The Nemesis by Dotti D

Chapter 1: What We Didn’t Know

Hi All its me Amber, so Peggy and Jeff went on a long trip with nothing holding them back and mom proving finally she is the real true Queen, her reputation traveled further than she ever imagined, as she always does and has mom packs her best attire just in case, but not here to tell you about a future fight if at all, no i am here to reveal something i recently learned myself and came from Peggy’s mouth, i mean i knew of it as well and since the story on her was published by the devoured Martha as agreed, i feel as mom does it is a good tie to reveal this part of her history no one else knew.

So it shouldn’t be a shock to any that yes Peggy had her losses through her life but she always managed to come back and take or keep what she wanted and had, and while Dad was always searching for the woman that would beat her he loved her but Peggy had a side he never caught on to as well, that said, Peggy knows i am going to reveal this all she has reached a level now this won’t matter to most especially since it was more financial and personal than about the top bitch.

So if you recall Peggy after a lot of fights managed to strip the bigger city/town from 4 women who after years of in fighting finally divided it up, but they still were never satisfied and war was on their horizon 24/7, when Peggy entered the picture they somewhat as one tried to get her out they saw her threat and she made good on it with all 4, i talking about Bev, June, Anna and Debra, when Peggy decided and made herself the headliner and took it from June and Bev in a fight with each , if you recall she tore Junes nipple off in a catfight, well from time to time Peggy still danced there in fact she is still on the marquee as  the headliner, but what was never told you was that shortly after Peggy took what she wanted from them, she had a run in with a woman that rivaled her so much she had more losses , draws and wins against her than most she ever fought, these fights got brutal between them and a few times this rival sent a few women to try to weaken Peggy all gave as good as they got.

Let me start from the beginning , after Peggy took the town and was named the headliner at the club she danced at things were going smoothly so we al thought, little did any of us know as Peggy was dancing and raking in extra money the manager who so needed her was talking to a very wealthy real estate developer who was keeping an eye on Peggy, but not just for her body and bust and looks but for her fighting, Trevor Richards was his name, a handsome man yes but also a married man and thats where this story comes to play his wife Pamela was the physical mirror of Peggy, but more than her body being a match Pamela matched Peggy in another way, she was nearly undefeated as well, but instead of towns or men Pamela fought for husbands enjoyment and her own she loved breaking another woman that was a threat to just break her if he was turned on by it even better, so once Trevor saw mom dancing and how full firm and condition she was , it became a no brainer, he had to get his wife and Peggy to meet and agree to a fight, Trevor wasn’t sure then if Peggy would just agree to fight his wife just on the basis to fight, he learned of her reputation and realized Peggy needed to be injury free in case any woman wanted her town or her man, a woman like Peggy will never walk away from a challenge but was another woman asking enough to get them to agree, he wanted this and he built Peggy up for his wife making her lusting to fight, he had half the issue resolved now he set his sights on Peggy.

Trevor ‘s first move was to be seen almost daily by Peggy and tip her very well , enough she walked away from any regular to be with Trevor a simple drink at the bar was a guaranteed 100 dollar tip in her cleavage, as they saw each other more and more the tips were better and the private dances were seething hot as Peggy didn’t mind sliding Trevor’s manhood between her G’s in a private dance booth, but what Trevor didn’t count on was he was falling for Peggy , and truth be told Peggy who was becoming aware Dad was up to something put herself out there to Trevor, slowly the two met at the club more and more, and Trevor wasn’t asking about her fights instead he was asking if Peggy was proud of being the headliner and liked it, she smiled and said of course she had earned it, that was the trigger he needed , he knew a way to get Peggy and Pam to hate each other enough the war would come to him willingly, but he had to do it right and wait for the right moment.

Trevor’s wife Pam was just waiting in the wings you might say she heard about the dancer at the club he was telling her about and she said almost instantly “Set it up” but what Pamela wasn’t told was who she was being set up to fight, had she known would she have said no? or jumped at the chance? Peggy and I have no idea on that but things that were going slowly sudden;y went into high gear, Trevor bought the building the club was in and after a few chats with the manager he bought the club out right, his first move of his plan was easiest, now the crucial part came into play, slowly as he continued to watch Peggy dance when she did as she was back and forth from this town to where our home was she wasn’t on stage often as she started so Trevor saw a way to get her back sooner than planned, Trevor after buying the club expressed to his wife he was in need of a busty dancer to fill in when the headliner was not on, she paid it no mind at first but as he seem to obsess over the so called “star” she became curious enough she said, ‘I’ll step in and dance but I don’t want men pawing me’, he smiled, “Honey you decode what you show and how they tip you not them”, she paused a moment, “if i like it can i bee the headliner?” Trevor smiled , “sweetheart i own the club , only one who might not like it is our current headliner..” Pam cuts him off, “yeah well she isn’t there so she will learn her place, i can start tomorrow”, Trevor thanks her and prepares for the plan to unfold fully.

The next day comes and Trevor is at the club making sure the updated bar , dance floor and private booths are ready, he steps out side and sees a line forming , his wife arrives and goes straight to the dressing room, the club reopens and the regulars like the updates as they start to order drinks and watch, he knows everyone here saw Peggy fight Bev tit to tit for the top spot and they are here in hopes to see Peggy, she has been known to just pop in and go topless and they all love seeing her round firm 36G’s on display, as the normal dancers each get their set done the manager announces, “Big hand for the girls gentlemen, ok we have a treat for you all today, a new dancer and let me tell you guys she rivals anyone we have , get a big hand and welcome for Pamela”,

they all applaud basic style to give a new dancer respect but when Pamela struts out on stage their eyes widen and jaws fall, the cheers roar and the music is nearly drowned out, Pam does her slow snake like dance and then strips off her robe and bra and shimmies her firm round veiny 36G’s, the crowd went nuts and many were tossing their fists of cash on the stage for her, Pamela finishes an extended set, she struts into the dressing room and as she sits at Peggy’s vanity touching up her makeup, all the other dancers warn her to not get comfy or consider moving her ass to another vanity the empty one that was once Beverly’s and Junes, Pamela shrugs it off and even asks why she should the dancers fill her in on how Peggy tears women apart in any style fight, Pamela gets excited as he purrs, “Oh is that so nmmm well we will see when she gets back then won’t we?”, the night ends and Trevor snaps a photo of his wife in her dancer outfit then smiles at her, she smiles back walks to him takes the picture and steps to the billboard out front eases her picture next to Peggy’s and turns, ‘I look forward to meeting your Best dancer”, Trevor nods a smile as he looks at the billboard he sees Peggy’s pic and he breathes in, ‘Be careful what you wish for darling be very very careful”.

Pamela easily fills in for Peggy who as you know was back home taking care of other matters, but like anything those loyal to her spread the word that she needs be back here, Peggy notes the text and well it wasn’t soon after she and I and Joe were headed back this way, no one at the club knew we were coming back, and as we made the drive out I had a shiver up my spin much like those i get anytime she has a fight coming, since her take over of the town, we were able to buy a small home so no more RV’s for us, we pulled in on a Thursday and Peggy called her manager at the club leaving a message, “Hi Hon it is Peggy i am in town shine up my picture and vanity mirror dancing all weekend” , she hung up but the manager who was in the office talking to Trevor was told to not worry over it he would handle it, Trevor walks out front and eases Pamela’s picture from the spot Bev’s picture is, (yes Bev still fills and dances from time to time but the battle between her and Peggy is well over she fought Peggy more than once and lost fairly each time , they have the occasional hair pull slap scrap but thats just the hate for each other in a tight space), Trevor then returns in side at the bar and texts his wife, “we may need a headliner this weekend babe’, she replied almost instantly, “Ok’.

Trevor smiled as she put his phone away he knew the stage was set all that was needed was Pamela and Peggy in that dressing room seeing each other and each seeing the threat the other is to herself and with Pam thinking she is the headliner and Peggy knowing she is the rest will be effortless as their natural instincts would take over for him, once they get a taste of each other all he would have to do is set up a time and place and these two wild cats would rip into each other anyway he suggested and  few they would just do when any opportunity came, Friday morning Peggy was up and getting her self ready she was going to dance from 11 am till closing as the headliner she made her time slots, she put on red ankle strap heels, a pair of tight jean capri’s and a very form fitting spandex top that hugged her natural round firm G breasts her aureola’s and nipples spike tenting it instantly as the soft smooth material trace over them, she smiled at the feeling as she looked in her mirror and her longer now was able to be put up in a tight bun atop her head, her ruby red lipstick and mascara looked like a pro did it, she tossed a red bra and robe in her bag and headed out, Joe and i planned on shopping down town anyway so we were not far behind mom as we drove downtown, we parked across from the club in the parking garage Beverly and June tore each other up in then we all walked to the bar where Bev and Mom and even June had their moment as all watched, Joe and i walked i first and he held the door for mom, she steps in and eyes light up as her veiny cleavage was swelling from her snug top to be free, everyone greeted her in some way and Peggy made her way around the bar checking all out then takes her seat facing the door, we ordered an early lunch and drinks.

I knew once this crowd knew she was back it would take  all of about 15 minutes the street knew then the area then the town, as word flashed in the club the manager was a little nervous only cause as i said Bev still danced and was to be on today as well, but as men started to file in at the word Peggy was back he smiled as he knew she brought in the cash, Trevor was making sure the club was set to open and upon hearing she was down the block he decided to go meet the famous Peggy in person.

Trevor wearing the typical 3thousand dollar suit walks in he pauses a moment as his eyes adjust to the dim lit bar, he looks about then instantly his eyes widen as she sees Peggy that tight top showing not just her amazingly firm round bust but how fit her torso is, her long neck and those piercing green eyes , Peggy looked up as she sipped her drink and caught his stare she licked her lips slowly as her arms went up on the bar and her already bulging mass swelled up and out from between her ams, her deep tight cleavage beckoning Trevor to fall into the great divide, of her veiny mass, Trevor orders a drink then slowly walks around to where mom is sitting he says hi and places a hundred dollar bill on the bar, Peggy smiles as she inhales the expensive cologne, “Hi you must new around here’, he smiles, ‘I am in fact, how did you know?”, Peggy scanning his own fit form, ‘Well lets say not much goes on here that I either don’t know about or find out about, I am Peggy I am a dancer next door’, he shakes her hand ,‘Well i guess this sort of a preview then for me’, Peggy raises a brow, “Oh forgive me but i was planning on going in the club next door but it wasn’t open yet, and i look forward to seeing you dance for sure’, Peggy giggles, “Well if you like what you see so far i can be sure to save a private lap dance for you and I’, Trevor nods “i would love that, how much does a dance like that run/’, she licks her lips, “50 a set”, Trevor opens his wallet and hands Peggy 100 bucks , “I’ll take two sets “, Peggy winks as her fingers feel the crisp fresh bill, “Your on”, they make small talk all the time Trevor is making her smile and despite Moms ring  and his, both act as if they are on the market, the flirting goes on till finally i tap mom’s shoulder, ‘your on in 20 mom”, she quickly sits up “Was nice meeting you Trevor hope i see you inside’, he smiles’Oh trust me you will, if your the headline act i am going to be a regular fixture for sure”, mom smiles leans to his ear whispers something then kisses his cheek leaving lipstick print, he makes no attempt to wipe it as she heads out, he looks to my Joe, “wow a real feisty redhead that one”, Joe nods, “you have no idea buddy”.

Trevor finishes up then heads out, “well i got a date to see a show” he walks back to the club and in seeing Peggy’s picture and knowing she is in already he eases Pamela’s pic back over Bev’s and smiles , his finger taps the plastic cover as he says to himself, “think you met your match my love”, then enters, the club is already almost full as word Peggy was back spread, Trevor smiles as he sees her being here is paying off on the investment he made in the club,  Peggy struts in the dressing room, the other dancers smile and as she sits at her vanity she sees a few things were touched, she looks back at Beverly who turns, “Don’t look at me Honey if i wanna touch anything of yours i’ll get face to face with you and you know it”, Peggy smiles, “i do just making sure, its ok whoever she is will chat with me soon”, Peggy strips to her heels thong and thigh highs on then eases that red bra on and her robe, she ties it at the waist and her breasts spread the top anyway, she swaggers out sand starts the first set, as she dances she sees Trevor watching , winks as he nods holding the card for the private dance booth, Peggy nods and smiles.

Her first double set ends and the crowd cheers her like it was her first time she smiles ties her robe on her bra in her robe pocket and she steps down collecting tips as she smiles and greets her fans, then takes Trevor’s hand, “cmon honey you have a special dance coming”, she leads Trevor away as the curtain closes and Trevor sits , Pamela enters the club and marches to the dressing room, she sees the vanity was in use and turns to beverly, “who did this?” Bev smiles, “your new rival Peggy the headliner i told you that was her vanity”, Pamela strips and dons her jet black thong heels and braa and robe set her tits swelling to be free, “where is she now?”, Bev turns, “with a customer a private dance, gotta go my sets on” Bev leaves as Pam is texting her husband who isn’t replying , Peggy bares her tits to Trevor who cups them in awe and weighs them and squeezes  he feels how firm, “my god Peggy your amazing” she smiles kneels at him and takes his hard cock out then as she sucks on him proceeds to titfuck him till he blows his load on her amazing breasts, she stands closing her robe as her large round breasts swelling now glisten with his juices ass he is about to wipe them she hears the announcement, “Thank you Bev as always next up guys you know her , she’s new but wow right the next headliner here Pamela”, Peggy eyes wide, “WHAT!?, she throws open the curtain and steps out to watch hands on her hips her tight Gs swelling and glisten with his juices, Pamela struts on stage and strips the robe and then the bra, Pamela is 5’(“ 147 pounds a 36G-26-36 blood red, red head she sways her heavy round veiny tits showing every bit as firm as Peggy’s the crowd going nuts as money litters the stage Pamela looks out sees Peggy she is stopped in her tracks as the two red heads glare inhaling for each other then Pamela sees Trevor ease from the booth behind Peggy her lips snarl back as Peggy does the same, both nod as it is clear they won’t be cordial anytime soon.

Peggy takes the extra tip from Trevor as she smiles’Looks like she has her eye on me as well’, Peggy smirks “not for long honey i am going to scratch her eyes out”,she swaggers away toward the back stage and dressing rooms, her robe taught from her swollen G’s as Pamela looking the same turned and went back stag as well, the next dancer was called out as music starts and Pamela is in the dressing room first her as in Peggy’s seat at her vanity, Beverly smiles and eases from her vanity but stays to watch what happens, the door opens Peggy steps in the two redheads glare then Peggy shuts the door, “i think we need a chat”, Pamela smirks “why would i chat with you?”, Peggy steps closer and her pointy finger nail shuts the vanity light off Pamela looks at her leaning at her her huge tits bulging spilling at her face but coated in the customers juices, “understand this honey, its my club, my vanity my headline and that hunk is all mine now as well”, Peggy hisses, Pamela turns the light back on with her pointy nail, “you have not been here in a while the place got an upgrade and well better dancer so i guess that part is over, you had that man between your tits?”, Peggy straightens up and swaggers from Pam hands on hips “thats right he said these are the best he ever felt and wants a lot more so your done here” Pamela stands up her hands on hr hips her tits ready to burst free, “not yet i think i will have that chat with you right here”, the room is dead silent as the hiss of the robe sashes slide and undo the knots the robes sway open and each woman shreds her robe tits out ready for war , Pamela draws near Peggy , “i want whats mine” Peggy draws in, “whats that bitch?”, Pam sneers, “my mans cum on my tits”, Peggy realizing that was her rivals man smiles, “come take it bitch”.

Beverly smiling as she is against a back wall watches as the two amazons come together a solid dense CLOP rings out as they grind tit to tit they glare and spit at each other Peggy snarls, “Bitch”, Pam “Whore” instantly hands go to hair and the two busty goddesses are ripping away as they go tit to tit, their long legs widen for stability their fingers and knuckles turn red as they twist fistfuls of hair tight in their grips and pull, making faces red and eyes well up, as teeth show lips curl back, every inch of the room is used as one then the other yanks her rival by her roots across the room, grunting, gasping, panting as growl’s of Bitch, cunt and more are exchanged, heads whipped and yanked and shaken about, as big breasts swell, bulge,mushroom and sway between their bodies, beverly watches a smile a mile wide as she adds the occasional ‘Get that bitch, fight her rip her hair out”, she wasn’t cheering for either one she was playing it smart , if Peggy won not much would change, if Pam wins the Queen who took everything from her was gone, the two fighter spin from the door into center room, each starts to  shout her pain now as they threaten to bald each other, Pamela pulls her left hand free of Peggy’s hair and sinks a blow into Peggy;s tummy, bending her over at the waist, Bev’s eyes widen, Peggy grunts from the blow, Pamela then using her right hand still in Peggy’s hair spins her rival by the hold , Peggy goes to her knees and Pam straddles her shoulder and her right hand filled with hair pulls straight up, as her left hand delivers a blow to Peggy’s cheek, “Cmon cunt Fight me you Whore” , the blow made full contact and Peggy was thrown back as she covered ehr face, Pam, can’t find a clean spot to punch again so she whips Peggy by her hair to the floor and starts to straddle her, Peggy still a fighter turns on her back and sees pam coming claws open, she kicks her heel up into Pam’s stomach sending her back onto her ass , Peggy rolls up and pounces on pam as she turns to get up, Peggy rips her head back bending Pams head back delivers a blow to her cheek then as they both squirm and fight they end up Peggy on top of Pam face to face, as the door handle jiggles and loud knocking it is the bouncer, Bev shouts, ‘Cmon fight they are coming”, Pam claws up at Peggy’s breast who grabs her wrists pins them under knees then lands a fist to Pam’s left eye, Pam is dazed and Peggy quickly splays her body on top of her rivals and her big G’s sway at Pam’s face, Want his cum Bitch allow me’ Peggy smothers Pam’s face and sears her sweat and the juices of Trevor on Pam’s face, “nmmm thats it take it al you cheap bitch’, Pam squirms and can’t get free, the door breaks open and the bouncer grabs Peggy hauls her up off Pam, Peggy stands ready for more as Pam is helped up, her eye already swollen black and blue, the bouncer grabs her bra and robe and clothes and walks her out to change in the office, as Peggy kicks the door shut she swaggers to her vanity.

She sits a bit rattled but fine her hand swipes the vanity top and all the make up Pam used  into the trash barrel, Bev. is smiling as she looks at Peggy in her mirror, Peggy looks back from her mirror, ‘You know Beverly if i find out that bitch was your doing you and I are going to have it out one more time’, Bev. wearing al pearl white thong bra and robe nipples tenting from the fight, “Peggy honey i am well aware you and I will be fighting again, i may have lost every time to you but with nothing else to lose it will be just cat to cat, but that said dear no that fire cracker was not my doing ,i wish she was , cause honestly Peggy i fought you, seen you fight your good, but seeing her well sugar i think you just met your match ad you know it, so good luck and maybe when it is all over if she leaves enough of you you and i can go one last time”, Bev stands as her set is about to start, she swaggers and looks back at peggy, she caresses her own breasts in her bra, “and a titfight for old times sake chat soon’ then walks out.

Peggy eases the snarl in her lip then looks at her reflection, the cheek is bruised her hair a mess, she brushes it out as she takes some ice from her drink and holds it to her face, her eyes look at herself in the mirror as she hisses “Well Peggy you are in for a fight this time”, the rest of the night Peggy finishes her sets as planned her eyes constantly scanning the crowd for he rival waiting but she was gone, outside the club Trevor sits in his car with his wife she looks out the window hopes Peggy struts out, as he sees his wive wants more he looks at ehr, ‘Babe i know your a fighter but she really laid one on you, sure you rather not head home and call this one  a bad choice/’, she looks at him, ‘You fucked her tits, are they as good?’, he looks away, “Are they as good?”, he huffs then looks at her “Yes ok they are amazing and equal to yours but I am with you’, Pamela inhales, ‘I want something from you”, he looks ahead “Name it”, she swallows slowly, ‘I don’t care what it costs, what you have to do, but that Bitch  and I ? i want her to know anytime we call, see her or are near each other you will find a place for her and i to fight any way we can”, he smirks as he has his wife ready to fight, ‘Fine “, as they are ready to pull away Peggy strut out, he sees her Pam reaches for the handle, ‘who whoa honey not on the street you will be in jail before the nights over, let me handle this , i promise i will have her wanting at you as much ok/’, she nods and Trevor gets out of the car and trots to Peggy.

“Peggy honey’, Peggy turns sees Trevor she smiles then she sees Pamela in the car snarling, peggy arches and sets hands to hips ready for her to come out of the car, Trevor smiling , ‘Listen i heard what took place and I gotta tell ya my money was on you the entire time’, peggy smiles, “It should be so how about you let her out of the car and we go again’, Trevor looks to Pam then Peggy, “oh my gosh i would so love that but we both know the cops would be here before it was really going, so i have a proposition for you”, Peggy looks him over “whats that”?, he eases an envelope from his inside pocket and hands it to Peggy, “that? that is 5 thousand dollars, we both know win or lose you and she are going to do some damage to each other which means you both miss out on dancing, so i am covering your expenses and any injury time you need with one condition”, Peggy sees the money slips it in her purse, ‘and that is?”, he smiles hen hands out with a shrug, “simple she wants to fight you till one of you can’t go on as often and as many ways as it takes all i get to d is watch and find the right place, so is it a deal?”, Peggy eyes Pam who glares back then Peggy smiles, “on one condition of my own”, Trevor feeling the deals done, “name it” Peggy cups his cock through his jeans and rubs as her bust presses to him, “i get you win or lose , i wan  your whore wife to see my face 24/7 we agree?”, Pam opens the car door Peggy sneers “better decide she wants a fight now”, Trevor stammers, “agree you fight her  win or lose we get time alone and for the record, Peggy, i am cheering you on your tits are amazing”, Pam screams, “BITCH!!” Trevor spins “not here not now lets go”, Peggy wiggles her talons as she hisses, “saved again honey see you soon”, in the car Pam looks at him “well?”, “its a yes but her one condition….she gets me win or lose”, Pam snarls “do it i want at her”, he starts the car and as he shifts to drive he smiles, “i already did “.

Chapter 2: Let the Games Begin

Peggy returns home and as I hear her in her room i walk by, ‘hey Mom you ok?”, i see her cheek she smiles, “Oh honey i am wonderful , why are you up?”, I walk in her room and she strips of her tight top and her round firm veiny G’s just about stand straight out, my eyes can’t help but stare , she smiles, ‘Yes the girls are fine as well, and before you ask, the bitch who did this yeah she got it as good and we are far from over”, she strips off her jeans and heels then turns as she eases on her robe, “whats bugging you ?”, i look away , ‘well i just wonder mom if this all worth it’, she smiles grabs the envelope and spills the cash out, ‘See that ? that was just to agree to fight his wife , as long as i do there is more win or lose why wouldn’t i?,besides he is filthy rich and wants me to win”, I look up ,‘And Dad?’, she smiles, ‘Your Dad is up to something we both know it, if he finds another bar whore i will handle her till then Momma’s gonna make some money”.

I see there is no talking her out of it, not sure i want to with that kind of money thrown at her, but i pause look back ‘Mom/, just one thing, if you lose  and she hurts you bad, what happens if you can’t accept a Queen challenge for the towns?’, she smiles” no worries dear most Queens will respect healing time if they r=truly wanna fight for towns, as far as those whores your father finds, I have no reason to commit but when i am healed you can bet i will be taking bras and scalps again, now stop worrying , if i thought i was in deep i would refuse and you know your momma can fight with the big girls”, I smile , i am worried cause for the first time i see a doubt in her eyes ass he applies her creams to her face and breasts, i never seen fear in Peggy but tonight there was some she was worried about her new rival and well we both soon would see why.

As Peggy wakes up and grabs her coffee she goes up to her room to drink it, i had a feeling something was stirring, I waited a minute then eased up stairs, i guess from being use to alone more lately her door was left open a good 2 “ so i peak in and there is Mom sitting at her desk her robe tied and just a thong, she was looking at her cell then turned on her computer, i knew it meant one thing she was about to chat with a woman to du=discuss a fight, this typically took place at night so whoever it was wanted this as much as mom did, her computer opens up and instantly her face time app rings, she sips her coffee then clicks accept and a screen flickers then this handsome guy is there, ‘Well good morning Peggy how are you today?”, Peggy traces her talons across her bulging cleavage , “ oh i am wonderful Trevor but i need to know how did you get my number and info?”, he giggles, “Well i confess you got me, your bound to find out, I bought the club you work at all the upgrades that was me, and my wife dancing me as well, i mean she does fit the bill you gotta agree on that”, Peggy breathes in as she realizes just how wealthy this man is, “Well it makes sense now, and as much as she and i want to rip other apart i will give you that she is built for the job certainly, but we aren’t here to discuss a schedule on who dances when so where is she?”.

He smiles, “ no worries she is waiting to chat with you as well, but i wanted to see if before you two do you had any requests questions or style in particular you prefer to fight her at and be open please”, Peggy inhales a slight smirk on her lips, “Well if i had to narrow things down, certainly her tits against mine not once either anytime we can, then naturally cat to cat, hair, hands to tits and before we really go at each other her womanhood vs mine, and as i said I get you after “, he nods, “Yes well about that, my only question is what if she beats you and enough you can’t have me/’, Peggy stares a second, ‘Then she gets me as she pleases ask your little bitch if that is acceptable before she sits in that chair”, Trevor smiles as he starts to get up Peggy stops him, “oh one other thing, did you mean it when you said my tits are amazing better than hers?”, he clears his throat, “well please keep in mind i was only comparing yours around my cock  i haven’t truly compared why are you nervous hers may beat yours?”, Peggy hesitated i was right she is worried, “well no i mean i lost my share as i am certain she has so i look forward to her and i going to it, but i want to be sure darling after i crush her tits and milk her as you watch you want that hard big cock between mine again”, he stammer and softly says, “your in for a fight but i would love to have your tits at my disposal”, Peggy inhales hiding her ability to flex them, “oh honey anytime you want them just bring your cock and your bitch after  i beat her they are all yours now get that bitch so we can set a fight up”.

Trevor nearly runs to get his wife and soon she swaggers into view and sits looking at Peggy, both see a small reminder of the others fist as they stare, Pamela begins, ‘well there she is I hope my becoming a headliner was less a blow than my fist honey”, Peggy smiles, ‘’ Well it might have had an effect if i cared, i dance there cause I needed to take it from that other dancer Bev who was their top headliner, after she felt she was going to show me who is top bitch she learned it wasn’t as easy as she thought,…and she learned 4 times straight poor dear”, Pam listens and that sly smirk is on her lips as much as on mom’s, “well i did have to press my point to her when i showed up but it didn’t take as long for her to see i was way to much to handle”, Peggy clenches her teeth at the subtle taunt , “well she was a good fight  kept wanting more and coming back, but like you my points were able to make her see it was best to stay second act to the headliner”, Pam now tightens her jaw as Peggy’s reply clearly tells her she is tough to beat, the silent breaks has them both wondering if they made a big mistake now as the brief tangle the night before was nearly a draw till Peggy was yanked of Pam who had her but as she learned Peggy never is an easy win.

Pamela breathes in she knows Peggy  is aware Trevor’s watching and more knows Peggy had him between her tits and he was praising her to Pam and Peggy can sense it as she purrs, “i really miss your mans cock between my big tits honey maybe he should sit back down, he seems more …ready to face me”, pam narrows her eyes, “the only reason you and i want at each other is him and well the fact i love to fight other Busy bitches just to fight, and don’t let his being your boss hold you back I really mean we are going to fight”, Peggy purrs a moan, “nmm well i for one can’t wait for you and i to not only have a fight but know every time we see the other we will in some form till one of us just can’t go on facing the other and trust me Honey i take what i want after i win, shall we get started then?” Peggy pulls her robe open and her full round veiny majestic G’s swell out nipples stiff she arches and poses as Pam watches, “nmmm more than you originally thought aren’t they”, Pam’s eyes flash as she searches her mind to recall the feel of Peggy’s to her own but the spat escalated so fast its a fog, she hen pulls her robe open and off she arches and poses for Peggy, “ohhh i think  they are something but no match for these at all but we are going to certainly find out ….that is if i can keep myself from clawing your eyes out”.

Peggy scoffs at her but like Pam she can’t recall how firm her rival felt it was so quick but one look at her and she can see  Pam isn’t going down easy at all either, mom cups and caresses her G’s at Pam doing the same, “nmmm well bitch my tits are so ready to fight yours if i can stop from scratching your eyes out that is”, Pam is caressing her own as the two cougars glare lusting to fight now as they work their own breasts as if titfighting, Peggy moans, “nmmm yess when Bitch i want at “, Pam squeezes her own in arousal, “ohh yess sooner the better Bitch i want at you nmm fight me today anywhere i’l have him find us a spot just show up agree?”, Peggy squeezes her own “mmmm oh yesss yess get him on here i am ready lets meet and go at it”,  both cats massage and knead a bit longer then Pam stands up she huffs at  the screen, “Peggy know this i see you with him or alone i’l tear into you street ,alley bar it doesn’t matter,”, Peggy huffs back “oh bitch you can count on that anytime anywhere  bitch to bitch”, Trevor guides Pam from the seat and he sits and sees Peggy staring back slowly kneading her amazing tits he stammers as she asks “these make you hard sugar?” he gulps ‘god yes” she smirks “then let me at her and they are yours “, he sees Pam working her own to the side, “arrange it baby i’ll crush her tits s you watch and any rules or none my tits are better”, he thinks a moment, “ok i have it there is a small gala for a foundation Friday, Peggy i’ll send a car and dress for you at 7 you two can fight after the donations are handled agree?” Peggy moans yes as does Pam they sign off and Peggy squeezes her G’s deep “that cunt, i want at her”.

Peggy’s cell goes off and its the info on the time to be ready the car coming  she texts back, “i will be ready”, she does a normal routine and i see she is a bit nervous i ask if i can attend since she may need a ride after she texts Trevor he agrees fully and she smiles “your in”, Friday comes and a car pulls up with attire for mom in a box, she goes to her room and changes when she walks out it is a thin very low cut V cut mini dress a copper red and a matching bra thong heels and thigh highs Peggy puts it on emerges and Joe and i Gasp “holy shit  mom” she smiles, “well i am either coming home with two of these bras and her milk or her mine lets get to the car”, we enter the limo and the drive is silent i can’t say a thing that will ease her fear , doubts and thoughts about how tonight will end, we pull into a large estate just the cars here alone could cut the national debt in half, i step out then mom does we are escorted to the grand home and we enter a huge foyer, Trevor walks up kisses Peggy “my god you look amazing i hope your better than Her tonight if that was possible” as Peggy smiles Pamela appears at the rooms doorway “Bitch” mom sees her “Whore” they rush at each other and grab hair, “cunt fight me “ Peggy hisses, they get torn apart before it goes to far “ladies ladies be patient you two are going to have plenty of time to really fight tonight its a titfight as agreed on “ a maid takes Peggy to a room then another Pam to a different room, Trevor takes my hand “you will want to see this my dear your mother is the best my wife has fought yet”.

We enter a large room a marble floor and a large area rug in the center people all around draped in diamonds, sipping champagne, Trevor smiling at all as talks for donations are all about the room, he stands me by the bar orders me a drink, he whispers softly at my ear, “anyone asks who or what your doing here just tell them your with me, i have to get your mother and my wife ready be back “, I watch him walk to to the hall way and turn right towards the room his wife is in, 2 minutes go by and he passes to the left to see Peggy in her room, 4 minutes go by and he walks back in, a smile as he claps his hands he gets everyones attention, “ladies and Gentlemen thank you for the donations tonight and i know your all waiting and wondering who Pam is going to fight tonight, Well i can tell you all you will not be disappointed at all, i found a woman her exact equal and loves to fight every bit as much so without any more delay allow me to introduce your fighters”, he nods to a maid by the large door way everyone there forms a ring around the area rug set for the women, Trever clears his throat, “your current champ my wife Pamela”, Pam swaggers into view pauses a second then struts in the large room her red hair up make up perfect and wearing the same dress as Peggy but in a emerald green matching under and black thigh highs, she smiles as everyone admires her fit busty figure and know her reputation well, she walks into the wall of people and emerges in the center and takes a strut around the inner square then stops at one side, her hand on her hip other at her side.

Trevor smiles at Pam then the bell rings again, the heels click as Peggy appears in the large doorway her breasts swelling in her v cut dress as she smiles nearly all gasp and instantly are comparing her to Pam , slowly she swaggers at the crowd , they part as she enters the center , she paces around then stops opposite Pam who loses her smile as does Peggy,  Peggy holds a similar pose as they glare across the large area rug, busts rise and fall slowly, Trevor announces “ladies feel free to remove those dresses and bras to get started” there is silence then Peggy says,”how about it bitch care to help each other out of them?”, Pam hisses “oh bitch i never thought you would ask” they walk out to meet Trevor at center rug, glaring daggers Pam points her nail at Trevor, “we know what the fight is honey now just watch  leave us to it”, Peggy does the same to him, “nmmm yes honey let the girls talk now go watch”, Pam huffs, “i told you hands off him Whore”, Peggy “and i told you make me Whore” they reach out and each delivers a slap to others face, they circle a sneer of hate, “want it rough Pam?”, Pam hisses “can you bring it rough Bitch”, Pam pauses her circling she stands straight legged glaring at Peggy who stops and faces her, Pam snarls , “cmon Bitch get this dress off me so my tits can beat yours”, Peggy smirks and reaches toward Pam’s cleavage “With pleasure”.

Everyone watches as Peggy grabs the V cut of her rivals dress front Pam inhales her eyes locked on Peggy, who glares back, then amid the silence of the room, all hear a rip , Peggy tugs stretching her arms as the dress front tears open to Pam’s waistline,
 a few extra tugs and Peggy has the dress top half ruined, then eases back a quarter step her hands on her hips, Pam has a smirk and slowly eases the left torn strap from her chest and the right strap off then pushes the tattered dress past her hips till it slips down pooling at her heels and she steps from it kicks it away, Peggy purrs, “Well Bitch get mine off lets go”, Pam reaches out she grabs the V cut low at the cleavage point and curls her hands into it pulling the dress at her her teeth show as Peggy stares then rip her hands yank and stretch apart as she destroys the dress to Peggy’s waist and as she does she reaches at the back of Peggy’s neck and tugs and pulls , the loosened dress a bit harder to rip but she forces Peggy to stagger as she tears it till it hangs at the hips of Peggy then she faces her rival , Peggy slips past her hips it falls and after stepping free kicks it aside, both women pose as everyone can see their round veiny full heavy breasts cradled in the bra cups as the straps are taught off their chests, their warm veiny full breasts rise and fall heavy but slow as they breath ready to fight.

Peggy purrs now, “We ready to start Bitch?”, Pam scans Peggy’s bust and bra “don’t you want to go tit to tit?”, Peggy smirks, “oh i do so badly but i thought we might see who can push her rivals tits free before we rip these bras off you are woman enough aren’t you?”, Pam can sense everyones eyes on her as she rarely is the one challenged, “ok Bitch lets have it your way then” both women ease their hands to their hair and suck in a deep breath as they slowly sway hips and start to reset stances then withe large room having the loud echo point it does they draw in and both ease their bra cups against the others slowly they slide their cups across each others, eyes locked as they use their torso’s and shoulders to get a firm position against the others cups, everyone can tell the level of firm pressure each uses as the bra material has a gentle hiss but steady, as the rivals glare their eyes telling each other they just want to claw it out, stand in silence then as i was expecting Peggy starts to press firmer to Pam and all see a slight shift in Pam’s cups as her firm G’s get pressed by an equal pair, their tenting nipples rubbing getting each pair even stiffer as the women feel its effect they breath a bit heavier in arousal despite the hate, Pam hisses as if a secret, “nmmm cmon get my tits out Bitch my nipples want at yours”, Peggy hides it but i see a slight blink as she and i are fully aware her record in nipples duels is 50/50 at best, but like any fight Peggy will never try to divert from a challenge especially after making one herself, she softly hisses back, “I look forward to it if you can ever get my tits out of my bra Bitch, not feeling much from you cow”.

