The Universe of Rival’s Rapture

Click on the Sections Below to See the Rapture Inside

About Rival’s Rapture

Hi! I’m Rival’s Rapture and I’m a lot of things.

A writer of stories.

A hobby-grade fight art maker.

A fledgling website designer.

And the host of Fights.Sexy.

Now, I could sit here and tell you about myself, my stories, and what excites me about the passion, emotion, and exhaustion that comes with women at war, but as you’re reading this, you’re mired in it. Surrounded by it. From art, to blog posts, and tales to dig through. So rather than reading my overly verbose take, just leap!

Rival's Rapture Logo Condensed

Contact Rival’s Rapture

I can be contacted at

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Rival’s New Stories

Excitement by Proxy

This is a Prequel Story to the Tangler Series and a Semi-Sequel to both Who is This?, Status Clash, and Backseat Battle 3

Catfight/Sexfight: When Claire, the firm’s best attorney calls in sick, not with a tale of sneezes and coughs but hairpulling and adultery no less, it plants an image in Brandy’s mind. One that the firm’s sexy brunette partner can’t get out of her mind.

Not until she and her pretty young assistant act it out, in the final caving of the months of sexual tension that existed between them.

Click Here to Read It

Backseat Battle Remastered

Sexfight: When a wife catches the girl next door putting on a show for her yard-watering husband, she decides to take care of things herself by taking her young rival for a ride neither will ever forget.

Click Here to Read It

Backseat Battle 3

Check out the Other Stories in the Series First! Like Really, it’s Important!

<– Backseat Battle
Backseat Battle 2
Tangler Tales: Alayna vs. Sammy

Sexfight: After her husband caught Brenda writhing with their new babysitter, he stormed out.

Now, months later, Brenda, with a little help from Sammy, intends to save her marriage by explaining what it was he walked in on.

But even the best laid plans go awry, and before the night is over, Brenda finds herself once again locked in a battle with her young rival.

Click Here to Read It

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Rival’s Rapture’s Story Categories

Like Wrong Number, Pretender, and More!
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Like Showdown at the Saloon, Where Waves and Breasts Crash, and More!
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Discover the Stories of the Students, Teachers, and Parents of a University Devoted to Teaching Everything You Fantasize About!
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See fantasies come true when a hot new app brings women of like minds together to have the fun they’ve always craved!
Like Who is This, Peace Talks, and More!
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Like War on the 85th Floor, Status Clash, and More!
Follow the adventures of Brooke as she begins her new life in Seattle and with the Women’s Wrestling Network! One She Fills With All The Competitive Sexuality and Catty Conflict She Can!
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You, Just as She

She is the sheltered, spoiled, bratty girl next door, and though she is those things,…
Read More
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    Still Want More Rivals? Click on the Logos Below to Find The Rapture You’re Looking For!

    This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_6539-1024x680.png
    The sexy and insightful musings of your host Rival’s Rapture!
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    A collection of our host’s growing collection of 3D-fight art!
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    5 thoughts on “The Universe of Rival’s Rapture

    1. Michael Pompili says:

      Dear Rivals Rapture,

      I wanted to take this time to really thank you for creating this massive women fighting site. I have been reading stories and writing very few but I always appreciated the talent on the numerous sites I visited over these last 20 plus years.
      I noticed today that you now have old stories HalHoward, Otis-Dorm story and Raven which I loved years ago and you have now added these authors to this site. Thank you.

      Your site has now grown to the best female fighting site collection that I have ever been a member of since late 80’s or early 90’s when I was reading Cavalier and Nugget. I really appreciate your effort and wanted to really thank you for your effort.

      Keep them coming.

      1. Rival's Rapture says:

        For so long I was just like you. Scouring every story site I could find, searching forums endlessly for new stories I hadn’t read — downloading or printing them out. And though that was good enough at the time, when I started writing, I wanted somewhere a little more organized and stable to post my stories. That was really the breadth of my ambition, until HankMcCoy02 asked me to post his stories on the site too. And once I did, it all just started. Writers coming to me, or me going to them.

        It is a lot of work, and it’s costly, but I really love the fact that the community, our community, has something that it has always lacked. Which is a library/site where a large number of the stories are not only present, but organized.

        I’m glad we got the authors you love, but the search isn’t over! He he, as we still need to get the rest of the greats like Jon Grey, Morton, etc. If you can think of any others we might be able to go after, let me know!

    2. Justin says:

      Hi, are you still commissioning stories? I would love to hire you

        1. DrewPowell says:

          I know, I should have mentioned this before… haven’t checked Mobo’s site in a while, yet I need to reflect on 2 changes, or technically 3.

          OK, so, for one, Claire has seemed to have either set her page so private that not even potential patrons can see, or the more likely scenario, that she effectively closed it down.

          As for me, well, Patreon is unchanged, it stays on a per story basis due to the research heavy nature of the stories I’m posting there which prevent me from a regular schedule.

          On Fiverr, I have removed the non-fetish stories due to lack of interest from potential interested parties. To reflect the fact that I’m battling both my chronic insomnia and fulfill a need to help my mother out, I have discontinued the 10k length story option.

          Now, I love to write long form stories, the reason is quite simple, creative writing, especially fetish writing isn’t an automated process. A month on paper seems enough to produce, yet in reality the system accounts for the time one’s sleeping, meaning 8 days by default are lost. Thus, the 5k version took its place, with me introducing a 3k length middle version, and the usual thousand words length.

          Rivals knows that beside those 2 sites I have other writings in the works to reach a wider audience. Love writing for others, though I need to allow myself to create for other audiences as well.

          The current trajectory is that I’ll send over a story to Rivals to have it published here exclusively, and that will be an anthology series. After that, in February I’ll finally finish the first episode on Patreon, and later on publish it ebook format. The rest is up in the air, but in conclusion, I’m available for commissions, especially if what you’re looking for as personal entertainment is something very detailed and not just in the kinky parts.


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