Forty floors above mid-town Manhattan, the south-facing living room of the enormous penthouse apartment offered sweeping views of the skyline on three sides, from Long Island City in the east to Hoboken in the west, and most of downtown Manhattan in between. The lights in the room were lowered to allow people to enjoy the view, though most of the conversation was not about the scenery. The Society came together for one reason; to allow the women among its members to pit their strength, skill and ferocity against one another in physical combat.
Black uniformed waiters moved skillfully among the guests dispensing drinks and canapés to help pass the time before the party turned its attention to the main purpose of the evening. Almost anything legal was available here, at the most exclusive catfight club in the country. The gathered assembly was the cream of the underground catfighting fraternity, along with the richest, most powerful and sometimes most visible celebrities in America. Some even belonged to both camps.
Gail refrained from indulging herself, and nursed a glass of sparkling water. If the Society granted the request she had made of them, she needed to keep a clear head. There was no reason to suspect that they would not, though it might not be tonight. She had no way of knowing if other, similar requests had already been made, prior to hers, but she would find out soon enough.
She caught sight of herself in the full-length mirror that formed most of the room’s fourth wall. Unlike most of the other women in the room she had shunned a cocktail dress or evening gown, preferring instead a pair of black silk pants that hugged her shapely hips and powerful thighs, but flared out below the knee to swirl about her ankles, brushing her four-inch stiletto-heeled sandals. From the waist up she wore a sleeveless, backless halter top, black and bedecked with sequins, tied beneath her breasts and behind her neck. It showed off her well-toned arms and plunged low at the front to reveal the deep valley between her full, rounded breasts. In case anyone wasn’t paying attention, a glittering emerald pendant nestled in her cleavage. Her chestnut brown hair lay loose across her shoulders and down her back, carefully tousled.
Her top left her midriff bare, exposing the small cartoon devil tattoo to the right of her navel. Several people here had even taken to calling her ‘Devil’ – not just because of the tattoo but also for the punishment she had meted out in her several fights here. Like most of the women in this room, Gail was a fighter – maybe not the best the fighter in the Society, but certainly among the best.
Tonight, she was on a mission. Words had been said, things she wasn’t going to stand still and take – not from anybody and certainly not from some jumped-up blonde newcomer who thought she could just walk in and start passing judgments. That sort of behavior demanded a response, and Gail was just the girl to give it.
It was time to discover whether she would get the chance, here, tonight. The host of the party, Michael, stepped to the front of the room next to the panoramic backdrop of Times Square and the Empire State Building further south, calling for silence.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my home. I hope you’re enjoying the hospitality, but I know you’re also looking forward to the main business of the evening.” There were murmurs of agreement from around the room.
“At our last gathering, we greeted a newcomer and so you all elected the lady who would welcome her to the Society.” He raised his glass to a slender brunette in a strapless white dress that struggled to contain her buxom chest. “Tiffany, welcome to our midst, and congratulations on your win.” There was applause from the crowd.
He scanned the crowd, locating the blonde who had faced her. “Amanda, our commiserations on your loss, but you fought a valiant fight.” Again he raised his glass. “I see the bruises have healed and you’re as beautiful as ever.” There was another smattering of applause, and Gail joined in. Amanda had fought well and had nearly beaten the brunette down on more than one occasion. Now she was back, and looking even stronger than before.
“Tonight,” Michael continued, “we have something a little different. One of our ladies has issued a challenge.”
Gail’s heart skipped a beat. Michael’s eyes again roved the crowd, sweeping toward her. Yes. Let it be her. She wanted it. She was ready.
“There you are!” He made a beckoning motion and Gail took a step forward. “Lisa Le Blanc.”
Gail almost cried out, “WHAT???” The same bitch she was planning to challenge had gotten in ahead of her and was going to challenge someone else! What the hell was that about? She wanted to say something, but choked it back. There were rules here. Not too many of them were written down, but there were rules. The committee – she didn’t even know who they were, though Michael was obviously one of them – decided who fought, unless they chose to throw it open to a vote. You didn’t question the committee.
Lisa stepped up to stand beside Michael. A platinum blonde with smooth dark-tanned skin, she was dressed in a short black cocktail dress that hugged her slender but curvaceous figure, and only reached just below the tops of her thighs, revealing very attractive though well muscled legs. She might be new to the Society but she wasn’t new to fighting. Her arms were bare and toned like Gail’s own, while the tight bodice and low scooped neck of her dress emphasized the swell of her large bosom. Gold bracelets glittered on her wrists and a slender gold chain encircled her throat.
She smiled at Michael, then at the entire room. “Apparently somebody’s been telling lies about me – making accusations I said things about her when I didn’t. So I’m gonna give her a chance to apologize, here in public – or else.” She suddenly looked right at Gail. “So, Gail…whatcha got to say?”
Gail stared at her, open-mouthed. She couldn’t believe her ears. The bitch was trying to turn it around on her – make her look like the villain! She narrowed her eyes. Seriously! Like there was a snowball’s chance in hell she was going to apologize to Barbie for something she never even did!
There was no way in hell – and Gail from the look in Lisa’s eyes, that the blonde knew it just as well as she did. This was just some kind of mind-game, designed to force her to fight. Well, she wasn’t going to need any forcing. “I say…bring it, bitch!” she snarled. “Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is!”
“We’ll take that as a yes,” interjected Michael, cutting off Lisa’s acerbic retort. He waved to two hovering attendants. “Escort these ladies somewhere they can change.”
Gail already had her purse over her shoulder with everything she would need. She had been itching for this moment – or to be more accurate, the moment she could get her claws into the blonde’s hair. She followed the slender blonde female attendant out of the room and down a corridor lined with closed doors. The woman finally opened one and ushered Gail through. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes,” she said, though Gail did not need the warning. This was not her first fight here.
The room was familiar – white walls, modern black and chrome furniture and a floor-to-ceiling window that occupied one complete wall and offered a view of Central Park to the north. She ignored the vista – she had more pressing concerns – and dropped her purse onto the corner of the bed. On the night stand was a single, neatly typed sheet of paper entitled “Tonight’s Guidelines” and she quickly scanned it.
