“Ms. Lovelace. I have never met you before, nor have I met your sister. But, I want you to know, as preface, that I was a friend of your mother and father for many, many years. A /very/ close friend. The effect of that, for you, will be, quite frankly, a double-edged sword. First, I am, and will be very interested in seeing you succeed here at Penngrove. In fact, since those are what we peddle within these walls, I made a promise to not only your mother, but also your father, before he passed, that you would. That means a degree. That you would enjoy yourself. And that you would become a better woman, and be /the/ better woman, as we promise in all of our pamphlets for female students – I’m sure you’ve read them.” As each word came from the dean, she remained still, seated with her back straight, and her hands atop her leather-topped desk, fingers laced and nails perfectly manicured.