrash then she explodes her hand comes away from Peggy who sneers as she pumping away at Venus and slowly slides her right high on top of her rivals left, “Thats it Cmon lets go Bitch woman to woman”, Peggy huffs and as they squirm into a sitting up position they slide their flawless thighs into a scissor position, their wet fur bush  hairs touch, they pause to glare then with a simple press their wet folds wetly CLOP together.

Venus arches at the wet warm feel of Peggy’s fleshy folds as Peggy does as well, it takes no taunting to get them to start rubbing and smearing , as they both prop up on hands, Venus is still shuttering from the orgasm Peggy forced but Peggy is on the verge of her first and is fighting that and Venus, their engorged clits drenched now and tiny strings of juices sway and snap from between them as they both try to hinder a fresh forced orgasm that is coming to each against the will not to.

The crowd use to seeing Venus this way watch and smirk as they are sure she will again devour another woman as so many times before, Peggy can feel every eye on her as the two of them sit up center room and are using their womanhood to duel, it is a bit outside her realm but i have seen Peggy take on and win i a sex fight but it was work, both of them snort their breathing as they slide their folds and clits through the tacky juices and mi them, both are glaring as if concentrating but they are just relying on pure animal lust to go on, slowly as both were at the height of arousal they get a jolt and stiffen as they nearly lift their ass cheeks off the floor and pressssss their wet pussies tighter to others, “uuugghhhh yessss you Bitch cum”, Peggy gulping, “Cum again i have you Bitch ohhhh yessss fuck yes”.

They start to hump as they grind  and both are near to an orgasm, almost equally, I see Peggy’s arms start to shake as she is determined to not let her first be forced, but she is also beyond aroused at both making Venus orgasm first and how close she brought Peggy, now as they sit up their wet pussies sealed as they grind into the other Peggy is barely hanging on as Venus is swirling her wet floods and clit into Peggy’s, “You cum for me Bitch ughhhh yess your there i feel it in you”, Venus rolls her head and suddenly starts to really smear and press tight to Peggy, Peggy closes her eyes holds her breath then it can’t be stopped her mouth bursts open, “AAAAAHHHHHyesss you Bitch ohhhh yess cumming you Whore”, Venus sits up higher now as each body is losing control, “Venus pants heavily, ‘BITCH ohhh god you Bitch ohhh ohhhhh yess going to cum “.

Peggy looks away as her body feels a new orgasm close behind, her arms start to feel weak as Venus tilts her hips to sit up higher and closer to Peggy, “Cum again you Whore Venus will ruin your weak pussy”, then she reaches to Peggy’s toga dress the opening at the top and shoves her hand in and starts to knead and squeeze Peggy’s tits and pinch her nipples, Peggy wants to get at her rivals tits but at the feel of the added arousal she looks up in awe, “ohhh yesssss yess you Bitch noooo fuck i ‘m cumming “, her cries of lust tell all they are tied now and Venus is slowly working her body to mount Peggy’s , “cum again for Venus Whore i will devour you”, Venus slows then quickens then slows as she feels Peggy’s womanhood she works her rivals breasts pushing the toga top wider and grabbing and kneading Peggy’s breasts and nipples.

Peggy has her thighs wide and her lower back arches off the floor, her breasts are being handled and groped in arousal not pain, and her body is nearly being pinned down, she manages to twist her hips and tilts to her left hip, her right knee bends up and Venus as she is grinding down on Peggy tries to scoop the back of Peggy’s thigh and pull it up to push the redhead to the floor, Peggy snarls a bit as she feels their clits wrestling between them, and her sudden Gasp has Venus tilt her head back in a thrilling smile as she is sure Peggy is about to orgasm again, “Ohhh Yesss Whore Cum for Venus again do it”, Peggy feels her thigh being lifted and as it is Peggy sits up and her left hand grabs Venus by the hair as her right pulls the opening of her rivals toga dress open and grabs onto Venus’s right breast and squeezes as she thumbs the stiff nipple, Venus her head back and to her left gasps, ‘UhhhhBITCH” , then Peggy as they rock hips uses her thigh in Venus’s grip to teeter her to the side and the two women land on  their sides on the floor , long legs still entangled as they  refuse to stop grinding.

Peggy was rolling her head about though i could see she was close to a third orgasm, her body was fighting it as she tried to roll to her tummy in hopes of getting up on all fours to sit back on Venus. As Peggy twists her hips more Venus felt what she was doing, quickly Venus spreads her thighs more and pulls her left leg under herself and rocks up on that knee, she snaps Peggy’s head back by her hair , Peggy’s face both winces and has a look of fear as her mouth and eyes go wide, her heavy G’s swell up between her arms, and Venus starts to pump her wet womanhood at Peggy’s from behind, the slap of flesh is filling the room along with moans.

Venus reaches up Peggy’s back and grabs a fistful of hair and slowly forces Peggy up on her knees from behind, Peggy, grimaces as she pants at the sexual fight, her broad 36 G’s sway outward and stand out nipples stiff as steel pegs, Venus uses her other hand to start fingering Peggy again, she hisses at her ear, “Cum for Venus again Bitch then i will own you”, Peggy struggles as her head is forced to look up her hands grab at Venus’s wrist in her hair, “You Bitch let my hair go and fight my clit”.

Venus was challenged openly to match Peggy and all watching wanted to see these Amazons go to it, Venus eases her fingers from Peggy, then soaked in her rivals juices works Peggy’s nipples pulling them , she then releases Peggy. Peggy is breathing heavy and she turns to see Venus remove the toga and sit up thighs spread nude but the heels she teases her own folds and smiles, “cmon Bitch clit to clit “, Peggy turns fully sits up her thighs spread she removes her toga and slowly they ease together, Peggy slows her breathing now, “cmon Whore i’ll make you beg to stop”.

Each of them slides a thigh on top of the other and the other under her rivals opposing thigh scissoring them as they bring their wet pussies closer, they glare in others eyes then slowly they presssss their folds and clits against the others, both women as they stare gasp inward then as they hold their upper bodies upright  they start to slowly grind and smear their folds , sealing them to the other.

Both gasp in and try to find the perfect rhythm, easily sliding together as the slow rubbing gets faster, their thighs flex the muscles as they both lift hips and asses to push to grind against the other, their soaked engorged clits swipe and flick and roll against the others, both are feeling the sexual effect but are in a fight to make the other orgasm not just first but till her own body can reign over her rivals.

Both are having trouble hiding the effect they have on the other, moans and hot breathing fill the room as they still glare licking lips and swallowing heavier gasps or reactions, Venus again as she sits up more is looking to mount Peggy they are soaked at the crotch and she pulls herself to Peggy using Peggy’s top legs knee, Peggy nearly is pressed back but instead she pushes her hand to Venus’s neck and rocks her own hips and torso at her, they struggle as they grind faster then Peggy finally gets Venus on the floor on her back, a few of those looking on eyes wide that Venus was just controlled, Peggy gets up on her and pulls her rivals top thigh up between her breasts and quickly finds that rhythm and glares down at Venus and is taking control, “nmmm nmmmyessss fight my clit Whore cmon ohhhh yessss nmmmm “.

Venus reaches up trying to break the hold but as Peggy finds a steady grind she looks up and back mouth open , “ohhhh you cunt ohh yess yess fucking bitch nmmmm more yeesss “, Peggy is getting faster and the wet slurp between their soaked pussies is making it easier to grind and Peggy is working on her rival , she reaches for Venus’s tits and starts to knead and squeeze and work the nipples, Venus rolls her head on the floor , “uuuhhhh uhhhh hohhhh yesss fucking Bitch my cummmming ohhh you Bitch”, suddenly Venus’s body jolts as if electrocuted , her hands grab her own hair then she starts to quiver out of control, Peggy sneers and rides her rival faster and faster, ‘Cum whore i own you and your weak cunt”.

Venus grips her hair tight, “uuuhhh uhhh yesss ohhh god cumming you Bitch”, Peggy is pumping her hips down as they drag up and down Venus, their folds and clits locked and sealed as juices splurge from between making their upper thighs glisten , Peggy glares down as Venus now reaches up and cups her right breast and kneads it deeply, Peggy reaches down and grabs Venus’s right breast and as the constant grinding and undulating carries on they are working the others large breasts to hurry more arousal and orgasm from the other.

Peggy holds her spot atop Venus and has made her rival orgasm two more times, her smile is a mask however as her own body fights to slow having her third , Venus as she pulls and kneads at the breast pushes at Peggy, Peggy grips the breast of Venus as well her thigh she holds up, but Peggy is really struggling to stay atop as her orgasm and body being drained has her weaker.  Venus suddenly starts to pulse her body and slowly she props up on her arm Peggy starts to get a fear that the greek goddess was playing possum and now has had enough, Peggy is trying to her upper thigh on top of her rivals chest to keep her under, but Venus has had to many of these erotic fights to let her, as Peggy shifts to pull her knee on the chest of Venus , Venus cups the knee cap and as she sits up pushes the leg up and bucks her hips up into Peggy, they teeter and struggle then Peggy is rolled off and onto the floor, Venus scrambles to mount Peggy, they each grab two fistfuls of the others hair and start to pull.

The switch in tactics was much needed for both women as they rip at others scalp and roll, looking like two vipers  tangled in a heated fight , their legs snaked around as are the arms and heads are torn at, faces grimace and wince in pain turn red , growling panting as they are face to face, their large breasts mushrooming between them, but as the heated sex fight carries on by hips rolling they are grinding their breasts between them , Venus and Peggy are both becoming exhausted as first one the other loses some self control and each has the other in yet another orgasm, moaning , cries and taunts spit in others face as they fight across the entire floor.

Many among the crowd comment on how this woman is giving Venus her toughest fight , and no one has matched their greek goddess so much, at one point the women stop rolling as they are on their sides , heads are stretched back, mouths wide open gasping as they grind clits then both reach another orgasm, the cries of pleasure, pain and exhaustion screech out and fill the club.

The two Amazons hold onto hair as they squirm as one then somehow manage to scissor their thighs and it starts again, sweat dripping from them as neither wants to give or give in, they sneer as they hiss and curse the other, Venus is looking like she has to be on top , it is a desperate stare and attempt, but Peggy must know her rivals not only wants the top position but must need it to fight better, she refuses to let Venus take the top spot, after a few more minutes Peggy uses her body to buck her hips and roll Venus on the floor , she quickly mounts her rival and has to ride the flailing hips of Venus.

The wild bucking forces Peggy to kneel over her but their soaked crotches separate if only a minute then as Venus tries to get her knee between their bodies Peggy pushes the heavy leg back onto Venus and her torso a cry from Venus is heard, “AWWWWWW Bitch my leg”, Peggy pins her rivals thighs apart then places her knees on the inside of Venus’s knees and she sets her body up so her knees force Venus’s knees apart , pinning her legs wide open, Peggy sits up and puts pressure on the spread thighs and then stabs her engorged clit into Venus’s, Venus eyes wide in shock mouth drops open as Peggy starts to literally fuck her rival.

She starts slow but as Venus feels the effect her head shakes no as her body betrays her and she has another orgasm, then another and as a third is building Peggy finds the perfect rhythm and like a machine now is making her rival explode over and over, “nmmmmm cum you Whore i am going to out fuck you bitch not beating me honey mmmmm yess yess cum “, Venus is basically limp on the floor as she cries out her orgasms and knows her reign is ending, “uuhh uhh you uuhhhh bitch ohhhh fuck you i am cumming bitch , i can’t i ..i ..i ohhhhh yesss you Bitch “.

After 4 more screams of her release Venus has stopped struggling her bodies only movement now is from Peggy’s body pumping against her own, and the soaking wet slurps and clops , Peggy in total control tilts her head a bit and smiles, “nmmmmm i feel another one cumming for you Whore ready for it hmm?”, Venus head against the floor, “No …n…n ohh you Bitch no more Please i give i give Stop “.

Peggy a vengeful smile slows but doesn’t fully stop her grinding, Venus gets worked into another orgasm ready to explode then as Peggy both feels it ready and sees it in her rivals eyes she stops and climbs up on Venus and eases her wet Pussy on to Venus’s face , her hands grip the woman’s hair and slowly Peggy smears her juices on Venus’s face, she gives a tight tug at the hair , “eat me cunt now”, i couldn’t see it but obviously Venus eased her tongue in Peggy as she arched her back eyes shut Peggy massages her big G’s as she moans then her body shutters and she moans, “aaahhh uuuhhh yesss yesss make me cum nmmmmm ohh ohhh ohh fuck yesss thats it nmmm Cummmingggg”, Peggy smears her rivals face in her juices again then eases off her , she grabs her toga and smiles at the messy woman she left on the floor  Peggy swagger from the fight area as every woman watching is in shock, she orders a drink and smiles at us, “i just beat a greek goddess”.

Chapter 5: A New Destination

Days after Peggy broke Greece’s sex fight Queen, we were ready to leave and take on Germany, we decided to use the train as we didn’t want to miss the sights, Peggy rested most of the ride, she so needed it after that long fight with Venus, as we see the rolling mountain scape of Germany we get our things ready and then head to our hotel, Peggy was strutting proudly with a lot of cleavage on display but one thing she noticed as we did in her confident pride was Germany had a lot of busty women but none were eyeing Peggy up, it was as if they sensed she was to much to take on.

We get to the hotel and check in same room styles, Peggy was sore but so ready for more, she stood on the balcony and inhales deep as she looks out over the rustic village and snow capped mountains and castles.

She was in a simple spandex style top that was forced to mold to her bust and tight body, the slight chilly air had the tiniest hairs standing  and her thick nipples were as well, as her 36G’s swelled over the tops cups, her slow long inhale breath fills her body with the thinner air as she smiles at what she has accomplished on the trip.

The first few days are for once a normal sight see and relaxing vacation, but i can tell Peggy is getting  hungry to fight , she is eyeing nearly every woman we pass but they barely glare back, i look at Joe and he smiles i nod to him and we are out to find her a fight with an equal.

That night Peggy wanted to go out so we headed to center of town and found the beer tents were up and open, we quickly went in and sat, the barmaids slinging steins were all very healthy women but none were as big  as Peggy if they were they were no where near as firm and they knew it, as the tents fill up and the lights come on the crowd gets larger and among the singing and toasts, there are more red noses than i have ever seen.

We lose track of the crowd and who has entered so i whisper to Joe to take a walk around the tent see if we have anyone can match her, he nods and heads off, Peggy asks if all is ok i smile “great mom thanks for this trip”, she smiled and rubbed my thigh, “your welcome dear and i appreciate you dealing with my desire “.

Joe is nearly ready to give up when he sees a gorgeous blonde woman with the perfect hour glass figure, he approaches her and she smiles as he asks if there are women near by that engage in competition with other women, she smiles as her broad chest swells, “i know one that does, my names Gretchen, who is it that is looking for for some”?, he smiles, “she is here care to meet her?” Gretchen Smiles “love to”, they stand up and Joe gets the full frontal of her a 5’9” 148 pound Blonde with 36G bust 28-38 figure and 57 years old with ice blue eyes, she inhales for him,”lead the way” wearing heels jeans and a tight tee shirt with the front cut to her deep cleavage, she follows Joe.

As they approach the table we are at he shows me huge eyes then the busty blonde emerges from behind him and my eyes bulge , Peggy sees my reaction then turns and slowly stands as they catch each others eye , the instant jealous dislike is so obvious, as both women inhale for the other.

Peggy asks, “who is this?”, Gretchen simply purrs, “my name is Gretchen i heard you want competition this right ya?”, Peggy looks her over, “thats right you think you can match me tit to tit?”, Gretchen slides her covered bust across Peggy’s , “nmmm i can but i want more”, Peggy slides hers back , “name it”, Gretchen smirks, “i want to fight you as well”, Peggy takes a breath in, “when and where?”, Gretchen stares at her, “now away from the tents we can be left to finish it ya?”, Peggy sees the crowd is getting even larger then looks back at Gretchen, “lead the way”.

joe and i stand and follow mom, she follows Gretchen, we exit the tent and Gretchen comes off as a sweet heart as she smiles at Peggy, “your American ya?”, Peggy smiles back , ‘i am yes”, as they chat and we walk to where no one will see or hear them, Gretchen explains that the castle off in the distance was once her 3x grandmothers who was a baroness, and that Gretchen would still be if not for the modern times changing the rule of order here, Peggy is impressed then tells her rival that back in America she is looked at as a Queen for ability to titfight and fight, Gretchen needed it explained more then nods,  she tells Peggy with a smile, after tonight she and Peggy should meet at the castle and fight tit to tit, Peggy now knows she and this woman aren’t going to titfight its a real fight, “well i would love to titfight you, i thought that was wha we are doing now”, Gretchen smiling, “ya i want to as well but i see that we hate each other and are how is …jealous and i want to Fight you like bitches”.

Peggy never one to get out of a fight, “well as long as after tonight are still able to titfight i love to fight you”, Gretchen a less smile, “you are a bitch no?”, Peggy a lesser smile, “oh i am Bitch are you?”, Gretchen nods , “i am very much, so we fight then tomorrow we go in my grand mothers castle yes or you to weak?”, Peggy gives a glare, “i will fight you tomorrow with tits as well then”, Gretchen nods , “Good now  follow me we go right over here”.

Both are in heels and jeans and Peggy has her red spandex top no bra and Gretchen a tight tee shirt no bra as well, jeans and heels her blonde hair about Peggy’s length enough to put up which she does as they step into a gazebo near the park with tiny lights surrounding the railings.

They step aside from the other and each stares at the other as they tie their hair up at the top, nipples on both are tenting the tops  as if ready to rip through, Peggy sets hands on hips and looks across at Gretchen who is still smiling, “so Peggy , we fight like bitches Ya?”, Peggy breathes in “sure anyway you like name the rules and stakes Gretchen”,  Gretchen stares back, then softly says, “no kicking other than that we fight  it out, loser worships winner tits ya?”, Peggy breaths in as does Gretchen, “Fine with me we ready?”, Gretchen slowly eases her top off and poses for Peggy, then Peggy takes her top off and poses for Gretchen they see the titfight will be a long one as both are so full and firm.

Gretchen smiles and starts toward Peggy as she heads to the blonde, they circle once as they smile as if its a friendly  fight  coming, Joe and i watch a bitt feared for her yet excited this might be the bitch to break Peggy and make her give, they come closer and still grin then Gretchen and Peggy collide, their large heavy firm tits CLOP together but their hands stab into others hair, “Bitch”, “whore” are spit at the other as they yank with hate on others scalp.

Both women are pressed chest to chest and their thighs widen for balance, th smiles are long gone now as they grit teeth and snarl in others face, the degree of hair pulling is one i have not seen Peggy in since Gina years ago, these two are trying to literally rip other bald as hair floats to the ground, they spin and stagger about growling like wild cats released.

Peggy is tugging yanking then shaking the blonde by her hair and slowly is gaining the upper hand as Gretchen is is getting her head tilted to the right and her body has to follow she stumbles a bit, Peggy quickly rips her left hand free of the hair and delivers a crisp slap across Gretchen’s face, it lands perfectly and Gretchen stumbles , Peggy using the one hand spins the blonde by her scalp and Gretchen slips and lands on her knees, Peggy doesn’t hesitate a second , she pounces on the blondes back and using the hair hold she still has bends the blondes head fully back making her look up, her neck stretched back Gretchen lets out a squeal, “Aaghhhh Bitch my hair”.

Gretchen face red and wincing tries to reach up behind her to get at any part of Peggy, Peggy smiles down at the attempt then takes Gretchen’s left wrist and twists it up behind her back, the blonde cries out, “AAAAWWWW uughh Bitch”, Peggy applies more pressure , “want to give hmm ? cmon Bitch say it”, the blonde shakes her head no, and has to place her free hand to the cool grass as her left is being tortured her large breasts sway under her  it is clear she either under estimated Peggy or Peggy was more than ready to fight.

Peggy now pounces on the small of Gretchen’s back and lays her large breasts on the smooth back of her rival she smiles as her lips near the blondes ear, “Give up or i will break your arm Bitch ya?”, Gretchen has tears as it hurts to be trapped in such a move and Peggy isn’t giving an inch to go on in such pain, Joe and i look at each other in shock as Peggy with in minutes has full control of this large blonde.

Gretchen refuses to give as i hoped and she squirms and fights to throw Peggy off, as she does Peggy uses her free hand releases the hair and delivers a loud sharp SLAP to the blondes breast, it quakes and sways into her other breast, Peggy snarls, “give or i’ll rip those tits apart bitch”, Gretchen has tears run as she spits, “get off me cunt and fight me face to face ya cmon”, Peggy stabs her nails in the blondes breast and crushes it in her claws, Gretchen yelps, Aiiiieeee my tit”.

Peggy still miles as she is dominating this German fighter, “Cmon bitch give now”, Gretchen widens her knees lowering her torso nearly to the grass, as a result she frees her other arm and stabs her nails in the red hair of Peggy, and yanks and pulls hard, Peggy grimaces and shouts, “let go of my hair cunt i’l rip your tit off”, Gretchen rocks her hips then as she pulls bucks forward, Peggy slides up her back and face first on the grass, Gretchen squirms and kicks to get free, her wrist still in Peggy’s grip she turns Peggy upside down and then drops her tits on the redheads face as she lays on her Gretchen stabs her fist in to the side of Peggy, thud after thud rings out as Peggy starts to stab her fist up into the blondes side.

Both women throw jabs in the others side as they grunt and breasts smother faces, slowly they kick and the rolling starts but as they roll they become dislodged and they push apart then both stand up ready to fight on.

Gretchen puts her hands up and makes fists, “you like to punch cunt ya lets punch”, Peggy does the same, “anyway you want it cunt bring it”, they draw closer as their large breasts rise and fall heavy nipples like steel they glare at the other ready to escalate the fight .

The night is silent then they each start to punch and the clack of fists landing rings a loud, they stand face to face and start to fist fight taking and giving the heavy blows, both grunt and spit Bitch and other insults at each other as they land blows to face, ribs and breasts, the fleshy thuds ring out as they get more heated, “cmon bitch fight” Peggy spits as Gretchen spits back , ‘put your fists up cunt cmon fight me”.

They exchange more blows each getting her moment of advantage as they get heated and hit harder, grunts spew out from lips as first Gretchen then Peggy give each other a bloody nose and cut lips and bruises form on cheeks and breasts, the anger in which the blows are exchanged is like all of Peggy rivals in one woman.

They still exchange a few blows but more well aimed now Peggy delivers a 1,2 at Gretchen’s face but they aren’t powerful, as she brings her fist back Gretchen steps in and fires a right upper cut to Peggy’s breast, the blow stopped Peggy in her tracks and she recoils backward, Gretchen drives at her and delivers several tummy blows as Peggy cupped her breast bending her forward, Gretchen then grabs her by the hair and as she pulls Peggy her right fist stabs blows up into her face and tits, “cmon you Bitch i am going to break you right here bitch fight back”.

Peggy is groaning and screeches “let go of my hair cunt”, Gretchen holds Peggy still and a fist slams up into Peggy’s face, thee blow staggers her and she falls on her back on the grass, as he lands on her back Gretchen a snarl lip pounces on top of Peggy and starts to pound her at her face as she straddles her, “fucking cow fight back cmon “, from the back Gretchen looked like a wand of the grand father clock as left then right fist swung down the fleshy clacks landing as Peggy tries to cover her face and swing up at Gretchen.

Gretchen was beating Peggy bad and slapping most of her punches upward aside, but Peggy never gives up easily,  she stabs a fist up under Gretchen’s left breast and  it bounces up at her face and her face winces in pain, she cups her breast and Peggy bucks her off of her, they roll apart then Peggy scrambles to Gretchen and grabs a fistful of hair from the side then swings her fist into the blondes face, Gretchen gets 3 solid blows then turns and the two women are at each others hair again ripping like wild cats, heads shook by hair and yanked every way they can breasts collide rub and bellow out as they grunt, screech and growl.

Peggy is making a huge come back as i see Gretchen wince and gasp at how Peggy tears her hair but it was not to be her night, Gretchen has her by the top of the scalp and manages to yank Peggy’s down bending her forward then spins her around by the hair, Peggy still had a hold of Gretchen’s hair but as she is twirled around her feet tangle up and she lands on her knees.

Gretchen doesn’t hesitate a second she straddles Peggy’s right shoulder and gathers all the hair she can and pulls up hanging Peggy by it while forcing her torso downward, she spits, “you let hair go  bitch ya and give now”, Peggy face cherry red gasps, “AWWWW my hair you cunt owwwww Bitch”.

Gretchen savagely shakes Peggy’s head as she screams from the amazing hot burning agony we can hear strands snapping, Peggy stabs her claws in the blondes flawless long thigh and Gretchen grits her teeth and while holding hair in her left starts to  viciously slap Peggy about her face, “let go cow i will rip this mop out bitch”, she snaps Peggy’s head back and forth “cmon say it ya i will hurt you Bitch”, Peggy eyes shut teeth gritted tears running growls, “Fuck you bitch”, Gretchen a evil sneer, “you stupid bitch “.

Gretchen whips Peggy to the ground by her hair on her stomach, then pounces on her back, she gathers fresh hair then pulls back till Peggy is so far bent back her 36’G sway freely and Gretchen a evil grin reaches over and grab her left breast and digs her claws in it, “i’ll rip your tits off  you won’t titfight again you want this ya ?”, Peggy in agony her eyes widen in fear, “ok ok Bitch i give , i give let go”, Gretchen gives an added yank then pushes Peggy’s face in the grass as she stands up, she stares down over her a second then grabs her top and redresses.

Peggy crying from pain kneels up Gretchen smiling again , “we hold the titfight 2 days till you heal ya? then you take a cab to that castle 9pm we settle it tit to tit ya?”, Peggy nods ready to go on then Gretchen swaggers back to the tents,  Peggy gets up and dresses again , “you ok mom?” she nods, “i will be when i fight her again, i’ll beat her tits then claw her to pieces lets go”.

Chapter 6: The Countess and the Queen

Peggy wasn’t as beat up as i thought the next day, I think Joe getting ice on her face was instrumental in that one, but other than a few marks and a black and blue here and there she wasn’t really in need of a big rest, one thing was certain , getting her to wait another day to face Gretchen was going to be a new level.

I knew if we took her out the sight seeing she would be doing is for Gretchen, if they saw each other it would be a fight no doubt. We saw a few of the sights and though Peggy was enjoying the sights her eyes were were on the glare for the blonde Baroness, Peggy gave her a fight for sure, But Gretchen with her innocent smile right up to the fight started was a trap Peggy fell for, she had no idea Gretchen was ready and wiling to go all out , we all not just Peggy thought it was going to be at worse a hair fight or some sort of comparing even a nipple duel but once Gretchen set things in motion it was a street fight .

Having seen Peggy in both arranged and sudden there was always that chance or risk a fight was coming and she was mentally ready, but Gretchen lured her from prying eyes making her think it was to have an erotic style so when the fight started i think she was taken back, then again by Gretchen being so savage and willing to punch it out.

We started to head back to the hotel, for us it was a great time, but Peggy was lost in how or where to find Gretchen, with no one speaking German, to enter a bar and ask about Gretchen would be near impossible without some kind of trouble from either men or women and Peggy wanted all she had for the german Amazon.

The next day was much the same for Joe and I but Peggy wanted to be sure she was a 110% for tonight. Peggy woke around 7 that night she did her stretches and some workout a shower than had a full protein meal sent to her room, as i checked i around 8:30 she was already getting dressed, tonight she wore black heels black thigh highs thong and bra then a black kimono style robe , hair up and make up was perfect, she looked like a model, her cleavage had the bra strained as her veiny G’s were swelling in anticipation, she looked at me as she eased a long coat on, “we ready to head up?”, i smiled “yes mom Joe is getting the car to drive us”, she walked by me, “lets go then”.

I smiled my plan was going as i wanted but i still care for her and don’t want to see her hurt, i  know if we weren’t at the catfight these two had it might have gotten more vicious, and as i shut the door it hits me , it very well still might, Peggy hates to lose any fight .

The car pulls up and we all get in as Joe tells the driver to take us to the old Baronesses Castle i look at Peggy her hand is in her coat and softly massages her breasts to get them ready, her eyes stare out the window as if she is already seeing the fight that hasn’t happened yet and by the look in her eye and not even a smirk as she pinches her thick nipples, it is as if she sees this titfight not being in her favor but i know no matter what Peggy will make Gretchen sorry she took her on win or lose.

It was much chillier as we reach the castle, i felt bad for Peggy barely dressed but she didn’t seem to notice or care, we stepped from the car and told the driver we would call to be picked up, the wrought iron gate was still open and a few lights shinned from the windows above, the castle was still in Gretchen’s family but she had it made into an attraction to help keep it maintained, as we stepped into the courtyard we see a shadow stand by the window hands on hips, Peggy stared back up.

Joe pushed at the front door that were at least eight feet high and what looked like a foot thick, we step in and it was as if we stepped back in time, other than the modern lighting replacing the torches the castle and everything in it was left exactly as it was centuries ago, as we walked in you picture the German Baroness ruling and walking about  the statues of armor, weapons, and the opulence of the detail works of decor.

Peggy looked about admiring the how time seem to have stopped in the building, slowly we starts to hear the click of heels and Gretchen appears in a stone lined winding stair case, her eyes and that smile at Joe and I were so inviting but as her eyes scan to Peggy’s the bright welcome look turned frozen as did Peggy’s, both could see the lightened bruises they left on others face and marks from nails.

They inhale at the other , both ready to wait on the titfight and start tearing into each other again but they swell their busts at the other and need this first, Peggy in a hiss, “Where?”, Gretchen a sneer and hiss back, “the tower we can do this out on the top “.

Peggy knows it is chilly let alone even higher up but both know the night air will numb a lot of pain making the duel go longer, Peggy sways her hips and removes her coat, her body wearing the skimpiest sexiest black bra thong thigh highs and heels he had, “Lead the way”, Gretchen removes her coat to reveal her yellow thigh highs thong and bra and heels her hair up as she wants and is as ready as peggy for this duel, she turns and the slow click of hr heels are joined by Peggy’s.

The long walk up was adding to the tension as the two of them keep glaring at the other as if there were anymore steps the fight would start in the stairwell, but each holds back till finally Gretchen opens a heavy wood door and we step out on to a large wide cement  circle, the edges with the old style points that look outs and archers stood centuries ago, Gretchen shuts the heavy door as Peggy slowly walks to the edge and looks over , the parking lot a lot smaller now from the towers limits, she looks back at Gretchen, “thats a hell of a drop if one of us gets knocked between these”, Gretchen wearing that sexy inviting smirk again purrs to Peggy, “well we will have to agree if one of us gets ..trapped between them we pause and reset, and we will have to watch our footing , now you still want to fight Gretchen ya?”, Peggy glares, “oh very much so and more”, Gretchen glares back, “oh you want the rematch as well?, ya i agree after we go down and fight again as well”.

Gretchen stands by the door to the tower and the steps down and turns a switch on, the entire inner circle of the tower lights up, then she slowly steps to the center , Peggy seeing this is where they will titfight meets her as they stand face to face the very edge of their bra cups shaped in rounded form to their firm breasts hiss as they breath and nipples tent and rub.

They stand this way a few moments then Gretchen says, “What are we agree on for our fight?’, Peggy “No hands just my tits against yours, winner milks loser, and can smother under breasts, face sit or use hands, you?”, Gretchen feeling her covered nipples meet Peggy’s breaths in , “i agree to that but i take that bra from you as well”, Peggy smirks, “not without a fight “, Gretchen breathes in, “then we fight”.

They stand still and eyes locked they both reach back and peel off their bras, they toss them by us and as they stare at the others round firm breasts their nipples rub and despite the dislike they both feel the  arousal, softly they rub, roll and flick others nipples and you can see their stiff nipples grow and get thicker at the feeling, they slide the shafts side by side as if sawing the others as the tips dab into the swollen aureola’s and each licks her lips to not moan.

They flick with more determination now and each can see the others breasts hold firm the Peggy raises her hands to her hair and inhales, Gretchen stares and follows suit, they let nipples still flick then Gretchen presses firm into Peggy, both women inhale at the feel of others equal pair and they hold to each other, after the initial press they both start to rub their breasts into the others, “uuuhhnnn mmm ya fight my tits “, Peggy rolls and rubs back “uuunnnn mmm yes cmon fight my tits”.

Both women are a bit aroused and stunned at how full and firm the other really feels to her own, they stand frozen as they bump, rub , roll and smear their tits to the others , breathing slow but heavy and getting the erotic feeling gone so they can get more intense . as we watch the start of this duel is so evenly matched i start to think it will go he longest ever, but not soon after i see these two amazons really want to fight the others tits and win.

The slow dragging pressing starts to speed up between them, their round full breasts bulge every angle and at times Peggy then Gretchen’s seem to swallow her rivals only to reform by force of the others breasts taking control, they both Pant heavily, “Fight uuhhhh”, then Peggy tries to take control, “Cmon Bitch” she pumps her tits firmly, the Clop is firm and Gretchen gets shaken, “”uuhhh uhhhh mfff ohh you Bitch “.

Peggy felt it and a smirk as she now starts to go at the big blonde, she pulses head on the clops ring out as their flesh turns pinkish from the cold air, Peggy then bumps head on the stabs into Gretchen and drags up and down , “uuhhmmm mfff mff mf cmon bitch fight my tits”, Gretchen pants out as her hot breath is seen leaving her lips, “uuughh ughh mmff mff ohh you bitch fight “, the crisp night airs silence was broken by the warm firm Clops as their smooth round flesh collided over and over, neither of the women made any attempt to shift or dodge the others driving breasts into her own.

The smooth round veiny breasts on both recoiled then instantly reshape only to be recoiled back as they pumped together, the pink chilled skin turning back to the natural color then start to redden as they cause a jostling quake to others breasts, it wasn’t a pain as if hit or roughly squeezed , the pain was coming in the form of a deep ache from the constant contact, and rolling, there was more to come between these two but for now they just needed to cause that ache to go deeper till her rivals breasts grew more sensitive and hurt all around.

They arched almost inhaling offering their full firm round breasts to the other  as if begging for more contact, their panting breath grew hotter and more frequent, as the light steam of their breath mixed in the chilly mountain air, neither woman twists or shifts they stand face to face as this duel is already 10 minutes in and just grunts disturb the steamy hot breath flow.

Neither shows in her face any worry about the other, as they jam head on again it is Peggy that makes a change in the rhythm they had going, the clop is firm then she presses in tight and drags slow but firm into Gretchen’s breasts, Gretchen breathes in, a soft groan, “uuuhhhhh ohhhh”, Peggy hear her and now grinds in slow but with purpose, “uuuhhhh cmon bitch”.

Gretchen curls a lip and then presses to Peggy and drags up and across she stares in Peggy’s eyes as it causes Peggy to groan, “uuuuhhhh mmffff bitch”, each takes her turn then slowly a new rhythm starts as they exchange the slow dragging and grinding across each other, “uummff mmfff cmon Bitch”, Gretchen hisses, “uuuhnn mmff mfff ohhhh you bitch fight “.

The tight duel starts to gain speed now and the clops of flesh ring out faster as do grunts from their full lips, the duel gaining speed and intensity now, the first sign of effect they have on the other their heels slowly scrape the ground then skid on it as they try to drive the other back yet want her close to feel the effect, “cmon bitch, “uuhhh yes fight ya cmon”.

The action now gets faster the clop, then claps, then slaps of their heavy breasts collide and grind away, chests start to get red as they use shoulders to drive breasts harder, they are dead even then Gretchen suddenly is losing ground, she retreats as Peggy uses her breasts as we have sen so often, hurting her rivals and beating her, “uuhh uhh uhh uhh cmon bitch stand and fight my tits”, Gretchen staggers backward , her breasts being bounced and pulled by her rivals breasts, “mmff mff mff bitch ohh uughhh mfff get off my tits ohh”.

Gretchen her face both showing hurt and shock staggers back till her bar back thumps against the castle tower stone , as she hits it her back straightens and her broad breasts stand out and lift, Peggy steps in and delivers a quick but sold upper cut to her rivals undersides, SMACK Peggy lands it but Gretchen stays standing, “Uughhh ohhh “, Peggy not sure she realized her rival felt the move but wasn’t downed stays on her , “cmon cow fight my tits cmon!” she pumps head on and drags smears and grinds at Gretchen, i can see the bulging flesh of the blondes breasts get turned on her chest, “uuhhh uhhh ohhh you Cow uughhhh get off my tits”, Peggy grabs the top of the short wall designed for look outs and archers  and she goes after Gretchen hard smearing, grinding , dragging pumping as if no resistance at all, “yes cmon feel my tits hmm fight me cmon bitch i want more”, Gretchen her back getting scraped up  shakes her head no as her breasts are being worked over .

Gretchen is gasping her, breasts are being rolled out on her chest as Peggy uses her own like a rolling pin, up and down and pumping, I was a bit stunned how she took Peggy’s uppercut but i now realize after she landed the move , Peggy didn’t follow through instead she wanted to go at the busty blonde breast on breast head on and prove to herself and her rival she didn’t need any extreme move to beat her breasts.

Gretchen is being worked but she is fighting back hard as she can, Peggy while in control is panting hard as she can’t seem to put the blonde away, as she presses tighter to Gretchen the blonde grabs Peggy by her hips and pulls her in then arches from the stone wall and stabs her left then right then left into Peggy’s breasts “cmon Bitch you fight me ya umff umff umff “ , Peggy’s breasts get jolted from Gretchen and the clops are firmer and the clops louder, Peggy a bit stunned gets backed up and staggers as her heels scrape but her breasts being almost punched by Gretchen’s, “ohh uughh ughh mmff mff cow ohh you bitch uuhhnn uhnn “.

They twist but Gretchen is working hard to get back in the fight, Peggy is now feeling her rival and is starting to work hard to stay in this fight, “mmff mff mf ohhh ughhhh bitch damn it”, Peggy gasps as Gretchen smears and jabs a rhythm starts she forces Peggy to retreat now till her bare back hits the cement tower wall and Gretchen starts to go at her tits. Peggy hands press at the wall behind her to ease the scraping, arches and rolls her shoulders, Gretchen shoulders back plowing her tits into Peggy’s equal pair, her hot breath on the face of  Peggy, “uuhhh uhh nmmm I am going to hurt you now ya”.

Despite Gretchen getting Peggy on the wall and working at her Peggy was taking it as if the big blonde had no effect on her , she easily was fighting back, then Gretchen turned it on, bringing a rougher version of her fight to Peggy,  Gretchen thrusts head on to start her series, she takes Peggy on three times head on the clops a bit solid , both grunt at the contact, but Gretchen was timing herself to unload on the big redhead, as they gain a bit of space between their breasts Gretchen follows through with a very full left to right swing of her breasts across Peggy’s, the SMACK was solid and i saw Peggy’s firm round set quake and jostle, then before they settle to a stop Gretchen swung back the other way, SMACK rang again, the move was a slower breast boxing move but had a lot of force behind it, Peggy’s G’s were crushed into each other and jostled firmly and quaked from the aftermath carrying them across her own chest.

Peggy at first was taking the assault, her proud firm G’s were being battered but standing firm, and as Gretchen was battering them, her own were standing firm and making for a loud sold collision into Peggy’s.

Both women grunt at the impact but now as Gretchen closes in tighter to Peggy and the wall pressing at her back Peggy can’t swivel her shoulders as often or fast and the power, Gretchen sneers as she feels the returning blows slow, and tightens her chest as she now aims and delivers solid side to side impact with heavy dragging across Peggy’s breasts, she works her rival Peggy rolls her head and gulps as she pants heavy at the attack.

Gretchen her lips a sneering smile spits at Peggy, “feeling my tits ya? want to fight Gretchen hmm? come bitch where are your tits now hmm?”, Peggy is getting red in the face as her tits are turning redder with each THWACK of her rivals heavy breasts, as i watch and wonder if this blonde is about to break Peggy’s breasts the way her G’s are battered is like slow motion as i can see the flesh cave and fold around the firm G’s hitting them then crush together before being forces up and to the side only to have the blondes breasts drive in and drag them further stretching the chest tendons and muscle.

The move goes beyond the painful colliding as her chest is pulled on by the after effect, Gretchen however not feeling it at the moment is suffering , her breasts as they meet the firmer pair of Peggy’s collide together and swell up thinning her thick fleshy globes and turning red, Peggy knows though taking much more of this will hurt her and she has to get out of it but can’t use hair or these two will be in a catfight in a second.

Both are breathing heavy panting, gasping as they both want this win, Peggy feels her rival a bit more now as her breasts get both pounded into and dragged and stretched her back limited to turn allows her chest to take the weight of her rivals breasts , “uughhh ughhh Bitch!, my tits ohhh mff mff mff cunt”, Gretchen a snarl, “come you Cow fight my tits , your nothing but talk”, Peggy in anger stabs her tits out and while it slows Gretchen’s attack she adjusts easily, “that your best bitch hmm? Gretchen will hurt you now “,  Peggy feeling the wall start to cut skin and her breasts being hurt has one card to play, she waits for Gretchen to deliver a hard hit, she didn’t wait long as Gretchen drags right then the expected left blow never comes instead Gretchen lets Peggy’s breasts settle into place then she dips and thrusts up the SMACK is sharp and Peggy tosses her head back, “AAAGhhh Bitch!!”, the upper cut was heavy and hard and knocked Peggy’s breasts up .

Peggy had the way off the wall she drops to her knees and then hip, Gretchen looking down over her own tits heaving breath, “Get up you Bitch Fight ya come stand and fight”, Peggy was hurting no doubt and the upper cut was hard her eyes welling up as she catches her breath but she was very much ready to go on she needed off the wall, as she rolls on her knees i see her back has white scrape marks but a few cuts as well, she really was getting hurt .

Gretchen was growing impatient her breasts swelled outward red and ready to fight on, Peggy’s were still in perfect shape and a bit redder and a bit more swollen, but she had to go down to avoid anymore damage to her bare back, once satisfied she was ok, Peggy stands up, and sucks in a long breath her breasts out as well, both ladies circle now and glare they both knew this exchange can very well decide the duel.

Gretchen was a bit concerned her rival stood and looked as ready as when the fight began, and she knew deep down the upper cut to her undersides earlier was not Peggy’s hardest, both make sure their hairs secure then hands go atop as they shimmy and head into each other, after nearly an hour both ladies are feeling the others firm breasts and both know the next few minutes will be a real test of ability and endurance.

They move slower as they approach, and as it first started they flick and rub stiff nipples, their eyes locked as chins tilt up in pride, “ready to end this Bitch?”, Peggy hissed at her rival, Gretchen a raised brow, “so ready Ya come fight my tits Bitch”.

They suck in then CLOP! rings out as they crush head on, they press tight and rub and roll and smear tit to tit as hard as they can, both stare then each turns her face as they push and smear and drag hard, breasts are bulging, looking ready to burst open from the tight pressure, breathing turns to grunts as they drive equally into each other, nipples become swallowed in the large veiny flesh as they use their long strong legs to push and press and attempt to drive other back while stand stabile.

Both part their lips as they feel the others true strong round weight and firmness, “uuuhhhh uummfff Bitch “, “uuhhh uughh mmff mff whore fight “, back and forth they see saw but neither is getting that big advantage to hurt the other and take over, the night sky grows darker as midnight grows near, the air chillier , the hot breathing mixing in the air above them, foreheads meet now and they have to look other in her eyes as they bump, push, drag, mash and roll breasts firmer to her rivals.

The fight goes past an hour , both are ready to drop now but the war is not yet settled and the warmth of the others breasts and body is keeping them in tight, as they grind even tighter together breasts are being shoved and ironed between chests and breasts, they smear foreheads as they grunt in others face the threat and reactions, “cmon bitch your tits are done”, Gretchen, “ohh uhhh your tits tired ya? give to my superior tits cow fight me”, Peggy gasps “uuuggggBitch” Gretchen a smirk starts to drag her tits on top of Peggy’s making her take the weight, “uuuhhhhh mmfff you Cow”, Gretchen smirks, “you feel Gretchen now  mine hurting yours i know, give now “.

Peggy leans against Gretchen it looks like she is all but done now, Gretchen rolling her tits on top of Peggy’s is smiling as she rolls her shoulders to try to punish Peggy more, Peggy stutter steps a moment , Gretchen is all over her dropping her heavy tits on Peggy’s i was getting worried this was about over then like Peggy has in her past , she lured her rival into false hope, her knees bend she dips then looks at her rival, “i am going to break your tits”, she pulls her breasts low and then shoots up hard, SMACK!!!, then again SMACKKKK!! SMACKKK!!! SMACK!!!, Gretchen the first two was in shock as she was stood up straight her tits swaying out free as she was so stunned and hurt she forgot to cover, Peggy landed one last driving uppercut, SMACK!!.

Gretchen arches in pain but before she can reset her stance Peggy starts to pump in and up and is destroying the undersides of the big blonde, driving her back and staying in her weakest area, “mmff mmfff mfff cmon Bitch fight my tits FIGHT!!!.

Gretchen has her head up and back,tears start to run from her eyes, her cheeks pink from the cold, and her breasts are now red all around, the blue veins dulled from the swelling mass, her aureolas stand firm but her nipples sink a bit.

Peggy stands her up grabbing her hips and is refusing to stop driving into the undersides, the Clops turn to claps and slaps as she stares in Gretchen’s eyes “Give Bitch say it !”, Gretchen lips trembling and pouted nods , ‘YA I GIVE MY TITS STOP STOP !!!!”.

