Beth was a very attractive 31 year old woman, living in the small town of Edendale, Ohio. She had once had big dreams of getting out of that little shit town just as some of her friends had done. Instead, she had returned to her hometown after the fleeting excitement of college. She married a prominent, slightly older man by the name of Bruce and seemingly settled down. She also had two small children (Corey – 8 and Layla – 6), which only reaffirmed her stable, if somewhat placid and plain, domestic lifestyle. She loved her husband and her children but she was also quite bored with the day to day “sameness” and monotony in her life. You could see it in the strained, half hearted smile on her face. She longed for some excitement to break the spell of this suburban hell..something different to pull her out of the endless cycle of drudgery.
Makala was a very sexy 19 year old girl. She was right out of high school and attended classes at a local community college until she could decide what she wanted to do with her life. Makala had an active social life and had big dreams just like Beth once did. She was determined to get out of dull Edendale and wasn’t about to let anything stop her. She was a young, wild free spirit who loved life and wouldn‘t take shit from anyone.
Young Makala had been babysitting Beth’s children for several months, trying to make a little extra cash wherever she could. She was crazy about the kids…not so crazy about Beth. In fact, she had grown to despise her. Week after week, Makala dealt with Beth and her evolving bitchiness. Beth would openly demean the young girl and talk down to her every chance she got. She seemed to be especially jealous of all the attention the children were now giving the babysitter. Young Corey even had a little crush on the 19 year old girl. Why wouldn’t he? You should have seen the skimpy little outfits she threw on sometimes when she came over. Beth loved to belittle Makala in front of Corey…make her feel like a cheap slut. “My God, what is that you’re wearing tonight, sweetie? You’re watching my kids, not going out clubbing to pick up guys,” Beth would say as she shook her head. Makala really loved children and she had truly bonded with Beth’s two youngsters. Corey and Layla adored Makala.
Makala was actually, in many ways, a younger version of Beth, with all her hopes and dreams, her whole life ahead of her…no disappointments…no regrets. Beth found herself seething with quiet rage whenever she thought about the girl. She would incessantly dwell on how young and hot Makala was, so much like her at that age…turning all the boy‘s heads…confident and sexy…certainly not as overtly trashy, Beth thought to herself. She was a little over ten years younger than Beth and her ambitions were still quite alive. There was still time for Makala to escape that boring fucking town. Beth felt hopelessly trapped there.
Things had always been rather tense between the two women. The children sensed it and it frightened them somewhat. Bruce secretly loved the subtle cattiness between them and fantasized about them clashing, never dreaming it might actually happen. Their overall personalities being what they were, they were probably destined to be enemies, no matter what. Things between the two had only gotten increasingly worse. One day recently, Beth had caught Bruce openly leering at Makala‘s tight little ass. Busted…but, he denied it. Beth seemed to be actively trying to piss off Makala, every single chance she got. Lately, she hadn’t even been paying her on time. Sometimes she would “forget” to pay her at all and Makala would have to remind her. She had only put up with her shit this long because she loved the kids.
The more affection Makala poured on Corey and Layla, the cooler Beth was towards her. It was a toxic situation between the two females and the tensions seemed to be growing every day. The children’s main caregivers were subtly maneuvering themselves into a war. It was a Freudian wet dream. No one in the home even truly realized just how much the feral animosity had grown. Now every time they were together, it was an unpleasant ordeal for both. They tried to purposely hold back on some of the venom they felt towards each other for the sake of those around them. Secretly, they wanted to do nasty, unspeakable things to one another. Beth and Makala were inching their way ever closer to the boiling point. A chemical reaction that would have them at each other throats. If only….they had some time alone to sort this all out. Both women craved it.
This particular week, Beth hadn’t paid Makala…again. No surprise. Not a red cent and after she had to work an extra day for the bitch, something she threw on her at the last minute. Makala was always there when Beth needed her. The young girl had really had it at this point. She was going over to Beth’s this morning to have it out with her, once and for all. The kids would be in school and Bruce was out of town for several days on a business trip. It would actually be the first time the two women had ever been alone together. Makala showed up unannounced at 10 am wearing a sexy little white dress, her ample young tits barely contained. She didn’t know why she picked that dress, she just knew she looked hot in it. She rang the doorbell and Beth looked out the window to see who was there that early in the day. A delivery perhaps? Beth‘s heart skipped a beat when she saw that little bitch Makala standing there on her doorstep. What the hell did she want? Probably her money. Beth was soon opening the front door, catching a whiff of Makala‘s lavender body spray.
