Alana Quill vs. Jane Walker from FCF

Alana Quill: The large velvet-covered pit played host to a single large raised square with brass poles on each corner and velvet ropes like some high-class boxing ring. Standing idly at the railing around the edge of what used to be the space below a theater stage and orchestra pit I let my gaze wander from the catfight currently in progress below. It wasn’t anything to write home about as the fighters had been locked in a mutual hair pull for the last couple minutes. Behind me were three tiers of seating and I knew secreted away in the uppermost tiers were the highest paying patrons watching their posh decadent fight sport through antique opera glasses. I didn’t bother to look since the whole room was shrouded in twilight and shadow beside the glaring lights above the pit.
Officially the Eden theater was a Boston historical building but there were no tours and the place was owned by a private party. My thoughts were interrupted by my “cornerman” approaching me. He was in his late thirties with whipcord muscles and the beginnings of grey in his hair. Brain had been a boxer and amateur MMA fighter in his mid-twenties. A few too many illegal fights had meant he needed to call it quits fighting. Murphy had hired him years ago as a bar back in the bar running drinks down to the titboxing below the pub. He knew what he was doing and wasn’t bad in bed so after watching me like a hungry dog for a month at Murphy’s I’d finally come round to talk to me. Now he watched my back on the catfight circuit.
“They have a spot for you. You’re fighting Jane”
My eyes almost popped out of my head as I whipped around. “That high-class bitch that cherry-picks her fights? What are they paying?” He just smirked “A lot. You want it?”
I looked back down at the ring. “Yes. Hell yes. Let me get changed.” I turned to go and he grabbed my arm. I looked back at him annoyed “down boy.” He laughed genuinely at the jab “Despite what you think. No nothing like that. They said no bra so no need for that.” Glowering I shook my hand free. “They want a show huh? I bet that’s Jane’s stipulation. Bitch is flat as aboard.” Brain just chuckled and shrugged. “See you in a bit” I stalked toward the actors changing rooms to put on my fighting clothes. Finally a decent fight here.

Jane Walker: Sitting in my posh “dressing room” watching two midcard bitches fight it out as I fan myself with my pink feather hand fan as I wait for my manager to come back with the replacement. It was a shame that Brenda had to get hurt in training it is. The fact is it does mean I do not need to defend my title as “Queen of Eden” tonight. Mitch ran in with a smirk as he entered and shut the door…
“She is an upcoming who just beat the last three girls. People are hot on her. The betting will be hot…”
The idea of a hot match would be a good thing as things have been slowing down. So the idea of a hot newcomer is welcome. I take a deep breath and snap my fan shut to start and dress as I look at Mitch.”Tell me about her…
“Simple she is scrappy and big breasted I thought that would help you. Plus she fought a week ago. So she is not fresh…”
As a side note I hate bit titted bitches, but the idea of braking one will be fun. Smirking in my mirror I look at my man. “Go greet the girl and let her know how we work in the big leagues…giggles

Alana: Brian stood staring at his phone without a care in the world. I paced, annoyed, rolling my shoulders. I suddenly grabbed the front of my dress. It was meant to be worn with a corset or a bra. The shoulder straps were mostly for look and easily slid down. I was going to be fighting tits out almost immediately. Fucking bitch.
A man approached the two of us as we were lingering backstage. While I was hoisting and readjusting my noncompliant dress and trying to situate my boobs so they wouldn’t spill out in a stiff breeze the guy introduced himself as Jane’s corner. Apparently she wasn’t joining us until things were ready to go. He was here to go over the rules. How this wouldn’t be a title defense because I didn’t have the required standing, blah blah blah. What my pay would be when she was done beating my ass. I rolled my eyes at this. Lastly he checked to make sure I wasn’t wearing a bra. I told.him yes but he cleared his throat and gave me an expectant look.
“Are you fucking serious? I just got my dress situated. You’re not getting a free titty flash Jackass. I’m not wearing a bra I’m sure you’ll see soon enough.” He started to open his mouth when Brian looked up from his phone. “Trust me she’s not and no you may not look at my girlfriend’s chest you pervert.”
That seemed to shut him up. As soon as he was gone I kicked Brian in the thigh hard enough to make him hiss. “I’m. Not. Your. Girlfriend.” He laughed as he rubbed his cramping leg. “God above, I know. I just said it to get him out of here” I sniffed and turned away in an annoyed huff.