The first point was nothing unusual. Removing her opponent’s bikini would allow her to claim it as a trophy if – when, she mentally corrected – she won. Gail had no illusions that clothing would last more than a few minutes in this kind of fight. She had never finished a fight here in the Society where she wasn’t naked. She had more than a few lacquered boxes at home containing her vanquished opponents’ bikinis – or what remained of them. That said, she was missing one or two from her own collection too.
After that there were two paragraphs discussing humiliation during and after the fight. Again, there was nothing out of the ordinary there. She would certainly humble this bitch at every opportunity, and have her sobbing on her belly by the time she was done with her.
She shrugged and dropped the paper back on the night stand. It always paid to check these things. Sometimes things did change. Gail had once been surprised when she had neglected to read the rules for the night, and had lost one fight in a particularly embarrassing manner. Would she have won if she had known? Maybe, maybe not, but the risk might have made her dig deeper and she would certainly have given the dirty skank a taste of the same thing during the fight.
Gail removed her earrings and pendant, slipping them into her purse. Nobody in their right mind wore jewelry in a catfight. She had seen one nasty – and bloody – incident with a belly button ring once, though that was in a club out on Long Island. Here, there was no way a fight would start if one of the fighters had neglected to remove even a ring.
She slipped off her shoes, then unfastened her top and laid it on the bed, followed by her pants. She was naked underneath, preferring a smooth panty line and knowing her halter gave her enough support. She regarded herself critically in the wall mirror for a moment. In her early thirties, she was in better shape than most women ten years younger – but then again, most of those women weren’t fighting in the Society. Her belly was firm and flat, the muscles of her shoulders and arms well-defined without being overly brawny. Her legs were lithe and strong, possibly her best feature – apart from her boobs, she grinned to herself. Full, high, rounded – everybody noticed her boobs.
There was a squeeze bottle of body oil on the night stand. She picked it up and applied it sparingly to her tanned skin, from neck to ankle, until her entire body gleamed in the overhead lights. There was a bathroom off the bedroom, and she washed the remaining oil from her hands before she took her neatly folded bikini from her purse.
Jet black, it shone with a satin sheen. Cut small at the bottom and barely covering her shaven mound, it rode high over the swell of her hips, and tapered at the back to a narrow strip that bisected her firm buttocks. The top was fuller, cradling and lifting her breasts, the thin but firm cups narrowing into spaghetti straps that she tied behind her neck beneath her hair.
She checked herself in the wall mirror, twirling on the balls of her feet, adjusting the back of her thong. Finally she was satisfied. She wanted to look her best – her most intimidating – for this fight. Not only was it personal – the bitch had challenged her! – but she had some butterflies tonight. She couldn’t quite figure out why. She had seen Lisa fight, and well – if you were a woman, the only way into the Society was by fighting one of the existing members. Lisa had lost that first fight, which had gained her the nickname ‘Losing Lisa’ but had given such a good account of herself that the Society had accepted her as one of their own. She had fought since though, and won – won decisively. Nevertheless, Gail was confident she would beat the smartass bitch down hard.
Maybe it was last month’s fight – the one Michael had mentioned earlier. The new brunette from down south – Tiffany, Michael had mentioned her name – had given one of the veterans the fight of her life, and vice versa. That kind of thing always seemed to create expectations – or maybe just in her own mind. She felt like she had something to prove – not just to beat this Lisa chick but to give the audience a spectacle they’d never forget, a better entertainment than last time.
She sighed and shook her head. There was enough pressure in these fights as it was, without her heaping even more on herself. She stroked her hair back off her face, checked her makeup once more and went through her usual stretching routine to warm up her muscles, trying to still her mind.
There was a knock at the door a few minutes later, and the blonde attendant stuck her head inside. “It’s time.”
Gail nodded, slipped the obligatory black silk robe over her bikini and followed her out to the living room again. The air of expectation had grown. The room almost hummed. The lights had been turned up and so, it seemed, had the heat. The enormous black rug in the center of the room, maybe twenty feet on each side, was clear of people now, though the crowd clustered close around its edges, all wanting the best vantage point for the battle to come.
She stepped up to the corner of the arena, feeling the eyes of the audience upon her. She smiled at them, pushed her shoulders back and held her head high. This was not going to be easy fight – here, there was no such thing – but this skank was going down.
Lisa appeared out of the crowd and stepped up to the adjacent corner of the rug. Barefoot now and dressed in a robe identical to Gail’s, her blonde hair shone in the bright lights against the black silk.
Gail decided to take the initiative and slipped her robe off her shoulders, letting it slide down her arms, revealing her strong, toned body in the tight-fitting black bikini. There were murmurs of appreciation from the onlookers around her. That pleased her, she worked hard to reach and maintain this level of strength and fitness.
Lisa’s eyes wandered from her face to her feet and back again, coming to rest on Gail’s tattoo. “Devil, hmm?” she noted with a mocking edge in her voice. “They’ll be calling you something entirely different after tonight, I promise.”
The blonde unbelted her robe and let it slide to the floor, a silky black pool around her muscular legs. Her bare skin gleamed. She wore a skimpy string bikini in a zebra-striped pattern of pink and black. The top, tied with black spaghetti straps behind her back and neck, barely contained the generous proportions of her breasts, which filled and strained at the cups. Gail sniffed – it was obvious the blonde’s chest owed more to science than to nature. Nevertheless, the crowd rumbled their approval.
Lisa twirled in a circle, her arms held above her head, displaying herself coquettishly to the crowd. There was applause, and even a cheer but Gail thought that came from the bitch’s boyfriend. He wouldn’t be cheering when Gail got done with his girlfriend – or maybe he would. Gail grinned to herself, but her grin faded as she watched the blonde perform for the crowd. “What is this?” she sneered. “You auditioning for Girls Gone Wild, or something?”
With a flick of her hair, Lisa completed her circle and fired back, “No honey, I heard that’s your thing…but I also heard you got cut in the first round.” A few of the audiences joined in her laughter.
