Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #4

So on the site’s Discord, we have being doing writing prompts/challenges and I will be posting the results here!

The following posts are what people came up with when looking at the image above!

Pink Glow Divider

Written by PhoenixFalcone:

They had found each other via a dating app. Two lost souls searching for a mate. Their trip to the restaurant was cordial enough, just the right amount of small talk to keep them occupied. But as they ordered each felt something. An odd sensation. As entrée was served, they felt it more, almost as if they’d stumbled on a secret no one needed to know, and they were too scared to let the truth roam free. How her partner looked, ate, talked, moved. It all felt familiar. Main course arrived, each looking questioningly into her partner’s eyes, hoping, pleading for the answer she craved to this question she’d somehow already solved. They ate in silence now, neither quite knowing what to say, nor wanting to address the elephant in the room first. Dessert was cold and sweet but did nothing to quell the intensity they began to share across their table. Smiles had evaporated long ago, replaced by blank expressions, an attempt to hide away their thoughts until their meal was complete.

Each feigned a smile as they split the bill, and shared an awkward silence in the back of the taxi. The blonde’s house was plush and clean. Too nice for what was to come. As they sat in the lounge, in opposite chairs, their glare resumed. This time their hatred had fully manifested. They no longer needed admission, they knew. They’d always known, and yet had chosen to forget. The first words uttered since that fateful entrée, acknowledgement of their mutual problem. Stinging barbs were thrown, names were called. This was no longer a date, truth be told it never was. Over dinner they had realised, it had always been a reunion.

Slowly, one blonde and one brunette stood and inched towards their prey. Though they bared their teeth, smiles had been replaced with snarls. A challenge laid down, to a foe they knew all too well. A tension born from years of mutual torment, painful memories now flooding back. Neither had hoped to ever see the woman across the shagpile rug from her again. But there she stood, elegant, beautiful and immaculately formed. The sight disgusted them now, a far cry from when they swiped their phone. She was perfect, too perfect.

Years of pain and suffering were suddenly let loose in a mutual scream, a lunge and a crash. Innocent dresses became collateral damage amidst the fires of a reborn feud. The room rang out with the sound of slapping flesh, painful yelps and primal growls. Mascara streaking ugly stripes down four perfect cheeks as tears descended. Deep scratches running down their soft skin, proof that this was a true battle of hatred and not just some petty squabble. Decades of frustration pouring out as this violent flamenco was performed to an audience of none.

On and on their battle churned, discarded hair and garments littering the floor. Just as they refused to admit what they both knew back at dinner, they now refused to submit to this lunatic partner they clutched. Exhaustion began to mix with their anger, amplifying frustration with each passing second. A lifetime of rage lacing each punch and slap and claw. Finally, as they cried into each other’s shoulder, fists meekly slapping into bruised and battered torsos, those two stepsisters uttered those words they’d said to each other a thousand times. “I hate you…”

Pink Glow Divider

Written by Christine:

She was no stranger to pain. Slaps to the face, hands yanking hair, nails digging skin, even that one time when someone slammed a knee where the sun did not shine – in the few years she had been a regular at the local catfighting club, she’d felt it all. So when this fight rolled around, she didn’t give it much more thought than usual.

After all, she was no stranger to pain.

She was also no stranger to her opponent. They had fought numerous times – both at the club, and in more private settings. They were evenly matched. They knew how to put on a good show. And they actually enjoyed fighting each other.

Their first fight had just sort of… happened – they wanted to do something naughty one day while alone in their apartment, and before they knew it they were both half-naked, trading slaps and scratches, rolling across the floor, and loving every minute of it. From then on they fought regularly together. They joined the catfighting club together a few years back.

And now, they had both set their sights on the same woman – a striking redhead who had just recently joined the club. But who should get to make her move first? For them, the solution was obvious – a catfight. Whoever wins gets to ask her out first.

Just like the many fights they’ve had before.

But whether it was the stakes they had set themselves, or something else, everything felt… off. Their black and white lingerie sparked more jealousy than before. Their taunts and trash talk landed harder and cut deeper than before. And when they looked into each other’s eyes right before they began the fight itself, instead of seeing the usual eagerness, confidence, and little sparks of amusement, they each saw hurt… and anger.

She had lost track all track of time, but her body, bruised and battered, told her everything she needed to know about how long this fight had lasted. And as the clash continued, fury unabated, she knew that it would not stop. She didn’t want it to stop. The stakes of the fight were… not immaterial, but somehow almost irrelevant. For the first time, she didn’t just want to win – she wanted to make her opponent suffer. And she could tell that her opponent wanted to do the exact same thing.

This wasn’t like any fight they had had before.

And as the nerve endings in her leg screamed as her opponent’s nails dug into her skin, as her hair felt like it was on fire from her opponent yanking on it with abandon, as her fist became numb from punching her opponent’s chest again and again and again, she felt tears flowing from her eyes, sobs arising unbidden.

She was no stranger to pain. But agony… the agony of a fight that pushed her beyond anything she had ever been in before… the agony of a body in a struggle gone completely out of control… agony she had never met.

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