Donna Rivers was the owner of the “We fit you right” boutique, she specialized in bra fittings so much so women from up to 50 miles wanted to schedule an appointment, her measurements were exact and the bra’s she had made were truly works of art, and gave sex appeal yet support and custom fit were perfection, Donna prided herself on making sure the bra’s that she had made for her customers fit like a glove, it brought returning customers back but also the guarantee was beyond any other boutique’s anywhere, Donna could care less about which brand over the fit and more often than not her seamstress made accurate modifications to the big brands like Olga and other known brands that fit busty women, Donna was so intricate cause she herself for the longest time went through what most women with a big bust go through wearing a bra that just doesn’t fit right and as a result causes back aches, loose or a worn slack look to the bra or to much over flow which lets face it took a sexy look and turned it to that of a whore look, which any self respecting woman wouldn’t want.
So Donna made it her mission to make sure every bra that left her store fit the woman buying it as if it were part of her, and the customers were beyond happy with he product Donna put out and the personal attention to detail, that was till one day a new customer waltzed not her store and was about to test Donna’s skill and reputation to the limits, being in this line of work Donna ran across a lot of busty women,some were never a match to her own bust, and some were to much for her but all knew Donna was not shy about her more than ample bust she kept herself in shape and kept her bust full and firm, and well more than not was offered other ways to receive payment for her custom work, and in each case Donna prevailed more than not and well suffice to say Donna in those offers doubled her money or what ever arrangement was offered, her bra’s weren’t cheap to own and as i said fit so well women were open to do anything to get and keep a bra that was made, and anything was the best offer to Donna she never had to lure a woman in to “special arrangements” but they were open to offers as much as Donna was.
Donna was just 40 never married she loved her work, she stood 5’10” 148 pounds and a sexy 40E-28-38 figure hour glass for sure thick no doubt but all natural woman never a doubt, her dirty blonde hair hung to her shoulder blades it was thick and wavy and luscious, her light blue eyes were like the blue in a glacier ,a long neck and high cheek bones, many women who came to shop here often gasped or their eyes flashed at the sight of Donna, she was confident and knew her body was both a tool and a weapon when she needed it to be and knew she how to use it in either aspect.
But even a typical day can change on a dime in any business you never know who or what is coming through the door next but Donna took everything in stride you have to have that thick skin gene when dealing with he public even if it by schedule, Karen Majors was going to be Donna’s oddity, Karen a 45 year old divorcee who was married to a wealthy man of industry and took him for more than half of everything when he turned to a younger girl was the type who well asked for something she got it, if she didn’t she paid for it if that didn’t work well she was the type to try and take it, and often did in other words the word no was not part of her vocabulary, Karen lived a state away but being a busty fit attractive woman knew the struggles of a good quality bra or finding one that fit and still looked sexy while doing its intended job, at 5’9” 146 and a 40F-28-38 with copper red hair and green eyes Karen was a walking goddess and she was not afraid to prove her body was worth every stare and penny to anyone if it meant getting her way,Karen through a few friends heard about the fit you right boutique and with no ties and lots of no worries Karen drove her jaguar sport car the 6 hours got a rom and scheduled an appointment with Donna for the following day.
Karen knew what she wanted when she wanted it and anyone with the reputation of Donna well you just know Karen was going to want the finest hand made custom bra at any cost, but Karen was no fool either if she could swindle a deal or a price she was as ruthless there as she was with her life style, accurate, direct and the way she wanted it, so Karen brought the best bras she had made else where and one in particular oddly enough was made by Donna but Karen had no idea it was since she never was measured for it, no Karen instead acquired that custom bra by taking it from another woman that dared to “test her” woman to woman and as a prize Karen took that bra and bring ing it with her wanted Donna to adjust it to fit her bust better.
