For the last 9 years Lady Marion had ruled as the titqueen of her local Renaissance Festival. True, it was a smaller festival. But she was the undisputed queen. Sure there were other busty women, but none with a body even close to Lady Marion’s. Normally, Lady Marion was just a mousy little Nancy from Accounting in a Fortune 500 company. She was little more than a number. But for two weeks of her vacation every year she dyed her short brown hair a brilliant red, donned a costume consisting of a tight black studded leather vest with matching leather skirt and chainmail bra and became Lady Marion, Defender of the Crown. More importantly she became Little John’s woman. Little John, was a handsome barrel chested man who attended every festival. He always wore his “Robin Hood” outfit and had all the women swooning over him. And he was hung like an Ox. Nancy had never had sex like that before. After hours at the festival they had fucked everywhere they could find a spot to be alone practically every night. On the Jousting field. In the kings throne room. In the shops. Anyplace. Any time. But as much as she enjoyed the sex, Lady Marion and Little John had an unwritten rule, their relationship was for the Festival only. They never talked or met outside of the festival. They never even discussed the possibility. It was just about sex. And just at the festival alone. It was part of the fantasy. They didn’t even know each other’s “real” names.
As the festival approached “Marion” could practically feel her pussy throb in anticipation. The thought of his rough sex with her was almost more than she could bear. She had decided that this year she was going to break the rules and ask John to contact her outside of the festival. A year was too long to wait. She would arrange their meeting. She would show him how good in bed Nancy could be too. Maybe she would even marry him. The day of the festival she donned her outfit and headed to the festival grounds.
As she approached the gate, Marion was surpised to see goodwife Anna rushing toward her. Anna was quite heavy and seeing her rush anywhere was quite a site. “Marion” she called. “Marion… Marion… Wait.” She arrived panting as Marion watched her with a bemused look on her face and Anna caught her breath. “Marion… thank God I caught you… had to warn you….”
Marion thought this was a bit of Role Play, something she enjoyed about these festivals. Anna was doing a good job. “What is it Goodwife Anna? Speak!” Marion played along.
“John… John…. John…” Anna panted.
“Yes?” Marion was growing a pit impatient and hearing Little John’s name only made her more so.
“He is… here… with… with…with… another woman.” Anna looked at her friend concern showing in her chubby face.
Marion felt her heart thud. “Another woman?” She was crestfallen.
“Yes… another woman. And she is looking for you! She says she is going to challenge you to a duel!!!” Anna looked positively frightened.
“A Duel? What kind of Duel?” Marion was thoroughly confused.
“I don’t know… she didn’t say. But Marion… she is a bitch. A mean bitch. I don’t think you should go in. I think you should go home.” Anna was honestly afraid for Marion. But her words sparked a bit of anger in Marion. Who was this bitch to show up to the festival with her man and intimidate her friends. This was her vacation. This was her world. She had been waiting for this all year. She wasn’t about to run away.
“It’s O.K. Anna. It’s O.K. Let’s go find this… bitch… shall we?” Marion smiled mischievously at Anna. Anna was not consoled by Marion’s confidence but followed her friend through the large wooden gate into the fair. It was not too difficult to locate her rival. It was a small festival and John was a big man. Plus his buxom blond companion was hard to miss as well. As Marion strode toward John, she could make out more and more features of his companion. She had reddish blond wavy hair that cascaded around her shoulders.She wore a white blouse open in the front and tight black vest that pushed her ample breasts through the opening in the blouse allowing for easy inspection of her deep cleavage. Like Marion, she was very fair skinned. She wore a black full length skirt, and brown boots. She was about the same height as Lady Marion (5’6″) but was easily 15 lbs heavier than Marion’s 135 lbs. She looked to be 5-10 years younger than Marion who was 33. Marion also noticed that John looked very nervous, something he never did at the festival. As they approached, John noticed Marion first and his unease appeared to double. His companion seemed to notice his unease looking away from the couple she had been speaking to and catching sight of Marion. She quickly excused herself, grabbed John by the hand and practically dragged him toward Marion. The Blond had a Cheshire cat smile on her face as she walked toward her. Marion knew the smile was a mask and could practically feel the hate emanating from the woman. Marion was surprised to noticed that everybody in the area was watching the women approach each other and slowly moving to close them in a circle of spectators. Clearly they all expected something to happen.