Well the taunts all knew were going to be part of any fight more so one from Pam but the fighters take them to heart as adrenalin is pumping , jealousy and other emotions boiling it doesn’t take much to light the fuse to make things explode, Pam tightens her lips , “cow? coming from a whore like you thats a compliment”, Peggy, “oh is it? hmm? well i think you and i are ready for this fight don’t you?”, Pam curls a lip, “oh so ready shall we speed the process up “?, Peggy nods “lets”, they crush head on together cups on cups breasts mass bulging between them but trapped in cups they both instantly start to rip at the others bra straps and stretch and pull and shake wanting them torn not eased off, “cmon”, “get to it “ they hiss at one another, each tugs and tears at the others bra with new vigor as they feel and see runs in the band and straps start to slacken and soon Pam yanks Peggy by her bra straps and they spin as one Peggy’s right strap snaps and hangs off the back, Pam and her break as Pam still has both straps on “weak bra for a weak bitch”, Peggy curls her lip, “big mouth bitch” Peggy grabs the front of Pam’s bra between her breasts and pulls, Pam stutter at Peggy  who twists and staggers past her, Peggy quickly grabs the right bra strap of Pam and her other hand grabs at the clasp area and she starts to shake and yank hard rips are heard then as Pam arches SNAP the strap breaks and dangles and Peggy rips a run along the clasps , the bra slackens now, but Pam is as determined as Peggy she whips around shoves Peggy and as Peggy teeters on her heels Pam uses the other strap to spin Peggy and snakes her arm around Peggy’s neck pulling back on her neck Peggy is arched back on Pam’s hip her free hand twisting and pulling the clasps “Fucking Bitch let me go and fight my tits”, Pam snarls at her ear, “oh bitch you and i are gonna fight and more than tits tonight”.

Peggy squirms and pulls free of Pam’s grip but as she does her bra is pulled up and her right breast freed as her left is barely covered, Peggy turns to see Pam with that confident grin, “looks like your tits are a little out of place”, Peggy steps and grabs Pam’s bra at the cleavage and stretches it outward , Pam’s breasts bulge up together as the bra cups are pulled and narrowed, tugging at herself Peggy twists the bra then yanks it down and forces Pam’s tits to bounce free, “Bitch!”, Peggy steps back had on her hip, “looks like your tits are loose “, both women snarl then reach back and finish removing their bras ad toss them aside their breasts swell out naturally free and the crowd whispering about them as Peggy is truly a match to Pam,  with the women topless now all know this titfight will be intense, they circle slow nearly body to body then square again their nipple start to flick and rub, both inhale sharply at the feeling, they stare and despite the crowd the great rooms sound effect allows everyone to hear the soft tapping of their stiff nipples as they joust with them, I am worried for Mom her record of nipple duels isn’t the best and something is telling me fighting Pam has made her bite off more than she can chew.

Pam feels her rivals stiff nipples and sucks in a breath i see a look of doubt in her eyes as her and Peggy get a bit faster and the stabbing head on begins, both are swallowing deeply as they duel faster thighs wide heels planted, the room silent as the wealthy watch the fight get slowly going both fighters stand proud and do the best to get an advantage but neither gains one as their nipples darken red from the constant contact, both women nostrils flaring now as their chests rise and fall faster lips purse as they are dead even I silently in my head scream “Get her mom you got this”, i see Trevor look on a slight squint as he sees his wife struggling to invert Peggy, they flick, and dab head on both inhale trying to add strength to their now engorged stiff nipples, longer and thicker then i typically have see n,aureolas swelling pushing them out more, their huffing voices exchange a quick clash, “Cmon Bitch”, “Bring it Whore lets go’, everyone hears every little thing as the watch, then Peggy rolls her shoulders back, I tense  she is about to go head on and try her best, Pam drags right then as she comes back sees Peggy ready to go head on she stops and lines up to her rival then feel others broad tips and then eyes lock and  slowly then a sudden push by each, their rounded heavy breasts swell slightly then they stand frozen as they glare both pressing as firm as they can, i watch their eyes  their expressions both get a red face tint as they feel others nipples , then i see both roll their head as they gasp out, “uuuhhhhh” as if planned, their bodies stiffen chests swell as they press and then Peggy turns her head her mouth open, pam swallows then slowly lowers her head and glares straight at mom, her lips part into a smile then she hisses, “Well you gonna say it or am i gonna show them ?”, Peggy has no reply then Pam peels away her nipples standing stiff and ready, her hands go on her hair as she shows all watching then she steps back as Peggy stands her nipples inverted in to her aureola’s, everyone smirks as they were sure Pam was going to win Peggy cups her tits and massages her nipples back out to full stiff.

It was nothing for these two women compared to what is to come, but Peggy with a reputation like hers was looking off now as Pam seemed more confident than before, once her nipples were back out and ready Pam headed straight for Peggy who was more angry than she was at the start, she braces as Pam slowly comes at her the slow swagger was adding more tension, Peggy was tensing her body she knew full well that her new rival wasn’t going to be easy by her confident approach, the entire grand room was silent, the dulled heel strike and the two amazons breathing the only noise, then the awaited sound came, “CLOP” rang out , neither woman so much as grunts as they glare in the others eyes and start to grind and roll their big breasts into the others, they hid the effect well as they crushed together both tighten their lips and breath out the breath through flared nostrils, shoulders back they strictly want to fight tit tot tit and show those watching their tits were better, they slowly try to stand their ground but they are pressing to the other as fir as they can causing both fighters to lose ground then retake it and advance on her rival, breathing gets faster and heavier as they stare eye to eye as they bulge, splay,lift, roll, and smear their proud big breasts, aureola’s seem to melt together and reemerge tinting red each pass and firm seemingly non motion grind, veins bulging across the round surfaces of breasts as nipples become overly stiff again.

The duel goes on slow but gaining momentum, their tan breasts start to gain the familiar red tint darkening by the minute as 15 minutes of just pure dragging, pressing and smearing passes the women stand and step as one chins up eyes locked hands on hair, as upper chests heave and tummies bellow, the group watch with awe that another woman not only can compare to their Pam but equals her, and now seem to be going step for step against he their busty favorite and making her work for a win , at least a win is what they expect, now as the women drag heavier at the others breasts with their own they start to move about covering nearly every inch of the extra large rug set out to prevent either from slipping on the marble floor under it, both women have to part their lips now as the need for more deeper fuller breaths come as they start to sweat and grind their breasts harder at the others, both get red in the cheeks as they are breathing and slowly huffing and soon panting, each is starting to feel the others weight, mass ,firmness, and ability and neither can deny her rival anymore the effect felt both start to grunt and moan through the constant barrage of contact and pressure head on as they push, press , mushroom,and bulge ,smearing ,dragging as chest muscles and tendons are tested to the limits they were intended for.

Peggy was angry at her performance at the start but she plans to make Pam pay, Pam plans to devour her rival and show any and everyone that will watch she doesn’t get beat especially by a bitch her equal, the clops of their firm breasts ring out more frequently now as do their panting taunts, Pam starts to pump head on at Peggy their large breasts quake and jostle, Peggy starts to lose ground and you can see in Pam’s eyes her hunger to make her rival say she gives, “cmon you Bitch fight my tits put em up”, Peggy is starting to pant harder and a gasp escapes her lips as Pam hears it she sneers, “feeling my tits bitch? now i hurt yours”, but i know mom wasn’t ready to give it was way to soon, she starts a slow side to side drag and Pam is looking to time her head on pumps between Peggy’s sway then i see it, Peggy is not in trouble , she is setting Pam up she wants to hurt her, Pam arches as she inhales , her proud firm round tits sway out at attention she shimmies wanting Peggy to go head on , Peggy nods, “lets go” Pam smirks then the echo rings out SMACKKKKK!” then the grunting cry, “UUGHHH OWWWWWW BITCH!!” Pam is stood straight up her tits knocked up at her chin they drop on Peggy’s who is thrusting in and up into Pam’s undersides, “mmfff mfff , cmon CMON Put em bitch fight my tits!!” Pam is rocked by surprise she shakes her head no in disbelief, her sweat flies of her tits as she buckles at the knees, the entire group GASP at once as the sound of clops now turn to SLAPS as Peggy is knocking the soft undersides of Pam like punching bags with her own tits, and Pam shaking her head no is unable to move back in fear of being thrown to the rug on her back.

Peggy gets rougher and rougher the dense slaps quake her firm tits as her mouth drops open her hands drop to Peggy’s body and try to push her off, Peggy instantly drops her hands from hair and grabs Pam by her thong and pulls up and to he forcing pam to suffer the underside blows and deep grinding, heer tits jostling on top of Peggy’s as if no weigh to them, “ughhh ughhh mff ohhh owww owww Bitch MY TITS STOP!!” Peggy goes at her harder, “MFFF MFFF GIVE cunt OR FIGHT CMON!!”, the slaps get a deeper dense sound a wet fleshy thwacking as Peggy’s tits are literally pounding them into submission”Cmon Bitch “ Peggy wants more and more as Pam steps back shaking legs Peggy inhales SMACK SMACK!! 2 more upper cuts in a row, Pam’s head flies back her hands drop and her knees buckle out from under her, “STOP MY TITS OH YOU BITCH STOP!!”, Peggy driving Pam back and down now, “SAY IT BITCH MAKE THEM HEAR IT … SAY IT!!” Pam shakes her head no but is hurt bad, her body finally gives out the fights at one hour and as she hits the rug Peggy pounces on her rivals body, she pins her wrists to the rug, breathing heavy Peggy demands the surrender, Pam spits up at her, Peggy sneers, “lets do it your way then Bitch”, Peggy smiles with evil as she starts to undulate her body getting her heavy firm laden tits to sway then CLOP then again and again as she bangs her tits up into Pam’s setting up open targets on her chest the slaps get louder, fuller and sharper, Pam shaking her head in tears, “please …ughhh Please owww my tits”, Peggy spits i her face now, “Say it you Bitch now “, Pam is getting her tits ground and smacked bout he chest, the gasps tell her what the crowd sees happening she feels it as Peggy other sweaty and red face and tits is fighting like it just began, Pam swallows she hates what she has to do but if she doesn’t it is obvious Peggy is going to hurt tits bad and a rematch will be a long wait, she nods then GASPS, “OK OK ENOUGH I GIVE YOU WIN”, Peggy continues grinding her tits into Pam’s then a confident grin, ‘I’ll take my reward Bitch”, she forces Pam on her tummy then takes her by the hair till Pam is on all 4’s then mounts the small of her back , she looks at he crowd like a hunter holding the head up of a vanquished prey, then her hands SMACK into the heaving hanging red tits of Pam, “OOWwww’ ,Peggy deeply squeezes, wrenches and twists away  milking Pam, who gets teary eyed as those watching are stunned they just watched her lose a titfight and a big one that matters, as her milk sprays forced free the rug gets wetter then Peggy shoves her down, rolls her and smothers her face in her tits , then sits up and smears her pussy on Pam’s face riding it as Pam licks, Peggy holds her hand out takes both bras despite torn, takes the robes and finally stands up, she eases her robe on, Pam glares up, Peggy beckons Trevor over as she looks down at Pam she smiles and hisses, “He is gonna be a little busy worshipping my tits and then i am gonna titfuck him, mind cleaning yourself up” and she and Trevor walk out of the grand room.

Chapter 3: Taste of Your Own Medicine

Peggy did what she said she beat Trevor’s wife she took what she deserved and Trevor never tried to slow mom down, he loved worshiping her big firm tits more so that beat Pam’s fairly, according to mom as she sat up on him looking down over her powerful tits she asked him what was next, he smiled up caressing her firm breasts and deeply groans, “nmmm what do you think? you and my wife are going to fight anyway, every way two  women can fight till one of you has had enough and then she will want more”, Peggy riding him stares down, “When are we fighting again?”, he looks at Peggy, “knowing my wife?, within an hour or two are you up for that?’, Peggy rides him slow, “Get me a new outfit i will Fight that cunt and you tell her I am willing’, Trevor starts to cum as Peggy controls him she takes his cell and hands it to him, “tell her now she knows we are here”, Trevor a sexy smirk dials his wife as he is about to say hello Peggy tighten her pussy and starts to make him cum, “uuuhhhh oh Shit uhhh Hi love uhhnn mmm oh yes she is and Wow, uuuhhhh she wants to Fight you as well, sooner the better whew damn babe i can;’t talk here”, Peggy is handed the cell as she arches on him”What Bitch?”, Pam snarling, “your good bitch but we are far from done”, Peggy rides him faster, “nmmm i made him cal you Bitch i want at you as much nights young  still a few of the crowd here , lets get dressed and fight more”, Pam hisses “i’ll be ready meet me in the same room”, Peggy smiles in a hiss, “mmmmm as soon as i make him cum again i’ll fight you bitch to bitch any way every way you want”, Peggy dropped the cell on the bed and made Trevor yell another orgasm as Pam listened and he worship and praised her tits.

Trevor got dressed and Peggy went in the bathroom, “i am showering tell your wife i will be ready in 20 oh and make our attire worth it “ she blows him a kiss and he staggers out of her room, he tells the maid assigned to Peggy to grab attire from the store room and he goes to Pam she has showered and is now in a robe waiting to hear where her and Peggy are fighting and in what , she and Peggy will decide the how from here on out, he nods to her then sends her maid to meet the other at the store room and get back with attire for a fight, the maid nods and leaves, Pam her tits sore swollen  aching breathes heavy, “i am going to hurt her Trevor “ he runs his hands on her arms, “Be careful babe this one won’t give up without a real fight”, Pam looks at him, ‘then she will get a real fight here the club the street that bar i won’t stop”, he smiles “thats my girl”, Trevor leaves the room as Pam is nervous she never lost so cleanly in a titfight and Peggy worked her good, worse of it she knows Trevor is lusting over Peggy’s tits like he once did over her own, she wants at Peggy as much as Peggy at her but she doesn’t want to end it here she wants to fight Peggy often beat her often hurt s often as she can but she knows now Peggy can hurt her as much, this will be a fight from sexy to all out back alley and in between, her door opens and the maid hands her a box , she shuts it and opens it on her bed , its a set of black ankle strap heels, black leggings and a red blouse no bra she smiles and starts to dress, across the home Peggy gets a box in it is the same heels and leggings but a purple blouse no bra she smiles as she knows her proud breasts will be at it again as well as targets, she changes now as the women get ready to meet again, Trevor announces that Peggy and Pam are far from done tonight and anyone wishing to may stay to see the next fight, no one leaves they wanna see these two fight.

Pam pulls her top on buttons it at her cleavage then ties it up at her breasts her sexy midriff on display, Pam nods at the maid who smiles and walks her to Trevor as he stands by me at the bar and she grabs a drink, he looks at her, nipples tenting her tits swollen sway a bit from the titfight , and she feels it as she looks at her husband, “nmmm glad they all stayed”, he hugs her by the waist, “so am i any thoughts on the fight?”, Pam sips her drink slow, then her eyes freeze as Peggy swaggers in the room her blouse also tied up under her breasts as they swell to get free from the rough titfight nipples tent the top with ease, Peggy smirks sexy as she walks to the other side of Trevor orders a drink then he guides his other arm around her waist as the two women glare hate at each other, Peggy a slight grin for her win as Pam almost a snarl, Peggy pressing her braless bust to Trevor swelling it as if to tell Pam mine can go again, Pam sore bulges to her husband chest as well swelling hers up saying ready if you are, both women sneer at the others swelling tits , Peggy after a sip looks at Pam, “so you wanna fight , how ?”, Pam sips then purrs, “well i wanna scratch your eyes out bitch but  seeing you i also want to hurt you and keep fighting you so i guess we should wait to really tear each other up”, Peggy smiles, “i can agree to that,  as for now?”, Pam hands he drink to Trevor, Peggy does the same they ease from his hands and walk from the bar, Pam and Peggy watch every step other takes, Pam purrs, “how about hair and slap fight bitch”, Peggy inhales, “nmmm love to, loser breast smothered?”, Pam smiles, “oh of course ready?”, Peggy nods, ‘so ready”.

The crowd watches in random spots as the two redheads square up again, they circle in a lazy like swagger but in seconds will use all they have, Pam opens her hands and swings slapping Peggy who instantly returns the open palm blow to Pam, a few women gasp at the power put into them other women sneer and are ready to see this start fully, Pam and Peggy deliver another each then another and soon the rhythm starts as they are slapping each other with hate and vigor, they want to hurt  the other and the slaps are ringing freely now as they hit each other in the face, their cheeks ruby red and the hint of pale finger prints on the skin shine both feel it Pam swinging left and rights now, “cmon Bitch fight put em up”, Peggy replies hitting as fast, “oh cmon bitch last time you wanted me to i put you down lets get to it”, Pam snarls “cunt” Peggy snarls, “cunt” they unleash on each other swinging slaps, palms hit heads, hair and faces as they step around  like boxers , the sharp cracks filling the room as women look on, Trevor and i watch as they swing away he leans to me, “your mom is a fighter i like it”, i whisper back, “you might want to watch out your wife can fight but she is in over head against Peggy”, he smiles, “we shall see “, The sharp smacks ring out faster as both women stand and step as one swinging with all they have ,neither tries to turn her face in fear of a more drastic attack by her rival, eyes locked as they well up with tears ,cheeks cherry red and saliva knocked from full lips, Peggy inhales and starts to step into Pam, seeing Pam retreat Trevor squirms his shoulders a bit as he sees clearly Peggy is not to be taken lightly, Pam is getting her face knocked side to side now and her heels stutter step her backwards, slowly as Peggy starts to land cleaner open hand slaps Pam is starting to be battered about, peggy has that (i am gonna hurt you grin) as she starts to step in faster than Pam retreats.

Pam turns her head after a heavy right palm connects , her mouth drops open and she staggers to the left , Peggy goes at her grabbing hair and yanks Pam back at her ,‘Stop running away cunt’, she rips Pam’s head back by the hair l]makes her look up and lands 5 quick slaps into Pam’s face, Pam tries to block them, as she turns her face away then Peggy connects a palm to her nose and Pam drops on her back hard, Peggy gets to the side of Pam yanks her by the hair and starts to slap beating Pam harder, ‘fight me bitch lets go’’, Pam is swinging at Peggy’s hands and face which she can’t even tell if she is near it, Peggy tilts her head up to avoid then as she pulls back a right palm Pam turns on her knees and fires a palm up into Peggy’s chin, her head snaps back, and the blow does its job slowly her attack, Pam eager to get back in the fight grabs at Peggy’s top at the knot and pulls stretching it forward, she sees her rivals veiny tits and snarling tears at the top shredding it at the breast rendering the knot useless as Peggy’s left breasts is totally exposed Pam attacks, her open palm delivers a crushing hit that forces Peggy’s breast to rattle and bounce then grabs hold of the meaty full massive globe and her claws sink in it and kneads deeply, “i’ll rip your tits off cunt”, Peggy stops slapping and first claws at her rivals wrist then feeling the death grip on her breast stabs her claws in Pam’s top and roughly with hate digs at the right breast and yanks the veiny globe from the secure top and pulls down on it, both women arch in pain, their free hands start to continue the slapping , pinkish red saliva drooling from their lips now, Pam rakes her claws off Peggy’s breast slaps it almost like a punch, Peggy cups her breast and Pam turns the tables and with both hands free starts to swing like a machine at Peggy’s face and head smacking the big redhead like a rag doll, Peggy is now in retreat as she turns and shakes her head to try and make Pam’s expert blows less effective then Pam grabs Peggy by her bangs , staggers her forward her big breasts sway and jostling, Pam swings from her thigh up and her palm crushes into Peggy’s chin and Peggy is stood up and two more powerful blows to the cheeks Peggy was spun and dropped to the rug.

Peggy had her bell rung for sure she was stunned as she rolled on to her hip and shook her head to stop the ringing, her big tits bulge between her arms as she tries to roll up onto her knees, Pam her breasts loose undoes the knot of her top and strips it off tossing to the side her hands out to fight , “Get up cunt Cmon”, women watching now smiling , “Get her Pam beat her ass up”, “cmon Pam put her down”, Pam sneers “thats it” she sees Peggy get one heel under her to stand Pam wants it faster she steps in and hammers Peggy’s face side to side the slaps she throws make her look like tyson working a fighter in a corner, Peggy’s head knocked up and back is loosely knocked side to side, then Pam taking her rivals hair whips Peggy around the rug by it, then spins her along the rug surface, Peggy is dropped on her tummy, and then Pam pounces on her back and the real beating of Peggy starts.Peggy gets her face shoved to the rug as pam pushes down on her head, her free hand starts to slap at the open face target as Peggy winces and cringes , Peggy is slowly inching her knees up behind Pam riding her back with the intent to throw Pam forward or back or just buck her enough to get herself on her side or squirm from under her rival, but pam is not new to a fight she feels Peggy squirming about and eases up on her knees enough Peggy turns to her back under Pam, looking up now Pam glare down, instantly both women start to swing slaps at others tits, Peggy at the bigger disadvantage stabs her talons into Pam’s tits and squeezes in and twists,  Pam arches at the pain but swallows it , she glares down at her rival, “ok bitch wanna get nasty? lets get nasty”, Pam releases Peggy’s tits as her own are being pulled and clawed and sits up higher on Peggy then starts to unload, slaps to Peggy’s face, the cracks ring out as Peggy gasps and moans, “uuughhh owwww oh you cunt ohh mmfff mff mff Get off me Bitch”.

Pam is filled in rage her tits now free of Peggy’s claws have deep red furrows swelling, Peggy tries to cover up, but Pam grabs each wrist and pins the arms of Peggy under legs and now pauses to let Peggy look up, “now you Bitch i am going to hurt you”, Peggy bucks and squirms then Pam goes to work, first she reaches back and claws Peggy’s tits, deeply and slowly , Peggy winces, then Pam a sick smile grabs Peggy by the hair at each temple and starts to knock Peggy’s head against the rugged floor, Peggy eyes shut can do nothing, Pam then stops rakes her claws across Peggy’s face and then balls her fists , “nmmmm i’ll claw your eyes out next time cunt for now just a ass kicking”, Peggy bucks, “let me up cunt i’ll fight you”, then Pam unloads, her slaps are pounding into Peggy’s face, Peggy can only shut her eyes as her heads locked between Pam’s thighs, “cmon Bitch fight kick my ass you redhead whore cmon, “, Peggy’s face is beyond red and her eyes release the tears, her lip is bleeding as her nose starts to her eye gets swollen and Pam is like a windmill swinging her hands to destroy her rival, “want more Bitch hmmm cmon i got all night”, Peggy finally manages to spit out, “I GIVE I GIVE GET OFF”.

Pam continues to hit her till Trevor runs over and pulls her off mom, Peggy holds her face then stands up she is battered but wants more its plain to see, both red faced and cut lips but only Peggy has a bloody nose , their big tits rise and fall heavy as they glare, Pam swaggers her hips as she scans over Peggy’s body, “nmmm it be wise for you go home early Bitch your not my grade of fighter”, Peggy snarls “Bitch!!” and lunges at Pam, the two women collide roughly breasts crush together between them as they start o dig claws at others face, Trevor shoves them apart, “you two want more thats fine, take your break i’ll send the attire otherwise it is over tonight”, “Pam smiles, “fine with me i love kicking her ass”, Peggy spits at her, “i am not leaving till her and I can’t go on”,  Trevor less of a smirk now as he can see these two amazons are never going to not fight and they don’t care where or who sees it, they walk off topless to the rooms they were in and both ice their faces as they curse the other, neither knows what is coming next but they don’t care as long as they get at each other, Peggy sits on the beds edge ice on her face to stop the swelling, she is lost in thought as I know i can not recall a time she  was matched so well and from talking to her after i don’t think she can recall it either, but one thing was certain, the remainder of the night and what was to come between these two would have filled a lot more pages in that book.

Trevor knew the more these two saw each other tonight the bigger the risk it would explode into an all out slug claw and teeth fight leaving both ruined but one more than the other, he had to find a way to get them apart and let them cool off long enough that the next time they saw one another it would be less  chance of going right to an all out fight , he and I and i am guessing all here knew eventually they were going to but Trevor liked Peggy and didn’t want to see her destroyed if Pam was to out right beat her just yet, Trevor’s mind was stirring a way to get another fight in without it getting to out of hand i stood with him as he listened to women among the group talk about what they saw thus far, Trevor swallows a sip then looks at me, “Tell me how good is your mom at hair pulling?”, i stare at him, “she is a fighter Trevor, i don’t care what you challenge her to do she will fight it to her fullest, she didn’t earn her reputation by putting up a front, you want her to pull hair she will pull till she gives or rips out a clump of any woman she fights”, he raise a brow, “i see well if i let them have a hair fight you think we can control them enough to stay with the bounds of that?”, i inhale and arch my back as i know Peggy can stay with in rules but yet in a hate fight she will be the wildest cat in the room to win, “well Trevor put it this way if rules are set she will abide right till her opponent bends them then as far as Peggy goes all bets are off and she will do anything to win”, he thinks a bit longer then waves the two maids over, he whispers to them as to what attire to retrieve and bring to the fighters they head off then Trevor looks at me, “guess we will see who wins next round after i think you and Peggy head home and she and Pam can resume at another time  and place agree?”, i had no choice as it was all Peggy’s choice to go on or call it a night i knew win or lose she will want more but he needs a reply so i nod, “lets see what happens first”, the women each get a box in it new attire, Peggy opens her box in it were white capri jeans and a purple satin tank top, no bra and heels to match the top, Peggy quickly changes into it and does her hair and make up, Pam gets the same attire but a black pair of capri jeans heels and a red satin tank top she also does her hair and makeup and is ready for more as well, after a few more minutes Peggy gets a knock at her door, the maid peeks in, “they are ready for you”, Peggy stands and struts out after the maid, she enters the grand room her nipples so stiff they look ready to rip through the thin top, her heavy firm breasts a tight slow jostle as she walks in , her eyes scan looking for Pam, not seeing her yet she walks to Trevor and is pressing to him and pawing at him.

Less than a minute later Pam enters the grand room, her nipples as steely stiff in her thin top her breasts a heavy and firmer jostle than last time, she scans and sees peggy all over her man she struts at them and Peggy sees her and hisses, “Bitch”, Pam presses to Trevor hisses back, “Whore”, they glare the obvious hate for one another as they press into him but each turns to make the other see her bulging cleavage veiny and firm, Pam looking Peggy up and down as she does the same to Pam, Pam hisses, “your gonna learn to keep your claws off my man and who is the top bitch honey”, Peggy sneers, “nmmm my claws are into deep he won’t let me go but you must be a slug in bed if he gets what he wants from me”, Pam slaps Peggy who fires a slap right back, Trevor pulls them apart to stop it from going into a full on war, “easy ladies easy you two are going to fight again, how does a hair pulling fight sound hmmm?”, Pam curls a lip, “oh i will love scalping that whore let me at her”, Peggy a smirk, “mmmm i so want to bald that cow let me go Trevor i rip her hair out”.

He smiles and is obviously aroused by them both and the fights thus far, the women each trace their fingers and talons over his bulging pants and spit at each other and threaten to rip the other apart, he holds both by the waist as they are ready to explode then walks them out to the middle he spins each from his grasp and they glare hands on hips  ready to fight, Trevor looks at each, “ok Ladies simple rules tonight no kicking, no punching no claws you both pull hair and fight till one gives agreed?”, Peggy her lip curled, “i agree”, Pam breathing as heavy and full, “i agree “, as for stakes loser is breast smothered and worships winners breast agree?”, Pam sneers, “i agree”, Peggy inhales, “fine by me, hope you like sucking tits Bitch”, Pam scoffs , “better be hungry cow”, Trevor kisses each of their cheeks then eases back from between them, both women run their hands on the thighs as they know no one is stepping between them till one gives, Peggy still carries the pride of beating Pam’s tits in front of all but she also is remembering that Pam was on top of her at the club in the dressing room and has won the last few fights here, she swallows deep as i can she is thinking how she has lost and having trouble beating this redhead, Pam has that confident  i am gonna rip you up glare) on her face as she glares back they open their hands as wide as they can, fingers crooked a bit as they set themselves to have a fight as all gather  to see it again, Pam hisses , “cmon Bitch fight”, Peggy hisses back ,”Bring it Bitch i am gonna rip your hair out”, they tense their bodies as Trevor smiles then his mouth opens , “Ladies..FIGHT!!”, both of them swallow a deep breath their heaving braless breasts heave then they attack head on, hands stab in to hair and nails claw into others scalp as they both grab two fistfuls they crush body to body head on and press together standing each other upright snarling lips as they twist up their fists of hair and start to pull, “Cmon bitch Fight”, Pam spits as Peggy pulling as hard “Fucking cheap bitch fight me”.

The two women hands filled with others hair have knuckles turning red as they pull with such ferocity that instantly roots and strands are snapping and breaking from the scalps, their hair do’s that were holding tight in place are being ripped into matted messes, their busts thinly covered jostle and bounce as covered nipples stab and flick as the soft material hisses as they pull, stagger and rock their torso’s to try to get others grip from their hair and their heads being shook and whipped by jealous rage and hate, they grunt and refuse to give the other her due of a screeching reaction, saliva flies from lips as they wince and cringe and snarl, eyes welling up with tears cheeks get red ,but neither is willing to be pushed or pulled about, so they are yanked by the fine roots gathered like bails of hey in the others fists, gasps, panting and grunting growls fill the room as they rip hands full free and the tufts of hair float freely to the rug and floor.

The two amazons some how step in closer to the other, Peggy eases her grip to re grip at Pam’s hair at the back of her head but Pam is re gripping as well, but her hands twist up a full fistful at the top back of Peggy’s head and with all her strength yanks and snaps Peggy’s head back , like a jolt Peggy is looking up at the chandelier above as her mouth gasps open, “Ughhh Bitch !!” it was like an entire crowd was there for just Pam as the spark filled her body and she uses her free hand to push at Peggy’s chin bending her neck back beyond the reasonable point, Peggy starts to stutter step backwards as her Panting gasps and dry gulps fill up the echo of the room, women watching gasp themselves at the amount of red hair torn from her head, she starts to get her eyes wider it was fear as her rival was again taking the fight to her, “Fucking bitch , you cunt my hair Fuck”, Pam a smirk and snarled lip at the same time growls, “Give you cheap whore cmon or fight me and shut that big mouth you cunt”.

Peggy uses her right calf to try and buckle Pam’s left knee, it wasn’t a kick so no one said a word, Pam felt the attempt she quickly reacted by taking her free hand from Peggy’s chin and raking her nails down got hold of Peggy’s top and starts to yank and shake it as hard as the hair of her rival, “Lets fight cunt cmon get to it”, Peggy gasps at the attempt, ‘ohhh you Fucking cunt my top”, she scratches at Pam’s scalp then pulls her left hand free and plunges her hand in Pam’s thin top and starts to rip and pull at it as equally wild, in seconds a strap on each women’s top was snapped and dangling as their big round breasts start to weigh on the flimsy tops more stretching them out and testing the tension of the thin straps and material, Pam spits at Peggy, “Fucking Whore my top your gonna pay for that Bitch”, Peggy just replies, “come collect Bitch lets get it on’, A few women watching smirk they know it won’t be long before the tops are ripped off and their bare breasts will again be dueling as the two of these women lose all abandon and start to really fight and break the rules set for them, they want it and all watching can feel the hate seeping from these women.

Heavy panting now over takes heavy breathing, sweat start to glisten on their faces and torn hairs begin to stick to faces,hands and skin, the tearing they are doing is shown by how their heads are snapped, shook and whipped about , if not for their strong necks and spines connected their heads would have been torn free like they were rag dolls, but as the fight goes on well into 15 minutes, it is Peggy being pulled about the floor and crowd as Pam is wincing less and less a sign that Peggy’s pulling is loosing the tight grip she started with, Peggy again plants her heels and tries to get her calf around Pam’s knee to buckle it, but Pam was ready this time, as Peggy is nearly bent backward, Pam grabs the front of her hair and twists it up then takes her free hand and shoves Peggy in the chest causing her to stagger backward as she starts to fall her grip still tight in Pam’s hair Pam suddenly twists her hips and as she pulls back on peggy ]s hair yanks at both her bangs and top and two firm tearing sounds are heard, but before we fully see it Peggy is whipped upright and past Pam as she is stumbling forward Pam throws her hip into Peggy’s midsection like a well placed low blow Peggy is bent forward and she instantly drops on to her knees on the rug, her hands free of Pam’s hair as she props them under her to avoid smashing her face into the rug and hard floor under it, her top torn down the front her big breasts hang and sway, nipples steely hard stand outward, her full round G’s bulge between her stretched arms,but before Peggy can spin free or get at Pam in anyway Pam pounces on her rivals back and her hands sink in deep to Peggy’s hair and she starts to whip and shake Peggy’s head by her hair a vicious evil grin on her lips as she tortures the big read head fighter, “Cmon cunt wanna fight me hmm get up and fight you stupid cow lets go”.

I was watching as if it was a bad dream, my mom, the champion, the Queen the top Bitch for as long as i knew and before was being handle like a novice, torn whipped ,pounded and straddled to the floor as her equal was barely feeling the fights, i wanted to jump in but it was as if i was frozen, i have seen mom lose before but never so many times in one night to the same woman, it was as if everything Peggy did or tried to do Pam was ready for it and countered and was slowly taking the Queen apart, it was a shame for Pam she didn’t want Peggy’s towns cause at this rate she would have stripped mom of all and more, my eyes flash wide as Pam straddles mom’s back, and instantly digs her claws in the top of mom’s scalp and rips her head up and back and pulls so hard and long she makes her neck bend and forces mom to look up her mouth dropping open in the sheer pain as her tears let go and stream down her face, her arms had to hold her upper body up to avoid adding her body weight to the already painful hair pull, though as Pam pulled steady and hard Peggy was going to have to sit up or be pulled up at some point unless she can find a way to throw Pam off her back.

As women stare some gasp at the beating Peggy is enduring again others that (told you so) smirk as hey expected no less of Pam no one cheers them on, i am tense and want to scream fight mom get her, but i just look on as she is getting beat again tonight, Peggy like a horse being yanked by the reigns get yanked on the scalp hard her eyes shut as her teeth grit to stop the scream she should be releasing, as her upper body is pulled up right Pam shakes hr head by the hair as if she can remove her head, “Fucking cunt Fight bitch cmon”, Peggy winces in pain her scalp pure fire, her hands reach up and back and stab her claws in Pam’s wrists to ease or get the grip to loosen, her large breasts shake and jostle from the torn top and stand out free as her arms bent back over head, Pam knows Trevor set rules but she wants a fight more than rules, she wraps Peggy’s hair in her left fist then a sadistic smile she swings a slap intentionally low and SlAPs Peggy’s big breasts, “Wanna Fight cunt cmon fight me”, i watch but Trevor doesn’t move he watches how far each will go, Peggy cringes as her tits are slapped like a whip across them, then scratching her rivals wrist near bloody pulls Pam at her and drops her shoulders and sends pam bucking over her head onto the rug face first, Peggy rears back up on her knees and hair a total fluffed out matted mess gets to her feet and lunges at Pam as she turns to get up and fight, Peggy reaches Pam first before she is fully standing and grabs Pam by her top and tears it open, freeing her equal large firm breasts, but the momentum carries the women over to the floor again Peggy lands on top but instantly Pam’s nails are digging into Peggy’s hair and ripping away, Peggy grunts, “Ohhh aaghhh Bitch my hair”, i knew then mom was in trouble , Pam looking up face red spits up at Peggy, ‘I am going to fucking bald you cunt right here”, Peggy head pulled up and back, grabs Pam’s hair back but her holds are not as full or strong as she is easily rolled of Pam and the two amazons are rolling across the floor as a trails of hair tufts are left in their wake, snarling, spitting and tearing out tufts the two women roll one side to the other stabbing hands into hair for fresh grips to rip out and cause more pain.