The next day Karen had room service as she showered and got ready, her appointment was at 10 a.m. and she was sent an email stating she must be on time or lose her place o the next in line, Karen yawned at the email’s warning but Donna was serious if you were 5 minutes late you would have to reschedule another day, if you missed that one you weren’t getting a new appointment period, Karen lazily got ready her hair was brushed back a bit of a wind blown look she eased into the bra she wanted to have fixed, the tag was numbered and had the boutique’s name on it, it was a yellow bra with tinted tan leopard print spots an Olga material that’s as soft with sheer cups but cause it wasn’t made for Karen it was a little over snug in the bust and pushed her already massive breasts up at her chin not a flattering look at all, Karen also wanted to get a new bra made so she was positive if the boutique wanted the sale she would get her way, her black mini shirt hugged her round full ass and hips, and a yellow snug blouse open tot he lowest point of her cleavage was being tested to the limits as well, black high heels and lipstick Karen was on her way tot the store, her veiny swelling cleavage rose and fell slow as she breathed during the ride over.
Donna was getting the boutique ready, she always had coffee, tea or champagne ready for her scheduled appointments and her walk ins as well, aside from her and the seamstress in back, Donna had two younger sals girls who were a D cup and often college girls who needed a little extra money to get through school, Donna ruled with an iron fist though this was her livelihood so every girl working for her knew their job or they didn’t have one the next day, Donna had a final fitting with a woman making sure she was happy with the bra before paying fully for it, as she looked at how well it fit her Donna heard a slight commotion, she excused herself to see what was going on.
While Donna was in back Karen arrived and demanded to be seen by someone other than one of the sales girls, she wanted a particular order that the as far as the girls knew wasn’t offered, Karen was intimidating for sure her looks her figure and her round bulging bust made the much smaller girls take a step back, Donna walked out from the rear her own tight deep veiny cleavage swelling in one of her hand made bras every bit as intimidating as Karen, her heels were clicking along the tiled floor as Karen heard them she smirked positive the woman coming was going to take a step back when she saw her, but as Donna came around to the counter, Karen had o straighten her body more as Donna was nearly as full round and swelling in her own tight veiny cleavage, she saw Karen and while Donna had worked with much bustier women before she knew instantly there was something about this one, she was going to be a handful, the sale girls explained what the issue was, Karen being a customer and one who could afford the services offered was always right had a look of confidence as she waited for Donna to tell the girls what she wants, instead Donna looked to Karen, “well ma’am the girls are correct we do not alter other bras here only those we make”, Karen rolls her shoulders back and her top swelled wider apart Asher bra seem to lift more into view, “If memory serves i am wearing one of your bras”, Donna saw the bra she knew instantly whose it was as not many ordered the leopard print, Donna’s eyes studied how the bra was snug and taught on this woman obviously not made for her, she looks back at the woman, “where did you get that bra?
“, Karen smirks, “well lets just say the woman who use to wear this bra couldn’t match up and well had to give it up”, Donna felt an anger having this woman wear a bra by her that didn’t fit right was bad for her stores and her skill to make the perfect bra, Donna tilts her chin up, “I see do you have an appointment?”, Karen swells her bust, “oh i do”.
Donna looked at the girls, “its ok i will take this “, then looks to Karen, “well why don’t you follow me to the back and i can get a better look at what needs to be done”, Karen gives the sales girl a snobby grin and follows Donna in the rear, no one knows if the two women wanted this , but from the second they saw each other a the register to the back room something clicked in their minds and each knew before the final sale they were going to test each other, once in the back Donna grabs a robe they offer all customers and hands it back to Karen , “you can strip down in there and when ready bring the bra out and we can measure you up and see what can be done, there is champagne if you like”, Donna walks tot the rear and sets up her little table with a tape measure and pad to fill the stats out on, bent over the table as she writes a few notes Karen emerges wearing the shops kimono style robe tied at her waist but parted wide at the top, the bra in her hand, she sees Donna’s ample bust spilling forward as she stops holds the bra out in her palm, “this what you are waiting for?”.