”Why, hello Makala. What are you doing here?” she asked bluntly. “I won’t be needing you until Saturday.“ Beth was wearing a cute little green sundress. She loved showing off her sexy body as well, just like Makala did. She still turned plenty of heads herself.
”I have to talk to you,” Makala said flatly.
”Well then, come on in. I’m straightening up the bedroom so let’s go talk in there,” Beth said as her guest came inside. Makala had never seen Beth wearing something that sexy and her tight little pussy fluttered at the sight of the alluringly beautiful milf. Beth’s breasts were gorgeous, every bit as impressive as Makala‘s youthful tits, just slightly fuller. She had them nicely on display. Beth was 5’ 5”, about half an inch taller than Makala, and was 117 lbs to the younger girl‘s 110. She worked out religiously and, despite the children, still had the tight body of a teenager herself. Just out of the shower twenty minutes before, she smelled like fresh flowers. The two silently went upstairs and walked toward the main bedroom. They were both as sweetly fragrant and alluring as springtime.
Into the bedroom they walked, where clothes were strewn about everywhere. It was the first time that Makala had seen the couple‘s bedroom. Her pretty eyes darted about the beautifully adorned room and she took it all in. Beth started folding some shirts, trying not to even glance at the nubile young babysitter‘s lovely tits that softly shined before her. She sighed, “What can I do for you? I’m kind of busy today.” Beth was curt and short with the young girl, as usual.
”Look Beth, you haven’t paid me AGAIN this week. I’m really getting tired of this,” Makala stated directly.
”Look..I’m sorry, but I‘m..short on cash this week. You’re just going to have to wait.” Beth kept folding clothes, not even looking at Makala.
”Oh..my God. I’m so..SICK of this shit..” Makala cried.
Beth broke in, “Hey, don’t get mad. I just need a little more time..”
”I’m tired of your excuses, Beth. Bitch, maybe if you got a got a JOB you’d have some fucking money.”
Beth stopped folding clothes and glared at the teen. ”Hey girl, don’t lecture me, okay?“ she said smugly. “I’ve got a lot on me now. A lot of ADULT shit, okay?”
”Oh please, I don’t want to hear it. I’m DONE. Yeah, I’m done. I fucking quit..”
”Well, you can’t just QUIT. I need you right now, Makala..” Beth informed her.
“Yeah, it’s all about what YOU need, isn’t it? I fucking QUIT. I’m so tired of dealing with your bullshit. Now, I just want the money you owe me for last week.”
Beth started folding shirts again. ”Well sweetie, I don’t have it..” she said, coyly smiling.
Makala grabbed one of the shirts from Beth and threw it to the floor. “Look..I want my fucking money and I want it NOW.” She grabbed Beth by the arm and gripped it tightly. “I said I want my MONEY, you cunt.”
”You need to take your hands OFF me.” Beth sharply pulled away. The women stared daggers at one another, their hearts started swiftly pounding, their pulses racing. “Call me a cunt one more time, you little bitch.”
Makala seized Beth’s arm again…tighter…and began to dig her sharp little nails into the older woman’s flesh. “You are a fucking CUNT..” Makala said with disdain.
”You‘re hurting me,” Beth angrily exclaimed.
”Good…now, I want my $200 or do you want me to BEAT it out of you?” Makala was beside herself with rage.
Beth smirked. ”Are you woman enough, little girl? You..fucking bitch..” Beth felt it so deep in her womanhood as her soft voice trailed off. She wanted to teach this young girl a few things. She knew she was woman enough to do it.
“Oh, YES…more than woman enough..” Makala replied. For the first time, Makala truly sounded like a woman.
Beth grabbed Makala’s forearm and pressed her nails in, squeezing as hard as she could until the teenager let out a shrill cry. “Why don’t you sell that little body of yours? Someone might pay you for that,” Beth said with a snide laugh. “You’re such a cheap little whore, you know that?” Beth then knew exactly why she had hired this stupid fucking slut….so it would lead her to this very moment. She needed to beat the shit out of this smug young girl. Beth was pissed about a lot of things in life and wanted to take it all out on Makala.