Peggy jams her breasts one last firm drive then pushes back from Gretchen, the blonde cups her tits in her forearm and sinks to the stone floor, Peggy saunters hips extra sway, til behind her rival and straddles her back, then slaps her hands on to each breast and squeezes as hard and deep as she can, Gretchen rears her head in pain , “ohh owwww you Bitch!!” Peggy works the breasts till she milks her and stands then using her heel on the blondes ass cheek kicks forward and Gretchen lands breast first on the freezing stone soaked in her milk.

Peggy smiles as Gretchen begs for it to stop and stands hands on hips breasts out for more nipples stiff as Gretchen has t weakly stand, Peggy saunters to the robes and bras and takes both as she heads to the door Gretchen growls, “you can’t take my clothes”, Peggy turns on her heels drops everything then walks to Gretchen and jabs her tits into the blondes, “who is gonna stop me?”, Gretchen snarls, “maybe you forget i beat your ass ya?”, Peggy looks her over , “you wanna rematch ?”, Gretchen breathes heavy, “your not taking my things”, Peggy sneers and lands a open hand slap that rings out and turns Gretchen fully around, as Gretchen is stunned Peggy rams into her back and yanks the blondes head back by her hair then her claws stab into the breasts and scratch deep, Gretchen squeals as Peggy snarls, “shut that mouth Bitch”, then slams three right fists to Gretchen’s face.

Gretchen falls on her knees again as Peggy uses her hair to whip and drag the blonde across the stone ground, “cmon Bitch stop me fight me get up”, Gretchen screeches as her hair is being torn by the fistful, finally Peggy pounces on her chest and like Gretchen did swings her fists like a wind mill into the blondes face and head, the thwacks and thuds ring out as we see Peggy sitting up on her rival and pounding away.

Gretchen reaches up to punch back and even rakes her nails at Peggy’s breasts but as Peggy lands a shot to the nose Gretchen drops her arms and shakes her head no more,Peggy gets up and swaggers again to the door grabs everything again then looks back, “Guten tag Bitch”.

We call the driver and as we head back to the hotel Peggy is massaging her sore breasts but is on a high i haven’t seen in a long time, she smiles at us, “that was a great fight her tits were hard but not hard enough to beat the Queens, i wonder should i fought her for the castle?” then laughs.

Chapter 6: The Baroness and the Queen

Peggy wasn’t as beat up as i thought the next day, I think Joe getting ice on her face was instrumental in that one, but other than a few marks and a black and blue here and there she wasn’t really in need of a big rest, one thing was certain , getting her to wait another day to face Gretchen was going to be a new level.

I knew if we took her out the sight seeing she would be doing is for Gretchen, if they saw each other it would be a fight no doubt. We saw a few of the sights and though Peggy was enjoying the sights her eyes were were on the glare for the blonde Baroness, Peggy gave her a fight for sure, But Gretchen with her innocent smile right up to the fight started was a trap Peggy fell for, she had no idea Gretchen was ready and wiling to go all out , we all not just Peggy thought it was going to be at worse a hair fight or some sort of comparing even a nipple duel but once Gretchen set things in motion it was a street fight .

Having seen Peggy in both arranged and sudden there was always that chance or risk a fight was coming and she was mentally ready, but Gretchen lured her from prying eyes making her think it was to have an erotic style so when the fight started i think she was taken back, then again by Gretchen being so savage and willing to punch it out.

We started to head back to the hotel, for us it was a great time, but Peggy was lost in how or where to find Gretchen, with no one speaking German, to enter a bar and ask about Gretchen would be near impossible without some kind of trouble from either men or women and Peggy wanted all she had for the german Amazon.

The next day was much the same for Joe and I but Peggy wanted to be sure she was a 110% for tonight. Peggy woke around 7 that night she did her stretches and some workout a shower than had a full protein meal sent to her room, as i checked i around 8:30 she was already getting dressed, tonight she wore black heels black thigh highs thong and bra then a black kimono style robe , hair up and make up was perfect, she looked like a model, her cleavage had the bra strained as her veiny G’s were swelling in anticipation, she looked at me as she eased a long coat on, “we ready to head up?”, i smiled “yes mom Joe is getting the car to drive us”, she walked by me, “lets go then”.

I smiled my plan was going as i wanted but i still care for her and don’t want to see her hurt, i  know if we weren’t at the catfight these two had it might have gotten more vicious, and as i shut the door it hits me , it very well still might, Peggy hates to lose any fight .

The car pulls up and we all get in as Joe tells the driver to take us to the old Baronesses Castle i look at Peggy her hand is in her coat and softly massages her breasts to get them ready, her eyes stare out the window as if she is already seeing the fight that hasn’t happened yet and by the look in her eye and not even a smirk as she pinches her thick nipples, it is as if she sees this titfight not being in her favor but i know no matter what Peggy will make Gretchen sorry she took her on win or lose.

It was much chillier as we reach the castle, i felt bad for Peggy barely dressed but she didn’t seem to notice or care, we stepped from the car and told the driver we would call to be picked up, the wrought iron gate was still open and a few lights shinned from the windows above, the castle was still in Gretchen’s family but she had it made into an attraction to help keep it maintained, as we stepped into the courtyard we see a shadow stand by the window hands on hips, Peggy stared back up.

Joe pushed at the front door that were at least eight feet high and what looked like a foot thick, we step in and it was as if we stepped back in time, other than the modern lighting replacing the torches the castle and everything in it was left exactly as it was centuries ago, as we walked in you picture the German Baroness ruling and walking about  the statues of armor, weapons, and the opulence of the detail works of decor.

Peggy looked about admiring the how time seem to have stopped in the building, slowly we starts to hear the click of heels and Gretchen appears in a stone lined winding stair case, her eyes and that smile at Joe and I were so inviting but as her eyes scan to Peggy’s the bright welcome look turned frozen as did Peggy’s, both could see the lightened bruises they left on others face and marks from nails.

They inhale at the other , both ready to wait on the titfight and start tearing into each other again but they swell their busts at the other and need this first, Peggy in a hiss, “Where?”, Gretchen a sneer and hiss back, “the tower we can do this out on the top “.

Peggy knows it is chilly let alone even higher up but both know the night air will numb a lot of pain making the duel go longer, Peggy sways her hips and removes her coat, her body wearing the skimpiest sexiest black bra thong thigh highs and heels he had, “Lead the way”, Gretchen removes her coat to reveal her yellow thigh highs thong and bra and heels her hair up as she wants and is as ready as peggy for this duel, she turns and the slow click of hr heels are joined by Peggy’s.

The long walk up was adding to the tension as the two of them keep glaring at the other as if there were anymore steps the fight would start in the stairwell, but each holds back till finally Gretchen opens a heavy wood door and we step out on to a large wide cement  circle, the edges with the old style points that look outs and archers stood centuries ago, Gretchen shuts the heavy door as Peggy slowly walks to the edge and looks over , the parking lot a lot smaller now from the towers limits, she looks back at Gretchen, “thats a hell of a drop if one of us gets knocked between these”, Gretchen wearing that sexy inviting smirk again purrs to Peggy, “well we will have to agree if one of us gets ..trapped between them we pause and reset, and we will have to watch our footing , now you still want to fight Gretchen ya?”, Peggy glares, “oh very much so and more”, Gretchen glares back, “oh you want the rematch as well?, ya i agree after we go down and fight again as well”.

Gretchen stands by the door to the tower and the steps down and turns a switch on, the entire inner circle of the tower lights up, then she slowly steps to the center , Peggy seeing this is where they will titfight meets her as they stand face to face the very edge of their bra cups shaped in rounded form to their firm breasts hiss as they breath and nipples tent and rub.

They stand this way a few moments then Gretchen says, “What are we agree on for our fight?’, Peggy “No hands just my tits against yours, winner milks loser, and can smother under breasts, face sit or use hands, you?”, Gretchen feeling her covered nipples meet Peggy’s breaths in , “i agree to that but i take that bra from you as well”, Peggy smirks, “not without a fight “, Gretchen breathes in, “then we fight”.

They stand still and eyes locked they both reach back and peel off their bras, they toss them by us and as they stare at the others round firm breasts their nipples rub and despite the dislike they both feel the  arousal, softly they rub, roll and flick others nipples and you can see their stiff nipples grow and get thicker at the feeling, they slide the shafts side by side as if sawing the others as the tips dab into the swollen aureola’s and each licks her lips to not moan.

They flick with more determination now and each can see the others breasts hold firm the Peggy raises her hands to her hair and inhales, Gretchen stares and follows suit, they let nipples still flick then Gretchen presses firm into Peggy, both women inhale at the feel of others equal pair and they hold to each other, after the initial press they both start to rub their breasts into the others, “uuuhhnnn mmm ya fight my tits “, Peggy rolls and rubs back “uuunnnn mmm yes cmon fight my tits”.

Both women are a bit aroused and stunned at how full and firm the other really feels to her own, they stand frozen as they bump, rub , roll and smear their tits to the others , breathing slow but heavy and getting the erotic feeling gone so they can get more intense . as we watch the start of this duel is so evenly matched i start to think it will go he longest ever, but not soon after i see these two amazons really want to fight the others tits and win.

The slow dragging pressing starts to speed up between them, their round full breasts bulge every angle and at times Peggy then Gretchen’s seem to swallow her rivals only to reform by force of the others breasts taking control, they both Pant heavily, “Fight uuhhhh”, then Peggy tries to take control, “Cmon Bitch” she pumps her tits firmly, the Clop is firm and Gretchen gets shaken, “”uuhhh uhhhh mfff ohh you Bitch “.

Peggy felt it and a smirk as she now starts to go at the big blonde, she pulses head on the clops ring out as their flesh turns pinkish from the cold air, Peggy then bumps head on the stabs into Gretchen and drags up and down , “uuhhmmm mfff mff mf cmon bitch fight my tits”, Gretchen pants out as her hot breath is seen leaving her lips, “uuughh ughh mmff mff ohh you bitch fight “, the crisp night airs silence was broken by the warm firm Clops as their smooth round flesh collided over and over, neither of the women made any attempt to shift or dodge the others driving breasts into her own.

The smooth round veiny breasts on both recoiled then instantly reshape only to be recoiled back as they pumped together, the pink chilled skin turning back to the natural color then start to redden as they cause a jostling quake to others breasts, it wasn’t a pain as if hit or roughly squeezed , the pain was coming in the form of a deep ache from the constant contact, and rolling, there was more to come between these two but for now they just needed to cause that ache to go deeper till her rivals breasts grew more sensitive and hurt all around.

They arched almost inhaling offering their full firm round breasts to the other  as if begging for more contact, their panting breath grew hotter and more frequent, as the light steam of their breath mixed in the chilly mountain air, neither woman twists or shifts they stand face to face as this duel is already 10 minutes in and just grunts disturb the steamy hot breath flow.

Neither shows in her face any worry about the other, as they jam head on again it is Peggy that makes a change in the rhythm they had going, the clop is firm then she presses in tight and drags slow but firm into Gretchen’s breasts, Gretchen breathes in, a soft groan, “uuuhhhhh ohhhh”, Peggy hear her and now grinds in slow but with purpose, “uuuhhhh cmon bitch”.

Gretchen curls a lip and then presses to Peggy and drags up and across she stares in Peggy’s eyes as it causes Peggy to groan, “uuuuhhhh mmffff bitch”, each takes her turn then slowly a new rhythm starts as they exchange the slow dragging and grinding across each other, “uummff mmfff cmon Bitch”, Gretchen hisses, “uuuhnn mmff mfff ohhhh you bitch fight “.

The tight duel starts to gain speed now and the clops of flesh ring out faster as do grunts from their full lips, the duel gaining speed and intensity now, the first sign of effect they have on the other their heels slowly scrape the ground then skid on it as they try to drive the other back yet want her close to feel the effect, “cmon bitch, “uuhhh yes fight ya cmon”.

The action now gets faster the clop, then claps, then slaps of their heavy breasts collide and grind away, chests start to get red as they use shoulders to drive breasts harder, they are dead even then Gretchen suddenly is losing ground, she retreats as Peggy uses her breasts as we have sen so often, hurting her rivals and beating her, “uuhh uhh uhh uhh cmon bitch stand and fight my tits”, Gretchen staggers backward , her breasts being bounced and pulled by her rivals breasts, “mmff mff mff bitch ohh uughhh mfff get off my tits ohh”.

Gretchen her face both showing hurt and shock staggers back till her bar back thumps against the castle tower stone , as she hits it her back straightens and her broad breasts stand out and lift, Peggy steps in and delivers a quick but sold upper cut to her rivals undersides, SMACK Peggy lands it but Gretchen stays standing, “Uughhh ohhh “, Peggy not sure she realized her rival felt the move but wasn’t downed stays on her , “cmon cow fight my tits cmon!” she pumps head on and drags smears and grinds at Gretchen, i can see the bulging flesh of the blondes breasts get turned on her chest, “uuhhh uhhh ohhh you Cow uughhhh get off my tits”, Peggy grabs the top of the short wall designed for look outs and archers  and she goes after Gretchen hard smearing, grinding , dragging pumping as if no resistance at all, “yes cmon feel my tits hmm fight me cmon bitch i want more”, Gretchen her back getting scraped up  shakes her head no as her breasts are being worked over .

Gretchen is gasping her, breasts are being rolled out on her chest as Peggy uses her own like a rolling pin, up and down and pumping, I was a bit stunned how she took Peggy’s uppercut but i now realize after she landed the move , Peggy didn’t follow through instead she wanted to go at the busty blonde breast on breast head on and prove to herself and her rival she didn’t need any extreme move to beat her breasts.

Gretchen is being worked but she is fighting back hard as she can, Peggy while in control is panting hard as she can’t seem to put the blonde away, as she presses tighter to Gretchen the blonde grabs Peggy by her hips and pulls her in then arches from the stone wall and stabs her left then right then left into Peggy’s breasts “cmon Bitch you fight me ya umff umff umff “ , Peggy’s breasts get jolted from Gretchen and the clops are firmer and the clops louder, Peggy a bit stunned gets backed up and staggers as her heels scrape but her breasts being almost punched by Gretchen’s, “ohh uughh ughh mmff mff cow ohh you bitch uuhhnn uhnn “.

They twist but Gretchen is working hard to get back in the fight, Peggy is now feeling her rival and is starting to work hard to stay in this fight, “mmff mff mf ohhh ughhhh bitch damn it”, Peggy gasps as Gretchen smears and jabs a rhythm starts she forces Peggy to retreat now till her bare back hits the cement tower wall and Gretchen starts to go at her tits. Peggy hands press at the wall behind her to ease the scraping, arches and rolls her shoulders, Gretchen shoulders back plowing her tits into Peggy’s equal pair, her hot breath on the face of  Peggy, “uuhhh uhh nmmm I am going to hurt you now ya”.

Despite Gretchen getting Peggy on the wall and working at her Peggy was taking it as if the big blonde had no effect on her , she easily was fighting back, then Gretchen turned it on, bringing a rougher version of her fight to Peggy,  Gretchen thrusts head on to start her series, she takes Peggy on three times head on the clops a bit solid , both grunt at the contact, but Gretchen was timing herself to unload on the big redhead, as they gain a bit of space between their breasts Gretchen follows through with a very full left to right swing of her breasts across Peggy’s, the SMACK was solid and i saw Peggy’s firm round set quake and jostle, then before they settle to a stop Gretchen swung back the other way, SMACK rang again, the move was a slower breast boxing move but had a lot of force behind it, Peggy’s G’s were crushed into each other and jostled firmly and quaked from the aftermath carrying them across her own chest.

Peggy at first was taking the assault, her proud firm G’s were being battered but standing firm, and as Gretchen was battering them, her own were standing firm and making for a loud sold collision into Peggy’s.

Both women grunt at the impact but now as Gretchen closes in tighter to Peggy and the wall pressing at her back Peggy can’t swivel her shoulders as often or fast and the power, Gretchen sneers as she feels the returning blows slow, and tightens her chest as she now aims and delivers solid side to side impact with heavy dragging across Peggy’s breasts, she works her rival Peggy rolls her head and gulps as she pants heavy at the attack.

Gretchen her lips a sneering smile spits at Peggy, “feeling my tits ya? want to fight Gretchen hmm? come bitch where are your tits now hmm?”, Peggy is getting red in the face as her tits are turning redder with each THWACK of her rivals heavy breasts, as i watch and wonder if this blonde is about to break Peggy’s breasts the way her G’s are battered is like slow motion as i can see the flesh cave and fold around the firm G’s hitting them then crush together before being forces up and to the side only to have the blondes breasts drive in and drag them further stretching the chest tendons and muscle.

The move goes beyond the painful colliding as her chest is pulled on by the after effect, Gretchen however not feeling it at the moment is suffering , her breasts as they meet the firmer pair of Peggy’s collide together and swell up thinning her thick fleshy globes and turning red, Peggy knows though taking much more of this will hurt her and she has to get out of it but can’t use hair or these two will be in a catfight in a second.

Both are breathing heavy panting, gasping as they both want this win, Peggy feels her rival a bit more now as her breasts get both pounded into and dragged and stretched her back limited to turn allows her chest to take the weight of her rivals breasts , “uughhh ughhh Bitch!, my tits ohhh mff mff mff cunt”, Gretchen a snarl, “come you Cow fight my tits , your nothing but talk”, Peggy in anger stabs her tits out and while it slows Gretchen’s attack she adjusts easily, “that your best bitch hmm? Gretchen will hurt you now “,  Peggy feeling the wall start to cut skin and her breasts being hurt has one card to play, she waits for Gretchen to deliver a hard hit, she didn’t wait long as Gretchen drags right then the expected left blow never comes instead Gretchen lets Peggy’s breasts settle into place then she dips and thrusts up the SMACK is sharp and Peggy tosses her head back, “AAAGhhh Bitch!!”, the upper cut was heavy and hard and knocked Peggy’s breasts up .

Peggy had the way off the wall she drops to her knees and then hip, Gretchen looking down over her own tits heaving breath, “Get up you Bitch Fight ya come stand and fight”, Peggy was hurting no doubt and the upper cut was hard her eyes welling up as she catches her breath but she was very much ready to go on she needed off the wall, as she rolls on her knees i see her back has white scrape marks but a few cuts as well, she really was getting hurt .

Gretchen was growing impatient her breasts swelled outward red and ready to fight on, Peggy’s were still in perfect shape and a bit redder and a bit more swollen, but she had to go down to avoid anymore damage to her bare back, once satisfied she was ok, Peggy stands up, and sucks in a long breath her breasts out as well, both ladies circle now and glare they both knew this exchange can very well decide the duel.

Gretchen was a bit concerned her rival stood and looked as ready as when the fight began, and she knew deep down the upper cut to her undersides earlier was not Peggy’s hardest, both make sure their hairs secure then hands go atop as they shimmy and head into each other, after nearly an hour both ladies are feeling the others firm breasts and both know the next few minutes will be a real test of ability and endurance.

They move slower as they approach, and as it first started they flick and rub stiff nipples, their eyes locked as chins tilt up in pride, “ready to end this Bitch?”, Peggy hissed at her rival, Gretchen a raised brow, “so ready Ya come fight my tits Bitch”.

They suck in then CLOP! rings out as they crush head on, they press tight and rub and roll and smear tit to tit as hard as they can, both stare then each turns her face as they push and smear and drag hard, breasts are bulging, looking ready to burst open from the tight pressure, breathing turns to grunts as they drive equally into each other, nipples become swallowed in the large veiny flesh as they use their long strong legs to push and press and attempt to drive other back while stand stabile.

Both part their lips as they feel the others true strong round weight and firmness, “uuuhhhh uummfff Bitch “, “uuhhh uughh mmff mff whore fight “, back and forth they see saw but neither is getting that big advantage to hurt the other and take over, the night sky grows darker as midnight grows near, the air chillier , the hot breathing mixing in the air above them, foreheads meet now and they have to look other in her eyes as they bump, push, drag, mash and roll breasts firmer to her rivals.

The fight goes past an hour , both are ready to drop now but the war is not yet settled and the warmth of the others breasts and body is keeping them in tight, as they grind even tighter together breasts are being shoved and ironed between chests and breasts, they smear foreheads as they grunt in others face the threat and reactions, “cmon bitch your tits are done”, Gretchen, “ohh uhhh your tits tired ya? give to my superior tits cow fight me”, Peggy gasps “uuuggggBitch” Gretchen a smirk starts to drag her tits on top of Peggy’s making her take the weight, “uuuhhhhh mmfff you Cow”, Gretchen smirks, “you feel Gretchen now  mine hurting yours i know, give now “.

Peggy leans against Gretchen it looks like she is all but done now, Gretchen rolling her tits on top of Peggy’s is smiling as she rolls her shoulders to try to punish Peggy more, Peggy stutter steps a moment , Gretchen is all over her dropping her heavy tits on Peggy’s i was getting worried this was about over then like Peggy has in her past , she lured her rival into false hope, her knees bend she dips then looks at her rival, “i am going to break your tits”, she pulls her breasts low and then shoots up hard, SMACK!!!, then again SMACKKKK!! SMACKKK!!! SMACK!!!, Gretchen the first two was in shock as she was stood up straight her tits swaying out free as she was so stunned and hurt she forgot to cover, Peggy landed one last driving uppercut, SMACK!!.

Gretchen arches in pain but before she can reset her stance Peggy starts to pump in and up and is destroying the undersides of the big blonde, driving her back and staying in her weakest area, “mmff mmfff mfff cmon Bitch fight my tits FIGHT!!!.

Gretchen has her head up and back,tears start to run from her eyes, her cheeks pink from the cold, and her breasts are now red all around, the blue veins dulled from the swelling mass, her aureolas stand firm but her nipples sink a bit.

Peggy stands her up grabbing her hips and is refusing to stop driving into the undersides, the Clops turn to claps and slaps as she stares in Gretchen’s eyes “Give Bitch say it !”, Gretchen lips trembling and pouted nods , ‘YA I GIVE MY TITS STOP STOP !!!!”.

Peggy jams her breasts one last firm drive then pushes back from Gretchen, the blonde cups her tits in her forearm and sinks to the stone floor, Peggy saunters hips extra sway, til behind her rival and straddles her back, then slaps her hands on to each breast and squeezes as hard and deep as she can, Gretchen rears her head in pain , “ohh owwww you Bitch!!” Peggy works the breasts till she milks her and stands then using her heel on the blondes ass cheek kicks forward and Gretchen lands breast first on the freezing stone soaked in her milk.

Peggy smiles as Gretchen begs for it to stop and stands hands on hips breasts out for more nipples stiff as Gretchen has t weakly stand, Peggy saunters to the robes and bras and takes both as she heads to the door Gretchen growls, “you can’t take my clothes”, Peggy turns on her heels drops everything then walks to Gretchen and jabs her tits into the blondes, “who is gonna stop me?”, Gretchen snarls, “maybe you forget i beat your ass ya?”, Peggy looks her over , “you wanna rematch ?”, Gretchen breathes heavy, “your not taking my things”, Peggy sneers and lands a open hand slap that rings out and turns Gretchen fully around, as Gretchen is stunned Peggy rams into her back and yanks the blondes head back by her hair then her claws stab into the breasts and scratch deep, Gretchen squeals as Peggy snarls, “shut that mouth Bitch”, then slams three right fists to Gretchen’s face.

Gretchen falls on her knees again as Peggy uses her hair to whip and drag the blonde across the stone ground, “cmon Bitch stop me fight me get up”, Gretchen screeches as her hair is being torn by the fistful, finally Peggy pounces on her chest and like Gretchen did swings her fists like a wind mill into the blondes face and head, the thwacks and thuds ring out as we see Peggy sitting up on her rival and pounding away.

Gretchen reaches up to punch back and even rakes her nails at Peggy’s breasts but as Peggy lands a shot to the nose Gretchen drops her arms and shakes her head no more,Peggy gets up and swaggers again to the door grabs everything again then looks back, “Guten tag Bitch”.

We call the driver and as we head back to the hotel Peggy is massaging her sore breasts but is on a high i haven’t seen in a long time, she smiles at us, “that was a great fight her tits were hard but not hard enough to beat the Queens, i wonder should i fought her for the castle?” then laughs.

Chapter 7: East to Conquer

WE ended our tour in Germany two days later, Peggy was on a high and the chilled mountain air she fought in seemed to rejuvenate her entire body, she looked as if glowing, though swollen she wasn’t as sore as some of her other fights left her, she was feeling like a real Queen again, but what would Poland bring to the Queen to match against was the question.

Joe was looking out the train window as we traveled and I asked if he was ok, he nodded but said in a whisper , ‘You know Poland has some of the bustiest women right?”, I swallowed , “What do you think?”, he looked at Peggy smiling and then me, ‘Well if we get a fight with one she will be her size maybe bigger, if we find her size you can bet it will be a knock down drag out titfight, these women are farm raised and strong and their chests are powerful”, i sat back a slight sign of worry and  a smirk, as i thought (her reign ends here or she becomes the toughest by far).

As we gently are rocked by the train and its whistle , that sounded like a woman’s scream, we pas the eastern border , as we continue on the ticket agent is checking pass ports as we cut through Russia, Peggy was nearly awake from a nap when our compartment door slid open, Peggy looked up and the mature soldier held out his hand we knew what he wanted and handed the passports and tickets to him, he looked at al of us but his eyes couldn’t stop looking at Peggy.

Couldn’t blame him to be honest her purple top was a V cut to her lighter purple bra and it was over stuffed for sure the veins were nearly ridged over the smooth round surface, her green eyes batted at him as she swelled her amazing 36G’s in that top and bra and they wanted out, the man handed our passports back then in a very rough broken english looks to Peggy, “you enjoy vodka and games of chance?”, unsure what he meant Peggy simply winked smiled at him then flexed her tight breasts and the guards eyes nearly fell out of his head, she sat up perfect posture and her thick nipples start to tent out, he nods  as he says, “can you join me”, Joe stood up and explained anything she is going to do he and i must be there to set terms, the guard looks at us all, then says, “you come you two wait here”.

Joe nodded i knew he would only agree with Peggy’s best interest at heart so Peggy took a breath, “well i wasn’t counting on a Russian fight but when in rome “ she smiles, i take a breath in as i lean in a bit , “Mom do me a favor ? don’t be quick to jump at a fight with who ever they have we might end up in a winter prison”, Peggy her palms on the seat her shoulders up and her breasts weighing on the bra , “oh honey i know better than to get in that type of trouble but if she wants a titfight she will get one”.

Joe suddenly appears and slides the door open “ok so he has a woman about 50 looks 30 and she’s busty not sure how big, but it is up to you Peggy, i told him you have to agree and then you and she decide on rules and stakes that ok?”, Peggy smiles “when do i meet her?” Joe eyes widen they are the way here now so you can meet her and she you, he said you both can use the empty compartment next train car “, Peggy licks her lips, “i can’t wait to meet her”.

Peggy waits looking out the window so not to seem nervous when the guard appears and looks at Joe, he nods as if to ask if its ok, Joe nods and the guard opens the door fully, a woman appears in a grey fur coat a hat and her hair put up under it and red heels , she enters the compartment and the door shuts ,Peggy stands up as the two cats glare at the other, then her heavy accent comes from the full red lips, “my name is Sasha i am best in the area of Russia”, Peggy steps closer , “i am Peggy the best in America and soon Russia”, their eyes stare then Sasha undoes her fur and parts it, a red tight dress hugs her frame and her 36G’s swell in a red bra  her nipples already tenting, Peggy undoes her top as her purple bra is strained they eye each other up then she closes her fur, “you and i fight tit to tit Da?”, Peggy buttons up, “Agree, winner takes bras and milks loser?”, they stare and Sasha nods , Peggy looks to Joe , “i’ll fight her”.

Joe looks at the guard and nods he nods back and says “follow us please”, Sasha swaggers out first then the guard then Joe then Peggy and myself, we cross into th next train car its empty as many got off at the last stop, we take the double compartment and he unlocks the door, Sasha steps in then Peggy does, she hands her fur out to him and he shuts the door then locks it.

As  the lock is heard engaging both women ease their tops off as they glare the benches folded up the compartment is a small ring now for a fight, they get to their thongs and bras and heels, Sasha is 5’10” 150 and a 36G, her hat off her thick black hair is up  her grey eyes narrowed red full lips and her bra comes off to reveal a cone shape breast , i look at Joe in fear he raises a brow as i mouth, “she was beaten by a woman with that shape breast”, Joe shrugs, “to late now baby let them fight”.

Sasha’s nipples are molded into the bullet shape like breasts her aureola’s are flat to the shape , but they stand out firm and her upper chest is barrel like to hold them up, the veins are deep dark and only three thick veins map into her aureola’s she breathes in proudly and says to Peggy, “rules for fight”.

Peggy breathes in her round veiny tits stand out and look more swelled as she sees this woman is going to be a fight, “rules? mine no hands no claws , anything else you?”, Sasha nods then breathes in slow, “we pull hair Da?”, Peggy nods, Sasha then says, “i feel claws i fight back Da”, Peggy smiles “count on it, biting?”, Sasha stares, “you bite i bite agree”?, Peggy smiles “Agree ready to fight?”, Sasha nods and smiles, “Ready to Fight”.

The guard watches intently, as Joe asks him, “how long you know Sasha?”, he smirks 15 year now she my wife , best fighter in Russia, you?”, Joe smiles 12 years and Best fighter in my town” they smile and nod as Guard says, “going to be a tough fight then”.

We look in at he two women posturing their heavy firm breasts outward, the look of jealous hate was one i hadn’t seen in Peggy in a while and from the look on the guards face he hadn’t in Sasha, they slowly come to attention hips roll up into torso then breasts as they step together and then they ease their breasts together, both stare as they fel the full warm firm mass compress into another pair, then as they get the feeling they instantly begin to rub and smear their breasts.

Sasha a stone face glare lets her eyes flutter at the feeling, while Peggy parts her lips a bit and they slowly rub and smear then start to push not  full pump but they do recoil the others mass as they start the fight, hands on hair as they begin, the shape of their breasts becomes mangled then instantly re forms into the natural look and neither woman shows an ounce of doubt or fear that her new rival is matching her in every way at the moment.

The slow duel is mesmerizing as they push together their breasts bulge then push back, swell and lift and recoil, each woman tilts her chin to the other with every slow deep touch as if daring her for more, but these two see the potential to lose from the other and are being cautious to not make a wrong move and be broken and milked.

The fight goes on for a good 15 minutes as slow s it started and each woman breaths in deep as they once again make contact, I look at Joe and he at me as we shrug thinking maybe this is how they do things here, we certainly weren’t going to question the methods, as of right now we all were happy to see it and watch it and the two combatants were happy to be engaging each other.

Slowly after another few minutes Sasha starts to show signs of advancing the duel, she slowly wipe her more cone shaped breasts at Peggy’s then presses the pointed shape breasts int other side walls of each breast of Peggy, the move with little motion still shows how the cone or bullet shape breasts easily concave the rounded side walls , Peggy trying to not react breathes in rather sharply and Sasha grins, ‘I break you Bitch”, Peggy not wanting to seem worried smiles as she lightly bumps each side wall of Sasha’s breasts then presses in easily pointing them to the opposite side, “no i will break you “, they start to press to each other with more emphasis and as each pushes in they try to push past the other, softly they grunt, “uhh uhh uhh”, “mmff mff more” Sasha breathes out.

both women start to press their breasts with more determination now as the slow motion duel gains a bit more speed but still very slow and erotic to watch, but you can see in its slow style they are both pushing with strength and effort, Sasha breathes in and bumps Peggy, left then right Peggy does it back then Sasha arches and she aims her right breast into /peggy’s and pushes in tight recoiling Peggy she holds it then does the same to the left on left as she purrs to Peggy, “we fight right on right then left Da?”, Peggy then arches and mimics the two presses to Sasha, “nmm lets do it “, Sasha alters her stance enough they line up their right breasts head on they rub slow s they glare.

Sasha a slight smirk, “Fight “ and she presses hard head on, Peggy arches into it but as Sasha pushes in Peggy has to step her right leg back, ‘uuuhhhh ohhh”, Sasha a smirk “cmon Cow” Peggy feels the odd shape breast press hers in and back then as Sasha rubs at hers lifts it at her chest, “nmmm your tits can fight no?”, Peggy breathes in and slowly slides her breast around Sasha’s then lifts up at hers , “uuuhhhnn  can you fight ?”, Sasha breathes in as Peggy matched her and snarls at the taunt “oh i fight you extra  and not just tits “ Peggy breathes out, “cmon then fight .

Sasha gives a dare me glare to Peggy’s then as they roll and bump their right breasts, Sasha runs her nails off her hair and down Peggy’s shoulder as 4 white lines like scrapes show, “i’ll take your tits and eyes “, “. Peggy just curls a lip as she smears her right breast under Sasha’s then presses in under then pumps sharply her hands come from hair and she drags 4 lines on both shoulders of Sasha, “ohh i will claw you to shreds “.

They snarl at the others face as they grind short but rougher up and down and side to side just the right breasts, their left breasts stand out free, both women glare as they slowly and roughly push smear and drag right to right breast, Sasha brings her fingers to peggy’s left breast and as she cups it in her palm her fingers and the nails close in around it, she stares at Peggy, “Fight like a Bitch then?”, Peggy cups her rivals left breast and does the same grip, “anyway you like Bitch”.

They press their right breasts nipples head on then crush the breasts together and Sasha and Peggy then clamp the grip on the left breasts tight and as claw tips sink in they squeeze as hard as they can, the left breast on each bulges and bubbles of flesh are swelled between finger opening as they clench down others breast and both sneer at the others grip as they rub the right breasts a bit faster now, “Fight Sasha come bitch”, Peggy “yesss i will Bitch give me your best fight “, they crush the others breast in hands as they grind the free right ones , slowly their legs shift a wider stance then they are stepping in a circle as the hands on other breasts are twisting, puling, squeezing and pushing the mass about .

They refuse to cry out as they grunt and each is torturing the others breast as they rub, press, push, pump and drag their right breasts together, chins tilt up and Sasha is getting rougher with her grip, “uuhhnn mmm cmon bitch “ then she rakes her nails along peggy breast as her fingers slide off she stabs a fist into the left breast  short quick then a second, Peggy a bit stunned “uuummmffff Bitch” then she rips her nails along the Russians breast then two quick jabs one gets the under side and Sash winces, “uuuggggg you Bitch”.

With the rules clear NONE Peggy starts a rhythm to beat the woman at her own game she jabs jabs claws squeezes over and over and quicker, Sasha gets a little stunned her rival can adapt quickly and is being knocked backwards, Peggy is getting her breast jabbed and clawed but retreating her rival there is less effect, Peggy with her right breast to Sasha’s shoves the Russian woman back into the corner of the Cabin, then pressed tight to her rivals right breast Peggy starts to jab the left breasts underside faster and harder, “Cmon Bitch fight me’,  Sasha grunts and shakes her head “Umff mf fmmf mmf ohhh uggg”, the guard her hubby watches as his eyes go wide “Sasha No”.!

Peggy then digs her claws into Sasha breast and as she stares close into Sasha face she curls those pointy nails in then twists the breast as she squeezes deeply , Sasha’s head goes back then she winces “Aawwww uugghhhh my tit”, Peggy starts to step between her thighs when suddenly Peggy winces with a gasp, “AAghhhh Bitch!!”, Sasha stabbed her fist hard into Peggy but it landed in that weak left spot, as a result Peggy pulled away suddenly to cover, Sasha cups her breast checking damage then as Peggy is turned away she charges at her back and pulling Peggy hands away stabs her fingers into Peggy’s breasts and crushes deeply, Peggy tosses her body up and back as she turns we see the red nails sink in Peggy’s breasts as they are squeezed and twisted deep, “Ahhhh bitch my tits !!”.

Peggy is trapped and Sasha pushes Peggy to the cabins window and as she presses Peggy against she pulls her breasts to the sides then removes her hands, Peggy has her G’s crushed to the glass, Sash grabs the back top of Peggy’s hairs to hold her there then starts to jab her fist into both the breasts of Peggy and her lower back, “not such a big mouth bitch now are you Whore” the blows while short and sharp are jabs the thuds against Peggy’s body tell us they are hard and have power.

Peggy tries to turn and swing backwards , as she does Sasha releases the hair hold and uses both fists at the bare back, the thuds ring out, and Peggy is being battered , after a few more jabs Sasha spins Peggy as they glare at each other she makes two fists “Put them up we titfight like this now”, Peggy breathing heavy her side sore balls her fists, the two women in just thongs and heels circle and each starts to stab a fist into others breasts,  the CLOPS ring out as do grunts and their breasts get jostled, bounced, flattened and battered side to side, both women groan and grunt as they get even more angry.

Peggy wasn’t prepared to get her breasts punched, not that she never went through it but she was a titfighter above anything else and traveled here to titfight, add to that Sasha was a street fighter for sure she went from flesh on flesh to claws to fists without missing a beat a sign she was  gutter fighter over a specific style , it was obvious as well she won more being able to add those ruthless styles on a dime with no fear of soreness.

Peggy as they circle uses a trick to break this street fighter, “Well Bitch your tits to weak?” Peggy her right fist balled arches as her Gs stand out, Sasha snarls and arches her bullet Gs out , “fight them”, Peggy steps at her then unleashes her right fist deep into Sasha’s tummy, the Russian bomb shell coughs out a Gasp hen curls over, Peggy grabs a fistful of hair in her left then pounds uppercuts up into her breasts, Sasha screams at the pain as Peggy turns on her ruthless street fighter, “Cmon cunt hmm wanna use hands hmm? i’l bash your tits in bitch fight me”.

Sasha is now being controlled her hanging breasts are being beaten , signs of bruises already shine o the surface, Peggy whips Sasha about the tight room like a rag doll, Sasha’s legs give out she lands on her knees, cups her breasts as she weeps, Peggy rips her head up and back by the hair then slams her fist into each breast hard, the WHACK of her fist into the fleshy breasts is audible and deep, Peggy smiles a sick smile as Sasha’s breasts are beaten badly, the woman crying and unable to do a thing screams out, “STOP HER PLEASE I GIVE I AM DONE!!,  the guard slides the door open but Joe grabs his arm, then Peggy shoves her on all 4’s and pounces on her lower back and abuses her breasts as she milks the Russian champ, twisting the breasts as her milk spews freely, “Don’t ever look for a titfight again Bitch”, Sasha in tears nods and drops on the soaked rug, Peggy grabs the silver fur and smiles as she swaggers from the compartment then goes back to ours.

Peggy re dresses and sits Joe was right here with ice in a rag from the bar car, Peggy was upset but glad she won, ‘you ok mom?”, she wipes a small tear, “yes dear fine , i thought we were going to titfight i just wasn’t ready for that, but i showed her”, i smile “yes mom you did, just make sure ready and heeled before another please” she nods as we all take a nap.

Chapter 8: Welcome to Poland

We get off the train and get a cab to the hotel, i knew here in the home of Busty Farm women Peggy will have no trouble finding a fight , the fear was these work harden busts will be like rocks much like Peggy’s.

We take the day to relax and let Peggy recover fully the time changes are draining so she needed the rest, Joe took a walk around the city and as he reached the unsafer end of town he sees a man obviously a farmer, he walks over “you speak english?”, the man nods, “yes i do”, Joe kind of stumbles on his words not wanting to openly insult any one, the man smirks, “what is it you want ?”.

Joe takes out his phone and as he explains he has a woman, busty and likes to compete the man smirks then says to Joe, “put that away , your woman will be in over her head here boy”, Joe smirks, “so you know of a place?’, he stops loading his truck, ‘‘how old is your woman?”, Joe opens the pictures and shows a pic of Peggy in a bra and thong, his eyes widen “this your girl?”.

Joe smiles, “No this is my Mother in law but she is a fighter with breasts and wins all the time, you know of a girl would try her?”, the man looks about then goes in his truck he hands Joe a piece of paper, as he does he whispers, “you do not say where you learned of this understand?, just show uo there Friday night and when you see Ivan you show him your girls photo she will get what she wants, but i warn you young man, the women’s she will compete to are strong and all very very busty , tell your girl be careful now go”.

Joe agreed with to the man’s tale then came back, i was just up from a nap and he asked if Peggy was ok, i stretched , yes she is fine why?”, i was told what the old farmer told him, i was excited this might be the place that either puts Peggy out of the fight game or makes her want more, i kiss him and i knock on Peggy’s door, i hear her, “it’s open”, i ease in i see Peggy her red robe and a thong putting things away her large veiny breasts a few bruises fading but still round , full and firm as ever.

She looks at me, “whats up Amber?”, i sit down, “We found you a fight if your ready and want it” Peggy breathes in, “who is he and where is she?”, i see he fire in her eyes, “well its in the country and if you want to fight we have to go there Friday, feel ready?”, she flexes her heavy breasts as she purrs, “so ready”.

I left out the part about the raw strength these farming women have, partly cause Peggy was a hard worker and lifted weights and partly cause if she was to lose i wanted to see her reaction if it was from a stronger woman. We rented a this horrible left over car from the war i think lol, but we were ready to drive Peggy to a real titfight and maybe raw catfight, Peggy came down in heels and jeans and a red bra and a red blouse tied up under big breasts her hair up as we go in the car she was caressing her weapons and  was itching to fight.

We drove off the main road and along a dirt road, about an hour when ahead we see a barn and a large fire Peggy breathes in, “that the place?”, joe looks at the gps “Must be we are turning here”, we pull up a few cars there and a at least 2 dozen woman and men. As we park and get out Peggy sucks in a deep breath, “ok Here we go”.

We slowly approach and the man that Joe had spoken with earlier walks to us, ‘You made it wonderful,and i see your girl is as fetching as her  photo” he smiles looking Peggy over then tells us to follow him, we walk up and as we do i see the other men and women mostly local farmers nudge each other as they see Peggy, peggy looks around with a sexy smirk and inhales in pride as she sees the other busty women standing about , she easily matches if not fuller than all, till one woman pulls up, suddenly the voices start in their native language talking about who ever just pulled up.

The man Joe spoke with leans in to us, “you want a to see a real rough competition ? thats Anya, she is a big woman, strong and ruthless if any one here can take her on your girl is only one”,  Anya gets closer wearing old jeans and a denim top tied up under her bulging tight veiny cleavage and a tight tummy a red bra under it, instantly she and Peggy’s eyes meet and both glare hate.  Peggy steps to walk to her and the man stops her, “no no you can’t start anything here these are scheduled between women of villages , you must watch if any of them challenge you then you can”, Peggy glaring at Anya, “what if  want it to be her and i?”, the man looks at  them glaring he shrugs, “in that case all i can say is good luck, Anya almost never loses”, Peggy inhales, “but she does lose”, the old man nods , “doesn’t everyone”, Peggy sneers “they do”.

The old man turns looks at both of them again shakes his head then as Anya and Peggy glare two farming women step from their men and to the barn lit by lanterns and strip their tops off, each is a 40 D and they stare then crush together, as their fight starts Peggy and Anya are posing and glaring for each other, tilting chins at each other as if to scoff at what the other has.

The fight going on is a wild mix of cat and titfight but the basis these women are here are to settle any issue between villages, land, so on, Anya is 5’9” 150 and is 57 yo she has black and gey hair  and grey eyes and her body is a sight, 36GG 26 36 her face is narrowed  no make up from her tenting nipples they are thicker then Peggy’s as well, but Peggy could care less she knows and has proven any size can be beat if you bring the fight to them instead of their fight, she is nearly drooling to fight the big polish woman and Anya looks as hungry.

Peggy and Anya miss the fight as they glare, then Peggy eases her bra off from under the shirt tied up at her breasts, she dangles it on her nail and raises a brow at Anya, she licks her lips and does the same its a simple red bra dangling off her nail, both women want at the other now.

Anya slowly moves toward us and the old man looks and can see these two are going to fight best to let all watch, her english very hard so she tells the old man , “this woman want to fight “ in Polish, Peggy tells the man, “i’l fight her if she wants to fight me” he relays the message as these two Amazons stand ready to pounce at the other, as they stare and translate the cries of the two busty fighters fighting is heard it is like calling two lions to eat, alluring, exotic and arousing to two women wanting to fight.

The first fight ends and the other women who were going to settle differences tonight hold bak as they watch Peggy and Anya stare and  the old man translate between them no one knows the redhead but they all see clearly she is nearly as full as Anya each woman here was destroyed by the polish busty farm woman and would love to see her beaten at her own game, but as they are hopeful Peggy is the one many shake their heads that Anya is just to strong.

Peggy asks the man, “can you ask her if she will titfight me then we can fight”, he translates to Anya, she nods a bit then she steps to Peggy and places a hand on her breast through the top and grips deep as she squeezes, Peggy inhales then does the same to Anya they glare then Anya tells the old man, “i will fight her tits and more”.

The two Amazons step away from the other, the circle is empty at the moment  a combination of dirt and hay thrown about, Anya turns and walks through the small group of farmers then Peggy follows, they step to a side then Anya starts to untie her top as does Peggy.

Anya pauses a moment as Peggy glares back then Peggy peels her top open and off, a few gasps are heard as they all see how her round firm G’s stand up and out ward nipples thick and stiff, Peggy sets hands on her hips Anaya smiles then peels her top open and off and the group nods they know Anya here and how powerful her bust is, Peggy tilts her chin upward as she sees her rivals heavy round fuller mass stand out , you can see the muscle fibers in her chest from years of lifting hay bails and other hard work.

Peggy then slowly flexes her tight bust and her G’s lift hold and lower on command, the crowd widen their eyes , only to see Anya do the same ability, Anaya now a sly smirk hands on hair shimmies slow there is nearly no sway, peggy does the same and again nearly sway, Anya nods and very very poor english, “We fight “, the women circle slowly as they study the others tight firm chest and breasts.