Donna looks up and sees how Karen’s bust is shaping the robe as her nipples are tenting it a bit, “yes “, she looks at the bra and sees the number on the tag, she calls up front, “give me a look up on number 55, it is really?, ok give her a call and let me know when she is on the line”, she turns to Karen, “now then what was it you think you wanted done to it?”, Karen stares at Donna with that cat that ate the canary look, “I want you to make it fit me better if you do i am planning on buying a brand new one”, Donna huffs, “have a style in mind?”, Karen reaches out to Donna undoes a button on the already low cut blouse and exposes more of the bra Donna wears, her finger nail traces over the sheer cup pausing at the thick nipple a second , “I want this one”, Donna removes her hand from her cup, “sorry but this one is a one of kind i made for myself you can’t buy this one”, Karen not one to listen to the word NO steps closer and she inhales slow as she gently presses her bae breasts under the robe to Donna’s and stares in her eyes so close they feel the others hot breath as she purrs, “:what if i was to just take it and have another show make it fit”? Donna knew instantly when given a challenge she says nothing as she stares at Karen her fingers slowly undo her blouse as she reveals her loaded cups and Karen sees them, “you look like a woman who appreciates a bargain, but you can afford a hefty price tag am i right ?”, Karen a smirk, “who doesn’t like a deal when they can afford a lot more”.
Donna hearing what she wanted, “Well if we are going to do this how about we lay it out now, i win i get both of my bras and one you bring as collateral if i don’t you get both of these and altered to fit you like a glove”, Karen always one to be a sly shopper, “Hmm i don’t know seeing as how I already earned this bra made by you, lets make it more interesting , you win you get both and you can have your way with me, i win i get them both and after i milk you you worship my girls?”, Donna felt a skip in her heart as they glare the back room phone buzzes, “yes?, it was ok and why did she give it up?, i see ok tell her we will call her back to either give it back or make her a new one”, she hangs up looks at Karen who smirks, “I guess that just verified i earned it?”, Donna nods “yes indeed before you and i go any further you realize i can’t commit today i have other appointments after you, we will have to schedule this “, Karen gives a slow press to Donna, her face gets closer as she smiles and whispers, “thats fine with me but you need my measurements out of the way ….don’t you?”, Donna could feel the warm heavy press as she stares back, “i suppose i can get your stats and see your weak areas”, Karen winks, “and i yours right here or ???”, Donna stares knowing she might have made a big mistake, “no for this we need a more private room”, she leads Karen to a dressing room down the hall as she does she undoes her top, she has no worries about interruptions as the girls know when she is with a client no one bothers her, her top open she opens the door and allows Karen to enter then she follows and shuts the door, then as Karen turns and eases the robe off Donna eases the blouse off and then her bra, each woman stares at the others round full heavy breasts.
After a brief pause as each allows the other to take along look, Donna eases the tape measure from her skirt and dangles it, Karen nods and Donna purrs, ‘’Arms up please”, Karen raises her arms over head lifting her mass as she breathes in Donna steps behind her and eases the tape around and pulls it tot he tip an measures the full size, Well’/, Donn breathes in slow as she sees that Karen is a bit fuller than her own, Karen slowly shimmies as her heavy breasts force the tape measure down, then turns to Donna as she pulls the tape made sure through her fingers, “arms up honey’, Donna slowly eases her arms up as Karen eases the tape across her breasts ,” hmmm well either your tape measure is defective or you aren’t a real match to these”, as she proudly arches her own out, Donna slides the tape from Karen eases back in her skirt, then both women step around real slow, “ I always believed it was the fight in the cat over the cat in the fight don’t you agree?”, Karen smirks, “oh i do sure you have the time today to start with me?”, Donna knows she has an appointment in 4 hours, “Well honey it has never taken me over 4 hours to make my point, you?”, Karen a smile of pure evil “Not at all that one but one look at you and i and i am positive this one little spat will be enough”, Donna nods she can sense Karen wants more, “I see well where shall we start then hmm?”, Karen squares her body tilts her chin up, “Step up honey i think you will get the idea real fast”, Donna eases closer as both women open their hands as wide as they can.
