Weekend Get Away by Dotti D

Danielle or Danni as she liked to be called, was a 40 yo woman just past her second divorce, she just never found the right connection and now free again decided she wanted to have fun over getting to serious to fast.

Danni didn’t understand men yet she was sexy fit and gorgeous standing 5’8” 140 and a hour glass 36F-26-36 her light red hair was just shoulder length enough to get a short pony tail out of, her light amber eyes and round cheek bones and long neck made her busty figure seem longer.

Danni was back to dating she loved the feeling of new relationship even if it was going to stay as dating if at all, thats when she met Joe who was 45 and after his second divorce was content dating as well.

Both were fine taking it really slow and being friends at first, over time the relationship flourished but despite their mutual feeling to go further they kept each other in check and if not Joe, Danni would certainly back things up a bit to prevent the seriousness from taking over.

Joe despite saying he wanted the same also wanted more and while he agreed with Danni he had a desire for more deep down, Danni had it as well but just didn’t want the pain of another failed relationship or marriage.

But Joe liked to play , especially knowing Danni was saying she didn’t want serious, so he was fine dating around, but he had feelings for Danni and always ended a date calling her just to hear her voice.

Danni after the calls would smile and hang up that he cared enough to call, the time away was making her want him more than making space between them, but Joe while he missed  having Dani daily didn’t want to ruin it either so he went along with her way and never pushed it.

A month of her way went by and Danni starts to feel she is losing her grip on Joe, she is realizing he was what she wanted but now after playing possum does he still feel the same? she was worried she made a mistake and had to get Joe to herself again but how?

One afternoon as Danni was cleaning out her garage she came across her ex husbands camping gear it was perfect, a weekend alone in the woods no phones and no social commitments just the two of them to work this out.

What Danni never counted on was Joe’s other life she drove him to, there was another, and the other woman a divorcee as well was aware Joe had Danni but also aware she wanted a friend more than a serious boy friend and that woman was out to make Joe forget this Danni woman and ring him in as her own.
Cara was 43 and a 5’8” short haired brunette a 36F-28-36 she was fit but by no means a gym rat type, Cara divorced a year was living her life after the break up and was not dating anyone seriously , she was content on having her fun instead of being hurt again.

When she met Joe he was totally up front with her about Danni and that he liked her but he wasn’t able to decide if she wanted to date or just be friends, so unless Cara was looking for serious relationship he was ok with seeing others.

Cara felt it was fair especially since he was upfront, and she wasn’t looking to be tied down either so Cara gave her ok and told Joe she wanted to see him again see what happens.

Turns out Cara and Joe had a few more things in common than either thought, and one was their love to go camping, Cara had been a girl scout and always loved the outdoors, Joe just loved the getting away and relaxation it brought, having a girl friend who wasn’t serious or expecting a lot made it that much more worth the time in the woods.

But Danni was finding herself missing Joe on the weekends, she was confused about them being steady, and as every weekend Joe was going camping again she was feeling that longing to at least just have the friendly company, so Danni was going to show him she could be as fun as who ever he was hanging with .

Danni watched Joe from a far one weekend as he packed his truck, she saw the tent,the fishing gear , food and sleeping bags and beer loaded up, then as Joe waited Cara pulled up and stepped out, wearing a hiking boots capri jeans and a tee shirt and light flannel style shirt over it, she gave Joe kiss and a smile then both jumped in his truck and off they went.

Danni followed staying far enough behind to not be noticed, as the truck pulled into the camp sight then parked at a spot , Joe was out of the truck and set up the tent easily enough as Cara was getting wood for a fire and the other stuff set out, as Cara was moving about Danni noticed her and how she filled out the tight tee shirt just inside her mostly open flannel, once they were finished Joe started a fire while Cara was in the tent, then she emerged with the tee off just a bra and the flannel tied up under her bra which was tight holding her in, she stretched and her hands high over head swelled her bust in and up.

It was clear Cara was a keeping his attention, as the sun set and the fire was glowing, Danni stayed just long enough to see her mount Joe in the tent ,her silhouette was sharp and clear as she arched on him and his hands were massaging her full bust, and how she rode him slow as she enjoyed his hands working them.

