The Pharaoh’s Bride by Lumberjack66

Ket Annanu was dead.  After reigning as the Pharaoh for 14 years, Ket Annanu had died suddenly and mysteriously.  He had led Egypt well.  His kingdom had expanded under his rule.  His people had prospered under his reign.  Temples had been built.  Slaves had been acquired.  Truely Ket Annanu’s death at the tender age of 26 was a tragedy for the people of Egypt.  His death was unexpected.  His Tomb was not even yet complete.  But what was even worse for the people of Egypt, the line of succession was unclear.

It was not that Ket Annanu did not have children.  He had many through several concubines.  Two factors had left Egypt without a Pharaoh for the first time in hundreds of years.  First, Ket Annanu had not selected a Queen from amongst his Concubines.  Second, his first born sons born of Nesferiti and Alksula had been been born at almost the exact same moment nearly 11 years ago.  Ket Annanu had planned that he would select his first born sons mother as his Queen.  While Alksula had been first with Child, Nesferiti had given birth well ahead of her time at almost the same moment Alksula had her child causing the dillema Ket found himself in.

Now, in the Partially finished tomb of Ket Annanu, Nesferti and Alksula met for the first time since their Pharaoh’s death along with the High Priest of the temple of Ra to determine the fate of Egypt.  Ket Annanu’s mummified remains also lay exposed in his Sarcauphagus.  His death had not yet been announced to the people of Egypt to prevent panick and to prevent Egypts enemies from taking advantage of the situation.  Only a small number of the Pharaoh’s guards, a few of the temple priests, and his favorite concubines knew of Ket Annanu’s death.  Nesferiti and Alksula dangerously eyed each other knowing that soon one of them would be Queen and for the first time in their lives would have true power over the other.  Both were beautiful women close enough in appearance to be sisters, although part of the similarity was due to make up.  Both were slightly taller than average, both slender but very busty according to the Pharaoh’s tastes.  Nesferiti had darker brown skin while Alksula’s skin was much lighter due to her Greek Lineage.  Both had dark mysterious brown eyes. 

Beyond their appearance nearly all similarities ended.  While Nesferiti apparently had loved the Pharaoh very much and been very loving in his company, away from the Pharaoh she had been entirely different.  Routinely she had abused her slaves and even had her Guards beaten.  She was feared by all the court as those who crossed her often disappeared or lost everything.  Many considered her mad with the power that came from being the Pharaoh’s first Concubine.  It was widely rumored that she had induced the birth of her son by some forbidden magic potion to steal away what would have rightfully fallen to Alksula’s son.

Alksula, the Pharaoh’s third Concubine on the other hand was referred widely to as Alksula the Gentle.  Her slaves loved their misstress and served with delight.  Her guards vied to be assigned to be in her presence.  The only true strife with her and the court came from Suitors she had rejected in the past.  Many feared however that the Pharaoh would have selected Alksula to be their queen as she did not have the strength to be queen.

Now both concubines, mothers of the “Twin Pharaoh’s” settled into stone lounges to await the word of the priest.  When both were settled in the Priest rose to speak.  “My Queens,” he intoned, “my Pharaoh bids you welcome to his Final resting place.  He has asked me to read his final message to you.”  The Priest withdrew a Papyrus Scroll from his robes, unrolled it and began to read.