“There you are!!!” the blond called out when the women were about 12 feet apart. “Lady Marion… I have heard so much about you!!!” her smile faded as she glared briefly at John. She returned her gaze to Marion again smiling confidently as they were 6 feet apart… 4 feet… two feet they all stopped moving. “Although I’ll admit you are a bit…” she locked her eyes on Marions Chest “smaller than I thought you’d be.” Marion unconsciously puffed her chest out a bit at her rivals barb. She again returned her gaze to Marion’s face and said “But I am so happy to meet you at last.”
With the crowd around them, Marion decided to stay in character as it felt more comfortable in this gathering and made her feel more confident. “My dear lady,” Lady Marion replied. “I am afraid you have me at a bit of a disadvantage. I have never heard anything about you.” She smiled at John. She wasn’t angry with him at all. She had always suspected he might have a woman outside of the festival. With her decision to see him outside of the festival she had tacitly resigned herself to the fact that she might have some competition. With a smile on her blood red lips, she returned her gaze to her rival.
The Blond Feigned surprise. “Really? Really? Why I am Lady Dawn. He never mentioned me? I am shocked. But I really shouldn’t be. You see I have been John’s Girlfriend for 3 years and his fiance for a year and a half and he never mentioned you.”
Clearly at this point Dawn had expected Marion to break down weeping at Little John’s deceit. But Marion had been prepared for this news. She had planned to hear it from John, but she was still prepared. “Shocking, Lady Dawn,” Marion Purred. “I wonder why our good hearted Little John would keep a ray of sunshine like you a secret from all his good friends he has made over the last decade at the Festival.”
From the look on ‘Lady’ Dawn’s face it was clear to everybody that Lady Marion had scored first blood. “You Bitch!!” Dawn hissed. Then she regained her composure “I was willing to let Little John continue to come to the festivals because I figured it was just him playing around with a bunch of dorks in tights with fake swords. But then I learned about you. Unlike sluts like you, I don’t share my man” Dawns voice rose so everybody could hear “So I came here to challenge you to a duel. If I win, you leave this festival never to return.” She smiled evilly at Marion. The crowd murmured nervously.
Marion let her voice rise too so that all could hear. “And if I win, you leave Little John at MY festival… And I get his real name and his Phone Number.” She smiled at John who nervously returned her smile. The crowds murmur rose to a low cheer.
Lady Dawn’s smile faded to a sneer. Clearly she had expected Marion to just wilt away. But she was ready to fight for her man which was the reason she came. “Fine!!” She hissed. “Meet me tonight at the castle after the paying guests go home.”
So what style of fight should the ladies battle with and who do you think will win?
For the last 7 years Lady Marion had ruled as the tit queen of her local Renaissance Festival. True, it was a smaller festival. But she was the undisputed queen. Sure there were other busty women, but none with a body even close to Lady Marion’s. Normally, Lady Marion was just a mousy little Nancy from Accounting in a Fortune 500 company. She was little more than a number. But for two weeks of her vacation every year she dyed her short brown hair a brilliant red, donned a costume consisting of a tight black studded leather vest with matching leather skirt and chainmail bra and became Lady Marion, Defender of the crown. More importantly she became Little John’s woman. Little John, was a handsome barrel chested man who attended every festival. He always wore his “Robin Hood” outfit and had all the women swooning over him. And he was hung like an Ox. Nancy had never had sex like that before. After hours at the festival they had fucked everywhere they could find a spot to be alone practically every night. On the Jousting field. In the kings throne room. In the shops. Anyplace. Any time. But as much as she enjoyed the sex, Lady Marion and Little John had an unwritten rule, their relationship was for the Festival only. They never talked or met outside of the festival. They never even discussed the possibility. It was just about sex. And just at the festival alone. It was part of the fantasy. They didn’t even know each others “real” names.
As the festival approached Marion could practically feel her pussy throb in anticipation. The thought of his rough sex with her was almost more than she could bear. She had decided that this year she was going to break the rules and ask John to contact her outside of the festival. A year was too long to wait. She would arrange their meeting. She would show him how good in bed Nancy could be too. Maybe she would even marry him. The day of the festival she donned her outfit and headed to the festival grounds.
As she approached the gate, Marion was surprised to see good wife Anna rushing toward her. Anna was quite heavy and seeing her rush anywhere was quite a site. “Marion” she called. “Marion… Marion… Wait.” She arrived panting as Marion watched her with a bemused look on her face and Anna caught her breath. “Marion… thank God I caught you… had to warn you….”