”Fuck you..CUNT!” Makala reached up and grabbed a handful of Beth‘s long strawberry blonde hair and slowly pulled. Beth’s head arched back and pain shot through her neck. She closed her eyes and winced.
Beth grasped Makala‘s mane and yanked the girl‘s head and neck back…swiftly, viciously. The women’s bodies tensed and stiffened as they slowly swayed back and forth, moaning and panting, so close they could smell each other’s sweet breath. They both felt a charge throughout their hot bodies….it had finally begun.
”God, you’re such a fucking bitch. I should have NEVER let you anywhere near my children,” Beth said spitefully. “You really want to fight me, you little skank?”
Again, they glared fiercely at one another, the purest hatred in their glistening eyes.
”Yeah..I‘m going to beat the shit out of you..” Makala said, coldly.
The primal urge to clash had overcome them both. They wanted it…oh, so badly. Makala suddenly started to claw at Beth’s face, raking across the milf‘s tender cheeks. “Umm…dirty bitch. I knew you would fight so dirty.” Beth felt the sharp, stinging pain of those nails. She savagely tore out a clump of Makala‘s hair and the young girl yelped in pain. Beth then raked her own nails hard across Makala‘s pretty face. Digging in deeper, Beth smiled maliciously as she cut into Makala…piercing her soft, pale skin. Their faces were soon streaked with bleeding scratches as they cursed. Something savage had been unlocked in them now, and they were indulging in it.
“Cunt..fucking cunt..” Makala moaned.
”You filthy little slut..” Beth hissed.
The two groaned and swayed with a steady rhythm. Their hatred was now fully revealed and it was a cruel revelation. Makala despised this cold hearted woman and wanted to hurt her. Beth wanted to punish this young bitch, this fucking brat, because she fucking deserved it.
Makala clawed at Beth’s slender throat and gripped her windpipe. “Give ME…my MONEY.” She started to pull at Beth’s thin little sundress as she softly grunted. Beth felt a sexual charge…her pulse quickened at the thought of this young girl trying to render her naked.
Beth pushed Makala away and grinned. “You ain’t getting shit….not a goddamn thing..”
Makala slapped Beth hard, a sharp blow across the face. The hot milf gave the girl a look of sudden, stunned disbelief. “You…stupid little bitch.”
Again, Makala slapped Beth hard across her cheek. “Like I said…I’ll BEAT it out of you.”
Before Makala could strike Beth again, the older woman lunged at her. Gripping each other’s silky hair again, the women fell back against a nearby wall. Beth felt her pussy throb as she choked the younger woman with both hands. Makala whimpered and gasped for air as Beth squeezed her soft throat. She tore her nails across Beth’s back and shoulders, leaving ugly scratch marks. Young Makala’s pussy was damp with the new excitement of it.
Beth began to frantically pull off her opponent‘s little white dress as Makala started yanking at Beth’s sundress. It was all…too much. The women couldn’t hold back as they tore away one another’s dresses to quickly reveal their sexy bodies. Their proud tits were now exposed as they stood before one another, smelling like heaven, no bras and satin white thongs. Their gorgeous breasts shimmered in the soft morning light, their nipples firm…Makala‘s were soft pink, Beth’s a darker shade.
Makala dove in and satisfied her animal urge to abuse this mean bitch. She savagely sank her sharp nails into Beth’s perfect tits. “I’ll tear them off you…CUNT.”
“Ohhhh..FUCK,” Beth howled. This little girl could fight, no doubt about it. This turned Beth on, though she was loath to admit it. Their tight, sweet bodies pressed together…smooth and soft…skin on skin. Beth clawed at Makala‘s sleek hips and felt the girl’s tight little cunt caress hers for the first time, through their sheer panties.
Makala kept attacking Beth’s bare breasts and soon blood was smeared across those beautiful mammaries. Makala leaned in and bit one of Beth’s hard nipples and she shrieked in agony. “Ohh, GOD..you dirty girl..dirty whore.” Beth sighed, her breasts throbbing with pain.
