After Hours: Martha vs. Skyler by JB57

Written by JB57:

Here is a brand new story, complete here in this single post! It is a “short” story for me, but one I enjoyed writing. This is based on/inspired on a particular scene/encounter in KingofDaPirate‘s story “The Showtime Contest.” The incident is the first encounter between Maggie and Silvia. I thought that battle was incredibly erotic and appealing, so I decided to do my own, slightly different version of it -with King’s permission, of course. The characters are different and the circumstances altered but the connection to the original story is obvious.

The redheaded woman sat in her car, parked across the street from the bar. She could see her ex-girlfriend’s car, an old BMW, in the parking lot. Martha took a deep breath. What she was about to do was a little crazy – maybe a lot crazy- but she felt she had no choice. She had psyched herself up to this point and she had to risk it, even if her commonsense told her it was an incredibly stupid and probably humiliating thing to do.

Two months before, Martha and her girlfriend, Alex, had broken off their relationship. It had been a bad breakup, easily the worst of Martha’s life. Even worse, she was largely to blame. She had been caught in a sexual situation that had led Alex to accuse her of cheating. Martha did not think this was fair. She and Alex had not committed to each other. True, Martha had asked Alex to be her girlfriend and she had been waiting for an answer, but the answer had not yet come. Even so, Martha felt bad. It was true that she had ended up having sex with a random girl she had met at a bar and then come home that night, stinking of another woman’s body and cum, only to find Alex waiting for her. Her blonde lover had been anxious but happy after finally having made up her mind to accept Martha’s offer of commitment. That was until she had kissed Martha, tasted the other woman, and realized what had happened. Alex had major trust issues and the discovery of what Martha had done led to a screaming fight that ended with Alex storming out, vowing never to speak to Martha again.

Since then, Martha had been lost, caught in an ever-worsening nightmare. She had tried to contact Alex, she had gone to the woman’s place of work, she had sent messages on social media, begging to talk things out, to get another chance. She felt pathetic and full of self-hatred. She desperately needed Alex to at least talk to her, to acknowledge her existence. But Alex had steadfastly ignored her, refusing to respond, driving Martha absolutely crazy with anger and need. Finally, it had come to this. If Alex would not choose to talk to her, then Martha would force the situation. She would make Alex talk to her, no matter how pitiful this made her feel.

Martha had found out that Alex was playing a gig at this bar. She had come, planning to confront her beautiful ex when the woman came out to her BMW. But, so far, Alex had not returned to her car.

Martha checked the time. It was 2:30 in the morning. She had been waiting since 1:30. The bar had been closed for the past 30 minutes. She did not know why Alex would still be there. Her mind checked through various possibilities, each driving her a little bit more crazy than the last. She could not control the jealousy and anger that washed through her mind, like emotions riding the tide. She flipped from one state of mind to the other constantly.

Martha finally had enough. Speculating was driving her even more insane. She got out of her car and crossed the street to the bar. She looked in the windows of Alex’s BMW but saw nothing to give her a clue as to why it was there. She approached the door and knocked heavily on the solid wooden portal. She could see the shadow of someone moving around in the break of the light pouring out of the upper windows.

Inside the bar, Skyler was cleaning up for the night. Skyler’s massive tits strained her tight white tank top. Her gym-shaped and toned legs were sheathed in a pair of skin tight yoga pants that left little to the imagination as it traced her powerful thighs, her wide hips and her taut, rounded ass. Her feet were clad in easy-to-remove flats. Her blonde hair was up in a tight bun. Her grey eyes were cool and collected. Her beautiful face finished off the entire, incredibly erotic package. To be a bartender in a club like this required being sexy and Skyler had it in spades.

It had been a slow weeknight, so only one other waitress had been in the bar with Skyler. She had already left, leaving the more senior woman to clean up. The beautiful blonde bartender had scrubbed down the counters and tables and was now giving the dancefloor a quick mopping. She was humming along to a popular song playing in her ear buds as she worked. She almost missed the loud pounding on the door.

