Yennefer frowned, glancing up at the sky from her bedroom…former bedroom. Tasting the air she could feel the coming rain. She wondered if that would delay…no. Turning around she closed the windows. Focusing back inside very little actually remained after she’d been done packing, of which she was now very grateful. Wearing her usual black leather garments she wandered from room to room, reliving memories from each. Giving one final look around, she exited to the main corridor above the stairs. It felt odd going through the place that had been her home for so long…now no more. But considering whom she was waiting for, the raven haired sorceress mused, perhaps it was for the best.
Hopefully the rain wouldn’t delay her.
The cloaked woman striding through Vengerberg drew some attention. While her face was obscured and much of her body covered by a cloak to ward off the drizzle, she’d eschewed the typical dresses of the upper class and wore tight leather that clung to every curve that those watching could see. This was clearly a beauty of some sort.
And it was the walk that prevented many from approaching her.
She moved with a purpose, straight forward, looking neither left nor right as if the mass of humanity surging around her didn’t exist.
Whoever she was, she had somewhere to be. And woe betide any that got in her way.
Night was falling. Yennefer placed out a bottle of white wine and two glasses on small, neat end table. Snapping her fingers a light frost encircled the bottle, chilling it to the preferred temperature when she felt a disturbance at her gate. With a blink, the metal frame swung open, and then closed.
Sighing to herself, Yenn crooked a finger and a stacked chair floated down behind her. Pouring out the two glasses she sipped at her own while sitting, waiting. The sound of the knock made her smile, tapping her foot to open it, and the cloaked figure made her chuckle. “Travelling incognito are we.”
“Rather avoid the scandal if people were to hear we were seen together,” Triss Merigold replied lightly, pulling back her hood and shaking out her hair. Yennefer gestured and the second glass floated up into the redhead’s hand. Toasting one another, they sipped the drink gingerly, keeping their eyes locked. They both knew what was coming.
There was too much between them. Too much pride, too much unsettled history, too much…Geralt… to just leave things as they were. From Triss tricking Geralt into thinking she was his love, the redhead actively pursuing him afterwards, to Yenn’s open infidelities. Both believed they had valid reasons to call out the other.
And that was before you took into account the way they’d humiliated each other on separate occasions. The patter of rain was the only sound as the two women studied one another, spotting the changes the other had made, lips curling around the wine.
“Geralt has been asking about you, you know.” Yennefer remarked.
“Oh?” Triss’s glass fell away from her lips. “Any reason in particular?”
“You know how he is. Soft.” The raven haired sorceress remarked. Her violet eyes hardened. “Probably wants to make sure you understand everything’s forgiven.”
“Is it?” Blue eyes stared back unflinchingly as the younger sorceress quaffed what remained of her drink, resting it on the table. More a statement than a question. Triss had always made it clear the only one who had the right to forgive her was Geralt. In her mind she’d done nothing wrong in pursuing the man Yennefer had lain claim to.
“Does it matter?” Yennefer replied, finishing her own glass. Likewise the raven haired sorceress blamed Triss for her rocky relationship with the witcher they’d both come to love. The redhead owed her a due that Yennefer was determined to collect. With a simple gesture the bottle and pair of glasses over the cabinet, slamming shut with a click. “We both know nothing else will matter until we settle this little issue between us.”
“Little?” Triss said quietly, throwing her cloak to the ground. At the snap of manicured fingers there was a flash and a barrier rose around the property. To anyone beyond the gate the house and grounds were silent. That done the redhead started to remove the rest of her clothing. “Nothing could be farther from the truth Yenna.”
“Guess you’re not wrong.” Yennefer rose smoothly off her seat, slowly unbuttoning her blouse. Neither hurried, still staring straight into the other’s eyes. Blouses tossed to the side, then tights. Neither had bothered with a bra on today of all days, knowing it would be pointless. “Looks like you’ve been busy.”
“And you…” Triss’s breasts, while not what one would call massive, were still quite large, and would’ve garnered attention from those that hadn’t seen her for several years. They appeared even larger due to her slim body, jutting out proudly. Almost perfectly oval, with just enough hang to make one want to hold them, they were topped by a thick pink nipple at the center of a fair sized areola.
“Of course…” Yenn’s boobs, by looks alone, was clearly equal in size and mass. Though not oversized, they rolled out from her chest, proudly defying gravity’s pull. This made them appeared larger with Yennefer’s lusher, more voluptuous shape, but to eyes as expert as these two, they knew any difference wouldn’t be visible. Nipples, chocolate brown, thickened and extended in the cool air. Raising her arms, fingers waved and danced in the air, adding her own seal to the barrier Triss had raised. Now, not only could sound not escape the grounds, but nothing would be allowed entry. “There. Now we have all the time in the world to settle this to our satisfaction.”
“I doubt there’d ever be that amount of time Yenna.” Triss smiled grimly and raised her fists, a bright red glow circling them. There was a crackling sound and lightning danced between her fingers, Yennefer bringing her arms up in response. “But I can at least make a start!”
“Waaghhh…” Sixteen year old Jeremy cried out, stumbling as the ground shook. It took considerable effort not to drop the tray he was carrying. This wasn’t something he was good at since his job was to handle the horses. But on busy nights like this he earned extra helping in the eating area. He might’ve managed to save his load if not for the aftershock that also made the clientele shout. Tripping over his own feet he fell, dumping stew and wine across the boots of either a low noble, or rich merchant. The cuff to his ear made his teeth rattle.
“Brat!” The well dressed man rose off his seat, angling a kick at the downed boy, only for another rumble to cause it to go high, hitting another tray that dumped its load over a pair of sword wielding travelers. Things only deteriorated from there as a punch sent him careening over another table and more dirtied clothes.
In short order Jeremy found himself crawling frantically, as a brawl erupted behind the bar, where he hoped to hide out until the city’s security showed up. Before his workplace was destroyed, ideally. There he found the new blonde, buxom young serving girl that the owner had recently hired. He put on a brave face and tried to avoid looking down the low cut blouse she wore.
Yennefer gritted her teeth, shaking her head to clear the noise then clasped her hands together, body arching as she swung them crash against the side of Triss’s face. The fiery haired sorceress spun around, toppling over seat to the floor.
“What’s the matter Trissy?” Yennefer taunted, stalking over her fallen furniture. “We’ve only just started and you’re wasting time on your ass!”
“Funny!” Merigold spat, leaping up and delivering a blow to the older sorceress’s mid section. Yennefer gurgled in pain, falling back and clutching at her stomach. “You’ve got a lot to answer for. Humiliating me like that, last time.”
“You did it first!” The raven haired sorceress growled, power flickering along the inside of her palm. Triss saw it and conjured an almost perfect sphere of energy. Slamming their hands together both sorceress’s were hurled away by the explosive meeting to opposite sides of the room. Grunting , the older woman pushed aside several cushions that softened her landing. “Dammit. That hurt you little bitch.”
“Gonna hurt a lot more by the time I’m done,” the redhead snarled, shoving hair out of her face. She smirked at the angry look Yennefer shot her, the two marching together, fist digging into the raven haired sorceress’s stomach even as she staggered as hers cracked against her face.
They had met here purposefully. In a city of this size they couldn’t… they wouldn’t bring the full weight of their magic to bear. A safeguard to avoid what had happened when Yennefer first found her with the amnesiac Geralt.
The dust cloud was expansive. Families, several miles away staring in shock at the explosions, lightning strikes and occasional gout of water that erupted. Making signs of the Great Sun they hustled any children back inside, praying that whatever it was didn’t come closer.
A section of mountain crumbled and there was an earsplitting crack. The disasters kept escalating and those nearby kept praying.
At the scene of the chaos, the dust cleared and two heaving, sweating figures stood in the middle of it all. “All this time,” Yennefer heaved, exhausted and outraged, energy swirling around her. “He was here…with you. WHY WAS HE HERE WITH YOU!!”
Triss Merigold shoved back against Yennefer’s power, bringing her own to bear, the clashing forces growing wilder. “AS IF YOU CARED!” Triss shouted back. “IT WASN’T HARD TO FIND HIM. ADMIT IT, YOU WERE GLAD HE WAS GONE!!”
The sudden explosion, knocked Triss back, but she quickly rose and brought her hands together. A tornado whipped around the dark haired Yennefer, sending her high into the air, before dropping her back down. It had been a spur of the moment thing and Triss felt a sudden fear as Yenn fell, but the sorceress fired off a blast of her own to cushion the fall somewhat.
They were escalating. Both understood. At the rate they were going only one of them was going to walk away from this. And if that happened…both cast a glance in the direction of the cabin where Geralt lay in a magically induced slumber.
“One year.” Yennefer growled. She glared at the younger sorceress. “I’ll give you ONE YEAR to break his amnesia. Or I’ll be back. And this time we will finish, friendship be damned.”
For one year Triss did her best to make an impression on Geralt, to get him to love her. But once his amnesia broke, he immediately went off looking for Yennefer. If her keeping Geralt had been the turning point for Yennefer, his departure with Triss’s.
It became a cankerous sore between the two of them, both believing themselves in the right, believing the other wrong. But to use their magic, directly, on one another would be disastrous. Neither would back down, but there were other ways, and those they did use.
What they did use, they did to enhance their physical abilities. Toe to toe, slugging at one another bitterly, a frozen fist sent Triss tumbling into the former dining hall. Yennefer followed close behind, a vicious kick sending the redhead skating across the flooring. Rushing into the room Yennefer aimed a kick at the downed woman who rolled under the table to get away. Getting back to her feet the two dashed along the length of the room to get back at one another, Yennefer again, getting a solid punch to Triss’s side.
Rolling with the blow Triss linked her fists and slammed them up under her rival’s chin, then down across the dark haired sorceress’s head, sending her to the ground. Grabbing her by the hair, Triss hauled Yenn upright only to have the experienced sorceress shove a hand in her face that exploded in light.
“Gahhh!” Triss recoiled, blinded, lashing out wildly. All she could see was spots, grunting as hands grabbed and shoved her over and onto a hard surface. Then pain exploded in her midsection.
“Fucking…little…whore!” Yennefer shouted, from her position over Triss’s head, with each blow she delivered to the prone redhead’s stomach. She was tired of this. Tired of dancing around her relationship with Geralt. Of Triss’s love for the same man. Unfortunately said shouts gave Triss a fair approximation of her face’s location and the hurt woman’s fiery fist left a scalding burn on her nose and lips, sending her staggering up against a cabinet. She felt a trickle run down her chin and, tasting blood, gave a howl that would do a banshee proud, lunging at the risen Triss. Clutching her stomach for a moment, the younger sorceress screamed her own fury and leapt at her sometimes friend.