Danni left and was a confused ride home, she felt jealous, outraged yet blamed her hesitance to ring him in better ,she pictured herself in that tent as she kneaded her own bust till she got home, as upset as she was at him , her anger at herself and Cara was triple, in a way she couldn’t blame Cara either she left the relationship more open then committed and Cara just was there to give him what he needed.

Danni was beside herself did she just blow the best date she had in a while and lose him, or was she going to be able to sway him back her way, if she could she would need to be a lot lot less guarded and more open and fun.

Another week went by and Joe came by to see how Danni was, they had some wine and Danni was being a bit more frisky, after finishing the bottle Danni slowly changed into next to nothing and fulfilled Joe’s desire for the entire night, and like Cara had she rode him and arched as he was working her full heavy breasts.

She didn’t know if he was comparing her own to Cara’s or not but she was making certain he knew she was as built and full and firm and it was right here for him the entire time as it was for herself.

Danni’s plan was to replace Cara they were still new as a couple goes and well Joe was not fully committed to her either obviously so Danni was making herself more and more available for Him putting Cara in second.

Cara was feeling his absence more and more but like Danni knew he wasn’t going to be locked into one relationship.  After all why would he?  both women made that a point to him on day one that they also weren’t in the market for long term, so they thought.

When Danni started to occupy Joe’s time a bit more than Cara was ready to accept, she became intrigued why he was suddenly absent, she thought the trip away and just she and him was going to bring them closer ,and while it did in her mind, joe was wrestling with a decision between the two new women in his life, not wanting to lose one or either to the other.

He had what he wanted looking for a choice that allowed him the companionship without the long term commitment , each of his dates were equal in a lot of ways yet so very different, to him Cara was a bit more of the experimental type while Danni was the confident cuddle type, but in their own right each made time with him worth every minute.

Like Danni had previously Cara follows Joe to Danni’s home unaware who she is, she sees her though and despite her attempt to stay calm, she feels the boil of jealousy  deep inside, she lets her eyes roam at the woman meeting him with a hug as her heavy full bust molds to his as her lips seal to his.

Danni sees a car she had never but her mind is to set on Joe to care as they hurry inside, not long after as the darkness comes a light in a bedroom comes on, then a shade drawn, Danni’s silhouette like a poster forms on the shade, her arms pulling a top over head as her large heavy round bust swells free , nipples spiking the tips.

She sees Joe partially as his hands caress and cup her large bust and soon lowers his head and his mouth hungrily works at her stiff nipples as she cups his head to guide him.

Cara argues with herself about this other woman, she knows the way she left things Joe was free to do as he pleased , yet Cara feels like Danni did when she saw the other woman, how dare she try to share her man so freely.

When Joe wakes in the morning and leaves, Danni is pleased but yet disappointed he left, like Cara now she knows this sharing his love will never be ok, she stares as he slowly drives off and all her mind pictures was the woman she saw with him the night of that camping trip.

She can sense her and almost imagine her scent, as she does the clear image of her busty shadowed profile fills her mind, so much so she caresses her own large bust as if she can compare it to the other woman’s by memory alone.

Unknown to either woman Cara as she waits for his return now does the same thing in a jealous arousing way her mind finds herself competing with someone she never crossed lines with, but their intuition commands they will.

Joe leaves a message to Cara he might be going camping again but the message clearly did not pose a question or invitation to her, Cara was upset as she ponders what to do, does she try to confront this other woman, does she call her, leave a note or leave it alone?.

Danni catches Joe as he calls but like Cara the message was received loud and clear he was going no invite came, was the other woman more fun, was she joining him yet again? the not knowing was driving both ladies crazy and something had to be done to clear their minds and make Joe her own.

Like fate wanted this more than each woman did, both get the same idea, they would get a tent and follow Joe to the camp sight he uses and watch to see who if any other woman steps in to fill his interest and if it happens to be the same each already saw, then words would be shared as to who will be with him, and despite dismissing this becoming a confrontation they willingly sub consciously accepted if it did so be it.

Hours after they knew Joe was at the camp sight Danni first pulled in then Cara, each made a point to be within eye view of Joe’s tent, and both were watching to see if the other was chosen over her.

Both women sat and watched as they had coffee and played music to pass the time, neither hunted for him, as both felt a surprise on his planned weekend might prove to be a seriously bad choice  especially in such a crucial time where either might be chosen.

