Li Song found himself in the middle of the arena, resting in a sitting position on a mattress. His oiled body was bare for the crowd to see. He was to be the prize two jealous women would fight over until one’s love proved stronger.
-“Ladies and gentlemen”-announced the speakers-“Coming to the arena for the second time in a row to face off against yet another insolent whore coveting her man! This time the Malaysian-Chinese fiancée comes not to prevent someone marrying her man, but to lay claim to the title of wife. Give it up for the ravishing Lily Chen!”
Li Song turned his head to the left, the doors revealing his jealous girlfriend crawling in sexy green lingerie with a deep V neck, her hard nipples already poking out the insufficient cover. Lily’s neck was wrapped by a collar tying her to the left side of the room. The oiled Malaysian-Chinese beauty moved sinuously on the slippery surface, her lubricated tits jiggling as she basked in the adulation of the crowds.
-“Lao gong (husband)”-cooed the Chinese temptress, kissing him-“Today I’ll gift you what remains of her stinky hair as a wedding present.”
-“Fight well, my laopo (wife). Let her be one of the many you’ve beaten for my sake”-replied Li Song kissing back. He moaned, feeling her moist lips around his cock, her massive tits grinding against his thigh.
-“On the other corner,”-blasted the speakers-“The Hong Kong ex-girlfriend who is back to claim what’s her. She deems the fiancée not fit to be Li Song’s wife, her cunt unsuited for his cock. She has vowed to prove it right here in front of you! Give it up for Elodie Fan!(Fan Huiyin)”
Now Li Song turned to the right, seeing the black-haired Elodie making her glorious entrance. She was covered in a thick layer of slick oil, clad in a miniscule red thong, garter belt and a flimsy top unequal to the task of holding her massive knockers. Just like Lily, her neck was wrapped in a chocker which in turn was tied to a chain that extended all the way to the wall.
-“My man”-said the old college girlfriend, her nipples already spilling out-“Today the cheap saohuo(bitch) will be in a hospital bed, cold and cockless while I fuck your brains out.”
He was about to reply when he heard an audible growl coming from Lily. Elodie hissed back, her eyes staring at the cock-sucking Chinese girlfriend–“Wanna say something you chou bioazi(stinking whore)?”
Lily stood on her knees, the cameras focusing on the mix of precum and saliva on her mouth. The sultry girlfriend closed in, her face ending centimetres away from the insolent ex, their delectable tits sensually grinding against each other as they shared a tense stare down.
-“Let’s set the record straight you cheap lanbi (rotten cunt).”-jeered the jealous Chinese goddess-“You’re nothing but one of the many booty calls my man had in his college years. You were never able to sate him like I do. Your futile attempt of showing him you were a real woman ended with you being beaten (See Battling Girlfriends 1 for story). Your sagging tits weren’t up to the task and in the end left Hong Kong like a whipped bitch. Tonight you’ll end up being my first witness (Note- First witness is a pejorative term women one win away from becoming wives like to use to refer to their sexual rivals. It implies the other woman will lose and become the first person to know of the marriage, usually as she’s crushed under the copulating couple).”
Lily turned her head, returning to the holy duty of worshipping her man’s cock as Elodie glared at her with hatred.
-“I won’t deign to answer your lies, for you’re but a temporary guest in my man’s bed.”-came the venomous rejoinder-“All I care is that Li Song knows the truth, and the truth is that you aren’t woman enough for him. Your dry pussy is nothing but of a waste of his cum. He has grown tired of you, and the only reason why he still humours you is that he feels sorry for you. Today everyone will bear witness as I rip off your cow tits!”
Now it was time for Lily to be angry. The gall! The lying! The shamelessness! This was of course normal in the arena, but Lily felt a searing fury rise within her, a desire to teach the impertinent skank a lesson!
-“Fat lying sanba (airhear, slut)”-hissed Lily as Elodie dropped on her knees before Li Song’s manhood. Even this private exchange was heard throughout the arena.
-“You’re just angry because you know it’s true”-insisted the brazen sidechick as she tried to muscle Lily’s tongue out of Li Song’s cock.
Li Song moaned, feeling the enemy tongues clashing around his twitching cock, the sexual rivals butting heads as they worshipped his manhood.
They would fight in a “Queen of the cock” claiming duel, so called because they would fight right on top of him, each trying to lay a claim his semen while fighting tooth and nail. Only the better woman would stay on his cock, milking his seed while her romantic foe tried to push her off.