But Peggy was hurt and worn from losing 3 straight fights i see each time Pam rolls on top her head tilts back on the floor to suck in a much needed breath and her face is redder as Pam is ripping away, as they roll and squirm now Pam manages to get her thighs around Peggy’s torso and squeeze the sudden new pain forces mom to thrash like a fish out of water, Pam uses the deep hair hold already in Peggy’s scalp to twist her rivals head and force Peggy on her belly then Pam sits up again on top and is shaking Peggy’s head wildly by her hair, Peggy kicks ad reaches back eyes shut in burning agony , its al but over again for mom, “MY HAIR cunt LET GO, I GIVE I GIVE STOP!!”, Pam a snarling smile tugs yanks and shakes peggy’s head longer than should have then finally pushes her face on the floor as she uses the hair to roll Peggy on her back, she sits up on Peggy’s breasts looking down over her own at Peggy, “Well well seems my husband found a weak bitch that talks tough, your going to pleasure my tits cow and i feel those teeth my claws will take your eyes”, Pam sets her nails near Peggy’s brow and a slow sway has her G’s in motion as she lowers them onto Peggy’s face and then pulls her elbows in to bulge them and smother peggy’s face fully, slowly she smears her breasts till her stiff nipples drop in Peggy’s mouth and she closes her eyes as Peggy starts to lick and suck at them, “uuuhhhh nmm yesss do it cunt suck my tits”,

Peggy forced to comply her eyes a sad yet rage look up as her face is under the mass of Pam’s equally large firm tits forced to worship a hated rival is her worse fear as strangers watch her be torn apart, Pam makes her endure a longer smother then pulls up sits up on her smiling down the stands up and hands over head struts around to applause , Peggy sits up her hair really torn up then stands face red as she pushes her hair back, as torn damaged hair sticks to her fingers and hands and mix of both their hair stuck to her chest and back, Peggy glares as Pam smiles arrogantly and takes her victory strut about the area, Peggy is mortified and filled in jealous hate as Trevor walks out he takes Pam’s right hand holds it high but looks at Peggy and mouths “, Sorry”, Peggy is furious and she grabs his hand holding Pam’s turns him to her and kisses him deeply, Pam gasps, “you fucking whore”, Peggy sneers “Fuck you Whore”, they snarl like unleashed cougars and both charge the other, instantly their bare breasts CLOP together and they stab finger nails into others face and hair, “Whore”, “cunt” they spit as they clash for a real fight but Trevor waves a few men over and as soon as it starts it is put to a stop, Peggy screams, “let me go i’ll kill her”, Pam kicking, “let me at her i’ll claw her eyes out”, both women are foaming at the mouth to Fight, but Trevor knows Peggy though angry is done tonight she already used her best to try to beat Pam and lost to much in a row to be thrown to Pam for a catfight with no rules, he takes Pam and walks her out as the men hold Peggy back from getting at her, once out of sight peggy is let free to go get changed, in her room after a shower Peggy is furious and waits for a new outfit to fight in, a soft knock and the door opens , it is Trevor, he steps in and Peggy runs to him, “No No you can’t do this to me i have to fight her i have to beat her you can’t stop it now”, Trevor grabs her arms and sits her on the bed, “Peggy you gave Pam a great fight well fights and your tits beat hers and trust me she is jealous and mad over it, but you lost the last 4 , your tired probably hurt its over tonight, besides your my headliner at the club i can’t risk you getting torn up you can’t flaunt those breasts and body and face cmon, it wasn’t your night you and Pam are far from done trust me”.

Peggy calmed finally tears well up, ‘i am better than this Trevor so much better give me a real chance i’ll rip that bitch apart i swear it”, he kisses her then whispers, “i told you she wants a fight anytime you see her and well i own the club you both dance at so trust me you two haven’t seen the last of each other far from it”, Peggy nods feeling crushed and as if she met her match she stands up to change, Trevor grabs her hips and turns her at him her big round veiny champs so heavy full firm and round at his eye level he kisses them then licks and starts to suck on them, peggy arches guiding his head to do it more longer and deeper, “nmmmm yesss Trevor the best tits they are yours baby mmmmm i am gonna hurt her tits so you only want mine nmmm harder squeeze them baby’’, Peggy ease his mouth away lowers to her knees and gets his hard cock out nd slides her tits around it and titfucks him till he explodes not once but twice, she smiles as he hands her towel she refuses it grabs a blouse keeping it open to under her cleavage then purrs, “walk me out”, Trevor takes mom’s arm in his her proud veiny firm breasts swelling to be free with no bra as they glisten with the pearl gel like silver trace of his juices, she nods to me to follow as we head to the car, outside Pam is saying good bye to guests when Peggy stops and arches, inhales deep and poses to show off her proud tits with his load shining on them, Pam’s eyes flash as Peggy’s grin does, Pam hisses, “I see you have a hard time accepting when your not the best in the room Bitch”, Peggy a sultry yet got ya grin, “oh i wouldn’t say that cunt as i recall my tits beat yours and well as we both know Trevor here loves having the woman with the best tits”, Pam flexes her claws and Peggy sees it and eases from Trevor then purrs at her, “hands on?”, Pam nods, “oh yes”, they both smile as they step from the granite steps onto the walk way and both women slowly undo their tops leaving them on but tuck them in behind them then open their fingers wide as they start toward each other, i whisper at Trevor “ i thought you said enough tonight?”.

Trevor smirks nodding, “i did but Pam never lost a titfight till tonight and your mom well she 4 chances to beat my wife and couldn’t its only fair Pam get a chance to beat your mom’s tits don’t you”?….”besides Amber she did take a married man between those amazing breasts what wife wouldn’t ant a shot”, Pam and Peggy draw in i knew Peggy had a plan having his juices o her tits were going to make holding them tough for Pam while her fingers were dry and going to get a hold only giving would break i wanted mom to know i was here for her “cmon mom rip hers off”, Trevor smirks, “Pam baby show Peggy what you are made of”, both women grin show teeth and then charge they stab their hands into others breasts and start to knead, maul, pull, squeeze and claw away as they glare in others eyes, “cmon cunt get my tits fight”Peggy spits as Pam gulps as moms nails sink in, “Fight me cunt” but almost instantly i see Pam is fighting defensively over an attack, Peggy is twisting and stepping at her rival as the mass of firm G’s on Pam are pulled, crushed ,lifted and twists as Peggy’s nails draw red furrows every which way, Pam’s nails are causing furrows as well but her fingers slip more as the juices of Trevor now spread on her breasts are making the ability to grip on harder, Peggy has a sneer as she starts to walk Pam backward, “Cmon Bitch Fight “, she hisses with hate at her rivals face then her thumb nails stab Pam’s nipples and drill in to them deeply as her fingers turn to the undersides and she pulls and curls the breasts meat onto her claws and fingers and starts to yank on Pam’s breasts, Pam shakes her head as she throws her head back, “Awwww You BITCH MY TITS STOP!!!”, Trevor loses his smirk as he sees Pam being yanked by her breasts , her knees buckle and she falls onto all 4’s and Peggy roughly pounces on her back and reaches under and simply digs, wrenches and squeezes Pam’s big breasts freely, spitting at her rivals ear Peggy hisses, “nmmmm feel that cunt hmm? thats your tits being shredded he will only want mine and the club will only wanna see mine after i carve these up”, Pam is crying as she is tortured , ‘STOP HER PLEASE I GIVE I GIVE”.

Trevor walks to them and pulls at Peggy to let go, “Peggy she is done for the night let her go cmon”, Peggy gets in one last deep clawing twist then as she stands shoves Pam by her head to the cool walk way, she arches proudly hands on hips as her G’s bulge outward , “I’ll be sure to see you around Bitch” Peggy kisses Trevor and moans, “nmmm anytime you want the best tits and bitch around just ask’, Trevor stands stunned as Pam lays cupping her breasts in tears, “Bitch we aren’t done”, Peggy in a  smile, “I hope not” as she gets in the car that brought us here,  as we drive away Peggy watches as Trevor has to help Pam to her feet and the light of the entrance shines the red damage as pam cradles her big breasts, as we enjoy the ride home Mom reaches in her bag and pulls out her lotion and starts to apply it gingerly as she is still hurt and sore despite the first and last win, in her mind it was a bad night as she was punished in every other aspect of their fights, she stares out the window as her hands slowly caress the lotion in softly she says, ‘’ Amber…were the fights at least close? , or did she work me like i was a novice?”, I was a bit hypnotized by how her breasts were as if Pam did nothing to them, “ well Mom she was ready for a war no mistake and from what i saw you made her earn those wins, but I think your mind was more on Trevor than Pam giving you a fight, and since he owns the club you dance at now you will have no rest from her till you soundly beat her and you know it already”, Pam looks down and see her breasts are swelled a bit no real damage, she pulls her top to the front and buttons it then holds my hand, “Your right honey, from now on I have to 100% on beating her and besides my tits were by no mistake better and both of them knew it”, she smiles i smirk, “At least tonight they were just keep in mind you broke her as her man watched she will be getting them more ready for next time , just like you do”, Mom nodded , “your right about that for sure looks like a long few weeks ahead”.

Chapter 4: Will This be Her Downfall

A few days have past since the night of fights, Peggy was a little sore all over as was to be expected, but she was more concerned why Pam hadn’t reached out, was she done?, did that last scuffle make her rethink going at Peggy?, was it Trevor who maybe saw Peggy is ruthless when in her element?, i could see it was bugging her but she needed to be at the club, she accepted that more than likely Pam was going to show her face eventually, and if not there was Beverly who witnessed Pam get the better of Peggy even if only a brief scuffle, Peggy has had her losses but was never ever controlled like that night and it bothered her, Pam may not want her towns but if word got out Peggy was dominated you bet the cats would be coming back around in droves especially since Bev. June , Anna were still a issue for the town the dancing was at, Peggy changed putting on a really sexy champagne bra with sheer cups, her big round veiny firm breasts bulged in the cups and stretched the sheer material thinner, the straps were taught to hold her big mass as she checked her look in the mirror, it wasn’t a prize or designer bra but it was something to see her in, the thong was matching a high hip style  and she rolled up the smoke shaded thigh highs with care as she clipped them to her garters and looked herself over, after slipping into a spandex mini dress , it was a light purple , her hair wasn’t fully up but she looked sultry and dangerous,  i can’t say for sure, i mean the money was on she was going to have a spat at the very least today or tonight i think she knew it as well, but even at that no woman ready or expecting one goes into it thinking of a loss to a rival though we all accept it can happen we never tell ourselves we are going to lose especially a fighter like Peggy is.

Peggy was leaving early, i looked at Joe we both knew if something wasn’t  already planned Peggy was waiting and willing for something or anything to come her way, she was still bitter about the loss to Pam as people watched it wasn’t her to be dominated that way, Peggy leaves and drives downtown and yeah Joe and i followed, we parked on the street the club and the bar were on that was the “hot spot” for women around the area to get at each other or at the very least things to start and be finished else where, Peggy parked in the parking garage across the street she was going to be here a while, she came out with a swagger that meant business, she paused in front of the club and gave the manager a message then headed into the bar, once we knew she was in long enough to order a drink we headed in as well, Peggy was sitting towards the back of the bar and was busy looking about as we entered so Joe and I were able to hide amid the crowd till we got a booth with a direct sight line to Peggy, I watched or rather stared at my mother sitting there, she just oozed sexy, yet no matter what she wore or how revealing it was had that elegant classy look about her, her body fit and shapely her firm bust despite marks from previous fights were worn with swelling pride , her long legs were sinewy and shaped from her dancing and workouts, and to watch her alone I saw a hint of her innocence as her mind was lost in thought, yet knew exactly what her thoughts were on, just then her green eyes slowly pan up from the bar they flash wide a second then return to that deadly glare we all know so well.

I look to where the door is and in walked Pam and another woman with her, my first thought was Mom was being set up for a 2 on 1 but some how i knew Pam like Mom was way to proud to let that be how she defeated Peggy especially with her own husband so into Peggy, no like Peggy Pam wanted to tear Peggy apart in her own way by herself woman to woman but she never counted on Peggy being the ruthless opponent to match her, to be honest i think Peggy was a bit taken back how ruthless Pam was in a fight as well, she loved and dreamed of fighting a perfect equal but that was more for a Queen vs Queen fight with everything on the line for loser and gain for the winner , but with Pam Peggy wasn’t sure what they were fighting for, did Pam just like to fight? if so it could be a long series as Peggy knew those types never stop coming back for more, was it for Trevor, did the couple have some fetish to see if she can keep her man?, in which case the fights were going to get more savage for sure, if Peggy lost all the time to Pam what would be the stakes Pam wanted, we all wondered the why but for now i was watching as Pam stood wearing a mini dress a black one and the woman beside her a cherry red one with plenty of breast and cleavage swelling over to be free, the perfect amount of aureola’s peaking over as she sees Peggy her nipples slowly tent through her bra and dress as i look at Peggy her own are as well.

I had no idea who she was but she was going to be a lot to handle, at 5’10” 147 and a shapely 36H-28-36 olive colored skin ice blue eyes and full lips and jet black hair to her mid back that was partly up as she strolled in, they stood together as Pam nodded to Peggy and the woman grew  smile as she looked Peggy over and Peggy her , it was Peggy who stood up and as should be the Queen wasn’t going to let some woman dictate a challenge without knowing more, Peggy eases off her seat and swaggers a sexy slow walk over , she and Pam give each other the up nose try me glare as they stare then Peggy turns her attention to the raven beauty taking her in, Peggy takes her time scanning the woman as well and each takes a moment to fully scan others firm round bust then each locks her eyes on the other as they breath in a slow breath to swell their busts, it was obvious the new rival was fuller but even she had to admit Peggy’s breasts just looked strong as her chest muscles held the heavy globes.

Pam was talking as Peggy and this woman just glare at each other so we had to find out what was coming and who she was, we walked closer and we hear Pam say, “so Peggy you only have two choices here share the stage and act with her or fight her for it, i won’t step in at all so whats gonna be hmm, i mean try to remember my husband owns the club so you can be replaced with a snap of is finger if you have a problem with either”, she wears a grin i wanted to claw off her face as Peggy slowly sways her hip to changer her stance a bit as she refocuses on the raven goddess glaring back, the tension was amazing as they glared then Peggy looking at the new rival, ‘well i am all for it if you are honey”, the busty woman now sees Peggy isn’t easy to scare, “the names Morgan Honey, and i am all for it as well in fact why don’t you and i get a little better acquainted  before work hmm?”, Peggy smiles, “oh love to have a place and style in mind?”, Pam just watches their faces as they remove he from the equation, Morgan breathes in , “there is the alley or we can grab a room just down the street”, Peggy breathes in, “well either sounds ideal depending what we are going to discuss and how”, Morgan eases her grin away and steps at Peggy they let there bust meet and they press molding into each others mass, both cleavages swell nearly forcing the other from her confining bra and dress, Morgan hisses in Peggy’s face, “i am giving you a chance to save face honey, you wanna go right here right now just drop your purse and lets dance”, Peggy presses back as she stares as coldly in her rivals eyes and a hiss back, “you could have waited till we were in the dressing room to get better acquainted Honey if you wanna try me here drop your purse otherwise lets go some place or we can wait till after work and really have a woman to woman hmm?”.

The silence becomes ice cold then Morgan eases from Peggy and inhales as Peggy inhales each a confident smirk and ready to Fight, “ok Peggy we can wait till after work give us a few minutes between sets to chat, i’l see you in the dressing room”, Peggy a smirk, “count on it”, most f the customers who saw these two ready to claw it out over hear about work all know Peggy is their head liner so as the women part ways half the crowd run out and to the club and word spreads like wild fire Peggy is going to be in a fight, the crowd already at the club were either drunk , bored or ready to leave when news came in about what took place, everyone sat up and waited then Peggy strolled through the front , she smiled and waved to her regulars as she went back stage to strip for her set, seconds later Morgan was walking in everyones eyes widen as she wore a proud confident grin and strut like she owned the place word spread that was the woman that confronted Peggy so everyone was staying now to both see each dance and see what comes of them in the same place half dressed together.

Joe and I got our old spot back stage and behind the dressing room we spied, we saw Peggy stand alone by her vanity and strip to her lingerie slowly she knew what was coming and when the door slowly opened and Morgan stepped in Peggy just made sure she closed the door then went back to removing her bra and easing on the sheer lavender robe she often wore for a set, she didn’t need to say much as Morgan helps herself to Beverly’s vanity and strips to her lingerie a leopard print bra and thong , she removed her bra her back to us and instantly we see the outer outline of her round mass as she eases on a sheer cream robe that was more than likely Bev.’s , bot h women are silent as they check their make up and hair then Morgan purrs as she looks in her mirror, “We have about 10 minutes ready?”, Peggy breathes in , “you mean i have 10 minutes my set is first, and yes i am”, Morgan arches and turns to look at Peggy who does the same, they each see others round mass and wide aureola’s as they see the real competition now, thick nipples stiff as steel to their eyes, both have a steady deeper breath but stable as they both feel their bodies tense a bit, Morgan in a soft throaty purr, “Well Peggy, how shall we pass the next few minutes?”, Peggy lifts her chin up at Morgan somehow she was expecting something today though it was Pam she was sure would be facing her, “Well Morgan we have a set to do so i don’t think you want your tits clawed up or your eyes, and we are meeting after work to go tit to tit, so how about we just do what comes naturally hmm?”, Morgan a smirk “well times wasting then”, they open their hands and move slowly together, Morgan hisses, “your going to be done here honey”, Peggy opening her hand as wide, “nmm am i? i think your first set will be your last”.

They slowly get closer then like two snakes their hands stab in to hair and they start to pull so tight so hard  they stand still as if frozen as they glare and snap and rip hair free, all we hear is deep grunts as they hold the glare but are causing tremendous pain to others scalp, Morgan develops a smirk, “i was told you are a cat but shame you met your match honey”, Peggy gives a tight tug and shake to her rivals scalp, “Shame your so confident be harder when i break you sugar”, their grips get tighter and wrists start to twist up roots looking to tear them out by the fistful, eyes well up in pain that burns like fire, they grunt and huff and pant as they pull hard and tight bodies so tight they spin as one, sharp tugging as they taunt other, nostrils flaring as they stare in others eyes, Morgan a sick smirk as her white teeth show, ‘Cmon Peggy you feel tired honey shall i end it?’, peggy a huff, ‘Can you Bitch?”, i saw t=something i never saw before happen to Peggy, Morgan her arms inside Peggy’s releases Peggy’s hair throws her arms up and out knocking Peggy’s arms away and open  Peggy gasps as Morgan grabs her by the right wrist and spins her as she twists the arm up and behind Peggy’s back making her body stiffen upright and head tilt back her free hand grabs Peggy’s hair at the bangs and pulls back making her look up as her mouth drops open in pain, “AWWWWWW BITCH !”, Morgan a sadistic grin, “I am going on first Bitch i see you out there well you and i will be giving them a real show you understand?”, Peggy nods then Morgan hears the knock “Show Time” she pushes Peggy from her , “be smart honey be gone when i get back”,  then swaggers out to dance Peggy’s  set.

Peggy was breathing heavy as she rubbed her arm, she was angry confused and worried, but like i was thinking Peggy must have thought it as well, she breathed in deep looked at herself in a mirror adjusted her robe and strut out to get on stage, Joe and i rushed around to watch he show, Morgan was announced after Peggy’s name but when Peggy never came out many were wondering what was up but they got over it quick when the bustier Morgan swaggered out, the cat calls and whistling went on as music began and Morgan started her set, before Morgan can get her robe off there is a loud sudden roar, Morgan smiles thinking the crowd has really accepted her but as she spins standing there hands on her hips is Peggy her own big tits straining he semi sheer robe to be free, Morgan stops her gyrating and stares she says loud enough Peggy hears, ‘you should have left”, Peggy swaggers her hips extra slow and exaggerated, a nice steady form jostle to her round breasts ,as she passes Morgan snuffs at her, ‘You should have never walked in here”, Morgan watches as Peggy commands the stage and those watching she can see without a single claw scratch or hair pulled Peggy is a threat on stage, but Morgan isn’t here for the stage she was asked here to break Peggy and help Pam get rid of her since Trevor was refusing to , Morgan was going to wait till they were in the dressing room again but she knew the tight confines could play in Peggy’s favor, she needed even playing ground to take on this cat snd she knew it.

Both women were barely dancing but the glares between them told the audience they weren’t out here to dance or share the stage and tips, Peggy her hips a slow rolling motion stares at Morgan, “i know we are going to the motel for a more in depth fight but while we are here shall we?”, she undoes the knot on her robe as Morgan smirks, “why not”, she opens her robe and the crowd is cheering louder as money is tossed to the stage, both women drop the robes and with chins tilted up start for the other, the heels a sharp click and then a flesh SMACKS together as they busy their hands in others hair and start to pull like savage women, most of the men remember seeing Peggy and Bev. fight on stage and thats was when Peggy took the headliner spot from her, now however they are seeing her in a catfight or the start of one for the same spot, and while a few like what they see in Morgan and her body and that she is going at Peggy they are clearly out numbered as to who they want to see win.

Both women stay on their heels pulling , snarling but slowly again Morgan starts to take control, Peggy is being pulled and pushed back retreating her steps as men scream for her to fight harder and a few cheer her new rival on to break Peggy, Peggy grunts as she is being handled, “Bitch cmon”, Morgan snarls, “want more cow hmm i have a lot more”, as they pull on each others hair Morgan walks Peggy in retreat she suddenly decides enough of the big redhead and stuns not only peggy, me but the men cheering it on, Morgan yanks back on peggy’s hair making her look up as she does her hands weaken on Morgan’s hair and then Peggy is whipped by her scalp back then at Morgan , as she staggers and stumbles forward Morgan extends her long left leg and trips peggy as Peggy starts to go down Morgan fires her knee up into peggy’s belly and drops her onto all 4’s, the roars are louder now as the music cuts out and Morgan jumps onto Peggy’s back and using her hair twists it all up into her hands and around her knuckles and shakes Peggy’s head like a rag doll Peggy winces and yells out but Morgan is on a roll and won’t stop still she has to, Peggy’s big breasts now sway forward and back between her outstretched arms and the men are wide eye and loving it, not for Peggy’s agony but the image they are seeing, Morgan now holding full control slows her body and as she breathes heavy atop Peggy keeps twisting her rivals roots tighter and tighter till Peggy starts to cry out in pain , Morgan now starts to pull back lifting Peggy up like a horse rearing by reigns , her big round breasts sway and collide together slowly but with good motion as her upper body and head are yanked side to side by the hair, Peggy has to reach up and back and her hands manage to get a grab of Morgan’s left breast and she pulls on it, Morgan gasps loudly, “Bitch my tit!!” before they get anymore heated the manager and a few bouncers run up and break the fight up.

Both women are handed the robes and are escorted to the dressing room, a bouncer stays in there to ensure they leave each other alone but as they dress and fix their hair each snarlsMorgan  “Motel still on?”, Peggy “Oh trust me it is”, Peggy gets dressed first and after a make up touch up and fixing her hair swaggers out, i am waiting for her outside i was concerned i never saw mom get owned like she has been by these two women, she sees me her bust is heaving up and down, “you ok mom?” she looked worried, “i have a fight today , like now”, “ok and?”, she looks in my eyes, “i am not sure i am going to win Amber its going to be a titfight then i have no doubt a catfight “ just then Morgan walks out and stares at us, “ready?”, Peggy looks at me then her, “lets go”, the two amazons start to walk down the street to the motel, their nipples so stiff the simplest breath causes them to rub against the bras and get stiffer and ache deeply inside as their heavy full breasts swell more in anticipation of the titfight yes but more whats coming after, Joe and i drive ahead and Joe knows the room Peggy will take as its the only one the beds out of, he pries the rear window open and we have a straight view to the main room, as we wait the door swings open and it is Morgan she struts in and drops her bag in a corner then turns to watch Peggy enter and lock the door as she drops her bag they glare and look ready to claw it out, but Peggy i think needs to know if she can beat this woman and she takes a breath and starts to remove hr dress, Morgan snuffs at her with a smirk, and starts to strip her own dress, “still wanna go tit to tit hmm?”, Peggy snarls, “why not i can scratch your eyes out later somewhere else”, Morgan smiles, “nmmm thats what i was waiting to hear honey you and i are going to really fight after i crush and milk your tits, ready”?, Peggy steps from dress and both remove their bras and Morgan caresses her big breasts at Peggy, “Very “ Peggy removes her bra but instead of cupping hers she waits till Morgan eases her hands on her hair then Peggy as she places hers up on her hair flexes her G’s and as they lift and lower i see the look i needed to see, Morgan’s eyes flash wide at the ability and strength in Mom’s chest to lift those big G’s.

It felt like an hour but was seconds before each woman stepped her right heel out forward and slowly each muscled thigh flexed as it took the shifting weight of their bodies to step then the other leg ,they circled around but inward drawing closer  i am sure each of them stole a glance or stare at the others heavy round breasts to see how much jostle or sway was being caused by their step and bodies shift of weight as they drew closer, the room had a heavy tense feel you could almost hear their heels crunch into the rugs as they came closer together ,now able to hear the others hot breath leave their lips as they licked them from drying do to the anticipation of a fight coming, the tiny hairs on their bodies standing straight up nipples so erect they seem to pull their aureola’s outward another step and they are in a foot of each other, both inhales slow and roll their shoulders , their eyes looking for a sign of doubt or fear but see none, they know by the stars neither will be easy to beat and ruin, they come within inches of each other but they aren’t lined head on the outer roundest part of their big breasts touch and barely slide together as they breath, each woman inhales slow as they feel the weight and heavy mass of the other, then slowly Morgan starts to pull her fuller tits into and across Peggy’s, her eyes locked on Peggy’s, Peggy can now feel that Morgan is firm maybe not as firm but what she lacks there the weight of hers makes up for and could be her advantage.

The sensation as their round heavy breasts pull across each others is so arousing but they aren’t here to enjoy that feeling this to determine the better breasts and woman, Morgan’s stiff nipples pull at Peggy’s aureola’s then the broad tips catch at the base of her nipples and seem to want to plunge in, the effect as she presses them in makes Peggy purse her lips as she feels her nipples shafts get pushed in and angle from straight on, a slight moan as she feels her rivals broad stiff nipples, “uuunnnn”, Morgan feels and sees and hears the reaction, “nmmm just starting Peggy my tits are going to crush yours then i milk you raw”, Peggy feeling her nipples have no shot to go tip on tip saws her shafts along Morgan’s then pumps her tips at the bases of Morgan’s aureola’s , Morgan slowly shifts her shoulders, “ohhhh nmm” Peggy now seeing she made her rival feel her own grows her confidence more, “sure about that honey? my tits never lose for good reason”, Morgan rolls her back to shoulders, “that so? well why don’t we see just who ends up on all 4’s then hmm?”, Morgan rubs her nipples to Peggy’s then pulls her round her breasts away lining them head on to Peggy the women stare and steady for the duel then Morgan a sneer, “cmon Peggy my tits are ready bring your best fight’, Peggy never needed a second invitation she tightens her chest and CLOP the room erupts as her G’s go straight into Morgan’s breasts, the raven hair amazon stiffens as she feels what Peggy brings and then after a brief rub and grind eases back and CLOP head on to Peggy and both feel it as they start to drag and rub firmer and firmer into each other, “uuhnn mmmm ohhh “ groans are heard between both as t, hey slowly move as one breasts in constant contact.

Peggy knows and can feel Morgan is fuller but what Peggy lacks in size she makes up for in firmness and strength and i am sure Morgan can feel it as she is going slow at her rival, they smear and rub and start to grind their big breasts and both are controlling their breathing and looking for any area on the other that seems or feels weak, the lack of motion in each woman’s chest is a sign they are in for a duel, Morgan rolling her shoulders back parts her lips as she is a bit stunned by Peggy’s hard breasts and she catches Peggy with a slow but solid firm side to side crushing drag, Peggy as was her way arched into he rival as if dare and she ended up feeling her instead, the CLOP was audible as Peggy gasps inward “uuuhhhhh Bitch” i saw as Morgan’s breasts collide to Peggy’s and then bulge and drag across them she couldn’t push Peggy much but the strain her chest took said enough, Morgan smirked as she connected to Peggy and as Peggy arched opening her bust Morgan pressed as she dragged “ohhhh uunmmm feel my tits Bitch say it nmmmm”, Peggy manages to stand her ground but she side steps to avoid being forced to retreat Morgan however isn’t here to play she arches her breasts out and starts to really drag and bump into her rivals Breasts, “mmff mfff cmon bitch fight my tits”, Peggy taking her on is already starting to pant and huff as the extra weight Morgan’s tits have wears on her own, “put em up Bitch i am here to fight”, Peggy huffs.

Peggy breasts get pulled on her chest the round firm shape we all know was pulled into a misshapen elongated look as her skin creased at the side of her breasts as it was stretched, Peggy feels it as she purses her lips, “uuuwwwww” Morgan feels it wasn’t easy and licks her lips, ‘Cmon Bitch fight me’, Peggy manages to get space between them she sucks in a much needed breath then squares to Morgan, “oh i am far from done Bitch get those tits over here mine wanna fight more”, Morgan smiles but takes a breath in she knows she has to fight Peggy to win, both women rush together now and the CLOP rings out louder as they roll heads back as they crush tit to tit, their strong legs a slight bend at the knees driving them into the other their round big tits sway, shake , jostle and mushroom together as they use them to hurt the others, the room now busy with flesh clopping and grunts and panting as the two amazons go to war, snarled lips as neither is easily moving her rival, but both are driving into each other with no care of pain, Morgan is starting to see why Peggy is a threat however and being a fighter knows she has to end this soon, after fighting for 25 minutes neither making the head way she is use to at this point, Peggy is a custom to a long fight though Morgan it seems has relied on her fuller tits to end fights early, as they spin and duel harder and faster Peggy starts to get more confident and Morgan wants her to, she is setting Peggy up, and delivers on her promise to hurt Peggy no matter the out come.

As they turn and spin never losing contact to the breasts Morgan grabs Peggy by her hips and drives her to the corner of the room a hard SLAP rings out as Peggy is pinned to the corner her big Gs a slow sway between her arms as she lifts them to grab and push at Morgan the first painful blow comes, Morgan dips an fires her big tits into Peggy’s wide open undersides SMACK!!!, Peggy throws her head back , “Awwwwww MY TITS”, a second SMACK!!! rings out and Peggy’s knees buckle and Morgan pulls away as Peggy drops on her knees in front of her, Morgan stares down at her rival heavy breathing as her fuller tits rise and fall, “Get up and Fight Bitch cmon”, Peggy on all 4’s shakes her head as she catches her breath Morgan growing tired of waiting struts behind her downed rival snags her by the hair and hoists her up on her knees hanging her by her hair, “Give or get up Bitch now!”, Peggy winces and reaches up and back to get Morgan, “OK OK BITCH LET GO I WANNA FIGHT!” Morgan shoves her by the hair and steps to the middle of the room her hands set on her hair again as she shimmies slow, “cmon Bitch fight them”, Peggy rises and sucks in a breath her eyes narrowed she wants revenge she steps to face Morgan the cats glare, Peggy sets her hands on her head “cmon then drives hard into Morgan CLOPPPPP, the room again echoes as Peggy is driving into Morgan, her G’s slapping, smearing and grinding away as Morgan fights back her head shakes no, “Bitch harder cmon”, “Peggy grunts , “Fight me bitch Fight my tits”, they go at each other another 25 minutes neither gaining an inch as they are determined to hammer it out face to face and tit to tit, bodies and breast glisten now as sweat covers them they are head on, breasts drag lose shape turn red as they press, drag, pump, push, sway ,shimmy at the other, Peggy ‘s tits are red but Morgan’s are redder and neither sees it as they go to war then Peggy gets staggered back again as Morgan goes at her “you cheap cunt stay and fight my tits Bitch”!!, Peggy stutter steps but as i watch she is glaring at Morgan and i know she setting her rival up but this was a move i yet to ever see from Peggy.

The slight break between them is the perfect chance for Peggy to regain her chance to out fight this new rival, Morgan comes at her her hands out off her hair to grab hold of Peggy to hug her probably, Peggy knew it was coming she gets her hands at the ready as well then i see a move i never saw Peggy do, as they come together and are about to crush together and grind their breasts Morgan extends her arms to encircle Peggy but Peggy had another plan, Peggy as Morgan slides her hands to her snaked her arms under then over Morgan’s arms, her hands cup the undersides of Morgan’s out stretched arms and lifts bending Morgan’s arms against her elbow joint as if trying to break her arms, Morgan lifts on her toes her eyes go wide she is stopped and trapped, Peggy hisses, “My turn Cow”, as Peggy straightens her arms they put more pressure on Morgan’s elbow joint and she has to arch and stay on her toes to ease the pain in her arms, Peggy pulls her rival at her and crushes her tits into Morgan’s and now limited and unable to get any kind of motion her fuller tits stand out as Peggy’s press in and slowly start to grind and shove in and pull Morgan’s breasts about her chest, top it off with her arms straight out her breasts swell together making a more abundant targets for Peggy’s firm G’s, the denser yet more effective CLOPS coming from their breasts has Morgan shaking her head as Peggy is hurting her deep, “Cmon Bitch fight my tits now you cow”, Morgan in pain, ‘Let me Go cunt Fight me”, Peggy snarls , “oh you wanna real fight ? just say so but not here Bitch lets save that for the club, right now my tits wanna fight yours more”.

Morgan is at Peggy’s mercy and it is clear Peggy has none, she walks Morgan to the window of the room pins her back on it and widens her thighs and starts to use her G’s like a steam roller grinding her rivals breasts every angle there is never a second of relief for Morgan who has pain her arms shoulders and breasts, Morgan shakes her head no fighting the pain but as Peggy is ruining her bust she slowly can only roll her head back her mouth dropping open, “ohh you Bitch my tits uughhh ohhh let me go and fight me tit to tit Bitch”, Peggy tightens the arm hold making Morgan wince, “here is how it is gonna go Bitch, you give, i milk you then you never show your face again at that club or that bar , and you tell that whore Pam to fight her own battles got it?” Morgan has tears well up she reluctantly nods, Peggy tugs on her arms, “AWWWW” , Say it Bitch say you Give”, Morgan shaking her head no in pain, “ok ok i give you win Stop let go”, Peggy releases her rivals arm hold and crushes her tits against Morgan’s causing her rival to arch up as she feels her breasts crushed between them and rolled as if all the firmness is gone, Peggy face nearly touching her own hisses, “wanna fight me?” Morgan is aching swelling and hurt, “uughhh get off me and finish it Bitch”, Peggy pumps her tits firm to Morgan’s, “that a no?”, Morgan needs the relief she shakes her no, “please stop”, Peggy sneers and pulls away Morgan cups her breasts “aaahhhh Bitch”, Peggy tugs her by the hair onto all 4’s and straddles her bare back then as she places her warm swelled breasts on Morgan’s bare back her hand slap onto Morgan’s breasts and start to squeeze, twist and pull down hard and slow at first then gets faster and faster torturing the hanging globes with hate, as Peggy roughly works her rivals breast she growls at her ear, ‘cmon give me that milk bitch get it out “ Peggy then pulls to the nipples and a drop then 3 then 6 then Morgan’s breasts openly spray as her head shakes no at the pain, “uughhhh owww you Bitch my tits stop”, Peggy hisses at her ear, “are we done you and i?”, Morgan as tears run nods, “YESSS STOP”, Peggy stands and places her heel on Morgan’s ass and kicks shoving the raven bitch on the wet rug face first she parades around her as she dresses then takes Morgan’s bra, “don’t forget Bitch tell Pam to find me” Peggy walks out, once in her car Peggy cups her breasts in pain as she moans, “oh my god that bitch was firm and heavy”.