This camping trip was an extended one compared to his last, and the women knew from the outdoor way and the camp fires at night showers were going to be needed, neither had a clue the other was here watching her lovers every move, but that was about to change.

Danni with a change of clothes in her hand and a towel in the other waits for Joe to go try his hand at night fishing to walk to the showers, she enters and starts her hot water then cold to balance it out, she strips to her naked form and starts to drench her figure her large bust glistens in the water as she runs her fingers through her hair pushing it back .

She hears the creek of the door and turns her bust to the handles,  Cara walks by diverting her eye as she steps a few shower heads away, and like Danni started she too starts her water and soaking her figure in the same way, turning under the cascading water.

Both women shampoo and rinse, the fresh feeling awakens their bodies and senses, the soft smiles a sign they are grateful to be clean and get back to their mission of watching the man they are falling for.

Danni wipes her eyes and sees the form of Cara a few feet away, she at first dismisses her but her mind refreshes her that the woman she saw on his last trip is standing right there before her.

No one had to tell Danni why she was here , it was to get to him before she could, Cara as she washes her face and eyes feels the eyes of another on her, she turns and clearly sees this is the woman Joe met up with in her own driveway, the two feel it like a light going on suddenly they are staring at the other woman.

Cara breaks the icy silence, “Well looks like we both had the same idea, i guess it is a combination of relief and jealousy wouldn’t you say?”, Danni her eyes scanning Cara in the same manner, “seems we did in deed , oh i guess it is in fact just that, clearly we feel the others a threat or neither would be wondering why we were invited here”.

Cara turns to look directly at Danni, who in return squares to look back, each knows it but acts as if the sight of the other has no effect, but the rise and fall of their wet breasts says otherwise.

Each woman feels a shiver at the fact they are fully exposed to the other woman, no shade leaving a doubt, here she was naked and proud as she swore he was ready to be.

Danni arches a pose to intimidate no doubt, as she purrs, “well i think it is safe to say we spotted each other from a far at least once, and saw enough to assure each of us there was another, so my question is what you and i will do about this issue”.

Cara arches making her own pose back, “yes it is now more a burden than curiosity and it is obvious things for both of us flourished more than he and we wanted so what shall we do about the other hmm?”.

Both women slowly scan the other , no shyness is even hinted at , Danni not herself but neither is Cara clears her throat, “well you and i could stand here an argue our side and it clearly won’t go any where, and well the alternative will leave us both in a state of disarray shall we say and i can say i know him well enough he wouldn’t approve”.

Cara breaths in she hates how right Danni is but the facts are there to see plainly, “well there is one thing we can agree on, though rest assure if it was to come to that i am all in”, Danni eyes her, “as am i”.

Both stare as they admit this meeting if need be will go as far as each needs to get her way but for now they will use a level of restraint.

Dani inhales , “so we both know neither is backing down and something needs to bee done, how do yo suggest we proceed?”, Cara inhales as they scan the others figure, “how about you and i meet in my tent say in about 5 minutes?”, Danni raises a brow, “and the plan isn’t to chat so what are we wearing?”.

Cara arching a pose as she swaggers by Danni, “as little as you can honey 5 minutes or just go home”, Cara heads out and Dani purrs “oh i am not going anywhere “, Danni then heads out she return to her tent and eases into hr tank top no bra and her bikini thong and as it gets darker sh sees Cara by her fire pit, and swagger over , the glow lights their faces as Cara sees Danni is not going to leave, “step inside every things ready for us”.

Cara wearing a tee shirt and no bra and her thong only unzips her tent flap and both women step inside as she zips it closed Joe is returning and with th fires gleam the silhouette of two women standing is seen but with no idea who they are Joe sits by his fire and watches  the two figures.

inside the tent Danni and Cara stare , Danni asks softly as to not be recognized , “well here we are how we going to sort this out?”, Cara removes her tee her heavy breasts way out , Danni does the same then Cara eases off her thong and nods for Danni to do the same, they stand nude now and Cara eases closer to Danni and her fingers wander to Danni’s bush, Danni a bit put off returns the gesture and slowly both start to finger the other.

Danni softly “whats this gonna prove between us hmm?”, Cara a smirk, “for one we are gonna see who fucks better and secondly this won’t end between us till one admits the other is the dominate and gets him, now how about you stop asking and start fighting for him hmm?”.

