GabiGrabsYou vs. Alana Quill from FCF

GabiGrabsYou: “Let’s keep it simple teach. Topless to a verbal submission. I mean, honestly, this session is for my experience. I am really wondering how long I can stand up to you. Obviously I know what pain is – you have probably seen some of the rougher wrestling at the club. But you seem so smart and strategic. I just want some experience against the best.”

Alana Quill: Smirking I unfold my arms from under my ample assets and nod at that. “Okay sounds good to me. You’ll certainly be an interesting challenge given your..” I pause and eye your rack from where you are sitting “Weapon advantage if you will” Reaching up to pull my shirt off I toss it aside and act as though I’m just now remembering something. I’m not but I figured I would hold on to the last little jab until the last possible second. “Oh..I almost forgot. We didn’t discuss the matter of the penalty for being defeated…” I lock eyes with you, a catty smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

Gabi: I rise to my feet and take off my robe and then my bikini top, now wearing just a simple black bottom. I have my back to you, tossing my things into a corner at the far end of the room, when you ask about the penalty of losing. “Stakes? You want stakes in a training session? I know I’m going to lose. Gosh!” I am genuinely surprised but I play it up. “I mean, what would you like after putting me away??” I give you a wink and approach in small, slow steps.

Alana: “Oh so its a training session now is it…” I genuinely giggle. As you pull your bikini top off I follow it with my eyes. “Well then nothing too nasty I suppose. Traditional titfight stakes. Winner takes the loser’s top. If I win I’ll even bring it with me next time so you can have a shot at getting it back.” Reaching up I unhook the back of my cream colored bra and add it to the pile with my t-shirt. It leaves me stripped to the waist in a pair of too short jean shorts, without the T-shirt my thong rides high enough to see over the top. As you approach I grin inhaling as I feel my heart rate start to climb a little and the butterflies from such an intimate fight start in my stomach.

Gabi: “Bae, I’d give you a bikini or three. I have over a hundred.” I giggle and eye you from several feet away. “Buuuuut . . . on the off chance I should prevail here . . . what do I get? I suppose you might have something but we’ll worry about that when . . . I mean if the time comes.” I flash a big smile and continue approaching in small steps. My thighs brush as I walk and my ample breasts bob with each stride. I toss my hair back and stop about a foot from you. “So how do we start? Please, make a move.” I’m looking down slightly into your eyes, wondering in amazement how this is going to go. You seem awfully competitive for a friendly encounter.

Alana: Snorting at your correction I gesture at my bra. “My top naturally. They are rather rare in these circles. Maybe a handful of my bras are no longer in my possession. Though I have quite the collection of tops and thong myself.” As you smile I can’t help but meet it. You’re genuine and you seem like you want to learn about this as opposed to just charging into this style of fight with no experience. “Simple really. We just batter each other until one submits.” Despite the fact that I do genuinely like you and I’m not out for blood I plan on making this a meaningful learning experience for you. “Ready?” I wait for you to inhale before I reach up, grabbing my own left breast from underneath. Like a boxer swinging an uppercut I dip my left hip and bend at the knee before stepping in slightly and bring the top and front of my left breast up underneath your right orb smacking it as I drive through with my leg, hips, and use my left hand to stabilize my own breast against your heavy mound. Dropping my boob I shoot my arms out and catch your wrists yanking downward, hoping the first hit will make you back up from the shock. With a roll of my hips and upper body I bring the full force of my chest up underneath yours trying to make your tits bounce painfully. Waiting for you to try and yank your arms back

Gabi: You’re friendly and helpful (I think) but there is an edge to you. I’m sure you want to teach and want me to learn but the lessons may be painful as much as they are instructive. I see you support your left breast and in a split second, you send my right boob upward, sharply and abruptly. I gasp and indeed, press my right foot back to catch myself and stop my backward regression. I am hardly stabilized when you get my wrists and a double uppercut catches my underboobs flush, now sending both of my twins toward my face. I let out a painful and surprised gasp, yanking my arms in an attempt to free them. My breasts settle then shake as I struggle and I swear you’re wearing a smug smile!

Alana: Sure enough you yank backwards and I fight the urge to bite my lip. I remember my first standing hands off titfight. Suffice to say you are doing better than me. Within the first four seconds I was bulldozed from my feet to the floor before having my opponent body slam (tittyslam?) me from a standing position. Suffice to say I let go of you wrists as you yank before I step forward hefting both my breasts in my hands and plow straight into your chest as I dig my right foot into the ground and use my body to slam my chest straight into yours. Admittedly the resulting pain on my end is quite something. I have no doubt it won’t be comfortable for you either but the point is not so much the pain as it is the positioning. Watch trying to see if you catch yourself or if you stumble… in the back of my head I can hear a little voice saying ‘go easy’ it squashed by the memory of Jana battering my chest to a pulp. You have a heavier chest and you will be fighting with the likes of them. It would be a disservice not to make sure you are ready.