Gail went cold. “Smart-mouthed bitch! We’ll see who’s laughing when I’m sitting on your face!” She reached behind her, and pulled the lower string of her bikini top loose, freeing her breasts which barely sagged as she tore the top off over her head. “Let’s do this bare, skank!”
Lisa paused and looked her up and down impassively for a long moment. “Well, I’m sure you spend a lot of time working with your top off, but I get enough attention without the need to flash my tits.”
Gail ground her teeth, trying not to show her anger. “I’m gonna shut that high-and-mighty mouth of yours!”
Lisa’s eyes narrowed. “And I’m going to send you back to the trailer park where you belong, with the rest of the trash.”
Michael stepped out into the ring and held up his hands. “Ladies! As we all know, talk is cheap. Let’s settle this, in the traditional manner.” He looked at each of them. “Are we ready?” Lisa nodded, walking to the far side of the square. She was roughly equal to Gail’s 5’6”, maybe a tiny bit shorter, and slimmer in the hips. Gail figured she had a slight weight advantage, but not much. Still, she made a vow to herself. She was going to show the blonde up in front of the whole Society.
Michael clapped his hands. “Ladies…fight!”
The two fighters leapt toward one another across the thick black rug, arms out, each wanting to be the first to inflict damage on her opponent. Neither was willing to flinch as they charged each other, legs pumping, breasts bouncing, Gail’s already bare while Lisa’s strained at the confines of her bikini top.
At the last instant before their bodies crashed together, as Gail’s fingers snaked around Lisa’s neck and the blonde’s hands thrust into her hair, Gail swayed her body to the left and lifted her right knee, ramming it up high toward Lisa’s lower belly. As she intended, Lisa’s own momentum carried the blonde right onto her knee and Lisa let out a savage grunt of surprise and pain as Gail’s hard knee dug deep into her abs. She twisted her body to slide past Gail, her clawed fingers dragging through Gail’s hair as they broke contact, both whirling to face the other, glaring.
“Gonna hurt you, trailer trash!” snarled Lisa, rubbing her bruised belly.
“I ALREADY hurt you, barbie!” snapped Lisa in response. “And that’s just the beginning!”
They stalked each other, circling slowly, eyes darting back and forth, looking for a moment of weakness, an opening to exploit, an opportunity to attack. Gail forced the frustration out of her mind and concentrated – fools rush in.
Somebody coughed in the audience. Lisa’s gaze flicked momentarily to the right, and Gail pounced. She threw herself forward, arms up, feinting a knife-hand blow toward Lisa’s right breast. Lisa caught the movement and swept her own arm around to knock Gail’s blow aside, but Gail pulled it back and instead fired a sweeping slap that caught the blonde across the left cheek, whipping her head to the side. Lisa let out an explosive grunt of surprise and pain, followed immediately by another as Gail’s rising left hand caught her across the other cheek and snapped her head back the other way.
“Bitch!” screamed the blonde and her own hand lashed out, fingers hooked into claws, slashing across the smooth skin of Gail’s bare left breast. Gail yelped and brought her arms up to protect her chest, managing to parry Lisa’s second slash. She lunged forward, slamming her shoulder into Lisa’s chest, knocking the blonde back a step.
Gail charged again, pressing the advantage, but Lisa thrust both hands into her hair and jerked her downward, ramming her knee up into Gail’s belly as their bodies slammed together. Gail grunted hard as her abs absorbed much of the impact, but it nevertheless drove the air out of her lungs, a situation that wasn’t helped when Lisa jerked her forward a second time and drove her knee once again into Gail’s lower belly, just above her bikini bottoms.
Knowing she had to get out of this predicament before her opponent started to inflict some real damage on her, she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around Lisa’s hips. Her thumbs grazed the bare skin of the blonde’s butt cheeks, digging under the edges of the small triangle of fabric that formed the back of her bikini bottoms. With a roar of exertion she tightened her grip, bent her knees and heaved upward, jerking Lisa up onto her toes. The blonde screamed in pain as the bottoms cut into the sensitive flesh of her crotch.
Gail heaved even harder, lifting Lisa almost off her feet before hurling her sideways. Lisa stumbled away, dragging cruelly on Gail’s hair as the violent motion broke her grip. The jolt jerked both women around toward each other, and Lisa lost her balance, dropping to one knee. She paused to pull her bikini bottoms out of her groin, glaring at Gail. Her chest heaved, her breasts already slicked with sweat, darkening the pink portions of her bikini top. “Now it’s personal, skank,” snarled the blonde.
“When was it ever NOT personal?” hissed Gail as she caught her own breath. “Bring it, bitch!”
As Lisa rose to her feet, Gail crouched low and hurled herself forward, ignoring the pain in her belly from her opponent’s knees. Before Lisa could brace herself, Gail’s shoulder slammed into her midriff under her breasts. Throwing her arms around Lisa’s waist, again heaving upward on the back of the blonde’s bikini bottoms, she lifted Lisa bodily off the floor.
Lisa gave a gasping cry as the impact drove the air out of her lungs, her eyes bulging wide as her bikini once again dug harshly into her crotch. Her hands clawed desperately at Gail’s back as the brunette carried her squirming across the arena and off the other side. Onlookers scattered as the two screaming fighters careened through the crowd, until finally Lisa’s back slammed into the edge of the archway that led down the hall. She let out a loud “UNNNGGGHHH!!!” of shock and pain.
Gail hauled her off the wall, then slammed her back again. The blonde’s head whipped backward, cracking into the thick mirrored glass wall with stunning force as she pounded frantically on Gail’s back and shoulders, trying to force her attacker to break her grip.
She could feel Lisa starting to weaken, her breath gone, her sense addled from the pounding to her head. She gathered her strength for a final slam that would finish the fight but suddenly, pain exploded in her head. Her entire body shuddered and she fell to her knees, losing her grip on Lisa as she threw her hands out to hold herself up and keep from falling on her face. Lisa slumped to the floor, leaning against the wall, trying to force air into her tortured lungs.