Danni now a bit like she is not ready  stares at Cara and with mo warning eases her fingers in Cara , “well you wanna compete honey lets get to it”.

 Cara sucks in a breath “uuuhhnnn mmm your on “ she sinks her fingers in Danni and the two women stand thighs apart and fingering slow at first.

Danni breathes in as Cara goes right back at her and the two women stat a long duel, both silent as they stare in others eyes Danni manages a hurried response “we fight till one can’t cum anymore bitch agree?”, Cara a heft huff “your on bitch now let’s go”.

The slow starts builds speed fast as each woman leans her shoulder to the others and as they pant and look from others glare they start to finger each other faster and faster,  moans get Joe’s attention as he sees the shadows  go at the other and listens to the battle he wishes was in front of him totally unaware the two he left home are here fighting for him.

Danni her face from Cara’s stare closes her eyes as she swallows a gasp as Cara sinks a third finger in her wet slit, but not to be out done Danni does the same and Cara her face turned as well opens her lips and her eyes flicker closed as she moans a breath, “uuuhhhh yess more”.

The wet slurping almost like a clop as they open their hands fully as they finger their palms clap to the soaked mounds, without any challenge both ladies widen their stance as if wanting more despite their hips rolling from th others attack.

The point of arousal taking over jealousy arrives and they both start to pant heavier, Danni feeling Cara’s fingers massage her inner walls  hotly “uuuhhhh ohhh you Bitch get out of me nmmm yesss cmon “, Cara slowly shakes her head fighting the building urge being forced from her, “uuuhhh uhhh hcmon bitch let it go your thee uuuhhhh yesss bitch get of me”.

Now as they go on neither can fully control the feeling building by force of the other Cara as her hips undulate uses the other hand to try to make Danni
s fingers lose the rhythm as she looks to push them out of her, “ohhhh yesss yess Bitch get your fingers out of me uummm “, but Danni while struggling herself won’t let Cara cheat her way out of this, her free hand grabs Cara’s and she pulls at her wrist, “whats wrong bitch hmm can’t go on much longer? you try that again i’ll do more than make you cum like the weak bitch you are”.

They taunt out of jealousy  but never realize it adds to the arousal as they start to finger faster amid the moans they release now Danni places her thumb on Cara’s engorged clit and strokes the underside, it was all Cara had left her head rears back as if shot, “UUUGHHHH YESSSSS YOU BITCH Ohhhhh i am gonna cummm”.

Danni so close herself swallows a gasp and hisses, “Thats it yess yessss fuck cum you Whore do it!”, Cara fights it as long as she can but as she looks at the floor her head shaking no her fingers start to ease and then slip from Danni, Danni feeling it steps to her and goes faster and faster Cara finding it hard to speak as her mouth hangs open as she reaches hr orgasm, “uwwww yess yess don’t stop bitch oh god yesss cumming again uuuhhhh”.

Danni a smile slows making Cara spasm and cum as she stops the constant  enjoyment, Cara almost twitches out of desire for more and sinks to her knees, Danni then gathers up her hair and makes Cara look up, her other hand parts her folds, “i win now get after my pussy bitch”.

She guides Cara’s face to her dripping wet pussy, Cara extends her tongue and stabs it in Danni and starts to swirl and lick as if she has wanted to all along, Danni tilts her head up and back, “nmmm uuhhhh yessss yesss thats it deeper bitch make me cumm on your face yess yesss yesss ohhhhh cummming!”.

Danni stands her thighs apart looking down at Cara as she pleasures her  and smears her face in juices then she releases her and stands back a proud smile, confident she showed her only opposition who is in charge, “well i guess you will be seeing less of him now”, Cara panting still, “oh you would hope so but we are just starting bitch get on the floor we are far from finished tonight”.

Both women sit and sit up facing the other Cara now angry and feeling less herself parts her thighs and as she glares at Danni rubs her wet folds, “clit to clit bitch”, Danni parts her thighs now and opens her folds “nmm love to bitch”.

They scoot closer the hiss of the plastic tent floor as they scissor their thighs and then pause a second to line up their wet folds as they part them then they press and seal together.

Both suck in a long breath of shock then with no hesitation they start to grind their pussies together , each moans instantly the jealousy rises but has to share the stage with arousal and desire, they stare at each other, both search for a weakness, a reason,and wonder is the other truly better or not.