He had wanted to be fought like this ever since he had seen Fumiko Hayashi and Katerina Polievka fighting like cats in heat in a depraved duel over Euji Oue (Catfight at the Stands 1 and 2). He still recalled the spectacle as if it was yesterday, the rivals in love frantically trying to impale themselves into Euji’s manhood as they fought to the bitter end.
Li Song groaned, his male member erupting like a volcano. Soon the stream of cum was being licked clean by Lily’s and Elodie’s wanton mouths.
Charge 1
-“You shabi(stupid cunt)!”-screeched the jealous Lily-“I’ll scratch his cum off your ugly face”
-“Try it Chinese biaozi (bitch)”-retorted the oil-smeared Elodie as she “welcomed” her incoming rival in love with her open claws.
The sultry vixens then smacked into each other, wrapping their arms around the other’s lovely waist in a mutual bear hug as they came tumbling down. Soon their sharp talons were looking for vulnerable sexual organs, seeking to mar the other woman’s looks. This first salvo failing, they soon settled into scratching each other’s backs.
-“My tits will be his pillow tonight”-panted Lily, her greased body coming on top in their angry catball, the rolling about stopped only by the chain preventing Lily from pushing more to the right -“You on the other hand…will have to buy a new set of titties”
-“I dare you, Chinese pig”-jeered the defiant Elodie pushing to the opposite side, causing the angry catball to land on top of the naked Li Song-“Let’s see who comforts him tonight and who has to buy a new set of tits”
Lily moaned, sandwiched between her fiancé and the wench who wanted to deny her the right to marry him. She could feel his sculpted body underneath her, his throbbing manhood rubbing against her inner thighs. The Malaysian Chinese succubus pushed her head forward, biting into Elodie’s shoulder.
Elodie clenched her teeth, veins popping from her neck as she looked up. She glimpsed Li Song looking down at them, as if wondering who was worthier of his cock. The feisty Elodie soon retaliated with her own biting.
Lily cried, her body trembling from the heinous chewing. Yet she did not back down, but fought dirtier still, latching onto the Elodie’s tiny red thong and inflicting a devastating doubled-handed wedgie.
Elodie shrieked, the searing pain distracting her from gnawing at Lily’s body. She fell to the side, the flimsy thong dissolving in Lily’s hands. She wailed, her hands massaging her now bare pussy while the Chinese coquette impaled herself on top of Li Song.
-“Get off him you lanbi (rotten cunt)”-roared Elodie as soon as she got back on her knees. She charged upwards, seemingly impervious to Lily’s slaps as her nails sank through the delicate green fabric covering Lily’s melons. Elodie ripped apart the top part of the sexy outfit, causing Lily’s magnificent tits to spill forward. The seething Hong Kong siren then sank her long nails into Lily’s delicate boob flesh.
-“Make me you Hong Kong changfu(whore)”-moaned Lily scratching Elodie’s wrists to relieve the strain on her mammaries. They were locked in a stalemate until the timer reached 15 seconds and Elodie was pulled away.
-“NO!”-gasped Elodie, tearing a huge hole in Lily’s slutty getup as she was dragged back by the chain around her neck.
Charge 2
Li Song heaved, his eyes resting on his fiancée’s jiggling tits, now completely exposed after Elodie had torn her lingerie in half. Lily moaned, switching between trading insults with the Elodie and riding his cock. He watched to the right, the jealous Elodie hissing and swearing in between promises to leave Lily bald.
The timer reached zero, letting Elodie get back to the centre of the arena. The rabid Hong Kong beauty roared, tackling the glistening Chinese girlfriend. Lily grunted, sneaking her legs around the charging Hong Kong adventuress as she fell on her back. The jealous antagonists resumed their tangled quarrel, scratching and slapping as they moved up and down Li Song’s thighs.
Lily managed to secure a precarious dominance, trying to stay on top as the feisty Hong Kong vixen bucked like a wild bronco. Lily grabbed a handful of greased black hair to keep the Hong Kong wench in place, then started slapping her struggling foe.
-“Mine!…argh!”-cried the angry girlfriend as Elodie latched onto her dangling brunette tresses and brought her Chinese tormentor down, biting Lily’s exposed left tit. Lily writhed, kicking and quivering as she tried to free her delicate teat. The Chinese nymph quickly changed tack, burying her sharp talons into Elodie’s pretty face.
The Hong Kong siren trembled, raising her arms to impede Lily’s nails from ravishing her face. The battle took a dramatic turn, each young lady trying to ruin the other woman’s beauty before her own was marred. Elodie raised her thigh, her knee smashing straight into Lily’s solar plexus.
