Triple Threat by Yuri LesboLover

Part 1
“Well, we should get going.” Holly said.
“Don’t worry. I know just the place we can go.” Nicole said.
“Okay then.” Ben said. “Tell her we said Happy Birthday.” Ben said.
“Will do. Bye.” Jasmine said.
The raven breathed a sigh of relief as the others left.
As Jasmine slammed the door shut, Ben couldn’t help but already daydream about what the raven and brunette would be doing to each other. He began staring off into space over it for a good 15 seconds until Christina snapped her fingers in front of his face, bringing him back to reality.
“You sure you’re okay with just leaving?” Christina asked.
“Yeah…I’m fine.” Ben said, only half truthfully. The others could see right through it.
“Don’t worry.” Holly said. “You’ve got three hot nymphos right here with you who will happily put on a show for you.”
“Hey, aren’t we forgetting something?” Nicole asked. “I said I know a place we can go.”
“Oh, yeah.” Ben said. “Sorry.”
“Don’t feel bad.” Nicole said. “We all wish we could watch too.”
Ben rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.
“Where is this place?” Ben asked.
“It was one of my favorite hangout spots back in the day.” Nicole said. “In fact, it has some pretty historical significance to the team. It was where I was going home from when that hot piece of ass of yours pickpocketed my phone.”
“Really?” Holly asked.
“This isn’t some trick to haze the new girl, is it?” Christina asked jokingly.
“We already had our fill of that.” Nicole answered. “It’s called Fencers. It’s a club a few miles away.”
“Pretty strange name for a club.” Ben commented.
“It’s a sexfight club.” Nicole said bluntly. “The name is a reference to two girls clits fencing.”
Everyone else’s eyes went wide.
“And you never told us about it until now?!” Holly asked.
“Not like we need it when we have the penthouse.” Nicole said. “They allow women to rent out rooms and fuckfight each other to tbeir hearts’ content.”
“Sounds like heaven on earth.” Christina joked.
“Would they even allow men in there?” Ben asked.
“Only a small number.” Nicole said. “Maybe we’ll get lucky today. Plus, they let their male customers watch sometimes and they have a strip show involving wrestling.”
“If the goal was to get him to calm down, that’s not it.” Christina said.
“Well, Ben, would you rather go somewhere quiet and fantasize about what your wife is doing with another woman all day and night, knowing you can’t watch?” Nicole asked.
“Let’s go.” Ben said bluntly.
Nicole smiled and they all left. They followed the horny redhead to her car and she drove all four of them to Fencers in just a few minutes. They arrived. The logo for the club was a neon sign spelling out the name with two rapiers crossing over each other in a X shape right below it. They got out of the car and waited in a line full of women until they were at the door and walked up to the burly bouncer.
“We have a man with us.” Nicole asked. “Can he come in?”
The bouncer talked on his mic to his superior.
“The bosses say it’s okay.” He said. “Go on in.”
The girls happily skipped on in, pulling Ben with them. As they opened the door, they were assaulted with bright lights and the smell of perfume hitting their nostrils. They got to a booth and watched the show. It was mud wrestling night and the two dancers were going at it pretty hard.
“So…I think we all know what’s next.” Christina said. “I took you two on in a tag team match but never a straight up threeway. What do you say we rent a room and give the boy his show?”
“Uhh…” Ben stammered.
Before the two girls could answer the Latina’s challenge, they heard another voice coming in their direction.
“It really is you!” A feminine voice said, approaching them.
They all turned their heads and Ben was stunned to see three familiar faces and even more familiar hair colors coming his way. Three stunning women stood in front of their booth. One was a white girl but was rather tan and she had long, gleaming silver hair. Another looked to be southeast asian, most likely Thai or Filipina. She had equally long, dark green hair and the last one appeared to be Indian but had light purple, almost periwinkle colored hair. All three of them had shapely hourglass figures and appeared to be G-cups.
“Is…Is it really you three?” Ben asked.
“You wanna introduce us to your colorful friends?” Holly asked.
“Oh, uh…” Ben stammered.
“No need, hun.” The silver haired girl interrupted. “I’m April.”
“I’m May.” The dark green haired girl said.
“I’m June.” Said the purple haired girl.
“Is there a fourth one named July?” Nicole jokingly asked.
“So, who are you three?” Christina asked.
“They used to go to the same college as Jasmine and I.” Ben answered.
“We called ourselves the Calendar Trio.” June said. “We found each other by chance and the rest was history. We were each named after the month we were born.”
“So, what’s with the hair?” Holly asked.
“It’s to match our birthstones.” April answered. “I was born in April, so my birthstone is the diamond and I dyed my hair silver to match.”
“I was born in May.” May added. “So, my birthstone is the emerald and I dyed my hair dark green to match.”
“I was born in June.” June concluded. “My birthstone is the alexandrite, so I dyed my hair this indigo color to match.”
“You all have action figures too?” Nicole asked jokingly.
“You went to school with Jasmine and Ben?” Holly asked.
“Well, we did some answering, now it’s your turn.” April interrupted. “Might we ask who you three are? Did you finally move on from Jasmine, Ben?”
“No.” Ben said. “Not for all the women in the world.”
“Oh, does she not know about this?” May asked.
“No!” Ben said firmly. “They’re…uh…”
“We’re Jasmine’s coworkers.” Christina answered. “Jasmine is busy with another coworker of ours, so we’re keeping Ben company…With her blessing.”
“Coworkers?” June asked. “And what exactly is your job?”
All three of them flashed their badges confidently.
“Cops?” May asked. “Never would’ve expected that from Jasmine.”
“Guess you didn’t really know her after all.” Ben said.
“I guess not.” April said. “If she’s willing to leave you alone with three hot bitches that took you to a place like this.”
“Now for our questions.” Nicole said. “What’s the story with you three and what do you want?”
“Oh, we at least know who you are, red.” June said. “You’re one of our regulars.”
“You mean…” Nicole said.
“Yep.” May said. “We own this place. Always have.”
“For real?” Holly asked.
“That’s right.” April answered. “As for your other question, well…Why don’t you tell them, handsome?”
Ben rolled his eyes as the trio joined them, sitting down in their now completely packed booth.
“Back at our old university, these three were known for going after any man or woman they wanted on campus.” Ben explained. “One day, while I was with Jazz, they started setting their sights on me. I refused but they persisted. They straight up asked me for a foursome with all three of them. That was when Jazz got really pissed and told them off. They said some really nasty things to her and it got really heated until security got involved. After that, we never saw them again.”
“I see.” Nicole said almost angrily.
“Well…I hope you’re not here to cause trouble.” Holly said firmly.
“Of course not.” May said. “We’re not hormonal college kids anymore. We’re adults now.”
“That’s right.” Ben said, flashing his wedding ring at the three.
“So, what brings you here?” Christina asked.
“Well, we thought it was you at the door.” April answered. “So, we decided to catch up.”
“I don’t think Jazz would like that.” Nicole said.
“No.” Ben said. “She absolutely WOULD NOT.”
“But she’s okay with you walking off with three other women?” June asked.
“That’s different.” Christina said. “We’re not just coworkers. We’ve all been through a lot together. We’re friends. Jasmine trusts all of us.”
“What is she doing that’s so important anyway?” May asked.
“She’s busy entertaining our friend for her birthday.” Nicole said with blunt honesty. “Our roommate, actually.”
“Roommate?” April asked. “All of you?”
The four didn’t answer. Ben became embarrassed. Nicole probably shouldn’t have spilled the beans like that but she was trying to make a point and did not trust these three calendar sluts.
“So…” June said. “Five hot lady cops all live together…and the fact that you’re here…”
“You all fuck each other, we’re guessing?” May asked. “What a group that came into our establishment today.”
“So, you are indeed poly?” April asked.
Ben did not know how to answer that. Her assumption wasn’t exactly true or false.
“What are you getting at?” Holly asked.
“Well, since you live such an admirable lifestyle, we were wondering…” May said. “Why don’t we put on a show for you, handsome? The three of us against your three friends? You know you wanna see that.”
“Jasmine still hasn’t forgiven you.” Ben said. “She wouldn’t like that.”
“But she’s off fucking another woman and not letting you watch.” June said. “That’s just cruel. If you were our man, we’d let you watch us go at it whenever you wanted with any bitch you wanted.”
“Well, he’s not your man!” Christina yelled. “And he married Jazz for a reason, so why don’t you putas all fuck off and mind your own goddamn business?!”
There was a long, painfully awkward silence.
“Okay…” April said with a sigh. “We overstepped our bounds. We’re sorry about that.”
“Yes.” May said. “We shouldn’t have gone that far.”
“We came here hoping we could start over. What do you say we do that for real now?” June asked. “Your food’s on us.”
Christina calmed down and everyone else relaxed.
“That’d be nice.” Ben said.
The trio left and the four were alone now.
“Geez, way to take a stand for the team, new girl.” Nicole teased.
“You all know you wanted to say that too.” Christina argued.
“Let’s just eat our food and go.” Holly said.
“Yeah…” Nicole said shamefully. “It was a bad idea coming here…If I’d known…”
“It’s not your fault, Nikki.” Ben said. “Let’s just have lunch and rent a suite back at the hotel.”
“Then we can all help you get your mind off of things.” Christina said flirtatiously.
Ben smiled.
Their food soon arrived and they ate. As they sat down, digesting, they all soon began to feel strange. Dizzy…weak and then tired. They looked around at each other and noticed how tired everyone else looked as well. Before they could piece together what was really happening, they passed out….
Two days later…
Jasmine and Vanessa were examining the hotel parking lot where Nicole’s car had pulled out of with all four of them inside it. The security footage showed them pull out to the right of the parking lot. They saw that they passed a dry cleaners on the way and that a young looking employee, likely 18 or 19 years old had watched the car drive by, likely noticing that it was full of hot girls. The two cop babes walked over to the dry cleaners and by sheer luck, that same young employee was working that day as well. They approached him, flashing their badges as he eyed up their tight uniforms.
“Excuse me.” Vanessa said. “We’re looking for four missing persons and we believe you saw their car pull out of the parking lot across the street. Can you tell us where you think they might have gone?”
The kid just ogled their chests and ignored their questions.
“I don’t think you’re gonna find them in my rack, kid.” Jasmine said, annoyed.
“Easy, Officer Davis.” Vanessa said teasingly. “Well, have you seen them?”
“I think so…” The boy stammered.
“Did you see them or not?” Jasmine asked impatiently.
“Maybe you can ask your boss to show us your security footage?” Vanessa asked. “That would help us a lot.”
“I dunno…” The boy said. “My boss is a real hardass.”
Jasmine was about to go full bad cop on him but Vanessa stopped her. She was still burning hot with desire for her partner and realized she could kill two birds with one stone in this situation.
“Tell you what, cutie?” Vanessa asked sweetly. “Would you like to see the two of us kiss?”
The kid’s eyes lit up immediately and he nodded yes enthusiastically.
Jasmine was confused but quickly decided that she liked the idea. Besides, any excuse to be intimate with Vanessa right now was fine by here.
“Promise us you’ll ask your boss for the security footage and we’ll let you watch us make out for thirty seconds. Deal?” Jasmine asked.
“Deal!” The kid said.
The raven then yanked Vanessa towards her by her collar and shoved her tongue down her throat. They kissed ravenously and sloppily for thirty seconds just as they said they would. The boy’s jaw dropped as he watched the enticing display. They pulled apart with a pop and then the young employee ran inside to fulfill his end of the bargain.
“Okay, that was enjoyable.” Vanessa said. “And it helped us but let’s try to focus from now on.”
“You’re the one who offered.” Jasmine teased. “But yeah, all business from now on. My Husband and our friends are missing and we need to be professional.”
“Yeah…” Vanessa said guiltily. “Until we find whoever is responsible…Then we can be as unprofessional as we damn well please.”
“I’m with you on that, babe.” Jasmine agreed.
Part 2
She was out for she didn’t even know how long and then suddenly, Christina felt a splash of water hit her, startling her into a sudden awakening. She coughed a bit from the water she unintentionally swallowed and slowly opened her tired eyes to find herself totally naked and in a dark room. She tried to get up but both her hands and feet were cuffed into a chair that was bolted into the ground. She jerked around in a panic.
“Don’t even bother.” A voice said from the right.
Christina turned her head and saw June, equally stark naked. Her dark, Indian skin contrasted with her indigo hair. Her breasts were easily a G-cup and her beautiful pussy on full display. It was then that Christina’s memories came flooding back and she began getting good and pissed.
“You cunts!” Christina cursed. “You drugged us! Where are the others?! Let me out of here and fight like a woman!”
“All in good time.” June said. “For now, I wouldn’t be too bitchy with me.”
“Why the fuck not?!” Christina asked furiously.
June then walked away and into the darkness before flipping a lever and turning on the bright lights of the room. Christina winced her eyes before they adjusted. It was then that she noticed that she was in a basement like room, fully matted except for the chair she was bound to. She looked over and found Ben unconscious, gagged with duct tape and bound to another chair on the opposite side of the room. Christina’s jaw dropped.
“If you hurt him…” She said with tranquil fury.
“I would’ve done that already if I wanted to.” June argued.
Ben suddenly began to stir, groaning until he opened his eyes and realized where he was and the predicament he was in. He began grunting in panic.