Jane: In the ring, it was between rounds as I take a moment to slip on my little black dress with the pink trim, and then sat at my makeup table to start to put on my face as Mitch came back in his face flushes red as he looked at me as I paused. “Well?”
“She is not happy about no bra, and her cornerman is dating her”
“Cool kinda dumb as he does have the towel, but whatever. I’m almost ready. So ones there are done in the ring we can get started.. Where is my stuff?
Mitch kicks a duffle bag and I smile as I put on my pink shimmering lip gloss and smile as I get to my feet and then smooth out the front of my dress to show off my 36C’s as my blonde hair is up in curls as I start to walk out to meet the new girl. “Let’s go”
I let him lead the way as I walk two steps behind him as we arrive in front of a Big titted cow and a big eye roll.
“So you’re Alana?”

Alana: I let Brian lead me to the door as I continued fussing with the front of my dress and grumbling about it. When Brian finally stopped up looked up to see the prissiest looking blonde I’d ever seen gliding along behind her handler the same perv who tried to ogle my boobs from earlier. Brian and I exchanged a look and I just snorted and went back to hoisting my dress. It was cut short by a group greeting.
“Yeah that’s me. Fuck what do you have against bras?” I finally slapped my hands on my nearly bare thighs and sighed heavily. “Whatever they were coming out anyway. So you’re like the best thing Eden has right?” It was bordering on sarcastic because I wasn’t too scared of a brat I the same size as me with nice long hair. Not that mine was much better but I was way more scared of the French braid 160 pound muscle girls in the backroom catfights I’d had in the last year. Looking you up and down I finally pushed out my bottom lip and shrugged before looking at Brian “She’s hot. Bets she’s not wearing a thong. If she is do you want it?” He snorted and rolled his eyes. “I’m going to laugh when she kicks your ass.” Shaking my head I went back to giving you an unimpressed once over

Jane: I look at her passively as I let my eyes draw over your large chest as I smirk at your and then lick my lips slowly “She’ll do it’s been a while since we have had a big titted cow to milk” I then take a moment and then turn and start to walk away. My blood is boiling, but I can not allow you to see that as I push open the door and walk in and let it close as I pause and bury my face in a pillow and scream as I let out my rage. Then I stand up and then fix my make up. Then see Mitch standing there. “I’m going to destroy her tits!”

Alana: As you walk away I look at Brian “cow? What the fuck. Flat titty bitch is just mad” I absently hoist my dress again. “Fucker!” Brian just keeps laughing much to my irritation. “Man can’t we just fight already? I’m going to be flashing the whole room five seconds in.” My corner had gone back to looking at his phone. “Hope you’re ready for this Alana. Jane isn’t the queen for nothing. She hates girls with big tits. The last one she drug around the ring by her thong that she wrapped around her throat. I heard she had carpet burns on her chest from that. Jane’s nasty, I’d get your head in the game before you get your ass kicked and she milks you back to a training bra.” Folding my arms under my chest I huffed and blew at a stray hair strand. “You’re right.” He looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m never right”
“Bet your ass you aren’t.”
With an exasperated laugh he went back to his phone.

