Rival Bitch 1 by Rough Catfights

The decadent Paradise was a very exclusive beach club in Malibu. It was a luxurious playground for the wealthy, well connected and beautiful. A place where every desire imaginable was realized. Alana was a 29 year old goddess at Paradise. She was a lithe and stately 5’6”, with long platinum blonde hair and hazel eyes. She worked out religiously, some two to three hours a day, and had an incredible body. She was a proud, gorgeous woman who looked like a movie star.
One must understand that there was a sort of pecking order among the women at the club. All the females there were hot and catty. They indulged themselves in their own private competitions. There were vicious catfights in exqusite beach bungalows that established dominance among them. Alana had been at the top there for a while. She first came to Paradise when she was a fresh, youthful 19. She already knew what she wanted, even then. She wanted to dominate and humiliate other rich, sexy women. She fucking craved it. Almost immediately, she began clawing her way through the other rich females. First she fought the younger girls and the ones her own age. Overall, they were easy pickings because many of them simply didn’t know how to fight. Alana was a natural fighter. By the time she was 23, she was fighting the older women. Sometimes the wealthy husbands and boyfriends were allowed to watch these violent, erotic spectacles. Sometimes the women fought in private. Occasionally the women fought several times before dominance was established. It was at that time Alana set her sights on Carmella, a stunning Cuban socialite who had ruled the roost there for almost four years. Carmella was 5’7”, with silky black hair, striking brown eyes and a heavenly dark tan body. The Cuban beauty was still a youthful 26, but Alana was younger. Yes, she was younger and perhaps she wanted it just a little more than the jaded and overconfident Carmella did. The exotic Cuban beauty fell in the heat of battle. She submitted to Alana after a long catfight that took nearly half the night to resolve itself. Carmella cried pitifully that night. She cried and Alana laughed at her. Yes, she laughed right in her fucking face. Poor Carmella couldn’t live with the humiliation and soon left the beach club. Hell, she left California altogether and went back to Cuba.
Alana had been the alpha female there at Paradise for six years. No one even remembered poor Carmella. Alana was actually becoming rather bored and complacent herself, just like her predecessor. She hadn’t had a real challenge in quite a while. It was only the real competitions with worthy rivals that got her wet. She thought that a slightly younger fitness model named Sarah would give her the challenge she hungered for. Sarah was so strong, and she knew how to wrestle. But sadly, she didn’t have that killer instinct needed to be a great fighter. Alana destroyed her inside of fifteen minutes. That was two months ago. Spring passed into summer and Alana found herself going out of her mind with sheer boredom. Then Tara arrived at Paradise, like a wild storm off the ocean. She immediately caused quite a stir. Tara was a 21 year old beauty, just under 5’5”, with honey blonde hair, dark blue eyes, a killer body and a perfect golden tan. Tara knew about the setup at the beach club. She knew about the rich bitches who competed with one another, and she knew that Alana was the alpha bitch. This immediately put a target on her. Tara started secretly watching her every chance she got. She studied her. Tara couldn’t keep her eyes off of her. Her strong, slender grace. Her exquisite beauty and sublime sexiness. Alana was all too aware of Tara, as well. There was an aura about her, a youthful energy and confidence. She was also a living doll and drop dead gorgeous. Maybe she was what Paradise needed. Maybe she was what Alana needed.
The weeks languidly passed as the hot summer wore on. The two women would sometimes cross paths but had not talked, and the palpable tension gradually grew. There was definitely something between them. People around them felt it. They finally had the chance to break the ice. It happened on the private beach near Alana’s bungalow one afternoon. Tara spotted Alana from across the sand. The hot blonde was sitting in a beach chair with shades on, perfectly motionless, no expression on her striking face. Tara approached and quietly spread a towel on the ground several feet from Alana. Tara noticed that her head was tilted back slightly and she thought that Alana might actually be sleeping. Tara began to remove her robe. She couldn’t help but glance at the sexy woman several times. Alana had on a stylish white string bikini, showing off her nicely toned body. She glistened with sweat and several beads of perspiration ran down her tight stomach. Tara disrobed and was sporting a bright orange bikini and had a rich, luxurious tan. One could immediately tell that the younger woman had spent more time in the sun than Alana had over the summer. Tara sighed and stretched out on her back as Alana remained completely still. The waves crashed and the sea gulls cried as Tara began to drift off to sleep.