It is what is driving them on to finish this little test, they start to speed up, and more and more glistening juices streak their full folds and hairs, thighs start to get wet, and now both begin to breath faster, as they do each a quick huff of , “Cmon Bitch,  Faster fuck fight me”.

Cara swallows a gulping breath as Danni presses tighter to her and grinds her hips up higher at Cara, lifting er pussy higher and drags down Cara’s, pushing her rivals folds flat and wide , her engorged clit nearly swallowed by Danni’s folds , as they feel the stiff clit they pule as if sucking at it.

Cara then pants as Danni gyrates on that spot, she smiles, “Feel me bitch hmm? cmon let it go  your there”, Cara opens her lips and her eyes blink rapidly, she rolls her head on her shoulders, “Ohhhh you Whore , uuhhnnnnn yessss fuck , ugh you BITCH!!.

Danni stares at her work of art attempt to get her rival to orgasm so early in, she smiles at her efforts, seeing Cara start to gasp for that easier breath, but Danni wants her tired, and ready to surrender, so she wakes her own trance and starts to sit up more .

Her knee presses into Cara’s torso just under her breasts, Cara fights being forced to lay back best she can, but as Danni slowly starts to sit up and climb up on her, Cara can only defend by laying to her side.

Cara lifts her top knee and bends it her foot and toes knead Danni’s breast, her hand reaches out to push at Danni, but Danni gets fully up right, her wet folds splay open on Cara’s and she once again begins to control the duel.

Cara can only shake her head no as the feeling has become more powerful, her eyes flutter as she feels Danni grinding that engorged clit on her own, stroking it sliding and rolling around her own, their warm mixed juices coating them as Danni purses her lips, she has control but she can not deny Cara is fighting back, “uuuhhhh uuhhh you Bitch cum, ohhh ohhh yessss fuck oh you Whore”, Cara start to pump on her hip into Danni, ‘cum Whore yesss yesss your right there cmon let it go Bitch”.

Joe watches the two shadows as they grind it out, the dark silhouettes and fires light make it hard to distinguish which of the two women is on top , and how busty they compare, the tents secure flaps distort the voices from the distance, but instead of concentrating on the women in the tent he enjoys the duel they are having.

As he watches he hears one woman suddenly start to break as the other so close herself takes over, “Ohhhh YESSS YESS CUmming you BITCH GET OFF ME!!”, the other woman , grinding faster and faster, “CUM YESS YESS I AM THE BETTER WOMAN TAKE IT”.

Both women are gasping but it is Cara who throws her head back , her big breasts rolling over themselves on her chest as Danni reaches down and gets a over filling hand hold of breast meat and kneads it, pulling the stiff nipple, making Cara succumb again, “Cmon Bitch give it up more you want to”.

Cara is panting heavy, she closes her eyes as yet another orgasm is forced on her, she rolls on to her back, and Danni sneers, confident she has just proved herself the better woman, as Cara is playing catch up and catch her breath, but as she rolls to her back , the shift causes Danni to pitch forward and readjust her hips, her hands go to each side of Cara and thats when the duel takes it change.

Cara manages to buck her hips up high under Danni, as she does her hands grab two fistfuls of hair and pull Danni to her head and over, then her bottom thigh wetly squishes to Danni’s folds and bucks , Danni is already pumping so her momentum carries her partially over Cara’s head.

Danni’s breast fall onto Cara’s face but she welcomes the stiff thick nipples and locks her mouth on the right one sucking deeply, Danni nearly bucks up off her as  the sensation drives her wild, she pushes at Cara’s face but the  arousing feeling will not be denied, slowly Cara slithers under her and creates a new positing and as the two struggle Cara like a viper squirms her body to be on top and now as she lifts up on Danni the nearly sealed end has turned around.

Cara throws her head back sweaty as much as Danni she glares down at her rival as her wet thighs scissor Danni’s but she doesn’t hold that spot , instead Cara pushes Danni’s knees wider and then pins her knees in Danni’s spreading her rivals thighs as wide as they will go and then lowers her engorged clit and wet warm folds to Danni’s.

Both women just stare now as Cara goes to work slowly grinding up and down as they both pant, “your gonna cum till you pass out Bitch fight my pussy cmon”, Danni is a bit taken back how the fight just has been turned around and only seconds after Cara took over control Danni’s attempts to hold back her orgasms start to get pulled from her, “uuuhhhhh Get off me Bitch yesss yess nmmm Fucking bitch cmon my clits better “.

