How did this happen? Hannah asked herself while sitting on her best friend and forever crush’s basement couch in her tiny new white bikini. It was supposed to just be them two, catching up after his first year away in college, letting him see her in a new light. But her plan never even got off the ground because they weren’t alone, and for some reason there was another woman in the basement on the other side of the couch, her fists tightly clenched, and dressed just as skimpily as Hannah was. It felt like a joke to Hannah that he would bring some dumb city girl to their small town, a place Hannah loved, her world, a world she thought Ryan loved equally.
She had waited a year for this moment, a year for Ryan to come back from college. She had blossomed, she had worked out, and she was ready to admit her long-hidden feelings. She had molded her body into the exact type of girl Ryan used to talk about wanting to date, going as far as to show Hannah pictures of them when they were younger.
She became exactly what he wanted, but when he finally came home…he had brought someone with him. Not his new roommate he had told her about or some guy friend, but a girl, a beautiful girl that made Hannah feel a type of jealousy that had been dormant inside her for a long time. This woman was JUST like those people who vacationed and ruined her small town every summer. A college girl from a big city, the exact kind of people Hannah hated, who made fun of small-town people like her and thought lesser of them. The second Hannah had looked this new girl in the eye, she knew they would never be friends and in fact, were rivals in life and now over this boy.
The only good thing was Ryan quickly pointed out that he and this new girl weren’t dating and that meant he was still fair game. Though Hannah felt the clock ticking to admit her feelings. She had prepared, and she was going to tell Ryan how she felt whether this new girl was here or not.
Hannah had been considered pretty her whole life, but never had worked out enough to really develop her body. This past year, however, in preparation for admitting her feelings, she put in the work. She lost her baby fat and toned her muscles. Her amazingly well-endowed bosom didn’t lose an inch of their size and even grew in the last year while she lost mass in other places, she just was lucky. Her ass became bigger and toned, her legs shapely and her waist thin till she became the talk of the town. The cuteness never vanished too; she had dark freckles on her normally tanned skin. Her light brown hair was naturally straight, but she curled it so much that it had started to become wavy in the morning on its own like it was now. Her brown eyes were light, like her hair, often hidden behind glasses when she forgot her contacts. Her braces had straightened out her crooked teeth and putting it all together made her a force to be reckoned with.
She had lived her whole life in this small town, loving the lake, the people, and the community. They were a four-hour drive from the nearest city, and growing up in such an environment made her dislike things out of her control. She was kind, but stubborn and didn’t like not sticking to a plan. Growing up, Ryan had been the only boy her age from the same town, and she was smitten quite early. He, however, always dreamed big, while she tried to make him see the joy of living in a place like their town. She had known he eventually would go away to college, but in her mind, that was just a temporary move, and he would come back where he belonged.
Now that he was back, all that was left was finally telling Ryan how she felt, how she had felt for a long time. He would move back, and they would be together, and life would be perfect. Or at least that had been the plan. She had called him the second he arrived home, and invited herself over to his house before he could decline. Thanks to the heat of the summer, Hannah was able to wear her new white string bikini. It was very risqué, and something she had never worn before outside of her room, showing off both her upper chest and some under boob with small white triangles just around her nipples. The thong-style back, strings high on her hips and a long thin back triangle connected by the strings left little to the imagination.
When he opened the door to greet her, she had already stripped down to it in her car, and the way his eyes bulged gave Hannah a flash of hope. But it only took a second for the hope to vanish and realize they weren’t alone. Suddenly she was face to face with a girl she had never met. She was beautiful, with dark auburn hair in a ponytail, perfectly clear lightly tanned skin, baby blue eyes, and a body that matched Hannah’s in every way but seemingly without the effort Hannah had to put in. The woman did have a summer tan though Hannah could see the real milky complexion of this new girl’s skin on the edge of her small black two-piece string-tied bikini. This girl looked equally as surprised at Hannah’s sudden appearance, and Hannah wondered how Ryan had never mentioned her to this woman. Why would he invite someone like her here? To their town. Hannah asked herself, though there was only one answer and Hannah didn’t want to even think about it.
Introductions were brief, “Hannah, this is Chole, Chole, Hannah.” They shook hands, awkward for girls their age, but the only thing they could do with twisted smiles. Now she was sitting at her best friend’s house, in her tiny little bikini, in clear competition with this college girl who was wearing an equally skimpy bikini. The conversations were tense between the girls when they were forced to talk, though Ryan didn’t seem to pick up on it, he simply told Hannah about his college life, Chole chiming in with her sweet voice that grated on Hannah’s ears. They never ended up going swimming, yet neither girl put on any more clothes, trying to make sure Ryan’s eyes followed her more than the other. They had barely spoken but the intensity of this sudden rivalry was growing in a way that Hannah had never felt with another person. Chole was EVERYTHING she hated. A city girl, an outsider, naturally hot, didn’t care about small towns or the people she lived nearby and was full of herself.