“My beloved Concubines, as in my life I was not able to select one of you as my queen and thus select my heir, I leave it now to you.  The decision shall be decided by one final battle between you.”  Both women quickly regarded each other exchanging a look of pure hatred.  Many times the two had battled both figuratively and literally over the last dozen years for the Favor of the Pharaoh.  He loved to watch the two beautiful concubines fight each other tooth and nail and rewarded the victor in his bed and at his side.  What often surprised the Pharaoh as well as Nesferiti was that gentle Alksula won as many of these battles as the hardened Nesferiti.  The priest looked from one Concubine to the other waiting until their attention again returned to him.  “You shall battle in my burial chamber without weapons and in my presence alone until one submits to the other.  The victor shall join me in Death as my queen, A Goddess among Goddesses.  Her offspring shall be Pharaoh.  The looser and my second son shall be banished to the province of Toltan as its govenor in order to preserve the glory of Egypt.  Your Pharaoh has spoken.”  The priest motioned and four priestesses emerged from the shadows and moved forward to the startled concubines.  Again the Priest spoke, “You will allow the priesteses to prepare you in the manner the Pharaoh desired.”  Both women realized that while the Priest was a priest of Ra, Father of the Gods, the Priestesses were of the Temple of Anat, goddess of war.  The significance was not lost on either woman.  Two of the priestesses approached each concubine bowed to them, then motioned each to stand.  The concubines again fixed their glare on each other and prepared to fight one last time for the pleasure of their Pharaoh.  The priesteses busied themselves searching the beautiful concubines for any hidden weapons.  As the Priestesses fought quite often in various rituals, they were quite skilled with the types of weapons women might use and in locating them.  Nesferiti briefly grimaced as the priestesses discovered and removed her poisoned hair pin.  Alksula smiled slightly when the priestesses discovered her own poisoned hair pin.  Each concubine had come prepared to deal with the other as necessary.

When the priestesses  of Anat were satisfied the concubines were as the Pharaoh had wanted them, unarmed and prepared to fight, they nodded their readiness to the High Priest of Ra.  The Priest ushered the priestesses out the door then turned to the concubines.  “When your conflict is concluded, you may find me in the hall outside to inform me of the outcome.”  The priest bowed to the concubines and closed the heavy oaken door behind him.

Nesferiti and Alksula regarded each other.  Nesferiti smiled evily.  “So… alone at last.”  Alksula said nothing watching her foe intently.  “I am rather pleased they found our nasty little hair pins… it will be so much more satisfying to kill you with my bare hands.”  Still Alksula held her tongue.  As she spoke Nesferiti casually strolled over to Ket’s sarcouphagus.  Almost tenderly she stroked Ket’s gause wrapped face.  “So like Ket… wants us to fight to stay with him even as he crosses the river Styx…. what a fool.”

“You will not speak of him that way,” Alksula growled angrily.

“Oh come now, Alksula.  We are the Queens of Egypt now… I will speak of anybody any way I want.  Besides, soon you will be dead and my son, Totaney Ket will be Pharaoh.”

“You have always been especially dense Nesferiti.  If Totaney is Pharaoh it will be you who will be dead.”

“According the foolish rules Ket selected…” Nesferiti purred still stroking Ket’s dead face.

“You would thwart the will of the Pharaoh?” Alksula asked nearly stupified with disbelief.

“Totaney will be Pharaoh… do you think it will be his will that his beloved mother be with him or Dead?”

Alksula was still reeling with anger at Nesferiti’s betrayal of her beloved Ket Annunu.  “And how do you think you’ll accomplish that, you scheming Whore?”

“Poor simple Alksula… always such a limited vision… let me worry about the how’s.”  Nesferiti glided away from Ket Annun’s sarcophagus to the center of the burial chamber.  “How about it she-camel???  Shall we get to selecting the surviving Queen of Egypt?”

Alksula warily moved into position opposite Nesferiti.  For several seconds the only sounds in the burial chamber was the breathing of two beautiful women battling one final time for the chambers intended occupant.

It was difficult to say which of the women moved first.  They both simply exploded at their opponent screaming violent curses punching away at each other.  Nearly all the early blows were glancing at best.  Alksula drew first blood as she buried a fist in Nesferiti’s left breast.  Nesferiti screamed in pain and stumbled backward clutching her tender breast.  Alksula flashed a smile at Nesferiti immediately drawing a roar of rage from her darker skinned foe.  Nesferiti leaped back at Alksula swinging wildly ignoring Alksula’s glancing blows determined to avenge her wounded breast.  Alksula shrugged off the pain of an uppercut to her massive right breast focused on burying her left hand in Nesferiti’s hair thus controlling her hated rivals head and body.

