Evie and Selina were hot, petite 18 year old girls, both 5’ 3” and about 105 pounds. Evie was a stunning fair skinned blonde with dark blue eyes. Selina was an alluring black haired brunette with deep brown eyes and striking features. Both had tight little bodies that turned heads wherever they went..gorgeous butts, lovely breasts and shapely hips. There’s always been that rumor about seething animosity between blondes and brunettes and Selina and Evie were living proof of that. These girls simply despised one another. Their dislike was palpable with every icey stare and cold exchange. They couldn’t remember a time when they didn’t hate one another with a passion and no one knew the reason why they had never gotten along with one another. As they got a little older, it became increasingly clear that they were simply too much alike and a distinct, subtle rivalry began to develop as they became women. They secretly, discreetly studied one another…sizing each other up and comparing assets as they blossomed. The had developed into smoking hot little sexpots, no doubt about that. Everyone noticed..male, female, students and teachers.
To make matters worse between the girls, Heather entered the picture..a new girl in town. A hot, young girl Selina and Evie’s lustful little hearts both decided they wanted. Heather had deep, dark eyes, a tight little body on her 5’2” 100 pound frame and light brown hair that ran halfway down her back. And wicked little Heather was totally playing the two beauties, giving her attention to one then the other…stoking their adolescent jealousy to the breaking point. A dangerous little game. A showdown between Selina and Evie was inevitable. Their young passions and bitter hatred instilled in them an insatiable desire to fight. They both wanted to tame wild little Heather and these young women were not willing to share her. It was all or nothing.
When the two girls knew this tense threeway situation could not continue, they agreed to meet in private to settle things once and for all. They decided to get together at Selina’s late one Friday evening, while her parents were away for the entire weekend. Both girls realized they may have bitten off more than they could chew. Neither really knew just what was going to happen between them in that empty house. Evie only lived a few blocks away from Selina and walked to her house. It was a quiet neighborhood, even on a Friday night. The closer she got to the house the more her heart raced..the more she sweated. She walked a little faster. Evie reached the house and paused. The street light just across the street from it was out and the house sat rather ominously in the shadows.
Selina was inside the house, sitting in her room texting people and anticipating Evie’s arrival. Neither girl had told any of their friends about their special plans for the evening. Selina thought about what it was going to be like to fight Evie. She had been in little tussles with other girls but something about this fight excited her so, sent a charge through her youthful soul. Her tight little pussy was getting wet just thinking about it. As the doorbell rang, Selina knew just what she was going to do to this bitch and she couldn’t wait. Selina opened the front door and ushered Evie in. The girls said very little. It was late summer and both girls had on tiny, faded jean shorts and tight, thin cotton tops, showing off their hot little bodies.
”Where we doing this, bitch?” asked Evie. No beating around the bush…no small talk.
“We got a room..down in the basement. We’re gonna fight down there,” Selina said as she looked Evie dead in the eyes. The dark haired girl led her enemy downstairs to the musty basement and a small unfinished playroom. There were only a few pieces of furniture and some old, orange shag carpet on the floor. They both now knew this fight was going to happen. They stood face to face in the center of the small room, glaring at one another, looks of pure hatred on their pretty faces. The scent of their body spray, lavender and vanilla, mixed and mingled in the air. The room was cool but the girls had begun to perspire like crazy. They both realized that this was the very first time they had ever actually been alone together. All alone. No distractions. All the time they needed to explore their animosity. It was a battle these young girls had secretly yearned for.
They shoved one another then circled slowly…almost unsure at first. But, there was no turning back now..they thought their hearts were going to explode from their chests.
”I’m going to KILL you, bitch,” Evie cried.
”Fuck you, cunt. You ain’t doing shit,” Selina replied.
They then lunged at one another and clashed violently…slapping and punching. They stopped just long enough to exchange more venemous stares. Then Selina suddenly slapped Evie hard across the mouth, splitting the little blonde’s lip. A trickle of blood ran down her chin. Goddamn, they thought…some blood already. Mmm hmm.. They both felt a flutter in their pussys. The bloodthirsty little bitches were excited.
They flew at each other again, both grabbing long tresses of hair and pulling viciously. They clawed at each other’s faces. Their moans and cries now filled the room. They were fighting on mostly the rawest of instincts, equally matched at this early point. The rivals tore at each other’s thin tops til they were soon shredded and ripped off. No bras on either little cunt. Their gorgeous tits now exposed, the girls started attacking them passionately…slapping and scratching as they squealed and yelped in pain.
Selina backed Evie into a corner of the room, clawing at her enemies soft breasts and pinching her firm, pink nipples. She whispered to the young blonde, “I’m going to fucking destroy you tonight, bitch.” It felt so fucking good to rip and tear into those ivory tits for the first time. The raven haired beauty then yanked Evie’s hair and savagely bit one of her nipples.