Chapter 5: Take it Like a Woman

Peggy went to the club after she was sore swollen but no worse for the wear, she strut in and as she did Pam was dancing , she sees Peggy holding two bras and nearly freezes, it is clear to Pam Morgan was no match for the brutal redhead, Pam swallows as Peggy sneers licks her lips then heads to the door to the office where both know Trevor is, Pam curls her lip as Peggy right before entering the office turns undoes her dress top and winks and blows a kiss at Pam then vanishes in the office, Trevor looks up , “Peggy! how are you , i ..i “, Peggy swells her breasts as her nipples tent the thin dress, “didn’t think i would be back? your wife who will be by shortly, her friend despite being a bit fuller couldn’t beat my tits either like your wife but in a minute  your gonna see a little action so sit back enjoy the show”.

Peggy slowly stalks over to Trevor and as she sits on the edge of his desk she guides his left hand into her open dress top with no bra on he easily caresses her swollen breasts, her nipples stiffen more, she moans, “nmmm you want them don’t you?”, he is drooling when the door to the office flies open and pam stalks in wearing a grey mini dress and no bra her hair a wild look she shuts the door seeing Peggy coming on to Trevor, she walks in , “So what are you doing back here Bitch?’, Peggy eases her dress over her breasts she licks her lips at him and whispers, “Nmmm in a minute”, then stands and turns as they glare Peggy a sexy smirk, ‘You thought that soft titted cow could beat my tits? and that would chase me away?, you need to do a whole lot better than her honey”, pam widens her dress top as her nipples are spiked as well the two women circle as they talk, Trevor can see these two amazons aren’t going to talk much, he sits back and watches, Pam is seething while she gave Peggy a few real fights she knows fully well Peggy’s tits were to much and it is what Trevor is in awe of on both of them but Peggy being swollen and sore isn’t here to go tit to tit and Pam isn’t either, they inhale as that nervous yet desire to get at the other is across their lips, Peggy a soft purr, “Ready?”, Pam as calm and cold, “Oh so much so”.

They know what they want and walk towards each other hands open and instantly they dig them into others hair and start to twist up fistfuls as hey shake and rip at the others scalp, snarling through the burning pain they stagger each other about the office, “Bitch cmon”, cunt i’l bald you” faces red as they pull with all they have bumping walls chairs and the filing cabinet, the fights dead lock as they refuse to ease up, Trevor is loving the fight, ready to stop it if it goes to far, both women growl calling the other Bitch and more as they rip out fistfuls that float to the rug Peggy shoves into Pam they crash together against his desk Pam fights being bent backward on it then her thigh lifts aside Peggy and she pulls to the right as her knee hits Peggy on that side Peggy feels the knee her lower body shifts and Pam is able to stand she plants her heels and shakes Peggy’s head like a rag doll then Peggy staggers and Pam swoops her leg with her own and throws Peggy to the floor, Peggy falls on her side and Pam teeth showing watches as Peggy tries to get up then pounces on her back hard, Peggy arches as Pam sits up on her back and grabs her hair i her left fight rips back making Peggy lift her head and starts to slap freely with hand and fist at Peggy’s face, “cmon cunt Fight me”, Peggy wincing in pain tries to guard her face as she does Pam reaches over and stabs her claws in Peggy’s dress top and mauls her rivals swollen tits clawing at them as she shakes her head by the hair, “cmon bitch Fight me”, Peggy in trouble again by the wife of Trevor is stunned why or how she can’t beat this bitch, Pam frustrated sinks her nails at Peggy’s face and then Trevor rushes over grabs Pam and pulls her up off Peggy “ok ok enough this is not the time or place break it up”, Peggy gets up her big G’s red and sway out as Pam snarls “let me at her”, Peggy covers her breasts, “let that cunt go we want to fight”, Trevor holds them apart, “enough Peggy meet us at the bar we can discuss a plan over a drink” Peggy huffs “Fine” Pam snarls “anytime Bitch”.

Peggy fixes her dress and swaggers out she walks out and down to the bar , Joe and i had lunch and we see mom strut in her nipples extra stiff i see her red face and chest and i tell Joe, “she had more than a titfight today somethings coming “, he agrees as we stay to watch , Peggy orders a drink and sips it slow a true sign she has someone coming to meet her, a few minutes go by and in walks Trevor then Pam i nudge Joe “here we go” he sits up as the couple waves to Pam she gets up and the three of them walk to a booth, Trevor is between them as he tries to get them to agree on another meeting at the house, but Peggy is ready now as is Pam and as they listen to him they glare daggers then Peggy says, “did you know about that cunt Morgan she got to titfight me?”, trevor looks at Pam, “What?”, Peggy smiles, “oh didn’t tel him? its ok trevor like your whore wife here her tits were no match either”, Pam swallows deeply as Trevor asks her “you were going to hire Morgan over Peggy? you don’t make that call Pam i do, either you beat her fairly tit to tit or you share the spot light”, Pam nods “fine i agree but that doesn’t help his situation now i want at her now”, Peggy smirks as Trevor looks at her “oh Trevor i’ll fight now its fine with me”, he breathes in “fine where?”, Peggy purrs “i have a perfect spot” Pam arches up interested Trevor asks, “where?” Peggy gets up “bring that whore wife follow me”, they all stand and Peggy leads them out back Joe and i hurry to follow as do a few women who saw these two want at each other.

Peggy shoves the metal door open and walks out, she slowly does a semi circle walk around the area as she has fought back here before her worse was with Gina, it gives her a slight shiver thinking about that day, when the door opens again it is Trevor he smiles at Peggy then Pam steps out, she glares at Peggy who glares back, they both have a glint of hate in their eyes but it also has a look of do i want this to the stare, a few women step out as Joe and i do then the heavy door shuts hard, the sounds of the street out front seem to fade as everyone is whispering among themselves none know what his fight is about or over but they want to see it, both fighters are in sexy dresses no bras and are showing plenty off, Peggy’s breasts are swollen a bit from the titfight with Morgan earlier and now a few red lines from Pam in the office but it is easy to see there will be a lot more marks on both soon enough, i had like anytime my mom fought a fear she would get the worse of it, lets face it is a fight and anyone can win, but anytime she faced Pam it felt like mom was entering a lost cause before a single hair was pulled, mom didn’t get it either Pam had trouble in the titfight department against mom but in any other fight Pam was taking her apart, it was hard on mom as someone who rarely lost if at all to accept being handed a loss let alone several in a row.

Trevor stands between them he has a vested interest in these two women leaving here able to both dance, look presentable and and meet again under what he felt were better circumstances, he knew why Pam got Morgan she felt her confidence broken as Peggy beat her straight up and then milked her as not only her “fans” watched but as Trevor watched after having her rivals breasts and compared the two now that Peggy ruined Morgan a bigger fuller breasted woman it gave Trevor a bigger desire to see Peggy dance and beat not just other women but Pam in a fair titfight , he loved seeing a catfight as much as the next guy, but he also knew especially with these two it could very well mean one would walk away for good after a severe loss, he knew finding dancers were easy, what he couldn’t find were the ones who had a major following like Peggy brought in not even Pam could , Peggy filled the club and that meant money it was simple for Trevor Peggy had to stay by any means.

Trevor makes it clear to Peggy and Pam if the fight gets to out of hand they will be stopped , but thee two she cats wanted to fight he could have said anything they would agree to fight each other over or for it, Trevor shrugs “well if you two can’t agree to wait then have at it ladies”, he steps from between them as they glare hate and evil at each other, then Pam a sly smirk “ready bitch?”, Peggy smirks “i invited you whore” they circle as everyone watches a few shout out “get her Peggy tear her up honey, cmon Pam show us what you got” then it starts fast and relentless cats set free on other,

They crash together and start exchanging wild face slaps and a fe blows  the women watching cheer them on as Pam and Peggy want to rip other apart, Peggy takes a heavy slap from Pam her head turned and she stutter steps Pam uses the second to grab her dress front rip it open then as she digs her hands in Peggy’s hair she lunges in low and her teeth find Peggy’s left breast, Peggy’s head rears back as he mouth drops open her hands stab at Pam’s face  as she is forced to back peddle then falls on her back , Pam lands on top goes after Peggy wildly, as Peggy reaches up at Pam she gets her claws at Pam’s bust ,Pam who expects Peggy to fight back doesn’t even flinch as her dress front gets shredded open, her own full tits sway out and free and Peggy instantly digs her claws into Pam’s breasts deep, Pam snarling and spitting down at Peggy. digs her left hand claws into Peggy’s full r ght breast and digs in with her nails as she gathers breast meat in her claws and fingers, Peggy feels the claws dig in to her breast as her own dig at Pam’s breasts, bucking under rival Peggy sees Pam’s right hand slap down hard and CLACKS across Peggy’s face, cutting her lip as her hand leaves a red print in Peggy’s cheek, Peggy gasps from the straight Smack, as she gets her focus back Pam delivers the backhand of that smack, Peggy gasps again in shock as her right breast is being twisted scratched and mauled , her own nails are carving red furrows in Pam’s breasts, but she feels the pain and burn and as she carves at Peggy’s breast her free hand delivers a single blow to Peggy’s eye then she brings her arms in bulging her equal large breast Peggy’s hand released Pam’s as he covered her face , Peggy bucks as her breasts are being attacked Pam drops her head down and then the scream, Peggy lets out a screech, “AWWWWW MY TIT”, her hands rip at the top and back of Pam’s scalp gritting her teeth sinking them in breast meat deeper, Peggy rocks , busks and kicks her hips up bucking Pam, but Pam gets knee near her crotch from Peggy her hands lose the grip and Peggy gets Pam partially off her body and both women kick from the other as they get up.

They both break and stand up, the dresses hang partly off the shoulders of each Peggy pulls her dress top to her hips and Pam does the same as they see the criss crossed finger nails lines on the others bust they know their own look as bad, breasts jostle out free now as they glare and circle in to the other Peggy balls her fists as does Pam, they raise their fists and rush into each other again, they step in a circle and the clack and thuds of fists landing as the women grunt and go at each other fist to fist , lips cut and noses trickle as faces turn red and swell from landed blows their bare large breasts a firm sway and jostle stand out as first Pam then Peggy gets backed against a fence or a dumpster or a wall neither easing up as each punch gets harder and more precise both women are silent other than the grunts from a well placed blow, their eyes how ever are telling each other and all watching they hate each other and want more than a fist fight they wanna scratch each other apart, a few more blows are traded combined with hair pulls , both women are bruised and red faced as their breasts are from hits as well, Peggy then steps to Pam a left slams her rivals head but instead of following through Peggy snaps her head back by the hair, Pam, gasps at the vicious pull then feels a right fist to her eye that staggers her, Peggy sucks in a much needed breath then goes at Pam ready to fight, Pam gets hit in the breasts and side a few more blows, as she twists to get free of Peggy, as she spins right she slams her elbow into peggy’s breast , Peggy winces and cups her breast, Pam turns and dig her nails in Peggy’s hair whips the redhead around then stands her upright only to swing a right fist up into Peggy’s jaw.

Peggy’s head get knocks up and back her eyes glass over as her mouth drops open ,her fists fall at her sides and for a second she is frozen in that position then is spun and falls on her face on the cement, Pam pounces on her back, she uses Peggy’s hair to scrape her breasts on the ground them as Peggy props her arms under to protect her tits pam unleashes a barrage of blows from the top and sides, the sound of fleshy thuds and clacks ring out as Peggy is being pounded and Pam straddling her sits up and swings freely like a windmill aiming her fists at open face and head and breasts, “cmon cunt fight me lets go”, Peggy grunting and being hurt covers up only to get her head whipped about by her hair as she is pulled back on her scalp forced to lok up her hands cover her face Pam reaches over and digs her claws into Peggy’s breasts mauling at them like dough ,digging ,kneading, clawing, squeezing , Peggy cries out “get her off me “, Trevor steps over and pulls his wife off Peggy , she tries to break free to get at Peggy who slowly gets up and glares at Pam, ‘cunt we aren’t done”, pam sneers and spits at Peggy, “Cmon then Bitch”, Trevor calls it for now telling them t is enough for today, both women do the best to cover up and Pam is taken with Trevor as Peggy storms to her car.

Joe and i left shortly after on the drive home he asked me “whats up with Peggy?”, i couldn’t deny it i was curious as well, i seen her lose a fight or a duel but i never seen her be so out matched other than a titfight, it was as if she forgot to fight or as if something was just working for her, i had plans to ask her though as i was getting worried now that Pam was going to really take her apart if they were left alone to fight like she cats, we get home and  i go up stairs mom’s bedroom door was open so i ease in, “Mom?”, she swaggers from the bathroom, an ice pack on her eye and jaw, her silk black kimono robe and just a thong, her breast cream mixture glistening on her round veiny breasts as they barely sway but firmly jostle nipples still stiff, she looks at me, “what is it Amber?”, “well i am worried that is what, i never seen you ever have a rougher time beating some bitch, whats going on mom?”, her eyes welled up a bit she looked in her full length mirror, her head shakes slowly, “Amber i been asking myself that as well, i give as good as i get but that bitch just seems to beat me at my game every time out, except her tits she still can’t beat mine”, i can see a few of the deeper nail marks in her breasts as she breathes in and swells her breasts the robe widens, “mom? what if her plan is to lose to your breasts then fight you hard to rip them up making it so you can’t use them?”, her eyes widen she spins to look at me, “Amber your right honey she must be so jealous she wants me ruined cause she can’t beat my girls, well i never thought of it like that, i guess i am going to have destroy her , her tits and rip her apart before she can”.

It got silent as peggy looked herself over then i asked one last thing, “But..But what if you can’t beat her ?”, Peggy turns and arches her back she sneers and i feel a shiver, ‘Well then I guess Pam and I will be fighting till I can or do”, i could see as i had times before and since trying to talk Peggy out of fighting a bitch was useless she never stopped till she won, but my fear here was has she finally met the woman that will end her over a stage title at a club Peggy used to take a town never really wanted was it going to be worth everything that was going on and yet to come, as i went to leave Mom grabbed her phone and dialed her hand at her ear , “Trevor dear it’s peggy, oh i am fine your little bitch wife will have do better than that to finish me, oh i am sure she wants it as much as i do dear, brings me to why i am calling you, I want to titfight her again just her and i, ….of course you can watch better yet find us a place we can video it for you as we fight …that all? no no dear I want to fight her straight out no one stepping between us I think her and i need to finally settle this instead of these games here and there..nmmhmm yes i know she will agree, well i am dancing tomorrow maybe all 3 of us can discuss a few details then see you then stud”, she hangs up and cups her massive bust, ‘nmmm Pam your gonna get it all this time bitch”.

The next day Peggy was up early getting ready, i had no idea what her day was going to involve but i knew if she and Pam came within 10 feet of each other , they would get in a fight and top it off both wanted exactly that, Peggy was easing into a peach mini skirt and a black blouse open to her cleavage with no bra on, heels her hair back and full make up, she stuffs her peach bra in her purse and heads out , i knew she had plans to dance today but i had no idea if today was the day for her and Pam or not to get this settled, she drove downtown and waited to see if Trevor and Pam opened the club or just Trevor, she watched as she felt no matter what today she and Pam were going to fight in some way, Trevor pulls up and he gets out of the car with Pam who is dressed as sexy and barely, Peggy seethes as she watches Pam swagger in the club she fought to be a headliner at she snarls ‘no one take what i earned without a fight”, Peggy gets out and heads in the club after them, as the front door shuts both Trevor and Pam look back, Trevor smiles as Pam sets a hand on her hip and curls a lip, “want more ?”, Peggy swaggers to her and hisses at her face, “Love to”, both breath in at the tension and before they can start to rip hair out Trevor takes each by her waist and walks them toward the stage, “Ladies you two went at it hard other day why don’t you two find a more erotic manner to go at it today hmm?”, Peggy a smirk knowing her tits destroyed Pam’s twice and Pam knows it smiles, “you want us to titfight again baby?”, Trevor looks at Pam sees she is a bit nervous then to Peggy who looks hungry to please him, “i would love that but i was thinking more woman to woman right on the stage before we open “, Pam now gets a smirk as she is a champion at out fucking women, but she has no idea Peggy can as well, they glare at each other then Peggy purrs, “this whore ready to go clit to clit ?”, Pam arches “oh honey i told you any fight you and me are on”, Trevor smiles “excellent why don’t you both go change into a lot less come back out in 10 minutes and you can have at it”.

Both women are doing their best to not stab their claws in others face and tits, as they slowly swagger together back stage, the heels the only sound as the club is silent and not opening for another few hours, they step int he dressing room they are all alone , each takes her place at a vanity and then strip to just heels and thighhighs and robes nude under the robes they adjust makeup and hair then both stand as they are silent the glares now shared as they stand and nipples are spiking through the thin robes, they both look at the other and their full firm tits rise and fall heavier, Peggy snarls, “shame he wants it erotic bitch”, Pam snarls back, “oh i agree i rather get at you bitch”, Peggy breaths in “we have 10 minutes care to try ?”, Pam undoes he ssh “never thought you  would ask bitch cmon”, they crush tit to tit then grab others scalp and start to shake each others head with hate, grunting in others face, “cunt fight me, cmon cunt fight lets get to it’, they whip each other about the dressing room tearing out hair as tits crush together , Pam shaking Peggy’s head wildly snarls,”fucking cunt your gonna eat my pussy after it beats yours as he watches” Peggy winces “ohhhh you cunt oww my hair Bitch!!”, Pam pushes Peggy by her hair against a wall Peggy grimaces as her knee goes up between them and into Pam’s hip, they strain to rip hair out then Trevor walks in , “ENOUGH” he yells as he pulls at Pam and after a bit manages to break it up,both women glare as if he isn’t there hands ready to strike at the first chance, they finally cool down enough they aren’t held back, Trevor has them get their robes on and walks each out to the stage , there is one light center stage and flanked by two blue lights, the club is empty other than the three of them.

Pam and Peggy stare as they are left standing on stage as Trevor takes the first seat in front, he smiles as he watches them stand there , ready to strike at the first chance, their breathing still heavy but slowed as the atmosphere to fight or how changes they know he will not tolerate any free for all here he wants a specific fight today and they have to comply to both get at each other and please him to keep him, they stand glaring as Trevor says, “you both know what i want to see , lets try to keep it limited to that shall we, there is always a next time for more”, both take a breath at hearing they will be allowed to fight more then he says “Begin”, both swallow as they slowly stand face to face covered nipples a slow rub to their breathing each hisses in a growl , “i can’t wait till he lets us really fight” Pam says as Peggy growls back, “i will wait as long as i have to for that dayBitch”, both want that day but for now Trevor has the leash on , the two Amazons know what has to be done now as much as they will hate the touch of the other ,it is a way to show him who is better  so they accept it and start.

Standing face to face they extend their tongues and start to swirl them eyes locked on others as he watches, after 2 minutes their lips wet as tongues swirl and push at others waiting mouth, despite the passionate hate for each other the feeling of arousal is undeniable, Pam eases a her hands between them and undoes the sash of Peggy’s robe as she does the same to Pam’s sash, both push the robes off others shoulders, the robes slip down then each lowers her arms and allow the sheer robes to float down and pool at their heels their large round breasts bare now as thick stiff nipples meet and slowly flick against the opposing pair , both breath in at the sensuality of it, they hate the sight of the other but feeling her this way this close desire more of it, the tongue kissing slows as they look in others eyes a bit softer but no less jealous, then each eases a hand lower to her rivals tummy then slowly their fingers comb through the others manicured bush.

The hateful lust as they glare , each touches the others moist folds  they swallow slow at the feel then as they feel others fleshy folds they gently part them massaging them in their fingers, each eases her thighs a bit wider stance to allow her rival access, then as they silently glare the steady breathing gets a slight jolt as each inhales sharply, their fingers getting wetter sink in between the lush wet folds and sink in deeper then deeper, both want to coo and moan but they swallow it as they rest their thumbs on the others hood and as they roll coaxing the others clit to emerge and become engorged the start to slowly pump their middle fingers in and out of  other, their eyes locked as the slow pumping increases, Trevor smiling “faster ladies” they hear him but neither acknowledges him they just do what is told, they start to pump each other faster now and each uses her free hand to snake around others hips, breasts now push together and bulge as nipples vanish in the fleshy meat, each woman inhales as they get faster.

The wet slurps of the wet pumping effect can be heard clear to Trevor as he sees the women compete sexually, as hard as they try neither can resist letting out a reaction of the effect the other is having on her, lips part as they stare and then a soft moan from both in the form of a taunt at first, Pam licks her lips, “feel it bitch nmmm ohhh cum and we can move on then have a fight  he wants the winner and i can beat you again”, Peggy  right back, “uunmmm ohh you can’t take it hmm, ohhh yesss nmmm bitch after i ride your face and titfuck him again i am ready to Fight you nmm cum “,  each felt the hate and desire to win, they start to pump their fingers even faster now and both bend a bit at the waist trying to get the best angle to go on faster both are turned on but also determined they forget holding back any reaction now as they finger each other faster, “uuhhh uhnnn bitch cmon more”, “yess yess whore do it cum you Bitch ohh uunn unn yess”, both moan steady now as they gasp at the effect other is having on her, Trevor watches “make her cum do it” not saying who is wants to win he knows it drives both on.

The panting and gasps fill the stage now as both try to fight off a forced orgasm that they know is near, shaking their heads as they try to force other first, more and more the moans are louder and faster then slowly each has no choice as they feel the built up desire take over, both are so close they can’t reverse it, “ohhhh you Bitch yesss ohh i am cumming”, Peggy gasps back , “you whore oh yesss fuck nmmm cum oh i am there bitch you bitch”, both women gasp out loud as each brings the other to her first orgasm, they pull away instantly angry yet pleasured busts heaving as each cups her own and caresses them , still aroused as glistening juices ease down thighs Trevor doesn’t want it to stop , ‘Lets go Ladies get to it Fuck fight this out “, both inhale and get to the stage floor they sit up and get ready each spreads her thighs and they scoot in closer , their wet folds waiting as their engorged clits  they slide a thigh over each others  and one under and snake the bottom legs calf behind her rival nearly touching their womanhood they pause and reach between their thighs to their own folds and spread them, Peggy a heated snarl of desire, “Cmon Bitch my clit wants a fight”, Pam does the same, “She is no match Bitch your gonna cum more than you ever have”.

They need no encouragement now as they slide together they try their best to simply tiltt a chin up at the other but they can’t deny what the electric jolt shooting through them does and lips part as each moans out, “uuuhhhhnnn” then with little motion it starts the war Trevor needs to see , the women start to roll their hips pressing their wet womanhood tighter and each can feel the effect of the other instantly, “nmmm nmm ohhh yes cmon bitch”, “uuhhh uhhhh nmmm more Bitch do it”.

For the first 10 minutes they both sit up and grind together neither getting much on the other but slowly as it continues the effects of an orgasm already the arousal already and the desire to be the best between them drives the emotions more and soon both are trying to push the other to her back and ride her into as many forced orgasms as she can, their hips start to undulate  now as they can’t deny the sensation, eyes flare as they look for a sign the other has weakened , Pam a sneer, “feel it whore hmm uhnnn my clits taking yours on cum and give “, Peggy huffs back, “all i feel bitch is your ready to explode unmmm just let it go and your done bitch cum now my clits pinning yours “, both felt their orgasm building but neither would let it show , their bodies however were going to defy the secret as slowly the undulating gets faster and more ravenous action, both women pump, grind and smear their womanhood to the others , arousal is getting higher despite their attempt to defy it, nipples and aureola’s extend from excitement, ,heavy breathing giving way to panting, both are near the point of no return as the desire to hold back is taken over by that to  release the emotional break of an orgasm.
The erotic duel is to close to say which woman is about to be forced into her second orgasm, the first between their womanhood, glistening thighs and now the floor under them shines, both prop back on an arm as they thrust and grind faster then faster, sweat starts to glisten on their firm breasts as they jostle, eyes stay locked as they still look for the hint of their rival to close to go on, when they see it one will try to mount her rival and pin her to the floor and as one orgasm is forced grind on to force another and another, as she does her own body will fight itself to not fall to her rivals erotic attempts to bring on one, panting gives way to gasps as now it is anyones first  faster then faster each woman shifts her upper body to arch up as if offering her breasts to her rival to get her there, Pam reaches for Peggy’s breast but her hand slapped away and her wrist grabbed, her hand and arm pushed up oveer her head as Peggy pulls that lower back leg in pulling Pam to her then her free hand grabs hold of Pam’s breast and knead deeply as her thumb wrestles the stiff nipple, Pam shakes her head as she can barely yell “Bitch” then as her breast is worked her rear arm fails and her upper body falls back on the cold stage, Peggy instantly slides to a knee and cups her rivals top leg shoving it high up  resting the calf on her shoulder her hands continue to grope hr rivals breasts.

Pam face red now squirming, she is trapped as Peggy is pinning her hips and ass as she out grinds the pinned redhead, “uuhhh uhhh yesss cum you Bitch cum you Bitch yess”, Pam pushes at Peggy but it is useless as Peggy is seated on top of her, smearing her wet folds and clit down onto Pam’s suddenly Pam grabs her own hair and a wicked spasm starts her tummy bellowing for more air, her bust swelling at the hands of Peggy, she bucks 1,2, 3 times then arches her back up and is frozen, her eyes shut as her mouth hangs open then a scream, “YESSS YESS you BITCH ohhh God i am cumming “, Peggy glares down as she seems content and secure atop her rival, as the feel of warm juices soak them Peggy suddenly starts a second rhythm, “uuhh uhhh thats it Bitch give me another cum again you whore”, the wet slurping easier and faster as the motion is slick from the juices, Peggy has the upper hand but her own orgasm isn’t far behind she needs a third from her rival before giving her own, “ohhhh you Bitch Cum Bitch”.

Pam is just staring up as her body is being rocked by her rival on top, her thighs give way wider opening and as they do Peggy gets a sneer she has her rival,  to secure ehr win Peggy adjusts without stopping her motion she pulls her top leg off Pam and her knees go inside Pam’s knees and spreading forces Pam’s even wider, allowing Peggy to lower her woman hood onto Pam’s an start  a rhythm driving her folds and clit into Pam’s as she holds her rival by her elevated ankles, her bust swelling out beyond over her rival’s body, two mighty firm full tempting targets, Pam cupping her own breasts starts to gasp as Peggy is rolling her head to prolong her own orgasm as her inner thighs start to quiver Pam sees she has one chance to get out of this before Peggy takes total control, Peggy rolls her head Pam can see her rivals fighting two fronts and she goes at Peggy’s breasts and caresses and cups and kneads deeply the play forces Peggy to arch heavy and their clits pin together as Peggy looks up, “uuhhhh yessss Fucking Bitch ohhh yessss you Bitch ohhh God i am gonna cum”, Pam hearing the near surrender loses her hold on her orgasm and as they grind faster then faster both buck wildly and explode as one, Pam shouts out, “you fucking Bitch i am cumming oh god you Bitch i’ll claw your eyes out Bitch fight me”.

Peggy pants heavy, “I wanna claw your eyes Bitch cmon”as Trevor starts to stand the two Amazons drop body to body , legs snake around each other again and as the grinding goes on both women stab claws at the others face and try to dig in as they do they start to roll and a sex duel is now a real sexfight, Trevor steps toward the stage as things turn rougher between the cats, but as they scratch at each other he sees they are still grinding  trying to force the other to another and maybe last orgasm, rolling across the stage slowly Pam is gaining an advantage as she gets atop Peggy more and more as they leave red furrows at each others sweaty face, no attempt to guard as they crush their tits together and clits become sealed as each is grinding her best fight, both gasp and pant as pain and pleasure are delivered now, Pam tries to get her thigh around Peggy and wants to force yet another orgasm, Peggy struggling to keep her rival from trapping her legs and leave herself to an open pin which will secure Pam yet another win, Peggy looks up as Pam gouges at her cheeks her breasts bulge against Peggy’s between her arms reaching to the face.

 Pam shaking her head to avoid claws as she starts to pump into Peggy and arouse her again to submission, “Give it you cow uuhnn uhnn mmm more cmon your done bitch i own you cum”, both are huffing now the sensation building again in both, exhaustion obvious as is the effects of the duel as thighs and mounds are chaffed and red and soaked, Pam has Peggy  , Peggy eyes wide feels it as she glares up at her rival, as she bucks suddenly, ‘uughhhh you cunt ohh yesss fuck i feel it get off me bitch”, Pam hearing how close to the win gasps a pleasured look “give cunt now” she hisses at her pinned rival, suddenly Pam stiffens her eyes well up as she purses her lips , “Nooo you bitch owww”.

Peggy arched enough her hand rakes Pam’s face and grabs a fistful of her hair at the top, the sudden sharp yank tilts Pam’s head way back lifting her tits off Peggy’s, right thigh gets free from under Pam’s left and wraps over her hip, Pam then is peeled back and to the side, her body rolled once on her side Peggy bullies her mound into Pam’s and smears her sweaty body on top, Pam bucks as Peggy digs her right hand claws in Pam’s face snarling “cum or your eyes are mine”, Pam starts to quiver and shake, her body turns on her and she explodes again, “AAhhhhhh yessss you Bitch oh god cumming stop it”, Peggy slides her body of to Pam’s side her left hand snakes under the arms of Pam over her head by force and behind the neck in a modified full nelson as she lays on Pam glaring in her face, “oh no bitch one more “ her fingers stab in to Pam’s folds and roughly Peggy fingers her rival deep and fast, Pam is barely able to gasp as she feels another orgasm instantly building, “uuhhhnn uhnhh yesss get off me i give i can’t go on Stop bitch”, Peggy pins her rivals hands to the stage floor, and now as Pam’s thighs spread wider from weakness Peggy slows her rhythm and has full control, Pam squirms and thrashes but her eyes widen and flash then close her body all but stops as her mouth hangs open and the final groan to this fight comes, “YESSSS OH GOD CUMMING UUHNNNNN”.

Peggy smiles now as she smears her wet mound on Pam’s then slowly climbs higher up her body, she straddles Pam by the head her thighs hold her head still her hands grab hair and she looks at Trevor, “Get over here Stud’, Trevor walks up and to Peggy she undoes his pants and eases his hard cock out her tit swallow it hole then she looks at Pam, “Do It Whore’, Pam starts to lick at the wet folds of Peggy, Peggy rides her face til she feels Trevor ready to blow and she cums as well, her breasts get soaked in his juices then Peggy lowers her breasts to Pam’s face and smears his load on her face as her stiff nipples drag lines in it, “Let me know when your feeling up to a fight Bitch”. Peggy stands up and grabs her robe she smiles at Trevor, ‘Start your car stud I’ll need a minute then be out to meet you”, Trevor walks out as Peggy swaggers back stage to change.

Peggy reaches the dressing room, she leans her back on the door as she fights the urge to shake, the feeling of an orgasm so close , she breathes through it then shakes her head as she admits to herself she nearly lost again to Pam.

She sits at her vanity and pushes her sweaty hair back uses a cool wipe on he face then her breasts, she lifts a make up brush when the door opens , its Pam, looking a wreck and drained, Peggy smirks as Pam swaggers in and plops in her seat her breathing still heavy, she and Peggy see each others face in the mirrors then Pam in a hiss, “he waiting out front for you?”, Peggy  softly replies, “you know he is why?”, Pam swallows the need to weep then she eases off the robe her hands caress her full firm breasts then she stands, Peggy eases off her robe and stands she inhales and turns as Pam does, both tilt a chin up at the other, then Peggy groans, “you seriously wanna go again honey?”, Pam inhales “i told you when i met you Bitch i wanna fight you everyday if i can”, Peggy nods “as did i”.

They ease from the vanities and circle Peggy hands open, ‘tits or more honey?”, Pam a sneer “a Fight Honey”, Peggy breathes out slow “i have him waiting so lets go” instantly they stab claws at others face and hair and start to fight like alley cats , knocking each other about the room, faces curled in to hate and pain, the banging about the room goes on as they rip hair out and each scores furrows at the others face freely as the fight gets faster, Pam whips Peggy against the door and stuns her then lunges in and grabs at her face with hands she snarls like a demon, “i am gonna scratch your eyes out cunt”.

Suddenly as Pam reaches at Peggy’s eyes she screams, “AWWWWW!!” Peggy drives a knee up into Pam’s unguarded crotch and a wet clack rings out , Peggy quickly reverses the tables as Pam bends forward she grabs hair gets behind her rival and get her in a choke from the rear then releases the hair and reaches around as she claws at the breasts of Pam who cries out, “Nooo oewwwwwww you Bitch my tits stop”, Peggy throws Pam face first to the rug and pounces on her back as Pam arches to get up Peggy grabs her breasts and digs her finger so deep in the twists the globes as Pam shakes her head no milk seeps, “i am gonna drain you again cunt cmon”, as Peggy fels her rivals milk leak she takes Pam’s left arm and twists it back behind her and up her back her free hand forms a claw shape and places her talons at Pam’s eyes, “Your gonna need a seeing eye dog Bitch” Pam in total terror screams, Peggy Nooooo Please Stop i give i give”, Peggy scratches just under Pam’s eyes then pushes her face in the wet rug and stands, she grabs her dress  and tosses it on as she walks to the door she scrapes her heel on Pam’s cheek, ‘see ya around …cunt”.

Peggy struts out to his car she gets in and flips down the visor for the mirror, trevor looks at her “had another round?”, Peggy touches up her hair, “thats right and your wife is laying in her milk with a few deep marks near her eyes as a warning, but if she is anything like me its not over till we are allowed to rip each other apart”, Trevor nods, “oh you two will get to no worries, where to ?”, Peggy arches as she looks at him cups her braless tits in her dress and moans, ‘anywhere you can have these as much you want”, the car skids off as Peggy giggles.

Chapter 6: One Last Guest

Pam left the club tired beaten and filled with rage, she was sure that Trevor suggested this style fight cause he was sure Pam would win, but for the first time in a long time , Pam was forced to orgasm after orgasm and could barely fight back, her rival has proven her breasts and sex better and worse part her Trevor knew and saw it as it happened , worse of all Peggy was second away from scratching her eyes and it was going to be a reminder for Pam every time she looked in the mirror, those deep 4 punctures were just under eye lids and red.

It was going to be a reminder that Peggy was not only ready and willing to have it cat to cat but nearly followed through on her threat if not wanting to be with Trevor as Pam was left to sulk. Meanwhile at their home Peggy was driving Trevor crazy in a good way, she had him in their kitchen, the den, the living room and yes their bed, she was taunting Trevor to let them fight and what come of it if she beat Pam cleanly, the promises from him had her smiling and wanting this fight , she was done proving these little duels she wanted this fight that she and Pam had to have and only one was having Trevor and the life of luxury , the other going back to the life before minus her job at the club which alone would be total confidence breaker, enough so like others Peggy went through leaving or going part time which meant less money and customers and well reputation broken.

Peggy and Trevor go all day and well into the night and all he could is worship her every inch of her, and Peggy loved it , it was like my Dad in their past , like no woman could compare, but like my Dad Trevor obviously has a thirst for any woman that can match up to the one he has currently , bringing the circle back to Pam for now, but as Peggy straddles Trevor the next morning he runs his hands over every inch of her breasts proclaiming her the best he has seen, she smiles, not cause of his worshipping but she knows what he is thinking ,and she calls him on it right there, “ Nmmm like my tits honey?”, Trevor as he runs his hands all over them only pausing to lick or suckle at them, “Oh yes of course Peggy”, she pulls his face to them at the cleavage, he looks up at her and she asks , ‘So who is the other bitch and when are you introducing us?’’, Trevor swallows, “How did you know? did Pam hint?”, Peggy eases her breasts into his face her arms coral his head as his face starts to vanish, “nmmm I want at her now I know what men want , you always want the next best or better one, i am the best you will find , now get her on the cam chat and let her and i set this up enough games”, Trevor couldn’t speak he just nods and Peggy eases her breasts off, “Right now”.