While Nesferiti continued swinging wildly trying to free herself, Alksula took advantage of her control of Nesferiti’s head landing well aimed blow after blow to Nesferiti’s face.  After a dozen such blows, Nesferiti’s hair finally gave way.  Nesferiti stumbled backward collapsing on the floor leaving Alksula with a handfull of her rivals raven hair.  In a heartbeat, Alksula was on top of Nesferiti kicking her midrift with all her might.  She landed three such gut wrenching kicks before Nesferiti managed to catch Alksula’s leg.  With a mighty heave, Nesferiti rolled backwards dragging the hapless Alksula over her body.  Alksula landed awkwardly with a splat on the hard stone floor knocking the wind out of her lungs.  Nesferiti was slow to take advantage of the situation, but Alksula gasping for breath was slower still.  Nesferti got on top of her breathless foe, straddling her.  Nesferiti buried both hands in Alksula’s hair and yanked backward streching Alksula’s beautiful body.  Alksula responded with a satisfying scream of pain.  Nesferiti smiled at her hated rivals discomfort as she tasted the trickle of her own blood running down from her bloody nose.  She decided she should return the favor and went to slam Alksula’s head into the stone floor.  Alksula, however, was able get her hands in front of her denying Nesferiti.

But Nesferiti would not be denied.  She lifted up her hips slightly giving her the space to spin Alksula over then sat down heavily on Alksula’s midrift.  With her foe basically pinned, Nesferiti rained a hail of blows into Alksula’s face and breasts.  Alksula tried to ward off the blows with her hands and arms.  At one point she managed to get her hands into Nesferiti’s boddice and tried to dislodge her tormentor.  Unfortunately the dress’s fabric gave way before she could dislodge Nesferiti.  Although she was not shy about her bountiful breasts, Nesferiti would not allow Alksula any advantage so Nesferiti paused a moment from her pummeling of Alksula to tear Alksula’s beautiful breasts free of her dress.  She then resumed her swinging away at Alksula.

After one particularly brutal blow left Alksula dazed, Nesferiti shifted her attack.  She wrapped both hands around Alksula’s throat and began bearing down strangling her rival.  Alksula struggled mightily trying to free herself.  With the exception of momentary reprieves, she wasn’t successful weakening by the second.  Sensing her impending victory, Nesferiti couldn’t help by gloat.  “So Slut… we finally see which of us is the better woman… the true Queen of Egypt!!!”  Alksula could only gasp in reply.  Nesferiti continued, “You asked how I would thwart the will of the Pharaoh?  Let me tell you so you can whisper it to Ket when you meet in Hell…”  Alksula continued struggling but was growing weaker.

“After I kill you… I will exit this chamber and inform that pathetic priest that you won our fight and have already joined your Pharaoh in death.  What will he do?  Ask you if it is true?  He might as well ask Ket if it is true…. then your pathetic mewling Falsan Ket will become Pharaoh and we shall move to Talnoc… briefly.  Rest assured… your brat will soon be Joining you in hell… I promise you that.  Perhaps I shall even allow Totaney the pleasure of murdering his half brother.  Perhaps I will reserve that pleasure for myself…”

Alksula hearing Nesferiti’s plans felt a flood of desparation and rage flow through her body… she redoubled her efforts to free herself clawing at Nesferiti’s arms until they were bloody and still Nesferiti wouldn’t release her.  Finally Alksula grasped the only other part of her hated foe that she could reach…. while still trying to free her throat with her right hand, Alksula began clawing and ripping at her hated foes tender breasts.  Nesferiti screamed in misery but still held on to Alksula’s throat hoping to kill her before Nesferiti passed out from the pain.