Lily groaned like a wounded beast, her nails coming off Elodie’s face. A repeat attack on her crotch sent her rolling sideways, her hands buried into her pussy while she whimpered in a foetal position. Li Song moaned, feeling Elodie burying her warm pussy into his cock.
-“Remember this lao taipo (old hag)…he was never yours…”-whispered the college ex-girlfriend as she trapped the Chinese girlfriend in a neckhold and ripped what remained of Lily’s slutty black swimsuit-“you’re were just the worthless sanba (slut, airhead) who kept his cock warm until I came back for what belongs to me. He has no use for you now.”
Li Song watched as the chain tugged a sobbing Lily away as soon as the time limit was reached.
Charge 3
Elodie moaned, her tongue wrestling with Li Song’s. Her tits sprang forward in a pleasing jiggling motion, her red bra too small to contain them through fucking and fighting over his cock. The adoring crowd egged her on in her quest to get her man back.
Li Song enjoyed the feeling of Elodie’s warm pussy sliding in and out his cum-lathered manhood. Still, he couldn’t help but to look sideways, seeing a resentful Lily chaffing at the sidelines, her eyes looking at the copulating couple with nothing but seething hatred, her determination to fight to the bitter end oozing out of her scratched body.
The timer once again reached zero, indicating the start of the third round.
The sexual rivals crashed into each other like deer locking horns over a sexual mate, their oiled figures engaged in a tight bear hug right on top of his cock. Elodie’s garter belt still held what remained of her red tights; her red bra was stubbornly clinging around her slim waist. On the other hand, the top part of Lily’s outfit was ruined, leaving only the bottom part barely hanging on as her huge tits battled Elodie’s.
He panted, closing his eyes to feel the sensation of the warring pussies rubbing against his cock while the jealous girls sobbed, scratched and slapped each other with frenetic fervour. He moaned as his throbbing dick was enveloped by Lily’s warm pussy, where it stayed until Elodie’s cunt pushed her out.
-“Mine!”-whispered Elodie as she impaled herself into the coveted cock, her voice carried over by the sound system.
-“No…mine!”-replied the equally determined Chinese girlfriend, pitting her Venus mound against Elodie’s until she managed to dislodge the enemy vagina. Lily tried to reassert herself only for Elodie’s cunt to meet hers halfway, frustrating the attempt.
The erotic stalemate at the bottom was mirrored at the top, where the battling girls had taken to digging their nails into the other woman’s pretty face in an effort to defile her looks. The malicious intent was clear, yet the intimate distance prevented either girl from getting too far in their vile attempts.
Lily closed her eyes to prevent Elodie’s fingers from scratching her eyes. Desperate, the Chinese vixen committed her talons to ravaging Elodie’s moist cunt. Elodie cried, her pussy quickly beating a retreat before Lily’s nails could violate her.
Lily saw her chance, moving forward to claim Li Song’s cock only for Elodie’s hand to get in the way. The Chinese minx yelped, moving back as she stared down the Hong Kong skank. She gritted her teeth, feeling Elodie’s hand probing her crotch.
Li Song watched enthralled as the warring pubic mounds moved apart, hostile hands now probing the enemy crotch in a terrible contest to see who could ruin her antagonist’s sexual organ first. Neither oriental goddess shied away from this wanton contest, their tormented shrieks filling the arena.
A high-pitched screech startled Li Song, who saw his sultry Chinese fiancée falling back, once again the victim of a dirty attack on her womanhood. Soon the Hong Kong harpy fell in the Chinese prey, tearing what little remained of the once sexy green lingerie before the timer gave the round to Elodie.
Charge 4.
The crowd chanted Elodie’s name as the Hong Kong succubus mounted the coveted man in a frenzy. Everyone could see Li Song was about to give his seed, and he didn’t disappoint, exploding in an all-encompassing orgasm halfway through the fucking period. The audience cheered loudly, the odds of Elodie winning the man increasing significantly with the claiming of the man.
The sweating Elodie collapsed sideways, nesting herself under Li Song’s comforting arms as white liquid seeped out of her cunt. She laid still, watching with pride the replay of the moment she claimed his seed.
Li Song panted, glancing sideways to see his now totally naked Chinese girlfriend swearing in Chinese, straining against the chain keeping her in place. Lily, like many women, she had been conditioned to take pride in pleasing their men. Letting another claim his seed was an affront to her femineity. Her honour as a woman demanded she seek satisfaction for the insult!