Evie screamed in pain and clawed at Selina’s throat and face. “I’m going to tear you apart..I fucking swear to God. Dirty little cunt,” the blonde beauty cried.
More mutual hairpulling as the two girls cursed at one another and pulled each other down to the carpeted floor, their bodies twisting. Viciously locked in battle, they wrestled and raked sharp nails across soft, silky skin. Writhing on the carpet, Evie bit Selina’s neck, sinking her teeth into supple flesh. Selina, in response, bit the blonde’s throat, then her breast. They wrapped their legs tightly together and engaged in more breast attacks…squeezing, clawing and biting. Then they began to claw their taut stomachs, thighs and hips and pulled at their skimpy shorts.
The two hot little girls paused and lay next to one another, glowing with sweat and already covered in scratches, bruises and abrasions…some bleeding. They both peeled off their mini shorts and tossed them aside, as though someone had suddenly told them to do so. Now, they were only wearing skimpy little thongs. Selina’s were black, Evie’s light pink. Their hearts raced as they anticipated what was to come next in their nasty war. They caught their breath, rose to their knees and then stood again, staring at each other coldly. They circled slowly, sleek and defiant, so proud of their sexy little bodies, now fully exposed to one another. Almost nude, except for their tiny panties, they ever so briefly took in one another’s hot little physiques up close for the first time…covered in sweat and traces of blood. Selina’s panties were dark and hid her wetness but she could see Evie’s dew covered pussy through her light colored thong. They still couldn’t believe they were actually fighting. It was almost like a dream…savage and perfect in so many ways. So young..so full of hate and passion. It was exciting and terrifying, all at once.
”You’re going down…nasty whore,” Selina exclaimed. Evie only grinned slightly and suddenly lunged in closer, slapping a side headlock on Selina. The brunette howled but quickly ripped at Evie’s hair and began to claw at her breasts again. Evie kneed Selina hard in the stomach twice. Selina groaned and reeled in pain. Evie then violently slapped Selina in the face. Selina slapped back hard, smashing Evie full in the face, almost knocking her off her feet.
They clashed and swayed violently, bumping their lithe bodies together. The sounds of sweaty flesh against flesh and piercing cries of pain filled the small room. They slapped their soft cunts together and embraced, their bodies fell up against a nearby cinder block wall. Selina grabbed Evie’s face, grinding it into the cold, hard wall. Her cheeks were soon scratched and bruised. Evie savagely clawed at Selina’s face and then tried desperately to gouge her eyes. Blood now trickled down both their faces.
The fight was now growing more vicious and uninhibited. The young girls wanted to desecrate one another, trying to inflict as much pain as possible, with no one to stop them. Their bodies still entwined against the wall, they began mauling crotches with their fingers. Then, using their panties as weapons, they sadistically tore at tight pussys. They let out deep, guttural moans as their spiteful war consumed them. They raked their long nails across inner thighs, jabbed at pussys and scratched at soft labias…both girls vying to attack the other girl’s tender crotch while also trying to defend themselves from the same type of abuse. Cruel and nasty. They fought like they were possessed…bleeding and sweating.
”HATE you..cunt,” Evie hissed.
”I’m going to destroy you…you’re dead..fucking DEAD, slut,” Selina shrieked.
Both in pain, screaming and cursing…willing to do anything to punish their hated enemy. Evie kneed Selina in the crotch, then Selina fired back, punching Evie twice, once in the belly and then lower in the pelvis. Evie grabbed Selina’s panties and ripped at her rival’s pussy again while biting the brunette’s shoulder, leaving bloody bite marks. Selina clawed Evie’s breasts and sank her teeth into the blonde’s throat, biting hard and deep. Blood ran down her soft, sleek neck. Evie screamed in pain as she pushed Selina away.
“God..damn, you fucking BITCH!” Evie wailed. Selina smiled and wiped Evie’s blood from her delicate, pink lips. She tasted Evie’s warm blood in her mouth and her clit quivered. Selina leapt at Evie and slammed her back into the unforgiving cinder block wall. They started tearing at each other’s hair again, pulling as hard as they could until the girls collapsed onto the floor.
Selina and Evie lay in the floor of the cool basement side by side, panting, their limbs entwined, their gorgeous little bodies racked with pain. After a few moments, the girls began to crawl on all fours, moaning and cursing, still determined to continue their private war. They faced each other on their knees, each contemplating what to do next. They suddenly indulged themselves with fresh breast attacks. The two young females squeezed and twisted like never before and cruelly pinched nipples. Again, they attacked tender crotches. They bit down on each other’s throats as they crushed their bodies in tightly. More blood slowly ran down their slick bodies. There was no way to gauge the pain or damage at this point..it was just pure, lust filled fighting. Whatever they did previously, they now intensified. Just hurt this fucking cunt..with their last breath, if necessary.
