Shower Strangle by Damon

Dana was running her hands through her wet hair under the showerhead when she saw the other woman enter the room. A smile came to her face as Dana saw who it was, and that all her patience these last few weeks had paid off. Soon she would get what she wanted.
Kathleen turned on the faucet in the women’s shower room and let the jet of clear liquid caress her tired, sweaty form. She had been riding the exercise bike to burn off some steam after losing to her rival, Jennifer, in their most recent catfight two days ago. Kathleen longed for quick revenge against the redhead, but knew she should bide her time for a few days until she was ready for the inevitable rematch of their never-ending war.
Kathleen let the warm water wash over her body, feeling invigorated by the mild heat, when she got the notion that someone was watching her intently. She turned cautiously to see Dana staring at her from behind, about ten feet away. Dana was by one of the shower stalls in the middle of the room, whereas Kathleen was up against the near wall leading out to the locker room. No one else was around at this time, this late at night.
“What?” intoned Kathleen. She had seen this woman at the gym a few times, and knew her name was Dana, but had never really talked to her.
“Nothing,” smiled back Dana, wringing the water out of her hair. She knew Kathleen liked to catfight, had heard she was a choker and a strangler, and had wanted to test herself against Kathleen for the longest time. Now the time was at hand to do so.
“So … how’s Jennifer doing these days?”
Kathleen, who had turned back towards the wall, now stood up straight, shocked. How did this woman know about her and Jenn? She couldn’t know – no one could know, about her knock-down, drag out rivalry with the redhead – but then, what else could Dana mean? Jenn was also a regular at the gym, and Dana knew the redhead as well.
“What about me and Jenn?” questioned Kathleen, turning around to face Dana now.
“Oh, just wondering if you guys have had any fights lately …”
Kathleen was stunned again, and almost gulped. Almost. How had she and Jenn been found out? And who else knew? Better to try and deflect the whole thing rather than admit anything, she thought.
“There’s nothing like that going on.”
“That’s not what I’ve heard …”
Actually, Dana had only heard rumors, but she knew Kathleen and Jennifer did not get along; and after seeing the two women sporting bruises and scratches at the gym every so often, she pieced things together.
Dana was especially intrigued by the way the two combatants brutally and frequently strangled each other, often until one of them was unconscious. Dana herself had always wondered what it would be like to be bare-handedly choked by another woman, and now was her chance to find out, if she could just goad Kathleen properly …
Kathleen could see that there was no way of lying her way out of this predicament – this woman knew too much, however she knew – so she decided to twist the subject around.
“What do you want?”
Dana smiled as big as the moon, as she moved in to stand a few scant feet from Kathleen, both women wet and naked on the white tiled floor, the showerheads still running rhythmically.
“I just want to see how tough you really are, catfight girl.”
Kathleen was slightly taken aback at Dana’s admission, but quickly composed herself and sized her potential opponent up. The woman was about three years younger, very attractive and shapely, with shoulder-length curly dark brown hair, much like Kathleen’s. She stood about 5-9, two inches taller than Kathleen, with even longer legs. and probably outweighed the 135-pound Kathleen by 10 or 15 pounds. Dana was bustier, too, but other than that fact, and the slight height difference between them, the two women looked to be almost evenly matched, although Kathleen had much more actual combat experience thanks to her frequent fights with Jennifer.
But Kathleen didn’t know how fight-experienced Dana was, and really didn’t wish to find out tonight. She had wrestled other women besides Jenn in her life, so it was not something out of loyalty to her long-time sparring partner; but now Kathleen just wanted to shower up and head home.
“I don’t want to fight you, Dana.” And Kathleen turned away to return to her shower, the matter closed as far as she was concerned.
The next thing Kathleen felt were two distinct pains in her chest, and she looked down to see two bare hands clutching and squeezing her bare breasts mercilessly as Dana attacked her from behind. She also felt herself being pushed towards the wall as Dana pressed in on Kathleen’s back with the front of her own body, water washing over both of them as they began to struggle.
“Bitch! Let go of me!” cried Kathleen as she reached down and gripped Dana’s wrists, trying in vain to pull her attacker’s gripping hands off her breasts.
“Fight me,” demanded Dana, who squeezed even harder with both hands, fingers sinking into soft tit flesh and crushing the soft round mounds, before her fingertips began pulling mercilessly at her victim’s thick pointed brown nipples, causing Kathleen to squeal in agony.