-“I’ll claw his cum out of your worthless pussy!”-roared Lily, joining the fray once again in defence of her relationship.
-“Come!”-retorted Elodie, welcoming her sexual rival with her claws-“I’d love to see you try!”
Lily dropped slightly, avoiding Elodie’s attempt to go for a bear hug. Then she wrapped her arms around Elodie’s upper back, her teeth chomping at Elodie’s titflesh. The Hong Kong wench let out a high- pitched scream, digging her nails into Lily’s already scratched back. Lily paid no heed, jerking her head sideways as she masticated Elodie’s delightful melons like a pitbull tearing on raw meat.
The audience cheered, egging the sexy combatants on. Elodie went for Lily’s battered face once again and eventually forced the Chinese piranha to back off. The Asian goddesses clashed once again, wrapping their arms around the other woman’s neck. They stood on their knees, their battered tits pushing against the other woman’s set.
The hugging warrioresses moaned and wailed, leaning onto the other as they slugged it out. First Elodie then Lily, the women traded punches in this cruel war of attrition, giving no rest nor quarter to her sexual rival.
Lily pushed her head forward, her mouth centimetres away from Elodie’s eyelids and then spit on her eyes. Elodie cried in disgust, loosening her malicious hold on Lily’s body. That’s all the Chinese girlfriend needed. She bit Elodie’s cheek. The blinded Hong Kong siren howled, the pain taking a toll on her.
Elodie’s hands moved down, her nails looking for Lily’s pussy but Lily gripped her wrists. The sexy combatants stayed locked in this position, Elodie’s nails grazing Lily’s crotch yet failing to break into her womanhood. The crowd grew silent, waiting for the result of this battle of wills.
Elodie collapsed, her spent body unable to sustain the brutal struggle. Lily let go the heinous biting, trying to avoid being dragged down with the Hong Kong slut. The belligerent Chinese girlfriend gasped for air, her battered tits heaving as she saw the crying Elodie trembling with pain.
Lily gulped air, her tired body begging for much needed rest. Yet the conquering girlfriend knew there was still work to be done. The Hong Kong skank had to pay for daring to claim her boyfriend’s semen. It was an affront that could not stand. Lily had to punish the brazen Hong Kong pretender.
It was with this thought in mind that Lily pried Elodie’s limp legs apart, inserting her finger into Elodie’s moist slit. The jealous Chinese beauty bent her finger into a hook and then pulled it out in a swift motion. The half-beaten Elodie writhed, her screams filling the arena. Lily opened the palm of her hand, letting the camera catch a glimpse of the watery mix of semen and cunt juice.
-“I told you I was gonna claw his cum out”-jeered Lily, easily pushing aside Elodie’s weak attempts to defend herself. Lily smiled sadistically, feeling Elodie’s ruined figure convulsing in agony as she once again cleared off more of Li Song’s cum out of Elodie’s ravaged pussy. She did again…and again, until the once proud challenger passed out in agony, a mere lump of flesh on top of Li Song’s body.
A sobbing Lily collapsed the moment the computer adjudicated victory to her. She sought comfort in the arms of her fiancé while Elodie’s limp body was pushed back against the wall. The shame of losing her man had been averted. She had shown what fate awaited those who dared to defy her claim to his cock.
Yet this was no victory, but a reprieve. Lily had won the catfight, but Elodie had claimed the man’s seed, leading to a contested outcome under claiming duel rules. A result that could not stand. Only a brutal rematch in a few hours’ time would solve this split outcome.
Lily let out an involuntary squeal, her boyfriend’s ministrations comforting her battle-weary body. He was hungry, his diamond hard cock demanding to be pleased; and it was her duty as his girlfriend to sate his lust. She’d settle accounts with the Hong Kong whore later, but now she’d please her man in front of the baying crowd.
To Be Continued in Part 6! Click Here to Go There!
-The Duel room universe has seen several additions since the very first story (Work wife vs girlfriend) and it shows. One of the additions is the title of “fiancée.” Like “girlfriend,” the term “fiancée” has no legal force and its usage is subject to the popular conventions of the day.
Basically, many women call themselves girlfriends when they feel they’re in a relationship with the man. Their sense of entitlement usually grows if they prevail over a sexual rival in a catfight/duel/sexfight/sexual competition over his affections. A woman who’s is one duel away from becoming a wife would usually call herself the man’s “fiancée” while winning three duels would mean she’s become the man’s wife. Unlike the title girlfriend or fiancée, the title of wife does have legal force.