Suddenly Alksula summoned all her strength bucking her hips upward throwing Nesferiti head first off of her.  As she landed , Nesferiti’s head collided with the Sarcophagus with a thud.  Dazed and weakened, both women rose and regarded each other.  Nesferiti had blood trickling from both her pendulous breasts, her arms, as well as a trickle from her nose and her forehead where she had collided with the Sarcophagus.  Her right eye was beginning to swell shut, and her lovely lips were swollen.  Alksula’s breasts were bruised from her beating and most of her face was puffy already.  She had blood running from her mouth, and angry red marks in the shape of Nesferiti’s hands and fingers surrounded her throat like an angry red necklace.  Again, for several minutes only the sound of the two combatants breathing could be heard in the chamber… this time shallow and ragged.  Finally, Alksula spoke.  “You traitorous Whore… You would deny the will of your Pharaoh… you would plot to murder his rightful heir… you would dare defy the Gods themselves… Ket Annuna shall… give me the strength… to send you to face his wrath!!!   And I promise you… before I join in you in hell as my Pharaoh’s Queen… I will see your worthless child joins us as well.”

Alksula and Nesferiti regarded each other fury filling their eyes.  The battle had changed.  No longer were they fighting for their Pharaoh, no longer for power, no longer for Egypt, and no longer for themselves.  It would now be a battle to the finish for the very lives of their sons.  The victor would destory the loosers offspring thus ending her lineage.  What emerged from both women was a primative instinct older and more powerful than either woman could understand.  They rushed together snarling, slashing, biting at each other.  They stumbled around the burial chamber cursing in gutteral voices each swearing that she would kill the other.  Both their bodies were slick with blood, some thier own, some of their hated rival.  Each knew the other would not survive this deadly embrace.  They tumbled to the ground with one arm wrapped around their rivals head the other free hand clawing at her rivals breast.

Alksula changed the attack first.  Instead of clawing at Nesferiti’s tender bleeding breast, Alksula went for the Kill gripping Nesferiti’s throat and sqeezing with all her might.  Nesferiti quickly followed suit gripping Alksula’s lovely throat yet again.  For nearly a minute that seemed like an eternity the two beautiful concubines squeezed each willing the other into hell.  Finally…Nesferiti began to fail.  Her hand lost strength.  Desparetly she clawed at Alksula’s strangling hand but to no avail.  She was still semi-conscious as Alksula roller her onto her back and mounted her.  Alksula wrapped both hands around Nesferiti’s throat and bore down strangling the last life from Nesferiti.  Alksula stared with hatred into Nesferiti’s terror filled eyes.  Finally Nesferiti’s eyes went blank as she crossed over into the land of the dead.  Alksula continued to strangle her long hated rival to make sure the evil bitch was dead once and for all.  After several minutes, Alksula dismounted Nesferiti’s corpse.  Alksula sat beside Nesferiti and sobbed in relief.  Finally she composed herself enough to get up and exit the burial chamber.  Alksula was so exhausted she didn’t even bother to cover herself up as she approached the wide eyed priest. 

“Nesferiti, is dead,” Alksula declared.  “I am the victor and now Queen of Egypt.  My son Falsan Ket will be Pharaoh of Egypt.”

“And what of Nesferiti’s son, Totaney Ket?” the priest asked. 

For a moment, Alksula’s eyes flashed with anger, but it quickly faded.  “He shall be banished as Govenor to Toltan.”  She hated Nesferiti, but her evil was not the fault of her son.  Further, to have the child killed would have been to thwart the will of the Pharaoh.  “Bring me my finest gown, mirror, and make-up.  I will not join the Pharaoh in the afterlife looking like this.”  Alksula was not eager to die, but it was the will of the Pharaoh and she was prepared to join her beloved Ket Annuna in death.

The priest said softly, “It shall be done as you have said… please wait in the Burial chamber with your Pharaoh.  We will bring what you need shortly.”