Puzzled, Skyler removed her ear buds, put them on a table, and approached the door cautiously. She opened the door a crack and was surprised to see a gorgeous, redheaded woman on the other side. The woman was wearing cute glasses and a white tank top that revealed a great deal of cleavage and a bit of her tanned belly. She was wearing a plaid skirt that went to mid thigh and slip-off flats on her feet. The first thing that struck Skyler was how deliciously voluptuous the redhead was. The white tank top emphasized the woman’s full, perfectly shaped tits. It also revealed that the bitch was braless, making her high-hanging tits even more impressive. The woman’s bare legs were smooth and muscular, perfectly shaped and sexy. The bartender felt a spike of tension in her loins, the way she reacted to any spectacularly erotic woman she encountered.

Martha was surprised by the size of the tits on the woman opening the door and immediately compared the blonde’s chest to her own. She realized they were the same size and height. She and Alex had often shared clothes, being exactly the same measurements. She suspected the woman in front of her could probably fit into her clothing easily too. She felt a sudden pressure in her loins, but she pushed the feeling aside.

“We’re closed,” Skyler said. “We re-open later today at 4 PM. Come back then.” She moved to shut the door but was surprised when the redhead put her foot in the opening.

“Wait,” Martha pleaded. “I have to see my friend, Alex. Is she here?”

Skyler knew who Alex was. In fact, she had a thing for Alex. The beautiful, sexy blonde woman was an occasional singer at the club and she and Skyler had been circling each other for some time. Skyler had wanted to get Alex moaning and bucking under her from the first time she had seen the other woman. At first, she had received every sign that Alex was interested in fucking her, too. Then, a few months ago, the signals had gone dead, as though Alex suddenly lost interest. Skyler made an intuitive leap. This redhead before her was probably the reason that Alex suddenly turned cold to the idea of sex with Skyler. That explanation would also account for why Alex had just as suddenly turned hot again a couple of months ago.

In fact, Alex was not in the bar, but Skyler knew where she was. The blonde had gone home with another singer, a brown-haired beauty named Jessica. Jessica and Alex had a beef with each other, a long-brewing disagreement about which of them would front their band. The two women had gone to resolve the matter at Jessica’s apartment.

“Sorry, Alex isn’t here.” Skyler motioned with her head to the redhead’s foot blocking the door. “Get your foot out of the door.”

“Please,” the redhead continued. “I see Alex’s car in the parking lot. If she is not here now, do you know where she is?”

Skyler was getting impatient. “Look, I can’t tell you even if I have that information. It’s private.” Skyler gave a nasty little grin. “Besides, you seem like a stalker. I’m not going to give a stalker information.”

Martha looked like she had been slapped. “I’m not a stalker,” she growled, offended. “Alex is my… girlfriend. I’m trying to find her.” She hesitated, then added “It’s an emergency.”

Skyler’s grin became more nasty. “I don’t think you’re her girlfriend and I don’t think it’s an emergency. Besides, if you are her girlfriend, then it’s just as well you don’t know what she’s doing.”

“What do you mean?” Martha’s eyes went wide.

Skyler decided to twist the knife. This redheaded slut was getting on her nerves. “I mean that right now, Alex is getting her brains fucked out by another woman. Or she is doing the fucking. I guess we’ll see later, when the smoke clears. But, either way, they are both way too busy and way too focused on each other to worry about a simp like you.”

The redhead looked like she had been shot in the heart. For a moment, Skyler thought the other woman might start crying. Then, her face tightened and her eyes flashed. “So, you do know where Alex is. Tell me. Give me an address.”

“Like fuck,” Skyler snapped. “Enough of this. Get your foot out of the door and fuck off or I call the police and have them deal with you.”

Instead of retreating, the redhead went in exactly the opposite direction. She suddenly, unexpectedly, put her shoulder on the door and pushed hard. Skyler fell back just enough for the other woman to squeeze through the widened gap and get into the bar. The door slammed shut and locked behind her.

“Christ!” Skyler shouted. “Get the fuck out of the bar! We’re closed! This is trespassing!”

“I’m not leaving until you give me that address,” Martha said quietly. Her green eyes were on fire. She looked a little crazy. But Skyler did not care and she was not backing down. No one was going to push her around or intimidate her in her own bar.

The blonde put her hands on her muscular hips and thrust out her tits. Her breasts bounced deliciously inside her tank top.