”I‘ll show you dirty..” Makala grinned and spat on Beth’s tits. She then renewed her attack, ravaging the milf‘s bosoms with her wicked nails. She bit Beth’s other nipple and sank her teeth deeply into her areola. It was about all Beth could stand. The gorgeous mom screamed and exploded with a fit of rage. She threw Makala to the bedroom floor and kicked her as hard as she could in the ribs. She then jumped on top of the young girl and began assaulting her youthful tits. Beth sadistically ripped into them with her long, exquisite nails. Makala’s skin was soon fiery red and deeply scratched…blood trickled down.
The women wrestled aggresively on the bedroom floor, each trying to gain an advantage. Makala tore at Beth’s tender nipples…Beth plunged her claws into Makala’s shapely breasts some more. The women’s proud breasts were the prime targets now and these wild vixens went after them shamelessly. Makala wrapped her strong legs around Beth’s waist. She clawed the older woman’s face again and continued ravaging those heavenly tits.
“God…that fucking HURTS,” Beth wailed.
”I want it to HURT…I want you to BLEED, cunt,” Makala shrieked. And bleed she did. Makala’s pale, delicate looking hands were soon colored dark red with the blood from Beth’s wounded breasts as she tore at them vindictively and with no remorse. It was ugly and nasty. Beth cried in anguish, to no avail. Several of Makala‘s fingernails were torn off and embedded in those glistening tits. Beth’s head was spinning and her body ached with pain…so much she felt sick to her stomach.
Makala was a relentless little cunt. She pinned Beth‘s arms to the floor and viciously bit her neck. Beth felt herself blacking out. No way she would lose to this girl…no fucking way. “Goddamn you…” Beth whispered. Those sharp little teeth and nails, Makala was like some ravenous wild animal.
Makala growled and tore her nails across Beth’s breasts again then bit her sleek throat a second time. Beth felt the young woman’s hot breath on her clammy neck. Makala cried again, “Give me MY MONEY…you stupid cunt.” Saliva ran down Makala’s chin. She had the wildest look about her.
Beth tore at Makala‘s face and gouged her eyes. Yes, Beth thought to herself, she would blind the little bitch. “Aaaagghh..” Makala let out a loud, bloodcurdling cry. “Fucking CUNT..I hate you…” The teenager fought back, clawing fresh scratch marks into Beth’s temples and then fiercely clasping and tearing out hair.
“Bitch….fuck you, Makala..” Beth let out a deep, agonizing sigh.
The two finally stopped fighting for a moment. Panting and moaning, lying next to one another and trying to catch their breath. So far, a savage catfight for both. They had clashed with a ruthless intensity. Neither female was willing to submit. Their sweaty bodies were scratched and bruised…soft, pale skin now red and raw. Pretty faces and stunning breasts were clawed and bleeding. The women’s dark eyes were glassy as they fixed them coldly on each other again.
They slowly rose to their knees and Makala attacked Beth, tearing at her hair with one hand and assaulting her tits with the other. Beth’s eyes welled with tears.
Makala whispered “Cunt…miserable fucking cunt..” She called Beth that throughout the fight, mocking her. She knew Beth hated it.
”I’ll show you..a cunt,” Beth hissed. She slowly dug her nails into Makala‘s tight little body again as their private battle resumed. The sexy milf clawed and punched the young girl‘s tender pelvis.
”Uggghhh….God..” Makala moaned. She felt that pain deep inside her. Makala ran her nails across Beth‘s tight navel…plunging nails into that soft, taut flesh.
The heat of their fine bodies, like electric silk. The fight was becoming almost sexual in its wanton hunger. Their dark, primal desire to hurt one another drove them on.
Then suddenly Makala said, “I’ll get my money, Beth. I always get what I want. I’ll get it from Bruce,” she exclaimed with a cruel, heartless smirk.
”You stay the fuck away from Bruce,” Beth cried. Her heart skipped a beat. What was this bitch saying?
Makala smiled spitefully as the women got to their feet. “Mmm..Bruce has been giving me a lot of things..” Makala said maliciously. Then the young girl laughed. ”I’ve been FUCKING him, you stupid bitch…right here in your house…right under your fucking nose!”