Alksula weakly turned and walked back into the Burial Chamber.  As she entered she let loose a scream.  There before her stood Ket Annuna’s ghost.  He quickly stepped forward to comfort his Queen.  “Alksula… Alksula… Hushhh… Shhhh…”  he quietly intoned wrapping his arms around her.  “Do not be afraid… it is I.  And I am not dead.”  He was wearing a simple brown robe and was warm to the touch.  Indeed he was alive.  What was this, Alksula thought.  Some insane game?

Alksula confused, exhausted, and dazed had to ask, “Nesferiti?”

Ket Annanu answered quite seriously “She is quite dead.  My apologies Gentle Alksula.  I had to choose a queen and more importantly an heir.  For myself and for the future of Egypt.  And yet I was torn for what was best for Egypt.  Nesferiti was strong, driven and intelligent.  But she was also devious and cruel.  I had to know if she would obey the will of her Pharaoh.  I had to know if she cared for Egypt or only herself.  You are everything that is beautiful about Egypt.  You are kind, gentle, and obedient to your Pharaoh.  But I did not know if you had the strength to rule as Queen.  I had to know that when you, Egypt, your Pharaoh’s will was threatened, you would do whatever it took to win.  I staged my death as a test.   I brought you both here and tested you both.  I was secreted away behind a hidden panel the entire time.  You have passed my test and shall be Queen of Egypt.”

Alksula was bewildered, but beginning to grow a little angry.  “Nesferiti… she almost killed me… you would have let her Kill me?”

Ket Annanu looked a little uncomfortable.  “My plan was perhaps too simple. I left it to you two and the Gods to decide the fate of all Egypt.  My test had two parts, one to determine your strength of will and body, the other to test your obedience. My heir would be determined by the first test, my queen by the second.  I did not know your hatred of each other ran so deep….  I expected you to fight as you had in the past… fiercely but only until one of you surrendered.  When one of you was the victor, you would have proven your strength over the other once and for all and thus demonstrated the strength of your bloodline and your son.  When you obeyed my will either by joining me in ‘Death’ or submitting to exhile you would have proven your obedience to your Pharaoh and right to be queen.  Once you began to fight, however, I realized how it would end… with one of you dead.  You are my favorite concubines.  I did not truely want either one of you dead.  I considered stopping the test then, but I had to follow through on my plan.  Egypt needed to know who was queen and more importantly who was heir to my throne.  Had she killed you… you would have failed the first test, the test of strength and will.”  Ket Annanu let the gravity of that sink in a moment before he continued.  “If Nesferiti had killed you and then offered to Join you in death, she would be my queen.  If she won, but then moved to counter my commands and not join me in ‘death’, she would have failed the second test, the test of obedience.  Surprisingly Nesferiti revealed her true self before your conflict even began. I did not know her disdain for me existed let alone ran so deep.  But I still needed to know your strength.  Had Nesferiti killed you, I would have morned your loss… and I would have slain Nesferiti myself with my own sword for her blasphemy.  However, she would have proven herself the strongest and therefore her son, Totaney would have have ruled Egypt as my Heir.”

Alksula was still angry, but slowly began to see the wisdom of her beloved Ket’s plan.  This did not demonstrate any lack of Love for Alksula.  Ket had to do what was best for Egypt, not necessarily what was best for Ket Annanu.  Ket slowly moved around behind Alksula gently caressing her arms, carefully embracing her, then cupping her swollen breasts in his strong soft hands and gently kissing her red bruised neck.  “But you passed both of my tests, Alksula.  You proved once and for all your will was stronger than Nesferiti.  You demonstrated your obedience to your Pharaoh.  The Gods smile upon you, Alksula, Queen of Egypt.  Truely it was you they intended to be queen and it was our son Falsan they wished to join them as an equal, as Pharaoh.  Despite everything Nesferiti did to thwart their will, she could not defeat you, Alksula.”  Alksula let her anger fade and drank in her beloved Ket’s embrace.  She had always loved him, as a man and as Pharaoh.  Her new title of Queen may have described her power to the world, but to Alksula the title described her power over her lover, Ket Annanu.  She would be his Queen.  He would still have his concubines to tend to his needs during the days, but it would be Alksula sharing his Bed EVERY night, no longer sharing him with Nesferiti or any other Concubine.