Karen a sly smirk, so what day will be my real appointment?”, Donna the same smirk, I am open Sunday to get inventory done you can come anytime before 11 am and you and i can see which if any bras you will be taking home”, Karen smiles, “perfect and altered”, on a nods Karen purrs, “Lets get better acquainted Bitch”, they stab their hands into each other’s breasts and dig in as they squeeze neither is loud as they know what the feeling will be as they watch their fingers sink into others breasts, they squeeze, pull and twist standing nearly still as they wince and cringe as hands dig, turn, pull, and grip in deeper, Donna huffs out, “Ohhh you Bitch cmon”, Karen curls her nose up, “uughhh Bitch come get more harder cmon”, their bodies squirm and churn a slow gyration as they try to lessen the other woman’s grip but know neither is easing her death grip, Karen starts to pin her thumb nails into donna’s tits, Donna shakes her head no as she groans, “Nooo Owwww BITCH”, Karen hurting as much spits, “Take it Bitch or give cmon”, they stutter step within their private circle, fingers turning round white meaty globes redder by the second, finger prints left in the red skin as they pull and rake fingers to get deeper fresh grips, slowly Karen is arching up, as Donna twists her meaty breasts, “Aghhh You BITCH!!”, Donna leans in her head a bit lower, “Stop crying out Bitch and fight no ones coming to stop us”, Karen legs a slight shake as her heels slowly skid backward, Donna sneers to herself sure she has her new rival in pain, “Feel it Bitch hmm?, i am gonna hurt your tits”, Karen turns her head side to side as she pants hard, ‘Ugghhh you Bitch my tits ohh I’ll hurt you for this Bitch”.
Then with a burst of energy Dona turns her hands and grips the undersides of Karen’s fuller breasts, Karen feels her breast flesh being curled onto her finger nails as her thumbs press in crushing the aureola’s, her head thrown back her mouth drops open, “Ohhh my tits you fucking bitch, let go”, Donna increases the pressure, “Let my tits go and give Bitch do it!!”, Karen shaking her head slowly gets pushed backward as her knees begin tog I’ve, her eyes well up as Donna increases the torturing move, “Awwww BITCH MY TITS STOP!!”, Donna stands higher now and slowly Karen’s grip is failing , red furrow lines streak down along Donna’s breasts ‘Get your hands off my tits Bitch or I’ll rip yours off Give ?”, Karen drops her hands and goes after Donna’s wrists, but she twists them more and curls them over more lifting the meaty flesh, Karen sinks to her knees, “Awwww OK OK I GIVE YOU WI LET MY TITS GO”, Donna shoves Karen on her back and straddles her looking down over her tits at her rival she still kneads them roughly “Stop STOP I GIVE”, Donna releases her rivals tits and hikes her skirt up pulls her thong to the side and face sits Karen, “Eat me cunt NOW!!”, Karen looks up but only sees Donna’s eyes as her hand grips into Karen’s hair tight her large breasts in the way sway ver head, a tight tug on her scalp reminds her she will pleasure Donna, her tongue eases out and slowly slides in between donna’s folds , Donna slowly rides her rivals mouth, “uhnmmmm yesss do it Bitch deeper”,slowly Donna starts to undulate arching as her eyes shut her free hand massages her breasts ‘ohhh yess faster faster yesss yessss uuhhh uhh ohhh cuming!”, her juices explode as she smears Karen’s face and makeup slowly she eases up off Karen as she redress herself Karen lays there kneading her swollen breasts, Donn was she is about to leave the room looks back, “i will fully understand if you need to cancel Sunday, make sure you call but if you don’t i understand”, as the door shuts Karen sits up, and growls to herself, “You wish Bitch I’ll be here ready for you”, then Karen gets dressed and leaves pissed off and so wanting at Donna and a showdown.
Karen storms out hell bent on getting Donna back, but as she is home pacing she looks at her body in frustration and the red furrows and fingers mark on her breasts as they swell, her only consolation she pulled and squeezed as hard on Donna’s as well and knows in 2 days she will be as sore, neither has any contact and Donna has the measurements for Karen at the register, she knows come Sunday one will be left a crying mess the other gets her way.
