Cat’s Paw
<Gold Saucer>
“It’s not that time already is it?” Hinata asked over a series of loud grunts, scribbling absently on her pad.
“Nope, she rotates with that masseuse, remember.” Doreen replied, looking up from the camera, ears closed to the squeals and the occasional shouted encouragement. “They’re just coming for a visit since they missed the twins birthday.”
“Joy…bet she’s hoping they stick around for awhile.” Ann remarked sourly. At a loud DING she rose from her seat and strode onto the mats, clapping her hands. “Okay ladies, times’s up. This one’s a draw.”
On the mat a heavily breathing light haired brunette warily backed away from a darker haired woman, hands still raised defensively, who seemed to struggling with herself. “This is bullshit!” Victoria snapped, tossing her gloves to the mats. “I had her and you know it.”
“C’mon, they ARE family. And you gush over the kids as much as the rest of us,” Emma called teasingly as the crowd sat expectantly as Ann turned to face the hot tempered woman. “What they have works for them. As long as she’s happy…”
“You agreed on the time limit, VICKY!” Ann deliberately used her pet name, relishing the anger on the woman’s face, it gave her outlet for the frustration over Emma’s words. “You couldn’t knock her out, or make her quit. This one’s a draw.”
“Wanna start something?” Victoria hissed, nostrils flaring, pressing her chest up against the red head. The silence in the room was deafening as the expectant crowd waited to see which of the volatile women would start things off. “Looking for a free grab, huh?”
“Of you? No.” Ann smirked, shoving her own impressive rack into the brunette’s. “But your sister…now’s there’s one I wouldn’t mind rolling around for a bit with again. Even if I lose, I win.”
“You…” Victoria almost lost her ability to use words at being compared to her sister…again. Slowly her hand moved up to snag a handful of crimson hair on the broader woman’s head. Ann only smiled as she dug her own fingers into the dark locks of the slimmer Victoria. “I’m gonna…”
“Girls…you know the rules.” Doreen called in warning. “And that goes double for you Ann. You know better.”
Both redhead and brunette froze, weighing whether a suspension would be worth it. Realizing that they would likely be separated before any progress could be made, they released their holds and stepped back.
“Next time, Amazon.” Victoria whispered, removing her headgear and holding it under an arm. “Your ass is mine!”
“You’ll need a better showing than what you gave tonight,” Ann shot back mockingly. “Couldn’t even get me wet with that performance.”
“Really. Was that necessary?” Doreen asked, exasperated, tossing the redhead a rolled up mat. Most of the other women split into cliques chatting, departing or heading to the showers. It was left to the original members to handle the clean up afterwards. “You miss Josy so much you’d settle for that one?”
“Hey, it’s not about me. It’s about her,” Ann replied defensively. “How healthy you think it is to pine over someone already taken. Besides, that little cunt getting ahead of herself. Someone’s gonna have to deal with her.”
“Then handle it properly, otherwise you make the rest of us look bad.” Hinata snapped, then smirked. “And by your own logic, isn’t she taken as well then? Besides, if I had a shot with that ass, I’d take it. I’ve heard them in the bedroom, that guy has some staying power.”
“Well at least we get some free entertainment out of it,” Doreen said with wink as Ann sputtered.
The last remark caused a surge of sudden excitement in the four regulars. If she was coming then there was always a chance. While the sisters clearly loved one another dearly, they also loved a good fight and their brawls always went the distance. One could only hope…
<Two days later>
Joslyn was accustomed to attention, hell she welcomed it. Since starting to fill out she’d become used to the secretive or open looks of admiration and/or out and out lust. Saddled, however, with an overprotective father with the ability and the means to enforce his protection she’d never been able to experience the little things her friends did. Her first boyfriend lasted a single day and, thinking to get around his rules by experimenting, her attempted tryst with Ann had ended just as badly. Frustrated by her lack of freedom and filled with typical teenage rebelliousness she began to get into fights to burn off her excess energy. It turned out she was damn good at it. And she soon gathered like minded teenagers and young women who worked and lived at the park around her.
Unfortunately she was almost TOO good at fighting. Once people got over the fact that she was the boss’s daughter AND that they weren’t going to get reported for taking a swing at her it didn’t really change much and the pool of challengers slowly dwindled, leaving her with those that just wanted a chance for a grab, or those that got a kick out of losing. She began trying holding back, different styles of fighting, but even then she never lost. Occasionally there’d be a customer that’d be into it as well, but they were few and far between and after a turn on the mat she got the impression that the interest dulled after getting manhandled by someone as young as her…then she ran into Tifa.
A woman with a similar face, appearance and, more importantly, interests. And for the first time she felt a genuine attraction to another woman and a desire for approval. Sibling rivalry probably, though of course at the time they didn’t know they were related, but even then it wouldn’t have stopped them. In front of a crowd of her friends, and the kunoichi Yuffie, they fought an extended titfight that ended in her first ever loss after almost an hour. For the first time she felt completely relaxed, burned out if you will, but that quickly changed with HIS arrival. It didn’t matter that the first impression was him thinking she was Tifa, at the feel of his arms around her Joslyn was smitten.
And after her fight with Naoko and the subsequent three way with her sister and Cloud she fell completely and utterly in love. Which unfortunately led to complications with newly found sibling and their current arrangement. She knew Cloud loved her…just not as deeply as her sister. And for now that was enough. Granted there were two others vying for his attention as well, one of which was particularly…troublesome, only heightened the thrill of the chase.
“Oh come on, I’m not THAT bad!” Tifa argued. Cloud raised an eyebrow from his position on the seat holding Brian who watched his parents argue while seriously sucking on his thumb. “Am I?”
“The green eyed monster does tend to rear it’s ugly head whenever you visit,” Yuffie pointed out. At Tifa’s hurt look the Wutai woman smirked and repeated an oft used phrased. “Was your idea to begin with.”
“Come on, you’ve got a guy that has women throwing themselves at him and yet he sticks with you. What’re you worried about?” The kunoichi remarked. “Besides I’ve had the displeasure of sleeping in an adjoining room whenever we visit. For someone who complains so much you certainly enjoy yourself when the three of you’re together. Can’t you at least consider how I feel?”
The couple blushed as the formerly sleeping Jessie yawned and twisted, using her mother’s breasts as pillows. “Hey now, don’t talk as if I ever have any say in this. I only find out what you’ve got planned after the fact,” Cloud protested. “I’m as shocked as anyone else that I’m in such demand.”
The two women shared a look at that. While he’d gotten better in recent years, he still radiated the clueless attractiveness that drew women to him. “I saw that!” Cloud growled. As the two broke out into laughter the blonde haired former mercenary sulked for a moment, before smiling as his son patted at his cheek, and then joining in the laughter. A bell announced their approach to the Saucer’s station and Cloud sighed before handing Brian over to his aunt.
“What? Oh.” Yuffie asked, suppressing a smile. Cloud moved over to the exit while Tifa began counting down on her fingers. Three. Two. One!
As the door opened there was a blur and Cloud gave sharp WHUUUF, staggering back a step as something latched onto his upper body.
“Cloud!” Josy smiled up at his resigned expression, placing a short kiss on his lips and giving her body a light grind before releasing him.
“Josy,” He greeted the young woman as she turned to Yuffie, kissing at Brian before giving her friend a hug as well. Then he turned to receive Jessie as Tifa strode over to her younger sister.
“Josy…” she said coolly.
“Sis,” Joslyn replied, spreading her feet as the two women faced off. It would’ve been concerning to Cloud and Yuffie if they didn’t know this was a ritual the two always went through. On cue the pair smiled and wrapped up in a tight hug. Cloud could see their mouths moving but wasn’t close enough to hear what was being said. On release Jo punched at her sister’s arm. “You’ve been slacking off, you feel a bit flabby.”
“You’re one to talk,” Tifa replied, rolling her eyes. Mischievously her hand darted out to pinch just above Josy’s waist, the girl yelping at the touch. “Too much time behind a desk and not enough on the mats. If i was here for a match the girls would be disappointed.”
“Oh ho ho…someone’s feeling her oats.” Joslyn shot the kunoichi a look, who merely rolled her eyes, before looking back at her sister. “Care to try and back that up? Usual stakes.”
“Can we get moving?” Cloud sputtered in response, pushing his way past the girls to the sound of their laughter. He then paused, turning his head around slowly, eyes narrowing.
“You felt it too.” Yuffie murmured quietly, at his shoulder, staring in the direction of the landing pads where an Airship was offloading.
“It’s something we’re going to need to deal with eventually.” He muttered. “They must be getting desperate if they’re willing to risk coming here.”
“You don’t think…”
“No…not unless they managed to compromise Dio’s security. The materia’s safe.” His lips curled into a cruel smile. “Besides what do you think they’d do to anyone that tried to move them that they deemed unworthy?”
“But if they aren’t here for the materia then…” Yuffie glanced up at Cloud, his entire body tensing, turning to glance in the elevator’s direction. “Cloud…”
“I’ll kill her first, and damn the consequences,” he growled quietly. “Then I’ll find the ones that gave the order and kill them as well.”
“We don’t know for sure,” Yuffie whispered, clutching at his arm. “It could be something else entirely. Relax, or Tifa’ll start getting suspicious. And that’s the last thing you…we want.”
“Fie! Cloud!” Joslyn waved at them. “Come on!”
“Coming,” Yuffie called back, giving his arm a final squeeze, running back up and reclaiming Brian from her friend. Cloud jogged up to walk alongside Tifa who looked up at him expectantly.
“It’s nothing,” he said. “Yuffie thought she saw something.”
“Even after all these years he still can’t lie properly.”
“Quiet!” Tifa sent back mentally to her partner, Siren, smiling up at her husband and linking her free arm with his. The only thing in the direction they’d been looking at was the Airport. But Cloud had also turned and looked at the… She fought down a shiver. Even after all these years she still occasionally had nightmares of falling off the cannon, waking up in a cold sweat. Tifa had scoffed when Viola delivered Scarlet’s message, viewing the matter closed. But if THEY now had a use for her…
Several stories below a young looking man dashed across an open yard towards a small section of buildings. Outside he was stopped by a trio of severe faced women. “Boss’s occupied right now.” A short blonde told him.
“Got a message for her from the outside,” he panted. “Figured she’d want it right away, Mitch.”
“You interrupt her now and you’ll be lucky to walk away with your balls.” The one called Mitch replied, a twitch working it’s way across her face. Even after more than two years she still hated that name. Then she looked the boy up and down. He was one of the newer ones and it had been awhile since… “Tell you what, why don’t you come with me. No reason you can’t have some fun while you wait.”
For his part the man also gave the blonde a once over. She was attractive enough despite the years in prison taking it’s toll and he was currently single…so what the hell. A cocky grin worked it’s way onto his lips. “Sure if you think you can keep up.”
“Boy, you’ve chosen to mount the Coeurl,” the younger of the remaining women muttered as the two wandered over to an open house. Behind the door they guarded a hoarse cry in a decidedly male tone made it’s way through the door. “She likes to play with her food doesn’t she…”
“You’re new, this one’s been her favorite for more than almost half a year, so he’s doing SOMETHING right.” The older one replied, smoking on a cigarette. “If it was anyone else we’d be fine to interrupt. With him we wait…for however long it takes.”
The other woman snorted in derision before a series of sharp yelps were heard, this time in a feminine pitch. He was just a man, how long could he last. At least that’s what she would have thought if not for the fact that she’d heard the stories of what the blonde had been like before finding this piece of man meat. It was a running joke, whispered of course because no one would dare say it to her face, that all she’d needed to settle down was a good dicking.
Inside the guarded room two glistening figures squirmed and writhed across a wide, cushioned bed that looked out of place in the wooden room. Panting in effort the blonde man pinned the long haired woman under him, hips moving in careful, timed strokes as she clawed at his broad back. Already covered in scratches, healed and new, he grunted in pain as her nails drew blood then hissed as the sweat dripping from his body entered the wounds. The distraction was enough for the voluptuous blonde to force him over, straddling his thick dick in earnest.
Scarlet was quite happy with this one. Tall, muscular, and most importantly blonde she’d made her interest immediately apparent upon his arrival. It didn’t take much. A bit of sway in the hips a few accidental bumps to let him know what was underneath. Oh he was interested and, even better, very capable. Originally she’d pegged him to last for a week at most, but this one knew what he was doing and also had the stamina to keep up with her better than any had since before her awakening and imprisonment. A half year later and he was her most regular, responding to her beckons with almost embarrassing eagerness.
