Pride – Part 6.2 by Gradius

Dragged upwards, Siren was unable to stop Shiva’s momentum as they flew through the base structure, then mountain itself until they hit the outside. Rolling back, she fired a blast of wind to send Shiva even higher before attempting to return to Tifa. Only to find her way blocked.
“Didn’t think this through did you…” She pulsed at the descending Shiva. She turned slowly to face the Ice Queen. “You just left your host alone with my partner. My very ANGRY, partner.”
“Do you have time to be thinking about her?” Shiva demanded, arms shifting to form blades. “If you knew the depths of emotions my host carries you’d lose that air of such confidence.”
“It is because I trust her that I have confidence.” Siren retorted, her own arms lengthening into weapons. “But fair enough. After all…there’s enough between us to keep me occupied isn’t there.”
“More than you know, sister.” Shiva said, diving at Siren, their weapons clashing in a manner that affected the physical world as much as it did the spiritual. “More than you know…”
“Wot the bleedin’ hell!” Yangus growled at the explosion above them.
“Hmmm…seems like Shiva and Siren have already begun,” Titan noted. He pushed himself up from the hole his falling body had created. Rude, Barret, Yangus and Vincent kept him between them as the Esper flexed, grabbing a dislocated arm and resetting it. “Guess that means I can finally cut loose for a bit.”
“You…” Barret stiffened. Behind him Rude and Yangus staggered and almost fell. Even Vincent in his Chaos form took a hesitant step back. Titan’s shadow seemed to swell and his presence threatened to overwhelm them. Then it was gone, but still a primal fear welled up in Barret.
“Run!” It screamed at him. This was not something he could face. “Hide!”
“The hell with it!” Barret growled, furiously. He grabbed his gun arm, triggering the materia placed there, body glowing as he activated all at once. “I’ve dealt with bigger sons of bitches than you. So bring it on ya bastard. Let’s do this!”
Titan raised an eyebrow in amusement at the mortal’s bravado. Even more surprising was how his words reached those with him. Instead of fleeing as would be sensible they readied their weapons as if… He chuckled deeply. He would honor their bravery.
“The barrier is in place.” Alexander intoned, eyes glowing. “But Titan is also outside…”
“It will become uncomfortable for him as their fight ramps up, but he’ll survive.” Schroeder remarked. He kept his attention glued to the monitors watching as the various conflicts continued.
Yuffie and the Turks were moving towards the base’s core. Whether intentionally or not, they were probably the biggest threat with what resided there.
Tifa’s sister and the unknowns were fighting a running battle against Diabolos. For a moment he considered calling back the dark Esper to deal with Yuffie and Leviathan but changed his mind, smiling. There would be a better way to completely break their morale. He picked up the microphone.
Yuffie twisted in the air, foot cracking against a helmeted face. The corridors were widening, allowing them to actually move alongside Tseng in the mobile armor. The trooper she kicked flew back towards a junction where a fresh squad was rushing to join in.
“Attention, all military personnel begin phase two defense protocol.”
Their new opposition paused, seemingly confused, but Yuffie could see their jaws moving as if talking. No…not talking. Chewing!
Suddenly alert the kunoichi flung her shuriken, only for the star to be caught by the one in front who was dressed differently from the others. Purple with three yellow stripes on his shoulder.
“The boys can take the others,” He said loudly, stalking forward, whipping out a pair of tonfa. “This piece of ass is mine.”
Screams echoed down the corridor, drawing the attention of a pair of troopers. But the one in front shook his head and inclined it in the opposite direction. Their orders were to avoid that lab section. Digging into their pockets they pulled out small reddish pills, which they popped into their mouths. Grimacing at the taste, the pair moved with new energy towards other action.
Back in the sleeping quarters, bunks and mattresses lay strewn helter skelter, flung about by a pair of enraged females that now pressed up against the wall.
“No advantage this time you little whore.” Viola hissed, squeezing the smaller, yet bigger, woman mightily. She then grimaced as Elizabeth crushed back with equal fury. “I only wish I could’ve broken you in front of the crowd.”
“I never needed help to break you Vi!” Liz spat, powering off the wall Viola had her up against, sending them spinning slowly as if dancing. Her much larger boobs already covered much of Viola’s breasts, but the redhead gave no indication of being the least bit intimidated. “You would’ve lost regardless.”
“Let’s find out then!” Viola growled, shoving herself free of Elizabeth’s strong arms, swinging body and boob to smack heavily against boob. The smaller woman snarled in response, moving with the blow to angle off the wall and swing back with her own oversized mammary that had the redhead fall back a step.
Had anyone wandered into the room they’d have been struck by the apparent lopsided choice in weapons by the furious women, but the two fighting, said weapons were evenly matched. Elizabeth winced each time Viola’s solid, massy orbs sunk into her larger boobs before rebounding off the solid core. Viola grimaced as Liz’s monsters smacked painfully against and around her tits. Both suffered pain and both inflicted it willingly…and almost happily, at finally able to get their hands on one another.
They swung them slowly, aiming carefully, making each blow count. Slamming together, arms went around backs, boobs grinding together savagely. With an angry bellow Elizabeth hefted the taller redhead off her feet, throwing her to the side. Viola kept her feet, running back at the shorter brunette throwing herself at the woman who also jumped off the feet. Crashing together, both shouted, staggering as they rebounded.
“They’re going to be hanging around your knees when I’m done!” Viola threatened hoarsely, circling to the right.
“A better woman than you can only barely do it.” Elizabeth snapped, feinting at the redhead, breasts shaking wildly. “You’re no match for me. You NEVER were a match for me!”
“Not while you had help I wasn’t.” Viola spat. “Now you’re gonna feel what it’s like!”
Rushing together, arms went around necks, plunging boobs together viciously, faces contorting in pain and berserk rage.
“How do they feel Lockhart?” Scarlet grunted, squeezing strongly. She smiled contemptuously at the hate in Tifa’s eyes. “My newer, more beautiful, tits!”
“No different from all the times I already crushed you, you old whore.” Tifa spat back, lips curling at the flicker of anger across Scarlet’s face. “Doesn’t matter what you do Scarlet. I’ll always beat you. ”
Ramrod straight the two powerful beauties crushed each other in a bearhug that forced their large breasts to swell together under the pressure. Muscles clenched, becoming more defined under their arms. Slowly Tifa upped the ante, increasing the pressure, and felt Scarlet matching her each time. Face to face the blonde smiled widely at the frown that slowly formed on the brunette’s pretty face. “That’s right Lockhart,” she crowed internally. “It’s no longer a contest anymore.”
Tifa struggled to maintain a stoic expression, but the power of the blonde cougar was incredible. She shouldn’t be this strong she hadn’t…! She gave no indication, but the new violet color of the woman’s lenses shook the younger woman to her core. She was using something new again. Outrage bubbled up within her at the fact that once more, she was fighting at a disadvantage. Well if blondie was going to do it like that, then…
Scarlet stiffened, screaming loudly in genuine agony. “Hurts, doesn’t it!” Tifa growled, thumbs jammed into the small of the blonde’s back. “Thank Elizabeth. She’s the one that taught me how to fight dirty.”
Her legs like jelly, Scarlet screamed again as her arms spasmed, Tifa hurling her against the wall as soon as her grip faltered. “You…fucking…cow.” She growled, glaring up through watering eyes, then gurgled as a fist slammed into her stomach. Scarlet lashed out wildly and felt it connect before dropping to her knees from a kick to the chest.
“I told you…time and time again.” Tifa said coldly, massaging the side of her face. “I always was, and always will be, better than you Scarlet. What you’ve done, boosting yourself, taking and hurting Cloud like this has only unfettered my hands. Now that I know you can take it…I have no need to hold back.”
“Oh I beg to differ.” Scarlet twisted her head and spat, bursting into laughter. She was still laughing when Tifa’s elbow slammed into her side, stumbling to the side, barely avoiding an axe kick. “I predict you’re going to do exactly that, and fight me exactly as I want.”
“And why would I waste my time doing that?” Tifa cracked her knuckles. “I’m not playing games anymore you blonde bitch. You altered the script when you took my husband. The only way you’re getting out of this with the minimal amount of a beating is if you take me to Cloud. NOW!”
“Have you forgotten what Cloud has done to these people?” Scarlet’s eyes narrowed. “Why do you think he’s even still alive?”
“They want Bahamut,” Tifa growled. “That much is obvious. They…”
“You really are a fool, aren’t you, Lockhart!” Scarlet smirked at the look the brunette shot her. “If that’s all they wanted there’s a very easy way to get what they want…isn’t there?”
Scarlet smiled at Tifa’s sudden confusion. “Too easy,”
“They…they wouldn’t…”
“He’s only alive through my intervention. Because I said I could use HIM…to get YOU!” Scarlet continued. “That’s the sole reason he’s still alive. What do you think would happen if you were to appear to be on the verge of rescuing him?”
“Why are you telling me this?” Tifa glowered at Scarlet.
“Isn’t it obvious? One last fight Lockhart, you and me body to body, breast to breast” Scarlet traced her boobs, over and under. “You win, I take you to Cloud so you can play heroine. I win, you stay…he’s free to go.”
“And I’m supposed to just believe you?”
“What other choice do you have?” Scarlet smiled, knowing she’d already won. She strutted up to the brunette, pressing their breasts together, nipple to nipple. Then, to her surprise, Tifa instead took a step back. Smirking at the confusion on the blonde’s Tifa reached into her pants pocket. The blonde’s eyes widened at the pill the brunette waved at her. “You wouldn’t…”
“I told you, you old broad, you crossed the line.” Tifa maintained eye contact as she tossed the pill into her mouth, crunching down on it easily. She blinked at the taste, her brown eyes quickly shifting to an orange, reddish color. “So why should I be the only one playing by the rules!”
Now it was Tifa that sauntered up to Scarlet, pushing her boobs hard against the older woman’s pair. Rage glittered behind the blonde’s eyes, and as fast as Tifa’s arms flew over her shoulders, Scarlet’s were already around her waist.
“What I’ve done?” Siren demanded, slashing at Shiva. She shattered violently, sending the wind Esper recoiling. “I know how much mana you expend creating your clones, Shiva. I was there when you developed the technique. You’re avoiding me…you’re just trying to delay me.”
“You always did think yourself above the rest of us, me in particular.” Shiva appeared close by. Siren’s eyes narrowed. She hadn’t been mistaken. Shiva’s appearance was exactly as she’d appeared in the past, when she’d had a physical body. “But now I’m the one who has something YOU want. I’m the one who’s taken something from you!”
“Is that what this is still about? Alexander!?” Siren’s wings beat violently, propelling herself at the Ice Queen. But, to her surprise, instead of breaking apart, they crashed together, tumbling through the air as their bodies coiled together. “He himself has shown no interest in renewing our dalliance, so why…”
“Oh no, he is lost to you, my dear sister.” Shiva’s clutched Siren closer, siphoning off energy. A wide smile spread across her face. “As lost as your partner’s mate.”
“Wait, what are you…how do you..?! NO!!” Siren kicked the Ice Queen away, then dove at her, shoving Shiva into Alexander’s barrier. “What have you done to him?
Shiva sneered, blasting a cone of frost that drove Siren off. “The feeling of him in me was quite something.” She taunted the rival Esper. “If I’d known what it was like I would have experimented back when having we all had bodies!”
“You did WHAT!?” Shiva barely got her guard up when Siren flew at her, shoving a blade-like limb through her body. Shiva started to break apart, but instead Siren grabbed her throat and pumped mana through her, preventing it. “Oh no…not this time. What did you to Cloud?”
“Dear, dear Siren,” Shiva responding, body arching and then thrusting a pointed leg into the Wind Esper. “It’s not what I did to him. It’s what he did to me. And it was very enjoyable…for both of us.”
Immediately bodies flowed, to reform with Shiva holding Siren’s arm and Siren holding Shiva’s leg. In a furious flurry they coiled their bodies together, gripping and pulling, face to face, Shiva’s intent, Siren’s enraged.