Skill went out the window as the sorceresses smashed together. Clinging together, hands slapped, scratched and pinched while feet kicked out wildly to bruise shins. Yennefer howled as Triss dragged a clawed hand across her face, Triss screeched as Yenn bit down on the wrist when the hand moved away. Spinning wildly the red-haired sorceress gave a pained, “OOF!!” Her back slamming against the wall and a knee jammed into her sore stomach. Hissing in spite she came back, biting on a pale shoulder, strands of dark hair between her teeth. Shouting in pain Yennefer leapt away, feeling tugs in her scalp as strands also came loose.
Bloody spittle splattered across her cheek and a palm cracked across her cheek. Out of reflex she lashed out, slapping the redhead hard. Fingers curled into claws, hands flashing out to sink into black and red hair, tearing and yanking savagely. Face to face, Triss snarled around the strands that floated between them, arms going wide, hair in tow. Yennefer shrieked as strands were torn out by the roots and trickles ran across her head that could only be blood.
“CUNT!!” She bellowed, a magic amplified blow knocked Triss down, the woman moaning at the sudden shock. Then gurgled in pain as an enraged Yennefer sent her rolling with a kick. Again and again. Triss curled into a ball to protect her stomach, the older sorceress’s kicks now landing on her back and head. “CUNTCUNTCUNTCUNT…FUCKING CUNT!!”
Triss weathered the attacks, fortifying her body to reduce the damage as much as possible…but it still hurt. Finally sensing a lull, she peeked out from behind her arms to see Yenn panting, the rage still twisting her features, grabbing the woman’s leg and PULLING! With a surprised shout Yennefer fell backwards, the carpet breaking her fall, then yelled as Triss crawled up her body.
Wrapped up tightly, the women squeezed into a tight ball of feminine fury, biting, scratching and kicking as they rocked and rolled. Lurching upright they slapped and punched and tore at hair. A small table, that once held a vase of fragrant flowers, disintegrated when the enraged women fell over onto it. Growling horrendously, Triss gained back her feet, dragging Yennefer up with her. Hissing spitefully the dark haired sorceress clawed red streaks down the ginger’s face before a punch separated them again.
Gasping heavily, Yenn landed on the staircase. She barely managed to get her arms up when Triss threw herself onto her. Grabbing her head, the younger woman viciously banged it against the steps until being kicked away. Ears ringing, Yennefer scrambled up the stairs, needing only a few seconds to try and get her bearings. Shoving thick hair out of her face, and smelling weakness, Triss maintained her footing and shot forward, grabbing the woman by the foot.
Tripped up, Yenn scrabbled at the carpeted steps before twisting around and attempting to kick the gasping redhead. Instead, Triss grabbed the other leg under her pit, braced and pulled hard, dragging the other sorceress bodily down the stairs. Staggering back, Triss sat down and Yenn pushed herself forward to fall heavily on top of the other woman, hands raised.
The meaty SPLAT as their bodies connected knocked the breath from both beauties before arms again went around bodies and heads, scratching and grabbing hair. Once more the wild tangle raged across the floor as the two sorceresses wrestled furiously. They smashed another end table and knocked over a potted plant that Yennefer had missed before they made their feet once more.
There was a roaring in Triss’s ears as she slapped and hit at the enraged face surrounded by a tangled mass of midnight dark hair that whipped and floated in front of her.
Through the haze that surrounded her Yennefer could only focus on two things. The slaps and punches that rained on her body and face, and the way she punched and slapped at the red headed, angry face in front of her.
There was a sharp, painful WHACK and Yennefer stumbled back, clutching at pale breast with a reddened hand print. The sneer on Triss’s face only further infuriated the older sorceress who charged the younger woman. Ducking a wild swing, she grabbed her rival around the waist, hefting her feet off the ground. Unfortunately the fury had blinded her to their position and both women screamed as they crashed through a window into the garden.
Immediately they were soaked by the cold rain, bare bodies spattered with mud, dirt and grass but immediately upon the shock wearing off they homed in on one another again. Barely able to see through the water and sodden hair they clawed faces bitterly and pulled hair before another blow again struck Yennefer’s tits. With a savage curse she grabbed at Triss’s prominent boobs, fingers sinking in deep. The redhead’s shriek was loud and expressive.
“Gonna rip them off for real this time!” Yennefer gasped hoarsely, tugging and pulling the firm glands. Her face, angry and hateful, immediately turned white when Triss responded in the obvious manner. The way the other sorceress yanked at her breasts made her wail and, in turn, tug harder on the orbs in her hands.
Slipping and sliding in the rain the savagely grunting women stamped in the mud to try and maintain their balance, crushing flower beds and herbs in their fury. Sweat and water mingled to make their grips tenuous and breasts slipped from hands to slap back against chests, wobbling slightly before being snatched back up again.
“Ooohhhh…” Yenn moaned, knees buckling as Triss added a twisting motion to her tugs, slowly dropping below the fiery haired sorceress.
“Ow…OW…OW!!” Triss yelped repeatedly when Yenn came back by savagely pinching the tender undersides of her breasts over and over.
Shoving apart both slid away and finally slipped in the ruined garden. Hands curling in rage at the state Yenn flung a handful dirt and mud to splatter across Triss’s shoulder. The younger woman quicly responded with mudball across the raven haired woman’s face. Hands now windmilled as both hurled handfuls of filth at one another. A glob struck Triss across the eyes and the redhead stumbled back, wiping frantically at her face with filthy hands, that only made the situation worse. So distracted was she that she failed to notice to sudden stop to the impacts across her body, or the loud squelching sound of the rapidly approaching Yennefer.
“OOF!” Exploded out of Triss’s lips as Yenn stormed into her. Falling to the ground in a tangle, they rolled apart, Yennefer ending up on her stomach. Eyes watering, Triss was on her in a flash.
“Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!” The furious woman shouted over and over, slamming the dark haired woman’s face into the dirt. Shifting onto the ground, Triss dragged the still struggling Yennefer up, to send her back down with a vicious slap. A wild kick from Yenn sent Triss into retreat, shuffling back to her feet. Panting, furious, Yennefer scrambled to her knees and threw herself at the other sorceress.
Of the same mind Triss caught Yenn as she flew at her, arms going around slick backs as she tilted…tilted, then shoved forward to level them off. Wrapped up tightly, squirming, Yenn groaned and Triss moaned. Sliding over and around, squashed together thickly, their breasts wrestled with similar energy. The proud orbs flattened as the sorceresses, recognizing the effect, tightened arms and shoved their chests forward.
“You always were a slow learner, Trissy.” Yennefer spat, squeezing hard, spitting out tendrils of her hair. “That’s why you could never beat me.”
“You’re getting forgetful in your old age, Yenna.” Triss snarled, pulling at the rival sorceress with surprising strength. “Let me remind you what happened in the safe house.”
Breath hissed out from behind gritted teeth as the prideful women clenched their arms even tighter, their beautiful, if mud streaked, boobs swelling against the challenging pair. The chill of the rain stiffened nipples, buried within the confines of the titflesh, to stab and lock and duel. Hidden from sight, but not from thought. Breathing hitched and eyes lit up in triumph as one was shoved aside or blinking in anguish as it was bent painfully.
“Do you even remember how I fucked you?” Yennefer breathed, her breath warming Triss’s face for a moment.
“Yes. Do you remember how I fucked you?” The redhead countered, lips close. Oh so close.
“Yes…” the sorceress of Vengerberg admitted, wincing as nipples scrapped past again. Tensing, she squeezed her arms squashing their tits together, forcing the heavy orbs to compress tightly. Triss responded in kind, crushing their bodies together, bringing mass against mass.
Heads flew back under the pressure, opening in soundless screams or gritting teeth, feet shuffling in the muddied grass. The pressure finally became too much and Triss screamed openly as their breasts rolled against one another. Yennefer’s head whipped from side to side, black hair flailing, willing her boobs to resist the force of Triss’s tits pushing against them. So focused were they that Yennefer’s sudden trip as the back of her foot hit the circle of stones took them both by surprise.
Which was then followed by screams as the sorceress’s tumbled into the garden pond with a loud splash. The cold drove them apart and cleansed the mud and dirt from their bodies, the fish darting to and for frantically at the invasion of their territory.
Struggling in the thigh high waters Yenn whipped hair out of her face and spotted Triss. She tensed, but the redhead didn’t move to renew hostilities. Instead, not breaking eye contact, she raised her hands over her head and slowly jiggled her boobs, a mocking smile on her face. Yennefer glared stonily at the display. It had been by the slightest of margins but one pair of breasts had, for an instant, overlapped the other. And it hadn’t been hers…
“How does it feel Yenna,” Triss taunted. “To be second best.”
“Why are you asking me,” Yennefer snapped. “You should know all about it, with how many times Geralt has chosen me over you.”
The blow was swift, but Yenn was expecting it, and struck back equally savagely, both women grabbing for hair once more.
“The only reason he sticks with a cheating whore like you is because of magic, and you know it.” Triss hissed spitefully, butting Yennefer hard. Stunned at the cheap shot she was wide open as the redhead yanked her to side, delivering fore and backhand slaps that sent her splashing back into the water. Triss pointed a trembling finger at the rival sorceress. “You’ll go after anything with a dick, secure in the knowledge that he’ll always take you back. If I was with Geralt I wouldn’t…I would…”
“You’d pretend to get drunk and try to get him to meet you in the lighthouse?” Yennefer suggested, from her seated position. At Triss’s horrified look the sorceress chuckled nastily, getting to her feet. “Dear, dear Trissy. Don’t worry, it took quite a bit of wheedling to get him to tell me what you wanted after that kiss. But shall I tell you what happened after he rejected you? How many times he made me come…or maybe how he sucked my tits as he came, all while saying they were the most beautiful he’d ever seen.”
“Not for much longer,” Triss panted, the shame giving back to rage. She lifted her boobs, pointing them straight at Yennefer. “Enough playing around. I’ll grind them to so much mush that it’ll take you a YEAR to make them even presentable.”
“Bring it on bitch.” Yennefer spat in turn. “We were in a rush last time. Now, I have all the time in the world to get the job done right.”
Splashing through the water, Triss rushed awkwardly for Yennefer who also darted forward eagerly. Hands grabbed above elbows, pushing and shoving, then PULLING! The SMACK of breast meeting breast was horrific, the grunts of both beauties savage. And once the initial shock wore they yanked together again…and again…and again.
Nails punctured slick skin as each rebound threatened to tear their grips from one another. Yennefer’s eyes glittered, focusing inwards. There was more than one way to put a red-haired bitch in her bitch. At each slam Triss’s cries took on a keener edge, sparks of shocking pain mixing with the more traditional, expected anguish. But, while more traditional than Yennefer, Triss was still a sorceress of skill. And quickly figured out what her rival was doing, and how to counter.