Gabi: You let go of my wrists, support your assets and go into battering ram mode. Back I go, losing another step, but just one. I stiffen my legs, take a breath and scowl, my chest throbbing after the large impact. Fortunately, wrestling has introduced me to quite a few pain rendering tactics and these girls have been punched, kneed, slapped, clawed and chopped! After your thrust into my chest, I think back to the one titfight I had and how I overpowered her. You are even lighter. So I take a breath, don’t bother to support my weapons, but rather shove forward, putting my legs into it, aiming my nipples straight for yours in a “counter-ram”.

Alana: You brace rather well, good for you, I’d have been on my ass when I first started. I can see you furrow your brow and I hide my giggle behind a “mph!” Those big legs of yours are really something. I watch as you shift your weight and charge forward. Given that I don’t think you’d appreciate me using some of the more esoteric tricks up my sleeve I change tactics. Taking a quick hop step backwards as you thrust I meet your thrust with my own chest which results in a loud “smack” of flesh on flesh. I plant my hands on my hips meeting your eyes over our breasts as I grind my rack back and forth across yours trying to rake the sensitive flesh around your nipples with my own hard points. Leaning in ever so slightly I exert pressure trying to see if you will shove back.

Gabi: I am prepared to bump you into next week, except you back up and I get nothing but air. Hunched over some and off balance, you respond with a hard thrust head on. That sound is amazing. It’s not so loud, but it’s clear and I am stood up in my tracks. I let out a gasp and you come right back with a good solid, nipple-to-nipple grind. I give a little head shake and let out a “fffffff . . .”, again stiffening my legs to stand up to you. Our “points” seem pretty even except you know how to use yours. I refuse to back off and you use that to begin the process of making me sensitive.

Alana: You seem like you’re fairly committed to this particular engagement without trying to force more than a grinding match for now. Without any particular leverage you match me chest to chest trying to drag your nipples over my chest in response. Thankfully this is one of the few times my smaller chest has a bit of an advantage. The amount of surface area I have to attack with my nipples is much larger versus what you have. Smiling at you I run my tongue over my lower lip and wink as I gently support my chest from beneath twisting my torso back and forth doing my best to jab around your hard nipples while keeping yours away from the sensitive flesh around my own. It was a rare occurrence and depended on the fighter but enough working over of an opponent’s nipples occasionally rendered them soft if done properly. It was considered quite humiliating to have your nipples lose their tautness and be shoved back into your breasts.

Gabi: The fight has turned very strategic, which is not to my advantage. your erect little swords are working my larger targets, supported by your hands. I guess I remember you doing some supporting in the fight I saw but I really just remember the big busty bruiser dazed and retreating until she was to the point of collapse. I think about cupping my own set, but retreat a step, but it’s not really a retreat. It’s to make room. I frown as if in real discomfort but go back to a more power focused strategy, again using my legs. I bend my knees slightly and shove up, aiming my tops for your underboobs, trying to box you as you did to me.

Alana: I feel you step back from the engagement. Not overly surprising since from the feel of things I’m only mildly sensitized from the dueling we’ve been engaging in. Hopefully you got the worst of the exchange. I let you ease off knowing I can use the breathing room to work in some more powerful hits onto your now hopefully more ‘receptive’ tits. You launch upwards and I blink in surprise as you bring your legs into play. It catches me right at the top of my underboob because I haven’t released my chest yet. Letting go I take two steps backwards opening up my arms and my stance giving you a surprised and hurt expression. The shot did in fact sting like hell but hopefully I can turn this around.

Gabi: 60+ pounds of weight advantage has its . . . advantages! My own breasts felt that but now it appears you are the one really stung. you lost two full steps which gains me all of the ground I lost back and then some. Not willing to let you think about all of this, my thighs swish together again and I come in assertively, but showing no intent. Looking into your eyes, not giving you any indication of what I’m thinking, I dip, cup and lunge, trying again to bash your undersides but now even harder, stronger and more powerfully. a few more steps and I’ll have you in the wall.