Barret grunted loudly, punching Titan so hard the massive being was knocked back. His knuckles were sore, bloody and he was rapidly losing feeling in his hand. His gun was broken, Titan had crushed it with as much effort as anyone else cracked an egg, rendering it barely useable. The counterblow from the Esper flung him from his feet, the muscular man unable to contain the scream it tore out of him. Something was definitely broken. Hacking, he spat out blood, shakily getting to his feet, only to be knocked down again when Yangus came flying past.
“It really is a pity.” Titan stated conversationally, seemingly uninjured. Even more insulting to Barret was the fact that the creature genuinely sounded like he meant what he said. “I could think of worse partners to have if you’d been the one to find my stone. We would’ve meshed well I think.”
“Doubt it,” the big man growled. “I don’t play well with bastards arrogant enough to think they can control the world.”
“Current company excluded I assume?” Titan chuckled good-naturedly, and then leapt at Barret, fists raised. “And I have no interest in controlling anything. This is just orders.”
Rude tackled Barret to the ground, pulling him out of the way of a descending Titan, the Esper’s landing creating a cloud of snow. Flapping his wings, Vincent dispelled the cloud before there was an explosive CRACK of what sounded like lightning. Abruptly the temperature dropped, the wind picked up and the cursed man descended to the ground to avoid being blown away. Even Titan paused, staring up at the top of the mountain, concern on his wide face.
“GOTCHA’!!” Yangus bellowed, whacking Titan across the face with his club, sending the muscular giant staggering.
“Get ‘im!” Barret shouted, gritting his teeth as he slammed his fist into Titan’s stomach, punching his broken gun into the Esper’s face. Following up, Rude spun, landing a punch, then a backhand that dropped Titan to his knees. Moving with a speed that belied his bulk Yangus was behind him, club smashing into the small of the giant’s back. Following close behind Vincent dropped from above, driving the Esper into the ground with an explosion of snow. From within came feral growls and grunts, accompanied by the sound of heavy blows landing. Warily, the other three watched as the snow cleared, to reveal a battered Titan holding Vincent aloft.
“Chaos energy. Impressive.” Titan spat out a splash of red onto the snow. “You actually hurt me. Well done. But now…”
Titan released Vincent and the impact of his fist on Vincent’s body sent shockwaves, sending the undead man flying past the others. “Now I can take things up a notch.”
“Ah hell…” Barret groaned, casting a hasty glance over his shoulder at the puff of snow where Vincent had landed. Even with Berserk they could barely hold their own against this thing. But they had to keep him occupied here, and out of the base. So he turned to Rude. “Got extra?”
The silent, bruised, Turk handed him a knuckle that sparked with electrical energy. Wincing, the black man slipped it over his fingers, working the digits carefully. “We keep him here. No matter what it takes.”
As one the three remaining charged the amused looking Esper.
Back inside the base Tseng gave cover to the Yuffie and the rest of the Turks as they slowly advanced towards the center of the base. The problem came from the tactic employed by the new troopers they faced relying on hit and run to wear them down and keep their progress slow.
“How much further is it?” Cissnei warily asked.
“Based on what I remember…another two, maybe three hundred meters ahead.” Tseng replied, swiveling the walker’s torso to cover a corridor. “Then we hit a junction and go right.”
“So that’s where you’re going. Good to know…”
“Above us!” Yuffie shouted, shoving Elena to the side before jumping in the opposite direction, when the striped trooper dropped from a grate in the ceiling. “Dammit…piss off!”
“Don’t be shy, babe,” he taunted, blocking her shuriken with the tonfa. Kicking out, he forced the kunoichi into a back flip and charged forward, weapons twirling. “I’m quite something when you get to know me…oooffff…”
“There’re more coming from the sides,” Elena grunted, leaping to Yuffie’s aid, knocking her attacker into a wall. “We can’t do it this way. Yuffie…”
“Fine, I get it!” Yuffie muttered. Shrouding herself in the manner taught to all Wutai ninja she faded away, leaving behind several startled figures.
“Hell,” their opponent growled, turning towards Elena. “Finally get to tangle with a decent looking non blonde and you had to get in the way. Hope you at least have a decent rack under that suit babe.”
“Pervert,” Elena grimaced, adopting a ready stance. “Why don’t you try and find out.”
In the control room Schroeder studied the invasion with a critical eye. Andrea, as always, proved capable, retreating and ambushing those that followed him. The younger of the Anguin sisters always staying close and guarding against any that might escape his notice, dipping in and out of the shadows of the winding corridors in perfect tandem with her partner. Though separated from the spearhead of the invading force, the duo would likely become difficult to track in the ensuing chaos, giving them the potential to support or even extract their comrades. “Perhaps letting him take them had been a mistake,” he mused, turning his attention to another screen.
On it Tifa’s sister and the monster hunter group continued a fighting retreat in the face of Diabolos’s advance. This style suited the dark Esper, keeping them from attempting to circle around him and instead heading back towards the entrance. Though, both had been taken by surprise at the redheaded girl’s sudden aptitude for materia, a massive fireball that one of his voids could barely swallow. Frowning, Schroeder tapped at his keyboard, inputting new data on this…Jessica.
Transfer complete he brought up the menu, lowered the volume on his terminal, and pressed down on another button.
Schroeder winced, and lowered it even more. Despite his typical indifference he couldn’t help raising an eyebrow at Elizabeth. The size of the woman’s boobs on her tiny, comparably, body was always a surprise. But then again, he remembered her as being exceptionally developed even as a child. If they’d kept her around she’d undoubtedly have been popular in the matches. The ferocity of her rivalry with Lockhart was one indicator. Her savage fight with Viola now, another.
Hands overflowing with each other’s titflesh redhead and brunette flung each other across the room, to slam against walls, roll across the floor or off of beds. Always they rushed back together, flinging impressive mammaries to slam and crush together or wrapping up together in a bearhug, striving to flatten each other or tearing and yanking with their hands. Driven by over a decade of resentment and cat hate they attacked each other with a fervor to rival even that of Tifa and Scarlet.
Viola gave a scream, shoving Elizabeth against the wall and lifting her smaller opponent off her feet by her breasts. Liz shrieked in response, twisting Viola’s boobs. Twisting, twisting until the redheaded woman gave a hoarse screech and lowered her smaller opponent back to the floor. But before Elizabeth could set herself, Viola slammed forward so fast that Elizabeth’s hand automatically released to avoid being broken. She screamed as her breasts were violated while Viola, in turn, grabbed the tough brunette’s arms, attempting to hold them out to the side. Slapping at wrists, Elizabeth retained enough awareness to fight back against this and instead, their hands linked, fingers curling tight.
“I’m not going to just flatten you,” Viola hissed, the rage in her eyes scaring the wounded Elizabeth. “I’ve seen Tifa do that enough times. I’m going to BREAK your tits. There won’t be a bra strong enough to support those melons of yours after I’m done.”
“Big talk,” Elizabeth shot back. Despite the energy from the pill, Viola was still frighteningly strong and Elizabeth felt her arms pushed back against the wall. “But then again I always heard you were good with your mouth. I’ll find out soon enough.”
The WHACK of their breasts smacking together was loud and painful, Liz groaning at the blow. Rearing back, Viola delivered another power slam, making the smaller woman shout, but as she leaned back again, Elizabeth suddenly went limp, dropping to the ground and pulling Viola towards her. The redhead shrieked as her boobs splashed up against the wall, tottering backwards with a look that equal parts horrified and enraged. “You…you…”
“I see you never learned from your mistakes.” Liz mocked, giving her shoulder a crack, stalking towards a retreating Viola. “Now then…where were we?”
She caught the look of cunning that flashed across the woman’s face just in time to avoid being grabbed, but not quick enough to avoid the slashing, horizontal blow that made her cry out, and left tit jiggle dramatically. Viola smirked toothily at how pale Elizabeth went. “Oh I learned a lot.” She purred, darting forward to grab Elizabeth in another hug. “You showed me the pleasure in giving your opponent just enough rope to hang themselves. And now you’re going to feel exactly like I did when we fought in that mud pool.”
Schroeder raised an eyebrow at the vitriol in Viola’s voice. The woman had been holding onto the grudge for that long, and hid it so well that for a moment the doctor didn’t realize what she was talking about.
At Elizabeth’s scream when Viola started squeezing, he brought up the menu again and this time hesitated. If those two had been that bad, what would he find with the other two. Shrugging, he tapped the button, only to be greeted by a wall of static. He frowned and tapped the screen to bring up another camera…more snow. Two more cameras he tried, all down. He sat back folding his arms. “I don’t like this…” He muttered to himself, getting off his seat. “I don’t like this at all!”
Tifa distantly felt Siren’s outrage. The fact that it reached through whatever had cut them off made her hesitate and Scarlet smirked, dipping just below her chest to knock her boobs upwards, making the massive orbs wobble delectably.
“Where are you looking Tifa?” Scarlet panted. The blonde winced as the brunette’s monsters slapped at the side her tits, sending the mounds bouncing off one another. Jumping forward for another squash, both beauties recoiled as their boobs flowed back out, resuming their shapes. “It’s just us here, darling. Let’s enjoy it.”
“One of us will,” Tifa growled, swatting Scarlet’s breasts, the density behind the massy orbs not worrying her. She knew what she wanted to do. What she was going to do. As Scarlet shuffled to compensate for her boob’s wild jiggling Tifa reared back, hands on her hips.
“I know. I have a week of activities planned for us afterwards.” Scarlet grabbed her hips, spotting Tifa’s feet shift, and arched back. Springing upper bodies forward, all four orbs splashed together with a vicious SMACK.
Scarlet screamed. Tifa shrieked. But they kept their boobs plastered together, grinding the full, fleshy glands together mercilessly. Glaring spitefully into each other’s faces all the while. After a minute of mashing the plump orbs together they reared back, perfectly in sync, and slammed together again. Even harder this time.
Tifa smiled sadistically as, despite Scarlet’s obvious growth spurt, she was still the larger of the two. Then frowned, forced back a sliding step. As close as they were the brunette couldn’t ignore the obvious changes. Lines were missing from the cougar’s face. Vein’s that were once visible were no longer. Scarlet smiled at Tifa’s realization and stuck out a waggling tongue at the younger woman. Then flinched as the girl snapped at the organ, teeth clicking just short of it, making her give up several precious steps.
Hissing in a fury, Scarlet shoved Tifa back again, then another step. Separating, they crashed their boobs together again with a ruthless CRACK, crying out again in unison. She stared hard into Tifa’s pitiless crimson eyes, the hate shining from those glittering lenses, and felt the lust…the despised, hot and burning lust for this girl…rush through her and reared back again, boobs thrust together once more.
Only this time Tifa wasn’t there.
A quick step back, that’s all it was. Slowly falling back into her zone Tifa instinctively began moving, not to simply overpower her rival. Not just to defeat. But also to humiliate. Off balance, Scarlet couldn’t react when the brunette leapt at her, breasts squashing, foreheads cracking together. Stumbling she shook her head, cross eyed from the unexpected blow, then whined at a sharp blow to the outside of her left boob that sent it bouncing uncomfortably against her right.
She swung back, felt her breast brush past Tifa’s, yelping at the woman’s counter that set her right boob jiggling now. “Little cunt,” she spat, irritation building in time with the pain. She saw Tifa coming and twisted to meet her, left on left. Boobs splattered together, compressing. Flattening, flattening against each other until rebounding and unbalancing them both again. “Ow!”
Tifa recovered first again, leaping at Scarlet, shoving her massive orbs against the blonde’s, bowling over the cougar and sending her to the floor. Rolling with the momentum Scarlet came back to her feet and rushed back at the brunette who dodged behind a countertop. “What’re you playing at here Lockhart.” Scarlet demanded, circling the around the hindrance to her target. “Fight me, or you know what happens.”
“I am fighting you, you dumb blonde.” Tifa taunted. She wasn’t going to get goaded into fighting wild. Not this time. “How many times have I knocked you on your ass already?”
The blonde lunged at the busty brunette, arms wide. Tifa, however, ducked under the grab and shoved Scarlet back, darting low and leaping up to give Scarlet a boob uppercut that knocked her onto the countertop. For a moment, Scarlet lay supine, expecting Tifa to jump onto her, then slowly got up to see the woman jumping from foot to foot, boobs bouncing. The blonde glared at her, eyes narrowing. When Tifa charged in, boobs swinging, the blonde jumped back avoiding the hits. Her lips curled. “Oh you think you’re so clever, my little pet. This is going to be even better than I hoped.”