Beth exploded in a fit of unbridled rage. She lunged at Makala, slapping her wildly. “You little WHORE…you fucking SLUT. I’ll KILL YOU!” Beth shrieked as she grabbed Makala and slammed her into a nearby wall. She punched and slashed at the girl‘s youthful body with a renewed fire, a heated frenzy. She choked the teen so hard, making her gasp for air.
But Makala wasn’t done, not by a long shot. She grabbed Beth‘s hair and pulled back hard. “CUNT….you stupid fucking cunt..” Makala screamed. The women both pitched forward, away from the wall, and fell back onto the bedroom floor, shrieking loudly and cursing. They catballed violently, pulling hair…their sexy bodies grinding together…hard nipples pressing into sweaty skin. Feral and hot, they fought on, continuing their illicit abuse of one another.
”Yeah…Bruce fucked the shit out of me..you stupid fucking cunt.” Makala gloated. The women tore at each other‘s throats and choked one another mercilessly.
”I‘ll kill you…I’ll fucking KILL you…” Beth kept shrieking. It was now raw, spiteful fighting and pure, fiery hatred. The two women were primal enemies…fighting over a man. Older woman vs. younger girl, both out for blood….both wanting to destroy the other. We may never know if cruel Makala ever really fucked Bruce. It didn’t matter, as long as that‘s what Beth thought then the damage was done. Makala would do anything to hurt Beth now…physically, emotionally and psychologically.
The two women clamored to their feet, still fighting and not letting up. Slapping faces, breasts and raw flesh. They tumbled onto the unmade bed and continued clashing… Blood was soon smeared across the pristine white sheets. The fighting females clawed at one another’s silky, soft labias and wet cunts.
”I..HATE you…fucking little WHORE. You should’ve never come into my home,” Beth screeched. They were both ranting and screaming at each other, almost delirious from pain.
”I’ll kill you, Beth….I’ll KILL you and take everything! Yes….I will..”
The women‘s glorious tits mashed together as they tore at one another. Their anguished cries filled the entire house. Beth, the howls of a mature woman…Makala, the shrieks of a young teenage girl. Again, they choked one another and rolled languidly..first Makala on top, then Beth. Tighter and tighter the women’s fingers coiled around their silky throats. They groaned and growled then rolled off the bed back onto the floor.
Beth tore at Makala‘s panties and attacked her pussy, clawing at her cunt. Makala viciously stabbed two fingers into Beth’s womanhood…deep into her vagina. Makala bit Beth’s breast and tried to tear her nipple off. Blood squirted from Beth’s damaged tit as she screamed and cursed. Their hands now red with each other‘s blood, the two used those hands to smother one another, cruelly cutting off precious air. Then, more vile and vicious choking. Back and forth their war raged…unrelenting hatred driving them. Bloodied and battered now, they simply didn’t care. They both sensed this was only going to finally end one way and one way only.
Beth gained an advantage and rolled on top of her young rival. She mounted Makala and began to ride her face, forcing the teen deeper and deeper between her milky thighs, her nose and mouth grinding into Beth’s soft, slick panties.
Makala let out a muffled, mournful cry. “Nooo…fucking nasty cunt..” Beth pushed her sleek crotch harder into Makala, thrusting her wet pussy into the girl‘s beautiful face.
”Mmm..yeah, you little BITCH…fucking slut,” Beth yelled as she dominated the younger bitch. The proud mother grabbed a tuft of the babysitter‘s blonde hair and kept ramming her cunt into Makala. Beth felt a deep orgasm beginning to rise in her. “You..worthless little whore.” Beth’s warm pussy smothered Makala. She cried out sharply as she felt herself cum on the girl‘s pretty little face. Her panties were soaked…wet and sticky.
Beth slowed her thrust to a steady pace and gradually stopped as Makala whimpered and cried, almost passing out. Beth crawled off of Makala, looked at her hot opponent and smiled. “I’m..DONE with you,” Beth exclaimed as she rose from the floor. She walked over and looked in the mirror, inspecting her many injuries. “Now..get dressed..and get the fuck out of my house, you little skank.”
Makala, bruised and bleeding, crawled over and picked up her little dress then got up from the bedroom floor. As she dressed, Beth glared at her scornfully through the mirror.