Alana: Once upon a time I use to play water polo and there was this saying we had ‘The eyes lie’ but the tits don’t or at least the base of the throat. The idea is that you can predict body movement by staring at an opponent’s collarbone. As you make eye contact and move forward I can only remember the years I spent watching some dumb bitch bob in the water staring at her collarbones to see where she was going to throw a ball then years later a punch. *There it is* the dip in your legs. The classic use of power to shove an opponent. At the end of the day its all physics. Mostly… Your hands come up and I lunge in that moment. Or more specifically I spring. Literally. Leaping from the floor I brace for impact as I hook my legs around your thighs and the back of your knees. At the same time I ram my chest nipples first down on top of your boobs. Reaching my arms over the tops of your arms I cinch them beneath our breasts trying to trap your hands against the underside of your rack. WIth my grip in place I drive my elbows together and grind down with my chest trying to pop your tits with mine driving all the pressure into the top of your breasts digging with my nipples in the awkward grapple.

Gabi: In my mind’s eye, I see you vaulted backward and me battering you into the wall with nowhere to go. That’s not what happens – not at all. In fact, I could never have imagined this. I have never seen much less experienced anything like it. I make no contact whatsoever and like a jack-in-the-box, you spring, wrap your own strong legs around mine freezing me in place and then trap my arms and my boobs. My arms are pressing up into my underboobs, your arms are crushing into my sideboobs and your nipples are stabbing my ballooning tops! I let out a gasp, stuck where I am, as if in a full body straight jacket. you’re a buck twenty but I am supporting all of it and all I can do is watch as you carve away with your buds.

Alana: Wriggling back and forth on top of you with a slow grind I do my best to crunch my abs and compress my entire body around mashing your tits. Its one thing to fight someone body part to body part. Leg versus leg you would have left me in tears. Tits to tits you would have battered mine into oblivion. Pound for pound you have more mass, more muscle, and better reach. So like the cheeky bitch I am, instead of fighting you piece by piece throw it all at your tits. I know I can’t keep up the hold forever but while I can manage it I pour on as much pressure as I possibly can as fast as possible. Digging into you with my hardened nipples and the weight of my body above my breasts I continue to ratchet my arms closer together using my abs and back to aid the compression by making the space your boobs and arms are trapped in smaller and smaller.

Gabi: I try to focus. It’s not working very well. I keep going back to the shrinking space my chest occupies. I can feel some pulling from underneath and at the sides. Meanwhile, you are sensitizing my tops, making small but meaningful adjustments every several seconds. Then, without warning, I let out a whimper. I can’t believe I did that! It’s also not easy to breathe. Each breath expands my chest and pushes my pair into a smaller, more constricted compartment. I feel my face reddening. I lick some perspiration from my top lip. I try to step forward but lose my balance and just manage to stay on my feet. In short order, I’m fatiguing and almost staggering.

Alana: The stagger in your legs and whimper tell me this is working. Like a cowgirl spurring a horse I suddenly dig my heels into the back of your thighs and yank forward trying to get those thick sexy legs of yours to give out under the weight of my body crushing your chest. You haven’t given up yet but a better position on top of you might just secure a means of finishing your chest off. “Come on I…” I gasp as I feel sweat slicking my wrists and arms from the skin to skin contact as well as the exertion of this move. Each breath for me however drives my chest down into yours.

Gabi: My hamstrings are getting it now too and if it not for my incredible legs, this would probably be ending just about now. your mild taunting makes me more determined but I wasn’t very determined to begin with. I’d love to widen my stance for a better base but you’re like a python. My breaths grow ever more shallow and do not refresh me at all. Unable to power out of this in a traditional sense, I realize perspiration is now my friend. I put all I have into pushing my right hand and arm down and it pops from between us. Problem is – I can’t use it!

Alana: As you struggle against the take down I grimace. I can feel you wiggle and finally your right arm comes free stuck below us. With less pressure on your breast underneath It is less effective. Time for a change of plans. This is going to have to be one serious dismount and there are several ways it could end badly. Hopefully the digging into your chest I’ve done has really tenderized you for this. Suddenly releasing my grip on your legs I plant my feet on your thighs and shove down. At the same time I release the hold on your breasts while shoving upwards posting my arms up. WIth a quick release of my arms and the shove on your legs I let gravity drop me and my breasts like two huge wrecking balls on the top of your breasts trying to bludgeon them severely.

Gabi: Finally I am making my way out of this entrapment. the pressure on my chest subsides and I get a decent breath. My left arm is now free too and I shake them out, still reminding myself they are completely unusable within the rules. When you rise up, standing on my thighs, I think you’re just showboating. I take another breath and look up, about to order you to get off me when you drop. your undersides crash down onto my irritated tops and stretch them painfully. I bow in response and now my arms have a use – holding me up. I slap my hands onto my knees and let out a groan and then another, shaking my head in pain and frustration. my hair tumbles forward hiding my red face. 10 seconds pass, 15, 20, my girls dangling and sweaty. I can’t quit, I can’t. But what do I do now? I step back, trying to buy some time and get my second wind.