Trevor hesitant to stop worshipping Peggy’ chest stands up turns on his computer sets the cam up then opens his phone and calls the woman he has been waiting to match up to Peggy , Trevor clears his throat, “Hey Gwen hi, …yeah its me, ….no Pam is feeling under the weather right now, …..yeah she did i know… i was stunned to see it , ….yes it was her again, …..oh she is not only near by she is ready for you, ….yes she wants it as well, ….she wants to cam chat and set it up between you both you game?, ….good in 5 minutes then great,  i will let her know, ….no neither of you knows a thing about the other ..ok “, he hangs up as Peggy a smile rises off the bed she eases a thong on then one of Pam’s robes which fits like her own , her breasts swelling from arousal and now the thought of a fight with someone she at the very least knows is as busty or Trevor would not give her a second thought, Peggy just barely covers her spiking thick nipples leaving it parted like a V to the sash as she knots then using Pam’s make and brush to fix her look she turns to Trevor, “Not a word not an interruption it is all between her and i got it?”, Trevor admiring how fast Peggy made herself look as stunning as as if she spent an hour, she moves to the computer and sits , looking back at him she purrs, “sit just out of cam view you can watch but keep quiet”.

Peggy primps her hair and takes a sip of wine as she waits to get the invite from who ever this woman is, she always had a nervousness  when getting into a fight or arranging one she knows she is good but everyone has to lose sometime and after the hard time Pam gave her through their fights she knows now full well Trevor only picks the best fighters to watch, and the busty so Peggy knows who ever she is about to meet will be a fight not a push over.

The ding of a message goes off , Peggy sits up more sets the glass down her body becomes electrified, she hits accept then the screen flickers, then turns blue then opens and there sits a mature woman not much older than Peggy at nearly 50 , Gwen is 53 and every bit a challenge to Peggy, at 5’9” 147 and a full firm 36 GG her round breasts are slightly weighed down but no less firm and obviously heavy and carrying a lot of milk , the veins in her breasts are thicker and more defined and her aureola’s are as wide but her nipples seem longer but thicker, as they tent her lavender semi sheer robe, her blonde hair is up in a high bun indicating her longer hair, her neck is long and thin tight cheek bone look and thinner lips, her claws are like peggy manicured to points, a few faded scars near her throat and face show she has done more than titfight but so has Peggy as her own show, her grey blue eyes stare back at Peggy’s green as the mature amazons see instantly they are in for a long fight and more than just tits.

Gwen who knows Trevor as well as Peggy and what he likes was not disappointed when she sees Peggy on her screen a slight brow raise is even seen, they look others face and neck and cleavage over and the taught robes let them see each is bust full and round, Peggy starts the conversation, “Well there she is the OTHER woman finally let us see each other honey  and as expected Trevor doesn’t disappoint”, Gwen smirks , ‘So your the OTHER woman i heard about, seems we have a lot more in common then beating his wife, and now he wants us to fight see who is the absolute best”, Peggy softly replies, “yes he does , he has been a little hesitant getting us together so either he is worried for one of us or knows  we both are not the types to give in easy, either way it is about you and i now honey so why don’t we get started, we can discuss the how the rules and stakes as we go sound good?”, Gwen a smirk as she hears what she was going to say, “oh i agree mind if i go first i think once you see what your up against we may not have to fight at all unless you just want to”, Peggy scoffs “be my guest”.

Gwen arches slowly and never losing her glare at the camera pulls her sash free and then as the robe slackens open she peels it off behind her , her large double G’s swell out free and stand full firm and weighted , Trevor softly grunts “mmff” Peggy shoots a side glare as Gwen shows off her proud chest, “i will fully understand if you decide it best to just go home now”, Peggy lets her new rival one she has reason to be worried about have hr moment , then Peggy a smirk, “not bad but i am not going anyway without a fight honey”, Gwen smiles “i was hoping you would say that be my guest honey”, Peggy pulls her sash free Trevor and Gwen see no shift in her bust as she pulls the sash, it makes Trevor hard but Gwen swallow a concern, then her robe eases off behind her her G’s swell out and stand firm and high and round, Gwen can’t deny how hard they look as they are proudly displayed each has her share of scars they wear like medals of their past, then Peggy a soft purr, “last chance to change your mind Honey before you face these tits” then mom does her move her tits flex and lift and hold and lower Trevor nearly falls over as Gwen lets her eyes flash, she may be firm and heavy but her chest lacks the strength Peggy has and now the fuller rival realizes that just placed Peggy on equal playing field and now Gwen knows she is in for a fight.

Having seen what they are up against both women slowly cup their breasts and as they caress and knead them for each other the agreement begins, “Well Peggy what stakes are we going to have?”, Peggy working her own tits, ‘nmmm well i think we share the same thoughts on that, Winner gets Trevor, milks loser takes her bra and well in our case i will make you worship my tits after and you?”,  Gwen caressing her tits as she kneads listening , ‘mmmm oh that sounds perfect to me i agree though i might add a face sit to it when i win, as for rules , no hands till or if we agree hair holds , hugging ok , if i feel your claws before it is over i will go for your eyes agree?”, Peggy smirks , “sounds perfect oh by the way i allow holds as we titfight as well if your ok with it but mostly for our and his sake lets try to keep this tit to tit shall we at least till one of us wins then you and i can go meet another time to get better acquainted hmm?”,  Gwen inhales as she grabs her own breasts , “nmmm now that sounds like a deal i can’t refuse your on Sugar, when and where i want to fight  you”.

As the two Amazons accept and are ready and willing Trevor eases a post it on the desk near Peggy, she sees it then looks at Gwen, “The Plaza suite 3 10 pm tomorrow night lingerie and your best bra agree?”, Gwen massages her swelling breasts , “oh i agree Honey nmm i am going to hurt you”, Peggy squeezes her own “nmm you try honey cause i am going to really hurt your tits ….then you bitch to bitch”, Gwen panting as is Peggy as they really handle their own tits, “nmmm  your on Bitch “, “so are you bitch be ready”, Trevor hits end and kisses peggy deeply “you have to win now” Peggy pulls him to his knees in front of her spreads her thighs, “eat your new champ Trevor pleasure me”, Trevor with no assist dives his face in her woman hood and goes down on her.

The rest of the week Peggy has Trevor drive her home she knows Pam is still a threat and wants to fight her but Gwen is  someone she needs to be ready for, her workouts and cream regime are doubled up for Friday and as Friday morning comes Peggy poses at her mirror a smirk she knows she may lose tonight but she is going to make sure Gwen feels a win long after if she does, as the sun sets Peggy gets ready she eases her red lingerie on from heels to a red choker  and all in between then her red sheer robe kimono style then a fur Trevor had given her to hide the sexy lingerie to enter the hotel her hair up tight bun she gets dropped off by a car he sent each woman, Peggy swaggers in stops at the desk for a key card then heads up to the suite.

Peggy enters the suite she pauses to take in the large living room area the scenic tinted window over looking the city , the well stocked bar then she smiles and heads into the bedroom to the left, closes the door and waits for the other woman to arrive, Peggy knows no woman would dare agree to meet her in this way without being a fighter herself, so like any fight Peggy enters this one is only different in that the woman she is going to fight wants it as much and Peggy knows what it means, neither will be giving up easy and the real fight they want after will be vicious and as long as tonight will be, both will leave tonight swollen, sore and hurting, so as Peggy thinks of that the thought of the damage they will do each other i na street fight makes her fingers tremble a bit more than any fight she has had before, her coat is off as he sits ont he bed waiting to hear the room door shut then the other bedroom door , once that happens she has about 5 minutes and the action will start, no sooner does that pass her mind the suite opens and closes firmly, Peggy raises a brow then the bedroom door beside hers shuts and she smiles to herself and nods.

Peggy stands up, she touches up her makeup adjusts the bra that won’t be on long and inhales as she says to herself, “Ok Girls your in for a fight tonight lets beat her tits fair and square, here we go’, Peggy turns and her fingers seem to steady as they grip the knob, the door opens and she swaggers out, she pours  drink and sits at the bar as suddenly the slight squeak of hinges opening alerts her that Gwen is coming out now.

 Slowly Gwen rounds the corner she is everything Peggy was sure she was and the video chat did neither of them justice as they see other in the flesh both inhale and now the fear they had of the other is confirmed both are going to have to be their best facing this one rival, Gwen tilts her chin at Peggy who does the same and Peggy points to the bottle on the bar, “A toast?”, Gwen steps over and sits next to her rival they turn the stools to face each other, their pointed talons and fingers cup the glasses and each lifts her drink Gwen stares at Peggy, ‘’ well?’, Peggy clinks the glasses slowly, stares at Gwen, “Here’s to our tits may the better pair win”, Gwen adds, “Nmmm agree and for next time we meet may the better woman win”, Peggy raises a brow “Here Here” , they both drink the full glass down, Gwen then licks her lips and says, ‘’ we getting straight to it or you wanna a little warm up?”, Peggy sets he glass down  , “oh i am up for either honey, what did you have in mind?’, Gwen arches and reaches to Peggy’s robe she parts the top to expose the bra cups her sharp nail traces a thick vein to the cup then she looks at Peggy “you mind?”, Peggy swells her bust, “be my guest”, Gwen pulls the bra cup to her then lower till Peggy’s left thick nipple springs out over it, then she does the same to the right bra cup as that nipple is exposed, Peggy has a confident smirk as both nipple stand out stiff and strong.

Gwen slides her finger tips on each shaft and pulls on both nipples a bit, she looks at Peggy arches “be my guest honey”, Peggy parts her rivals robe at the top and eases each cup low enough Gwen’s nipples spring out over them then mimics the rub and pull on each nipple, both women don’t even flinch as Gwen says to Peggy “5 minutes each sucking and nibbling first to have enough gives?”, Peggy smiles “love to, rules?”, Gwen stands in front of Peggy as she stays seated turning the stool so they can, she looks at Peggy “put your hands in my hair honey, i will set my stop watch on my watch on the bar, if you pull my face off your nipples you lose the round, if i don’t let go after the this goes off you pull my face off, only other rule ? we can’t touch the other anywhere else, if either does we well will settle that as well”, Peggy reaches up and gets a tight double fistful of Gwen’s hair at either side of her head and gives a snug tug to ensure her grip, Gwen sneers noting the pull as Peggy says “winners reward?”, Gwen bends at the waist, “loser worships winners Pussy honey what else”, Peggy breathes in, “Agree “, Gwen grins as she starts the watch then her mouth seizes Peggy’s right stiff nipple and starts to lick and suck at it , her head turning tilting as she draws on the stiff peg, Peggy arches in pleasure as her head rolls back then looks at her rival working her nipple, “harder cmon” she huffs at her rival who is willing to please the request and instantly the smooth pleasuring turns an erotic bitter turn as Gwen saws her teeth on the swelled shaft and nibbles at it and the broad tip, “ohhh, uuhhhh nmm harder cmon fight”.

Gwen is happy to do more , the damage seeming insignificant but both women know as the titfight gets heated sore swollen nipples can play a huge role in turning a winning fight to a loss for one of them, Peggy grips the hair tighter as she arches Gwen pushes her back in her chair and her hands place on Peggy’s thighs as she goes at the trapped nipple faster, “nmmm nmm take it Bitch nmm” Gwen hisses as her mouth works faster and harder, Peggy huffs, “uuuhhhh bitch uwww oh my nipple nmmm ahh”, the timer goes off Peggy has the tight hair hold then Gwen slides her wet tongue off the right she looks up at her rival, “reset it Honey left ones turn”, as Peggy hand a little shakey feeling both aroused and sore restarts the timer before she can regrip gwen’s hair she has swallowed the stiff left nipple, Peggy huffs hotly, “ohhh uuhnn harder cmon bitch”, Gwen starts fast and hard and Peggy looks up as she pinned to her seat, her hand regains the grip as Gwen feverishly goes after the stiff nub like a starved baby for nursing.

The same erotic torment goes on and Peggy feels her nipples grow sensitive by the second, the 5 minute length feels like 30 minutes as Gwen pulls sucks nibbles and saws at it, Peggy rolls her shoulders “uuuhhh ohhhh sss you Bitch harder”, Gwen through her teeth “nmmm i’ll go harder bitch sure you want it”, Peggy tugs Gwen’s hair at her nipple “try it Bitch”, Gwen pushes her rivals thighs apart steps in closer and now is dragging her teeth all over the stiff nub, Peggy is squirming her hips as her breasts swell and her aureola’s puff  her nipples are both burning and desire more, as Gwen really gets after the nipple and without knowing the time left nips at the right as she works the left Peggy is getting hot and hurt the timer goes off and Gwen sucks long and hard , Peggy has her hair but allows the extended pull on her nipple, Gwen smiles as she wipes her wet lip with her middle finger then turns her chair to front and sits, Peggy looks at her redden nipples then Gwen who hisses, “wanna just give now?”, Peggy stands and steps to Gwen pushes her thighs apart and steps with in them, “grab my hair bitch its my turn”.

Gwen smirks “with pleasure”, her fingers dig in and twist the hair up, Peggy lowers her face”set it”, Gwen breathes in “Go” Peggy presses her lips on the left nipple slow as if taking Trevor in her mouth then instantly her teeth starts sawing as her tongue teases the nipple tip her lips drawing on it, Gwen rolls her back , “ohhhh nmmm harder bitch cmon “, Peggy is as willing to please she pinches the trapped nipple in her teeth and sucks faster at it, “Gwen rolls her head now, “uuuhhhhh yesss ohhh you Bitch my nipple nmm “, suddenly the timer dings and Peggy slowly drags her teeth off, Gwen stares at her as she re sets the timer, then re grips Peggy’s hair, “cmon bitch get to it i want at yours again’, Peggy smirks and licks the right ip, “Go” she attacks the right nipple and starts to nibble harder as she licks at the stiff nub, Gwen feels it , “uuuhhh ohhh you Bitch, uhnnnn mmm cmon that your best hmm fucking bitch”, Peggy does it harder and adds sawing and sucking then her tongue swirls the nipple between her molars and Peggy pinches her the nipple her jaw kneading her teeth into the shaft like a cigar, Gwen feels it and tugs at Peggy’s hair, Peggy spits, “watch it bitch its not time”, Gwen  arches “ahhhh uuhhhh oh you Bitch my nipple uughhhh “ Peggy hisses “wanna give?”, Gwen gives a tug toward her nipple “Do it Bitch cmon uuuhhhh”.

Peggy pulls her head back stretching the nipple, Gwen shakes her head no as she winces, “aahhh ohhh you Bitch my nipple ohhhh aaghhhh Fucking bitch”, the timer dings and Peggy is slow to let the nipple snap back, Gwen gives an upward tug and Peggy returns the favor with a hair grab on Gwen they hold still in the same postion s they pull at others scalp, Gwen hisses, “need to learn how to tell time bitch”, Peggy hisses back, “need to learn patience bitch wanna keep going hmm?”, Gwen and she stare as Gwen asks, “wanna go on or move on bitch hmm?”, Peggy tightens the hair grip, “any game you like Bitch i am here to fight”, Gwen pauses “ok we have a long night ahead why don’t we do one more set each and see what happens hmm?”, Peggy nods as they hold others scalp, then each loosens the hair hold and Peggy sits, Gwen stands and roughly gets between Peggy’s thighs “set it Bitch”, Peggy swells her tits out “Go for it Bitch”.

Both want to really fight but they know they have to settle this titfight Trevor needs to know but they do as well, they let cooler heads take over as Gwen bends to Peggy’s nipples looks up, “get ready to give up” , Peggy sneers , “i am waiting talker”, then Gwen swallows the left nipple and instantly returns the teeth pinching hold on Peggy’s thick nipple, Peggy rolls her head , “uuughhh bitch cmon harder “, Gwen chews and pulls at it, “all night bitch “ she spits as Peggy feels the stretching pinch and sees and feels her aureola stretch with Gwen’s teeth, “ahhhh ohhh you bitch,” Gwen knows she got early to Peggy this set and her hands press at Peggy’s shoulders as she pulls out more her teeth sink in tighter , “Peggy feels it now, “ooohhh uughhh my nipple ohh you Bitch , you wait ohh owww fuck”, Peggy holds her rivals hair but doesn’t want to pull her off her nipple and be forced to say she gives, she grits her teeth and endures it, squirming in the bar stool as Gwen works her stiff nipple then the timer dings, but Gwen doesn’t stop instantly and now Peggy lifts her off the nipple by the hair, “Times up bitch”.

Gwen gets lifted her eyes meet Peggy’s “watch it bitch”, Peggy sits up, “might want to practice what you preach Bitch before this gets to a point we can’t return from”, Gwen pulls Peggy’s hands free of her hair as they look ready to pounce then Gwen sits, “cmon honey last go at it”, she sits parts her thighs and opens her hands for a good grip as Peggy leans forward Gwen grabs hold then hears “go” Peggy instantly sinks her teeth in both nipples as she placed both in her mouth and stretches as she sinks her teeth in, Gwen arches and leaning back tries to ease up to lessen the pull, but Peggy pushes her shoulders back , Gwen pulls  and Peggy winces as she grinds her teeth on the stiff nubs, “aahhh you Bitch ohh my nipples Damn you, ahhh ok ok i give let go” peggy smirks the nipples in her mouth and Gwen breathing heavy twists the hair hold, “i said enough let them go”, Peggy stares and makes Gwen shutter , Gwen knows one quick lock of Peggy’s jaw and her nipples could be severed or cut deep, She swallows, “ok i’ll let go” her hands open and Peggy gives a second longer ( i got you glare ) then spits her nipples free she swaggers back in her seat, sits and parts her thighs , her fingers ease her thong aside, “i believe i won”.

Gwen has to rub her nipples and Peggy sees they are red and swelled and more sensitive now, Gwen eases off her seat and steps in front of Peggy they glare pure hate then Gwen lowers to her knees and slowly extends her tongue , Peggy watches, “be my guest bitch”, Gwen wants to sink her teeth in and Peggy knows it so she eases her fingers in Gwen’s hair at the front then slowly Gwen slides her tongue along the wet folds , Peggy moans , “nmmmm yess”.

Gwen eases her face away slow and feels Peggy’s grip tighten in her hair, “if i were you i would let my hair go Bitch, your in no position to try me” then Gwen snaps her teeth as if to bite at her rivals wet woman hood, Peggy is no fool she eases her hand loose enough that if Gwen presses her face back she can re grab and try to prevent a bad injury, Gwen feels the ease of her hair and then stands, she stares at Peggy who eases to her feet, “we never agreed to make you cum honey shall we move on?”, Peggy smiles “no i guess we didn’t , oh please lets the more i stand with you the closer i get to scratching your eyes out”, Gwen smirks, “well the feelings very mutual, its just to bad trevor wants us to titfight first or i would be clawing you right now”, Peggy smirks “likewise but soon enough”.

Both step from the bar and circle around to the front of the large tinted window high over the city they stand a few inches apart, then without any further coaxing they reach back and start to unclasp their bras, each clasp pops open then the elastic bands spring open releasing the weighted pressure, both take breath then ease the bras fully off, they toss them aside and stand proudly showing off their round full heavy breasts to the other as they did in the cam chat, Gwen a smile as if she already won as they both can see Gwen’s bust is fuller, but Peggy smiles as they both see peggy’s is firmer and as heavy, Gwen shimmies slow, then Peggy arches her back and flexes her big breasts slow on command, Gwen’s smile fades a bit as she sees Peggy is plenty of a match for hers.

Peggy is use to seeing the reaction of uhh oh on an opponents face but this time she is a bit worried as well as Gwen wasn’t chosen cause she loses, Gwen eases her bra away and her round heavy solid breasts stand out lower but fuller  she poses hers then hands go on her hair, as they glare Gwen purrs, “we both wanna know whose are better so lets agree to just use our tits shall we?”, Peggy knows her rivals right , “fine no hair hold no hugs just my tits versus yours till one gives”, Gwen winks “agreed, shall we?”, Peggy winks “oh lets “.

The two women arch backs and circle slow their eyes scan each other faster as they tilt chins up at the other, their bodies pull in closer as if a magnet makes them, another slower circle about closer and Peggy feels her nipples graze Gwen’s both breath in as they are more sensitive and swollen but Gwen more so, she can’t help react ad as she does Peggy presssses in and molds her breasts into Gwen’s who as she feels the pressure does the same and they bulge their huge tits and the war is on, both women slowly step as one in a circle as they stare ahead into others eyes, each a smirk and very sure any second the other is going to feel her rivals breasts and let out a reaction , but as the duel increases the time ticks off, and neither woman lets out so much as a moan.

Gwen her confident look a bit concerned as she is fuller for the first time ever is carrying the burden of being bigger and fighting another but this time the other is matching her well, firmer, as heavy and round, the solid density in Peggy’s breasts makes Gwen silently inhale a breathy pant, Peggy no rookie to a titfight as we all know can sense the inhale as a sign she is making her fuller rival feel her early in, so Peggy decides to really lead this fight on her way, she steps her left thigh between Gwen’s thighs and as she pushes the heavy bust of Gwen up Peggy starts a rowing effect as her breasts push in and lift up and drop her rivals then do it again and again, the first 3-4 times Gwen tries to hold her ground, the silence in the room is broken as the sound of flesh colliding fills out from between the women, “CLOP CLOP CLOP’’, both women look at the other and between them watching how their breasts react and effect they cause.

But as Peggy feels how her breasts work the fuller rivals and hears the solid clops she presses her attack, and she inches closer to Gwen her thigh grinds along Gwen’s thong, Peggy knows the feeling Gwen has now as her lips part and she lets out a breathy moan, “oohhhh uwww cmon”, Peggy is all to happy to oblige her, she increases the rowing lift patten and presses closer, the tighter rhythm  limits Gwen’s motion and the jolting collision Peggy attacks with starts to quake and rattle Gwen’s fleshy breasts, Gwen is slowly being backed up now as Peggy bullies into her, and the confident grin is fading on her lips, as she starts to feel the real strength in Peggy’s breasts and chest.

The fear can not be denied by Gwen, her eyes widen, she is not use to being bullied early in let alone by a less full woman, as her surprise etches her face her lips purse when peggy walks her back and her bare back claps to the window of the room, then she feels Peggy start to really work her as she lets out a grunt, “ohhhh uughhhh Bitch”, Peggy now widens her stance and really goes at Gwen, shifting her rivals breasts across ehr chest and pumping her own head on colliding with more sped and power, “Ummf fumffff umff cmon Bitch fight my tits”, she growls at Gwen as Gwen is stunned and now getting hurt, “uuughh ohhhh my tits you bitch get off me”.

Peggy hears the plea and knows her rival is being wrecked by her powerful bust, she refuses to ease up as Gwen turns her face and mouth agape is pinned in a rear arch against the glass and Peggy is power pumping and shoving her breasts all over her chest, the less firm breasts look like soft dough as the more firm rounded set crush and grind and smear them, Gwen places her hands palm flat to the glass ,her breath huffs out as if Peggy took it, “Ohhh my tits you Bitch”, Peggy says nothing she concentrates on using her breasts to work the fuller pair, short grunts are all that are heard, “uuggg uhnnn mmfff “ Gwen starts to feel ehr stomach bellow as she can’t take a full deep breath, the duel goes on as Gwen is pinned and her cheeks start to get a pink hue as her breasts get red, Peggy shows signs of sweat starting, she will later admit it was work moving Gwen’s larger mass but Peggy was use to a tough fight.

Gwen’s chest now is heaving as her breasts are dragged left to right and back and the added pumping and lift and drop weighs on her chest heavy, she knows if she doesn’t slow Peggy this will be over before it really is a titfight and not a punishment, her hands rise from the glass and push at Peggy’s waist, but the attempt angers peggy ,she grabs hold of Gwen’s hips and shoves her backside to the glass, Gwen rolls her shoulders, “Uughhh mmfff Bitch”, Peggy in a unaware breath, ‘fight my tits Bitch”, Gwen lets out a desperate pant, ‘Uughnnn you Bitch get off me’, the fight thus far is all Peggy, but Gwen wasn’t going to be an easy win and Peggy went in expecting to feel her rival.

With her breasts turning redder and now the constant pumping motion as Peggy’s crush and collide over and over as Gwen’s are moved and pushed the flesh surrounding them is getting red as the large fleshy meat is colliding with claps against her own body and chest, Gwen is shaking her head slow she is feeling Peggy and the collisions are getting firmer, her eyes close her hands rise higher and despite her desire it is what needs to be done to get free, her hands grip the top back of Peggy’s hair and start to pull, Peggy’s head gets tilted back with tension as she fights the direction of the pull, she now openly growls at Gwen, “Watch it Bitch it’s a titifght “, as she says it Peggy grabs Gwen’s hair, i am sure there were flash backs to every fight she had before against a formidable rival as they resort to hair grips to fight on, but as they feel their scalps stretched by others fingers Gwen snakes her calf around Peggy’s rear right knee, there is a moment of a rhythm silence as the only noise heard is fleshy breasts CLOPPING firmly and gasping breath, then as Peggy rolls her firm breasts into Gwen’s , she never feels how Gwen’s drop lower from natural weight and lack of firmness, Peggy rears her own back to again pump head on but this time Gwen was waiting as Peggy arches and lunges her upper torso in Gwen jolts her tits up under Peggy’s hard, SMACK!!, rings out as the sound rings out Gwen pulls her calf in behind Peggy’s knee, buckling it Peggy is bent back on her hips Gwen uses the window for support and this time dips and crushes up under the undersides of Peggy’s breasts.

Peggy tosses her head back and Gwen freely releases her hair and shoves Peggy by the shoulders backward, Peggy her knee buckled and caught is sent back on to her ass on the floor, Gwen instantly pushes from the glass and drops on her rival and slams her heavy tits down on to Peggy’s as they are up but drooped slightly to each side , the effect of Gwen on top and her heavy tits on Peggy’s pushes Peggy’s breasts more apart and to the sides spreading them apart it was exactly what Gwen needed to reverse the fight.

Gwen can feel the turn of the fight she sneers at Peggy’s face as her hands grip Peggy’s and pins them on the dingy rug, Peggy looks up as she feels her breasts being stretched apart and the weight of Gwen and her breasts flatten them to her own chest, “UUghhh you Fucking Bitch”, Gwen a bit worn snarls, “Now it’s my turn you Fat bitch”, it bothered Peggy to be called that she was proud to be shapely yet fit, as Gwen starts to grind and undulate her upper body dow non Peggy’s the effect is all she hoped for as Peggy’s face ,chest and breasts get bright red now and the sweat that starts between them making it easier for Gwen to grind and smear down, Peggy strains to push Gwen off but her solid body is straddling, but even Gwen makes a mistake, her heels are lifting her legs to add pressure on Peggy’s chest allowing Peggy to snake her legs wide and when she sees Gwen has her Peggy snaps her thighs around Gwen’s ribs and squeezes, Gwen’s head rears now and shakes “Agghhhh Bitch my ribs”, peggy snarls up “Get off me Bitch and fight”, Gwen’s shaking her head no but she can’t suck in a much needed breath her sides are crushed in Peggy’s dancer legs and Peggy is applying more pressure, finally Gwen lets her rivals hands go, then gets up on her knees , her hands push and dig at Peggy’s vise like thighs, her looser bigger breasts sway and collide as she sways her shoulders to get free.

Peggy knows she has to get up without any more damage she turns her hips and forces Gwen on her side then opens her legs and scrambles from her, she gets up and as Gwen lays catching her breath Peggy caresses her breasts , “cmon Bitch unless your weak tits are done get up”, Gwen lets her pride stop her common sense she stands but as she does Peggy is ready and waiting, as soon as Gwen is fully upright, Peggy stabs her big tits head on a solid CLOPPPP rings out that arches Gwen up and back it was what Peggy needed she dips grabs Gwen by the shoulders and delivers the fight ending punishment, SMACK,SMACK,SMACK!!” three straight upper cut breast blows to the undersides of Gwen, her head rolls back and a shriek, “AWWWWWW STOP” then Gwen drops onto all 4’s .

Gwen’s breasts red as cherries hang looser sway then before between her arms her head hangs as tears run , Peggy grabs her hair and lifts her head to look in her eyes, “Getting up i wanna titfight “, Gwen sucks in a deep breath winces then shakes her head no, “ I..I can’t you win please stop “, Peggy releases her hair smiles, “my pleasure” then mounts Gwen’s bare back, Gwen knows what is coming, “PLEASE NO I GIVE “, Peggy reaches under and slaps her hands onto the stretched red breasts and squeezes deep, and starts to roughly knead ,squeeze and maul her rivals breasts into total submission, “Cmon Bitch your big tits have milk for me hmm get it out”, Gwen hangs her head hurting and weeping now , am warned her but Gwen was sure being fuller was a win, she never met a woman like peggy so full so firm and strong, Finally as Gwen can’t hold her self up Peggy deeply drags her fingers off the breasts , red finger prints streak the flesh, she lets Gwen fall on the rug, then grabs her bra and her own, she stands over Gwen and snaps a selfie with her heel on Gwen’s breasts and then sends it to Trevor, with this text, “Thought you should know your weak wife sent another to take me out this is what happens to bitches who fight my tits, I am coming for you baby”.

Peggy lifts Gwen’s face up by her hair Gwen looks up as peggy snarls, ‘You still wanna meet me in the street Bitch?’, Gwen tears streaking her make up shakes her head no, Peggy shakes her head by the hair roughly “Nmmm shame i wanted to scratch your eyes out but have it your way”, then dresses and leaves the room leaving Gwen a sobbing mess, I didn’t know it at the time , i mean i knew her and Pam were headed for a fight but I took it as eventually not right away, any way Peggy leaves the room she smiles ear to ear, she gets in the car and heads to the club as she waits at a light Trevor sends a text, “Peggy i had no idea but oh my god you beat the roughest pam ever had dance for us, i am at the club”, Peggy giggles, ‘I am going on as soon as i get there baby then you and i are in for a night”, Peggy assumed Pam was there but she was never sure what that woman was up to, she drives to the club and walks in, Trevor is waiting at the bar and peggy turns him around her dress top almost open her nipples tenting with ease her breasts still a red tint but swollen and no worse for the wear, she smiles in pride as she gasps, then she kisses him deeply, unaware or caring Pam is dancing and sees everything, Trevor whispers “mmmm your amazing you going on?’, Peggy nods “yes why?’, Trevor points to the stage, Peggy sees Pam, and she smiles at him, “nmm guess a little warm up before i shake it better get changed”, he pats her ass and she struts back stage.

Once backstage Peggy strips and while she hears the thump of the music telling her Pam is still dancing she calls me to let me know there may be some action if joe and I want to watch, I couldn’t hang up fast enough or drive to get to her, she waited in the dressing room wearing a red semi kimono thong and heels touching up her makeup she knew the titfight with Gwen softened her a bit but she was swollen now to counter it a bit, she knew once Pam came in they were n’t going to chat much after the sexfight loss last week and Peggy was smiling ear to ear as she sat her phone on the vanity of her standing victorious over Gwen would give Pam something to think about, the music slowed and Mom said she had to go then set the phone so Pam sees it, she slowly puffed a smoke as she typically did before a planned fight of any kind, the door knob turns and in walks pam, wearing a black robe thong heels and thigh highs, she stares at Peggy who just lazily looks back, “After noon”, pam shuts the door saunters to the vanity and sees the image on the phone , she closes it and tosses it at Peggy.

Peggy sets the phone down, as pam undoes her sash, Peggy sees it dowses the cigarette and stands up and unties her sash, they peel back the robes then hands go on hair, Peggy hisses “done cumming yet?”, Pam snarls, “when you and i fight next time i’ll rip those tits and cunt out with my claws”, Peggy mocking “nmmm sure you wanna wait?”, then CLOP they crush together and Pam lets out a verbal grunt, “uuughhhh bitch”, Peggy goes at her hard smearing, jolting pushing as Pam is retreating , “cmon Bitch fight like a woman bring those tits on”, Pam can feel the hard firmness in Peggy’s bust she has lost to it three times now and the way Peggy is attacking it will be a fourth for sure, the fleshy clops ring out as they duel and Trevor and his bouncer listen at the door to break it up but want to hear as much as they can.

Pam is being guided backward about the room as Peggy goes at her “stop running away bitch you wanna titfight or not hmm cmon”, Pam is red faced as she knows Peggy is to much , it is why she got Gwen after her but seeing Gwen beaten under her Pam now knows Peggy and her powerful tits are to much, “uughh you bitch i wanna fight but not tits Whore”, Peggy breaks the attack and eases back hands on hips now she smiles, “well there it is you wanna start it here? or wait?”, Pam hurt and angry grits her teeth and charges Peggy they crush together as hands instantly tear at hair, “you whore i’ll bald you, “Peggy spits ‘cmon cunt Fight me woman to woman”, they stagger about and claw at backs and cheeks but before real damage is done the door flies open and both fighters are torn off the other, wanting to be let loose they spit and squirm, then Peggy who planned to get under Pam’s skin calms and grabs her robe, “i have a set to get the crowd fired up some one has to” as she sways her hips at Pam walks to the stage, Pam ready to cry she wants at Peggy so bad.

Chapter 7: You Wanted This

Joe and  I arrive and watch Mom do her sets all the time Pam was watching next to Trevor by the bar, I knew they had a disagreement cause Joe went to get drinks and heard Pam telling Trevor , “You are going to let her and I fight and settle this, you think cause she made me have a few orgasms thats it? no way baby i earned being with you and now she has to , if you don’t set it up her and i will but we are going to fight”, Trevor just had that sly smirk on his face as he watched Peggy dance as if he was the only one there, the money being tossed at her heels and the drinks pouring like water, Trevor knew choosing peggy was the move, he loved Pam and enjoyed her and knew she could handle herself, but Peggy now three times beat Pam in a titfight and in a sexfight, as far as he was concerned Peggy was the replacement, but he also knew Pam was right she was devoted , did what he asked whenever he asked, she had a right to stay the woman in charge, he also knew not letting these two at each other would just delay what they were going to arrange without him, as Peggy finishes her sets he orders drinks for the three of them, then Peggy emerges and stands beside Trevor, Pam sees the smiles on both faces and is ready for war.

Peggy in a catty tone, “Your still here should be icing your tits honey”, Pam also knows this woman devoured not only the best titfighter Pam knew but a fuller and heavier one in less time than most, she would be a fool to take Peggy on in a titfight again, but as Peggy smiles and Pam glares they both know what this has to come down to and both are waiting to be told do it, Trevor has a hand around Pam’s hip then other eases around Peggy’s hip as they turn partially into him their cleavages swell up and out both wanna dig their claws in others, Trevor takes a breath, “ok you two , is this what you both really want?”, Peggy paws at Trevor’s chest , “mmmm more than anything baby let me at her”, Pam inhales as she runs her talons on his crotch, “oh baby i so do , just let me loose on her “, Trevor knows one of his best dancers won’t be back but he can’t keep them from getting at one another every minute either , “ok Ladies here it is, you two can have it out but not today i want you both at your best agree?”, Peggy licks her lips, “nmmm anytime you say baby as long as i get at her’, Pam moans, “nmmm baby you say where and when i’ll be the one holding her hair in my fist and tits in my claws”, Peggy scoffs “you silly cunt”, Pam spits “anytime cunt” they both reach out and dig claws in others face but he pulls them apart, “ok then two weeks  we meet at the bar and i will have a place to do this”, Peggy grabs his hand as Pam eyes wide says , “what the hell are you doing bitch?”, Peggy smiles leading Trevor out, “you lost bitch he is mine for now”.

Pam was so mad she threw her glass at the front door as it shut, Peggy walked with Trevor a smile as if she already won it all, needless to say Trevor was full of smiles as well, the days ticked away slower than molasses from a tree on a winter day, but Peggy was all i was worried about, she didn’t seem ready, instead she was acting more care free as if like i said she was already Trevor’s, Pam may not have been the toughest or most vicious fight Mom was going into but one thing was certain she was the most scorned woman she was going to fight, now i am by no means a fighter like my mother but even i know hate,jealousy and rage can make passionate allies for a woman in a fight.

Peggy never left Trevor’s side during the two weeks, i was getting concerned she wasn’t going to be ready or take Pam seriously and as a result end up a torn up mess on the ground, as the day before the fight came Peggy later told me how she asked Trevor if he thought she was good enough to Fight Pam, it was he who was building her ego and warned her that Pam was ruthless and does what is needed to win a fight, Peggy just smiled at him and told him he picked the perfect cat to match her against.