“I am not fucking giving you anything. If you don’t turn yourself around and get out of my bar right now, I am going to kick your ass out. You won’t like that.”

“I’ll leave your crappy bar, but only after you tell me what I want to know.” Martha took off her glasses and dropped them into the bag on her arm. She placed the bag on a table behind her, clearly demonstrating her intention of staying just where she was. She put her hands on her hips and thrust out her tits, which also bounced enticingly. Her nipples tented the tight, white fabric.

Skyler advanced a few steps, until she was within a half-meter of the crazy ex-girlfriend.

“I am not giving you shit. I’m not giving information to a crazy stalker who is trespassing in my bar.”

“I’m not a stalker! I’m Alex’s girlfriend! I’m entitled to know where she is!”

“Like fuck,” Skyler snapped. “I’ve had enough of this. Get out or I bounce your tight little ass out of here myself!”

“You cunt!” Martha cursed. “I’d like to see you try!”

The hot women glared at each other, their eyes flashing with rage. Skyler advanced, then reached out and grabbed Martha by her upper arms. Martha slapped the blonde’s hands away.

“Don’t fucking touch me!”

“You bitch!” Skyler grabbed Martha’s arm again, intending to twist it behind the redhead and march the bitch out.

“Let go!” Martha screamed. This time, her slap went right across Skyler’s cheek, whipping the blonde beauty’s head around.

“Fuck!,” Skyler screeched. The slap stung. She saw red. No two-bit, stalker cunt was going to assault her in her own bar!

“Fuck you!” Skyler shouted. She reached out and filled her hands with Martha’s voluminous red hair and pulled savagely.

“Oh, you cunt!” Martha yelled, the pain in her head overwhelming. She grabbed for Skyler’s head and tore the blonde bun apart as she gripped the bartender’s hair and returned the grip.

The women’s flats beat on the wooden floor, their shouts and screams of pain and rage reached a crescendo, as the gorgeous women pulled each other around the space in front of the door, both intent on scalping the other. Their big tits jiggled and shook, their powerful legs tensed and strained. They twisted back and forth and Skyler succeeded in tripping Martha. Together, hands in hair, they crashed to the floor. Instantly, Skyler leaped on top of Martha. Her idea was to pin the redhead then slap her senseless, before dragging her out of the bar by her hair.

Skyler’s juicy, buxom body crashed down onto Martha’s equally voluptuous form. The women’s thick, taut tits crushed together through their tank tops, their solid nipples stabbing and grating. The women released each other’s hair and wrapped their arms around their rival’s torso. Martha twined her bare legs with Skyler’s yoga-pants sheathed limbs and they rolled ferociously, their faces cheek to cheek, both still pulling hair when they could. Cursing and snarling, the women rolled into the mop bucket Skyler had set up beside the dance floor. The bucket tipped and warm, soapy water gushed out onto the rubberized surface. Neither woman even noticed as they rolled through the wet mess, both intent on defeating and humiliating the other.

In no time, both women were soaked, their white tank tops drenched and sticking like second skins. Skyler’s already skin-tight yoga pants seemed to absorb the water, getting heavy and sticky. Martha’s bare legs gave her a distinct advantage in the battle. The blonde bartender felt her legs getting heavier with the soaked yoga pants. She pulled viciously at Martha’s drenched tank top. The wet garment ripped, tearing away from the redhead’s torso.

“Fuck!” Martha cursed as she was suddenly topless, her big, taut tits bouncing furiously. She did not try to cover up. In a fury, she grabbed Skyler’s equally wet, tight top and began stripping it off the other woman. Skyler tried to slap the redhead away, but it was not long before her top came shredding off her body, leaving her own big, thick tits fully exposed.

“Goddamn you!” the blonde cried. She kicked at the other woman, knocking her back, and got on her hands and knees to crawl away and get some distance. Martha did not let her go. Leaping up, the redhead grabbed the blonde from behind, gripping the only item of clothing she could, the woman’s tight, soaked yoga pants. She pulled at the waistband and began stripping the pants down Skyler’s bubble ass. Skyler kicked again, but straightening her leg only made it easier for Martha to pull the soaked garment down her smooth, powerful limbs. The yoga pants became stuck, bunched up at Skyler’s ankles. Martha paused, her eyes tracing up the bartender’s powerful, tanned, muscled legs to the woman’s tiny white thong, the only scrap of cloth left on her magnificent body.