“Come for me Nick,” she cooed roughly, long locks covering her face, dragging a hand across his face. Having come three times already the young stud was beginning to show signs of slowing, his thrusts deeper and more prolonged, the hands on her waist keeping her bouncing motion to a more measured pace. Snapping at her fingers he sucked at the digits, drawing out a moan from the blonde. She could feel the pulse from his trapped organ, and added a twisting wriggle to her hips as they went down. “There’s a good boy…oh yes”
“Sc…Scarlet…” Nicholas groaned in response to his lover’s orders. Sitting up he suckled first one, then the other of the rounded breasts into his mouth, sawing his teeth across the nipples. Moaning approvingly she didn’t resist as he forced her onto her back, pushing her deep into the sweat soaked mattress. Her legs flew around his waist, holding him in place. “So good…too good…”
“I know,” Scarlet murmured, ignoring his lack of honorific and licking at him, his grunts and groans becoming increasingly desperate as her pussy muscles contracted around his swollen length mercilessly. Her own breathing began to hitch, squeezing herself closer as he lengthened his strokes trying to slow it down, to draw out the sensations for as long as possible, and was rewarded as the older woman’s body arched under his, squealing loudly in pleasure. He sped up, enhancing the sensations for his lover as she bucked under him, riding out the sensations for as long as she could. Satisfaction coursed through her nerves. How long had it been since she’d felt sated. Only Rufus had ever been able to leave her breathless, and barely able to move…
No…not just him. That bitch…
As the orgasm faded she tightened her legs, squeezing at him with all the muscles of her lower body. She focused her eyes on her young lover’s face, watching for the moment when he finally…there it was! His breathing catched, eyes rolling back into his head as Nick’s hips pistoned frantically and the bed creaked under the stress. His resistance finally broke entirely when the blonde cougar bit at his ear, the pain mingling with the unbearable pleasure in his nethers as the woman overwhelmed him and the pressure became too much. Scarlet snatched at his face, forcing him to look at her, drinking in his torment and savoring the tribute to her sexual prowess.
“Ah…ah….ahhhhHHHHHHHRGGHHH!!” Nicholas bellowed, his roar scaring several birds from the rafters, the fluttering noises as they sought to make their way out of the building lost on him as his entire body spasmed, member gradually shrinking in time with the spurts of come it fired off. Gradually he relaxed and fell with a deadweight onto Scarlet’s soft body, panting as if he’d run a marathon, while she stroked at his blonde head. At a tentative squeeze from her talented womanhood his dick tried to rally, seeming to swell, then shrinking again in complete defeat. His head buried in her cleavage he kept sucking and licking and biting at the delectable mounds, his hips giving a couple reflexive jerks before he sighed, and was still. “Fuck…me…”
“I just did,” she murmured. Immediately after Scarlet’s expression changed, grunting as she pushed him off her body. Despite the similarities, or perhaps because of them, she always felt dirty after fucking this one. A small grim smile worked it’s way onto her face as his glistening dick twitched under her stare, angling weakly in her direction.
It was like sweets. They tasted great while you ate them but afterwards you felt guilty, knowing just how bad they were for you. He just…wasn’t Rufus. Just like none of the women were…grimacing she made her way to the bathroom. A shower would make her feel better. Once done, she exited wrapped in a damp towel to find Nick staggering towards the showers. As he passed by she grabbed at his head, pulling him down and shoving her tongue into his mouth. Coming up for air he gave a tired grin. “Round two?”
“This would be round three,” she reminded him, pulling his head down for another deep kiss before pushing him away. “Get cleaned up. You don’t have much longer before your shift ends.”
“I could put in some overtime,” the blonde overachiever whispered, pulling her into a hug. Before Scarlet could respond to his impudence, she had rules after all, a steady pressure against her stomach distracted her. Glancing down she felt genuine surprise. The stud was already at full extension and looked to be as hard and ready as when they’d first started. Looking up she licked her lips at his grin and roughly pushed him into the shower before removing her towel.
“Lift me up,” She ordered. As her feet left the floor she knew she was going to feel damn guilty this evening.
Scarlet’s eyes flowed over the scrawled message, decoding it as quickly as she could read it. Done, she tore it up, a wide smile on her face. “Well girls, looks like we have some work to do.”
“What now?” Mitch asked, running her hand through her hair absently, grimacing at a sticky feeling. She was feeling slightly put out. The cocky youngster had proven quite the capable fuck, responding to her aggression and roughness in kind, effectively turning what she expected to be a quickie into an unexpected fuckfight. And a damn good one too, not that she’d tell the little shit. After a fierce back and forth that took them from the bed to the floor to under the bed and back again he’d finally thrust her against a table. Pulling out for a moment he twisted her body around despite how she scratched and fought him, slapped her hard enough to stun, before pushing her to rest atop it’s surface before shoving back in from behind.
Hands on either side of her head he’d pounded away relentlessly while she thrust back stubbornly, the sex rough and uncomfortable as they crashed together unevenly. The sheer violence of it stimulated her until she’d let loose a furious shriek, her body finally betraying her, and came harder than she had in months. It was no consolation to hear his answering roar, hands grabbing at her ass and hips while his fully lodged member twitched and throbbed in time with his thrusts, filling her with an impressive amount of cum. If she’d been able to hold out for even a few more seconds…
And, as if to add insult to injury, he’d pulled and she felt the hot spurts across her back and in her hair. Angry, she’d twisted around, sitting up and grabbing at his cock, surprised at it’s continuing rigidity, stroking and pulling roughly at it while her free hand slapped at his face. In response he caught the slapping hand and grabbed at one of her breasts, squeezing hard enough to cause pain, leaning in close. Growling, they’d kissed roughly, biting at lips and whispering unspeakable acts they would perform on one another. Before they could resume hostilities however they’d been interrupted by a warning knock. Trembling with hatelust she gave his prick once last twist and squeeze, hearing his yelp, before responding in kind when his fingers pinched sadistically at her nipple. It took all her willpower not to jump the arrogant little bastard and fuck his brains out like she knew she could. Getting dressed quickly they’d made it out just in time to catch Scarlet exiting the house.
“Whenever you’re looking to get fucked up again, I’m on shift every other day.” The fucker whispered, walking past after delivering his message. She shot him a glare and he replied with a grin while grabbing at his crotch and pantomining a moan. “Just ask for Marcus and I’ll finish what I started.”
“I know your game now, next time you’ll be begging me to stop.” she hissed back. He merely smirked, disappearing around a building.
“We’re leaving…that’s what.” Scarlet, her hair now tied in a long ponytail said, missing the exchange. “But first I have something to do for my…partners. Luckily for them, this is something I’ve been looking forward to.”
Scarlet’s eyes then went flat in a manner that those around her recognized. Maintaining silence, the only sound being the nervous shifting of feet in the dirt, they waited until she blinked. Shaking her head she looked at the plate above them. “Message sent. Let’s go…”
“Uh sure…” Scarlet’s small cadre scrambled to their feet to follow their leader as she strode across the open ground towards the other end of the compound. Gathering members as they moved they paused in front of another fair sized group of women. At their approach a woman of dusky complexion rose to stand in front of Scarlet directly.
“What’re you doing here?” she growled.
“Is that anyway to greet the person in charge, Kara?” Scarlet replied, somewhat mildly. “You think you’d have learned by now.”
“You’re not in charge of me anymore!” No shorter than Scarlet and with a boyish bob of dark hair she stabbed a finger at the blonde woman. The hate in her eyes, a result of years of humiliation and degradation at the hand of blonde, open for all to see. “My sister’s safe now, so fuck off granny or I’ll finish what I started with your slut’s finger.”
“Okay?!” Now confusion showed on not just Kara’s face, but the face of everyone watching the confrontation. That Scarlet would back down so easily was unexpected. Smiling the brunette started to turn away before a frighteningly strong grip spun her around Scarlet spoke again in a voice as cold as winter.
“Let’s finish what you started!” She then threw the punch that started it all.
Tifa gagged, putting down her fork and reaching for the water.
“Tifa…” Cloud touched at her arm, concern etched on his face.
“I’m fine,” she assured him, “Just a piece of bone.”
“More fish, Master Cloud?”
“No…no thanks, Albert. I’m fit to bust,” Cloud always felt nervous coming to the rebuilt Gold Saucer. The third major settlement, besides Edge and Wutai, the former park still retained it’s appearance as a place for the elite. Most of it’s new citizens were once people of means who paid the exorbitant price to live in the fairly intact structure. Taking on an active role Joslyn used the money to remove less popular attractions and build up a series of, by today’s standards, luxurious housing. “It was delicious, the new bread especially.”
They were seated around a large rectangular table clearly intended to serve more than just the five of them. Dio sat at the head with his daughter to his right with Yuffie while Cloud sat on his left with Tifa.
“Why thank you young Cloud,” Cloud was never sure if Dio wanted to kill him for deflowering his adopted daughter or offer Josyln as some kind of official mistress. If given the choice he’d take the former. Better a quick death than a slow one trying to maintain peace in a house with two hard headed brunettes that competed in everything. “It’s a new passion of mine.”
“The place seems more built up than the last time,” Yuffie suggested, sitting back as well. “More come out of the woodwork?”
“Well it has been awhile since you last passed by,” Joslyn remarked shooting Cloud a knowing smirk. The young man wanted to sink even lower into his chair. “But yeah, we let in a new group a couple months ago. We’re still figuring out where best to use them after their mandatory fieldwork.”
In the aftermath of Aerith’s rain at the northern section of the desert surrounding the Saucer sprouted with a surprising greenery. Even more surprising when it was discovered to be wheat and rice. Moving with his typical speed Dio sent workers to dig a channel between the distant river and the new fields. However this proved unnecessary as hidden aquifers beneath the desert erupted after a mysterious localized earthquake bringing water that nourished the parched land. The addition of the new fields allowed a tripartite in form.
Edge provided power in the form of coal as well as raw materials and extra workers. Wutai supplied medicinal and more luxury type goods in the form of fruits, and even tea. Gold Saucer was the new bread basket and the place for people to let off steam and relax. This resulted in a surge in population, though due to the nature of the work required to even be considered there were considerably more men than women. Which then led to another problem for the three females in the room.
“I don’t know how you deal with them,” Tifa grunted, “If I have one more bastard walk up and proposition me I’ll…”
“I grew up with it, I guess,” her sister shrugged. “First time I had my butt pinched was when I hit fourteen. Dad broke the guy’s arm of course, but hey, If you got it…”
“…flaunt it!” Yuffie finished for her and the two younger woman laughed. Tifa tried to scowl but her lips curled upwards slightly before jumping lightly at the feel of a pinch across her own rear. Twisting her head around she found the offending hand attached to a grinning Cloud who winked at her. “Save it for later lovebirds.”
“Yeah, you’re going to need that energy,” Joslyn grinned, and resumed laughing at the loud cracking of knuckles from the head of the table.
“Yeah…later,” Cloud muttered nervously at the stares from the surrounding staff as well. They were very open about being more than a little miffed at his popping Jo’s cherry and not…”taking responsibility”…as it was said. Their devotion to the young woman was downright frightening. The fact that she showed zero interest in any of the men that showed up since, outside of an occasional one nighter, made it even more uncomfortable for him.
“Sir, I believe it’s time.” Helga stated, appearing at his shoulder, causing the blonde man to jump with a muffled curse. That the older woman was the only one that didn’t seem overly put out by the situation didn’t make Cloud feel anymore comfortable. Knowing that she was the one that technically raised Jo after Elaine died, in his mind, made her the one to watch.
“Unfortunate…” Dio dabbed at his face with a napkin. “I wanted to hold my grandchildren just a little longer.”
Cissnei cooed at the child currently being held by Rude, the bald giant staring at the baby through his sunglasses. Ignoring the auburn haired Turk the small child stared back at the giant with a wide eyed gaze before waving it’s arms and laughing.
“You’ve got a talent big guy,” Reno saluted his friend and partner from his position from his position at the grill. He turned his attention back to the Behemoth steaks briefly, flipping several to see how they were done. “Cray in particular is shy. Hell you should’ve seen what happened when Elena tried holding him.”
“Reno…I have cutlery!” The youngest member of the Turks warned him as she exited the building holding a pile of plates and silverware. “Planet help me, your kids’ll be orphans if you continue.”
“I’d appreciate you not threatening my husband,” Viola stated, the second of their twins strapped across her front in a carrier while she carefully balanced a plate bearing potatoes and vegetables. “That’s my job.”
“See what I got to deal with,” Reno complained, gesturing with the tongs. “I swear I’m not appreciated at all around here, despite all that I do. C’mon back me up here, Rude.”
“Hmmm,” the large man said loudly, still focused on his staring contest with the red headed baby. “Terrible…”
“Thanks partner…glad for the support.” Reno muttered sourly. He accepted a large platter onto which he began placing well browned slabs of meat. “I think these’re as good as they’re going to get. Babe, you mind taking over the veg?”
“If you’re not worried about them getting a bit burnt,” She replied as he relieved her of her bundle. Leaning in close she murmured. “Work?”
“Work…” he nodded, setting the steaks on the cloth before sitting at the table with the second twin, Josh, placed carefully in his lap. “Glad you guys could make it on such short notice.”