Sunday morning it was a rainy day, as Karen was getting dressed, her topless figure walked about ass he made herself ready, the soft growl of thunder rolling in the distance, nearly timed the heavy firm sway of her large breasts as she stepped, her make up was done , her hair up, then Karen eased on her silk red blouse a black mini skirt and red heels and a thong nothing else, she grabbed the leopard print bra she was sure she was going to make Donna fix to fit her and also get the one of the kind of bra Donna was wearing the other day, as she looked herself over one last time, she inhaled, “ok girls don’t fail me today”, her large bust swelling to be free as her thick nipples already were tenting through from the slow motion of her breathing causing them to rub against the thin material, then she headed out, Donna was wearing similar the bra she made herself in her hand as she unlocked the store door but knew no one was coming other than Karen if she showed at all, but Donna just laughed silently to herself she was kidding herself thinking she wouldn’t show, as a woman there was to much pride riding on it to not show, As Donna sat the soft ring of the front door door went off, telling her some one walked in, Donna stood smoothed her grey blouse and black skirt as her own bust swelled out to be free, then she walked out the bra in her hand, she and Karen stop as they see each other, Donna hip bumps her walking by ass she locks the store door, then looks at Karen, “right this way”, Karen stares back,”love to”, they strut to the rear of the store and Donna stops and turns as Karen stops.
The soft hum of the lights over head the only noise then Karen sets her bag down and drops the leopard print bra at her feet, then with all her pride removes her blouse and bares her round heavy breasts her hands caress them slowly, “as we agreed till one gives”, Donna drops the sheer cup bra at her feet and removes her blouse a slow caress of her own breasts as she purrs back, “as we agreed”, both women set hands on their hair and arch as they head straight into each other, both take a long last breath in swell their breasts out then come together. CLOPPP rings out but neither moans, then CLOPPP , CLOPPP, CLOPP over and over as they shove their breasts together in a constant head on barrage, the heavy globes jostle and quake as they are forced together there is little stepping or maneuvering just a desire to fight tit to tit, slowly however the women can start to feel others weighted mass, as they concentrate the steady driving collisions, Donna wets her lips as Karen grits her teeth, “Cmon more fight”, barely huffs from her lips, as Donna huffs out, “More bring t un un yess fight”, after a solid 15 minutes of the head on colliding neither woman is shifting or making any other attempt they want this duel head on and to test others ability but more her endurance, their steady breathes are starting to become huffing grunts now as they feel the weight , firmness and thick mass of the others breasts collide and rattle their own, the CLOP of the flesh filling the rooms otherwise quiet mood.
Then Donna as she hides it best she can is starting to feel the added weight of Karen’s fuller pair, her lips ares tarting to purse after each collision to her rivals, her shoulders are pitched forward to add power, her breasts getting red and the swelling from the other day comes right back twice as much, “uuuhnnn uhnn Fight my tits ohhh you Bitch”, Karen shoulders upright and square loosens her gritted teeth her lips part as she is driving at her rival, her fuller breasts feeling more powerful as she hears the subtle reaction in her rival, “Yess yess cmon Bitch feeling my tits aren’t ya honey, cmon lets titfight Bitch bring your best”, Karen slowly starts to speed up the amount of collisions and as she does can feel Donna at the same pace if not a bit slower, as a result she steps in to Donna and is now crushing head on then adds a slow heavy drag left then right over and over, Donna’s big breakers are being moved now and she has to look to time her return jabs with her breasts so as not to let her side walls become crushed between her and Karen it would be devastating to any woman and her breasts, but Donna despite all her efforts up to now is slowly fading her heels backward as the head on crashes and drags pull at her chest wall and breasts, “Uuhh MMfff BITCH ohhh you Fucking Cow”, her lips getting dry , Karen feels the space between them widen and she steps right after her rival keeping it closed and now fills her bust with a full breath and is pumping her fuller tits in to Donna’s , “Uuhnn uhnn MMFF mFFF Cmon Bitch stop running Fight me”.
Donna wants to fight this woman head on but now she can tell the added weight and firmness Karen has is taking a toll on her own bust and chest, she won’t admit Karen is getting the fight in her favor but she can feel it slowly becoming all hers, her ability is keeping the fight mutual but her bust is getting redder and she knows time is not in her favor right now, she has to make a move or face being beaten up at Karen’s will, Karen though working her rival good is starting to huff heavier she knows Donna is firm and heavy but never expected the strength in her chest to match her own, her own breasts are red as well and slowly her shoulders are rolling forward as Donna is taking everything she is throwing at her thus far, but is she being mindful that Donna is seasoned a fighter as she is or is her own arrogance getting her in trouble to early in?, Donna feints a step in at Karen who braces for the attack that never comes, her own breasts connect to Donna’s but weakly as the force she braced for never came, her stance frozen and as Donna seems to fade back again Karen sneers and arches to resume her attack, Donna sweating a bit more than her rival lunges at her,a solid two CLOPS ring out that stop Karen in her tracks, then Donna presses against her and drags in a rolling motion, firm and tight enough Karen shakes her head no her lips purse as she gasps, “UUUghhhh BITCH”, suddenly Karen drops two full steps in retreat, and Donna chase her keeping up the motion and now adding her own pumping CLOPPING head on abuse, “STAND AND FIGHT COW CMON”, Karen stunned pants heave, “ummff ummff ummff you Cow you Bitchohhh uughhh fucking Bitch!!”.