But what Peggy didn’t tell him nor did i, was while Peggy would fight like a wild beast off a leash, she didn’t have the winning record or reputation she portrayed in catfights, in a breast fight she was a Queen but like any fighter she had her strong area and her weak ones and nipple duels and street fights were on the less strong side, i saw it in her fight with Gina after she was torn up by her behind the bar and though she came back and ruined her rival, Peggy had to work to win a catfight and it seemed Pam was stronger there so it was going to be either a war or a beating but by tomorrow we all would know.

That afternoon Peggy came back home , her smile was one of carefree confidence, she lounged about the rest of the day and i stopped over , “mom? what are doing ?”, Peggy a smile, “relaxing , i had the most amazing 2 weeks with Trevor”, i stood mouth open this wasn’t how mom prepared for a fight let alone one both were going to get hurt in, but one was going to be carved up, “Aren’t you fighting his wife tomorrow?”, Peggy rolls up on her bed to sit up, “of course i am , why have you heard differently?”, “no mom but this isn’t you she is out to break you and win or lose she will leave her marks on you, i am just concerned is all”, Peggy pushes her top open her round heavy breast swelling as her nipples stiffens her pointy talon circles her nipple then cups her heavy breast, a slow squeeze as she looks up at me, “trust me honey i am going to hurt that bitch as much and more i want at her even more now”.

I could say or do nothing Mom was going through with it and knew her rival was coming after her hard if this was how Peggy was stopped so be it it was her life to do it how she wanted, she already knew Dad was sending women he cheated with after her with the game turned she had every right to risk it, and one thing i knew about mom, win or lose she wasn’t retiring her bra anytime soon.

The rest of the night Peggy got plenty of rest the next morning she slept in, i was sure she wasn’t taking this serious enough, around noon she was showering, i was on the edge of my seat, Peggy walked down stairs, wearing red heels, black leggings, and a red blouse with a black tank top under it no bra, her hair was brushed back lipstick and makeup was done as were her claws, she smiled at me , “” Hi Sweetie coming to cheer momma on ?’, I nodded but I didn’t want to see this fight after how pam tore her up at the estate i was sure this was going to be worse, she tossed me her keys, “you drive kiddo”, and out the door we headed.

We pulled out the drive way and Peggy’s nipples were spiking, i was sure she was nervous, “you ok mom?”, she smiled ‘’ i am fine Amber and before you say it i know i don’t have to do this but i so want to”, we drove a bit “where to Mom?”, just head towards the bar near work, i meeting there and once we all agree its today and all that Trevor has a spot no one will stop it”, my mind raced for some excuse she may not have thought of but i know Peggy , any woman threatens to fight her nothing could stop her from fighting but the other woman a no show and i knew Pam wanted at mom just as bad, i puled up at the bar and we got out Peggy was filled in pride as we enter the bar.

We enter and Peggy looks about then not seeing the couple her and i grab a seat facing the door, we grab a drink and mom texts Trevor i am here”, i saw his reply “nearly there”, i was squirming and Peggy looks at me after a sip, “Amber you need to stop this , you know and knew this was coming and more you knew i was saying yes its gonna happen worry about me after “, the bar door opens and in walks Trevor he looks about Peggy wiggles her fingers and he smiles and walks over.

Peggy brings her arms in bulge her G’s showing no bra then in a catty tone, “where’s your wife? change of heart?”, Trevor licks his lips as Peggy’s breasts no bra swell she winks at him, “oh no no she will be here she just went to see if the back of the dance club was secluded enough”, Peggy runs her claws on his chest, “text her i have the perfect place no one will bother us”, his eyes widen , “you do? great”, he texts his wife then shows Peggy “she said perfect, as Trevor sits Peggy makes a point to get her hands and perfume all over him.

Trevor didn’t mind a bit but both knew pam was going to mind, no sooner are they giggling Pam enters the bar and sees them and struts over, Trevor stands up as Pam is a foot away and lunges at Peggy who sits as calm as anything, “oh Trevor let her go it is what we are here for after all”, Pam actually paused as his hands dropped then Pam sucks in a breath and sits at the bar orders a drink and Trevor sits between them to iron it all out if it is to happen.

Pam was in yellow heels tank top rest of her was in black and no bra either her nipples were as stiff and ready as Peggy’s are, she and Peggy glared at each other as Trevor says to both, ‘If we do this ladies, i know what you want but i am telling you now if i think either of you is to hurt to go on i am stepping in, as for who wins well what the loser suffers is between the two of you”, Peggy sips and smiles at Pam, “I agree to that and when i win I am going to milk and carve her pathetic tits up”, Pam a fake smirk, ‘Well i agree and when i win i will do the same to her tits and more”, Trevor nods, ‘So there is no talking you two out of it then?’, both women reply at the same moment “Not  CHANCE”, Trevor sighs then shrugs, “ok Peggy care to take us to the spot/’, Peggy stands, “Right this way”.

Trevor takes each woman by her arm and the three head out, then i follow , Trevor knew i was going to want to see this plus no matter how good Peggy was it was a fight and both women were getting hurt to a degree before it was over, we walk across the street and into the parking garage, Peggy presses the elevator button , we all step in and as the doors shut she and Pam start to get ready, they hand off their purses and both removes her blouse top, the elevator eases to a stop, the door part and we step out into the sub parking deck, not even a car is down here, the three of them head to the enclosed, area that leads to the stair way which is locked , it is a 3 walled brick area the size of a small ring, Trevor stops as each woman kisses him then both of them step into the enclosure there is no echo in the confined area so the action won’t be heard anywhere else.

Each woman knows this will be a Fight they are going to go at each other like it was a life long hate finally to be settled, their heels sharply but slowly click as their busty figures step in the confined area and they have a corner each , they stand glaring hands on hips as busts rise and fall heavy, nipples tenting the thin tank tops as the tops form to the bust shape, Trevor “ok ladies we agree on it all, so unless there is anything else, ….FIGHT’’.

I sucked in a breath i expected them to charge but when they didn’t it stunned me, instead they were starting this brawl methodical they seriously were going to do their best to hurt each other, they circle slow and fingers form claws as they get closer eyes are locked as they both are ready, Pam snarls, “cmon bitch lets get to it”, Peggy a sneer and hiss back, “i am right here Whore anytime your ready”, both get that glazed stare in their eyes, i watch worried as i feel it about to explode.

Peggy and Pam are within reach now circling each ever so ready, then it starts the fight they needed and i prefer she didn’t want, they tense then both crush into each other and start to swing away at each other , slaps, and fists fly as neither is turning her head much they want this and feed on it, growling grunts of Bitch,whore fill the air as do the clacks,thuds and sharp slaps, finally it is Pam that swings a high open hand into peggy’s head and grabs up red hair and rips wanting to tear out the fistful , Peggy gets her head snapped to the right hard, her footing staggers her body, Pam presses the quick advantage, lunging into Peggy and stumbling her backward.

Peggy uses those long strong legs to stop from being pinned to a wall she widens her stance and instantly delivers to vicious slaps at Pam’s face then a backhand that turns her rivals head, Pam gasps at the blow and the delay is enough Peggy grabs deep into Pam’s hair with both hands and shakes her head wildly as she pushes her body in retreat now, both growl and spit as they rip out hair that floats to the ground, Pam back pedals and her own legs prevent  pin on a wall as well, her free hand scratches at Peggy’s jaw and digs in Peggy tilts her face to avoid a cut, Pam’s claws find her rivals chest, they dig and leave red furrows down to her cleavage, and find the tank top containing her G’s, Pam twists the tank top in her fingers then yanks hard the top rips a bit , Peggy never shy about her breasts being free or seen scratches Pam’s cheek then grabs her tank top at the strap and pulls till it snaps.

Both women feel their tops loosen but couldn’t care  they are here to fight, as they rip at the others scalp they pull each other around the cement enclosed ring, growling grunting and hissing as they tear at each other, they stand almost still at points as they just dig and rip scalps away, snarling at others face as they stand body to body and rip at others hair, “cunt”, “bitch” they spit as it gets nastier between them, finally Pam breaks the stalemate she frees a hand up and delivers a stiff jab into Peggy’s eye, Peggy’s head gets knocked up and back, Pam grips her top and rips it more then snakes an arm around Peggy’s neck and gets her in a side headlock.

Peggy claws at Pam’s back ripping the tank top as she does as Pam , twists the head lock tighter she uses her free hand reaches under and digs in at Peggy’s swaying breasts as her top is hanging loose from a rip, Pam smirks she has a death grip on Peggy’s right breast her nails are sinking in as Peggy squirms and resists her breasts natural sway hurts in Pam’s grip as she kneads her nails in the full meaty breast, her other hand claws at her rivals face as her arm holds the headlock, “cmon you cunt i beat you once ill tear you up this time for good” Pam snarls.

Peggy reaches to get at Pam’s face or tits but can’t Pam is like a python with her head lock, Pam gets her left knee behind Peggy’s then pushes it forward the move buckles Peggy’s knee, as her stance is compromised Pam twists the headlock as she releases Peggy’s breasts then grabs the top of her hair and twists Peggy to the floor, on to her knees, i saw stars as i see Peggy on her knees her faced forced the the dirty cement floor as Pam starts to slide her thigh up on mom’s hip and over, i yell out , “get up Peggy fight her” but as i see Pam mounting her back i see Peggy is more than in a head lock , Pam’s arm is choking her as well as holding her , and Peggy’s nails are digging into her rivals arm cutting in but this will be the least of the war leaves them in.

I felt sick i know mom was a fighter but less faced it her catfight record was nothing to her in a titfight, but in a catfight she was as dangerous, but after Pam beat her at every game but a sexfight and titfight i was sure as Pam mounted her back i was about to see mom get torn apart, it was not a great start for her, as Pam sits atop her hands release the headlock and scratch back along both sides of Peggy’s face then gather up her hair and rip back on it making Peggy loo up as her mouth drops open , Pam smiles as she has full control , “nmmm scream cunt i am gonna hurt you so bad today”, Peggy is in pain her eyes already welling up as her scalp is stretched beyond normal, hairs are snapping as some are torn by the root free and float to the floor, Peggy swallows as her throats stretched and spits, “let my hair go cunt i’ll rip you apart”.

Pam in control smiles down at Peggy as she is tortured, “i am not some stupid bitch you only titfight whore you wanna go get yourself free or take the beating like a womann”, with that Pam  releases her right hand from Peggy’s hair and starts t swing her fist at Peggy’s face, at least 5 quick blows land before Peggy covers her face with no place to hurt Peggy Pam resorts to th next target , she grabs the back of Peggy’s top and finishes the top off as she rips it from the back till the top hangs off Peggy freeing her breasts fully, Pam can see the round outline from the perfect condition weapons and snarls as her right hand reaches down and starts to claw and slap and pull at Peggy’s breast with pure hate Pam attacks the breast.

Peggy rears up in the burning pain in her breasts as pinch marks , finger prints redden and now red furrows rise and swell pink  from Pam’s claws scratching every direction, the rearing nearly throws Pam off , but her crotch is settled into the saddle of Peggy’s lower back she simply twists the hair up tighter and rides Peggy like a wild bronco bucking up, Peggy now reaches back looking to get any part of Pam, her fingers just grab a part of the torn strap of Pam’s tank top and she pulls ripping it across the front, Pam’s breasts pop free but like Peggy she isn’t shy or worried she is topless, Pam a evil smile, “wanna rip things cunt hmm cmon i love that game”, then she shakes Peggy’s head by the hair as she rips her claws across both breasts, pam is taking her time breaking Peggy in this fight, then Peggy as her tits are again raked knows she needs to get this fight turned about, as Pam pulls back her hand it balls up she is set to land a free blow to Peggy’s face, as she starts the swing down Peggy bucks up and back.

With Pam’s body weight to the rear and atop Peggy’s back she is easily thrown backward her bare back slaps the cold cement floor and Peggy still on one knee turns to her rival  she slides her left thigh on top of Pam’s right then drops on top of her, instantly the she cats grab hair and flesh and start to roll across the floor faces inches apart as they tear into each other, punches , claws and hair tearing are exchanged as the savage battle gets into high gear now, both spit insults and threats in others face as they roll back and forth each getting her time on top and each delivering tight damage we miss over what we do see them doing, sweat and tears glisten the bodies but the dirt from the floor dulls and sticks along with torn hair on the bodies .

After another wild exchange and rolling they stop midway, Peggy is on top her hands go at Pam’s throat and i see her claws sink in, Pam squirms and pulls at the hands but can’t get them off her neck her only resort to stab her nails up into Peggy’s bugling G’s swelling between the outstretched arms, Peggy shakes her head no but refuses to ease her hold on Pam, Pam is getting desperate and is clawing at the huge breasts above her and resorts to one hand on a breast mauling it as her other hand reaches up for Peggy’s throat, Peggy shakes Pam’s head by the neck , “cmon cunt fight me now bitch”, Pam face red and gagging is kicking to get free, Peggy feels the claws on her breast as they scratch her nipple she pulls a hand free to cover  and Pam was free enough to get back in it, she delivers a upward punch but into Peggy’s breast hard enough Peggy grabs the breast and turns a bit, Pam bucks as she sits up enough to use Peggy’s hair to peel her off to the side, as Peggy is torn off she kicks free of Pam and both cats scramble to get up.

Once up both rip away the remaining tatters of the tank tops, their big breasts sway out freely as their hands curl into claws ready, Peggy doesn’t wait this time she rushes at Pam, but Pam was ready as well she braces then as Peggy comes into her Pam applies a hug and then lets Peggy’s momentum twist their bodies as they turn Pam plants her feet and uses her hug as a way to throw Peggy by her, Peggy staggers and stumbles sideways and falls as her feet are crossed, Pam sneers as she sees Peggy fall then charges her downed rival.

Peggy lands on her hip her hands on the ground when Pam pounces , she straddles Peggy’s hip and ribs , one hands snaps Peggy’s head back making her look up as her other hands swings from her back into Peggy’s face a loud sold CLACK rings out  then a second sharp thud, Peggy’s still forced to look up as her face is hit so clean and open, Pam sitting up in control smiles as she feels the fist land, “Fucking cunt cmon Now Bitch fight me”.

Peggy on her thigh and hip and Pam mounted on her side is twisted at the spine, her head forced to look up, her free hand swings to block a third blow, so Pam switches to a good slow scratch down the opposite side of Peggy’s face, Peggy winces as it burns and cuts, “Ahhhh oww you cunt i am gonna kill you”, Pam starts to yank and whip peggy’s head with short violent savage yanks, “Cmon then Bitch do something  your not much of a fight without your tits are ya”.

Peggy face red and a bad bruise starting to already swell on her cheek and eye has her teeth gritted she has had enough i see it but she is in a bad spot, Pam,still holding a clump of hair is shaping her claws and stabs them in to Peggy’s breast and digs ,squeezes deeply and digs  at the meaty round mass, Peggy grabs at the hand mauling her breast, her scalp pulled so tight and far back it looks like pam is about to rip it from peggy’s head, then unable to get Pam’s hand off Peggy loses her temper from a fight to a need to beat this Bitch, the arm trying to dislodge pam’s hand from her breasts tenses then peggy grits her teeth and her eyes look at Pam perched up on her then she fires her elbow at Pam, the hard boney joint slams squarely into Pam’s mouth and nose , and explodes it in red.

Pam’s head is thrown back as saliva and blood from her lips,gums,and nostrils flies back, her hands release Peggy and she is thrown back on to the floor and rolls over along the floor 2 times covering her face in pain, Peggy stands up checks her breast a few cuts from the nails but nothing needing real attention, she sees pam hands still on her face is up on her knees and starts to rise but her back is to Peggy, Peggy smiles that (my turn ) Smile and charges Pam, her shoulder slams into Pam’s lower back nearly bending her in half and drives Pam, straight head on in to a cement wall, the flesh of Pam SMACKS the wall.

Peggy takes a fist ful of hair and rears Pam’s head back then shoves it forward a second sickening SMACK rings as Pam’s face is bounces off the wall, then Peggy takes both of Pam’s arms pulls them back and with her thighs widen for a stable balance her belly to Pam’s rear drags Pam breasts side to side on the rough wall surface grinding them , Pam’s meaty breasts twist, over lap and straight out get torn as they are used on the wall, her screams are blood freezing, her eyes close and widen in pain and fear “Please stop you Bitch my tits awwww fucking cunt let me go”, Peggy says nothing as she drags pam’s breasts again , i had to cup my own at how painful that must have been.

Satisfied she hurt Pam and ruined her tits Peggy lets one arm go only to twist and yank the right arm up Pam’s back, Pam went to her tippy toes cringing in pain as her free hand places a palm on the wall to prevent any more breast damage, Peggy was wrenching that arm hard i was sure she was trying to break it, Pam was looking up tears running as her cries were louder  finally Pam as desperate kicks her foot back and catches Peggy’s thigh, it wasn’t hard but enough Peggy stepped back, it allowed Pam to to turn from the arm twist, they glare again then both curl a lip and charge their hands instantly go at others hair as they stand face to face and pull and tear out clumps like savage tigresses, snarling spitting as faces wince and snarl they stand ripping away.

Both women ignore the injuries as their noses ,lips are cut and breasts as well, from trickles of blood to dotted red trails from claws, but Pam’s breasts look mangled from the walls rough  surface and must burn so deeply, but neither seems to feel pain, as they are yanking, ripping and tearing out tufts of hair by the second, staggering about Peggy and pam both look ready to fall, but the simple touch of the other drives them to fight harder, snarling as faces nearly touch both hiss, “cunt fight”..”Cmon cunt bring it’’.
Pulling each other around the cement wall square they are trying to rip off the others scalp, as hands rip hair free they take a second to slap, scratch or punch the other before getting a new grip, but Peggy hurt Pam and slowly you can see her strength is dripping away as she gasps and gulps deeper each pull from Peggy, finally Peggy brings a knee up into pam’s hip, the move bends pam to the right , it was the weakness peggy needed to break the stalemate, she uses Pam’s hair to sin her around then lets go to throw her bare back in a corner of the walls, Peggy is on her in a second and as she stands Pam, the two women have a quick exchange of fists and claws to the face and head then Peggy winning the exchange turns it up, her head drops, Pam grabs her hair and balls her fist to upper cut Peggy, i covered my mouth , if she lands this Peggy is done, I see Pam snarl and rear that fist back, then out of no where Pam’s mouth drops open her scream is scary, “AAAAWWWIIEEEEEE BITCH MY TIT STOP STOP”, Peggy sank her teeth deep into pam’s nipple and had a death grip in her teeth of breast meat.

Pam, instantly weeps openly ,her face looks at Trevor and I for that silent pity 9HELP ME) look, we just watch as was agreed, I see her hands push and claw at the sides of Peggy’s ears and cheeks but every flex Pam makes Peggy bites harder to stop her, finally Pam hands up as she shakes her head no screams again , “STOP STOP GET HER OFF ME I GIVE I GIVE STOPPPP PLEASE!!!”, Peggy snarls and you see her teeth just break skin then she spits the breast free, she stands straight up as pam cups her hurt tit as pam does Peggy is ready to put an end to this fight, she grabs Pam’s head by the top of the hair and throws Pam from standing on the wall to the floor by her hair, then pounces on her and straddles her ,up on her knees around pam, Peggy glares down as Pam, holds her tit “Please Stop you Win”, Peggy sneers “I decide that cunt”, and eggy starts to throw punches down into Pam and when done she sinks her claws in pam’s forehead and slowly claws down leaving the red furrows lines from brow to lips on Pam’s face, Pam screeches in pure pain, then Peggy takes a fistful of bangs and pins her rivals head to the floor and smears her crotch on Pam’s face, then stands up and spikes her heel on pam’s tit, then smiles and turns licks her lips at Trevor, caresses her swollen breasts and purrs, “Ready to leave her baby?’.

Trevor looks at me, “you were right Amber your Mother is a wild cat”, he walks to Mom hands her the blouse she wore over the tank top and they walk out of the lower level garage, I look back as Pam lays there cut, bruised ,torn up like a rag doll by a dog, I shake my head and follow them out.

Chapter 8: A Smart Mans Dumb Mistake

So Peggy did it , she has proven herself when it is something she wants, she wanted Trevor sure but more over she wanted to show him and teach that bitch Pam no one challenges her and walks away beating her without getting all Peggy has in her, and in the end despite those scary losses Peggy found it i her to break her rival.

So for weeks after the fight Trevor had Peggy staying at one of his homes with her of course, they were like they were married for years , and Trevor had one hell of an appetite for Peggy and her firm G’s,  Peggy knew Dad was not being loyal, proving it was tough but with these busty women challenging her and not for towns it wouldn’t take a genius to put it together so she already in her mind was moving on, even if she hadn’t yet, she only took on those women to teach both them and Dad a lesson, you don’t take anything from Peggy without a fight and  if you took her on you often only got milked when it was over.

So peggy wasn’t exactly breaking her vows ,it bothered her yes she and Dad had a great life before he started doing this, I never understood his reasons, but then again I never understood when i was younger wanting to see Mom lose so maybe the two were an odd connection in some way, so that side Peggy was living it up, anything she wanted Trevor gave her and it seemed Trevor and she might be making this their second forever, that was right up till Trevor made a stupid mistake.

I guess if you look at it from a man’s perspective it made sense, but Trevor had Pam every bit body wise an equal to Peggy, and a savage as a fighter till Peggy finally broke her, but i guess trevor had as much a hunger to see his women stay the champ he wanted as just being happy they were, so one day after Trevor’s so called business meeting from home he returned but he was a little less concentrating on Peggy and more on his phone, Peggy knew that familiar behavior all to well.

She said nothing but she kept taking all she could from him for he efforts and the dance gig was just added play money, Peggy used the home as hers , the pool was her private kingdom that none dare just walk in on like at home, so she thought till that one day months later, Trevor was home but was staying inside as Peggy was at the pool lounging her firm round G’s a sexy red brown tan and some how the veins were darker and yet surfaced more,she was reading a magazine  her hair up as it had gotten longer and her leopard print bikini was strained to its limits, when she heard Trevor’s voice from his bedroom above, “thats perfect you can join me right now and yes she is , oh she doesn’t need to be warned she is always ready”, Peggy smirks and thinks to herself “sounds like a fight brewing”, but she was sure it was Pam scorned wanting a rematch, but it wasn’t at all.

Trevor comes down leans over mom and kisses her deeply, even caresses her breasts in her tight cups as he worships verbally over them, Peggy drops the magazine and guides his face to her breasts to suck at her nipples and as he does she moans, “when i can expect her?”, Trevor lifts his head, “any minute now” Peggy covers her nipples “better get things ready then”, Trevor stands back up looks down at Peggy , ‘you should be the one gets ready Dear, and in case your wondering its not her” the he walks away.

Peggy inhales for him and slowly flexes her breasts he watches as she smiles, “have her come out here when she is sure she wants this”, Trevor paused a minute looking at his new Queens bust and fit body, his eyes said it all, as he wondered “did i just fuck up? “, he turns as he enters the home Peggy sat back and lounged longer she was sure who ever he spoke about was right behind me , a smirk on her lips as she thought maybe she was waiting in the wings and saw her rival and left, but Peggy just took a breath in , if Trevor knew her she wasn’t the type that was going to leave a chance at al this without a fight or a try .

A few more minutes go by and no one comes out, Peggy tosses the magazine side and sits up, she isn’t sure what is going on but apparently Trevor was playing games, Peggy’s way to counter his games, shop she knew hurting the wallet was as bad as walking out, as she starts to swing her other leg over the lounger the silence of the yard is broken by the sharp click of heels, Peggy stops what she is doing and listens as the heels draw closer , then a sultry voice , “i hope you aren’t going to leave on my account”, Peggy takes a breath then stands up she knows she is letting who ever is behind her se he round mass outline fro her broad back.

Peggy replies, “took you long enough honey , no worries i am not going anywhere “, Peggy slowly turns on her heeled sandals as she arches hands on her hips to see who is ready to face her now, she manages to hide a reaction as she  sees the woman he found that was going to beat Peggy for good, they stare and both take their time slowly scanning the other body and bust barely contained i her bikini as nipples tent the cups more, after each takes the other in the stranger smirks.

She inhales a bit then her full lips part, “Names Lynn, we both know why we are here honey, so i guess the my question to you is ,…where?”, Peggy inhales just enough “ i ‘m Peggy, well Lynn, we certainly do, and as for where we can move to that cabana right there and get well acquainted before we really settle this”, Lynn a smirk and a slow nod agrees to what Peggy offers, she slowly steps toward Peggy closing the space they had between them, both stare directly in others eyes, they read what it will it take to be the one left standing, Peggy smiles “Shall we?”, Lynn smiles, “Oh by all means”, they both walk side by side around the far side of the pool and enter the cabana’s frame then as they watch each other Peggy draws the semi cream curtains on her side as Lynn does the same on her side, as the hot sun is off them the ladies take a cleaner breath in as they stare in the enclosure at their perspective corners, Lynn softly asks, “so just what is the plan or reward for this get together, as i am sure this isn’t what he brought me here for”, Peggy stands as ready as her rival, “well he likes to watch but he doesn’t mind that  i get to know who i am meeting, after all it wouldn’t be fair to throw you to the wolves without a chance to agree or walk away after this little get together , you know for the one he will watch if you stay to finish this”, Lynn inhales at Peggy’s words, “oh trust me honey he is rich, loves my body and tits and i want it all, according to him , your the only thing in my way, so trust me when i tell you , you and i? are going to very well acquainted, till i take this from you as you replacement” .

Peggy feels that tingle and she now knows both the thrill and fear Pam must of felt every time he brought a woman home, she had a feeling this day was coming but not this soon, “well thats all very enthusiastic of you honey but i hope he at the least let you know your not here to do anything without a fight and i am not in the habit of losing what i earned”, Lynn smiles, “glad to hear it, i told him i prefer to have a woman that can fight over a bitch that can’t”, Peggy sees her new rival is more like her than any recently she knows now for sure her and Lynn are going to war, and just looking at Lynn in her bikini he picked the perfect rival to make Peggy wonder if this it for her.

Lynn is 5’9” and has jet black hair pinned up but the same length as Peggy a few tinted blonde streaks run through it, her grey eyes sparkle as well have a cold glare, but it is her body that rivals Peggy as they stand there ready to do this, 36G-26-36 and every bit as fit and firm, both women at this age are use to being looked at and worshipped for the hard work they put in at the gym, Peggy sees it and feels it and i am sure Lynn did as well as Trevor was not shy to show Peggy off, but mom knows full well if she didn’t use her mind in that fight with Pam she would be back dancing and Lynn would be aimed at Pam, so there is no way about she and Lynn will be in the same house til one has had enough and both want this badly.

Lynn a sexy smirk her confidence dripping, ‘so Peggy whats going to get our party started hmm?”, Peggy stares back, her own confidence seen, “well Lynn i think we can start at the top “ Lynn nods they both drop their hands from hips and circle in heels click on the stone patio as Trevor sees from his window the two silhouettes drawing near in a circle, hands open wide as each has a nervous grin they come closer , Lynn softly purrs , “what do i get after  make you give?”, Peggy sniffs as if a a chuckle, “name it you are the guest”, Lynn smiles, “nmmm well then Peggy hope you up for the storm you invited in”, Peggy draws near, “likewise you entered a hell storm , enough chat honey we are here to fight “, Lynn lifts her hands, “oh that we are cmon”, both lose their grin as it is more personal now, then as they get in reach it  becomes what both want a fight.

The tent seems to become dead silent , it is as if the soft breeze stopped to listen to these two amazons, their tight veiny cleavages swell as they rise and fall heavy but controlled , soft features change into savage curling features of hate, their heels step them closer then instead of a head on collision they reach outward and both take a grip of others hair as they allow the other to get a firm hold and twist the tresses up as if daring the other to, their tight strained cups hiss together as they breath eyes locked, Peggy hisses, “All set?”, Lynn hisses, “ready when you are honey”, peggy pauses a second as they grip tighter to others hair then she hisses, “Fight”.

Their bodies stiffen as they stare and both are pulling as hard as they can, little shifting happens as they press together and have a death grip on others hair, both faces a snarling mask as they ignore the burning pain and sharp pain of hairs torn from the scalp, eyes locked as the two mature felines refuse to give an inch to the other, the tight vicious tug of war goes on slowly they use their grips on others scalp to turn and pull and push the other woman about the large square, Trevor stares as the shaows of the shapely woman twist and he loses track of which is which, but he doesn’t care he wants only to know who will be in his bed tonight and if the loser will leave or stay for more.

Inside the cabana Peggy and Lynn twist hair up till their knuckles press into others skull, both yank and tug with sharp short bursts, and both as they grit teeth and try to swallow pain spit out name calling “bitch , whore “ their heels and breathing making the loudest sounds, Peggy shakes Lynn’s head and then gives a really hard yank that turns Lynn’s face and she staggers a bit , Peggy growls at her face, “cmon bitch come in my place try to take what i earned , i’ll bald you Whore”, Lynn gasps out, “AAghhh you cunt oh my hair you bitch i’ll take this and more from you cmon bitch”.

The struggle gets more vicious as hair tufts float down around them, Peggy tries to press her brief advantage as she presses into Lynn to try to get her to the ground, Lynn grimaces as her heads tilted and turned a bit and her body is forced to lean, the taunts stop as each women uses all she has to get the other at her mercy, as they bend as one to Lynn’s left Lynn widens her thighs and she snakes her right around peggy, Peggy arches to try to counter and add her body weight on Lynn’s hip to shover her down, but as Lynn grabs a fresh hold on the top of Peggy’s scalp she RIPS ! Peggy’s head back making her look up her leg pulls in buckling Peggy’s knee, and as she pulls Peggy’s head way back she slowly shifts her weight and bends Peggy enough she has to shift her heels and as that happens Lynn turns the tide.

Peggy turns red trying to not to screech out her lips part though “aaaghhh Bitchhh my hair cmon “ they suddenly are both upright again and this time the ripping of hair is more violent and both are digging at others scalp, their long legs flex as they struggle and hands turn red to hold the tight grips , faces contort to snarling wild cats, their heads are yanked like rag dolls as they stutter step about but now Lynn as she walks Peggy backward has a hand at the back top of Peggy and the other at her bangs and she yanks her hands as if she will snap her rivals neck, but forces Peggy’s face to look right by the hair pull tight and savage.

Lynn jerks Peggy’s head back five times each tug causes her to stagger back in retreat as her hands still rip at hair but her reactions tell both fighters she is in trouble, “uuughhh my hair you Bitch ohhh you Bitch “, Lynn starts to really rip and yank “cmon bitch  fight me “, Peggy grunts and winces as she is pulled back to the right then Lynn pulls up on her scalp stretching Peggy’s neck, Peggy is a lot of pain her hands release Lynn’s hair to scratch at her wrists, “My Fucking hair bitch!!”, Lynn a sneer shakes Peggy’s head wildly and manages to throw her to her hip on the floor, as Peggy claws at her wrists and hands she gets to hr knees  wincing in pain “Awwww ughhh you cunt my hair!!”, Lynn snarling as she widens her thighs she straddles Peggy’s right shoulder and pulls up on Peggy’s hair the pain had to be beyond anything she ever felt, “AWWWWWWW STOP!”, Lynn holds the pressure , “We Done today Bitch hmmm? i am taking your man your place  tomorrow you and i bitch to bitch got it hmm?” GOT /iT!!!??” Peggy eyes watering nods “I’ll Fight you Bitch anywhere”..Lynn shoves her head free and struts from the cabana Trevor sees her emerge and smiles as Lynn shakes her torn hair out then goes up to his room.

Peggy massages her scalp as she sees Lynn enter the home then appears at his rooms window , she stands up as Trevor handles her big breasts , Lynn rolls her head back looks out the window at Peggy standing there and she blows a kiss at her Peggy snarls as she caresses her breasts up at Lynn , Lynn smirks and nods then pushes Trevor on his bed as Peggy has to retreat to her room.

Chapter 9: The Error of His Ways

Peggy was beside her self now this was another loss to soon after the ones she suffered from Pam, she was really starting to wonder of her true ability, questioning everything including her titfigths, yes she often to every time won those but even she knew there were a number of close calls that she should have lost or came really close to, even Gina and she in that first fight years ago ,peggy ended up milked, but Gina never officially beat Mom in a titfight she just jumped on Moms back and milked her in hopes Dad would walk see her on top of Peggy and want her instead of Peggy after.

Peggy was so worried over these thoughts she hardly emerged from her room after Lynn ripped her hair out and made her give, she knew Lynn was taking trevor slowly ,seducing him and working him twice as hard as she had to gain his trust and confidence, she even heard them talking one night as she snuck down to grab a snack, they sat by the fire Lynn was just in a sheer robe and thong her firm breasts were standing out as round and big as Peggy’s her nipples stiff, as she purrs to Trevor, “ nmmm baby why don’t you just dump her ass, you know my tits are better and are gonna flatten her, lets save us all the time of making her fight me, these are the tits you want you said the night we met now take them”, Peggy wanted to launch her self on the bitch but in a way she had to consider if that were her she would be boasting as proudly right now as well, and though it was only a hair fight one look at Lynn and Peggy knew the tifight was gonna be a long exhausting one for sure.

As nearly a week goes by Peggy is in her room when there is a knock at her door , she calls out as she eases o her black kimono robe , “come in”, Trevor walks in Peggy a hand to her hip looks him over, “well look who shows up, whats wrong that whore to sleepy or can’t her tits get you hard”, Trevor looks down, “ok ok Peggy i know i been spending way to much time with her but she did beat you and well she wants everything you have, so like you she is putting in the time and wants to settle this between you and her to take it if she can, like you did to Pam”.

Peggy tries to hide her doubt or was it fear she looks around, “and when did you say this will go down?”, with that Lynn steps into the door way, “well i wanna fight you right now tit to tit heck i am even willing to catfight you honey right now, but Trevor here wants to be sure , we are both ready for this ”, her brow lifts as if a cmon dare to Peggy, Peggy saunters closer as Lynn enters the room they glare and the tensions are high but Lynn knows what she wants and whats in her way and she wants to get rid of the block which is her new rival.

The two cats walk closer and Trevor ready to stop it watches as they circle after bumping shoulders, Lynn smiles “Want more honey?”, Peggy a tilt of her chin at Lynn,  “you want at me honey i am right here”, Lynn that sexy sly smile, “so am i “ then she takes her red robes top and spreads it wider exposing her stiff thick nipples and aureola’s to Peggy, her  shoulders roll as her breasts seem to float from her , her nipples are steely stiff as she sets her hands on her hips and arches as she inhales, “nmmmm impressive i know “, Peggy a bit nervous sees Lynn is in fact impressive  as is her round firm bust, Peggy to save face parts her robes top , as she ease it wide exposing her steely stiff nipples and aureola’s, Lynn looks at Trevor “well she is persistent”, Peggy poses the same way saying to Trevor as well, , “she is determined isn’t she baby”.

Lynn looks to Trevor who gives a subtle nod as if to say Fight her, Peggy catches it but needs to be attentive to Lynn as they are so close and Lynn wants to fight, Peggy refuses to even give a look that she isn’t ready,  finally after a pause she asks Trevor, “well baby  you didn’t bring this whore to my room to chat”, Lynn breaths in , “how about we decide “, Peggy arches up, “i was talking to him whore”, Lynn smirks “should watch that mouth honey he won’t stop us you know”, Peggy smiles, “oh he better not”, Lynn smirks , “ohhh there’s that inner kitten”, Peggy widens her stance, “careful there is a cat in there with that kitten”, Lynn flicks her nipples at Peggy’s, “unleash her my cats waiting to meet her”.