“Considering the news we couldn’t exactly ignore it.” Cissnei said, spearing a chunk of meat onto her plate. “What’ve you seen?”
“Spotted a couple of the Cabal’s suited apes wandering the Squares recently.” Reno answered, using the accepted term for the group they believed to be working with their blonde headache. “They were so blatant I thought it was misdirection, but then I get news there’s been a melee in the prison yard…female wing.”
“Are we certain it’s her they’re communicating with?” Elena’s expression soured despite the pleasant taste of the meat. “They don’t exactly seem to value the same things we do.”
“It can only be her, everytime they come around she benefits somehow.” Reno stated firmly. “She effectively runs the place now, the guards’re just there for show and mainly to keep prisoners away from the elevator.
“Are they crazy!” Elena growled. “They have to know just what that bi…woman is capable of.”
“They know exactly what she’s capable of. That’s why they want her.” Viola said, placing a plate of grilled corn and greens down before taking her seat next to Reno. “No doubt they have some plan for her in some game of theirs. But, even more than that…do you know who’s scheduled to visit today?”
“Aw hell,” Cissnei groaned. “If SHE’S here, Scarlet’ll do whatever they ask without question.”
“Looks like you’re sleeping alone tonight Red,” Reno grunted, irritated, shoveling food into his mouth. “Let’s hope they’re not here for long.”
“Just don’t hurt her…please.” Viola pleaded quietly. “She just…she just can’t help herself. Her loss to Tifa, and thinking Rufus is dead, it killed the best part of her. If you’d just let me tell her that he’s alive…”
“Can’t do it babe, orders.” Reno grimaced at the hurt look his wife shot him. “Even after he found out she was still alive Rufus maintained Tseng’s instructions. He doesn’t want her knowing.”
Viola’s expression twisted and she rose from her seat. Moving to where Rude stood, eating with one hand, she took hold of her son and strode back inside with both in tow.
“Guess you’ll be on the couch for the foreseeable future,” Elena noted.
“I’ll make it up to her, when this is over,” Reno muttered sourly, focusing on his plate.
“Ever thought it would come to this when we went to that island?” Yuffie asked.
“Course not. I feel bad for Barret.” Tifa replied. “Lancelot was quite taken with Marlene. Took awhile for her to learn not to talk out loud.”
“Yeah, the big guy was not a happy camper. Though I can’t say I don’t get it.” Joslyn remarked ascending the stairs. “Especially today of all days.”
The nursery was located along the same corridor as the bedrooms. In it they found all four half siblings on the carpet under the watchful eyes of the Pride, as Cloud called them. Four women who doubled as servants and security in the mansion, specially chosen to guard Jo’s twins, Claude and Mark. The addition of Jessie and Brian was no cause for worry, but the stricken look on the women’s faces whenever their charges were taken from them always amused Cloud for some reason. Not today though. “Let’s go,” he said, as they each picked up one small package. “Dio should have the room open.”
Traversing to the forbidden side of the mansion, something that normally seemed to take forever, was quicker than any liked. The door was open and Albert stood guard, giving a nod as they walked past. Inside the room where Elaine spent her last moments they found Dio and the glowing red hunk of materia. Sweat popped from their pores as it pulsed, testing their presence, then returned to a seemingly dormant state.
“We’re here,” Cloud stated loudly standing close, but not too close. For a moment nothing happened, then there was a flare and twelve small lights hovered in front of them. One of them, slightly larger, moved forward to hover in front of Cloud. They all felt a sudden pressure, but it was the blonde man that flinched, head twitching. “Yes, Merlin was the one that let us know it was time. Said something about this age being the time their brains become receptive of knowledge.”
“I thank you.” Eyes widened as they realized they’d all heard that. With an explosive burst, Arthur took form in front of them, looking unchanged from back during the battle with Sephiroth. “As one who was once a parent I can appreciated your reluctance in this matter.”
“That’s putting it mildly,” Joslyn remarked sourly. “It…it won’t hurt, will it?”
“Worry not young one, they will not even know they’re there until they come fully of age.” Arthur assured her. “They will come to know one another intimately that it will be second nature, much like that of your sister and the second mistress.”
Dio raised an eyebrow and Cloud groaned while Yuffie blushed. “Doesn’t concern you dad,” Joslyn said absently. “We’re all adults here.”
“Just you remember, the daughter is mine.” Tifa suddenly spoke, voice firm but not her own. The dead King raised his head to pin her in his stare, seeming to look through her. Then he nodded.
“I can already feel a tendril of your self in her Wind Witch.” Arthur spoke, his voice conveying no warmth. “I’m surprised your host trusts you as she does.”
“It was earned,” Tifa gasped out, speaking for herself now. “Believe me…sometimes I’m as surprised as you.”
As this discussion was taking place a trio of lights had flown over, hovering over the carefully held children, shifting back and forth as if looking for something. Joslyn first felt Mark shift in her arms, giggling, reaching for the one that hung over him. Dropping down until it made contact with the little fingers it flickered and disappeared. Immediately the child went silent, popping a thumb into his mouth, almost thoughtfully. Of the other two there was no reaction so they returned to the stone, only to be replaced by another three. Of these three none seemed to click and were replace by three more. This time one seemed to resonate with Brian while still Claude showed no reaction. The final two came and went with Claude showing, seemingly, no interest.
“Strange…” Arthur floated closer. “Why didn’t he…well now…!”
Claude’s response was immediate as he twisted around in his father’s arms, reaching for the human shaped summon. “Seems he’s a bit of an overachiever.” Cloud grunted, shifting to hold the boy around the waist to avoid him hurting himself. “What do we do about this?”
“He is too young to try and contain me,” Arthur replied. “And I cannot take a host until my brothers are all situated. In time perhaps he will resonate with another. If not…it would be amusing to have found one so easily.”
“Galahad. Gawain. Till next we meet my brothers.” Arthur turned to first Brian and then Mark before shrinking back into a ball, he and the remaining nine knights falling back into the materia. It’s light noticeably dimmed from what it was before.
“So what now?” Yuffie asked as Dio carefully locked the room behind them.
“I’m not entirely sure,” Joslyn replied, raising Mark to her face, looking intently at his face, seeking any sign that he was now host to a being of frightening power. Her son merely stared back at her curiously with a wide eyed stare. He then yawned widely.
“Guess it’s that time.” Tifa murmured, rocking her daughter gently. She caught her sister looking at her with an intent expression and chuckled. “Nuh uh. You just had your shot.”
“Boo…boring! What about you Fie?” Jo grinned. “Since sis’s decided to be a buzzkill this trip…”
“You have a one track mind you know,” Yuffie grunted, then smiled. “What the hell! If they got an open slot…sure. Why not.”
“Hah, that’s what I like to hear,” the younger Lockhart shifted her son around. “Let’s put the kids in and head out.”
“You girls have…fun…I guess.” Cloud shrugged. “I’m gonna have a walk around town. Maybe hit up Battle Square for old times sake.”
The three women drew considerable attention as they moved through the park. The sisters both wore mini skirts, as was their norm, while Yuffie wore a pair a tights. She and Tifa both had short sleeved t-shirts that did nothing to hide what lay underneath while Joslyn, to their surprise, wore a flowery green blouse that hung somewhat loosely one her. The sunset shone red as the sun began sinking towards the mountain line, the crowd parting before them without realizing why as men, and more than a few women stared in undisguised admiration and lust and envy.
“C’mon Yuffie, shake it,” Joslyn teased their youngest member. “Levia, back me up here.”
“I can’t hear you…either of you,” Yuffie replied in a sing song tone. “I’m saving my energy to kick your ass if I get the chance.”
“That’s what I like to hear!” Joslyn looped an arm around her friend, grinning at the leers that drew. “Tell you what, if you win I’ll…”
Tifa strained to hear what her sister whispered. She missed out as Yuffie’s face turned a bright red. “You WOULDN’T…would you?”
“Hey, to the winner goes the spoils.” Jo replied.
“What are you planning?” Tifa demanded.
“Just a little friendly wager between…” Joslyn trailed off as her face scrunched up in a frown. “That’s weird.”
“What?” Tifa followed her sister’s gaze, not seeing anything strange. She seemed to be staring at a pair of older airships coming in near the port. “What is it?”
“The airport should be shut down by now.” Joslyn replied. “I’d know if we were expecting any shipments.”
“They’re not slowing down, maybe they’re just passing over.” Yuffie guessed, but like her friends she could feel a twinge of unease.
“No, they’re too low. They’re…!” Whatever Jo was going to say was drowned out by the explosion that knocked them off their feet. In those few seconds all was pandemonium as all hell broke lose.
“Nothing at all?” Cloud asked, leaning against the wall.
“What can I say,” Andrea spread his arms. “After you got the last two they probably got wise that we were using their own cameras against them.”
The blonde Soldier scowled at that, his job now considerably harder. “All that means is that they’re probably running scared.”
“I doubt that. These are men and women who were willing to bet on whether or not you would destroy Meteor.” Rhodea reminded him. “I don’t think they’re even capable of feeling…hello.”
“An old signal on repeat.” The owner of the new, and improved, Honeybee Experience tapped at his keyboard. “This can’t be right…”
“Andrea!!” Cloud’s voice took on a warning tone.
“Emanating from within the Saucer…it’s a marker. Just give me a minute.”
“We don’t have a minute,” Cloud growled, yanking at the flamboyantly dressed man, pulling him down as the first explosion went off, shattering the windows to his room and office. “Get your girls to safety. I’m not holding back on these bastards.”
“Cloud!” The blonde turned around in time to grab a massive sword thrown at him. He studied it for a few seconds, with a couple of experimental swings. “Mikoto sent it. Think of it as early birthday gift. Wouldn’t do to have you going out undressed would it.”
Cloud gave the man a feral grin before leaping out the window. Andrea could hear him sliding down the roof before spinning around and dashing for the door. The timing couldn’t be an accident. And if he was right he’d better make sure he was armed as well.
Tifa groaned at the buzzing in her ears. It sounded like a thousand mosquitos around her. Then her hearing began to to clear and the buzzing became the rattling sound of guns going, coupled with screams.
“Yuffie…Josy.” She shouted, getting to her feet. “ANYBODY!”
“Yuffie, is that you?” Tifa hobbled towards the weak voice, finding Yuffie in a pile of rubbish. “You okay?”
“Could be better,” Yuffie scrubbed at her face. “You?”
“Not too bad,” she grunted, at a grinding pain in her leg. Murmuring quietly she touched at the sore spot, feeling the power of the Cure spell soothe the area. While only temporary, it would suffice for now. “Where’s Josy?”
“Here…” the voice was as ragged as her outfit, but Joslyn appeared from behind a building, her body covered in dust and bruises. “I don’t want to believe it, but are they really that crazy?!”
“Clearly,” Tifa coughed, then sank into a crouch at the sound of running feet. “We need to get back to your place.”
“I can fight,” Joslyn protested. “I didn’t go through all your training just to run and hide.”
“Use your head Josy. I can think of only two reasons they’d be hitting here. One is under lock and key several stories below us. The other…” Yuffie replied. Her friend’s face turned pale. “Exactly. I doubt they could get their hands on the materia, but the kids…”
Moving together the three women kept low as they maneuvered through the Squares. They could still hear the chatter of gunfire and intermittent explosions, but couldn’t determine who was doing the firing. Left with no other options they skirted around the fighting. However the closer they got, the fiercer it became, lending credence to the fear that it was the materia they were after. Fear making them careless they came round a building quickly and surprised a pair of soldiers in dark purple body armor.
“Lockhart!” The first one shouted, raising his rifle. Jumping forward Tifa tucked herself into a ball letting her momentum knock the soldier’s leg out from under him. Twisting around she kicked out hard, cracking the glasses across his face, body going limp. Getting to her feet she heard a choking cry, Yuffie’s body wrapped around the other’s trooper’s body, arms around her neck. Suddenly still the kunoichi released her to collapse onto the concrete.
“Looks like you’re famous.” She noted, grabbing at the rifle.
“I’m not the only Lockhart here,” Tifa snorted, picking up the other and handing it to her sister. Then she froze. “Did you…”
“Yeah, I felt it too,” Yuffie muttered, pointing towards a cluster of buildings. “It’s coming from over there.”
“What, the library?” Joslyn asked. “What’s coming from there?”
“A spirit…a strong one too. Easily in Leviathan’s class, if not stronger.” Tifa whispered, her body tingling. Moving carefully the trio entered the building. Once inside the sound of fighting diminished. The place was a mess with shelves toppled, books and other things littering the floor. “Whoever you are, we can feel your presence. Come on out.”
The person that emerged from around a pillar was a young man, barely out of his teens by appearances, with hair a bright white. Yuffie and Jo lowered their weapons but Tifa felt her body tremble from a sudden surge of lust that ran through her as the boy stared back with a pair blue, grey eyes. She swallowed, taking several steps forward, arms reaching for him before Yuffie grabbed at her. “What’re you doing!” The younger woman demanded. Tifa shook her head, vision clearing.