“I hope you’ve got on some sunscreen. You’ve got a gorgeous tan, but you can still get burned if you’re not careful.” Alana suddenly spoke.
“Oh, I do. No worries.” Tara shielded her eyes and looked over at Alana who remained motionless. Tara grinned. “Thanks for your concern. I’m Tara.” The young girl extended her hand.
Alana moved for the first time, glancing down toward Tara and holding out her hand. “Hello. I’m Alana,” the older woman said with a slight smile. The ladies gently shook hands. “You’re new here, aren’t you?” Alana asked. She already knew the answer.
“Oh yes,” Tara beamed sweetly. “Yeah, what at a fucking place this Paradise is. A lot of money here.” Tara was stating the obvious, and there was somewhat of a naive quality about her.
Alana looked out at the ocean and her smile disappeared. “Yes, sweetheart. There’s a lot of money here. A lot of rich fuckers and only some of them classy. A lot of assholes who think they have class. You can’t buy class. Know what I mean?”
“Yeah…I do. So…do you think I have class?” Tara asked with a snicker.
Alana looked back down at Tara, not smiling this time. “I haven’t made up my mind yet.” It was an awkward answer to an awkward question that Alana didn’t see coming.
“Well, I think that you are very classy, Alana,” Tara said with the giddiness of a schoolgirl. If it had come from one of the jaded bitches at the club, Alana would have thought that the young girl was kissing her ass. But no, there was a genuine sweetness about it. “So, Alana. What’s your story?” Tara queried.
“What do you mean?” Alana asked.
“You know what I mean. I already know who you are, by the way. You’re Alana fucking Worthington, and you’re the top bitch around here, aren’t you?” Tara was becoming a little more emboldened now. No, the little cunt had no class, and she never would. But, Alana would play along.
“Yes, I am. My story? Well, I’m originally from Pittsburgh, where my father was president of one of the biggest banks in the state. I’ve been married twice and now live off the alimony and some savvy California real estate investments. That’s about all I’m going to tell you. What’s your story, Tara?” Alana was actually rather curious as to just how this dumb little bitch had come into any kind of money. The lottery perhaps?
“Well, my dad was the head of a big oil company in Texas. I was never that close to my parents and was raised by a bunch of servants.” Tara paused. “Then both my parents died when their lear jet crashed outside of Houston on a foggy night. I inherited a fortune when I was 17. These last several years I’ve just been traveling the world. I’m going to hold off on college. There’s plenty of time for that shit.”
Alana took it all in before she responded. An inheritance. She figured as much. “I’m sorry about your parents, Tara. I guess that’s life, huh?” she said rather callously.
“Shit. Between you and me, that plane crash was the best thing that my parents could have done for me,” Tara stated coldly. It was a harsh thing to say, but Alana could tell the young girl meant it. This youthful beauty, though classless, was full of passion and yet had a big ugly chip on her shoulder.
Alana had been reserved, almost cautious, about what she had told Tara. The younger woman had been more talkative and open. As the shadows stretched on the beach, the two chatted a little more. Mostly small talk and nothing of any great consequence. They exchanged numbers and parted ways.
That night, Alana had a vivid dream. She and Tara were back on the beach talking. Suddenly, things became heated for some inexplicable reason and they began to fight. She wrapped her toned body around Tara’s tan physique as they struggled and cursed. Alana awoke in a cold sweat, her pussy soaking wet. She vigorously rubbed herself off as she thought about how much she wanted to punish this young bitch. She longed for a new rival.
One week passed and Alana actually hadn’t thought a whole lot about Tara. She had other things to keep her restless mind occupied. Namely Travis, a new fitness instructor there at Paradise. He was 27 years old with a handsome face and a strong, sexy body. All the ladies there wanted him. Naturally, Alana had first dibs. The two had already hooked up several times and started a torrid little affair. They had planned a midnight rendezvous at his cottage near the beach. Alana became impatient and thought that she might surprise Travis and get there early. It was only about a five minute stroll from her bungalow.
Alana was taking in the cool air off the ocean as she approached the cottage. She immediately heard voices as she crossed the lawn. The bedroom light was on and the window was up. There inside the bedroom, Travis and Tara were talking as they put their clothes back on. Alana froze and watched as the two tenderly kissed. She hid behind a bush as the lovers parted ways. Tara left the cottage, got into her Jaguar and drove away. Alana seethed with rage. She was beside herself…
Tara…Fucking Tara…
Alana carried her anger with her when she grudge fucked Travis a little later that night. She didn’t say a thing about seeing him with Tara.