Chole seemed to just go along with this ordeal in stride, but Hannah felt the blue eyes of the college girl glare at her every few minutes and she knew that the bitch was in a similar boat as her. Night came quickly, and Hannah was visibly frustrated to the point Ryan kept asking her what was wrong. “Nothing.” She repeated over and over because Chole was always right by, and the bitch would look at her with a flash of triumph. It became too late for Hannah to walk home, so Ryan suggested she crash in his house like she always did, there were enough guest rooms for both of the girls to have their own.
A few minutes later Hannah walked through the familiar house to the guest room assigned to her when she found herself walking towards Chole heading towards her room just past. They simply had to pass each other, and Hannah held her nose up high and stuck her chest out just a bit more. She had learned a bit about the woman, but so far, the woman seemed to be exactly what she imagined…a bitch. Thinking nothing would happen, she froze when Chole suddenly put her hand on her shoulder, the two women freezing in the hallway side by side still dressed minimally.
“Hey, I’m sorry, but like, you need to back off. He brought me here to hang out just us two this weekend, and he is coming back to college with me anyway.” Chole whispered, and Hannah felt her worst fears seemingly become reality. It was like the college girl had been reading her thoughts. Hannah turned her face to find herself confronting her rival, an outsider, her blue eyes like two marbles glaring into the light brown orbs. Being nearly nude seemed to only increase the tension between them and the talk of a mutual desire they wanted to claim.
“I’m not backing down…he is going to be my boyfriend by the end of the weekend,” Hannah responded in an equally quiet whisper, and she saw Chole’s eyes widen in what must have been astonishment at the open admission. But the shocked expression disappeared in a flash, “No chance, not while I’m here” Chole shot back with sudden anger, her hand and pink nails digging into Hannah’s soft shoulder, in a threatening display.
Hannah simply shrugged, “I guess we will find out then.” Their lips were just an inch from brushing in this bizarrely erotic standoff.
“Sure, I guess we will,” Chole responded releasing her nails at the sounds of Ryan coming up the stairs. The girls separated and quickly moved towards their rooms, planning their next move, and now acknowledging there was open war between them.
Ryan said goodnight to both from down the hall, and Hannah waited only five minutes. She left her room into the dark hall wearing only her bikini. She walked the ten yards down to the end of the corridor to Ryan’s room in complete silence but found his door was already open. She should have known something was amiss then, but Hannah was too nervous to even consider the possibilities. She had planned out her whole speech to him, and what she would do to him, a pleasure he could never imagine. As she silently snuck into the room holding her breath, she ran right into another soft body that shouted in surprise at the contact.
Ryan was up in a flash and flipped the lights on, finding himself standing in front of both women he had just said goodnight to. Chole was on his left, still in her bikini, her face already going red being caught, Hannah was on his right, also in her bikini still and looking furious while blushing all the same.
“What the hell are you both doing?” He asked, having only a slight idea. His eyes danced between the two sexy girls, and he gulped, fantasy he had been thinking about all night suddenly seemed very real.
“I…wanted to talk to you alone,” Chole replied, her blue doe eyes going big at him. She seemed to press her arms together to make her tits look bigger and more alluring.
“Same, I have something really important to say.” Hannah quickly added performing the same trick, and his head turned to his longtime friend, his eyes looking at her tanned tits and imagining what he could do with them.
“It couldn’t wait till morning?” He asked, and when both girls shook their heads, he decided to shoot his shot.
“Well, unless we are about to have a threesome, I think it can wait.” He offered; his voice more confident than he felt. He had played his cards, if one of them said no, he would simply tell that one to leave and give the victory to the other woman.
“No.” The two women spoke in turn, their eyes glancing at each other, and Ryan felt the room drop in temperature.
“I was joking!” He quickly added though his disappointment was hard to hide. He knew what they wanted, or at least what they planned because he had been fully planning on fucking Chole before Hannah had come over, but now it seemed like a real conundrum. Hannah looked absolutely fuckable and she seemed more than ready to play. Scared to hurt one, or have them lose it at him, he decided the best course of action was to wait till morning and send Hannah on her way. “Umm, well, this is kind of awkward…so let’s just wait till morning.”
The girls looked very disappointed, and he showed them the door, then closed it. Letting out a sigh he reached down and felt his dick become stone. He wanted to masturbate to the thought of them both but held out. He was going to fuck one of them in the morning, and honestly, right now he didn’t care which…he just had to hold it in for a few more hours.