“And what will become of Nesferiti?”  Alksula asked nearly panting with arousal.  Alksula and Ket considered her foes battered lifeless corpse.

“I give her eternal soul’s care to you, Alksula.”  Ket’s voice was somber.  Both knew what he was offering.  Alksula could have her foes body destroyed along with her immortal soul.  Or she could have her buried anonymously without proper rights damning her soul to endless tourment.

Alksula thought for several minutes before replying.  “Take her to the beautiful tent, and prepare her properly.  Then bury her with honor in your tomb, Ket.  Beyond the river Styx, when you join the Gods, she will learn to serve you as a Pharaoh should be served.  And then I shall fight her again and again for your pleasure throughout eternity.”  Both knew that in the afterlife, Alksula would be a goddess, while Nesferiti would be a mere concubine.  It would not be a fair fight.

Ket smiled at Alksula.  “I must admit that I will look forward to seeing you defeat her again.  Until then I shall miss seeing you fight.”

Alksula pressed the crack of her buttocks into the bulge in Ket’s robes.  “I shall miss fighting her…. or more precisely our lovemaking after the fights.  Even when I lost, knowing that I had pleased you always gave me great pleasure myself.”  Alksula practically purred writhing in Ket’s embrace.  “Perhaps I could fight another of your concubines?”

Ket again smiled nuzzling his nose into Alksula’s wounded neck.  “We both know that no concubine could compete with the Queen of Egypt.”

Alksula turned around and began to remove her Pharaoh’s robes.  “Then I shall fight other queens… how about that Nubian cow… Shanakdakhete?”  Ket Smiled.  “We could settle the dispute over the Kantites Oasis without the loss of a single chariot.”  Shanakdakhete was as beautiful as Alksula.  Seeing Alksula’s alabaster flesh collide with Shanakdakhete ebony skin would be delicious… reward enough… the Oasis would merely be honey on the bread. 

Alksula dropped Ket’s robes to the floor.  She slid her gorgeous body slowly down his until her pendulous wounded breasts gently wrapped around his engorged penis.  She looked up at Ket.  “Or perhaps that Roman Bitch, Luvia Drusilla?  She is always going on about how her Gods are true… ours are false.  Perhaps we could settle that theological discussion once and for all… Goddess to Goddess.”  Luvia was beautiful, cruel, and haughty. Ket was certain she had never done a single thing with her own muscle let alone a fight.  She would not stand a moment before Alksula.   But Ket was certain he could goad her into the fight.  Ket was uncertain which he would enjoy more… watching his queen dominate the lovely roman, or watching the smug smile wiped off the face of her husbands, Tiberius Claudius’s, Face.  They would show the Roman’s once and for all whose Gods were superior.

Ket smiled upon Alksula.  He picked her up and set her gently upon his own Sarcophagus.  “Your battles shall wait until you are crowned Queen.  For now we have a more important matter of state to attend to.”  And there, in his own tomb, Ket made love to his Queen for the first time.

The End

Thank you for reading! For more of Lumberjack66’s Stories: Click Here!

2 thoughts on “The Pharaoh’s Bride by Lumberjack66

  1. wattenest says:

    Excellent story. I have a picture that would fit perfectly with your story. Really breath taking. Good long buildup, with their hatred coming to the boil at the end.

  2. sexfightenthusiast says:

    Remember the 2 women fought in both of the Mummy movies dating back may be 20 years ago? Thats how I visualize the setting. The 2 actresses were pretty enough as well. Got my heart pumping. Excellent work Lumberjack. I also liked fights that are not contemporary.


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