Cara as her large breasts swell up and out rock to her rhythm in a slow lopping sway, their eyes locked as Cara pins Dani’s knees spreading her and the folds seal and their engorged clits start to wrestle.

Danni feels the first few strokes of her hips driving her pussy on her own and she instantly Gasps a breath, “uuuhhhh nmmmm Bitch”, Cara just stares , “cum bitch this fights mine now”.

Cara finds a rhythm quick as Danni is pinned looking up, they grow silent other than heavy panting and their juices are heard squishing between them, Danni can be heard in a low seductive moan of her building release, her hands go in her own hair, “uuuhhhh uhhhhh uuhhnnmmm fuck yes i am cumming nmmm”.

Cara gets her speed faster, “Cum bitch yess yess feel it “, Danni shakes her head no as her body loses its control and she is forced to orgasm, As Cara drives on in full control now , her meaty wet arm folds swallow Danni’s engorged clit and she pumps on it almost sucking on it with her pussy, “Yeah bitch feel it nmmm cum again i have you”.

Danni now verbally louder over her purring release, “UUghhh YESS YESS BITCH GET OFF ME OHHHHHH UWWWWW YESS YESS CUMMING”!. Cara a sweaty smile as she herself feels an orgasm close rides her rival, “nmmm keep cumming Bittch thats it”.

Cara starts to sit up higher on Danni, her hips undulating as her folds seem to be sucking at her engorged clit, her breasts a slow lopping motion as she holds Danni’s thighs apart and glares down at her, “Cum again Bitch your right there i feel it”, But Cara was barely hanging on herself, Danni felt her body spasms no matter how mild, she reaches up and grabs the stiff nipples on Cara and pinches.

Instantly Cara arches and rolls her head “Ohhhh you Bitch yess yess fuck oh my god yesss Cumming”, her body shutters as Danni pulls on her breasts and nipples pulling Cara down to her.

The women wrap themselves around each other and soon are slithering and squirming on the tent floor, the satin hiss is heard as legs, hips and bodies struggle in the low light, moans , taunts and panting gasps as each forces the other to orgasm again and again.

Finally as it seemed the women lost steam and were sore and spent to go on, with no real winner Cara sits up , “Ok bitch lets settle it the hard way”, she reaches in her bag and takes out a double headed dildo at least 18” long, she runs her lips at the ends, “i challenge you to Fuck it out Honey”, Danni sees the long thick toy and stares at Cara, “ohh i accept”.

Both women roll up onto all 4’s their asses close together, Dani takes her end and eases it in her , her lips purse as she feels it sink in, then Cara does the same both women now ready and Cara looks back, “Fight” instantly the women start to slowly pump the toy and try to force it to ride the other more.

Within a minute both women are like cats in heat, backs arched asses roll up and their big breasts sway between their arms with stiff nipples, they moan, and roll heads as each tries to hold back an orgasm, “uuuhhhh yesss cum Whore i have you”, “nmmmm yesss your there Bitch let it go i have you”, the taunts are fired back and forth as they start to hump on the toy faster .

Both women start to bump their ass cheeks as they pump faster and faster , mouths open , eyes shut as they are fucking faster faster, swallowing screeches of pure fulfillment as they try to make their rival succumb.

Dani starts to grind as she thrusts and Cara feels her mouth drop open and eyes as well, her head shaking no, “uughhh yess yess oh you Bitch i am gonna cummm Fucking whore”.

Dani sweaty and close herself to an orgasm bucks faster and soon Cara is struggling to stay up on all 4’s, her panting gasps are heard easily about the camp sight then as she starts to orgasm her arms give out and she drops face first to the tent floor.

Dani holds the toy and eases it out of her turns then mounts Cara from behind and starts to thrust the toy faster and faster and faster, Cara can only widen her knees and curl the blanket up in her claws as he screams into it as she has to orgasm 2 more times.

Sweating, dehydrated and so many orgasms in a row Cara barely speaking gulps out as she tilts her head up, “uuggg ugg Bitch enough i give i give stop”.