The girls said nothing to each other as they went back to their rooms, and Hannah screamed into the pillow when she was alone on the bed. ‘What a disaster.’ She thought in her misery…if that Chole bitch was here, she wouldn’t be able to get Ryan alone and she was going to be here all weekend.
Only a few minutes had passed when she heard her door open with a slight creek and she shot up, hoping and praying that it was Ryan, coming to give her what she wanted…but the shadow figure was not him, and Hannah felt her hair bristle and her adrenaline spike.
Chole was standing outside her door glaring, and Hannah sat in her bed up to view the woman in that tiny black bikini. Chole didn’t say anything and just viewed Hannah for a few seconds before walking away but in the opposite direction of her room and Ryan’s’. Hannah jumped up, running her hands on her large chest and sensual body before she followed. She exited her room to see Chole waiting by the stairs, not giving much of a reaction when Hannah appeared.
She then continued away, down the stairs, and Hannah followed, her hands clenched into fists wondering where they were going. She followed the college girl down another flight until
Hannah re-entered the basement, a place she had spent so much time in, many days wishing she dared to push Ryan down and fuck him as he desired.
Chole was standing there on the mats in front of the red couch, her bikini still on. Hannah shut the door behind her. The room was already soundproof, but she felt like whatever had to be said or done was only between them, and Ryan coming down would ruin that.
The two young women stood face to face. Hannah looked at Chole’s full chest, so perky for their size, the ass behind her was so big yet smooth and toned, her navel defined, and her body was incredible, yet she was some STEM nerd that Ryan couldn’t stop gushing about. She was about to speak when Chole started, “Why are you doing this?”
There was no explanation needed because Hannah understood the question perfectly. “I have been waiting for him to come home. I’m going to tell him…I love him, and he belongs here with me, not back at that school in that stupid city. I have been waiting…and you…you are just some new…toy he found.”
Chole looked taken back at the insult but shook her head sadly, “Toy? What does that mean? And just because you have been ‘waiting’ means you have some claim on him? Guess what? You waited too long, and he has moved on.”
Hannah let out a hiss, like a predator finding a challenger, “Yeah, you are a toy, a thing he will get bored of, and no, I did not wait too long. I just needed time, time to become the girl he wanted, I will show him that this hometown is enough for him, that I am enough for him, and that he doesn’t need an outsider.”
“An outsider? What are you even talking about? You don’t know me or where I’m from! FYI, this is just another small town, in the middle of nowhere…there is a whole world out there. Maybe if you ever left you could see that because right now you are just some country bumkin who thinks she can control the little bubble she lives in, but guess what whore, that’s not how life works.”
Hannah felt the words like a knife slip into her heart, and she took a step forward. Without warning, she slapped Chole, the sound ringing in the confines of the silent room. The zinging sound bounced off the walls as Chole stumbled back in shock, as Hannah shook in rage, “Shut up about my town and about me!”
“You bitch!” Chole cried out in anger and launched herself claws first at Hannah, sinking her nails into the other woman’s shoulders and trying to throw her down to the ground.
“Get off me!” Hannah screamed in disbelief at what was happening and threw her weight to another side, the girl’s naked hips bumping side to side as they tried to get the other in a sudden headlock.
“You fucking want to slap huh? Well, now I’m going to fuck you up!” Chole screamed succeeding in pulling Hannah’s hands under her arm and using her other hand to rip at Hannah’s light brown hair.
“Get off me!” Hannah hissed and clawed at her rival’s legs hard enough to get released. They fell apart bikini tops ajar. But there was no hesitation and now it was on. Hannah hurled herself into Chole and the other woman met her, slapping nude skin together and falling to the ground in a chaotic ball to the floor. A wild catfight broke out, slapping, scratching, yelping, as the nearly nude women attempted to deal out more pain than the other could handle. Hannah screamed as she felt her skin raked, her ass and skin slapped and even teeth digging into her shoulder. She returned everything she got, flipping up and around as they rolled until she was able to get on top of Chole, holding her rival’s flailing arms above their heads.
“Get off!” Chole gasped, and at this moment, she realized her and Hannah’s bikini top had fallen off, and the perky big tits rolling and jiggling were now free.
“Fuck you! I’m going to make you back off!” Hannah hissed, her rage filling her eyes. Ignoring that they were both practically nude and pressed together tightly. A second later, Chole rolled but one of her bikini bottom strings got caught between the ground and Hannah coming down, and on the next move, it was left behind slipping free of Chole’s body.
“What the hell are you doing!” Chole cried at the loss of her final article of clothing, though at that second Hannah wasn’t sure what her enemy was talking about. But she soon discovered when she suddenly felt her bikini thong bottoms side string untied by the other girl’s hands and flung away leaving both of them completely nude.
“My bikini! What the fuck!?”