Jane: The rookie bitch is going down. Don’t get me wrong I get it she is hungry, and I can respect that. I can remember the night I met the champ, and I could see in her eyes that she was taking me lightly, and that was all I needed, and I made that bitch pay. Now the roles were reversed, the difference is that I was going to beat this bitch’s ass and send her back to the “B” league where she belongs. I took a moment to take a long deep breath then started out as it was getting close to showtime. Mitch followed me to the crow’s nest where my swing was set up as “The queen I get to have a grand arrival, and I was going to give mt fans my best as always. Mitch looked at me and smirked.
“Are you ready?”
“Another night at the office by around three I’ll have her nipples leaking, and by five she will be out promise.”
“Don’t take her lightly…”
“I’m not, but I’m hoping that this will get in her head bad. Once I’m in there living in her head rent-free it’ll be easy.”
I took another deep breath, and then the sounds of “Sparkling diamonds” plays as I am lowered out, and down on my swing as I am wearing my form-fitting black and pink dress with matching lips and nails. My blush highlighting my eyes as I begin to swing on the seat to the song as I begin to pick up speed then as it lowers me down a bit lower and the song picks up a bit more I set myself up and then leap from my perch to the middle of the thick carpeted ring and land on my feet. Then I take my top hat off to allow ringlets of blonde hair fall loose as I smile and take the mice. An old fashion boxing mic.
Jane: Hello Gentlemen welcome to my garden. You know the rules, I hope. If not, they will be laid out before I trash the trollop. Sadly, my REAL adversary could not be here. I know it’s sad, but Like they say one person’s tragedy is another’s opportunity. Now I could say all manner of things about the young woman out next, but I do not see a point as I’m sure she is nervous. So, I will just say that she is a buxom young cow prime for a milking. Besides, I think it is new blood this garden needs don’t you agree?
The men let out a chorus of wolf whistles and hoots as I smile and take my bow. It’s good to be the queen.

Alana: After watching your ridiculously overblown entrance I sighed and flicked my hair out of the way. Mine was far less dramatic but made an equally serious statement. Stepping out of the shadow of the edge of the pit I strode towards the velvet and brass ring as you finished up your little speech my music nearly cut you off. It was my guess I had Brian to thank for that one as the opening hits of Animals by Nickelback cut through the room. It brought a smirk to my lips as I crossed the distance to the ring and stepped in. Snatching the mic out of your hands I turned to the stands. “Yeah I might not be your promised entertainment for tonight but at least you get to see some fucking tits right?!” At the end of my statement I yanked the top of my dress down enough to nearly send my rack bouncing out of it as I leaned forward and shook. It was obnoxious and bitchy but you were annoying me. “At least, from me you do. Go thing I stopped by or you all would be staring at a couple of washboards all night. Sorry, I can’t promise a milking though. No utters to speak of.” With a flick I tossed the mic back in your general direction. Hoisted the front of my dress bent at the waist, slapped my ass, and blew the darkened back of the theater a kiss. There was no way to mistake me for a Queen but I sure was a bitch and that was what mattered in a fight like this.

Jane: I paused and took a deep breath as I caught the mic. I could tell I was under your skin, and that was the plan, but the way you were playing up your chest grated on om nerves. I was going to destroy them, but I could not go at them at the start as they would be falling into the same tired trap. Every big breasted bitch was ready for that. So it was a sucker’s bet to go right at the heart of your defenses. Instead I chose a different tact. I took a moment to push my ass out and smiled sweetly at you and brought the mic up to my shimmering lips. “It seems the cow has claws, but the fact is I think she is more than a one tit pony. *smirks* then I let the mic rise to the ceiling as I walk towards you and smile as I blow you a kiss. “I hope you are ready…” *giggles*

Alana: As you let the mic go and squared up with me I flicked my eyes over my shoulder to Brian who is standing behind my corner. Gone is the phone and the light of an old fighter burns in his eyes. Meeting my gaze he nods and I turn back to you with a serious smirk on my face. With the mic gone it doesn’t matter anymore what I say for the crowd. “I hope you don’t get to mad with I rip you apart like a badly wrapped Christmas present bitch. You’re just the latest in a long line of whores who wanted a piece because they thought they were all that. Adjusting my footing on the heels I was wearing I planted my left hand on my hip tucking the hip back slightly and extended my right hand beckoning you with my fingers. “Come get it slut.”