It took Gail a moment to realize that the bitch had head-butted her – right on the top of her head! Fuck! Now she on her knees, at Lisa’s feet – at Lisa’s mercy. She pushed herself up onto all fours, shaking her head, trying to gather her wits so she could rise to her feet. Then she felt a hand in her hair, felt herself jerked forward, and a terrible pressure gripped her neck as the blonde clamped her thighs tight, trapping Gail’s head.
Gail forced herself to focus through the pain and dizziness, grabbing Lisa’s legs with both hands, trying to pry the blonde’s legs apart. She could feel Lisa’s muscles bulging as she poured on the pressure, and Gail’s head began to pound, not just from the aftermath of the head butt. She barely heard Lisa’s mocking words. “What’s the matter, bitch? Your little head hurting you? What…you can’t breathe?”
Dammit, she was finished unless she did something, and quick – but the blonde had a vice-like grip on her neck, and though her arms strained until they burned, she could not force Lisa’s thighs apart. Her face, flushed red from the pressure on her neck, blushed darker as Lisa taunted her. “Tap out or pass out you dumb bitch!”
No fucking way! She had to try something different. Maintaining the vain struggle with her arms, keeping her opponent occupied, she gathered her legs under her, then suddenly tightened her grip on Lisa’s legs and surged upward to her feet with a strangled roar of rage and effort.
Lisa shrieked aloud as again she was lifted off her feet, borne aloft by the power of Gail’s legs. She tried to hold herself upright but her injured abs were not up to the task and she fell forward over Gail’s back. Again she hammered at Gail’s back and butt with her fists, but then her shrieks grew louder as Gail toppled backwards. Lisa threw out her arms to protect herself but with her full weight and Gail’s behind the fall, she could not absorb the entire impact and she crashed awkwardly to the floor on her head, releasing her hold on Gail’s neck.
Gasping for breath, her pulse pounding in her ears, Gail rolled onto her side, knowing she had to get up before the blonde did, or she was done. She rose to one knee, her bare chest heaving, her hair dripping with sweat. Bracing both hands on her knee, she pushed herself to her feet.
Lisa had risen onto all fours and was about to draw her knees under her. Gail could not let that happen, and sent a savage kick into the other woman’s ribs under arm, pounding her left breast, knocking it inward and almost bouncing it out of her bikini top. Lisa grunted at the blow as the force of it flipped her over onto her back.
“Bitch!” hissed Gail. “You wanna get dirty, we’ll get dirty!” She stooped, grabbed the strap of the blonde’s bikini top at the front between her breasts and, with a cry of pain from her belly, wrenched upward, lifting Lisa’s upper body off the floor, dragging her on her butt back into the center of the arena. Lisa squirmed and thrashed, shrieking, her fingers digging into Gail’s wrist. Her bikini top jerked loose, rising up under her chin and baring her breasts.
Finally Gail hurled her down on her back in the center of the rug. Lisa’s head hit the floor with an audible thud. “Shut your screaming, you silicone Barbie bitch!” snarled Lisa. She turned, standing over Lisa’s head, and bent to grab her opponent’s tangled blonde tresses. “I’m gonna mess you up SO bad!”
With unexpected agility, Lisa drew her knees up suddenly to her chin and lashed out with both feet. Her bare heels caught Gail squarely on both breasts as she bent over, the force of the kick flinging her over onto her back with a crashing impact.
Dazed for a moment, Gail was jolted back to reality by a hand grasping her right ankle. With a furious cry, “No you don’t, BITCH!” she jerked her leg up, pulling her foot free, kicking out at her attacker.
Lisa was not to be so easily denied though, and she caught Gail’s foot again with both hands, dragging Gail toward her on her back. “C’mere, SKANK!”
Gail thrashed wildly to break free, but the blonde was relentless. Her hand speared up between Gail’s legs, clawing at her bikini bottoms, pulling them away from her pudenda as Lisa’s nails gouged her nether lips and Gail howled in pain and rage. “You FUCKING BITCH!” She whipped her body upward, her stomach muscles screaming in protest, and grabbed at Lisa’s wrist as her attacker loomed over her on her knees.
Kicking out wildly, screaming in agony as Lisa’s talons raked the soft flesh of her nether lips, she slammed her heel into the pit of Lisa’s stomach, aiming for the spot where her shoulder had pounded Lisa’s abs earlier in the fight. The blonde grunted out loud, her face contorting in pain as the kick drove the air out of her once again. Gail’s next kick crushed Lisa’s right breast against her ribs and it was Lisa’s turn to shriek with agony. The impact knocked her off balance and she sprawled on her back, fingers still hooked in Gail’s bikini bottoms, dragging them down almost to her knees.
Gail scrambled backward, wriggling her way out of her bottoms and delivering a savage kick to Lisa’s groin as she did so. The blonde screamed like a demon and rolled on her side, thrashing and clutching her crotch. “Teach you to maul my pussy, you dirty CUNT!” Gail roared, regaining her feet. Her clawed pussy stung terribly, her muscles ached and her head pounded, but she didn’t give a damn. All she cared about was fucking this bitch up. Bad. This was war.
She reached Lisa in three quick strides. The blonde had pulled herself up onto all fours, but Gail’s vicious stomp between her shoulders slammed her chest back into the floor with an agonized “UNNNGGGHHH!!!”
“Let me help you up, CUNT!” Gail bent and grabbed Lisa by her blonde mane, hooking her hand through the back of Lisa’s bikini bottoms. Bending her knees, she screamed aloud as she jerked Lisa into the air, letting the momentum carry the blonde waist high. Then Gail dropped quickly to one knee as Lisa came down, and slammed her enemy’s already injured belly onto her raised knee.
Lisa made a strangled airless noise as she rolled onto the floor on her back, both hands holding her belly, her eyes clamped tight shut, mouth working like a fish out of water. Gail reached down and grabbed her reddened, swollen breasts, both free of her bikini top which hung limply around her neck, soaked with her sweat. “Scream for me, bitch!” She dug her nails in and twisted, clawing Lisa’s firm flesh without mercy.
The blonde shrieked, her back arching, and she let go of her belly but instead of grabbing for Gail’s hands as Gail expected, she shoved one hand into Gail’s hair, jerking her downward as the steepled fingers of her other hand speared upward under Gail’s ribs.