“You tore mine off first!”
“No, I didn’t!’ Hannah screamed in denial, but that didn’t matter now as they had already rolled away from the lost material. She was going to slap this bitch silly, nude or not. Sweat seemed to explode off them as the heat of the basement and summer enclosed them. Hannah found it tougher to hold onto her rival, feeling like Chole had been dipped into baby oil and was slick in every place her fingers touched. After a couple more rolls, she was successful in pushing Chole off her so that the college was sitting on her ass for a few seconds before Hannah lunged at her again, flying slaps and claws down on the bottom girl’s form. Chole screamed as the impacts landed, her face and swinging tits even as she scratched back.
After a few seconds, Hannah felt her wrists grasped as Chole stopped the assault holding them still. They struggled, and Hannah tried to put more weight behind her arms, sitting on Chole’s waist. Their muscle standoff went on, and Chole let out a scream as the pressure was overwhelming from the top girl. Hannah felt like she was a second away from winning and might have pinned this bitch fully if not for her hanging wet tits. Chole’s blue eyes flashed in panic as she was almost overcome, but she saw a chance Before Hannah knew it, the college girl leaned her face up and sunk her teeth into Hannah’s right breast, chewing the nipple roughly.
Hannah screamed in shock, as her nipple was suddenly abused, mixed with the warmth of spit in Chole’s mouth. She threw herself off Chole who fortunately didn’t latch on any harder and let her go. Hannah then backed away on her slick ass, rubbing her breast tenderly as Chole sat up on her knees.
“Don’t bite my nipples!” She gasped, but Chole shook her head, ponytail hair swaying with her, “I’ll do whatever it takes to get you to back off!”
“Ok! No rules then!” Hannah screamed as Chole lunged at her once again.
They came together in a mess of limbs and cries. Hannah lost all sense of time, and space, getting slapped, bit, and clawed, as they moved around the room, in a flay of limps, two nude women desperate to finish her enemy somehow. Nipples were chewed and even some punches were thrown but the clear lack of fighting experience made them miss more than hit. Over five minutes went by in this cat ball of hell, and finally, as exhaustion pressed even these very in-shape girls to the brink, Chole finally pushed Hannah back down to her back and got on top of her, twining their legs together and lying flat so that they weirdly aligned really well. Hannah wrapped her arms around Chole taking away any sense of leverage and rolled them, but couldn’t stop from Chole doing the same. Their hot bodies seemed to crush tighter and they let out groans of pain, thankful that the slapping and biting had momentarily ceased.
“You fucking bitch…I hate you!” Hannah snarled pressed up on Chole’s sweaty hot body as they again began to roll around each other slowly. In this position, Hannah could really feel how big Chole’s chest was, how bubbly her ass was shaped, and how thin her waist was. That all combined with how beautiful Chole was, it was infuriating. Why? Why out of all the women in the world Ryan could have brought home, he brought one back that seemed to naturally have the body that she had to work so hard for.
“I hate you more!” Chole hissed back; her very pale tits compared to the rest of her body mushroomed into Hannah’s fully tan self sending a pleasurable sensation into both of them far in the back of her mind.
Hannah was just about to respond when Chole spoke again when they had paused on their sides, “You think…your body is good enough for him. Why would he look at you when I’m here!” The college coed hissed, and Hannah felt a new wave of anger wash over her. The second they had met, standing there in their little bikinis, that had been the underlying tone. Who was sexier? Who would the man choose if it came down to their assets?
“That’s not true. My body is better than yours…my tits are bigger and perkier, and my ass is fuller than yours ever will be!”
“No way…I know you have felt up my ass and my tits tonight…you know they are better, and I’m prettier than you, that’s why Ryan will choose me. Why any man would pick me, you country bumkin!”
“You are not prettier, and you are NOT sexier! You city whore!” Hannah wailed, and all that mattered now was proving it. The talk about who was hotter, who could turn Ryan on more signaled a shift in their struggle. Hannah wanted nothing more than to have them standing side by side, nude with Ryan in front of them. A measuring tape and nothing to hide but to find exactly who was bigger and smaller in all the right places. Suddenly Hannah didn’t want to make Chole give up in a physical altercation…no she wanted something else, but she didn’t know what. It seemed like she wasn’t the only one because the sexy college girl had also relaxed slightly and become more aware of the areas they could compare. It was like their bodies knew what they wanted, and how exactly to figure out the burning question between them.
Legs had shifted up and to keep each other close, Hannah had a thigh firmly pressed up onto her aching sex. The ache was for Ryan of course…right? Not this bitch who she was rolling nude with on these dirty mats. It was hard to ignore though, every time she found herself under Chole, the college girl’s body erotically pressing hers down, the woman’s thigh pressing up into her sex, grinding on the sensitive flesh that was her pussy. Her proud full chest seemed content to be squished into an equally spongy pair. Had she been getting turned on this whole fight? Why was she just realizing this…and why did it feel like Chole was too, the panting out of her rival’s mouth sounded equally as a bitch in heat as it did a fighter.