At the next slam Yennefer winced. The second she moaned. And the third the raven haired sorceress shouted and pulled away, both women leaving red streaks on the other’s arm that were quickly washed away in the rain. “Cunt!” She hissed, glaring across at the other sorceress.
“Whore!” Triss retorted, her eyes unflinching. Like she’d suspected, Yennefer’s nipples were covered in a small sparks, which had been delivering painful shocks each their breasts met. In comparison, Triss’s glowed hot. Not just the nipples, but areola as well.
“You never did have an original thought in that empty head of yours,” Yennefer taunted, angry at being made to pull away. “Always had to take what was someone else’s idea.”
“And what did you do after my breasts flattened yours!?” Triss spat, furious. “I had no choice but to rebuild mine. You did it because you couldn’t stand the thought of someone else being better than you at ANYTHING!”
Yennefer wiped her mouth and spat out water, glaring across sullenly at the redhead…then attacked. Breasts slammed against breasts, side to side, the fleshy glands swelling and spreading at each collision. But these new breasts had been made with a specific purpose in mind. To humiliate their rival. So neither magnificent pair actually collapsed with each vicious swing. Instead the taut flesh was shoved back against their chests, spreading out at the sides before rebounding and the other set were hurled together.
Standing flat-footed, the sorceresses smashed their tits together savagely, with as much force as they could muster. And the frustration at the fact that their boobs simply splashed together, instead of knocking the other away built with each swing, drove them to up the violence. Slugging the heavy, oval orbs together with increasing force the fleshy CLAP gave way to a solid THUD each time they smashed together.
The breasts swelled in the face of the pain, a pain mirrored in the anguished gasps from the women. They circled slowly, unconsciously, mercilessly beating together the glands that seemed as even as they had been back in the safehouse and Academy. Kicking up waves of water that sloshed against their legs or splashed against their thighs…cold water. In a freezing rain. Teeth chattered as the cold soaked into their skin, but still both stubborn women ignored the increasing chill, focusing on hammering their tits together to overpower the other.
Growling in bitter rage Triss…looking nothing like the demure, friendly young redhead most knew her as…slung her boobs at Yennefer. It was always Yennefer. No matter what she did Yennefer was always there to remind her that she did it first, or did it better. She’d always been somewhat in awe of the older sorceress, despite looking like they were the same age, and not a bit afraid. But no more, damn her. Glaring hard at the woman, dark hair plastered across her face, and increased the power behind her swings. Not anymore dammit!
Hissing spitefully, Yenn wanted to shove her hair to the side, but needed her arms out to maintain balance. Swing…CRACK! Swing…THUD! Their boobs crashed together with such force that should either miss, both would probably fall on their asses from the momentum. But they didn’t miss. Everything else might be a bit of a blur, but the breasts she wanted to smash flat were crystal clear. This had been a long time coming. Though instead of leveling the countryside, she’d be settling for Triss’s pride…a fair trade in Yennefer’s estimation.
Fighting ferociously the circle widened as they battered one another back and forth advantage gained, and lost, within seconds of their boobs beating together. At the end of one rotation, right boob whacked hard against right and Triss felt her leg rub against the cut stone that ringed the pond. Another hard blow discomfited the redheaded sorceress, rolling with the blow to get some distance and scrambled up onto the muddy floor.
“Going somewhere?” Yennefer taunted gasping, looking up at her heaving rival. “Are you going to run away Trissy?”
“Hardly, you old bat!” Triss panted, raising her fists. “Get your ass up here. I haven’t hurt you enough.”
Yennefer was more than happy to oblige, and glad to give her breasts a short break. Jumping onto the turf, she charged Triss, fists swinging wildly. The lady of Vengerberg’s sudden rush caught Merigold by surprise and, for a painful half minute, she found herself on the backfoot. A powerful blow between Yennefer’s eyes however stunned the dark haired woman long enough for the redhead to get her bearings and they now fought on an even footing.
Aggressive grunts and yells, yelps and squeals of pain bounced between them. Crisp, solid thuds of punches, the sharp SPLAT of slaps rang across the garden. But the heavy rain often made their blows miss as often as they hit. Fighting bitterly in the cold, the sorceresses began to raise their body temperature to counter the freezing. It had the subtle effect of giving their bodies a glow that, ironically, made them easier to pick out.
A savage punch floored Triss, sending the redhead onto her back. Aware of her danger she rolled, avoiding the Yennefer’s stomping foot and hurling a handful of mud to distract the other woman as she scrambled upright, and lunged at the glowing figure. Wiping away the hardening mulch, Yennefer leapt at Triss, the two meeting together with a meaty SMACK, arms going around necks as they shoved powerfully.
Face to face, snarling loudly, both sorceresses exerted themselves. Bare feet scrabbled for purchase on the slush, further destroying Yenn’s once immaculate garden. Grunting hideously, Triss forced Yennefer back a step…then two. The violet eyed sorceress shouted in effort, shoving a furiously hissing Triss back the way they came until…
Both blinked at the abrupt, not cessation, but reduction in the water falling around them. Yennefer had pushed them under the massive oak that covered the walkway that led to her front door. Triss recovered first, bashing the top of her tits hard against Yennefer’s bearing the woman back again, before being stopped once more.
Cursing spitefully, Triss felt Yennefer’s boobs banging back against her own even as she glared into the other sorceress’s eyes. The redhead cursed, feet squelching in the mud, hands slapping at backs made slippery by sweat a rain. They sank low, bending their knees, then rose again, muscles in their backs standing out starkly.
“AGGHHH, BITCH!!” Triss suddenly bellowed, feeling as if fire was raked across her back. Tiring of the standoff, Yennefer jabbed her nails cruelly into Triss’s back, dragging them across her shoulders. The distraction was short, but sufficient and the redhead spat in fury, feeling herself gradually forced back. Muscles ached, straining to hold her off, until Triss felt her back hit a rough surface. The tree she realized, Yennefer shoving herself up fully against Triss, face to face, tit to tit and belly to belly. At the slap of their bellies meeting both moaned lightly.
Looking down past their heaving, straining, steaming bosoms their thin panties were pretty much transparent, left legs crossing to bring them into minute contact.
Suddenly conscious of the warmth emanating from the other woman, they clung tighter together and groaned again. Aware of her advantageous position, Yennefer pumped her body against Triss’s slowly, breasts bulging outwards, thinly covered mounds bumping delicately.
“Fuck you, Yenna!” Triss gritted her teeth, crushing Yennefer to her, leg slipping further between the dark haired sorceress’s.
“That comes after,” Yennefer said hoarsely, the light mist that now surrounded them making her breathing pick up. “And you have it backwards. I’ll be the one fucking you!”
“Not again. Never again!” Triss growled. Giving a light jump she pressed her feet to the oak’s trunk and pushed. Yennefer yelled as she felt herself shoved off her feet, twisting in the air with Triss in her arms. Likewise the redhead never let go in the trip to the ground, but once they hit the sharp painful contact made their arms slip. Rolling apart, bodies flared at the return into the heavy downpour. Triss darted forward and slapped hard at a large target.
“Jealous?” Yennefer sneered, slapping a clawed hand across Triss’s tit in retaliation.
“Hardly!” Triss snorted, grabbing the sorceress’s hands, and shoving her chest to batter against Yennefer’s. Arms going over heads they rotated their bodies energetically, boobs whacking boobs rapidly. “I beat you once. I’ll do it again!”
“Not with those floppy things.” Yenn grunted shoving her chest in Triss’s, the orbs ballooning outwards dramatically under the compression. The redhead’s body teetered under Yennefer’s pressure and she let go of her hold, jumping away to avoid falling over. “See…pathetic!”
Yennefer gasped, stumbling to the side, rubbing at her sore right tit. “Say that again.” Triss shouted, stamping her feet in the mud. She marched up to the dark haired sorceress, left boob swinging to smash hard against Yenn’s. She was ready for it this time and her boob met Triss’s evenly, flattening visibly before rebounding. “Pathetic? I’ll show you pathetic!”
The two now flung their breasts at one another with violent abandon, pounding the weighty orbs together with stunning force, driving each other through the deluge and rain soaked yard. Triss’s heavy boobs rolled on her chest before being flung to smash against Yennefer’s solid tits, soft grunts issuing from her mouth with each collision. She could hardly see, but could hear the raven haired sorceress scream at each meaty SMACK.
Yennefer’s lips pulled back in a frightening snarl, battering Triss across her yard, and was in turn bashed back by the furious redhead. Her large breasts bounced wildly as she hurled them to hammer against Triss’s own massive pair, breath hissing out with each blow. With each PLOP as they impacted she heard Triss wail loudly.
Aggressing violently both kept trying to hit the other harder, to hurt them more, make them scream louder. Shapely legs wobbled, becoming less stable with each crushing blow they inflicted on one another. One or the other regularly slipped or staggered on the wet, muddy, ground but swiftly recovered and retaliated with furious boob blows that rocked her rival sending her into retreat.
Flinging her tits in aimed strikes, Triss beat Yennefer back, green eyes shining at the pain on the older sorceress’s face. Yenn tried to grab her, pull them into a grind, but the redhead slapped aside her hands and thrust her boobs to squash against Yenn’s still firm orbs. She could feel the mud squelching under her feet, the stamping and slipping kicking up the turf between them. A flash of white…a rose, she noted absently, then grunted in pain. Then again.
“No…” Yennefer groaned gutturally, the pained look on her face changing to one of determination. She didn’t care what happened to the rest of her garden, but they couldn’t fight here. If they did, it would get damaged. She hurled her firm tits against Triss’s with renewed force, surprising and then halting the redhead’s advance. Boobs splashed together, the rain drops caught between the contending udders exploding in impressive watery bursts. For long minutes they stayed stationary, legs planted firmly in the slush while upper bodies rotated vigorously and a constant WHAM WHAM WHAM of boobs splattering together.
Triss then gave a screech of uncontrollable rage as she took a step back. Tits flailed together brutally, then she took another. “NO!!” The redhead bellowed and, to the shock of Yennefer, turned and ran for the mansion. Panting, Yenn took a moment to consider then staggered after the woman. This wasn’t over. Whatever else she might be, Triss wouldn’t just run away. Returning to the entrance she found Triss waiting for her back in the foyer.
“Here!” The angry redhead demanded, thrusting out her chest, the bedraggled state making her look insane. “Fight me here!”
Not that Yennefer was in any better condition. Heaving, face barely visible behind her midnight hair, the violet eyes that peeked out from behind the strands were flat with rage. Yennefer ran at Triss who charged back. Recognizing each other’s intention they threw themselves forward, arms splayed out, crashing together chests first.