“You think so, huh? Then you know how this will turn out.” The hairs on the back of her neck rose at Scarlet’s words. The longer this went on, the stronger the urge to just go to town on the woman would become. If she wasn’t bluffing… “Want to give up now and spare yourself a beating?”
“Far from it,” the blonde purred, pushing out her sizeable chest. Her nipples were straining in excitement. Tifa felt her own swell in response to the challenge, her baser instincts and desires surging. “I’ve got you to fight me for real. After I break you, no one will ever question which of us is the better woman ever again.”
Light-footed they circled, eyes locked, seeking a weakness, hesitation, and finding none. Eyes dropped to the barely moving massy blobs of pleasure and pain that were about to meet. Eyes flickered back together and Scarlet licked her lips while Tifa’s curled in contempt. A sudden jerk of her shoulder made Tifa flinch and Scarlet smiled widely. Scowling, Tifa made a sudden dart at Scarlet, making the blonde jump back. Now the cougar’s eyes narrowed while the brunette sneered.
In a flash they were together, breasts beating savagely against breasts, but it wasn’t a wild melee. Fully in control, they aimed their strikes to cause the most harm, to do the most damage. Scarlet aimed for the area where Tifa’s monsters met her chest, seeking to damage the root of the younger woman’s glands. Tifa attacked the outside of Scarlet’s tits, driving her boobs together to damage each other even as she assaulted them. Both violet and red eyes glittered as they drove stiffened spikes into the pillowlike orbs, knowing the pain they were causing their rival.
“You’ve gone too far this time Shiva!” Siren rasped. Lower halves wrapped around tightly, the two Espers pushed and shoved at one another, dark clouds brewing in response to their conflict.
“Why so angry, Siren.” Shiva mocked, her power straining. Siren was as strong as ever. “After all, he’s just one man. And you were clearly enjoying yourself with that woman. Rosa was it? Rosalind.”
Siren stiffened at Shiva’s words, the derisive tone and the scornful expression, power crackling through her and knocking the Ice Queen back. Body growing, wings erupted from her body. “I have tolerated much from you over the centuries Shiva. Your accusations and your attacks. I’ve held back because of our old friendship. But for this I’m putting you back in a stone.”
“Such emotion, and over a mortal as well.” Shiva’s own form swelled to match Siren’s, both Espers reaching more than triple their previous size. Crashing together, Shiva snarled, biting down on Siren’s shoulder, sucking in the Songstress’s essence. “You will bear witness to when my Scarlet breaks your Tifa. And then…you will both be made to watch as we take your precious Cloud from you.”
Siren howled, her wings curling in to join her arms in crushing Shiva. The second pair undulated, as if alive, then stiffened to points that stabbed into the blue Esper’s back. They grew and changed color as energy from siphoned from Shiva.
Unnoticed, or uncared, by both creatures the fury of the storm increased with the ferocity of their attacks on one another.
Deep within the base Yuffie winced at the mana flowing through the base. Moving quietly she noticed even the staff of the building hesitating, or pausing in their activities to stare up at nothing. The fight between Shiva and Siren was throwing up enough mana for even regular people to feel it.
Regular people…
The kunoichi shook her head at the phrase and focused. Four guards at the door and what looked like a keypad lock. Subtlety was already out the window so Yuffie simply gestured and a gout of pressurized water slammed into guards, knocking them against the wall with stunning force. Surprise flitted across the ninja’s face as it also knocked the door out of it’s frame. “Did I use too much?” She pulsed to Leviathan.
“No it…oohh…” Leviathan’s response was cut short when Yuffie stepped into the room. Materia. All red, of all sizes. Yuffie felt the emotions coming from the Wutai goddess and stepped back obligingly, allowing her to assume control.
“Golem, Seraph, Fenrir and Kirin.” Names that she didn’t know, but could feel the affection from Leviathan with each word. With far more reverence than she had thought her capable of the Ocean Serpent delicately placed each stone inside her pouch, moving deeper into the room. “Typhon, Kujata and…”
It was particularly large, compared to the rest. But the size wasn’t what had disturbed Leviathan, Yuffie knew. It was the fact that it was glowing. The ninja could sense something, something powerful, communicating with Leviathan. And whatever it was clearly had her nervous. Then she felt herself snatched away and pulled…somewhere.
“This one?” Yuffie looked around wildly. She was at the top of a tower, just below what appeared to be a large throne. “I shouldn’t be surprised I suppose. You always were a vain little creature.”
“How are you even still here Odin?” Leviathan demanded. In her Serpentine form she rose up alongside the tower talking to someone Yuffie couldn’t make out. It’s as if her eyes couldn’t focus on the figure that appeared on the throne. “You locked yourself away for so long we all assumed you just returned to the stream out of boredom.
“I considered it, then I felt the Outsider’s presence again.” The voice took on a grumbling tone. “I’d started to expand my own influence, trying to draw in someone worthy so I could return to the fight. Instead HE found me and has kept me here since.”
“You know him. The…!” The tower shook violently and the blurry shape rose off the throne. “I can feel the battles being fought around me. I imagine this is the same frustration you felt watching those people you were so fond of from your prison?”
“I doubt it but…were I to offer you a chance, would you take it?” Yuffie suddenly perked up at that.
“Who do I need to kill?”
“The battle goes against us currently with Titan occupying the strongest among us.” The figure snorted at that. “Yes, you and he have never seen eye to eye. We will guide you to them and you can take your pick.”
Back out in the real world Yuffie stumbled, trying to get her bearings as barely a second had passed during that conversation. She heard Leviathan’s murmurings and picked up the pulsing materia. Darting out the room, she once more cloaked herself to avoid being seen, moving as quick as it would allow.
“BACK OFF, FREAK!” Elena shouted, punching furiously before jumping back and wincing at the pain in her knuckles.
“Heh, is it my turn?” The striped trooper grinned, hopping lightly from foot to foot whirl twirling his tonfa. “Careful kiddo, I might…whoa there!”
Flipping backwards he barely avoided Reno’s baton and continued moving as Tseng swung in his direction, fingers firmly on the triggers. Moving swiftly, the two of his surviving partners darted down the corridor, before splitting off. “I HATE that fucker!” Elena growled, massaging her hands.
“These’re definitely a step above the ones we’ve faced before.” Tseng noted. “As it stands we can barely hold this corridor, much less advance.”
“We underestimated them didn’t we?” Cissnei stated bluntly. Tseng shared a look with Reno, but before he could respond there was a shimmer. “Yuffie?”
The ninja shoved a small bag into the redhead’s hands. “You need to get out of here.” She growled.
“That’s not the plan.” Tseng warned.
“The plan didn’t include them having First Class comparable soldiers did it?” Yuffie snapped. “We have help inside that bag, but Alexander’s got a barrier up. Once you get outside, you’ll understand.”
“What’re you gonna do?” Elena asked worriedly.
“Warn the others.” The kunoichi’s eyes glittered. “Then me and Leviathan will deal with Alexander.”
“What about my wife?” Reno stepped forward. “Have you seen Vi?”
“No,” Yuffie stated shortly. “And right now my main focus is on making sure nothing happens to us. Viola’s gonna to have to take her chances.”
“You are quite annoying!”
“That’s what I always say.” Joslyn agreed, falling into a split, her fist digging into the crotch of an advancing trooper. The face was hidden, but man or woman the result was the same. slumping to their knees, hands over the wounded privates, they were wide open to a slashing kick from Victoria. The CRACK of their neck snapping was loud, even over the fighting.
“You’re one to talk, daddy’s girl.” Vicky growled. Fighting alongside one of the bitches she hated the most was something she’d only do for Andrea. If she’d had her way, they’d be at the exit now instead of joining them in this fighting retreat.
“Normally I wouldn’t agree with the cunt.” Jessica grunted, hurling another fireball. The void that spawned into being was smaller than others, allowing some of the flames to reach it’s target, Diabolos hissing in aggravation. “But when we’re done with this prick your ass is mine.”
“Fuck you, ginger.” Vicky spat, vaulting over Joslyn to grab a dropped rifle. Firing as fast as her finger could pull the trigger she unloaded several rounds in the Esper’s direction. Most were swallowed up by the black holes it spawned, but several got through, red stains spreading on the white shirt. “You already had your chance. I’m the one who’s gonna pummel her black and blue.”
“As if you could, you…”
“Girls…girls…” Red hurled a dagger to bounce ineffectually off an approaching sword wielder’s helmet. While it didn’t penetrate, it did distract long enough for Andrea to sweep his legs out from under him at the same time Eight’s sword separated the head from the body. “Could we wait to see if we get out of here alive before arguing over who’s gonna kick who’s ass?”
“I dunno.” Angelo remarked, fighting alongside Eight with a sword, having long since run out of arrows. “Watching the three of them tearing off each other’s clothes while pulling hair and such wouldn’t be such a bad thing before clocking out.”
“What? I was just answering a question. Plus I imagine three hotties rubbing their naked bodies together would distract the bad guys as well.” The platinum blonde defended himself, smirking as the outraged femmes threw themselves at their adversaries with renewed focus. He caught Red glancing at him and shot her a flirtatious grin. “Something I can help you with babe?”
“Just reminding myself you’re a lot smarter than you let on.” The woman replied, uncoiling the whip from her hip. “it’s easy to forget with how you act.”
“You amuse me…but this has gone on long enough.” With loud ripping sounds, Diabolos’s body swelled, growing in height with a pair wings and a tail appearing at his back. Her eyes wide in sudden terror, Jessica hurled a pair of fireballs at the black and red Esper, that were easily absorbed by a single void. Holding out a hand he formed a black hole that encompassed the entire corridor, advancing slowly towards the group that hastily backed away. “This would be an interesting test. I wonder how he’d react to learning what I’ve done to you?!”
“Who would react?”
There was a loud rush and suddenly the wall of black was gone and they could see the creature being held against the wall by a hand of…water?
“Fie?” Joslyn called hesitantly as the ninja girl appeared, marching around a corner.
“Not right now,” The voice was Yuffie’s but the tone was Leviathan’s and her eyes were focused on the creature held against the wall. “Who are you talking about Diabolos?”
“Leviathan,” It nodded in recognition. “Still playing the role of guardian deity?”
“I’d advise telling me what you know. Right now I’m the one you want to deal with.” Leviathan stated, flicking a finger to form a bubble around the top of his head, just over the nose. “My host is not in the best of moods. You’ve taken some she cares for and threatened her friends. I can’t promise what she’d do if I let her take over.”
Diabolos merely glared at her stubbornly. With a snap of her finger she completely immersed him in the water. Though exceedingly powerful, manifesting physically like this meant he was vulnerable to most things regular mortals were as well. Probably even more in some cases. Such as the need to breathe. As something he’d never really thought about for millenia his first breath of water had the dark Esper panicking as his body began to react to the lack of oxygen.
“I can make it stop, Diabolos. If you tell me what you know.” Leviathan hissed. “What is going on? Why are we fighting each other like this?”
Diabolos’s eyes merely flashed, curling up into a ball as a void swallowed him whole. “Dammit…forgot he could do that…” the Wutai goddess grunted, then Yuffie’s body seemed to relax and her face softened. Then squeaked in surprise when she was squashed between Jo and Jessica hugging her.
“Yuf…you okay?” Jessica demanded, concern thick in her voice. ” Where’re the others? We got caught up with that guy and weren’t able to make it very far inside.”
“We had the same issue over on our side. Tseng and the Turks’re fighting their way to the entrance. We’re hoping they didn’t see that coming.” Yuffie’s voice was slightly muffled form her position, and she swiftly slid down and out from between her two busty friends. “We need some of you to help them pick up the pace.”
“Some of us? What’re you…”
“Me an’ Leviathan are going after Alexander.” Yuffie continued, then pointed at Jessica. “I’m guessing you noticed that Diabolos, that one you fought, really doesn’t like fire. So I need you and a couple to come with me in case he’s in the same place.”