1:45 am – Travis had fallen into a deep sleep after having had sex with two women that night. Sly Alana took a selfie next to him in bed, his cock still covered with Alana’s silky white cum. Alana sent the picture to Tara and messaged her….
“Travis is MINE, you little bitch. You need to stay the hell away from him.” Alana knew that she would get one of two reactions.
Around 2 am, Alana found her way back to her sumptuous bungalow. Her phone suddenly started to blow up and she answered.
“Just who the fuck do you think you are?” Tara screamed. “Bitch, I’ll FUCK anyone I want to fuck!”
“You stupid little CUNT. You really think you can come in here and fuck whoever you want to? You KNOW who I am. Nobody steps over me, you filthy skank.” Alana growled.
Tara laughed into the phone. “Yeah, you’re Alana Worthington, the top bitch who clawed her way to the top of Paradise. Well, guess what? You don’t mean SHIT to me. You don’t mean a goddamn thing, you used up WHORE.”
The sharp words from the young upstart stung. Alana had always cherished her vibrant youth, and now she suddenly found herself being the older woman. She was pushing 30. Being taunted by some stupid little girl. It had Alana burning mad but also wet with desire.
“You asked me last week if you had class. No, honey. You’re nothing but trash wrapped up in a pretty little package…”
“Fuck you, Alana! Travis is MINE, and I’ll fight you for him.” Tara cried.
Now it was Alana who laughed into the phone. “Oh my God! Really? You’re challenging me? On my worst fucking day I could beat the shit out of you, bitch.” Alana hissed.
“I know about your fucking reputation, cunt. I knew all about you before I ever came here.”
“Then you know that you need to stay out of my way, don’t you princess?” The nerve of this young slut, Alana thought. To challenge her after only several months at the club. Tara hadn’t fought anyone, and she sure as hell hadn’t proven herself.
“Fight me, Alana. Fight me TONIGHT. I know where your place is. I can be there in ten minutes.”
Alana was surprised by the young girl’s brashness and she rubbed her soft pussy. The thought of her dream becoming a reality sent chills up her spine. The challenge had her so turned on. She knew she had to accept.
“Alright then, Tara. Be here at 2:30 and we’ll settle this,” Alana said confidently.
“Oh, and by the way, I’ve got more fucking class than you ever will.” Tara stated as she ended the call. The young girl was burning with desire. From the moment she first laid eyes on Alana, she knew she wanted to hurt, humiliate and defeat this haughty bitch. She knew about Alana’s almost legendary status, and she didn’t fucking care.
Alana sat quietly on a large sofa in her luxurious bungalow. The picturesque blonde had slipped into a stunning dark blue bikini, one of her favorites. She had opened the sliding glass door there in the living room and felt the breeze coming in off the nearby ocean. If the walls of that bungalow could talk. It had hosted many savage catfights along with lust filled affairs with both men and women. Alana had been on top at the club for a long time. She wasn’t about to let some arrogant newcomer like Tara come in and steal her thunder. Alana’s heart raced with anticipation. It wouldn’t be long.
At 2:25 Tara arrived, barged right into the bungalow and strutted toward Alana. The younger female had on a black robe which she quickly let fall to the floor revealing a sexy little lavender bikini. The living room was warmly lit and Tara’s tan body looked even darker than Alana remembered.
Alana rose from the sofa and began to approach her young rival. Without saying a word, Tara suddenly leapt at Alana. As the two collided, they struggled, swayed and fell back onto the sofa. Tara immediately started pulling Alana’s long blonde hair. Straddling the older woman, Tara then began slapping Alana’s face and breasts before driving a fist into her firm stomach. The girl was full of raw energy and rage. She was stronger than she looked. But, this fight was just getting started and there was no way Alana was going to let this hot young thing get an early advantage. Alana grabbed Tara by the hair and pulled hard. Tara moaned and Alana thought about how much fun it was going to be to break this brazen little wildcat.
Alana swiftly ripped off Tara’s top and began mauling her pert brown tits. “This is how a woman fights, little girl,” Alana smirked. Both women had a sexy pair of tits, and Tara’s were slightly smaller. Alana squeezed and clawed Tara’s breasts then pinched her hard nipples. She yanked the girl up by the hair and pulled her to her feet then flung Tara into a nearby wall. She smashed her in the belly and began attacking the girl’s breasts again. Alana twisted and clawed the soft flesh as Tara shrieked. Tara had never been in a fight like this with an older woman. It excited her young mind.
