Gold Saucer
Tifa stood alone on the balcony of the room she and Cloud had shared. Off in the distance she could see the three Airships from Rocket Town, the workers underneath looking like ants as they moved to and fro loading up materials they would need.
Down below she noticed Eight coming out onto the porch followed by the short, squat and muscular man she knew as Yangus. A quiet rattling alerted her to another door opening and, to her left on the balcony directly overlooking the entrance, Jessica stepped out. As if sensing her stare Eight looked up at her. The messy haired redhead raised a hesitant hand in a wave, to which he seemed to half respond to before swiftly jogging away, followed by Yangus who glanced up at her in confusion. Turning to return inside the two women locked eyes. Tifa could see the misery on open display behind the glistening orbs before the girl disappeared from view.
She sighed. Things would be rough between the two of them for a while. At least he didn’t seem to be letting it affect their work.
“North?” Barret demanded. “Are you sure?”
“Beyond the obvious…yes.” Tseng replied matter of factly. On the desk in front of them lay a mass of clothes and gear suited for the lands around and beyond Icicle Village. “They all claim, quite insistently I might add, that they had no idea where they were going to be taken. But this clothing is the one thing consistent with all of them.”
“Okay…so we have a rough location.” Godo began. “But that area is still huge. It would take months to…”
“No it wouldn’t.” Rufus interrupted, his face holding an unreadable expression. “There are only two places they could realistically be. The old Cetra city that Kadaj’s group claimed for their own, too open as well as too obvious. Or an old research facility that she was in charge of.
The bald headed Turk moved around the table, handing out a small stack of papers. Everyone was already studying it with interest by the time he reached Tifa, the brunette pretending not to see the sympathy behind the dark shades.
“Location 2401?”
“A laboratory Hojo used when he first captured Ifalna and Aerith.” Rufus explained. “He wanted to keep them for himself, but after the Turks discovered his betrayal Scarlet led the team to reclaim them. It was that mission that first showcased her capabilities. Her first act after being promoted was to seize the location for her own use.”
“And you’re only telling us this now…WHY!?” Joslyn demanded angrily.
“Because it’s Shinra business,” Rufus replied calmly. “We have numerous abandoned facilities around the planet. But now we have an almost guaranteed location. So do you want to bitch…or go and rescue my brother?”
“We’re coming Cloud,” Tifa whispered, rubbing her belly absently. “Please be safe.”
“If he isn’t, we make them pay.” Tifa whirled, surprised. Standing near the bed were Joslyn and Yuffie. She gave them a strained smile, striding over to pull the two of them into a hug. Her sister gave her a wry grin when they pulled apart. “Yuffie filled me in on what happened. Bit disappointed I wasn’t there to see the showdown, though I suppose I was kind of lucky as well.”
“Dunno, you might’ve enjoyed yourself as well,” Tifa teased, glancing over at the red-faced kunoichi. She was sure there was something the two younger women weren’t telling her, but didn’t let it bother her.
“Yeah, poor thing was almost in tears while telling me,” Josy planted an affectionate kiss on Yuffie’s cheek, ignoring the outraged expression on the smaller woman’s face. “But considering the circumstances, I can let it slide. Though, I have to say, it’s not often I can honestly say I feel bad for Jessica.”
“Says the one ready to march out and give Eight a pounding,” Yuffie retorted. Her expression saddened after ignoring her friend’s sputtering denials. “I think he understands that we couldn’t control ourselves but…”
“She’ll be sleeping alone for the near future,” Joslyn finished. “If anyone should understand how it feels to think you’ve been betrayed, it’s you Fie.”
Yuffie muttered to herself, then looked up at Tifa. “How’s Siren doing in all this?”
“I…don’t know.” Tifa replied honestly. “She’s been acting weird ever since that night. More…restrained.”
“That’s not like her. Is what Leviathan’s saying.” Yuffie put out, clearly trying to focus her mind elsewhere. “Maybe she’s conserving energy for when we get there.”
“I was waiting for the five of us to be here…alone.” Tifa suddenly spoke, her voice in Siren’s singsong tone. “We have a matter to discuss.”
Cloud awoke sharply, a cool weight on his chest and a soft cooing noise in his ear. Shiva. She’d somehow snuck into his bed without waking him. He gently lifted her off of him. After what she’d done to him as a prisoner it was hard to accept how affectionate, almost kittenish she was around him now. Swinging off the bed, he pulled on pants and a tank top they’d provided him with and stepped out into the corridor, almost bouncing into Viola.
The redhead shot him a stricken look, anguish and guilt radiating from her, before bowing her head and striding off. He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Sorry for ruining your plan Vi.” He thought to himself. “But it was never going to work, regardless.”
In Schroeder’s office he submitted to the examination, lying on the table as the doctor poked and prodded. “Tell me…” he started conversationally. “How did you get your hands on the Soldier process?”
“It wasn’t hard,” he replied just as casually. “All Hojo cared about was his research, not note keeping. It’s quite possible he just thought no one else would’ve been smart enough to figure it out. Coupled with how deep the data was buried after the war and desertion, a lot of it survived.”
“And now you have your own personal corps.” Cloud noted, opening his mouth as Schroeder poked around with a depressor. “Though I have to say, their performance earlier wasn’t very impressive.”
“Those were merely trainees…I believe Shinra referred to them as 3rd Class?” The doctor smiled at Cloud’s surprised expression. “Confused as to why I’m telling you this? It’s not exactly a secret. You’ve just been too busy to actually notice.”
Once he was done Cloud stepped back out into the corridor, rubbing his jaw thoughtfully. Soldiers, technology and Espers. Based on what he’s seen even one aspect of the group’s resources would’ve been enough to allow them to take on one, possibly all three of the current powers. Yet they didn’t.
Scarlet’s lab, usually a relaxed atmosphere, was now a busy hive of madness.
At least that’s what the outsider would see. The five women had been under Scarlet for years and knew her moods and her whims. They also knew how to move quick when she gave them orders.
“Carol, take the latest products to the old fart,” Scarlet barked, using the name they had for Schroeder. Their inability to get a reaction from the old doctor had soured all of them to the man. The blonde pointed at Nina. “Flush out the pod, get it ready for next batch.”
“So this is really happening?” Viola murmured, at her position near Scarlet’s shoulder.
“Seems that way,” The woman looked up at her shrewdly, expression softening. “Red…if you really want, I could arrange for you to go back. Once we leave here, so long as you don’t know where we’ve gone I don’t think they’d care if you disappeared.”
“Back to what?” Viola laughed bitterly, short of hysterical. “If Reno didn’t already hate me, after seeing what’s happened to Cloud they might forego sticking me in prison and just toss me off an airship.”
“I’m sorry Vi,” Scarlet whispered, surprising herself in the fact that she actually meant it. “I shouldn’t have dragged you into this. I just wanted to make THAT right…”
They both glanced down at her regrown leg, the original limb lost when Diamond attacked the Shinra Tower. “What’s done is done,” Viola replied, patting her friend’s shoulder. “I made my bed…guess I have to sleep in it.”
Scarlet watched Viola as she weaved her way out the room. The blonde beauty sighed, rubbing her eyes, before going back to work. There was much to prepare. If she was going to bring Tifa to heel she’d need to make sure she had the time to do so.
“CAREFUL WITH THOSE!!” Cid bellowed, marching up to the worker with the dropped crate and pointed at the grenade insignia. “That too literal for you? This thing goes off there won’t be a need to dig you a grave…or anyone within about fifty yards.”
The unfortunate dock worker blanched and hesitated for a second before picking back up the box…carefully. The crotchety old pilot grumbled, marching off the pad. Barrett was waiting for him near the port’s exit. “How much longer?”
“The Shera should be ready by next morning,” Cid replied tersely. “We’ll still need to wait another day for the last of the reinforcements from Wutai.”
“Tifa’s not going to like that.” Barret warned. “Hell…she’s not going to be the only one.”
“Hmph,” Cid snorted. “Always thought of the kid as some kind of cold fish. Who knew he’d turn out to be such a randy bugger.”
“Making up for lost time, I guess.” Barret remarked. “And he’s not the only one. Shinra as a whole might be on people’s shit list, but Soldiers still get a lot of preferential treatment. I guess the fame and glitter never really faded.”
Walking together the old partners talked in muted tones to hide their concern. The memory kept bouncing around in their heads about the last couple of times Cloud went missing. It took a miracle on both occasions for things to turn out well, could they be so lucky a third time? At Dio’s mansion they ran into a couple of old friends.
“Barret…Cid…” The undead former Turk nodded at the two men. “I got here as soon as I could.”
“Vincent,” Barret clasped his friend’s shoulder. Then turned a confused look the little girl beside him. “What…why’re you…?”
“I came to help too,” Shelke announced. She glared at the uncomfortable look the Barret and Cid shared. “I’m not a kid, remember? And I’m still technically a verified Soldier.”
Cid merely gave a grunt and wandered past the two newcomers, grumbling unintelligibly. “He’s just worried about Cloud,” Barret assured the young woman.
“We all are,” Shelke retorted. A young woman trapped in the body of a child, she’d been part of Deepground until developing some sort of bond with Vincent. No one was entirely sure what was between them, but none thought to ask. “He’s good to me and Denzel.”
“Yeah…either way you showed up in good time.” Barret grumbled. “We’ll see about getting you two some rooms. From tomorrow things’re gonna pick up.”
Scarlet raised an eyebrow. She’d taken time to grab something to eat and was heading back to her laboratory before stumbling to a stop. It wasn’t often that she was taken by surprise, but the sight of a sweaty and out of breath Viola exiting Cloud’s room made her pause and stare. The redhead seemed to falter under the look, her face red and ashamed.
“I’ll never judge you, darling,” Scarlet said, stroking her friend’s face as they crossed paths. She brought her lips close the woman’s ear. “But Shiva’s not going to be happy if you wear him out before she gets her ride.”
Viola made no answer, but hurried on past. Frowning now, Scarlet stopped in front of Cloud’s door. Without a knock it hissed open and she stepped inside. She forgot herself for a moment, just staring at the fellow blonde’s naked physique, pouting at the fact he’d already pulled on a pair of boxers. “Well?” He asked.
“I’m just surprised,” she remarked, coming closer and running a hand across his chest. “You’re taking to your new role with surprising aplomb.”
“If this is all women want me for, then I’m damn well going to at least choose my partners.” Cloud retorted. Then he looked her up and down with an open stare that made her unconsciously thrust out her chest and tilt her head seductively. It was almost the exact same look Rufus gave before kicking everyone else out of his office or taking her to his room. “So is this what you really used to look like, or are you having Shiva embellish somewhat?”
“One…hundred…percent…real!” Scarlet spoke slowly, eyes flashing at the insinuation. Moving slowly, sensuously, she peeled of the top of her skinsuit outfit. Cloud rose off the bed, eyes glued to the jiggling mounds, and she pressed in close, wrapping her arms around his neck. “This is what I would’ve kept looking like if I all I did was open my legs to the higher ups. Every wrinkle was a badge of honor to the fact I DIDN’T sink to that level.”
“Is that how you ended up banging the Vice President?”