Getting nowhere fast with her hand-to-hand escape attempts, Kathleen suddenly snapped her head backwards, the back of her skull smacking against Dana’s pretty face and stunning the other brunette. Dana released her holds to rub her hands gingerly against her wounded face, especially her nose and lips, as Kathleen spun around with hate gleaming in her brown eyes.
“Bitch!” she cried out again before backhanding Dana across the cheek, the slap of flesh on flesh making an audible crack. Dana took the blow, her cheek reddening from the impact – and then she responded with a backhand of her own, knocking Kathleen back into the wall. Kathleen groaned as she hit the hard tile, but her anger quickly welled up inside her again as she prepared to charge Dana and take the fight to her attacker.
But Dana was upon her lovely opponent in a flash to gain the upper hand again, clamping one of hers over Kathleen’s mouth while using the fingers of her other to pinch her victim’s nostrils shut and begin hand-smothering Kathleen. Kathleen’s eyes opened wide as she struggled to breathe and failed, Dana’s hands forming a pair of airtight seals. Kathleen’s muffled cries rang out through the shower room as she again clutched Dana’s wrists, and again to no avail as her taller opponent held fast.
“If you want to get loose, Kathleen, you’d better fight,” warned Dana, tightening her adhesive-like grips, pinching and pressing harder upon Kathleen’s face with either hand. “Fight me, or I swear to god I’ll suffocate you!”
Kathleen’s lungs burned, her throat grew dry, and she desperately needed air which Dana was depriving her of. She hadn’t wanted any of this tonight, hadn’t expected any of it; but she knew she was going to have to get over that and fight back, now, or else Dana would definitely smother her in short order.
Steeling herself, Kathleen lashed out with both hands and secured them about Dana’s throat before squeezing with all of her flagging strength. Dana gasped at her opponent’s response, a smile of pure glee creasing her pretty features as she accepted her foe’s gift, fingers pressing in hard on the back of Dana’s neck and thumbs stabbing deep into her windpipe. Dana began to gag and cough in her adversary’s grip, her own bare hands still cemented over Kathleen’s breathing passages and muffling the brunette’s moans as the two nude beauties struggled bodily for supremacy beneath the cascading waters …
Bare feet shuffled back and forth on the wet tiled floor as Dana and Kathleen continued their shower struggle at a standstill. Kathleen’s hands still squeezed about Dana’s throat, while Dana’s hands were still pressed over Kathleen’s breathing passages, both nude women battling for breath as they fought toe-to-toe. Stalemated, they began to pull each other down towards the floor, both women sinking to their knees as they maintained their holds. Kathleen’s cries were still muffled beneath Dana’s hands, while Dana gasps and coughs rung out amid the rushing water of the showerheads in the women’s locker room of the health club.
Kathleen began to push forward, forcing Dana down and back, until the taller brunette could no longer maintain her knees and fell onto her back, long legs and bare feet kicking up into the air as her shorter opponent began to dominate the struggle. Trapped beneath her foe and with no leverage to speak of, Dana gasped again as Kathleen bent over her and tightened her bare hands about Dana’s vulnerable throat, thumbs pressing down mercilessly as Kathleen punished her attacker. Now getting the worst of the fight, Dana was forced to relinquish her smother-holds and grasp Kathleen’s wrists, trying to pry her foe’s hands loose from about her slender neck.
But not trying too hard, as Dana had always wondered what it would be like to be choked by another woman, and now she was experiencing it first-hand. The pain was wonderful in a way, as was the feeling of being dominated, and Dana had no desire to break free, not just yet. Releasing her grips on Kathleen’s wrists, Dana slipped her arms around Kathleen’s body and up onto Kathleen’s back, soft hands caressing the back of Kathleen’s shoulders like a lover in the throes of passion as Dana allowed her lovely opponent to ruthlessly throttle her.
Dana leaned back further on the floor, eyes shut in agony/ecstasy as Kathleen poured on the pressure, not caring why her foe had stopped fighting her. In a singular act of defiance, Dana slipped her long tapering legs about Kathleen’s waist, and locked the ankles of her bare feet together behind Kathleen’s back before squeezing the other brunette with her shapely thighs. Kathleen grimaced in her enemy’s new hold, but still maintained her stranglehold as the two women remained locked together in combat, water still pounding both beauties from above.