“You fucking BITCH. Travis is MINE..” Tara yelled as she thrust Alana into the wall and pounded her in the gut. She viciously backhanded the mature woman across the mouth and then went after her gorgeous breasts. Tara scratched and tore at Alana’s proud tits just as Alana had done to her. The platinum blonde beauty howled as Tara tore off her top and abused her. Alana’s breasts were soon fiery red with claw marks. Now both women were topless, their sweaty tits on full glorious display.
“Aaggghhh…you little CUNT!” Alana screamed. Tara was going to prove that she could get just as down and dirty as she needed to.
Alana suddenly grasped the girl’s breasts and renewed her attack, clawing deeper and harder this time. The women tore at each other, just beginning to break the skin and bleed. They tumbled back onto the sofa.
Tara maneuvered herself on top of Alana and began choking her. “I’ll kill you, bitch..” Tara hissed as her pussy grew wetter and Alana gasped for air. The more experienced fighter wouldn’t go down so easily, though. She drove a fist into Tara’s ribs, shoved her to the floor and then kicked her hard in the side.
Tara recovered quickly, but Alana slapped Tara before the young girl could fully get to her feet. She grasped Tara’s throat and began to maliciously choke her, smiling wickedly. “This is how we do it, girl.” The mature beauty pressed the young girl down into the carpeted floor.
But young Tara had a lot of fight in her. She raked her fingernails across Alana’s face and then kneed her in the crotch. Alana groaned and cursed. “Fuck…you little cunt. You really think you’re a match for ME?”
Tara grabbed Alana by the hair and slapped her face. “Shut the fuck up. I don’t wanna hear a goddamn word you have to say,” she exclaimed.
The women got to the their feet and glared hotly at one another as they contemplated their next move. Tara was young and untested. Alana knew that this girl hadn’t proven herself and didn’t think that she was even worthy of a fight. For the first time, Alana realized that this wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought. Tara’s young mind was a muddle. She didn’t know what to think. But, she knew that she had a chance to beat this arrogant bitch. She felt it.
The two women charged and began slapping one another in the face…back and forth, harder and harder. They stopped a moment and, when their glistening eyes locked, they clashed again…punching and kneeing each other in the pelvis and crotch. They halted again and circled one another slowly. They were both so wet. This fight was turning both of them on.
Alana taunted her new rival. “Are you hurting? Please don’t cry.”
Tara wouldn’t give this bitch the satisfaction. A trail of blood trickled down Tara’s chin and her left eye had begun to swell. She smiled and extended her middle finger. “Fuck you, Alana.”
That set Alana off. Enraged, she snagged Tara’s hair tightly and clawed her pretty face. “You’re nothing to me, you piece of shit…” Alana growled. Tara screamed as Alana’s sharp nails cut into her tan face. Alana felt the warm blood on her fingers and it excited her even more. This young slut had to suffer before being defeated.
Alana pressed Tara into the wall. Again, she began scratching and tearing at Tara’s supple skin, then smothered the young girl with her hands. “Travis wants a real woman, baby,” Alana whispered in Tara’s ear. “I wish he were here right now so he could watch me destroy you.” The women pressed their faces in close, almost touching. As Alana continued to smother Tara, the youngster suddenly clasped Alana’s long blonde hair and pulled it as hard as she could. No, she didn’t have Alana’s experience. She did have a natural instinct for fighting.
“Call him….Call him, bitch. He’d love to watch me fucking kill you!” Tara exclaimed.
The women clenched and stumbled as their exquisite bodies began to grind together. Moaning and whispering curses, they fell to the floor and started to roll…slapping and clawing one another, coiled together as one.
“Give up, baby. Give up and go home,” Alana demanded.
“Never,” said Tara.
Nasty and ruthless. They didn’t seem to care if they were injured, as long as the other bitch was hurt just as badly. Alana was a little stronger than Tara and seemed to be winning slight advantages. She was on top more than Tara and was gradually wearing the younger woman down. Tara knew that if she wanted to win this duel, she had to fight dirtier. Tara bit into her enemy’s arm. Alana shrieked as she felt the sharp, cutting pain of Tara’s teeth digging into her flesh. Tara then moved up to Alana’s firm neck, biting into it so very hard.