Now Gail herself gasped for breath as Lisa’s attack sent her chest into momentary spasm. Her cry of “Fuck!!!” came out as a wheezing whisper. She let go of Lisa’s breasts, falling backward, rolling away, giving herself time to recover, time to breathe.
Coming to her knees, she glared at the blonde through the tangled curtain of her hair. Lisa had also risen to her knees, her face tight with pain, her bare breasts blotched and baring the marks of Gail’s fingers. Tears streaked her cheeks, but Gail’s own gaze was also blurred by tears of pain and rage. Both women’s skin gleamed with sweat now, their hair hanging damply, plastered to the shoulders and chests.
“Now it gets painful, Barbie!” she hissed.
“Damn right it does,” spat Lisa as she pulled her useless bikini top over her head and flung it aside, “for you!”
Gathering their feet under them, they hurled themselves at one another again. Gail grabbed for Lisa’s hair, twisting the tangled tresses around her fingers, leaning sideways and jerking hard, swinging the blonde past her as the other woman squealed in painful rage. Lisa managed to get a hand in Gail’s own hair though, jerking her around in a stumbling circle as they both clawed and tore at one another’s scalps.
Suddenly Lisa stepped into Gail, ducking low and twisting her body, thrusting her shoulder into Gail’s ribs and whipping herself forward. Before Gail could step back or brace herself, she was flung forward over the blonde’s shoulder. “UNNNGGGHH!!!” She slammed down hard onto the rug on her butt, arching her back as a starburst of agony exploded up her spine.
The blonde dropped to her knees behind Gail, one arm snaking around her neck into a choke hold, as the other reached around Gail’s right side, grabbing her right breast, sharp nails digging into her flesh, clawing and twisting. Gail screamed out loud as it felt like hot needles were being thrust into her breast. “You…BITCH!!!”
“You better believe it, SKANK!” hissed Lisa close in her ear. “Now it’s MY turn!” She twisted even harder, and tears of anguish burst from Gail’s eyes. It felt as though the bitch was going to tear her breast right off! She grabbed for Lisa’s wrist, gripping tight, digging her nails in, grinding her thumb into the inside of the blonde’s wrist, between the bones, trying to weaken her grip. Lisa grunted in pain but held on grimly, torturing Gail’s soft flesh as she tightened the choke hold with her other arm.
Gail’s head began to pound again from the pressure on her neck. She knew she couldn’t take this for long. The pain hold on her breast weakened her ability to break the choke hold, and vice versa. She had to change tactics before she lost whatever advantage she had gained.
Lisa’s arm was outside her own which at least allowed her some freedom of movement. Tucking her chin down as far as she could, she pulled her right arm across her body, cocking her elbow and driving it backward into Lisa’s ribs. She felt it impact something hard – presumably the blonde’s ribs – and Lisa grunted in her ear. Again she hammered her elbow back, eliciting another painful grunt, though the effort cost her valuable air, and spots began to appear before her eyes. The third blow, even more desperate and savage, made Lisa cry out loud.
The blonde twisted her own body, trying to keep Gail’s torso between her and the vicious elbow jolts, but Gail was waiting for that and reached up behind her head with her other arm, grabbing Lisa’s hair, dragging her head to the left, straight into the path of the savage head butt that she sent slamming backward into her attacker’s face.
Pain exploded in the back of her own skull, but the terrible mauling of her right breast suddenly ceased. Lisa released the choke hold and fell backwards, as Gail herself slumped sideways on one elbow, gasping for breath, holding her wounded breast marked with deep crimson scratches from Lisa’s nails. Oh the bitch was going to pay for that.
Not daring to take more than a moment to recover, she twisted herself round to face her opponent. Lisa lay on her back, holding her hands over her face, groaning and shaking her head from side to side. There was no blood so Gail surmised her head butt had caught the blonde somewhere other than her nose – not that she cared one way or another but Michael got pissed if there was blood on the rug, and the cleaning bill would come out of her bonus.
She scrambled forward, grabbed Lisa’s left ankle and whipped it up high, flipping the blonde over onto her belly. Lisa cried out in surprise and panic, kicking her free leg frantically to try to drive Gail back, but Gail lunged forward, shoved her forearm across the back of the blonde’s knees and leaned her full weight on it, pinning Lisa in place.
Lisa squirmed violently trying to pull herself free, but Gail flung her other arm up to hook her fingers into the waistband of the blonde’s bikini bottoms. “You like to maul, huh?” she growled. “Try this for size!” Her fingers raked downward, leaving four angry furrows in Lisa’s flesh, downward over her right butt cheek and onto the back off her upper thigh as she wrenched the bikini bottoms halfway down to the blonde’s knees.
Howling in pain, Lisa thrashed her body even more wildly, as Gail’s nails dug deep into the muscle on the back of her thigh. She managed to roll onto her left side, pulling her right leg up high, kicking out at Gail, forcing her to relinquish her attack in order to defend her own face from Lisa’s flailing foot. A second kick caught her on the shoulder, rocking her sideways, loosening her grip on Lisa’s other leg and the blonde managed to scramble free, leaving Gail holding her discarded bikini bottoms. At least she’d get the complete trophy when – not if – she won. That was the rule – if you didn’t strip your opponent before she submitted, then she got to keep her bikini. If you did, then it was yours. Gail smiled inwardly as she clambered to her feet. She might even wear it next time she fought here, just to see the look on the bitch’s face.
Lisa had also risen, and was standing a few yards away. Her chest heaved from exertion, her now naked body drenched with perspiration from the fury of the fight and the warmth of the room. She tossed her head, sweeping her hair back from her face with one arm as she backed away a little, easing to Gail’s right. Gail noticed she favored her right leg, the one Gail had just clawed, but that strength seemed to be returning with each step she took.
No way was she giving the bitch any time to recover. She closed the distance between them in a few leaping strides, pushing aside the insistent demands of her body for its own rest and recovery. That would come later. She had a job to do first.