PAIN! Bouncing off of one another Yenn grabbed a convenient wall, clutching her wounded boobs. Across from her Triss bent almost double, hacking in agony. They recovered quickly and rush back in. Coming together with a loud SPLAT, Yenn’s arms went around Triss’s waist, pulling the redhead to her. Likewise Triss threw hers over Yennefer’s shoulders, crushing the woman to her.
“Crush…you…” Yenn wheezed out, the pressure building up between them, breasts squashing together, flattening in the face of the insistent pressure.
“Flat…flat…” Triss groaned, feeling the breast flesh touching the inside of her arms. Head drooping to touch with Yenn’s she stared in fascination at the rippling skin of their boobs wrestling for the limited room between their bodies.
Grunting ever fiercer and louder the sorceresses staggered unsteadily across the room, bare feet leaving muddy tracks on the wooden floor, thrusting their boobs together as they bounced from wall to wall. Trapping Triss in a corner Yenn’s eyes glittered maliciously, grinding her firm boobs against Triss’s, the rippling border between their cleavages straining mightily. Triss only crushed tighter, glaring back at Yennefer, making it clear she was confident in her breasts ability to soak up anything her rival put out.
Twisting her torso slightly, left and right, Yennefer brought first one boob, then the other, against Triss’s with extra force. In response the redhead began humping her tits against the noirette, causing all four orbs wobble and roll with each pump. Completely focused on each other’s destruction, neither realized that they’d slowly moved out from the corner, feet shuffling on auto-pilot. Yenn gave a fierce growl and tightened her grip around Triss’s waist.
“FUUUUUU…” The redhead groaned loudly, upper body bending at the pull on her back and pressure on her chest. Yenn’s breasts landed on top of Triss’s, the weight of the orbs evidently uncomfortable by the woman’s motions. Spotting the discomfort Yenn gave several light jumps, bouncing her boobs on top of Triss’s.
“Do you…feel that…Trissy?” Yennefer taunted Triss, relishing the unshed tears shining in the ginger’s green eyes. She bounced her breasts onto Triss’s again, licking her lips at the open wince. “Just like at the Academy. Seems we weren’t in a rush. Can you guess what I’m going to do after you slink out of the city, beaten again?”
Confident in her upcoming victory Yenn couldn’t resist rubbing salt on the wound. But Triss was tough and, more importantly, a genuine redhead through and through. Her expression went from anguish, to anger, to a raging fury. Her breathing picked up and now Yenn showed a sudden discomfort as Triss began to lean backwards, LIFTING Yennefer’s battle reddened orbs until her own sprung upwards, leveling off against their opposites.
Arms tightening, Triss gave a powerful squeeze, while shoving her breasts against Yenn’s in a head to head comparison. “AAAGHH!” The raven haired sorceress shouted at the effort, feeling her glands forced back into her chest. Her legs buckled and her feet temporarily left the floors. The ginger’s cruel smile was just as brief as Yenn gave a fierce growl and squirmed wildly, forcing Triss to drop her back to the ground. At soon as her feet touched the floor Yenn tightened her grip around Triss’s waist, thrusting her tits back into the redhead’s.
“I said I’d turn them to mush.” Triss hissed, attempting to grind away at Yennefer’s resolve. The older sorceress only snarled in response. Tottering and spinning slowly, they kept pumping their boobs, squeezing with slim, strong arms while maintaining their staring contest. Just like in the garden neither seemed capable of overpowering the other with sheer upper body strength but that was fine. Since neither cared who was stronger. Then Yennefer gasped, and Triss sighed…a wide smile blossoming on her lips.
“Oh yes…” she purred, then sighed again at the pleasurable sensation. “You’d forgotten hadn’t you? Just how badly my nipples destroyed yours.”
Yennefer moaned, pain mingling with pleasure in the sound. She kept their tits plastered together, the heavy orbs still fighting stubbornly, but Yennefer’s now looked slightly flatter at the tip, while Triss’s appeared more rounded. Gritting her teeth the raven haired sorceress focused on strengthening the taut spike, running cold through. Slowly the border between their boobs evened out as Yenn’s tits swelled in response to the chill. Triss trembled at the cold, then responded in kind, both pair of nipples now painfully rigid.
With circular motions the prideful women plied their nipples against one another. Jousting together the rough tips grated past one another to stab at areolas or scraped across breasts to swordfight, making their owners moan and legs weaken. As the sensations rolling between them became more intense their movements became smaller, more compact. The main battle was put on hold. Both women were focused their dueling nipples, hidden within the mounds of titflesh.
A thread of sweat ran down Yennefer’s face. Triss watched the drop squirm it’s way down her rival’s face to merge with with another stream at her neck in a kind of fascination. Yennefer stared as Triss’s tongue emerged to moisten her lips, the tip of the pink organ holding her attention. Anything to distract from the burning sensation of their warring nips.
“Tip to tip,” Yenn whispered suddenly, breaking Triss from her almost hypnotized state. Unconsciously she nodded, the two slowly pulling away, breasts rolling back out until their nipples came back into view, just out of range of one another. Groaning at the sight, arms slid from around backs, almost caressing, to grab firmly at biceps. Boobs, looser than earlier, wobbled deliciously at their movements making lining up difficult but they made do. Yenn’s brown tips brushed against Triss’s pink points, pushing together and shifting side to side, nipples bending as they slid past and over one another.
Triss bit her lip at the feel of Yenn’s hard spikes stabbing into her areola. Yennefer’s eyelids fluttered at Triss’s stiff nipples flicking across her own. It was a change from the hotly contested, downright hostile titfight they’d been engaged in, but they wanted to be careful. This was a particularly emotional area for them…for any woman…and neither wanted to miss the moment the other’s nipples failed.
In her confidence, Triss unleashed a barrage of nipple stabs that poked and pricked at Yenn’s areola and nipple. Never one to back down from a challenge, Yenn shot off rapid fire blows that had the spikes bouncing off of one another as they slid past. Neither could stay quiet now Triss’s light moans melding with Yennefer’s soft squeaks, a warmth beginning in their stomachs that had little to do with the heat both still radiated.
Triss’s left and Yenn’s right dueled energetically, the thick long spikes swatting at one another like a pair of fleshy swords, both bending to then snapping back into place. Shifting to the other side, Triss’s right and Yennefer’s left were shoved together, only to slide past, scraping all along each other’s length in a manner that made both beauties shudder. The longer it went on the more Yenn’s confidence grew and Triss’s eyes grew troubled.
Then Yenn stumbled and the woman moaned in shock.
The redhead tightened her grip and held her steady, a blissful smile on her face. Both of the dark haired sorceress’s nipples now pointed up towards the ceiling. “Oh yes…just like I remember.” Triss whispered silkily. Then, to Yennefer’s surprise, the woman leaned in close to plant a soft, tender kiss across her mouth, tongue swirling to moisten the red lips, then claiming them again. Once the surprise wore off, Yenn responded, her mouth opening to allow her tongue to greet Triss’s, before moving past to explore each other’s mouth.
How long it went on…neither knew. But it did remind them that there was more between them than just hostility. They had been friends…could still be friends. Maybe even more. Unfortunately both had different ideas on how to get back to that point. Finally coming up for air, Triss shot Yennefer a dazed smile that the older sorceress returned. Then…
Triss shoved her stiff spikes to once more bend Yenn’s softened tips, smile widening at the sight. “I told you I’d beat you.”
“What?” Yennefer’s eyes narrowed, scowling, holding Triss tighter.
“I beat you.” Triss’s expression hardened. “Accept it, Yenna. You’re not the best at everything.”
“I never said I was.” Yennefer hissed. Suddenly shifting her body, she moved her nipples away and bashed her tits hard against Triss’s. With a curse the redhead stumbled to the side, glaring at the other woman. “But I AM better than you Trissy. And we’re not done. Not after what you did to Geralt.”
“What I did to Geralt?” Triss’s glared. “I gave him happiness. I gave him love. You? You…”
“Yes…yes. The Djin. You never heard, did you?” Yennefer’s eyes glittered with a cruel joy. “We went and found another Djinn together. Can you guess what I wished for?”
“That’s right Triss darling.” Yennefer crowed. “I wished for the former spell to be neutralized. That was BEFORE he proposed to me. BEFORE we moved in together.”
“You’re…you’re lying.” Triss pounced on Yennefer, snatching at her long dark hair and shoving the struggling sorceress against staircase bannister. “After everything you’ve done to him. How many times you’ve been unfaithful, there’s no way he’d…”
“He forgave me, you know that feeling don’t you.” Yenn snarled, yanking Triss’s crimson locks in response. Once more hostility reigned. “Like he forgave you tricking him. Like how he forgave YOUR betrayal!”
A hoarse whine emanated from Triss and, with a hard tug, she flung a handful of midnight locks to the floor. Yennefer shouted at the pain, could feel a trickle of blood in her scalp, and tore at the Triss’s hair in a fury, red joining black on the wooden flooring.
Tearing out clumps of contrasting locks the sorceresses attacked each other in a frenzy. Triss slapped Yenn, Yenn punched Triss. They hacked and slashed, scratching with magically augmented nails that left red runs that burnt painfully across their upper bodies. Triss punched, then shoved Yennefer and ran at the other woman. Lashing out with a foot, Yenn caught Triss in the stomach and, as the redhead bent over, grabbed a nearby vase and smashed it over her head.
Luckily for Triss the vase was empty, and her hair was still thick enough to cushion the blow. But it was still damaging enough to drop her to her knees. A vicious kick sent her rolling back against the stairs and she gagged, hurt. Looking up through watering eyes Triss saw Yenn approaching, arms held high with what looked like the stand the vase had been on. The look on the raven haired sorceress’s face was murderous. Tucking herself into a roll, she crashed against Yennefer’s legs, taking the older woman by surprise, knocking her over with a startled “SHIT!”
Scrambling back to her feet, Triss scooped up the stand, one handed, and swung it horizontally to break against Yennefer’s side. “Guhuck!” Yenn groaned stumbling against the wall. Marching up to the wounded woman, Triss hammered a punch across her face, only to be surprised when Yenn swung back with an angry snarl.
Toe to toe, feet planted firmly on the floor, the women attacked each other savagely. Small, hard fists pounded faces, breasts and stomachs. Black and red hair floated between them as fists flailed, gasps, squeals and screams of pain echoed through the room. Triss suddenly stumbled, moaning after clubbing left. A second blow from Yenn garnered no response and raising her fist foor a third, she was knocked against the wall with a slashing uppercut that had her feet leave the ground, sliding slowly to the ground with a stunned expression.