“I…I don’t know. I felt…” She shuddered at what had been running through her mind before Yuffie snapped her out of it. Staring with clear eyes now she saw a look of sudden loathing cross the man’s face, before gesturing in their direction.
Tifa felt the surge of mana wash past her then spun around at the thumps as both Yuffie and Joslyn simply collapsed onto the ground. Dropping to her knees she touched their faces, relieved at the steady breathing. Just a sleep spell apparently. She twisted her head around in time to see the young man waving at someone beyond her vision.
“She’s all yours. Remember, we don’t want her damaged.” Even his voice seemed to trigger something in her. Then it hit her. Siren…
“Oh I promise I won’t do anything…permanent!”
“YOU!!” Tifa hissed, recognizing the voice even before his companion made her way into the light.
“Me!” Scarlet purred back, dressed in a tight blouse and hot pants. Another woman, a little shorter and a bit stockier, followed close behind. “Long time no see slum bitch. Miss me?”
“Like the Midgar Zolom. I should’ve known you’d be involved in some manner. But attacking Dio’s place? That’s a mistake even Shinra knew not to make.”
“I don’t make mistakes.” Scarlet snapped, wrapping a casual arm around white haired young man. “Didn’t you get my message? I said I’d get out. And you and your pet SOLDIER will pay back what is owed.”
“You go anywhere near Cloud and anything he does to you’ll be a kindness compared to me.” Tifa hissed, her hackles rising.
“Stay here, enjoy the show.” Scarlet said, gesturing at her companion. Moving forward to stand opposite the brunette she smiled patronizingly. “Just like old times, cow. You want to start or should I?”
Coming together both lashed out simultaneously, fists crossing to crash against the other’s face. Muscles strained as knuckles ground into cheek bones before Scarlet was sent staggering back. Following up Tifa leapt forward, driving a blow into the blonde’s stomach but was then surprised by a snap uppercut from the older woman. Jumping back she caught Scarlet’s hands as the woman leapt at her, the two now locked in a test of strength.
Her top, already torn and filthy began to get dotted with sweat from the effort as Tifa was reminded of her worry from the last fight with this woman.
“What’s the matter Lockhart?” Scarlet panted in excitement as their arms went high. “You’re not feeling as strong as last time.”
Falling, Tifa attempted to throw her adversary but the canny blonde released her grip, leaping back. Rolling, the brunette barely avoided being stomped on by the laughing cougar, before jumping to her feet. Something was definitly off and as Scarlet lunged at her again she had an uncomfortable feeling that, despite the past years, the blonde had surprised her once again.
“Come on,” Emma gasped, staggering under Ann’s weight. “Just…just a little further.”
“Let…let me me take over for bit,” Hinata panted, reaching for the buff redhead. Behind her came Doreen and Jackie as well as several of their newer members that had matches tonight. None of the other regulars had shown up tonight, hopefully to their benefit. Now supporting Ann, Hinata staggered slightly under the weight of the woman. “If we…get out of this Annie…you’re going on a diet.”
“That’s…muscle…you scrawny slant eye.” The familiarity erasing what should’ve been an insult. Weakly she pushed herself away to stand on her own, legs shaking with the effort. “How many got out?”
“Dunno, we got separated from most of the other newbies.” Hinata lied, remembering the screams of those shot when the purple clad soldiers burst in after the first explosions. “Good thing Doreen had that back door installed.”
They lapsed into a silence at the sound of boots heading in their direction. Immediately the women sank low into the debris, doing their best to disappear. Almost like a sick joke the stomping sound halted barely a few yards ahead of them.
“What’s the latest report?” All the soldiers seemed to be using some kind of vocalizer to alter their voices. Suspicions began to build in the their heads that some of the killers might be local.
“The two women weren’t at the expected location sir.” One said, causing them to stiffen. “Might’ve been faulty intel. Some managed to escape through a backdoor. We attempted to follow but were cut off.”
“Let them go, we already have our hands full. They’ve got the mansion locked down, but they’re facing some stiff resistance…hold on.” After a moment of silence he continued. “We just got word that the commander’s got hold of two of the targets. The women by the sound of it. What about the last two?”
“No sign of the fourth yet, sir. But we have lost contact with groups Gamma and Delta. They were operating near the Battle Square. And the third is holed up in his building in the Red Light District. Theta reports heavy resistance there as well.”
“Forget him. If the fourth’s near the Battle Square then that’s where we’ll go next. He…what was that?!”
“Shut her up!” Ann hissed as Sera, one of the new girls, seemed to be experiencing a panic attack with her sobs of fear becoming louder. They could hear the sound of the boots again, getting closer and now even Hinata’s breathing began to hitch in terror of what might be coming.
“Sir I think…LOOK OUT!!” The sound of gunfire, so close, caused the women to wail in fear as they could hear the bullets whizzing over where they lay. But worse was the screams of the men, abruptly cut off, as whatever they were fighting tore them apart.
“Stay back…stay back! MONSTAHHHGKK…” A final wet SQUELCH as something unmentionable hit the ground, and then there was silence except for the crying.
“Whoever you are, you can come out now, it’s safe.” For a long moment no one moved, bodies frozen. There was a clopping sound of boots again, different this time, and a tall slim figure appeared from the smoke and dust. “Doreen? Hinata…”
“Cloud?” Relief flooded the face of those that knew him, despite the brown and red stains on his torn clothes. “Why…why’re you here?”
“I’ve been making my way towards your club. Where’s Tifa and the others?” Cloud knelt, ripping off a piece cloth from a corpse, wiping along the edge of a blade that he shouldn’t have been hold as casually as he did. At least from the point of view of the women.
“Tifa? Why would she be with us?” Confusion showed openly on Hinata’s face. “We figured you and her and Josy’d be…well…occupied tonight.”
“Actually…” Doreen hesitated. “Josy said she was sure she could convince Tifa to step onto the mats with her. If not, Yuffie’d probably be willing to throw down after being out of it for as long as she has.”
“So they never made it…DAMMIT!!” Cloud punched at a section of concrete causing the women to yelp in sudden fear. Not so much from the material shattering but from the sudden and brief appearance of what looked like scales on his arms. Breathing heavily Cloud got himself back under control staring hard at the women, an inner struggle clearly consuming him. Finally he relaxed, thrust the sword into a sheathe across his back and gestured at them. “The two of them’d give me an earful if I left you all to keep searching. I’ll take you to the mansion first. Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’re already back as well.”
Nodding warily the frightened women moved to follow the blonde man. Ann and Hinata hesitating, before grabbing at a pair of rifles lying in a pool of what looked like blood. “Do you think…” Hinata whispered.
“Yeah…that’s why they hit us so quick.” Ann murmured back. “Nobody say anything. You know how those three are, especially Jo…”
“Yeah.” Emma muttered back, then she picked up her pace to walk alongside the slim man. “We…we heard them talking. Something about the mansion being locked down…”
“Then they’d better hope Dio’s men kill them first.” Cloud stated his voice, normally smooth, turning gravelly. “If they get into the mansion…and anywhere near our offspring…”
Scarlet gasped in shock as Tifa hovered over her with a wooden chair. Rolling off the table she’d been thrown across by the brunette she heard it shatter and Tifa brought it down hard. Landing on all fours the blonde propelled herself forward, ramming her head into Tifa’s stomach causing the younger woman to stumble back with a croak of pain, the remnants of the seat falling from her hands.
“What’s the matter Lockhart,” the cougar taunted the girl, panting. “Using weapons now? You’ve gotten weak!”
“I’m still plenty strong enough to handle your flabby old ass!” Tifa growled, fist cracking across Scarlet’s face, the blonde’s answering snarl accompanied by a clubbing right across the brunette’s cheek. Just like she’d expected, age was still a sore topic for the former Executive. Their tops clung to their bodies, sweat and dust staining the material as they slugged at one another toe to toe.
Unclenching a fist Scarlet slashed her nails across Tifa’s face, causing the younger woman to recoil in agony and, in the same motion, lunged forward trapping the brunette’s arms at her side and carrying her over onto a table. Squirming wildly Tifa struggled to free her arms but was again shocked, and not a little scared, by the surprising strength of the blonde lying on top of her. Panting the two stared hard as they felt their nipples react under the sweat stained material that separated them. “Just like old times,” Scarlet sneered, tightening her arms. “You did miss me, didn’t you!”
Before Tifa could respond she lowered her head, pressing lips hard against the opposing pair. The brunette’s eyes widened as her tongue fought to prevent the blonde’s pink organ from invading her mouth. Coming up briefly to gasp for air Scarlet kissed furiously at Tifa again, grinding their bodies together, muffled whines making their way past their locked lips. Mouths pulling apart with a loud SMACK Scarlet’s eyes were glassy but her expression, lust tinged, was almost resigned. “You…damn you, you did this to me. Because of you I…”
Tifa however, uninterested in hearing the blonde’s complaints and accusations, smashed her forehead against the woman as she bent down for another kiss, causing her to wail at the sudden pain. Arms suddenly free were thrown over Scarlet’s body, reversing their position. Her face lighting up in a kind of unholy joy Scarlet responded to Tifa’s hug eagerly crushing their bodies together and thrusting her tits, and hips, strongly at their opposites. The brunette responded naturally, only too willing to match bodies with the blonde again, before remembering her situation. Fighting off her innate desire to again prove her superiority she allowed Scarlet to roll her off, continuing the motion until they fell off the table.
Twisting their bodies to ensure she landed on top, and taking advantage of the blonde having the wind knocked out of her, she pushed herself off the soft body under her. In spite she grabbed at the flimsy top while moving, tearing the material and freeing the impressive milky orbs, as rounded and full as she remembered. Wiping at her lips, spitting in a rage, she jumped back to her feet and flung the cloth back in the blonde’s face. “Fuck you, you crazy cunt. I have no interest in your crap. Today, I’m just going to beat the shit out of you!”
Twisting back to her feet Scarlet picked up a convenient chair, hurling it in her rival’s direction. Swaying out of it’s way left Tifa open as the blonde followed close behind, grabbing determinedly at long dark hair. Yelling in pain Tifa’s reaction was purely feminine, filling her own hands with the cougar’s golden locks, the pair tearing out handfuls of hair as they flailed around the room slamming into pillars and toppling furniture. Finally they crashed across a sturdy couch, Scarlet flipping over it’s back, her hands torn from her enemy’s hair. Snatching hands instead grabbed at her t-shirt, pulling the yelling brunette to lie bent over the furniture, her shirt pulled over her head. Pounding a clenched fist across Tifa’s back, Scarlet saw stars as a wildly swung punch crashed into her nose. She felt liquid running down to her lip, instinctively knowing it was blood, and fury curled her fingers into a claw that scratched spitefully up Tifa’s back.
“YAAAHHH BITCH!!” The brunette beauty shrieked, jumping forward to butt headfirst against the blonde’s chest separating them. Scrabbling, Tifa tore her shirt in a fury to get it off of her before charging at the rising Scarlet she spotted over the edge of the couch. The blonde saw the younger woman coming and ran at her, all too happy to resume the fight. Leaping over the straight back Tifa landed on the cushioned seat and throwing herself at the approaching blonde. They met in mid air with a fleshy SPLAT, falling to the ground in a vicious tangle of flailing arms, thrashing, waving legs and teeth.
Backs became bruised from the debris that littered the floor as they rolled vigorously back and forth punching, kicking, slapping and biting at one another. Strands of brown and yellow hair stuck to shoulders as they were torn out by strong fingers to screams of anguish. Grunting at a knee coming perilously close to her privates Tifa wrapped her long legs around Scarlet’s trapping them in place. Not even slowing down the blonde gave savage growl, teeth clamping onto the girl’s shoulder, wrapping her arms tightly around the other woman. Giving an earsplitting scream Tifa’s own arms pulled tight as she in turn bit down hard on the mature blonde’s flesh.
Horrific snarls echoed through the building wrapped up as tight as a pair of warring snakes, worrying each other’s shoulder, the coppery taste of blood on their tongues. Squeezing ever tighter Tifa found herself in a familiar situation as her breasts bulged and strained against an old foe. Scarlet felt the same discomfort, and welcomed the sensation. “NOW!” she ordered Shiva, the Frost Queen emerging from her back and diving at Tifa…only to be halted by a feathered hand.
“I’ve been waiting for you!” Siren declared. Spectral arms grabbed at the icy figure, hurling her across the room. The spirit then turned it’s attention to the young man that shifted in a manner that indicated he could see her. “You…it…it is you isn’t you? I’d know your essence anywhere Alex..”