Lisa launched a vicious slap that caught Gail across her right cheek, snapping her head to the left as she grunted savagely at the impact. She let the force of the blow twist her shoulders, gathering the strength in her lower torso like a coiled spring, then whipped her own arm out and around in a wicked backhand that lashed across Lisa’s cheek so hard that it knocked her off-balance and sent her stumbling sideways with a cry of pain.
The blonde fought back though, sending her clenched fist arcing in toward Gail’s ribs, but Gail knocked the punch aside with her forearm and drove her own fist up under Lisa’s left breast, rocking her enemy back on her heels. Again Lisa counterattacked, this time getting through Gail’s guard and pounding her belly right under her ribs. Gail clenched her teeth against the pain and sent another slap to Lisa’s face that knocked the blonde back several steps.
Standing toe to toe, they traded blows, neither caring whether the other’s punches and slaps landed, nor where. All they wanted to do was each to batter the other, to show just how much punishment they could take – and could deliver. Staggering with each impact, they stumbled back and forth across the arena.
Gail flung her arm around in another open-handed slap aimed at Lisa’s head, fingers clawed, and the blonde at last bothered to raise her arm to ward off the blow. Gail was waiting for that. She pulled back at the last instant, ducked low and slammed her other fist upward under Lisa’s guard, driving deep into her belly, putting every ounce of strength in her arms, body and even her legs into the punch.
Lisa gave a gasping cry of pain and doubled over, clutching her belly with both hands. Her knees buckled, and she would have fallen had Gail not thrust both hands into her hair, hauling her forward, sending a rising knee up into the blonde’s battered belly, lower down, beneath her protective arms. Again she rammed her knee upward, almost lifting Lisa off the floor. With a loud roar of malicious triumph she hurled her opponent away from her by the hair. Lisa staggered sideways, bent double, fighting to breathe and trying to keep her balance at the same time. She failed in the second case, and went down on her shoulder, rolling and coming onto her side, still holding her belly with one hand as she pushed herself up to a sitting position with the other.
As they both rose to their feet again, Gail could sense her opponent was slowing, weakening. Lisa still fought tenaciously, and had scored some telling blows on Gail’s breasts and belly, but she was increasingly on the defensive, dodging and weaving as Gail came after her. The bitch could dodge all she wanted – she was only delaying the inevitable. Barbie was going down hard.
She lunged at Lisa again, trying to get to grips with her opponent before she could dodge away. Lisa stepped backward but not fast enough, and Gail locked her hands up, pulling the blonde toward her. Lisa suddenly reversed direction on her though, surging into Gail and her knee slammed upward toward Gail’s groin in a savage attack.
Gail jerked her hips backward and Lisa’s knee missed her crotch by an inch or two, driving into her lower belly just above her mound. She curled her body forward to absorb some of the impact, with only partial success, and she groaned out loud in pain as Lisa’s knee pounded her aching abs.
Lisa’s momentum carried her forward into Gail, bare breasts smacking together with a jolt that made both fighters cry out loud as they grappled, fingers clawing for purchase on the other’s hair, nails raking flesh, exchanging screams of pain and fury. Gail strained to force her enemy back, but Lisa let out a low growl of rage and power that grew in pitch and volume to become a primal scream that echoed round the room. She crouched slightly, the muscles of her thighs bunching, then thrust up and back with a sudden explosive surge of strength, hurling Gail backward, sending her sprawling onto her back.
The blonde roared with triumph. “Yes! My turn, bitch!” and threw herself at Gail in a full body slam. Gail whipped her legs up with lightning speed however, and Lisa’s headlong dive drove her straight onto Gail’s feet as they lashed upward, her heels striking the blonde just beneath her breasts, slamming them upward, squashing them into her chest. She crashed to the floor close by Gail’s right side, shrieking in pain, rolling away as she clutched her battered chest in both hands.
Gail rolled in the other direction, putting some distance between the two of them as she sucked air into her chest, her lungs craving oxygen. Every muscle ached, but she saw as she came to her knees that she was in better shape than the blonde. Lisa pushed herself up painfully on one elbow, the other arm clutched across her chest. Her breasts were flushed a dull red. So was her belly where Gail’s fists and knees had battered it, and her face was almost the same color. Tears of pain glistened in her eyes, and she clamped her mouth tight shut as she pulled her knees under her. Nevertheless, her eyes burned with defiance as she glared at Gail. In her heat, at the very least, she was far from done. Gail planned to change that.
She rose to her feet. Lisa was still struggling up onto one knee, holding her belly with one hand as she used the other to brace on her knee and help push herself up. Gail wasn’t about to let her do that.
“On your back where you belong, barbie!” yelled Gail. Leaping forward, she drove her heel hard into Lisa’s chest between her breasts, hurling her onto her back and skidding her backwards a foot or so across the rug.
Gail stepped forward, bending to grab Lisa’s hair and wrench her head up, but the blonde wasn’t quite as far gone as Gail thought, and her leg arced round to sweep Gail’s legs out from under her. She fell heavily on her right side. Shit! She drew her legs up to her chest, ready to strike out at Lisa as the blonde came after her.
The leg sweep had taken a lot out of Lisa, and she didn’t press her advantage, instead falling back, holding her belly, groaning, struggling for breath. Gail’s repeated attacks on her abs were starting to take their toll. As Gail pushed up onto one elbow, Lisa did the same, though she moved slower than Gail, her face pinched with pain, jaw clenched tight shut.
Gail pulled herself to her feet, breathing deeply, forcing air into her lungs. Her limbs felt like lead, but she knew she had her opponent on the ropes – if there were any – now. She moved toward Lisa, who by now had gotten to her knees. The blonde threw her arms up defensively as Gail approached, but Gail simply grabbed her right wrist, spinning herself around behind Lisa and pulling the captive arm up into a hammerlock.
Lisa winced in pain. Gail grabbed her hair, jerking her head back, staring down into her tear-stained face. “Give it up, barbie bitch! You’re done and you know it!”
“Go to hell, trash!” hissed Lisa. She struggled in vain to free herself from Gail’s hold, but Gail jerked her arm up higher behind her back until the blonde screamed at the strain in her arm and shoulder.
“Submit, bitch, if you want to use this arm any time soon!” The blonde’s clenched fingers were almost at the back of her neck.