“Easy there, tiger.” June advised. “I won’t hurt either of you…unless you give me a reason too.”
“Just stay calm, Ben.” Christina advised. “Where are Hol and Nikki?”
“With my partners. I got dibs on you and him after drawing straws.” June answered.
“What the Hell do you crazy putas want from us?” Christina asked. “This can’t be about him rejecting you.”
“Not entirely.” June answered. “That’s just a bonus.”
“You know we’re all cops.” Christina reminded her.
“Oh, I know plenty about you, Christina Alvarez.” June said. “I know you were spying on Las Brujas for the feds. I know you got two of Malvada’s top sicarias busted and I know that Las Brujas has not only put a huge cash bounty on all of 732’s heads but also promised any woman that takes even one of you sluts down full membership in the cartel.”
Christina growled, trying to be intimidating but deep down inside, she was terrified. She knows what the Brujas do to traitors. She’ll be sent to La Malvada’s BDSM dungeon to live as a toy for her darkest fantasies for God knows how long.
“April and May will be playing with your friends bound like you are.” June explained. “But I have something special in mind for you after you bitched at us like that, you little turncoat.”
“What are you going to do to him?” Christina asked.
“Whatever we want.” June answered. “And as for you, I don’t want to give you the satisfaction of thinking I had to keep you bound to teach you a lesson.”
“What are you getting at?“ Christina asked.
June walked over to a cabinet and took out a remote control looking device and pressed a button. Suddenly, the bindings on Christina’s chair were undone and she was free. She looked up at June, confused and suspicious.
“I want you at your best when I fuck that bitchy ego right out of your backstabbing cunt!” June declared. “Then, when you’re broken both physically and mentally, I’ll send you to La Malvada and your punishment will have only just begun.”
Christina just glared silently, clearly not trusting a single word that came out of this kidnapping whore’s mouth.
“Come on.” June said. “I already had you trapped. What trick could I possibly pull by doing this?”
Christina sighed, realizing that she was making sense. She got up out of the chair and stretched.
“Where are we, anyway?” She asked.
“You don’t need to know that.” June answered.
Christina looked over at Ben, her expression changing to a gentle one.
“Just sit tight, handsome.” Christina said. “I’m gonna fuck this bitch into the next dimension and get us all out of here.”
Ben began to relax. He didn’t know Christina for very long but she was a part of the family now and he had faith in her.
“How precious.” June mocked. “Now get over here so I can show our captive audience how a real woman fucks.”
“You’re so fucking lucky that Jazz and Nessa aren’t here, slut.” Christina shot back.
The feisty Mexicana focused her attention back onto her soon to be opponent. If Ben’s story wasn’t enough to convince her already, she was now sure that these calendar bitches were supremely, fatally arrogant and overconfident. June had Christina and Ben at her mercy and now was giving her a chance to turn everything around on not just her but possibly even her two friends as well. It would be her downfall. She took a long, deep breath before allowing her anger and fear at her current situation to subside and letting her mix of lust and hatred for June to take control and give her focus. The two nymphos stared powerfully into each other’s eyes before slowly but nail bitingly approaching each other across the matted floor until their sharpened, brown nipples were mere centimeters apart from coming together.
“You want to be in Las Brujas, do you?“ Christina asked. “Well, let me show you what they’re all about.”
“Why don’t you stop yapping and start…” June was trying to say before she was interrupted by Christina’s tongue slamming into her cocky mouth.
The purple-haired slut was shocked and embarrassed that she didn’t see this coming but quickly snapped out of it and began fighting back with her own tongue. The two naked, dark-skinned babes began making out passionately. One hand was buried in their opponent’s thick locks while the other sank its fingers deep into the other nympho’s meaty ass cheeks. Despite the terrifying situation he had been placed into, Ben found himself already enjoying the show, if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by. He did wish that Christina had taken the tape and gag out of his mouth before she started the fight, though. Meanwhile, Christina and June began pushing their bulbous, brown breasts together viciously, their nipples sliding all over each other as they did so and their tongues continued to wrestle audibly and passionately until they broke their kiss in a pop of saliva strings being broken off.
“Is that the best you can do?” Christina asked mockingly through her mild panting. “If you want to get in the cartel, you’ll have to do a lot better than this.”
“Ask and you shall receive.” June shot back.
The purple haired wannabe narco pushed her mocha skinned opponent down into the matted floor and crawled down towards her. What followed was a vicious, catty wrestling match with the two nymphos both trying to gain an advantage over the other. One would try to pin the other to launch their attack and the other would try to slip away and turn it back on her opponent. Just from the atmosphere being given off by these two, Ben could tell that he was watching Christina in a serious fight for the first time. Her fight with Jasmine was heated and intense for sure but it was more so for Christina wanting to face the raven at her best. This was very different. She was fighting with actual, genuine hatred of her opponent and Ben was as enthralled and aroused as he was intimidated. Eventually however, it proved to be June who would end up on top. She pinned Christina in an L shaped position with the Mestizo beauty’s right leg resting upon the Indian girl’s shoulder, cunt to cunt and aroused clit to aroused clit.
“Don’t think I’m good enough for the Brujas, do you?!” June asked rhetorically. “Well, I guess I’ll have to change your mind the hard way!”
June slithered her hand down towards Christina’s bouncing right tit and began humping away with everything she had.
“Ugh!” Christina grunted as she jerked up in reaction. “You goddamn whore!”
June smiled in an almost cartoonishly evily way as she fucked her opponent. Christina felt the other slut’s clit bash into hers and her labia being dominated by June’s. It was clear to everyone at this point that Christina had underestimated June and that the purple haired wannabe narco knew what she was doing but so did Christina and she would not make the same mistake again. She did her best to fuck her opponent right back but June had the superior position. The room filled with the sounds of flesh smacking, feminine grunting and moaning and the occasional squeaking of the mats. This was and would continue to be a truly vicious carnal confrontation. June squeezed Christina’s hard, dark nipples in between her index and middle fingers of both hands. She tweaked and played with them tauntingly, more or less rubbing in Christina’s face that she had the short end of the stick, at least for the moment. While none of them showed it at the time, Christina snapping at them before had angered all three of the Calendar Trio deeply and June was happy that she lucked out in being the one to punish her for it.
“You think you can just come into our place of business and snap at us like that?!” June asked angrily. “Once I’m done fucking you into submission, all three of us will take that man of yours whether he likes it or not! By the time we’re done with him, he’ll never want to go back to that hag of a wife of his or any of you whores ever again!”
If Ben could tell June to go fuck herself, he absolutely would but all he could do right now was hope for Christina to turn this around. Those arrogant and spiteful words made Christina no less furious than Ben but she was simply in no shape right now to get revenge. June was fucking her like a football player on steroids pounding the pussy of the most popular cheerleader in school. The two were already drenched in sweat, their long, thick hair disheveled and matted to their skin when it wasn’t flying everywhere from the humping and no one had reached orgasm yet, although that was about to change. Christina felt her pleasure building up higher and higher each and every time she felt June’s cunt push up against hers and her clit press into hers. She began to feel her climax closing in on her more and more with each passing moment until finally, it happened.
“Agh! Ugh! Fuuuuuuccccccckkkkk!!!!” Christina shouted as she came powerfully.
June let out a blissful and victorious moan as she closed her eyes and felt Christina fill her up with her womanly fluids. Christina took advantage of her opponent’s brief distraction to use what little post orgasmic energy she had left to slip away, peeling her pussy off of June’s. She laid out on the matted floor, her hair a mess and fanning out all over the place as she huffed and puffed loudly. June grinned condescendingly as she looked at her opponent, happy that she had drawn first blood.
“Okay…” Christina said as she caught her breath and flipped her sweaty hair out of her face. “You’re better than I thought…but you still haven’t felt what it’s like to get fucked by a true Bruja, you cocky puta.”
“Then why don’t you come over here and try to show me?” June dared.
“I thought you’d never ask.” Christina said confidently.
The fight was back on. The two nymphos quickly and powerfully marched right back into each other until they reached another collision and immediately began scuffling with each other again. They grit their teeth, grunting and groaning with effort and pleasure until this time, Christina was the one who managed to pin June to the ground. She grinned deviously before dipping her head down towards her opponent’s enormous brown tit and began vigorously chewing on the other slut’s hardened nipple.
“Oh!” June cried. “Little two-faced skank!”
She buried her hand deep into Christina’s wet, black tresses and pulled as her milk bud was nibbled. Christina turned her gaze up towards June’s condescendingly and began tribbing her from this unorthodox but effective position. She slowly but viciously ground her pussy into the Indian’s as she swirled her tongue around the nipple, lightly tickling her opponent. With her other hand, June reached around Christina and began fingering her from behind. Pushing and pulling out her index and middle fingers at rapid paces and different patterns. This made Christina decide to change things up a little. Still holding June down, she stopped suckling her nipple and got up just to more or less sit her crotch down on top of the other nympho’s and began grinding away from there.
“Agh!” June grunted.
“What’s wrong?” Christina asked tauntingly. “Can’t take the heat? I doubt you’re Bruja material if that’s the case. I hope your two slut friends are better than you. At least Hol or Nikki might be able to face a challenge.”
“Shut up, you arrogant cu-ohhhh!!” June groaned, interrupting herself.
Christina slid her lower lips across those of June, overwhelming her. She lowered herself to where she was face to face with her opponent, her raven hair curtaining their faces. June glared defiantly at the feisty Latina as she was fucked. She slipped her slutty tongue out just to slash it across her opponent’s brown, full lips. Christina returned the favor, swiping her own tongue alongside June’s lips. They kept at this until Christina finally brought their ravenous mouths together and they began a lustful tongue wrestling match yet again. They moaned into their heated kissing session. Realizing that Ben didn’t have a good view of this, Christina flipped her hair all the way to her left side so that he could fully see her domination of this bitch. She genuinely loved the idea of Ben watching her fuck her enemy like this, especially given the history he had with these three whores.
“Mmmmm…” They both moaned into each other’s mouths.
Christina flexed her thick Mestizo ass as she fucked June’s pussy with her own. Their labia sealed together in a hypnotically powerful kiss and their clits popped out only to brush together intoxicatingly. June wrapped her legs around Christina’s waist to bring her in even tighter. It simply was not possible for these women to get anymore conjoined. June knew that she had the inferior position and that she had gotten overly confident after drawing first blood but she planned on fighting back as much as possible before she inevitably lost this round. Christina knew this and was simply enjoying exploiting her kidnapper’s admittedly sweet, juicy cunt for everything that it was worth. It was not long however, until June began to feel those all too familiar electric volts, signaling her oncoming climax closing in at breakneck speeds. Christina was perfectly aware of this herself and laid on the pressure, fucking her with her mouth, tongue, breasts, nipples, cunt and clit all at the same time.
“Mmmmmmmm!!!!” June shrieked into their kiss as she came.
Just as she made Christina do to her just minutes ago, Christina had now made June cum inside of her powerfully, shooting her womanly fluids straight up the Mexicana’s vaginal canal. Once June’s orgasm at last subsided, Christina finally popped her mouth off of her opponent’s and rolled off of her to the side as both nymphos hyperventilated. Christina looked over at Ben, realizing that she should have ungagged his mouth and rolled her eyes at herself but he gave her a calm, confident look, showing that he had faith in her. He nodded his head at her, basically telling her to see this through to the end. She nodded back, signaling her clear intention to do exactly that.
“THAT is how a real Bruja fucks her opponent.” Christina lectured, emphasizing the word “That”.
“So, why did you turn on them then?” June asked through her huffing and puffing.
“A psycho like you would never understand.” Christina argued. “There’s more to life than animalistic pleasure but at least I face my opponents directly without drugging their goddamn food!”
“We were gonna challenge you three to a match right then and there.” June explained. “Until you had to open your bitch mouth. Then we wanted to teach you a lesson. The other three were just in the way.”
Christina’s heart dropped realizing this. She thought they had planned on drugging them from the start. Still, she maintained her resolve. If she really had gotten her team into this, it was her responsibility to get them out of it. She focused back on the fight and turned herself over to tackle June. They wrestled again until Christina cornered June up against the wall, just next to the chair that Christina had been bound to at the start of this. She pulled herself and June up to the point where they were both standing up fully and pinned her between herself and the wall. The two glared at and growled at each other.
“Guess I have to fix the mess I made then.” Christina said.
“I dare you to try!” June said defiantly.
They sealed each other’s mouths off again as they fucked each other against the wall. Ben’s eyes focused on Christina’s amazing, thick, Mexican ass as they did before June tightly sank her fingers into that same amazing, thick, Mexican ass, squeezing in a vice grip. The two battling beauties then spread their legs wider, allowing both of them to trib the other. Being squished in between her opponent and the wall, it was obvious to everyone that June was at a disadvantage at the moment but she would not let it last forever. Still, she was physically and mentally overwhelmed, feeling the Latina press into her so tightly. Her lips, mouth, tongue, breasts, nipples, pussy and clit all being assaulted by those of her opponent. She took one of her hands off of Christina’s shapely rear end and instead used it to pull on the other slut’s hair in an attempt to control her. In response, Christina pushed against her and tribbed her even harder. She also reciprocated the hair pull. Ben had to admit that he was mesmerized. More so than usual when he watched the girls fight. Something about the pure, primal intensity and occasional viciousness of the way Christina fucked her opponents was just so enthralling. June was beginning to feel the heat. Each and every one of her erogenous zones were being overwhelmed and she simply had no means of escape. She began to feel her next orgasm rising up and knew that it would only be a waste of time and precious energy even trying to hold it back.