Alana: As I see you go over I am reminded of something I learned from Jana. I might as well introduce you to it as well since without a doubt you will encounter the full spectrum of titfighting. With an inhale I step forward and swing my chest left and right. Hard. Using my more than ample tits as wrecking balls. WIth your head down the first to smacks catch you in the face as you backup. Not as bad as having your bell rung a dozen times like I did but still not fun. I continue the swinging into your own boobs. While the impact is hardly a walk in the park for my pain, I’m largely counting on you not having the ability to resist your breasts being smashed around by mine in this manner.

Gabi: I feel like a heavyweight boxer, out of shape and well past her prime who has managed to reach the 15th round. I feel even more so when your “haymakers”, left and right bash my face. I straighten up out of instinct and that opens up my chest. Now you deliver heavy “body blows”, banging me to and fro, causing me to retreat against my will. I am in exactly the same position as the girl I saw you pummel at the club. Each time you connect I am twisted at the waist, one way then the other, hanging on but losing hope.

Alana: Feeling you on your back heel I continue the pummeling working you across the room with a big stride and big smacks. There is a wall on the other side and I’m aiming for it. As we get close to it I suddenly heft my own boobs again using my hands for support and accuracy. Moving in I throw another set of assisted uppercuts into the underside of your chest before bouncing up onto my toes and drop slamming my breasts onto the top of yours as I move my hands away from the underside of my breasts.

Gabi: Left, right, left, right, uppercut, downward shot and my legs are wobbly. The pain is indescribable. It stings, it’s sharp, stabbing, it’s deep. It radiates. I can feel it in my armpits. my arms dangle at my sides and I need to breathe but I don’t want to. That last drop sends me staggering backward, running out of room – literally.

Alana: This hurts like a bitch. By the end of all of my fights my tits always have a deep ache. It’s just part of the fight that I’ve come to accept. Battering ones chest against anything really is sure to make it hurt. The simple fact is that unlike most other fights a titfight is about enduring and dishing out as much pain as possible and hoping the other girl breaks first. Thankfully I looks like you’re ‘titfight punch drunk’ at this point. I can see the glossy look, I know the feeling where every bounce every hit is radiating sharp pain and an underlying burn that just won’t go away. As I see you hit the wall I draw up and swing my chest hard back and forth several times knocking your breasts around with mine before I seize your wrists, slam them to the wall, rise onto my tip toes and drive my boobs down onto you battered orbs slowly grinding down on you and into the wall. As I look down at you I drop my stoic look. “Submit Gabi. I’ll stop as soon as you say you’re done. But I can’t let you off without finishing you..” Part of me tweaks internally at saying that to you. I could, I could drop my hold and let you off, call it a good learning experience help you recover. But what good would that do? If anyone else gets you to this point they are going to make damn sure they finish your chest before they let you go.

Gabi: My ass hits the wall and then the back of my head. I am going down – except you don’t let me. you pin me to that wall, dishing out more punishment. Then you pin my arms and dish out some more. I’m shaking my head “no”, right up until you command me to submit. It’s not in my nature but my head stops moving and I let out a “fuuuuuuuuckkkk . . .” you grind harder . . . harder . . . and my head nods as I whisper, “yes, I submit.”

Alana: As soon as you finish the word submit I stop grinding but I don’t drop you. Keeping my chest pressed just a little into yours I exhale for just a second. “Okay, last lesson for today, I promise. A verbal submission isn’t usually enough to end a titfight. Sometimes they end in a forced smother for the loser, sometimes its other things. I’ll give you an option: lick my nipples or drop your own thong around your ankles. I release your left hand enough in case you need to use it to reach your bottoms and I back up enough inhaling to present my chest if you’re going to lick. “I promise we’re done as soon as you do one or the other”

Gabi: I do need my hands – they go to your hips. I bow my head and find your left bud first. I give her a gentle lick, then a kiss, going over and above your demand. I move to your right and do the same, acting out my submission. Then, I drop to my knees. I go to all fours and the pain! I sit back on my legs and the pain!! I gently go to my back and the pain!!! There is no position that is going to provide relief. I use my hands to softly push my breasts onto my chest to take the strain of them and they throb. They are so warm – hot really. And definitely swollen. I’ve picked up some CC’s in the last 20 minutes or so. I close my eyes wishing for the pain to subside but no. And it’s going to be around for a while. A bra? not today and tomorrow isn’t looking good either. Maybe an ace bandage wrapped under them for support. What do I do???
The End

Great story. Loved it. Sexy, raw. I loved th ending