Screaming, suddenly out of control, Triss leapt at the seated woman, pounding her fists on Yenn’s head. Covering her face Yenn endured the heavy blows, then her foot lashed upwards. Triss’s eyes crossed, lips puckered and she sank down opposite Yennefer, hands clutching her wounded privates. She could only watch as Yenn’s fist made a wide circuit, almost in slow motion, before thudding painfully across her face sending her rolling back to land on her stomach.
“Hah…hah…fucking…little…shit.” Yennefer growled, wincing as she felt her jaw. At least two teeth were loose that she could feel. Warily she crawled over to Triss. The girl was unmoving. A sense of unease hit Yenn and she moved with a bit more speed. Regardless of everything they’d done to one another, what was between them, sorceresses were long lived and ostracized. It was rare, and pointless, to hold a long term grudge. Which was how she and Triss managed to interact between fights. Plus, Geralt did care for the little bitch.
“Triss…” Yenn gently touched the woman’s shoulder, started to roll her over, then shouted a curse as the redhead suddenly moved, smashing a fist directly into her face. Recoiling in pain, Yennefer was wide open and Triss hammered her own roundhouse punch to send the dark haired woman shuffling back. Another blow, this one actually blocked by an enraged Yenn, and then the air between the two was once more filled with fists going in opposite directions and knuckle scraping painfully past occasionally while doing so.
Behind the ringing in her ears Triss screamed as Yennefer slammed a lot of blows into her breasts. Angrily she countered with the same tactic, wild uppercuts sending the large mounds bouncing too and fro between them. Combat slowed at the sorceress’s tired and Triss noticed that Yennefer’s blows were losing power. Absorbing a punch into her stomach, Triss clubbed a blow across Yenn’s tired face, and the sorceress wobbled, open and defenceless. Panting, Triss stared, then swung again, fist smashing across the woman’s cheek and sending her sliding across the floor.
“Gods…” Yennefer retched, pain radiating across her body now the adrenaline began to wear off. Weakly, she tried to push herself upright, before flopping back onto her side. She’d never been this deep in a physical fight before. How Geralt managed it, she shuddered at the thought.
Triss whimpered at the agony coursing through her. It had finally truly registered. What Yenn had said. Geralt was lost to her. And just like that, everything she done, everything she’d suffered was pointless. Or was it? She glared across at the crawling Yennefer.
Painfully, Yennefer pulled herself upright with the help of the staircase bannister. She blinked stupidly at the fact that Triss hadn’t moved from the spot where she knocked her down. If she’d followed up on it…
“You…ready to call it…quits yet?” Yenn gasped out. Glaring stonily Triss marched over, fist slashing out to rock the older sorceress. Gagging, she only avoided falling by holding onto the handrail. She shook her head then lunged upright. Triss slumped to her side as Yenn’s fist crashed into her face. Spitting, the redhead caught her balance and strode back opposite the noirette. Yennefer simply stared in shock and punched her again…
Yenn blinked. Her jaw ached and she was on the ground. Shaking her head again it came back to her when she heard the shuffling steps on the staircase. Triss had hit her. The woman had ducked the punch and hit her with a blow she didn’t think her capable of at this point. And now she was…running away. Groaning, Yenn pushed herself up and followed the sound of the girl’s footfalls.
“What are you up to Trissy?” She called angrily hobbling to the top of the stairs. She glanced suspiciously at the open rooms. “We met here to have one last fight. So get out here and fight me dammit!”
“You really think this’ll be the end of it?” Triss’s voice was clear and cool. Yenn’s eyes widened. Her trophy room. At her entry the candles lit brightly. The only thing that remained was her unicorn. The stands were still here, but the rest of her prizes were already at the new estate. Geralt was just being difficult about letting her bring that to his new estate. Triss stepped out from behind it. “Ironic. You having a unicorn. Clearly you bought it since there’s no way it’d appear in front of you.”
“Funny. Geralt wasn’t too fond it. Until I showed him a way we could both use it” Yennefer said, rubbing salt in the wound, approaching the redhead warily. The brief break had let her recoup some of her energy, but so had Triss. “And what are you talking about? That’s why we agreed to meet. To have it out one last time.”
“Yeah…but that was before you made your second wish.” Triss glared at Yenn. There was a wounded look in the woman’s eyes, yet her jaw was still set in a determined line. “You’ve won Yenna. Geralt is yours. Even if I gave you the beating you so richly deserve for all the times you hurt him, it would change nothing.”
“So… now what?” Yennefer’s eyes narrowed. It couldn’t be that easy. It never was. “You just walk out of here and we try and go back to the way things were?”
Triss barked a short bitter laugh. “It’ll be a long time before we’re ever friends like we once were. But there is another reason for us to fight. Something that’s just between us…and the reason we first got into one in the first place.”
Immediately Yennefer’s eyes were drawn to the rolling mounds tipped by a thick, and very stiff, pink nipple. She could feel Triss’s eyes on her body and her defeated spikes swelled in response and her proud boobs rose higher on her chest. “Yes…” she smiled coldly. Her tiredness dissipated at the thought of Triss under her, sobbing in humiliating defeat. “No point leaving matters unfinished.”
“Agreed,” Triss felt her heart rate increase under Yenn’s stare, her breasts swelling in response. Geralt was lost to her. But humbling the arrogant Yennnefer again…that would do for a fine consolation. She approached Yenn boldly, head on, neither woman stopping.
Their breasts met and squashed, flattening at the tips and spreading out in the face of the opposition. Pushing, pushing, until they were almost nose to nose then taking a step back. Glancing down they looked at the quivering orbs, rolling back out to their original forms, then thrust forward again. The flesh stretched, turgid and shining from the compression, soft grunts issuing out from behind clenched teeth.
Rearing back they slammed them together this time, the force making Triss wince. Angry, the redhead strained and shoved Yennefer to stumble and fall to a knee. “Bowing to your better? I’m flattered.” The younger sorceress purred, jumping lightly to give her boobs bounce. “But it’s too soon, don’t you think. We haven’t even gotten started yet.”
“Cunt!” Yennefer spat, pushing herself upright. Marching back up to Triss, she twisted sharply and whacked her left tit against Triss’s who, barely flinching, swung back in response. The air between them was immediately filled as they barraged each other with wild boob blows before Triss stumbled back with a grunt. Once their boobs stopped wobbling Yenn placed her hands on her hips. “Playtimes over Trissy. This time I’m not stopping till you’re curled up on the floor crying for mercy. After that…use your imagination.”
“You’re too kind,” Triss sneered, circling to her right. “And I can guess your perversions Yenna. But no fear. I plan on doing the same.”
“So long as we’re on the same page…” Yenn sprung at Triss, who leapt to meet her, right breast meeting right with frighteningly loud CLAP. For long seconds both beauties kept the straining mounds together, shoving hard as they snarled ferociously around the contending glands. No advantage. Jumping apart, Triss advanced on Yenn, swinging her boobs like a pair of maces battering at the raven haired sorceress’s own massive mounds. Unimpressed, Yenn slammed back, the force having the weighty orbs bouncing off of one another as often as they slipped past.
Triss felt Yenn’s swollen glands resist her pounding boobs and a thread of concern began to worm it’s way into her mind. Her nipples had obliterated Yenn’s and she’d expected the damage she’d done to the woman’s tits in the garden to make this a short fight. Instead the woman’s tits felt as they were as solid as when they began. But despite this Triss was confident that could smash Yennefer again. If she wanted to prolong her suffering, then so be it.
Yenn bit back the scream that almost made it’s way out of her mouth as her boobs splattered against Triss’s. She was relieved that, despite the slight size disparity and what had gone in the garden, her breasts were holding firm. Though she was stunned, and worried, by the power behind the redhead’s boob blows. At the same time, however, the longer it went on and the longer her breasts resisted her confidence grew. And it would be all the sweeter when Triss realized all her effort had been naught.
It had been part preparation, and part feminine pride. Both women had known they would fight again at some point. And while they had fought in the traditional way they’d both also gone out of their way to damage and degrade the other’s…assets. A woman could tolerate another having BIGGER breasts. As the saying went, bigger didn’t mean better…usually by jealous females with smaller breasts…but if a woman made the mistake of saying her boobs were BETTER in the presence of another well, that was pretty much a declaration of war.
Between prideful sorceresses in particular. Creatures that adjusted and molded their bodies to what they viewed as the peak of attractiveness and beauty, having an attribute slighted would garner an immediate and violent response. Though they would snipe at each other or make easily denied remarks behind backs, openly deriding one another was something to be avoided. However Yennefer and Triss had long since crossed that line.
Twice they had come to blows. Twice they had brutalized each other’s assets to the point that the winner was barely better off than the one who lost. And, to add insult to injury, had left the loser in a puddle of her own juices. So, blue eyes glaring in violet to the fleshy WHAP WHAP of their breasts contending for the third time, both knew this time would be no different.
They couldn’t remain stationary. One woman would increase the violence of her strikes beyond what the other was prepared for and she would, stubbornly, be forced to give way. Bare feet now squeaked on the wooden as they made their way from one end of the room to the other, weaving between the empty stands that once held Yennefer’s memorabilia. Breasts swelled and nipples stiffened as they dueled enthusiastically with their boobs.
Flinging her breasts furiously, Triss smashed a panting Yenn back. past the midpoint, almost to the door before a mistimed blow stopped her progress. Heaving boobs against boobs they flailed them at one another wildly until an off center strike made the redhead wince and take an involuntary step back. Now Yenn seized the advantage, hammering the whining Triss with repeated, merciless, breast blows.
They passed the unicorn and Triss altered her attacks, stabbing her left tit into Yenn’s right, striking her head to head and even bending her nipple again. Yennefer moaned, and took a single step back before snarling and hurling her left against Triss’s. Now they focused all their energy on the left breast, hurling the firm orbs that smash and flatten together repeatedly.
Five. Ten. At the thirteenth strike, Yennefer grabbed Triss’s hip and pushed in closer, grinding her boob against the redhead’s. Taken by surprise, she was almost shoved over onto the floor, before the sorceress pushed back, grabbing at Yenn’s fleshy waist. Growling into each other’s face, the breasts lost some of their rounded shapes, flattening dramatically under the constant pressure, but the thick, dense flesh resisted the compression.
“HARGH!!” Yenn snarled, rising up onto her toes, trying bear down on Triss’s breast from a superior angle. The redhead hissed, sliding a foot back for better stability, then shoving forward with a surge that drives them apart as Yennefer stumbles back. Glaring for a short second the sorceresses massaged the aching teats, before striding back together unhesitatingly, breasts flying through the air to collide with a resounding CLAP.
Both staggered, then flew back together boobs pounding madly. The fleshy mounded met with repeated and resounding impacts that drowned out the hoarse grunts and groans coming from the women. Sweat flowed freely down their half naked frames, both from pain and exertion. Breasts continued to smash against breasts, throbbing in insistent pain, beating together, squashing and pulverising with meaty collisions chorused by the pained squeals of battling sorceresses.