The entire crowd grows silent as these two square off, you could feel it in the air this was going to be a fight they never saw since doing this the way they do here, al were wondering if they just met the woman that was going to put Anya down, she certainly looked it.

They draw closer and Peggy is the first to start the duel, she lunges forward and meets Anya head on, the CLOP rings out as they meet breast to breast, Anya coughs out, “uuummff”, Peggy also “uuhhhh” then Peggy starts to roll and dragg side to side, Anya at first stares at Peggy then as Peggy really presses in and drags Anya realizes she can’t play games against the redhead, and starts to drag back into Peggy.

Both women stand firmly in place as they just use their breasts against the others, grunts and flesh clopping and clapping ring out as the two women drive into each other, their round breasts lose shape and recoil and bulge, their nipples bend against  the weight of the veiny heavy mass as their breasts collide slow but firmly , the mass rubs and bulges up against each other.

Neither woman seems at a disadvantage but as you watch you can see Anya uses a lot less effort to fight Peggy as her slightly fuller breasts seem to want to swallow Peggy’s, but Peggy’s own are just to firm to be taken easily.

After 15 minutes the woman stand still grinding added to the mix as well as firm smearing and bumping, dragging they pant heavier but neither is really reacting heavy or seems the other is gaining an inch, it is a equal fight thus far ,and Anya and Peggy are staring and just going at it ,neither tries to shift, step or feint the other they are just going tit to tit like it should be.

Slowly their milky white breasts turn pink then red as they non stop contact goes on at time heavier at times just a slow heavy firm duel, but one thing was certain Peggy was giving the village favorite a fight as she stands in front and turns Anya’s breasts as red and has her panting to fight on, it was obvious by the faces of those watching Peggy was giving them a show as the old man told Joe “no woman has fought Anya so long and still ready for more than your woman”.

We just smiled we knew how good Peggy was and even better when facing a woman fuller than herself, she loved breaking them as others watch, it helped her own confidence as well spread the word about her, but even if Peggy lost to fuller women she gave them just a torrid exhausting fight many of those fuller said the same thing, “her tits are like rocks and she is a tough fighter”, Peggy prided herself on beating women equal to or fuller but her losses were as legendary cause she made them earn it till the very end.

The night air starts to get a little chilly and the breath of each fighter mixes in the air above them as steam, both pant heavier as their breasts continue to collide, press, push, and drag in every direction, it was obvious again that Anya wasn’t use to extended fights like Peggy was, her breathing was showing signs of a bit more quicker breath , Peggy was known for long fights but feeling a heavier firmer rival was weighing on her body so both were turning the slight disadvantage to equal nearly .

Peggy was smiling though as if she could feel her bust starting to break the fuller rival, suddenly as they reach 40 minutes of constant contact , Peggy manages to make Anya retreat from her stance and the two of them move suddenly , Peggy starts backing Anya up and she purses her lips as Peggy uses her tits to drive the big busty woman back, “uuhh uuhh uhh cmon bitch fight my tits”, Anya barely any english , “uumff umff ohhh you Bitch uugg ugg “.

Peggy starts to put her shoulders to use as her big 36G’S are dragging and pumping Anya’s fuller GG’s about, you can see the anger and frustration in Anya’s eyes as her reason to retreat is real, Peggy’s breasts are all over her own and slight jostling and shifting can be seen on the bigger woman, Anya is beside herself as Peggy is starting to take a toll on her, again she retreats but Peggy stays on her , “Stop running Bitch Fight”, Anya looks lost as the small crowd forms a barrier , their hands at her bare back refusing her any further retreat , they want to see this fight not running from it.

Anya slowly is being beat , it is taking longer than Peggy prefer but a win is a win, “Uhhhh ohh you Bitch, Anya pants heavy, Peggy delivers an upward but side to side collision and drag almost an X the way her breasts drag through and across Anya’s , Peggy felt the real weight in her rivals with that move as she turn her head , “uuuuhhhhh mmffff  fucking cow give”, she demands from the big farm woman.

Anya resorts to side step to keep from being devoured, they keep their hand on their hair as Peggy widens her stance and now starts to really drag and pump and collide into Anya, the small group cheer something as they see Peggy getting faster and going at their champion, “Bitch cmon fight my tits” she growls at Anya with a hunger, but as we see her fight her way and the echo of flesh colliding i can notice while Peggy is working Anya the real painful hurt she should see on her face is not as obvious, the exhaustion is an she is feeling Peggy but i see something isn’t right.

The old man winks at me as he notices i see it, he leans close, “your woman fights hard and good but now she is going to get hurt”, i look back at the women going tit to tit, Peggy is smirking as she batters and drags Anya about her chest, Anya breathes in heavy then as she lets Peggy step into her she arches and Peggy’s breasts collide head on into Anya’s torso as they bulge and recoil Anya goes on her toes and drops her tits on Peggy’s hard and hen plows down, stretching Peggy’s breasts, Peggy shakes her head no as she arches to pull from under , her breasts get free, Anya’s sway low then it comes the tables turn totally.

Peggy thighs spread a bit wider than shoulder width steps back her shoulders back and breasts red she sucks in a deep breath, Anya her face change from tired and hurt to snarling and fiery, she steps int Peggy and thrusts up and in, a solid SMACKK!! rings out among the crowd, then a screech, “aaaaghhhhhh Bitch!!” then SMACK!!! again then another and yet another.

Peggy mouth open and eyes welling up in pain can’t seem to scream anymore her breasts are being punched by Anya’s breasts in a series of open uppercuts to her undersides, the blows so hard i see Peggy’s round breasts quake and lose complete shape as they fly up at her chin then drop but before settling Anya use her breasts to continue the abusing move , staying on Peggy with each retreating step, sweat being smacked off her breasts , all the color in Peggy’s face seem to drain , as her eyes are wide in shock and pain, she stumbles as she is retreating from Anya, “Bitch you fight Anya tits come Bitch fight me”.

Peggy feels the rough hard hands of the farmers at her bare back stopping her from running and Anya steps in front a nasty grin as she shows her teeth , she sways closer to Peggy being held up basically then she drops her hands from her hair slips her arms under Peggy’s and hooks her hands on the shoulders of Peggy limiting and motion, she stabs her breasts at Peggy’s a few times then presses hers to Peggy’s and hugs in and she sneers , “i break your tits then we fight like women”, she drags a long slow firm X into Peggy’s breasts pulling them up sideways then down each side .

The weight of both their busts and now the added pull and stretch are hurting Peggy deep, her face contorts to pain and her breasts get cherry red, Peggy pushes at Anya’s chin but she an’t ease the attack,”uuuhhmmff mfff owwww bitch my tits uugggg”, Anya snorts at her face, “give up your tits are no match cow “.

Peggy is shaking her head no, but she is locked into her rivals move and is being destroyed slowly, her gasps become louder and pain filled , Any pulls her in tighter then starts to pump her tits up into Peggy’s i can see the bulging mass of Peggy quake and jostle looser as Anya takes control, “bitch has fight left,  lets fight then”.

Anya crushes into Peggy their breasts nearly pancake between them but Anya’s hold her round shape , Peggy gets lifted a bit,  her feet dangle as Anya suddenly inhales and with a spin carries and throws Peggy onto the firm hay and dirt ground hard, the thump is like 200 pounds of potatoes sack tossed, she lets out a reaction, “ooowww ughhmffff “ her body flat on the ground as Anya smiles down and pulls her hands from under and grabs Peggy’s hands pinning them.

Anya now looking refreshed starts swinging her tits like a pendulum and lowers and hers start to batter Peggy’s side to side the constant clops and claps ring out now as Peggy squirms and bucks but her tits are being pummeled by Anya’s, Peggy grunts and arches with every collision , Anya a sick smile growls, “cmon you weak titted bitch fight back i wanna hurt you”, the crowd all start to nod as they knew Anya was going to break the redhead it just took longer than they all expected.

The beating continues as Peggy can’t push Anya up or off, her breasts redder with each open blow from Anya’s, finally tears run and Peggy shakes her head no as she is about to give Anya stops sits up and with her hands pushes Peggy’s battered tits playfully, “want to fight you more get up” Anya stands up and parades about hands on hips, ‘stand up fight “, Peggy lays coughing and rolls to her hip then gets up, i watch in horror “mom no” she stands and sets hands on hair and shimmies in defiance, “fight bitch’ to Anya, Anya snarls, “Fight bitch”.

They circle once then Anya attacks, stabbing her left then riht into peggy’s bust and swiping left and right Peggy is standing but being forced o retreat on her feet Anya chases never breaking contact, ‘Bitch fight back “ she yells as Peggy can only gasp and cry out, then Anya head on pumps 1,2,3,4 times as Peggy gasps in horror only to be put down again as Anya slams her tits into each of Peggy’s side walls then delivers another upper cut as Peggy is reeling Anya grabs hr hips and starts to grind her big tits between Peggy’s spreading her cleavage then holding Peggy up starts to batter the inner walls of her cleavage, slaps and smacks ring out with no pause.

Peggy shakes her head her tits are being damaged and swollen, her tears run as she cries out, “owwww cunt my tits uughhh mfff mf mff “, finally as her knees are buckling Peggy says it, “OK OK ENOUGH I GIVE I GIVE MY TITS GET OFF ME”, i stood shocked then as Anya releases Peggy she upper cuts her tits again SMACK, Peggy arches up on her toes and drops like a rock on her back, Anya a hand up breathing heavy spits on peggy’s tits, “15 minute break cow then we fight “, Anya grabs a water and sits on bail of hay waiting to fight Peggy.

Peggy was slow to get to her feet and was hurt, she sits on a hay bail facing Anya as both breath heavy and are hurt and sore and swollen they glare, Anaya was caressing her tits as Peggy cupped hers, she wipes the tears and sees Anya wants a fight now woman to woman, a farmer clings a dinner bell then Anya stands ,slowly Peggy does as well.

Both women stalk toward the other, hands open and teeth are barred, Anya hisses, “cmon cunt”, Peggy right back, “lets fight cunt”, They both stand and their bared breasts red, bruised and swollen a slight loose sway, they walk toward the other then lunge, their breast CLOP together, then hands start to pull at hair and slaps and scratches as they spin in a heated catfight face to face.

No cheers no screams , just the thuds, claps, smacks and sound of hair snapped free as they snarl and go at the other, the two women grunt and short squeals emerge as they rip at the other, the fights even but Anya is a lot stronger after years and years of hard farm work it starts to show i the fight as Peggy feels her rivals blows more and more.

As they tear into each other slowly Peggy is giving Anya a real fight as she did in the titfight , Anya is being guided by Peggy’s attack, she rushes into Anya and using the hair starts to whip her about the fight circle then on the ground, Peggy is on top and she is starting to take control, shaking Anya by the hair her head snapping side to side then Peggy raking her claws at her rivals face, Anya whines and feels the 4 furrows slice at her cheek, she snarls and both her hands stab up into Peggy’s breasts and twist as her nails dig in deep, “Bitch my turn”, Peggy arches up her hands go to protect her breasts but can’t get her rivals nails out of her breasts, “Owwww Bitch my tits let go”!!.

Peggy is in trouble quick , despite being on top Anya has her nails deep in Peggy’s breasts and as she squeezes twists  and is trying to tear them off the redheads chest, Peggy hands at Anya’s head tossed back looking up winces as her breasts are being mangled “aahhhh owww Bitch my tits Stop!”, Anya bucks her hips the yanks Peggy to the ground off her and mounts Peggy.

Anya a sneer and a growl , “your pathetic cow” then starts to unleash slaps, and claws down onto Peggy’s face and breasts a few punches as well, Peggy is laying flat in the hay and dirt as she is being beaten up literally, Anya slows her attack to look down at Peggy who has tears again then Anya smiles and pins her rivals hands down then starts to plow her tits down onto Peggy’s the CLOPS are like punches to the face, “uuhh uuhh uhhh bitch fight me” Peggy just gasps “MMFFF MFFF MFFF MY TITS BITCH”.

Anya rolls Peggy over with a twist of her wrist then drops on her bacjk and starts to pull Peggy back and up bending her in half as she has her by the hair, Peggy winces and cries out , “AWWWWW STOP” but Anya smiles and reaches under and grabs the right breast of Peggy and pulls it back.. i winced as her breasts is stretched back and claw marks are dug in.

Anya bounces her ass on Peggy’s back “want to fight more hmm? cmon Fight Anya”, Peggy is bent back her hair, face breast are all in trouble she gets pulled back more till she can’t take it, “STOP STOP I GIVE I GIVE!!!”, the old man and two others rush in and stop Anya as she stands up she looks down, Peggy rolls on her back and Anya stomps her foot on the other breast then spits on Peggy, “Weak Bitch”, then walks away. We helped Peggy up and as we get back to the car Joe and I worried but a smile , it was clear Peggy was going to be done for a while if ever wanting again at all.

Chapter 9: Where To

The next day Peggy slept in, in fact she didn’t look ready to do much of anything, we decided to let her rest.  Joe and  I took a ton of pictures and when back at the hotel Peggy was still resting, we decided it might be best to update our trip and back east across Europe, so we booked the next train out of Poland, even if mom wanted to fight another she was so banged up it was a sure loss for her, that is if she was going to want more at all.

I woke Mom up and told her we had to get going, she still groggy and sore but she simply nodded, that was huge for me to see, normally Peggy would have growled to stay and fight Anya again but she was beaten and pretty soundly and she accepted it and was ready to move on.

The train back eastward was quiet and Peggy was downing vitamin C drinks like it was the last of it, the muscle constriction she was feeling as well as soreness was easing with the vitamin C she ingested.

I think we were all on edge during the ride out , every time a guard passed I was waiting to see that Russian bitch wanting a rematch but as we entered Switzerland we all took a breath out of relief.

We weren’t suppose to stay long in Switzerland, but as we stepped of the train and saw the gorgeous city and the alps we all decided to take it all in and spend a few days  that we lost in Poland.

We get a room and Peggy took another nap, then about brunch their time she got up a shower and got dressed, she was wearing  leggings black with red spike heels and a red sweater with a sweet heart cut at the cleavage to show off, it was chilly and the streets had a coating of snow but we weren’t freezing.

We are all three walking a slow taking it in stroll along a street of stores and vendors, like Poland they had their busty women but unlike Poland they weren’t as big as Peggy.

But i felt at ease that Peggy wasn’t eyeing any one up or was ready to take on any after that fight with Anya, at least we thought.
 As we shopped and took pictures we paused for a drink, i was looking through my phones pics and i notice something in the background.

My last 20 photo’s i see the same woman a cherry redhead 5’9” 147 and a swelling 36G-28-38 and her eyes are glued to Peggy in every picture, Peggy sipping a drink looks at me, ‘whats wrong Sweetie?” she was smiling and i wasn’t going to ruin her day after that loss, “nothing just making sure the pics are clear”, Peggy grabs my phone , “let me judge that” , i sit up, “Mom no”.

She looks at me as if i lost my mind and swipes through each picture, i don’t see her look around or get wide eye at all just a smile and her talon swipes each picture, she hands it back to me, “Great shots honey”, i am relieved, i sit back and sip a drink when my eyes flash wide.

I look up and see the redhead slowly strutting towards us from behind Peggy, wearing black leggings and black heels with a bright yellow sweater top but button front and its open to her cleavage, i swallow deep as she takes every step slow her heavy full bust has that slow wrecking ball jostle in her top and as she draws near her rounded thick nipples start tenting the sweater top, Peggy looks at me then smirks, “she headed this way honey?” i stammer a second as Peggy adds, “let me worry about this one” her own thick nipples start to tent as she sits with a confident smirk.

Her heeled right foot swings as she can feel the tension with each crisp click of a woman’s heel approaching, the clicking stops then a slow click then another till the woman steps around Peggy and stares at her, Peggy slowly stands up and stares back , they hold their glares a minute then Peggy as she stares at the woman says to us, “Be a dear honey and go take a stroll momma has to have a chat”.

The other woman stares at Peggy as we get up and then Peggy pulls her chair closer and offers the stranger to join her , and she does, They sit and stare a moment a waitress walks over as Peggy says, “2 coffees please “, not a word is said they just glare, the coffee’s arrive and Peggy hands her a 20 and says “Nothing else”.

The waitress nods, “of course “ she steps away the redhead finally says in a smokey tone, “no milk or cream?”, her sexy broken english voice so alluring, Peggy inhales, “plenty of it right here if i need it, do you need some?” as she flexes her bust no bra under the sweater , the swiss redhead breathes in, “oh no i have more than enough for two” she breathes in the flexes her bust no bra under her sweater they stare as each sees now how firm the other is and strong in the chest.

The coffees sit as they stare quietly then Peggy says, “names Peggy something you want?”, the redhead waits a minute, “names Elke and i am sure you know exactly what i want”, Peggy nods, “well seems we both need milk just which will be giving it up”, Elke pulls her arms in , her cleavage nearly bursts from the sweater, “we can’t fully do this here , but we can certainly discuss what we want near by”, Peggy does a similar pose as her bust wants to be free, “oh i agree  how near by cause i am willing to discuss this as much as we can”.

The two redheads stare as their nipples spike and tent as busts swell and rise and fall, Elke sits up, “right over here”, she stands up and a slow sway of her hips and ass goes just around the corner of the cafe, she arches her body on the cream stucco wall and her fingers caress up over her covered bust to over her head, her blue green eyes seductive yet dangerous glare.

Peggy stands and swaggers to join her she stands in front of the redhead then eases her side on the wall as Elke turns on the wall to face Peggy, they breath heavier as each glares in other eyes, Elke clears her throat, “you are a tourist yes?, how long before you leave my village?”, Peggy nods slow, “i am , but i really like it here i might just extend my stay , why?”.

Elke scans Peggy “i want you gone from my village “, Peggy moans, “why can’t handle ..competition?”, Elke inhales, “well if you were competition i would make sure you wanted to leave”, Peggy breathes in , “nmm well if  you were competition to me, i would make sure you know to leave tourists alone”, Elke softly purrs, “i can make sure you want to leave if i have to”, Peggy replies, “nmm and i can make sure you go back into hiding “.

Elke undoes two buttons on her sweater then her sharp yellow nails part the top portion till her nipples stab out free of the material, her talons slowly saw along the shafts as she gets them stiffer, “nmm i think i will have that milk now, yes?”, Peggy sees the stiff pink nipples then pulls her sweaters swoop front lower then eases her nipples free and her red talons saw her shafts as they get stiffer, “nnnmmm i think i will take the milk instead “.

They glare then each arches her back as they drive their stiff exposed nipples to the others, like they are magnetic the broad tips find each others and the women stare as they start to rub their nipples.

Neither will look down as they rub and swipe their nipples at the others, soft breaths are exchanged from the sensation but the glare in each of their eyes easily tells the fact , these two are in to this for the glory to beat the other.

Slowly the pressure and speed of the erotic duel gains as Peggy whispers, “nmm nmm more, i hope there is a place we can use our tits t fight as well”, Elke breathes in, “nmm nmmm yes more, ohh there is we can discuss it after i invert you”, peggy huffs , “ohh full of yourself are you?, nmm i love breaking a confident Bitch”, Elke huffs back, “oh i do and i will break your confidence”, Peggy arches her back, “come try it”, Elke mimics the stance as they now stab the tips at the others as they flick, “”i should have just fought you on the street cow”, Peggy licks her lips, “i wish you tried, nmm ohhh care to step out on the street ?”, Elke looks in her rivals eyes, “tempting Bitch but perhaps later ?, i want to hurt your soft nipples first”, Peggy sneers her lip, “only soft thing here is you and your tits and that your a kitten not a cat”.

Elke stabs her tips at Peggy’s and they press faces nearly close enough to meet, “Elke hiss’s “Careful Cow or you will see what a cat i can be”, peggy inhales and dabs her tips at her rivals then hisses back, “Anytime your ready “.

They both start to press and flick away at the others nipples faster and the tension to fight is becoming to thick , they both ease from the wall as they open their hands and fingers like claws ready to attack, then Elke pulls back and starts to cover herself, “Cover up Bitch before we end up in jail”, Peggy covers herself staring at what caused Elke to stop, “Whats wrong Bitch to much for you?”, Elke shushes her and smiles as if a friendly chat , just then a police patrol walks by, they see peggy and instantly see she is not a local, “Everything ok here ma’am?”, Peggy breathes in, “Wonderful she was telling me about some sight seeing is all”, Elke smiles and nods, the patrol moves on but are watchful , Elke breathes in, “If you happen to be bored later here is my email, I’ ll be on about 11, we can chat then and set everything up”, her eyes scan to peggy’s sweater as her nipples look ready to rip through as are Elke’s she pinches Peggy’s who gives it right back as they pull and twist the others covered nipples they sneer , ‘We are going to fight’, Peggy smiles, “I look forward to it”.

Elke swaggers off as Peggy stands near the table then slowly her new rival is gone and peggy sits and sips the drink as we come back, “So who si your new friend?”, peggy breathes in, “hardly darling Momma is going to have a fight, and not just tit to tit so no idea what day but we should take in the sights and maybe tomorrow the fresh powder”.

We took the rest of the day to enjoy the gorgeous town, with the majestic alps in the distance, snow capped and so amazing, I knew Mom had her mind on tonight when she was going to talk to Elke and agree to fought and how and how often, but she was more relaxed and as always she was never one to reflect on her losses and Anya was no different , i had no doubt if we were at home she would be hunting her down but here Peggy knew to keep a low profile.

After a nice dinner we walked back to the hotel and said goodnight , i knew peggy wasn’t going to bed she was getting ready to cam chat and set up a fight with this new woman.

She took out her purple kimono, and thong and put her hair back, she had her laptop on and sent an email to Elke, “i am on ready to chat send me a message when ready”, Peggy sat a while with no reply, she figured either her rival got caught trying another tourist or was worried to fight Peggy, as it turns out Elke was known in town and as a trouble type, but she was a sly one, she made Peggy wait to get a rise out of her, but Peggy would wait to settle a fight as long as she had to.

After waiting a while a message pops up, “Still there?”, Peggy smiles to herself, “Of course i am your late did some kitten teach you a lesson?’, Elke realizes her little ploy failed she replies back, “Enough small talk, lets see each other “, Peggy was ready and simply said , Lets go”.

Peggy got her nipples stiff and made sure her robe was parted just enough for her veiny cleavage to swell, then a message comes all it said was click, a link  was attached and Peggy presses to accept the link, a screen appears with decline or accept she breathes in then hits accept, a flicker and then Elke is sitting there in a pink robe hair up and nipples as stiff , they glare at each other both can see another minute longer behind that building and the patrol would have had to tear them apart, Elke clears her throat, “So we are going to fight we ned to be careful as you saw earlier one mistake and we both will be in jail”, peggy a smirk, “maybe but if that happens we will at least finish the fight”.

Elke raises a brow, “this is true, so how do you want to fight , to start with?”, Peggy a smirk, “oh thats up to you honey, i wasn’t looking for one but now that you want it , i am in”, Elke breathes in, “well i want to fight you but more i want to beat you by hair, tits and claws”, Peggy interrupts her, “and pussies”, Elke breathes in now, “and that as well, so perhaps it best we wait to really fight yes?”, Peggy nods, “i agree”.

Elke adjusts in her seat, as does Peggy, they stare then Elke eases her sash loose Peggy does the same, , “perhaps we should start with our pussies ya?”, Peggy stares at her , “love to where?, and know tomorrow my family is taking me skiing so after that we can start”.

Elke nods as she slowly eases her robe open, she smiles in self pride as her 36G’s swell out free and seem to stand upward as well as outward, Peggy swallows as she sees them, then peels her robe open and off, her 36g’s stand out a bit less upward lift, they pose and show all angle of their breasts to other.

Both smile in confidence then both cares and trace theirs as they glare, “well looks like you and i will be a bit busy when we get alone” Elke purrs as she pulls her thick nipples, “nmmm i love to fight honey”, Peggy caressing her own as she kneads them, “nmmm i hope you do Sugar cause i live to fight , so when are we going to get to it hmm?…my tits are aching to fight”.

Elke a smile but of dislike as they stare and massage their G’s for the other, “oh we will just a matter of how and in what order, nmmm i ache to fight as well , i think i will take you on womanhood to womanhood first hmm?”, Peggy massages deeper, “nmmm yesss clit to clit till one can’t go on and the stakes?”, Elke smirks as she pulls her nipples, “nmmm a strap on for use on loser whore”, Peggy arches pulling her own nipples, “well hope you like getting fucked”.

Both pant now aroused to fight, Elke breathes in, “when your skiing look to the west you will see a cabin on side of the mountain, meet me there at 8 pm and we start alone”, Peggy smiles “i’ll be there” they sign off and each gets herself to an orgasm.

The next day Peggy is humming and we take in a few sights before hitting the slopes, we each go down a few times then stop in the chattel for a warm drink, “So mom any plans?”, Peggy smiles “you know full well myself and that busty redhead from yesterday are meeting to begin a long weekend for one of us, right there tonight” she points to the cabin as we see the smoke from the chimney start , Peggy smiles, “its like i see her glaring at me “.

We head back to the room, Peggy grabs a sauna then a nap and passes on dinner, as we leave to go eat Peggy emerges from her room a very sexy blue mini dress just hugs her butts underside seamed thigh highs heels her up and done make up perfect and very dark eyeliner , “wow mom “ she smiles, “i’ll be back Monday if not sooner depends if she is any good”, “good luck”, she waves and leaves.

Chapter 10: The Ski Cabin
Friday Night

Peggy took a car service to the cabin,  there was fresh light snow as she eases up the wood steps onto the porch as she goes to knock, the door eases open, “Come in please”, Elke is standing there in a soft peach dress as short as Peggy’s and her own G’s trying to spill free of the dress, her hair a wild tangle up look make up perfect and dark eye liner as well, they look at each other a moment then Peggy enters as Elke shuts the door and locks it.

The glow and crackle of the fire place fills the room a bottle of wine and two glasses on a table , the wood floor a slight creak as they slowly move into the cabins main room their heels a soft click till they reach the large areas rug that dampens the sound, both watch the other with full precaution as they ease to the sofa then each sits, the hems of the tight short dresses rise higher as they adjust and sit angled to look at each other.

Their cheek bones swelling breasts and thighs reflect he fires orange glow, Elke opens the wine and pours the two glasses till half full, hands Peggy hers, then raises her glass, “May the Better Women win”, Peggy lightly clink the glass, “Here here”, they smile as they sip but their eyes stay locked, light shades of lipstick on the glasses as they sip slowly, their lips glisten now with the taste of the wine , Peggy softly “So are we staring here?”, Elke places ehr glass down for a minute, then walks to the closet and emerges with a strap on and a 15 “ double head dildo, she places them on the table by the wine.

Peggy looks at them and then at Elke who sits back down, “Well seems we are doing a bit more than clit to clit so whats the game ..Honey?”, Elke breathes in ,’Oh I am a bit surprised Dear, being a redhead like myself and not open to new ways to fight tsk tsk’, Peggy breathes in, “Oh I never said No Dear, and as a redhead I will fight anyway every way, i just like to know the game so we are Both on the same level, we do want a fair fight…don’t we?”.

Elke licks her lips “oh i demand it in order to enjoy a win i have to be sure my rival fights as ..willingly and knowledgeable as i ‘’, Slowly s they chat and sip wine, Peggy then Elke each ease the hems a bit higher, and the hint of no panties can be seen.

Both suck a breath in through their nostrils, a slight hint of their juices fills others nose, the intoxicating aroma like a drug as they slow their bodies more taking every inch of the other in more, Peggy eases her finger tips on the sinewy thigh of Elke, “so lets here it i am hungry to get at you”, Elke smirks her finger tip reach Peggy’s thigh.

Neither attempts to defend or shift, “well dear, we are going to finger each other first, who ever cums the most loses and gets that strap on in her from behind, after which we will go into a 69 and eat each other till one can’t go on, and you can guess the rest”, Peggy inhales at the thought of this sexual fight , “well Honey shall we get the wine set aside and the table and see who is going to …get used?”.

Elke sits up her hand takes her glass then her heel pushes the table away, Peggy does the same then both ease their muscled thighs back, they adjust to be hip to hip, the aroma more intense as is their perfume now, Elke uses her other hand to wisp a strand of hair by Peggy’s cheek , and Peggy runs her fingers on her forearm, ‘lets fight”, Elke smirks, “Yes lets Fight”.

Th room goes silent and each woman pushes the others hem a bit higher yet, then as they stare fingers ease and vanish under the hems, the moist heat under can be felt as if nearing a flame, they feel the velvet like soft fleshy folds of the other, softly they start to let their finger tips gather the fleshy folds pull them together stretch then ease back as it becomes a begging rhythm.

They stare wearing fake smiles as inward each wants to moan out the pleasured feeling her rival causes, as they slowly and softly massage each others growing wetter folds they lick their lips more to swallow the soon to be released gasps, “nmmm that a girl cmon” Elke hums as Peggy replies, “uuww yess nmm cmon more”,  slowly hips shift and allow more access.

Peggy widens her thighs a bit as she huffs at Elke, “nmmm yess get your thighs open Bitch “, Elke huffs heavier, “uuuhhhh yess open yours Bitch lets get to it”, they slow the taunts and as they hold a glare the soft wet slurping noise is heard as they finger the other spreading the folds then sinking a finger in each other, both let out a soft but hot huff “uuuhhh” then continue to finger.

Both fight their rival as much the desire to moan the arousal her rival is causing, faster they pump away, then the passion forces out the verbal , “ohhh cmon Bitch give it to me”, “yesss Bitch ohh yesss faster Whore cmon”, their thighs widen more and the free hands pul hems higher but the sofa restricts how high, they both become agitated not getting more open access. Fasteer and Faster they pump at other both squirming as they glare, ‘uuhhh uhhh yess bitch”, “ohh yes cum bitch ohh yess”,

Neither is willing to let herself orgasm but as they feel the other finger faster they see its useless to fight only delaying it till other does first is the only hope, “uuhhh uhhh uhhh Bitch ohhh fuck yesss”, Peggy pants back , “uuummmm mfff bitch oh you Bitch yess cum cum ohhh “, the wet clapping goes on then suddenly both arch up and back in unison they call out “BITCH’then before begging again they pant at others face”wait hold on lets stand and finish this agree?”, Peggy nods “Agree “,  they ease the wet fingers out then both get up and step center room , Peggy then Elke grabs her rivals hem and tug them up on to hips exposing their soaked fur mounds.

They ease together , their swollen breasts confined in bras and dres tops bump as each widens her thighs , Peggy combs her wet fur, “lets go Bitch”, Elke smears her juices “bring it whore”.

They nearly shove their finger back into each other and instantly start to pump faster, they stare as breathing turns to pants quickly, “ready to cum Bitch?” Peggy taunts as Elke gulps, “not till you do let it go ,your there whore”, their thighs tighten as they stand straight legged hands pumping faster, Peggy feels a quiver in her body, “uuuhhh Bitch ohhh yess”, Elke starts to go faster, “uuuhh yesss give it to me Bitch your so done already uuhhhh “, as Peggy gets ready to explode she tries a last defensive attack, she looks in Elke’s eyes “Your mine bitch “ then sinks a second finger in her rival and pumps faster,  suddenly Elke eyes flash open “OHHHH GOD YESS YESSSS FUCK Cumming”.

Elke can’t take it she starts to orgasm her thighs shaking as she stands mouth open , then Peggy explodes right after and both mature carts are groaning to th forced orgasm, Elke gasps, “don’t stop bitch fight me cmon” Peggy huffing, “bring it whore lets go again”.

Their mounds soaked as both women sink two finger in her rival and the duel begins again as do the groans and moans and thee wet clapping , Peggy snakees her fre hand into Elke’s hair and slowly tugs as she steps at Elke,, “cmon Bitch cum i have you” Peggy’s thighs however quiver very quickly into the round, and Elke tugs at her hair as she sneers “your so mine bitch” then Peggy Gasps, “uuuuhhhhh yesssss Fucking bitch oh god i am cumming”, Elke huffing hotly, “yess thats it whore cum, i have you Bitch”, as Peggy orgasms but before it stops Elke sinks a third finger again and this time her thumb is rubbing the engorged clit of Peggy.

Peggy shutters feet to head and her fingers slow from pumping Elke,, the redhead feels Peggy’s slowing and starts to really pump at her, “ohh my my problems Whore hmm” yesss so wet cum for Elke again do it”.

Peggy is shaking, her hand grabs for Elke’s pumping wrist, “Noo uhhhhh god yesss fuck i am gonna cum you Bitch”, Elke is refusing to ease up and slowly she forces Peggy to orgasm 3 times in a row, smiling now as she works on a fourth “yess cmon give Elke another you cow”.

Peggy is losing control now and slowly Elke is making her go to her knees as she can’t fight the urges to orgasm, Peggy’s hands drop from Elke and now her rival kneels and gets on Peggy’s back she tugs her head up by the hair as she reaches back and jams 4 fingers in Peggy’s wet pussy, Peggy is gasping as her hips convulse riding the wet fingers as she screeches another orgasm.

Peggy bucking out of control pants and gasps as she cums again, Elke sits atop of her and continues to make Peggy have an orgasm, “tel me are you ready to give hmm?”, Peggy manages to nod and gasp, “Yess yess pleae no more i give “, Elke fingers her more getting Peggy close again then stops she grabs the strap on and standing behind Peggy puts it on then she kneels behind her and pushes her knees wider.

Peggy on all fours shakes her head no as she feels an orgasm on the edge , Elke lines the tip of the strap on to her folds and Peggy arches , then Elke sinks it in her deeper but slowly, Peggy pants as she feels the toy ease in her then Elke starts to ease in and out her fingers tug at the back of Peggy’s hair, “nmmm ride it you Whore”.

Slowly Peggy can’t deny her rival she starts to buck on the dildo as Elke pumps at her, “uuhhh uhhh you Bitch ohhhh yeessss harder fuck me yess yesss ohh i am gonna cum again you Bitch”, Peggy’s knees widen her thighs on the rug and Elke starts toying with Peggy’s building orgasm, as she gets faster then slows and repeats it, Peggy is clawing the rug like a cat i heat “ohhhh yesss finish it Bitch ohhh god i wanna cum”.

Elke finally content as she smiles quickly plunges into Peggy and Peggy sits up o her knees head back ,”YESSSS YESSSS CUMMMMING!!!”, Elke undoes the strap on and leaves it in peggy as she stands and swaggers to the sofa and sits to sip her wine, her thigh crossed over her other she sways her ankle “Hope you have more in you honey “, Peggy rd in embarrassment eases the toy out of her soaked wet pussy and nearly cums again as it slips free she tosses it on the table as stringy juices hang from it then has to get up and sit back down, ‘Nmmmm ohhh you don’t worry bitch i am here to fight”.

Elke a smile as she watches Peggy sweating and down a drink as she shaking a bit, “sure you can go on tonight?” Peggy hisses, “i can go on “, after a much needed rest Peggy breathes in heavy, “so bitch whats next?”, Elke nods “well then i think you know full well”, Elke eases to the floor spreads her thighs and rubs her folds, “get that pussy here and let them fight”, Peggy breathes in then joins her on the floor, spreads her thighs and slowly both women snake their thighs to scissor each other.

They scoot closer and the wet slurp as they mold their folds to the others rings out, the folds span open and seal to the others, Elke hands behind her lifts her ass a bit and presses to Peggy, who grinds up and around at her rival, they lock eyes as they start to drive to the other, it takes but a minute or two and both women are grinding and pumping faster the faster, nostrils flare as they start to pump against the other.

Both moan and pant heavy, ‘Cum Bitch”, “Bring it whore”, Elke tries to hold her hips higher to press down on Peggy’s , but it limits her mobility so Peggy sits upright and cups both of Elke’s breasts and squeezes and pinches the stiff nipples, Elke rolls her head back mouth open , “Uuuhhh Uhhh yessss you Bitch”.

Elke tries to push Peggy’s hands off her breasts and nipples, but as she alternates hands her stable lift slips lower and before she knows it her back hits the rug and Peggy doesn’t waste a second to climb on top, feeling an orgasm coming Peggy needs to get Elke vulnerable, she doesn’t scissor onto her rival instead like with Venus her knees pin and spread Elke’s thighs as wide as they go, she places her knees inside and on Elke’s knees and lets her body weight pin her wet folds on Elke’s , her hands pin her rival down as they manipulate her breasts.

Elke feels the moves effect, and gasps , “uuhhhhnnn oh you Whore get off me uuhnnuh nnn uhnnnn uhnnn ‘, Peggy huffing trying to control the feeling her eyes shut as she tilts her head up and abck, “nmmmm nmmmmmfff yess cum you Bitch cum”, Elke sees peggy is still ready to orgasm from the first round, she reaches up for Peggy’s firm jostling breasts , “your gonna cum i feel it uuhhhhh Whore let it go cum’, faster ,faster,faster, suddenly bot hare ready to explode as mouths hang open and heads shake and roll back.

Peggy in a dominate position is fighting both her orgasm and Elke, Elke is is coming close to one but after forcing Peggy into so many she just needs to hang on longer, both women grope and knead the others breasts deeply working the stiff nipples being teased, pinched and pulled, both are gasping now, Peggy feels her breasts released she looks down, Elke grabs her hips and pulls her on top of herself.

Peggy’s knees slip off Elke’s the pin gone as Elke snakes a thigh over the back of Peggy’s they roll across the floor and are grinding the other as hard and fast as they can, both are groaning and moaning as they roll glued to the other, Peggy coughs out, “UUHHHHH FUCK YESSSSS BITCH”, Elke Rolls on top, pumping down as hr tits clop on Peggy’s, she snaps at Peggy’s face, ‘Cum Bitch Cum accept it i am a better woman cum”, Peggy grabs her own hair as she shakes her head no, her body still on the rug as Elke is pumping away then it comes a scream ,”YESSSSS YESSS FUCK I AM CUMMMING BITCH OH GOD”!!.

Elke smiles in relief then is able to release her own orgasm, “Uhhh UHHHH YESSSS nmmmm  Elke is beating you Whore” as she grinds it out slower to a stop, Elke sits up on her knees, hands massage her tits as she looks down, “hope you have one more in you Whore let me know when you can go on”.

Elke sits again and downs a fresh drink , Peggy again slow to get up, finally sits glaring as she catches her breath and a drink.  Elke smiles ‘ready to run home?”, Peggy sweaty and huffing “Not a chance till it is all over with bitch”, Elke inhales stands up then grabs the double headed dildo and drops it on the sofa between her and Peggy.

Peggy was already red faced losing to Elke but the sight of that larger dildo and it’s length had her a bit worried, Elke sits and spreads her thighs wide on the sofa and one heel planted on the floor, she licks her fingers though not needed as she was soaked already then spreads her wet folds as Peggy looks on. 

Elke smiles and purrs, “Go ahead Whore get it in me”, peggy holds the dildo and rubs the tip around the swollen labia then starts to ease it in her rival, Elke inhales as the toy is sank into her to the half way point, “nmmmm yesss open up Whore your turn”, Peggy arches her back and spreads wide a heel planted on the floor as well,, her fingers spread her swollen wet folds wide and Elke rubs the tip about then a bit rougher stabs the tip in then pushes the the toy in as deep, “Peggy purses ehr lips, “Ohhhh nmmm”.

They glare at each other a moment Peggy is nervous her body already aroused from the orgasms  as is Elke’s but she feels more confident entering this round, they flex their kegels and settle the toy in themselves and breath heavier as Elke stares she purrs, ‘Now we fuck each other till one can’t go on, then winner can face it the loser and we call it a night”, Peggy simply stares and nods.

Both tighten their up around the thick toy and instantly start to try to thrust the others end in and out of her rival, the amount of juices already soaking their  pussies and down their thighs very little stays in place for either, the toy is thrusted back and forth and soon the rhythm doesn’t matter as much as how much is forced into the other.

Despite thinking they were prepared it doesn’t take long for each of the women to start panting as they stare and try to out pump and push the other end deeper into her rival, the soaked juices making a slow slurping echo as it thrusted and recoiled and thrusted again over and over, without wanting it , each can’t help but react and soon mouths hang open as they dig their nails into the soft cushions of the sofa.

The heavy breathing turns to panting their full round veiny breasts rise and fall faster and faster, nipples and aureola’s seem to stretch out further than either recalls, as both women hump the toy Elke can’r refuse her breasts a caressing squeeze, as she starts to Peggy pulls her hand away and cups both and roughly does it for ehr, as she reaches Elke’s nipples she pinches them and pulls, Elke pulls her arms in bulging her tits together and presses them at Peggy’s hands, her moan showing the effect, ‘Nmmm Ugghh Yesss Bitch harder cow”.

Peggy sneers a bit despite the same equal arousal, and leans to Elke and then lowers her head and starts to suck at the rigid nipples of Elke, she throws her head back mouth open ,‘UUUHHHHH YESSSS HARDER Nmmmmmm Suck them cmon yesss yesss”, Peggy’s head tilts side to side as she wildly sucks harder firmer and frequently ,her own saliva oozing down her chin and on to Elke’s torso.

Elke allows her rival to pleasure her breasts but as she feels a sudden long quiver through her body, she tries to grip on to Peggy’s hair and pry her off her sensitive nipples, Peggy fights the hair pull as she knows she is getting to Elke, her mouth wet she takes a breath long enough to hiss ,”Cum Bitch i have you let it go’, Elke shaking her head no slows her thrusting and is slowly being fucked by the toy as Peggy thrusts it in her faster and stays on her breasts giving elke arousal all over, “Uuhh YESs YESS yESS FUCk uhhhh me oh god , ohhhh YES YESS FUCKING BITCH AAAHHHH YESSS NMMMMMFFFF MORE FASTER “,  her head shakes no at any attempts to defy the feeling and urge to release her orgasm but her body will deny it, as she arches fully her breasts swell on Peggy’s face and her thighs and spine quiver like she has been electrocuted one last cry out and she looks up at the ceiling and explodes.

Peggy a smile of victory now sits up higher on a knee and her hands push Elke’s knees apart spreading her wider, then starts to pump the toy into Elke faster and with more vigor, “Cum Bitch Cum more give it up”, Elke grabs her own hair and her shaking no can only GASP out as she feels a second , then a third orgasm being taken from her and her will to hold them off.

Peggy while feeling the toys effect is managing to drive Elke’s end in and out of ehr rival, she can see Elke undulate her hips ,and as she holds her rivals thighs apart watches the muscles turn to jello as they spasm, quiver and are under the control of her constant orgasm being forced, her lips dry out as she can not get them wet enough from the gasping horse breathes racing from her lips, after 3 more forced orgasms she holds her hands out at Peggy’s face and gulping gasps pleads, ‘STOP STOP OH MY GOD YESSS CUMMING FUCK PLEASE STOP I CAN” GO ON ENOUGH!!”.

Peggy ina one and wanting her pay back rides the toy into Elke and forces two more orgasms, satisfied ehr rival has felt some pay back, Peggy eases the toy from her folds and quickly climbs up Elke’s prone body and straddles her head then looking down lowers her soaking wet pussy onto her rivals face , she holds her head still by the hair  as she pulls it up to her wet folds, ‘Do IT BITCH pleasure me NOW!”.

Elke panting for a breath extends her tongue, and Peggy seats her spread folds on her rivals face ,she slowly rows her hips as her rival sucks away and darts her tongue in and about, as Peggy closes her eyes to enjoy her victory reward her left hand reaches back and grips the toys shaft and starts to plunge it in and out of Elke , slowly both women start to GASP, then finally both achieve yet a last orgasm, Elke sore and screaming her moans as Peggy cups her breasts in her right and releases her orgasm as they each cry out the lasting pleasure, for one it is ecstasy for the other a pain filled pleasuring, Peggy eases up off Elke’s face and smiles as she stands and grabs the wine ,she sis  smiling at the redhead laying on the sofa ,squirming and feeling ready to have another orgasms as she has the toy still stuck in her, and ever move is like being pumped again.

Peggy a stance with her thighs wide and her soaked folds glistening in Elke’s view purrs, Are we done for the night ? or you want more Bitch?”, Elke gulping as she slowly eases the toy from herself jolts her body as she barely can ease it out without cumming again, ‘We are done tonight Bitch ,uuuhhhh nmmm No more tomorrow we fight again”, peggy smiles, ‘Have a good night then ‘, and goes to her room.

Chapter 11

Both women grab a much needed hot shower and wearing just robes they both retreat to their rooms, as they go through their night time ritual each curses her rival and swears revenge and total destruction of the other, they glare at the doors of their rooms as if trying to summon the other to barge in, but despite the wishes the other would neither gets up to try.

8 am The morning sun brightens their windows and slowly as well as exhausted both women sit up in bed totally nude, they stretch and as they inch to sit up on the side of their beds the raw soreness from the previous night reminds them to take it slow.

After some stretching and brushing out their hair then pull it back, first Peggy exits then makes her way down to the kitchen, she grabs an orange juice as she starts to brew a coffee, she waits for the coffee pot to finish then hears the slow entrance of Elke, they avoid any words as Peggy pours a cup Elke steps beside and pours a coffee.

Each takes a deep inhale of the brews aroma, then sip the simple sound of the others swallow and breath has each ready to stab her claws in the other, Peggy as she swallows a sip, “well whats the agenda today?”, Elke one arm crossed under covered breasts the other holding the cup, “oh an entire day of fighting naturally into tonight, hope your ready”, Peggy smirks, “Ready when you are as long as we finish everything “.