Marion thought this was a bit of Role Play, something she enjoyed about these festivals. Anna was doing a good job. “What is it Good wife Anna? Speak!” Marion played along.
“John… John…. John…” Anna panted.
“Yes?” Marion was growing a pit impatient and hearing Little John’s name only made her more so.
“He is… here… with… with…with… another woman.” Anna looked at her friend concern showing in her chubby face.
Marion felt her heart thud. “Another woman?” She was crestfallen.
“Yes… another woman. And she is looking for you! She says she is going to challenge you to a duel!!!” Anna looked positively frightened.
“A Duel? What kind of Duel?” Marion was thoroughly confused.
“I don’t know… she didn’t say. But Marion… she is a bitch. A mean bitch. I don’t think you should go in. I think you should go home.” Anna was honestly afraid for Marion. But her words sparked a bit of anger in Marion. Who was this bitch to show up to the festival with her man and intimidate her friends. This was her vacation. This was her world. She had been waiting for this all year. She wasn’t about to run away.
“It’s O.K. Anna. It’s O.K. Let’s go find this… bitch… shall we?” Marion smiled mischievously at Anna. Anna was not consoled by Marion’s confidence but followed her friend through the large wooden gate into the fair. It was not too difficult to locate her rival. It was a small festival and John was a big man. Plus his buxom blond companion was hard to miss as well. As Marion strode toward John, she could make out more and more features of his companion. She had reddish blond wavy hair that cascaded around her shoulders.She wore a white blouse open in the front and tight black vest that pushed her ample breasts through the opening in the blouse allowing for easy inspection of her deep cleavage. Like Marion, she was very fair skinned. She wore a black full length skirt, and brown boots. She was about the same height as Lady Marion (5’6″) but was easily 15 lbs heavier than Marion’s 135 lbs. She looked to be 5-10 years younger than Marion who was 33. Marion also noticed that John looked very nervous, something he never did at the festival. As they approached, John noticed Marion first and his unease appeared to double. His companion seemed to notice his unease looking away from the couple she had been speaking to and catching sight of Marion. She quickly excused herself, grabbed John by the hand and practically dragged him toward Marion. The Blond had a Cheshire cat smile on her face as she walked toward her. Marion knew the smile was a mask and could practically feel the hate emanating from the woman. Marion was surprised to noticed that everybody in the area was watching the women approach each other and slowly moving to close them in a circle of spectators. Clearly they all expected something to happen.
“There you are!!!” the blond called out when the women were about 12 feet apart. “Lady Marion… I have heard so much about you!!!” her smile faded as she glared briefly at John. She returned her gaze to Marion again smiling confidently as they were 6 feet apart… 4 feet… two feet they all stopped moving. “Although I’ll admit you are a bit…” she locked her eyes on Marion’s Chest “smaller than I thought you’d be.” Marion unconsciously puffed her chest out a bit at her rivals barb. She again returned her gaze to Marion’s face and said “But I am so happy to meet you at last.”
With the crowd around them, Marion decided to stay in character as it felt more comfortable in this gathering and made her feel more confident. “My dear lady,” Lady Marion replied. “I am afraid you have me at a bit of a disadvantage. I have never heard anything about you.” She Smiled at John. She wasn’t angry with him at all. She had always suspected he might have a woman outside of the festival. With her decision to see him outside of the festival the had tacitly resigned herself to the fact that she might have some competition. With a smile on her blood red lips, she returned her gaze to her rival.
The Blond Feigned surprise. “Really? Really? Why I am Lady Dawn. He never mentioned me? I am shocked. But I really shouldn’t be. You see I have been John’s Girlfriend for 3 years and his fiance for a year and a half and he never mentioned you.”
Clearly at this point Dawn had expected Marion to break down weeping at Little John’s deceit. But Marion had been prepared for this news. She had planned to hear it from John, but she was still prepared. “Shocking, Lady Dawn,” Marion Purred. “I wonder why our good hearted Little John would keep a ray of sunshine like you a secret from all his good friends he has made over the last decade at the Festival.”