Dana ran her hands over Kathleen’s back, up and down, left and right, relishing the agony induced by Kathleen’s powerful hands, as Kathleen stared down at her potential victim. This woman certainly wasn’t reacting like Jennifer would when Kathleen choked her redheaded rival in one of their many fights. If anything, Kathleen mused, Dana seemed to enjoy being strangled …
Fine, thought Kathleen. If she wants to enjoy it, I’ll oblige her – the bitch! I’ll teach her to squeeze my tits and try to smother me with her hands.
Fingers began to crush Dana’s neck from behind, thumbs stabbed deeper into her windpipe in front as Kathleen really began to take it to her adversary. Dana still squeezed with her trim thighs but otherwise offered no resistance, not even as her face began to turn red from lack of oxygen, and her gasps for breath grew even more labored.
“Choke, you bitch!” growled Kathleen, borrowing a saying that Jennifer had often whispered to Kathleen when the redhead was strangling the brunette senseless in
one of their many encounters. A few more moments of unyielding pressure, and Kathleen felt she could finish off this other brunette, and end this fight that Kathleen hadn’t started or even wanted. Perhaps she had Jenn to thank for increasing her endurance …
Kathleen’s thoughts suddenly stopped drifting as the aggressor felt two sharp hands chop hard into either side of her neck from below, as Dana at last fought back to stave off approaching unconsciousness. Kathleen cried out at Dana’s blows, and then cried out again twice more as Dana repeated the move again and again, harder and harder, weakening Kathleen’s grip in the process and allowing Dana to breathe once more. The finisher came when Dana balled up her fists and smashed them into either of side of Kathleen’s cheekbones, stunning the smaller brunette and knocking her for a loop as she wavered back and forth, dazed.
Dana wasted no time in fully going on the offensive again, her initial attack having staggered Kathleen. Snaking upwards with both hands even as she sucked some much-needed air into her aching lungs, Dana again plastered her bare hands over Kathleen’s nose and mouth and began to smother the other brunette lifeless, one hand pressing hard over Kathleen’s pouty lips, the other pinching Kathleen’s nostrils completely closed.
“Mmpphhh,” was all Kathleen could mutter as she suffocated in Dana’s grip, her hands now detached from Dana’s throat and wrapped about Dana’s wrists, trying to pry those terrible hands loose from her face, but to no avail. The harder Kathleen pulled, the harder Dana pressed down, and Kathleen’s lungs again began to burn.
“A little out of breath there, baby?” cackled Dana from below as she maintained her grips while still crushing Kathleen’s waist in her thighs. She began to twist to her right, pulling Kathleen down with her until both women lay on their sides on the wet tile facing each other, Dana still squeezing and suffocating Kathleen, whose eyes were closed in anguish. Dana then decided to really punish her opponent, and to experience her desires from the “other side” in the process.
Unwinding her long legs from about Kathleen’s waist, Dana maintained her smother-holds while rolling atop Kathleen, Dana resting her weight on her shins as she straddled her helpless victim, whose struggles were growing weaker from lack of precious breath. Dana pressed and pinched harder, savoring the feeling of winning/dominating as Kathleen suffered below, her struggles still softening, before Dana licked her own lips and decided to apply the coup de grace.
“Now it’s my turn, Kath,” mocked Dana as she removed her hands from Kathleen’s face, allowing the other brunette a few precious moments to breathe before preparing to return the favor from earlier.
Reaching down, Dana slowly and methodically wrapped her bare hands about Kathleen’s exposed throat, savoring the feel of flesh. Dana then threw back her head, wet hair whipping about. She closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, and then her hands began squeezing with all her strength …
Kathleen gagged and coughed below on the shower room floor as Dana began to wring the life out of her older opponent, hands tightening about Kathleen’s throat and choking her senseless as the taller brunette straddled Kathleen’s waist. Kathleen clutched frantically at Dana’s wrists, trying to pull her attacker’s hands loose, but it was no use. The smaller brunette continued to suffer beneath her younger foe, her breath exhaling in harsh, ragged gasps and deep, hacking coughs as her face began to turn red from lack of air. The showerheads still thundered down upon the two struggling, naked combatants in the otherwise silent, empty room, with one woman clearly in charge.