“Rufus recognized my talents.” Scarlet snapped, the constant call backs to her former lover was like picking the scab of a half healed wound. Grabbing Cloud’s head she pulled him into a rough kiss, biting at lips and tongue. He responded in kind, both tasting blood. “Being the best fuck in Midgar was just an added bonus.”
“Second best,” Cloud corrected her, smirking at the dark cast on her face. She knew there was only one woman he could be talking about. “Maybe third.”
“Bastard, I’m better than her in every possible way.” She growled, shoving him back onto the bed and yanking off the boxers, before wriggling out of her tights. “And I’ll prove it before they even get here!”
His contemptuous smile drove her wild. Pouncing on Cloud she clawed at his chest and face as he effortlessly shoved the blonde over and onto her back.
Outside Shiva gasped, trembling at the sensations coming from Scarlet. And smiled as her excited rage changed to shock and then mindless lust. Spreading her arms, she floated high above the ground, drinking in the feelings of her former home. The cold only amplified her powers, her strength. Summoning her clones, they flitted and danced through the air in joyous freedom.
She was out of practice…but would be ready when the time came.
Tifa woke up, instantly alert. A look outside had her seeing only pitch blackness. Slowly she wormed her way free of the other two women on either side of her. Yuffie and her sister.
They were sleeping in Jo’s room, the closest to the nursery. Looking at the two now Tifa felt the affection she always did when they were together. When it didn’t involve… She grimaced at the thought. She loved her sister and, in a way, Yuffie as well. But when it came to Cloud she never got over that insecure jealousy from back with…Aerith.
It had taken her more than a decade to build up the courage to tell Cloud how she felt. Joslyn did it in a couple of months, if that long. Yuffie, she thought hadn’t said anything yet, but what lay between the two she could feel…the kunoichi was one that truly scared the brunette. And…
Abruptly she sat up. There was a pressure in her chest and she now knew why she’d woken so abruptly. She pulled on a gown and stepped quietly into the corridor. “I know you’re out here,” she hissed into the darkness. There was no response, but the door to her and Cloud’s room swung open slowly. Lips curling in outrage, Tifa strode purposefully past the door and closed in firmly. “You got something to say, then say it.”
“You’re going to give up Cloud.” Tifa didn’t flinch as Mikoto appeared right in front of her. The dark eyed Wutai woman wore a see-through lingerie mini that was clearly intended for more than just sleeping. The younger brunette gave her a quick look over before snorting. “I mean it Lockhart. You don’t deserve a man like him. Not with how you treat him.”
“That’s not for you to decide,” Tifa growled, clenching her fists. M did the same. “And how do I…TREAT…him?”
“Passing him around like he’s the popular toy in a nursery and you’re the one in charge of who gets him for the night.” M snarled. “He needs someone that will love him, and not in love with the fact that others WANT him.”
The blow came so fast that Mikoto, despite her training never saw it. One minute she was nose to nose with Lockhart, the next was on the bed, wincing as she touched her face. Tifa pulled the gown over her head, standing in just a pair of cow print underwear. “NO ONE…loves Cloud more than I do.” The furious woman said. “The only reason that blonde bitch is even still alive is because he begged me not to cross that line.”
“And that’s where you’re wrong,” Mikoto leapt off the bed, fists lashing out. Tifa blocked, two, then four, countered with a punch to the older woman’s stomach, before getting clubbed to the floor. A harsh kick sent her rolling against the wall and then Mikoto was on her again, kicking furiously. “If you really loved him, you’d have offed that cunt regardless, to share his burden. You didn’t stop because he asked you to. If that was the case you’d have no problem just ignoring her. You didn’t because you get off on fighting her!”
Focused on protecting her face, Tifa’s expression remained stony. A hand flashed out, grabbing an ankle, which unbalanced Mikoto, while the other punched upwards. Protection was not what her choice of clothing was intended for and M’s eyes crossed at the blow between her legs, barely managing to shuffle back out of range of the lighter haired brunette.
“You’re just like her, you know. You always know exactly what to say to get under my skin.” Tifa spat. She cracked her knuckles. “And we both know that if I did, for some reason, give him up you’re low down the totem pole of women he’d go for. Not like that’d matter to a bitch like you. So why don’t we just skip the theatrics and move onto why you really called me here!”
Mikoto merely smiled cruelly and charged the waiting Tifa.
“Wake up…”
Yuffie snorted and rolled over.
The kunoichi yelped, rolling into Joslyn who mumbled and pulled the smaller girl into a tight hug. “What was THAT?!”
“Tifa’s in trouble,” Leviathan pulsed. “And so is Mikoto.”
“Oh no!” Yuffie glanced around wildly, eyes getting used to the dark. “Not again!”
“Mmm…Cloud…yes…yes again…” Jo murmured, licking the side of Yuffie’s face.
“Dammit Jo,” Yuffie grunted, pushing the half asleep younger Lockhart away. “Get up, we have to stop them before they hurt one another.”
‘Ugh…never mind,” Yuffie rolled herself out of bed, ignoring the dazed look the other girl shot her. “Her and Cloud’s room.” Yuffie moved quickly, but quietly, not wanting to cause a scene, giving a muted yelp as she ducked to avoid a lamp that shattered against the wall. She couldn’t see them, but she could hear them. Muted snarls and curses coming from the balcony. Even before she moved, Mikoto staggered into the room, Tifa following close behind. Both older women ignored her, their focus entirely on each other.
Grabbing M by the throat Tifa shoved the taller woman against the wall, banging her head repeatedly against the solid wooden frame. Mikoto’s elbow cracked against the younger woman’s face, breaking her grip, then slamming a hard punch, and another against the face of her retreating rival who swung back with equal ferocity. Yuffie’s face blanched, flattening herself against the wall as the two shuffled past. This was almost as bad as their fight from before.
A savage counter punch from M spun Tifa around to land face first against the wall. Dazed, she was defenceless when a vengeful M pressed up against her, drilling repeated punches in her kidney. Tifa gritted her teeth, refusing to give voice to the agony that followed each grinding blow. Instead she stamped on Mikoto’s toes over and over until the masseuse gave a whining curse and pushed off. but not in time to dodge a swinging backhand that made her stumble, and finally slip to the ground.
“Bitch…” Tifa growled, then groaned, holding her back and dropping to her knees.
“Cow…” Mikoto spat back. Her lingerie now clung to her like a second skin that rippled enticingly with each hitching breath. Slowly the two got back to their feet. But once there any sense of tiredness left them and they attacked each other with the same ferocity as before.
“Fie…what’d I…WHOA!!” Joslyn started, rubbing tired eyes that sprang open that the sight of the fighting women. “Damn, looks like I was missing a good one.”
“Idiot,” Yuffie hissed, pulling her friend to the side. “You remember what happened last time. We need to break them up!”
“Yeah, and how do you propose to do that?” Jo retorted, as the fighting, cursing, pair staggered past. She gave the wall a light tap at her sister again flooring the despised Wutai cougar, who rolled with the knockdown and coming back to her feet quickly and smoothly. Tifa was already on the masseuse, crashing a fist across the woman’s cheek even as her head snapped back from an uppercut.
For several long minutes the two stood toe to toe slinging punches that thudded painfully across faces, breasts and stomachs. But Yuffie noticed something odd. “Hey…Fie…” Joslyn started hesitantly. “You noticing anything…weird?”
“They aren’t even trying to block…or even avoid.” The kunoichi muttered back. While both women were skilled enough to land blows on one another, they should also be able to avoid the worst of it. But neither was.
Stumbling apart Mikoto spat a wad of bloody spittle at her feet while Tifa rubbed away a smear near her mouth. Then the former Avalanche member dropped her fists. “This is pointless Mikoto,” she grunted in irritation. “You know how this will turn out. I have no reason to deny Siren’s healing, so anything you do to me will be gone in seconds.”
“Chickening out already Lockhart?” The former Trio lieutenant sneered. “Why don’t you let your sister take over. At least the brat is willing to fight for what she wants, and not just hand it around like holiday candy.”
“Just say the word, sis.” Joslyn stepped away from the wall, her expression lighting up in a kind of unholy joy. “I owe this cocksucker for squashing my tits. I figure a little reconstructive surgery on her face should even the score.”
“Anytime you’re ready slut,” Mikoto snapped. “I’ll be happy to show you just how little of the world you really know.”
“Stay back Josy,” Tifa commanded. Then turned back to M. “Us fighting here and now just worsens our odds in rescuing Cloud. And besides…even if you did manage to beat me what makes you think he’ll do anything different from the usual one night?”
Mikoto didn’t answer, but merely glowered at her young rival. In that moment Tifa understood. It wasn’t just Cloud. Mikoto wanted him, that much was sure, but she also wanted…no NEEDED…to face Tifa. And not in what the others would understand as an official capacity. She remembered the story she had eavesdropped on, while they were in Midgar, about what happened between her and her last rival.
“Out, both of you,” Tifa muttered, shooing her two friends out the room. But at the entrance she paused. “This is neither the place, nor the time. But when Cloud is back home and safe I’ll be in touch. I don’t care who wins between you and Elizabeth anymore, she’s a non-entity. This is between you and me, and we’re going to have it out. No holds barred. Just me and you…private.”
“I’m going to hold you to that promise Lockhart.” Mikoto said, her voice thick with emotion. “This won’t be like when the Weapon attacked.”
“You’re right. Because this time Cloud won’t be there to stop me.” Tifa spoke quietly and with a supreme confidence, the two sharing a look as the door closed. Wiping at her mouth Madame M, clenched her wrist to stop the shaking.
“No!” Tifa said firmly as they made their way back to Joslyn’s room, looking at her sister out of the corner of her eye. “I said just the two of us and I mean it. This time I’m not stopping till she understands which of us is the better woman.”
“Only problem with that is I’m sure she feels the same way,” Yuffie muttered sourly. Tifa said nothing as she crawled back under the sheets, but her expression spoke in agreement.
Scarlet sat alone in her lab, the lights dimmed. The light of one of the monitors played across her face, fierce grunts and deep groans coming from the speakers.
“Harder…harder…fucking bastard…don’t make me…do all the work…”
“Faster…fatass cow…come for me…come…”
Normally watching her lieutenant and her paramour fuck each other savagely had the beautiful blonde chuckling in amusement. Now not so much. In their early days, she and Rufus had been exactly the same, if not worse. She’d come across him at a Shinra gala, the up and coming, middle aged, woman and arrogant, teenaged son of the president. He’d looked her up and down in a manner familiar to her. Assuming how she’d come to her position. Likewise her look carried the disdain of knowing she’d have to bow to his demands as the heir apparent. Needless to say the dislike was instantaneous and mutual and yet, at the same time, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. That same night was their first time together.
She’d wandered upstairs and found him examining what would later become his office during the occasional visit. For a few heartbeats they’d just stared, when she entered the room and locked the door.
Humiliation was the name of the game. He was good, but lacked experience, so after almost thirty minutes of non stop dick riding she left him dazed and barely conscious, naked from the waist down in his. She was quite pleased with herself all things considered.