From the look on ‘Lady’ Dawn’s face it was clear to everybody that Lady Marion had scored first blood. “You Bitch!!” Dawn hissed. Then she regained her composure “I was willing to let Little John continue to come to the festivals because I figured it was just him playing around with a bunch of dorks in tights with fake swords. But then I learned about you. Unlike sluts like you, I don’t share my man” Dawns voice rose so everybody could hear “So I came here to challenge you to a duel. If I win, you leave this festival never to return.” She smiled evilly at Marion. The crowd murmured nervously.
Marion let her voice rise too so that all could hear. “And if I win, you leave Little John at MY festival… And I get his real name and his Phone Number.” She smiled at John who nervously returned her smile. The crowds murmur rose to a low cheer.
Lady Dawn’s smile faded to a sneer. Clearly she had expected Marion to just wilt away. But she was ready to fight for her man which was the reason she came. “Fine!!” She hissed. “Meet me tonight at the castle after the paying guests go home.”
Now it was Lady Marion’s turn to push back. “You failed to mention the type of duel you wished to compete in. I was thinking perhaps a tit jousting match?” Marion picked that form of match for several reasons. First she had heard of other ladies at Renaissance Festivals settling disputes in this way. Second looking at the two of them, it was obvious that Little John was a tit man and therefore it made sense that the woman with the best breasts should win him. Third she knew that titillating this crowd would win them to her cause. Finally, she hoped that the sexual nature of the challenge, Lady Dawn would surrender without a blow being struck. The crowds low cheer died away as everybody waited for Dawn’s response.
Lady Dawn looked surprised by the challenge, but quickly regained her composure. “Fine… tonight… at the castle.” The crowd erupted in a great cheer. Dawn snatched Little John’s hand and spun him away into the crowd. As the couple left, Little John looked over his shoulder at Marion, and gave her a little smile and a wink. He was loving it!!!
As they left the gathered crowd moved in on Lady Marion wishing her well and congratulating her. Clearly she was the home favorite in this duel.
For the rest of the day Lady Marion moved around the festival enjoying the activities but in general feeling very lonely. She was used to having Little John with her. Of course several other men at the festival would have been happy to fill the void, but it was John she wanted. She caught a glimpse of Little John and Lady Dawn several times throughout the day. It was clear that Lady Dawn was trying to sap support from Lady Marion. From the feedback she got from her friends at the festival, Lady Dawn’s ample charms seemed to gain her some support from the Men at the festival. But the women almost universally rejected her. Lady Dawn’s argument seemed to be that she was the injured party here and that it was Lady Marion’s doing. When the other ladies of the festival questioned how it could be Lady Marion’s fault as her relationship with Little John apparently started before Lady Dawn’s and she was entirely unaware of Little John’s other relationship, Lady Dawn simply dismissed them with a “I suppose you are as much of a slut as She is then.”
As the day drew to a close, Lady Marion faced her upcoming battle with a strange mixture of dread and adrenaline surged anticipation. She was actually looking forward to battling this bitch for Little John. If she were honest with herself, she had to admit that at this point the battle was almost as important to her as the prize. She wanted to defeat this intruder in her little fantasy world and prove to everybody she was the real queen of the festival. At least she was the real tit-queen.
As Lady Marion approached the castle she could see it was overflowing with festival attendees. She was worried she wouldn’t even be able to get inside to face her rival. As she approached, Mitch, the King’s herald approached her. “Milady” he said, still in character. “Your adversary awaits you in the kings throne room. I have been sent to lead you to the back entrance to avoid the crowds.” With that her took Marion’s hand and laid it in the crook of his arm and began to lead her around the castle. As the attendee’s saw her there they called out encouragement and some frustration that they wouldn’t get to see the match. Then they reached the back door. Lady Marion had never entered the castle this way in 10 years of festival attendance. In a way she felt very special. Inside the door was a little dressing room. Mitch parted a curtain that was behind the throne. Lady Marion stepped through the opening to thunderous cheers and applause. Lady Marion smiled broadly scanning the crowd until she spotted her rival. Lady Dawn stood at the far side of the room with Little John. Her eyes were filled with hatred. Instantly Lady Marion’s heart filled with Rage. She deeply wished she had simply challenged Lady Dawn to a straight cat fight so that she could simply rip the whore to bits. She wished it so badly she could practically taste it. But she knew she couldn’t change the challenge now without looking like she had wimped out of the erotic titfight.