“You fucking animal..” Alana moaned. She was shocked but also aroused. “Mmm…fuck yeah. We’ll fight as dirty as you want, girl.” Alana grasped Tara’s hair and bit her slender neck. Tara screeched in agony.
Young Tara quickly responded by scratching one of Alana’s tits and then biting into the warm flesh. Oh yes, the little bitch could fight dirty. Their cunts rubbed together through their bikini bottoms. The thin material was soaked. They continued to wrestle on the floor. Tara coiled her tan legs around Alana’s lithe waist and squeezed her tightly. Alana clawed at Tara’s pretty face and tore at her soft blonde hair. Their bodies locked together tightly, covered in a warm and silky wetness…a combination of sweat mixed with their blood. They thrashed and shuddered. They howled in pain.
The fighting females paused a moment, lying side by side next to the open sliding glass door. A heavenly breeze suddenly drifted in and gently caressed their ravaged bodies.
“Give up, Tara. Give up while you can still leave here in one piece,” Alana said coldly.
“I’d fucking die first,” Tara fired back.
“Cunt…So be it.”
Alana slowly rose and yanked Tara up by the hair. The young girl lunged at Alana and the women went tumbling through the open sliding door, crashing through several lawn chairs and onto the patio. Alana landed especially hard and felt like she might have several bruised ribs.
Tara rose to her feet first and pulled Alana up to her knees. “Oh yeah. You know your time has come,” Tara proclaimed.
Alana rubbed her aching ribs and Tara knew she had a weakness she could hopefully exploit. Pulling Alana to her feet, she drove a swift jab into Alana’s ribs. Pushing her against the outside wall of the bungalow, Tara planted another fist into Alana’s side and then a second blow to her stomach. Tara smiled as Alana softly groaned in pain and doubled over. Clasping Alana’s face, the young female smashed her hard across the mouth. Blood streamed down Alana’s face, and she slumped against the wall. It looked like the beginning of the end. But, looks can be deceiving. Perhaps Alana wasn’t hurt as badly as Tara thought.
As Tara readied herself to attack again, Alana suddenly plunged a solid fist into Tara’s pelvis, threw her adversary back up against the wall and kneed her viciously between the legs…
“Aaaagghhh….fuck…” Tara moaned as she fell to the ground.
Alana grasped Tara’s hair with both hands and rammed the back of her head into the wall…two, three times, as though she were trying to bust the girl’s skull open. Tara felt the warm blood in her long hair.
Alana clasped Tara’s hair tightly and looked her in the eye. “Look at me….look at me,” Alana said with a sneer. “We can end this right now. You have to call it. You have to fucking submit.”
Again, Tara stuck out her middle finger and waved it in Alana’s face. “Suck my dick, bitch,” Tara cried smugly as she laughed.
Alana seethed with anger. “Oh, you’re so very funny, aren’t you, sweetie?”
Both women were battered…bruised and bloodied. Alana stroked Tara’s face in a surprisingly gentle way. She then savagely plowed her fist into Tara’s tight tan belly. She choked the young girl and pressed her back to the wall, smiling cruelly as she squeezed Tara’s throat causing her to gasp for air.
Tara pulled Alana’s hair, but the steely older blonde pressed into her adversary then kneed her hard in the crotch. Tara winced in agony and slid down the wall.
“Mmm…hurt much, angel?” Alana mocked and taunted her novice rival. Tara rubbed her sore, aching womanhood. She had never experienced pain like that before. Alana smiled slightly because she had endured pain like that in previous battles. “Oh yeah, girl….I know.” Alana knelt and brushed Tara’s hair from her face. “Don’t you want it to stop? Hmmm? Come on…”
Tara was still defiant. “Fuck you…nasty whore,” she weakly cried.
Alana just shook her head. “God. You really want more, don’t you?”
Tara suddenly punched Alana in the stomach which caught her off guard. She absorbed the blow and stumbled back slightly, then attacked Tara, clawing her forehead and opening up several fresh wounds. She knew those fucking head wounds bleed like crazy.
Alana watched the blood run down Tara’s face. “Yeah, that blood stings your eyes, doesn’t it? You’re nothing but a dumb little bitch with no class. No fucking class,” Alana stated. She plunged her sharp nails into Tara’s sexy tits again and clawed them…sinking them deeper and deeper into that sleek brown flesh. “This continues until you fucking give, girl. That’s all you have to do.”