They slowly rolled across the matted floor, leaving a trail of sweat and now other fluids as they ground their rival’s unprotected cunt unconsciously. “You are so wet for him you slut.” Hannah remarked on her rival’s cheek, the wet splotch on her leg impossible to ignore. It was disgusting but Hannah didn’t stop and in fact, ground her thigh muscle harder into the soft exposed vagina of Chole and was rewarded with a pant of desire in her ear.
“Don’t comment when you are creating a puddle under us, it seems even you are turned on by me.” Chole gushed back, her lips edging closer to Hannah’s mouth.
“No…I turn you on more.” Hannah groaned, but she wasn’t sure if she was lying to herself at that moment. Their tight holds on the other’s back increased in pressure and ferocity. On the next roll, Hannah felt her ass slapped and she gave a yelp sitting up and breaking the bear hold. The quick motion led to a flurry of limbs, and Chole tried to kick her leg up, but in doing so widened her long limbs. Hannah had just been trying to adjust her body, and on accident, their wet pussies caressed, like a little wet kiss from a scissor position. Hannah almost cried out at the powerful sensation. She had never felt another pussy on her own before and thanks to rubbing, the natural lube only made it even more weirdly pleasurable.
And truthfully, neither pulled away for an extra second and even allowed their wet sexes to grind up and down twice before they moved. Then, like waking up from a dream Chole pushed Hannah off her with a girlish cry. Hannah backed away on her ass a few feet then pointed a finger at Chole, “Did you just try to fuck me!?”
Chole sat up, her whole body shaking, “What do you mean!? You are the one who moved and touched our pussies! You fucking wanted it! You fucking dyke!”
“Don’t call me a dyke! You widened your legs! And you are so wet!”
“I’m only wet because I’m going to fuck Ryan!”
There was an awkward silence in the basement as Hannah tried to make sense of why her body was reacting like this. She accepted that Chole was attractive, very attractive even, but how it had come so far? She wasn’t a lesbian…she didn’t think at least but this desire to beat this bitch was getting her bothered. To the point that their sexes touching made her even wetter…that was not what she expected.
“I’m going to be the one having sex with him tonight.” Chole suddenly said breaking the silence and snapping Hannah out of her own mind. She glanced at the blue eyes glowing in the dark at her and the amazing body competing against her own.
“No, it will be me,” Hannah replied, hoping her own body was sending an equally erotic message to Chole. The now dripping of their exposed sexes could not be hidden. The excuse of the panting desire for the man upstairs was a good cover and maybe a bit of what Hannah believed or at least wanted to believe. She studied Chole, her dark autumn hair, her sharp face, her cute nose, everything a guy in college would dream of, and her nightmare.
“I think only one will be up for having sex with him tonight…and the other one of us won’t be,” Chole whispered and her hand went up and cupped her right breast showing its size and fullness, and it sent a message to Hannah. Even though her body was already near its limit, let alone now offering itself up as a sex object to wrestle again against Chole. She wouldn’t back down and whatever they were implying she doubted either of them would last long anyway.
“Yeah, and I don’t think you will last in a contest like this,” Hannah whispered back hiding her doubts, her hands filling with her own chest and down towards her wet pussy. Then Hannah started crawling towards Chole who waited on her knees until they touched bodies, pressing their sexual forms into one. “Is this how you want to figure out which one of us wins?” Hannah asked, her fingers now moving on Chole’s body, down her navel, and glancing around her rival’s set cunt.
“Yeah…and the loser backs off permanently,” Chole spoke in the darkness, her finger’s curling into Hannah’s sex, her other hand rubbing a pink nipple between her thumb and pointy finger.
“Deal,” Hannah responded, not fully knowing what they had just agreed to do, but something told her that it was now just about sex.
Slowly on their knees, they pulled each other even closer whispering threats of hate. Hannah felt Chole’s full breasts squish into hers, her tits blending in the flesh and sweat of her rival. Her wet pussy was invaded, and her bubble ass was taken grasp of with a firm grip. It felt so good, but so terrible all at once. It was worse than the catfight because her body was betraying her…showing signs that it was willing to be fucked by this bitch.
She too kneaded Chole’s strong butt and then quickly began to rub her chest in small motions, her nipples grinding and sending much more noticeable sensations into her and Chole’s core. Whatever this was, both girls accepted it. Their first lesbian experience for the man they both craved. The fight had already changed in a way the two young women would have never expected. Hannah could feel Chole’s abs flex whenever she found a sensitive spot, how it reacted to her touch…she had never been with a woman, but it felt so right for her and Chole to be doing this…to be fighting with their sexual abilities for the man they wanted to claim.