“Mmmmmmmmm!!!!” She screamed into Christina’s mouth as she came powerfully, drenching both Christina’s pussy and her own.
Christina released her opponent and let her fall to her knees as she panted like a dog in her post orgasmic exhaustion. Christina herself was feeling rather winded as keeping June secured up against the wall was a bit more exerting than she would have thought. June took notice of this and the gears in her lustful brain began to spin.
“Surely now…” Christina said through her own heavy breathing. “You must have realized that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew…All three of you. Why don’t you just give up and maybe take a plea bargain?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” June asked mockingly. “You think the three of us are just some rookies? You think we haven’t fucked more bitches like you than we couod even begin to count? Why do you think we started a place where nymphos could come and fuck each other to their heart’s content?”
“You seemed scared to take on Jazz even though it would have been three on one.” Christina pointed out. “If you’re all so experienced, why don’t you prove it to me once and for all?”
“Be careful…” June said in an almost sinisterly quiet voice. “What you wish for!”
Before Christina could react, June grabbed her by her ankles and pulled her back, causing her to fall back first onto the matted floor. Despite Christina’s squirming, June got up and pulled her towards the wall until June was now the one facing her. However, Christina was facing the opposite direction with only her lower body up against the wall. June made her spread eagle, showing off her ripe, brown cunt before sitting her own ripe, brown cunt on top of Christina’s face as June sent her mouth and tongue to town on the feist Mestizo’s pleasure center.
“Mmmmm!!” Christina groaned into June’s pussy.
This unorthodox, sitting up 69 duel was awkward but proved to be devastatingly effective. Christina felt her opponent’s weight crushing down on her, knowing that escape was impossible. All she could do was eat June out back as best she could but it was clear that June had the superior position. She held Christina’s pussy wide open and slid her tongue all across her lower lips, dealing out excruciating pleasure onto her helpless opponent. In comparison, Christina was at a disadvantage as June sat on her face, giving her tongue less room to explore and do damage. Still, she had to fight back. She stuck her tongue out and soon realized that the best way to go about this was to just keep popping her tongue in and out of June’s twat like a sextoy. Ben became concerned but somehow, he just had a gut feeling that Christina was going to find some way to turn this around.
“Let’s see you try and talk shit now, you high and mighty little cunt!“ June cursed as she continued lapping at Christina’s pussy.
She soon reached the Mexicana’s brown, pulsating pleasure bud and focused the brunt of her oral assault on the defenseless little organ. Christina groaned as she responded to the onslaught of pleasure by sliding her own tongue all along the insides of her opponent. She grabbed and tightly squeezed June’s ass to hold her still as she did so. June retaliated by tightly squeezing Christina’s own ass in return. Still, it was a losing battle at the moment and both girls and Ben could easily tell. Christina began to feel her climax approaching her and her body began to jerk around in response to the towering pleasure, signaling to her opponent what was about to come. She responded in kind and pressed her attack. Using her lips, tongue and even a little teeth on Christina’s clit until she finally erupted.
“Mmmmmmm!!!!” Christina cried, muffled by June’s pussy.
The Latina came into the Indian’s mouth and all over her face and purple hair. June swallowed as much of it as she could before at last releasing her opponent, dropping her to the floor, huffing and puffing like she had just ran a marathon. June felt rather winded herself but she was still proud of what she had done. The two nymphos were disheveled messes. Their hair soaked in sweat and cum, their bodies shining from sweat and their faces red with pleasure and exhaustion. This battle would not go on for much longer. The two turned towards each other and stared at each other with tired but still determined expressions on their beautiful faces.
“Stubborn bitch.” June cursed through her panting.
“Pot, meet kettle.” Christina shot back through her own panting.
“Is this really all that the legendary Task Force 732 can do?” June asked tauntingly. “I know you’re just the new recruit but still.”
“This has gone on too long.” Christina said angrily. “I’m gonna shut your cunt licking sewer up right fucking here and right fucking now!”
Christina focused all of her remaining energy on pouncing on June and once again holding her up against the wall, this time in a bent over position with her face against the wall. Christina held her waist still with one hand, pulled her alexandrite colored locks with the other and used both as leverage to slam into June from behind, effectively fucking her doggy style.
“Ohhhh!!” June groaned. “Goddamn insatiable whore!”
“You’re goddamn right, I’m insatiable!” Christina said back. “Comes with joining a cartel full of nymphos with clits for brains! And I’m especially insatiable for cowardly little whores who drug me and my friends instead of facing us like real women! Now I’ll do what Jazz should’ve done to you back in College and fuck your bitchiness right out of your pathetic cunt!”
Christina slammed into her over and over and over again with incredible speed, smacking into her bulbous, brown ass cheeks each and every time. Once again, June was caught between a rock and a very hard place and once again, Ben was mesmerized by both Christina’s pure sexual prowess and by her thick, shapely ass jiggling. Even Christina herself was surprised by how hard she was fighting despite how drained she felt just moments ago. It was like something had crawled up inside of her and rejuvenated her. Maybe this was how Jasmine felt near the end of their pool fight. Regardless, she certainly wasn’t complaining. The rush she was feeling right now was unlike anything she had ever felt in her life and that is no small statement.
“Ahhhh!!” June cried helplessly. Music to her opponent’s ears.
Christina was in heaven as she dominated June, dishing out her sweet revenge for all the grief these three calendar bitches had put not just her but also Ben, Nicole and Holly through. If she hated them this much, she could only imagine how Jasmine would react after finding out what they had done. Christina took her one hand off of June’s waist and used it to grope and maul June’s luscious G-cups, further adding to the domination, even pinching and prodding her brown nipples. June knew that it was as good as over for her. She felt her orgasm coming on and could feel that it would be the last of this battle. Defeat was now a certainty.
“Agh! Ugh! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!” June shrieked as she came for the final time.
Christina felt the warm fluid burst all alongside her own pussy as June finally passed out, falling out of Christina’s grasp. Christina released her and smiled in her victory. It was over. She had won and saved herself as well as the others. She was feeling more than a little proud of herself but her adrenaline had worn off and she was on the verge of fainting herself. She then remembered that Ben still had to be freed and regained her composure. She rubbed her eyes and stretched before she walked over to the cabinet and pulled out June’s remote control. She pressed a button and Ben was finally free from his bindings. He removed his gag and got up out of the chair, stretching.
“Yeah, I know. I should’ve taken that off earlier.” Christina said.
“It’s okay.” Ben said. “That was amazing.”
“Glad you enjoyed the show.” Christina said.
She then noticed the massive tent that Ben was pitching.
“I wish I could take care of that for you but…” Christina said.
“Don’t worry about it.” Ben said. “Now let’s find Hol and Nikki.”
“Yeah…” Christina said, tired. “Wait a sec…”
She looked at the remote and noticed two more buttons on it, assuming they were for Holly and Nicole’s own chairs. She pressed them, hoping she was right and that the two were now free.
“There. They can handle the other two sluts themselves.” Christina said.
“I’m sure they can.” Ben said. “Should’ve figured those three would never change but I didn’t expect…this.”
“We’ll all get out of here and then…and then…” Christina said before she slumped over in Ben’s arms, out like a light.
Ben decided it was best to stay here with her. He grabbed June’s unconscious body and put her in one of the chairs, using the remote to bind her in, giving her a taste of her own medicine. He then sat down next to the passed out Christina and cuddled up next to her. It took all of his willpower to resist his urges with a naked babe slumped up next to him but he would not break his promise to Christina and Christina would not want him to anyway. Still, after today, Ben found himself respecting the feisty Latina a great deal. She was truly amazing. Maybe he could talk to Jasmine about loosening up the rule…
Jasmine and Vanessa were talking to the dry clean shop owner about the surveillance tape showing where Nicole’s car went. The man was being difficult.
“Sir, we’ve already explained this.” Vanessa said in an annoyed tone. “Four people are missing. Three of them, cops. We need this video evidence.”
“And I’ve already explained that you don’t have a warrant.” The owner argued.
“We don’t have time for this!” Jasmine yelled. “Is there something you’re hiding from us?”
“That is a good question.” Vanessa said. “Why are you being so stubborn about a simple surveillance tape?”
“Alright, fine.” The owner sighed. “Just take what you need and go.”
“That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Jasmine asked mockingly.
The two cop babes waited and were soon handed a flash drive containing the evidence they needed.
“Mission accomplished.” Vanessa said with a sigh.
“Until we have to convince some other douchebag to give us what we need.” Jasmine said.
“Will you relax?” Vanessa asked. “I’m worried about them too but we need to do this like cops.”
“I know.” Jasmine said with another sigh.
“Unless you already have an idea where Nikki might have been trying to go.” Vanessa suggested.
“Let’s just look at the video and work from there. I’ll think about it.” Jasmine said. “And when I find whoever is responsible for this, I will make them wish they were never born!”
“No argument with that.” Vanessa agreed.
Part 3
Nicole was beginning to stir. The last thing she remembered was eating dinner at Fencers and the next thing she knew, a sudden bout of drowsiness hit her like a truck. What the Hell happened. As she moaned and yawned in her awakening, she tried to move but she came fully awake as she realized that she couldn’t. She then snapped out of it when she noticed that she was bound to a wooden chair in a dark room, as naked as the day she was born.
“What the fuck?!” She cursed. “Who’s the wiseguy?! Show yourself!”
Suddenly, the powerful lights in the room came on, revealing the matted floor and she looked up to see that it was May from Fencers that had turned on the lights. She was every bit as naked as the redhead was and strutted over to Nicole’s chair, showing off her womanly form.
“Well, look who decided to rejoin the land of the living.” May joked.
“You?” Nicole asked, confused and somewhat hurt. “But…why?”
“We had been hoping you’d come into our establishment again one of these days.” May explained. “Make it easy on us to claim the bounty.”
“Bounty?” Nicole asked. “What the Hell are you on about?”
“Las Brujas put a price on all of your pretty little heads.” May answered. “We’re cashing in.”
“You fucking bitches!” Nicole cursed. “It was you that drugged our food!”
“You figure that out by yourself, fire crotch?” May asked mockingly, flipping her long, dark green hair.
“So much for customer loyalty!” Nicole complained. “Even to one of your very best!”
“Each and every one of you sluts are a dime a dozen.” May mocked. “The bounties could pay for us to open 100 Fencers locations. Not to mention membership within the cartel.”
“That’s what this is all about?“ Nicole asked. “You want to be in Las Brujas? Chrissy knows firsthand what they’re like. You bimbos have no idea what you’re asking for.”
“We were just going to challenge you to a three on three until that cunt opened her mouth. Now it gets ugly.” May threatened.
“Well, it’s not too late for that.” Nicole said daringly. “Why don’t you get me out of this so we can settle this like women?”
“June has the remote for your restraints.” May said. “Besides, she gets the honor of fucking down that turncoat…With Ben watching helplessly. I imagine she started sometime ago.”
“Where the fuck are the others?!” Nicole asked furiously.
“Does it look like you’re in any position to make demands?” May asked condescendingly. “Just sit back and enjoy getting fucked by the better woman.”
“Do your goddamn worst, broccoli pubes.” Nicole spat.
“I wish I could wipe that arrogant look off your cunt face.” May complained. “We really should get more remotes for these chairs.”
The dark-skinned Filipina slowly and seductively began to approach the powerless redhead bound in her chair. Nicole just glared defiantly as May sat on top of her lap and was about to come in for a dominating kiss when suddenly, she heard a mechanical sound. The two nymphos looked down and saw that Nicole’s bindings had been released. Both of their eyes opened wide in surprise. They didn’t know what just happened but Nicole sure wasn’t about to question it. She took immediate advantage and pounced out of the chair and onto her captor. The two beauties grunted and moaned as they wrestled each other across the matted room before finally, Nicole ended up on top, her red hair falling along the sides of her face and curtaining both their faces.
“Looks like Chrissy was too much for your bitch friend after all.” Nicole mocked through her panting.
“Fine.” May said callously. “I’ll fuck you within an inch of your life and then go and finish your mouthy friend off!”
“You can try.” Nicole teased.
The redhead then dipped her head down and forcibly kissed May, slipping her tongue inside of her cocky mouth. May quickly reciprocated the kiss and their tongues dueled inside of their mouths. Nicole flipped one side of her hair out of the way as their G-cup breasts and nipples came together. Nicole then used her knees to spread May’s legs apart so that they could commence tribbing, which they happily did. The defiant, green haired slut wrapped both her arms and legs around her opponent’s body to pull the redhead into her even more. Nicole responded by latching onto her opponent, slipping her hands underneath her to do so and grabbing her shapely, dark skinned ass. The two of them then began to roll each other all around the room over each other, still kissing furiously until they both bumped into a wall, again with Nicole on top. She broke their lustful, passionate make out session and sat up on top of her opponent.