Lady Marion stepped down off the dais on the opposite side of the throne from Lady Dawn never breaking eye contact with Lady Dawn. Lady Dawn approached with Little John in tow, eyes locked on Lady Marion. The cheering in the room was Deafening. Surprisingly the crowd was fairly evenly mixed male and female. It was fairly obvious that Lady Marion was the crowd favorite although Dawn had a surprising number of supporters for this being her first day at the festival. Finally, King Darius rose from his throne putting his hands in the air to quiet the crowd. “Lords and ladies of the realm. It has come to our attention that these two young ladies have challenged each other to a duel for the affections of a young man, our very own Little John.” Everybody cheered Little John who sheepishly waved back to the crowd. Darius continued, “The Method of Duel agreed upon is the tit-joust. Both wenches will bare their bosoms ” a loud cheer from the men “and have their hands tied behind their backs. They will start at the marks on the floor. At my command they will charge each other doing their best to collide breast to breast. Any attempt to deviate from this will result in a warning if inadvertent or immediate disqualification if I deem it deliberate. 3 warnings will result in a disqualification. When one woman can go on no longer, she will declare that she submits. She will further publicly declare that the victor has superior breasts to her own and will remove herself from this festival… forever.” Again thunderous applause from the audience answered the king. Darius again raised his hands to quiet the crowd. When they were quite he proceeded. “Do you agree to the terms of this challenge, Lady Dawn?”
Lady Dawn’s eyes narrowed focused venomously on Lady Marion and she practically hissed “I Do”. A loud cheer went up from Lady Dawn’s Supporters.
King Darius nodded and looked to Lady Marion. “And do you agree to the terms of this challenge, Lady Marion.”
Lady Marion glared at Lady Dawn with all the hatred she could muster and answered “I Do.” An even more thunderous cheer went up from Lady Marion’s supporters.
King Darius boomed “So Be It!!! Ladies prepare your bosom’s for battle!!!” The noise in the room was nearly deafening as Lady Dawn began unstringing her vest. She then shrugged the vest off and dropped it on the ground. She then undid the buttons on her blouse and similarly shrugged it off to the ground. At the same time, Lady Marion undid her chain link brassier and dropped it with a clink to the ground. As Dawn removed her blouse, Marion decided to remove her Studded leather vest as well. It wasn’t necessary as her breasts were already fully exposed, but she felt that a completely topless Dawn would have a bit of a psychological edge Marion was unwilling to surrender. They both stood proudly thrusting their breast out at each other trying to intimidate their rival. It was clear that Lady Dawn was slightly larger and fuller than Marion, but Lady Marion’s full breasts were apparently firmer as the stood up better on her chest than her blond rival. Lady Dawn had silver dollar sized areolas, while Lady Marion’s were more like a quarter. Both women had broad Nipples that were fully erect at about 1/3″. Little John certainly had consistent taste in women.
At a signal from King Darius, Queen Anne and Duchess Kate stepped forward each approaching a fighter, Queen Anne to Marion and Duchess Kate to Lady Dawn. Both looked magnificent in their flowing royal robes. Both women were in their early 50’s, but still looked amazing in their gorgeous elegant finery. Neither was as busty as Lady Marion or Lady Dawn, but their elegant dresses pushed their breasts out and up for display and each was very amply endowed (C Cup at least). Other than the fact Lady Anne had Jet Black Hair and Duchess Kate was a golden blond, they could have been sisters, or at least body doubles. As Marion watched them approach she remembered hearing that once the two of them had a cat fight many years before over King Darius. Apparently Queen Anne had won. As they approached each royal produced a length of silk cloth, slipped behind their combatant and began binding the women’s hands behind her back. This had the effect of eliminating the use of hands while at the same time thrusting the women’s “weapons” even further forward. As she finished tying the knots, Queen Anne leaned into Marion so that Marion could feel her breasts against Marion’s back and hissed into her ear “Crush the bitch flat, Marion.” As Duchess Kate finished with Lady Dawn she seemed to whisper similar words of encouragement into Dawn’s ear. For a moment Lady Marion was curious why these two cared, but pushed the thought aside.
When the ladies had returned to the side of King Darius, he again raised his hands silencing the crowd. “Upon my mark, you may charge. Ladies…. JOUST!!!”