In their main operation center, Schroeder, Alexander and those close by were startled a hole appeared, depositing Diabolos and a considerable amount of water onto the floor. “She’s coming here,” the dark Esper coughed violently.
“This could get messy,” Schroeder grunted, watching as Alexander helped the other up as he shrank back to his human form. “Where is Cloud?”
“Sir…last time we caught sight of him he was heading toward Scarlet’s lab.”
“Do you think I should ask him to change his plan?” The doctor glanced over at Alexander. “Or do you think you and Diabolos can…”
“I won’t be of much help.” Diabolos hacked, and droplets of blood floated on a puddle under his head. “When she tried to drown me…something broke inside. Just talking…hurts.”
“He won’t be needed,” the short Esper responded, staring at the monitors going offline leading towards their location. “Leviathan might have convinced herself that things will be different this time, but I will remind her of her place.”
Elizabeth screamed.
In a part of her mind that recognized it for what it was, she was glad no one else was around to hear it. Only in her first fight against Tifa in Wutai had she felt an agony even remotely comparable to this. But unlike Tifa, who had been clearly suffering a terribly as she had, Viola simply kept slamming her rock hard teats against her own battered glands.
“Louder!” the redhead shouted, spitefully beating her reddened boobs against Elizabeth’s bruised monsters. The smaller woman’s massive left breast flopped to the side pathetically at the moist, wet sounding, SMACK and Liz wailed in clear pain. Viola could feel it as well, but distantly, like an annoying itch and could only marvel at Tifa’s self control to never use this power at the club. “That’s nowhere near as bad as you made me scream you worthless cunt. Scream louder, damn you!!”
“Fu…FUCK YOU!” Elizabeth shrieked hoarsely, swinging her right tit to splatter against Viola’s. Both breasts flattened appreciably, clearly having an effect, Viola grunting in surprise as she stumbled back a step. “I’ve never lost to you Vi. And I won’t start now…”
“Lying cow!” Viola hissed, rotating her entire body to crash her left boob into the smaller woman. Elizabeth rose onto her toes, body quivering, yet still stubbornly retaliated with a counter blow that set the redhead’s orb jiggling. “You know fucking damn well I beat you that night you jumped me. You couldn’t beat me with your fists or tits. That’s why you always gave me a hard time. I put you in your fucking place…just like Andy hired me to!”
Elizabeth gave a howl, throwing herself at Viola, fist cracking across the taller woman’s face. The redhead didn’t attempt to dodge, bracing herself against the hit, then driving a punch of her own into Liz’s midsection. As she croaked in pain, doubling over, Viola clubbed her to her knees with a vicious double fisted blow. Her thick hair protected her head and, still under the effect of the Berserk, she leapt back up, butting Viola right in the face with the top of her head. Elizabeth groaned and Viola grunted, clutching the wounded areas, before jumping at one another fists raised.
Tifa shouted, arms sweeping aside beakers, stumbling in the face of Scarlet’s relentless blows against her tits. The voluptuous blonde’s boobs were not just larger now, but firmer as well, setting her breasts wobbling with each collision. The massively chested brunette jumped back, snarled, and leapt as Scarlet lost her balance at the end of a swing, her boobs smashing against the blonde’s.
Scarlet yelled at the bruising impact and sharp pain. Damn the bitch and her oversized, fucking cow udders. While not as massively outgunned as before, she was still outgunned nonetheless. Staggering, she grabbed a tube rack, hurling it at Tifa to get some time. The scant second it took the brunette to brush aside the wooden apparatus clattering to the floor, she was ready for her again. Boob met boob evenly and equally, Tifa and Scarlet squealing as they flung the heavy glands back and forth in brutal comparison.
Thrashing each other back and forth, across the room with the contending orbs stools and chairs clattered to the ground to be kicked aside by the struggling women. Slamming up against a counter, Scarlet pounced, lust flaring in her eyes at being body to body against Tifa. Her hips jerked involuntarily, slowly pressing their mounds together, while Scarlet’s face leaned in close, the disgust on the brunette’s face exciting her further. “Yes…yes…that’s it.” The blonde whispered hoarsely, lips puckering, trying to reach Tifa’s face. “Can you feel it Tifa? You and me…fighting and fucking…forever. I can show you how.”
“You…are…INSANE!” Tifa strained, fighting to get out from under the blonde. Driving the heel of her foot into Scarlet’s foot she got the cougar to tip to the side and slowly heave her off. Tumbling to the ground Scarlet rolled once and quickly got to her feet, only to recoil when Tifa rammed into her full tilt. The beauties stumbled in opposite directions at the loud WHACK of their breasts and bellies colliding, took a quick second to shake away the pain, then. “Get over yourself you old bag. If even Rufus wanted nothing to do with you, why the fuck would I waste my time!”
Lips curling, Scarlet feinted at Tifa, only for the brunette to spread her arms, not retreating, ready and eager to continue. When Tifa took a step forward, Scarlet crouched, not even hiding her desire for the younger woman. Wary now, the panting beauties stalked each other around a desk, each arching her body proudly to present the swollen glands at her rival. With a guttural moan, Scarlet finally kicked aside the obstacle, lunging at Tifa who had already twisted her body in response.
Large breast clapped loudly against massive breast only to be swiftly replaced by another pair that were flung furiously together. Again and again the weighty teats smacked loudly as blonde and brunette pounded the surging masses of titflesh together hatefully. To anyone not in know it would have looked as if they were flailing their boobs at one another wildly and uncontrollably.
But the more experienced would’ve noticed that every swing had the orbs meet with stunning force. Sweat dripped down faces, but eyes remained focused on the busty melee filling the air between them. Soft grunts issued out from behind pursed lips, unheard over fleshy impacts as their breasts met, flattened and distorted, before recoiling and providing momentum for another swing. They had fought each other enough to know that a quick victory was impossible and had resigned themselves to the pain, letting it fuel the lust and rage and hate that roiled between them.
A minute passed. Then two…then five. Clenched fists dug into sides so as to avoid upsetting the rhythm they’d developed. Unabashed in the willing violence they inflicted on one another, eagerly pounding their heavy, reddened tits together viciously. The pain was considerable, bashing their boobs together with bruising violence, the brutishness causing the already considerably sized orbs to swell even further. But rather than slowing, the pair only upped the violence, battering each other relentlessly with the simple desire to cause as much hurt as possible.
in the course of these vicious impacts, where neither woman, nor boobs gave any found Tifa surprisingly gave her head a toss and licked her lips. Scarlet missed the move as, at the end of a blow, her foot slipped back an inch. This should have been nothing as both had taken minute steps to keep their balance, but this time the blonde’s bare foot passed over a glass shard, tiny, but big enough to dig into her big toe.
A brief pain flicker and a split second of distraction was all someone like Tifa needed in a fight. Even in one such as this. She felt the mistimed blow from Scarlet and retaliated quickly, her boob smacking against the blonde’s right at an angle that caused the orb to jiggle wildly and disrupt the flow of her movements. Scarlet tried to compensate, but Tifa swung again hard and now the cougar’s left wobbled delectably. Instinctively she stepped away, trying to get time to adjust, time Tifa had no intention of giving her.
Hands flashed out, grabbing the blonde by the shoulders and pulling her into Tifa. Both grunted at the meeting of their lush, full bodies, Tifa’s arms around Scarlet’s shoulders, trying to trap the blonde’s arms at her sides. Like the wildest alley cat Scarlet struggled furiously, hissing and cursing, managing to free her arms to go around Tifa’s waist, but the brunette’s massive monsters now lay atop her breasts, weighing down heavily.
“Lucky bitch!” The blonde spat, pressing her boobs into the undersides of Tifa’s, nipples pricking deep. “Cow…fucking fat cow!
“Keep talking.” Tifa growled, jumping to her toes to give her breasts a little extra lift. Scarlet winced as breasts came down on her own with a meaty SPLAT, then grunted as the brunette did it again. “I’m sending those useless bags down to your stomach.”
“Not in this lifetime whore!” Scarlet snarled, dropping her knees slightly before shooting up to slap painfully against Tifa’s boobs sensitive undersides. The younger brunette cried out, but to the visible shock on the blonde’s face it carried little pain, and she immediately retaliated with a boob bomb that had the blonde’s legs quiver. ” AAAGHHH…wha…what?”
“I…told…you!” Tifa snarled, her face twisting into a horrific expression of hate. The red eyes made it especially frightening. Leaning in she kissed the cougar hard, startling the woman in the way she actually initiated it. Lips coming apart with a loud SMACK the blonde was clearly dazed, before shouting at another bombing hit. Her feet left the ground as the brunette martial artist dropped her weighty wrecking balls onto Scarlet, driving the shrieking blonde to her knees. “You were never a match for me you fucking – OLD – SLUT! Again and again you’ve come after me. Fucking up my life. This time, I’m going to make sure the lesson STICKS!!”
Scarlet barely heard Tifa. Again…the word echoed in her mind. Once more Tifa had humiliated and denigrated her. HER…Scarlet…the brains behind Shinra. With a hoarse scream that startled the young brunette, she leapt upright, fist swinging in an upward arc to smash under the bitch’s chin. Her feet left the ground again, but Tifa rolled with the blow, landing in a crouch. Scarlet’s entire body heaved in outrage. No…NOT again. Whatever it took, she would NOT lose to the little cunt again. She barely felt the blow Tifa slashed across her face, instead swinging her own fist.
Toe to toe, the pair pummeled each other furiously with fist and breast, screaming their rage into the other’s face.
Above the mountain, in the eye of the storm, Shiva and Siren fought their own battle with equal intensity and ferocity. Siren’s body now held a blue tinge as a result of the amount of Shiva’s essence she’d absorbed, while Shiva’s formerly pale body was a pale pink with blue and yellow highlights. The intense cold of the North, coupled with her new evolution, allowed Shiva to fight on a more even field than she’d managed previously against her old rival.
Even…but not equal.
Spinning through the air they crashed into Alexander’s barrier, Siren dragging Shiva along it, causing her former friend significant discomfort. Fingers extending, sharpening, Shiva slashed Siren’s face, tearing rents in the spectral form. Siren came back with a fist straight through Shiva’s head, causing the Ice Queen to shatter and re-form behind her. Jetting forward she knifed into Siren’s back, attempting to shove her into the glowing dome, only for Siren’s wings to grab and drag her to the front.
“You crossed a line.” Siren hissed, voice deep and carrying none of her usual musical tone. “Cloud is…”
“Cloud is ours now.” Shiva crowed, freezing the wings holding her, breaking free and darting just out of range. “Does it hurt? Losing the human you love before you ever get a chance to be with him?”
“I…what?” Siren felt worry surging through her. She’d only told one person how she felt and that…! No…she had to just be trying to buy time. But for what… “Has being under her thumb for so long made you forget who you’re dealing with? You of all people should know what I am.”
“The literal incarnation of lust?” Shiva spoke slowly and clearly. Siren snapped to attention, bladed arms shifting back to hands that curled into fists. Shiva smirked at this. “Falling in love with a mortal…how droll!”
“SHIVA!!” Howling Siren threw herself the Ice Queen, hands grabbing for her neck, then to instead pummel her. Shiva responded in kind, fists swirling into bodies or being slapped aside. In the midst of this Shiva flinched, sensing Scarlet’s pain and was kicked back into the barrier that burned her. “If you’ve hurt him…”
“Me? Oh don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of it.” Shiva’s body swelled, drawing on the cold to restore some of what had been lost. In a flash she was back on Siren, their bodies merging, melding into a singular creation that both fought for control over. “I think you should be worried about what YOU did to him. Or what he thinks you did.”
Faster and faster they spun together, essences mingling and merging, the wind and snow whipping across the landscape with greater intensity. This was different from all those years ago. This was not about containment. The swirling energies promised obliteration.
“Are you sure I cannot convince you to retreat?” Titan asked, folding his arms. “It would be a pity to have to do away with warriors of such potential like yourselves.”
The Esper stood alone, surrounded by the groans and prostrate figures that had been part of Barret’s team. Vincent lay apart from the others, shifted back into his human form while Rude and Yangus were on either side of the panting, bloody black man. Rude was clearly unconscious, though Yangus still gave small movements, too hurt to do much else.