Lisa’s voice was a sob. “Fff…fuck…you!”
Gail drew her knee back and slammed it into Lisa’s back, over her right kidney. Lisa shrieked in agony, arching her back, new tears erupting from her eyes. Gail could have broken her arm right there, or at least dislocated her shoulder, but she had seen those things happen here and it never worked out well for somebody who won a fight that way. A submission was the only really acceptable way to win here. A fighter had to eke out a screaming, tearful surrender from her opponent if she wanted to gain – and keep – the respect of the audience, and of the committee who decided the bonus payout at the end of the fight. With a disgusted curse she rammed her knee into the small of Lisa’s back, pitching the battered blonde forward onto her face. “Have it your way, bitch! But it’s gonna be you who gets fucked up!”
She dropped astride Lisa’s back, jerking her head up by the hair before slamming her down again, driving her face into the rug. Lisa groaned. Gail shook the blonde’s head back and forth, rubbing her face into the floor. Hauling her enemy’s head up once more, she bent low and hissed in Lisa’s ear, “Give it up, you stupid stubborn slut!”
Lisa’s breath came in wracking sobs. Her face was blotched red just with the effort of drawing breath, and from the violent scraping back and forth across the rug. Her lipstick was smeared up one cheek. “I’m…going…” Suddenly her hand whipped up to grab Gail’s hair, wrenching her downward as Lisa heaved up and sideways.
Gail toppled off the blonde, her own face slamming into the floor as she screamed out in surprise and exasperation. “FUCK!” The impact made her see stars for a moment, and she shook her head as she lay on her side, trying to clear her thoughts. The stupid bitch just didn’t know when to quit! She lashed out with her fist, striking Lisa in her side just under the ribs as the blonde tried to push up onto her knees. Lisa fell back onto her belly again with an exhausted, agonized groan.
Gail smiled inwardly. The bitch was done. She pushed herself up onto her elbows, rising to her feet. She glanced at the watching crowd. They knew it, just like she did – just like the blonde was about to. This was all over bar the shouting – or the screaming.
She leaned her full weight on her left foot, digging her heel deep into the small of Lisa’s back, pinning the weakly squirming blonde in place. She bent and thrust her hand into Lisa’s hair, twisting the thick golden tresses around her wrist, hauling Lisa’s head up hard. Lisa squealed in pain. With her other hand she caught one of Lisa’s flailing legs, graspng the ankle tightly, then pushing herself upright again, pulling Lisa’s leg up with her. The blonde howled in agony as Gail bent her back like a drawn bow. Gail jerked savagely on her hair. “Give it up, barbie bitch! You’re done!”
“No…fucking…WAY!” snarled Lisa through her clenched teeth.
Gail wrenched harder on the blonde’s hair and a clump of it came loose in her hand, sending Lisa’s head slamming face-first into the floor, eliciting a painful “AWWWGHH!” She bent again before Lisa could recover, grabbed another handful of hair and hauled upward once more. “Do it, bitch, or I swear I’ll bald you!”
Lisa pounded her fists on the rug in anguish, sobbing with pain. Gail shook her head and ankle viciously back and forth, putting as much pain as she could into the blonde’s back. She could hear the crowd holding its collective breath. “Give it up!”
At last Lisa could take no more and screamed out, “All right! All right! No more! I give! It’s over!”
Gail gave one last violent jerk on her captive opponent’s head and ankle, dragging a final scream of pain from the blonde. She let go, and Lisa slumped to the floor on her belly, whimpering with relief. Gail raised her arms above her head, gazing around at the crowd with a triumphant smile. There was a applause, and even a few cheers. She noticed the new girl, the brunette Tiffany, smiling and clapping. Smile now, bitch – your time will come.
Removing her foot from Lisa’s back, she threw her other leg over the blonde’s waist and dropped hard onto Lisa, her butt slamming down into the small of the other woman’s back in the same spot where her heel that been, moments earlier. Lisa groaned and her body jerked, arms and legs twitching. Gail bent forward, hauled her head up and hissed in her ear, “It’s over when I SAY it’s over, barbie!” Her wicked slap caught Lisa across the back of her head, snapping it sideways and flinging her sweaty hair across her face.
Gail pulled her feet up a little higher, squatting. “Now get up on all fours, bitch! I feel like going for a little ride!”
Lisa made a sound that might have been a sob or a growl, Gail didn’t know, but she slid her knees up, pulled her arms beneath and began to push up onto all fours. Gail let her full weight bear down on Lisa, and felt the blonde’s arms and legs tremble with effort as she attempted to lift Gail as well as herself. She faltered, and slumped back to the floor again.
Gail laughed. “C’mon, barbie!” She reached behind her and slapped Lisa hard on the ass. “Been spending too much time in the salon and not enough in the gym! Put some effort into it!”
Again Lisa heaved herself upward, lifting Gail who balanced herself with her feet as she rose a few more inches this time. Again Lisa’s strength began to waver, and again she slumped back to the floor with a groan of embarrassed frustration. There was a smattering of laughter from the audience and Gail grinned. She knew this would happen. She had counted on it. The extreme exertion of the fight, all the power moves, had exhausted Lisa – just as it had almost exhausted Gail herself, but that didn’t matter now because she wasn’t the defeated one, humiliating herself as she tried in vain to rise off her belly. “Do it, bitch!” She slapped Lisa’s ass yet again, hard enough to sting her hand.
Lisa groaned. “I…can’t!” she spat the words out. “Get off me!”
“What was that?” asked Gail tauntingly. “Did you just ask me to get off you?” She spanked Lisa hard again. “Say please, bitch!”
Lisa’s nails clawed the rug in furious frustration. “Get…off me…please…” The final word came with infinite effort. The onlookers laughed louder.
Gail laughed out loud. “Well, since you asked nicely…” She took some of her weight on her own legs, though not all – she wasn’t going to make it easy for the bitch. “Come on, try again…harder!”
This time Lisa managed to rise onto all fours, her head sagging between her shoulders, hair hanging limply around her head, plastered to her skin by her sweat. Gail half-sat, half-squatted astride her waist, and thrust both hands into Lisa’s hair, jerking her head up, using her hair like reins. “Move, bitch, we’re gonna do a victory lap.” She laughed again. “Well, I am…you’re gonna do the crawl of shame.” There was more laughter.