“Don’t you talk to him!” Siren barely had time to raise her arms as Shiva came flying back, knocking the two of them onto the floor near their wrestling partners. Blue white fingers wrapped around her throat, holding her in place while the other hand poured a stream of frost across the Wind spirit’s face. Shiva raised her head, gazing at the human with an expression of adoration. “She’ll never hurt you again. I promise I’ll…”
Whatever else she intended was say was interrupted by Siren radiating a severe heat that drove Shiva into a rapid retreat. “He is here…and yet you still want to fight me!” Siren snapped incredulously. “Fine then, I’ll work on freeing you AFTER I beat some sense into that empty head of yours!”
Both fighting femmes felt their partners conflict and their holds on each other slackened slightly. Finishing a roll the blonde cougar ended on top and reared back, the sudden move snapping the brunette’s arms apart. Tifa’s jiggling monsters filled her vision and then her hands as she grabbed at them, smiling widely. Shrieking the brunette in turn grabbed at Scarlet’s hanging mounds, fingers sinking in deep. Screaming directly into the face of their opposite they crushed and squeezed at the fatty tissue that had been, and probably still was, the center of their hate. Gritting her teeth Tifa pulled hard on the blonde’s breasts, catapulting her forward, a parting howl passing her lips as Scarlet’s nails tore at her flesh in refusal to let go. Panting in excitement the blonde leapt back to her feet only to run into a backhand in her hurry to get back at her downed rival, knocking her into a sitting position on the couch. Tifa now was the overeager one, lunging at the blonde who rolled to the side as the brunette’s impetus knocked the couch over, spilling both women onto the ground. Twisting around to face each other the determined women grabbed and hit at the other in a kind of manic fury.
Over to the side, Barbara Mitch Logan squirmed, uncomfortably. The sight and sounds of the fighting women making her shift from foot to foot. As the longest under Scarlet’s thumb she’d heard just about every rant her boss could give whenever Tifa Lockhart came up. Oh she knew who was. Just about everyone did, and the idea that the the blonde had fought the brunette to a standstill was something they’d laughed over in private. Now she realized just how wrong she’d been.
If anything Scarlet had been underselling it, based on Tifa’s reaction the older woman. She wasn’t quite sure what the endgame was as the two rose from behind the furniture, hands around necks before they started punching again, but if the guy beside her didn’t stop them soon she wouldn’t put it past them to kill one another.
Scarlet was conscious of only two things…the punches raining on her face and chest and shoulders, and the way she hit and slashed at the enraged face face through a wild jumble of yellow and brown hair. Each blow shook the woman to her core, reminding her of just how strong the slum slut was. But at the same time her excitement grew. This was what she wanted, what she needed. Bruised lips curled into a smile that only widened with each hard blow, further confounding her brunette adversary.
Tifa shuddered inwardly from each punch she absorbed from the blonde cougar, pride not letting her dodge the, to her at least, easily telegraphed blows. she remembered Scarlet being stronger than expected the last time they fought, but the cunt was even stronger now than back then. Even worse was the smile on her face as they pummeled each other. Bitch was enjoying this. And, to her consternation, so was she.
The cries of the women increased in frequency as their attacks sped up, bruises raising all across their faces and breasts, the latter bouncing energetically as gradually more and more blows began to be directed in that direction. Just as slowly, however, one woman began to be forced back. Scarlet staggered to the side as the blows were delivered and her arms felt heavier the longer the fistfight went on. Yet despite it all her face maintained the wide euphoric smile as she hit at, and was hit by, Tifa.
Sharpened nails slashed across the brunette’s face, leaving four bloody trails as she wailed, then the mature blonde stumbled from a savage counter that left her teeth rattling. Falling back against a stone pillar she slowly slid down as her legs failed. Absently she wiped at her mouth licking at the streak of blood from a split lip. “Hmhmhm…hahahaha…KYAHAHAHAHAHA!”
“You…you…what the fuck!” Tifa stood on trembling legs, taking an involuntary step back at Scarlet’s outburst. She blinked as blood from one of the slashes dripped into her eye, feeling as if the situation was spiraling out of control faster than she could keep up. Worse was the kind of perverse joy she felt at seeing her slowly getting back up. “Siren…I could use you about now!”
“Got my own problem at the moment,” the feathered woman returned, grappling fiercely with Shiva above the building. “It’s not as easy if I can’t use my powers.”
“You’ll never separate us again!” Shiva snarled, her hands shifting into a blade and mace. “We’ve been waiting a long time for this moment.”
“We?” Shiva flew back, raising a barrier of wind, her own arms turning in on themselves to form a pair of swords. “How long have you…NO! Shiva what have you…what has she done?!”
“I told you didn’t I.” The Ice Queen’s beautiful face lit up in a fanatical smile. “This would only end when I say it does!”
Suddenly Siren found herself in a fight for her very existence and, Shiva’s attacks being wild and unpredictable, a glowing dome cut her off from Tifa. Now she couldn’t warn her partner. Instead she focused on the one that had, a long time ago, been almost like a sister to her. “I don’t know what she’s told you or what she’s done to you…” Siren gathered her power around herself. She’d wanted to avoid another Nibelheim incident, but that was no longer an option. “But I think you need a reminder of just which of us was always the more powerful!”
Cloud looked up from the barely conscious mercenary he’s just finished mangling at the sudden explosion. This wasn’t the type that had been going off early in the attack and at first he worried that this was another wave. Then he realized why he had jerked so violently at the sound. This wasn’t man made…it was magic.
“What the hell is that?!” Doreen shouted, then flushed at the sudden silence that followed the appearance of the white whirlwind several blocks over. “Is that where the new library was?”
“You recognize it don’t you?” Bahamut’s voice roared through the blood that pounded in his ears. “If she is there then so is the other.”
Cloud clenched a fist, ignoring the snapping of bone, until he heard a scream. Suddenly remembering that he was still holding a captive he tossed the now unconscious man to the side, his arm looking as if it had caved in on itself just above the elbow, sparing a look at his small following. And cursed the closeness that made him know what she would want him to do as opposed to what HE wanted to. “First we get these to safety…then…then none get in our way!”
In the back of his mind Bahamut smiled toothily at the thought. He hadn’t been allowed to cut loose since the last time Ultima attacked Edge.
“Fucking old cunt!”
Yuffie moaned at the voice, rattling in the back of her head, that seemed to come from a great distance. Trying to move to a more comfortable position but her limbs refused to work like she wanted them to.
“Cocksucking little whore!”
That was a bit much she thought, scrunching up her face as she tried to open eyes that felt like they were glued shut. Even as she attempted that, she yawned widely and her ears seemed to unclog, things coming through clearer. And immediately she knew this wasn’t a dream. Screams and yells, fleshy SMACKS and crisp CRACKS, as well as what sounded like painful shredding was all she could hear.
“I’ll kill you, I swear to the Planet. This time Cloud’s not here to stop me!” Yuffie flinched both at how close that sounded, and the words. That couldn’t be Tifa. Even at her worst, fighting Elizabeth, Tifa never said anything like that.
“You’re going to be mine Lockhart!” Yuffie started at that voice. It couldn’t be her, they were nowhere near the prison. Desperately she struggled to move. Not again, this couldn’t happen again. “When they’re done with you, I’ll get what’s left. Then I’ll move on to breaking your toy Solider!”
Yuffie cringed at the enraged shriek from Tifa and the answering scream from Scarlet followed by a loud body on body crashing sound then a loud THUD as something landed close by. With grunts akin to a pair of animals fighting loud in her ears, eyelids peeled back with a sucking sound but her vision was blurred. All she could make out for several seconds was an odd yellow and brown mass before her eyes cleared. Blonde and brunette lay, almost motionless, opposite her wrapped up together on their sides. Entire bodies quivered violently as they rocked, ever so slightly, and Scarlet snarled loudly as she forced her younger rival onto her back. But the roll never stopped even when the growling Tifa held the blonde under her until they ended up once more on their sides.
From her position Yuffie could see their faces. The absolute focus as they forced their bodies to work even harder to overpower the other woman, the twinge of pain on Scarlet’s face as Tifa pushed them back in the direction they’d just come. It reminded her of Tifa’s first fight with Joslyn, if not for the impressive shiner on Tifa’s face and the split lip Scarlet presented. “Levia…Leviathan…I need…you.”
“Be…be silent, lest you alert him.” Leviathan hissed back, giving Yuffie a view of the man they’d first seen upon entering. His face shifted over in their direction momentarily before a high pitched anguished cry from Tifa and loud shout from Scarlet drew his attention back to the slowly rolling, desperately fighting, women as the blonde forced them back into a neutral position. “We have to be careful, Alexander was a threat even to me.”
“Alexander? The one who…”
“Yes, the cause of the rift between Shiva and Siren. His reappearance has only fed into the bad feelings between them.” Leviathan said. “It’s not helped by what’s between those two…”
“So what do we do?” Yuffie demanded, keeping her eyes narrowed to slits. It limited her vision but still she noticed something. She remembered when Tifa told her of her last fight with Scarlet, and of how over the course of it she’d stopped holding back. She could see the muscles clearly defined on Tifa’s arms, and the tightening of her back as she resisted the fiercely grunting blonde’s push. Then their bodies shook violently and Tifa groaned deeply as she was gradually forced to an angle before vigorously thrusting her tits at Scarlet and pushing them back onto their sides.
“We wait, in my current state I can delay Alexander at best, we’ll need some assistance.” Leviathan stated. Yuffie slowly, carefully reached her arm out until she felt her fingers touching against Joslyn. “If we can get him to drop the barrier we can make a run for it.”
Shiva crashed against her brother’s barrier, crying out at the burning sensation. Before she could recover Siren was on her again, hands searing at her essence before a cold snap sent her into retreat.
“I’ll only warn you only one last time.” Siren growled. Both were diminished but she still retained her voluptuous form, after years of absorbing energy. “Stop this and let me help you. If he’s back we don’t need to do this.”
“Help me? Like last time?!” Shiva challenged. Her form was still that of an adult, but younger and less filled out. Her energy reserves were not optimal after years in an environment hostile to her, and having to share her energy with Scarlet… Why would she…why did she need to share it with her. No! No time for doubts, not anymore. “Scarlet gave me what I wanted. She got me Alexander. You…now I’ll do what I should’ve done hundreds of years ago.”
Flying at her winged rival Shiva found her progress halted by a hand around her throat. Shoving her towards the ground, Siren solidified them enough that they actually impacted instead of going through. Slamming a bladed hand through her middle Siren siphoned off enough energy to have Shiva shrink into a teenage form, before throwing her against the barrier once more.
“Seems the damned dragon was right,” Siren said contemptuously, stalking towards a suddenly scared looking Ice Queen. Throwing her hands to the side a second pair of longer wings shot out from Siren’s back. “I’m done holding back because of our old friendship. If violence is what it takes to get through to you, then the gloves are now off.”
“BROTHER!” Shiva shouted. A small hole opened, allowing her to slip inside before Siren could get close. Scrambling back into the air she leapt into the air, rushing for the building and the safety of her host. Outside the barrier she could hear Siren’s shriek as she hurled her magic at the glowing dome.
Straining almost desperately Tifa shoved Scarlet over onto her back, the hissing blonde fighting her every inch of the way. For a moment it felt as the cougar would halt her progress and return them to their sides. Shouting in effort at the feel of moving back in the opposite direction the brunette exerted herself and completed the roll, pinning Scarlet under her. Muscles twitching her face twisted in a separate agony at Scarlet’s insistent hips thrusts, the pleasant sensations tearing at her focus. Even worse she could feel the blonde’s push, trying to reverse their roles again. The only way to retain her position was to slam her own hips at the powerful mature, the feeling of their loins slapping together, coupled with their jousting nipples almost driving her insane.
“Yes…yes…fight me!” Scarlet panted, her hip thrusts raising their bodies off the floor before Tifa’s answering thrusts pushed them back down. She pushed hard against the brunette, still seeking to mount her. “Give it to me Lockhart…fight…fuck me!”
Whining in a panic, Tifa reared back onto her knees dragging Scarlet up with her. Slim, strong arms never released their hold as both women clung to each other like leeches, their bulging breasts battling between them for the limited space. But a titfight was only on the mind of one woman. Tifa was damned well determined to follow through on her threat. It had been more than two years and still the older woman refused to let go of her vendetta. It was clear to her now that Scarlet would never stop, and she was under no illusions on whether or not the blonde would use them to get to her.
Scarlet on the other hand…
Even as her beauties fought Tifa’s monsters to a standstill the cougar could feel that long forgotten tingling down the base of her spine as kept up thrusting her pussy at the weakening brunette. All the women she’d fought and tamed or fucked…none of them ever gave her that high she experienced when she battled Lockhart. The hate that twisted the woman’s face only increased her excitement, hips thrusting harder as their bodies crushed together. She smiled at the look of torment on the woman’s face as Tifa own thrusts began to increase in power.
“Won’t be long now, Lockhart.” Scarlet gasped out, wincing as Tifa’s arms tightened again, their boobs quivering, nipples side by side stabbing deep. “Don’t fight it, you know how incredible it’ll feel.”