Three days later she entered her office to find him sitting in her seat. The look he gave frightened her younger self, but also excited. Luckily she hadn’t yet been assigned a secretary so the noise they made went unnoticed. She lost an hour that day. By the end however, she lay on her couch, unable to even walk and could only watch in horror as he tossed her skirt out the window.
After that, it was on.
Offices, cubicles, bathrooms, even behind the front entrance reception desk. She would be just walking by only to be yanked into a broom closet and pushed up against the wall. Other times she’d ambush him, following him into the men’s bathroom or pulling him into the women’s. The risque nature of their relationship titillated her as did the thought of having the president’s son under her thumb. Rufus, however, had different plans and matched her, humiliation for humiliation, their relationship becoming harder and harder to keep hidden.
Finally, under such scrutiny that for a week they were unable to get their hands on one another she found him in the same elevator after hours.
“Where?” He’d demanded.
“Follow!” Was her answer.
She was pretty sure she broke more than a few road laws in the rush back to her assigned apartment but as quickly as she pulled up in her driveway, he did the same along the street. Leaving the door open Scarlet darted upstairs, leaving a trail of her uniform to the bedroom.
It was mindless and vicious. Incredible, but unfortunately loud. Very loud apparently. Her screams and shouts, his bellows and yells drew such attention that eventually there was a loud banging at her door. Hastily pulling on a robe she’d rushed downstairs in time to see it kicked in by security. There’d been a report by a nosy neighbor that someone was being murdered nearby.
“Is there a problem here?!” From the top of the stairs Rufus glared down at the suddenly cowering men. The fact that he was only wearing a towel would’ve made her laugh if not, for the first time, she felt the full force of his personality. Almost falling over themselves the security hastily patched her door and fled the property. Scarlet and Rufus shared a knowing look then, her shedding the robe while the towel slipped from around his waist, they got back to business.
The bedroom was too far, but her carpets were soft and the couch comfortable. Pleasure and pain mingled as they screamed insults and shouted for more. But slowly, as exhaustion set in, their movements slowed and instead of the rough violent sex they’d engaged in since their first meeting also seemed to lose it’s edge. Finally, in the midst of a fierce tongue twisting kiss, it gradually changed to passionate, urgent kiss that left them both breathless. When they finally came up for air, he’d stared at her with a boyish, confused expression, then rose and left after swiftly dressing.
Several days later, when leaving, she found herself blocked by Tseng.
“Follow me please.” Knowing him as an up and coming Turk, the section of Shinra that answered only to the president, she feared what he might’ve learned. Instead they pulled up to a tasteful bungalow and he handed her the keys. The fact that it sat in the shadow of two-story that Rufus resided didn’t escape her attention.
Scarlet was jerked from her reverie at a scream of delight from Mitch, bouncing on Marcus’s waist with an impressive violence. Collapsing onto his chest to two kissed passionately, hungrily and, suddenly disgusted by the pair, she flicked off the screen. Even as her finger touched the button she was overtaken by an urge to smash it, the entire machine. And the table it was on. The chair she sat on…the entire room even.
And why stop there?
Clenching a small fist, Scarlet’s body quivered, and then relaxed. First things first. Once she was done with Tifa she could think on what to do after. For now…she pulled out her phone, dialing. “Yeah, me. Uh huh, see you in a bit.”
Out in the main hall, Cloud walked the corridors personnel flowing around him as if afraid to get near him. Here and there an armored soldier would seem to try and stand their ground…only to wilt away from his stare as he got close. Heading to the hangar he ran several swift circuits around the Phoenix, it’s crew watching with interest before returning their attention back to their own business.
They never saw him leave.
“It must be uncomfortable for you. Not being able to truly stretch while we’re here.”
Alexander looked up as Titan and Diabolos crested the hill behind him. High above, Shiva and her duplicates danced and twirled in the sky.
“Is that…?”
“Yes,” he answered. “She’s preparing a greeting for those we…and she…are waiting for.”
“Seems a bit excessive,” Titan groused. “At this rate there won’t be anything left for us to do. Why even bother to prepare moving?”
“Didn’t you say you faced off against one of his comrades?” Alexander shot the massive Esper a look, before turning her attention back skyward. “Did you think this would discourage him?”
“Fair enough.” Titan nodded. “I hope he comes better equipped this time. If I had been sharing a body he might’ve actually done some damage. Would be enjoyable to fight someone like Galahad again.”
“Aren’t you forgetting Siren and Leviathan,” Diabolos reminded him. “I imagine she’d be quite upset if we dealt with the former ourselves, but that still leaves the Ocean Goddess to contend with.”
“Her partner is still young and inexperienced.” Alexander noted absently, waving his hand uncaringly. “She shouldn’t pose much of a problem…ohh…”
Unexpectedly the dance above came to an end, the disparate Shiva’s rejoining the original who disappeared in a puff of snow.
“I wonder where she’s going?” Diabolos remarked loudly, glancing over at the smaller man, that began to glow. He grinned showing sharp teeth, body beginning to stretch out. “Look at it this way. If she can seduce him enough, maybe you’d be able to win back your old lover.”
“You go too far brother,” Titan rumbled, muscles visibly straining as he held Alexander back, a blade of white light inches away from the dark Esper’s face. Diabolos merely gave a hissing laugh and disappeared. Titan turned as he did so. “And you know how damaging it would be if the two of you fight. Don’t let him bait you so easily.”
Alexander made no reply, merely sitting in the snow and looking up at where his sister had been.
In his room Cloud slept lightly, bright sparkling lights hovering over his body.
“I have to admit I’m impressed.” He remarked, staring up at his other self, still chained securely across Bahamut’s back. “Being able to pull me back here like this. If only you’d shown this kind of resolve before.”
“Before what?” The chained Cloud demanded. “Before you became what they’ve told us Tifa is? We still don’t know if any of that is true!”
“You really are an innocent aren’t you?” He mocked, floating up until they were face to face. “Joslyn claims to love us…yet how many men has she slept with? Hell…it’s not even limited to men now is it. And what about your dear little Yuffie? How many times you think she and Jo have been together since that first night…or has Jo been her only one?”
“Why would it matter? It’s not them we’re married to.” Chained Cloud retorted. “It would be to our benefit if they found someone they could love that loved them back.”
“You can lie to them, you can lie to Tifa. But you can’t lie to me…because I’m you. Remember!” Free Cloud slapped his trapped counterpart gently across the face. “Joslyn’s enthusiasm and open love wore down our resistance a long time ago. It’s why we almost lost control after learning of her and Rosa. And Yuffie…if it had been her we’d met in Midgar first…”
Back out in the physical world the temperature in his room dropped as the lights descended onto, and into, his slumbering frame. Immediately he tossed and turned, face twisting and sweat popped out of his pores despite the cool temperature. Teeth clenched and he shot awake with a hoarse gasp. “Holy…” he panted glancing around his room, then narrowed his eyes. “Was that necessary?”
“Maybe not,” Shiva purred, her body slowly taking shape atop his own. Her pale form glowed as she kissed his chest. “But was it not enjoyable?”
“Yes,” he admitted, noting how she slowly slid down his body, tossing the covers carelessly to the floor. “You do remember what you did to me not a week ago, right?”
“And what you did to me,” she reminded him. smiling as her target shot to attention between her cleavage. She heard him gasp as her tongue gently touched him. “We ravaged each other deliciously. This body gets goosebumps when I remember all that we did to one another.”
“You speak as if I had a choice in the matter.” Cloud made no move to stop her as she continued to manipulate her breasts around him, tweaking the blue nipples. “You were torturing me. I fought back.”
“No, you were torturing yourself. You could have stopped me easily, but your soft nature made you weak.” Shiva smiled, giving a final squeeze and kiss, before floating up his body. “Other Avatars wouldn’t have hesitated to use our power, regardless of the cost to our essence. Yet you restrained Bahamut to prevent that.”
“She’s more perceptive than I thought.” Cloud kept his face impassive and grabbed for the Esper, holding her body against his. It was cool, almost freezing at some areas, but it slowly adapted to his heat. He stroked her face. “You say that as if you’ve experienced it.”
“Perhaps.” Shiva smiled, body shattering to escape his grasp, then reforming to straddle him. “Right now there’s just one thing I want from you.”
“Just how many times did we do it before I woke up,” Cloud grunted, grasping her hips. Stay the course he reminded himself. He heard Shiva mewl, felt her wriggle as she tried to accustom herself to his swelling invasion. This was the first time she was with him, as herself, and not in the dreamscape. Her expression was one of awe. The cracks had always been there, he noted…just need to chip away.
“Amazing.” Shiva panted, hips beginning to pump against her wishes. She tried to regain control, but her body rebelled, wanting to experience this. “This…this is what it’s like?!”
Head thrown back as she writhed in emotional motion atop Cloud’s body Shiva never saw the smile that worked it’s way across his face. Perhaps this would be easier than he expected.
“Chekhov…Staniv.” Yuffie nodded. “Where’s the Shogun?”
“Lady Yuffie,” Chekhov bowed, before continuing. “With this much of our military out of country your father has to stay behind. He sent the two of us to represent him.”
Yuffie glanced behind them at the rows of Wutai guardians. To the rear were a few from the rebuilt elite dragonrider divisions. Under normal circumstances she’d look at a force like this and feel confident. Now…even taking those from Edge and Gold Saucer into account she still couldn’t shake her unease. “Good, then follow me. Leave someone else in charge and we’ll have one of ours get them situated.”
They followed her silently in the cool of morning, as the sun had yet to rise. Up the ramp and into the Shera the three made their way to conference room. Inside there was muted conversation, and the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Yuffie raised an arm and Barret nodded, everyone else slowly angling towards chairs. There weren’t enough to go around so many were left standing regardless.
“Awright, we’re all here.” Barret started, then coughed nervously. “Jus’ wanna thank everyone here for showing up on such short notice. This ain’t something you could normally just throw together. Anyways…I’ll let the kid take over.”
Rufus hobbled to the head of the table, flanked by Tseng and Reno. “You all know me and what I’ve done, so I’ll spare you the platitudes. Chances are we’re going to be walking into a trap.” The blonde man stated bluntly. There was murmuring but none seemed overly put out, or surprised. “We’re all realists here, good. There’s no way they couldn’t notice our build up here so it’s safe to assume they’ve been preparing surprises for us. I’ll leave it to the representatives to relay that to the troops.”
“The facility is built deep into a mountain. We don’t know why Hojo chose to build it there, but knowing him, odds are fifty, fifty there was a reason or he just had a whim.” At Rufus’s nod Cissnei, Rude and Elena started handing out folders. There weren’t enough so some were shared by up to three people. “When Scarlet took over she fortified it against possible Avalanche attacks before transferring most of her work back to Midgar. Turrets on the outside and Mark 1, possibly 2, of our Magitek Armor designs. But those aren’t the biggest threats…”
Tseng came forward and handed him a small container of red liquid. There was some muttering at this. “This…is a vial of concentrated Berserk. A single dose that could turn an average fighter into one, physically, on par with a rank 2 SOLDIER.” Rufus gave it a shake. “And this variation also allows it’s drinker to retain their faculties instead of going into a frothing, uncontrollable rage. Considering they were handing them out to their co-conspirators we can safely assume they’ve begun to produce it in sufficient quantities for their own use. Also…”
“They’ve managed to give Summons…creatures like the one we saw in Wutai…bodies of their own, instead of requiring a host.” Tifa now spoke as Rufus indicated towards her. The rumbling in the room increased in volume at her words. “We’ve already faced three of them, during the last operation which…failed.”