They remained on their knees, masturbating each other like whore’s in heat. “Ugh!” Hannah grunted as her body was once again in contact with Chole, her tender nipples digging into the soft full chest so that their areola seemed to match up perfectly. When the rubbery shafts would meet, they would dig, bend, and stab the rough areola of their rival. Hannah explored Chole’s body with wild enthusiasm, spanking her ass, rubbing the curves of her back, and familiarizing herself with her form, determined to win this new even exciting game. Suddenly she felt like she was far more aware of where they touched and probed. She could feel Chole’s fingers slide up and down her ass, in between her thick strong glutes. Hannah couldn’t stop the moan from escaping her lips and felt Chole seemingly shake in desire just from the impact she was having on Hannah.
“You like it…dirty whore.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Hannah hissed back and she licked Chole’s ear lobe, and this time Chole let out a sexual whimper. It felt like that ended any inhibitions, and Hannah began to please her unknown desires, spanking, twisting, sliding her hands between their bodies to knead and tweak the hard nipples of her rival. Chole’s hands never left her ass in a way, squeezing it fully her. They didn’t ask for permission and simply did what they knew the other bitch in heat would enjoy and it was working with dramatic effect.
Hannah turned her head again to taunt, planning on whispering more threats, more dirty promises, but Chole had already done so, and they found themselves eye to eye and nose to nose. They were panting in each other’s mouths, sweat dripping off their noses down in between their sweaty sloppy tits. Hannah felt like she was in a trance, an angel of sex looking at her, fingering her, pleasing her. She couldn’t help it, she moved her lips forward and pressed them into the other soft pair, panting her hot breath into Chole’s throat. She thought the college girl would back off, and scare her, but the pink pair did not retreat. Instead, they matched the soft pressure and then opened, and Chole’s tongue snuck out to lick the opposing pair. Hannah was lost in the moment, and she too opened her mouth, their fingering paused as they explored this new arena, wet tongues exploring between their compressed lips. When their tongues brushed, mixed with the heat of their bodies, the sensation almost pushed them over the edge into a mutual orgasm. But Chole pulled back first, pushing Hannah with her both her hands, and the homegrown girl didn’t resist, letting herself fall back and taking the reprieve. Their heavy breathing was the only sound in the room now as they watched each other carefully from a few feet away in shock.
“Oh, my god,” Hannah whispered on the mat. This slut…she almost had made her cum. A few more seconds in that slutty embrace and she might have. But they had separated, they had pulled back and that meant the fight was not over. Now it was very clear to Hannah, they were trying to make the other cum, to drain the other of her sexual energy so she would not be able to enjoy the prize that awaited them.
She got to her unsteady feet, looking down at the body she was so proud of. Her full breasts that gave her such a figure were marked and bit, even starting to show the early stages of bruises. Her legs, her ass, and her other feelings of pride were all given the painful treatment. She wondered what Ryan would think if he knew what was happening just under his nose. That these two women, with bodies like herself and this Chole, were fighting for him, and now were even fucking for him.
Hannah took a few steps and dragged the heavy breathing Chole to her feet by the hair, planning to slap her back down, but it was suddenly even again, and Chole slapped their bodies in a thud. Hands shot down between their legs and they continued to masturbate the other standing with girlish moans and pants. Hannah let out a cry and was almost sobbing, the throbbing of her sex unbearable as she was pumping Chole with two fingers, the digits covered in warmth and oozing wetness while her own sex was split and filled. Everything about Chole was perfect, her ass felt so good, so full, and her breasts seemed to bounce and yet stood firm, her body was Hannah’s mirror, and this was trying to pull her down into the ground and make cum.
They stumbled back and forth, their sore tender breasts bumping and grinding, a mix of tingling pleasure and spikes of pain that made them cry out and moan in turn. Those screams were silenced when they kissed, forcing their mouths together to keep the fight private, letting their soft tired tongues lap and lick in the arena of their enclosed mouth. Hannah’s tongue threatened to melt into Chole’s and the muscles moved back and forth between their wet maws. Hannah cleaned Chole’s gums, and rubbed the roof of her rival’s mouth, switching between aggressive and sensual as she was teased equally in her orifice. It took another two minutes of this intense standing body grind the two young beauties had locked in, but Hannah finally felt Chole’s grip on her damp hair slacken. Their hands were still pumping, rubbing the pussy that opened for their pleasure. Opening her brown eyes, she could see the despair on her rival’s beautiful face in front of her as Chole began to get dragged and pushed easier around the matted room, the college girl’s resistance failing.