Alana loved the look of deep pain and anguish on her rival’s pretty face. “You know what? I want Travis to see what I’ve done to you. I want him to see what a bloody fucking mess you are,” Alana snarled. “Oh yes, baby. He’s got to see this.” Alana went inside the bungalow and grabbed her phone. She pulled Tara’s head back and snapped a picture of her bloody face. “Now, that’s a pretty girl,” she said with a smirk.
Alana put the phone down and turned to face her opponent again just as Tara suddenly leapt at her and slapped her across the face. The young fighter followed up with a hard fist into Alana’s sore ribs.
“Unnngghhh….fuck..” Alana’s fit body reeled with pain. This young beauty was proving she could fight like a woman after all, and she had more than a few surprises.
Another blow to Alana’s side and then her stomach. “Yeah…..my turn now, you fucking cunt,” Tara gloated. She had a burst of adrenaline and a sudden renewed fire in her. She wasn’t done for yet.
The fighters coiled their long, tapered fingers around each other’s throats, aggressively choking one another. Their bodies danced and swayed, glowing with sweat in the ethereal moonlight. They thrust themselves off the narrow patio, down a small slope and onto the beach. They stood and struggled for a moment before losing their footing and falling into the soft sand. First Tara was on top…then Alana as their splendid bodies rolled and they remained latched onto one another’s throats.
The girls released their savage chokes…coughing, sputtering and groaning. The sand now clung to their wet bodies. Sexy Alana slowly rose first, her body aching. She grabbed Tara by the hair and began pulling her to her feet. The experienced fighter was about to strike again when she suddenly weakened and loosened her hold on Tara’s golden locks. Tara instinctively sensed it and began to unload on her. Gut slugs to Alana’s sculpted midsection and a nasty shot to the cunt. Alana’s body trembled with pain, but she wouldn’t go down. No way this young girl was going to beat her. No fucking way.
Alana locked her lithe toned arms with Tara’s and they tested their remaining strength. Alana was the stronger of the two, but she was growing increasingly weaker as they continued clashing there in the dead of night. Tara pushed Alana into a beach chair, knocking it over. It was the chair Alana was sitting in the day they first met. That was just last week, but it seemed like ages ago.
Alana pounded Tara’s brown belly, knocking the wind out of her and then drove a swift knee into her pelvis, deep and hard. Tara fell to her knees. Alana dropped to one knee, her head swirling. Both women were exhausted.
Alana glared at her youthful challenger. “Stupid..little slut..” she moaned.
“Fucking bitch,” Tara hissed.
Alana slapped Tara hard across the face, then grabbed her hair and pulled her in close. They looked each other spitefully in the eyes. The women struggled to their feet again. Another fist to Alana’s ribs and her body throbbed with pain. This young bitch could inflict some punishment. A blow to Alana’s firm stomach and another jarring strike to her side. Then Tara smashed her clenched fist into Alana’s mouth…
“God…cunt…you fucking cunt..” Alana chanted as she wiped warm blood from her lips.
Alana attempted a punch to the face which Tara blocked. The gorgeous 21 year old attacked Alana’s proud ivory breasts again, twisting them cruelly. Alana responded in kind and the two began to maul each other’s tits, their piercing cries and screams filling the night air. They collapsed into the sand again, both crying and softly cursing.
The women paused for a few moments before they wrapped their sweaty bodies together, wrestling and ripping hair out by the root. Fine blonde strands flew around them in the cool ocean breeze. Alana viciously slashed into Tara’s tits again, wanting to damage them as much as possible with her cruel fingernails. Tara plunged her long fingers deeply into Alana’s throat and choked her. Alana’s eyes clenched tightly and she fought to breathe as Tara forced her down onto the ground and maneuvered herself on top.
Alana tore at Tara’s golden locks again, ripping and shredding her hair then clawing the girl’s face. Tara bit into Alana’s breasts as their fierce battle became even more vicious. Primal and nasty like two animals….experience vs. youth, testing one another fiercely. They wrapped their strong legs around one another, their heated breath in each other’s faces.
For the first time, Tara asked Alana to submit. “Do you give? You fucking give?” Tara cried. Alana didn’t respond. She felt herself being dominated but did not want to surrender. God, she couldn’t.
The women clawed one another’s throats. They thrust their bloodied tits together as their scarlet blood splattered onto the sand from new wounds opened up by sharp nails and teeth. The private beach…the sounds of the wind off the pitch black ocean, the crashing waves and the cries and screams of their agonizing battle. Exhausted now, their pace slowed…every move cold, calculated and deliberate.
