The Rivals Blog

Not Yet Her Goal

In the mad struggle of your battle, you have been overcome and overwhelmed. Pinned to your back, and sat upon.

Loved and Lost

It is you who prevailed, but still you feel broken and dejected.

Not Mercy

She hasn’t fallen asleep beneath your glorious breasts, but she is so very close to that oblivion.

With Each Clinch

They two golden-haired warriors growing to want not a victory of fists but of breasts.


And yet some women, who are born without assets of significance, find themselves compelled.

Until She Says It

You will keep your nearly bare body atop hers, her wrists pinned, and her legs pried wide with her own.


And in this body-to-body struggle, alone in her backyard, you will even the score and payoff your mutually held debts.

A Lull

That is if you can keep her there — between your legs and suffering.

At First You Clawed

You have no choice but to share your slow, humiliating descent into asphyxiation-brought oblivion with her.

She Holds You Tightly

The only hand you can spare, you place softly on the flesh of your rival’s arm or thigh.

Barely Resist

Some women can barely resist the urge to bury their fingers in their rival’s pussy
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