Peggy flicks her nipples back at Lynn, she knows she isn’t great at a nipple duel , it is the last thing she wants but when Lynn barely eases her nipples back from Peggy’s ,she sees a weakness and now wants to exploit it, “what say you and i start off slow and then if Trevor and you want more , we can go out back and get to it sound fun?”, Lynn a bit nervous suddenly, “well if you need to build up to fight me sure”, Peggy senses it now, “oh i don’t, i just know Trevor here rather you and i were in something sexy then just thongs, he loves when i rip a bitches dress off, so how about it still wanna chat?”, Trevor now looking at Lynn, “well if he wants it that way i am ready”, Peggy eases her hands to her hair and purrs, “nmmm oh just for the record loser worships winners tits “, Lynn a slight red hue in her cheeks, “anyway you want it lets get to it, i wanna have his cock between my tits before midnight” , she shimmies her proud tits slow and so does Peggy, then Peggy dabs her stiff nipples against Lynn’s breasts , “nmmm nipple  duel inverted bitch loses”, Lyn breaths in at the feel of the stiff nipples, “Agree cmon then”.

Trevor has a sly smirk as he knows all to well neither woman is a champion at this style, but it will make their desire to beat the other more intense as he watches so closely,  the women are face to face and their eyes scan to line up nipples tips on tips , then Peggy eases into Lynn their nipples bulge at the shafts s each swallows a moan ,”uww cmon” Lynn moans as Peggy does, “uummmm”, they dab and flick nipples their breathing a steady quick breath as they aim their stiff spiking nipples into the others, the subtle duel gets heavier in its action though quick short shifting as it is.

Both women are breathing heavier, “mmmff mfff “, “uuhh uhh mfff cmon”, Trevor watches turned o and inwardly cheers both on, but both women grow more jealous as they don’t hear him urge either on, Lynn dabs her nipples at Peggy’s and her aureolas, “Bitch uuhnn uhn cmon more my nipples are so stiff nmmm”, Peggy arches her chest at the stiff poke of her rivals nipples at the base of her own, “uww uwww ohhh you bitch”, Lynn hears she had an effect, “uuhn uhnn cmon more” and starts to flick poke and stab at Peggy’s, Peggy not known for her nipples being strong sharply pants, “ohh ohh ughhnn bitch”, Lynn feeling she has her goes tip on tip and presses in, “your done bitch”, Peggy feeling the tips of Lynn inhales tightens her chest and stabs back as Lynn gasps out, “uuuhhhh bitch”, Peggy hisses , “your nothing bitch”.

The duel plays on as neither woman steps about much, they stand face to face as they guide their thick stiff nipples against the others, aureola’s swelling and become bumpy , as their nipples reach a level of stimulation they ache deeply but in a very arousal ache, they despise each other but need to feel their nipples make contact, breathing heavier at the constant contact and the arousing ache slowly turns into a painful and sensitive one at any touch, but neither will rear back pulling her nipples from the erotic duel, moans and hisses fill the room as all three watch the effect every contact between them has on the other.

A slight sweat on both women’s brow shows as they turn their dark pink nipples a reddish pink from irritation , both pull their top lip in to swallow a loud gasp, then as the flicking and head on stabbing gets faster they steady their balance and as if pre directed both tighten their chest ad as tips line up they jam head on in to each other and as they both gasp a hot pant mouths hang open as their heavy firm breasts back up the stiff nipples as they grind head on in o the others, nipples seem to vanish as Aureola’s bulge against he others and breasts start to envelop them, hands re grip hips as they pull their rival in wanting to invert hers and make it hurt, Trevor watches intently as both women suddenly shake their head no, then toss heads back at the sudden pain, they use shoulders to row and press tighter then both purse their lips as each winces, “Bitch”, “Whore”.

Suddenly as fast as they started they seem to be frozen, bodies stand still, breasts hold steady as they look in others eyes Trevor clears his throat, “Who has won Ladies”, softly Peggy speaks first, “She lost, i feel her nipples are sinking deeper “, Lynn hisses, ‘Oh you never been more wrong Bitch, your nipples are being buried”, Trevor knowing they will never part unless he intervenes places a hand on each of their shoulders, “Ladies on the count of three you both pull away from the other and let me see who lost’’, they glare in the others eyes, each confident hers were the best, slowly he counts as they subtly press tighter then slowly as they hear his count they tighten their chest muscles, 1, Peggy flexes a bit, 2, Lynn inhales, 3, his fingers tighten on their shoulders and each eases her breasts from the other, they don’t look down, they listen to Trevor, “Wow I wasn’t expecting this”.
 The curiosity over comes each woman, their eyes ease lower to look at their rivals breast first, Peggy sees Lyn’s nipples are still out but slightly pushed back, then she sees Lynn’s face a slow smirk emerges, Peggy looks down at her own breasts she sees just the tips of her nipples are at the surface the rest of the shafts inverted back into her aureola’s, her shoulders literally drop, her fingers start to slide up to massage the nipples back out to full attention, but Lynn grabs her wrists, “oh no you don’t Honey, we had a deal, now come over to the bed and sit you have work to do”, Trevor raises a brow at Peggy, who looks at him as if to say (your gonna let this go on) he shrugs as always he stays neutral in these fights.

Peggy tugs to pull from Lynn but Lynn has a firm hold, “Oh Peggy don’t fight it you won’t like the alternative”, Peggy face red from embarrassment and anger reluctantly eases with her rival then is turned to face Lynn her knees against the bed and Lynn places her left hands index finger between Peggy’s tight cleavage and presses in as she glares in Peggy’s eyes, ‘have a seat”, Peggy feels her knees give as they can’t shift anymore and her round ass hits the mattress, he right wrist still in Lynn’s tight grip, Lynn steps to Peggy her thighs widen to straddle Peggy’s thighs, then she slowly eases down to sit on them , her full heavy breasts bump Peggy’s face and Lynn slowly smears them down her face, as Peggy’s face remerges Lynn taunts, “oh there you are thought you got lost in my big tits”, Peggy looks up with such hatred but says nothing.

Lynn aims her big breasts at Peggy’s mouth her nipples standing back to attention now, as she stares at her rival she says to Trevor , ‘come watch your best fighter get her tits worshipped by your broken girl”, Trevor steps over beside Lynn as she smiles in pride, then says to Peggy in a hiss, “Well  Bitch? get started my tits are ready”,  Peggy still silently glares then spits on her rivals breasts, Lynn spits at Peggy’s face, “careful bitch i won’t hesitate to scratch your eyes out, he is the only reason i haven’t yet be smart and take your punishment’”, Peggy breathes in she would just stab her own claws in Lynn but being seated and her right wrist trapped, she would get the worse of it so she parts her lips but before doing the chore she hisses at Lynn, “shame your on a leash i was ready the minute we saw each other”, Lynn a evil smirk , “as was i, but the nights young, now get to it Bitch”, and Lynn bumps her twin breasts at Peggy’s mouth as th stiff nipples slip in between her lips Peggy’s head tilts up and back as the breasts drive the nipples in.

Slowly peggy’s mouth starts to suck, lick and draw on Lynn’s swollen aureolas as the nipples stiffen in her mouth her tongue wrestles them, Lynn eases her free hand behind Peggy’s head and into the hair and gathers a fistful as her other hand holds the trapped wrist, “nmmmmm thats it Whore suck them mmmm”, the wet slurping fills the room as Lynn stands dominate over the seated Peggy, her big breasts seem to swallow Peggy’s face, Trevor eases behind Lynn and his hands cup and bulge her breasts together and now start to smother Peggy, but she lives up to her end of the agreement as her mouth lips and tongue expertly worship her hated rivals breasts aureolas and nipples, Nmmmm yesss more you Bitch More”, then she tilts her head back on Trevor, “See baby I told you I am the best fighting Bitch you will ever find, I can’t wait to break her tits and find a new bitch to test me, one that can fight” she in disdain for Peggy.

Peggy hears the comment and as she tries to ease her head back feels the hair hold Lynn has on her as she tugs her back at her tits, “your not done Bitch”, Peggy resists the hair tug then turns her face from the waiting breasts, she looks up, “oh Bitch i will Give you a fight let me up and i would love to show you”, Lynn stares down as does Trevor then she tightens up on the hair and suddenly twists Peggy’s wrist till Peggy turns her torso toward the bed to ease the painful hold, Lynn smiles s she now has Peggy face first on the bed and she mounts her bare lower back, “you wanna fight me ? it doesn’t seem a good idea for you Bitch”, Peggy gasps at the situation and pain, “Bitch uughh”, then Lynn as her big heavy breasts are massaged by Trevor pulls Peggy’s hair back till her body arches up her tits sway freely then Lynn releases the wrist hold and smacks her right hand up under Peggy’s hanging G’s and her fingers dig into the abundant fleshy globes and she twist them, “One more word cunt and i’ll tear your pathetic tits apart right here”, Peggy arches up and tries to both prop up and reach back to get free but Lynn controls her as she releases the hair and now has both hands on Peggy’s breasts mangling them as Trevor kneads hers, “nmmm Baby let me cut her tits in my nails and i will be your new champion she doesn’t have it you see it don’t you nmmm work my tits baby”.

Trevor gets Lynn aroused more and more finally he whispers at her ear, “let her be lets go celebrate another win “, Lynn her nails leaving red furrows in Peggy’s tits opens her hands and scrapes her nail tips off Peggy’s breasts then she shoves Peggy’s face on the bed presses her tits in Peggy’s back and in a venomous tone to Peggy’s ear, “i am gonna fuck him till he passes out then you and i ? nmm we are gonna chat later got it?” Peggy nods and Lynn pushes up off her and leaves with Trevor laughing and a huge grin, Peggy lays there unsure what the hell is wrong with herself, minutes later she cleans her self up and hears Lynn moaning and screech out as she cums with Trevor then again and again, Peggy in her robe and thong  shakes her head, she feels broken, she is ready to throw in the towel but as she throws her bag on the bed she hears Trevor say to Lynn, “oh no no if you two wanna fight it won’t be a deciding fight tonight, no you and Peggy a real fight or titfight i wanna see it to the end, Peggy is in a bad spot but she will give you a fight Lynn”, Lynn growls, “well then i am gonna go see your little slump bitch then when i come back i want that hard cock between my champion tits, i’ll leave enough of her to titfight me”, slowly Lynn walks out of the room, Peggy quickly tosses her bag on the floor and under the bed as she sits on the bed and lights a cigarette.

A minute later Lynn opens the door to Peggy’s room, she stares at Peggy’s back then says clearly, “still here  i am stunned”, Peggy hisses over her shoulder, “you think cause of two little sparring fights i am gone , honey you have no idea the fight you picked”, Lynn breathes in , “that so? well if you have any fight left now i’ll be den having some wine, if your woman enough join me” then leaves, Peggy turns around to say she was nervous was killing her as she never had such harder times fighting then she has since Trevor came in her life, she grinds the cigarette out in the ash tray then stands up she inhales as she says to her reflection, “get it together Peggy you can beat this Bitch”.

Chapter 10: A War is Coming

Peggy eases her curvy body down the steps and sees a light glow from the den, she grabs a drink then cradling the glass in between her fingers on her nails she sways her hips slowly into the den, her head lifts as she breathes in, Lyn is standing by the sliding doors to the yard she swallows a sip as she sees Peggy in the tinted glass reflection, “well well coming back for even more, i gotta hand it to you honey, you don’t scare easily, but thats ok i don’t mind waiting to break you”, Peggy stares at her rivals back contemplating rushes Lynn and tearing her apart as she isn’t ready but instead Peggy swallows a sip, “Why would i run , from you?, cause you out pulled my hair and beat my nipples? lets not forget honey you were a minute from being inverted so before you get on that high horse i am very much still in this fight and ready when Trevor lets us, till then here i am”.

Lynn slowly turns on her spiked heel slippers and stares at Peggy who glares right back, Peggy licks the rim of her glass, “whats it gonna be ….cunt”?, Lynn swirls her drink in the glass, “oh we are gonna fight cunt “, both down the drinks and then set the glasses aside and now slowly walk toward the other till center room where they stop just an inch from bumping their proud swelling thinly covered breasts and both sets of nipples back to full stiffness, Lynn wears a smug grin of confidence but despite the grin her eyes are telling Peggy she is a bit worried, Peggy is stone face and ready to take this as far as it has to go, their breathing equally steady and fuller as the inhale the others perfume.

It seemed neither knew what to do next, but they had a chance at each other and it was enough they accepted something to happen, another minute goes by, and yes Peggy could have attacked Lynn in any way to start anything ,but since Lynn had been dominating it was her call to initiate especially after telling Peggy to meet her down here, becoming bored with Lynn’s game Peggy cocks her hip, “Well seems the cat has your tongue suddenly, I think I will go up to Trevor and remind him why i am here”, she turns on her heeled slippers and starts to walk away, Lynn grabs her by the back of the hair at top and yanks Peggy back, ‘Don’t you dare Bitch”, Peggy winces but grabs at Lynn’s hand in her hair but instead of turning to face Lynn, Peggy fires her right elbow straight back, it connects better than she planned, the elbow sinks into Lynn’s stomach, the blow causes Lynn to GASP out as ehr hands release Peggy and cover her belly, “AAAUGHHHHH!!!”.

Peggy now turns and slams a blow to Lynn’s cheek, Lynn gets spun as her face is whipped tot the left, she goes down on her knees still holding her tummy in one hand and arm as her other hand covers her face, then Peggy walks up behind Lynn on her knees and snaps her head up and back by Lynn’s hair, Peggy glares down at her, “You picked the wrong Bitch to Fight cunt”, her free hand rips open the loose robe and her hand stabs into the heavy breasts now just inside the rob, and her nails dig in, slowly but deeply Peggy’s finger nails crease the skin as the extra meaty flesh oozes from between her fingers kneading, squeezing and digging at the breast, as her other hand is making Lynn look up and her mouth open gasping “Help!, Get off Me”, Peggy releases the meaty breast but not before leaving deep red furrow lines from her sharp nails up and over the right breast of Lynn and up on to her chest supporting them.

Peggy straightens up still shaking Lynn’s head by the hair her right fist draws back and as Lynn red faced and teary eyed looks up in fear , Peggy prepares to deliver a vicious fist to her nose that will surely break it, “NOOOOOO! STOP GET OFF ME!!!”, Peggy snarls her lips, “Say good night cunt”, as she is about to deliver the blow that will undoubtedly knock Lynn out Trevor’s hand from no where grabs Peggy’s wrist, Peggy turns “Let me go she deserves this and you know it”, Trevor holding the wrist, “Peggy i am disagreeing with you but you will break her face open and she won’t be able to titfight you”, Peggy tugs at his grasp, ‘So? this bitch thinks she has you for herself it is my turn to make my stance known”, Trevor looks in her eyes, “Peggy you do this and she can’t titfight you , you will never know if you were the true champ or she was, you want to worry and think about that every time we are alone, can you live with not knowing hmm”/, Peggy take a breath, “Fine let me go and I will wait”, Trevor releases her wrist she stares a moment then as she tugs Lynn’s head back more over stretching the flexibility of her neck she looks down at Lynn eyes filled with tears her cheek black and blue she snarls at Lynn, “Your lucky night cunt, but our times running out” then Peggy spits in her face and delivers a open hand SLAP that echoes in the house, Lynn falls to her side as if knocked out, Peggy stands fists ready then after a deep breath steps over Lynn and walks out, she turns at the door way looks at Trevor, ‘Lets go my bedroom now I am going to remind you who is the best here”.

Trevor looks at Lynn slowly squirming he knows she is ok and follows Peggy out and up to her room, Lynn slowly sits up her head ringing her face a red hand print of Peggy’s hand and a bruise from the blow, she gets up and walks to the fridge to grab ice and places it on her burning cheek, as she walks to her bedroom and into the bathroom she hisses to herself , “ok Bitch after the titfight you and I are going to war”, Lynn lays on the bed as she places a few ice cubes on her clawed breast, when she hers Trevor moaning and praising Peggy’s breasts then she makes him explode 2 more times as she listens to them.

The next morning Trevor emerges from Peggy’s room, Lynn was making coffee when he appears in the kitchen, he says good morning but Lynn is bitter and her cheek still a bruise, she turns to him, “You had fun last night”, he looks at Lynn, “maybe I wasn’t clear when i told you the woman i had at home was a fighter?, but all i can say is this Lynn, jealousy aside ,if you are going to be here and challenge Peggy, you better be ready for a real fight, especially when it comes to a titfight, if you have any doubts ? my advice is leave today before she sees you, once this titfight is good to go, your other choice is to fight her tits and trust me when i tell you Lynn, yours are good but thats Peggy and she knows how to use her tits”, Lynn starts to walk out then stops turns to Trevor opens her robe the slightly faded red lines from the claws of Peggy still streak her right breast, she guides his hands to her breasts, then purrs at his face as she kneads them, “Nmmm you set that cunt and I up for a titfight the sooner the better let her and i decide this like women, and if after that if she wants a fight well just make sure her and I have room’.

Lynn pulls from Trevor and lets him watch how firm and steady they hold outward as she steps showing she is every bit as firm, she licks her lips at him then covers her breasts as she leaves the kitchen, Trevor steps out to watch her climb the stairs as she does Peggy is walking down, they bump shoulders and pause Lynn hisses “cunt’, peggy replies, “Ohh my i do hope make up covers that hideous mark on your face …cunt”, they turn ready to lunge together then Trevor speaks up, ‘Not there ladies and Not today”, they just glare then Lynn turns to finish her ascend as Peggy waits as if triumphant, “and hisses ass she steps to Trevor, “Get some ice on that face and tit Bitch I don’t wanna hear  any excuses why you lost to my tits when we fight”, Lynn stairs back from atop the steps, “You be careful as well Bitch hate t you slip and fall before we can get to it”, Peggy laughs loudly at her then Trevor’s face dives into her cleavage as she stares at Lynn walking away.

Days go by as the two amazons do everything in them to not attack each other, Peggy as always was not taking this lightly she was working out her incredible bust as always and applying her lotions, but Lynn was not firm by any less means and she too was preparing for the showdown, each woman was lost in her thoughts as they waited to hear from Trevor the day he chose for them to settle this tit to tit,  Trevor was doing his part by not giving in to their natural assets till the fight was finished, there was nothing left to decide for him other then when , where and who would watch if any, he pondered holding the titfight at the club but Lynn wasn’t known and while it wouldn’t matter to the crowd Trevor felt putting Lynn at a audience disadvantage wasn’t fare to her, he went over it and over it then decided , the very people who witnessed Peggy destroy Pam, should watch a lot of those people wanted to see Pam break Peggy others swayed to Peggy’s side it would be equal divide that way, as for when Trevor felt a Saturday night would allow the time needed, where?, Trevor stared out his balcony window as he did he made a call, “yes i need a platform cover to support at least 100 people to cover my pool as soon as it can be installed “ Trevor hung up as money was no object and the cover was more a rental he scheduled it getting covered prior to the match.

Trevor knew he was weak when it came to women built like these two, so he sat at his desk and wrote each a personal note regarding the date the time and the where, he signed both Love Trevor, and a P.s> “May the better woman win “, he waited till he knew the ladies were asleep as they were getting rest , then slipped the notes under each door and after that moment had no contact with either woman, the next morning each woke and as they did the white notes were at the doors, both took her note and read it, and each felt a chill as this was it, by this time Sunday it would be clear whose tits were the best, and after if need be these two women will rip into each other the way they have been waiting to, they knew what had to be done from here, nothing more and nothing less then the typical regime to be ready.

For the rest of the week Peggy sank into ehr typical manner sitting alone and as she applied her lotions went through the upcoming fight as if she was watching a rerun, she went through every scenario of Lynn beating her and turning the tables to emerge the winner, she knew without a doubt Lynn wasn’t going down easily and she understood Lynn had the ability and weapons to beat her, admitting it kept her confidence high but level ,Peggy knew going into this fight over confident was a way to end up milked as all watched, but as Peggy was picturing the fight across the way lynn was applying her lotions and dreaming of the fight as well, she knew Peggy was a threat ,what she didn’t know was how full,heavy and firm Peggy was truly, her work outs made her breasts the firmest and deadliest in a titfight for miles, but like Lynn Peggy had no idea just how firm Lynn was , Lynn had been in her share and knew enough to go in to this over confident either but she wasn’t going to be the one to be milked as all watch the fight.

The day of the fight, both women are resting the day away, as they look down and see the wood cover being built over the pool it will serve as the stage center of the yard the surrounding cement walk to hold the audience, both women arch in anticipation as they know tonight everything else meant nothing it is what happens tonight, Peggy does a slow version of her chest workout to tighten for the fight , in her room Lynn does the same,  both are taking their opponent seriously , more so then at first meeting and both know this match will break one of them as many watch and tell of the fight .

That fear on top of losing the opulence of Trevor and the reputation of losing to the other is enough stress it weighs on their minds more than heavily, it has both women in fear they haven’t felt often, the sun starts to set as the workers finish the cover, cars start to pull in the drive and guests are ushered in the great room for drinks and to learn what the fight will bring , both sit and take extra care in their make up not over done but classy sexy look, a soft knock at first Lynn’s then Peggy’s bedroom door comes ,each calls out “out in a minute”, they look at their reflections in their mirrors they check the look but more are silently giving themselves a you got this speech, Lynn breathes in as her plum colored bra is strained her matching thong and heels, she eases on her silver kimono robe ties the sash then after a much needed cleansing breath opens her door and is lead down to the great room, everyone sees her enter she wears a confident grin as she sees the people he invited look her over as her veiny cleavage swells to burst free.

Back upstairs Peggy is doing the same ritual, wearing a emerald green bra and thong and a red kimono over it her hands secure her sash and she heads out and is lead to the same room, as Lynn does a few poses the attention she has slowly turns like a wave building, one by one heads turn as Peggy walks in and as she strikes her pose sees Lynn and they just glare hate Peggy takes her turn strutting about then stops to be admired near Lynn so they are compared, Trevor smiling at the guests , “well everyone did i tell yo i have the best of the best or not”, everyone smiles as they can see clearly tonight will be a duel for sure, Lynn and Peggy glare just being this close they have a desire to stab their claws in each other as their heavy cleavages rise and fall steady but obvious.

The women stand ready as the guests start to walk out to where the two will put on their fight, Trevor all smiles turns to them, when suddenly both women lunge at the other, Trevor was quick enough to get between them and shove each away, he then growls, “listen both of you, if you can’t fight by the rules tonight i promise by morning your both going back to your old lives and i’ll find another to fill your places got it?”, they show teeth as they try to regain composure and finally they apologize to him and swallow some pride , they will be fighting tit to tit , it is not what they want they would prefer ripping into each other but one look and a blind man can see they are going to do that before its all over.

Trevor offers each an arm to take then all three step out by the pool as the entire walk way around the pool has guests lined like a wall around the pool now covered by the wood stage like platform for the women to have this fight, he walks them to the step leading on to it, then he smiles at all, “Ladies and Gentlemen, its my pleasure to announce my current champion who you saw ruin my Wife Pam, the amazing Peggy”, Peggy kisses Trevor as she glares at Lynn then climbs on the platform to an applause her hour glass figure struts about showing to all then she stops at the far end hands on her sash then tugs it free as her fit body is revealed and the audience gasp as they had before against Pam, Peggy’s 36Gs barely can be contained in her bra her nipples easily tent the cups as the bra straps are so taught she sheds the robe and hands it back to a maid near her.

Trevor smiles then clears his throat, “Her rival tonight is nothing short of just that let me introduce , Lynn the challenger”, Lynn kisses him and then steps up, everyone is a bit stunned how she is like Peggy but different hair and face, her long legs strut her about the rectangle platform she passes Peggy and hisses, “i am gonna hurt your tits honey” then smiles as she finishes the path , she turns to face Peggy as she sheds her robe hands it to a maid then poses her fit hour glass body, her own 36Gs ready to explode her bra cups veiny and round , the women glare their hate, jealousy and everyone can sense the fear of the other as the fights about to start, Trevor steps a drink in hand , “ok everyone to be clear , no matter what happens tonight up here between these two gorgeous ladies NO ONE is to try to step between them, they have agreed to the rules and the stakes for the loser,and as always who ever does lose has the right to a rematch, so with out anything further , Lynn are you ready?”, Lynn nods slowly “Yes”, Peggy are you ready?”, Peggy nods , “Yes”, Trevor nods at both women, ‘Well then once i am out of the way you can Fight”.

Trevor steps off the stage and takes his place in front to watch, both women have death glares at the other and each arches her back as hey reach behind them and unclasp their bras, they ease them off and drop them at their heels, their round heavy but firm breasts sway out with little drop from the cups, their aureolas are almost pointy as they swell outward and their stiff nipples steely erect to the point hey have an alluring ache deep within, their hands slide up their fit curves to the breasts they caress them as they stare then lift their hands behind their heads hands in their own hair, their breasts seem to lift as they do and then Peggy does a slow flex of her breasts as they lift then lower to her command, then she does a slow sexy shimmy of ehr breasts, but her smug grin is quickly dowsed as Lynn rolls her shoulders and slowly flexes ehr 36G’s as controlled, as they lower and she does a slow sexy shimmy her lips part and she hisses to Peggy, “Your no match Bitch”, Peggy the first time seeing a rival match that pre move now realizes this fight is not like the those prior this fight is going to be a war, up till now in Peggy’s long “career” as a fighter no other woman has matched her stone like bust or been able to flex her heavy bust , it was Peggy’s advantage for sure ,she has been knocked down, pinned, whipped about but in every fight she used her power to beat those woman into submission, but tonight her secret weapon that often made a rival want out was matched and was every bit a secret by Lynn but the cards were on the table now the only thing between these Amazons, who was ending up on all 4’s and milked.

Everyones watching then Peggy steps forward first her hands at her hair starts the slow circle pattern and Lynn steps into the path and circles with her, their firm round breasts barely sway as they have a tight jostle with each step, their breathing so controlled  as their eyes try to find a sign of fear, they draw closer then closer finally within inches they close , the only noise is their breathing and the soft song of crickets, then Peggy eases in and lightly bumps her G’s to each side of Lynn’s breasts, their is no sway in either woman, both breath in at the feel of the others mass, nipples flick slowly by Lynn initiating that Peggy steadies head on to Lynn then a firm CLOP is heard as she steps into Lynn, slowly Peggy rows her breasts into Lynn’s as Lynn arches and seems to offer them to her rival as targets, Peggy makes a point to use it as she starts to work at Lynn, Lynn for the first time fully feels Peggy she is a bit stunned as she inhales at the feel of Peggy to her own, Peggy as she drags and smears slow but firmly whispers a hiss at Lynn’s face, “uuhhmm to much for ya Bitch ?hmm cmon only way out is to give or fight”, Lynn looks between them at their globe like firm breasts wrestling between them, she looks up at Peggy’s taunt and then smiles as she hisses back, “nmm oh i choose fight”.

Before Peggy can get a word out Lynn steps at her a louder more firm CLOP rings out, Peggy gets stunned a bit and loses a step back then snarls “cmon bitch”, Lynn a evil smile , “don’t mind if i do” and she starts to drive at Peggy, the fleshy clops are fast and often, Peggy gasps out at the continuous contact, “oohhhh uughhh bitch”, slowly her heels are forcing a retreat, Lynn a loud snarl, “stop running you cunt and fight my tits”, Peggy sets her heels and as she tries to widen her stance, Lynn is on her and starts to bump her breasts from side to side into Peggy’s, Peggy is stunned at the fast move but more is stunned at how firm and strong her rivals breasts are, she told me later it was like fighting her mirror , “uuhhh uhh uhh mff mf ohhh uhhnnn “, as Lynn starts to take control many who watched Peggy devour Pam start to urge Lynn on, “get her Lynn beat her tits pound her  get her”, the ones who came her thinking Peggy was going to destroy a new girl watch in awe and horror as Peggy’s breasts are being dragged, smeared and pushed about her chest, with her feet not set nor her stance wide to balance Peggy is being knocked about the stage like ring, her face turning red as her tits are, the heavy Clops are sharper and as the women shift about the clops become claps and thuds and smacks as flesh collide, Peggy is stunned and seems lost , her breasts are fighting back but seem useless as Lynn is al over her own, Lynn head up snarls, “cmon cunt give or fight hmm want more hmm got in ya bitch  cmon Fight me!”.

Peggy is again losing ground and almost looks drunk as she stutters every step, her breasts are smearing and clopping into Lynn’s but it is Lynn taking the fight to Peggy, both of them are are breathing hard but there is no mistake Lynn is beating Peggy at the moment, Trevor watches with a sly smirk, he has seen Peggy fight and knows all to well she has come back from much worse, he shows no sign of doubt in his fighter, at the same time though he is a bit stunned at how Lynn is coming out like a wild cat after being caged, peggy’s reputation is being erased as he sees the fight go on.

The warm night and the lights aimed on the fighters and their body heat shows their bodies start to glisten, but anyone can see Peggy is sweating more, her breathing is becoming more ragged and her breasts are getting red so early in Trevor and those watching feel a small concern within building, Peggy is now barely using her breasts other than to avoid Lynn’s constant attack, her mouth open as he breathes faster and heavier, Lynn is looking confident and fresh, her lips shut nostrils flare as she stays on the attack.

But Peggy is no rookie to these fights and more she has had bad starts and knows one well placed upper cut to the undersides can turn the tables on Lynn, so as her breasts are being worked her mind is already looking to set Lynn up to deliver her twin upper cut and knock Lynn on her ass and regain this fight, as Peggy is thinking ahead she sets a heel behind her to stop retreating she needs her entire body to make the blow count, Lynn advancing bumps bodies and has to reset her stance to stay on the attack, she is no rookie either in a fight as Peggy and all are seeing, as Peggy stabs her tits into Lynn’s to slow their motion Lynn smiles she knows what Peggy is thinking by the feel of her rivals motion, the quick assault slows as both women glare face to face, Peggy huffs, “cmon bitch time to feel me”, Lynn “oh you ready to start fighting honey?, nmm let me start then as well with this”, as they press their tits head o together and roll them against each others , veins darken and the mass swelling  and recoiling between them Peggy starts to lift to drag and dip as she inhales and smears up Lynn jumps the drag up and dips and Peggy’s tits sway out over her gasp tells it all she is about to get rocked the way she was setting to do, Lynn sees her rivals breasts settle then shoots upward to her toes.

Trevor and others see it as if slow motion, then SSSSSMMMAACCKKKKKK!!!, errupts the entire yard, Peggy’s head flies back as her mouth drops open, “AAAAAWWWWW MY TITS!!”, her body stiffens and rears back then Lynn charges and delivers a stabbing thrust up under Peggy’s breasts the undersides quake as if punched as they drop on Lynn’s breasts , Lynn starts to pump with hate “uumff umff umff cmon you cheap bitch fight my tits , bring it , whats wrong hmm having problems?””, Peggy is gasping and panting she is hurt her knees start to buckle as the upward and in pumping to her undersides are bouncing her tight firm breasts , Lynn is nearly part of Peggy she is so close Peggy shakes her head no but can only pant out in pain, then Lynn drags up and over Peggy’s hoisted breasts as they drop and clop on to Peggy’s torso they sway out and Lynn snaps her shoulders right then left and her firm breasts pound into Peggy’s CLOPPPPP CLOPPPPP!! Peggy’s proud bust is shaken hard her breasts crush together as if punching  each other her head rears back again, “aawww aghhhh ohhhh you Bitch!!” then Peggy falls back on the wood floor, her arms cradle her breast as she rolls on her side, Lynn stops and stands over her rival looking down her hands stay on her hair as she smiles at the crowd and struts around Peggy on the floor.

With Peggy still down and hurt, Lynn struts the entire platform her firm 36G’s standing out red but not hurt her smile telling all she is ready to fight on, as she passes Trevor she pauses licks her lips and purrs, “thats your champion baby? nmmm i am gonna hurt her , break her then you will have a real champion to fight for you mmmmm , watch and enjoy her destruction baby tonight you get the best tits around”, Lynn turns as she sees Peggy has rolled up onto her hip, but heads hanging as her arm cradles her red swollen hurt breasts as is allowed Lynn swaggers to Peggy, “get up and fight or i’ll stand you up bitch”, Peggy winces a bit her undersides are nearly purple red as her rear sinks back down Lynn stabs her hand in Peggy’s hair and pulls up, Peggy shakes her head as her body is lifted to her knees , her face a mask of pain, “My Hair Bitch!!”, Lynn shakes her head by the hair as she hangs Peggy by it, “Give or Fight whats it gonna be Bitch hmm, SAY IT!!”.

Peggy grabs at Lynn’s wrists as her hair is pulled holding her up on her knees her red bruised tits sway out free and all see the beating they endured thus far, women cup their own and wince at the pain they know Peggy must feel, Lynn snarls and yanks Peggy’s head so hard her knees go out from under and she holds Peggy up by her air only, “AWWWW MY HAIR!! , Lynn spits at her rival, “You Give ? SAY IT BITCH “, Peggy wincing in pain, “No NO LET GO I WANNA FIGHT YOU!!” Lynn wildly shakes her rivals head by the hair, “then get up you cunt Fight me”, she roughly shoves Peggy head free and steps back her long legs wider and ready stance Lynn sets her hands behind her hair as her red tits swell out to fight, Peggy wipes tears as she slowly starts to stand, all who have seen her in the past or heard about her are sure once up and sets herself this fight will turn around, she gets up on her heels and as she arches and her hands go to her hair Lynn is on her to fight her.

Their Breasts crush together and as all expected Peggy starts to go tit to tit with Lynn, they stand and exchange  away, their proud breasts collide quake and crush together over and over, slowly it seems Peggy is getting her licks in to Lynn, as they go at it Lynn starts to rear her head and shake it no, Peggy is working harder but all can see Peggy is in this fight now and Lynn is feeling it now, “cunt, “Bitch” spit at each other as they stand thighs wider and breasts jamming, smearing, press push and stab into others, the sweat more obvious now on both women and Lynn is showing signs that Peggy is no push over as she starts to wince after feeling Peggy give it right back, those who cheered Lynn on at the start are worried it is looking like a replay of Pam’s fight with Peggy and they are worried, “Lynn cmon honey get at her use those tits’, Cmon Peggy do your thing put her down “.

Lynn and Peggy have being going tit to tit for nearly an hour, the pain growing more obvious on their faces as they refuse to back off an inch, the constant fleshy clops, claps,and slaps fill the area as they pull shoulders back and drive their breasts into the duel, but despite Lynn taking the fight to Peggy she is slowed by Peggy’s way of fighting, strong and powerful, but Peggy isn’t fully herself, the attacking drive she normally has at this time in a fight is lacking, is she tired?,is Lynn this much tougher a challenge, or is this going to be another loss for Peggy that no one including her was imagined.

Both women drive and retreat about the stage like fight area,sweat beads thrown of their breasts by the others, their skin red now and light bruises start to surface,as each is panting heavy, no one else was seeing it but i did, as Peggy stood her ground against Lynn her thigh muscles were shaking I knew then Peggy was in trouble,she was fighting two fights, Lynn and to stay standing and in this fight, Lynn  was driving at her rival but she was also starting to feel the effects their chins up as eyes rolled back on the harder contact between them, mouths fallen open as they gasp and pant then it was clear only one was going to finish it the other was going to go down in pain, one good move and her rival was finished and the glare they gave each other told them the same.

Peggy after being backed up again tightens her chest, she arches her back, her proud breasts out like targets  but she had a move in her head to put Lynn down or make her give , i have seen this before, i feel a smirk on my lips and i see Trevor become more intense as he watched the fight, Peggy was roughly shoving her breasts into Lynn;s and had her heels dragging a retreat but Lynn was still in the fight as the two of them were nearly pleading to an end, Peggy a snarling lip taunts, “cmon you cunt fight my tits stop running away Bitch”, Lynn shook her head “you stupid Bitch i an gonna hurt you cmon give me your best”, Peggy lunges into Lynn her move starts, she pumps each breast into Lynn’s to stop her timing then planned to rolling pin Lynn’s a move at this point in the fight would hurt Lynn bad enough she might give at the very least go down, but Lynn was no stranger to a heavy titfight like this she felt the move setting up and she rears back, Peggy’s timing gets thrown off as she steps into Lynn.