Jane: I let my smirk grow just a bit as I let my breath go out in a long slow exhale. I can see in your eyes that we are both doing the same thing. Playing out the first moves of this fight the blows and counters as I smile and then fast as a snake I lash out with my left hand and drag across your cheek letting my nails bite in a bit. “You might rip me apart kid, but I did not get my title as a fucking gift” I then pause and kick off my heels to give me a better base then I feel my nails biting into my right palm. My body aching for this fight as I can almost feel the fire between us growing…

Alana: You slap and scrape. My head whips over and I look back up at you with murder in my eyes. As you kick off your heels I pop my weight onto the balls of my feet and as you’re mid kick I launch myself at you low like an MMA fighter going for a double leg takedown gripping you thighs I heavy and lift slamming my shoulder into your stomach and trying to dump you onto the ground. Slap me would you? I’m not going to take some bitch slap like that and not make you feel some serious pain in return. Hopefully this works are we are going to have to seriously rethink the plan.

Jane: As soon as my heels are off I see you going to shoot the double leg. I know I’m going down nothing I can do to stop that other than maybe a leapfrog, but that would not work on the dress I’m wearing. The other side is you getting me down meant we would be close I could work with that. As the air left my lungs. I hit the carpet and send both hands into your hair my left digging into your scalp with my right-hand dragging down your forehead trying to rake my pink nails down from your hairline as my left yanked your head back…

Alana: With a solid thud to the floor I Feel you immediately go for my hair. I really can’t afford to waste this opportunity by extricating your hands from my hair. Instead I scramble on top of you. Grab the right shoulder of your dress and haul off as hard as I can with a right slap into your face trying to ring your bell before I reach up and rake my nails down your left arm before I grip your left hand with my left hand securing it in my hair and begin to mercilessly slap the same spot on your arm that I raked with my nails working as quickly as possible to ratchet up the pain so I can pry your hand loose while I’m still on top. The truth is I’m seeing a fair bit of red and its probably not doing me any favors but it’s fueling my aggression without a doubt.

Jane: I bite my inner cheek as in no way did I want to scream in pain first. Memories of my past flood my mind as I can remember the days fighting in dirty clubs trying to make it to where I am today. I’m NOT going back. I feel the buffing in my left arm as I look in your eyes and then smirk. You are so focused on hurting me you are leaving me openings. What what I was about to do “ladylike?” Not at all but it will work. as my right-hand reaches your brow I let go of it and then jam it under your dress to attack your stockings. You look a bit confused for the moment that is when I snap my forehead forward into yours hoping to stun you.. as I hear the call of 90 seconds left…

Alana: I feel your hand go beneath my dress and I clamp down my legs hard to protect the inside of my thighs and my womanhood. I’m certainly not expecting you to lash forward with a head butt of all things. It cracks against the bridge of my nose and I see stars. Gripping your hand I shake my head and I can feel the tears welling in my eyes unprovoked. It has nothing to do with the pain and everything to do with the damn head butt. Maybe I underestimated you and I may have also assumed you didn’t have some of the experience I did. I was wrong. Still reeling I do my best to blink away the tears and focus. Everything in my body screams for me to punch you in the face, but I know I can’t do that. Not hear. Hunkering down I hold my position on top of you securing your hands so you can’t continue to maul my thigh and my hair. I need a new plan, you are a dirty slut after all.

Jane: I feel you gripping my wrists as my head swims a bit thanks to my headbutt. I lick my lips as I do my best to dig my nails into your wrists. I see the tears in your eyes as I look up at you and show a predatory smirk “I did warn you..” I feel you press down on me as I feel my legs freed up so I go for it and then begin to bring them around you and squeeze. Trying to force you into a choice let my hands go and have to deal with the damage they can do, and will do, or keep my hands and let my legs work on your core…