“Sca…scared?” Barret grunted, spitting out blood and trying, but failing to get back to his feet. “You should be. Once I…I get my second wind I’m gonna put you in the ground.”
Instead of the anger he expected, Titan gave a booming laugh and slowly shrank back to his human form. “Oh, I knew I felt something from you. You’re too much fun to just end. If you manage to survive Shiva and Siren’s tantrum, rest and recover, then find me again.”
The Esper seemed ready to say something more when his head whipped around to stare back at the mountain. Without a backwards glance he started walking, before moving into a distance crossing lope.
“Hey…HEY!!” Barret shouted at the white haired figure’s back. Getting a foot under him, the former Avalanche leader stumbled and fell back onto his stomach. “Don’t you just walk away from me. I can still fight, damn you. Get back here…get back…dammit. DAMMIT!!”
Barret pounded the snow frustration, fighting to get back to his feet, but his body rebelled. Pushed beyond it’s limit Barret collapsed face first into the snow.
Then his body jumped.
Holding each other in a headlock brunette and redhead punched wildly, or grabbed at dangling tits, squeezing mercilessly. A hard punch from Viola snapped Liz’s head back, but the smaller woman, rolled with the blow, snapped her leg up to catch Vi under the chin. The redhead recoiled, then grabbed Elizabeth’s long hair with a snarl, spinning the screaming brunette around, before throwing her into a far corner of the room. Stamping towards the downed woman Viola gagged as a pair of pointed foot kicked into her stomach.
“You can’t beat me Vi,” Liz gasped, staggering to her feet. Berserk was supposed to make you feel no pain. So either it had worn off or there was an actual limit to how much it negated. “You know damn well that Tifa can barely handle me. You don’t have a chance.”
“And you’ve never seen Tifa really fight.” Viola grunted, then spat. Time for playing was over. She spread her legs, circling the smaller woman, taunting. “I have. And for all you’ve provoked her, she still holds back against you. If she didn’t it wouldn’t be just the bar that would need rebuilding!”
Red-faced and furious, Elizabeth charged the taller woman, only for her to sway away from the kick intended to take her head off, then dart back in. Elizabeth saw her intention too late to take a more favorable position, but was still able to prevent having her arms pinned to the side. Both women groaned as their breasts met again, the ample flesh spreading under the immediate pressure from them squeezing powerfully.
Groaning and cursing Elizabeth and Viola shuffled back and forth, arms wrapped tightly around one another in a merciless bearhug. “I’m going to crush your tiny tits Vi!” Liz spat. She no longer cared about her original mission, to keep Tifa safe. All she wanted was Viola on her back, crying at being beaten again, once and for all proving that she was the better woman. “Not like you’ll have any use for them, not with how your little hubby feels right now.”
“Not today, Lizzy. This time I’m going to flatten those udders of yours!” Viola threatened, face red from the pressure, and the anguish at the little bitch bringing up Reno. She grabbed her wrist, squeezing harder against the smaller, larger chested woman, baring her teeth. Gasping heavily she shoved Elizabeth against a wall. “They’ll be hanging down to your knees when I’m done. Your precious Andy won’t have time for a floppy titted failure when I’m through. He always knew which of us was the better woman. In the ring and in bed!”
“I hate you!” Elizabeth cursed hoarsely, and spat in Viola’s eye, shocking the redhead. She bitterly wished she’d allowed her nails to grow so she could claw the bitches eyes out, then gasped when a wad of spittle splattered on her forehead.
Pretty faces contorted, alternating between bright red and deep purple as they bounced from wall to bed, back to wall again, doing their best to crush the other. Lack of air became a factor when, with a deep groan, Elizabeth’s leg spasmed dropping the floor. A combination of the brunette’s short stature and her own burning lungs had Viola follow her down gratefully.
For the first minute and a half they were like statues. Elizabeth’s head tilted back and Viola’s forward to glare stonily into the other’s eyes. Neither showed a sign of the pain they had to be feeling at their breasts being compressed and shoved together. The first movement came when Viola’s hand inched down her wrist to tighten her hold on the smaller woman. It was soon reciprocated as Elizabeth’s fingers clawed their way across her wrist as well.
Slowly the pressure increased, the two former rivals driven by a decade of unfulfilled resentment, gazes remaining steady. But this was a fight that only one could win, as Viola had no intention of playing fair. Whether in the know, or not, Liz hadn’t so this fight’s end had been set even before it began. However, displaying the same grit and determination that made her Tifa’s most troublesome opponent Elizabeth refused to back down, intent on causing Viola as much pain as possible.
Arms tightened further and Liz’s eyes blinked rapidly, giving an involuntary shudder. Viola smiled cruelly, drinking in the spasm of torment across the smaller woman’s face. She lowered her face until her forehead pressed against Elizabeth’s. “This is for all my girls you humiliated then had your way with off the mats.” She squeezed again and a groan sputtered past Liz’s lips as her nipples, trapped against Viola’s were shoved into her pillowlike tits. “This is for undermining my authority back at the old Honeybee.”
“You never had any over me.” Elizabeth groaned, feeding on her outrage, rallying against the redhead, getting a single leg up. Viola gritted her teeth against the pressure of the small woman’s massive boobs shoving back against her own. A pained smirk crossed the brunette’s face, rotating her upper body to grind against Viola’s rack. “And I punished you the night you made the mistake of challenging me.”
“That’s not how I remember things.” Viola hissed, shoving with her chest, squashed orbs spreading. She remembered getting to this stage…Elizabeth suddenly recovering, as if completely unhurt. Not so now, she thought, at the suffering on the little monster’s face and the tortured breathing on her face. She squeezed tighter, feeling her breasts resume pushing their way into the fleshy mass. “And now the tables have turned!”
The pain was building in the ever resilient brunette, teeth clenching against it, not willing to give her old rival the satisfaction. But it finally became too much and a soft whimper turned into a sustained wail, head thrown back, hair whipping left and right. But still, she maintained her hold on the bigger woman. As if tiring of playing with her prey, Viola rose to her feet, lifting Elizabeth off the ground and gave a mighty squeeze, augmented by the Fairy’s power. Elizabeth’s shriek was shrill and horrified as her massive boobs caved in at the front under Viola’s assault. The pain was tremendous and the smaller woman’s legs kicked weakly as her breasts flattened to a degree even Tifa had never managed. And still she fought like a mad woman, squirming wildly, kicking furiously until the redhead dropped her to the ground in sheer frustration.
Sobbing in anger and pain Elizabeth glared up at Viola through watering eyes and slowly, achingly rose back up onto tottering legs. It took the dumbfounded Viola a moment to realize…she wasn’t done yet. The fucking little cow hadn’t had enough yet. Snarling in a frustrated rage Viola charged bodily into the smaller woman, powering her up against the wall. Slapping at each other the bigger woman managed to pin both of Elizabeth’s hands with one of her own. Panting in exertion she grabbed one of the loosely hanging orbs, locking gazes with her opponent she slowly dragged it upwards. “And I think I owe Tifa this…” Viola suddenly growled. “For getting her involved with you!!”
Elizabeth screamed anew as Viola bit down hard on the flesh.
“Holy, that’s cold!!” Elena gasped, the door flying open from their combined efforts. Behind the group, along the exit corridor were a mass of mangled machinery of smaller, humanoid mechs and turrets as well as a few bodies. Of the other group they’d met everyone but Jessica, Eight, Andrea and Vicky were with them. The blonde beat her hands together as Joslyn strode past, muttering under her breathe.
A mix of both concern, leaving Yuffie to deal with Alexander, and jealousy at her only taking Jessica had Jo unhappy. She glanced at the pack Cissnei carried. “This had better be worth it,” she growled audibly, kicking an inoffensive pile of snow. “Did she say how far to move, or just get outside?”
“She did mutter something about a barrier.” Elena squinted against the almost blinding white expanse. “I’m not seeing anything, but she did say we’d know when we were far enough away. Maybe it’s an Esper thi…what’s that!?”
There was a disturbance. Snow being kicked up in too regular a manner to be natural coming towards them. A large puff and all seven immediately scattered at the whistling sound.
“I came here to check up on Siren and Shiva.” Titan grunted, glaring around, before his eyes focused on Cissnei. Or rather what she carried. “It is unfortunate I suppose, but I cannot allow you to remove them from Alexander’s barrier.”
“And we can’t allow you to get in our way.” Reno growled, tossing his final grenade. It exploded full in Titan’s face, actually toppling the giant. “Go…go…RUN!!”
“Where?” Cissnei demanded.
“Anywhere but here,” Reno shouted back, sprinting, only for a massively muscled arm to reach out of the smoke and grab him. “Just…go!”
“That was uncalled for,” Titan rumbled, throwing the redheaded man to the ground, reaching for Cissnei. His speed was unnatural for his size and the auburn haired Turk felt the wind in her hair as his hand fell just short when Joslyn jump kicked him. He barely moved and she cried out as she fell away. Helped up by Red, she was limping slightly as she pointed at the Esper.
“Hands off,” Jo hissed, ignoring Titan’s burnt, half naked state. “Bad enough I have to entrust Fie to the red terror, but I’m not letting you take what she gave us.”
“You don’t have a choice young one, you…NO!” Titan aimed a backhand Joslyn, the girl flipping backwards to avoid the worst of it. Just getting clipped sent her tumbling into Cissnei, Titan lurching for Elena again. As his hand snagged her collar the woman, tossed the bag at Reno who sprinted past. As soon as he caught it, the red haired Turk heard a laugh and fell to the ground as the bag temporarily appeared to gain weight. Spinning over, he saw Titan, not coming after him, but staring off into the distance. “HE was in that bag?! You have no idea what you’ve just unleashed.”
Reno started to answer, then clutched his head, vision blurring as something seemed to be worming it’s way in there, rooting around for something. Likewise, Tseng and Elena staggered, something unseen seemingly attacking them. In the distance a shadow appeared, moving swiftly towards them. It had the appearance of a man riding a horse before morphing into something recognizable. Cissnei and Joslyn turned from looking in concern at their friends towards what was incoming, squinting. “Is that…Barret?” Cissnei muttered.
Alexander gasped, clutching at his chest. “Not…not good.”
“And it’s about to get worse!”
Schroeder turned swiftly as an lance of water knocked Alexander against the far wall. The aged doctor was then driven to the ground, unable to see, but just hear the shouts and screams of those in the room with him. He twisted his head as best he could to catch a glimpse of the wild eyed brunette holding him down. “Hello there, Vicky. You’ve grown up well.”
Lips pulled back in a snarl the woman placed her foot against his neck. “Vicky!” A warning shout had the brunette flinch and, with a grunt, she yanked him up to stand. His staff lay around the room unconscious, he hoped, while Alexander was pinned in a watery sphere and Diabolos lying against the wall in the face of the redheaded firewielder. Absently Schroeder noted a lack of visible materia. Could she be the source? If that was the case… “Well…well. It has been a while hasn’t it, Georg.”
“Andrea…” he acknowledged, nodding. “I see you’ve been doing well. Vicky included.”
“This is quite the change from staging fights to actively attacking cities and abducting people.” Andrea came close, brushing the doctor’s coat and straightening the ruffles. “What exactly is the endgame here Georg?”
“You can’t expect me to just blurt out our secrets now do youuuurghhh!” Schroeder gagged, Andrea’s fist twisting in his belly. Vicky smirked, releasing her hold to allow the doctor to fall to the ground. “Cloud is someone I’ve grown rather fond of. But believe me when I say I’m the gentlest person you’ll find in this room to deal with. What is going on here? What are you doing?”
The aged doctor coughed, gagging, before glaring up at Andrea’s placid face. The handsome man sighed and nodded at Vicky who sent Schroeder rolling with a kick. Andrea’s eyes narrowed at the man’s actions. At his age those blows should have him begging to tell them everything her knew. Yet other than discomfort the man seemed completely unfazed by their actions. Then Schroeder held up an arm.
“Okay…” he croaked. He rested on a desk near an abandoned computer. “I’ll show you what you need to see.”
Staring in their direction he tapped on the keyboard.