Tifa took a moment to get herself under control. “I cannot stress this enough. If you run into any pale skinned, white haired enemies exhibiting any odd behavior, retreat at once. Do NOT attempt to engage them.”
“Sorry luv’…” Tifa looked up at the short, portly man she’d seen with Eight. Their small group stood together at the back, with Jessica and Rosa standing slightly apart from them. Tifa’s eyes narrowed and she felt Siren begin to well up. “But we have some experience with monsters here. I don’t see how…”
“No…you don’t!” Tifa fell back and allowed Siren control. The temperature in the room immediately seemed to spike. Backs became wet with sweat as Siren brought her influence to bear. “You have not experienced what we could do…even when restrained.”
Teeth clenched, fingers curled and heads bowed. No one was exempt from the lust radiating from Tifa’s body. From the Turks, to Barret, to even Rufus who held his cane in a double handed grip. But Siren’s eyes were focused on the back of the room.
Eight stared wildly, pressing himself hard against the wall. Yangus, Red and well dressed Angelo fell to their knees, trembling, while Jessica clung to her mother. Both she and Rosa were particularly affected, and squeezed their eyes shut against the emotions that built up inside of them. Then slowly, the pressure faded, and they were able to think again.
“Do not ever presume to think you know what it’s like to experience our power or influence.” Siren kept her gaze on Eight, who swallowed at her attention. “If I so wished it everyone in this room would be found, dead, without a single mark to explain why. You have no idea what the others could do.”
“And that is where we come in,” Leviathan now stepped forward, lightly slapping Siren across the back of her head. Seeing the shorter Yuffie whack Tifa so casually lightened the mood somewhat. “We have a plan to, at the least, keep them occupied. Do not waste your time trying to fight them.”
After the meeting Yuffie intercepted Joslyn angling her head towards Cloud and Tifa’s old quarters. On the way there the two young women noted Eight also pulling Jessica gently aside, the redhead following him eagerly. Once the metal door clanged shut the flush of a toilet had her attention swing towards the head, where her sister emerged shortly after.”What’s up sis?” Joslyn asked nervously.
“How much do you love Cloud Jo?” Her sister asked, without any preamble.
“How-much-do-you-love-Cloud?” She asked again slowly.
“You…you know how I feel about him,” Jo replied. “I’ve never hidden it, regardless of what others thought.”
“Do you love him enough to share him with Mikoto if it comes down to that?”
“NO!!” Joslyn howled internally, biting her lip hard enough to taste blood before blurting it out. Both Tifa and Yuffie looked remarkedly serious. “What’s this all about? I think I deserve to know everything before you spring a question like THAT on me.”
“This arrangement. It’s putting a strain on everything.” Yuffie said slowly, fidgeting and wringing her hands together. “Me, you, Tifa…even Cloud. It’ll probably get worse as the kids get older. How do you think it’ll be when they start asking for their daddy? Or worse…when other kids start teasing them because of it.”
“That’s all fine and dandy, but what does that have to do with the whore?” Jo demanded.
“Whether we like it or not…there is a level of affection between him and M.” Tifa’s lips curled, letting her distaste at admitting this show. “I don’t know…I don’t want to believe that he feels as strongly as she does. But if he does it’s my fault for letting her goad me into putting a night with him on the line when we fight.”
“So what are you suggesting then?”
“Well…” Yuffie began. “I have an idea…it involves Wutai law, but considering the state of the world…”
Scarlet groaned, blinking the sweat out of her eyes as she felt herself being shoved further onto the floor, the weight of her partner high on her back. Hot air caressed her ear as a mouth moved in close and…”That’s two for me.”
“Dammit,” the blonde moaned, slapping the mats in submission. Viola released her hold on Scarlet’s limb, pushing back into a standing position. “You were holding back when I beat you, weren’t you?”
“Of course not.” The redhead snorted, wiping her own forehead. They were on a small section of her space that Scarlet had had her girls clear for their practice. The simple underwear they wore was already sweat stained from their activities. The gloves they wore were stained with small traces of blood, but any injury was quickly taken care of by their partners. Taking a break the two sauntered to where a small tray held a jug of water. “Strength and speed’ll only get you so far if you’re facing someone that’s a better fighter than you.”
“And you’re saying she’s still that much better?” Scarlet sipped at her water.
“She developed her own fighting style, what do you think?” Viola retorted, then sighed. How many times was she going to have this conversation. Squaring her shoulders she soldiered on. “Tit to tit or catfighting you’d be a match for Tifa easily. I’ll be the first to admit that. But I’m betting right now matching tits or rolling around is the last thing on her mind.”
“Then all I have to do is make it so she fights in a way that benefits me.” Scarlet replied, putting down her glass and strutting back onto the mats. “And, lucky me, the same thing that makes her want to rip my head off will also ensure she does whatever I say.”
“You’re putting too much faith in how she’ll respond to his rejection. For all we know it might send her into a murderous rage.” Viola warned, standing opposite Scarlet, circling the blonde. “I’ve seen her lose her cool. I’ve told you about her fights with Elizabeth multiple times. Cloud had to knock them out to get them to stop fighting.”
“Even better. Weren’t you the one that taught me the angrier you get the more out of control you get?” Scarlet feinted low and suddenly charged her busty red-haired friend, attempting to tackle her to the ground. Viola set her feet and instead drove her blonde opponent face first into the mats. She attempted to quickly swing her body over, but Scarlet reared, flipping the lush redhead onto her back.
“Almost,” Viola panted, quickly rolling to the side, avoiding being pinned under a lunging Scarlet. Twisting, the voluptuous pair came together with a meaty SMACK, hands locking together and heads going over shoulders. “SHIT!!”
“Gotcha,” Scarlet whispered into Viola’s ear, the women slowly rising as the powerful blonde, powered the tough redhead backwards until she felt her back, and arms, touch the wall. Growling, Viola tapped into her own link with the Fairies and Scarlet felt her strain, pushing back against her. The blonde snarled, arms trembling as both poured on the effort to overpower the other.
Viola could feel her muscles beginning to shriek against her demands, gritting her teeth against the pain, feeling her back leave the wall. In that moment she felt Scarlet seem to give, then her hands were free, but she was back up against the wall with the blonde’s arms wrapped firmly around her upper body.
Scarlet smiled as she stared into Viola’s surprised face. Leaning in close she licked at the pink lips and planted a soft kiss across them. “All I need is one mistake. Once I get her body to body she won’t be able to resist. And by the time she realizes her mistake…I won’t let go till… till I…I…crush herrrgghhhh…”
Viola’s eyes widened as Scarlet suddenly spasmed, her strength going beyond even what the drug gave her, with a loud wail. Frightened, the redhead shoved with her arms and legs, the blonde flying off of her to land in a crouched position. “Vi…Vi…I need…” Scarlet’s face contorted as she fought something only she could, giving an explosive gasp, before collapsing onto the mats. “Shi…shit…”
“What the hell was that?” Viola gently levered her friend up, shocked at how drenched she was in sweat.
“That…was…Shiva…” Scarlet panted, forgoing the glass and grabbing the jug. After almost completely draining it she paused for breath. “Seems that…seems that for all her talk…experiencing it for herself is quite different from using someone else’s body, or being on the spiritscape.”
“Wait. You mean…she and Cloud are…”
“For some time now actually. Too bad she’s effectively a virgin in her own body.” Scarlet laughed hoarsely. “What Cloud’s doing to her overwhelmed the barriers we put up to prevent…what you just witnessed. Was hard rebuilding them with the state he has her in. Bastard! I can’t even get a coherent thought from her right now.”
Viola’s response was cut short but a pinging at the door. At a touch it slid open to reveal Schroeder. The doctor raised an eyebrow at their condition but showed no other reaction. “Just bringing you the news. It seems like they’ve left Gold Saucer.”
“How long?”
“Till they hit the continent? A day and a half maybe. Until they’re in range of us? Probably another day if they don’t stop near the village.” He paused and gave her a shrewd look. “This bit might interest you, but it seems your former lover is coming along personally.”
“What? But he can barely walk. Let alone fight!” Viola blurted, glancing over at Scarlet.
“I can’t speak for that, only that he is indeed aboard the Shera, their flagship.” Schroeder kept his eyes on Scarlet. “You realize that if our men get the opportunity, dealing with him would be a massive blow to our enemy’s morale.”
“I owe him nothing.” Scarlet replied coldly, her eyes seeming to glow as she glared at Schroeder and, for the first time, it seemed to get a reaction from the old doctor. He backed away warily, his expression clearly intimidated. “If you don’t do it, I will if the opportunity presents itself.”
“How’re we doing?”
Cid glanced over at Barret as he stepped off the staircase with Vincent. “We’re making good time considering our load. Though I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.”
“What do you mean?”
“Got word from Icicle Village. Apparently there’s one hell of a storm brewing.” Cid scowled. “Funny thing is…it’s not the right season and it appears localized.”
“Well we knew they’d have eyes on us.”
The two friends stood in a moment of silence before Cid gave a cough. “So…how’s she doing?”
Down below in the old gym Eight, Yangus and Angelo watched as four women struggled together on the mats. On the opposite side from them stood three of the Turks, Rude, Elena and Cissnei, also watching on with interest and completing the triangle were Andrea, Elizabeth and Victoria standing a ways behind Yuffie as Tifa and Joslyn wrestled against Jessica and Red. Yuffie sat on the edge of the mats, deciding not to give Eight any cause for concern with him and Jess’s relationship on the mend. Jo and Jessica went after each other eagerly, always happy at the chance to take one another down a notch, while Tifa and Red were cautious, having only heard about one another.
“C’mon skank…at least give me a challenge.” Jessica whispered to Joslyn, holding the brunette in chokehold. Standing on her toes she tried to drag the bigger girl down onto the mats where she could control her better. “I need to get Eight excited for tonight. I have a lot of time to make up foOOOWWW!!”
“Fuck you, you scrawny slut!” Joslyn hissed back, stamping hard on the redhead’s toes. As soon as she felt slack her arms went from holding Jessica’s strangling arm to her head. Falling forward she catapulted the smaller woman over her back and onto the mats. Slamming hard Jess had the wind knocked out of her and was temporarily defenceless, but yelled in surprised anger as Jo wrapped her tanned, long legs around her head. She grabbed at the toned, muscular limbs crushing her head and neck wriggling furiously. “Thought you’d get lucky again? But who knows, maybe he’ll get off on seeing me own your flat ass!”
“What’s flat!?” Jessica snarled, twisting her head to the side and biting the inside of the brunette’s thigh. Jo squealed in surprised pain and pulled away, rolling upright. Jessica quickly flipped onto her stomach and then feet, both circling. The looks they shot one another promised humiliation, neither prideful woman wanting to lose in front of an unfamiliar crowd. The fact that this was supposed to be just training, or at best, sparring was quickly lost on them. “Just cause I don’t have as much junk in the trunk as you doesn’t make mine FLAT!”