“No, you bitch.” Chole gasped and pressed their wet soft lips again. Hannah’s tongue trapped the other pink down to the back of her mouth, and she began to tap into the final bits of her strength, knowing her love would drive her. She pushed Chole towards the couch with her big breasts and used her other hand to continue to finger the struggling girl who was starting to hold onto Hannah more as a clutch than an equal. They dripped cum as they moved slowly, unable to speak with their mouths jostling with a wet slurp. But Chole’s left hand didn’t leave Hannah’s drenched sex, and her thumb was still twirling around Hannah’s engorged clit. “You bitch, get down!” Hannah growled yet couldn’t believe even now the college girl was trying to get her off while losing so much ground.
Chole didn’t respond to their wet kiss, but her legs seemed to find the end of their strength and she lost control of her muscles. She collapsed backward with a cry, separating her sweaty body from Hannah’s but her ass hit the softness of the couch instead of the ground. It didn’t help her, and her body seemed to relax on the cushions. The muscles in every part of her sore body begged for her to stop this struggle and accept her fate. She felt like a broken doll, a sex doll now ready to be used unable to hold Hannah at bay. The worse part for Chole was seeing Hannah’s still-standing body, looking so incredible, like a nightmare come alive standing above her. She was so sexual, and Chole struggled to understand why her mind and body reacted this way. It was like she wanted it…she wanted this bitch to fuck her and end this fight.
Hannah wasn’t sure what to do for only a second. She thought about slapping Chole, making her submit in some fashion like that, but a stronger part of her wanted to continue what they started. She wasn’t sure what came over her, and looking back she never could really answer why she did this, but she dropped to her knees between sitting opponent’s open legs, the soft limps of Chole spread wide, and college girl’s pink wet pussy engorged dripping in front of her. It was perfectly smooth like she had feared like she had imagined taking Ryan’s dick. Her anger…and something else…a desire she struggled to control overwhelmed her. She had never done this…but it felt natural…even more than when she had practiced with Ryan or some other boys. Her brown eyes took in the sight for another second, and she sucked in one last breath before finally moving her face forward with a lick of her red lips.
She sunk her mouth into the pussy that had taken her best friend and desired lover’s cum, covering her lips with the potent smell and unique texture of another woman’s sex. Chole let out a wail of desire thanks to the feeling of a tongue sliding on her labia, but the adrenaline of the attack gave her one last burst to fight back. Her legs snapped shot on Hannah’s head, while her hands took hold of the soft brown hair in between her fingers. She wanted to both stop the tongue and pull her rival off, but it was happening so fast and Hannah had already found her clit. Hannah gave it a simple touch right on the hood and a wave of sexual demand unlike any Chole had experienced in her life broke the last wall of resistance that she had thrown up. Her sexy legs went limp, while her cunt was sucked and played with, Hannah learning every second. The pulling of her hair was minimum, only a light tug as Chole moaned from a tongue entering her nether regions before getting kissed sloppily. It was messy, and maybe not professional status, but Hannah did what she knew would feel good, and the reaction from Chole signaled it was working. The sweat on the college girl’s body exploded again for all but a different reason than before. She was whipping her head on the couch back and forth, her back bending and her toes starting to curl. Her tired muscles were no longer moving to her demands but the shocks of pleasure shooting from her clit to her brain and then down her limps.
“I can’t…No! I’m not going to cum from a country bumkin like you. I…love…” but Chole didn’t finish that sentence because it didn’t feel right, and so she started a new sentence, her mind no longer in control of her thoughts and words, “Nooo, please…this…feels…different…and…goo…� � But regardless of her denials, there was nothing left to give except the pleasure into Hannah’s mouth. The homegirl’s face and chin dripping in cum between her rival’s legs, lost in eating her out.
Chole’s face seemed to slacken, and a fulfilling torrent of emotions flashed on her face that Hannah burned into her memory unable to look away from the beautiful face above her. Both of Chole’s hands had been thoroughly latched into the roots of Hannah’s hair released and ran up her own body to fill with her own breasts. She let out a sound that was a mix of a yelp and a moan as Chole looked up, their eyes locking and holding. Maybe that was it because the blue eyes seemed to dilate even more. The energy that had been dormant came alive, and her Chole’s full ass responded to the eye lock flexing up towards the pleasure that Hannah’s hungry maw was giving her. Hannah knew it was happening and she latched on harder, determined to let this end and swallow her prize. The sitting woman cried out again as an orgasm stronger than she had experienced in her young life she filled her body breaking her focus.