“Get out, bitch. Don’t EVER come back here. You do and I’ll fucking KILL you.” Beth slipped into an old robe she had draped over a chair nearby. Her fine body was devastated as well, smeared with blood, covered in ugly scratches and abrasions. Many of her wounds were still bleeding.
“Fuck you, cunt,” Makala muttered.
”Oh, FUCK you too, sweetie. Come near my family again and you’re DEAD.” Beth bitterly snapped. “You’re nothing but TRASH.”
Makala stormed out of the bedroom and went downstairs. As she walked past the kitchen, she suddenly spied a shimmering knife set on the counter. She smiled…a delicious little grin as she walked into the kitchen. She pulled out a long stainless steel knife then headed back upstairs for the bedroom. Quietly, the vindictive girl crept down the hall and up to the bedroom just as Beth was coming out. Makala leapt toward Beth, charging at her with the deadly knife and screaming.
Swinging wildly, she glanced Beth‘s shoulder. She screamed as sharp pain shot through her and blood coursed from the wound. The women began to struggle for the knife. Makala pushed Beth into the wall and forced the blade in closer…ever closer to her lovely breast. Now truly a fight to the death, Beth knew this young bitch was indeed going to kill her and take everything. Maybe this was the plan that Makala and Bruce had all along.
The knife thrust a little closer and pierced Beth’s breast, just breaking the skin. A long, thin trail of blood slowly ran down Beth’s beautiful ivory tit and dripped onto the floor.
”You…bitch..“ Beth whispered.
Makala smiled. “You’re DEAD….you fucking CUNT,” There was no turning back now. Makala was out of her fucking mind….psychotic and homicidal, with bloodlust in her cold eyes.
Beth was going to have to end this the only way she could…by ending Makala. In a final act of desperation and surge of strength, Beth kneed the babysitter between the legs and then knocked the knife from her hand just as the little vixen was about to plunge it into her heart. The women clashed as they screamed and yelled. The knife was now in the floor only a few feet away from them. Makala lunged and tried to go for the deadly weapon again. Beth pulled her away from the knife as the younger woman grabbed for it. The two weary combatants staggered a few feet down the hallway then went crashing and careening down the stairs. It was ugly and gruesome as their bodies smashed into one another and the hard wooden steps. Beth felt a sudden pain in one of her legs. Probably broken. Makala wailed as she cracked several ribs.
The two women lay side by side at the bottom of the steps, both hurting badly and barely conscious…their bodies ravaged by the cruel, merciless catfight. After several minutes, Makala began to slowly crawl toward the kitchen…no doubt she was hoping to grab another deadly knife. This girl was unrelenting, Beth thought. She had to give her that. The sexy mom grabbed Makala’s leg and held it tightly.
”No….bitch…” Beth stammered. Makala tried to rise to her feet and Beth pounced. On their knees, the women fell against the wall as Beth grasped Makala’s slender neck again with her long fingers. Their eyes locked one final time as Beth thrust Makala into the wall. Choking her…choking the girl…savagely. The two women then slid completely to the floor, Beth astride her hated foe, still choking the life out of her.
”You shouldn’t have fucked with me..you little slut..” Beth groaned as Makala began gasping her final breaths. Her big brown eyes bulged and she scowled at Beth, hatred still burning in her young soul. She tried to speak but gurgled and went limp as Beth crushed her windpipe.
It was a grisly battle and a fight to the death. Beth was victorious. Makala had lost this fight and paid the ultimate price. The sexy mother of two stared at the little bitch’s lifeless body and sighed deeply. Makala‘s glassy eyes were still fixed on her. Beth felt like she had been through a war but, at the same time, she had never felt more alive. Her body was sweaty and bloody, her panties wet with cum.
Beth wiped away some emotional tears. “Dumb little girl.” She smiled and then started laughing hysterically…..
”Don’t guess you’ll be calling me a cunt anymore, huh?”
The End

. OMG. Great Story. I loved it
Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing it.
Great story content! And you actually paid attention to the spelling, grammar and punctuation. Truly a pleasure after reading so many stories that I have to ‘decode’ what the author was actually trying to say.
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the story. I’m sorry it took a while to respond , but I just have noticed your response! Thanks for the comment about grammar and punctuation! It’s a pet peeve of mine, and I obsessively try to get it right without any typos. So glad you noticed.