Elizabeth’s voice filled the room and on a large monitor, she and Viola appeared. Pinned beneath the vengeful redhead, she wailed and writhed in what must’ve been terrible agony as they clawed each other’s breasts. Her screams sounded like nothing anyone in the room had heard before. Save one.
“FUCK YOOOOUUUUU!!” Elizabeth wailed, clearly losing, but unwilling to give in. Never willing to say the words.
“LIZZY!” Vicky advanced on Schroeder, hands curled into claws, murder openly on her face. While everyone else was distracted the doctor merely smiled and gestured at her. Lightning sprang from his fingers to run across the woman’s body sending her flying. The same bolt sprang to Yuffie, the shock numbing the girl and freeing Alexander.
“You’re one of them?” Andrea ducked behind a desk, dodging a bolt aimed in his direction. He then gestured at Vicky, who clenched her jaw before nodding and sprinting from the room.
“I could never hope to contain his power at my age.” Schroeder remarked, aiming a bolt at the running brunette, that she barely dodged before moving out of sight. Alexander fired a beam at Jessica, causing the redhead to jump away, which in turn allowed Diabolos to disappear. “He merely lends me a fragment of his energy. Which is more than enough to disrupt your plans.”
“Yes…of course…” Schroeder glanced at Alexander, nodding, before firing another bolt of lightning that had Yuffie’s group scatter. With surprising swiftness the doctor ran for the wall. A hidden panel opened up to allow him access. Jessica, moving to try and stop him, ducked to avoid another beam from Alexander. “You should’ve stayed with us Andrea. It would’ve been less painful that way.”
Scarlet gurgled at the swift series of blows Tifa delivered to her midsection. The brunette yelled as her hair was grabbed, her head jerked back and a stunningly powerful blow slammed into her face. Moving with the punch Tifa went into a backflip feet swinging upwards, stiffened toes catching the blonde under her chin. As soon as her feet were back on the ground she darted in with a punch of her own to Scarlet’s cheek dodging a counter from the woman, striking again at her ribs before spinning around from a vicious backhand.
Panting heavily, cautious now, Scarlet approached the brunette carefully. Her blows were telling, she could feel it. Yet for every one she landed on Tifa, the big titted bitch got in three. Staring hard, her arm flashed out, jabbing at her face. Tifa didn’t respond to the blow and the blonde repeated the move and suddenly found herself leaning against the wall, jaw aching as if she’d just been kicked by a Chocobo. Eyes wide, she got an arm up to block the kick Tifa aimed at her face. Moving quickly, she swept the brunette’s other leg out from under her. As she fell, Scarlet followed her down.
A yell passed her lips as she landed flat on her face, Tifa rolling to the side. Acting against the pain Scarlet crawled to her feet as best she could, but shouted when Tifa slammed bodily into her, hands slapping together, fingers curling as the brunette pushed her up against the wall. Face to face, violet eyes glared into blood red, arms trembling as they went up to their shoulders, then down again, then up over their heads.
Simultaneously, they both groaned.
Breasts, temporarily forgotten, resisted the compression of their current situation. Spitefully, Tifa reared back and bashed her monsters against Scarlet’s smaller pair. Unable to get leverage, the blonde responded by shifting herself from left to right, scraping their boobs together. Tifa adopted a similar maneuver the fat orbs slipping and sliding past one another. Once past the glands would pop free, regaining it’s shape before their motions brought it back between them. Tifa’s massive breasts were quite dramatic in their reappearance, slapping against Scarlet’s side as they were dragged back inside. More to the point, the blonde’s groans were becoming more profuse as her pinned position gave Tifa a considerable advantage.
And that couldn’t be allowed to continue. Head surging forward, Scarlet pressed her lips hard against Tifa, catching the woman by surprise. Despite her earlier actions she couldn’t prevent a reflexive recoil, giving Scarlet just enough space to pull to the side and get herself away. Breath hissing out from behind clenched teeth, blonde and brunette circled, faces and bodies bruised and dripping. Eyes once more drawn to the hanging, swaying globes that they hated. Scarlet hissed as Tifa sent a hand print on her left breast. Tifa grunted as Scarlet set her boobs wobbling.
Tifa snarled spitefully, bashing her swollen left tit against Scarlet’s left, the impact staggering the now youthful blonde. Before she could recover a backhand from her brunette opponent knocked the woman against a cabinet.
Hissing bitterly, Scarlet lunged at her rival, right boob crashing against Tifa’s left monster, the girl wincing at the repeated blows to the orb, cursing as she took several hasty steps to the rear. Shoving yellow locks from her face, Scarlet followed eagerly, a clenched fist setting the breast jiggling wildly and causing Tifa to yell openly at the pain. Face lighting up at the sound, the blonde gurgled as the younger woman’s fist drilled into her belly, staggering, but lurching upright to stab a fist under her chin, making her cry out as they dropped to their knees.
Not missing a beat the two shuffled together, punches striking across angry faces, digging into taut bellies and sending heavy breasts bouncing wildly. Abandoning their fists both beauties grabbed for hair, writhing together as they scrabbled for handholds of thick hair. “Cunt!” Getting a firm grip on her young rival’s long dark hair, Scarlet heaved her boobs into Tifa’s, the collision setting the girl’s tits wobbling.
“Whore!” The blonde’s sweat slicked hair under her fingers Tifa retaliated swiftly, her bruisers slamming up against the underside of Scarlet’s smaller orbs, the blonde wincing as the bouncing pulled sharply on her chest.
“I will break you, you little slut,” Scarlet swore, shoving their breasts together, the glands swelling and jiggling enticingly. “Just like I did your precious Cloud.”
“Get over yourself you old bat!” Tifa spat. She leaned into Scarlet, letting her know she was more than willing to pit her perfect boobs against Scarlet’s in a grind. “And you’re going to pay for what you did to Cloud. That, I promise you!”
Purple eyes glowing with rage, Scarlet snapped at Tifa’s lips, the brunette retaliating with tug on a handful of hair. Snarling, each yanked at brown and yellow locks respectively while heaving their heavy boobs together brutishly. Back and forth their voluptuous forms rocked together, raining dozens of bruising blows into each other’s boobs, the reddened orbs swelling painfully. A brutal rhythm developed as they smashed their teats together relentlessly, screaming and shrieking at the pain of each of impact of their swollen glands.
A viciously powerful blow had Tifa give a horrendous groan. Another ferocious slam and Scarlet shuddered. Swallowing the pain both beauties heaved their tits together, the orbs flying off their chests to crash together with hideously loud SPLAT. “AAAGHHHHH!” Scarlet screamed, going limp, slumping against Tifa, body twitching.
Sobbing in her own agony, Tifa reacted quickly, jumping into Scarlet, overbalancing the weakened blonde. Scarlet resisted manically for several moments before allowing herself to be shoved her onto her back. Tifa, however, refused to be surprised by the woman and avoided having the fall reversed, the pair landing on their sides, shoulders aching from the hard floor. Immediately muscles strained, arms ran down bodies to lock behind backs and chins ground into shoulders as they began to rock violently, both seeking to pin the other.
Scarlet fought particularly wildly, as this was what she wanted. To fight Tifa full body against full body. Grunting excitedly she pushed hard into Tifa, their squashed boobs spreading, and pumped her mound insistently against the younger woman, cackling as she pulled away.
“If you really loved him, you’d have offed that cunt regardless, to share his burden. You didn’t stop because he asked you to. If that was the case you’d have no problem just ignoring her. You didn’t because you get off on fighting her!”
Tifa growled as M’s words echoed in her head, disgusted at Scarlet’s blatant lust, and hating Mikoto anew. Gushing warm air across the blonde’s shoulder, she suddenly thrust back with equal intensity. If it took some self-degradation to get back Cloud and finally be free of Scarlet, she’d happily pay that price.
Rocking and rolling slowly the two fought with the same dogged, single minded determination that had marked their rivalry since it’s inception. Gasping and occasionally squealing when one managed to force the other over for a brief period, they struggled to breath through the pressure on their lungs and to control the fire rising through their loins.
“Uh…guh…uh…” Scarlet growled, every nerve in her body alight. This time…she was going to win. This time…she’d take Tifa for her own. And with Cloud she could even…yes.
“Oh…nnngh…huck…” Tifa grunted, her body trembling excitedly. No more…why did it have to be her. Hell…she’d have settled for Elizabeth, since at least the little bitch had some standards. Why did it have to be Scarlet that had finally allowed her to cut loose!?!
They rolled again, and now Scarlet was on top, pumping her breasts and pistoning her hips against Tifa’s. She resisted the brunette’s push fiercely, gasping as they clenched each other tighter. “Noooo…” she moaned in frustration as she felt herself forced over and then onto her back, and sank her teeth into the woman’s shoulder.
Snarling hoarsely, Tifa wrapped her legs around Scarlet’s, grinding her boobs mercilessly against the blonde’s. She chewed on Scarlet’s shoulder in response to the bitch’s attack, their rocking motion only heightening the awareness of her approaching crisis.
Abruptly all motion ceased.
Then both blonde and brunette gave sharp, keening shrieks. Like a light exploding in their brains, the sudden dropping of Alexander’s barrier opened them up fully to the actions of their respective partners, and what was going on between them. Rolling apart Tifa and Scarlet clutched their heads as the unfiltered emotions and melding of the two powerful creatures surged through them. Their Espers sought to destroy one another. And as their Avatars…they were duty bound to act in kind.
Eyes literally glowing with power the enraged women crashed back together, hands clawing at necks. Drawing back a fist, Tifa hammered a punch that sent Scarlet flying back against the glass door leading to her sleeping quarters. Shaking her head, the blonde gasped as the now feral brunette leapt at her, grabbing her head and slamming it against the hard surface until it shattered and she tumbled through it.
“You’re dead!” Tifa hissed, squeezing through and snapping off a large shard, ignoring the cuts the glass left on her palm. Stabbing down, Scarlet grabbed her wrist, the two frozen in place as they matched might. Snarling at one another, the shard moved down…down…pricking at the skin of Scarlet’s breasts. Panting in fear given strength the blonde moved it away, extending their arms, then jabbing her knee into the brunette’s stomach.
Tifa gurgled, dropping her weapon to slide under the bed. Scarlet now powered Tifa back with repeated punches to the same spot on her stomach. “Kill you!” The maddened blonde growled, shoving the gagging Tifa up against the wall, mouth wide and aiming for her vulnerable neck. Grabbing Scarlet by the throat Tifa cried out in effort, feeling the woman’s hot breath and spittle. Jumping forward she butted her hard, Scarlet screaming into her hand as blood leaked from her nose. A double handed blow sent the half naked blonde onto her bed which she quickly bounced from the mattress in her fury to get at the brunette.
Screams and shouts, crashing and shattering sounds, along with the crisp THUD of punches and the meaty SPLAT of slaps echoed from the small room as the two women attacked each other with dizzying fervor, Tifa’s superior skill nullified by Siren’s absolute rage at her former friend. They reappeared, staggering out the broken door frame, tearing out hair and slamming punches into each other. A vicious exchange and Scarlet screeched in pain, sagging slightly. Face lighting up in a cruel smile Tifa hefted the blonde by her throat, drilling punches into her stomach. Two…four…eight, then pulled the limply hanging woman back down level.
“Take THAT!!” Tifa snarled, throwing a punch that would’ve probably dislocated the woman’s jaw…if she didn’t have protection. Sent rolling across the floor, she ended up against the central table, that she used to drag herself back upright. Spitting in fury Scarlet glared across at Tifa, who strode grimly towards the blonde. Even now, her eyes were drawn to the soft bouncing of the brunette’s oversized tits and, in a sudden lunge, was on the surprised Tifa, teeth sinking into the desired orbs.
Tifa shrieked at the pain, pounding her fist into the side of the blonde’s head, but Scarlet hung on stubbornly. A memory filtered into her brain and, instead of punching, her hands went over Scarlet’s soaked, porcelain back, to her front where they found their targets and SQUEEZED. A screech, muffled by a mouthful of titflesh tickled Tifa’s skin and Scarlet now used her free hand to grab at the woman’s second monster that hung within reach. Howling in agony the two bit and mangled at one another, but there are few things one could do…without weapons of course…that hurt as bad as a bite. Especially one that’s unrestrained.