Dani rolls Cara on her back then straddles her , she glares down over her big breasts and pins her rivals arms under knees, “now Bitch your going to pleasure me for getting in my way, and if i see your still here tomorrow i’ll be forced to use my tits to prove i am the better woman , don’t make do it”.  Danni spreads her folds and smears them on Cara’s face, “nmmm do it Whore make me cum”.

Cara sweating, red face and a few tears extends her tongue and slowly Danni rides it as she moans to a welcoming orgasm coming the way she wants it.

Danni grips her hair and starts to cum on Cara’s face then as she feels he spasms subside, she smiles and glares at Cara, “be gone Bitch i mean it” Danni gets off Cara and eases from the tent in the night, leaving Cara on the floor and the toy in her, Cara curses her rival as she tries to ease the toy out but nearly has another orgasm, “that Bitch wants Fight she will get one”.

Joe hard goes to bed and he smiles at his fortune of seeing the shadows compete , he swears he wants to meet them but he can’t let on he saw or he will scare them off but Joe has no clue he already knows the fighters intimately.

Danni goes to her tent and she is both nervous and gleeful she can’t believe she had a erotic fight with another woman and won that way, she wanted to run to Joe but she couldn’t not yet , especially if Cara wasn’t gone the next day.

The next morning Joe was up early and headed out, he wanted to hit the trails and fish early, Cara and Danni slept till the sun was up, as other campers were heading out Danni slipped on her robe and sandals and went to shower, she didn’t see any sign of Cara and she smiled over it.

But Cara was far from just leaving, in fact she was no longer making this about the man they both wanted this was now personal between herself and Danni, and some how some way she was going to go home the better woman.

Danni finished her shower as she walked out Cara made a point to slam her shoulder into Danni, they both glare and then Danni eases a smug grin, “Your still here? i was sure by now you would be home hoping I wouldn’t make you cum again”, Cara snarls she knows all to well Danni got the better of her.

Well luck follows some more than others but I am not going anywhere till you and i finish what we started, Danni breathes in, ‘and  what exactly will that be?’’, Cara eases her robe open , her nude busty body and curves map up to her eyes, she purrs softly, ‘Your tent tonight tit to tit , and mine are gonna flatten yours Bitch”.

Cara again shoulder bumps Danni as she enters the showers and Danni temped to follow her in shakes her head no and goes back to her tent to relax, with a sight to Joe’s camp area Danni will know exactly when he comes and goes.

Danni sat relaxing,her grin from taking Cara down the night before was still on her face, she knew no matter what happened tonight,she had that in her corner and if joe saw or heard the things they did, he would know it took place just which of them won would be the victors final glory over the other.

The sun slowly begins to go down and Danni gets the fire at the camp sight going, she sees Joe is coming back and she eases in her tent to watch from the security of the tents black screen  where she wouldn’t be easily spotted.

In the distance she sees Cara’s tent and she can see Cara is staying put as well, Joe enters his tent to strip off the clothes and he heads to the showers, thats when Cara makes her way to Danni’s tent, the two women glare then Cara wearing a flannel shirt and daisy duke shorts barefoot licks her lips, “We better get in the tent and get ready before he gets back”, Danni unzips the front flap wearing the same style outfit, ‘By all means come on in, we have a long night ahead “.

The women enter the tent and Danni zips the flap shut she turns the lantern on their shadows standing face to face appear like a movie screen against the nylon tents covering, Joe drops al his gear and as he takes a much needed drink of a cold beer sees the action while the venue switched is still going on, he smiles and pulls up his chair to enjoy the show.

Danni and Cara breath heavier they stand still for a bit then hands ease behind backs and they press together , chins tilt up and the shadow of their breasts mold to one mass and slowly they press and drag and smear and rub  each pass adding a firmer more aggressive motion.

Both women want to win but they can not deny the sensuality of the duel they have started, both prolong the rubbing, smearing and rolling over trying to end this fast, they widen stances and heavy breaths expose the moan each feels of the others heavy large breasts to her own.

The heat trapped in the nylon tent becomes hotter as their warm bodies now exert more body heat, their breasts start to glisten more against the lanterns light, brown nipples stab fleshy boobs as their rounded globes collide and slide and rub and press together more and more frequently.

Now as the night quiets the area the distinct sound of fleshy sweaty skin colliding is heard with the sound of CLOPPING, the slight huff of their voices grunting joins in.