Dana reveled in her enemy’s anguish, and began to press in closer to Kathleen even as she maintained her expert two-handed grip on the older woman’s slender neck. Rising up slightly from her straddling position, Dana slid her long legs down and backwards until she could tangle them up in Kathleen’s gams in a grapevine fashion, preventing her victim’s escape. Lowering her upper body until both women’s naked chests squashed together and their faces were just inches apart, Dana then began to work her hands about Kathleen’s neck, fingers curling tighter, thumbs pressing down harder as Kathleen moaned in her enemy’s embrace, hands still tugging futilely at Dana’s wrists. Dana herself licked her lips in both excitement and anticipation as she watched Kathleen’s anguish, and she realized that choking another woman was just as erotic as being choked by one. She wondered how long her sparring partner could hold out until lack of breath took her. She intended to find out …
“Does it hurt?” intoned Dana, half-asking, half-chiding. “Can you breathe?”
“Nnnhhh … unnnhh …” were all that Kathleen could mutter as her struggles grew weaker, her grips softening about Dana’s wrists as she began to pass out. Dana for her part began to put it to her opponent even more, pulling Kathleen’s head up slightly and then pressing it back down again. She repeated this move over and over, not slamming Kathleen’s skull against the wet shower tile, but throttling her just enough to let her know she was being dominated. Finally Kathleen’s arms splayed out uselessly to the sides as she resigned herself to oblivion … and then she felt the hands about her neck unwrapping, the weight on her chest and abdomen lifting as Dana released her chokehold and rose to her bare feet to stand over Kathleen. The water still surged down from the showerheads as Dana stood there over the gasping, coughing Kathleen, who slowly but surely hacked her way back to life.
Dana stepped back as Kathleen sat up and coughed some more, the color returning to the older woman’s cheeks as she sucked in great lungfuls of air, her bare breasts rising and falling as she took in life-giving oxygen, and jiggling as she coughed. Finally, after long minutes of recovery, Kathleen rose to her own bare feet to stand an arm’s length away from Dana, both women naked and dripping wet on the tiled floor.
“Why did you let me go?” queried Kathleen, with more than a discernible trace of anger and even disgust in both her voice and her eyes.
“I wanted to give you a fighting chance,” smiled Dana. “Now we finish it by seeing who’s the better strangler.”
“What?” questioned Kathleen, almost as incredulous as when Dana had released her moments ago.
“You heard me, little girl,” grinned Dana again. “Choke me – because I’m sure as hell going to choke you!”
“Go for it, bitch!” cried Kathleen, her momentary confusion erased as she sought payback for her recent suffering.
Dana stepped forward and lunged out with both her bare hands, as did Kathleen. The slap of flesh upon flesh shot through the shower room as each woman latched onto the other’s throat with both hands and began squeezing savagely in a final assault, fingers wrapping tighter, thumbs pressing down harder as both beauties began to gag and cough in the other’s steely grip. Bare feet scrabbled and slipped on smooth wet tile as they dragged and pulled each other about the small room, with clear streams of water washing over them as they struggled for supremacy, both battlers’ eyes closed tight in pure agony.
So focused were the two women on choking the life from each other in the shower that neither of them could look back towards the locker room and see that there was now someone else there watching their fight intently. Someone who knew them, and who was also no stranger to female-female combat.
Someone named Jennifer.
Jennifer watched intently as the two brunettes battled naked before her, staying just out of sight to watch the strangle struggle. Jenn had come to the gym late that night for a run, and had later gone to the locker room to change when she heard the sounds of what seemed to be two women fighting. Peering around the corner where the locker room met the shower room, she saw her bitter rival, Kathleen, being brutally choked by another brunette who was slightly taller and younger.
Jenn backed off and stripped to the skin herself to see the struggle play out, with more than a little bit of anger coursing through her shapely nude form. Kathleen was her rival, and hers alone, she felt. What quarrel did this other woman – Dana, she remembered her name was – have with Kathleen? And how long before she choked Kathleen into oblivion, at the rate that they were going?
At first the third segment of the Kathleen-Dana bout had been evenly-matched; but as the minutes wore on, the younger brunette, still fresh, began to dominate once more. Dana began to force Kathleen’s head up and back as she tightened her hands about her older opponent’s throat, and soon Kathleen was on the defensive again, forced to relinquish her own grip to try and break Dana’s hold.
