Alana Quill vs. MaulerMercedes from FCF

Alana Quill: After my last fight I was dying to get back in the ring after a full two weeks between fights Amara had been good but I had fully caught the foxy boxing bug. Gone were the pink bikini and white gloves. This time it was cream top and bottoms and black gloves. Along with that was an even hungrier need for this fight. They had continued to bring in talent from all over and one of the new girls was a hot curvy supposedly talented girl by the name of Mercedes. As I left the area for changing rooms in my new look I caught the end of the fight before us. Or I should say: execution. Maria was beating the crap out of a girl from the midwest named Kristen. The pale skinned brunette took a hook to the jaw and fell like a cut tree to the Latina spitfires power. Kristen’s boobs were already out and it looked like Maria’s still hadn’t been touched. She was quickly becoming the person to watch. Standing by the ring waiting to be called I scanned for my new opponent curious to see what I was up against. Maria had begun. Systematically stripping Kristen nude.

MaulerMercedes: Watching the fight, or literally beating that was just delivered I get nervous. It’s my first fight in the club and I’m a tad nervous. I’m wearing a pink bikini with black gloves – ready to prove myself but show I’m both feminine and brutal. If my opponent Alana misses this social queue shame on her. As Kristen exposed toys hit the canvas and the Latina bitch starts to take her prize, I get called to prepare to enter the ring next. Looking around I only know she’s blonde – and there’s lots of blonde in here. Maria humilate Kristen and shows off her shaved Pusey while pounding her tits with her arms draped over the corner ropes – Kristen’s crying – I get more nervous as they drag her limp weak body out and the bell rings for me to enter the ring.

Alana: As Kristen is taken out of the ring I wince. I finally catch sight of who I assume is Mercedes from her gloves and bikini as she watches the fight with obvious intensity. It’s honestly just thrilling for me personally. As we get called sure enough she steps up the ring to climb in. Tugging on my gloves I follow you over and smile up at you as you climb in. Bouncing from foot to foot I wait impatiently for you to climb through the ropes of the much smaller than regulation ring. With a hop to the ring apron I realize Maybe I am earning my nickname of the “foxy boxing Energizer bunny” Rolling my eyes I push down on the middle rope and step through letting the rope bump my tits as I climb through. Standing up I bounce over to my corner. I can feel my heart beat. The adrenaline and the hunger for the fight like fire in my stomach and lightning in my veins. This was what I live for. Looking across at you I pop my lips over my gloves as I warm up with some experimental punches.

Mercedes: I knew it was you! My heart races faster as I jump in the ring, my pink bikini barely able to contain my 36d tits. My ass jiggling perfectly as I step inside, shuffle and get a feel for the ring. I stretch and arch back on the ropes a bit before I punch the turnbuckle a few times – then look at you with a nasty scowl on my face. ‘Ring the bell ref let’s go – this bitch is mine!’ I shout.

Alana: I blink as you finish your warm up and then yell for the fight to start with a shrug of my shoulders. I walk across the ring to meet you. The rules are quickly reviewed for us both and we smack our tits together as opposed to our gloves before we both return to our corners. With a brief wait the bell rings and this fight is on putting up my gloves, I all but bounce out of my corner moving to meet you with barely contained energy and a huge smirk on my face. God I love this feeling

Mercedes: I’m cautious to start – don’t want to get knocked the fuck out right away – so I circle a tad to the left with a few jabs aimed towards your gloves to try to catch you off gourd for a hook towards your left tit and ribs with my right, my ass jiggling in the shiny lights and the ring – getting hollers at by the horny crowd.

Alana: You move off to your left and towards my right side. How kind of you to move towards my power hand. As you lick out with the jabs I snap my hips over and swing with a right cross aimed over the top of your left arm as you throw one of the jabs. You lash out with the left hook but I catch it on my elbow as my cross is coming back. It jostles my big boobs but doesnt do any serious damage. The right hook catches me low and I let out an “oof” but I snap out my left jab aiming for your unprotected face trying to stop your combo as I drop my stance to try and drill your tummy with a cross.

Mercedes: You jab catches me right in the face – hard to – and my head snaps back and I’m dizzy for a second. This fucking bitch! I get angry from being hit hard and throw a few haymaker punches towards your head and tits trying to just overwhelm you tad and get you backed. Up into the ropes.

Alana: I’m rather surprised that the jab had quite the effect that it had on you as it snaps your pretty face right back. Blinking I can see you get mad and you let fly with a series of heavy haymakers. Shelling up I block the first one to my head, the next one catches me in the titties and I yelp jumping backwards avoiding the next few. I know the ropes are behind me so I keep backing up quick. As soon as I hit them with my back I launch forward, dropping my body as I crouch a little and fire a right cross at you stomach aimed right above your thong trying to halt your momentum and skewer you before I throw a heavy left uppercut right between your breasts trying to knock them around.