Torture…destroy..humiliate…make the bitch beg for mercy. These were the unwritten rules at Paradise. The sexy women struggled..they fought…they drove their hot, ravaged bodies into one another.
Tara clawed between Alana’s creamy thighs, feeling fine pubic hair between her fingers as she drug her nails across Alana’s soft mound. Sexy Alana felt Tara’s urgent hot breath on her throat right before Tara bit into her neck. The young girl’s strong tan legs slowly coiled around Alana’s middle and she crushed her aching ribs. Alana wanted to give, she wanted to scream as her gorgeous body pulsed with the rawest of pain…
Tara whispered into her adversary’s ear…”Give up, Alana. Fucking give up,” she softly commanded. This young girl who fought like a women. She even sounded like a woman now. But Alana would not submit.
Again, Alana felt Tara’s sweet breath on her neck just before the little bitch tore into her skin. Alana felt the sharp sublime pain. Tara tasted Alana’s warm blood and wanted to cum. The older fighter managed to pry herself free from Tara’s vicious scissor hold, clawed into Tara’s face and then tried to gouge her eyes. The young girl’s face was now covered with blood. Alana gleefully tore at Tara’s face with what little strength she had left. Christ, she wanted to rip that pretty little face right off. Alana wrapped her fingers around Tara’s throat and squeezed. She felt the wet flesh and tight muscles as Tara tried to breathe…
“Submit, Tara. Fucking GIVE before I kill you..” Alana exclaimed with a wild look in her eyes. Alana climbed atop her enemy and pressed Tara down into the soft sand. “Little bitch….God, I fucking hate you…” Alana cried into the night. Tara murmured incoherently and then reached up to choke Alana. This little slut still had some fight in her.
Tara clasped Alana’s sleek neck and strangled her. Alana’s eyes clenched shut and she felt herself beginning to black out. After several tense moments of mutual choking, the women collapsed next to one other. They panted and tried to catch their breath. Alana heard the waves crashing…once..twice..then a third time. She turned her head and looked at Tara. So weak, so tired now …she almost felt like she was in a dream state. Tara languidly turned her head to look at her sexy nemesis. They glared coldly at one another again.
Suddenly Alana climbed on top of Tara and started vigorously riding her, grinding her pussy into the young woman’s bloody face. Her juices had soaked through her bikini bottoms. Tara’s nose and mouth were buried between Alana’s silk thighs. Alana thrust her hips forward and grabbed a handful of Tara’s dark blonde hair. She forced the young girls’s face deeper, buried in Alana’s crotch. Tara squirmed, softly moaned and fought to breathe.
The mature wildcat smiled wickedly, a look of vile cruelty on her face. Tara’s struggle became weaker as Alana rode the young girl’s face. “Ohhh…God…you little fucking slut…” Alana purred. She kept pressing her swollen cunt into Tara’s lovely face. The queen of Paradise looked down at her rival. “Do you give up, Tara? Do you give? Do you fucking give?”
“Let me go…you cunt..” Tara groaned. She was done. The fire and fight had finally been driven from her.
Alana rode Tara’s face for a few more satisfying moments before releasing her. The victorious blonde vixen rolled over next to Tara in the sand. The two women gradually rose to their knees. Alana smiled weakly. “Go home, little girl….Go home.”
“This isn’t over, bitch,” Tara proclaimed as she got to her feet and gradually walked away.
“Yeah, you stupid little whore. Next time, I’ll fucking kill you,” Alana promised.
Alana watched her young rival slowly walk up the beach. Tara never looked back or spoke another word. She knew she had been beaten this night. Soon, she was merely a silhouette, slowly fading into the darkness.
Alana masturbated in bed later that night, thinking about how she had defeated her rival. She thought about the young girl’s soft moans and sharp cries of pain as she punished her. She thought about how Tara had fought like a woman and had truly become a woman that night in the exquisitely raw heat of battle. Alana groaned with pleasure and had a deep orgasm.
Not far away, Tara was masturbating as well, imagining the next time the two would meet. She thought of new ways to inflict pain on Alana. The youthful Tara had never hurt a woman like that before, and there was something profoundly arousing about it. She relished the thought of another catfight, as she felt a sharp orgasm rush through her.
The two females couldn’t stop thinking about the intimate heat between them. The tempered breath…their perfect bodies bound together as one. Sleek, sweaty skin on skin as they savagely fought….
They both knew they would meet again.
The End