Elke lifts her eyes from the steam from her cup and locks them into Peggy’s they both breath in as nipples tent the robes, their eyes scan the others bust stretching the robes and try to force them open, Elke softly purrs, “i think my coffee is a bit to dark i need milk”, Peggy sets her cup on the counter, “mine is as well, but there isn’t enough milk for both …in the fridge any ideas where i can get enough ?”.

Elke turns to Peggy who does the same, their thick muscular thighs ease from the robes slit, Elke caresses her tits through the robe, “Oh I have enough for the weekend but you can’t take it unless you beat my tits’, Peggy caresses hers as well , Oh I have enough too, but your not getting a drop unless you beat mine ..How shall we go on?”.

Elke slowly stalks to the “L ‘ shape counter top and her fingers slide a bowl to it as she moves to the opposite side , placing the island between herself and Peggy, then as she stares at her rival Elke slowly pulls the sash of her robe and her proud firm 36G’s part the robe open and spill free, a very steady firm sway and stop, she coax’s her already stiff nipples to get stiffer, a slight moan at Peggy, “nmm step on up”.

Peggy arches and stands then moves to the island counter top facing her rival, she then eases her sash and her robe is spread as her own firm proud 36G’s sway out to a halt, she coaxes her stiff nipples as well, Softly she asks, “Whats the fight ?”, Elke purrs , “simple we lean over the counter and bowl and use hands first one to give her milk up loses”, Peggy stares, “i accept , and the stakes?”, “nmm the stakes well i thought it might be best if we do a few titfight styles before we go tit to tit and fight for bras and milk, do you agree?’, Peggy releases her nipples swollen nearly double, “Oh I love using my tits to prove i am the best, lets get started”.

Elke smirks, “Fine , the rules are simple, we grope , squeeze, pull, twist till one of is empty or in to much pain ‘, Peggy a smirk, “sounds lovely, just know if i feel your hands in my hair  i won’t hold back’, Elke smiles, “Neither will I”.

Both women shed their robes and stand at opposite sides of the counter top, each presses her waist line to it and leans over it, their heavy firm round breasts sway out freely , nipples so stiff they are like small rail spikes, aureola’s as swelled also.

Slowly Elke reaches up and caresses the round perimeter of Peggy’s breasts, the warmth the weight, the circumference and the firmness all felt, Peggy smirks in pride as she can see Elke hide a verbal gasp. Then a slight sway by Elke  silent but a clear message of (your turn), Peggy cups her rivals and weighs them as she feels the entire circumference as well and the warmth and firmness, Elke and Peggy inhale for others hands.

Elke softly purrs “Fight’ the kitchen turns silent as each stares at her rival and their hands reach up recoil the others breasts and then grips on with deep  hand holds and squeeze with their raw strength, the gentle clop of palms colliding onto breasts starts to ring out and soon after the soft groans of their rival deeply working their breasts for the intent to do harm and drain their breasts.

Their feet secure on he dry floor as they pull and push and squeeze at the others loose hanging breasts, deep deep grabbing turns to squeezes and twisting and each woman hides the real discomfort with soft groans.

Peggy grips Elke’s breasts at the fullest roundest area and squeezes deep as she starts to twist the heavy breasts , Elke purses her lips, and in a hissing whisper, “nmm uhhh Bitch”, Peggy hears the verbal reaction and squeezes harder as she tries to fully twist her rivals breasts, “feel it honey hmm cmon fight”, Elke breathes heavier as her own hands are squeezing deeply and pulsing the at the thick breast meat, as well she lifts Peggy’s and slowly but firmly collides them together as she tries to crush them, “feel it bitch hmm? fight me “.

Both grow more mad and are pulling and kneading the others tits as deep as their hands will let them, breathing gets heavier as they both wince and grimace as their rival  seems to want to tear the others tits off .

As they stay in a undecided duel Peggy is trying ever angle to find the spot that makes Elke squeal or loosens her milk, her hands start to gouge at the flesh and Elke is feeling the rough handy work, “uhhhh you Bitch”,  Peggy replies in a huff, “Take it or give you cow”, Elke hears the dare and delivers a double slap up onto Peggy’s tits bouncing them in her hands as they settle she turns her wrists and her fingers dig then sink in to Peggy’s undersides, and her thumbs squash the top portion and she curls her hands up into Peggy’s tits, Peggy rears her head back, then howls ,‘UUUhhh awww my tits “, Elke hisses, “Problems Bitch?”.

Their hands continue to pry, mold and twist at others tits, both grimace as they feel their milk laden breasts swell and the supply ready to release, the ache they both feel deep within has them both squirming and ready to weep, eyes well up as much as their breasts supply the urge it will soon release makes their nipples feel triple in size.

Both women are squirming and pant heavy as they pull,squeeze,knead and gouge fingers in working the others breasts as if dough, peggy latches on and starts to crush her rivals breast meat, Elke closes her eyes as he feels it deep inside, then she pulls her fingers down along Peggy’s breasts to the aureola’s and finally nipples Peggy rolls her shoulders up , her lips purse in the pain, “BITCH” she calls out then her milk forms a large droplet at the tip of each and one last pull and her nipples spray her ilk , the bowl starts to hold liquid, but Elke is right there as well and Peggy gives a choking full grip on Elke’s breasts and her milk starts to spray.

The sudden force of their milk pulled from them is both a painful and relief as they feel their milk being  taken , the bowl starts to fill between the two and they now are holding the others breasts in palms as fingers work harder and deeper to take every drop, gasping as they feel pain and relief and stare at the other, the deep ache however a major factor as the  work of others hands causes large swelling.

Slowly as each has started the others milking they now feel more of the others deep rough hands torture to the breasts, Peggy pants heavily, “ohhh my tits you Bitch uuhhhh”, but Elke is no different, “uuggg uggg Bitch let my tits go give you cow”.

They pull and squeeze at the others breasts now as if it were soft taffy, they both are ready to pull away but neither wants to be the first , after 30 minutes they are both feeling it way to much and knowing a full on titfight will be at some point they stare at he other then Peggy says, “ready for a draw or want more?”, Elke a snarling lip, knows Peggy is right, “i can if you will, on three?”, Peggy nods, “1, 2, 3” they both shove the others breasts away as they stand upright each cups her sore swollen breasts that are now red and bruises begin to form, Peggy hits the fridge first grabbing two bags of frozen vegetables and lays them on each breast, Elke then does the same, they glare the jealous hate for each other as they feel they want to grab on again but knowing it will cost them later they hold off.

Peggy as she slowly smears the freezing bags over her hot feeling breasts , “ohh nmmm, going to be a long day i hope your tits can resupply quickly, i want to milk you dry”, Elke doing the same motion, “uuuhhmmm oh you better as well after our nipples duel a few ways my tits are going to devour yours and i am taking whatever bra you brought as well more of that weak milk”’, Peggy burning inside to stab her claws int Elke breathes out slow, “like i said a long day to settle more”.

Elke no doubt giving the same glare, “yes we do shall we meet in the living room in about two hours?”, Peggy breathes in , “that work for me”, both close their robes and head to their rooms to resupply their milk and think what fight will come next, each knowing no style is off limits.

Chapter 12

10 am, After a each naps and their breasts swollen and sore but a lot less bruising to show they both stretch , Peggy sees a note at the base of her door , she reads it, “when your ready the living room, i want to see whose cleavage is tighter and how strong our tits are , rules are simple and the loser will have to endure the strap on  again, if you agree i will see you in 5 minutes, if not i will have to assume you conceded this round”. Peggy crumples the paper as she hisses to the door, “you Bitch your going to have fight me full on  eventually and you know it “.

Peggy starts to prepare to go down stairs as she starts to she hears the door of Elke’s bedroom open and shut and her heels strut away then onto the steps down .

Peggy knows full well Elke will be barely dressed if at all, she does her hair up and out of her way, then slips on her heels and robe and  steps from her room and her heels let Elke know she is coming to face her again, Elke  fools herself with a grin but inwardly part of her hoped Peggy was done, Peggy enters the room they glare then Elke pats an ottoman set in the center of the room, the strap on on the floor and the large double dildo on the top of it, Elke looks to Peggy “have a seat either side”.

Peggy brushes by Elke and slowly straddles while standing the grey furniture hands on hips she watches Elke step to other side of it and strike the same stance, then both ease the robes off again and they pool at their heels, their swollen busts rise and fall as nipples are stiff then Elke sits as Peggy follows they sit up thighs wide as the long toy is between them, Elke picks it up and purrs to Peggy, “spread your tits cow”, Peggy caresses the undersides and pulls her breasts apart and Elke slides the rubber based toy in between then hisses “you can close them”.

the toy tip stands just up and over Peggy’s round veiny breasts the tip peaking over the rest hangs with a slight bend to the other tip, Elke then cups and parts her tits apart and Peggy eases the toy in the same way and hisses, “Close them”.

Now they spread thighs to the limit as they ease closer together centered on the furniture piece, the inside of their knees touch as they force the other to her widest spread, then each leans her hands forward between their thigh so their arms bulge their full massive G’s together tightening the grip on the toy between them.

Peggy stares at Elke, “so whats the game?”, Elke smirks , ‘simple my tits are going to try to push this toy up to your mouth , if i do your going to suck it till you can push it back or gag, likewise for you, loser ? well she bends over the furniture we are on and well you know …cums against her will , i hope your weak pussy is ready for  a bit more”, Peggy  stone cold glare, “we will see who gets her pussy ruined we ready?”.

Elke and Peggy get their faces closer then slowly each uses her shoulders ,back,and chest to start to force slide and push the double headed dildo up between her rivals cleavage, there is no noise as they feel the hot breath of the other on their faces, eyes locked and silently tell each other a real fight is coming, their breasts bulged together flex as they press arms in at the sides tighter and the rubber toy is sticking to each woman’s skin as it barely shifts.

They continue to try to use their breasts to push the broad tip up and at others mouth but it seems a stalemate after 10 minutes neither gets much shift and their breasts and chest show redding as they press, pump and push to move it, getting frustrated both can feel the constant attempt starting to hurt the skin it rests on Peggy looking between them , “seems you either didn’t think this through or your tits aren’t as strong as you think”, Elke has to accept her rivals taunt, “well we have to face it it is a draw as of now but i have a way we can ease the toy a bit  shall we try it?”.

Peggy rolls her shoulders back then parts her breasts , Elke eases te toy from between them as Peggy holds her breasts, she watches Elke part her folds and dip the side Peggy has in her folds then in her pussy, she moans as she stares at Peggy then eases it out as she hands it to Peggy who willingly parts her folds and sinks Elke’s end in her own pussy and gets it wet.

Both part their breasts again and each takes a turn placing the toy back in between then hands resume the position and arms bulge the breasts then Elke and Peggy start to flex as they start to push in and up at the other and tries to force the toy she cradles between her breasts up between the breasts to her rivals mouth.

They stay arched forward as they try to push the toys ends at the others mouth they flex their breasts as tight as they can, their hands in front of them as arms bulge and add to the tight cleavage, nipples dart and stab and flick as they softly breath and try to prove whose can best the others.

The first 15 minutes is a steady slow back and forth , their upper bodies undulate s one then the other gets some shift in the toys position, but even this erotic test has both women boiling that they can’t just simply slide the toy up to others lips, Elke as her and Peggy continue, ‘I so want to rip your tits and face off”, Peggy flashes her eyes, “whats wrong hmm? tits can’t beat mine so you want to catfight me?” , Elke glares in Peggy’s eyes, “Oh I want to catfight you but I HAVE to beat you tit to tit first”.

Peggy a sly smirk stares into Elke’s eyes then as their nipples touch she presses to Elke and holds , her left hand comes up and takes hold of Elke’s hair, Elke does the same and slowly each pulls, Elke hisses, “Whats wrong tits can’t beat mine?”, Peggy smirking, “Oh my tits want to fight yours how about we stop playing games and go tit to tit and settle it hmm?”.

They stare as they pump their breasts the soft clop is heard as they curl lips at the pain of the hair pull, Peggy feeling the weight in her rivals bust as well as the simple touch has her foaming to titfight, she hisses at Elke’s face, “  you think your tits are good enough hmm?”, Elke presses her breasts tighter to peggy’s allowing each woman to feel what her own are going to be up against, “i know my tits are better and they are ready for yours, but i had a special night planned for our tits, are you a hurry to get yours beat and milked again?”.

Both women keep a hold of others hair as they forget the pleasuring long toy between their breasts, but as they breath and gently rub their breasts the toy has slipped in favor of Elke, and as Peggy feels the tip under her chin Elke smiles, “well i think your tits are showing they can’t handle mine”.

Peggy eases away just an inch from Elke and as she does Elke flexes her tits and pushes at Peggy the toy slides up between her tits and pokes at Peggy’s lips, Elke a disgusted stare at Peggy, “nmmm open wide Bitch I am winning.”

Peggy starts to breath a heavier breath , her face turns red as she sees Elke is showing the tighter muscle power in her bust and upper chest, Peggy arches a bit hoping to slide the toy back as her chest tightens the muscles and her breasts close and lift , “uuuhhhh bitch “, Elke leans closer, “open your mouth Bitch take it in”, Peggy sees and feels the tip and the scent of Elke’s juices coating it slip higher then higher , she turns her cheek a bit but the hair grip Elke has yanks her face forward again, she hisses to Peggy, “no no bitch you agreed take it in”.

Peggy parts her lips as does Elke with  smile and slowly Elke presses in and the coated tip slides up between Peggy’s breasts into her open lips, as it sinks in Peggy sits up and Elke shoves her entire body to Peggy’s and their breasts meet with a clap and slowly Elke rolling her shoulders and hips forces the toy higher between Peggy’s breasts, holding Peggy by the hair she forces Peggy’s head up and down as if giving the toy a blow job, Peggy pushes at Elke who laughs, “give bitch you have no chance now”, Peggy rears back more , then drops her hands behind her the edge of the furniture they are sat on , has no more room to retreat, Elke feels her rival try to sit back up then lunges into Peggy.

She wraps her arms around Peggy and she takes them both to the floor where she straddles Peggy’s hips pins her hands at each side of Peggy then using her hanging breasts spears the toy at Peggy’s mouth, slowly rocking it at her lips she hisses at Peggy, “Give?”, Peggy feeling the toy can’t be pushed back in theis position nods yes, Elke smiling eases her breasts off Peggy’s and sits a moment looking down then as her hand takes hold of the toy she growls softly at Peggy, “Get it wet Bitch Its gonna make you cum”.

Peggy can only glare up at her rival as she wraps her lips around the toy and gets it wet, Elke then slaps her hip, Roll over Bitch on all 4’s now”, Peggy agreed to the rules and rolls on to her tummy under Elke, then eases up onto hands and knees, Elke holding the toy reaches back and spreads the folds of Peggy and slides the toy in her deep, Peggy rears her head up,’ UUUhhh Bitch”, Elke slowly starts pumping in and out of her rival, “Take it Bitch all of it”.

Elke sitting on top of Peggy’s lower back grabs a fistful of hair and pulls her rivals head back as she starts to quickly pump the toy in and out of Peggy, Peggy face red mouth open eyes shut starts to widen her thighs and panting ,‘Uuhh Uhhh Uhh BITCH OHHH YESS YESS GONNA CUM NOO NOO , I”LL KILL YOU OOHHHH YESS YESS CUMMING”.

Elke feels Peggy’s hips pump onto the toy as she explodes and as she quivers and GASPS Peggy falls to the rug , Elke ease up off her rival leaving the toy in her puts her robe back on, she smiles, “Think i will have more coffee Bitch”.

Peggy eases the toy from herself , she looks up at the ceiling her hands run through own hair as she curses to herself, “What the Fuck is wrong with me?, I know i can beat these Euro cows , Ugggg That Bitch is gonna pay before i leave Sweden’.

Peggy finally gets up, dons her robe and enters the kitchen, her and Elke glare as Elke sips a coffee , she swallows a sip, ‘Ready to run back to your hotel?, Peggy pours a cup turns her back to the counter, ‘From you? Ha hardly Bitch , I agreed to fight you and i plan till I leave Sweden and you are face down in your own milk”, Elke smiles, “mmmmm glad to hear it i hate to think I was fighting some weak ass jobber Bitch”.

Peggy her robe barely closed as her heavy firm round breasts try to push from the loose confines ,nipples tenting it with no effort stares at Elke, ‘you think your funny but I am not going anywhere till i milk you after my tits crush yours and i claw your eyes out” ,Elke pinches her nipples,’ “nmmm i can’t wait till we go to no rules, but first things first.

Peggy pinches her own tenting nipples her hip along the counter now, “whats next Cow?”, Elke smiles “meet me in the living room in 15 minutes “gather yourself then we can duel again, you will love our next round i am sure, its one i rarely lose to”, Elke saunters up the steps, Peggy follows, they reach the hallway and glare breathing fuller, Elke breathes in, “i am really trying to not bald you Bitch”, Peggy sneers, “nmmm why fight it Cow?”.

They stand in the tight hallway breasts nearly out nipples tenting, and fingers open and curl itching t attack but even the invitation to start the war is held back internally as breasts heave to let go, Elke a cold stare, “oh its not that i don’t want to Cow , but i know once we start we won’t stop till it is really over and i rather break you piece by pice first then send you home devoured sorry bitch you are”, Peggy eases a grin m “nmmm so many excuses the nights not over we have more to do thats fine, but know this Bitch when the time comes? i am going to be the one taking bras, hair  and milk home”,

Elke eases her door open and back steps in, “well get your rest bitch your nights just starting”.

Both women slip into their rooms and as Peggy shuts her door her back against it, she looks up and growls at herself in her mind, “What am i going to do she is a fighter and so far has beaten me, i have to get back to myself , i have to beat his bitch”, she drops on her bed and slips into a nap.

The loud shutting of Elke’s door rattles Peggy awake, she stretches her frame then looks in her mirror to fix her hair, the sound of the slow click of heels has her nipples stiffen and tent the robe, Peggy stares at herself, “Alright Peggy lets go face this Bitch and teach her a lesson”, she walks out making sure her robes was tied snug her heels click down the steps, she sees Elke waiting in the living room her robe shut nipples stiff and her right hand holding something.

Peggy reaches the bottom, she slowly steps to Elke , it is clear both women loath each other and if the right switch is found they will be rolling about claws out, but for now they find in themselves to take that deep breath and wait it out, Peggy inhales “Whats it gonna be now?”,Elke opens her hand and a Gold chain dangles on her index finger the suns glow reflects off the gold, at each end is a rubber nylon style hoop attached to the chain, Peggy see’s it and knows what it is she has been challenged before to wear it in a tug of war, Elke in a soft hiss ,”By the look in you eyes you know what is coming “, Peggy smirks and lightly pulls her covered nipples , ‘ohh I do lets get them on and tug of war , the stakes?”, Elke thinking she had another win in the bag can see her rival is versed in the duel and she now wonders if she just made a mistake, ‘ well i think loser kneels and winner stands thighs open and gets pleasured, unless you have a thought’, Peggy a smile, “I do how about winner chooses her rivals suffering ?” , Elke stares and swallows a deep breath “Fine hope you aren’t tired of milking and cumming”.

Both women eyes locked as the sun starts to set glare, the robes slip away and they stand in heels thigh highs and thongs, their broad nipples steely stiff, and breasts swelled for war, Elke sways the chain and Peggy takes her ends, she opens the loops and eases each one on each nipple, Elke gives a tug on each and the loops tighten around the thick nipple shafts, then Elke eases the loops on her own nipples, Peggy gives a tug tightening them on her rivals shafts.

Both can feel as they see their rivals nipples tips and shafts bulge as the blood flow starts to get closed on, they place their hands on hair and step back til the chain forming an X in mid air tenses in place, Elke breaths in, “fight till one gives agree?”, Peggy breathes in , “naturally “.

Elke and Peggy stare a moment then Elke a soft tone, “Fight”, they breath in again then each starts to pull back , slowly the chain tighten in mid air between them and the loops on the nipples tighten  more  and more and more, the shafts and tips start to bulge now captured in the nooses on their nipples.

Each woman eases back more, the small chain pulls tight and slowly their breasts rise up and stretched outward, the nipples start to double in size as they literally choke the others blood supply trapping it in the stiff nipples, aureola’s stretch wider and swell, both women stare as soft grunts are heard, the duel will leave both women super sensitive to any touch, if they are to nipple duel or have a 69 nipple sucking duel both will be crying in seconds .

They roll their shoulders to tighten the others noose style clamps, and step in to try to ease the pressure on their own, as they feel the effects now, and can see their nipples turn purple , the pain starts to burn, they need this battle over as quickly as they can but neither is willing to say she gives to stop it.

The burn they feel almost like frost bite has them moan and grunt , the ache is so deep and the nerve damage they feel might be permanent , Peggy inhales as her nipples are stretched letting hints of blood flow in and swelling her nipples even more the nooses on her nipples are cinched so tight she feels like her shafts at the base are being cut into.

But Elke is also feeling it every bit as much, her lips  part her teeth grit together as she pulls at her rival, their breathing rapid and heavy, then Elke breathes in and tugs sharply at Peggy, the move makes her rival wince and she steps toward Elke like a cat on a leash, and tries to loosen the growing pain on her own, ‘UUgggg BITCH my TITS “, Elke hears the complaint and using her back tugs,tugs ,tug as again and agin, as Peggy shakes her head no and stutter steps at her rivals command, “Cmon Bitch give ,ugghhh mffff “, the fear as Peggy gasps of yet another loss is in her eyes as they well up at the pain, but Elke is feeling it herself , her glassy eyes flash as her breasts pull Peggy’s out and up more, she knows full well the agony she causing her rival, “cmon want more Bitch hmm? i’ll walk you and your tits around this place like a pet…..AAggggg Bitch!!”, Peggy plants her right heel and yanks her back up and Elke stagger at her in pain, the noose clamps nearly cut through her nipple shafts.

Peggy a sneer, “uuhhh uuhh ohhh cmon Bitch feel it hmm? fight or give you Bitch”, Elke pulled so hard forward nearly cups her tits to ease the pain, but both know any use of hands is the same as giving up, Peggy sees Elke is hurt and yanks back again then again, “Bitch give up” she growls, Elke no red faced and stagger steps at Peggy’s command is swaying in pain, Peggy tightens her chest and whips herself backward and twists her frame, her breasts fly up as do Elke’s who has no choice but to go where Peggy pulls and she stagger again this time her knees buckle and she drops on to them on the rug causing runs in her hosiery and her breast collide as her nipples are purple and nearly three times the size.

Elke tears running seated back on her haunches is weakly trying to pull at Peggy  who now steps behind her Elke and starts to pull back , forcing Elke’s tits to stretch out to each side and back her nipples bulge as the pressure is added each step Peggy takes, “AWWWWWW MY TITS OHHH GODDD OK OK I GIVE”.

Peggy eases the tight nylon loops from her swollen nipples she does it slow so the blood doesn’t fee like a hammer as it is free to flow again, as she feels the warmth it still hurts but once free of them she holds the loops an still has Elke by her ends like a horse by the reigns, Elke has tears running and she goes to pull her loops off her nipples but peggy yanks on them, “Who said you can take them off Bitch hmm?”.

Elke nearly falls over in agony, “AWWWW STOP MY TITS OWWW”, the purple nipples and the bright cherry red where the loops are cinched nearly closed seems to glow, and peggy as much as she wants to see Elke suffer and beat her now ,also wants to beat this woman tit to tit with no advantage just a titfight between busty Queens, she drops the chains and pushes Elke back on the floor then straddles her she reaches on the table ad grabs the long toy then shoves it in Elke and starts pumping her with it, Elke as she cries tries to get the loops off her tender nipples  , moaning and enjoying the toy pumping her she can barely touch her own nipples.

Peggy stares down over her tits at Elke , weeping as her any feeling over her hurt nipples is like glass stabbing in to them, Peggy feels Elke surrender to the toy but her pain so bad she can’t enjoy it, Peggy leaves th toy in her rival then lowers over the prone redhead, “nmmm shall i help you”? Peggy wraps her lips on the right nipple and sucks it in a deep long sucking, Elke arches in pain then Peggy lets the nipple slip free , Elke quickly loosens it and frees her right nipple,, Peggy already sucking on the left,  Elke whimpers then gets it free, gasping relief she sees Peggy drop her tits on her face and smears the tears , “nmmm your pretty quiet now Bitch aren’t ya? nmm i am going to shower and ice up a bit you come get me when your tits are ready to fight mine”, Peggy ease up off her rival after a double pinch to the hurt nipples, wearing a smile she grabs two bags of frozen veggies and goes to her room , she lays on the bed the frozen bags cooling her swollen nipples , “ohh uwww nmmm thats better, ok girls rest up your big fights tonight” as she smears hr cream on her breasts she drifts off.

Elke slow to move eases the toy out and gulps heavy as it slips free of her pussy, she climbs up and goes to the freezer, “That Bitch” she moans as there is only a bag left , she grabs a plastic baggie  steps out back fills it with snow and goes to her room to recover.


Slowly both women stir and Peggy sits up the bags made her breasts red but her nipples are normal again but still very sore and sensitive to the touch, she tries to touch them and her lips purse as she coos, “Ohhh shit uhhh’, she leaves them alone and takes a warm shower to get ready, across the hall Elke sits up her robe drapes open over her nipples and she winces a bit, ‘Awww ohhhh god”, she hears the shower from Peggy’s room and she stands cupping her breasts, “Going to be a fight tonight one way or another”.

Both women change into fresh lingerie, then it was Peggy who emerges first and saunters to the living room , her heels a slow methodical click knowing her rival can hear them, Elke breathes in and exits then saunters to the living room, Peggy already set out 2 glasses of bourbon and she sits a smile a mile wide.

Elke enters the room the evil glare she sends tells it all, Elke sips the drink then sits facing Peggy , both stare and see the others veiny breasts just within the robe and a bra in each robe pocket, their nipples still steely stiff but every breath causes the robes to rub and they feel the material like it is glass across the tips.

Peggy ignores the ache, she just wants to fight her rival tit to tit no matter the effort or pain to do so, Elke is the same way but each now is a bit more fearful of the other and how good she truly is at a tit to tit fight.

A few more sips each then Peggy softly asks, “are we ready to do this?”, Elke swallows a full sip, “of course i want my tits to crush yours then i a going to pull your milk from you and use that strap on again”,  Peggy licks her lips, “oh well i am going to drain your milk, then drown you in my milk as i shove that strap on in you till you cum again …any rules we should set ?”, Elke breaths deep at the taunt, “no hair no claws just tits on tits”, Peggy smiles, “ohh no worries there bitch i get at your hair soon, so my tits vs yours shall we ?”.

Elke feeling her rivals confidence pauses a second , finishes the drink then stands up, “lets Fight”, Peggy struts to the french doors and smiles back at her rival, Elke looks at her, “what are you doing”?, Peggy opens the doors the brisk wintery night hits the and Peggy moans, “we are fighting under the snow flakes , that is unless your scared?”, Elke breathes in, “i’ll fight you any where lead on”.

Peggy steps out on the deck the light sensor turns on and she inhales as the soft snow flakes hit her warm chest and face, Elke steps out then both stare and each ease the bra she has from her robe then they strip the robes off, their nipples still stiff and aureola’s swelled , Elke still has a  red ring around her nipples shafts , but Peggy’s have a line as well, the cold adds to the ache they have in their nipples but they want to win this each they won’t let anything stop it.

They stare as skin gets wet and pinkish from the chilly snow then hands go on hair as they circle to the other, they draw closer then soft and slowly they rub breasts, each  feels the warmth of others mass, they aim and control how they rub their breasts around the others, “mmmm feel how firm i am bitch?”, Peggy hisses softly as Elke purrs in a hiss, “ohhh was that you, i can’t tell my tits are to firm “.

The mutual contact of breasts is almost welcoming as the cold flakes of snow land and melt instantly, but the feel of how firm the other is and full has both women growling inward,they drag slowly and as they stare the swelling, bulging and pulling at their rivals breasts is seen by their peripheral vision, the feel of their proud breasts pushing the others pair swells their confidence but as they feel it being done they breath out with a bigger dislike for the other.

Their breasts turn red but more from the chill and the snow landing on them, as they getter wet and the moon glistens off their breasts they roll shoulders and now Elke pushes into Peggy, the wet CLOP rings out, “Uuhhh’  and Elke a soft groan as she feels she will easily dominate her rival, ‘Ohhh nmmm your going to get milked and fucked again Bitch, feel my strong tits cmon”, Peggy at the taunt of her rival inhales sharply at the threat, after suffering losses she wasn’t truly ready for Elke has her worried for sure.

Peggy feels her rival start to get aggressive, Elke is no push over no matter what Peggy told herself, and after 15 minutes of feeling Elke drag side to side Peggy could feel how truly firm she was, and she knew what those she beat meant by it was like fighting rocks.

Peggy had no idea if her attempt to match Elke were having an effect on the busty swede, but she knew she was feeling her as Elke increases the pressure by stepping in closer and using her breasts more and with more zest to fight, “Cmon Bitch Fight my big tits” Elke hissed as her steamy breath rose and her cheeks were a pinkish red, their hair started to become wet and lose it’s volume, but more over not realizing it Peggy was slowly being forced to step and turn as Elke came at her and pursued her , “Stop running bitch fight “, Peggy was breathing a bit heavier then normal, and as she looks between them she sees Elke’s breasts are beginning  to over power her own, her shoulders droop a bit and her lips part as she exhales, “Uuhhhh ohhh”.

Elke sees,feels and hears Peggy as she smiles she starts to really chase after Peggy and increase the pressure from her own breasts, Elke widens her thighs and starts pump and drag at Peggy and soon after a few more retreating steps by Peggy Elke swells her bust and using her breasts presses tight to Peggy then drives her back till her ass and back slap against the decks railing, “Uugghh”, Elke sneers at her rivals face, ‘Cmon Bitch yess yess fight my tits”, the wet crisp clops start to ring out more frequent and louder, Peggy shakes her head side to side, “mmff mmmfff mff Bitch ohh ohh uughh uunnn “, Elke gets aroused at how her tits are beting the equal set on this American rival , “Yesss feel my tits uunnnn mmff mff cmon bitch give , i am gonna hurt you otherwise”.

Elke hands on her hair smiles as her shoulders start to drive her tits with added power, the collide and crush into Peggy’s who has to drop her hands as the railing digs in her back as she is being bent over it and her breasts start to point up at the sky , if Elke continues this Peggy’s undersides will be wide openly exposed and it will only take minutes for Elke to end this fight.

Elke presses her tits against Peggy’s then her tummy and thighs , she snarls with a grin at peggy as she rolls, drags and then starts to use the rolling pin move, pressing from under Peggy’s breasts and rolling them up on themselves as her breasts crush and push and down, their faces close as Peggy has to lean back more, ‘nmmm thats it Bitch, just let it happen, we both knew before this started your tits were no match for mine, nmmm feel my tits hmm? yess ohh yess cmon give’, Elke adds pumping to the move and Peggy rolls her head back , “uuuhhh uuhh mff mfff mff Bitch my tits ohhhhh uugg ugggg”.

Slowly Peggy is being dominated in the titfight , her rival is making her feel her weight, mass ad firmness, their nipples are nearly cherry red and even more sensitive but Elke in a zone doesn’t even feel it as she enjoys rolling, smearing, pumping her tits into Peggy’s, the silence of the snowy night is being disturbed by the clops and claps of Elke’s fleshy breasts beating into Peggy’s and her grunts as she feels it.

Peggy would never admit it but the amount of fights in the last month have taken a toll on her and her bust, Peggy can’t lean back anymore, but her breasts are being worked by her rivals deeper each volley, her lips part as she looks up, “ohhhh uugghhnnn “, Elke is trying to develop a rhythm but Peggy squirms enough she can’t get a steady one, ‘Bitch give and take it”, Peggy huffs “UUhhhh Bitch”.

Peggy feels the snow on her face it is like time stopped as she stares up, the wet clop of her rivals breasts to her own slowly brings her back to reality, another grunt and her right heel slips on the stone deck and wet snow gathering, her breasts sway up then drop on top of Elke’s, a solid SLAP rings out, as Peggy catches herself, her thigh drives up between Elke’s thighs and Elke slips a bit, As Elke pulls back and gathers a breath, her hair weighing down wet and sticking in the cold night ,Peggy resets her stance and lunges into Elke, the cold slap of bodies and breasts rings out, the two women spin and stagger as their breasts bulge between them, steam from hot breath rises up between open mouths.

They drop their arms and grab hold of others forearms, as they steady the heels on the wet surface they flex their thighs to not slide, they grip others arms and then start to pump breasts into the others, the wet fleshy clops become denser, firmer and the grunts from each woman louder as the head on collisions are felt and quake each others bodies and chest.

Elke swallows a panting breath, her mind racing on how Peggy on the verge of a loss is very much back in the fight, and to add to her shock, Elke is feeling the redhead rival’s breast pound her own as hard and effective.

Peggy is going after Elke now, but she is concerned herself, Elke is not going down easy and Peggy is feeling spent as Elke is looking strong, their large round breasts collide over and over and the distinction is seen as Elke takes her blows and pants as Peggy grunts, but no matter either’s state they refuse to ease the force they crush into the other with, and every collision while taking its toll on both is making Peggy feel it more.

The head on pumping is like both suffering jabs to her breasts, mouths open as they stare at the others face showing the distress, Elke jams head on to Peggy, then pressing firm drives a rolling motion into Peggy’s breasts with her own , “uuuhnn uhnn mmm feel my tits Bitch? they are crushing yours give before i really hurt them”, Peggy refuses to admit it but the jab and drive of her rivals tits hurt deep, she tries to pull back and turn , but Elke feeling the attempt pulls her rival to her, “ohhh no no bitch you fight me tit to tit cmon”.

Peggy feels the next three circular drags and her head turns to mask the wincing pain, but her lips purse as she coughs out, “uuughhh mmff you Bitch, get off my tits”,
Elke thinking peggy is done steps between her rivals thighs and now tries to push Peggy’s breasts up and do her circle drag motion lower on the breasts, as she does Peggy knows she has to get back in the fight or lose yet another.

Peggy gets squared to Elke and then feeling the thigh snakes hers around Elke’s, she rolls her shoulders back then as Elke drags up pulling Peggy’s tits upward , peggy yanks her calf in behind Elke’s knee, Elke stumbles and loses her grip on Peggy’s arms, her breasts drag and sway free of Peggy’s, her torso bends forward and as he has to step back to straighten her frame Peggy inhales and lunges at Elke, and Peggy dips low and as Elke straightens up Peggy is in her space and drives up fast ,”CLOPPPPPP” rings out, then another, Elke gasps ,‘OOhh OWWW UGHHH” , Peggy is after her now,’’ Cmon Bitch fight my tits “ Elke is stunned and hurt as her undersides are being pounded with the uppercut swings of Peggy’s breasts.

Elke feels her hands and arms drop open broadening her chest ,her breasts lift up and out more , clear open targets for Peggy’s weapons, the CLOPS become wet and slap harder, finally Peggy manages to knock Elke against the rail and grabs her rivals wrists and pins them on the railing top, Elke shakes her head no, melted snow whips from her hair ,peggy dips again and thrusts up the SMAK rings out and Elke head back screeches, ‘AAIIEEE MY TITS!!!”.

Elke’s heels skid nearly from under her, her hands while pinned on the rail hold it tight to stay up but her hips and ass now are below the railing line, Peggy straddles her rivals thighs and using her shoulders gets a clear set of shots at he swelling undersides of Elke.

Elke is gasping her undersides are now a red chaff color , Peggy’s breasts are punishing them more, “cmon bitch fight my tits now , i am gonna hurt them”, Peggy slows and as Elke’s breasts settle Peggy starts to grind them up at her rivals own chin a slow but firm ironing motion, Elke feels tears well and drop free down her cheek to her ear, “uuughhh ohh god my tits get off me please STOP STOP!! “, Peggy eases her face to Elke’s , “Give Bitch now” in a growl, Elke nods in tears, “OK OK I GIVE I GIVE BITCH”.

Peggy a smile of pure evil hisses, “nmmmm its bee na fun weekend Whore but your no match for my tits” then Peggy pulls off Elke and steps back, Elke cradle her tits in both arms and sinks to the cold snowy ground, her hose wet and her body cold and wet, Peggy steps in the warm house then steps back out the snow starts to get heavier, the long double dildo in her hand she pulls Elke on to all 4’s by her hair, then straddles her bare back, she spits on the toys tip then forces it in Elke, her head tosses back as Peggy sinks as far as she can, then Peggy leans on Elke and slaps her hands on to her tits and squeezes and kneads till Elke starts to drip her milk, ‘Oowwww Ohhh you Bitch my tits Please Stop I give!!’, Peggy a sneer, “Scream Bitch no ones going to break this up “‘

Every squirm Elke made was arousing by the toy in her ,but the pain in her breasts as Peggy pulled her milk was making it so she couldn’t stop squirming, finally Peggy satisfied she won and showed the swede fighter stands up, and goes into a hot shower, after she lays down to get some sleep, the next morning Peggy awakes eases on her jeans heels and a tight top and Elke’s bra, she does her make up and struts down the steps, seeing Elke is either gone or asleep she leaves a note, “been fun but the better woman won”, Peggy calls her car, and arrives back at the hotel, despite being swollen and sore she smiles having broken the losses she suffered, in a refreshing breath says to Joe and I, “Well where to next I made my point here”.

Joe and I look at each other as if we made the mistake of reawakening the monster deep in Peggy, I just smile as Joe says “well looks like a long vacation for a few women”.

Chapter 13: Next Stop Italy

We board the train and Peggy instantly heads to her bed in her cabin, the swiss alps slowly fade from view as we here the sharp scream of the trains whistle.

I knew by no stretch of the imagination once we arrive in Italy Mom will be on the prowl for a Fight, after the losses she suffered and that one last win, Peggy was going to be looking to prove to herself she didn’t just get lucky.

Naturally I know Mom can fight like the devil , i have seen her enough to never second guess that, but to me at least it seemed like the women of Europe take this a lot more seriously than back home, Peggy i don’t think ever faced a tougher string of women, and nearly getting her pride and confidence stripped before our eyes.

But then i remember it didn’t matter to peggy how tough or out of hand a fight got, she lost she took it cause she made whoever she fought never forget her and they paid dearly to get that win over her.

The train gently rocked as we enter the borders of Italy, the sun slowly settled and Peggy got a full night in to rest up, we pass through Domodossola Italy during the night, and then through Milan, we were set to arrive in Florence by midday.

As noon arrives Peggy emerges from her cabin refreshed ,still feeling the effects of a few long fights but looking ready to have more, the train came to a stop and we had time to get a few sights in and some food.

Peggy was not dressed to show off as much,which was really odd, but at the same time it was near impossible to hide her busty fit figure, especially in her style of attire tight.  As we walked side by side Peggy was lost in a thought for sure and i kind of knew that far away look from home, she was thinking of either a future rival or an old one but either way Peggy was trying to hold out for a fight over dressing like she was challenging anyone, walking near her, “Mom ? whats wrong you seem a bit distracted”, she looked at me as she took a deep full breath in, “nmm i can’t tell you the details now dear, but trust me when i tell you the fight I am looking forward to is going to be a real fight’’.

I was stunned “MOM who or how did you plan a fight in Italy?”, she chuckled a bit, “Are you forgetting I grew up in Italy?, I did some school here in my early teens and well lets just say Italian women are very hot headed, especially one that ran across my path more than once”.

Before i could press her for more Joe paused to take a few pics and he and Peggy had a soft moment of talk, Joe simply asked how she was feeling and Mom asked why , Joe just politely expressed if she was itching to fight, Peggy simply smiled and purred to him, ‘’ you know me well enough Joseph , if she looks like she will give me some competition all you have to do is point her out”. Joe winked at me and smiled at mom, “ok then I will certainly let you know ‘’, Peggy inhales slow as her nipples start to tent the swoop neck sweater she wore red with a red bra, and jeans and red heels “be sure you do”.

It wasn’t till about 4ish, we grabbed an early dinner, not much some light pasta in olive oil and spinach, and a glass of the finest local wine, that was mule kicking strong. The restaurant was a quaint little street style bistro and we say outside chatting as we sipped the wine and Peggy was smiling , her veiny cleavage was swelling despite the swoop sweaters design her bra confined bust was to heavy to not stretch it lower and more open to what the top tried to hide.

Slowly as Peggy was smiling i saw her green eyes flash wide then narrow , they clearly were sizing up prey, as Joe and i turn to see a woman was swaggering to the front door and she slowed her steps on purpose as she and Peggy caught the others eye.

The woman was a at least 5’8” 147 pounds and a very firm round 36G-28-38 figure jet black hair with grey eyes and rounded cheek bones, at first look i would swear she was 30 but once we found out she was actually only 55, she and Peggy held stares as she walked in to get a table Joe looked at Peggy, a slow nod was all he needed and he walked in behind her.

The woman gets a table the waiter sets a napkin and a glass of wine and she and Joe walk out together she sits in a chair facing our table and Joe pays for her drink, he tries to speak to her in Italian which he gets but the woman smirks and in broken english tells Joe she can understand.

While Joe was giving his lead up spiel to the long legged busty native Italian woman her eyes were devouring Peggy, while Peggy was doing the same, Joe didn’t have to point out Peggy the woman in a sultry gentle voice “Is this your woman?”, Joe smiled, “No No well sort of she is with me yes but not mine, she is my …” the woman cut him off as she inhaled for Peggy, ‘Let me guess …She competes Yes?’, Joe pauses and looks at Peggy then at the woman, “Oh yeah she does, but you knew that the minute you saw her didn’t you?”, She smiles that you got me smile.

The woman need not hear the rest she and Peggy know what they want, “you can go to your girl there and tell her my name is Sophia and I am more than willing to do this today if she is “, Joe smiles thanks her then comes back over, Peggy simply asks, ‘When does she wanna do this?”, Joe swallows, ‘She said now if your ready and her name is Sophia” , anything else “, Peggy asks, Joe says no he knew enough these two cats need to discuss the details.

Peggy slowly eases her chair back and stands Sophia just watches her as Peggy heads to her her high heel pushes the other seat out for Peggy to sit, they each stare a moment as nipples tent through, then Sophia starts, “well clearly you are challenging openly i see”, as Peggy’s veiny mass stretches the swoop design lower and swell in view, Peggy looks at her new rival, “as are you i see, but like i say if you can match up why hide it from one another”.

Sophia her full lips a wet sheen as her mass swells to be free from her designer top and bra, “Well i agree there, so ..Peggy , just what are We going to do to each other?”, Peggy acting a refine , “well Sophia i certainly think the obvious for bras and milk”, Sophia smirks but still cold stare, “nmm but that is obvious , i meant after if you can”, Peggy inhales as does Sophia, “well i wouldn’t mind if you and i try new hairdo’s”, Sophia smiles, “agreed “.

Peggy sips as does Sophia, “so tell me Sophia, just where in this wonderful city will we be able to …talk?”, Sophia dripping in lust and arousal and now desire to beat her most closest rival, “oh no worries at that , my place is a simple two blocks we can walk there now or if you need time give you my address”.

Before they move Sophia and Peggy lay down their rules, “no hands to breasts till it is over “, peggy fully agrees but says, “slow and compare before or as we start winner takes bras , milk and face sit loser”, Sophia agrees but says, “or breast smother yes?”, Peggy “yes”, they stand up Peggy to us, “i’ll be back… she looks at Sophia a while “ we nod and they both head off down the cobble stone street.

Joe and i stare a moment as i ask, “well what do you think?”, he sips, “well babe i think this time, Peggy just met her match”, i sat and nod, “yeah i was thinking that as well, how are we going to see?”, Joe takes my hand “i will find a way”.

We follow from a distance as we watch these two busty goddess strut side by side, their secret destiny about to be exposed between them, they reach an alley way and Sophia turns in an arch way opens a door and they both enter, Joe and i wait as he looks for a way to see in, the roof on the building across the small road we head up to it.

Sophia and Peggy enter a studio style apartment and she opens the french style doors that over looks the cobble stone walk way over the front door, Joe and i can see in and we see Peggy and Sophia looking at one another, both give a nod and then slowly they start to pull the sweater style tops over head and off and reveal their proud round firm breasts spilling up over the designer bras they wear.

Both take a moment to look other over then each reaches back and starts to unclasp her bra they ease them off and toss them to a side as they pose those firm veiny breasts for other to take in.

Just in the jeans and heels they slowly stand face to face then hands to hips this time they slowly start to poke their nipples into others bust and then flick their nipples at her rivals, the thick stiff nipples bend slightly as they drag them across the others then snap back to attention as they criss cross the others, both breath in at the feeling, neither can deny the feel of the others warm heavy full breasts to her own as this match starts more erotically.

Sophia a confident yet aroused smile smears her nipples at Peggy’s as her hands run along the sides of Peggy’s body, Peggy slowly smiles as she traces Sophia’s body, they look between them then slowly touch breasts and pressssssssss into the other, as the mass bulges they both tilt heads up and moan , “uuuhhhhhnnn “, “mmmmmmm”.

Sophia and Peggy stare in the others eyes as if falling in love as they slowly roll, sway and undulate their torso’s to make their breasts smear and push to the others.

They both breath in they can feel the heavy full firmness of their rival but there eyes never lose the glare, both try to find  a weak spot or sign of area to be worked but as they smear their breasts none is found, Sophia a soft hiss, ‘ I want more “, Peggy as sexily, “Nmmm so do i bring it on, I am here to fight’, Sophia a devious sexy smile, ‘thats all i do “, then she presses her breasts firmer to Peggy’s and her lips barely part as her tongue eases out then licks across Peggy’s lips.

Peggy presses back at Sophia and extends her tongue licks her rivals lips back then both start to swirl their tongues out between them, they enjoy it as it develops but the goal to sink your tongue in others mouth till she gags .