Mercedes: Ooooofffffff! While my haymakers did the job you expertly moved and caught my stomach hard, doubling me over a tad then smashing my right tit very hard, popping it out of my bikini top with your uppercut. I yelp the moan long ly as my tit radiates pain. I turn and put my back on the ropes and try to swing a punch towards your head with my right hand then follow up with an overhand type of punch towards your big titties.

Alana: You turn past me from the punch and I’m happy to see I knocked your right breast free. A surge of adrenaline at your beautiful breast being put on humiliating display makes me grin. You swing another big punch for my head and I use the ropes to my right to hold me up while I duck under it. The punch clips the top of my head and I sink into the ropes but the sudden overhead punch catches the top of my gloves knocking them down and hammering the top of my breasts slamming them back against my rib cage painfully and straining the note of my bikini top against my back and neck. I gasp in pain and look down. My boobs are barely in my top with the nipples right on the edge of the fabric. Crap. I look up and swing a pissed off left upper cut into your stomach before unleashing a right hook at your head aimed at your temple before I hop off the ropes and try to drill your left breast with a left jab. Hoping to keep you on the ropes.

Mercedes: Ugh. Your punch lands with a thud and strikes my tit directly – emitted a loud yelp from my mouth as my second tit now comes out of its top. And now I am hurting. I back into the corner and put my hands and knees up to avoid being hit – needing a break to recover from the pain in my titties…..ugh you bitch

Alana: As your other breast pops free I truly smell blood now. You back into the corner and I follow. “Yeah let’s see those tits bitch, get your hands out of the way!” I swing a series of heavy hooks at your head before I launch a left and a right uppercut aimed at the underside of your now exposed udders trying to batter them around while you cover up in the corner.

Mercedes: ‘Fuck you! I shout as you batter me, my gloved hands trying to block headshots, leaving my tits exposed – which you capitalize on and send shots to the underside of my sensitive tits. I yelp loudly, clutch my tits then fold over,and crumple to the ground on my side then on my back from the beating to my tits. Hurt my chest and tits heaving.

Alana: As I slam your tits you collapse to the mat from the pummeling. Stepping back I stick out my tongue at you “get the fuck up. We aren’t done. You still need to be knocked out, slut” stepping back as the ref starts to count you out. 1… 2… 3… “Come on dont go down on me that easily” I bounce around as I watch you rub boobs on the floor.

Mercedes: Your taunts piss me off but my body is in incredible pain. I begin to try to sit up at 4 my tits swelling up already from the beating thus far. I get to my knee at 5 then my leg and knee at 6. I respond to the count at 7 and the ref stops at 8 for the standard 8 count – I acknowledge that I am ready and scowl at you – shouting sone curse words at you after I get up fully – ‘you fucking bitch – that was cheap!’

Alana: Bouncing from foot to foot I smirk at your exposed chest as the ref clears you. “Let’s go slut!” I’m ready to finish this fight. Hopefully with you on your back.

Mercedes: The punch to my jaw misses as does my hook but my tit jab works, but not before you hit my hard in the tit, again!. I grunt low and long and move in to clench up with you, hitting at your kidney with a few rabbit punches, but mostly trying to break up the beating I’m taking thus far…

Alana: You clinch and I smirk until you work my kidneys for a moment. I cinch you close and shove my still firm and less battered tits into your chest trying to grind you more abused boobs with my fresher rack. Squeezing you tight I run from left to right. “Bad move bitch. I’ll pulp your poor boobs”

Mercedes: Your tits squish mine, adding pressure to them but not hurting as bad as I thought. I try to break the clench and throw a nasty uppercut into the bottom of your left tit with my right, keeping my left arm close to my body. “Bad move huh, take this shot bitch!’ I shout.

Alana: You shove me back and slam my left breast with an uppercut. The barely existent bikini top I’m wearing gives up its precious cargo as my left breast is painfully launched from the fabric. My left hand automatically goes to my breast but I’m pissed and I swing a high right cross at your face again trying to catch you off guard. It’s a heavy punch but my boob hurts badly from that uppercut.

Mercedes: Your tit pops out and I smirk just as your right hand hit the top of my head and spins me around – thank god it didn’t hit my jaw. I turn and see your orb and go after it like a fucking speed bag, sending several shot at it with rapid fire quick punches hoping to cause you some pain, my own tits flopping as I punch sharply…

Alana: Thankfully my left glove was still rubbing my left breast when you come around so your punches to my left breast are basically ineffective as I leave my glove in my place but my right breast takes it hard bouncing my boob around. It doesn’t take much since my bikini top isn’t as tight without my left breast in it. My right tit bounces free as I take a couple steps back to put my guard up in front of my chest. Hopefully you continue forward. I throw a couple of jabs to your face as I backup.