But again she tugged hard at Dana’s wrists in vain, the younger woman winning handily as she pressed her thumbs deeper into Kathleen’s windpipe, causing Kathleen to gag almost uncontrollably. Kathleen’s chest heaved and sank as she struggled for air, air that wasn’t coming in, and the lights began to go out for the beautiful brunette as her foe continued squeezing mercilessly, Dana almost sneering as she sought to strangle her first-ever opponent unconscious with her bare hands.
The sneer quickly turned into a wide-eyed look of disbelief as Dana suddenly felt hands reaching in front of her and clamping down tight over her mouth and nose, cutting off her air. She tried to yell but her cries were muffled by the hand covering her mouth, another hand close by and pinching her nostrils shut. Dana began to twist about, trying to throw off her attacker even as she kept choking Kathleen, but try as she might she was still trapped.
Unbeknownst to the rookie catfighter, Kathleen’s rival Jennifer had seen her chance and moved in from behind Dana to even things up. She and Kathleen had worked together before to render a big model-beautiful blonde named Nancy out cold several months before in a beach brawl, and they again began to pool their efforts as Kathleen saw what was
happening and went back on the attack with both hands. She choked Dana ruthlessly even as Dana strangled her back, but not so hard as before, weakened as Dana now was by Jennifer’s reverse smother-holds.
The three women struggled and strangled and smothered about the small space, Jenn and Kath pouring it on as Dana suffered in their four hands, two of them wound about her throat, two more sealed over her pretty face. She clawed at Kathleen’s face with one hand and tried to pull Jennifer’s hair with the other, but there was no escape. Kathleen and Jennifer kept choking and suffocating their older opponent, neither woman letting up, until Dana just about went out in their grips. Seeing that their mutual foe was no longer fighting back, the two rivals released their victim and watched her drop almost unconscious to the wet floor below, the showerheads still raging above.
Kathleen rubbed her still-aching throat with one hand as she sought to coax more breath back into her body, and then looked up to stare at Jennifer, now no more than an arm’s length away. That distance quickly shortened as a cruelly-grinning Jenn lunged forward to wrap her bare hands about Kathleen’s exposed neck and squeeze like a vise, the redhead sensing a terrific opportunity to chalk up an easy victory over her valiant but battered foe.
“Jenn … no … ullkk … ” gasped and gurgled Kathleen as Jennifer forced her enemy back up against the far wall, strong hands gripping and squeezing mercilessly as Jennifer pressed the attack, eliciting coughs and gasps from her dark-haired prey.
“Sorry, Kath, I couldn’t resist!” mocked Jennifer as she worked her hands expertly about Kathleen’s throat, thumbs digging in. “Now shut up and just remember – you’re MY bitch!”
Kathleen tried to resist, but the night’s efforts had taken their toll and her strength was totally gone. She stood there helpless, arms dangling uselessly at her sides, bare feet planted on the tiled floor as her untired rival choked her savagely with reckless abandon. Hands squeezed harder and harder about a soft, yielding throat as Kathleen groaned and gasped, her hacking coughs mixing with the sounds of running water as she prayed for the end.
Moments later it came, as Kathleen let out one final gag, tongue lolling from her mouth, before she slumped in Jennifer’s wicked grip, the redhead’s hands still tightening about the brunette’s vulnerable throat, steely fingers still crushing the slender neck. Jennifer licked her lips in glee and delight as she watched Kathleen go under for the umpteenth time in their back-and-forth rivalry, and she maintained her cruel grip just a few moments more. She shook the brunette back and forth by the throat, making sure Kathleen was truly out cold, before letting her pretty victim drop to the floor unconscious.
Hands on her hips, Jenn began to preen about the room, looking down at both vanquished brunettes, Kathleen totally gone, Dana still struggling to stay awake, a smile etched on the younger woman’s face from watching Jennifer’s delicious chokehold in action. That smile soon faded as Jennifer strode over to Dana, placed one bare foot over the older woman’s mouth and pinched her nostrils shut with her toes, and ultimately foot-smothered her adversary out like a light.
“Don’t know why you were fighting Kathleen, but you’d better mind your own business from now on, bitch!” snapped Jennifer at her out-cold victim, pointing down with a long finger, before the redhead washed herself off under the nearest showerhead and headed out of the shower room to change. Kathleen and Dana still lay there beneath the running waters, both naked beauties stretched out on the floor to their full heights, both nude brunette battlers still completely unconscious as the waters washed about and over them in the small, empty stillness …
The End.