Still, much like those pugilist contests Geralt occasionally took part in, neither Triss nor Yenn relented. They continued slugging their boobs at one another, without regard for themselves. It was a mindless, instinctive fighting that had their huge breasts clapping together without any thought of strategy. They just wanted was to hurt the other as much as possible. Which they couldn’t do without hurting themselves in the process. Which just made them angrier and want to hurt the one hurting them even more. So the violence continued spiraling out of control.
Glaring balefully into the equally angry eyes across from her, Triss’s hands suddenly flashed upwards, once more grabbing for Yenn’s raven-dark hair. Shouting in anguish, Yennefer’s snatched at Triss’s fiery locks, both tugging furiously, until Triss slammed both of her boobs against Yenn’s. With what could almost be described as a feminine roar, Yennefer bashed her tits against the redhead, making her cry out loudly, before flinging her orbs back again.
It was awkward at first, but slowly a rhythm developed as they heaved themselves into one another, exhaling hot air into each other’s face. Triss shuddered with each collision, squeezing her eyes shut against the pain, tears leaking out from behind the closed lids, struggling to maintain her footing. Her boobs were taking a horrendous beating, but she only tangled her hands deeper into Yenn’s thick hair and kept thrusting her breasts with greater force.
Exhaustion was setting in. They added a grind at the end of each slam, working the taut, bruised glands into it’s rival, trying to wear away at the dense firmness. Yennefer gave a choking sob, head bowed, teeth clenched and legs quivering at each weighty blow. Panting in desperate agony, she let go of Triss’s hair and wrapped her arms around the younger woman’s neck. It gave her better leverage and she heard Triss gasp louder at each impact around her own whimpers.
Faces contorted with agony at each lunge, that saw the fleshy masses squash and swell every time they met. They shrieked when their breasts met top to top with a heavy SMACK, the stinging pain overwhelming their control. They screamed each time they crushed head to head, full orbs doing their best to punch through it’s rival, nipples to puncture the swollen flesh. Triss groaned and Yenn moaned, feet shuffling on the sweat stained floor.
Then Triss slipped.
It was a hard blow. One of the hardest Yenn had managed thus far, and she howled in as much agony as Triss when it landed. It unsteadied the redhead and her feet lost their purchase in the puddle of sweat they fought in, falling backwards. Hands, just as drenched slipped apart and the redhead staggered back to rest against the stuffed unicorn, clutching at her chest. In that moment she was vulnerable and Yenn saw it. With an inarticulate scream she threw herself at Triss, chest first. The redhead shrieked at the impact of their bodies smacking together, then they both screamed as the unicorn tumbled over, the women falling with it.
They landed hard, with a horrific SPLAT, and while both howled at the landing, Triss’s wail superseded Yenn’s. Might have something to do with Yennefer making sure to land on top of the redhead. Rolling apart Triss curled up in agony while Yenn landed on her back, heaving as torment roiled across her chest. For close to three minutes both sorceress’s occupied their own personal space of pain before Yenn’s head wearily rose to peer at Triss’s quivering form through the valley of her reddened boobs.
“Ha…ha…that’s right.” She gasped loudly, glaring at the sobbing woman. “You want mo…more of that…you…you…fucking ginger?”
Yenn’s words cut through the Triss’s agony like hot knife through butter. The thought of losing to her rival allowing her to push her pain to the side. She unfurled, getting to her knees, and glowered at the dark haired sorceress. Then she twisted her head, slapping her hand against the wall where her shadow flickered. “Never…” she gritted out, reaching out with her power. “I…will not…lose to…you…again!!”
Yenn felt the surge of Triss’s will, but exhaustion made her react slowly. Muscles screamed as she scrambled upright, then clutched at herself as Triss’s shadow lunged, tearing her own away. She forced herself to focus placing her own palm against the stone and now her shadow kicked away Triss’s, the two wrapping up into an unrecognizable blob. Likewise Triss and Yenn crawled forward, grabbing each other around the neck and heaving their boobs together.
At the first impact Yenn stiffened. On the second Triss’s body spasmed. The third had them scream and the fourth had Yennefer fall away to land on the unicorn’s belly. Pausing only to groan her own suffering, Triss pounced on the downed woman, returning the favor Yenn gave her earlier. Splashing bodily onto the older sorceress, Yenn screeched, but Triss wasn’t done yet. Lifting her body upright, she bombed Yennefer again, the woman’s howl reinvigorating the redhead. Fear gave Yennefer strength and, as Triss rose again, hands grabbed shoulders, fingers digging into bone. Whining in urgency Triss attempting to drop her heavily hanging boobs onto Yennefer’s, while the raven haired woman attempted to protect her rolling, swollen teats.
Frozen in a straining tableau, Triss’s red hair tickled Yenn’s cheeks, heaving and trembling in effort. Triss felt Yenn seem to weaken and pushed harder, then moaned longingly. From their navels downwards their sweaty bodies melded together and, involuntarily, they slowly pumped their thinly covered nethers. Immediately Yennefer pulled to the side, overturning Triss. Slapping the redhead hard, the dark haired sorceress bombed her tits onto her rival. Triss shouted, grabbing Yenn and preventing her rising again and pulled while also shoving.
Now on top of Yenn, Triss ground her boobs into Yenn’s viciously, glaring spitefully as the other woman’s head flew back and she bellowed. A couple wildly thrashing rolls and Triss repeated the move, their boobs squashing thicker, flatter than they’d ever been, but the still proud glands fighting as fiercely as their owners. Arms clenched tightly and both screamed in pain and rage. Rolling uncontrollably, half on top of the mythical beast, legs kicking and waving and twisting together the sorceress’s cries began to become more desperate.
Recognizing what was happening, Yenn kicked Triss away and scrambled over her fallen trophy. “Where…do you think…you’re going?” Triss panted, cursing the excitement that still coursed through her. “Running away, fat old cow!?”
“Who’s old and fat!” Yenn gasped indignantly, then froze at a loud RIP. Her under fell apart, dark curls exposed, Triss’s shadow holding hers aloft while slashing at her lower regions. Clenching her fists, Yenn growled, her shade stretching over Triss’s to pull it over. There was resounding SNAP, and now the redhead’s unmentionable’s floated to the floor. “That’s IT! Get over here…NOW!!”
Vaulting the unicorn in her eagerness Triss flew at Yenn, slamming into her with a loud SMACK as they resumed crushing each other, body to body. Triss’s arms went under Yenn’s pits, who in turn flung her arms over the redhead’s shoulders. The pain returned, a hot and constant burning as they seemingly tried to crush the life from one another. Grunting and gasping, breast flesh bulged out at the sides when one, or the other pushed forward. Breathing heavily, Triss pulled Yennefer closer, locking her right hand over the left wrist. Groaning, Yenn crushed Triss to herself, putting pressure of the girl’s biceps, seeking any advantage.
Staggering back and forth unsteadily, the sorceress’s grunts grew louder and fiercer as they crushed each other mercilessly. Breathing became a challenge as the proud, defiant orbs were forced back against their chest. Sweat poured down bright red faces, stinging eyes and dripping from noses and lips.
“Uuunnghhh…” Yennefer groaned, head bowed, teeth clenched. She watched in horrified fascination at the undulating ripples that flowed between their boobs. Her tense orbs would surge forward, claiming precious ground, quiver and strain before being pushed back when Triss screamed and arms tensed. Her ears were already ringing from her own cries, so she could only imagine how loud the miserable little cunt’s were for her to hear them. “Mmmppphh…”
“Ooohhh…” Triss moaned at Yennefer’s retaliatory squeeze, throat sore from the last cry. She stared up at the ceiling, head whipping back and forth, willing her precious breasts to resist the black haired bitch’s crush, sighing in relief when the pressure slowly faded. She couldn’t be sure if the pain was worse than when she lost to Triss, but it certainly felt like it. Still, her back muscles tensed and legs straightened as she now squeezed mightily, Yenn’s hoarse, wail assaulting her ears.
Squeeze and crush, crush and squeeze. Fumbling and stumbling, Yennefer and Triss’s bodies moved on auto-pilot. The thing they were conscious of was the desperate need to finish off the woman in their arms. Triss never noticed her advantage when she shoved a weakened Yenn against the far wall. Yennefer failed to capitalize when a stand crashed to the ground after a tired Triss’s rear bumped against it.
Finally, exhausted, staggering over the unicorn’s legs Triss tripped, pulling Yennefer down after her. A spark in her brain recognized an advantage and her legs spread, sinking into a squat, forcing Triss’s back to bend before a spasm had her sink gratefully to her knees besides the whimpering ginger.
Forehead to forehead, nose to nose, gasping in almost unbearable agony. Stiffened arms bring what little remained of the bustline into conflict as, millimeter by millimeter, the firmness of their breasts is worn away under the insistent pressure.
“Give…up…Trissy…” Yennefer gasped in desperation, the pain excruciating. She could feel, not only Triss’s breasts softening, but also her own. The demand for surrender wasn’t out of a fear of losing, but rather of all the work she’d have to do to repair the damage before heading back. There was no way she’d let Geralt see her in any way but her best. Trembling, the raven haired sorceress, got a leg under her, rising up slightly above the frustrating redhead. “I’ll do it…Triss. So help…me. I’ll flatten you…completely.”
“No…I’ll flatten you!” Triss groaned, back complaining about the weight of the other sorceress bearing down on her. Teeth bared, she forced a leg up, putting herself back level with Yenn. The woman’s boobs were failing, but instead of gaining ground, hers were also falling back. The horrible beating they’d been subjected to making them flatten simultaneously. It wouldn’t be much longer, but Triss would be damned if she’d give the dark haired bitch the satisfaction of hearing her beg. “I swear…I will…”
Both had come to the same conclusion. Unlike the first where Triss’s had conclusively proven their superiority, or at Aretuza where Yenn had squashed Triss, the battle was completely even. The gorgeous mounds, created with such love and pride had met their match and now it would come down to the design and will of their creators.
No further words needed to be exchanged. Both knew what would happen. Through the bitter sobs and savage grunts, only total victory would suffice. Arms tensed, what remained of their once magnificent mammaries quivered and Yenn and Triss gave one final mighty squeeze with the intent to finally end their suffering.
Heads bowed, teeth clenched and sweat poured off their gorgeous frames to puddle on the floor. The pressure built, foreheads, pressing together began to bump slowly, softly, then harder. And harder. Faces screwed and finally flew back, bellowing in unabashed agony, whipping back and forth.