“Those two’re always entertainin’.” Red gritted out, voice muffled. “You should swing by more often.”
“They always…get into it…when I’m busy.” Tifa replied, struggling to breathe. “Or I’d be…around.”
Needing to act Tifa slammed her palms against Red’s ears, the grey haired woman crying out, face buried in her cleavage, but not releasing the bearhug she held Tifa in. Her feet off the floor the brunette repeated the move, this time with her fists, and the tanned, muscular woman yelling and falling to a knee. As soon her feet hit the floor Tifa lashed out with a kick, sending Red tumbling almost off the mats. She skidded to a stop, propelling herself back at her dark haired opponent, angling for a tackle. Having already been fighting for nigh on ten minutes Tifa got her feet set firmly to absorb the wiry strength behind Red’s slim body, and then punish her for the mistake.
Red gave a grunt…then another as Tifa drove a knee into her body again, and again. As she tried to escape her dark haired rival grabbed her around the waist, trying to force them to ground. Red went along with the move insofar as dropping to her knees, at which point she surged forward, between Tifa’s legs and flipping the other woman over. Tifa, however, was just as quick to recover, as fast as Red twisted back upright, the brunette was already up and advancing on the crimson clad woman, arms raised.
Locking up together again Red shot Tifa a grin that, despite her worries, the other woman returned. This was becoming interesting…fun.
“I don’t like her!”
Andrea sighed and pressed a hand to his forehead at Elizabeth’s announcement. “Now, now my sweet. Jealousy will give you wrinkles.”
Elizabeth only pouted, glaring at the woman Tifa was fighting. One as experienced as her could see that the two were enjoying themselves, as much one could enjoy inflicting as well as having pain inflicted on them. She’d hoped to have a chance to get her hands on Tifa before they reached their destination, only to arrive and find the match already ongoing. She licked her lips. Too bad M was on another airship. She would’ve provided an adequate distraction. Or perhaps that Rosalind woman. She’d heard the stories and the woman definitely had the look…maybe the daughter could…
“Hmmm…” Liz’s head rose slowly at a prickle near the back of her neck. Glancing around the room she finally looked into a pair of dark eyes belonging to said redhead’s significant other. For a moment she wondered if he was another catch, the number of men flooding Gold Saucer had seen her barraged with propositions. As if she’d debase herself with any man that wasn’t Andy, she snorted, but there was no lust behind his look. Instead unease rose inside of her at his unblinking stare. Scowling, she dropped her eyes and tugged on Andrea’s arm. “Andy, it’s boring. Let’s go to bed.”
Amused at the change, Andrea nodded, throwing his arms around the sisters and moving to the exit, the grunts, cries and gasps from the fiercely fighting women following him out. His last sight was that of Tifa, arms thrown over Red’s head while trapped in a painful looking scissors, and Joslyn holding Jessica over her shoulders in a backbreaker even as the redhead’s hand maintained a solid hold on her right breast.
On the deck Rufus limped to where Reno stood, following the red dot of his cigarette. “So what do you intend?” The former president asked.
The red-haired Turk took a final pull and tossed the butt out into the air. “It’s tearing me up inside boss. Leaving me would be one thing, but why would she abandon the kids. That’s the only hope I have that this was some kind of spur of the moment thing.”
“Because if she’d planned it you wouldn’t put it past Scarlet to have someone ready to snatch them.” Rufus nodded. “It is something she, or her compatriots, could manage. Scarlet did seem to have a fondness for Viola, considering how you two met.”
Reno grunted to hide his embarrassment. The Tower grapevine had been in an uproar over the fact that Scarlet had a guest. And one apparently receiving the royal treatment. From a possible lover to someone who had dirt on her, Reno had heard it all before being assigned to guard her room. What the rumormongers had failed to mention was what a babe she was. Less than thirty minutes after entering the room they skipped the foreplay and jumped straight to sex, rolling about on the bed.
“It wouldn’t be unfair to say that she was Scarlet’s first, and only, friend.” Rufus continued. “Having a woman with that powerful a personality open up to you…well…you know how I acted in the days leading up to meteorfall.”
“You’re not exactly filling me with confidence here boss.” Reno admitted, slipping another cigarette from it’s case and flipping open his lighter. “You make it sound like she’d do anything for Scarlet, regardless of whether or not she was told to.”
“It is a possibility.” Rufus stated calmly. “According to Tifa, Scarlet let her go before they started fighting. If it had been a scheme between them Cloud wouldn’t have been the only one captured. I’m going to assume Scarlet DID just let her go, but Viola returned to save her friend when Tifa took control.”
“So you’re saying she’d chose Scarlet over her family.” Reno took a shaky drag, free hand fiddling with his ring. “Boss I…”
“Maybe she just think she owes Scarlet for healing her leg,” Rufus interrupted him. “Don’t give up on her just yet Reno. She’ll need support if things go according to plan.”
Rufus was silent. “Scarlet and I both have to suffer more for our crimes. If she will not understand that, then I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”
Cloud woke up blearily, glancing around his room warily.
Gone. With a sigh of relief he lay back, the movements causing twinges in his sore member. Shiva had been unable…unwilling…to stop reveling in sex in a manner he’d never seen before. Even Mikoto, that time she’d outfucked him, hadn’t drained him to such a degree. If this was how she was inexperienced Cloud dreaded when she became later. Then a sudden thought had him shoot to full wakefulness.
Was it possible…no. No way…but…
In her own bed Scarlet slept deeply, cuddling Alexander close. Or rather she appeared to as beneath the lids, her eyes moved rapidly.
In an odd change Scarlet’s mind now took the shape of the old gym beneath the original Honeybee. A curse followed a loud squeal then a flurry of muffled blows, Scarlet and Shiva standing in a corner of the ring, the blonde drilling a gloved fist into the Esper’s stomach before a sharp counter sent her back towards the center.
“You’re distracted,” Scarlet noted around a split lip. She jabbed at Shiva who shoved the blow aside and rolled with Scarlet’s momentum, coming up behind the blonde. Scarlet grunted, finding herself in a rough full nelson, struggling, then groaning as she felt pressure on her neck and back.
“I am sated,” Shiva murmured, breathing a draft of cold air across her partner’s neck. To relieve the pain Scarlet leaned forward more and more, slowly sinking to her knees. “It was everything you said it would be, and more. I look forward to making him completely mine.”
Jealousy surged through Scarlet, her head flying backwards to crack sharply against Shiva’s face. The swift relaxation of her hold, indicated that Scarlet had judged correctly, previously distracted by the dreamy tone in her voice. Stamping her heel against Shiva’s instep, the hold loosened sufficiently for Scarlet to drop, spin around and deliver a sharp kick to the Ice Queen’s mid section, sending her crashing against the ringpost.
Groaning, Shiva regained her balance and immediately brought her arms up to block Scarlet as the blonde flew at her. “You forget yourself my pet.” Scarlet purred, pressing her elbow against Shiva’s windpipe. Muscles, mental, but in here very real, ached as they pushed against one another. “He is OURS! When WE are done with him, not only will he come to us willingly, but he’ll BEG us to take him.”
Scarlet felt Shiva strengthen, forcing herself out of the corner, and she responded as well, two powerful wills pushing ineffectually against one another. Locking eyes with her partner the blonde saw her own resolve mirrored in the ice blue eyes. Then there was a blinding flash and she screamed…in pleasure.
She straddled Cloud. Riding him viciously while hands clawed and squeezed her breasts. Pushed up against the wall while he slammed into her from behind. On her knees, lips wrapped around his length while hands forced her head to a dizzying pace. Swallowing his load as he flung her onto the bed, mounting her roughly. She could FEEL everything…TASTE him. Shiva’s triumphant face filled her vision once more. Legs buckled under this new assault and she was scooped up, then flung hard against the mats before Shiva followed her down with a knee to the chest.
Scarlet croaked in pain, attempting to roll away when Shiva fell onto her back, arms wrapping snugly around her neck while legs circled hips. Though partners, neither would willingly give up anything. There’s would be a constant balancing act of pushing, just hard enough, to establish something of a pecking order. That in mind, Scarlet began her counterattack.
Shiva stiffened, Alexander appearing before her. Face screwed up, looking at him from along the length of his torso when…Shiva felt herself gag as her mouth was flooded. His expression of eager dread as she crawled up his body, feeling him slip inside of her. Was he always this big?! Body arching as he grabbed her hips, whimpering pathetically in pleasure. Their lips pressed together…
Then it wasn’t Alexander. Shiva came back to find herself liplocked with Scarlet. She had somehow levered them into a sitting position. Distracted by what she’d just seen, and the sweetness of her partner’s lips, Shiva only absently noticed Scarlet gently pulling her arm away from her neck. Carefully the blonde twisted around, tongues swirling before lips came apart, a thick line of spittle bridging the distance between their lips. Then Scarlet exploded into action, leg pressing hard against Shiva’s windpipe, one arm holding her in place while the other grabbed at a foot while the same leg thrust against her throat pushed the other in the opposite direction.
Shiva gagged and writhed in the hold, squirming frantically to get free. The best she could manage was getting her arm loose. But that was enough. Both went around Scarlet’s waist, grabbed her panties and PULLED!! Scarlet shrieked at the sudden, very personal pain, her hold on the Ice Queen quickly falling apart. With a lurch she felt herself lifted into the air and fear flickered across her face at the intent in Shiva’s eyes. Then she was dropped hard across an extended knee.
“GYYEEAAGGHHHH!!” Scarlet screamed as her rear and privates were brutalized by the vengeful Esper. She barely felt herself being dumped onto the ground, whimpering as she clutched at her wounded nethers. She DID notice, however, when Shiva grabbed her feet, spread her legs, and shoved her foot against the injured area.
“You are my pet now,” Shiva panted excitedly, grinding her heel against Scarlet’s pussy. She smiled as blonde’s struggles weakened, at the tears running down her face. Then yowled, surprised again when Scarlet’s hands grabbed her foot, twisting it brutally. If they’d been in the real world it would’ve been broken, or at best, badly sprained. The pain was still there though as she fell. Before she could Scarlet hurled herself onto Shiva, knee first, connecting solidly with her stomach before rolling over and off.
Whimpering in agony, both curled up, the pain making them feel sick. But slowly the pain dissipated, their world ensuring that they could keep going. Slowly they twisted around, rising to stalk towards one another. Each step carried an exaggerated hip sway, or bounce to the breasts that, upon meeting, swelled and spread as they were pushed together.
“That last bit hurt, bitch!” Scarlet whispered hoarsely, body trembling at the feel of Shiva’s breasts against her own.
“It’ll hurt a lot more when I’m done.” Shiva panted. She could feel the prickling pain of Scarlet’s dagger-like nipples on her firm boobs and see the light flickers on the blonde’s face as her own spikes dug into the opposing tits. She shoved her body closer, breasts rising under the increased compression, “Unless you’re ready to be a good little girl and obey your betters.”