“Shut…up!” The brunette hissed, face twisting in agony. “No going to…not you…not again…”
“Yes you…will,” Scarlet laughed shortly, then her lustful expression turned serious. Locking eyes with the brunette over their heaving breasts she bent forward until their foreheads butted together If either simply puckered, their lips would kiss. “You caused this…you stupid cow. You kept challenging me…driving me crazy until…’til we fucked each other in Nibelheim. Now I…without Rufus…all I could think about was fighting and fucking you. None of the bitches in the prison could ever match up…”
Groaning in a sexual torment Tifa butted the blonde hard, hearing her cry out, before a second blow caused her to release her hold and the brunette quickly scooted back. As Scarlet tried to rise Tifa slammed a punch across her face that sent her sliding back. “You kept chasing me you crazy old cunt.” She gasped out, horrified at the feeling of a trickle running down the inside of her legs. “You wouldn’t leave me the hell alone!”
“I didn’t chase you at Nibelheim,” Scarlet snapped, rubbing at her jaw and shuffling opposite Tifa. She absorbed another punch to her face, crashing her own fist into Tifa’s prodigious chest in response. “I gave you an invitation, and you accepted. You want this as bad as I do, because I’m the only one who can fight you like you want to. Woman to woman without reservations…”
Scarlet barely got an arm up in defense as Tifa flew at her. “Shut…UP!” The woman bellowed. Arms ached from blocking the blow and she scrambled to get to her feet as the brunette stalked towards her. A kick to her stomach doubled her over and an elbow to the back of her neck sent her face down to the floor. Lunging forward she grabbed at Tifa’s bare leg, biting down hard and pulling. With a squawk of pain the girl tumbled back and Scarlet crawled her way up the lush body, fists slamming against stomach, ribs, breasts and face as she made her way up. Tifa hit back savagely, her inferior position in no way affecting the force behind the blows. Putting as much as she could behind one blow, the blonde finally succeeded in stunning the resilient brunette, head cracking loudly against the floor, who curled up on her side moaning.
Rising off her prone foe Scarlet stumbled over to a solid looking vase that hadn’t shattered in all the commotion. Staggering under the weight she hefted it over her head and approached the stirring Tifa. Alerted by the woman’s grunting, the brunette’s eyes widened in terror, rolling away as the blonde threw it down. “Admit it…Lockhart,” Scarlet gasped as they squared off again, circling back and forth slowly. “All the fighting, and the fucking we did…you enjoyed it. Fighting all out…I’m the only one that can give you what you want. Because I’m the only one you hate enough to go all out on.”
Tifa froze at that absurd declaration. Scarlet used her distraction, slamming into her. Bodies bent, the women grunted savagely as they wrestled fiercely with just their upper bodies in conflict, feet scrabbling for purchase on the floor. Scarlet felt Shiva return and strained all the harder forcing Tifa back until her back pressed up against the wall. Immediately Scarlet unlinked her arms and grabbed her by the throat, slamming her head against the wall. Again. And again. And again. Eyes glassy Tifa slid down the wall upon release, but Scarlet was not done yet. There was still one more thing she needed to do. Grabbing the limp brunette she wrapped her arms tightly around the girl’s body, hefting her off the floor.
“Let’s finish this…right!” Scarlet panted, and squeezed. Tifa’s head flew back and mouth opened in a shrill cry, her thick massive boobs forced up against the blonde’s teats. “Remember how many times you did this…to me!”
Tifa clenched her teeth at the crushing feeling. How was she this strong! Even taking Shiva into account she should be able to at least hold her own. Kicking her legs desperately she fought to free herself, the blonde’s laugh loud in her ears.
“You should’ve listened Lockhart. I’ve never lost anything I ever set my sights on, and you’re no different.” Scarlet smiled painfully. As expected…after the intial compression Tifa’s tits surged back against her own, fighting as hard as their owner. This was what she wanted, what she needed. The back and forth motion of their fighting cleavages was hypnotic. “We’re going to have a lot of fun, you and I, in the coming days. Now just hold still for a bit…I’ve been waiting more than two years to feel your fat blobs succumb to my superior tits again. Then…then…we’ll begin your training.”
“Like hell you will!!”
“What!?” Scarlet wasn’t ready when Joslyn barreled into her from behind. Mitch was just a second too slow, frozen as she had been from the pair’s last exchange. As Tifa and Scarlet tumbled to the ground rolling apart Barbara tackled the second brunette sending the pair sending the pair rolling towards a small bookcase. Joslyn got one punch off before the case tumbled over, hiding them from view.
Alexander, or his host raised, a hand…pointing in the direction of the violently bouncing stand before shifting to raise a silvery shield. A sheet of water crashed against it causing him to tumble back several steps before it stopped. Inclining his head he stared at, and through, Yuffie giving a short nod. “Leviathan. I’d heard the stories, but wasn’t sure if to believe them.”
“What are you doing here, Alexander!?” Leviathan demanded, speaking through Yuffie. “And where have you been?!”
“None of your concern, if I’m honest.” He replied, turning his attention back to Tifa and Scarlet, who ignored everything else and threw themselves at one another again. The pair wrapped up in a light clinch, punching savagely at ribs and boobs while they rotated along the wall. Leviathan could feel Yuffie’s consternation at the fanaticism her friend displayed. She appeared to be blind to everything but the blonde Scarlet who in turn was solely fixated on the brunette. “It is quite amusing isn’t it. Or is stimulating the word to use? Watching them scrabble and squirm together has been doing some interesting things to this body of mine. It’s not entirely unpleasant. Is this what it was back in your heyday?”
“No, it wasn’t,” Leviathan hissed, gesturing as several localized lightning bolts shot down from the sky where the possessed man was. Again, a powerful barrier deflected the strikes leaving him unscathed. “Back then the fights were respectful and conducted with decorum this…” Yuffie gestured at blonde and brunette, still in their own little world, tugging at hair they staggered past the case at Joslyn and Barbara erupted from beneath it with Joslyn hanging tenaciously onto the bigger blonde’s back with an arm around her throat. “This is just wrong.”
“Unfortunate that you think so.” Leviathan now raised a shield of her own as a series of beams shot at her. “Would you stand aside? I would rather not have to hurt one of our own. This whole incident was simply a favor to my sister. Otherwise we’d have been gone before you awoke.”
“And your former lover didn’t figure into it at all?” For the first time there was a spark behind his eyes and his control slipped. Just as quickly he got back under control, but the damage was done. Tifa, fighting ferociously against Scarlet, hefted the blonde slightly off the floor before tossing her onto her back. New life seemed to surge into the dark haired woman as she leapt upon the cougar. Siren was back.
Outside the building four figures wrapped up in layers of clothing finally stumbled through the localized blizzard, their bodies immediately shaking at the abrupt temperature shift.
“Shit…I never want to do that again!” Reno gasped, shedding his outer layers.
“At least this was just your first time…” Elena responded, trembling. “Planet…I hope we’re in time.”
An almost feral scream soon after followed by an answering screech assailed their ears and all four tensed. “There’s your answer I guess. At least they’re both still alive.”
“Unfortunate,” Rude stated, putting on his knuckles before ensuring his pistol was loaded.
“I’m with Rude,” Cissnei said, grimly hefting a rifle she’d liberated. “Lets put an end to this.”
Scarlet slumped to one side as Tifa slapped her hard, the older blonde dazed and tired looking. Whining in pain she felt herself dragged up by her hair and lashed out, connecting with a hard right, gagging as a double fisted blow to her side knocked her onto her stomach. But still that was not enough as Scarlet wearily pushed herself back up to her knees, pulling herself up with the wall’s help. The blonde was absently aware of what was going on around her but ignored it all in favor of focusing on the brunette in front of her and, as she moved back in again, punched out as hard as she could.
Tifa staggered to a stop, unable to believe the blonde still capable of such a blow. A second shot spun her around to land on a debris pile. Coughing, she felt her hand close around something solid and twisted around with a rounded piece of wood half as tall as she was. Scarlet, however, was close by and leapt at her, pushing down on the rod at her throat. Sweat from the blonde mature dripped onto her face as they matched strength again but, gradually, Tifa forced the wood away from her neck before hammering Scarlet with a fore and backhand punch.
She could feel splinters in her palm, after Tifa yanked the wood from her hands and forced her back, swinging her new weapon. She cried out as she was struck in her side, a sudden fear tearing at her from the force behind it. Tifa’s pretty face bore a triumphant expression as she swung wildly at the retreating blonde. Ducking behind a pillar the wood snapped loudly as it impacted and Scarlet dove at Tifa driving her back, arms around her waist. Rearing back she began lifting the brunette before a knee connected with her forehead. Stumbling, she stood stunned, wide open and defenseless.
Tifa could sense the change. This was no trick, the blonde bitch was genuinely hurt this time. “Good!” Was her only thought, grabbing at Scarlet’s shoulders and pushing back up against the pillar. Following closely she began punching. And punching. And punching. She didn’t even hear herself screaming. She didn’t feel the few weak retaliatory strikes from Scarlet. Not even the cracks that spidered on the pillar distracted her. When she stopped the cougar’s face was swollen, and though she could see it slowly healing, it was clear that Scarlet was through as the blonde slid down onto her knees. Now…Tifa’s hands circled Scarlet’s throat, fingers squeezing tight.
“What do you think you’re doing!” Siren demanded.
“Ending this,” Tifa pulsed back her face a murderous mask, ignoring the blonde’s weak struggles, nails leaving runs in her arms. “Putting her in prison did nothing but feed her obsession. I’m not risking her doing anything worse.”
“You can’t do this…I won’t let you!”
Tifa felt her right hand rebelling against her control, loosening just enough for Scarlet to gag and suck in a painful breath. Still the blonde wore her superior smile through bruised and bloodied lips. “What’s…what’s the matter Lockhart? I knew you…cough…I knew you didn’t have it in you.” She whispered hoarsely. “Just like I won’t kill you…I don’t want to lose you.’
“You did try to kill me you crazy cunt!” Tifa screamed throwing Scarlet to the floor, and kicking the woman savagely, sending her rolling. Gagging the blonde crawled slowly towards Alexander and, for the first time, Tifa took in just what had been happening while she and Scarlet had been fighting. Yuffie and Alexander where throwing mana around in quantities no ordinary human was capable was while her sister was currently wrestling fiercely with the woman she saw Scarlet with earlier. “I still have nightmares about it!”
“Alex…” Scarlet let Shiva implore her brother who turned a critical eye on her condition. She could feel the bruises receding, but the damage far outstripped the healing. Shoving both hands hard at the little ninja girl her shield cracked, and then shattered sending her tumbling back onto her stomach where she lay moaning.
“You know that healing is not my forte sister,” He said severely, raising a hand in Tifa’s direction. A hole appeared in the palm, along with a loud exploding sound and everyone froze, except for Barbara, that used the sudden distraction to deliver a gut shot and then a wide bolo that sent Jolsyn flying to land among a pile of books.
“Next time skank,” she sneered, running over the Scarlet and helping her up. “You okay boss?”
“Not for much longer!” Elena snarled, advancing alongside her fellow Turks, guns at the ready.
Rude glanced in Tifa’s direction, normally impassive face tightening at her half naked and bruised condition. His finger started to tighten on the trigger, before Reno placed a cautionary hand there, nodding at the stranger that seemed to view his injury with curiosity rather than shock. Then there was Scarlet’s reaction.
The blonde shoved the other woman aside rushing to the man’s side, caressing the injured palm, firing off a sheet of frost in their direction. Scattering the four levelled their weapons at the pair and opened fire. A silver dome deflected their bullets and they quickly stopped as first Elena, then Yuffie, cried out as they were grazed by ricochets.
Brave…but foolish!” Alexander spoke pointing a finger at Cissnei, who scrambled to the side, barely dodging the beam that sliced through the rubble she’d been hiding behind.
“So what now?” She demanded, landing up next to Reno.
“We keep them busy.” The redheaded Turk replied whipping out his mag rod and charging at Alexander. Rude was only a few steps behind. Attacking from opposite sides their weapons crashed against the barrier, the electric shock from Reno’s rod seeming to have an effect.
“Interesting…” The spirit took several steps forward, dropping his shield, backhanding Rude to the floor at the same time his other hand flashed out to grab the Turk’s second in command around his throat. “I was informed of you…Turks, was it? Seems your reputation is well earned. Perhaps I should…”
A trio of hurled shurikens appeared in his arm, causing him to flinch, and Reno dropped from his hand. His partner free, Rude moved back to the attack, knuckles cracking sharply against the pale face of his opponent before Scarlet pounced on the bald giant slamming him to the floor. He screamed, the sound shocking the rest of the Turks, as the blonde dug her nails into his chest, frost and ice moving outward from the punctures. A tornado like gust sent her flying as Tifa lay a healing palm to the wounds. “What is wrong with you!?” Siren demanded, her face twitching as she struggled against Tifa to retain control of the body. “The Alexander I remember…”
“Is still here, you just don’t recognize him.” He raised a hand to catch Reno’s mag rod in an unmoving grip, turning to stare at the struggling Turk. Behind him Scarlet lunged out of dustcloud to leap at Tifa again the women scrabbling wildly at each other’s hair.. “You’d think you’d recognize that you’re outmatched human…If Leviathan couldn’t stop me, what hope do you have?”