“You know, I always had a feeling this place was run by a fuckable nympho but I never imagined three of them.” Nicole said through her panting. “So, naturally I wanted to fuck whatever hot bitch was running the place I loved.”
“Or rather get fucked by one of the three bot bitches running the place you loved.” May argued.
“You’re the one on the bottom right now.” Nicole shot back. “Speaking of which…”
Nicole began humping her green haired rival, both G-cupped beauties grunting and groaning as their hungry lower lips viciously kissed each other. Nicole dipped her head down to suckle on May’s sharpened brown nipple and the Filipina dug her hand deep into her opponent’s thick, red tresses as she did so. Despite being on the bottom, May tribbed upwards, intent on fighting back even in her disadvantageous position. Their clits soon protruded out of their fleshy hoods and joined in the pussy kissing, colliding inside of their fused labias and having their own little duel within a duel. May pulled Nicole’s head off of her nipple and towards her face, once again initiating a passionate make out session, tongues battling. At first outside and then inside of their mouths. Nicole fought with absolute viciousness, even more than usual as she was hurt and furious at being betrayed by her favorite establishment and a place of such historical significance to the team’s creation. May could quite easily feel the anger being fucked into her by her redheaded opponent. Good. This was the exact kind of fight that she loved the most. Speaking of which, May was beginning to feel her first orgasm, as well as the first orgasm of the entire match proper starting to show itself.
“Mmmmmm!!!” She shrieked but was muffled by Nicole’s mouth and tongue.
Nicole literally rubbed the fact that she had drawn first blood into May’s face and cuntl rubbing her own cunt deeper into the fusion as May filled Nicole up with her feminine fluids. Nicole broke the kiss and rolled herself off of her opponent as they both huffed and puffed, taking a much needed break after all that heated wrestling.
“You know…” May said. “I’ve been looking forward to this as much as you. You’re not just one of our best customers. You’re our absolute best customer. I’ve always wanted to fuck you. I hope you don’t disappoint because I play for keeps.”
“I just made you cum inside me and you still doubt me?“ Nicole asked. “I may not be the strongest of my team but you only have to look at my record at Fencers. I’ve never lost a match here and I have no intention of starting now. Now shut up and try and fuck me if you think you can, broccoli pubes!”
May needed no further encouragement. She rolled herself back on top of Nicole and the two horny spitfires again began wrestling up and down and all around the matted room. Now that their mutual lust was completely out in the open, the ladies had no problem getting absolutely vicious with their scuffling. Hair was pulled, asses were spanked, lips were bitten, tongues were sucked, areolas were stabbed with nipples, sometimes all of the above all at the same time. The average observer would have a hard time telling if what they were witnessing was a catfight or a sexfight but any seasoned veteran or expert could easily tell that it was both. The room filled with the sounds of grunting, moaning, lips popping and the occasional sound of skin bouncing after being given a nice, hard smack. It had to end at some point however and it soon did, this time with May on top. She held the redhead down by her arms, her dark green locks falling at either side of her head, curtaining both nympho’s beautiful faces.
“You can dish it, fire crotch, we both know that but why don’t we see exactly just how well you can take it?!“ May dared.
“Yes, why don’t we?” Nicole asked defiantly. “Bring it on!“
“Shut up and suck my tongue, whore!” May cursed.
She lowered her face down towards Nicole’s and kissed her opponent just as ferociously as her opponent had kissed her just a few minutes ago. Nicole was surprised by how much harder May was fighting her compared to before she made her cum. It seemed the green-haired kidnapper was testing the waters with her. She seemed to enjoy playing with her food before really digging into her meal. May pressed as much of her weight into the redhead as possible. Mouth to mouth, lip to lip, tongue to tongue, nose to nose, G-cup breast to G-cup breast, nipple to nipple, pussy to pussy, labia to labia and above all else, clit to clit. Nicole was already starting to feel the heat. Their juices meshing together in their fused cunts just made them both even hotter. Just as May had done to her, Nicole opened her arms and legs before enclosing them on her green-haired opponent and bear hugging her to herself. Their tongues sloppily and lustfully wrestling as they drooled all over each other, eyes open and glaring powerfully into the soul of the owner of the opposite pair.
May was so enthralled with what she was doing that she nearly forgot that she was in a sexfight but she quickly snapped out of it and began tribbing hard into Nicole from her top position. Her firm, meaty ass jiggled as she fucked the redhead with everything she had. Nicole hugged her opponent tighter to her own body, feeling her sweat matted green locks on her skin as she tried her best to trib back into May from the bottom position.
“Mmmmmm!!” They both groaned aggressively inside of each other’s mouths.
Their twats began to drool themselves along with their kissing mouths. Nicole was simply overwhelmed and soon she started to feel those familiar jolts of pleasure swimming throughout her entire body before finally settling in her cunt and then bursting out. May could tell what was happening and finally broke their heated kiss.
“Ohhhhhh!!!” Nicole screamed as she came.
In the ultimate form of payback, May cooed as she felt her crimson haired opponent cum inside of her powerfully. A feeling that no nympho will ever get even remotely tired of. Once again, both battling beauties were left hyperventilating as their bodies calmed down but May was far from done with her. She always took great joy in humiliating her opponents in any way she could and Nicole was special in that she was their most formidable customer at Fencers.
“You…fucking…green haired…skank…” Nicole cursed through her heavy breathing.
“Oh, I’m just getting started, you hot bitch!” May declared.
May then flipped Nicole over onto her belly and lifted her up slightly until she was in her hands and knees. Her scarlet head fell forward along with her long, thick hair as she continued huffing and puffing.
“What are you trying to…ugh!” Nicole grunted as May began brutally fingering her from behind.
“Making you scream is what I’m trying and succeeding at doing!” May taunted.
Nicole felt her opponent’s fingers deeply penetrate her experienced pussy and explore her inner walls. May smiled sadistically as she pulled her fingers in and out in multiple different patterns.
“Ugh!” Nicole grunted as she jerked her head up, making her hair and tits bounce.
May was good at this, she simply could not deny that but that’s a part of what makes sexfighting so addictive and cathartic. It will make it all the more satisfying when Nicole finally brings her down, which she very much still planned on doing. She felt May use her thumb to press against her clit and given that this was so soon after already cumming, that was all it took to make Nicole cum yet again.
“Ohhhhhhhh!!” Nicole cried as she climaxed.
May grinned as she felt her entire hand get drenched in her opponent’s secretions and then saw her fall to the ground on her belly. She still was not done yet, however. She found herself developing quite a fondness for her redheaded rival and planned on toying with her far more. Nicole was laying on her front, panting. Her toned back and thick, meaty ass in full view as her hair fanned out to her right side. May flipped her own sweaty dark green hair back out of her face and walked towards her opponent before laying on top of her, her G-cup breasts pressing into Nicole’s back and her ripe, mocha skinned pussy grinding against Nicole’s from behind.
“Ah!” Nicole groaned.
The Filipina then reached around and grabbed Nicole’s face with her right hand, turning it towards her own face and using her left hand to keep the redhead secured. She then forced her tongue into Nicole’s mouth again, dominantly kissing her, rubbing her current advantage in Nicole’s gorgeous face. Nicole wrestled back with her tongue as best she could but found herself being once again hit with waves of pleasure as May began humping her from behind.
“Mmmm!!” She moaned into the kiss.
May tongued her entire mouth down and once she had her fun, broke the kiss in a pop, leaving a trail of saliva between their two pairs of lips behind.
“I love making you cum.” May teased. “You scream so well.”
She then took her right hand off of Nicole’s face and instead used it to yank hard on her scarlet locks, pulling her head slightly back.
“Agh!” Nicole groaned in response.
“Your two slut friends are going to Mexico for La Malvada to do with as she pleases.” May explained. “If I were to guess, she wants to break them in herself. Especially that traitor, Christina. As for Ben, there’s no bounty on him but he’s seen too much. We’ll do with him as we please. However, I plan on keeping you to myself for a while. I’m sure La Malvada won’t mind if I break you in myself before sending you to her.”
“Not in your wildest dreams, you fucking whore!” Nicole cursed.
May responded by continuing to trib into Nicole from behind. She reached below her with her left hand and began viciously fondling the redhead’s luscious G-cups between Nicole’s breasts and the floor.
“You’ve got just as much of a mouth on you as that backstabbing friend of yours.” May said. “I’ll enjoy using it for all its worth.”
May proceeded to do just that and once again tongue kissed Nicole mercilessly. She openly slurped and drooled as she orally dominated her prey’s mouth, wanting Nicole to hear and feel exactly how much she was enjoying dominating her. Nicole felt May’s pussy continue to fuck her own from behind, feeling the green haired bitch’s inner thighs slam into her ass cheeks each and every time she did so. May was having the time of her life fucking her helpless prey like this. It was not long until Nicole felt that all too familiar jolt and both she and her green haired enemy knew what was about to come next and that it was completely and utterly hopeless trying to stop it. May broke her passionate, spitty kiss, wanting to hear the redhead scream as she made her cum yet again and then finally, it happened.
“Ahhhhhhh!!!” Nicole cried as she orgasmed.
A decent amount of it flowed up and inside of May’s cunt, making her coo. She finally got off of Nicole, letting the redhead huff and puff in her post orgasmic winding but she was still not done yet. Once she caught her own breath, she descended back onto Nicole, flipping her over on her back. She briefly watched as her opponent was taking short, frantic breaths, causing her trademark G-cup tits that her team was named after to jiggle and bounce around. May regained her focus and used her arms to pry her prey’s legs open, showing off her red, ripe and already thoroughly fucked pussy. May licked her lips ravenously before dove her head down and immediately began feasting on Nicole’s slutty, delicious cunt.
“Aghhh!!” Nicole groaned. “You fucking bitch! Ugh!”
May’s tongue swirled all around, across and alongside Nicole’s lower lips as the amorous green haired kidnapper wanted to taste every possible centimeter of her opponent’s womanly core. She slipped her hands underneath Nicole’s ass, palming and sinking her fingers deep into the jiggly meat of her rear end, elevating her twat slightly higher up, making her elevate her own head to compensate and not lose her place in her meal. Nicole’s face blushed as red as her hair as she was eaten out mercilessly. She was losing this match and losing it badly and she knew it. She had to find some way, anyway to turn this around and launch the counterattack to end all counterattacks. There was a good chance that her very future and the future of Task Force 732 in general depended on it. She tried to think but her strategic thoughts were disrupted when May’s mouth, lips and tongue all found her erect clit.
“Fuck!” The redhead cursed as her pulsating, pink pleasure bud was pounded with an oral onslaught of pleasure.
May turned her gaze up towards Nicole’s face, enjoying the expression of strain as she sucked on her opponent’s clit like a piece of candy. She then decided to add her fingers into the mix, putting her index and middle fingers together before knifing them inside of Nicole’s lower labia, not even attempting to be gentle about it in the slightest.
“Ohhhhhh!!” Nicole cried. “I swear I’ll get you for this, you kidnapping cunt!”
May responded by nibbling on her clit with her teeth all the while continuing to kiss, suck on and drool over it, letting her saliva pool down into the rest of her pleasure center as she was still mercilessly fingering it. All of this was proving to be far too much for the overwhelmed and helpless redhead. She knew that resisting the inevitable approaching climax would be a waste of time and energy, so she didn’t even bother. All she could do was brace herself for it as much as she possibly could. Then it happened.
“Fuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkk!!!!!!” She yelled as she came yet again.
May grinned in satisfaction as she swallowed what she could while the rest drenched her hand, face and dark green hair. The feeling of an opponent’s cum all over you is every nympho’s favorite battle trophy next to having said opponent for a sex slave. Nicole was once again left hyperventilating as her sweat soaked red hair fanned out behind her on the matted floor. May pulled herself up, saving a nice helping of womanly fluids in her mouth before she pinched Nicole’s nose, forcing to breathe exclusively from her mouth before her green haired abductor enclosed her own mouth over it. May happily swapped the concoction of her saliva and Nicole’s own juices into the redhead’s gaping maw. The ultimate gesture of a sore winner in a sexfight.
“Mmmm…” Nicole moaned weakly as her mouth was bukakked by her opponent.
After torturing her to her own sadistic satisfaction, May finally broke her oral domination with a loud pop and even louder gasp from Nicole as May rested on top of her. Nicole had never felt so humiliated in a fight, not even when she and Holly lost to La Rubia and La Morena. At least then she wasn’t alone in her humiliation.
“This is the infamous Task Force 732 I’ve heard so much about?” May asked tauntingly. “I wasn’t expecting you to be as good as Jasmine or anything like that but come on, I’ve been fucking you like a common submissive cum dumpster. And to think you were our top customer.”
“How would you know?” Nicole asked through her heavy breathing. “You never even faced Jasmine. None of you did. She told you to fuck off and you all ran away with your tails between your skank legs!”
“Shut it!“ May demanded. “Like you’re anything other than her own personal fuckbitch! Well, I hope you enjoyed the last time she fucked you because after we’re finished here, Jasmine and Vanessa are next!”
“Over my dead but superior body, cunt!” Nicole shot back.
She then found the strength to get back up and tackle May and the two wrestled all over the room again until this time Nicole ended up on top. It was time for some sweet, delicious payback.
“You think this fight’s been too easy, do you?” Nicole asked rhetorically. “How about I spice it up for you then?!”