The space between their busts roiled and jiggled as first one pair, then the other seemed ready to punch through it’s opposite. At first Triss’s boobs appeared to be making headway, rounding out as they penetrated the border between them. Howling like a banshee, Yenn seemed to rally, her breasts pushing back against Triss’s, then forcing the orbs back against the woman’s chest. Pouring on more pressure Yenn’s face contorted as she strained. Entire body quaking, Triss shrieked, and Yenn screamed, the redhead’s boobs bulging back out to even things out again.
Thrusting and pumping, the border between their breasts kept shifting in an almost liquid fashion. The dense core of tissue in the center of their boobs was all that remained and even these began to weaken in the face of the incredible compression. Legs failed and once more they knelt fully, both knees on the ground.
“Bitch…I’ll break your…back!” Triss shouted deliriously, pulling at Yenn with what little she had left. Yennefer cried out, just one big hurt right now and squeezed back hard. Boobs flattened and flattened, the women screaming…then one flinched.
It was a small thing and not even a result of the titfight. The magic they used to animate their shadows was tied to their emotions. The anger, resentment and some hate, they felt given life. As a result the shadowy, feminine figures, merged and coiled and tore at each other in the manner their creators…to a degree…wished to do to one another. And just like they felt Triss and Yenn’s emotions, the sorceresses occasionally got flashes since messing with a shadow was tricky business.
The flickering light made them shrink and grow as they fought along the four walls around their kneeling masters. Coiled like fighting snakes the shadows went along the roof where one suddenly caught favorable lighting and swelled itself massively, driving it’s rival to the breaking point as it fell back. The mental backlash from this defeat, if temporary, slammed into the sorceress’s head like a headache and she faltered. Tired and hurt she missed the thrust her rival gave, splashing her boobs hard against the defenceless pair and she screamed.
Yennefer screamed. Loudly and long.
The move sent her over onto her back and Triss, granted nervous energy by Yenn’s clearly injured state pinned the sorceress down with her weight. Yenn struggled wildly, but Triss, just as frantically, maintained her top position. “GET OFF!” Yennefer cried desperately. This couldn’t be happening. This SHOULDN’T be happening!
“No!” Triss hissed spitefully, grinding down with her full weight. Yennefer’s breasts still resisted. Taking a risk, and several deep breaths, the redhead released the noirette’s arms and squeezed.
With only one way to fight back open to her, and too tired to try get Triss off of her, Yenn’s arms went around the redhead’s back. In a puddle of their own sweat Triss Merigold and Yennefer of Vengerberg, sorceresses, women who rubbed elbows with nobility, groaned and grunted and cried as they fought like a pair of lowly peasant women. Or army followers.
Cheek to cheek, whimpering, Triss felt Yennefer’s struggles weaken and pressed down hard. Horror almost overtook her as her boobs felt almost liquid as they pressed into her raven haired rival’s, then Yenn gave one final, prolonged shriek. As if in sympathy there was a crack of thunder, and the pressure against her chest simply melted away. The arms around her back went limp, flopping to the floor.
“Yes…YES!!” Triss, gasped loudly. Reflexively she kept squeezing, even though at this point she was only hurting herself. But that wasn’t all. The euphoria of victory running through her had the woman thrusting, slowly at first, but with increasing intensity as realization set in. “Who’s the best…now Yenna? Wh…who? WHO!!”
Moaning, she now realized what her lower half was doing, but was too far gone to stop it. With a hoarse cry of unadulterated joy Triss gave in to her baser instincts, hips pistoning hard as she came. Panting, eyes uncrossed and a smile crossed her lips. On the floor directly above Yenn’s head, their shadows writhed, linked together at the hips in a very obvious manner.
“Yes…yes…” Triss murmured tiredly. Twisting Yennefer’s head to face her directly, Triss kissed the unconscious woman gently, but firmly. Pushing upright, she got onto weak legs, tottering towards the kitchen.
There was a weight on her chest. A burning, stifling weight. Terror ran through her. It was Vilgefortz all over again. She had to escape but her limbs refused to work. A thumping sound.
He was coming! Yennefer whined in fear, too scared to care how weak the sound made her. Had to get away…had to…
Yennefer gasped and sputtered under the deluge, sitting up rapidly, then falling back to the wooden floor would a groan. “Awake? Looked like you were having a nightmare.” Immediately it all came back to her and the dark haired sorceress beat her head against the floor in frustrated grief.
“Why are you…still here?” She demanded, bitterly, staring up at the naked Triss standing over her. She felt a petty satisfaction that Triss’s orbs were so deflated that it’d be some time before she’d appear in public. Granted the redheaded skank would be out and about before she was ready, but it was a small consolation.
“Tradition.” Triss replied, tossing aside the small bucket she’d used to drench the other sorceress. Yennefer’s expression switched to one of horror and she started to rise again only to have Triss drop just below her neck, knees holding down her arms firmly. She grabbed Yenn by the hair, on both ends. “Eat me…or you know what happens.”
Yennefer’s eyes glinted in fury, but her head slowly rose and Triss sighed in pleasure at the feel of her tongue.
“Yes…that’s a good girl…” Triss purred. Her hand, between Yennefer’s legs extended a pair of fingers and raven haired sorceress’s hips began to jerk in frustration as the digits teased her entrance. “Oh no, no, no. You have to earn this Yenna. You’re not getting a freebie this time. Put that mouth of yours to some proper use.”
Violet eyes now blazed in outrage but the sorceress knew when she was beaten. She was in no condition to take on Triss physically right now and any attempt at sorcery would garner an immediate response that would likely escalate. Which would defeat the purpose of meeting here in the first place. And…if she was honest…there were worse positions to find oneself in after losing a fight.
Triss stiffened as Yenn went to work. “Go…gods!” The redhead arched almost bending double at Yenn’s tongue whipping back forth along her womanhood. She froze and started to giggle uncontrollably. A bit put out Yenn paused. Was this some insult to her sexual talents. Then… “Look Yenn…on the ceiling…”
Carefully, Triss pulled away enough to allow Yennefer to angle her head. Immediately she chuckled. Their shadows, following their lead, lay parallel to one another heads bobbing rapidly. “Well that’s something you don’t see everyday…”
Locking eyes, a signal passed between them, and Triss twisted around and lay down Yennefer’s body. Yenn grabbed Triss’s slim hips and worked them around so her legs lay on both sides of her head. Both women started working on each other in earnest now. With fingers, lips and tongue, both expertly traced the other’s vital regions, bringing their decades of talent to bear. The fight might be over but the contest was still on between them. Their softened tits lay squashed against taut bellies as they devoured each other.
The room, once echoing with the sounds and cries of two bitterly fighting women, was now filed with lapping and sucking and the whimpering of two women desperate to stave off an approaching orgasm. Gasping heavily, Yenn shoved her tongue hard into Triss, causing the younger sorceress to moan and thrust back, as if to try and get it in deeper. Triss came back with a vengeance, sucking furiously at Yenn’s bulb, while shoving in a pair of fingers.
Triss’s juices dribbling down her cheeks, Yennefer felt the itch in her own loins begin to boil over. No amount of control seemed to prevent the build up. Knowing that it wouldn’t be long, she tried to increase the rate of her work on Triss, but despite her increasingly desperate moans the redhead refused to break. Finally moaning something in Elvish, she lost control and embraced the sensations. A flow of warmth started between her legs and suddenly raced out, engulfing her like hot water. She arced her back and thrust out her pelvis, the sensations consuming conscious thought. Body bouncing on the hard floor, she tried to maintain it, riding the wave for as long as possible.
Triss, however, had other ideas, and shoved her pussy back into Yenn’s face to remind her of her obligations. A few licks was all it took before the girl shuddered in climax. Heads between legs, Triss’s resting directing on Yenn’s womanhood the sorceresses rested, tired…but not yet that tired.
Twisting off of Yenn, Triss sat up and stared boldly at her defeated rival. Yennefer glared back and sat up, spreading her legs wide. “Think you can go the distance?” She sneered.
“You want to be humiliated three times in one night?” Triss growled, opening her own legs. Sliding together quickly they hissed at first contact, bellies pumping. “Suits me just fine!”
It didn’t take long. Three minutes and Yenn’s body went stiff, angrily beating the boards as Triss smirked at her. But the redhead quickly lost the smile as Yenn quickly forced a duo of orgasms out of her, back to back. Glaring sullenly over at the heaving Yennefer, the two began to fuck with determination now. No more stopping until one of them passed out.
This would take a while.
His pillow was moving. Jeremy yawned, snuggling deeper into his bed which was also incredibly soft.. He was feeling quite good, and happy with himself, reaching up to fluff his two pillows.
The squeak made him freeze.
He didn’t have a pillow…much less two. Nor did he have a bed, he typically slept in the stables. Slowly forcing his eyes open he found himself looking at gently moving mass of pale flesh, topped by small brown circle and long spike. On an impulse he sucked the spike into his mouth and heard the squeak again, this time more prolonged and approving. Raising his head he found himself looking into the smoldering eyes of the buxom new maid.
She looked older now, without the makeup. Three, maybe four, years older than him but still pretty. Then he remembered. Grabbing her hand before the guards showed and running upstairs to one of the rooms the girls entertained guests with extra money. One thing had led to another and…he pulled back the sheets to find them both naked. Amusingly he noticed she was indeed a blonde before her surprisingly soft hand wrapped firmly around a part of his body that was most certainly not soft. “Do you want to fuck me again?” She whispered. He gulped, nodding shyly. “Such a good boy.”
Rolling her hips, Margarita quickly reduced her “rescuer” to a panting, whimpering mess. It was a benefit, she supposed, looking down at his sweating face, judging the right moment and gave a sharp squeeze that had him arch. Screaming silently she felt his seed rushing into her body. She’d adopted the serving girl persona to avoid Merigold, planting a memory in the staff that she was newly hired on.
Yennefer she was ready for, but she hadn’t expected Triss. The rumor around the Lodge was that the two were in a bit of a tiff…likely over that Witcher again. Still though, she gasped as her young lover began to move again. It would be nice to try this relationship thing again the two liked to bang on about. And this one was young enough.
She smiled.
Yennefer groaned as she woke up. Her entire body ached and she stank something awful. “Whuuuuaahhhhhh!” She squealed in shock, sliding off the unicorn. Moaning she rubbed at her shoulder, turning to look at her trophy, now upright and back in it’s original position. “What…I’m pretty sure we knocked that over. When did..!”
The sex had kept escalating. Geralt was a gentle caring lover…sex with Triss had been anything but. Triss had fucked her against the wall. She’d bent Triss over one of the pedestals. Hell, the ginger had surprised her, sending them both floating to the roof as Triss pounded her. At some point they’d gotten apart and she’d run for the unicorn trying to get it up. Whether Triss knew what she’d intended or not, the redhead had helped her get it in place, then they’d mounted the stuffed creature and resumed.