At the kings command the two women charged forward. Neither woman was particularly athletic and with their arms bound behind them and their huge breasts bouncing unrestrained they looked doubly uncoordinated, but each was so determined to engage the other that they covered the 10 feet in a flash. Just before they impacted they both instinctively lowered their chests slightly, then as they touched they thrust their breasts forward and upward doubling the force of their impact. The audible splat of their impact was lost in the roar of the crowd. Both women flattened their opponent slightly before bouncing back, but there was no clear victor. Instinctively both women plunged forward again trying to overwhelm her foe before being pulled back by their seconds, Duchess Kate and Queen Anne. As Queen Anne pulled her backward she shouted in Lady Marion’s ear “You have to go back to the start each time… no second thrusts!!!” Marion nodded she understood. She took her place on her mark. She saw that Lady Dawn had been given the same instructions and was also getting on her mark. She could see the hate twisting in Lady Dawns eyes. She was surprised at her own hate of Dawn. This had almost nothing to do with Little John or the Festival anymore. With their first contact, it became entirely about them. She wanted to destroy this woman for daring to challenge her… for daring to compare herself to her. And in her eyes, she could see Lady Dawn felt exactly the same about her.
The king raised his hand again. As he dropped it the ladies charged covering the distance between them in a flash again bursting into each other with all the force they could drive through their breasts. This time they needed no prodding to return to their places. Again and again they charged, each time there was no clear victor, no weakening of wills, each woman willing her breasts to defeat her hated foe. Incredibly each time increasing the force of their collision, each time the cheering of their supporters grew more deafening, each time the fighters seemed more determined.
It was 3 dozen collisions before the dueling women showed any signs of weakening. Their bodies were glistening with sweat. Their breasts were swollen 2 full cup sizes with the combination of stimulation and bruising. After the 36th collision, Lady Dawn cupped her breasts returning to the starting line supporting her swollen breasts and comforting them at the same time. Lady Marion rejoiced in the small victory, but within 4 more collisions was similarly cupping her own painfully swollen breasts. Both women were returning to the starting points more slowly. Their charges were slower as well. Their supporters cries began to become more desperate, more pleading, begging their chosen champion to continue, pleading for victory.
SLAP!!!! The audience had quieted enough or were horse enough that the collisions were audible as were the grunts of the two combatants. Lady Marion was sure she couldn’t go on, but each time she toed the line and charged. She was certain Lady Dawn was in just as much pain as she was. There was still a hint of hate in her eyes, but it had largely been replaced with a tint of despair and fear. With each blow she became more convinced that she would loose the match and Little John. Lady Marion would have taken delight in the look, but she was equally certain that she had the same look of fear and doubt within her own eyes. At the beginning of the match, she was sure she was firmer than Lady Dawn and that would make the difference, but it was offset by Lady Dawn’s larger size both in her breasts and her body. Neither woman was sure they could continue, and yet they did. Every time the kings hand dropped they answered the call charging each other desperately wishing this would be the last time. After each collision seeing the look in her rivals eyes and knowing it wasn’t over.
62… 63…64 times they charged. On the 65th charge, Lady Marion felt something change. She felt her tit flesh beginning to fail. Her tits were beginning to give way to Lady Dawn’s. It was a subtle change at first. Both their breasts bulged out at the collision compressed and expanding just as they had 64 times before. But Lady Marion felt this time her breasts compressed a little bit more than they had the previous time. The 66th and 67th collision only confirmed her fear compressing more and more with each collision. The change was so subtle that Lady Dawn didn’t even notice until the mid 70’s. Lady Marion could see it in her eyes. At first there was a quizzical look, then mischievous, and finally a look of victory. Both women knew what was happening. Both women knew the battle was over. Even the crowd knew it something was happening. They could not any change in the women themselves or even in their thunderous collisions. Rather they could tell as Lady Marion’s return to the starting line slowed and Lady Dawn’s pace picked up. They could see it in their attitudes and faces. Some of Lady Marion’s fair weather supporters began to shift sides. Others began to plead for Marion’s surrender. They could see the outcome was inevitable. There was no reason for Marion’s pain to continue. And yet continue she did. 87. 88. 89.