“Agh!” May grunted as Nicole began tribbing into her in an L shaped position. “Still got some fight in you, huh? Fine then! Do your goddamn worst!”
Nicole was more than happy to oblige. She fucked May as hard as she possibly could with needlessly exerting herself. Energy conservation is the foundation of playing the game as many rookies have found out the hard way. Their pussies were already wet as can be and their clits had already protruded out of their hoods and were hard as rocks, so the tribbing became nice and heated immediately. May did her best to fuck Nicole back as their jiggly G cups and long, thick, sweat and cum matted hair bounced all around them. They felt so dirty, so slutty, so animalistic and oh so addicted to the glorious, overpowering and intoxicating pleasure and desire to dominate and humiliate each other. Someone could kick the door to this room right now and it wouldn’t even make either of them budge. That is how invested they currently were in what they were doing. Nicole reached down to viciously maul May’s lucious, mocha skinned tits and the Filipina happily reciprocated, digging her own fingers into Nicole’s own impressive set as they continued fucking each other.
“Not so tough now, are you?!” Nicole asked as she frantically tribbed her opponent.
“Ugh!” May grunted. “Says the bitch that was cumming in my face not too long ago!”
“Shut up!” Nicole yelled.
The redhead then came down on her green haired abductor and silenced her mouth with her own in a heated, lustful kiss. As their tongues furiously wrestled, the two raging nymphos yanked hard on each other’s hair with one hand and used the other to tightly squeeze their opponent’s firm ass cheek. May tried to roll Nicole over in an attempt to regain the advantage but Nicole had her completely pinned down. Upon realizing that May had no means of escape, let alone counterattack, Nicole pressed her advantage and began tribbing even harder and deeper into May’s cunt. The sounds of heated moaning, grunting and lips popping filled the entire room as Nicole fucked the other nympho. They fused together as much as any two women possibly could. Not just their tongues but their nipples, lower lips and clits all battled at the exact same time as each other. May was beginning to feel the pressure now. Sweaty, cum filled, matted crimson red and dark green hair mixed together. May was simply amazed at the level that her opponent could still fight after the marathon of sexual trashings she dished out on her just minutes ago. Now she was starting to see why Nicole had been Fencers’ best customer in both spending and ranking. Nicole herself was surprised at how much she was still able to dish out but she sure wasn’t complaining about it. As was more or less inevitable given that she had the inferior and more submissive position, May began to feel her next orgasm coming on. Regardless, she had no intention of giving the redhead the satisfaction of giving in and continued fighting back by fucking back. This kept going on until finally May could not handle anymore of this.
“Mmmmmmm!!!!” The green haired slut shrieked inside of the red haired slut’s dominant mouth as she climaxed.
Nicole moaned in both pleasure and personal satisfaction as she felt her opponent fill her up with her feminine fluids. Once it was clear that May’s orgasm had subsided, Nicole finally eased up, breaking the kiss with a popping of lips and a loud gasp for air from both of them. May had hoped that Nicole would roll off of her and give her both a break and the chance to turn this around on her but the libido possessed redhead knew better and had no intention of doing such a thing. Instead, she planned on unleashing everything she had on May all at once just as May had tried to do to her. An eye for an eye, after all. Nicole slithered down May’s body, letting her long, wet hair trail down May’s body as well just after her until she reached the Filipina’s sweet, red, juicy and ripe cunt.
“Revenge is sweet…but not as sweet as I bet you are.” Nicole mocked before she began digging into her banquet of flesh.
“If you even…ugh!” May grunted, interrupted herself as she felt Nicole’s tongue assault her helpless pussy.
Nicole ate May out like a woman possessed, which was exactly what she was. Her tongue slithered along her former captor’s labia and penetrated deep into May’s internal crevices. May reached down to pull on Nicole’s thick, sweat and cum soaked hair but it did little to even slow down the seemingly endless onslaught of cunnilingus that she was being subjected to. What was worse for her was that Nicole struck at the best time possible. Just after an orgasm but not too soon to where she was slightly numbed from it. And on top of that, May had wasted a great deal of energy wrestling the redhead and trying to fuck her back when she was on the receiving end. A mistake that Nicole herself often made in her previous fights and knowing that made this even more satisfying for the cop babe. She knew it would not be long now and she was right. May could not stop another climax immediately coming along. She wrapped her smooth, shiny legs around Nicole’s head as she came.
“Ohhhhhhh!!!” May cried, spraying all over Nicole’s face and hair.
Nicole smiled in satisfaction and her grin grew even wider when she realized that she had not even worked on her opponent’s still aroused and hardened clit yet. She knew she had to fix that. She went right back to work, again timing it perfectly so that her opponent’s next immediate climax would be ripe for the picking.
“Agh!” May grunted. “Goddamn you, you cunt-eating whore!”
May’s pulsating, mocha colored pleasure bud was assaulted with renewed vigor from her ravenous rival. Nicole did everything she could do to it. Kiss, lick, jab, nibble, spit, etc. May was utterly helpless. Nicole reached over her head to grope and squeeze her opponent’s tits as May’s head jerked back and forth in response to all this unbearable pleasure. She then felt her third orgasm in a row approaching fast, knowing there was no stopping it.
“Ahhhhhhh…” She cried out almost weakly as Nicole’s face and hair were once again splattered with girl mess.
May released her legs from Nicole’s head, panting like a dog, exhausted. Nicole got up and looked down at her prey both literally and figuratively.
“Time to finish you off, broccoli pubes.” Nicole said almost sinisterly.
“What…are…you…?” May asked through her heavy breathing.
Nicole answered her preemptively as the redhead sat her cunt directly on top of May’s and began tribbing away, grinding back and forth over her helpless victim.
“Nooooo…” May cried out weakly, lacking the energy to be any louder.
Nicole smiled with pure sadistic arrogance as she fucked May one last time and for the third time in a row, timing it perfectly. She believed that she found a favorite new strategy to use. She couldn’t wait to try it out on her teammates once they all got out of here. May felt one, final climax washing over her and let it burst.
“Ohhhhhh…” She groaned as she came upwards into Nicole.
The green haired slut then finally fainted and Nicole got off of her, letting her drop. Nicole panted herself. She felt a bit worn out but not nearly as exhausted as she thought she’d be after all of that. She took a great deal of joy in realizing that her often fatal tendency to go all in on her fights had finally worked out for a change. She just needed the right opponent for it. She wanted to go looking for the others but she couldn’t just leave May here to wake up and escape. She saw a cabinet on one side of the room and walked over to it. She opened it to find a remote control with one single button. She realized that it must control the restraints on her chair. She picked up May’s unconscious body and sat her in the chair before using the button to restrain her for when she woke up. She remembered that June had the master remote for all of the chairs, likely in case Nicole or Holly forced their opponents into the chairs themselves as she had done now. Christina managed to defeat June and use that remote to release her and likely Holly too. She had to find everyone else.
“Any idea where Nikki might have taken them?” Vanessa asked Jasmine as she sat down, watching the raven pace the floor in thought in their penthouse.
“I’m not sure…” Jasmine said sadly. “Wait…This is just a shot in the dark but maybe Fencers!”
“Fencers?” Vanessa asked.
“It’s a sexfight club that Nikki was leaving when I picked her pocket that day.” Jasmine explained. “It was her favorite place and has a lot of significance to the history of the team. I think she might have taken them there to let Ben watch them all fight.”
“Better than what we had a second ago.” Vanessa said. “You know where this place is?”
“Yes but this is just a guess.” Jasmine said.
“Better than having to ask all these places for their camera footage.” Vanessa said. “Now let’s go.”
Part 4
Holly groaned loudly as she finally woke up and as she slowly snapped back into reality, she immediately took notice that she was bound to a chair in a rook so dark that she couldn’t even see her own body underneath her head. Instead of panicking or getting angry and confrontational and making threats as Christina and Nicole did, Holly let out an audible, exasperated sigh, coming off as more annoyed than anything else.
“Alright, who’s the soon to be dead man?” She asked casually. “I seriously doubt you know who you’re fucking with here.”
“So, sleeping beauty finally rejoins the land of the living.” A feminine voice said from the darkness in front of her.
Suddenly, Holly heard a switch come on and then the room was completely lit up. Holly’s eyes winced from the bright lights before they adjusted. She then realized that she was completely in the nude and in a completely matted room. She then looked up to see April, the equally in the buff silver haired co-owner of Fencers and her memories came flooding back to her of what had happened just before she blacked out.
“We all should have seen this coming.” Holly complained. “What’s this about? Ransom money from my family? Or the cops? Or just petty revenge against Jasmine? Perhaps all of the above?”
“You’re awfully smug for an abductee.” April said as she started walking in circles around Holly’s chair.
“This is the third time in a year I’ve woken up strapped to something.” Holly said in an almost braggadocious tone.
“I’m well aware of your past exploits, Task Force 732.” April said.
“You know about us?” Holly asked.
“You’ve gained quite a reputation in the cartel world at least.” April answered.
“So, you work for the Brujas?” Holly asked.
“Not yet.” April answered. “But we will after we turn all of you into them for the cash bounty La Malvada put on your pretty, fuckable little heads.”
“You realize there are two more of us, right?” Holly asked.
“Of course. We’ll deal with them in our own time.” April said. “And La Malvada herself will soon deal with that hot boss of yours.”
“She can try.” Holly shot back. “And you can try to deal with me. We’re both naked for a reason here. Why don’t you let me out of this chair and I’ll show your pathetic, cowardly pussy some real police brutality?!”
“So feisty.” April said seductively as she began running her hands through Holly’s blonde locks from behind. “And so pretty too. You know, I used to be a blonde too before I dyed my hair to match my birthstone.”
“Good. Dyed or not, I love fucking other blondes.” Holly said with intent.
“Ow!” Holly groaned as April yanked on her hair.
“So do I.” April said equally seductively and sinisterly. “Truth be told though, I would’ve preferred getting that mouthy friend of yours and showing her what happens to turncoats but June has that honor.”
“Chrissy?” Holly asked.
“That’s right, babe.” April said. “And she had Ben too. She’s probably forcing him to watch as she’s fucking that backstabbing bitch into submission. Once we get Jasmine, we’ll all force him to watch as we fuck her all at once.”
“Not on the best day of your skank lives!” Holly shot back.
“June also has the master control remote to unlock every chair and I have the one for yours. You’re not going anywhere I don’t want you to.” April explained.
“Chickenshit!” Holly cursed.
“Of a spoiled little bimbo like you? Dream on.” April shot back. “I just don’t think you’re worth all the energy of fucking into the ground. You are, however, worth being a toy until we decide we’ve had enough of you and hand you off to Las Brujas.”
“You drugged us because you’re too afraid to face us head on.” Holly argued.
“We were going to do exactly that back at your table until that spy of yours opened her shit talking mouth.” April said. “We wanted to teach her a lesson. You three were just in the way.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a cover at all.” Holly mocked.
“Enough talk.” April said. “Time to break you in for La Malvada.”
April walked back in front of the chair and was about to sink her hands and put her mouth all over Holly’s flawless form, closing her eyes when suddenly, she felt a powerful force crash into her and knock her to the matted ground.
“Ugh!” April grunted. “What the fuck?!”
She opened her eyes to see that Holly had gotten free of her restraints and had tackled her, wearing a big, almost clownish grin on her face.
“I knew your slut friend wouldn’t stand a chance against Chrissy.” Holly bragged. “Just like you won’t stand a chance against me!”
“So, that’s how it’s going to be?“ April asked rhetorically. “Alright then. Bring it!”
“Gladly!” Holly proclaimed.
The two nymphos began wrestling each other, starting with a tight bearhug as they both used at least one hand to palm their opponent’s shapely ass as they scuffled all over each other. They rested their faces contorted with strain and effort on each other’s shoulders, cheek to cheek as they both tried to get on top of their opponent. Holly used her free hand to pull on her former captor’s flowing, diamond colored locks, pulling her face in front of her own. The blonde then began ravenously sucking on April’s tongue and April was more than happy to reciprocate both the hair pulling and tongue sucking. Their nipples battled as well, rolling over each other before lightly but effectively stabbing into the areola of the other woman. Their pussies were of course caught in a heated make out session of their very own as their labia fused together and their clits came out of their hoods only to collide against each other. This match was coming along very smoothly.
“Mmmmmm!!” They both groaned as they finally sealed off their rival’s lips with their own.
Their tongues battled for dominance inside of each other’s mouths as they both pushed into each other, trying to get on top of their opponent. However, they soon realized that their strength was more or less equal and that trying to push the other down by force was, at least for now, a pointless waste of energy. They focused back on breaking the other nympho sexually instead. Their tongues swirled over each other as they squeezed each other’s asses even harder, letting their fingers become absorbed by the jiggly meat. They dug their hands deeper into Holly’s blonde and April’s silver hair respectively, trying in any way possible to get control over their rival. They were starting to give up again when they realized this tactic might not be going anywhere either when suddenly, Holly began to get pushed back. April took immediate notice of this and seized the moment. She pushed against Holly and the cop babe fell on her back onto the matted floor, her flowing, shiny blonde locks fanning out all over the ground behind her head as the two finally broke their lustful make out session.
“That two-faced cunt Christina may have been able to outfuck June but let’s see how you handle my pussy!” April declared. Her diamond colored hair curtained both of their faces.