Scarlet smiled coldly and both flung their arms around one another, Shiva’s going around the blonde’s upper back, Scarlet’s around the neck. Tussling briefly Scarlet forced Shiva down, before the Ice Queen countered by circling the woman’s midsection, putting increasing pressure on her spine. As soon as she was back level, Scarlet’s arms were around her back, pulling her into a tit to tit bearhug.
Cursing, they staggered across their arena, once more losing themselves in the familiar conflict. Breasts quivered and swelled, bodies trembled and arms strained. Suddenly Shiva jumped, wrapping her legs around Scarlet’s midsection, ankles crossing, tumbling onto their sides as she squeezed mercilessly. Scarlet screamed, hands flailing, grabbing for Shiva’s tits, only for her wrists to be held in a tight grip. A grip that faltered from the sweat that coated them and now her blonde opponent’s fist hammered at her privates. The first blow missed, hitting the inside of her thigh and the Ice Queen quickly kicked away, not wanting to experience that pain.
On and on they fought, neither tiring, neither losing but neither able to win. But this bothered them not. They enjoyed the competition and what they knew would come after when they grew bored. But for now, they fought. They prepared. For soon they would have someone other than each other to play with. Locked in a double scissors, their covered nethers scant millimeters apart, they smiled around the pain.
Outside, Scarlet smiled as well, a soft whispering chuckle tickling the slumbering Alexander’s ear.
Around the base the major players rested while others continued to work. Titan slipped from his room, leaving Carol, Nina and Veronica sleeping contentedly, adjusting his clothes. It still felt odd, the human coverings, but apparently necessary for everyday interactions. He couldn’t sense the others, so they were probably all sleeping…no.
There was one he could feel, stepping into Schroeder’s laboratory, the doctor slumbering over his desk. “His loyalty is quite something. How did you manage it?”
“It was given willingly, I assure you.” Titan glanced upwards at the voice. “After what the world has suffered in such a short period, his faith was sorely shaken.”
“So then he was…”
“Yes. You’d be surprised how many that’re with us now once worked for Shinra in some form or fashion. Guilt can take many forms.”
“Is that why you refuse a body of your own?” Titan asked, following the static sound.
“My actions have lead to many deaths. More will follow. Some necessary, though most not so. Even if we’re successful there will need to be someone to blame for everything… As the one that started it all, it’s only right that it falls on me.”
On the bridge of the Shera Barret was surprised by Tifa’s sudden appearance. Looking fresh, her hair still somewhat damp the brunette joined him near the window. “Just went to check on the cargo. Everything’s secure.”
“So who won?” he asked.
“It was just sparring,” Tifa grunted, amused. Then because he knew he’d probably ask one of the others. “Red made me tap out five times to her four. She’s good at grapples, made me realize I’ve been slacking in that regard. I don’t think Jo and Jess bothered to keep count.”
“So will I ever hear why you and Yuffie disappeared?” Barret kept his eyes straight forward. “Or will I have to find out when someone let’s something slip.”
“I was…in a bad place.” Tifa bit her lip. “Cloud gone, and Mikoto being as she was. I needed someone to help me get my head on straight before I did something I might regret.”
“And considering what I’ve…heard…about Jessica’s mother I’m guessing this involved the two of you getting physical?”
“You know…I think I liked it better when you played the musclehead.” Tifa punched her friend high on his shoulder. “Yes, it got physical. It was a long time coming actually. I was planning on having it for my and Cloud’s anniversary as a present before…well…”
“Too much…didn’t ask.” Barret covered his ears. “Just needed to be sure you wouldn’t fly off the handle like Reno did.”
“No worries. Siren didn’t take me there JUST to fight to her.” Tifa folded her arms. “She helped me remember why I fight…why I like to fight. And if Scarlet’s as smart as she likes to claim, she’ll give up Cloud before I hurt her…too much.”
“Easy there girl,” Barret warned her. “Scarlet’s proven herself more than smart enough. And she’s had time to prepare. She has to have known how taking Cloud would’ve affected us…affected you. Make sure she doesn’t take you too.”
“If I was superstitious, I’d say that was a bad sign.” Cid grumbled. What they were looking at a was a wall of snow that stopped barely a kilometer away from the village proper.
“According to the records Scarlet’s lab would be about about twelve miles North, within the ice fields…and in the center of that.” Rufus remarked. He then looked over to Elena. The Turk nodded shakily.
“I…it’s exact…exactly the same,” she said, teeth chattering. “The same a…as the one in…in…Nibelheim.”
“Not exactly,” Tifa replied. She stared hard at the swirling snow. “Last time was due to Shiva and Siren. This time, it’s all Shiva…and that’s bad.”
“Beyond the obvious…why?” Cid demanded, jumping in place.
“Because it means she’s regained much of her lost power.” Siren stated, Tifa’s change in pitch making everyone flinch. “Pray that this is as far as her strength goes.”
“Cold this extreme is going to affect our equipment, not to mention the troops.” Barret grunted. “Those dragons Wutai brought are already looking worse for wear. And keeping the holds heated to the degree required is going to stretch our fuel reserves.”
“So what do we do then?” Andrea now stepped up, as ever flanked by the two sisters.
“A small group goes in,” Tseng said, turning and pointing at the Shera. “Those of us that can fit go on the Shera go in and see what they have planned. Once we have a foothold we bring in the rest.”
“We’ll be outnumbered.” Andrea cautioned.
“That’s never stopped us before.” Barret smirked over at Rufus. “Just ask blondie and his fan club over there.”
“I’d remind you how your actions turned out nine times out of ten but I’d rather not dampen your enthusiasm.” Rufus drily replied. Sitting as he was in the wheelchair drew some concerned stares but he, himself, appeared unconcerned. “However your idea is a good one. It would’ve made more sense to call up this storm after we were past the point of no return. This…seems almost like an invitation.”
“Then I say we take it.” Elizabeth and Tifa both said. The smaller woman smiled at the taller brunette who grunted in irritation. Tifa then paused and glanced at Andrea. “Why’d he bring those two anyway?”
Viola woke up sharply. She could hear the base alarm blaring as well as hear the rapid back and forth of booted feet. But that was not what woke her. The Fairies were quite voyeuristic and took great delight in peeking in on the actions of others. It had started with Scarlet and Shiva, their fights and then even more violent sex. Then over to Cloud when Shiva reformed herself in his room…their room.
Viola despaired at how easily Cloud responded to the Espers’ temptations. Her attempts to get through to him always held in check by the Fairies’ loyalty to Shiva. Each time she tried to bring Tifa up one would take over and proceed to clumsily flirt with him. She wasn’t sure if she should be grateful at him spotting the change, or feel insulted that he didn’t even seem somewhat affected. Even worse was the arousal that coursed through her body at her cries and his grunts. She bit back a sob…she missed Reno so bad it physically hurt. And Cray…and Josh.
Jerking upright the redhead punched herself savagely, not even able to lose herself in the brief pain as the Fairies took even that away from her, the bruise fading almost instantly. “What do you want from me!?” She shrieked internally, the strain of maintaining the facade of nothing wrong driving her crazy. “Can’t you see what this is doing to Shiva? Don’t you want to save her?”
All she got in response were giggles that made Viola want to tear out her hair. Caught in a prison of her own making, two women she considered friends were on a collision course, and she genuinely feared for the safety of both. Bad enough that Tifa was likely in a rage over Cloud’s abduction but when Scarlet paraded him out to reject her…she might fight like someone with nothing to lose and Scarlet wouldn’t stand a chance. Viola sat down on her bed, hands firmly over her ears, trying to drown out the alarm. There was only one chance…she had to get to Tifa before she got to Scarlet. If she could warn her…let her know what Scarlet had planned…what she had done.
“I owe her that much…” Viola whispered to herself. But she’d need some help if she’d even stand a chance of slowing the brunette down and making her listen. Rising off her bed she felt a tingling in her arms. Eyes narrowed and she slowly flexed the limbs. No longer fighting it she threw herself into her mind where the creatures waited. Sensing her intent all formed into one creature to oppose her. Remembering what Scarlet had told her, Viola matched the Fairy, the darkness changing to her old gym. “Not this time. This time, you’re working for me!”
“Do you have any idea as to their numbers?”
“No.” Schroeder responded to Scarlet’s question. The doctor paced his office with nervous energy, looking through the reports he was given. Off to the side Titan, Alexander and Diabolos waited patiently. “We can safely assume that Tifa and Yuffie are on board, they would need Siren and Leviathan, also the pilot. Though we have received reports from our spies that Rufus has remained behind.”
“They wouldn’t have sent the three of them in alone. Barret and that undead…thing that works with them is likely there as well.” Scarlet stated.
“All within our predictions.” Schroeder replied. “The only real surprise was that the Turks have disappeared from the village. They might actually be onboard as well.”
“Just remember, let your men know that Tifa is not to be touched.” Scarlet visibly trembled with excitement. “I will handle her personally.”
“Will you now?” Cloud strode into the room with Shiva, as everyone expected, floating gently behind him. He glanced around the room. “Since Viola isn’t here I feel the need to be the one to remind you just how your last two encounters turned out.”
“What happened in the past doesn’t matter.” Scarlet snapped. “What happens in the end is what does and…!”
“What is it?” Titan demanded.
“They’re here!” Shiva smiled, body fading away in a shimmer. Before any could even register her disappearance Scarlet was already at the door.
“Shit…can hardly see through this shit!” Cid growled. His arms trembled with the strain of keeping the Shera stable through the howling winds that buffeted it. Visibility so poor they were flying as low and as slow as the aged pilot dared. “Can you give me some more help, darlin’?”
“Doing as best we can with what she can afford to give.” Tifa replied, beads of sweat on her brow. If she’d had any hopes of the storm being somehow natural, they were now dashed. “Wouldn’t do for her to exhaust herself getting us there and being unable to keep Shiva off of us.”
“That wouldn’t have something to do with the blue woman currently on our left wing would it?” Angelo shakily asked. Heads spun around to stare at Shiva as she casually waved at them while perched precariously on the outside. Then Barret burst into the room.
“Oi, we got some crazy broad on the right side of the ship!”
“Yeah we know, we know!” Cid snarled, trying to not be distracted. Then Barret’s words registered. “Wait…you say starboard?”
“No…the right…whatever! There’s a…” Barret started, confused, then he stared at the on the left wing was joined by another…and then another. “What the…”
“Leviathan!!” Siren screamed in Tifa’s voice, Yuffie’s eyes glowing a sharp blue. “We’ve got to…”
The surge of mana from Shiva’s attack was felt by everyone in the base, the whine of the generators reaching a fever pitch as the struggled to compensate for the sudden decrease in temperature.
“Think that’ll do ’em in?” Carol queried quietly, casting a wary glance at Scarlet who sat, staring at the ceiling with a look of eager anticipation.
“Better hope it didn’t.” Barbara retorted, her voice just as muted. “You all lived through her in prison and I saw the boss when the two of ’em got into it back in the Saucer. She wants this bitch…bad!”