Lady Dawn’s face began to take on a look of gloating which infuriated Lady Marion. For the next 4 blows she redoubled her efforts. For a moment, she wiped the smug look off Lady Dawn’s face and again there was the look of fear. And then it was over. On the 95th charge at the collision, Lady Marion’s grunt was replaced with a pain riddled scream. “AAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEGGGGGGGGGHHH!!” Lady Marion turned away from the crowd, stumbled toward the dais. Without a glance backward she fled sobbing into the back room followed closely by a concerned Queen Anne. Duchess Kate unbound Lady Dawn’s arms. Lady Dawn pumped her arms victoriously in the air her heaving reddened breasts bouncing wildly to the roar from the crowd. Then she spotted Lady Marion’s Chain Mail and Leather laying abandoned at the base of the Dias. Lady Dawn snatched the garments off the floor and raised them one in each hand above her head again pumping her arms in victory as the crowd closed in congratulating her on her victory and admiring her impressive weapons. After 30 minutes of receiving this adulation, Lady Dawn had her fill. She had another need to attend to. She took John’s hand and led him off through the crowd and to the front gate and their car. She took him home assured she had the best body he would ever find and determined to show him that she was the best in bed as well.
Late that night, Lady Marion slipped out the front gate covered in Queen Anne’s finest cloak unnoticed by anybody and disappeared into the darkness never to be seen at the festival again.. Lady Dawn and Little John attended the rest of the festivities. Now that she was free of her rival, Lady Dawn’s attitude softened considerably. She won over all the attendee’s with her vibrant personality and ample charms. Everybody could see exactly what Little John saw in her and agreed that he had indeed ended up with the better woman. On the final night of the festival after all the attendee’s had left a lone light flickered in the castle throne room.
King Darius sat on the throne naked, his erect cock rising before him like a waving standard. And a magnificent standard it was!!! Both Queen Anne and Duchess Kate standing before him eyed it hungrily before turning to address each other.
“So… your champion finally lost,” Duchess Kate hissed obviously pleased. “Isn’t it ironic, after eight years of Swordsman, Jousting, and every other game under the sun you finally loose betting on a woman’s battle!!!”
Queen Anne shrugged. “I haven’t lost yet. Just finally have the chance to show you and Darius I am still the better woman.”
“We found that out 12 years ago when he married me.” Kate shot back.
“You only had a shot because I gave him up 15 years ago.” Anne hissed back.
“And yet here you are, fighting me again for a chance at his cock,” the Duchess countered.
“His cock is nice, but the Duke’s cock is every bit as nice, wouldn’t you agree, Duchess?” The Duchess who had enjoyed every inch of Duke Micheal’s cock for the last two weeks couldn’t argue that point. Duke Michael in his hidden alcove smiled as he stroked his own bulging cock. He had been waiting to see this spectacle again patiently for 8 years. It had been entirely too long. The Queen continued “I only fight you so I can continue being Queen of this festival.”
“Oh really? Well, if you are so sure of yourself, how about we raise the stakes? Just like Dawn and Marion. Winner gets the festival all to herself… and the attentions of Darius and Michael as well.”
Queen Anne thought for a moment before replying. The full attention of her ex husband Darius and Michael focused entirely on her… for two whole weeks. She couldn’t help but lick her lips at the thought of their dueling 12 inch cocks battling over her… it was almost more than she could bear. Of course there was the chance that she would loose and would be forced to spend the two weeks of festival without Michael. But she would manage. Besides she had won 4 of their last 5 fights, King Darius was likely nearing the end of his reign, and she thought this might be the last chance she had to show this bitch who was boss. After all, both women were now 52. How long could they continue to fight? To be honest, she had been worried that Lady Marion might win. She truly hated Duchess Kate and was worried their reigns might end without one last chance to tear the bitch to shreds. “Agreed. Winner keeps the festival and the men, looser stays home.”
Duchess Kate smiled. Little did her hated rival know that she had been training in the “off season”. Over the last 8 years she had fought 16 different women and defeated all but two. She was sure that she was now more than a match for poor pathetic Queen Anne. “Excellent!!! Shall we begin then.” Her eyes filled with hate.
“Yes, let us begin!!” Queen Anne said excitedly. Her eyes also filled with hate.
For a moment the women stood still glaring their hate at each other. Queen Anne looked magnificent with her Jet black hair, alabaster skin, and elegant white robe with gold piping. Duchess Kate looked equally magnificent in her black dress with red piping, her golden hair framing her golden brown skin. They were like reflections of each other seen through some dark reversing mirror. Their breathing quickened. Their elegant hands curled into claws. With a simultaneous scream, they simultaneously attacked!!!
The End