Tifa howled as Scarlet chewed hungrily on her tit, the pain enormous. She took a step back…then another. Finally, she bellowed and sank forward, teeth clicking around the blonde’s ear. The result was immediate. Scarlet had no problem biting Tifa, but had no desire to be bitten herself. Released the boob with a howl, she punched low and with intent. Tifa’s mouth opened immediately, choking, and Scarlet closed it with a roundhouse punch.
Falling apart they panted, whimpering at the pain…then the rage that quickly returned. Rising slowly Scarlet staggered towards Tifa. The troublesome brunette was already waiting for her, fists raised, eyes shooting a promise of pain. Scarlet’s hands clawed at Tifa’s face while the other homed in on her breasts while Tifa’s went around the despised blonde’s neck while also squeezing a firm orb.
Raising his barrier, Alexander warded off a gout of flame from the red headed girl, but his shield was weakened enough for Leviathan to punch through, sending him diving to the side. There was a flash of lightning which distracted them enough for him to recover.
“Where the hell is that coming from!” Eight cursed, leaping at lover, pulling Jessica away from the hole that had been forming near her feet.
“It doesn’t matter, keep up the pressure.” Yuffie growled, waving her hands to form several balls of water that she hurled towards Alexander. Each ball, barely the size of a fist, punched through desks and wall tracking the rapidly moving Esper who fired back with beams of white energy. He was so focused on Yuffie that he didn’t notice Andrea that slammed a metal chair against his face. Raising a barrier again it was quickly shattered by a water cannon and Alexander found himself open to Eight that hovered over him.
“That’s enough of that I think.” Eight gave a grunt, falling to the ground from a well placed blow to the back of his head.
“EIGHT!!” Jessica screamed at the sight of her fallen lover and masked soldier that had just felled him so efficiently with the butt of his sword. Swinging her whip wildly she could only stare in shock as he caught it casually.
“JESS!!” Yuffie shouted as she was swiftly reeled and dealt with in a similar fashion. Leaping to the side, the kunoichi hurled her shuriken. Even as he blocked it Andrea and Vicky came at him from opposite sides. Flipping forward he kicked Vicky to the floor and shoved a desk that trapped Andrea in a corner. Channeling Leviathan, Yuffie aimed at the intruder…and hesitated. “No…”
Facing her entirely Yuffie saw his eyes as well as the shape of the face. And felt a surge of emotion that only HE could give. Then he was on her, holding Yuffie’s arms up and away. She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Cloud…what are you doing!?”
“Dunno who you’re talking about.” he replied loudly, lifting the kunoichi off her feet and hurling her against the far wall. He then turned to the risen Alexander. “You think you got this?”
“I have this!” Alexander growled, expanding his barrier once more to encompass the mountain. “Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere else?”
“Came to get something. You also might want to check in on your sister.” He hissed back. “When your shield fell they went crazy. Something’s not right up there.”
“Wait,” Yuffie called out, reaching for him. Something was clearly wrong. Leviathan then shouted a warning and she shoved herself into a roll, dodging another beam. “Don’t…go. Please…”
He paused for a second to glance in her direction. And in that Yuffie felt a fear run through her. That wasn’t Cloud. It couldn’t be. Then he was gone, and she found herself under attack again by a very determined Alexander.
“That’s…that’s what you get!” Viola panted, delivering one final punch before standing up over a prone and exhausted and beaten Elizabeth. Both women dripped with sweat, which mingled with streaks of blood from either mouths or punctures in their prodigious breasts. While much Viola’s injuries were slowly fading, Elizabeth’s remained…a testament to what Viola did to her or, one might think, what she’d had to do to finally get the massively chested woman to finally stay down.
Viola wiped her face, boobs jiggling heavily with the motion, the orbs low on her frame. Elizabeth gave a pained, contemptuous smile at the sight, despite her own state. Breasts flaccid, even more so that her first fight against Tifa. Then grunted as Viola placed a foot on her right boob. “This…changes…nothing.” She croaked.
“Wanna bet?” Viola pointed to a corner, where a small barely visible camera nestled. “No matter what you say. Whatever you claim. You’ll always know that I have me mangling you on camera.”
“No more than you did.” Viola spat, then smirked. “And Scarlet managed to beat Tifa with help from that stuff back in the day. So how’s it feel to know you couldn’t do what the blondie could?”
With that Viola gave a shove with her foot, sending the petite woman rolling. She was plenty prepared to keep taunting the woman, to keep rubbing salt in the wound, but a scream came from deeper inside. A scream that tugged at a long suppressed memory. Wonder Square…people…children…fighting like animals. She turned and sprinted for the back, pausing only to seal the door. Moving rapidly down the corridors she never noticed her feet leave the floor.
Finally coming to the last corner a screech of pain greeted her. Beyond the shatterproof glass she witnessed Scarlet lift Tifa and throw her to land flat onto the central countertop. Bodies reddened from exertion Scarlet yelled as she delivered repeated elbows to Tifa’s midsection. A knee, and then a fist cracked against her face knocked her away and the brunette rolled off the table.
But even as she got back up, Scarlet was on her again, fingers clawing for her eyes even while Tifa did her best to throttle the blonde. “STOP…STOP IT!!” Viola pounded on the glass, gradually bumping up her strength until the two inside froze. Heads shaking they stumbled apart, Scarlet gagging…hacking…then vomiting up a little bile that dribbled down her chin. Tifa looked dazed…exhausted, but her expression slowly settled. And homed back in on her blonde headache.
“You shouldn’t still be here.”
Viola jumped, glancing over her shoulder to see Cloud. He was watching on dispassionately as Tifa jumped onto Scarlet and started dragging the woman’s breasts to her face from behind. They weren’t quite big enough but that didn’t seem to discourage her from trying. Scarlet’s foot flew back, her heel connecting with the sweating brunette’s privates. As soon as she was free the blonde spun around, grabbing the younger woman’s head and slamming it onto the counter. Again…and again until an elbow cracked against her face. Eyes crossed and she stumbled to the side, unable to defend herself as Tifa barreled into her, dragging them both down out of sight.
“They just…”
“Something’s going on with Shiva and Siren.” He said calmly. “Alexander’s barrier went down momentarily, but it’s now back up. Perhaps it as to do with the connection I have to both of them, but I felt it…”
“You have a choice to make now.” He looked down at her, blue green eyes glinting. “They’ve pretty much cleared a path to the exit. Reno’s out there now, fighting.”
Viola flinched.
“Or you can make your way to the Airship. We’re almost done here.” He strode past her, she suddenly noticed something small and black in one of his hands, pressing the other to the glass, cocking his head as he listened to the ferocious fighting sounds coming from inside the room while searching for the women. Viola merely stood there…then turned and sprinted back down the corridor. He never saw which direction she chose.
Her entire body ached. She had no idea how long she’d been out for, but it clearly been long enough for the bitch to do a number on her. Snarling hatefully Tifa and Scarlet rolled briskly kicking, scratching, punching and biting. With a fierce grunt, Tifa got a leg under Scarlet and kicked, flipping the wide eyed blonder over her head. Springing to her feet she spun to catch Scarlet pushing herself up and rushed at the woman, leaping into her with arms splayed back.
Scarlet screamed at the uncontrolled impact, glands forced back into her chest, doubling over. “No…” she croaked as Tifa grabbed her hair and hauled her upright, twisting to stab her left boob brutally into her right. The flesh splayed outwards dramatically, but both taut orbs still resisted being flattened. “You won’t…”
“I already have!” Tifa spat, twisting her body to and fro rapidly, beating her boobs savagely against Scarlet’s. The blonde retaliated in kind, but she was hurt…tired. Every hollow THUD of their boobs slapping together had her cry out. Every wet SMACK had the blonde stagger on tottering legs that barely avoided giving out. Tifa gritted her teeth and pounded her tits against Scarlet’s with increasing force. She was worried about the weak connection with Siren.
“I was…I’m supposed to win…” Scarlet thought, the words echoing in her head, wailing, but still beating her breasts stubbornly against Tifa’s monsters. Her last memory had been of fighting evenly against Tifa…then coming back to herself, hurt and tired. Even worse was that her connection to Shiva was weak, even considering Alexander’s shield. It felt as Shiva was far away…or worse. “I can’t…not again…not to her!”
Scarlet rallied, Tifa’s breasts glowing from the force of the impacts, but the brunette’s expression never shifted. Glaring hard at Scarlet she grabbed the blonde at the shoulder and pulled her in for a head to head slam. All four breasts crashed together, pancaking outwards and Scarlet gave a horrendous scream, staggering backwards, arms crossed over her chest. Then slowly sank to her knees in front of her enemy.
With a grunt of contempt, Tifa strutted over to the kneeling woman, pushing her to the floor, tabi covered foot on her breast. “That’s three for three, you fucking old cunt!” The sweat streaked beauty declared, body heaving. “Guess we know how our fight should’ve gone in Nibelheim, huh. Now where’s Cloud!”
“I’m right here.”
“Cloud?” Tifa whirled to find her husband standing near a broken glass window. While a part of her wondered how she didn’t hear him, the rest of her could care less. She moved towards him arms outstretched. “Cloud!”
“Don’t touch me!”
She recoiled at the venom in his words. Tifa felt a pressure in her chest, hesitating, then reaching him again. “What…what’s wrong? Cloud I came to…”
“How many?”
“What? How many…what?!”
He held up a hand. In it was a small tape recorder. He pressed a button.
“Your tongue…so good…aahhhnnnn… Lower…LOWER!! Right…YES…ROSIE! YES!!” Tifa flinched at the sound of her own voice, mouth opening in horror. “I’ll fuck you…fuck you so…hard… Slow…slow down. Can’t stop. Tifa…I…can’t…caaaaaaaAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!”
“Cloud…it’s…” Tifa struggled to think. To speak. But now without the adrenaline running through her it was proving quite difficult. “That wasn’t…”
“Baby…you’re good…very…oooohhhh yes…good… But I’m…I’m the one doing…uhhhhh…doing the fucking.”
She flinched again at the coarse, blatant lust in Siren’s voice. In HER voice.
“It wasn’t enough that you paraded me around as some kind of trophy to be won. But now I have to learn that I just wasn’t enough!” His voice was hoarse and bitter. The anguish in each word tore at her, lashing her with a pain even greater than any opponent. How could he think she’d do that. How could… “Tell me…did you actually lose those fights to Mikoto and Josy? Or was it just that you needed some fresh meat that night because I was getting stale!”
“That wasn’t it!” Tifa shouted desperately. “It wasn’t me. I didn’t…”
She suddenly shot to her toes body bending, mouth opened in a silent scream. Likewise Scarlet arched , feet beating on the floor. Cloud’s head shot up, was the shield was down again? No…then what?
Siren could feel herself slipping away. Shiva’s sudden evolution had strengthened her beyond what the wind Esper had considered. But she kept drawing on her power. She would bury her former friend for what she’d done, even if it meant her own destruction. Still…the unfamiliar feeling of fear coursed through what remained of her. To take that step and lose everything. Tifa…Cloud.
Shiva felt Siren surge powerfully, their clashing wills and powers shifting to the wind Espers favor. She pushed back fiercely, the cold of the North feeding her strength slowly. She cursed the use of her ultimate ability…if she hadn’t expended such mana this would not be the contest it was. And fear began to claw at her. She’d only just tasted what it was like to have a physical form all her own. To lose it…
Swirling together, tearing, absorbing, obliterating each other’s essence their fighting physical forms began to lose substance, fading into the wild magic. Still they clung to one another. Neither would let go…until they felt their grips torn away.
The uncontrolled magic, now without their anchor exploded with a rumble that was heard in the physical world, the wind sending all below tumbling, except for two, that kept their feet. “Wha…what…” Siren shook her head dazed, looking around in surprise. “Terrato? Seraph…Golem?”
“What are you doing free?” Shiva demanded, struggling against Terrato’s coils, her now smaller frame easily held by the snakelike Esper.”Let me go…I had her, damn you.”
“No…” Golem spoke slowly from his position, holding what appeared as a teenage Siren. “You…would…have…melded…into…something…new.”
“A far better fate than she deserves!” Siren hissed, struggling fiercely against Golem’s four arms.