The young women fully rose to their feet and continued their catfight. The moves were now more cold and calculated. They panted and breathed heavily, almost delirious it seemed. Like some wicked drug, they were energized by their vile hatred. They felt as though they could fight all night. Their sweaty bodies clung together. By now, it was a war of attrition, a cruel game of torture..each girl giving and receiving nasty, spiteful abuse. The girls moved from one dirty little move to another, picking those luscious bodies apart at their leisure now….lusting for their rival’s pain. Scratching and clawing at soft skin…pinching and prodding. They seemed determined to leave damage on every part of their gorgeous young bodies. Slow, exquisite painful punishment. They screamed in agony as they ripped into one another…again and again.
The girls smothered one another with their small, delicate hands. They fell back onto the carpet, trying to cut off each other’s air. On the floor, Selina scissored Evie and ripped at her blonde hair…their silky, sweaty bodies as one as they rolled, writhed and groaned. They began to desperately clamor for each other’s slender throats, clawing at first and then choking one another vehemently. They strangled each other mercilessly as they glared deeply into one another’s eyes, their brows furrowed in pain and anger, both hoping to choke the other girl out completely. They wrestled on the carpet, their shapely legs coiled together as their long fingers continued to squeeze. Selina rolled on top of Evie and, while continuing the choking with one hand, mauled the girl’s pussy with the other. Evie’s eyes glazed over and Selina knew this bitch was going down. Evie cried as Selina ripped at her thong savagely and pulled it tightly between her pussy lips, tearing at the blonde’s little clit. Evie’s choke on Selina was steadily weakening and she finally released it. Selina raked her nails across Evie’s labia and pelvis and then wrapped both her hands around Evie’s throat. Evie tried to grasp for Selina’s throat again but Selina quickly slapped her hands away and then continued strangling the blonde girl viciously. Evie’s glassy eyes bulged and her throat swelled, fiery red.
”You’re..finished..fucking bitch..” Selina cried as she smiled weakly.
Evie tried to fight back, or at the very least defend herself, but couldn’t. “Please..” Evie gasped, “Please..let me live….goddamn you, bitch..”
Selina released the death grip on Evie but she knew she wasn’t done with this cunt. Not just yet. She rose to her knees as Evie lay with her hands covering her face and rubbing her eyes. Selina momentarily got to her feet, grabbed Evie by the hair and pulled her to her feet. She flung Evie against the wall, placed a forearm across her throat and held her up just long enough to knee her square in the crotch twice. Another shock of pain as Evie’s nether regions burned. She cried and wailed but Selina wasn’t done. She just had to tear at those tits some more. She savagely ripped at them til they were covered with fresh, bloody claw marks. Selina smashed Evie in the face several times. Her head fell as blood gushed from her nose and mouth. Selina was getting off on the dominance she felt over this cunt. It was a merciless beatdown and Selina simply couldn’t hold back. She was relentless. She looked at Evie and could see how much pain she was in and how truly helpless the little bitch was. She had secretly dreamnt of this moment. God, it felt so fucking good. Finally..giving this little blonde whore the beating she fucking deserved.
”Stupid…blonde…slut!” Selina cried as she continued to savagely abuse her rival. The sickening, sharp sounds of flesh against flesh again filled the room.
Evie was almost out on her feet, moaning in agony. She grasped at Selina so she wouldn’t go down. Selina grinned coldly, grabbed Evie by the hair and face and pushed her back into the wall. She smothered and choked Evie again as the blonde girl whimpered. Then, one final devastating knee to the cunt and Evie went down for good.
Selina grabbed Evie by the hair and looked her in the eyes, their faces almost touching. She kissed Evie on the cheek. “You know where to come if you want some more of this..you fucking cunt.” Cruel Selina then collected Evie’s clothes and flung them at her.
”If I see you anywhere near Heather…you’re DEAD…Now, get the fuck out.”
Evie slowly rose from the basement floor and put her clothes back on. She was so beaten and exhausted it took a few minutes. Selina watched her like a hawk the whole time, basking in her hard fought victory. Evie thought that the bitch might attack her again and she kept glancing over at Selina, who was now resting on a nearby couch. Selina’s body was aching with pain but she would never let Evie know that. And poor Evie, though ravaged by the savage catfight, refused to shed a single tear. She would not give Selina the satisfaction.
Selina gloated, “Better get the hell out of here before I decide to beat on you some more…fucking loser.” The trash talk and mocking was icing on the cake.
Evie climbed the basement steps slowly, just about every part of her sexy, young body in pain. She soon disappeared back into the night. The two girls had been through hell…a sort of trial by fire. A test of their budding womanhood. Something raw, savage and real that they would never forget. They would fight other bitches, other rival cunts, as they got older. But, there’s always something sweet, something special about that first real catfight.
They both felt like women now.
The End

Nice Story!
Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed it.
I plan on having many more posted on here. 😉