She steered Lisa to the edge of the rug, then jerked her head roughly to the right, turning the beaten blonde so that she crawled in a circle around the perimeter of the arena. Gail made sure to keep most of her weight pressing down on Lisa’s back – make the bitch feel the weight of her defeat. “This’ll teach you to keep your smart mouth of my business, huh Barbie?” Lisa was silent, and Gail let go of her hair with one hand and slapped her across the back of her head. “Say it! Say it so they can all hear you!”
“I’ll…” Lisa’s voice trembled with the effort as the last vestiges of her pride fought to keep her from forming the words, “…I’ll stay out of your business.”
“Not good enough, bitch!” Gail jerked her right foot up so that her heel sank into the underside of Lisa’s right breast. Lisa grunted in pain. “Do as you’re damn well told! Say it right!” She hammered her heel into the blonde’s breast a second time.
Lisa groaned. “I’ll…” She ground her teeth together. “I’ll…keep…my smart mouth…out of your business.” Her voice cracked at the end.
“Damn right you will!” sneered Gail, as she goaded her defeated enemy onward around the circle. “You think you’re hurting now, blondie, you ain’t seen nothing! Next time I’ll fucking destroy you!” She jerked hard on Lisa’s hair and Lisa whimpered in misery.
The completed their circuit of the arena, and twice more Gail forced an apology from the battered blonde. The second time, Lisa’s resistance was less and by the third repetition she recited her words obediently, her shoulders trembling with exhaustion, both physical and emotional.
“Better make sure, I think,” mused Gail, mockingly. She wrenched hard on Lisa’s hair, kicking her heel into the blonde’s breast yet again. This time Lisa made only a tiny sound of protest, turned awkwardly on her knees and followed Gail’s guidance to the middle of the rug, where the two parts of her discarded bikini lay crumpled.
Gail jerked Lisa to a halt in front of her twisted, sweat-soaked bottoms. “Pick them up!” Lisa braced herself on one arm and reached out with the other hand, but Gail jerked hard on her hair. “Not like that, you sneaky bitch! You’re been here long enough, you know how it’s done!” Lisa hesitated. “DO IT!!!”
Lisa’s shoulders sagged. She bent her head – Gail made sure she had to strain against the grip of Gail’s hands in her hair – and took her bikini bottoms in her teeth, lifting them up. Gail reached forward, snapping her fingers, and the blonde turned her head to the side so that Gail could take the flimsy garment from her. Gail held it up, feeling its wetness. “Wow, are you sure this is all just sweat?” she asked rhetorically with a wink at the audience. There were more laughs. Lisa made a sound somewhere between anger and shame.
“C’mon, barbie,” Gail jerked on Lisa’s hair again. “Don’t forget the other half!” She rode Lisa over to the blonde’s bikini top, several yards away, and Lisa dutifully retrieved it and placed it in Gail’s hand.
Gail rose to her feet and stepped away, leaving Lisa on all fours, head hanging, face hidden by her hair. “Let’s have a look at you,” She jerked Lisa up onto her knees, bending her head back. Lisa moaned. Her face, still partly hidden by her matted, sweat soaked hair, was streaked with tears, mascara running in dark trails down her cheeks. Her lips trembled as she fought back sobs. “Thought you’d shut my mouth, didn’t you, bitch?” She held up Lisa’s bikini, wadding it up in a ball in her free hand. “Open yours!”
Lisa shook her head, her lips pressed tight, knowing what was coming. “Open your mouth!” Gail back-handed the blonde across the face. Lisa reeled sideways and would have fallen if not for Gail’s hold on her hair. “DO IT!” Lisa’s shoulders shook, and a whimpering moan of despair escaped her lips as she opened her mouth wide.
Gail reached down and shoved the balled-up bikini into Lisa’s mouth, pushing it all the way in with two fingers, making the blonde’s cheeks bulge. “Now we’ll see whose mouth got shut for her!” sneered Gail. “Shut it!” She put her hand under Lisa’s chin and pushed her beaten opponent’s jaw shut. Lisa’s breath came in ragged gasps, her ravaged breasts rising and falling as she struggled to get enough air through her nose.
“Keep your fucking mouth shut until you get to the dressing room!” ordered Gail. “It’ll be good practice for you!” She hurled Lisa forward onto all fours again. “Now get the hell out of my sight!” She threw an arm out toward the corner of the room. “Go!”
Lisa began to crawl on all fours, toward the edge of the rug. The crowd watched, rumbles of quiet conversation appearing as people commented, whispered to one another, even chuckled occasionally. As she approached the boundary of the arena, Gail had a sudden thought and strode after her, shoving a hand into her hair just as she reached the edge of the crowd. She yanked Lisa up onto her knees as the blonde yelped in shock and pain. “Hold it, bitch! I can see what you’re doing, hiding under your hair like that. You crawl out of here upright, so everyone can see the look in your eyes…loser!”
She let go of Lisa’s hair, and Lisa swayed a little, her lips trembling. A new trail of tears ran down her cheeks. “GO!” roared Gail, and she began to make her way through the audience as they parted around her, moving slowly, wearily. Her breasts bounced as she thrust each knee forward in turn, arms held out from her sides to help her keep her balance.
Somebody began a slow hand clap, the Society’s traditional accompaniment as the loser left the field of battle, and the entire audience quickly took it up. Gail could never tell whether the clap tended to match the cadence of the defeated fighter’s crawling progress across the room, or whether the loser matched their pace to that of the clapping. Whatever the reason, they always seemed match, like now as Lisa made her halting, humiliating progress toward the hallway that led to the bedrooms.
Finally she disappeared from view, and the crowd’s slow hand clap erupted into raucous applause and cheers. Gail raised her arms to accept the accolades of the crowd, standing tall, battered, her naked body slicked with sweat, tears streaking her makeup – but victorious. She allowed herself to relax for the first time since Lisa had called her name, an eternity ago. She had won.
The End