So be it. I feel you moving your legs up my body to squeeze me so I decided it time for you to enjoy the effects of your little petty rule stipulation releasing your hands suddenly I lean forward tuck my head and grab the top of your dress. With a growl and a yank, I split the front of it and grab two huge handfuls of your tits and dig my nails in hand yanking backward and dragging until I catch your nipples and then drive my fingers into your areola as I twist my fingers driving them into the soft flesh of your breasts and nipples. You wanted a dirty catfight you fucking got- I can hear Brian and your perv corner yelling and after a few moments I realize they are calling for us to separate. I twist harder working your tits for as long as I can few the two of them are forced to yank us apart. Nearly spitting I feel Brian shake me and pull me back over to my corner like a pissed-off cat being dragged back into the house by its owner.
“Damn it, Alana what the hell is wrong with you. I still only have eyes for you over his shoulder as he uses his body to block me in the corner.” He finally slaps me. It’s not hard but it’s enough for me to startle like a deer before I refocus my murderous look on him. “Get your head out of your ass she’s not as easy as you thought she was going to be and they are giving her a pass on some dirty tricks.” He puts an ice pack on my nose and as the adrenaline drains away I realize that my nose does in fact hurt. Starting my assessment I pick at the left leg of my stocking. It’s coming apart but I don’t rip it any further. It could buy me a few seconds. Hoisting my dress again I briefly consider removing it however I know it will buy me some protection for now. As Brian rubs my scratches with an antiseptic and coagulant I pinch my nose. Bruised by not broken. What can I say, I’ve got a hard head.

Jane: I feel you let go of my hands and I smirk as I get ready for you to attack my thighs, but instead you rip down my front, and start to attack my breasts I let out a throaty growl as I decide to return the favor to attack your chest. We dig out nails in deep as our eyes burn into each other. The bell rings and we just keep going as it was almost a test to see who’s will brakes first. Your cornerman pulls you off me, and mine picks me up. Our eye never brake contact as I am dropped into a chair and two ice packs are placed on my chest.
you okay?”
“Fine this bitch is better than I’ve seen in a while
“You sound excited…”
“No, I just like a good fight.”
Looking across the ring I smirk and lick my lips as I see your corner slap you and giggle as I watch him work with speed and a deft hand This girl was worth a fight. I was going to have to hurt her and she was going to hurt me. The thing was I think I saw that she wanted it as badly as I wanted it. This was going to be a true war I like it…

Alana: They finally let us out of our corner and I stalk towards you. The mauling you got in on my chest was not nearly as bad as it could have been. My dress decided to cooperate. Tossing my hair out of the way I kicked off the useless heels a few steps from my corner and moved like a predatory cat stalking its prey. The only difference was you were not acting like normal prey. Once I was close to in range of you I lashed out with a wide and aggressive slap aimed at your head. At least that was the idea I tried to impart as I hauled back like some dumb teenager in a high school bathroom starting a fight with her rival. As I swung I watched you shoulders and carefully. If you were just going to take it, great it was as close as I could get to a catfight haymaker, the kind of thing that had knocked some bitches out cold in the first seconds of a fight. Hopefully even better you intercept it. All I could do was hope as I swung it and shifted my weight onto my left foot ready to spring into action.

Jane: I saw your breasts were covered something I would need to change, but first I needed to get up. I could feel how hard my nipples were no telling if it’s the icepack or the fight itself. I kick my keels off and walk slowly towards you when I see w long heavy swing coming at me. At first I saw a lot of ways to counter it, and went about the classic catch your wrist and then turn your arm into a hammerlock. At the last moment, I stopped myself and then moved to deflect the slap then brought both hands down on your breasts hard and fast my thumbs turned to the sides as I wanted to attack your nipples. A dirty move yes, but in the grey area as I tried to make a point to make your breasts glow red…

Alana: Your deflection was exactly what I was hoping for as your hand made contact with my wrist I yanked down with my arm and grabbed your wist as I stepped forward and slapped my hand between your legs yanking your dress up and applying a savage claw to your womanhood digging my nails in. I feel you yank my dress down and my boobs pop out. I snarl in pain as you grab and twist hard. Thankfully the hold on your wrist gives me some warning. I just have to power through this. Driving with my back legs on the carpet I yank your left hand away from my right breast. It leaves nail marks over the soft flesh and I know they are bright red from the burning trails they carve. Continuing my forward moment I lift and squeeze with my left hand trying to get your weight on your heels. Grabbing the back of your hair as soon as I free your left hand I yank down hard and pull back as I try to back you across the ring as I pull your hair towards your ass and dig my claw on your pussy in and upward. Hopefully this works!