Donna is slowly speeding up her attack and as she walks Karen backward about she drives harder each collision, “Stop running you little Bitch”, Karen was a bit in awe, she rarely lost let alone get bullied but Donna less full or not knew how to use her tits and was taking the fight to her, the assault continues and as their bodies start to glisten and well into 30 minutes neither woman is willing to slow the fight down, Karen grunts and decides enough she is going to teach this arrogant store owner how women titfight, she sucks in a breath and as Donna lurches head on to follow up with a rolling drag Karen twists to the right and Donna staggers forward as her intended target spins away, she stops the stagger and as she turns to continue the fight, Karen is waiting for her and SMACKS the side of Donna’s left breast with both her round breasts, forcing the left to concave into the right nd push it and the left together and tot he right across her chest, Donna winces and arches as her breasts are shoved hard, Karen steps in tight and with a firm shiny starts to rub up and down grinding the over lapped breasts , “Yess cmon feel my tits now BITCH Hmm?”, Donna aches deeply from the blow and the pressure her back rolls to pull back but as she does, Karen thrusts in and CLOP CLOP CLOP slams her tits straight on I tot the side of the left of Donna’s, Donna tries to spin away from the driving move but as she turns the wall of a 3 panel mirror (safety glass) rattles and her right breasts gets flattened against it, Karen sees the effect and widens her stance straddling Donna’s left thigh and now with hands on her hair starts to pump and rolling pin Donna’s breasts on themselves and the solid mirror wall, “AGGHhH BITCH get off my tits”, Karen growls at her rivals face, “Give Bitch and I will stop but i am loving how my tits are ruining yours”.
Donna is in big trouble and she feels and knows it, her mouth drops open as either way she turns Karen is going to seriously punish her breasts, her panting is turning to gasps now she drops her hands from her hair to push at the glass and Karen, Karen hooks Donna’s left arm with her right and pushes to open Donna’s chest at her own, ‘Fight BITCH”, Donna feels the pressure on her shoulder joint now and as she slowly turns into Karen’s assault she snakes her calf around Karen’s, her round ass rattles the mirror her face as red as her tits now as she is gasping, Karen has a glare of victory at hand, then Donna in desperation uses her other hand to grab a fistful of Karen’s hair, the move forces Karen to look up but only angers her more she bends a bit at the knees as the pull on her hair and the leg pull of Donna’s calf arch her back Donna shakes her head slow as she feels a slight ease of the pressure of Karen’s tits on her own then Karen makes her efforts worth it all she widens her stance and suddenly thrusts up, a fleshy SMACK rings out then a second, “UUGHHHH, OWWWWW BITCH MY YITS”, Donna gets her undersides crushed upward by Karen’s breasts, they lift and jostle only to fall and be hammered upward again, Donna looks up and tears well up then Karen grinds slowly in a figure eight into the pinned and lifted undersides, “nmmmmm oh Bitch you wanna Fight my tits more hmm?”, Donna mouth dropped open slowly cringes in pain, “Get uughhhh get off me I’ll fight you”, Karen works her tits into the undersides a bit longer and firmer then with a evil smile pumps her body off donna’s and steps back away, and tot he middle she turns and then sets her stance her hands again on her hair and she does a slow,shimmy, “cmon Bitch lets fight tit to tit bring those tits to mine’’, Donna is gasping and her tits feel three times heavier as her chest is also worked, she peels off the mirror wall and as she arches and hands go to hair she winces a bit as she feels the damage caused, her stride slow and staggered as she heads toward Karen, after 4 full steps out Karen is done waiting she rushed into Donna and as the two women stand near center room Karen starts to sway her shoulders and begins to titbox Donna openly, the slaps, clops and whacks of their fleshy breasts fill the room, Karen grunts as Donna gasps, “ Harder bitch fight me” Donna pants but she is getting the worse of it as Karen snarls, “cmon cunt i have plenty more”.