But…who had won… Yennefer cracked her back and wandered downstairs. Making love to Geralt on it was one thing. Trying to scissor Triss and keep her balance was another. Her mind kept going back, trying to remember exactly what happened, keeping a firm hold on the railing as she did so. She couldn’t for the life of her… “hmmm…”
Ignoring the mess of the dining room, on the table was a small clear crystal amulet. Sensing Triss’s magic Yenn waved her hand over it and, after a short delay an image of Triss appeared, dressed and apparently ready to leave.
“Took you long enough. If we were going off of who got up first I’d say I’m three for three. Nipples, breasts and sex.” The image stated, smirking, arms folded. Then it adopted a more serious manner. “But I’m willing to call it a draw, unless you want to make an issue of it.”
“I’ll be off the grid for a bit Yenna. Need to think about things. Geralt…you…me. I doubt we can ever go back to exactly how things were. Hell, would surprise me if this is the last time we ever throwdown so I think I’ll keep working on myself just in case.”
“I don’t want us to be enemies Yenn. I wasn’t the one that started this. I just wanted a chance with the man I fell in love with…the man you seemed to treat as if he was just a convenience. I wanted you to acknowledge my abilities instead of always making it about yourself.”
“I messed up, I’m willing to admit that. Geralt is yours…I’ll back off, but…” here Triss brought the crystal in close. “If I EVER get word that you’ve betrayed him again I WILL make an appearance. And what happened last night won’t even compare.”
“I’ve keyed this amulet to me. Just say my name three times and it’s sister wil respond so we can talk. Or arrange for a meeting, whatever tickles your fancy. Maybe this time we can set rules or a time limit. Maybe this is why Geralt gets into so many fights.”
“Good-bye Yenna.”
Geralt made himself comfortable. Though still looking like a man, at worst, in his mid forties the Witcher was quickly approaching a hundred and twenty. Between the vineyard in Toussaint and training the next generation of Witchers at Kaer Morhen as well as dealing with Yennefer…he was as close to content as any man could ever hope to be.
Much of this contentment was due to the event he was currently waiting on. Perched high above a small clearing, at the extreme edge of his vision he relaxed, waiting. Shortly after he got himself situated he caught sight of Yennefer, striding purposefully out of the woods. Looking around, she settled herself on a convenient stump. A few minutes later a feminine form with a bob of bright crimson hair appeared at a angle to where he’d first spotted Yennefer.
Triss. She’d cut her hair he noticed with a twinge of sadness. He’d always preferred her with it longer. She approached Yenn openly, standing opposite her, arms folded across her chest. He couldn’t hear what was being said, but didn’t need to. He knew what was coming. Slowly Yenn rose and thrust out her chin. The blow was sharp and the echo of it reached him about the time Yennefer recovered and swung her own punch. Leaning back he waited to see how this one would play out. Yenn would likely be sore after losing last time.
He’d been concerned after his hearing caught Yenn discussing a meeting with an unknown. This disturbed him as he’d believed them past this point. His personal conflict with what he heard, as opposed to trusting her now that they were together had him leave some time after her. Tracking Yenn wasn’t difficult since she made no attempt to hide her tracks. That gave him hope. She hadn’t gone far, barely five miles from his estate, still on his property, by a large stand of trees. His Witcher hearing caught a feminine scream and he quickly leapt off of Roach, moving quickly but quietly.
There weren’t many that could threaten a sorceress of Yenn’s caliber so just bursting onto the scene would do more harm than good. Then he heard a shout and paused. That…wasn’t Yenn. But it was still in a feminine pitch. More confused than ever he arrived at a point where he was finally able to catch a glimpse of what was going on. And for one of the few times in his life the Witcher stood stock still, jaw agape, stunned.
He recognized Yennefer if from her midnight black hair. But the other woman he couldn’t recognize…if just because Yenn was doing her best to tear out her hair. But the red in those locks made his jaw drop even wider as he caught a flash of the face, Triss. Innocent, sweet, well adjusted Triss. He remained frozen for what felt like minutes as the two fought like a pair of alley cats, scratching at faces and kicking, then tripping each other up to fall to the ground in a warring ball.
The savage curses he heard shouted made his ears pinken. Yenn, yes…but again he was having hard time believing he was watching Triss fighting Yenn as she was. Just as he was about to jump out and break it up, he heard Triss wail. “Stop…stop…no more. I give. I give up!”
Almost immediately their thrashing struggle ceased and they simply lay together, Yennefer lying atop the defeated redhead. Then…another surprise. Twisting their heads together the pair kissed urgently. Geralt felt a lurch…not sure if it was arousal or a sense of betrayal. The moans slowly made their way over to him, his own quiet groan very loud in his ears. The coupling wasn’t very long, by his standards, and they slowly came apart, moving wearily to their clothes.
His ears perked up. “…even now.” He heard Yennefer say. “Since I won I get to choose the next time.”
“You’re getting forgetful in your old age Yenna. I beat you in our last two fights” Triss mockingly replied. From her body language she was not happy, but then she did something odd. Holding her breasts in her hands she advanced on Yenn’s back. “Flattened you as well in the last one.”
“Oh I haven’t forgotten.” Yenn replied sharply, swinging on the redhead, breasts brushing past splashing together solidly. Triss glared back at Yennefer, shoving their breasts together and Geralt held his breath. Yenn stared back hard. “We have an arrangement Trissy. You’ll get your chance in two years. No later, no sooner.”
Geralt snuck away after that, thinking hard as he let Roach head back at her own speed. Arrangement… When the hell had this happened. Scratching his jaw he made a mental note. This was not something he’d want to miss.
And he hadn’t. It hadn’t been to the day, but he’d spotted Yenn wandering off. A close as he’d dared Geralt followed and watched her bout with Triss. It had been raining heavily over the previous days but that didn’t dissuade them.
Stripping, they plunged willingly through the mud and muck to attack one another. It was embaressing to watch, but at the same time even more stimulating than the last time. Slipping and sliding, completely coated in filth, if not for Triss’s shorter cut he wouldn’t have been able to tell them apart. At the end of nearly an hour of clumsy fighting, the redhead mounted his lover’s back, slamming her face into the mud repeatedly under she surrendered. Said mud didn’t even make them pause in the afterfight. If anything, the filth seemed to excite them and the coupling that year was particularly intense and sustained. The sex seemed a tradition as well and on level he understood.
Establishing dominance. The one who won was always the one in control.
Now…eight years on, every two years, and he hadn’t missed a fight. To avoid suspicion, the last two times he’d announce that he’d been contracted for a hunt in some village off somewhere, days in advance. This time he feigned a visit to town. Climbing his favorite tree he settled in to get comfortable.
This time he got to see this…titfight. Needless to say he sat up quickly when they first started swinging their naked breasts at one another, the loud SMACK, CLAP of those mouth watering mounds beating together with surprising violence. After several minutes of dancing around the grove they paused, and Triss wandered back to their clothing pile and pulling a small flask from a pouch. Whatever it is was she poured out a thick handful for herself, then for Yenn, which they rubbed over ther chests giving their breasts a shining appearance.
It surprised him how long they were able to keep it up, considering it was the noisiest he’d ever heard them. It was clearly painful even for the one doing the hitting, but still they swung their tits, or pulled each other into powerful hugs that had the full mounds flattening and swelling. Twice Triss knocked Yenn to the ground, but his stubborn lover only rose again and again and, despite his proclaimed mental neutrality he unconsciously clenched a fist when a powerful WHACK sent Triss tumbling to the ground, screaming.
As if angered by the knockdown Triss flew at Yenn, hammering her boobs at her. But Yennefer responded with equal fury and they battered each other up and down the clearing, knocking one another down repeatedly. Geralt watched on in concern, realizing that this was something personal between the two. Then flinched as Triss screamed and floated to the ground, Yenn bending over and clutching at her chest.
He could see it. And from her body language Yenn had seen it as well. It was the moment Triss realized she was losing. But the fiery redhead had never been a quitter and propelled herself upright, straight at Yenn, breasts flailing in a wild, uncontrollable melee. The blows sent their softened breasts flopping around in a very ugly manner. The end came sharply. Right breast met right, rolling together in the air, but then Triss’s bounced off sharply, knocking the beauty off balance. The following left from Yenn crushed against Triss’s and the redhead shrieked in shocked defeat as the gland molded around Yennefer’s firmer orb, falling to the ground and curling into a fetal position.
“TOLD YOU I’D CRUSH YOUR TITS!” Yenn shouted, hands on her hips, kicking some loosened turf over Triss’s trembling body. “WANT MORE, HUH? DO YOU TRISS…DO YOU?”
He couldn’t hear what Triss said, but by Yenn’s reaction, while it was a submission, it was a defiant one. She moved over the stricken redhead, rolling Triss onto her back and mounting her roughly. Geralt silently slipped down the tree, fading back into the forest. Anymore and he’d be tempted to throw caution to the wind and try and join them. As it stood he hoped Yenn didn’t take too long. This wasn’t something he wanted to deal with himself.
Twin screams of bliss sent the birds from their perch. Yennefer still thrust strongly into Triss, their bodies spasming around an incredible climax. Triss bit at the older woman’s chin as her body collapsed bonelessly on top of hers. “Think he’s still there?” She asked tiredly.
“No…he’s gone.” Yenn panted, rolling off of Triss. “We might need to change locations, or maybe alter the date.”
“Why? So long as he doesn’t get involved I don’t see a problem.”
“This is between me and you Trissy.” Yenn stared at her young rival suspiciously. “You like having him there. You get off on it!”
“And you don’t?” Triss flared back, sitting and rubbing mournfully at her beaten breasts. “It’s your damn fault he found out in the first place.”
“You were the one that contacted me in the middle of the day instead at night.”
“Because YOU got the days mixed up. We ended up having our match a week later than we were supposed to.”
The sorceresses glared across at one another, the air between them almost sparking. Then Yenn cocked her head and licked her lips. “On your back!” She ordered. Outrage shot across Triss’s face. “Winner’s prerogative Trissy. Your ass is mine until we get dressed. On…your…back.”
Furious, Triss did as she was told. Crawling over her body, Yenn let their bodies scrape together, both women moaning at the friction. Once they were face to face Yenn stroked her rival’s cheeks. “I…don’t mind him watching either.” She admitted, then kissed Triss hard, her hips also beginning to move.
Nothing else needed to be said. Perhaps at some point in the future they’d drop the act and bring him into their annual event officially. That would bring it’s own can of worms, but for now there was a kind of peace between them.
Would it last? Only time would tell. A lot could happen over the course of their…VERY…long lives.
The End