“Come down here and fuck me if you think you can, bitch!” Holly dared.
April was more than happy to oblige and began tribbing into Holly from her top position, grinding her pussy up and down against the blonde’s.
“Ah!” Holly groaned. “Is that all you’ve got?!”
“I’m just getting started!” April said as she continued fucking her prey.
She then focused her attention on Holly’s impressive G cup breasts. Equivalent to her own in just about every way. She had to admit that they were something else and began fondling Holly’s left breast with her right hand, still pussy fucking her opponent.
“So, these are the famous 732 G cup tits, are they?” April asked. “I admit, these babies are deserving of their reputation. We’ve never met another G cup before, besides Jasmine if you want to count her.”
“Is that so?” Holly asked through her grunting as she fucked back up into April. “Well, we’ve come across quite a few of them over the past year.”
“Lucky you.” April said sarcastically. “I look forward to using these puppies all day and night once I get you back in that chair.”
“IF you get me back in that chair.” Holly said, emphasizing the first word.
“I will. Just like this!” April shot back.
She then began tribbing Holly harder and faster.
“Ugh!” Holly grunted. “You goddamn kidnapping whore!”
April then dipped her head down, still thoroughly dominating the blonde’s cunt with her own as she wrapped her lips around Holly’s sharpened, pink right nipple and began suckling on it, making the blonde squirm even more. Holly once again grabbed a hold of April’s silver locks as she sucked on her nipple and continued to trib into her.
“Go ahead and enjoy my tits while you can, slut.” Holly mocked. “I’ll show you what they can really do the first chance you give me!”
April turned her gaze up towards Holly’s glaring face and noticed how red it was. This gave the indication that what she was doing was working and she pushed on. Both the blonde and former blonde felt their clits protrude out of their fleshy shells to join in the war of lower lips and they immediately brushed against each other, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout both of their bodies.
“Aghhh!!” Holly moaned.
“Mmmmm!!” April moaned, muffled by her suckling of Holly’s milk bud.
April continued grinding up and down against her opponent’s juicy pussy. The movements were hard on her back but much harder on Holly’s twat. She then became much more aggressive with her tit sucking, dragging her teeth along the sensitive bud in addition to her tongue.
“Fuck!” Holly cursed.
She yanked harder on April’s hair in an attempt to get some amount of control, no matter how small of her rival but to no avail. She felt her clit being mushroomed by the former blonde’s and at that point, it was quite clear to both nymphomaniacs that this round was as good as over. Holly felt those all too familiar internal pressures and braced herself for what was to come.
“Ohhhhhhh!!!“ The blonde cried as she climaxed, shooting her load straight up her opponent’s cunt and deep inside her internal walls, making her moan lightly.
April finally got off of Holly and left her rival huffing and puffing as she calmed down from her orgasm. The two nymphos were both a disheveled mess. Sweating, hair messy and matted to their skin, faces blushing, makeup running and panting like dogs but they still wanted much, much, much more than this. The night was still young or at least that’s how it felt to them.
“Had enough, princess?” April asked mockingly through her panting.
“Only one person in the world is allowed to call me that.” Holly said with as much toughness as she could in spite of her heavy breathing. “And no. After making me cum once, you think I’ll just roll over and take it? Think again!”
“Good.” April said as they both began to regain their energy. “I’m still not satisfied yet.”
The two got up off of the matted floor, fixed their messy hair as best they could and stared each other down. You could cut the tension with a knife. April took one single step forward followed by Holly doing the same. Then Holly took another step forward followed by April doing the same. Some might consider this a pointless game of childish one-upmanship considering that the two have already gone at it by now but nymphos take a great deal of joy in making their opponent give in to their desire first. This went on for what felt like an eternity until finally their monumental breasts joined together in an elastic collision of female flesh. They both winced their eyes, grit their teeth and very quietly groaned upon feeling their hardened nipples brush against each other. Still, they never once broke eye contact as April swayed her body left and right to further grind her nipples into Holly’s and the blonde did the same, swaying left and right but in the opposite pattern of her silver haired former captor. The overwhelming, burning pleasure made both of them bite down on their bottom lips but they pushed on anyway.
“It looks like I was right.” April said as she continued grinding. “Your tiddies really are something else…Not half as good as mine though.”
“Then why don’t you prove it, slut?” Holly asked daringly.
Holly then stopped swaying and instead pushed forward, straight into April’s breasts with her own and began grinding that way.
“Ugh!” April grunted. “Alright, whore. If that’s the way you wanna play it!”
April then began doing the same and their milk buds did not take long at all to penetrate the areolas of their opposing pair. April grabbed Holly by her firm waist and pulled her towards her. Holly quickly reciprocated and the two raging nymphomaniacs bearhugged each other into their titfight, still staring deep into each other’s eyes. The feeling of another hottie’s nips stabbing into your areola while your own nips did the same to hers was unlike any other in the world. However, Holly was getting antsy and wanted to take this to the next level. She removed one hand from April’s beautiful waist and slithered it down her body until she reached her firm ass cheeks. She then squeezed with everything she had, digging her fingers into the thick meat of it. April immediately reciprocated the tight ass grab. Their hungry, juicy cunts were just inches away. It was then that Holly decided she couldn’t stand this anymore. She wanted to humiliate this kidnapping bitch right here and right now. She pushed all of her weight into the former blonde and they fell to the matted floor. Holly held April down and slithered down her body. She then forcefully spread April’s legs, exposing her red, ripe twat.
“You love my tiddies, do you?” Holly asked rhetorically. “Good. Then you’ll love this!”
The blonde pushed her rack together into one mass of cleavage and pushed them forward, straight into April’s pussy.
“Ahhhh!!” April groaned.
“Yeah, that’s it, bitch!” Holly mocked. “Scream for me!”
She rubbed her luscious G cups against her opponent’s perfect cunt, feeling her juices soak them already. April’s face flushed a bright red as she was tittyfucked. Holly’s breasts were so enormous that they occupied the whole area of her silver haired rival’s pussy, hiding it entirely from view. April gripped on the loose parts of the matted floor in response to the incredible pleasure being dished out on her by the blonde.
“You like that?” Holly teased. “Good because I got plenty more of it!”
“You fucking cunt!” April cursed through her moaning.
“Like I’m fucking your cunt right now?” Holly asked mockingly.
Holly felt April gradually getting wetter and wetter which only showed the blonde that what she was doing was working, so she continued doing exactly that. April was overwhelmed. She bit down on her bottom lip to try and get herself under control but it was no use. The titfight she just had against Holly had excited her already but this was just too much. It was at that point that the blonde noticed her rival’s clit come out of its hood and she took immediate advantage of that. She pushed her nipples together, still bright red from the titfight and used them to assault April’s pulsating, pink pleasure bud.
“Fuck!” April cursed.
A sadistic smile spread across Holly’s face as she nipple fucked her helpless prey. It did not take long at all for April to begin to feel those all too familiar electric volts swimming throughout her body. There was nothing she could do but brace herself for it and she knew this. And then it finally happened.
“Goooooooooooooodddddddddddd!!!!” April shrieked as she climaxed powerfully.
Holly’s breasts and even some of her grinning face were soaked with her opponent’s fluids as she came. Holly then pulled away and turned herself about 90 degrees to her left, wanting to give her heaving jubblies a rest but she was far from done yet. She was now face to face with April’s delicious looking cunt and there was only one thing to do now. Holly licked her lips lustfully before diving in with the full force of her lips, mouth and tongue.
“Ugh!” April grunted. “You little cunt-eating skank!”
It was then that the former blonde noticed that due to Holly changing positions to give her breasts a break, that her legs were within reach. April took immediate advantage and grabbed them. Before the blonde could react, the other slut pulled on her legs and lifted her up until Holly’s own cunt was resting just above her face.
“You wanna lick some pussy, bitch? Let’s lick pussy!” April dared.
“Do your worst!” Holly dared.
And with that, it was on. The two nymphos began ferociously feasting on each other’s cunts. The sounds of loud, audible, ravenous slurping echoed throughout the room. Holly’s long, thick hair blanketed across April’s fine legs. April sank her fingers deep into Holly’s ass cheeks once again, causing Holly to reach underneath April’s ass on the floor to do the same. They slid their skilled, powerful tongues all across their rival’s labia, wanting to explore and lick every possible nook and cranny of the opposing pussy. April would pull her tongue in and out of Holly’s entrance, quite literally tongue fucking her. Holly would retaliate by spitting into April’s lower lips and using her tongue to spread it around as much as possible. The blonde then kicked it up a notch by first burying her tongue deep inside of her opponent’s inner folds before bringing her fingers into the mix, popping them in and out randomly.
“Mmmmm!!“ April groaned, muffled by her own cunnilingus assault against Holly.
The former blonde quickly retaliated by doing the same thing to her rival. She then focused the brunt of her attack on Holly’s exposed, aroused little clit, kissing it passionately and jabbing her tongue against it.
“Mmmffffff!!” Holly moaned, also muffled by what she was doing.
She pulled her tongue out of April only to assault April’s clit in the exact same way. April took it one step further by rolling herself and therefore Holly over. This inevitably led to the two rolling over each other all around the entire matted room. This in turn caused their blood flow to go all over the place from the constant changes in elevation. Because of this, their pussies became more or less sensitive rapidly depending on who was on the top and who was on the bottom. Their pleasure would skyrocket one moment only to massively sink the next as the constant rolling gave their immune systems no time to adjust and desensitize themselves to the pleasure. Each rise in pleasure was more powerful, effective and overwhelming than the last. Eventually, after what felt like forever, it happened at last.
“Ahhhhhh!!!” Holly screamed, taking her mouth off of her opponent’s clit.
“Ohhhhhh!!!” April screamed, taking her mouth off of her own opponent’s clit.
The two beauties orgasmed at the exact same time, bursting all over the other nympho’s face and hair as they were in a side by side position, therefore neither had the upper hand. They rolled off of each other, huffing and puffing in their post climax winding. They were even more of a mess than before, covered in their own sweat and their opponent’s secretions. This time, it was April who decided to make the next move. She got up and crawled behind Holly and before the blonde could get away, the former blonde grabbed a hold of her waist from behind and carried both of them up until April was standing upright and Holly was on her hands and knees. It was obvious what April was intending to do. She reached forward and grabbed Holly’s long, thick, flowing, sweat and cum matted hair and yanked hard.
“Ugh!” Holly groaned. “You fucking biiiiiiiiiitttttttcccccchhhhhhh!!!!”
Holly cried as she was being mercilessly fucked doggy style.
“Yeah, that’s it, bitch! Scream for me!“ April mocked, parroting Holly’s exact words from when the blonde was giving April a paizuri from before. Irony is sweet.
Holly’s face blushed bright red as each collision from April’s cunt to her own from behind made her entire body push forward and her hair that was free from April’s pulling hand and her beloved G cups bounce in response to the sudden vibrations. April was having the time of her life, feeling Holly’s firm ass smack against her thighs with each and every slam.
“You have such soft hair, even when it’s all sweaty and cummy like this.” April said as she continued humping. “You said you like fucking other blondes? Well, maybe if La Malvada allows me to keep you for myself for a while, I’ll dye your hair silver like mine, so we can still match. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to fuck another diamondhead.”
“You’ll have to tame me first.” Holly said through heavy strain and panting.
“What do you think I’m doing right now?!” April asked arrogantly as she continued her domination of her helpless rival.
April then became even more aggressive and violent in her tribbing, fucking the blonde harder and faster. Now, each and every slam caused even Holly’s ass cheeks to visibly jiggle upon contact.
“Fuuuucckkkk!!” Holly groaned.
April even pulled on her hair harder, twisting it around her wrist. Holly was worried that she was trying to yank it out entirely but remembered the comment about dying her hair silver and realized April had no such intention. Still, her current position was as humiliating as it was infuriating. More than anything in the world, she wanted to turn this around on April. That’s when you truly know that it’s a good fight. When every cell in your body is boiling for revenge and humiliation of your opponent. The feeling was quite mutual for the silver haired nympho herself. The paizuri from earlier was deeply humiliating and she was taking joy in every waking moment of fucking Holly in sweet vengeance. Soon, all of this overwhelming stimulation proved to be too much for the blonde and she felt her climax coming on, knowing there was nothing she could do to stop it.
“Ahhhhhh!!!” Holly screamed as she came.
April moaned lightly as she felt Holly’s cum splash into her own pussy. She then finally released Holly, hair and all, letting her fall to the floor, hyperventilating. April then got down with her, face to face and forcibly kissed her on the mouth. She broke the kiss and smiled arrogantly at her prey.
“I think you’ll make a good fuckbitch, don’t you think so too, princess?“ April asked mockingly.
Suddenly, Holly felt both her energy and her motivation come back to her all at once. Being called princess reminded Holly of Vanessa’s old nickname for her that she doesn’t use so often anymore. It made her think of being a toy for both April and La Malvada and never seeing Vanessa or any of the others ever again. Her desperation and determination to prevent that from happening reinvigorated her almost like magic. Without warning, she pounced on top of April and held her to the ground.
“I told you not to call me princess, slut!” Holly said angrily.
“Ugh!” April grunted. “Stubborn little cunt!”