Both understand the objective and their arms encircle the other as they touch lips their tongues are wrestling to get the others pinned and sink deeper, the room fills with the gentle groans and the hot breath from nostrils as both women tilt heads and tongues swirl in their sealed mouths and lips, the swell of their tight heavy breasts bulge and rub as nipples are pinned together to her rivals.

Saliva begins to run from the corners as neither has a clear advantage, the only break between them is to suck in a deeper breath, their pointy heels gently rock the body weight of each, slowly the soft near whisper moans become louder as within the mouths Peggy then Sophia get a deep swirl of her tongue.

Sophia feels her tongue dip deep, Peggy struggles a second , Sophia grabs Peggy’s head and presses her slight advantage, Peggy grunts heavy, “uuuhhmmmfff uughhmm”, Sophia grunts into her mouth, “Nmm nmmmff cmon nmm”.

Peggy is breathing heavier now , her left heel hesitates to skid back a half step, Sophia hungry to win the first duel pulls Peggy back to her and cupping her face presses her lips tighter to Peggy’s , Peggy tries to get a bigger breath than her nostrils suck in, she parts her lips and turns her head a tiny bit and gasps in.

Sophia feel the tiny break and sucks in a breath then presses more to her rival a quick wet gasp, “stop running bitch fight”, Peggy spits at her rivals mouth, “Bitch cmon”, they lock lips again and their legs stiffen as Peggy’s hand push at Sophia’s hips while Sophia pulls Peggy in by her face.

Peggy swells her tongue and shoves in at Sophia, the stab of her tongue sticks Sophia tongue and Peggy now cups her rivals face and both fighters are wildly tongue wrestling in the tight wet kiss.

They continue to kiss duel more and more saliva drips and starts to soak their veiny breasts, jaws flex and cheeks pull in, Sophia opens her eyes a look of fear, Peggy adjusts her stance to step closer , chins get red chafe as they rub in the over flow of saliva.

Both can feel the end is near, they breath faster, they stare into others eyes, through their nostrils both start to cough on saliva and her rivals tongue tip, moans and huffs, then Peggy pulls Sophia in more , Sophia squirms her face, a silence comes Peggy lifts her brows, a look of worry, Sophia a similar look, then each cough spit seems to go into noses as lips seal, Sophia cups the back of Peggy’s neck and pulls it is just enough to get a tilt in peggy’s head and Sophia thrusts her tongue in and deep, peggy feels her tongue flattened as her rivals pins it and slides in deep, Peggy starts to gag spurts then full on fear as he opens her mouth and Sophia is pushing her tongue deeper.

Finally nearly choking Peggy shoves her rival back and steps to a wall one hand on it as she gags and coughs trying to not vomit, her eyes watering, Sophia breathing heavy, wipes her face from saliva and breathing heavy is coughing from the duel and effort.

Peggy regains her composure, Sophia does as well but she eases a smile to ehr face and rightfully so, Peggy runs her fingers over lips and chin as the two cats stare at the other, Sophia in pride straightens her figure , “You wish to leave or fight me more?’, Peggy scoffs, as she walks back to the middle where her rival stands and poses in the same way, ‘’ Well i am positive you are use to women running out after a duel but you my dear just met your match, and i am not going anywhere till you and i settle this with a clear winner”, Sophia lets her eyes check Peggy again but with less confidence for the redhead, ‘Ok Fine we can go on till you admit you are no match for me”, Peggy simply purrs, ‘Whats next?”.

Sophia a sexy sultry confident grin stretches her spine up her back arches and her full firm round breasts seem to lift out more, her hands clasp over head and she gives a slow shimmy, ‘We both know why we are hear, lets use them numerous ways shall we/’”, Peggy strikes the same pose and her firm heavy bust lifts up and out, a slow shimmy, ‘Anyway you like honey”.

Sophia stares a moment then eases to the floor , she ends up laying on her side and rubs the rug, “joining me?”, Peggy eases down, as she gets to hip Sophia props up on her hip and arm, Peggy snakes her legs out they are face to face then Peggy says, “nmm whats it gonna be?”, Sophia arches and her free hand behind her head, “nmmm nipple duel round one..take a taste before we start?”, Peggy slowly leans to her rival and Sophia stretches back lifting her breasts to Peggy.

Peggy runs her tongue around the aureola of each, Sophia smiles “nmm cmon don’t be shy”, Peggy slowly wraps her lips on the right nipple of Sophia, and starts to slide them along the stiff thick nipple, sucking gently, Sophia smiles looking up, “nmmm yesss harder taste the nipples that will beat yours”, Peggy’s head slowly bobs along the thick nipple sucking harder then harder.

Sophia grunts after a minute, “uuhhhh nmmm uuhhh ohhh ssss uummff ease up  we have to 69 to do this right “, Peggy locks on the nipple then pulls stretching it into her mouth as her tongue draws on it”, Sophia huffs, “uuuhhhh uumfff bitch my nipple get off”, Sophia shoves at Peggy’s forehead, “GET OFF”, she stretches the nipple free, Peggy licks her lips and strikes the same posture then smiles, “care to taste ?”, Sophia glares, “Don’t mind if i do”.

The glares are more intense and Peggy knows she will be pulling her rival off her breast but she offers it out with the same arch back, Sophia kisses the broad tip Peggy shuts her eyes hen the warm wet lips slide over and onto the thick nipple, instantly Sophia is bobbing sucking hard, Peggy purses her lips, “uwwww ssss nmm harder “, Sophia obliges her and is sucking deeper, Peggy feels it and watches her rivals head bobbing then feeling the effect more, “ok get off”, Sophia keeps going and Peggy pushes at her face, “Get off my tit”.

Sophia roughly pulls off and both stare between the others stiff wet nipple and eyes, then Sophia inhales, “we ready to get in a 69 and duel?” , Peggy nods and both ease down to the rug on their sides, slowly Peggy uses her left hand to go behind Sophia’s head and entangles in her hair, a slight tug lets her rival know she is set her other hand under her own breasts , Sophia then grabs a fistful of Peggy’s hair a the back the same i am set tug, then both women scoot closer and they open their mouths and ease their rivals nipple in their mouth, and they instantly start to suck at the others.

Both moan as the untouched nipple is the target then each woman uses the free hand to cup the trapped breast and as they suck at it squeeze and knead , their hips squirm and thighs widen as heads bob, soft moans are heard , “nmmm uuhhh harder bitch”, “uunmm mm cmon do it bitch”.

They tighten the lips on each others nipple and start to go from arousing to try to make it hurt, they start to rock bodies and slowly Peggy spreads her thighs and snakes her left thigh on top of Sophia’s hip, using hair and the slow withering she rolls up on Sophia, Sophia grips Peggy;s breast tighter as it hangs over her face and she lifts her head to really suck and pull on the breast, Peggy on top presses her face into Sophie’s breast as she squeezes it up and sucks harder they both grunt moans.

The duel gets faster as they pull on the others breasts with mouths Peggy starts to rake teeth , Sophia arches her back then pulls up on Peggy’s hair, Peggy winces a bit as her lips open the breast and nipple drop , Sophia breathes out then Peggy switches to the other breast and as if she never stopped sucks hard at that nipple.

Sophia huffs as Peggy presses her breasts down so Sophia has trouble with her breathing as she sucks at Peggy’s other nipple the hair tugs are getting tighter and Sophia with some effort rolls herself on top, Peggy now being smothered as Sophia bobs her head stretching the opposite nipple, Peggy has to open her mouth to take in a deep breath feels the aureola drop in her open mouth and she locks on with deep long sucking.

The moans and groans between them are of arousal and discomfort, but neither is pulling away, but they are using the hair hold to try to pull the other off her breast.

Both women engaged fully sucking harder and harder on others nipples, they have their turn on top as they see and feel the rivals aureolas and nipples turn red and get warmer, their heads bob faster and faster grunts louder as saliva coats breasts and nipples, they each pull steady on others hair for a break of the dull pain.

Peggy again rolls on top and Sophia squirms as she holds Peggy’s head off her nipples by the hair, Peggy props up on her free hand to lift her breasts out of range, they are both gasping then Sophia takes her free hand and wraps it behind Peggy’s neck and slowly twists Peggy into a headlock and rolls her back on the rug.

Peggy face getting red grips the top of Sophia’s hair and tugs back on it , Sophia’s head strained backward mouth open, “aghhhh Bitchh” as they squirm about they are trying to get up on their knees.

The both use the other to get up on a knee and though her heads tilted back , Sophia pushes her palm under Peggy’s chin and starts to press Peggy backward over her own hips, Peggy despite yanking at Sophia’s hair can’t stop her rival from pressing into her and the combined weight knocks Peggy back to the floor.

Sophia quickly pounces on Peggy and straddles her then lowers her face in to Peggy’s breasts her hands bulge both up together and her mouth starts to wildly and roughly suck the broad nipples of Peggy. Peggy arches on the floor her eyes wide as sophia attacks her thick nipples sucking and raking her teeth on them, Peggy tries to get a hand under Sophia’s face to get her off but Sophia’s just grabs the wrists pins them and continues to slurp and rake at Peggy’s stiff nipples, “unmm nmm cmon Bitch nmm give or i take you milk now”.

Peggy is shaking her head no her mouth open as she pants heavy, “No no get off my tits ohh you Bitch, uuughhh …..OK OK I GIVE I GIVE GET OFF”, Sophia’s stretches the right nipple as she sits up on Peggy till it pops wetly free from her lips, se releases Peggy’s wrists and smiles down inhaling in pride, as Peggy rubs her sore swollen nipples, Sophia as she gets up her long curvy figure stand and she pushes her hair back, “Ready to admit defeat or you want more Sophia hmm?”, Peggy slowly rises then pushes her hair back, ‘Oh i think you know that answer honey we are far from done’, Sophia a smile “Good lets get ready my tits want a fight’, Peggy a sneer, “As do mine”.

I feel Joe touch my hand as he whispers, “i think Peggy is in going to lose to this woman”, i look down then i nod , “i get that feeling as well”, we watch as they seem to lengthen their bodies more as they circle, both women fix their hair as they draw in.

Sophia a breath in “Ready?”, Peggy  hides her secret move for the first time ever, “so ready”, Sophia a confident grin as if she already won, steps center room hands on her hair and aches her broad bust outward daring Peggy to fight .

 Peggy steps face to face a simple inch separates their breasts, both stare and breath as slow as they can, but chests still rise and fall, both of them still have swollen nipples and as they are set to engage each other Sophia goes straight for Peggy’s with her own , Peggy expected as much and when Sophia darts and stabs her nipples at peggy’s , Peggy decides to make this fight go the way she prefers, she grunts once at Sophia’s nipples jabbing her own then as Sophia smiles and rolls her shoulders to strike again, Peggy does something I never recall her doing, so early in a fight, she lets Sophia come at her nipples first then Peggy dips and thrusts up her firm round breasts CRUSH up into Sophia’s undersides, the SMACK echoes the alley way below followed by Sophia’s reaction, “AAGhhhh BITCH MY TITS”, Peggy jams her tits up and into the undersides and starts to pump upward , Sophia’s eyes wide her mouth drops open and her heels start skidding backward as Peggy is after her like a mad dog on a meal, “Cmon mmff mmfff mff Bitch fight my tits Cmon”, Sophia scared and unable to comprehend how and strong and firm her rival came out fighting, Peggy is hungry and her tits are all over Sophia’s undersides battering them up, side to side and thrusting,  the clops are like dull blows that are landing perfectly.

Sophia is retreating but unable to get away from Peggy, her lips open as she gasps at the savage pounding her undersides are taking, Peggy is like a machine refusing to ease up, I can see Peggy is hurting her rival but i see also Sophia’s breasts are strong and firm as they take the hits they stand firm but are jostled  roughly and quake at Peggy’s firm strong pair.

Suddenly Sophia bumps along the wall her back arches at the feel of the cool wall, her strong breasts swell up and out and Peggy unleashes on them ,with upewarrd jabbing X pattern, “mmff mff mff cmon bitch fight my tits, Sophia GASPS, “uuggg uggg ohh you Bitch my tits ohhh uuhnnnn”.

Peggy slows the rhythm as she drags up and across each side , both women huffing as the fight goes on , then Peggy starts to pump up again, Sophia’s breasts are being bounced up as she drives the undersides in, “nmmff mff mfff cmon then bitch , ohh yesss problems honey hmm?”, Sophia gasping in shock , her breasts undersides are turning redder and bruises start, her firm breasts are also jostling looser and she knows she is in trouble as Peggy tightens to her and works her tits.

The tight together position limits the weight Peggy can drive in with but the constant contact is breaking Sophia and her face shows it, “Fight bitch my tits want a fight cmon”, Peggy growls at her face as Sophia tries to fight back.

Sophia angry and getting hurt has no choice she reaches for Peggy’s hair and pulls at the top an back Peggy snarls, “Bitch cmon then”, Peggy grabs her rivals hair at the sides as they pull they drag their breasts hard to the others.

Sophia is getting Peggy off balance as they hold others hair and the titfight gets to grinding deep, slowly she pushes Peggy back then turns and the two of them really start to drag hard tit to tit.

Peggy used a lot of energy to batter Sophia back like she did , but Sophia had to feel it every inch of it as her face is redder than Peggy’s, but as they again are  stepping freely Sophia is angry and starts to work Peggy’s tits with her own dragging a figure eight as she pulls her rivals large breast the stretch on the chest has Peggy panting, “uuhhhh bitch”, Sophia swells in pride , “cmon you Bitch fight my tits now”.

The two of them stagger as one their breasts swell, crush, bulge between them as they drag, pump, press, bump and splay the others tits to her chest wall, sweating now as they refuse to release the other , their breasts turn red and both are holding the other up Peggy heaving a breath, “fight my tits bitch “, Sophia growls back, “my tits are ruining yours Bitch cmon”.

They nearly come to a stand still as they grind so close, cheek to cheek they hold the other in tight and the subtle roll of shoulders or shove by the shoulders makes each grunt or pant at the constant contact.

Sophia was hurt no doubt but Peggy used a lot of ehr fight to get her rival hurt and not finish her off, Sophia was taking the tight clinch as a way to recover and catch her breath, while Peggy was catching her breath every bit of contact was taking more from her, I wasn’t sure if Sophia knew what she was doing or was just hanging on.

Slowly however the women were getting frustrated and it was Peggy who was going to try to end this fight , she starts pulling from Sophia and pumping up at her again, Sophia felt the move and was looking to stay close to wear down her rival and not take such hard upward hits from her, the struggle picks up pace again.

Then as Peggy shoves from Sophia the turn came, Peggy pushed back created a space between them and Sophia lunges at her and as Peggy arches to take her rivals body on Sophia dips low and delivers an upward blow to Peggy’s breasts, unexpected and her breasts up and out  the solid Smack rang out as did Peggy.

The SMACK came then the cry out, “UUUGGG AWWWW” Peggy got hit by Sophia’s upper cut and hard it rattled her breasts as they jostled up and Peggy staggered back on her heels, Sophia seemed renewed as she pumps one after another into Peggy, the CLOPS were more dense and solid.

Peggy was being rocked back stepping when Sophia cuts of her side step retreat, spreads her thighs for a solid stance and using her shoulders starts to batter Peggy;s breasts with her own, the small room exploded in CLOPS, CLAPS, SLAPS as Sophia went at Peggy hard, till she got Peggy on the other wall and stabbed her breasts hard to Peggy’s and starts to rolling pin her rivals breasts as she could no longer retreat.

Sophia stares into Peggy’s eyes as she grinds up and down into Peggy’s breasts with her own , Peggy shakes her head side to side as she feels Sophia’s power and weight , “uuhhh uummfff uuhhgggg Bitch”, Sophia a firey redhead herself drives harder , “Bitch you have no fight , you need to win fast to beat busty women but not today bitch fight my tits”.

Sophia rubs, grinds and steps tighter to Peggy as she is pinned on the wall, Peggy grimaces at the pressure but her breasts are still firm and round as when it started, Peggy finally grabs Sophia’s hair and pulls back peeling her rival off her, Sophia snarling her lips, “let my hair go Bitch”, then grabs Peggy’s hair in return, Peggy manages to side step off the wall and once free is jamming her breasts into Sophia’s.

Sophia realizing her advantage was cut short is snapping her shoulders left and right forcing her breasts to batter away at Peggy’s , as Peggy feels her breasts being hit side to side she steadies and plows her breasts at Sophia’s center and cleavage , the move comes easier as Sophia’s breasts were apart from the swinging motion but when Peggy’s spreads the cleavage and start to pump in at her rivals inner walls Sophia shakes her head no as her mouth drops open, “ohhhhh uuuggggg you Bitch“!

Sophia releases Peggy’s hair and tries to grab her shoulders to slow Peggy as she tries to drive her tits at the big pair between her own and batter them , the constant combined use has breast meat jostling and quaking and both women are feeling it fast.

Both women are sweating and breasts turn red then both feel their knees buckle as the fight going into 45 minutes is taking a toll on both, they shove each other and break apart , both caress their swollen breasts as they glare jealous hate, Sophia paces as she caresses her own , “Bitch i want to titbox yours” Peggy a snarl lip, “bring it Cow my tits will out box yours “.

I squeeze Joe’s hand as i know this next contact will determine who is left standing, Peggy sets her hands up on her hair and shimmies slow as does Sophia, as they set themselves to g oat each other Peggy smirks and flexes her big heavy firm 36G’s a look of (i got you ) on her face but it is short lived as Sophia takes a breath in then flexes her breasts at Peggy, the look of pride on Sophia as Peggy’s look slips away had me scared , Sophia wanted blood and had the equipment to draw it from peggy unlike some of the other cats she danced with.

They both have hands on hair and like panthers stalking a prey they circle coming closer each time, they get their heavy breathing under control and both suck in once last deep breath then Sophia stops and shimmies her breasts ,”Cmon enough delay put em up and fight my tits”, Peggy a cold glare stops and nods, “lets fight”, they step into other and both start this slow with a gentle rub and smear then as they lock eyes Sophia starts with a shoulder whip her breasts sway heavy an collide into the sides of Peggy’s the Slap is solid , Peggy quickly returns the move and after contact sways back SLAP, SlAP, rings out .

They glare the hatred for the other and the room explodes as they start swinging their breasts and make no effort to divert contact or receive it the room echoes into the tiny alley way with slaps smacks and grunts.
Both women widen stances as they crush, collide and batter their breasts into the others, swelling, redness and heavy grunts fill the room, both roll their head and faces etch in the pain as it gets worse, their rounded breasts hold shape till point of contact and the misshaping caused by the firmer pair, and each woman feels the weight of the others blow on her breasts and chest, sweating now the two fighters go at into the hour mark as both are ready to drop and scream a surrender.

As i watch and i see Peggy snarl her lip n pain and desire to stay in the fight i am taken back to when i was a kid and i watched mom and Nina go to it as hard and how mom was nearly put down after such a heavy longer fight, Joe whispers, “holy Shit Amber Peggy’s giving it her all and Sophia is staying toe to toe”, i feel my lips part as i was about to reply then Sophia goes at mom harder.

Peggy swings her breasts and just catches Sophia’s breast it could be considered a miss, Sophia not really feeling it slams the side of Peggy’s right breast, it crushes into her own left and as her breasts collide together they bounce up, Sophia dips and uppercuts Peggy’s SMACK!!!, Peggy throws her head back, “AAWWWWWW “ and her knees buckle and she drops onto her ass, Sophia nearly steps on Peggy as she was driving at her, she then backs up her hands on her head she paces in front of Peggy, “get up Bitch my tits want more i want to fight your tits and you”.

From my angle i was sure Peggy just lost another fight, she sat up but hr breasts were red and swollen and bruises were showing, Sophia was hurt maybe more now after that heavy exchange but her undersides while hurt didn’t take that level of punishment, she pauses her pacing looking down at Peggy and shimmies slow “Get up Bitch or give and i will take your milk”, Peggy was beside herself she came to Europe confident she would break any woman she came across , instead she had met her match more than won and it stung her pride deep.

Slowly she starts to get up but i could see as she stood up and her breasts swung out and down the ache on her face told us she was hurt but a lot deeper , she straightens her body up and as they glare, she sets hands on her hair and shimmies ‘This fight is not over Bitch”, Sophia gets a look of worry as her rival wants to go on, but she eases her hands up on her hair and shimmies back ,”Lets fight”.

They walk straight into each other and instantly the slaps, claps and fight resumes and this time both fighters swing their breasts harder and mouths hang open as they are hurting badly, They step around in short steps and eyes roll at the pain and they demand the other give , Sophia starts to drive at Peggy, she knows one good blow and peggy is done, Peggy eases back but if i know my mom she isn’t retreating cause her rivals tougher , she is doing it to set her up and take this fight , if she can we have no idea how good Sophia truly is but she certainly is giving peggy a brawl.

The sharp slaps of flesh seem to dull but mostly due to bruising and swelling ,their breasts are still causing deep contact as they collide, Peggy lifts her breasts as she arches Sophia sees blood as they are left open and she falls into the trap, she swings her breasts in an upward side swipe she misses and as her breasts sway up the undersides left wide open , Peggy dips and steps in and thrusts upward straight, the SMACK!!!! echoes out as Sophia’s face drops eyes shut as she cries out , AIIEEEEE MY TITS”, Peggy stays into her rival as she arches back her body and delivers another SMACK!! she bounces Sophia’s tits up , Sophia has tears now as she steps back again peggy lunges head on into her and SLAP their breasts meet hard head on and peggy slides her hands under Sophia’s arms and hooks them on her shoulders then grinds Sophia;s pinned breasts to her own chest wall.

Sophia can only hug Peggy and try to grind back but her body is weakened and her face is red with tears running , she hides it as she rests her chin on Peggy’s shoulder , they bot hare ready to drop as their breasts are recoiled between them and bulge out as Peggy’s rolls her grinding move pulling her rival in her hug and adding to the pain and pressure, Sophia is panting at Peggy’s ear ,‘You Bitch we are not done , i want at you, Peggy her eyes blinking as she can’t believe Sophia is hanging on huffs, “Anytime bitch i am ready”, but secretly Peggy is gulping a prayer that Sophia will give.

The tight embrace hangs on longer as both women are exhausted, their breasts ache at any touch, Peggy knows she has to end this fight before Sophia can get a second wind, she is every bit the fighter Peggy is with her breasts.

They both snake their spines as they grind breasts together and both are rolling eyes back at the crushing feel of her rivals, each tries every move there is to break her rival,as it costs them when it fails, Sophia sucks in a breath and starts to pump her tits into Peggy’s again, Peggy winces and her thigh muscles start to quiver from pain and exhaustion, “Ohhh uhhhh you Bitch”.

Sophia starts to feel that second wind building , a smile starts to come to her lips as she can feel Peggy getting hurt, ‘Fight me my tits will break yours Bitch”. cheek to cheek neither woman can see the other face as they fight on, Peggy feels her muscles tremble, but she has to beat this woman, she spins Sophia in the center of the room and as Sophia’s tight pumps have less effect Peggy can now get her firm tits in under her rivals and she starts to drag a long tight X pattern.

Sophia feels the first two or three drags and she tries to adjust her breasts to ease the effect, Peggy feels her attempt and knows her move has Sophia feeling her, “Stop running bitch and fight my tits”, Sophia gasps out in silence she has the pride Peggy does and refuses to step from this part of the fight, she jolts her tits int oPeggy’s who feels it, and coughs out, “Uugggg Ohhh” ,Sophia thinking she hurt her rival tightens her bust and goes head on again, but this time Peggy dips a bit, Sophia’s bust clops into Peggy’s chest and Peggy a growl at Sophia’s ear, “Big Mistake Bitch “.

Sophia’s eyes widen in fear, she tries to get free of Peggy, but Peggy tightens her bust and pulls up slow and tight to her rival, her round red breasts catch Sophia’s and pushes them up till they begin to fold over themselves on her chest, Peggy feels the undersides swell up and out and she sneers “your mine” into Sophia’s ear, Sophia cringes and GASPS out loud, “NOo NO BITCH STOP , UUHHHHH OWWW MY TTIS !!”.

Peggy hears the plea and now feeling refreshed starts a constant rhythm of the upward drag coupled with firm pumping in to the exposed undersides , Sophia looks up as tears drip from her eyes, her mouth open can only grunt the displeasured feeling of her breasts being crushed and tortured.

Peggy growls at her ear again, “Give or I am will hurt your tits more”, Sophia weakly nods ,but Peggy wants the words to echo out, “Say IT BITCH NOW!!”, Sophia winces and saliva drips from her lips ,’I GIVE I GIVE PLEASE STOP !!”.

Peggy continues a extra couple minutes to hurt her rival then she pulls her arms g=free and with a evil smile steps from Sophia, Peggy hands on her hair struts with her red swollen breasts out , “nmmm sure you don’t want more hmm?”, Sophia is hurting though and slowly sinks to her knees, Peggy grins then snaps Sophia by her hair onto all 4’s, she straddles her bare back then reaches under an slaps her hands onto Sophia’s breasts and starts to deeply knead and pull at them, Sophia can only weep at the extreme pain , she knows pleading for mercy will make Peggy hurt her more.

Peggy finally satisfied she has broken Sophia pushes her down on her back, then straddles her hips and goes on to all 4’s over Sophia, “open that mouth Bitch i am gonna drown you in my milk”, Peggy bulges her tit between her arms and drops them on Sophia’s mouth , they envelope her nose and mouth as Peggy looks in her eyes, ‘suck my tits get my milk out”.

Sophia does as the winner demands and Peggy rolls and pumps her tits in Sophia’s mouth, ‘nmmmmm yess harder faster drink it bitch”, Sophia eyes wide is having trouble breathing as Peggy feels her milk start to flow , she smothers her rival with he firm breasts and as Sophia is starting to gag on the milk Peggy can see it spurt from Sophia’s nostrils and each side of her face, “More Bitch”!, Sophia is scared as she gags, coughs and can’t breath as milk is forced in her mouth , she taps at Peggy’s back and arms fear taking over , finally Peggy smears her tits on Sophia’s face as she eases up, “nmmmm never cross my path again Bitch got it?”, Sophia in tears nods then Peggy lifts up and off , as she dresses she takes the bra of Sophia and dangles it on her nail as she swaggers to the door.

While Peggy is slowly descending the tight steps out to the tiny alleyway , i look into the room and see Sophia laying in her own milk as well as Peggy’s her breasts swollen , bruised and weakened, she cups them in pain as she is curing Peggy in Italian. Peggy returns to the cafe and after a tall glass of vino, orders a cappuccino, Joe and I come walking up and peggy looks up, sweaty, but other wise no worse for wear in over all look, the tight top stretched even more do to her swelling breasts but she makes a point to arch them out nipples still tenting as she smiles ,”Thank you for that Joe, that was a tough one but not tough enough for the Queen”.

Peggy swells in pride at her win , we still have no idea if she knew we watched the entire fight but to her it didn’t matter she beat the areas best and it was obvious.

Chapter 14: On to Naples

we boarded a train and though we planned on hitting Rome, Peggy demanded we pass it then we can back track, I knew by how intense she was at getting to naples something or someone was waiting there, what our minds told us was a fight , but we never would have thought an old core was to be settled once we got there and peggy was not going to be denied this fight.

Peggy went through her cream regime, as well ice and heat, she obviously needed her breasts at their best , the train to Naples went through the night and Peggy made sure to get as much sleep as she could.

We pulled into Naples, just as the sun was rising , we got of the train and Peggy stretched as she smiled at being back where she was born and grew up early on, she lead us to the hotel we were staying at then asked if we would wake her around noon.

As he asked after Joe and i had a great breakfast and took in a few local sights, we woke mom up, she was only in her thong as she sat up and her 36G’s swelled out free as she did, i was still astonished how full and firm she kept her bust, but after the last few fights it seemed here in Europe , women were much prouder and aware of keeping their chests firm then back home.

Peggy got up called for room service as she showered then as she dried off ate her breakfast, all protein naturally, Joe and I were in our room and we were trying to figure out why or who Peggy was on the hunt for, but who ever it was , it would come to a savage end for one of them.

Peggy emerges from her room wearing stretchy pants black, red spike heels and a tight spandex style top red and no bra her hair a more wind blown look make up was both sexy and deadly looking she smiled so sweetly , as she purred, “we ready to see my hometown village?””, we smiled as we headed out Peggy was not letting on just who she was on the hunt for.

We rented a small car and i sat in the back as she told Joe every turn to make, we pulled off the highway and saw a village that in some aspect looked like the romans just left the dat before, we parked as far in as we could , Peggy eased out and breathed in the fresh air then looked at us and said, “welcome to Avalene my birth place”.

Slowly Peggy walked and entered the cobble stone streets and center of the village, the old stone structures still housed many of the family that owned the years before, as i looked around it was as if time stopped here, as we stood and Peggy pointed to a house every shuddered window opened to see who was here , women from 80 to 17 were looking at us.

Peggy’s top hugged her like a second skin and her thick nipples were slowly tenting it as if ready to rip through , she had a sixth sense about trouble coming, just then a door opened a woman about Peggy’s age came out and in Italian welcomed Peggy they hugged then as the women looked about she told Peggy it be best if she left.

Peggy forget most of the native tongue but she recalled enough to know the woman a friend of hers since early years here that she was warning Peggy that her old nemesis before she left for America was returning soon, Peggy replied with a grin, “thats why she returned”.

The only thing i made out the entire conversation was a name, Giovanna, Peggy and the woman talked and we al went inside to have some vino, Peggy barely took a sip as she and her friend talked. The woman explained from the time Peggy left Gia (as she preferred to be called), became the bully but Peggy knew that to mean Queen, if any of the women got out of line or strangers came to the village Gia had it out with them in the piazza as all watched from their windows or balconies, and Gia never lost.

But there was the thorn in their sides, peggy was the only young woman to beat Gia and Gia beat her their fights were of legends here and they both swore if they ever met again one would never see another fight again.

Peggy smiled at her old friend and nodded assuring her if it was meant to be Peggy was going to drag that bitch out of the square by her hair, well needless to say the echo in the square was like a church bell and every house soon learned there was going to be another fight when Gia returned home.

Gia worked in Naples as a dancer which Peggy was once as well, and her ruthless temper to go at it was a thing of legends here, as Peggy attested to by telling us , “She is a cougar among ruthless cats”, after a few more concerning words from her friend they hugged and Peggy and we walked out to the streets, Peggy lingered by the fountain, pacing about it and at times sitting her veiny breasts were ready to split the thin stretchy top open.

 I think it was the first time i saw true silence and concern from Peggy before a fight, Gia which we had no idea grew into a gorgeous curvy woman, at 5’8” 140 pounds and a 36GG-28-36 figure and  long natural black and streaks of grey in her hair that hung to her shoulders.

Joe and I eased away as Peggy was lost in her thoughts, waiting for her town rival to return home, I was a bit worried the only woman i ever heard being so ruthless and known for it before was my mom, now half way across the globe she was about to reunite with the only woman that her concerned, to top it off Gia was aa double G not a lot but an edge to Peggy’s G, i had no idea what was coming but the fact was Peggy found a fight that was going to be  a bad one.

Once we saw the curvy figure of Gia slowly walking from the current road to the cobble stone ancient one , the slow click of her heels and the slow pendulous sway of her hips , the gentle yet firm jostle of her round bust as her long legs slowly enter the light of setting sun, till her claws then cleavage then face come into view, i felt my pride sink a bit as i instantly thought this woman is the one that will tear Peggy apart.

Peggy heard the heels and her shoulders row slowly as she stretches her back, her eyes shift down to the street then back up as she sees Gia walking into the square through the water spewing up and down, her breasts swell as he sucks in a breath, Gia only saw the heels of Peggy and her head tilts as she searches to see who is sitting there, slowly she eases around the base of the fountain, then as her eyes follow up the long  legs and sees the busty body then the red full lips and finally the face , she pauses a minute as they lock eyes and it is clear her mind is searching as to who is sitting in her town square a clear predator of a cat.

Gia is wearing a pair of tight capri jeans yellow heels, and a yellow belly top with a red scarf draped over from the collar, her red talons as sharp as Peggy’s both take note of that fact their green eyes stare as Peggy eases up to stand Gia must have found the memory of who was here for her.

She drops her bag and slowly pulls the scarf from her top, her throaty tone voice purrs, ‘I am surprised your back Peggy, I thought after out last encounter you would have learned your lesson’, Peggy steps from the fountain and breathes in, ‘Well i am glad i came back seems you forgot i gave as good as i got Gia and if it weren’t for the policia who is to say how it really would have turned out”.

Gia lets her eyes search for who is watching and hearing the echo of truth, it became obvious she told a much different version to the locals  by the looks on their faces, a few shook their heads it was b.s., but others had mouths open as they believed Gia embellished the fight was all her and that she was the reason peggy left so many years ago.

Peggy was back to either set the truth straight or face her rival and let all see the version from both sides of the story, Gia knew once she saw Peggy there was no taunt, no threat ,no level of fear was going to make Peggy just walk away, Gia a breath in “So right here then?”, Peggy hands on hips, “No better place is there. the same place pick it up where we left off”.

Gia breathes in her thick nipples are tenting her bra and top as easily as Peggy’s are, slowly they see there is no point to go on talking and each starts to circle toward the other, the slow click of the heels so crisp are heard as every window around the center are open and at least one face in each watches.

Gia and Peggy draw closer now, “Gia a sultry evil hiss, “Just remember Honey the policia moved closer to Naples might take them a while to come save you”, Peggy smirks, Well Honey i appreciate the warning but that also means they won’t arrive in time to save you…like last time”.

Gia’ s face contorts into a snarl as her white teeth gleam through her red lips, “You Bitch” and she and Peggy collide hard , thighs widen as they both stab hands into others hair and start to rip out hair as they pull and yank like savage animals.

The grunts are deep and hard as the feint sound of the roots torn free and strands broken can be heard over the growling hisses they spit at each other.

They stutter step about the brick walk way the only sound louder was the water spewing near them, heads are ripped back forward and shaken side to side like rag dolls, both women get red in the face as eyes well up at the burning excruciating pain , panting like dehydrated beasts, they refuse to let up an once on others scalp.

their fingers twist into the others hair and twist their wrists to tangle the rest of what their fingers missed, Peggy presses into Gia who arches into Peggy, they look the other in her eyes as they rip,yank,tug and Pull with every once of strength their hands can muster.

They step between thee others thighs to try to get the advantage but to watch tufts of hair be ripped free and float down they each feel the others damage as they try to cause the other more damage, Peggy snarling, “You cunt i’ll bald you”, Gia gets madder at the threat, shaking Peggy by her scalp, ‘Cmon cunt i am going to tear it all out”. the panting starts to become GASPS as they feel fistfuls rip free , the burning pain had to be beyond any thing either felt in a while as eyes tear up then tears run down cheeks.

matted hair is torn about as teeth show from each, they are both more then dedicated to go as far as they have to, Peggy feels her hated rivals hands at the sides of her temples, she grits her teeth at the pulling pain to come, Gia twists tighter and then her arms push out and Peggy’s head gets snapped back, Peggy fights the desire to bend with the pull, as he looks down her her own face at her rival, “UUghhh BITCHHH !!” , Gia hears the move made her rival grunt she pushes tugging Peggy heads back, “Cmon you cunt fight me”!, Peggy reaches with her nails clawing Gia’s scalp and grabs the top of her hair and YANKS back with a full arm yank, Gia’s mouth drops open as her head whips back and she has to look up, “AGHHHH BITCH MY HAIR!!”.

They both growl to not scream in pain as they rip each other around ,  Gia is trying to turn and shift to stop looking up, Peggy is struggling to stay balanced and keep the hold, their bodies merge into the others as they stand upright against the other.

Heads are snapped in every direction and they steps they take as one are becoming staggered and stuttered, knees buckle as each looks to trip the other , finally as clumps are torn out Gia and Peggy twist over the others calves and hit the ground , instantly they are rolling over each other still in others hair, each wanting to bald the other.

Gia and Peggy roll across the hard ancient road, the near peach color sun shines down on the square as they rip at each others scalp, panting , gasps and threats are heard, neither cat is at a distinct advantage its a pure equal fight, one neither will end till she has won.

Gia is under Peggy and Peggy spits at her , “cmon bitch i came here to fight you and settle it”, Gia looking up hands a death hold on Peggy’s hair, “oh you Bitch i wanted this since you ran from here cmon i’ll bite, scratch kick as long as i get at you”, they hold this position a minute and Peggy tries to straddle up on her rival.

As i watch i grip my own fists as i grunt t o myself, “cmon mom get her”, as she climbs onto her knees it provides Gia a few inches of room to buck hard up with her hips, the move throws Peggy and she gets bucked over Gia and lands breasts first on the hard block road, Gia kicks from under Peggy and each maintains her death grip on the others hair, Gia manages to pounce on Peggy’s back and she sits up as she snarls, “Let go of my hair cunt!’’, she pulls on Peggy’s bangs and the back of her scalp, and slowly she starts to bend Peggy up and back.

Peggy face is contorted into pure pain and rage, her face now red as her scalp is stretched holding her upper half up off the rough ground , trying to ease the severe pull, Gia shakes her Peggy’s head side to side as he pulls up and back on it, ‘Cmon you Bitch ,you came all the way home to get your scalp torn out again”, Peggy grimaces , “My HAIR cunt Let Go!!’, Gia in control smiles as he pants,  “not till i scalp you like those Indians in America”, Peggy reaches back but needs her hands to support her body or she fears a large clump of hair will be ripped out.

Gia sits up on Peggy as she pulls and strands and tufts are torn from Peggy, Gia decides to add to the pain she uses her left hands to reach over and into the front of Peggy’s top and her claws stab into Peggy’s bust and dragggggggs her claws up along them, “I will ruin your tits you cow”, Peggy winces, “Aiieeeee my tits get off me “, suddenly as the fight is getting worse two police come running from the road way and grab Gia and force her to get off Peggy, as she is held back struggling and kicking to get free, “let me go I’ll kill her”, Peggy is helped up, looking like she got the worse of it they ask if she wants to have Gia arrested , Peggy wants to finish this so glares and shakes her head no Gia is let go and they both breath heavy ready to fight but can’t.

Peggy is held by her arm as the police ask where she is staying, slowly she is walked out to a police car as they give her a ride back to the hotel, se calls out to me, “You tell her where i am Amber”, i nod and the other officer lets Gia go , as i walk by i hiss at her, “Ambassador hotel room 525”, she glares and nods.

As Joe and I walk back to the car Gia shakes out her matted torn hair and picks up her bag, instead of her typical applause or every one coming to see her , she was left standing alone she yelled out a loud rude phrase in Italian then continued on her to home, after she went inside many of the women in the village came out and were in shock how Peggy stood up to her and wanted more and how Gia was working harder than she had ever before to get the better of the visitor, the women who remember Peggy shared who she was and why their fight was going to be brutal.

We finally get back to the hotel and Joe goes to our room and i knock on Peggy’s door, she opens my door and is trying to brush the knots from her now wet hair, “You ok Mom?”, she was pissed off to say the least, ‘I am Fine that Bitch , second time the police happen to show up as she was on top, i am sure she is back their bragging it up , that Whore”, I wanted to tell you i told her the hotel and your room number , i hope that was ok”, Peggy stops to rest her scalp and she smiles at me, “you know me so well, of course it is ok better than that it is ideal’ she kisses my forehead then goes about brushing her hair out and then applies her creams, a slight red mark on her breasts but nothing to effect her at all.

Chapter 15: Gia Comes Calling

The next day Peggy was wearing her tight red dress and heels no thigh highs as it was a bit to warm and well she was enjoying the sights more than caring if Gia wanted a titfight or any fight, i think mostly because she knew long before we moved on Gia and she were going to have it out anyway and every way they had to .

Peggy was in a red dress a strawberry red and red heels her scalp ached so she wore her hair loose, the dress was snug on her chest but other wise fit perfectly to her muscled thighs, her red bra was sung and she let just a hint of her veiny cleavage show as we strolled the city.

We passed the entrance to the geo therm a ruin like area under ground and Peggy was happy just taking a photo of it over going down, as we pass the building Peggy stops and looks down an alley way, as we look and reach Peggy a sexy gorgeous woman in a yellow thin sundress is arching her back on a building her nipples tenting the thin dress and her right heel on the building knee bent other straight , her olive skin like a tan.

Her blonde hair a curly thick long nest her right hand up in it as her full breasts swell in the tight dress she caresses her bust in her left hand as she licks her lips at Peggy and then mouths, “cmon”.
Before i can say mom wait think it over she nods and motions to the stair well down to the ruins, the woman nods agreement and arches off the wall and Peggy follows her.

We follow behind so not to scare he woman off , she and Peggy reach the flat ruin floor she turns and looks at Peggy then each unbuttons the few buttons on top and they pull the dress tops off and wiggle the dresses off then step from them.

The sandy blonde shaking her hair free and then shimmies her tits at Peggy she had to be at least a G if not rounder her nipples a light pink and pointy aureola’s, Peggy’s a pink brown and her aureola’s a bit puffy side the two of them circle without knowing the other they close in on the other.

The stranger a sneer at Peggy slaps her cheek “you fight me bitch” Peggy returns the slap “love to bitch”, instantly they stab hands in others hair and crush tit to tit as hey start to pull , Peggy easily winces as her scalps sore already , “uughhh you bitch my hair!!”.

She is thinner than Peggy and despite looking a G she was only a D but very round and firm D, and from her tone body and features Joe put ehr at about 30 to Peggy’s late 50’s, , the younger fighter went after Peggy upon hearing her squeal from a standard hair pull, she was able to get Peggy’s left hand out of her hair and was using her two hands to whip Peggy by her hair, ‘Fight you Stupid Bitch “ she barely said in english.

Peggy was wincing very unusual for Peggy, and worse of it she was being flung by her hair as if the other girl was a seasoned fighter, as the girl shook Peggy by the hair then whipped her across the floor , Peggy staggered and the girl YANKED backward hard, and peggy felt her head snap back and she was dragged to the floor.

Peggy lands hard on her knee and hip facing away from the girl, the girl sneers as she savagely whips Peggy’s head from behind, “you American whore you no fighter”, She then sees Peggy try to get up and instantly she throws her right thigh over Peggy and sits on it as he pulls up on Peggy’s scalp as if you hang her by it her other hand now starts to scratch and slap at Peggy’s face, “cmon you uxnt , your in my city now fight you cow”.

Peggy turns her head the right arm goes up to slow the free slaps reigning down, her left grabs onto the girls thick flawless thigh and pinches up as much meat as she can, as the girl tries to land slaps to Peggy’s face , Peggy turns her head into the thigh and plunges her face into the tight flesh then bites into it, the girl quickly grabs at Peggy’s face, “ohhh you fucking cow , don’t bite me, Awwww aiieeeee Stop biting let me go”.

The girl arches and now tries to pull her self away at the risk of flesh being torn by Peggy’s teeth, she swings her fist down on Peggy’s head and as Peggy feels she is off balance releases the flesh and as she stands up turns to the girl and snarls, “my turn cunt”.

The girl grabs her thigh a clear imprint of Peggy’s teeth are embedded in the sinewy thigh flesh , Peggy rushes her and taking a fist full of hair YANKS the girls head back forcing a cry as she has to look up , the pull so hard her eyes close as she cries out, Peggy behind her swings a right fist square into the girls mouth, “Shut up Bitch and fight “.

Peggy’s punch throws the girl onto her back and Peggy pounces on her, she slams the girls head to the stone floor by her hair , the girl is crying and tries to placing her free hand behind her head, Peggy is burning to fight, she pins her rivals head to the floor by her hair and uses her right to pummel her face. The blows have a sickening thud to them s she bloodies her rivals nose, lips, blackens her eye and then cuts the girls eyebrow with a blow.

The younger woman turns her face tries to block Peggy from landing more blows, in broken english she cries “STOP IT STOP IT PLEASE I GIVE STOP!!!”, but Peggy who just was out enjoying the day before going against Gia before being blindly challenged so she is making the younger woman very sorry she wanted a fight.

I push Joe to stop Peggy from beating the woman to death, he pulls Peggy off her and tells her “She is done Peggy let ehr up or stop’, Peggy pulls her arm from Joe, she looks at he woman laying on the floor , “Get up Bitch Fight ..cmon get up PLEASE”.

The woman’s face is bruised. swollen and bloodied, she is so dazed she sits up and calls Peggy a name in Italian, that I can only imagine it was cunt, cause Peggy flipped her lid, as the woman tries to stand Peggy grabs a fistful of hair and slams a fist in the girls belly, she doubles over as Peggy holds the hair, then Peggy shoves her to a wall, and starts to upper cut her in the face and tits , ‘Cmon cunt fight you little Bitch !!”.

After 3 blows upper cut style the younger woman is being held up by Peggy’s hair hold, Peggy has a fist ready as the woman sinks to her knees, then holds her up by the hair and delivers a crushing knee to the woman’s breast, so hard it knocks her breast from her bra  as she lands back on the floor , Peggy tears the dress open in and tears at the bra , finally ripping it open then yanks it off her rivals body and holds it up, then huffing spits at her rival and swaggers out.

Joe and I could only watch in shock as he says, ‘Gia better be a better fighter or she Peggy will Kill her’”,we hurried out of the ruins and caught up to Peggy who was twirling the bra on her finger as a sign to locals around the area she beat one of their own.

Peggy was smiling as we finished our day, and after a nice early dinner we all went back to the hotel, a clerk at the desk waved to Peggy ad handed her a message, it was from Gia, “lets meet tonight see who gets milked then if you still are woman enough we can settle this the way we use to, here is my number”.