“Oh I’m well aware you’re above my paygrade.” Reno gave a cocky smile, pressing a button on the handle. The surge of several hundred volts of electricity barely even registered as he was lifted off the floor. Though the reason for his grin was made apparent by a sudden, loud, bellowing roar. “But we can stall you…just long enough.”
The ceiling shattered, everyone instinctively recoiling from the falling rubble, Joslyn grabbing at Yuffie’s body with Elena helping her to lift the unconscious kunoichi. What descended looked barely human, except for the face. The arms and legs were thickly muscled, and scaled with all four limbs ending sharp claws. From the back sprouted a pair of webbed wings and behind him a muscled tail twitched and lashed at the floor in agitation. Only Tifa, Jo and Yuffie had ever seen him in this form. It was not one he particularly liked, but it was necessary considering where they were fighting. The Turks gawked in a stunned silence, unprepared for the appearance of a dragon/human hybrid. For the first time Alexander as well looked taken aback and hesitated as Cloud looked in his direction.
“I don’t know you…” He said, pointing at the new spirit. “You were not there during the war against my brothers and myself.”
“I…” Alexander started before Bahamut unleashed a bellow that had everyone but the white haired young man fall to the floor, quivering in terror. In response he raised his barrier again to defend against kick that splintered his protection, causing him to float back and fire off a beam of white energy at Cloud. Almost contemptuously he batted it aside to explode against a far wall. Sucking in a breath he fired off a gout of flame that washed over the weakened barrier, shattering it. Eyes narrowing, Alex clapped his hands together and six beams, twice the size of the original tracked towards the his attacker. Cloud dodged the first three, swatted aside two more, but the last slammed into his side sending him flying out of the building. “Sister…control your host. We are leaving!”
“What? NO! I’m not done with her yet!” Scarlet screamed, grappling still with her prime adversary. Filthy and sweatstained thuogh they were, as soon as the effect of the roar had worn off the women had homed in on one another, crawling together to resume their fight. Tifa at the same time was clearly disinclined to let the blonde escape, but found herself slipping and sliding as a patch of ice formed under her body. Scarlet looked as if she was being torn in two when Alexander glared in their direction and, taking advantage of her host’s exhaustion, Shiva wrenched control. “Yes, brother.”
Barbara followed the two hastily as they made their exit through a broken wall which Shiva quickly blocked with ice to prevent being followed. “You think we’ll just let you go!” Elena shouted. “Come on, we can still catch them.”
“Stop!” It wasn’t shouted, but the voice held a tone of command that had the headstrong blonde halt in her tracks. Reappearing Cloud’s claws clicked on the floor a he walked across to Tifa, his body gradually shifting back to his fully human form. Gently cupping her face he studied the various bruises, jaw clenching at her state. “If we chase them, he might fight back seriously. I’d have to give Bahamut full control if that happened and I’m not sure the Saucer could handle that kind of strain right now. And…we might attract IT’S attention as well.”
That caused a universal flinch. Nobody wanted Ruby’s attention. Tifa however had another concern. “Cloud…you’re….”
“Hmm…oh yeah.” Cloud touched at his stomach that was a nasty shade of purple. “Good thing only one hit me. Those things hurt.”
“No…I mean yes…I mean…” Tifa floundered, her exhausted face a deep red under the dust and dirt.
“What!” Cloud demanded rising to his feet. For the first time he realized that a pink faced Cissnei and Elena were studiously looking away from him, Rude was slipping off his jacket while Reno looked at the floor, and Josyln was staring at him with a kind of hunger while Yuffie was doing her best not to imitate. “What?”
“Cloud…buddy…some pants.” Reno groaned. Why was it always the clueless ones? He looked at his partner and friend. “Sorry man…don’t think you even had a chance.”
Alexander’s departure seemed to be the signal for the rest of the attacking forces that quickly retreated in good order back to the Airships that had seized the Airport. Though it left many of his defense forces enraged Dio had no choice but to let them go. His city had already been gutted by the fighting and he couldn’t risk what else they might do to discourage pursuit.
Staring out over the burning panorama of his ruined home Dio’s fist curled up, fighting down a rage he hadn’t felt in decades. He’d intended to stay out of any conflict. Hell he’d have been willing to entertain negotiations for the woman’s release…but this wasn’t about that. This was about sending a message. They wanted him to know that they were still the ones in control. Well if that’s how they wanted to play it. “Challenge accepted…” he whispered striding over to his desk and pressing a bell that summoned Albert.
“When you dispatch the meeting call to Wutai, include a personal invitation to be sent to Lord Godo.” He grunted. “I think it’s time we came out of retirement.”
<Two days later>
Cloud woke up, immediately alert but confused. The confusion was from the missing, pleasant weight on his arm and the coolness on the sheets indicating she’d be gone for some time. Slipping off the bed he pushed open doors to the balcony, head moving left and right before heading back inside. Pulling on a pair of boxers and a shirt he exited their room.
For two days they’d been busy searching for survivors, counting the dead and salvaging what supplies they could. Two days they’d helped a frantic Reno search for Viola before hearing how she’d been seen carried, unconscious, from the house by a trio of women. Now the normally unflappable Turk was being kept restrained by his comrades until Rufus and Tseng arrived. That would be an uncomfortable conversation that Cloud was glad he was not a part of.
With their own work schedules Cloud hardly had time to interact, much less talk with any of the others, outside of calls on his PHS directing him or one of them to another crisis. Finally, however, with the arrival of the first Airship from Edge they could finally take a break. Arriving back at the mansion Tifa ran into Cloud coming out of the nursery. ” Tifa…” he started until she shook her head. Without a word, she grabbed his hands, pulling him into their room. Neither said anything as they stripped before making their way to the bed, eventually.
The first few rounds were loud and urgent, needing to take the edge off of what had been building. Before long though they slowed to a more relaxed pace, muffling pleasured cries and exclamations into mouths and skin. When it was over he barely had the energy to pull the covers over their sweating bodies, Tifa’s breathing light in his ears.
He’d barely begun maneuvering himself quietly through the corridor when he paused at Joslyn’s room, suddenly alert. Squeals and cries made their way through the thick door and a rhythmic thumping sound. Cautiously he opened the door enough to peek and for a few seconds could see nothing until Yuffie staggered into his field of view, bare from the waist up. Josy soon followed jumping body to body against Yuffie the turgid flesh of their breasts squashing together firmly before she rebounded off the kunoichi. Both were lightly sweating, but still going strong.
“Told you It’d be different this time.” Yuffie panted, smiling widely. “Now c’mon. I don’t want any excuse when I tell ’em I flattened those balloons of yours.”
“Hah, as if,” Jo gasped back, grinning. “We both know why your doing this, but I only get him for seven days. You’re gonna have to work if you want me to give up one of them.”
Cloud stifled a groan as Yuffie leapt at the taller brunette, the two moving out of his view and then back again. Quickly, but quietly, he closed the door moving out of range of their grunts and taunts. At least Jo seemed okay he decided, relieved that Yuffie had found a way to distract the girl, then he remembered why he was out here and headed towards the nursery. He found the lithe brunette leaning over the playpen, gently stroking the sleeping children. Even though he already knew what was underneath he felt himself getting excited as the moonlight shone through the thin shift, putting her body on display. “Tifa,” he whispered, coming up behind her and wrapping arms around her waist.
“Cloud,” she murmured back, sighing when he kissed her ear. “Not in here, let’s go outside.”
Through the door and onto the balcony they could overlook the ruined town which immediately killed Cloud’s mood. “How’s Siren?”
“Sleeping, finally.” Tifa sighed, resting her body against Cloud’s. “I have been pushing her more than normal over the last couple of days. Same for you I’m guessing?”
“He’s been laying low since we drove them off,” Cloud shrugged. “It’s different though…I think Alexander’s attack hurt him more than he’s letting on.”
The couple lapsed back into a comfortable silence before Cloud gave a cough. “Tifa…we haven’t had much of a chance to talk, but I need to know…”
“She found us,” his wife replied firmly. “Scarlet used Alexander to lure us to the building. She…they wanted me for some reason. I remember Alexander saying they didn’t want me damaged.”
“Damaged,” Cloud’s hackles rose at the word. As if his wife was some kind of produce you picked from a stall. “I don’t suppose me asking nicely would get you to sit this out?”
“What do you think?” Tifa’s voice contained a warning and the look she shot him was frigid enough that he physically flinched, sighing in irritation. “I’ve stayed out of your hunts up until now, but Scarlet’s my problem to deal with. I had plenty of opportunity to end her, but always held back. All this…” She gestured out over Gold Saucer. “Is my fault for not taking care of her when I had the chance.”
“Don’t even go there,” Cloud warned, grabbing at her shoulders. “Tifa you…”
What he was going to say was interrupted when she kissed him deeply. Surprised, his grip on her slackened and, with a final peck, she threw herself backwards over the edge. Swearing in fright he leapt off after her, wings bursting from his back, catching Tifa halfway to the ground. Clutching tightly at the woman in his arms, Cloud circled back around to land on their bedroom’s balcony. “What the hell were you thinking,” he hissed. “Do you know how…”
“This is why I can afford to take risks,” she interrupted him, nuzzling at his neck. “You’re always there to catch me when I get in over my head.”
“Only cause you do the same,” Cloud muttered, trying to stay angry despite the wet kisses she left along his neck. “Okay…I won’t try to convince you not to go after her. But please…don’t sink to her…our level unless you really have to. Once you take that step, there’s no going back.”
A loud thumping caused him to duck back into their room. Resting Tifa on her feet he peeked around the door in time to spot Yuffie teetering out Joslyn’s room, followed soon after by the wobbling brunette. She grabbed at the staggering kunoichi who dodged out of the way of her arms. “Whassametter Fie,” She taunted the smaller girl. “C’mere. Lemme give you a hug!”
Both set of breasts were bright red and drooping heavily, a testament to the effort both put out. Panting, Yuffie darted back in swinging her left breast at a lower angle to crash against Jo’s, sending the loose globe bouncing. Both girls then swung their right, tits colliding with a wet SMACK. Yuffie whimpered while Joslyn groaned as their breasts molded together from the force of the blow.
“Jo’s off tonight,” Tifa whispered, biting her lip, eyes fixated on the younger women as they danced around their small arena, ducking back into the room briefly before returning back to the balcony, arms locked at the elbows, slamming all four breasts together. She interposed herself between Cloud and the fighting girls, her fingers curling around his slowly swelling groin.
“Wha…what do you mean?” Cloud swallowed, his fingers delicately tweaking at his wife’s nipples under the thin fabric. He didn’t get to witness the fights as often as he’d like and he’d never seen Yuffie fight before, wincing at a particularly loud CLAP when their boobs smashed together, knocking them apart.
“She’s playing Yuffie’s game, she could’ve grabbed her at least three times that I’ve counted so far.” Tifa moaned lightly then went quiet for a moment as Yuffie dropped to her knees, but quickly got back up and surprised her friend with a quick uppercut. “And she hasn’t tried to pull you off anywhere has she?”
“Uh…now that you mention it, no. No, she hasn’t.” While Jo, technically, adhered to their rules she did take a kind of perverse delight in bending them if given the chance. While not sex, she did occasionally ambush him with the occasional handjob or blowjob. One time she snuck up on him in the shower and had him blowing his load with one hell of a titfuck. “But then again this is the first night we’re all back at the same time.”
“Don’t sound so disappointed,” Tifa gave him a look, to which he rolled his eyes. Now that she’d pointed it out Cloud too spotted the moments where Josy seemed to hesitate. Beating their chests together in close Joslyn retreated while Yuffie aggressed and her hands began to move, then paused at the smaller girl’s hips. “She might have a problem on her hands, because I think Yuffie’s catching on.”
Again, Cloud couldn’t see what Tifa could. All he could see were the two friends slamming their boobs together while glowing from the moonlight in a most pleasant manner from the light sheen of sweat covering them. Both staggered the other, but neither seemed able to conclusively finish the other off. Yuffie pushed forward grabbing at Joslyn’s shoulders, pumping her sweating orbs at the brunette who thrust back hard, both yelping at the contact. Spinning around once, Yuffie, still aggressor, wrapped her arms around Jo’s body under her arms. In response Joslyn threw her arms around the kunoichi’s shoulders, their breasts bulging outwards as they crushed themselves together.
“Got’cha now,” the taller brunette gasped out. “Tits’re tougher than I remember, but still no match for mine!”