Jane: The bitch caught me and that not only hurt, but pissed me off as I felt you grab my sex a Totally illegal move, but I did not think the rule book mattered at this point. As you pressed forward I looked in your eyes and came up with an idea as I thrust mt left leg into your belly and let myself fall backward as I hope your are surprised ansI can overbalance you and send you over with a monkey flip and use your aggression against you. As I land on my back and then place my right leg in to try to force the flip…

Alana: I can hear both of the corners yelling at this point as it dawns on me that I’m not supposed to be attacking your snatch. Looking over my shoulder suddenly distracted I release the hold just in time for you to drop low shove your foot into my stomach and throw me like a sack of grain over your head. I land with a solid whoof and my tits come BOUNCING all the way out of my dress. Consequently I didn’t release the hold on your hair and I can feel it go taught. Blinking away my surprise I realize I need to move. So I roll to my left putting your hair over my right shoulder and grabbing it with both hands as I sit up trying to drag you over the velvet and keep you off balance.

Jane: I can breathe again as I feel you let go of my sex and then watch you flu over. The downside of this is that I’m drug along the carpet giving me a rug burn down my back as you land and the bell rings loudly. You let go of my hair and I push to my feet and throw a wild kick at your head you manage to duck, and spear me as our corners pry us apart again. “You’re going down COW I promise” I say in a low growl as I try to get away from my cornerman I look in your eyes as your corner struggles to pull you back…

Alana: I don’t think Brian has ever actually yanked me before and it is a shock as I’m dragged like some unruly child pitching a fit in a supermarket back to my corner by my wrist. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Just throwing the rules out the window are we? Should I find you back alley fights from here on out? Is that what you want? You need to pull it the fuck together Alana.” I’m stuck between rage, indignation, and humiliation. I better at controlling my feelings than this but between you trying to push my buttons, Brian yelling at me like some disappointed dad figure and the fact that I ignored the rules all of it is coursing through my veins at the same time.
“Would you shut the fuck up?!” I finally manage to scream it in his face before I realize what I’m doing from the look on his face. I’d never snapped at him like that before and we’ve been through some tough shit. Naked in a bath of ice crying cause it hurts so bad tough shit and I’d never gone off on him like that.
There was awkward stunned silence for a minute before I mumbled “Sorry…you’re right.” Tugging at the top of my dress I sighed and looked up at him sheepishly. “Get me out of this thing would you? Its toast and it’s not helping me at all.” Handing me an ice pack he sighs and shakes his head before he smiles.
“Don’t you ever yell at me like that again.”
Slapping the ice pack on my mauled breast I rolled my eyes. “Or what asshole, you’ll find some other big boob bimbo at Murphy’s to yank your cock?” That finally broke his laugh and we both laughed in the corner while he expertly unlaced the back of the dress and pulled the mangled remains off me tossing it into the ring off to the side. Technically if I lost Jane could claim it so any discarded clothes went in the ring. With my adrenaline burned off and my emotions cooling off I handed him back the ice pack as we got ready for the next round. “Kick her ass. I want that thing you promised me” I looked up at him as he stepped back out of the ring. “As you wish bitch boy.” We both chuckled again. I’d needed this break I knew I was losing it in the ring and not in a good way.

Jane: I was far past the red like as I threw curses and kicks in the air as Mitch forced me to the chair, I sat there two ice packs on my chest as I wiggled out of my dress as Mitch grabbed a bottle of water and dumped over my head. I snap out of it and then glare at him…
“What the Fuck”
“You lost your shit out there…”
“And the bitch grabbed my pussy!”
“You play the mind games you don’t get played”
Rolling my eyes as I collected myself as he is right. I take a deep breath and collect my clam as I make my plans to try a few new tactics in this match,

Alana: With a final pat on the ass from Brian I bounced out of the corner. The adrenaline had largely worn off so now I was settling into the fight. I could feel the barest edge of fatigue starting to poke at my muscles but that was to be expected. I knew I still had plenty in the tank and I needed to get creative this time. For some reason Gabi popped into my head in that moment and I blinked before the biggest shit-eating grin spread over my face. Thanks honey with a few quick strides I crossed the distance between us and lunged hands high and knees bent with my weight centered over my legs. Driving forward with my hands I aimed them like I was going for your tits but I had another target altogether in mind.