Peggy looked to us, “I am going to be a bit busy tonight why don’t you kids go have fun’,  She winked at me so i knew she had a fight coming tonight, as Joe tok a quick shower i knocked at moms door, “come in Amber’, she knew i always checked in on her before a fight, i enter and Peggy was wearing a sexy light purple robe semi sheer, her bulging G’s were looking so intimidating her aureola’s and nipples were already tenting the thin robe, a purple thong and heels her hair was up but I knew by the way she and Gia met again that hair do wasn’t going to last.

She was smiling and humming, “So mom is that woman in the square?”, she smiles her red lipstick lips ,’Oh you know it is darling ,her and i have been at each other since we were 8 years old and right up to my parents left Italy for America”, i was stunned to hear her fighting went back that far, ‘So why now mom after all these years?’, she stopped getting ready and looked at me, “When have you ever known me to have a fight and not finish it hmmm?, if it wasn’t for those fights Trevor financed and the few before he came along we may never have afforded a extensive trip as this, the club runs itself and my girls working there know what needs to be done, so its as good a time as any”.

I was going to ask what such a long feud was over but at the age these two started it was just pure dislike a blind person could see that, i wished mom luck and Joe and i left, I was unsure about not staying to se the fight but Joe smiled at me and opened his phone, “We can watch it from a far” i looked at the phone and it was Peggy’s room and there she was her robe open as she caressed the creams into her breasts i knew that meant her rival was on the way.

We sat at a cafe just outside the hotel and had dessert with two glasses of amaretto as we watched. The phone rang and Peggy obviously told the desk to send up her guest then she retied the robe as she sat the bra to her lingerie set on the table, she had moved the furniture in the other end of the room aside so they will have room to titfight , after about 5 minutes or so Peggy’s head lifts and she sets hands to hips as she says “Its open”, the door slowly swings in and Gia steps in, she turns to secure the door then a hand on her hip as she eases off her coat and is wearing a dark red robe and thong and a bra comes out of the pocket as she dangles it on her finger Peggy lifts the purple one.

Neither says a word , Peggy just turns and leads Gia to the sitting area of the room, Peggy takes the far corner as Gia pauses at the frame of the room, i know mom noticed cause i did on the screen , Gia was fuller in her robe as her veiny cleavage was swelling her aureola’s and nipples were tenting but longer than Peggy’s, Peggy her head tilts up as she has self confidence to not let a woman fuller bother her, she has beaten enough of them to not make it an issue.

She stares at her hated childhood rival, “loser milked and face sat then?”, Gia smirks as if she has won,’of course and then i take your bra bitch”, Peggy scoffs, “you wish”, Gia licks her lips, “we done talking ?” Peggy unties her robe and the sash sways freely as her robe is pushed open by her fully firm breasts, her nipples catching it and hold it just covering them, Gia does the same as the women clearly want to jump at each other by the dirty looks.

But as they expose their proud full round veiny breasts it is apparent to both Gia is a bit fuller but at the same token Peggy is clearly firmer as her weighted G’s stand out more freely, the obvious allows both to smirk yet curl a top lip in one thing to hate about the other, As Gia slowly steps to the center she does a slow shimmy, her round veiny GG’s barely sway but there is some shift, Peggy now steps to the center as she does she does a sexy shimmy and Gia can see little sway then Peggy arches and flexes her G’s they lift and hold then lower and Gia swallows a breath.

Peggy inhales her proud bust with a smirk but she has been in this situation way to often to take her ability for granted especially knowing her hate for Gia and hers back.

They step in close and they start to dab and rub their thick nipples, both of them doing all they can not stab their claws in others face or hair, they can not deny the arousing feeling of rubbing nipples nor the beginning of the titfight but rest assure the titfight once under way was anything but erotic , as they rub and slowly flick , Gia hisses, “so i am not as versed as you in this are there rules or can i claw you apart as we go tit to tit?’.

Peggy breaths in “nm i so wish it was that way but no it is strictly your tits vs mine till one can’t go on loser gets her tits milked then either smothered or face sat …oh and loses her bra”, Gia breathes in deeper, “shame i can’t get at you tonight the way i want to”, Peggy hisses back , “it is but the nights young and the fight isn’t over yet”,  Gia a hungry glare, “well the sooner this is out of the way the sooner we can really Fight at least for tonight “, Peggy spits back, “oh i don’t wanna catfight you here no no we are settling this in the piazza where the village can see who wins”, Gia swallows “ohhh well then i look forward to finally dragging you about the square by what little hair i leave, or maybe your tits”.

Peggy smirks, “oh if only i had a dollar every time i heard that silly threat, now shall we go on?”, Gia blinks a few times as she inhales, “gotta start somewhere”, th tw oof them square up and set stances then as much as they want to pounce they hold back and slowly shove their breasts together a solid CLOP fills the room and both give a huffed reply, ‘uhhnnn” then as they hide the reaction they feel of the others bust to their own they start to rub and drag firmly into  the other.

Neither really expresses the reaction of what they feel from the others contact, they rather swallow a moan than show the other she feels anything, Peggy wants to devour this woman, but she knows Gia is every bit a fighter she herself is and versed or not Gia has heavy powerful breasts as well, the only difference the experience level , but Peggy was smart enough to know her rival might be playing herself down just to unveil her experience and break Peggy down at her own game.

The two Amazons stand still other than their upper body motion, their breasts swelling, ballooning and bulging as they rub, and drag and smear firmly, both knowing they are facing a ruthless woman equal to themselves and will take their time to break the other.

Gia inhales slowly her fuller breasts swell and as Peggy smears across Gia presses in, her breasts seem to almost swallow Peggy’s ,she smirks as she looks down between them, Peggy stares ahead ,Gia rolls her shoulders and pushes firmer to Peggy, “Nmmmm i am not a pro but it seems your pathetic tits are being engulfed Bitch”.

Peggy can feel the warm weighted mass on her own as she presses in it feels to
peggy as if hers plunge in and Gia’s simply are bulging around and engulfing, but to a seasoned fighter like Peggy she looks down then up and a smile emerge as she purrs, “nmmm well i am and sadly for you it seems mine are punishing yours deeply”.

Then as Gia a sly smirk feels confident she suddenly gets that smirk wiped from her lips as Peggy pumps head on three times then slowly spreads Gia’s bust about her own chest as she rolls and pulls them , Gia huffs heavily, ‘UUhhh ohhh’ Peggy sneers, “Nmmmm before i destroy your pathetic tits i am going to hurt them real bad”.

The slow start ends a lot quicker than Gia was ready for as Peggy smears her breasts under Gia’s then as Gia’s undersides rest atop Peggy’s power breasts Peggy thrusts in and up a dense CLOP and Peggy has Gia arching and easing her steps backward, Peggy never loses contact with her as she follows and Gia rolls her back as her tits are being shifted from underneath, “uuuhhhh ohhh mmfff Bitch”, Peggy a sneer,”you ok? can you finish the fight ?”, Gia feels the weight and firmness peggy has and she growls at how they are controlling this already she locks her hands on her head and as Peggy feels she has an easy fight tonight , Gia drags her breasts down Peggy’s then bumps left then right and jostles Peggy’s breasts making Peggy pause her planned move, “i thought you knew me better Bitch i don’t give in a fight”.

Peggy knows full well Gia will see this to the end and she can only assure herself her style will take her rival down but she can also feel as her tits fight Gia’s , this won’t be an easy fight.  Suddenly as thighs widen to steady bodies the two women are nose to nose and dragging, pumping and smearing their heavy full breasts as both grunt and pant at the feel of the other, “Bitch”, Whore “ they spit at the other.

Their long legs flex the muscles as they try to remain in stance and force other one back in retreat but neither gives an inch now as they  drag and pump and push breast to breast harder and harder.

Slowly despite being the versed fighter Peggy is slowly losing the control she started with, and Gia is smearing and dragging faster and harder as she turns Peggy toward the wall and steps in making her retreat steps “oh cmon Peggy you wanted to fight my tits now fight them”.

Gia suddenly starts to pump head on at Peggy the clops are firm, “uunn unn unn bitch fight back cmon”, Peggy a bit stunned but more feeling the fuller breasts come at hers, “mmfff mff mff oh you Bitch uummff mmff mf get off my tits ohhh “.

Peggy was being pushed in retreat and Gia was feeling the thrill as she forces Peggy back another few steps she shocks the Queen and attacks hard, Gia puts her heavier GG’s to work as he pumps,pushes,presses and thrusts into Peggy’s G breasts, Peggy gasps out as every angle there is her breasts are struck or pushed or dragged to by Gia’s, her hands fall from her hair, as her eyes lose the spark, her mouth hangs open and her panting seems heavy, is this happening? Is Peggy getting her breasts beaten up by her childhood rival, a woman who is every bit a savage cat as Peggy but a novice to titfights has the Queen on the ropes after 25 minutes of head on contact.

Peggy starts to retreat willingly as she needs to get Gia off her from the constant contact, Peggy’s shoulders are starting to fall, her eyes are showing the ache and pain as Gia is staying on her with a look of hunger for blood< “cmon you fat Bitch Fight my tits”.

Gia side steps as she keeps a wide stance and she aims her fuller tits at the side wall of Peggy’s left,  Peggy knows it her weakest point and if any woman lands the right combination hard enough to her left side the titfights over , as Gia directs her tits at the left side Peggy tenses as if waiting for the pain, Gia shimmies a slow sway, then breaths in her tits lift ready to stab in, at the lest second Peggy digs deep as she can and sways to her left then dips and strikes.

SMACK!!!, rings out as Gia was coming at her SMACK a second time fills the room and Gia head tossing back mouth open GASPS, “UUghhhhh”, “OWWWW YOU BITCH MY TITS!!!”, Gia never had felt the painful direct hit to her undersides like this, and despite being fuller than Peggy , she never realized how truly heavy and firm Peggy was, the upper cut blow to her undersides forces Gia’s breasts to rattle, quake and jostle about her chest, her knees give as she nearly falls to her knees her fuller breasts drop on Peggy’s and Peggy lunges into her rival and knocks her onto the floor on her back as Peggy lands on top of her and starts to rake her breasts up and down Gia’s ,making certain to plow her tits on and across Gia’s as well as dropping the full weight on the fuller rival.

Gia is gasping and panting her tits now turning a dark red and her mouth open in shock and pain, she panics and resorts to her natural fight style by clawing up Peggy’s bare back then grabbing two fistfuls of hair , she bends Peggy’s head back and up, “Get off me and my tits cunt or I’ll bald you right here”.

Peggy her face stretched by the deep hair grip fights the natural effect to pull back , instead she grabs Gia’s hair at the sides of her temples and pins her rivals head to the rug , she is slowly grinding her tits down into Gia’s as she rips hair from Gia’s head, in a snarling growl, ‘Let my hair go you cheap whore or i’ll rip both clumps out, not like you Gia you Bitch to cheat thought you were a fighter”.

Gia has a stare of pain etched along with a bitter I will kill you glare, Peggy’s look matches it, knowing she will have peggy in a real fight Gia accepts the fate of tonight ,‘You cunt wait till i get my claws in you, I give get off me”, Peggy a sly smile as she rolls her tits all over Gia’s pinned pair then she sits up on her knees as if to get off her rival Gia rolls to her side as if getting up, Peggy stands but her thighs are still straddled over Gia’s body, as Gia gets on her knees Peggy drops her ass on the small of Gia’s back and stabs her nails in to her tits, Gia bucks “What the Fuck you cheap bitch”, Peggy hisses at her ear, “Take your medicine cow give me that milk”.

Gia bucks and tries to dislodge Peggy but Peggy oly grabs the huge breasts tighter and deeper, “kepp fighting it i might just peel your skin off your pathetic tits”, Gia can probably get out of the hold but she knows her rival and she knows Peggy can and will use her talons and cause some major damage, Gia lets out a big breath, ‘Go ahead cunt but when we fight in the square I will carve your flesh off your tits and face”.

Peggy knows the threat is real she has fought this woman enough to know it is not a feeble threat , but as she has her rival at her mercy Peggy makes sure to make her sore, swollen and leaking, Gia is huffing and a gasps as her breasts are worked deep and hard and suddenly her milk is flowing by force, the release makes her gasp, “UUUghhhh ohhh you fucking Bitch’, Peggy a sinister reply, ‘Nmmmm yesss your lucky i am not making you Moo cunt”.

Finally satisfied peggy pushes Gia on the rug and as she turns Peggy smears her wet thong on her face, she wasn’t going to risk face sitting her rival ,simply because she knows her well enough Gia would stab her teeth into Peggy’s folds, Peggy stands and takes both bras and dons her robe, “Get up and get out you fat ass cow”.

Gia slowly rolls up on her hip then stands, her eyes are like two fire balls as she has both hands open and fingers crooked to claw, Peggy is already standing waiting for Gia to attack she knows her to well, Peggy breathing heavy, “Feeling froggy Bitch hmm?, i am ready for ya but it would be a shame to not have an audience for this one”, Gia foaming at the mouth wants to fight but she also would prefer her village see her destroy her long rival, “Ok Bitch i want to claw you to shreds but your right i can wait, i waited over 20 years whats a day or two to rip you apart once and for all, you make sure your in our village in three days or i will come back here and no excuse will stop me from getting at you”.

Peggy smirks, “well make your mind up Bitch here an now or at the village?”, Gia so fighting herself to not fight right now, “three days you cow then you and i settle it for good”, as Gia collects her robe then coat Peggy wears a proud grin, “see ya then Whore”, Gia leaves and Peggy cradles her tits as she says to herself, “oh god those tits were heavy, shit”.

Joe and i return and i go to ask Peggy how it went, she stands at her bathroom mirror and massages the creams into her firm breasts, “It went my way Amber but it was not easy, but Gia wasn’t here to titfight me she wants to be sure I meet her in three days and her and I have this out “, I interrupt her, ‘Like when you were kids?”, Peggy looks at me from the mirror reflection, “Not exactly, there is a good chance after this fight one of us will be put out to retirement or worse”, ‘Worse?”.

Peggy turns as her red swollen abut still firm breasts stand out nipples stiff, ‘Sweetie you had to know all these catfights you have seen a real injury was always on the table, and they were never as personal as Gia and I , who just HATE each other with a passion so deep we live to face off, you really think i traveled all the way to Italy to titfight her?, no sweetie by this time Friday momma is going to be hurt the only question is with a smile or in the ER with tears”.

I felt a chill from her reply, “mom/ this sounds more than serious i mean are you talking …’, Peggy spins ‘It means if Gia gets the chance she will try to kill me Yes, but no worries there she has forgotten Momma fights every bit as hard and passionate”

Chapter 16: For Whom the Bell Tolls

As Peggy waited for Friday night, she acted as calm as if it was going to be just any typical Friday, just a catfight at the end of the day, she had them planned before in her life time some rough some a joke and a few she was sorry she was in them but one thing she knew from those win or lose , Peggy always was back for more.

This one however was going to be different maybe to me at least, but the fights suck as Gina or June where it got as raw as a fight can get , it was Peggy that left her rival bitten , hurt, and not wanting a rematch, but this fight coming Peggy and we knew it might be her in a ER with bandages where her nipples were or her eyes, or worse.

But Peggy looked at any and every fight as that being a possibility and she accept that one day it might be her turn i guess it is why she fought like a uncaged wild cat against the weakest of rivals , it is a fight and can go any fighters way by one move, or turn of the tables, and this personal rivalry was going to test these women to the limits.

I can’t say how far or risky Peggy had fought in her past or the degree this one was set to be, but i knew in my heart the following, there was no talking her out of it at all, she needed this fight for reasons only she had, and no matter who won this Peggy would only stop if she could never fight again.

As we waited for Friday Peggy knew what was coming she made no excuses after Friday win or lose she was going to be hurt, so we took in the sights and food all about Naples and Peggy even worked on her tan on the beaches, there a few women who may have gave Peggy a go, but she wanted to be a 100% for Friday , but trust me she was lusting to titfight a few of them, the only way she got around it was flexing those big firm G’s at will and many of those women saw and never dare challenged her.

Peggy was hiding it but i knew she was worried about Friday, i can’t blame her this wasn’t for a man, a town or any prize this was an old rivalry that was left undecided between two hell cats and till it was decided neither was going to rest easy, all i can tell you is Gia and Peggy grew up in that tiny village and the families hated each other and it carried over to the daughters, the two of them have been biting clawing and ripping hair as a result till the day Pegg’s made the move to the States.

The last words they had as moms fanmily left the village were to swear to kill each other if they met again, Peggy had the means and time and took that threat to heart, now she is back and these two will go t war snd it will be bad for both winner and loser.

I didn’t want her to go to the fight i saw in Gia what i saw in mom, a woman ready at any minute to go tooth and nail till she won, and the way Gia had mom by the hair and dragged her on the street was pretty horrific to watch, it was a simple second of Gia letting loose and Peggy would have been recovering instead of waiting to fight .

Each minute i can see Peggy is nervous to any one else she looks calm but i see her little tells that this fight will be a big one, Friday morning i asked mom what she was going to wear to this, she was looking out her patio doors, turns “heels jeans and a tank top nothing more”, she calmly responded,  i saw the fear and fire in her eyes it was nearly time to head out, i gave my usual reply, “you don’t have to do this”, she stood up and adjusted her tight tank top her bare breasts under it were standing firm, “oh yes i do”.

We rented a car and Joe drove us to the village, there were light from each upper balcony to the fountain and every woman there was out side with chairs or standing to see this finally get resolved.

We pull up and Joe and i get out Peggy hangs back a moment to think,  as we enter the square all are talking and comparing the two women then Gia emerges from her house wearing red heels tight capri jeans and a black tank top clearly no bra as her fuller tits sway to be free and nipples tent the thin tight top, “where is that Bitch?”.

Before i can reply i hear Peggy enter the square, “right here cunt”, the women young and old gasp at how Peggy looks ready as well, blue denim heels blue tight jeans and a red tank top “anything we need to sort out ?”, Gia takes a breath in her eyes scan Peggy then her lips snarls, “just which hospital you want to go to after”.

Peggy smirks, “big talk for a weak titted bitch this won’t be no tit rubbing honey , i am gonna tear you to ribbons”, Gia snorts, “enough talking honey lets fight like we use to”.

Peggy one thigh over the other steps to the squares center “ready when you are “, Gia steps and they bump tits “oh i am ready”.

The square is silent as their heels are the only sound as they circle as one once then teeth bare and the she cats strike at the same moment, both hands of each stab their claws at the others face and start to gouge and dig at in, both women snarl faces as nails are digging in claw marks and red streaks on cheeks as they rip at the other, neither has an advantage as they stand face to face and claw it out.

Both are heaving breaths as they gather flesh in nails and pull sand claw, Peggy a snarling  face, “cmon cunt fight me”, Gia the same , “ohhhh uughh you cunt ill kill you”.

 They hold this way a good 2 minutes then Peggy rakes her nails in Gia’s face down and digs into her chest and then neck , Gia pants heavy but instantly wraps her claws around Peggy’s throat as they start to really get into the fight and start to stagger about, Peggy cringes at the pressure on her throat and the tips of Gia’s nails sinking into her skin, she turns her head and shakes a a bit but, Gia has a hold on her rivals neck they still stand face to face , Peggy feeling her throat swell from the grip, grabs the front of Gia’s bangs and snaps her head back her other hand stabs her claws into Gia’s cheek and sinks in as she scratches Gia’s face the 4 red lines are etched into her cheek , Gia snarls her lips at the burning pain and now one hand lets go of Peggy’s throat to scratch back at Peggy’s face.

Peggy tilts her head back to the right avoiding Gia’s claws and still holding the front of her rivals hair starts to yank and pull, the hard ripping at the scalp has Gia stagger now as her head is whipped in short bursts. Both growling as they show teeth, “Ohhhh my hair you cunt Let go and fight’, Peggy spits, “Cmon cunt let go of my neck lets get it on you cheap whore”.

Gia shakes her head to try to stop the pulling, her nails swipe at Peggy as her other hand releases the throat hold and goes for Peggy’s hair, Peggy turns her head to avoid it and instead stabs a fist at Gia’s face that connects, Gia’s head gets jolted back and she turns her face to avoid a second blow, Peggy her fist ready to deliver as her rival turns her head snarls, “chicken shit bitch” then fires the fist into Gia’s ear.

Gia yelps out as her ear is pounded, the ringing in it must have been horrendous.
 Peggy with her fist still at the ready walks after Gia who is slightly bent forward and bot hands cover her ear, Peggy grabs a fistful of her rivals hair and as hard as she can yanks Gia by the hair turning her ten as she yanks her head back again slams her fist 3 times in Gia’s face.

Gia tries to cover with her right arm, but peggy stabs a series of upward blows under Gia’s are and connects as Gia’s head bounced up and back down. Peggy now uses the hair hold to spin Gia in a  circle then tries to whip her to the ground , as Gia is spun and staggers her heels stutter stepping, Peggy whips her head back by the hair and Gia’s heels leave the ground and she is dropped on her back on the cobble stone street.

Gia is slow to move as her lower back,elbow and mid back are burning from pain, Peggy doesn’t care she stalks up to Gia and delivers a kick to Gia’s side , the kick causes Gia to cover and roll to her other side, peggy pounces on her back and grabs a fistful of hair and pulls up and back, bending Gia back , Gia’s face red and eyes shut in pain has to use her hands to prop under self to ease the savage hair pull.

“You cunt let my hair go Bitch!!”, Peggy a sneer , ‘Cmon cunt fight “, then spreads her claws open and from under Gia’s chin, up to her nose Peggy claws at Gia’s face, Gia tries to turn her head but Peggy’s fingers are sealed to her face , Gia bucks and her legs kick up and back, but Peggy just straddles and rides her like a bronco.

After digging 4 long furrows in Gia’s face Peggy twists the hair up tighter ,her knuckle press into the scalp of Gia as she holds her head tight by the hair, then balls her fist again and delivers several fast jabs at Gia’s face and head, “Cmon uxnt get up,Fight me like we use to ,cmon “.

The thuds and clacks are sharp and Gia’s face gets redder and a trickle of blood from her nose and lips start to drip,Peggy was sneering as she took control and was pummeling her hated rival, but Gia was far from done , as peggy rode her back Gia was still squirming, kicking and bucking, as Peggy was tormenting her Gia was busy pulling her knees up under her body along the hard street.

I have to assume Peggy just thought Gia was squirming in pain and never took into account she was still ready to fight, as Peggy smiles and reaches under Gia’s chin and into her tank top her claws grab a fistful of breast meat and gouges and pulls her nails in it, Gia’s breast is pulled from her tank top, her left hand quickly pulls at Peggy’s arm and yanks down as she she tries to pull the claws off her breast, peggy leans up on her knees and over “Let my arm go before i tear your tit off bitch”, Peggy hisses, Gia silent other than grunts suddenly pulls on the arm and uses her knees to thrust her ass up Peggy is bucked over Gia’s head and her breasts in her top splat on the block made street.

Gia her breast free sits up her face some blood reaches to climb on Peggy’s back but as she grabs the tank top from behind her tight grip and strong pull tears Peggy’s tank top half way down her back, Peggy’s heavy G’s pull on the loosened top as her nipples tent it , she turns and as she tenses to attack Gia, her rival swings her heeled leg out at Peggy and the heel stabs into Peggy’s right breast just thinly covered, Peggy is thrown back on her ass as she cups her injured breast.

Gia trickles of blood from lip and nose trace down her face as she sees Peggy put on her back lunges and goes at Peggy claws open, she lands between Peggy’s thighs and tears at the front of the already ruined top, as the top is ripped away Peggy’s breasts are open targets and Gia doesn’t waste a second , she drops her head in Peggy’s breasts and then the scream, “AAAIIIEEE BITH MY TIT!!!” Gia sank her teeth into Peggy’s left breast and Peggy rips at her hair and other hand stabbing blows at Gia’s jaw and side of the face, “get off my tit you Whore”.

Gia digs her claws at Peggy’s face blindly as she inches up on Peggy, but Peggy feels the lower torso in her thighs and clamps them shut and squeezes, Gia’s mouth drops open as she gasps to breath.

Her hands push up and at Peggy’s knees to open as she arches up and back, “uuughhhh Bitch my ribs”, Peggy reaches up her nails get some of the tank top Gia has and pulls stretching the thin material till it seems to explode open, the tattered top is destroyed and as Gia’s breasts are freed Peggy stabs those deadly claws into Gia’s breasts and sinks them in as she twists the fuller meaty breasts in her claws.

Gia shakes her head up and back but her hands spread now as both stab claws in others breasts and squeeze and pull and twist the meaty flesh, Peggy sees a slight chance at adding pain to Gia, she uses her pointy thumb nails and sinks them into Gia’s nipples, Gia shakes her torso and pulls her breasts away Peggy opens her thighs and rolls to get up and away, both cats get separated and each is heaving and panting , their chests rise and fall heavy, Peggy gets up and yanks the destroyed top rag from her jeans and throws it aside, Gia gets up and does the same.

Their full firm heavy breasts now exposed and even more a target for the other, Peggy’s left breasts a small glistening teeth imprint from Gia’s saliva shines the purple mark, both women get to their feet and the glare of hate is like none i ever saw before, as they both open their hands and claws are ready , breasts sway  as they glare.

Their lips curl as the hate and anger and jealousy surfaces, then in a flash they collide into each other, pulling hair as they crush body to body, their large breasts bulge up together as hands rip out tufts of hair, snarled faces spitting as we hear them “cunt i’ll kill you, and Cmon Bitch I am going to scratch your eyes out”, spinning ,staggering as they destroy the others hair.

As they stagger about savage tearing on others scalp they get faces close enough they start to bite at the others face and neck.  Gia gets pressed against the fountains edge , her back slowly being bent back over the water, she snakes her leg around the back of Peggy’s leg and as she pulls on Peggy’s hair to her kicks her leg into the back of Peggy’s knee.

Peggy feels her leg buckle it knocks her balance off and as she tries to pull Gia into the fountain her body gets twisted, Gia releases her right hand from the hair of Peggy and delivers a solid blow to her nose, Peggy’s head bounces back her nostril fills with blood, her mouth open as the blow halts her a bit.

Gia takes a hair hold and flips Peggy over her hip into the fountain water, she pounces on Peggy and grabs her throat as he holds her face in the water, Peggy is flailing her arms as Gia snarls, “i am gonna kill you cunt”, i started to walk to Mom but i was quickly stopped by the other women there, all yelling at me in Italian and one in broken english telling me “they want this fight you let them fight and end it”.

Gia was in the water up to her knees as she was holding Peggy by the throat and hair under the water, Peggy was red in the face ,fear in her eyes as she kicked her knee up it struck Gia in the side hard enough Gia slipped on the oily bottom , her loss of balance was enough Peggy got a fist full of hair and ripped hard pulling Gia on er and then rolled her under , Peggy lifted her head from the water and was coughing up the silky water, er hair a matted mess as her bruised cut and clawed body glistened.

Gia was easy to break the hold Peggy had her under water but none the less the gasps of fear and pain had her cough up water as well, Gia was on her knees the water being soaked up in her jeans as Peggy’s were soaked entirely, Peggy charges Gia and collides into her, as Gia falls back in the water Peggy was now on her back and wrapped her arm around and under Gia’s neck and starts to choke her rival, her thighs wrap around Gia and Peggy uses her free hand to stab her claws in Gia’s breasts and as she squeezes and twists her nails dig in deep and tear 4 long furrows in the breasts, Gia arches and pulls at Peggy’s arm as he cries out as her tits are being torn up.

Gia’s face etched in pain, her hands pull claw at Peggy’s arm at her neck, kicking to buck Peggy back or get loose, Peggy has a tough time holding her wet bodied rival as the two amazons fight on wet or not they just want to destroy each other.

Peggy has Gia’s bare wet back between her thighs as her arm tightens and is scratched by Gia, Peggy snarls at her ear, “kill me bitch hmm? i’ ll kill you whore cmon “, Gia finally reaches back an gets a deep fistful of Peggy’s hair and pulls her head down, Peggy snarling “let go Bitch or i’ll claw your tits off”, Gia in a horse gag “oh you will cunt how this hmm”/?, Gia turns her head enough and manages to sink her teeth i Peggy’s cheek, Peggy screeches and her arm pulls from her rivals neck only to yank Gia’s head to the right then bites Gia’s neck at the side tearing into it.

Both women screech into the others skin, slowly Gia squirms free from peggy’s thighs and as they hold the bites on the other, Gia stabs her claws at Peggy’s face, Peggy drops her jaw on Gia and pulls away to defend her face, Gia freed of the deadly bite, Lunges into Peggy face to face they grab each other and both sink under as they roll and tear at each others face, hair,and bodies.

The water splashes about and starts to flood the street around the fountain, heels are kicking up, legs and hands make an appearance from the clear water, as claws and fists and slaps flail the women are rolling over each other making it tough to see who is who but at times Peggy then Gia are on top.

Each time one is atop out of the water her face is bruised more or bleeding as well her neck , chest and breasts are cut up, slowly the water is getting a red hue, and the women re showing the signs of exhaustion as they gag and fight to the last they can.

Peggy manages to get up off her knees and free from Gia who is laying in the water on her back still looks up, Peggy steps at her and Gia kicks her heels into Peggy’s gut, Peggy flies and slips backward and hits the edge of the fountain on her back and gets hurt, Gia stands and comes at her,

Peggy straightens up but her back has a straight bruise line across, certainly will feel it tomorrow if she makes it through this, Gia and Peggy stand near the edge and both are gulping in breathes, the glares tell all this fight isn’t over, Gia opens her hands as does Peggy there is a silence then Peggy hisses “like our last fight?”, Gia nods, “oh yeah bitch till its over”.

They step face to face their wet glistening scored breasts bulge together then slowly both reach into others face and they stand and start to claw .

Both take their time and sink nails in and rake and drag nails, their faces contort to agony but they both refuse to cry out at first, breathing heavy as they refuse to turn their faces away red furrows streak their features as they grind tits , a slow wider stance forms as they press into the others face to effectively claw .

As the mutual torture goes on both have tears dripping and mix in the wet drops their wet hair leaves turning redder and slowly pooling at their breasts and eventually into the water they stand in, Gia snarls, “cmon you cheap cunt “, Peggy spits back, “right here you gutter tramp cmon”.

I watch in total fear and shock as these two refuse to defend and just want to scratch each other raw, it is a close savage fight at this point when suddenly Gia snags a fistful of Peggy’s hair at the back she holds her head tight then steps to Peggy’s side and cups her hand over her face and digs the claws in , instantly i see blood from Gia’s nail tips and Peggy cries out, “Nooooo owwww Bitch”, i gasp and Peggy tries to shake her head to get free, Gia like a cannibal lowers her head and bites into Peggy’s big 36G left breast, Peggy screeches again..”you cunt MY TIT MY FACE BITCH!!!!!!”.

Gia starts to push Peggy back never releasing the damaging holds , Peggy tears are heavier as she blindly tries to claw Gia’s face to get her tit free, as the struggle goes on they again twirl and slip and both hit the water, i stand up but slowly the water gets redder and now i can not tell whats happening as they both go under , the water splashes and rolls about as they thrash about fighting, i know as they went down Gia pounced on Peggy and was biting still.

At one point i see Gia sit up on Peggy and she has a death grip on Peggy’s face in the water her leg kicking as she is again in trouble, Gia pulls her arms in tight and stretches them as she stares at Peggy being clawed and drowned, “cmon cunt want to fight get to it “ she snarls at a gagging Peggy, her tits bulging between her arms as she has an evil grin, “i told you cunt i am gonna kill you”.

I was again standing ready to run out to break it up, even if Mom lost she couldn’t get enough breath to yell it out, Joe grabbed my arm , ‘don’t do it babe”, Suddenly Gia tosses her head back and  we all see Peggy stab her claws into Gia’s bulging tits and her thumb nails stab into Gia’s nipples making her cry out and get up on her knees, it was a big enough gap Peggy sat up from the water and pulled Gia’s tits at her and bit into them,more so Gia’s heavy right breast, Gia cries out , “cunt that hurts you Bitch”, then Peggy wraps her left arm around Gia’s back and her other hand yanks and shakes at Gia’s left breasts, she makes Gia roll to her side and the two she cats are again ripping into each other.

Rolling ,kicking, splashing as on as they tear at other again, some how as the fight is in full swing the both women manage to yank each other to their feet, Gia lands a left to Peggy that breaks her bite then Peggy delivers a right blow back.

A soft growing cheer to fight is herd as the women around want this fight to go to the end, Gia lands a right to Peggy’s jaw and it knocks her out of the water on to the hard ground, Gia lunges to the edge and gets out and as Peggy looks to stand Gia grabs her hair and shakes her rival by the hair like a rag doll, Peggy is hung by her hair and wincing in pain , Gia again scratches at her face, then Peggy swings a right that knocks Gia’s head to turn away, spit flies out and she is stunned, Peggy then pulls Gia to the ground by her tits and pounces on her rival, fists, claws and slaps are flying as they roll across the court yard.

The two she cats rolling in a cat ball ripping at the other roll under a balcony and behind the stone pillar holding it up all we see are wet jeans and heels as they scream and threaten the other, i am ready to pass out as i have no idea if my mother is about to be torn up or killed by this crazy rival.

Suddenly there isa vicious scream and i can see one of them laying on her back the other mounted on top, slowly the one on the bottom is rolled on her tummy and  i see an arm pulling back with hair in the fingers a scream again ..”My hair cunt stop!!”, its over for one but who?. I can’t take it i am about to run out to see, when there is one last scream, “NOOOOO STOP OWWWWWW PLEAEE OWWWW UUGHHH NOOO I GIVE DON”T PLEAE STOP!!!!”.

Suddenly there is no motion just a gurgling screech, then silence , we see the woman on top start to stand and as we all watch my nerves about to explode , ….Peggy emerges from behind the pillar, gasping, hands bloodied and her breasts and chest and neck as well as her face, barely staying on her feet , their is a sudden loud scream “BITCH!!!” and Gia comes from behind Peggy, Peggy turns and her elbow snaps up and back ,, !!!”CRACK” !!! her elbow slams into Gia’s nose and Gia falls like a rock to the hard ground, Peggy drops on her bare back and turns Gia’s upper body to face up then with a savage growl, “You wanna fight still fine with me ‘ then Peggy drops her face in Gia’s breasts and we hear Gia scream and pass out.

Peggy lifts her head and a puddle of blood forms from Gia’s nipple and aureola, Peggy stands up wet, sweaty and bloody, then spits Gia’s right nipple at her “cunt I see you again I will Kill you”.

A cheer from those who hated Gia roars and as Peggy reaches us she drops in Joe’s arms and gasps, “ I need an E.R. Now”, we get mom in the car and joe drives as fast as he can to the E.R., as we wait my hands were shaking, after 10 minutes an ambulance rushes in and we see a topless Gia on a stretcher a pile of gauze on her breast and the same cuts and scrapes but her nipple and part of her aureola in a bag of ice, as her tears run down her face, she is crying in pain but swearing to get at Peggy.

Peggy was sedated for her injuries and a few days later she wakes up, bandages every place you can see, bruises as equally cover her, her pain meds easing it all, she looks at us and smiles a bit, “I beat her i did it  , where is that cunt i wanna finish her off”, the staff still had no idea how these two women were so hurt , aDr and a  police officer rush in to hear Peggy, but i press her Moraphine drip and she starts to pass out, i look at he them and say,, “She is out of it guys making no sense ,she had a bad fall on stone steps was all”, they ask about Gia i shrug ,” Who is Gia?”.

Chapter 17: After the Recovery

So nearly a full month later and peggy was up and around but everything still hurt her so she was released with pain meds to heal up with and she so needed them, we cancelled part of the trip cause she was in no shape to travel, bu we still had other places to visit.

Peggy was really banged up and i never saw her or anyone in am ore savage fight other than she and Gina, I was able to tell Mom that i saw Gia after surgery and her breasts was stitched closed  due to the fact they could not reattached her aureola and nipple, so like she did to Gina Mom ruined her rival for good , she brought home a few stitches and scars  as well but hearing Gia was ruined for life she just smiled.

Some time later i asked Peggy, “would you have killed her ? or was it just hate and adrenalin talking, Peggy looked past me then purred, ‘Amber I been in a lot of fights and none other than that cunt gina were this level, but to answer you , A woman will go as far as eh must to win and never have to face her hated rival again, thats all i can say, i do what i must when i must”.

I felt a chill that a fight was on the verge of going that far but i understood what she meant by it, cause it was clear Gia was ready to.

When Peggy was finally ready to travel we had a chat about where she wanted to go next, I knew Peggy was far from done proving herself so it was no big shock when she said , “how do you guys feel about Scotland?”, Joe was smiling then he said to Peggy , “ sounds great but i know a woman in the middle east that would love to fight you ‘, Peggy sat up.

“ how do you know this woman and more about her’’.

Joe smirked as he scrolled some pictures he had from his time over sees, when he stopped scrolling and showed Peggy her picture, she had long straight jet black hair, with deep almost black eyes, olive skin, and a a veil over face that was sheer, a glitter vest style top parted and her large round 36 G’s swelling as her hands were on her hair, veiny , dark round and firm, her thick nipples were dark pink nearly brown and her aureola were darker brown, they seem to melt into her breasts.

Her thighs were strong and muscled and she was 5’9” and about 140 pounds at 50 she could pass for 30 all day long, Peggy licked her lips, “you send her a pic of mine and tell her we are coming to her.

I went to say something but Joe stopped me, he looked at Peggy, “Your sure?”, peggy stood up and stared as she opened her robe , she flexed her hurt breasts and smiled, “Don’t i look ready?”, Joe looked at me and i shrugged ,’ do it then”.

Joe sent the woman a text , “you interested in an opponent that can give your tits a fight “?, it took a good minute then Joe gets a reply , ‘Josef how are you love?, oh you know i always love to give a poor busy bitch a try who is this cow i will beat and milk”?, Joe looks at Peggy again, “your sure? she won’t be easy to fight or beat”, Peggy sneers, Send my pic and email she will want me as much as i her”.

Joe explains Peggy’s stats and how good a fighter she is then sends two pictures, he looks at us, “ok sent’, in about 20 seconds his text goes off, “Josef get her to me we must fight tit to tit as soon as we can “, he nods to Peggy she will email you soon to cam chat, i told her about the injuries and why she is willing to wait till you are fully ready, her name is Magda, Peggy thanks him then purrs, ‘where is she?”, Joe smiles, she was in Libya but after our raid i saved her and her sister, we got them to Egypt , turns out her Father was a prince or something  at her home and they were very grateful that i got her home, they owe me anything i need done it is mine to ask for so you will titfight her when your healed and a 100%”.

Peggy grows a big smile, we are going to visit a new place, she beat her oldest rival and now she is going to face a woman that matches her and obviously knows what a titfight should be and mans to a woman of equal build and experience, it won’t be easy for either and in fact has the markings of going well paster an hour plus by the look of these two , but more knowing both women it will be a fight of testing each other in as many ways as each can take, with out the raw hate just the desire to beat the other and claim better woman over her.

It took all of 5 minutes of telling Peggy about her new opponent for her to get back to her creams and workouts to be ready, and as i did i was fair and let Magda  know what she was about to face so she had her own methods not much different than Peggy to prepare as well.

A month went by , and Peggy was healing wonderfully, only a few marks turned to scars and the teeth imprints from Gia were permanent , and as is Peggy’s way she wore them with pride as a seasoned fighter should, especially one who wins more than not.

We boarded the plane to middle east and Peggy was for a change looking forward to her next fight instead of looking to take on any woman that gave he a second look, she needed a win without her and whoever ripping each other apart for it, like back home Peggy loved a fight but she would do anything to fight an equal tit to tit till one was the winner anything after that was added bonus,

We arrive in the middle east, as we get off the plane a driver was waiting for us, Peggy was impressed at Magda’s generosity, we were brought to the hotel and checked in, once in our rooms Peggy took a shower then stepped out on her balcony, her sore breasts were filling out as she took in the dry heat and fresh air, her mind was lost on one thing, the upcoming fight, she went through a check list in her head of her body and breasts and how ready she felt or didn’t feel, Magda knew about the bitter fight and was willing to wait till Peggy was 100%, she also wanted this to be a fair fight of equals.

Days went by and one day while Joe was at the pool, I looked in on Peggy, she was firmly bumping her big breasts at a full length mirror in the bathroom, the bumps were firm but very controlled, Peggy knew if she could withstand doing that to something that had no give at all, she could handle another woman.

As Peggy worked up a slight sweat I asked, “How you feeling Mom?”, she paused and looked at me in the reflection, “I am ready honey”, “your sure?”, she inhaled fully , her breasts inflated and she slowly flexed , her breasts rose and held then lowered fully as she controlled them, “As ready as i can be, tell me something Amber, has Joe said anything about this Magda?”, I wasn’t sure what to say but i knew she would know if i lied, “A little Mom, all i know is the woman is very skilled at using hers every bit as well as you are and she takes VERY seriously”.

Peggy smiled as he looked at her healing bust then caressed them ,’ She better be cause I don’t plan on taking it easy on her”, Peggy turned on the shower and as i started to leave i softly said, “Trust me Mother she won’t either”, I wasn’t sure if mom heard me but i secretly hope she did for her own good.

I went to the pool sat with Joe he asked how Peggy was, I looked at him and just said, “Well you know Mom she is always ready but i am not sure she will beat Magda,  I trust your opinion knowing both of them you tell me”, he looked at the pool then back, ‘Well I think if she loses to Magda it might very well be her last one, Magda is the sweetest woman and generous but when she has a fight she doesn’t stop till her rival is unable to go on at all, she doesn’t like rematches”, I swallowed deep breath, “so this might very well be the end of Peggy as we know her ?”, He nods, “yeah this fight might just be the fall of a Queen, I gotta tell ya babe, I seen my share of women fight as i grew up and your Mom is the toughest and best i seen, but Magda , all i can say is she is a true Amazon cat i na fight as well”.

I sat back the sun baking us slowly and my mind raced through every fight i can recall since that faithful day i saw her and Gina in my house, I can recall what hurt her and had no effect i seen her come back from a sure loss to win and seen her get broken early into a fight, it was going to be a thrill as since that day as  a child to recently i struggle still with that ghost of wanting to see Peggy beat into retirement and yet want her to devour her rival, no matter what hearing that from Joe, I knew we were going to see a real struggle again.

After another week Peggy came to Joe and in just a robe smiled and purred, “tell your Queen i want a cam chat tomorrow it is time”, Joe picked up his phone and texted Magda the message, Peggy stood waiting when his phone dinged he looked up at her, “She is glad to hear it and will be ready at ( pm to discuss everything that needs to be”, Peggy went from a confident smile to a swallow of breath and inhale then a nervous “Wonderful, I will be waiting as well”.

She went back to her room and I looked at Joe, “Did you see that?, her confidence seemed shaky “, Joe raised a brow, ‘She needs to be concerned, Magda is like her in every way and like your mother she will fight till it is settled between them, Amber your going to see your Mother fight herself essentially more than likely more than one fight”.

I turned over and my nerves were in high gear, if Joe says this woman is the match Peggy has dreamed of after seeing her defeat many woman he knew all his life, there was great reason to be worried for sure, nothing was going to  change now Peggy was ready as was he new rival the wheels were in motion by this time tomorrow Magda and Peggy were going to set it and fight be it a day, week or longer they were going to after the cam and rules and such , like a damn bursting nothing was stopping this.

The next day Peggy worked on her tan once more she headed up early for a quick bite then a drink, then she showered and got herself prepared, there was no over doing make up, Peggy and Magda were going to use more natural beauty then adding to it, some eyeliner, lipstick and hair up was going to be it.

Peggy eased on a silk red robe and her red thong, her breasts still a slight ache but nothing Peggy wasn’t able to brush off as the desire to test them again, she sat at her rooms desk her laptop open an signed in to her email waiting, her thick nipples are already tenting in anticipation, it took her a lot to not pinch them but she knew they were going to get stiffer once the chat started.

Peggy didn’t have to wait long, Magda was on and once Peggy sent an email telling her she was on , Magda sent a text, “meet on here” it was a link to  cam to chat,  Peggy took a long deep breath then her red finger nail presses the enter button,  the screen flickers, then opens.

Magda is a gorgeous woman, her make up done to enhance her narrow almond eye shape her olive skin a tint of a great tan look, her full lips looking done but so natural, a long neck line and her chest as broad as Peggy’s, then her dark skinned breasts allowing the tint blue of her veins darkening in her swelling breasts, Peggy took a moment to take in her new rival, Magda was in a silk Pearl white robe adding to her skin tone.

It seemed Magda was as impressed by Peggy’s lighter olive skin tan tone color and long neck and broad chest as they both sat a good minute in silence and took the other in. 

Magda finally broke the silence, “Hello Peggy “, Peggy replies, “Hello Magda”, their cleavages are tight and veiny and swelling as they feel the jealousy,arousal,and desire to go face o face soon, each knowing after today they are one step closer to their day of reckoning.

Magda adds, “So I heard a bit about you from Joe, I look forward to us meeting ,i think it will be fun’, Peggy softly, “I heard about you as well, but one thing I can promise you, it won’t be fun maybe for one of us a bit”, Magda takes a breath in, “You sound confident, especially coming of  very tough fight, i do hope you are fully ready and healed for me, I hate easy push overs in a the fight we chosen”.

Peggy a small smirk , “Oh rest assure I would never take on another Queen unless i was certain  i was ready, and i am confident enough to inform you win or lose you are far far from facing a push over in anything especially a duel like we propose to have”.