“Now I’ll show you what my stubborn little cunt can really do!” Holly declared.
She pulled April’s legs up to her shoulders and began tribbing away like a woman possessed.
“Fuck!” April cursed.
Holly fucked her prey with power and speed that all but the most experienced nymphos and/or spectators wouldn’t think possible. She seemed almost superhuman. Even Holly herself did not know she had such power but now wasn’t the time to think too much about it. She just let her lust and hatred for April take the wheel. April was baffled by this turn of events as she felt Holly’s twat crash into hers over and over and over again. How could she still have so much energy after all of that doggy style? Speaking of which, that doggy style also made April nice and aroused, meaning she was higher up on the pleasure scale than normal. She knew that it would not be long until her climax would find her. She began to feel it approaching already and before she even knew it, it happened.
“Uggghhhhh!!” She screamed as she came, filling up Holly with her fluids.
Holly however, wasn’t even slowing down. Not even slightly. She just kept tribbing and tribbing and tribbing with the same focused, serious expression on her beautiful face.
“Agh!” April grunted. “What the fuck are you?!”
“A better woman than you!” Holly declared with absolute conviction.
She secured April’s legs with her elbows before reaching down to fondle and maul the former blonde’s bouncing breasts. April believed that the fact that Holly kept fucking her without stopping or even pausing would give her some kind of immunity to the pleasure in her post orgasmic state but that wasn’t happening. There was simply no end to the pleasure in sight. April knew she was as good as finished if she remained in this state, so she decided to try and slip away. Normally, such an act would be seen as a retreat and an act of cowardice in the context of the game but April knew she was in dire straits. She simply had no other options open. She tried to get away but couldn’t. Holly wasn’t letting go.
“You’re not going anywhere, you little cum dumpster!” Holly said confidently.
April was like a cornered animal now. Holly stopped fondling her with one of her hands and instead used it to pull on her opponent’s silver locks.
“Ugh!” April grunted.
“You’ve got nice hair too.” Holly admitted. “Even if the color makes you look like my Grandma. You should’ve stayed a blonde. Fuck those other two sluts.”
April was about to curse Holly out when out of nowhere she felt another climax smash into her without any warning.
“Ahhhhhh!!” She screamed as she once again came and filled Holly up but Holly still wasn’t stopping.
On and on this went. Tribbing, breast groping and hair pulling all being dished out on poor April at the same time without end. The silver haired kidnapper came more times than either she or her blonde dominator could keep track of. Time itself was lost and became an illusion as Holly just continued to fuck and fuck and fuck April. It wasn’t until sometime later that Holly finally noticed that April wasn’t moving. She had passed out. How long ago, Holly didn’t know. She finally calmed down and because of that, her own exhaustion hit her like a truck. Her concern for her friends was more or less the only thing keeping her conscious. She got up, peeling her pussy off of her defeated opponent’s with an audible grunt and walked towards the cabinet. She found the remote control, put April in the chair and sealed the restraints for her inevitable arrest later on. She knew that Christina was able to defeat June or at least swipe the master remote away from her and that Ben was with her, meaning that he was likely safe as well but she was still concerned about Nicole. She left the room to go and find her friends.
“Okay, here it is.” Jasmine said as she drove her cop car with Vanessa in the passenger seat, arriving at Fencers.
“Time for a little CSI.” Vanessa said as they got out of the car.
“There’s Nikki’s car!” Jasmine announced as she found it.
Vanessa came over to see it too.
“That pretty much confirms that this is where they were last, at least.” Vanessa said.
Jasmine had a concerned look on her face but Vanessa put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her. They both looked at the place itself and saw that all of its lights were off and the closed sign in the window.
“Closed?” Jasmine asked. “On a weekday?”
“That’s a red flag if I’ve ever seen one.” Vanessa said.
“You don’t think whoever runs this place has anything to do with this, do you?” Jasmine asked.
“Anything’s possible.” Vanessa asked. “For now, let’s search the inside.”
“But we don’t have a warrant.” Jasmine said.
“And the time it would take to get one could cost us all four of them.” Vanessa said.
Jasmine nodded in agreement. They were sure Tamara would let it slide given what was at stake. Vanessa picked the lock to the front door. The place was deserted as any closed establishment would be. They took out their flashlights to look for any sort of switch. Jasmine finally found one and the ultraviolet lights finally turned on. The place looked like a brothel combined with a strip club and restaurant. They both saw why Nicole liked this place so much.
“Let’s search every room. There’s gotta be something.” Jasmine said.
“A place like this is swimming in human DNA.” Vanessa said. “It would take forever for forensics to skim through all of it.”
“That’s why we’re here.” Jasmine said. “See if you can find the camera room.”
“No cameras here.” Vanessa said. “People don’t like being filmed in a place where they go for some action.”
“Yeah.” Jasmine said coldly. “That’s a very convenient excuse.”
“Indeed it is.” Vanessa agreed.
They continued looking around for any sort of clues.
Part 5
For the second time in just a few hours, Christina had passed out and was again waking up very fuzzy and disorientated. However, she woke up to something far more welcoming this time around. With her head on Ben’s shoulder and his smiling face looking down on her.
“Morning, sleeping beauty.” Ben said lovingly.
“How long was I out?” Christina asked with a groan.
“A couple hours, if I were to guess.” Ben said. “I was gonna go look for Hol and Nikki but I didn’t think I should have left the girl who saved my life all alone in her sleep.”
Christina almost blushed but stopped herself.
“You sure you didn’t just want to cuddle up with me in the nude?” Christina asked flirtatiously.
“That was just a bonus.” Ben said only half jokingly.
Christina’s face was inches away from Ben’s. She wanted to kiss him but controlled herself, not wanting to hurt Jasmine.
“You know I wouldn’t mind.” Christina reassured him. “I’d be pretty horny for anyone that saved my life too.”
“I know.” Ben said. “But you’re not the first hot babe to save my life.”
“Yeah…” Christina said somberly, then decided to change the subject before the sexual tension became too much to bear. “That bitch didn’t wake up, did she?”
“Nah. She’s out cold.” Ben answered. “You were…amazing.”
“Glad you enjoyed the show.” Christina said as she got up and stretched. “We should find the others.”
“Yeah.” Ben said as he got up too. “Any idea where we are?”
“None.” Christina answered.
Ben had a hard time not eyeing up Christina’s flawless, mocha skinned body. The spicy Latina wanted to tease him some more but figured he’d been through enough for one night. In all honesty, she wanted him right then and there but in addition to her promise, they had more important things to do than committing shameless adultery.
‘Jazz, you lucky bitch.’ Christina thought to herself.
They got up and exited the room, finding a barely lit concrete hallway.
“Should we split up?” Ben asked.
“No.” Christina answered. “I have a feeling this is a bit of a maze. We’d just get more lost that way.”
“Yeah.” Ben agreed.
“Let’s find the others and then call a cop car for these three skanks.” Christina said.
“Yeah. I hope it hasn’t been too long. Jazz and Nessa might be worried sick.” Ben said.
“Assuming they’re not too busy fucking each other’s brains out to notice.” Christina joked.
Ben got slightly harder at that enticing image but they pushed on.
“Those three…” Ben said. “I actually thought they might have grown up since College. They were always petty but this…?”
“They’re just lucky Jazz wasn’t here with us.” Christina said.
“Probably divine intervention that she wasn’t.” Ben joked.
Nicole wandered the halls, alone and naked. It was like an abandoned basement. Creepy. She felt the cold concrete on her bare feet as she looked around, hoping her friends were okay. She knew Christina and Ben were safe thanks to her restraints being undone back in her room with May and she was confident that Holly could beat April. Nonetheless, it was only natural to be worried for your friends. Hell, practically family. As she turned a corner, she bumped into another distinctively feminine naked body, which immediately caused her primal instincts to kick in. She was ready to fight when she realized who the other body belonged to.
“Hol!” Nicole said excitedly.
“Nikki?!” Holly asked happily.
They hugged each other tightly, sharing their body heat in this cold dungeon and their breasts mushrooming together. They pulled apart before they got too excited to stop.
“I knew you’d whip that silver haired bitch’s pussy!“ Nicole said.
“And I knew that moss headed cunt didn’t stand a chance against you!” Holly added. “Let’s not celebrate just yet, though. We gotta find Chrissy and Ben.”
“Yes. Plenty of time for celebration when we get back home.” Nicole said flirtatiously.
The two continued wandering the halls, using trial and error to navigate as that was all they had. After a few minutes, they turned another corner and crashed into two more bodies. One naked female and a clothed male.
“Chicas!” Christina said excitedly.
“Thank God!” Ben said.
Nicole hugged Christina and Holly hugged Ben, getting him even more hot and bothered.
“You saved our lives!” Nicole said to Christina.
“It was nothing really.” Christina said modestly.
“Are you kidding?” Holly asked. “We beat our opponents because of you!”
“You guys should’ve seen her fight June.” Ben said. “It was like something out of a movie.”
“Okay, enough licking my ego’s clit.” Christina said. “Let’s get out of wherever this is and bring in some boys to throw these kidnapping putas behind bars.”
The others nodded in agreement and stuck together to find a way out. After what felt like forever, Ben spoke up.
“Hey, guys. Come over here.” He said. “I think I found a staircase.”
“It is!” Holly declared.
“Well, let’s get the fuck out of this shithole!” Nicole said.
“Amen, hermana.” Christina agreed.
They climbed the stairs to surprisingly find a dead end. Just a concrete wall.
“What?” Christina asked.
“Are you shitting me?” Nicole asked.
“Why would a staircase just lead to a wall?” Holly asked.
“Good question.” Ben said suspiciously.
Jasmine and Vanessa continued exploring the seemingly abandoned Fencers when they stumbled upon a fancy room with a desk, a chair and even a king sized bed.
“Looks like the soon to be dead perp’s office.” Jasmine said.
“Looks like it.” Vanessa said. “And will you take it easy? We’ll find them.”
“Yeah…” Jasmine said, calming down.
They turned on the light switch and began searching the office for clues. After a couple minutes, they started hearing noises from one of the corner walls in the office. The only wall of the room not covered by a bookcase. They looked at each other in confusion before realizing that the wall hid a secret passageway and someone was opening it from the other side. They quickly drew their guns.
“Hold it!” Jasmine ordered.
“Police! Identify yourself!” Vanessa demanded.
It was then that the wall finally opened and Ben, Christina, Holly and Nicole came falling out onto the floor. Jasmine and Vanessa couldn’t believe their eyes. Jasmine in particular barely held back her tears.
“Ben!!!” She said with as much excitement as relief.
“Babe!” Ben said happily.
They ran towards each other and hugged lovingly.
“We’re okay too. Thanks for asking.” Christina said sarcastically.
Vanessa helped the other three up and hugged them.
“We’re so glad you’re okay.” Vanessa said. “And…naked.”
“What the Hell happened here?!” Jasmine asked.
“It’s a long story.” Ben said.
“And we’ll tell you everything when we get home.” Holly said.
“Yeah, believe it or not, I’ve had enough of this place to last a lifetime.” Nicole said.
Ben and Jasmine started making out but decided to continue at home instead.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Jasmine said, resting her head on her Husband’s chest. “Now let’s go home…and you’ll tell me who did this to you.”
“We took care of them.” Christina said. “They’re locked up down there. Just call a few cars over here to haul em off.”
“Will do.” Vanessa said. “And congrats on your first official bust, new girl.”
“After this, she’s definitely not the new girl anymore.” Holly said.
“Yeah. She was the MVP of this bust.” Nicole said.
“Really?” Vanessa said. “Well, I’d love to hear it from you, roomie.”
“Can we please get the fuck out of here now?” Christina asked.
“After we find you three some clothes.” Vanessa said.
The office had a closet and they had to stick with using the calendar trio’s clothes for now. They couldn’t just go out in public naked. They drove back to the hotel and went up to the penthouse. As they opened the door, finally home free, they found a very familiar face and voluptuous body waiting for them.
“There you all are, my naughty little dirty cops.” Tamara said with a firm tone. “Do you have any idea of the calls I’ve gotten? Warrantless demands, unorthodox interrogations of civilians, unprofessional coercion to get evidence. I expect better from all of you and…”
Tamara paused when she realized how messy and disheveled they all looked.
“What happened to you?” She asked.
“That was all Jazz and I, ma’am.” Vanessa admitted. “As for your question…Chrissy can tell the tale.”
“Can she now?” Tamara asked.
“Yes, jeffe.” Christina said. “I’ll tell you everything.”
They all sat down as Christina recounted the incredible events of the last two and a half days. From Jasmine’s plan for Vanessa’s birthday present to when Jasmine and Vanessa found them coming out from behind the wall in the owner’s office at Fencers. Vanessa filled in the missing pieces, explaining how she and Jasmine were so enthralled in their match in the room where the original four girls had their first battle and how they went about investigating the disappearance of the others. Jasmine clung to Ben’s arm like they were back in College, her blood boiling as she was told who was responsible for this, what they did and what they tried to do.
“I see…” Tamara said somberly as the story was finished.
“That’s…Quite the story.” Vanessa added.
Jasmine was silent. A look of pure, tranquil fury on her face as Ben felt her squeeze his arm tighter.
“You okay, babe?” He asked.