“You think we don’t know that Mitch?” Nina grunted. “But unlike the rest of you, I used to work in Shinra. I saw what those Avalanches bastards could do. If they get in here, I’m keeping a low profile.”
Before anyone could respond the base shuddered. Something large had come down hard close by. At the same time Scarlet shot to her feet, then just as suddenly fell back into it with a groan.
“Is everyone alright?” Tifa called out.
“Define alright.” Barret grunted, staggering upright.
“Sorry, Leviathan didn’t have much time to shield us.” Yuffie moaned, clutching her head in pain. “We weren’t…how the hell was she…”
“She’s fully recovered her powers.” Tifa glanced outside at the suddenly clear sky. “If we’re lucky it’ll take her time to recover after expending that much mana. Cid, get on the radio and call in the other ships. We’ll get things started.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to wait for the others?” Andrea asked from the doorway, as ever flanked by the sisters.
“No. They’ll probably have troops looking for us as we speak.” Cid replied. “And besides…”
“They still have three other Espers they can turn on us.” Nanaki growled. “Better we get inside where they might be limited, than out here where they can go wild.”
“Mebbe not.” Barret grunted, digging into his pocket. “Got me an idea.”
“So what was the damage?” Mitch demanded, standing over Schroeder who moved a penlight back and forth between Scarlet’s eyes. With a click he flipped it off, holding her head in his hands, thumbs massaging the blonde’s temples.
“Simply a mana backlash.” He replied, around a moan of relief from the woman. “Shiva’s out of practice and using that amount of mana destroyed her physical form. It may be a couple of days before she can reform.”
“I’m already feeling stronger.” Scarlet snapped, pushing away the doctor. Then she nodded. “Yes…this is perfect. Together…yes, together.”
“Hmmm? Nothing you need to worry your pretty little heads about.” Scarlet replied, moving to her quarters. “I saw everything Shiva saw. They all came, including even Andrea and those shitty Anguin sisters. Nina, go and find Viola, tell her I have a surprise for her.”
Outside the base Cloud stood with Titan as they watched the troopers move off in groups of ten, with the one in charge astride a light blue chocobo. They were moving in a grid pattern that allowed them to cover the most ground in the shortest period. It was efficient but…in his mind…pointless.
Far better to keep them closer to home. At least here they’d have the home field advantage. But no one asked him…and for all he knew this was being done on purpose.
“Yes?” Cloud glanced over at his companion with interest as the massively muscled man tapped his earpiece. “Are you sure? Very well.”
“What is it?”
“Seems we’ve lost contact with a few of the sweeping squads. They want me to check it out.” Titan clenched his fists, the biceps threatening to tear his uniform, then turned to Cloud with a curious look. “Are you not worried?”
“Yes,” Cloud admitted shortly. Titan nodded and stomped off in a gradually increasing lope. Once he was sure he was alone Cloud’s lips curled into a sneer.
The night was clear and, with the storm gone, one could see for miles. Which immediately set Titan on alert when he came up to the ambush point. Eighteen of their soldiers lay in pools of frozen blood. Two yet lived, though acted as if just moving was painful. He quickly moved to their sides, looking for injuries. “What happened? Where did they go?”
It was a whisper of sound. The wind whistling through fur and the Esper spun around the catch the creature by the throat. It’s fur appeared white, which would explain how he hadn’t seen it, but underneath was a bright red. It growled and snapped at his arm…then SPOKE!
Three more corpses were thrown aside and suddenly Titan found himself under attack. Bullets ricocheted off his body and a spear materialized in his arm as he positioned himself to cover the injured troopers. “Try to keep it together,” he rasped, furious at the cowardly assault. “This won’t take long.”
“You sure about that?” With a surge one the injured men grabbed him by the throat and flung him through the air while the other leapt over him firing a pair of pistols directly into his face before kicking to the ground.
“Was hopin’ they’d send you.” Barret ripped off the mask that hid his face, Vincent almost floating to land back down next to him. “I’ve been achin’ for a chance ta pay you back fer last time.”
“Interesting. I was hoping to meet you as well. You show considerable promise.” Titan grunted, brushing snow casually from his shoulders. “But…I have orders to follow. Even with your comrades this won’t be a contest.”
“I don’t have comrades. I have friends. And you took one of ’em.” Barret growled. “And as for promise…recognize this?”
Titan raised an eyebrow at the vial of red liquid Barret waved at him. In a single swig he emptied the container and tossed it aside. “Oh yeah…that’s the stuff.” He gasped. “And by the way…my other friend never introduced himself.”
“Vincent Valentine.” He announced stepping in front of Barret, body seeming the twist and bulge. This time the Esper took a step back at the monstrosity that Vincent rapidly twisted into. It’s roar caused a feeling in him that he’d not felt in centuries.
“Sir, we’ve got sightings of the three other Airships from our outposts…”
“…Titan hasn’t reported back in after heading out…”
“…there’s some activity outside the mountain…”
Schroeder moved from screen to screen, hissing out orders to those seated at them, moving back to the center of the room. He glanced across at Diabolos and Alexander. “Can you sense any of them?”
“No. They’ve buried themselves deep into their hosts’ psyche to avoid being detected.” Alexander replied. “Which means they’re close…if not already here.”
“We need to keep them away from the center. Several of the recently discovered haven’t been completely convinced of our intentions. They might decide that beggars can’t be choosers. And if that happens Siren and Leviathan might be the least of our worries.”
“Siren doesn’t bother us, we know who her target is.” Diabolos retorted. “Leviathan is the one that concerns me. In these closed quarters if she was of a mind to she could flood the entire base.”
“Not so long as we have what they want.” Schroeder smiled at the blinking light at his terminal. “The advantage of seizing the enemy’s weakness is that they’ll behave in a manner you can predict.”
To any on the outside looking up, they’d be hard pressed to spot the figures clambering up the mountainside, clad as they were in all white. The one at the head appeared to be looking for something, brushing at the thick snow until uncovering a metal flap. Pulled outwards it exposed a covered vent. Two of those with him took up positions on either side and pulled, the grating coming free with a metallic groan.
“Me first,” One said, voice muffled but still feminine sounding, crawling up past the larger figures. Stripping off thick gloves and boots she quickly slid in, headfirst, using strong fingers and toes to control her descent. At the bottom it levelled off. Twisting around she fired off a low intensity fireball to signal the others before scuttling forward.
It was warmer now and she was beginning to sweat. Peeling back the mask Yuffie gasped, coming to another grate. Glancing around warily she quickly tied her coat’s belt to the obstruction and kicked, slowly ramping up the effort until she felt it give way. She could hear the others by the time she forced it free, jumping down into what looked like a hangar area. If the massive airship wasn’t a dead giveaway. As she heard the others coming down she felt a tingle in the back of her mind, as if something had disturbed Leviathan.
“Seen anything?” Tifa gasped, shedding the winter wear. Behind her the others were moving as quickly as they could, knowing this good luck couldn’t last. Underneath she wore the same black outfit as when they’d breached Junon.
“Nothing…” the ninja girl replied, glancing around a stack of boxes, shuriken in hand. “And that worries me.”
“Would be safe to assume they’ve been sending out teams to the crash site.” Andrea now spoke, Vicky helping him remove the last of his outerwear. He glanced over at the stationary ship. “Though it does beg the question as to why they haven’t launched THAT, yet.”
“Don’t get any ideas though,” Yuffie warned, from her position near the edge. Underneath, at ground level, were an impressive number of patrolling soldiers. “Taking out that many quietly would be impossible.”
“We’ll leave that to the others,” Reno grunted. “Right now, we need to get moving.”
“Wait…first.” Tifa paused, closing her eyes briefly. The others felt a tingle and then she opened them back. “I’ll be taking a different route from you. While eyes are on me, you guys get the command room.”
“I’ll get him back, Yuffie.” Tifa promised. “You and Leviathan have the hard job.”
“We’ll take our leave as well.” Andrea gave a bow. “I believe we can ensure that Ms. Tifa here gets to her target undisturbed.”
“Are you sure about this,” Elena demanded. “I’ve never even heard of you…”
“Shows what you know, blondie.” Victoria sneered, interrupting the Turk. “Andy…”
“Vicky!” Elizabeth’s voice held a warning tone. Once she was sure her sister was silenced she turned a radiant smile to Elena. “You don’t need to worry about us, beautiful. But…if you really are concerned perhaps we can meet up when this is all over…privately.”
Elena had to resist lashing out in horrified disgust at the brunette’s insinuations, but the woman merely chuckled and attempted to slap Tifa’s ass which had the woman grab her hand. For a moment there was a tense moment for those that knew the two’s history before Tifa released her grip and darted off down a corridor. Andrea and the two Honeygirls quickly followed while the others split up down two other passages with Yuffie and the Turks taking one while others followed Eight down another.
“Did you feel that?” Alexander murmured quietly to Diabolos. The other Esper nodded slightly.
“She’s moving fast. She must be as eager as your sister” He noted, glancing around at the cameras that were rapidly going offline. “Guess it’s time for me to make an appearance.”
Tifa dodged around an attacker, sweeping a leg and then delivering an elbow that dropped him to the ground. Nearby, Elizabeth dropkicked another into her sister that spun to slam him headfirst into a wall. Tifa’s eyes narrowed as she watched the two.
Alone the two were at best above average at fighting, Elizabeth more so Tifa knew to her detriment. But together the pair moved in perfect synchronization, finishing each other’s moves to maximum effect. But it was Andrea that was the star of the show.
The man moved casually, no stance, no bloodlust. But any that came near him he dropped with exacting precision, no motion wasted. A blow to the solar plexus that dropped a swordsman in his tracks while another he spun around, delivering an elbow to the area where the neck and vertebrae met. He shot her a bright smile as he caught her staring.
“I was never as showy as Mikoto.” He said, kicking another in the direction of Victoria, the brunette leaping onto the unfortunate trooper. His screams cut off sharply. “It irked her to end the profession I ended up pursuing. But I always found dance more enjoyable than fighting.”
“And those two?” Tifa pointed at the sisters.
“Two little dears being groomed to be the next generation of fighters. Knowing what I do, they would’ve been pit against one another eventually, so I made an offer. Instead of leaving completely I would stay on as the book keeper if they were given over to me.” Andrea looked almost embarrassed. “Suffice to say they became a bit attached and overprotective as the years went by.”
“A bit,” Tifa snorted. She then perked up and stared hard down a particular corridor. “I can feel her. This way.”
“Wait. Elizabeth!” Andrea called. In a flash the short brunette was at his side. “Tifa’s got a read on her target. Make sure she gets there with no trouble.”
“Of course Andy,” she gushed. Tifa gagged. “After all, if this doesn’t pan out I won’t get to play with her.”
“Do you feel like we’re getting an unnecessary amount of attention?” Cissnei grunted. Her back to a crate she could hear shouting as, no doubt, reinforcements were on the way. They were in what looked like a storage area with stacks up on stacks of boxes piled high. She, Yuffie and Elena crouched down on one side, with Reno and Tseng on the other.
“And it’s about to get worse,” Yuffie growled, peeking over, then ducking back down quick at the whine of a close passing bullet. “They’ve got an elevator running. I think they’re bringing in the big guns.”