Both women now start to understand this is more than just bumping tits it is a fight , a fight to leave the other a broken mess and walk out head high and proud enough to get her man back and tell him she fought and won for him and their relationship.

Now with more effort and determination these two women start to plow their breasts into others harder the clops ring out more clear and their breasts start to swell for more, “uuhhnn uhnn uhnn bitch fight my tits”, “mff mfff ohh cmon bitch mine are ready bring it whore”.

Faster firmer their large breasts are driven together, sliding from sweat as they prod, pump, push and press then Danni dragggs a slow side to side pattern, her tits clap at Cara’s and has them sway, “uuhnnn mmfff Bitch feel my tits cmon”.

Cara arches and drives her tits into Danni’s and then shimmies and pumps head on, her large breasts spread Danni’s and jostles them with heavy slaps, “mmfff mff mff cmon bitch fight my tits” Danni shakes her head and nearly pulls back but Cara grabs her by the forearms, “stay and fight me bitch”.

Cara holds Dani still and head on to her starts to pump and lift into Danni’s breasts, “uuhnn uhnn unnn cmon bitch feel my tits cow fight”, Danni gets backed up  but not the way she planned, Cara stays after her and the mild rubbing now is harder faster and louder as they drive their breasts and collide to hurt each others.

Joe sees the shadows turn and press back and forth , the CLOPS are fresh and sharp as the grunts are echo, he gets hard at the shadow show seeing the tight busty figures collide, as far as he knows this is a rivalry between two women who were dating or something , he has no idea the two women he was dating found each other and are fighting to keep him.

Cara pulls her shoulders back , she is ready to flatten her rival her breasts swell out in front and she steps at Danni who opens her arms and steps at Cara.  They collied firmly both grunt then Danni wraps her arms under Cara’s and hugs her, she crushes into her and nearly lifts her rival off the ground, Cara throws her head back mouth hangs open as she grunts, “UUghhh BITCH MY TITS”, Danni hugs tighter ‘ Cmon Bitch I wanna fight”, Cara is hurt and it is getting worse, she slaps at Danni’s shoulders, then it comes,…”OK OK LET GO I GIVE PLEASE STOP!!”.

Joe raises a brow how at quick and expertly one made the other quit, he assumes it was the one who lost the night before, Danni opens her arms and Cara slips down to her knees GASPING, Danni moves around and pounces on her bare back and pulls up by the red breasts and begins milking her adversary.

Cara winces “GET OFF MY TITS BITCH” as her breasts are wrangled by Danni who smiles,’ Your gonna stay away from him aren’t you Whore say it!”, Cara nods , “I WILL PLEASE STOP”,  Danni wrings her breasts in her hands as a final show id superiority , then releases Cara who drops forward whimpering at the pain in her breasts , her hands cupping them, Danni grabs her rivals top and bra “You can see yourself out Whore,i suggest you pack your tent tonight an leave before dawn”.

Cara leaves covering her breasts and tears running, Danni stretches and smiles, she assures herself it will be just her and Joe next week for good, the next morning before any ones awake Danni packs up her stuff and heads back home she plans on surprising him and making the day of him and her in bed.

She wears a sexy outfit and sits in her car waiting, she sees his truck coming and she makes sure her look is perfect, Joe backs in and walks around the truck he is looking like the perfect outdoors man type, as he drops the tail gate and Danni gets ready to steps out she hears the front door shut, her brow goes up and suddenly a woman about 40 runs to Joe and jumps in his arms kissing him, her bust is as full if not more and she looks athletic.

Joe sees Danni, “Danni Hi what are you doing here?”, Danni hands on hips just glares then hisses “How about who the FUCK is she and why is she holding my MAN”?

Joe smiles and says “This is…” the woman cuts him off and steps in front of him.. “Names Lilly honey and i am his girl we gonna have a problem with that bitch”?, Danni drops her pocket book and Lilly steps to her Lilly smiles “i will give you till 3 to back off or else”.

Danni a smirk, “try it Bitch” the next thing Lilly swings a fist under Danni’s chin and Danni hits the ground like a brick, she tells Joe “when your done checking on her I’ll be in bed waiting”.

Joe helps Danni up she is stunned and has a tears in her eyes, she asks Joe if they can meet next week, Joe says sorry and tells Danni he is going camping with Lilly.

The End

Thank you for reading! For more of Dotti D’s Stories: Click Here!

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