Jane: I take a moment to toss the ice packs and stand on my feet and then stride towards you and then slide my right leg back to brace myself as I look at your big grin I stop looking at you and look at you blinking..”What” You say nothing just trusting at my chest as I bring my left hand out and slam my left hand across your face mostly to try to get your grin gone. “Bitch What?” I then try to backhand you…

Alana: You plant your left leg back and brace for the grip as you swat my hand and slap my I grab two big huge handfuls of your lovely blonde hair. Plant my right foot on your left thing just below the hip and shove myself up off the foot using your hip and your braced stance to climb you like a tree as I loop my left leg and my right leg around your abdomen and yank your head with both hands to the right using the swing of my body and the pull on your head to try and drive you to the floor in a leg scissor. IF this works its probably the showiest thing I’ve ever done in a catfight. If it doesn’t boy am I going to look like a dumbass…

Jane: My slaps hit, and then I feel you start to climb on me. I look confused as I am not sure what your up to until I am going down thanks to your leg scissors. Then you swing your body down and take me with you as I growl in your hold I make a point to attack your larger chest. Trying to make you choose to take my breath away as I punish your breasts starting at the base and tugging forward as hard as I can and repeating the move…

Alana: As we slam to the ground you grab my chest and begin to maul me. Shifting my legs a little higher so they are on your diaphragm I straight my legs out lock my ankles and grab your hands shoving on them as I straighten out my body in a crushing leg scissor trying to make you deal with the leg scissor so I can take it to you in other ways as opposed to fighting your grip on my big bouncing rack. Through a grimace of pain I snarl out at you “Jealous bitch. Aw” I grip your wrists and push trying to get your claws off my girls.

Jane: I feel your legs shift and I make a mont to slide up into your legs closer I do this for two reasons the first is the fact that it will let you have less leverage. The other would become clear as I let go of your big bouncing breasts and then interlock my fingers and lift them up and then try slamming it down on your belly with a hammer blow and then a second one hoping to make you break your hold as I rasp out a breath hoping your legs will loosen and I can mount you…

Alana: You slam the closed fists into my stomach twice and I tense hard. Dumb blonde. I was a boxer for years. As you rear back with the double handclasp for another blow I check your right arm with my left hand just below your tricep and then cross grab your pink nipple with my right hand and dig my nails in dragging down hard and twisting as I pull on you. Propping up on my hip I shove your arms over and loosen my scissor as I try to climb on you back as I push your arms over and pull on your boob.

Jane: Shit SHIT The bitch caught me. I feel her pulling on my nipple and all I can do is scream as my breasts are already sore. Add to that my rug burned back felt you prop up on your hip as I growl and try to dig my fingernails into your wrist hoping to free my hands and then get back to your tits so I can try to ride it out till the end of the round she has to be feeling the fight so far by this point she HAS too…

Alana: As you squirm with my hands I regrip your breast and dig my claws into the full base and top of you already abused boob. With another heave and more wriggling I work my legs further around your side trying to turn you over and climb on your back. I can feel the fatigue in my legs from the prolonged squeezing but I just have to hope you’re too distracted by my hands to be able to take advantage of it. Or too late as I use your boob, and arms to try and turn you over as I inch towards your back. I feel my hand slip on your wrist and I release both holds and my legs trying to scramble completely on your back and shove your face into the floor.

Jane: My breasts are being abused as I feel my face shoved into the thick shag. I feel your legs quiver as it gives me hope I can hold out as I reach back with my free hand and nag your hair and try to jam your jaw down on my shoulder to try to jar you as I can hear the blood pounding in my ears as I try to hammer your left side with short jabbing elbows as I hope that I hear the bell soon…

Alana: Straddling your back you yank me head first into your shoulder and start to flail. Shaking my head I grab your hair and plant my hips on the back of your hips and yank upward with my right hand on your hair and slide my left hand around your waist to grab a huge handful of your left breast. Digging my claws in I pull your body backward stretching your abs and straining your back as I keep my ass planted on your lower back. Releasing your hair I use my free right hand to grab your other breast and with both your boobs secure I pull back on your body and maul your breasts backward. “Who the fuck was the cow that was going to get milked now you slut?!” I pull and squeeze hard. “Admit you’re a tiny titted loser. Say it bitch or I’ll rip them off and you really will be a washboard bitch.”