“Yeah…” She answered. Only half true, though.
“Jasmine told me about those calendar sluts.” Vanessa said. “I never thought they’d pop up again.”
“Neither did I.” Ben said.
“Well, it’s all over now at least.” Holly added. “They’re chained up in their own dungeon right now.”
“We’ll get someone to pick them up and haul them off to St. Lilith’s.” Tamara said.
“I’d prefer Guantanamo.” Jasmine said with barely contained. “I should’ve put those bitches in their place back in College.”
“That would’ve just made them want revenge even more.” Nicole argued. “Besides, we’re all okay. Thanks to Chrissy.”
“Yeah.” Ben said. “The rest of you should’ve seen her fight June. It was unbelievable.”
“Oh, you’re making me blush.” Christina joked.
“You don’t need to be modest.” Vanessa said. “You saved the day. I think at this point, you’re not the new girl anymore.”
“I agree.” Tamara said. “I knew putting her on the team was a good idea.”
“What about Nessa and I?” Jasmine asked. “Are we in trouble?”
“Well, given that it was your own Husband and three fifths of my most valued team in the war against Las Brujas that were in danger, I think I can let it slide.” Tamara said.
The others all smiled in relief.
“I’m never letting you out of my sight again.” Jasmine said as she hugged Ben’s arm tighter.
“That’s a good idea.” Tamara said. “If the cartel really has bounties on all of you, I’d recommend keeping a low profile for a bit. Don’t leave the house too much.”
“Stay here surrounded by five perfect women with sex addictions? Sounds tough but I think I can manage.” Ben joked.
Jasmine then took notice of the sweet eyes that Ben and Christina were giving each other. She could tell that it was more than just lust or teasing. Normally, she’d be mad about that but she couldn’t blame him given everything that happened. She quietly sighed.
“Chrissy…” Jasmine said and Christina turned her attention towards the other raven. “Thank you for saving my Husband.”
“It’s what teammates do.” Christina said.
“Well, if nothing else…” Jasmine said. “I think you’ve earned the right to play around with him to the extent of the others.”
“Really?!” Christina asked excitedly.
“Are you sure?” Ben asked.
“Yes.” Jasmine said. “While Nesse and I were too busy macking on each other to notice how much time had passed, you were there for the entire team when they needed you. It’s the least I could do.”
“Awesome!” Ben said.
“Don’t sound so enthused…” Jasmine said jokingly. “And the golden rule still applies. No penetration until you outfuck me first.”
“No argument here.” Christina said. “Now, enough of the mushy shit. Let’s get this fiesta started!”
The fiery Latina then immediately slipped her top and bra off. The other girls were startled by her boldness but quickly joined in.
“You might as well join us while you’re here, jeffe.” Christina said to Tamara.
The ebony beauty chuckled.
“Well, I have wanted to see how you’ve all improved since I was here last.” Tamara said in her distinctively seductive tone. “Why not?”
Tamara stripped down too and the entire room quickly descended into an orgy. Christina decided to first take immediate advantage of her newfound freedom by performing oral sex on Ben, who probably would’ve gotten blue balls if he witnessed any more naked women without some relief. Jasmine wanted to watch but was too distracted with pleasing her teammates to pay much attention to it. After pleasing the man of the house, Christina joined the others who were focusing mainly on Tamara. An hour and a half later, the girls were all exhausted and drained nearly to the point of passing out. All except for Tamara of course. She once again remained on top as she did when the original four ambushed her in the shower during her examinations. It was now five against one and they were all more experienced in both technique and teamwork than last time but Tamara was still able to come out on top easily.
“Damn, jeffe…” Christina said through her panting. “You’re a fucking animal.”
“You know it.” Tamara said. “Thanks for the kiss by the way. I almost forgot how good Ben’s cum tastes.”
“I thought we’d at least have a chance against you know.” Vanessa said, also panting.
“You have all improved quite a bit, my darlings.” Tamara said lovingly. “I’m so proud.”
“You’re the best boss in the world.” Nicole said as she huffed and puffed.
“Not even a contest.” Holly agreed.
“At least today ended on a high note.” Jasmine said.
She managed to forget the rage she felt against the Calendar Trio but still, those three were now just below Sabrina for her most hated enemies. She wanted to punish them but decided that none of them were worth it. Not then. Not now. They can rot in prison.
“You know, I think I’m a bit too worn out to drive home tonight…” Tamara said. “I guess I’ll just have to spend the night again.”
The other girls all immediately got excited at that notion.
“Room with us!” Nicole said.
“Yes!” Holly agreed.
“No, she should room with Nessa and me cause I saved the day!” Christina argued.
“Girls, girls, let Ms. Colby decide for herself.” Vanessa said, secretly hoping Tamara would pick her and Christina’s bed.
Vanessa was professional and mature but when it came to Tamara, she was like a hormonal teenager. Not that anyone else who lived here had any room to talk.
“Hmm…” Tamara said in thought. “Well, Chrissy, you already got your reward from Ben and he and Jazz have been through a lot today…I think they could use some company.”
“Yes!” Jasmine said. “I mean…If that’s what you want, ma’am.”
The other girls pouted but accepted her decision. Ben was barely clinging to consciousness after blowing his load in Christina’s mouth but he clearly had no problem with it.
“Well, we’d better go get washed up.” Vanessa said.
“As will I.” Tamara said before looking at Ben. “Keep that thing nice and hard for me tonight, big boy.”
She kissed him on the cheek, which practically brought him back up again. That woman was like no other…. As everyone else left, Jasmine and Ben were left alone in their room with the raven giving her Husband a teasing expression.
“What’s that look for?” Ben asked.
“You like Chrissy, don’t you?” Jasmine asked.
“I, uhh…” Ben stammered.
“I see how you and her look at each other.” Jasmine said with a pout. “You used to only look at me like that…”
Ben looked like a deer in headlights.
“I’m just razzing you, hun.” Jasmine said with a chuckle. “You think I’d have an issue after everything she did for you?”
“She really is something…” Ben said.
Ben really was an amazon chaser. Jasmine, Tamara and Christina were all no-nonsense alpha bitches who knew what they wanted and Ben loved that in women, despite Jasmine being the total opposite of that when they first met.
“She brought you back to me.” Jasmine said. “You can do whatever you want with her. As long as you and her don’t break the golden rule, of course.”
“Would you hate me if I said I might hope you lose to her?” Ben asked, half joking.
“I might emasculate you in your sleep.” Jasmine said with blunt sarcasm.
Suddenly, they were interrupted when Christina opened the door and walked into the room.
“Almost forgot.” Christina said.
“Forgot what?” Jasmine asked.
“This!” Christina answered.
She walked up to Ben and gave him a huge, sucking, ten second long kiss on the mouth.
“Mwa!” She said with a pop as she broke the kiss. “Good night, sweet prince. Try not to picture my face when you fuck your Wife and our boss tonight.”
She left with a spring in her step, leaving Jasmine in shock and Ben with his jaw nearly dropping.
“I’ll get her for that comment later.” Jasmine teased.
“Yeah…” Ben said, calming down. “So, what are you gonna do for your birthday next month?”
It was clear he wanted to change the subject and Jasmine decided to grant his wish.
“Nessa and I are gonna visit a certain bitchy ginger…” Jasmine answered.
“Two against one?” Ben asked. “Doesn’t seem like either of you.”
“Nope.” Jasmine clarified. “A free for all. Everybody fucks everybody.”
“Wow.” Ben said. “I’d like to watch but I’m sure Chrissy will keep me company.”
“If I don’t kill both of you first.” Jasmine joked.
They both went to bed, waiting for Tamara’s arrival.
Updated Character List:
Task Force 732: An all girl G-cupped police task force that takes down female criminals with their sexual skills. 732 means “GCB” which stands for “G-Cup Brigade.”
Vanessa Price: Leader of Task Force 732. 29 years old. Vanessa is mature, level headed and a big sister figure towards her team but has a temper and a friendly rivalry with Jasmine. Referred to as “Nessa” by her teammates.
Holly Hanson: Vanessa’s protege. 22 years old. Rich girl whose family owns the hotel the team lives in. Once a spoiled brat but matured and now looks up to Vanessa. Skilled actor and a people person. Referred to as “Hol” by her teammates.
Jasmine Davis: Strongest of the team and former thief. 28 years old. Has a friendly rivalry with Vanessa and a very heated and borderline obsessive rivalry with Sabrina. Married to Ben. Has an ego problem but is working on it. Nicole’s best friend. Referred to as “Jazz” by her teammates.
Nicole Parker: Jasmine’s best friend and the most lustful of the four. 22 years old. A sociable party girl who loves sex. Also a tech genius and hacker. Former criminal who worked with Jasmine. Referred to as “Nikki” by her teammates,
Christina Alvarez: Former police spy inside of the Las Brujas cartel. 25 years old. Newest member of the team. She is a tease and playful but takes her job seriously. Referred to as “Chrissy” by her teammates. Her full name is Christina Catalina Frencesca Ximena Mariana Valentina Alvarez.
Supporting Characters:
Ben Davis: Jasmine’s loving and supportive husband whom she is very attached to. 29 years old. All around nice guy but has his limitations. Is lusted after by most women in the series, much to his jealous wife’s annoyance.
Tamara Colby: The police chief who oversees the team. 40 years old. She is extremely seductive and the object of desire of the girls and Ben. She loves teasing others and is a motherly figure towards 732. Dreams of one day bringing down La Malvada, leader of Las Brujas. Referred to as “Tammy” by her friends and sometimes subordinates.
Chief Rodrick Ames: The former police chief until he retires and is replaced by Tamara. He was a lecherous old man but kind. He ordered the stakeout that would lead to 732’s creation.
Brooke MacTavish: Vanessa’s former partner and mentor who was kidnapped by Las Brujas right in front of Vanessa, traumatizing her greatly. No one knows what happened to her.
Sabrina Phillips: Jasmine’s nemesis. 28 years old. Blackmailed her and Nicole into debt to save Ben from cancer. Arrested and currently imprisoned at St. Lillith’s Correctional Facility. Has a fierce rivalry with Jasmine and a smaller rivalry with Vanessa. She is vindictive and evil, caring only for herself. She was the team’s first bust.
Grace Phillips: Sabrina’s cousin who is bitter about Sabrina being arrested. Jailed by the team after losing to Holly.
Lindsay: Corrupt and hedonistic prison guard who helped bust out Sabrina. Arrested by the team after being beaten by Nicole.
The Calendar Trio: The owners of the Fencers sexfight club that Nicole frequents. They are each named after the month they were born, hence their group name. Even dying their hair to match their birthstones. They were aggressive sluts in College and hit on Ben, causing Jasmine to tell them off and all three of them to hold a grudge ever since.
April: Oldest of the three. Caucasian. Has silver hair to reflect her diamond birthstone. Defeated by Holly after trying to claim the price on her head.
May: Middle member. Filipina. Has dark green hair to reflect her emerald birthstone. Defeated by Nicole after trying to claim the price on her head.
June: Youngest of the three. Indian. Has light purple hair to reflect her alexandrite birthstone. Defeated by Christina in front of Ben after trying to claim the price on her head.
Las Brujas Cartel: A Mexican drug cartel that recruits only women. They deal in many criminal activities and are hypnotically seductive. They often kidnap and sexually brainwash women they are interested in. Their name is Spanish for “The Witches.”
La Malvada: The mysterious leader of the cartel and Tamara’s nemesis. She is said to be extremely seductive and a Goddess of sex. She wishes to sexually brainwash Tamara and make her her concubine. Her name is Spanish for “The Wicked.”
La Cazadora: La Malvada’s equally mysterious second in command. Responsible for Brook’s kidnapping. Her name is Spanish for “The Huntress.”
La Rubia: A Sicaeia for Las Brujas and La Morena’s partner. Defeated by Vanessa and arrested. Her name is Spanish for “The Blonde.”
La Morena: A Sicaria for Las Brujas and La Rubia’s partner. Defeated by Vanessa and arrested. Her name is Spanish for “The Brunette.”
St. Lilith’s Correctional Facility: A fancy prison used to house mostly rich women who commit petty crimes or sexually voracious female criminals. The staff is all women as well and they use sex as a correctional tool.
Serena Johnson: AKA Madam Red. Warden of St. Lilith’s and mother of Valerie. 40 years old. Old friend and rival of Tamara’s. Inmates who impress her have the chance to sexfight her.
Olivia Brooks: Guard captain of St. Lilith’s and Serena’s best friend and rival. Inmates who impress Madam Red must first defeat Olivia in order to face her.
Trina: Perky young girl and guard at St. Lilith’s as well as greeter.
Valerie Johnson: Serena’s College aged daughter who has a passion for sexfighting. 20 years old.
Melissa: A friend and sexual rival of Valerie’s.
Gwen: Protagonist of “Heavenly Purgatory.” Tested out Vanessa and Nicole for Tamara alongside Felicia.
Felicia: Antagonist of “Heavenly Purgatory.” Tested out Vanessa and Nicole for Tamara alongside Gwen.
Ashley: Protagonist of “Back in the Game.” Tested out Jasmine and Holly for Tanara alongside Veronica.
Veronica: Antagonist of “Back in the Game.” Tested out Jasmine and Holly for Tamara alongside Ashley.
The End