The war passes one hour and sweat soaked bodies are red and glisten as breasts ares swelled and sore, Donna is being battered despite landing her share to Karen she can feel the deep pain, she suddenly hugs into Karen and clinches , Karen smiles but feels the body weight on her own, her mouth near Donna’s ear, “I am gonna hurt you Bitch”, Donna saliva drooling from her lips, “try it cow…..AWWWAGHHHH BITCH STOP”, Donna screams, Karen dragged her big breasts under Donna’s and instead of rolling up them the sweat caused their flesh to stick a bit and her breasts catch Donna’s as they peel them up and over lap them on themselves, then Karen rowed her tits into Donna’s, Karen gasps, “uuughhh cmon Fight” Donna looks up tears run as she barely stands her arms go limp her shoulders drop her chin drops on Karen’s shoulder her lips dry and open, “STOP I GIVE YOU WIN PLEASE”, Karen lets out a gasp of relief then opens her arms Donna sinks to her knees, her breasts swollen and nearly cherry red as she weeps, Karen stares down at her opponent, her own breasts red and swollen rise and fall heavy, she steps to the rear of Donna her knee nudges her bare back, her voice one of relief , her lips part, “all 4’s bitch lets go”, Donna with as much pride as she can muster rolls to her hands and knees, Karen slides her thigh over Donna’s back and straddles then sits on Donna’s back, she slowly lowers her warm breasts onto donna’s bare back, her mouth aside Donna’s ear as she reaches under and cups the hot breasts of Donna, she moans in her ear, “put up a fight honey, but you were no match for my tits, I’ll make it last”, her finger are gripping into the fleshy globes, meaty breast flesh oozes between her fingers as she squeezes, pulls, twists and tugs on Donna’s breasts deep slow and exaggerating motion, Donna swallowing the deep ache moans to refuse whimpering loudly, Karen sneers a bit as Donna winces and tries to hold the brave front, “uuuhnn ohhh bitch deeper that the best yo can do”, Karen hisses at her ear, “take it Bitch its gonna hurt long after i am gone”.
The torture like act is played out till Donna has to let out a true reply, “ohhh god my tits you Bitch let go “, Karen hearing it smiles then forces Donna to the floor, rolls her on her back, as she sits up looking down over her tits at Donna she lowers her own tits on her face and slowly smears rubs and then presses. Them on Donna’s face smothering her, Donna weakly taps at Karen’s back but her face and forehead get redder, Karen enjoys the final move a few extra minutes, then feeling her opponent learned her lesson stands she collects the bras then as she eases her top on looks down at Donna, “have my new bra ready by next week or you and i will do this again, we clear?”, Donna knows she was beat and solidly, just nods as Karen leaves Donna covers her face and weeps at the pain but the feeling her confidence was ripped from her, after an hour Donna gets dressed and leaves a note for the seamstress and Karen’s measurements, at the bottom a simple exclamation point, “one week rush but perfect”, at the weeks end Karen struts into the boutique wearing a pair of leggings and a near see through blouse, under the sheer cup bra she won, her large breasts over filling it, Donna sees her , they glare then Karen in a throaty hiss, “is my order ready?, or do i need to teach you about customer service”, Donna’s cheeks get flush as she places a gift box on the counter, “here yo go, enjoy”, the sales girl stare at Donna like she was nobody the respect the had seemed to melt away, Karen lifts the lid with her talons sees the hand made bra smiles and as she closes it looks at Donna, “if it doesn’t fit i will be back”, Donna breathes in, “it will fit i stand behind my work”, Karen looks at her foe’s cleavage then her eyes as she licks her lips, “oh i have no doubt, its been a pleasure “, Karen swaggers out and Donna turns goes to her office and as she sits places ice packs on her breasts , her head back she inhales and says to herself, “I’ll see you again bitch “.
The End