Jane: I groan and yelp as you put me in a camel clutch. In my head, as I am back in the ring tears ago in the ring is a fresh young blond sitting on the back od a busty redhead as she takes her time working on her breasts with a giggle. My eyes blink hard twice as I feel my breasts under attack again. I shout out and then wiggle and squirm as I try to get away…”FUCK YOU COW!” I then feel you pull and squeeze my breasts as tears start to well in my eyes.

Alana: “Your funeral slut. The Queen is dead, long live the Quill!” With that I pop up onto my feet and ratchet you back digging my nails in and pulling your breasts backward viciously as I display you towards the crowd. “How does your flat-chested Queen look now huh? Should I rip her pathetic utters off. Beg for mercy bitch!” I continue the vicious hold without stopping.

Jane: I feel you pull back and I feel myself almost crucified as I stand there and my head drops as I seem to pass out as I go limp in your arms, as I drift away you plant a foot in my back and then stomp down.

Alana: Standing up from the hold I glare out at the darkness. “You can keep your damn crown. But this.” Reaching down I grab the back of your thong and pull hard letting the string cut into your snatch until it snaps. Balling it up I walk over to Brian and hand it to him before I turn around and walk back over to you. Honestly one wrong move and it would probably be me laying face down on the carpet. Looking at your corner I can tell he is shocked. With my foot I shove you over onto your front. Displaying your now naked tits and womanhood to the audience. Straddling you I sit down on top of your stomach and cup your left breast in your hand and slide my fingers between your legs. Working both gently to bring you back around.

Jane: I lay under the lights and let out a light gasp as my eyes begin to flutter as my hips buck up to meet your fingers.

Alana: As soon as I see you arch and roll under my I grab your face with my left hand releasing your breast. Spearing your womanhood with my fingers I lift your chin and press your head into the floor “Say it. Admit you and your small tits lost. I want to hear you say: I have washboard tits and I lost to you Alana.”

Jane: My hips roll without my effort as I look at you before speaking “I lost to you Alana you fat titted whore” the words turn into a long moan.

Alana: I roll my eyes and take my now wet fingers out of your womanhood and slap you across the face and then backhand. Whispering so no one can hear “Just fucking say it, Jane…If you don’t I’m going to have to smother you out. I don’t want to do that…” and I realize I’m serious. I don’t want to humiliate her like that. I look down at you the barest bit of respect in my eyes. “You’d do worse if you won and you know it. Don’t make me humiliate you like that.”
I wave at Brian and gesture at the ceiling. He gives me a confused look for a moment before disappearing off the ring. Sure enough it drops and I pull you to your feet by the hair. Hooking my left hand behind your ass I latch a hand on your womanhood, Insurance in case your try something. It’s not a hold but a clear reminder that I’m in control and willing to put you down again.

Jane: I shudder in your grasp as I stand there for a moment then take a moment to collect myself. “While I am still the Queen of this garden. It seems another house may have moved into this garden. Allow me to introduce to you, Miss Alana Quill. She has earned a title match at a later date. Take your place in the spotlight Mis Quinn” I lower the mic and give you a chase kiss on the cheek. Then begin to walk off my mind already thinking of the training I am going to need to keep my place…

Alana: I let you go as you slink out of the ring. There is an appropriately polite applause and some catcalls from the lower floors. It would seem that I’ve been accepted into this strange garden. I exchange a look with Brian and he does the best thing ever. The man holds up my bra and an ice pack. With a sigh of relief a scamper over to have my boobs taken care of. They still sting like hell.
“She’s going to kill you if she gets the chance”
I look up at the vaunted interior of Eden.
“So would I in her position.”
The End

OMG, Such a hot story.
Loved it.