Mercedes: Eyeing your tits I stupidly walk forward getting a jab on the cheeks that slows me down, luckily the rest miss. ‘Now whose tits are out, bitch?’ I shout at you as I backup and slowly circle – looking for an opening. I feint with my left hook and send a haymaker with my right towards your head,neck area, just seeing what I can do.

Alana: The jab catches you and backs you up. Good for you too as my right cross lashes out at the air where you were. You taunt me about my boobs but I step back and heft them “at least they aren’t beat up like yours are. Poor things are drooping from the beating they’ve got. Everyone wants to see mine because they are still firm” I smirk at you as I cup my tits. As you feint I hop backward and then drop lunging forward. The haymaker smacks the top of my head as I drop low. I swing my own punch into your stomach but I’m forced to step out shaking my head.

Mercedes: Your stomach blow catches me hard and stops me in my tracks, my arms come down to block but luckily you backed away! I take a few steps back, shit I’m on the ropes! I try to press forward quickly and get off them before you come at me, my stomach starting to cramp slightly and my breasts about ducking prefect compared to yours.

Alana: As you stumble back into the ropes clutching your stomach I lunge trying to capitalize on the opening. I pop two jabs at your head followed my a right cross to your jaw and then a left uppercut at your stomach before I throw another right hook twice, one to your side one to your head trying to overwhelm you with a flurry of punches. Hopefully this works I can feel myself getting tired and my body aching from the punches.

Mercedes: Ugh, ooof, owwww fuck shit aaaaaahhhhh! Each hit hurts more than the last and your fury sends me down to the canvas on my knees, followed by flopping down to the canvas, tits first, hair so,aged out all over the ring. I moan loudly and angrily as I lay there hurt, rolling on to my back by the count of two my tits heaving with each breath trying to will myself up.

Alana: As you tumble to the mat I step back and leave my guard up to see if you are actually out or not waiting on the count as you lay beat up on the canvas.

Mercedes: 3….4. I sit up on my ass somehow and try to push my hands/fists down to try to get up, pressing to my knees at 6 and stepping up at 7. I look at you with pure hatred as my body starts to cramp up…trying to get up at 8 and finally on my feet at 9! ‘Come on bitch!’ I taunt at you.

Alana: As you stagger to your feet I shrug my shoulders and you taunt me to come on. “Your funeral” I lash out with a high left jab then step to your right, duck low and swing a right hook into your stomach and then fire a left hook at your head as I come back up.

Mercedes: Unable to move much the blows are too powerful and send me into the ropes then flat on my stomach again, my body shakes and it becomes apart to you that i am crying on the mat. 1, 2 3…

Alana: As you collapse to the mat again I stand over you. “Get up so I can give you an actual knockout. Come one slut” stepping back I wait for the count with my guard up to see if you have anymore.

Mercedes: 4, 5, 6 I try to push up, my tits still resting on the mat. I’m likely not going to make it as I roll over on my back, my tits heaving as my breathing and crying intensify realizing I’m going to likely lose…

Alana: Standing over you I plant my gloves in my hips. “That’s all you got then?” My breasts heave as I look down at you lying on your back on the floor.

Mercedes: ‘Fuck you!’ As I cry 7, 8, 9….my tits sore, my stomach hurting my head dizzy…..the 10. Punt hits and my arms fall flat, my tits exposed, my ass cheeks hanging out of my bottoms. Sprawled out on the canvas…

Alana: As they count ten I smirk and bend down yanking your bottoms off and then removing your useless top. After a moment I put my boobs back into my top before I finally take your gloves from you. “Guess you wont need these” with that I straddle you on the floor of the ring. “Time for you punishment loser” with that I begin pummeling your naked exposed boobs working then like I’m training on a bag. I only get thirty seconds but I give it to you as much as I’m allowed to by the League.

Mercedes: Ouch, ugh, ooof, oooooohhhhhh, ugh, you work over my tits and literally destroy them, nearly popping one in the process and causing major damage to my breast tissue in the other. The crowd loves it, you love it, and I fucking hate it, crying as I am battered naked….

After I finish punishing your chest I stand up for a victory pose with my foot on your face “who’s the cxnt now loser. Enjoy no bra for a few weeks.” With you defeated on the canvas I collect your bikini and gloves as a trophy and head for the locker rooms. I think you’ve had enough punishment so I leave you to be carried out of the ring as opposed to taking you to the locker room with me.
Not exactly a flawless win since my breasts got punched out but still a good start after my last fight.
The End