Hannah wouldn’t stop, running her strong fingers up the soft clammy thighs of her rival, treating Chole’s sex like a long-lost lover…like she would Ryan, for Ryan. Every drip of the pleasure her rival released into her mouth was swallowed down her throat with enthusiasm. She continued to flick her rival’s clit with her tongue and then kept running her hands up until she replaced Chole’s hands on her breasts with her own, filling her palms with the college girl’s big soft melons. She squeezed them, relishing how they squished in her palms.
Hannah’s panting was in time with her sexy rival’s moans, their bodies entering a weird sync thanks to the closeness of their incredible forms. Even now, the penetrating eye contact was happening, and she fought the incredible desire to stop her sucking and run her tongue up Chole’s perfect body to kiss her. She wanted it…the soft pink lips of Chole looked tastier in this instant than any she had seen. She wasn’t sure why, but she knew that Chole wanted it too, to cum while being kissed…to have their pussies touch as they had accidentally a few times this night. But Hannah didn’t take the tempting bait, letting her tongue rest on the flexing nether lips with light pressure until she was sure it was ending, then with a final suck that ended right at the tip of Chole’s clit she broke off contact, and looked up gasping and dripping spit and cum off her lips.
They were still looking at each other with an intense gaze that sent a shiver into Hannah’s core down to her own clit she resisted touching. Chole seemed frozen until she finally pulled the hands off her sweaty chest. Then her hand moved down towards Hannah’s face who almost flinched in the defense of her eyes, but she hadn’t had to worry. Instead, Chole used her pointy finger to wipe the cum and spit off of Hannah’s red lips. Hannah was barely breathing, unsure if they were still fighting. Chole looked like she was finished but Hannah couldn’t tell for sure. Then Chole brought the finger she had used to clean Hannah’s mouth with to her own lips where she let it linger before sucking it with a light moan.
“Oh, my god…” She whispered but that was it. The girl’s blue eyes did the slightest of flutters before Chole flopped to the side on the couch, causing Hannah to jump back in surprise. Chole’s head hit the couch and she was still, her chest moving only so slightly in her short slow breaths. Her legs naturally moved onto the softness, and she made no other motion.
Hannah stood, her own legs shaking slightly but the thrill of seeing this rival of the night defeated gave her a new energy. She wanted to run her hand on her rival’s body, make sure there was nothing left, but there was no need. She needed to cum, and slowly walking away from Chole’s defeated form on the couch, she could finally claim Ryan’s dick. The prize waiting upstairs.
Chole watched Hannah go from nearly shut eyes, unable to fall asleep right away, the anger, frustration, and pain of the loss, clouding her mind. They didn’t even know each other…she and this Hannah, why did they end up doing this? She was simply glad she couldn’t hear them fucking and she finally let out a single sob in her defeat.
A few weeks later.
Hannah sat in her room, depressed. A few weeks ago, she had fully admitted her feelings to Ryan, and that night after her terrible fight with Chole she had fucked his brains out. He seemed to love it, and in the passion told her what she wanted to hear, that he would stay, he would be her boyfriend. It was a dream…but she had to wake up.
The next morning, it all fell apart. He kicked her out after finding out about her and Chole’s fight even though both girls left out the sexual details. He told her she was crazy to think he would stay in the town just to be with her and ignored her the rest of the weekend. Hannah felt her life crash before her eyes and now she felt defeated.
To her, Chole had lost the fight but won the war, and Hannah waited every day for the official couple status to show up. The only thing that she had going for her was that the sex with Ryan had just been…okay. The passion she had felt didn’t match up to the other sexual encounter that night, but she wasn’t ready to deal with those feelings yet. In the 3rd week, she decided she had to move on, and try to find a way forward. Her favorite town felt a lot smaller and lonely with no plan for her future…would she just end up living here alone for the rest of her life? As she was shopping for food, a ping on her phone gave her a jolt. It was a friend request, from Chole Baker, and the picture left no doubt it was THAT Chole.
She didn’t know why but she accepted the invitation and re-friended her back. A few moment’s later and she got a message.
C: Hi.
H: What do you want?
C: Good to see your attitude is the same. We are video chatting tonight…just you and me.
Hannah had to read the message twice
H: About what?C: I am comigng to visit you. And challenging you to a rematch.
Hannah felt her body shake, was this happening?
H: A rematch…well, I guess I can chat about that.
C: Good. I’ll call you at 9…and I will be wearing something that will make you melt.
H: You won’t be the only one.
Hannah closed the message and smiled as she felt a shiver of pleasure. She had been thinking about Chole a lot…and this…this might just make that whole weekend worth it. She hurried home, and picked out her sexiest lingerie…she was going to give that city girl a show and see what the future held for them.
The End

That was . . . Delicious! Well done and very enjoyable.
P.S. Ryan was a doofus.
Thank you
Would love to read about their chat and rematch. Their pussies seem destined to meet again.