“What is this rage, sister?” Seraph floated up to Siren, radiating a calm. “You were ever among the most serene of us all. You never sought conflict. What has brought about this change?”
“Yes…tell them, SISTER!” Shiva mocked, gently nudging at Alexander. She had put everything at risk, letting her hate get the better of her. But perhaps she could still salvage something. “Tell them what I did to finally get you you to drop your oh so sweet facade. I’m sure they won’t judge your hypocrisy.”
“You will be sssssilent.” Terrato hissed, tightening his hold on her. “Your behaviour hassss not improved in the yearssss you’ve been abssssent.”
“And you forget why you were always a poor match for me.” A cold snap exploded from Shiva, making the others recoil, Terrato in particular retreating with a keening cry. Immediately Shiva dropped, through a hole in the glowing golden shield. She halted her fall to shoot Siren a sneer. “I’ll give your girl my regards. Since you’re unable to!”
Siren’s shriek was loud as she twisted and propelled herself downwards. Through the mountain. Through the base levels and finally into Scarlet’s body. “Get up!” She growled, giving her partner a mental slap. Scarlet’s body twitched with the blow, eyes opening with a gasp. “She’s all ours now!”
“C…Cloud…” Tifa panted, feeling the sweat running down her body. She had no idea what had just happened and right now, didn’t care. They’d done something to Cloud. Somehow they’d gotten a recording of what had happened between Rosa and Siren and used it. “I swear…I’ve never…I didn’t betray you!”
“Evidence to contrary, SLUT!”
“YOU!” Tifa swung around wildly, dodging under a grab, delivering a swift one two to the blonde’s midsection. She merely grunted, jerking up a knee that jabbed painfully against her forehead, then swatted the brunette to crash against a wall. “You did this. I’ll…”
“Me? I’m not the one that just got caught fucking someone else on the sly. And another woman to boot.” Scarlet mocked the enraged woman, catching a wildly swung blow and punching her boobs deep into Tifa’s pillowlike tits. “And while he was so determinedly resisting all my efforts.”
Tifa spat, slipping into a position, arms and legs pointed in the blonde’s direction. Scarlet grinned, raising her fists. “No!” Cloud kicked a chair between them. “You don’t get to change the script just because I’m here. Beat her like you intended and maybe I’ll listen to your excuses.”
Tifa shot him a stricken look then growled, leaping at Scarlet, boobs first, the two bouncing off each other. Recovering first, Scarlet lunged, slashing her breasts against the outside of Tifa’s, sending her orbs battering against one another in a sloshing jiggle. The younger woman retaliated, going low and bashing the blonde’s boobs with an uppercut. “You’re going to pay. I swear to the Planet I’ll make you WISH I’d just kill you for what you’ve done!”
Scarlet merely laughed, meeting Tifa equally, hands on hips as she swung her boobs to splatter repeatedly against the brunette’s. But now…she had the advantage with the woman distracted and exhausted. Oh she was no doubt digging into those damned reserves she always seemed to have but that was a moot point now. She relished Tifa’s wild glances in Cloud’s direction as the blonde man merely folded his arms and watched, eyes completely dispassionate, the brunette crying out as her distraction allowed Scarlet to get in telling blows. She plowed her right boob against Tifa’s, the girl giving a shocked scream as she stumbled back, sitting down.
“Get up,” Scarlet purred, shooting Cloud a fluttering look. “What’s wrong, Lockhart? Where’s all that fire you normally have?”
“Don’t you look at him!” Tifa shouted, leaping up and slamming back into the blonde. The weighty orbs flailed furiously between them, impacts loud as flesh flowed against flesh, swelling and surging together. The blows shocked Scarlet as she didn’t expect the brunette to have the strength or will to hit as hard as she was. It made her acutely aware of the advantage she temporarily held. Still…with each blow pain radiated between both of them, and only she had a way to nullify it. Tifa’s shouts turned to screams as Scarlet hammered her boobs repeatedly, mercilessly, until a final blow sent obvious ripples through her massive right breast and she spun around once before falling onto her rump once more.
Glancing again at Cloud, Scarlet noticed a small tent was forming in his pants and she smiled. Was it the fight, or watching Tifa get dominated? Either way she was going to ensure he’d be in the right mood. “Get up Tifa. He’s right there. Is this as bad as you want to get him back? Or perhaps you have someone waiting in the wings? Rude perhaps? I imagine he’s got quite a few inches on him.”
“DAMN YOU!” Tifa screamed, all control lost, scrambling to her feet again. Scarlet was on her eagerly as the pair thrust together, pounding their seemingly equal breasts together. They grunted and growled as they resumed slugging their breasts together viciously. Tifa beat Scarlet back, drawing on newfound rage and hate, the blonde staggering at each blow of the brunette’s titanic tits. Then, with a bellow, the blonde swung her boob to smash into Tifa’s, the collision rocking both beauties, but Tifa was the one that stepped back, white faced. “How…how…”
“Because I’m just better.” Scarlet immediately went on the offensive, smashing her tits against Tifa’s with stunning force. The brunette’s massive glands flopped dramatically at individual impacts, showcasing a dramatic softening of the glands. They were sweating freely now but Scarlet’s face was a mask of concentration and joy as she kept pounding the woman’s chest with her own. Constantly battered by Scarlet’s boobs, pain and grief were etched into Tifa’s face at the realization at what was happening. “I was always better Tifa. I never gave up. I never quit. And now…I have it all!”
Tifa groaned at a final, savage blow and started to fall, but Scarlet caught her. “Oh no, no, no.” The blonde chided her. “Not like that. Not while we have an audience.”
“AAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!” Tifa screamed as Scarlet squeezed pitilessly, hefting her off the floor. Dark brown hair whipped wildly to and fro, the girl writhing in agony. She turned a tear streaked face to the side. “Cloud…please. I swear…didn’t…”
Cloud blinked, expression softening, then hardened and he turned away. And Tifa’s heart broke. As well as her will to resist. Scarlet’s boobs pressed mercilessly against her own tired, softened pair more and more until…”EEEEAAAAAAAAGGGGGRRGGHHHHHHHH!!”
Cloud winced at the piercing shriek and SAW his wife’s boobs simply cave in to Scarlet’s insistent pressure, entire body spasming for almost half a minute before she was still, head lolling. “Nnnnngggghhhhh!!” His eyes widened at the lustful groan from Scarlet and saw a widening stain on her silk panties and streak of wetness running down her thigh. Panting, she turned a smiling face to Cloud as she held a defeated Tifa in her arms. “And now…she’s mine.”
Up above Siren threw her head back with a scream as her body shattered. Golem, Seraph and Terrato looked at each other in concern and the barrier beneath them faded. Hurriedly they retreated back to their materia, now in the hands of their chosen.
Titan thrashed wildly, pulling Tseng off his back, flinging him to the ground, only to get checked by a jumping kick from Elena. Into a punch from Reno that sent him towards Barret that sent him to ground in a choke slam. “I’m still not fully accustomed to this body.” Barret stated a gravelly voice. “I normally prefer swordsmen, but beating you with my fists is proving surprisingly satisfying.”
“None of you should be out yet.” Titan grunted. His worn state was telling. Rude and Yangus were still out cold, being tended to by Cissnei and Joslyn while Vincent stood beside Barret. “Your bodies aren’t ready yet.”
“Maybe some of us prefer having partners, Titan.” Elena now spoke. “Not all of us feared damaging them like you did.”
“More important now. What happened to Sssiren?” Reno now, his hissing undertone making others flinch. “What was done to her host?”
“Sis?” Joslyn looked up immediately. “Something happened to Tifa?”
“It just means that Shiva’s host emerged victorious in their conflict.” Titan stated simply. “It’s why I came running here in the first place. Shiva was supposed to just keep Siren busy. Not…what they were trying to do.”
“There’s no fucking way my sister would lose to that bitch.” Joslyn clenched her fists and approached the downed Esper. “Not unless she cheated somehow.”
“Calm child,” Elena gently pushed the irate brunette back, ignoring the incredulous look at her back. “What is he planning Titan? Why all this suffering?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Titan!” Elena jumped forward as Titan sank into pit of blackness. She snagged a few strands of hair before he disappeared entirely. “Diabolos!”
“Stay out of this, my love.” Diabolos appeared above them, in his Esper form, black wings beating lightly. “One day…you’ll understand.”
“What is he…what’s that!” Cissnei demanded.
With a rumble the mountain seemed to split open at the top. Tseng and Reno slammed their hands into the ground, raising a circular section of the ground to avoid the boulders that tumbled past them. High above they recognized the same Airship that had been at Junon. Spinning in place it took off southwards at a pace almost double the speed of the newest Highwind.
Once it was safe, they leapt down and entered the base.
Inside the corridors, once filled with clashing blades and whizzing bullets were silent. What made it even more eerie was the lack of bodies. All they had to guide them was the trail of smashed machinery. Eventually they found themselves in the control room. There, they rested Yangus and Rude alongside Eight, Jessica and Andrea. Immediately upon recognizing the bodies, Joslyn ignored their warnings and calls, turning and sprinting back in the bowels of the building. “Leave her,” Tseng muttered. “I doubt there’s anyone here left to fight. Get a line open. First get a line to the Shera and tell the Cid it’s safe to move over. Then see if this stuff can reach Godo or Dio.”
“How are they?” Angelo asked, standing over Red as she stroked Yangus’s face.
“They’ll live.” She looked up at him, eyes steady. “Eight got the worst of it…probably covering Jess there from whatever was coming her way.”
“Ever get the feeling we might be in over our heads?”
“Don’t think there’s anyone in this room that hasn’t thought that at some time playboy.” Red replied, rising slowly. “Come on. Let’s go help the kid check this place over.”
Josy darted around hallways that all looked the same, cursing as she found herself doubling back before re-orienting herself. “Where are you Fie?” She muttered to herself. “Did you go looking for sis?”
Skidding around a final corner she ran into something soft that gave a sharp cry at the collision. “Stupid cow!” Was the only thing she heard before staggering from a powerful blow. Already on edge, she lashed out in turn fist smashing into a suddenly recognizable face. “Vicky? What the fuck!”
The younger of the Anguin sisters wiped a thread of red from her mouth and glared at the rival brunette. “I could break your face for that!” She growled.
Already on edge and pain from the bruise on her cheek throbbing Jo glared back. “I don’t have an audience to humiliate you as per usual. But I can make an exception.”
A soft moan cut through the tension and two pair of eyes swung to the barely standing Elizabeth. In a flash Victoria was at her sister’s side, helping to keep her up. “She looks…bad…” Jo said lamely, struggling for something to say. It was a first for her to feel sympathy for the tiny terror, but whoever had worked her over and done a job. “What the hell happened?”
“Viola happened.” Vicky spat, guiding her sister past the younger Lockhart. “Redheaded whore ambushed her. She’s a fucking traitor.”
Jo stood still absorbing that information, even while the other two brunettes moved on, then shook her head and continued her search. Whatever went on with Vi could wait. Three other people were all that mattered to her. Tifa needed to be rescued…that she knew. But where was Cloud?
Where was Yuffie?
Tifa sat alone. She was at the water tower. Cloud had asked her to meet him there. She’d been afraid she was late, taking time to pick out her favorite blue dress. But now it felt like she’d been waiting for a very long time.
She made herself comfortable, legs hanging over the edge, kicking absently…he’d be here soon. She knew it. Now if only she could do something about this buzzing in her ear…
“Has she moved?”
“Nothing. She’s still in the same spot…just staring off at the corner.”
“It’s creeping me out…how much longer till we’re relieved?”
“Not long. Just ignore her.”
Tifa sat in her room aboard the Phoenix. Unchained, she rested in a corner, head lolling as a thread of drool ran down her chin. Staring blankly at things only she could see the woman didn’t move, even at the words of the guards that occasionally peeked through the installed bars.
Off to her side, Siren shimmered, struggling to reform and feeling herself suppressed. With another wail that had Tifa swing her head rapidly, thinking to see Cloud, she dissipated again. Woodenly her head fell back to rest in the same spot it had always been.
Tifa sat alone at the water tower. Waiting for Cloud…
The End