Yuffie didn’t respond, other than to grunt and tighten her arms causing her friend’s teeth to grit and head to drop until they were eye to eye, forehead to forehead. Teeth bared and breasts ground together, the orbs rippling in ways that helped Tifa’s talented fingers in coaxing Cloud’s staff back to life. Gradually the women dropped into a squat, and then to their knees, rocking back and forth before Yuffie finally took action. Rearing her head back she butted Josyln hard, causing both to cry out, and Josy to lose her grip. As she began to regain her balance, the smaller girl’s palm cracked across her cheek sending her to the wooden flooring.
“What the fuck was that!?” Joslyn demanded angrily, rubbing at her cheek and staring up at Yuffie. “You want me to kick your ass for real?”
“Would be a change,” Yuffie snarled back, getting to her feet. “You’ve been just going through the motions.”
“You saying I was throwing the fight?” Jo asked, her voice dangerously quiet as she rose off the floor to stand over the other woman. It was a tone Cloud had never heard from the stacked brunette.
“What do you think?” Yuffie hissed back, her own voice dangerously low, the insult laid bare. And there was only one way someone like Jo could react to it.
Tifa’s sister threw herself at Yuffie, the two a frozen tableau of straining feminine fury before arms went around heads and the two bent over in a double headlock, punching and slapping wildly.
“Not again,” Tifa darted out from behind her hiding spot jumping the distance between the terraces, Cloud following close behind. “Stop this, you two. Now!!”
Grabbing at shoulders she tried to separate the younger women, but neither was impressed. “STAY AWAY/STAY OUT OF IT!” Both shouted, shoving at her with a free hand, before returning their attention to one another. She bounced up against Cloud, who turned an severe eye on the girls before Tifa held him back.
“No,” she said around the fierce grunts, as Yuffie tripped Jo, and the girls tumbled the ground rolling back and forth in a fight that looked as if their friendship was at an end. “Let them have it out.”
For five long minutes the couple waited, watching as the girls fought bitterly, and without restraint. Yanking at hair Joslyn made her feet first, dragging a fighting Yuffie up after her, punching furiously at her stomach and breasts. The kunoichi shouted and retaliated with blows of her own to the taller girl’s face, a hard right knocking them apart. Not yet content with the damage she’d inflicted, Yuffie charged back in, hand again going for Jo’s long brown hair, while the other girl slashed at her face. Screeching from the fiery pain, Yuffie scratched back clawing at the pretty, furious face in front of her.
Gasping in torment Joslyn shoved herself forward, using her height and weight advantage, forcing Yuffie onto her back. Her head cracking painfully against the planks the kunoichi lashed out, fist smashing over Joslyn’s right eye causing her to slip off of the smaller woman. Side by side they lay exhausted, bodies heaving. “Hah…hah…just you wait…” Joslyn gasped. “Soon as I…I get up I’m gonna…shove my foot so far up…your ass…ugh, dammit that hurts!”
“You…you wish,” Yuffie groaned in response, trying to raise herself off her back. Failing that she twisted onto her side, grabbing at the other girl. “By the time…time I’m done with…with you…ohh….ouch.”
“You two finally done?” Slapping ineffectually at one another both registered surprise at Tifa’s appearance before first Yuffie, then Josy’s face lit up and then reddened in embarrassment. “That was quite pathetic, just so you know. Cloud!”
“Hup!” Bending down the blonde casually picked up the two women, heaving them over his shoulders. Once inside he dropped the pair onto the soft bed, while Tifa closed the doors behind them. His part done Cloud took up station in a corner of the room, looking on with interest.
“Now, what’s wrong Josy?” Tifa asked, looming over her sister.
“Me!? Why aren’t you asking Fie?” Joslyn demanded. “She started it!”
“Like hell I did.” Yuffie snapped. “You weren’t taking our match seriously, you…”
“Not yet Yuffie. You had your chance.” Tifa held up a finger, then turning back to her sister. “You’ve been acting out of sorts ever since the attack. I thought you were just busy…but tonight, I can see that’s not the case. You should’ve been having fun.”
“I’m…I’m fine,” she replied looking away. Unfortunately she looked over in Cloud’s direction, sucking in a breath at his disapproving stare. While she might be willing to risk lying to her sister, Cloud was another story. Her lips trembled and then she broke down into loud sobs that shocked all in the room. “It’s my fault…all my fault!”
Tifa said nothing but held the younger woman as she cried loudly. Cloud and Yuffie merely stared awkwardly as her body heaved. Slowly, the cries became light hiccupping sniffles and Joslyn peeked out from between Tifa’s tits, embarrassed at her breakdown. “Feeling better?” The older brunette asked. At the slight nod she continued. “Now what’s your fault?”
“They…the girls at the club. I told them that you were coming. And that I’d try and convince you to have a match with me.” She snuffled, sitting back and wiping at her face. “Hinata…she tried to hide it, but I got her to spill. So many…because I can’t control myself…I…”
Burying her face back in Tifa’s cleavage, a fresh wave of tears burst forth and now Yuffie, joined the brunette in hugging the distraught girl. “If there was ever any doubt… You really are Tifa’s sister.”
“What…what do you mean?” Josyln’s head came up at Cloud’s words, eyes red. He stood at the end of the bed arms folded.
“Both of you like to blame yourselves for everything.” He nodded at her sister. “This one here was just telling me how everything that happened here was her fault because she didn’t kill Scarlet all the times she had a chance.”
“TIFA!!” Both younger women turned angry eyes on the elder.
“Well I’m not wrong, am I!” She said stubbornly. “If I had just tossed that blonde bitch off the cannon to start with so many of our problems would’ve never materialized.”
“Forget Josy, maybe it’s your ass I should be kicking.” Yuffie stated angrily. “Don’t ever let me hear you talking such rubbish again.”
“What Yuffie said,” Josy agreed, grabbing at her sister’s shoulders. “I still remember promising you beatdown after I flattened you that first time if you ever said something like that.”
“And I remember telling YOU it’s none of your business,” Tifa snapped back, glaring at Joslyn before turning her gaze on Yuffie. “And YOU don’t get to talk. That time in the tower you were more than willing to do it if I didn’t stop you. Dammit, just look at what they did…all just to get that cunt out of prison. If I had just…”
“You keep talking like that and I’ll…”
“You’ll have to wait your turn, she’s my sister I get first…”
“And just like that…things’re back to normal.” Cloud quipped, startling all three women. Walking over to a seat he sat down. “Just let me get comfortable before the entertainment starts. This gonna be a free for all or a two on one?”
All three women looked at one another. Yuffie started giggling first, then Tifa and Joslyn joining in. “I dunno, Josy was letting herself get pummeled so she’s probably all squishy and soft right now.” Tifa replied around a laugh.
“Soft eh, I’ll show you…hmmm?” Her sister started before quieting down as Yuffie started muttering something. Cloud sat up interested as Tifa leaned in close, all three looking awfully serious. Then they turned their eyes on him.
“Girls…I don’t think I was on the itinerary,” Cloud warned, starting to rise before feeling a blast of wind pushing him deep into the chair. “Tifa…not funny.”
“Well now that you’re comfortable the entertainment can begin.” His wife replied, smirking. In a single motion she disrobed while the other two quickly stripped off their underwear. Faced with three naked women Cloud couldn’t stop his all too natural reaction as his dick returned quickly to attention. “You never asked if it’d be girl on girl.”
“And now we get to answer a question of our own.” Yuffie started, grabbing at his shirt and yanking it over his head.
“You can handle two of us at once,” Josy continued kneeling and grabbing at his boxers, peeling it off of him, smiling wickedly at his squirming as his dick popped free.
“But how about all three?” Tifa finished sinking down opposite her sister, their eyes meeting over his crown. Simultaneously mouths opened and long pink tongues lightly flicked. Cloud’s shout was swallowed by Yuffie, kissing him deeply while guiding his hands to her red and still tender breasts.
Suddenly the pressure holding him down, and teasing pleasure around his groin, was gone. Lurching up off the seat he found Tifa and Joslyn lounging on the bed, waving their hands in a come hither motion, and felt Yuffie tugging at his arms, pulling him onward. Unbidden, a small grin curled his lips as he let himself be guided to the bed.
Dio would have time with his grandkids. And for a day at the least, they could empty their minds of what was to come. He doubted there would be much thinking until they left this room. For now, he savored Yuffie’s surprised face when he twisted her around and shoved her onto the bed, and then the sharp yelp as he slipped inside of her, fully lodged. Facedown on the bed Yuffie’s fingers curled the sheets, whimpering at the full feeling before beginning to move. Tifa leaned forward, murmuring words of encouragement to the Wutai girl, while Joslyn rose and embraced Cloud, their tongues dueling and his free hand holding her close.
<Somewhere in the Northern Wastes>
Flat on her back Scarlet did her best to keep her impatience in check as she was poked and prodded at by a quietly muttering older man in a labcoat. Only the second of, what he promised, would be a battery of examinations as per their arrangement. Then he was peering down at her and she blinked as a bright light was shone in her eye, turning away slightly.
“Hold still,” he muttered, holding her head in surprisingly strong grip. “Considering your condition when you arrived you should be accustomed to pain.”
“I prefer to be the one inflicting it, rather than receiving,” she snapped back, clenching her fists as the light once again filled her vision.
“Hah, so you’re one of those eh,” He laughed shortly. From a small vial he applied a drop into each eye, shifting the light from one to the other. “Ah yes…there it is. Interesting, interesting…”
Just as Scarlet was prepared to end this torture herself the light disappeared. Blinking rapidly everything was a blur and sitting up, she could barely make out the man as he strolled away and then back. “This will help the both of you,” he said wiping at her arm, the blonde flinching at the needle prick.
“What was that?”
“My name, and I expect you to use it,” Schroeder replaced the needle, coming back with another that he jabbed into a similar spot, withdrawing blood. “And in answer to your question, it’s a potent cocktail the Chairman dispenses for our use on people with your unique…condition. Only he knows the secret to it’s preparation.”
“You mean there’re others linked to Summoning materia?” Scarlet looked on with interest as the bright liquid filled the syringe.
“Summons…an interesting if inelegant term. But yes.” He replied, gesturing her up from the table. “We have several in our employ. You’ve met Alexander, good boy that one, and you’ll meet the rest in time I suppose.”
“Couldn’t care less,” Scarlet replied coldly. “Are you done? I have my own work to advance.”
“Our arrangement, yes.” Schroeder nodded approvingly. “So long as you provide us with a working formula you may use our pods to your heart’s content. Though I hear you have already begun.”
Scarlet ignored his words, strutting out the infirmary. Upon exiting she proceeded down a serious of mazelike corridors with an easy familiarity. And why wouldn’t she, since this was base was hers to begin with. It’s location and facilities was what led to the group contacting her. She smiled, passing her robotics department. Her security was such that they risked destroying the base if they attempted to take it by force. At a large door she punched in a personal code after which planting her palm on a scanner the doors slid open.
Inside she walked over to a pair of tubes. Inside of one Viola floated, in a chemically induced coma. Scarlet stared fascinated at the steady progress in the regrowth of her leg. With luck she’d be able to figure out the formula for her own personal use, but for now she needed her new partners. The other tube was empty. but Scarlet caressed it with easy familiarity. Soon…but first…
She focused her attention on her refilled chemical cabinets. She had an agreement to fulfill. While in prison she’d focused her mind on working out ways to perfect her formula. It was a mental exercise to help keep her sane otherwise the other thoughts would’ve broken her. Scarlet smiled. Soon she’d have everything she wanted, everything she was owed.
Schroeder hummed to himself placing Scarlet’s blood sample into a centrifuge. He touched his head with wince, then pushed up and walked over to a communication screen. “Sir, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you yet.”
“I felt the need to check up on our guest. How is she settling in?”
“Well she has a fair portion of the base personnel intimidated and an equal number enamored.” He replied, an amused expression on his face. “I imagine it is hard for one of her temperament to accept a subordinate role.”
“And your tests?”
“Pushing towards positive sir. Hojo did an impressive job on her. It’s a pity he was completely insane or we could’ve used him.” Schroeder remarked. “This would explain her sudden compatibility with Shiva and ability to go toe to toe with the Lockhart girl. It is unfortunate we were unable to reclaim her.
“More unfortunate, however, is that I would’ve preferred to have Shiva with a more agreeable host. And do not worry. As long as we have Scarlet, Tifa will come to us. What is the status of the latest batch?”
“With the technology we’ve adapted for our own use the success rate has jumped fifteen percent. We should have two more bodies ready within the week, assuming no unforeseen imperfections.”
“Good, leave her be for now. I expect Dio and Godo to be discussing our attack by now. If they react in the expected manner we’ll need to be ready.”
“We will be more than prepared, sir, with the others joining us within the week.” Schroeder smiled. “I imagine the young Cloud will be at a loss when he realizes just how little he’s accomplished.”
“Speaking of that one, bring me Alexander. I would like to hear his take on our little problem’s partner.”
To Be Continued in Part 2. Click Here to Go There!
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