Magda stares, “I sense your willing to do more “, Peggy, ‘As many as it takes to test you”, Magda a close lip smile, “Well maybe we need a weekend then?”, Peggy breathes in , “as long as we need , shall we get to why we are on cam and set a day and time ?”, Magda licks her lip, “By all means, let us get things started”.

Both women sit back a bit then as they glare through the screens Magda eases her sash free then her pearl white claws part her robe and she eases it off and behind, her light brown breasts stand firmly free and round and seem to swell at the attention they get from Peggy watching, Magda prud of her breasts gives a light caress trace around her breasts, then her thumb and index finger draw together and pinch her brown nipples thick and getting stiffer, she stares at peggy as she pulls them, “nmmmmm i am so proud of my girls Peggy they are the best in the entire area, don’t you see they are?”, Peggy stares she can see the firm tight bounce in Magda’s bust, her own nipples stiffen, then she un does her sash and eases her robe off, Peggy’s own tan but lighter tint swell out and up, her fingers trace her breasts to start pinching and pulling her own nipples as they get stiffer.

Both women glare as they display their large round veiny breasts so full and firm, Magda can see the same tight firmness as Peggy’s have the same tight stiff bounce , the slow self massage ends and each shows off her puffed aureola’s and stiff thick nipples, they show each side and then again front.

They stare into others eyes via the cameras each can easily see the others pride but that hint of doubt as it is the fear of any Queen fighter , only one will be taking everything from the other, and be able to claim her true status over the other, both have had losses in her past, but when facing a Queen both have been the better woman,now once again they must fear that loss, only this time age might be a factor.

Magda, now swells her bust as Peggy watches and slowly caresses her breasts all the time watching Peggy’s eyes and face, Peggy indeed is watching, how tight or loose her new rivals breast react to being worked, do they loosely jostle, bounce, do they droop ,or hold tight , Peggy makes note of what she sees .

Magda then a smirk softly talks, ‘Nmmmm your impressed despite refusing to say so, Peggy, it is alright many before you have been as well, my tits are going to beat yours and then I am going to take my just rewards”.

Magda slows her caressing as Peggy now does her version, a deep squeeze then caressing her breasts slow as Magda watches for the same signs, as Peggy wears the confident smirk her rival did moments ago, as Peggy does she purrs to Magda,

“Well the issue is Magda, many before you have been impressed with no admitting, but their eyes could never lie as well, but it will be my tits that that will beat yours, and i will take my just rewards, now you and I can lay them out, or we can leave it open to winners discretion “, Peggy eases her hands from her breasts pulls her arms in  and forces her breasts together to swell them up and out, Magda smiles and then reveals her secret weapon, slowly with hands on her hair Magda flexes her chest and her breasts rise and fall slow and on command.

She proudly smiles at Peggy as she purrs, “You can plainly see Peggy my tits are strong “, Peggy a slight smile, eases her hands to her hair, Magda watches then Peggy flexes her chest and her equal size bust lifts holds and lowers slowly , “nmmm well Magda you can see my tits are strong “.

Magda’s smile is wiped off her face and she now knows this will be her toughest tit fight to date , “Hmm i see Peggy we are facing another equal, it has been a while since i have”, Peggy nods, “that makes two of us Magda”, Magda softly traces her breasts as does Peggy, “So I guess we should agree on a few things so we don’t let it sway from the intended goal”, Peggy nods, “Oh I agree Queens need to control emotions when entering such an agreement , to prevent either of us getting any more scars on our assets”.

Magda and Peggy look for a way to get in the others head to cause worry and doubt beyond what each has already, “Well Peggy I am not against adding to your collection of marks”, Peggy breathes in “nor am i to yours, Magda, I just would prefer you and I settle one thing at a time,and leave any hands on contact to after our tits fight, once that is settled I am ready and willing to settle it every which way “.

Magda inhales and replies, “Well then this will be more than a single meeting, I can promise you Peggy should you beat me at any conflict your going to earn it and fel me long after we are done’, Peggy licks her lips, “Well i appreciate that and trust me Magda you will never forget that you fought me if you were to beat me i’ will plenty to remind you for years to come of Me as well”.

Both women squirm a bit in their chair and Magda asks, “When will we fight then?”, Peggy stares , “Why not next Friday we start and no one leaves the place we fight till Sunday night when a true Queen can be crowned, and do make sure your best bra, necklace, and milk are ready to be mine”.

Magda squirming , ‘mmm well it seems we have an agreement then, I expect your best fight, bra, milk and thong necklace as well, winner takes it all”, both women place hands on hair and do a slow mutual shimmy of their breasts as each sees her rival barely sway tightly, “May the better woman win” they tell each other then sign off.

Before i eased from the adjoining door , i watch Peggy get her robe and as she eases it on i see her body shutter with a chill, something i never noticed before from her after arranging a fight, she clearly knew this wasn’t going to be a typical show down , she knew already Magda was going to fight her till neither could go on.

Chapter 18: Stand off in the Sand

Peggy did her workouts and cream regime al week, she was feeling her old self but improved, her breasts were looking fuller tighter and firmer with all the weight they held.

As Friday came Peggy packed her fighting attire and prize bra her necklace and thong, in a bag as she poured herself into a plum colored spandex mini dress that molded to her curvy figure.

no bra and a sheer thong with black thigh highs seamed and garters , plum colored spike heels and her hair was done up make up perfect, she inhaled as she admired her reflection, I walked in, “Mom almost ready?”, i stopped dead in my tracks as i saw her.

Mom looked 30 and fit and thick a threat she smiled at my reaction, “so do i look to old to fight?”, i felt my lip stammer and despite not wanting to see her fight again, i felt it spill from my lips, “Fight? you look ready to crush the world and take it all”, she smiled, “well then lets not keep my rival waiting i need to get his fight in the books” she grabbed her bag and we got in a car Magda sent for us and off we went to a weekend of war.

Peggy was smiling she was so ready to face Magda and on top of it she just destroyed her long time rival, she was feeling confident, win or lose she knew the effect she was going to make Magda feel would never let her forget the fight she was about to have.

Peggy knew she was in the same feeling from Magda, but she was not done with a world conquest, not just yet anyway, I knew behind her smiling eyes the fear of Magda winning might end her fight career as she knew it.

After a long drive far from the city limits there was nothing but sand dunes, the driver sent by Magda knew exactly where to take us, so the three of us sat back and enjoyed the ride, finally we start to see a set of tents ahead in the actual middle of no where.

The driver pulls off the main road and though sandy the access road was bumpy but flattened for a car to handle, he came to a stop at the two tents and opened Peggy’s door, I got out first then Joe then Peggy stepped out , she took a long arching stretch and looked about, ‘Well one thing is certain, no one will hear a fight out here, guess her and i going to go till it is really  over”.

We are walked into a huge tent that was larger and nicer than my first apartment, Peggy was escorted to a smaller private tent, on the other side of us was a small tent as well and was what i assume was Magda’s .

Joe knew Magda and he walked to her tent she stepped out and welcomed him, i would have been jealous but having heard the story how he and his buddies on a mission saved her and her family i had to expect her arms to hug him, she was all smiles to see him and then looked our way.

Her dark skin and her bright white smile not to mention the white tight outfit she wore hugging every inch of her body i instantly was in awe , she was a threat to Peggy with no doubt.

Peggy emerged at the small commotion, and for the first time the two amazons saw the other in person and neither was disappointed at all, Peggy and Magda seemed drawn to each other as Magda eased from Joe and Peggy eased from me they stepped toward the other, eyes were locked and then they circle inches apart,.

Magda was in a white dress and her gorgeous jet black hair was blowing in the wind , the nearly white sun was baking the area but the dry heat was tolerable, but the desire to face each other was making both sweat.

Magda her red full lips part, “Welcome Peggy i will say you are much more impressive in person,but you will be milked like a cow all the same”, Peggy a smirk,’ Thank you Magda and you are as well, but you must not stay out in this heat , it is giving you false hope that you will beat me and milk me, after i milk you i will let your camels drink it”.

Magda’s stunning smile fades as does Peggy’s and now these two see in the other eyes, this fight will go the distance and the one who loses will be milked long and hard. Magda as she bumps shoulders with Peggy, “Well you all must be tired from that ride, Joe and Amber, please feel free to use the larger tent to rest and have a drink, Peggy anytime you want to try anything I have a special place you and I can have our chats, care to see?”.

Peggy raises a brow, ‘“love to lead the way”, Magda with a lot of hesitation pulls from Peggy then both walk across the firm sand to the peak of the road, and there behind us the entire time ,a very old broken ruin of a tomb, that was obviously raided and stripped of it’s former glory, Magda and Peggy stand looking at the door frame that sinks into the earth, and Magda points, “you and i will go in there to settle this rather large dispute we have, other than that feel free to enter my tent anytime as i will yours if either of us can not wait or feel a need to discuss other things “.

The women stare deeply in to others eyes as their nipples easily tent the designer dresses, the desire to fight in each is high, Peggy in a firm soft tone, “it is getting awfully hot out here do you have anything to drink maybe in your tent?”, Magda breathes in, “Both tents are fully stocked but of course i would love to get better acquainted”.

Peggy and Magda stare through each other, Peggy purrs, “say 5 minutes?”, Magda replies in kind, “5 minutes and do get into something comfy, it can as hot in these tents “, they both walk back down the hill and part.

Peggy wasn’t sure what was about to happen but she knew it was not time for her and Magda to go tit to tit, this set up out in the middle of no where was to elaborate for a one and done show down, as Peggy stripped down she saw a chest at the foot of her bed she hadn’t before, Peggy opens it and inside were some very thin and colorful harem style semi sheer pants, normally there is a set of shorts or bikini style bottom worn under them, but they were intentionally missing then a bust  cover made of  spandex material that simply pulled over the breasts, it had no support but on the ones Magda provided they were modified to have the breast area open exposing them and were a sheer netting .

Peggy had her choice of , silver, teal,pink,black or white, her fingers ran over the fish net style tops, uncommonly silky feel for fishnet design the sheer pants if you can cal them that were soft as well, the veils were more solid but every bit as sexy and silky to the touch..

Finally Peggy decided on the silver color, she stripped fully and eased on the pants, they wrapped at her waist and tied the legs open at the sides and the material over the thigh to the ankle, were it had a cuff design and tied as well, the “bra” if you can call it that pulled over head and the spandex band a one fit all size cupped under her proud large breasts as if holding them up, and one button was stretched across her aureola’s and nipples barely closed.

Peggy was going to leave the veil off, but she didn’t mind obeying other women’s customs or attire to fairly have a fight so she attached the veil to the sides of her hair , she looked at the full length mirror and saw her nearly nude body , she smiled as she had to admit the soft silky style skimpy attire was sexy and sexy feeling on her flesh.

Peggy tested the one button top by inhaling deeply then flexing her breasts , the thin barely fitting top held up to her large breasts, Peggy turned as her ass cheeks were partially exposed, she purrs to herself, “nmmm interesting choice of attire , won’t last long if her and i start anything”, then Peggy slowly swaggers out and heads to Magda’s tent.

Peggy reaches her rivals tent and parts the flaps, then steps in, she smiles at how the inside of the tent is like an an apartment with only one piece of furniture a small couch and a red area rug, Peggy runs her pointy finger nail along the arm of it , the materials color seems to darken as her nail alters the fibers, she smiles to herself as she thinks how it is like clawing another’s skin.

The tents room has an almost muffled feel to it, when she hears a sudden voice soft and sexy, “Glad you found the attire”, Peggy turns as Magda stands there dressed the same in a ice blue color they stare and scan each others figure, then slowly Magda steps to Peggy “shall we sit a moment/”, Peggy breaths in “love to”.

Both ladies sit and turn to other , their eyes roaming ever inch of the others eyes, lips and body, each taking in a slow inhale , Magda a sexy yet warning glare as Peggy does the same.

Magda in a soft sultry tone, “we ready to start?”, Peggy the same tone, “bring it honey”, they sit up and forward more, Magda slides her fingers under the sheer light pant along Peggy’s thigh , Peggy does the same as they stare, Magda parts her thighs so does Peggy, Magda huffs “i am going go make you cum till you can’t”, Peggy huffs back, “i’ll ride your face after you give”.

Magda tears the waist band tie of Peggy’s pants and pushes the panties aside, Peggy does the same to Magda, both stare as lips are closed but chests are slowly heaving heavier, Magda slides her finger nails tips up Peggy’s thigh , she mimics the move as they silently allow and dare to go further.

Both women’s long sinewy thighs get goose pimples as they feel others gentle fingers ride higher, then softly each reaches her intended goal and as the soft touch along their warm supple folds is felt ,each parts her thighs a bit more.

They adjust ot be closer then eyes locked they slowly use their fingers to part the others wet folds then finger slowly sink in between and start to roll and rub and pump.

As erotic as ti seems neither woman feels it that way, it is a competition between them and though a level of lust and arousal grows ,so does the desire to win.

They continue to finger each other and despite not wanting to show the other has an effect on her,both women start to feel their hips undulate against heir will not to.

Slowly their closed lips part to help breath heavier, they start to blow through lips trying to control the feeling and drive forced on them, as breaths come hotter and quicker and bodies begin to react, their finger begin to search faster for the perfect point that drives the other hotter, the wet slurps of fingers being swallowed then pull free and drive back in filling the tent.

Soft puffs of pants ring out as they try to hide the fact they are aroused by force.
Peggy licks her lips and in a horse soft rasp whispers, ‘nmmm ohh cmon honey your gonna end up pleasing me”, Magda tilts her chin up, ‘nmmm you will be pleasuring me ,nmm ohh yes”.

Peggy swallows as they glare, ‘I thought we were going to fight ‘, Magda a deep swallow , ‘Unmmm we are, want more?’, Peggy eases her thumb higher as he pumps at Magda and finds her engorged clit, Well my my you are a big girl, nmm but so am i”.

Magda a concerned stare that her above average clit can be matched searches wit her thumb and her eyes widen in jealousy a bit as she feels Peggy’s can match her own, ‘hmmmm i see well , my girls has never left me laying on a floor a beaten wet mess against another woman”, Peggy a sly smirk, “Well after today she will suffer her first Major loss if she is woman enough to take my girl on”, Magda took it as meant a real insult to her body and ability, her soft features seem to change to a determined angry jealous look, ‘Ohh she is and i am more than woman enough, i hope your girl there can match her and give her a worthy effort, feels like your girl knows she is in over her head”.

Peggy and Magda ease their fingers from the other and both ease themselves to the floor, they part their long thighs and sit up as they bend their knees up, then slowly they scissor their legs each a leg atop the others as they stare and  slowly ease closer, their wet warm folds pulsing and engorged clits hungrily waiting.

Both feel a shiver as the contact is about to come, then a soft wet seal is heard, they gently rub into the other to flatten and spread folds , allowing their engorged clits to meet, it was instant the moment they did, both women gulp in a deep breath, heads tilt back a bit as  a soft moan erupts from lips.

With not a word between them,  both women start to slowly rub and smear and grind at the other, breathing under control as are reactions as they glare into the others soul. Both feel their own and the others juices flood between them and start to soak the upper thighs.

Lips start to purse now as the arousal and the feelings of it build ,soft moans come as they continue to try to read the other through her eyes, the grinding starting to get a bit faster and more important to each, hips begin to lift and grind ,tummies are starting to roll as they breath a reaction, then Peggy huffs heavily, ‘‘uuuhhh nmm”, Magda a smile  moans now, ‘Nmmm Yess feel my pussy take yours”.

Peggy’s eyes pop open from the seductive wet feeling as if she was caught in the act, “You Bitch mine is enjoying eating yours”, Magda feeling that urge from hearing Peggy, “Cmon yess give it up”, Peggy shakes her head and then stares at Magda with a curled lip, ‘Nmm Cmon bitch i feel your ready to cum”.

Magda slowly is turning into a savage Bitch, her face despite the arousal duel is snarling at Peggy, the two women grind faster and pump hips as juices thicken and squirt, Magda her breasts rise and fall heavy, slaps Peggy’s right breast and then squeezes deeply , Peggy was turned on and angry at the move, she pushes her breast at Magda, “harder bitch’, then slaps Magda’s right breast and squeezes then twists the fleshy breast, Magda licks her lips ,”Cum so i can knock your tits off your chest”, Peggy breathes in, “Wanna box tits Bitch hmm? , ready when you are”.

The thought of a rougher style titfight has both women heated , and they start to try to force an orgasm from the other. faster and faster they pump, smear and grind their soaked pussies, each kneading a breast, tug of hair or a nasty spitting kiss as they try to drive the other into her orgasm.

They continue to grind this out when suddenly as they sit up and their breasts touch , they each grab the other in a hug and heads are tossed back as mouths drop open and at the same time both women cry out their orgasm forced on the by the other, as they shutter and thighs quake through it they stare at one another, ‘Bitch, Whore” are spit in others face and they roll to the rug and start to roll over each other.

Neither woman undoes the scissored hold of their thighs but they do slap at each others bare back and struggle across the rug, Peggy manages to kick free of Magda’s attempted head lock and slowly both she cats stand up, Peggy her hands open to get at it breathes slower, Magda stands a slow pace about the rug, “seems that was a draw, i don’t like to share a win’, Peggy swallows a breath, “neither do i you wanna fight honey come get it”.

Magda breathes in deeply, “i was going to suggest we use our tits now but i think if i stay another minute with you we will be at each others throats”, Peggy eases her stance a bit, “oh i can guarantee we won’t finish it without going at each other it is to obvious we want more”.

Magda stands seemingly to let today pass, Peggy does the same, but  it is easy to see each is coiled like a snake ready to strike any second,Magda again fetches the glasses and hands Peggy hers, they stare over the rim as they sip their own.

Magda then swallowing slowly, ‘so we planned on doing this fight tomorrow between our amazing breasts, but now that we are together it seems also we can not go without getting at the other what ever will we do?”, Peggy swallowing her drink, “Well i have to agree with you there, as what to do I guess our choices are clear, stay away from each other till tomorrow , or fight till we are ready to go tit to tit as the Queens we are, I am ready for either”.

Magda her eyes drift over Peggy as Peggy does the same to her, they are ready to explode but yet restrain themselves, Magda after another sip, ‘Fine go to your tent and change as will i, if i see you outside we can have a tiff , if not Saturday afternoon you and i will find out the true Queen between us in the tomb “.

Peggy inhales her breasts are itching fir a fight, “Agree just whose tomb was that?’’, Magda glares with fire, “the tomb is that of Queen Sobekneferu , of the 12th dynasty “, Peggy tilts her head a bit “Why are her statues headless?”, Magda inhales, “The early Queen used masculine names to assert her dominance, many after her death wanted to erase her as a ruler…”, Peggy interjects, “So basically we will fight as Queens to put a face to the headless statues ? sounds lovely”.
 Magda a slight snarl, “We won’t change history but as Women we will know who should be her likeness “, Peggy breathes in her breasts tighten as they lift, “Well maybe we will never replace her name but i personally look forward to being the face of the great Queen”, Magda a growl, ‘Over my dead body will you get such pleasure”, Peggy a growl, ‘However you want it , but it will be me”.

Peggy slowly exits the tent, their eyes bore into the others, Peggy walks to her tent then drops on the bedding and silk covers, her hands cup her heavy round firm breasts a deep yet gentle squeeze as she purrs to herself, “Ohhh it is all i dreamed of to take a Queens place nmmm”.

The after noon passed with little incident, the women saw one another as they walked about each giving her rival a deadly glare and the tensions were there for sure, but these two were saving all they had to release for the fight they truly wanted.

The day passed so slowly and the tensions were so high for the two amazon’s, as diner approached Peggy decided to wear a super tight semi sheer bra in teal color, a sarong wrap at her hips, and a thong, her feet bare and hair up, she enters the main tent and as she walks in Joe and i were both a bit taken back at how sexy and ready she looked, Magda then appeared wearing a yellow sheer cup bra and thong but her hair was down and no wrap, they looked at each other a moment and the jealousies were to obvious.

We all sat as each of the fighters took a seat at the tables end to stare at the other, the meal was mostly quiet and Joe and i searched every thing we could think of to talk about to break the tense silence, thats when something i wasn’t ready for came out.

Magda was not only rescued by Joe and the team he was with, but she let it slip that she was with him more than once at night as they were forced to hide amid ruins, Peggy’s eyes flashed, first Beverly, then June now Magda all were with Joe and the sultry vibe of claiming so was like smoke from a cigar slowly filling the air.

As Magda bragged on I saw Peggy was becoming more red cheeked and angry, Magda picked up on it as well, she smirks a bit points to Peggy, “ oh my you and he/ well this=is a special occasion isn’t it, we not only share the title and interests but the man who brought us together”.

Needless to say i was a bit bothered about him having been with Magda but i couldn’t be upset after all it was well before he and i met, but as Peggy made no attempt to deny what Magda just exposed i was flustered and confused, my mouth opened nearly as wide as my eyes in the shock of it.

I started to fumble at the mouth looking what to say, Joe was already apologizing as my mother sat and glared at her rival she just growled, “oh Amber stop whining “,
she then looks to Magda, “seems we share more than the same interests Honey’, Magda breathes in “so it seems, and i can tell you Honey i won’t share again”, Peggy raises a brow “nor will i ….Bitch”.

Both women stand from the table and walk towards the other faces grow into growling savage looks as they get in reach they explode and grab the other by the hair and a slow deep vicious pulling war starts. I sat there stunned, and feeling broken as Joe sat tying to explain it wasn’t on purpose.

Peggy and Magda stretch the others scalps as they pull and twirl about the tent area, red and black hair tufts floating to the ground as they grunt and curse the other, Peggy shakes Magda’s head by her hair, “Fucking cunt i’ll kill you”, Magda in a growling gasp, “uuuhhhh cunt try it cmon bitch fight me now”.

It took a second and the two amazons were yanking, tearing ,ripping out hair as they threw each other about the area by the scalps, I refused to answer Joe as i watch the amazons fight, then i felt it leave my lips and my mind wanted to deny it yet i meant it, my lips open and  out comes the following, “Cmon Magda rip her bald get that Bitch”.

Peggy and Magda are savagely clawing out clumps of hair and they are still standing as they stagger around, the table we are at gets knocked over and the food drops as they roll through it hands hold and pull on strands till snap and rip are heard and the clumps are thrown free only to grab a new fistful, rolling over the other, teeth out faces red and grimace as heels and legs kick and wrap around the other.

As they women are ripping at others scalp Peggy manages to get on top of Magda’s back and she hoists her rival up by her hair and as Magda is hanging from Peggy’s hair pull, on her knees Peggy straddles her and manages to force Magda to release her scalp, Peggy a sneering smile down at her rival , gives tight savage yanks, “Want more cunt hmm?, cmon Bitch fight me!!”, Magda her eyes watering and welling up, her face bright red as her hands claw and slap up at Peggy who holds her at her own mercy, cries out, “BITCH MY HAIR LET GO,  cunt I WANNA FIGHT LET GO!!!”.

Joe realizing i am to pissed off to bother with him, jumps up and goes to stop the fight that broke out, he grabs Peggy from behind and as he drags her backward her hands still grip Magda’s hair and she is dragged along the floor in a screech, finally Peggy loses her grip but holds a fistful of black hair in her fingers as Magda rolls on the floor her hands cupping her scalp where the hair was roughly torn from.

Peggy growling “Let me at her get off me”, Magda tears running, ‘Bitch Cmon”, Finally Joe get the women under control and both storm out to go back to their own tents, I stood up and walked out still in shock what i heard, my only comment to them both was “I am ready to go back home”.

I didn’t check on Peggy the rest of the night in fact i was praying Magda was going to go in her tent and knock her around but sadly it never came to be, I need not say Joe was sleeping else where and frankly i didn’t care.

The next day I was already packed, I saw Magda wearing roman style sandals and a bra and a sarong as a cover , her was up, I asked when the car would be ready, her reply was as i figured  not till the fight was over and she summoned it, I didn’t blame or hold a grudge toward her , i mean Joe wasn’t even mine yet when they hooked up, but as far as Peggy went i was gone.

Magda took my hand and softly whispers, ‘Your mother is tough and a good fighter, I am going to have a hard time against her, do not use your anger in vain relish it and use it , after her and i are done you must end or heal thus between you both”.

She was spot on and i knew exactly what i was going to do, I put my things back in my tent and followed Magda to the old tomb. We enter what was once a frame of block now cracked and broken in ares, we descend down the narrow hall, walking behind Magda i am higher and see over her shoulder, her olive skinned breasts barely jostle as she walks,i felt a rush that she just might be the one to break Peggy.

Behind me I see shadows i turn and look and it was Joe and Peggy, Peggy slowly stepped down , as he followed us down I saw what was a familiar sight her huge bust barely jostling as well, I felt a rush of fear for Magda, Peggy looked as full and firm as he did when i was younger.

Peggy was in a pastel pink bra and sarong wrap and roman sandal look as well, her hair up as she always wore it for a fight, I turned away and followed Magda, the rest of the way, we finally reach the bottom, it was a a good 4x 4 sandy area, the sun was slowly creeping over head which was wide open and soon would light the square like a over head light.

Magda stood to the right and Peggy as she entered went tot the left, both of these women were glaring pure hate at the other.

As the sun starts to break the top of the tomb Magda slowly pulls the sarong wrap off her shoulders then drops it she then reaches back for her bra and unclasps it, each of the 4 clasps pops open and the bra slackens then she eases her bra off dangles it then drops it behind her, her 36Gs swelling and veiny as her thick nipples stand like steel pegs, her hands slowly caress them as she moans , ‘Nmmm” then places hands on her head and slowly flexes her tight bust.

Her proud grin and chin tilted up lets Peggy know she is ready for her. Peggy then slowly goes through the sam ritual of stripping down to just a thong and sandal, as her bra eases off her round veiny firm breasts sway out free and stand firm, her aureolas swelled as her thick nipples stand as steely stiff, her hands caress her mass slowly as she shows teeth to Magda then her hands go on hair as she flexes her own bust with her chin up at her rival a smile and nod to silently agree she is ready to fight.

Without a word they both step out from the corners and circle in toward the other, the contrast of tinted skin was amazing to see , They slowly square to each other and as they step they flick their stiff nipples firmly to others,

Both inhale at the feel then Magda slides her firm breasts across Peggy’s and then bumps into the side walls and drags across, she sees no sway in Peggy but she simply smiles and purrs, “fight my tits Queen”, Peggy mimics the move and feels no give in Magda’s bust and huffs back , “fight my tits Queen”.

They step slowly closer the sand under their feet a wet yet dry and heavy from decades of little light and air, the torches along the walls to keep light if the fight lasts long, the air amid us is a stagnate and wet odor .

The moment comes, Peggy and Magda step into each other and the CLOP of their breasts crushing together is heard firmly, both tilt chins up at the collision as they both grunt then start to grind and roll their breasts as tight and hard as they can.

Both women try to push through the other as breasts are rolled and sawed between them , bodies tighten and long legs flex as they refuse the other an inch., grunts and straining huffs are heard as are fleshy clops and claps, their tinted breasts mold to each others as they push, then roll, and now dragggg at each others , Magda her mouth opening pants “uuhhhh ohh you bitch”, Peggy tilts her head up, “uuuhhhh ohhh cmon you Whore fight me”.

No matter what fight i witnessed before I truly was watching the most equal titfight i ever saw Peggy in, Magda was matching her with every step, the moist ground sand was being scooped into small bumps and divots as their sandaled feet push and sink in to drive their fit curvy bodies against the others.

Peggy was slowly starting to control the fight though and Magda felt it, her panting breath loudly escaping as she was refused every move she tried , her breasts stood as firm and heavy but like every woman before her Peggy made Magda feel like she was fighting rocks with her muscled chest and firm round breasts and she knew where to use them on another woman’s bust.

But Magda was not going down easy, her fit curvy frame was strong and her chest was as well, her own G’s were nothing to take lightly, Peggy was slowly turning her rivals firm dark tan breasts red, every collision Peggy was doing everything perfectly, and Magda was feeling the effects, her lips part as she is panting and gasps out , her frustration was showing on her face as was the ache that was building deep in her round veiny dark breasts.

After 25 minutes of the constant contact and Magda attempting to charge Peggy only to be back peddling from Peggy’s counter, it seemed as if Peggy had not yet met her match, Magda was gasping in the humid pit of the ancient tombs walls.

Magda’s frustration and shock at how well Peggy is taking the fight to her has Magda wondering if this will be her first major loss, Peggy was going after Magda with a raw jealous hate and was fighting to prove a point over just a win, both women were self proclaimed Queens of the titfight ring, and now as they are engaged in the toughest breast war there can be Queen vQueen each was carrying that fear of being the one on all 4’s after as we watched her milked dry and then used as winner wished.

The flesh colliding was becoming as damp as the fight pit they were fighting in, and as a result each and every drag, press, grind and pull made the skin more tacky as it glistened and added to the ache and building deep pain a breast fight brought to the fighters.

Peggy was bullying Magda around the sandy confines and was getting close to forcing her rival against a wall, it was clear to see if Peggy got Magda in a corner she was going to either take this fight over or at the very least hurt Magda .

Magda was feeling her rivals raw power and the weight her G’s carried , she was being dominated and she knew as good and strong as she was Peggy was a Queen for a reason and she was showing Magda , when she fights it is to win and nothing less will be accepted.

Peggy i could see watching her work Magda was waiting to deliver her vicious upper cut to the undersides and hurt her rival deep, Magda who never heard of her rival or fought her was sensing Peggy was setting her up for a devastating move, it was in the air all around them as she kept moving to deny Peggy landing what ever fight ending move she had.

Peggy is growing frustrated she had a few chances to get in tight to Magda and land her move, but the constant counter thrusts and fleeing to either side or retreat stopped it from happening, but as she did Magda was also looking to land a fight ending move that none of us knew she used or had, the two Amazon’s continued to go tit to tit as slow, fast,and hard as they could stand.

Gasping, panting, gulping sounds echo dull like amid the century old walls, bodies glisten in sweat and olive tan tinted breasts swelling ,turn red and slowly blue bruises rise to the surfaces of the round supple weapons they proudly call breasts.

More hate for the other grows as there proud breasts are almost ineffective as they use every angle,move,and stance they have ever used or thought of on each other and neither seems to have a direct advantage, aa frustrations mount the women glare knowing soon a titfight will become a bigger fight if one hasn’t destroyed the other soon.

Peggy in her frustration lunges at Magda, their wet glistening breasts CLOP!!! hard together and both women tilt heads back at the contact, but Peggy starts to grind and roll and drag in a figure eight design into Magda’s breasts.

Magda can not hide the effect this time, her mouth drops as her eyes blink rapidly, her now dry horse voice emits the effect of the move, “uuuughhhh ohh you Bitch “.Peggy hearing she made her rival feel her tits starts to press firmer and drives at in more , “uuhnnn mmfffff cmon bitch titfight my tits or give “!.

Magda felt this move , it wasn’t going to end the fight but it hurt her tits deeply just the same, her knees buckle a bit at the sudden deep attack, Peggy inhales in the effect  and starts to now drive her rival at a corner of the fight area, their big breasts bulge between them as it is Peggy rolling, pumping, and smearing her rivals breasts on her chest, “cmon bitch thats it feel my tits hmm? fight them cmon”.

Magda was in trouble, 45 minutes into this even fight ,suddenly was becoming Peggy’s fight, the heavy slow calculated rubs, smearing, and designed figure eight dragging, was taking a toll on Magda, she was arched against a corner wall,and her breasts were being pulled, stretched and her chest loosened up.

The heavy slow combinations from Peggy are hurting her and she had to do something now or face being devoured slowly, Magda’s face was contorting into pain,shock and fear, Peggy was grinding,pumping and dragging her finishing move and it well before a one hour mark, something both women were not use to being dominated in what they thought was a short time.

Peggy widens her thighs and stance, her broad back glistened as the sun past the opening and the orange glow of torches were the ring lights, her back arched to drive her breasts into Magda’s harder and make her rival feel the full weight and effect of her tone heavy full breasts, Peggy was working hard though to beat her rival, Magda’s breasts were every bit as round, heavy and full firm, they had a muscled chest to support, so despite being controlled peggy was working hard to get her rival hurt.

Magda could easily be back in this fight if she can only get Peggy off her and reset herself, but every second Peggy had control was a second Magda was getting beat, her olive tan body sparkled in sweat , her frame was tight and showed her strength but her proud firm breasts were being pushed, pressed, pulled at will more and more, her tight jaw line eases free as her mouth drops open , her eyes roll as her head shakes no, “You Bitch my tits get off me and fight my tits straight up.

Peggy now a dipping motion and slow thrust up nearly had the set up complete as she growls at her rivals face, “Give up Bitch before my tits hurt yours i am the Queen “.

Magda was in big trouble the pressure from Peggy’s firm breasts were hurting her own and she ha no where to go, her hands slip fromher hair and she pushes at Peggy, Peggy quickly drops her  hands and pushes up under Magda’s face , a new struggle begins with in a struggle, both women gasp and strain, Peggy shakes her head and Magda loses the face press, frustrated and in fear she digs her fingers in Peggy’s scalp and pulls back on her hair, Peggy’s mouth drops open , “cunt my hair!”, but Magda need to be in this fight  now, “Bitch” she growls back Peggy’s breasts drag up Magda’s as her head and back arch back from the pul, her own hand grabs Magda’s hair but as they struggle Magda
‘s breasts are lower and under Peggy’s the experienced Queen feels the undersides atop her breasts and using the wall she thrusts upward catching Peggy’s undersides, Peggy feels the straight pump uppercut and gasps, “uuuuhhhhhh Bitch my tits!!’, then in shock Peggy’s right foot stutters back Magda digs dep and holding the hair now starts to bang her tits up into the exposed undersides.

Peggy slowly is being backed up, “uuggg uummfff umff Bittch oh you cunt my tits ohh uughh mmff mff Get off my tits “, Peggy was suddenly being battered by her equal, Magda a smirking sneer, straightens her back and now pulls Peggy to her by the hair forcing Peggy’s breasts to take the battering uppercuts, the grey block walls echo the fight as fleshy masses collide , CLOP,CLAP,SLAP, SMACK!!!!.

Magda is driving into Peggy and their red tinted breasts are crashing together and then being forced to bulge and pull into the others, both women are now gasping out their breath as the fight wears on them,but neither will let the other have an inch without earning it, unknown to Magda her firm breasts are starting to irritate  Peggy’s left side the only weak spot the Queen has ever had to worry about.

I watched as Magda plows at Peggy, her darker breasts bulging between her arms smacked into the left breasts side wall and force the left breast into Peggy’s right causing a flattened ironed out angle and the force stretched the tendons and muscle wall under the breast to tear all over again, Peggy dropped her shoulder when the first 3 or 4 hits came, Magda thinking simply she scored a well placed move , was slow to take full advantage, Peggy not wanting to let on she would be easily hurt and or beaten by it did her best to grind back at her rival and shift her body to avoid a constant barrage there.

But as the two Amazon’s reach an hour and 15 minutes Magda is starting to sense Peggy is either feeling her or something is wrong by the angle she is defending and attacking, it was time to take a chance and risk being trapped or destroy her rival and claim her reward over her.

There is a sudden break between the powerful women , their heavy round now redden breasts rise and fall heavy, instead of holding hair Magda is going to take on her equal hands locked and just their breasts were going to settle it no matter what either tried.

Magda opens her hands and raises them she growls a hiss at Peggy, “come bitch just tits now lock hans with me like a Queen”, Peggy breathes in she is hiding the old injury being sparked and to hide it more opens her hands and their palms meet, their fingers curl and interlace as they glare eye to eye, i swallowed deeply this was it neither woman was going to go on much longer this next series of volleys was going to produce a Queen and a loser.

They each grip and try to force the others arms back as they do stances set for balance then the bitter battle to end it comes, Magda starts slow, at first i wanted to yell get her but she knew what she was doing, she was baiting Peggy to bring her fight so she could see if either side was being favored , if so she was going to exploit it and take Peggy apart using it against her, it was a big gamble cause she wasn’t sure if Peggy was trying to lure her into that very position to devour her once she took the bait.

They come together a solid CVLOP erupts, both women are easily feeling the other now and grunt at the refreshed contact, sweat gets shoved from skin as their breasts collide head on, both are grunting from the contact but more so from the deep ache that now has risen to the surface and every rolling ,drag,pump,and pull starts to hurt more and more.

They push and pull hands as they try to control both where they want their rival to step but more so where they want their breasts to make contact, it is going to be crucial Magda notice Peggy’s movements to be sure before starting the attack she plans to , if she is wrong Peggy will take the hit then systematically break Magda down till she has to give.

CLOP,CLAP,SLAP, fill the tight square, both women roll their heads at every contact, lips part and in between collisions they both dig and drive their breasts into the others, smearing and dragging ,causing breasts to bulge,swell,balloon and almost flatten between their bodies, gasping is ragged and the fighters are at the point of exhaustion as the taunts to give are more like prayers one will.

Peggy unsure if he rival picked up on her “weak spot” is out to end this fight quicker than not, she knows if her left side is exploited being the better fighter or not will have no bearing, she steps in at Magda and manages a uppercut, that shutters Magda, “SMACK!” rings out , Magda buckles at the knees and her head rolls back as her mouth falls open, “AAAghhhh Bitch my tits!”.

Peggy quickly tries to take advantage and starts to drive her rival back to the wall, as she does her savage panting growl, “you cunt my tits are going to beat yours bad fight mine”, Madga is worried her undersides are being rolled and if Peggy starts to pump at will it is over and she knows it, her eyes widen and she can only do one thing, she plants her heel and using the mutual hand lock pulls Peggy at her then spins and Peggy staggers by her then is yanked by the hands back at her, as Peggy straightens up and is ready to deliver a second upper cut , Magda knows she must try or she is done for, she spreads their arms with force, Peggy arches a bit then Magda seeing her rivals tits up and out side steps and from the left plunges her tits into Peggy’s left side wall.

The straight on contact lands and Peggy winces and her shoulder pulls back , as it does Magda drives in as she planned and is now pumping and grinding at the spot that has Peggy wincing and looking to pull from the contact, “Ughhh nmmmffff you cunt feel my tits now hmm? Cmon bitch Fight my tits NOW!!”, Peggy feels it and the more punishment the weaker her tits and her body gets wanting only relief.

“AAghhh Bitch you cunt get off my tit you fucking Cow”, Magda unsure but is feeling the tide has changed gets rougher and goes at Peggy, “Cmon bitch fight me lets see who is Queen now”, the fleshy pumps and clops and thrusts are starting to make Peggy wince, shy back and loosen her chest, the fight seems to regain vigor as Magda is going at Peggy with new confidence.

“mmff mff mff mf cmon bitch fight back my tits want a war”, Peggy can feel her left old injury is being ripped and her breast and muscle is pain filled as her left breast is ironed nearly flat into her right and her right is now being pushed beyond and stretched to her under her right arm, as Magda presses to Peggy her left breast is pinned where her cleavage was, and over laps her right and Magda is driving a rolling pin motion against the side and it is effect as Peggy winces and gasps in pain, “AAghhh AWWWW BITCH MY TITS UGHHH”.

Magda feeling Peggy weaken drives harder , the moist sandy floor slides under Peggy’s sandals her bare back now slaps on the block wall , her head rears up against it, eyes shut mouth dropped open her shoulders pinned back as Magda steps between her thighs and pins her breast to Peggy’s to take a breath and concentrate she has her and knows what to do, her face near Peggy’s “Give now you cunt or my tits will pound yours till they are useless”, Peggy never one to let a rival have a win, “fuck you bitch fight my tits”.

Magda breathes in the final blows are coming , she squares slightly then unleashes her round firm tits and sways them tightly between them, her firm tits are punishing Peggy’s as they hang looser and each head on and side blow to her left is making Peggy wince and tears fall now, “uuughh ughh owwww wBitch my tits oh god you cunt my tits mmff mff cmon you bitch ohh owww”, Magda is rolling pin side to side and upper cutting her tits into the left of Peggy , Peggy’s knees start to give and Magda shakes her hands free of Peggy’s and grabs hair to hold Peggy up as she drives ti to tit and hurts Peggy deeper and deeper.

Peggy has stopped trying to fight back now her body only standing cause of Magda holding her up by the hair as she reaches to get the hair hold free her tits are wide open and Magda sneers as she dips and SMACKKKK!!! delivers 1 2 3 direct upper cuts, each making Peggy’s tits bounce up and down  then Magda pulls Peggy to the center and releases her hair , Peggy drops like a rock on her knees.

Peggy goes to cradle her tits as she cries, Magda slaps her hands away, “Don’t you dare cup your tits unless your done Bitch, now get up and fight my tits!”, Peggy breathing in gulps and gasps, tries to get one foot up but the sway in her tits nearly drops her , ‘AWWWWW Fucking bitch my tits STOP I GIVE I GIVE NO MORE!!!”

Magda smiles in a very much needed way, she saunters around Peggy and slowly straddles her lower back as she makes Peggy sit back and up on her haunches, she violently slaps her hands on Peggy’s red tits and deeply grabs into them and starts to milk the former Queen, Peggy head back in wincing agony, “OOWWWWW YOU BITCH NOT MY MILK OHHH YOU cunt STOP”!!.

Magda increases the deadly deep massage and squeeze and kneading finally as Peggy shakes her head no, her hands in the sand as her bruised beaten tits bulge between her arms and in Magda’s grip the milk of Peggy sprays freely, Peggy winces as her milk is forced free, tears running as she has been dominated by a rival equal queen, Magda releases her rivals tits then forces Peggy on her back in the sand then smiling drops down on ger , her big round dark tits sway over head she makes Peggy open her mouth then lowers her tits on peggy’s face and slowly grinds them on her face “nmmmmm suck my tits you Bitch make your queen smile”.

I stood watching and i am not shy to say i had a smile as i see Peggy worship Magda’s breasts till Magda sprayed milk making Peggy swallow and drink it in, she them smeared the milk on peggy’s face, slowly Magda gets up a smile of pride as she shimmies her red tits out for us  then she walks to me and takes my hand and we reach the surface again the sun slowly setting she hugs me and whispers , “you will never be free till you take control” a kiss and she had the car drive up to return me to the hotel.

Magda stands waving as i drive off, and as i look back i see Joe escort Peggy from the steps of the tomb, she stood hands on hips her proud dark and red and bruised breasts standing outward, Peggy sees her and snarls her lip but as she stands upright it is clear her side is hurt as is her left breast, Magda inhales, “Take this woman home i have broken her “ Peggy snarls and tries to raise a hand to swing at Magda but her left side pinches and quickly reminds her it is over, Joe brings her to a car and Magda smiles as she holds Peggy’s bra in her hand.

Chapter 19: Queen Returns and a New Threat is Near

I sat alone on the flight home , Joe and Peggy knew they had to fix this if it could be, Peggy  despite the swelling, and pain, was wearing her typical style show off dress,and in all my anger there was still no denying it , Peggy win or lose had a presence about her that shined Queen, the tight low v cut spandex mini dress helped show off that proud confidence, it had thin straps and looked painted on her body, the maroon dress was designer but Peggy couldn’t wear her bra she was to swollen still, though she rarely wore it anyway as she was firm enough.

She slowly passed my seat and I just turned my stare away,  she took her seat with Joe,  I guess they were a bit shocked to see i moved my seat. During the flight I got up to use the restroom and as i did i saw a woman in first class that was nothing shy of gorgeous, a tall red head and she turned before sitting, I saw her over flowing breasts in a red V cut dress, they were more veiny than any woman I ever saw including Peggy, her hour glass figure was that of a hollywood super star, her muscled legs to her spike heels she paused and looked at me then a smile, and thats when it hit me.

I showed i wanted to talk to her so she swaggered to the curtain between our classes, her hand on her hip as he looked me up and down, ‘’ Something on your mind Honey?”, I swallowed deeply then i smiled, “Well i might be wrong but i couldn’t help notice you seem very proud of your body especially your bust”, she looked into her own cleavage and then at me, “As a matter fact I am very proud why do you ask?’.

Her eyes looked at my much less full bust then i said , “ohh no no not for me, but there is a redheaded woman down the aisle , who likes showing off her own and seems as proud, she has a few bruises on hers but still showing them off as if she is the best, but seeing you I think she has competition now”. the woman smiled and looked around me and saw the top of Peggy’s pinned up hair.

 She looks at me again, “she a friend of yours?”, I look back then at her again, ‘‘I know of her lets leave it at that, but i did see her  shall we say use her assets like a woman and she is tough, just thought you might want to know you have competition  , i mean that is if you did that type of stuff she was bragging no woman was a threat to her.” 

The redhead swayed her hips, “Oh She did?’, I nodded “That was what she said after the other woman was left crying , one things certain I wouldn’t challenge her”, the woman breathed in and her nipples were starting to tent, “Tell me dear, did you see her chat to any other woman on this flight since then?’.

I was bursting inward, i shook my head slowly “no not at all, i mean i was behind her the entire time till boarding so as far as that no”, she looked again then thanked me and smoothed her mini dress and tilted her head up she headed toward where Peggy was seated, i returned to my seat to see if anything was going to come of it, i mean Peggy was always wanting to fight but she was hurt this time and secretly i was glad i set this cat on her scent.

I see her slowly walk the aisle and she makes sure to get Peggy to notice her, Peggy looks up as the woman looks at her , she pauses by Peggy and poses then sees Joe is with her, i couldn’t plan it any better if i was directing this, the woman leans over in front of Peggy, her swelling veiny breasts spill out at Peggy near her face , the very tip of her aureola’s at eye view just inside the dress.