Lynn a crazed grin that Peggy missed her set up dips low and crushes into Peggy then her hands drop from her hair as her arms spring open and get under Peggy’s arms her hands hook on Peggy’s shoulders limiting her movement and stop Peggy from backing away, Lynn still a sick grin jams her breasts at the lower rounded area of Peggy’s breasts both sets bulge but Lynn’s now between her arms swell tight together adding to the strength as they CLOPPPP! into Peggy’s , Peggy gasps out “uughhh ohhhh NOOOOOO LET GO BITCH!!”, Peggy’s breasts get splayed back a perfect recoil against her own chest , Lynn then starts to grind a pain filled rolling pin motion that both flattens and stretches Peggy’s mass against her torso and the pinned breast flesh, Peggy rolls her head as her breathing, her firm breasts and her sweaty figure work against her ability.

Lynn and Peggy start to falter in stances as Peggy needs to break from Lynn, her hands drop from her hair and push at Lynn as she squirms in pain, then Lynn adds to the moves pain she widens her stance more and starts a slow yet firmly pressed to peggy X against Peggy’s breast with her own, Peggy throws her head back , ‘AAghhhh ohhh my tits “, Lynn hearing the effect adds pressure in her grip around Peggy and now using her back more and the sweat becoming tacky drags that x design against Peggy, the flesh on Peggy’s mass is seen stretched out at the top of her chest the sides and below, her head shaking no in fear and pain, as Lynn is relentless.

I wanna  turn my head to stop watching as Peggy is being broken in the one fight she was the Queen at ,her chest and her breasts are being so tortured the red nearly a purple red from the pressure, Trevor swallows deeply as his eyes are wide his newest champ is being torn apart, i heard him grunt , “Cmon Peggy fight her” but even he knew this fight was all Lynn and she wasn’t slowing down, Peggy starts to teeter  her knees buckling as her head is shaking no and her eyes so wide in disbelief her mouth tries to form words but each time the thrusts by Lynn cuts the words of as Peggy needs the effort to Pant or Gasp out, Lynn holds Peggy up in her grip and snarls, ‘You Give ?, Say it you Give!!”, Peggy drops her head shaking it no slower and slower then after another long X is dragged against her breasts they over lap each other and almost become twisted, Peggy tries to pump back at Lynn, but Lynn has the fight she drops ehr hands and applies a crushing bear hug around Peggy’s torso and as she pulls the grip in Peggy is nearly bet backwards, the lift of her breasts sets Lynn up for the fight ending move.

Peggy is released from the hug her body arched to suck in a deep breath when Lynn delivers the blow, Lynn drags her breasts down Peggy’s and drives up with all thats in her, Lynn’s breasts crush up into Peggy’s open undersides 1,2,3 straight times the SMACKS!! make a sickening ring as Peggy tosses her head back a screech, ‘AWWWWW MY TITS STOP STOP”, that was it my eyes widen my mouth falls open in total shock Peggy is stood up straight her arms and head loosely hang then Lynn ends her rival, a last unopposed uppercut SMACKKK!!, Peggy screams, “AAWWWWWWW” and goes down again on the hard wood stage, her hands cup her tits as she lays there , Lynn pounces on her and pins Peggy’s hands above her head on the floor and then drops her firm G’s onto Peggy’s and as she stares with that arrogant grin at Peggy grinds her breasts on Peggy’s , “wanna fight me ? cmon Bitch i want more i wanna rip your hair out  scratch your eyes out say it Bitch SAY IT!!”, Peggy nods “i’ll…i’ll uughhh stop please my tits owwww i give i give”, Lynn smiles wider and sits up on Peggy her red tits sway out as she has both hands over head then she stands and sets her heel on Peggy’s breasts.

Trevor walks up “ok ok Lynn you won”, Lynn rips her arms from Trevor’s grip, “i am taking what i earned” she struts to Peggy on the floor takes her hair and growls, “get on your hands and knees cunt NOW!”, Peggy is forced to all 4’s and Lynn mounts her back her claws trace Peggy’s body then she lowers her warm breasts on Peggy’s back her hands smack Peggy’s breasts as they take hold and slowly and applying as much pain as she can, milks Peggy slow and deep adding to the pain, Peggy shaking her head no as tears fall groans, “Please stop my tits  owww uughhhhh you Bitch Stop”, Lynn tortures her rival as she forces milk free as it pools under Peggy Lynn all smiles hisses out loud, “Wanna rematch Bitch hmm?, cmon say you want it i want to fight you and your pathetic tits”, Peggy weeping nods she will then drops on her tummy as Lynn again stands and does a victory pose over her, then struts off with Trevor all smiles.

Chapter 11: Is this the End of a Queen?

Trevor didn’t kick Mom to the curb after the titfight like Pam was, he had special feelings for Peggy and hated seeing her lose so hard, he even said after to me, “That was no fight that was a beating “, as much as i hate to say it, he was right, Peggy did not enter nor fight like the Queen we all know, I have sen mom come close to a loss only to bounce back and destroy her rivals, but as far back as i recall, Peggy was never milked and beaten like Lynn did to her and after the other losses to Pam I wasn’t sure she was coming back from this.

Three days after the humiliating fight for Peggy, I stopped by to see her, when i entered her room she was still in bed, but what scared me the most was when she sat up her breasts looked like Lynn used her fists on them, bruises and swollen and some red blotching were very obvious all over her proud G’s the worse part was as she stood up her G’s swayed so loosely as if she never worked her chest out, and as they did Mom winced at the pain that caused, “Mom are you ok?”, she was ready to cry, “oh Amber she was a tough fight , her tits were like boulders against mine, every inch of hers hurt mine, I am not sure she felt me at all”, Mom was distraught I had wished for a while she would stop but not this way, i know i thought of her being beat bad enough she would give up but this wasn’t what i thought it was going to be, she looked like the old mom was stripped away and I was left wit ha broken woman, one thing for sure Peggy now knew what her rivals felt like after she beat them this bad.

But seeing Mom this way , this broken I was in shock she was a shel of herself, her natural sexual prowess,her confidence and her pride were gone, stripped and taken from her in one night, I hated that Mom was a fighter but i loved her , i loved the way she was how she carried herself and took command of a room when she entered it, what i see now was a woman who looked like she was never getting out of bed again, she was losing Dad and now Trevor to a woman who was her equal a fight that Peggy had fought before and while they were all close and more than not going her rivals way Peggy managed to dig deep and come back for a win, looking at her now I don’t think she could win a hair pull, Trevor knocked i answered the door and pushed him back as i stepped out in the hall with him, “Where is your Mother ? is she ok does she need a Doctor?”, I was nearly ready to cry myself, “Trevor, she is in bad shape, yes her breasts are still sore and swollen and hurt but it is more she is broken i don’t know if she is coming back from this loss, she barely wants to stand up, losing was one thing but to lose as you watched against an equal well i know these women like mom expect it to happen but she always came back in a titfight to win never was dominated like that”.

Trevor looks down, he feels horrible but this is his life style and one he can afford he says softly, “i only set up this fight cause i was sure your mom could dominate as she has before, i mean eventually another if not Lynn would have come along but what i, what we witnessed was not the Peggy i heard and been watching Amber, let me talk to her”, Trevor enters the room, “Peggy? hi oh wow your really sore, you need ice right away”, he calls for the maid to make a few ice packs and send them up, he sits with her as they hug she starts to cry , i hear it through the door as i wanna cry, the maid comes up and enters he thanks her then she leaves her face cold so i have no idea if it was me or was mom in that bad a shape, she told me later Trevor sat her up and back in bed and wrapped the ice packs on her breasts in the perfect locations, mom purred at the relief she felt and they started to talk.

I hear Peggy in tears, “i’ll leave as soon as i feel better if thats ok “, Trevor stops her “Leave? where do you think your going and why?”, she inhales trying to not cry, “i lost and lost pretty bad , i beat Pam you got rid of her  i thought i was done”, Trevor kisses her forehead, “not yet sweetie, Pam gave you a few chances so why shouldn’t you be given the same, unless your afraid of Lynn now”?, Peggy looks up at him, “Trevor i have had many of these fights and while i been knocked down more than i like i always came back to win, but fighting her i felt like her tits were rocks it hurt from the start”, Trevor smirks, “don’t laugh at me”, he holds her arms, “i am not i don’t think you know how hard you fought her”, Peggy looks in his eyes, “what do you mean?”, he stares into her eyes, “Peggy i am telling you straight you hurt her as well, she is in her room right now with ice packs as well, and she said to me and i quote ..”that bitch has rocks for tits”, you nearly came back she was just more ready for it , you got over confident was all, rest up you can fight her anytime your ready and make her pay”, Peggy breaths out heavy, “and if i can’t …beat her ?”, Trevor smiles at her, “lets worry about that when we reach that point but honestly i think once your up and around your going to go after her with a vengeance ok?” Peggy nods and Trevor kisses her forehead, “rest up you rival is she wants more as well”.

Peggy looks up at him, her lips stammer for words , he cups her chin and leans over kisses her deeply then whispers to her, “your the champ here till you can’t go on or you break her just like Pam was and you beat her, now rest up you haven’t lost yet”, Peggy manages a smile and lays back with the ice an instant soothing feel, Trevor steps out looks at me, “keep building her up Amber if you don’t Lynn will tear her to shreds” he walks away.

I say goodnight to Peggy  she needs rest now not reminders, but i know the three losses in a row plus those to Pam are weighing on her, its all over her face, (am i done have i met my match ),  the next day i get Mom to the hot tub she needs it more than she knows, as she soaks and lets the heat and bubbles do their thing she lays back finally relaxing a bit, I wasn’t aware and I doubt Mom was either, but Lynn had not been out of her room much either, these two hurt each other but we all knew no matter who won both were going to feel what the other did, when two amazons like Peggy and lynn clash there is no one who doesn’t come out with her wounds, I just don’t think either was ready to face what the other was capable of, but the next time they clash both will know full well what to expect, it just might make them hesitate over jumping at each other, wishful thinking i know but up to this point in Mom’s fight career she never was hurt and or beaten so hard by another, I think her saving grace was she managed some how to get past this period of time and harnessed what she went through to go and become the Queen we all came to know her to be, but for now the evil doubt was coursing through her.

Days turned to weeks, and Peggy was healing nicely, while i was happy to see it it also meant Lynn was as well, and that meant once both felt a bit better they would be back at their workouts to be ready, once unleashed and free to fight by Trevor, not that they needed his is ok but for what was on the line they were going to adhere to his rules, for now.

Both women were doing their best to avoid the other, they were both willing to go at it just by a glare but eventually they knew Trevor would want them to fight and if not ready it could mean both being let go, and neither woman was going to give the other any satisfaction of having all Trevor was offering just taken away, as Lynn was healing however it was her ‘right’ as winner to take as much time with Trevor as she wished, Peggy knew it and was burning deep inside her, but she also knew the rules after all she was where Lynn is not long ago as she beat Pam.

What I didn’t understand was why Mom was taking away from her quest to protect her towns and gain new ones over risking fighting for Trevor, I learned later on it wasn’t Trevor himself as much as payback at Dad for finding women he was sure would or could break and beat Mom, she only fought them to destroy them and his thoughts that there was any woman better, so I guess it was as easy as reversing the role on Dad, in her mind, but in hind sight Peggy came to realize Trevor was doing the same thing to her and losing a fight as he watched meant simply you weren’t good enough for him, Dad has yet to this day admit that or any reason he did this to Mom but one thing was clear, if you went against Peggy win or lose you left knowing you had a hell of a fight.

While Lynn was with Trevor, Peggy was making the most of the gym he had in the house, her arms and breasts were becoming more defined , tone and firm, Peggy was on a mission to at the very least even the score with Lynn and make their jealous dislike come down to a tie breaking fight one that Trevor, Lynn and herself would have to finish as per Trevor’s “rules”, so Peggy as much as she was ready to go at Lynn swallowed the hate enough to be patient for that chance, Lynn like Peggy had with Pam was enjoying the benefits of a wealthy man offered which was anything she wanted, and like with Peggy , Lynn was told of the club, as you can guess Lynn saw both a way to make more money and a way at Peggy before Trevor really wanted, not that Trevor was dumb he didn’t expect them to spat, but to bring in more people meant more money so if word got out Peggy had competition as a headliner and a controlled fight broke out it didn’t take a genius to see the  draw of larger crowds.

Peggy was going to take any woman in the club dancing for her spot more personal simply because she had just beat Bev. , June for the spot and the headline act and the towns they ruled over, when she learned from Trevor Lynn was going to dance the weekend Peggy instantly said she was as well, Trevor wasn’t going to say no since it was Peggy that brought a decent crowd already, Peggy knew if she and Lynn were left alone in that dressing room or on that stage or around the bar area it wouldn’t take much for them to go at it in some way, the only thing Lynn made a mistake over was not demanding to be given Peggy’s spot if she soundly beat her, Trevor would have allowed the fight over that and had Peggy agreed and lose again then the club and the towns she won would be open for Lynn to scoop up as her own, but that was the where Lynn’s lack of fighting for towns over wealthy men stopped she had no idea what it meant to run a town or be a Queen, if she had this part of Peggy’s stories would have ended here.

Three weeks after Peggy lost and healed as did Lynn it was a Friday night and Trevor sent Peggy ahead in a car to dance the night as her spot as headliner, Lynn felt her own jealous cat tingle she was as busty as sexy and ready why should Peggy get the spot light after very little pleading Trevor agreed and he and Lynn drove in, Lynn would be second to Peggy and Trevor knew like with Bev and Peggy treating the crowd to very busty fit sexy women he didn’t have to promote anything the men and few women that came to the club would urge the dancers to challenge each other and they would pay to watch.

I had told Joe everything that was going on he couldn’t get to the club fast enough, as we sat having a drink Peggy was strutting about the floor and bar getting tips already and making small talk with the guys who threw down a quarter of their pay checks to get her body close to their own or a feel of those firm round large breasts, Peggy never disappointed entertaining her regulars, Bev was the daily act still but anytime Peggy showed Bev took send seat, as she had to agree to Bev waited for Peggy to start her set to make her strut for tips then dance when Peggy’s set was over, that was till Trevor walked in with Lynn in tow, as Peggy was back stage getting ready Lynn took all the attention from Bev. and men were hoping this was the woman to be second to Peggy, but more than a few already were talking how if this woman was half the dancer as Peggy with that body they would welcome the fresh face and talent.

As Trevor hoped the crowd already was dividing between who they wanna see as headliner it doesn’t take much to sway loyalty when the smell of competition hits the air, Trevor grabs hold of Bev the former head liner and as equal to his latest two he questioned her on fighting Peggy , after being told what he already knew which was Bev’s jealousy that Peggy beat her he learned that Peggy was a vicious fighter and the best titfight she had to ever face, Trevor smiled then he handed Bev a few hundred bucks to go keep an on Peggy in the dressing room, he emphasised not to fight or jump in just watch and let him know, she nodded then her eyes took in Lynn who was ready to tear into Bev if need be, Bev smiled it was obvious a fight was coming be it full scale or a spat stopped , Bev hurried back stage as she enters the dressing room Peggy is walking out to go on stage, they stare a moment then Peggy hisses, “you want another round honey?”, Bev says no but smiles as she would love to se Peggy in a fight with that woman waiting for her.

Peggy gets announced and as she starts her set Lynn re emerges  from the office area now wearing lingerie set of a red thong, red semi sheer robe heels and nothing else her big round 36G’s as tight as Peggy’s as they stretch the thin robe outward and her nipples start to spike, Peggy in a black version of the same can sense the crowds distracted she dances watching the bar and floor area every girl gets time prior and after her set to stroll for extra tips , when she sees the hour glass figure of a woman’s back laughing and as the woman turns her equally heavy breasts barely contained then the woman turns her head and Peggy sees it is Lynn, her eyes dart quickly as she sees Trevor in the far back , as she looks back at Lynn it is obvious he brought her here to take the spot and Peggy won’t just give it up, she gyrates and strips to her thong and thigh highs as Lynn watches men see the jealous tension and Lynn to add to her tips before even going on says to the men that can hear her, ‘don’t waste your money boys i am on next and my tits are much better” it brings a loud set of cat calls and money to Lynn she just glares at Peggy as Peggy glares back, a slow shimmy by Peggy is answered by Lynn with the same slow sexy shimmy and the men are wide eye and urging something to happen.

Peggy’s set starts to end her robe is eased back on and as she starts off stage Lynn is heading back stage but their eyes never leave the other as they do, i look at Joe and before i say it he does, “we better go watch”i nod and we hurry backstage and behind the dressing room to our old spy spot, we see Beverly at her vanity still smiling, then the door opens and in walks Peggy , she swaggers by Beverly and  sits at her own vanity, then the door opens again and in struts Lynn, she pauses at the door and sees the vanity next o Peggy, she saunters in her eyes bore into Bev as a warning to stay back, then she sits and looks at her make up.

Peggy without looking at her hisses, ‘what are you doing here?”, Lynn hisses back, “Trevor felt i should get known since i am going to be the new head line act why? you worried ?”, Peggy was but was ready to put up a fight to keep what she earned, “worried? what about you?please you got lucky even Bev here came to close to keeping her title  but in the end …well proof is in the eye of the beholder honey”, “Lynn gives a smirk, “sure your ready for more i heard you were pretty sore”, Peggy applies fresh lip gloss, “funny i heard the same i believe the word rocks was used”, Lynn’s smile fades “well we have a few before i am announced or we can wait till she goes on”, Peggy stands up her robe sash tight but she reaches for the top of her robe and spreads till her 36Gs sway out free, “why wait”?, Lynn stands and does the same with her robe.

Beverly turns and stands out of the way, “by all means Ladies don’t mind me have at it”, they both look at the other again step from the vanities then circle , Joe and i watch on edge when that arousing sound fills the room between them, “CLOPPPPP” both drive head on tit to ttit and start to grind and smear, “uuuhhhhh cmon cunt”, “fight my tits bitch”, their round firm veiny mass swells, bulges, mushrooms and rolls like lopping waves as they use their tits, Lynn arches early as she feels Peggy can fight her tits , “uuhhh uhhhnnn mmfff cmon Bitch not so easy am i”, Lynn huffs as they press tighter, “uuhnnnmmff mff oh you cunt you must like getting beat up my tits are barely trying”, Beverly smirks evilly , “cmon Ladies i was expecting a fight “, they glare in others eyes as they hear her encouragement, Lynn a face to face hiss, “how about it cunt?”, Peggy hisses right back, “anytime cunt”.

They smear their heavy breasts against the others, their eyes flash the anger and hate, then as if planned both women stab their claws at the others face, neither screams they grunt and pull at flesh as they stand face to face, “Cmon Bitch”, “i’ll scratch your eyes out Bitch”, they stagger about as red and pink lines trace their faces, Beverly a huge smile as the two Amazons tear at one another, “get her scratch her fight” she says with glee, Peggy and Lynn stagger in a circle snarling, Lynn swipes at Peggy’s cheek, Peggy gets her face turned and Lynn is about to dig her claws in when the door flies open and Trevor and two bouncers pull the cats apart.

Peggy turns and lunges at Lynn, Lynn being held by the waist kicks at her, both spit “let me go”, ‘let me at her”, Peggy is sat down as Lynn is ordered to get on stage, she gets introduced and the music starts, the heavy thumping of the multiple speakers as men cheer for the busty newcomer, Peggy glares at Trevor, “you seriously letting her take my tips in my club?”, Trevor smiles at her, “i think you mean my club, but i am just looking out for you “, Peggy inhales, “ME!?, you let me at the cunt i’ll show you a fight”, Trevor stares at her, “Peggy i know your a fighter it is why i matched you to Pam in the first place, but this one, Lynn is a fighter as well and i don’t want to se you beat or hurt, i am jus….”, Peggy stands and cuts him off, “you listen to me Trevor, i did everything you asked of me fought every way you wanted and in the end i was the one standing over another bitch proving i and my tits are the better woman, now you think i will share you or this or any other spot light with that cow you can drop me off at my home i am done”.

Peggy starts to remove her robe to change, Trevor stops her and looks in her eyes, “you really want to try her again now , here?”, Peggy just glares at him, “fine go ahead then, but i don’t want it to end here, you challenge her after work the three of us go have a drink we agree on the stakes and the where and you two can finish it ok?”, Peggy pulls her arms free, “oh i agree” then she heads out the dressing room, i hurry to the audience and watch, as Lynn is gyrating and showing off her powerful 36G’s there is a sudden roar as Peggy emerges from the curtain, Lynn is unaware Peggy is there as she strips her robe off men are whistling, Lynn turns and sees her, “you cunt”, Peggy sneers, “Fuck you cunt cmon””.

They charge into each other , their big breasts collide as the grab each other by the hair and start to pull and tear at each other, the crowd is going crazy , they have seen Peggy go at it on stage before and being the favorite they want more, both Amazons are yanking hair as they pull each gets a hand free to deliver a smack or scratch as they spin and go after the other, as they slip and hit the floor rolling over each other , Peggy manages to get on Lynn’s back and starts to bounce Lynn’s face on the stage by the hair and her free hand delivers a fist to the side of Lynn’s round right breast , Lynn winces and drops flat on her tummy as Peggy is shaking her head by the hair, finally Trevor sends bouncers out to break it up, the crowd boo’s as Peggy stands up shimmies her breasts at them they clap and cheer her, then she goes back stage to change.

Trevor holds Lynn back and watches Peggy strut out of the club after her sharp nail points in Beverly’s face and she growls “do not be here when i get back or i’ll claw your eyes next”, Peggy swaggers out wearing a peach mini dress bra and heels with smoke black thigh highs her hair a bit pulled and wild but she quickly redoes it as she enters the bar down the street, Trevor walks in not long after and sits by her and her veiny cleavage is stretching the dress out and her nipples are steely stiff as she knows the fights just getting ready to begin.

As Trevor kisses her and apologizes for doubting her Lynn strolls in wearing a black mini dress low v cut and matched bra heels thigh highs, she snarls at Peggy as she steps around her and Trevor then sits on his other side, her cleavage swelling and nipples as stiff as both women glare ready to attack Trevor tries to calm then enough to iron out details.

Peggy ready and willing is curling her fingers through Trevor’s hair, Lynn watches ready to jump at Peggy, Trevor as he looks at both is trying to arrange where these two can fight and no one will step between, he is being direct when he tells them he doesn’t want a free for all just anywhere, Peggy stands up and leans over Trevor her large round breasts swell nearly out of the dress as she stares at Lynn she says to him, “you keep this cunt at least 20 feet from me or i won’t be able to stop myself baby”, Lynn stands up , “well Trevor this cunt is less then three feet from me i can’t control myself”, Peggy a smirk raises a brow at Lynn as she runs her nails along his chest, “baby let me fight her please”, Lynn pushes Peggy’s hand aside then mimics the move along his chest, “nmmm cmon baby let her try again i wanna rip her up” Lynn tilts her head at Peggy .

Trevor looks about and can see others are noticing somethings up, he starts to stand up and tells both women it is time to go, he takes each by her arm in his and the three of them head out when suddenly Lynn yanks on the back of Peggy’s hair Peggy turns and delivers a punch to Lynn’s cheek knocking her back they suddenly  jump at each other, both women swing and claw and rip at hair as the bar erupts they hit the bar floor rolling over each other , Trevor tries to stop them then the bar tender helps and they are pulled apart again, both are breathing heavy as hair do’s are once again wild and matted, he grabs their arms again and they head out to his limo.

The ride home both women try to get at each other more than once till finally back at his house Trevor sends both upstairs with explicit orders to stop for the day, Peggy storms into her room throws her purse on the bed strips and caresses her firm round breasts, thinking to herself, “that cunt my tits are better i have to fight her tit to tit to prove it”, in Lynn’s room she is pacing thinking a loud, “that cunt i’ll beat her once and for all he won’t want her anymore “, as much as they wanted to get at each other in some way Trevor was watching them closely.

Over the next few days Trevor sat with each of them and made a point that they would have their big titfight and it would be a deciding one, the winner would stay the loser would go back to her original life, neither liked it they wanted to Fight this out but Peggy was confident her bust would beat Lynn’s and though it was never revealed Lynn was worried Peggy managed to hurt her after the last one and now Peggy was after revenge, Lynn knew what anger could do in any fight and knowing Peggy was as firm and strong she had a good chance at being beat by Peggy she had to make sure she didn’t lose.

Trevor decided to set the date both were told the rules as if they didn’t know them already, the stakes were the same loser gets milked loses bra and this time was sent away, leaving the winer to relish her win, Peggy was fine with it she was training to beat Lynn not match her, Lynn was doing the same but in the back of her mind was the anger her rival was bringing into the fight with her, they each had one week and the fight would be on the grounds heels and bikinis were the attire, Trevor sat with each and made sure they were ready and that any break of the rules would cost the fight, both ladies agreed and were set.

That Saturday the sun was a white /yellow bright shinning down on the patio, Peggy wore a neon green bikini and heeled sandal, Lynn was in a leopard print bikini, both tops on each were stretched to the limits, aureolas and nipples already tenting them, Trevor was waiting on the patio as Lynn struts out and kisses him deeply, then Peggy struts out and does the same, both are doing all they can to keep tempers in check, Trevor tells them again it is a titfight to determine the better woman, Peggy has that proud sly smirk i seen many times before, Lynn has her snarled lip but i se a slight concern in her eyes, once everything was laid out he steps away to watch and both women turn to the other and pull the strings of their tops , their massive 36G’s fill the slacken cups and as they ease them off their breasts sway out free and firmly.

Both toss their top by Trevor then hands go on hair and they step at each other, they start by rubbing their stiff nipples then Peggy arches and presses firm into Lynn, Lynn can’t help but breath out as Peggy starts the duel, she rolls and grinds in to Lynn who at first stands her ground but slowly is feeling and seeing Peggy has her confidence back and is looking to take this fight from Lynn, “nmmm nmmm ohh cmon you cheap Bitch fight my tits”, Lynn suddenly feeling her heels scrape the rough ground knows she is in for a fight harder than the last meeting, “UUhhh uhhh Bitch mmmfff cmon’, she loses a few steps and spins as their fleshy firm globes collide the patio area echoes ,‘CLOP CLOP CLOP”, they start to get a rhythm going and both want this as they want the other gone, Lynn comes right back at Peggy , jabbing her tits int oPeggy’s and making her lose ground now, ‘UughhhUghhh cunt”, “Cmon Peggy put them up fight my tits “.

The two go at it steady for 15, then 40 minutes each has her moment of advantage and easily gets it taken away, Trevor smirks a bit as she sees Peggy is matching her rival more than last time, and he sees and hears Lynn feels and knows it now as well, they close the gap between them and really start to grind and smear and roll their tits into the others and both are starting to sweat and breath harder as the bright sun bakes their bodies, Lynn wants it over we all knew it, she looks to get Peggy at her undersides it nearly destroyed her last time, as Peggy drives head on Lynn meets her the CLOP is solid as they rub and pump into the other , breast meat recoils then springs back to shape, Lynn pants out loud, “Ughhh you fucking cow”, Peggy smirks, “Feel me cunt hmm?, i am gonna hurt you this time “, she pumps into Lynn 1,2,3 times Lynn arches she felt her rival, that time and both know she did, in an effort to beat Peggy Lynn has to make a move as they go to the 50 minute mark both are sweating now, and the sweaty flesh becomes tacky as their smooth smearing now pulls skin as they drag heavy into each others breasts, both feel the other more and more and both are gulping heavily to get fresh air and fight on digging deeper, then it comes Lynn gets Peggy in tight as they grind their breasts then as Peggy sways up and across Lynn dips and thrusts up “SMACKKKK!!!” Peggy’s head tosses back her mouth dropping open and her body stiffens as Lynn upper cuts her tits and stays at her undersides grinding and pumping, Peggy feels her knees buckle, “OOWWWW NOOO BITCH!!!”, then Lynn steps in again and delivers a second uppercut to the undersides, Peggy rears back and staggers from her, Lynn takes a much needed deep breath in as Peggy hits her back on the pillar, Lynn widens her thighs and starts an upward side to side pump and criss cross pummeling with her tits into Peggy’s , the fleshy slaps are ringing out hard and fast and Peggy can only shake her head no as her face is red her breasts turn redder , Lynn hisses at her face, ‘Put em up cunt my tits are devouring yours Bitch’.

Peggy rolls her eyes back, “Uughh ughhh ohhh you Whore noo no”, Lynn starts to get a rhythm and Peggy is being worked hard , Trevor drops his head as he sees the fight just turned for Lynn again, he has to admit to himself maybe Peggy wasn’t the best he ever found, Lynn drives at Peggy and does a full length upward drag to Peggy’s undersides pulling her breasts higher and higher making red streaks in the undersides peggy tilts her head back on the white pillar then her knees give out and she slumps to the concrete patio, her breasts red and swollen , Lynn steps back a huge grin as she paces in front of Peggy who is on her hip and thigh, she looks at Trevor, “This is your champion? this bitch has gone down for me twice and i am not done “, Trevor shakes his head ready to throw in the towel, Lynn looks down at Peggy, “Get up cunt and Fight my tits or Give NOW!”, Peggy shakes her head no, “NO NO don’t you Dar Trevor I am not giving up yet”!.

Peggy slowly rocks onto her knees and then manages to get to her feet again, she arches upright slowly and we all see the pain in her face, I call out , “Mom enough stop”, she shakes her head and sucks i na breath , she glares at Lynn then shimmies her tits at her, “Cmon cunt put em up lets titfight”, Lynn a smirk that fades a bit she can’t believe Peggy wants more, she inhales and eases it out, “ok Bitch lets get it on”, they circle again then CLOPPPPP!!!! as they drive into each other the fight now going on one hour and more as they stand face to face and use their breasts on each others, Peggy comes out fast and harder this time and Lynn is huffing and panting then gasping as Peggy is all over her breasts with her own, the color change in Lynn’s breasts becomes obvious and i see trevor ball his fist as he says to himself , “Cmon Peggy fight her”, Lynn is now starting to again retreat as Peggy is after her, then Peggy suddenly stops and sways her big 36G’s “Cmon bitch my tits wanna fight not run away”, Lynn snarls and comes at Peggy they clash again and smear ,drag, pump and grind then Peggy as she gasps out in pain drags aa X int oLynn’s bust, Lynn arches “UUGHHHH OHHHH!!!.

Peggy gets Lynn’s 36G’s jostling not an easy move at all, as they do Peggy watches her timing then dips and delivers her own upper cut to Lynn’s breast, the SMACK was deeper and harder and we felt through Lynn, her face went pale as he mouth fell open, “AWWWWWWW !!!:, instantly Lynn’s knees go out and she drops the patio fast, her arms cradle her breasts as Peggy hands on hair stands looking down at her, “GET THE FUCK UP cunt FIGHT MY TITS!!”, Trevor gasps as he sees Lynn downed, and peggy still ready to g oat it.

Lynn was hurt for sure as the fight goes into one hour and 20 minutes their bodies drenched in sweat and bot hare ready to drop and call it a draw, then Lynn rocks a bit and gets to her knees and then up, Peggy breathes in accepting this fight will go on more, both set hands on hair and start to come at each other again, this time as they draw in the stab and jab their breasts at the others as if trading a punch for punch, but they were testing the firmness and pain level of the other, both sets of breasts jostle a bit naturally loosened by the constant barrage of contact then they crush into each other again both women tilt heads up and back as they enter a mutual hug and are almost ripping skin as they pull side to side in the bear hug, both in pain but to angry and jealous to let it matter, Lynn hisses at Peggy, “I am going to ruin your tits”, Peggy hisses back, “Your al talk Bitch guess your not use to a woman who fight back hmm cmon”.

Both are nearly dead on their feet , exhaustion, dehydrated they refuse to give an inch, their big round firm breasts while red and the veins darker bulge as if ready to explode under the pressure, Peggy starts a undulating roll into Lynn and Lynn feels deeply, “UUghhh ohh ohh owww Bitch”, Peggy starts to turn on the speed, ‘Give cunt  cmon your done with I won time to pack your bags honey”, Trevor is smiling proudly when a screech is heard, Peggy suddenly is thrashing to get from Lyn’s grasp, “AWWWWAIIEEE OWWW OWW GET OFFF ME cunt”, we are both wide eye as we see they are still in a hug but as Lynn presses to Peggy i see what made her cry out, Lynn managed to rolling pin Peggy’s breasts on themselves and had a clear work area of her undersides and was grinding them down, to get free Peggy drops to her knees knowing the rules Trevor set Lyn will have to back up and let her give or get up, Lynn opens her arms and with wide stance eases back a step she looks down at Peggy “Ready to give cunt?” Peggy glares up at her and growls, “I am just starting you cunt”.

It was then Lynn knew she had to out fight the queen, but what none of us expected was how, Lynn steps back at the kneeling Peggy and stabs her fingers into Peggy’s hair at he bangs, and whips her head to look up, then with all her might left hangs Peggy by her hair and as Peggy winces Lynn draws her right leg back and then fires her knee cap into the left side of Peggy’s breast, CLACK CLACK CLACK, three straight knees to the weakest part of Peggy the soft left hurt side between breast and arm pit , Peggy goes white  all her color gone and as she tries to cover to protect it Lynn grabs her left wrist and twists it up behind her making Peggy bend forward on both knees and her right hand, Peggy’s big breasts hang swaying under her, Trevor yells out “NOOOO DON”T  DO IT LYNN”, I screamed out ‘MOM GET UP”.

Lynn as if no one was watching swings her right leg back and her pointed heel kicks the breasts of Peggy, Peggy screams out ,‘AWIIIWEEEEEEEEE OH GOD !!!!’’.

Peggy drops on her breasts and face then Lynn pounces on her back and using the twisted arm and a fistful of hair lifts Peggy’s upper body high enough she drags Peggy side to side making her breasts say then presses down and scrapes Peggy’s breasts on the rough cement, Peggy screaming , ‘OWWWWWNOOO NOOO GET HER OFF ME OWWWWW”!!, Trevor and I were frozen  long enough that Lynn rolls Peggy on her back and pins her arms under her legs then straddling Peggy’s breasts starts to fire left and rights at Peggy’s face, ‘Fucking cunt i wanna fight you Get UP!!”.

Finally I run over and i kick Lynn in the side to get her off Peggy , Trevor grabs Lynn as she gets up to fight on, I help Peggy to her knees but her breasts are scraped to the point they are cut and bleeding, i Iook at Trevor and he sees the damage and tells me to get her up to her room now, Mom and i go insideTrevor shoves Lynn aside as she smiles “Bring that cunt back here i am not done with her”, Trevor looks back and growls at Lynn, “Go to your Room Now!”.

Up in Peggy’s room the scrapes weren’t as deep as we thought, a few wipes and some peroxide and we were able to stop the cuts from bleeding but they swelled as did Peggy’s breasts, they were hot to the touch they were so red and Peggy’s left side had a purple bruise swelling already , i got 3 ice packs instantly on the spot, Peggy wanted to get up and fight Lynn but Trevor said he was handling it, as he says it Lynn stands in the door way, “that cunt ready to finish this or am i taking her place finally?’, Trevor turns to her, ‘That was a titfight you broke the rules with that cheap show Lynn, the only thing your gonna fight from now on is traffic home, pack your shit and get out NOW!”, Peggy was staring at Lynn and hisses, “One day soon cunt you and me”, Lynn was beyond mad but had no choice she ran in her room and packed and was forced to walk off the property,.

Weeks after the fight and just as long of Trevor helping heal Peggy , she was ready to get up and function again, Peggy looked at me and told me to go home and get the car bring it back, my first thought she was going to go look for Lynn, i was scared i seen Peggy mad at a bitch who cheats in a fight and it is not something i wanna see again, I bring the car back and Peggy has me throw her suitcase in the car, trevor runs out “Peggy what are you doing , you won by default this is all for you now”, Peggy leans on the car door window frame, looks at Trevor, ‘You wanted to see me fight another bitch all you had to do was ask, instead you went behind my back, fucked a whore brought her back and promised her all this was hers if she beat me, like my husband has been doing , i am not here or here for entertainment i am a champion a winner a fucking Queen, you blew Trevor you will never see these tits or me again, and just so we are clear, i am taking the 200K , i do believe i earned it, Peggy got in the car and we drove off, I knew she wants to run into Lynn again someday but she has a lot of healing to do, but for now Peggy is the reigning Queen still.

The End

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