“Joy,” Elena muttered sarcastically. “Can our big gun lend a hand?”
“She’s conserving her energy in case we run into a BIGGEST gun,” Yuffie replied, readying her shuriken. Another glance showed her an armored walker that bore a strong resemblance to the one Scarlet piloted back in Midgar. “All that said…any of you think you could pilot one of those things?”
“I can.” Tseng said shortly. “I was kept up to date on every model Scarlet put out.”
“Good…then get ready.” The two female Turks blinked as Yuffie seemed to melt into the shadows. Then scattered as a grenade bounced near their feet. Riding the explosion Cissnei twisted in the air, hurling her own shuriken in a wide arc, slicing through the throat of one, then another before being swatted to the ground by a sword wielder. Elena followed up, guns spitting fire, forcing him to duck behind cover.
The others advanced, as well, coming within a few yards of the Walker before it’s pilot finally powered it up. Tseng’s eyes were wide as the weapon angled in his direction, pointing cannons the size of his head at him. Then it dropped away, slumping, and he saw Yuffie shoving the pilot out of his seat, the knife she used sliding free from the back of his neck. “Get in,” the kunoichi said, shortly.
Viola hopped from foot to foot, unable to quell the feeling of excitement she felt. She’d only intended to try and delay Tifa long enough to warn her of what was coming. But learning that Elizabeth was here as well. Her nostrils flared at the memory of the humiliation she experienced at the woman’s hands the last time they’d fought. And the fact that she’d lost because the little bitch was immune to pain thanks to Siren…
She could hear the sound of activity getting closer. The corridor she now moved down was the only that led to Scarlet, probably by design. Reaching for a door, something warned her and she stepped back, right as a mangled body flew through. It was one of the general barracks, another safety feature, no doubt implemented when she ran the place, and the last of the few troopers left in this sector lay unmoving. Unconscious or worse.
That thought made her freeze up, and it was just what Tifa needed, her eyes conveying a considerable anger, as she rushed past. A backhand sent Viola staggering, but before she could regain her balance and go after Tifa she was tackled from behind across a bunk.
“Well, well, well…” a voice purred, and Viola tensed. Not her…not now… Twisting her head around she could see Elizabeth smiling down patronizingly at her. “I’d heard the story but didn’t believe it. I wonder what she asked for in return for your leg, hmmm?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you!” Viola snapped, elbow cracking across Liz’s temple and foot digging into her stomach as the redhead quickly got to her feet. “I don’t have time for you right now Lizzy. I’ve got to get to Tifa. I’ve got to…”
“Oh no, no, no. Can’t have that.” Elizabeth giggled, planting herself in front of the door. “Andy asked me to watch Tifa’s back. And while I’d watch that ass for free I didn’t think it’d include having some time with you as well.”
“Scarlet is waiting for her,” Viola growled, backing away from the smaller woman, trying to think. The Fairies had sensed her animosity and were actively fanning the flames. She struggled to remain in control. Elizabeth would gets hers once Tifa and Cloud…and Scarlet were safe. “If they meet…”
“Then let’s not waste time.” Elizabeth taunted Viola, kicking off her boots. “First I kick your ass again, then I move on to watch Tifa tear Scarlet apart. Fun, fun, all around.”
“Fun!? You cow they’re my…” Viola gritted her teeth, trying to stay focused, the sadistic smile on the brunette’s face making it difficult. Finally her body relaxed and she took a step forward, no longer fighting it. “You have NO idea how long I’ve waited for this you flabby titted little cunt.”
“No more than me, you ginger headed man stealer!” Elizabeth hissed back, her own face turning ugly with a long suppressed rage. “Only this time you don’t have your blonde, shitheel, friend to pull me off of you.”
“That’s eight,” Jessica announced, whip cracking across the face of advancing purple clad trooper. “Can’t keep up, cow?”
“Eleven,” Joslyn smirked, an axe kick sending another face first to the floor. “I’m already in double digits, slut.”
Eight gave an exaggerated sigh and glanced at his other friends.
“Let the lasses have at it.” Red said, daggers flashing to raise sparks across the blade of the one she fought before rapping the hilts solidly across his temple. “They’re havin’ fun. Nine!”
“Well it is a change from their usual behaviour,” Angelo winced, hefting his bow and sending a bolt through the throat of one that was raising a gun in Eight’s direction. “Oh and that’s nine as well, by the by.”
Eight chuckled lightly as his girlfriend and Tifa’s sister got a unfortunate trooper trapped between them with a twin high kick arguing over who got credit, but kept his focus. His senses suddenly howled at him and he grabbed the two wrangling females and yanked them back, right as a void appeared where they had just been.
“You’re quick.”
Pale skin, white hair…avoid. Eight raised his hand, about to call for a retreat when he froze mid-motion.
Tifa skidded to a stop by a glass door. Pulling back a fist she wasn’t entirely surprised when it slid open to allow her entry.
“No more games bitch.” She shouted. “Get out here.”
“Who’s been playing games?” Scarlet appeared from behind a partition, walking over to a desk. “You’re the one that seems to take this as some kind of hobby.”
“You have one chance…take me to Cloud.” Tifa growled, clenching her fists. “I’m not here for you. Not this time. Give him back and you’ll avoid another beating.”
“Oh I can’t do that,” Scarlet looked up from the keyboard she’d been tapping at. Taking a sip of water she smiled up at the brunette swinging the screen in her direction. “You see he’s undergoing training at the moment.”
“MAKE IT STOOOOOPPPP!!” The voice tore at her and Tifa staggered to the side. Though scratchy she could feel the weight of Cloud’s grief and misery in his screams. She turned a murderous glare onto her blonde adversary who stepped away and removed the coat she’d been wearing, clad only in a pair of panties.
“You have NO idea the things I had to do to get him to this state.” Scarlet gleefully stated, arms wide as Tifa barreled into her. Likewise, Shiva and Siren tangled together, their intangible bodies floating upwards through the mountain.
Her fist crashed into Viola’s face, spinning the redhead around to deliver a kick to her stomach. Elizabeth couldn’t stop a smile crossing her face. This was better. It wouldn’t feel as good if Viola had been easy. She’d drag the bitch home for her brats and that suited bastard…after she had her fun of course. She was owed this.
Then she shook her head. Her back was against the cool metal wall. Why was she on the floor? Then her scalp began to hurt as Viola dragged the brunette back to her feet.
Elizabeth gurgled as a fist hammered into her stomach, and then across her head. Stumbling, off balance, Viola pulled her into a hug, butted hard, then threw the brunette across the room. Still Liz staggered to her feet, panting. She was getting manhandled. Viola hadn’t fought in years, there was no way she could still be this good.
“Confused? Good!” Viola snarled, ducking a punch and kicking Elizabeth across the shin. “But I’ve had my fun. Now we’re going to do this for real.”
“Wuh…” Elizabeth started when Viola dragged back her head and pulled out a pill from her pocket.
“I intended to use this to buy myself time to get Tifa to see reason.” Viola hissed, shoving the tablet down the smaller woman’s mouth, palm placed over it to prevent her from spitting it out. “Since you ruined that plan I’ll use it to settle our old argument.”
Swallowing reflexively the Berserk took effect quickly. Viola leapt away when Elizabeth shoved powerfully and now the two circled, staring intently. In a swift motion Viola tore away her top, flashing her tits at the other woman. Eyes lighting up, Liz’s monsters were quickly bared and before they even stopped bouncing the pair splashed together, Viola’s momentum carrying them onto and over a bed.
Just like their first time, this matter would be settled without an audience.
Scarlet’s fist lashed out in Tifa’s direction, the busty brunette tilting back to avoid the blow, a retaliatory kick connecting solidly with Scarlet’s side. Any other time, such a blow would’ve definitely garnered a reaction from the blonde. But this time she simply grabbed the proffered limb and flung Tifa against the wall. Thick hair protecting her head from the worst of it the girl was up quick, leaping into the air and driving her blonde rival back with a spinning kick that sent her across a counter.
Likewise, Scarlet was up quick, vaulting over the same surface in her eagerness to get back at Tifa, throwing a punch that was blocked, then ramming into the woman with her shoulder. Tifa grabbed Scarlet around the neck to avoid falling back, then shoved. The blonde in turn threw her arms around Tifa’s shoulders and pushed back. Bodies bent, grunting savagely, both beauties once more matched strength against strength, the top of Tifa’s covered tits bashing against Scarlet’s bare.
Suddenly remembering, Tifa fell back, flipping the blonde over. Then cursed at the loud RIP. “You remembered.” Scarlet smiled, twisting back to her feet and tossing aside the piece of cloth. Tifa glared in her direction, a single boob hanging free from her ripped top. “Why not just get rid of that? You know how we’re going to do this.”
“I don’t think so.” Suddenly Scarlet found herself on the defensive as Tifa became a whirling dervish. Fists struck her shoulders, face and chest. Feet lashed at her legs, sides and stomach. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she lashed out in turn, even managing to land a few blows against her dark haired rival. But it quickly became obvious that Tifa, once more, wasn’t willing to play by the rules.
She hammered a punch against Tifa’s side that made the cunt groan, then a bright light went off in her head at the retaliatory strike. Falling to the floor she rolled away as Tifa’s heel slammed into the flooring, then managed to get her arms up to block a kick from the same leg that sent her rolling until she hit the wall.
“Last chance, you old cunt.” Tifa snarled, stamping towards the rising blonde, kicking a stool that crashed just above Scarlet’s head. “Give Cloud back and I’ll stop just short of crippling you. I don’t care about who’s tits you think are best anymore. I’ve already proved that mine are.”
“That remains to be seen you low level cow!” Scarlet spat, lunging at her hated rival and rocking the woman with a punch that made her fall back a step before, with a noise more animal than human, Tifa came back with a kick to the gut, that led into jumping knee that snapped the blonde’s head back into a shoulder charge of her own that knocked her back against the wall. “Ugh…”
“No, that’s a matter of FACT!!” Tifa shouted leaping at Scarlet, fist cocked back.
Her back against the wall the blonde ducked, wide eyed, as Tifa delivered a blow that left a fist sized indentation in the wall. With a second of her own to act, she bit down on the pill she’d placed under her tongue while drinking the water. Immediately strength flowed into her and she followed Lockhart’s moves, if barely. And as the woman spun around to deliver a backhand Scarlet ducked, under the arm and pulled Tifa into a bearhug.
“Gotcha,” she whispered, and kissed the surprised brunette with fierce intensity. Her tongue battered frantically at the wall Tifa’s teeth presented, while her hands tore the woman’s top to shreds before she was finally shoved away. Not to be denied she leapt back at the object of her desire, bodies tilting as her arms circled the slim waist, Tifa’s reflexively going around her shoulders as she pushed them back to an upright position.
Breasts jostled, nipples meeting and swelling at the contact, both beauties moaning at the sensation. Scarlet stared deep into Tifa’s eyes, the hate there making her quiver. Licking her lips she gave a rough shove with her tits, orbs squashing and spreading at the meeting. “Now we’re ready to begin.”
To Be Continued in Part 6.2! Coming Soon to Fights.Sexy!