As she makes Peggy look in her veiny cleavage, she purrs to Joe asking if he was alone , he looked at Peggy then the gorgeous woman that was a threat and said he wasn’t but he was with Peggy, the woman turns her head as her breasts swell in Peggy’s eye sight, “well unless she is busy i would be willing to discuss an arrangement” saying it to Joe but stares at Peggy.

Before Joe can reply Peggy does, “Oh you and i can discuss this anyway you like “, instantly the woman knew i wasn’t misleading her, she smiles at Peggy, “that so? “ she eases a business card from her tight breasts in her dress cup and as she and Peggy glare her red talons ease the card in between Peggy’s swelling bruised breasts, and ads a little tap as if securing it in place, “after you heal give me a text and we can fully discuss this woman to woman “, Peggy breathes in heavy “oh you and i are going to have a chat…..and much more”.

The woman brushes her bellowing breasts by Peggy’s nose as she purrs to Joe , “My name’s Tara and here is my number in case you want the better woman”, she smiles a lustful smile a wink at him and purses her lips as if blowing a kiss then slowly straightens back up, her glare over her mass  looms down at Peggy who is seated, “i best get back to …1st class” she turns on her heels slowly making Peggy take her hour glass figure in then slowly swaggers back to her seat, as she passes me she smirks, “thanks for the tip sugar” i nod as i say, “my pleasure , knock her tits off her if you meet “, she swells her bust, “oh i intend to”.

Peggy was itching to put this new woman in her place, but Joe for what ever reason for the first time was a bit nervous that Peggy after losing to Magda has just mer her match in any style fight, though he didn’t express it to Peggy it was all over his face.

We finally landed and naturally Peggy made a point to be standing near the planes exit as this woman saunters out, they lock eyes and Tara just gleamed a hungry your mine glare, Peggy was still very much healing and though she would have went at this woman right there she composed herself knowing her disadvantage would have proven in favor of her new rival, but but both left their glare that clearly told the other (be ready bitch).

The ride home was very uncomfortable to say the least, but i did steal a glance at Peggy as we headed home, her breasts were swollen yes, but i noticed now after meeting Tara , the veins in her breasts seemed darker and there were more, i never noticed that before but Peggy was every bit as veiny.

She looked at the card Tara gave her and as she eased it in her purse i saw her other hands fingers  pinch at her breasts, at first i thought it was out of arousal but as she pinched her ,red lips silently mouthed, “uww still to sore” , then traced her bruises.

I smirked to myself cause I knew that other woman was so hungry to take Peggy on she was going to be looking for her text or email, and as for Peggy i knew she was so angry at her self for not being ready to take on such a threat, but once she was if not to soon , she was going to have a second epic fight and very well might lose again to another equal, I briefly smiled at my plan, then it eased away as i knew if Peggy waited to heal it was going to be Tara who needed to worry .

Once we were back home well at Peggy’s anyway, decided to wash my clothes there, I told joe to leave me alone till i knew what I was going to do, and as for Peggy she did exactly what i knew she was going to do, started her healing process.

I waited till Peggy went out to her hot tub to sooth those muscles and tendons, once she was in the tub I ran up to her room and I looked at the card Tara gave her, I got her information but more over her social media page.

I put it back then went into my old room and sat on the bed so I could see the hallway and my door partially open, once comfy i went to work.

I typed in Tara’s name and in a second I had her page, at first all was as normal as one would expect, family ,friends pics and comments all the basic stuff, when I started fishing around a bit more I saw a link among the files of photo’s, the file was labeled, “I dare you”.

My finger was hesitant to press it but i did, the page switched and the file opened, there was Tara the first photo, my jaw fell open at what I saw, it was her in a neon orange bikini and heel sandals , her body all but nude was in amazing shape, I really was in shock when her stats were posted in it as follows.

“Hi All, Tara here,5’10” 140 and a 36H-26-36 body, so what do you think ? Not bad for a 59 year old am i?, think you have what it takes? follow the link below and we can chat after”.

My fingers slowly trembled as i move the cursor to the link I had to look at her pic again, it was basically Peggy but fuller breasts and a bit more tone body, her eyes were green but a brighter shade than Peggy’s her nails were real and pointy, basically the sight of Tara in a bikini would make any other woman think twice .

My first thought was (she is gonna rip Peggy to pieces) a fear version a second later my lips smirk and i re thought the same (oh she is gonna rip Peggy to pieces), for the first time in all my years looking for the woman that was going to break Peggy in every way and leave her a crying devoured mess , I was now looking at her and Peggy had her information and wanted to fight her.

I know it seemed sadistic to send my mother to face a woman that seemed more than capable to be the one that was going to make Peggy regret wanting to fight, but here she was and wasn’t that far away, on the flip side the scorned hurt i felt I wanted to ask Tara when she was going to come looking for Peggy.

But it was easy to see Tara was the type like Peggy that would wait till both parties were a 100% and then and only then take her on she like peggy NEVER would tolerate rumors her victory was only because her rival was injured.

As i explored deeper in her page there it was the link opened up just how good Tara was. There had to be at least 200 plus fight pictures, of her against other women of every type, bustier to taller , from heavier to thinner and in between, another set of photo’s of Tara taking everything from those same woman as a victor.

Like Peggy even the fights Tara lost she demanded a rematch and broke the women that gave her a fight, she was the undisputed Queen, sex fights, fist fight, claw fights, titfight, hair, cat it was here for those to look at and if any dare send Tara a challenge.

I was smiling ear to ear, I wanted to call her , could I? She was already aware of Peggy but did she have any idea who Peggy really was, I knew what I had to do.

I took all the pictures i had of Peggy fighting from recent to as far back as i could find, then a picture of the bras and victories , i basically made a duplicate of Tara’s page , i didn’t want to use Peggy’s name it would have either linked her real page or someone would have seen it, after the page was up i made a point to create a private link, i sent the link to Tara with a caption, “Redhead to Redhead if you dare”.

I took a deep breath and sent it, then closed it up and waited for the fall out to begin, just as i did i heard Peggy’s heels coming up the steps, her breasts were less swollen and the bruises fading, she carried the ice packs she used on a towel and as she passed my door she stopped and looked in, we stared a moment then she softly said, “I know we just got back, but i think after i do my ice we can try to talk?”.

I wanted to spit at her but i felt listening to the bull shit lies on how my hubby was with my mother was going to be explained as something i needed to accept, i huffed my disappointment, “sure i would love to hear this one..Mom”, she smiled and went to her room, i lay back holding my laptop and slipped into a nap.

My dreams were needless to say out there, i dreamt of Peggy and Tara ready to fight and all around them was every woman they destroyed, cheering the fight on, as they were ripping at the other and they were both bleeding , i was suddenly awaken, i was sweaty and flush in the face i was seriously confused where i was a minute.

When a soft calm voice and a hand touched my shin, i looked up and it was Peggy a smile as her cream coated glistening breasts hung in round firm perfection, just inside her black kimono, tied tight but the top spread by her powerful breasts and her nipples tenting it, “its ok Amber you had a dream, can we talk?”.

I sat up but refused to let my laptop go, I know what i did was going to rush this meeting but after looking at Tara’s page I was certain i just set a hungry leashed cougar on my Mom and she wasn’t going to fair well once they got together, I didn’t want it to trace back to me, as of now it was going to look like Tara sought out Peggy after their little comments on the plane.

As i feel Peggy sit on my bed, i feel my laptop vibrate a message already has come across, was it Tara? how could not be, this was happening, once these two cougars agreed i was going go destroy the page and wash my hands of it, i and everyone we knew , knows full well any strange cat trespasses on Peggy’s town it ends in a fight, and Tara was going to come looking for sure.

I was barely able to focus on anything Peggy had to say, she was trying to explain things but as i stared at her all i wanted to do was see if Tara was posting to the mock page I made.

Peggy sat there and in her seemingly kind soft voice was telling me it was never planned, it was something that just happened one night cause as I was asleep, Joe had gone for ice, as he did Peggy also was going, he offered to let her stay in her room and he would grab it but she insisted on going with him.

It was alter at night and so Peggy was in just a thong and a robe, Joe was in gym shorts and a tank top, they were kidding and grabbed the ice talking, when some woman about 40 walked over, to them, she was in a room down the hall, as he grabbed ice she looked at Joe then peggy and scoffed, and said to Joe, “Little old for you should come see me “, Joe was naturally grateful but Peggy had taken to personal, she growled at the woman, ‘mind your business before you get hurt”.

The woman as she was walking away stopped and turned , her hands went to her hips as her bust , (according to Peggy was a E cup) I was suspicious of this cause most women would give Peggy a once over and unless they were a busty or matched her in some way one look in her cold green eyes and fit body and seeing old scars often just walked away but this woman wanted trouble,

Joe tried to cool it down but the she cats were set to test each other, the woman offered the two of them come back to her room, Peggy naturally purred at the offer, Joe shrugged and said “lead the way”, all 3 reach her room and walk in, it was empty, once her door was shut the woman kissed Joe and slipped her robe off, her shorter frame was curvy and strong looking , her sandy colored hair was in a pony tail, Peggy went on to say she dropped her robe and the smirk of confidence she always wore made the other woman swallow deeply.

Joe again was either acting in concern or was truly so for the woman , but at any rate the strange woman made a mistake daring Peggy, as typical Peggy went on to say she was here for business not a verbal tiff, she told the woman “whats the game honey?”, the woman took her eyes off Joe and smirked, ‘I am gonna rip your hair out then face sit you as i take your man in my mouth and tits..honey”.

Peggy looked at me, ‘what was i to do walk out as if scared of her cause of Joe?’, I agreed and we let our hair down, I listened I knew Joe always got beyond excited when women fought it started as a kid when he would watch Beverly back in his home town,
I thought to myself and agreed in my head he was innocent of this thus far, i looked at Peggy , “Ok i get it you fought her go on”, Peggy took a breath in, Well Amber, we did fight, but not a typical way i was a bit taken by surprise  with this lil bitch, Looked at Peggy,my brow went up, “how so ?”.

Well based on the mismatch body wise I thought she meant a hair fight and i was ready and willing,  but as we stepped together and she was brazen enough to bump tits with me, she shoved her hand in my thing and was tearing at my red mound.

I snorted a bit, “So what Mom you had your mound yanked at before”, she nods as she looked away, “i know your right but it just felt different, i was stunned a moment and she had my back on the wall and was really twisting her grip, i was hurting and it burned, she was pushing her tits to mine, not much effect but she was an E cup she had some umph in them.

I huffed, “is there a point to this ?”, she snapped out of her flash back, “yes sorry anyway, i was being ripped up by this bitch, i looked up as i was wincing and Joe was standing there a concern look but a smile, i felt my lips silently mouth, “Help” he shook his head no and said, “your Peggy the Queen tear her up damn it”.

I gave her a look of really, but she went on, “Amber i can’t explain it, i was frozen and to be honest the way she had me in the corner and her pelvis tight to my thigh as she pulled on my bush i couldn’t get at her mound in her thong, i was standing there thighs spread her shoulder to mine her tits rolling at the right side of mine and her thighs closed, i actually felt i was going to be ripped up as Joe watched it got to me so i think his encouragement set off a sudden attraction between us, i felt like when your Father would swell in pride as i fought and cheer me to a win”.

I smiled as i do recall those days , watching Peggy near getting beat and a simple cheer from Dad made her turn the fight around and win it was the best fights i saw her reverse.

She took a breath, “so anyway i saw it in his eyes he wanted me to win, i finally maneuvered and got at her thong i tugged it down and my fingers got her hairy mound, i spit in her face and ripped out and up her scream was like surge of power in me, i stood there as her and i pulled at the others pussy then slowly i took the fight over as Joe stood and chanted, “get her Peggy take her “.

Peggy looked in my eyes, “Amber it sounds petty i know but as i was beating her he and i locked eyes and there were fireworks, i started to tear at her and he was urging me on more, the next thing i knew she was crying “i give stop” i took her to the floor, straddled her and as i did Joe was standing there i pulled on his shorts he was rock hard, i titfucked him, he exploded on her face, i face sat her and smeared it on her, then he helped me up and as she lay there i pressed to him, he went at my breasts and before we knew it we were on her bed and i straddled him , as i rode him i made the bitch worship my breasts it all happened so fast , after it was over he and i went to our rooms and we never did it again i am sorry honey i am”.

I was still pissed off but at the same time it is my Mom, but i also know Peggy has avery big appetite when it comes to men, and since she and Dad split, Peggy was never shy about getting a man she wanted, and i know in my heart if she wanted Joe it was going to happen, I tried to let it go long enough at least to finish what i started and get Tara and Peggy together, I know Peggy is still hurting and she need to heal that left side, but once she was better my plan was going to go through.

Peggy went to her room and i opened the account i made , and sure enough Tara was licking her lips to fight Peggy, she left a private comment thinking it was Peggy, “well I am a bit shocked you got back me to so soon, being you need to heal up Honey, i get it and am willing to wait till your 100%, but if you think your going to mouth off on my page and i won’t do something about it your mistaken, let me know where i can find you and you and I can start this …relationship proper  like, and by the way I been asking about and I will say i am impressed of what i heard, but talk is cheap honey, you and i won’t be doing much of it”.

I was smiling but as i looked at her pictures my mind was sneering as it silently growled in my head, “nmmm she is going to leave peggy a broken mess”, I sent a reply back, “you need hunt for me Honey, I run the following town as i am a Queen, and i know you know that means I earned and not by talking,I look forward to healing up 100% and you and I getting together, but just know hurt or not , i don’t like trespassers if you get my drift”.

The message and challenge was sent now all i had to do was wait and watch the most brutal fight coming Peggy’s way since Gina.

I wanted this like right away, but seeing Tara knew Peggy was healing she was professional enough to wait, it would have been easy for her to walk into Peggy’s area and wipe the floor with her while hurt, but Tara has heard her share of meets to know no one would have gave her the recognition a woman destroying a Queen should get.

A few weeks have gone by since getting home, Joe and I are trying to at least talk, but i feel so betrayed this is going to take  bit between us, as far my Mother went my do revenge was coming soon in the form of a killer redhead named Tara, I had just had an idea as we sat on the deck with Peggy having wine.

I wasn’t sure if Peggy had been in touch with Tara,but judging by the lack of activity on the fake page I made, things went idle, so as we sat there Peggy got up to get a fresh bottle of wine for us, I looked in my glass as I said to Joe, “So dear, what are we going to do when this cougar comes hunting to town?, I mean I saw her on the plane and she was ready to take you for herself”, Joe sits up, ‘You know Amber your Mother told you it was a stupid mistake, your talking to her knowing she is the lioness here , have not paid for it long enough?”, I smirked , ‘Guess we will see soon”.

Just then Peggy returned ass he poured our glasses “Whats this about someone coming to town/”, I sipped, “Oh I was just asking your one night stand here what he was going to do when that red head from the plane comes to town and wants him, I know I could never match her ,your hurt and well we all know my honey’s past , if she is busty and fights he falls into bed”.

Peggy curled a lip, “What makes you think she will come to MY town in the first place Amber/’, I swallow a sip, “Oh cmon Mom did you not see what i saw that day on the plane?, she was ready to dig her nails in your face if you had said the wrong thing, let alone your weapons”, Peggy inhales she knew i was right if not for her bruised breasts Tara might have .

Peggy sits, “Well i am feeling better by the hour, and to be honest Amber Magda may have won but she didn’t go after my side hard enough after, if it wasn’t for being away from home i would be waiting to rematch her and show her who is the Queen, as far as that hot little whore on the plane, she wants a piece of me, my town , or my family she is gonna get a fight, and it will be the toughest fight she ever had, she won’t know what hit her.”

I purr, “And  if she teaches you a lesson/, what then hmm? she will run through your town and take everything she wants including my Husband/ your lover not to mention your reputation here”, Well you could hear my mothers heart beat get louder and heavier she knew that tara was not one to take lightly and everything I said was true, Peggy was glaring ahead and i knew she was picturing that red head strutting into her pool area and calling her out  and with a good chance of winning Peggy would be seen getting milked, beat, tore up and more by Tara, a total broken embarrassment for her near the end of her time as Queen, the question finally was on her, would she retire on top and take her town for ever or would Tara steal it all and make Peggy retire with her biggest loss, then the thought of Joe seeing ehr devoured was more than she could take.

Peggy looks at me, “Amber something you wanna tell me?”, I shook my head no, ‘Nope I am just curious what the plan is here, I mean Joe had no fights for you, no one around here is coming for you, and you have a cougar out there that wants at you and to break you knowing your a threat as much as she is, I seen you fight a lot of women Mom, and even i can see this one?, she won’t stop till you break her or she drags you down the street by your hair , or tits “.

I did it the knife went in, Peggy inhales at the reality just hit her Tara was coming , they were ready to fight on the plane but now with Peggy healthy and those little taunts I sent, the fight was coming just when was all both women needed to know.

Peggy sat quiet, Joe was looking at her, he knew i was right and he also knew this Tara woman was going to come to fight not play games or take a fall to avoid getting hurt, like Peggy she was not gonna stop till beat or till peggy was a broken  form of herself.

Just as we about to say to peggy, “She didn’t need to prove a thing, Peggy holds up her index finger, “Not  word Joe, you know damn well if that Bitch does or doesn’t step foot on my territory there is a fight coming, this isn’t about status or towns, this one is cougar to cougar and it is gonna get ugly, I just need to be 1000% ready for that one.

Not satisfied i thought i would stir the pot one last time, “yeah Joe besides mom can fight , just that this Tara chick is probably salivating to hear from Peggy, hope since it has been a while she doesn’t think you chickened out, i mean she had no idea how bad you were hurt , just that you were bruised , and your bruises were gone over a month ago”.

Peggy sat up, her body tense her nipples stabbing and engorged she looks at Joe, “that bitch where did i put her card?”, i smile as i purr, “oh i saw it last by the fridge , you said the other day you might call?”, Peggy jumps up and comes back out with the card, her thumb nail stabbing numbers as she sits back down, i sip my wine as i watch and listen.

Peggy breathes in , “Hello is this Tara.. Well hi Tara my name is Peggy , from the ..”, Tara cuts her off, “oh i been waiting to hear from you, i do hope your all better, it has been a while, your last rival must have had her way with you”.

Peggy gets red in the face as the time she took makes her look weak, “Actually i been ready to face you , i just wanted to be sure you were ready, i mean for someone promising to take it all i was sure you would have been around by now”, Tara giggles a slow menacing giggle, “ohhh Peggy aren’t we to old for these games?, lets cut to the chase dear, i am coming when your ready to Fight , once i hear that you are , well Dear it will be a war till it is over for one, and trust me based on my past, that is you, though i have no doubt you can fight “, Peggy hisses , “ohhh you better believe i can fight Tara and i am ready to get this war started”.

there was silence then Tara growls, “are you? well then i will be around and seeing you REALLY soon be ready i don’t take excuses only Fighters”.

She hung up before Peggy got her last word out, I was squirming as i saw a concerned look on her face, and joe who heard the chat even clearer looks at Peggy, “This one isn’t gonna stop till she beats you at everything’, Peggy nods, “Yeah I get that feeling as well”, Joe swallows his wine,’ What are you going to do?’, Peggy stares out the at the yard, then at us, takes a slow breath in, ‘I am gonna have to fight her till i get rid of her”.

I watched Peggy walk in the house Joe looked at me, ‘this is gonna get bad”, i shrugged, “If it does it is her problem, you better brush up on your first aid skills , sounds like she might need them”, he huffs, “So now you don;t care if she gets torn up/’, I look at him, “not to the degree you seem to, and no cause she has been doing this over 20 years if this Tara is the woman to break the unbeatable Peggy at home, then who am i to stop it, beside dear husband, Peggy has these personal wars before, you know as well as I , if she had not destroyed Gina that bitch would be standing in this yard right now wanting to fight, or better yet your sweet Beverly back home”.

Joe looked away, rubbing his hair, “So now we are bringing up the past?”, I looked at him, i tossed my cell at him, ‘Call Beverly tell her you screwed Peggy she might have  lost to Peggy but she has no idea she lost you to Peggy, I will bet my last dollar Beverly comes looking as well”.

Joe had his thumb on the phone pad then handed my phone back, “How do you know she will?”, i take my cell, “cause their fight was about that town and that job and reputations hair and titfights, tell Bev. her boy toy is Peggy’s and watch how fast she comes looking to talk to Peggy, you seem to forget dearest , you might have watched Bev and June as you grew up but i watched my Mother and women that wanted to take my Father from her, you tell your GF about Peggy you will see them fight as hard as what is coming here for her””.

Chapter 20: Will the Queen Fall for Good

There wasn’t going to be a cam chat or discussion with Tara that was clear, I don’t know if it was what I posted to her or just her aurora, but Tara was the type of fighter who wanted 2 things, someone to start a fight with  and 2 to finish win or lose .

Yes Peggy wanted the same but she and her past rivals were more I guess theatrical about how they come face to face, sure a few just took Peggy on but over all there was a “dance” before the actual Fight, this time her rival wanted to know where ,when and lets fight.

Peggy knew as well, it was what put a fear in her more than most, rules were more than likely going out the window, and in public or not if these two see each other they are gonna fight , add in they are both redheads and no style will be delicate or rules.

A few days go by and Peggy has had no word of a strange woman trespassing in town or looking for her, i am sure she was feeling some relief but triple the fear of when this fight or fights were going to grace her town.

Somehow word among Peggy’s supporters and rivals were spreading through the towns she ruled over, Peggy had to both appear at the pool and dance again or we all knew as well as she someone was going to fill her spot, more cause of the manager than an attempt to take over but it still would put a dent in the reputation she earned through years of intense fights.

I sat watching Peggy pacing as what or where to go first, Tara was about for sure but which town was first on her list was up to the new rival and her thirst for others to see her beat first hand.

Saturday Peggy dons her newest bikini, a micro one at that, her body still fit and her Gs still veiny and firm and full, the neon yellow bikini really high lighted her fresh tan from the trip, her hair up she enters the fenced in pool area and with her typical pride in tact thigh over thigh struts the apron then stands poses and flexes her G’s a smile on her lips she purrs, “well Ladies anything i need to be informed of?”.

No one knew a woman was coming, and no one since dare enter the Queens area, she nods and adds, “well good to see , if any one comes asking be dears and let them know i will at the dance club till then you al have my cell”.

She laid out all day and every squeak of the gate had her attention, but as 6 pm rolled around Tara was a no show yet again, she finally was the last at the pool she stood up and slowly left, no one was waiting it was clear.

The following weekend Peggy called the club she danced at , let her friend and manager know she was on for the weekend, she was glad and like clock work Peggy’s picture went up at the entrance again.

The days leading to Friday night had her on edge again, she was going to give tara a fight to remember but even a win was going to leave her with marks , which she preferred to not wear on stage, Friday afternoon she headed out , I followed for one reason in hopes Tara was on the hunt.

We arrived saw a few old friends, joe showed up but we sat apart, Peggy strut in her smile huge and sexy she hugged the manager and headed straight for the backstage entrance, i followed and took my spot at the rear to look in the dressing room.

Peggy enters and no one was at her vanity, she smiled as the women there a few were busty but not Peggy busty greeted her home, Peggy sat after stripping to her thong and made sure her makeup was perfect, she eased on her black kimono and stood up then headed out to dance.

Needless to say in the 10 minutes it took her to be ready the crowd doubled , the guys here missed their local champ.

Peggy danced  and her tips were collected she nodded at a few guys to join them after, her sets were going great and the night was busy but otherwise quiet, Peggy closed the bar with a last set then headed back stage, her smile was big as she opens the dressing room door someone was in her chair but her back was to the door.

Peggy eases the door shut her but shuts it tight as her fingers turn the lock, the room was silent as she purrs, “so finally found me Tara”, the chair turns and it was the red head she glared at Peggy, “i found you days ago honey, i just was waiting for the perfect spot to let you know i was in town”.

Peggy tilts her head as they stare, “why wait so long? and even if it was tonight the place is closed no one will see us”, Tara stands up , and smiles as her red nails undo her coat front, “well i thought about you and i and to be honest i decided to stick around a bit longer so i am going to take my times breaking you before i allow Everyone to see you ripped to shreds before their eyes”.

Tara sheds her coat and stands there in heels a thong and nothing more, Peggy undoes her robe and stands looking at Tara, slowly their bodies tense and they step from their spot toward the other.

A slow circle as they breath in silent heavy tension, Peggy a soft growl, ‘Well?, lets go”, Tara a equal soft growl, ‘Nmm Don’t mind if  I do”.

Peggy opens her hands as does Tara, then CLOP they collide breast to breast but the real war was in their scalps as fingers plunge in deep and scratch up two fistfuls each, neither woman cries out instead they grit teeth curl lips and growl as they shake each others head by her hair.

Each pulls with all her strength as they stagger about in heels looking in each others eyes spitting the grunts of the burning pain in scalps, Tara slowly starts to twist tighter and is driving Peggy in retreat where she demands, the sudden snapping yanks as she spits at Peggy’s face, ‘Cmon Bitch pull , fight you Bitch”.

Peggy cringes a bit and her head is being tilted back as she tries to resist it adds to the pain her long legs flex but have to scrape in reverse, her red lips part “uuuhhh you Bitch cmon fucking Whore”.

Slowly they bang against the door the walls the vanities Peggy being yanked but still pulling back hard, both redheads are near deadlocked as the tufts of hair float to the floor.

The vicious grunts as each refuses to scream out get louder and heated as faces are red, Peggy shakes Tara’s head hard then down to the right , Tara stumbles and Peggy manages to whip back to her , Tara’s heel slips on the rug, she falls to her knees, Peggy quickly straddles her right shoulder as she pulls up on Tara’s scalp, “Cmon you Bitch scream you give , want more hmm I’ll rip it out Bitch”, Tara lands she feels Peggy’s thighs straddle her shoulder and hold her down as her scalps stretched up by force and her hair, her eyes squint in pain and her lips GASP, “My hAir BITCH”.

The door gets broken open aa the manager and bouncers were clearing the building before locking up, Peggy is grabbed from the rear and pulled back her hands still hofd a death grip on Tara’s scalp, as a result Tara was dragged to the rug by her hair and shouts ‘ GET off my Hair WHORE LET GO”!!!, Peggy spits, “Get up , let me go I’ll bald that cunt”!, Finally able to get them to let go of hair they are pulled apart.

As expected the curses and threats to kill one another fly, but the manager and bouncer keep them off each other, he helps Tara grab her stuff and walks her out to go change and fix herself in his office, Peggy breathing heavy plops in her seat and fixes ehr hair as she changes every noise had her ready to jump up and fight on.

Once dressed Peggy swaggers but storms to his office she bangs on the door, ‘Is that cheap whore in there open it up’, Tara gets up but he stops her ‘Go Home Peggy you have shows this weekend it is over for tonight”, Tara shouts, “Wait for me Bitch we have a lot to talk about “.

Peggy storms out she waits out front but that proved to be a even worse as the manager had cam feed out front, Peggy finally turns and heads to the bar down the street , I followed as i knew Tara wasn’t going to leave without looking for Peggy.

Peggy struts in and despite her anger smiles to those who greet her, she sits down wearing that sexy dress and her green eyes keep watch of the door, (Peggy was in a plum mini dress that hugged every curve like a skin, her braless bust was swelling from her front as she had 3 of the small buttons already undone, black fishnet thigh highs and plum heels her hair up and blood red lipstick with a hint of purple lipliner).

Her nipples were tenting her dress I think the stiffest she ever can recall, she kept checking her nails, and she removed her earrings and rings, she knew if tara found her here this crowd wasn’t going to stop Peggy in a fight so there would be a fight.

Sure enough the door to the bar opened and in walked Tara, a number of heads turned as she was seen, wearing a grey mini dress black thigh highs  gray heels and her hair up she strolls in, her slightly fuller breasts shape her dress outward stretching the low cut V, she acts as if no one stares at her as her eyes scan the bar, then Peggy stands up, as she does Tara steps in fully and drops her purse on the bar.

Peggy walks toward the entrance as Tara moves in more , everyone can see they aren’t here to talk so they push away from the point of collision, partly along a wall narrow enough patrons can walk to grab a seat the two she cats crash together again.

Instant snarling faces as they reach out for the other to continue where it was stopped, chins up as hands suddenly start to slap faces before taking hair, quick insults fly between the cats, “cunt Cmon’, Bitch Lets go “.

They trade smacks as they crush into each other, the crowd erupts into urging the fight on a few more cheer on Peggy but Tara unknown gets her supporters cheering her on, i doubt these two needed any support being cheered on but it didn’t hurt either.

The wild slaps go on and as they find less room to really fight they grab onto others hair and start to yank and rip as if releasing meant falling to their death, the fist fulls of hair are snapped free as they two women snarl and spit and grunt and growl  as they are face to face ripping out hair.

Patrons squeeze by the fight to get away  from being hit by accident, once free from the crowd the fight gets faster, then as they stagger each other by her hair they end up in the openness of the dance floor and things get going.

Peggy and Tara are now freely ripping at hair as faces get slapped between savage hair yanking, neither woman has willingly given an inch to the other, as they get red in the face and tears well up from pain, the fight i wa sure Peggy was going to be easily beat at has now turned to a fair equal brawl of mature cougars who have nothing but pure jealous hate for each other .

The cheers go on as these Amazons stay upright and destroy the others hair and swing slaps freely, Peggy twists her left fist in Tara’s hair and rips down pulling Tara’s head low by sheer force, the pull causes a gasp, “UUghhh Bitch my hair”, then Peggy frees her right hand and starts to swing her fist up into Tara’s face, “Fucking Bitch cmon cunt fight me bitch!”.

Tara’s head gets bounced as her scalps held in place by the hair pull, she tries turning her head and has to free a hand from Peggy’s hair to block her face from the punches, the fleshy clacks were heard by the audience cheering the fight on and as Peggy lands the first hard blows gets a roaring encouragement to beat the other redhead more.

But Tara is not new to a bar fight or any fight, she lunges her body at Peggy, her shoulder drives into Peggy’s pelvis bending her forward as Tara pushes and drives Peggy backward , Peggy stutter steps and Tara grabs the back of her rivals lag and Peggy falls backward, she hits the ground hard and Tara pounces on top.

The cheers to really fight get louder now as Peggy is on her back, Tara gets on top and pins one arm under her knee and pulls the other aside, Peggy’s head and face is left wide open and Tara doesn’t waste a second as she grabs Peggy’s bangs and then starts to fire her right fist at Peggy’s face and head.

The fleshy clacks are solid and we see Peggy’s face turn red where a new bruise will swell by morning, Tara sits up higher on her looking down her fiat ready to pummel more, “Stop covering up you chicken shit Bitch , Fight cmon”, Peggy snarls up at her , “get your fat ass off and lets fight cunt”, with that Peggy shoves her free hand up at Tara and claws at her chin.

Tara turns her face and pushes her claws at Peggy’s face in return as she does Peggy scratches down Tara’s throat and chest to her cleavage and Peggy feels the dress front and rips at it.

The tear is small but certainly opens up Tara’s cleavage, Peggy being pinned in trouble as her followers watch her being beat are all wide eye, Peggy sinks her nails in the breast meat of Tara and her nails cut in leaving 4 red furrows, Tara arches, the burn lets her know Peggy’s nails are doing damage.

She grabs the wrist of that hand and snarls, “That burns you little Bitch”, Peggy squirms and pushes her as up as her heels get under her, Tara gets bucked forward but not enough to get knocked off, as Tara reaches at Peggy’s bulging breasts under her thighs she suddenly screeches out, AAIIEEEE BITCH”!.

Peggy her face under the hem of Tara’s dress  turned her head enough she sank her teeth in the muscled thigh of Tara.  The bite was clenching down and Tara was about to get cut open, she rolls to her side and kicks , Peggy releases the bite and she climbs up on Tara, the two redheads again lock fingers in hair and as they now pull start to roll over across the bar room floor.

Peggy and Tara are face to face snarling as they rip out hair ,the tufts of hair stick to their fingers , float to the floor, their nails dig at scalps as fingers tie ,tangle and twist up more hair, slapping can be heard as they roll and tear at the other.

Peggy rolls on top and twists her body so she can wrap her left arm under Tara’s neck and tries to apply a headlock, Tara struggles and slowly Peggy manages to get her knees then stands up.

Tara is pushed to the floor by her hair ,but she still has a grip on Peggy’s hair making her stand bent at the hips, Peggy snarling, ‘Let go of my hair cunt or I swear I will rip out this Clump” she gives Tara a slow head shake by the hair to make her feel the deep grip she has on her scalp.

Tara refuses as she yanks down on Peggy’s scalp,’ I’ll rip yours out as well Fucking whore”, both women pullllll with the attempt to rip out a large clump and they each feel the stretch in the scalps they both wince and gasp.” AGHHHHWWW BITCH!!”.

Just the large patches are going to be torn out, 2 men grab Peggy and stop ehr hand, as the other grabs at Tara’s hand they command the women to let go , finally seeing they can no longer pull the women release the other and spring from each other, the men grab both women in hugs from the back, Peggy and tara kick to get free so they can get at each other, but it is no use.

The two men were off duty police who had seen the women do enough damage to each other, they kept the ladies apart despite the attempts to get another go at each other, the threats and challenges to fight more spewed between them, finally as they get them to calm down every one else returns to having drinks and now have new conversation for the night.

Tara is walked out of the bar as no one even knows her ,Peggy is sat at the bar but she wants to be set free to go out front and fight  her rival again, but the men hold

Peggy sits panting as her breath comes back, a few finger marks on her face and chest her hair  a matted pulled mess other wise Peggy looked fine, a few customers assure her she was winning the fight as a few others jab her saying “ you got lucky they stopped the fight”, either way Peggy knew there was more to come from this woman and Peggy wanted it.

Peggy stayed at the  apartment we had here at this town with a home in our home town she didn’t need anything larger, she walked in mad at the world and instantly sent a message to Tara “had fun tonight where are you Bitch lets finish what you started”, she waited for a reply , it came a bit later then she hoped , “it was fun but i agree it is not over we need a place no one will hear or care and we can finish it , or at least this part of it”.

Joe then told Peggy where he watched his mother Alana and his Aunt Debra fight that no one cared , there were a lot of working girls there and there was a risk of vice cops coming to end the fight, but more than likely they could have it out.

Peggy asked exactly where , she knew the area and text to Tara, ‘Meet me in 10 minutes at the corner of 5th and Red ave. there is a spot in back no one will care what we do’, all Peggy got back was “ready to see you again Bitch”.

Peggy brushed out her matted hair and made herself ready to go to war once again for the night, she knew this third get together was going to get finished tonight, she also knew Tara could fight and was going to come at her hard,but she was as ready to give as good as she was going to get.

Peggy finally strolled outside and was ready to see Tara waiting, she was sure they were going to fight it out here and now, when there was no sign of her rival Peggy took a deep breath in and started towards the spot they were going to meet.

Tara arrives and as she sees the street walkers eye her the glare of (don’t test me) made it clear to these women who fought in the gutter they would be ripped apart, so she turned down the alley way and waited.

Her wait wasn’t long as the hour glass figure of Peggy came swaggering up the street to the corner, the women see her and already knew Peggy was not one to tease or test, Peggy eyes a few as one purrs “oh the one your looking or honey is right down the alley , have fun”.

Before Peggy can reach the shadow figure of Tara all the hookers who saw them step down the alley come to see what will happen between these two cougars, many a hooker has had her fight here and rarely does anyone come to stop them.

Tara hears the heels then turns and sees the shadow curvy figure of Peggy coming, slowly they both are under the side streets lights amid trash, and piles of rubbish left to rot, Tara a nervous smirk as she is now aware Peggy can fight as hard also steps from the building she was leaning against , and both cougars step under the lights to bee clearly and be visible.

They drop their purses beside a building then circle, unaware a group of hookers are forming to see the fight, they size the women up as they see the two rivals are ready to go at it.

Out of knowing and hearing of Peggy they naturally pick her to beat this redhead stranger but a few can see sh is going to give the reigning Queen a hard time, the two of them circle now and glare no one is coming to stop this one, it ends when one gives.

Both women open their hands as their big breasts rise and fall they curl their lips and show teeth then as hookers urge it on, “Cmon Peggy get her , cmon red get her rip her hair out “, the two hell cats lunge into each other.

Hands bury into hair as they whip each other around by it snarling Bitch and cunt at other as they pull tufts free at will, the women watch are stunned at the savagery so quick into it and cheer them to fight harder.

They are ripping away as if the hair is all they can go for both grunt and gasp at the searing pain in the scalps, eyes watering instantly as they try to peel others scalp off, snarling like wild animals in and out of the light as they stagger to stay upright and fight back.

 Both women are grunting growling and getting hurt but they are so hell bent on hurting the other they just need to fight as if to breath, Tara arches her back up as Peggy comes into her , shaking Tara’s head Peggy presses in to gain control, Tara makes her move, she wraps her calf around Peggy’s right knee ,and RIPS back on her hair making Peggy look up, Peggy feels the sharp yank her mouth drops open in a GASP, “AGHHHH BITCH!” Tara a snarling smirk, ‘CMON cunt!!”.

Peggy winces and her grip loosens from pain in her own scalp, Tara sees the chance and she kicks the back of Peggy’s knee buckling it and then side steps and using Peggy’s hair swings and then whips Peggy to the hard ground hard, peggy lands with a thud and felt the ground, but she tries to get up, tara her hands free , sees Peggy attempt to rise and pounces on her.

The women watch laugh and a few are stunned as Tar in one move just changed the fight to her favor, as well as stunned as Peggy was easily taken over, Tara manages to straddle Peggy as she is on all fours and her hand snaps Peggy’s head up and back by the hair her other hand  reaches over Peggy’s shoulder and into the dress top and rips the strap then gets a hold of Peggy’s right breast and digs in as she claws it, “Cmon Bitch i am gonna rip your tits off your body fight me!”.

Peggy her face etched in pain and red reaches up for Tara’s hand in her hair as well as her hand in her dress top mauling her big breasts, “cunt my tit let go Bitch”!,  Tara a snarling sneer , “Whats wrong you cunt hmm can’t hang with the big cats Bitch hmm?”.

Tara squeezes, pulls, claws, twists at Peggy’s breasts barely in her dress now as red furrows map the surface, her other hand digs her knuckles in Peggy’s scalp as her fingers pull tight to it , tugs, yanks and a steady ton of pressure has Peggy red face and eyes welling up in burning pain.

Peggy in pain manages to rear back on her haunches  and now more stable can fight back despite Tara still up on top of her,  she reaches up and Tara’s big tits jostling in her dress are in reach, the rip of her dress exposes her veiny mass, Peggy’s claws dig in and drag red deep furrows causing Tara to shake her head no in pain, “ohhh ughhh you Bitch my tit”.

A few of the women watching urge Peggy on “get her Peggy tear her tit off girl”, others shout in, “get her red don’t let her up she is a handful”, Peggy grunting as she is being hurt tries all she knows to get Tara off her back, “Cmon you cunt”, Tara feels the burn in her hanging breast as Peggy now digs at the flesh, she tries using the deep hair hold to twist shake and get Peggy off her knees and haunches as she shakes her by her scalp Peggy turns her head and has a eye level look at Tara’s meaty thigh.

Peggy quickly grabs Tara by her leg and sinks her teeth in the long thigh , Tara screams out as she batters a fist at Peggy’s head and face, but Peggy takes the quick pummeling as she drives a shoulder to the leg  and pulls , Tara falls on her back hard and Peggy quickly pounces on top of her.

Once on top both women start to scratch,punch and rip and tear at the other, a perfect catball they roll across the hard ground spitting,cursing,and making threats, the hookers watching the fight cheer them on to fight harder and throw out instructions to gain an advantage, but the two she cats are locked in a hate heated fight ad the natural instincts take over.

Panting ,huffing,and gasping the two redheads are not leaving one ounce of the others flesh with out some form of mark, the dress tops hang open as breasts are torn at as well.

They roll over and over ,long legs tangle and kick as arms wrap around to rip out hair, scratch at others arms, shoulders backs and face and breasts, dress tops hang on by tatters as faces grimace and snarl,  their faces an inch apart snap teeth at the other.

Peggy finally rolls on top and spreads her knees enough she stops the constant rolling battle, Tara under her stabs her hands upward into Peggy’s breasts, Peggy’s head shakes up and back at the feel of the claws in her breast meat, but her own hands dig at Tara’s breasts.

As they maul,gouge and squeeze away both women glare in others eyes as they spit threats to rip the others tits off, Peggy arching her back as her proud breasts are being dug into digs and rakes her nails down Tara’s forearm’s.

One hooker screams out to Tara, “Don’t stop red you hurt her tits rip them off girl”, Peggy looks up in pain as her breasts are being twisted in Tara’s claws, finally Peggy needing to get her breasts free, delivers a solid right fist to Tara’s cheek, the blow is hard enough Tara’s face quakes against he hard ground, her hands come off Peggy’s breasts, and cover her face.

Peggy now free to attack, digs her nails in Tara’s breasts and drags those claws deep and slow down tara’s breasts till they slice across the aureola’s, Tara bucks and her spine arches as if hit by a shock, her hands claw at Peggy’s hands as she cries out, ‘Fucking cunt my tits STOP!!!”.

Peggy her fingers deep in Tara’s breasts now scoots her hips higher and pins Tara shoulders to the ground, one arm under her knee Peggy glares down at her as she delivers 1 then a second fist to Tara’s face, “Want more Bitch hmm cmon give or I’ll break your face Bitch”, tara gets ehr bell rung , she is dazed as peggy not only can hit but hits hard, Tara is in a really bad position she cries up, “OK OK I GIVE BITCH GET OFF ME”.

Peggy gets up off Tara but still has a hair hold and drags Tara through a gritty puddle of water on the ground as she kicks her side, “cunt I see you again no one or nothing will get me off you”, Tara cups her side and lays on the ground.  Peggy grabs her bag and struts off, a few hookers clap and pat her back as she leaves the alley, Tara slow to get up finally does her breasts bare and marked but every bit as firm and full stand out her face red and bruised Tara breathes in, ‘Thats right cherish your little champion whore I am far from done with that Fucking cow”.

Peggy wanted to  dance the next day, despite her face and body were hurting , not to mention Tara left plenty of marks of her own, Peggy wore these bruises and scars like a badge of honor not  as a shameful thing to hide, it told any and all other women who saw her , this cat will fight and walk away proud.

The next day Peggy struts in and on stage her big breasts swelling with a few new red marks as did her face and other areas, she didn’t care and it actually turned on her fans as she would tell them about a fight she had for more tips.

Tara however wasn’t like most Peggy fought , by now only a few would want a rematch or more, but most took their loss to her and left town or the area, but this was not just anyone, Tara was like Peggy once you started a fight you better finish it or she would keep coming till it was decided, today was not going to be any different.

Peggy was between sets and she was slowly strutting about the bar area and would plop a seat on man’s lap that waved a 20 at her and bought her a drink, she smiled a sexy smile let them inhale her perfume and when they pointed out the marks on her breasts she more than happy to tell them she was in a fight but won.

Peggy was wearing a pearl white robe kimono style thong and thigh highs with matched heels her marked breasts was swelling nearly out of the robe as she proudly swaggers from customer to customer.

All of which saw her beat Beverly, June and other women who dared to tangle with her here, they were all her fans and loved that she fought like a street cat, as Peggy went about her typical day Tara came back looking for more.

She enters the club wearing a simple crop top and a skirt heels her fuller breasts were ready to burst from the tiny tight top her nipples tenting it with no effort, the men who just tipped Peggy start to nudge each other to look at what just walked in, and seeing the marks Peggy left knew these two had a history already and recently, and it didn’t take a genius to see these two were far from finished.

Peggy was busy with her customers as Tara headed for her, before anyone knew it , Tara was behind Peggy, she dug her hand in the back of Peggy’s hair and yanked it back, Peggy winced and was at a disadvantage as she slide off the guy she was with, Peggy face red and wincing grabs up and back at the hand in her tresses, “LET GO BITCH”.

Tara had no intention to though she spun Peggy and slammed a fist in her cheek that spun the redhead to the bar, Peggy covered her face and was dazed, Tara then steps closer and delivers a right fist deep into Peggy’s tummy, that made the wind in her cough outward and doubled her over, “UUGHHHHHH OHHHHHHUUUUUFFFF”.

Peggy sank to the floor on her knees cupping her tummy as she nearly vomited from the unguarded blow, Tara grabs another fistful of hair and shake Peggy’s head by the hair savagely then growls, “look up cunt, now” Peggy shook her head no she knew Tara had a fist waiting.

Tara roughly yanks the hair and head, “look up Bitch take it like a woman”, but Peggy wasn’t going to take a free blow to the face, Tara seeing Peggy refuse uses her free hand to rip open the loose robe then holding Peggy by the hair knees her breasts three times then snarls, “i see you again you fat titted cow i will rip you apart got itt?” Peggy nods hurt , then Tara holding the hair bangs her rivals head on the bar by the hair hold spits on Peggy’s breasts and struts out leaving Peggy battered on the floor.

The End

Thank you for reading! For more of Dotti D’s Stories: Click Here!

2 thoughts on “Peggy The Traveler by Dotti D

  1. bernard otter says:

    Wonderful stories , but where are the last 6 final chapters of this story ! Maybe you don´t have permission to publish from the author – Dotti ?! Dotti is by far the best writer on any forum – when it comes to mature women ( cougars ) sex and catfights !

    1. Rival's Rapture says:

      We do indeed have her permission! We’re still trying to find and publish all of her stories!

      We’re very lucky to have her with us!

      Send us the links to the other chapters of this and we’ll get them


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