“You clothes-ripping cunt!” Skyler snapped. She kicked out, pushing Martha back. The redhead fell into a puddle on the floor. Skyler ripped the flats off her feet and pulled off her yoga pants, not wanting them to hamper her as she beat the shit out of this sudden rival. She was absolutely enraged. The fact that she was now completely nude except for her thong did not bother her at all. It would not stop her from fucking up the redheaded whore. She got to her feet and gave Martha a “come and get it” gesture with her hands.

Martha pulled off her flats and threw them aside, leaving her wearing only her skirt and her thong. She threw herself at the nearly naked bartender, aiming low. The other woman pounded her back but Martha succeeded in pulling up Skyler’s legs. The women fell hard onto the rubberized floor. Martha attempted to mount the blonde. She got onto Skyler’s hips and aimed her tits for the huge chest of the fallen woman. Martha tried to use her massive tits to pin the other woman to the mat. Their bodies writhed and twisted as their tits crushed and grated, hot nipples stabbing, raking sensitive, pulsing flesh. In the struggle, Skyler ripped Martha’s skirt off of her hips. The two women were now completely naked, except for their soaked white thongs, both made almost translucent by the soapy water soaking them.

The women locked into a ball of rolling female flesh, their powerful legs twining and straining, their naked bellies slapping tight and rippling, their huge, taut tits mushrooming together and forming thick, dense masses of succulent flesh crushing and quivering between their rubbing, grinding chests.

The women rolled back and forth on the mats, their bodies struggling, skin on skin, tit wrestling with tit. Skyler grunted and moaned as her body caught on fire. She arched her back and thrust with her hips to roll the other woman, who pushed back just as hard. Their steaming groins shoved and thrust. They pulled hair and cursed, they clawed and punched at each other. Strong legs twisted and flexed, muscles trembled as each woman exerted herself to roll to take the top position. As they fought, their naked flesh rubbed relentlessly and slid, slick and hot, stimulating and exciting them both.

“Goddamn fucking whore!”

“Slutty fucking bitch!”

The voluptuous catball churned from one end of the dance floor to the other, spreading the soapy water.

Finally, the women paused. Skyler was on top, her massive tits pressing down, crushing and holding Martha’s equally dense chest. Nose to nose, panting furiously, the women’s eyes locked in hate. Skyler pushed down, forcing a groan from Martha. Her hot, flat belly sealed with Martha’s abdomen, mated all the way to their pubes. Their sexy navels sucked. They could feel the enticing contours of their opponent’s clean-shaven genitals through their soaked thongs. Skyler’s and Martha’s fingers were interlaced, their arms pushed out to the sides.

Skyler felt Martha’s hot, hard nipples stabbing deep into her titflesh.

“You must be quite a dyke. I can feel your nips are as hard as rocks,” Skyler breathed at Martha.

“You’re one to talk,” Martha grunted back. “Mine aren’t the only hard nipples here.”

Skyler realized that Martha was right. Her nipples were rock-hard too, and throbbing with heat. She shifted her tits, rolling them deliciously against Martha’s resisting, taut glands and slid her nipples along the redhead’s titflesh until they docked solidly with Martha’s thick, hard nips, tip to tip, areola eclipsing. The women grunted when their nipples fused, then gasped at the sudden, intense stimulation and pleasure.

Martha broke Skyler’s grip on one of her hands. However, she did not move the hand to Skyler’s head to painfully grab the blonde’s hair. Instead, she slipped her hand down the bartender’s smoothly muscled back and gripped the woman’s thick, perfect ass. She caressed the taut, silken flesh and sank her fingers in, her thumb tracing Skyler’s ass crack.
Skyler was not surprised that Martha went for her ass. Most people wanted to feel up her glutes. What was rare was that she wanted to palm Martha’s ass just as badly.
Instead, she took her now free hand, slipped it between their damp bodies, and squeezed Martha’s enormous left tit, her thumb rotating around the light brown nipple. The women moaned into each other’s gorgeous faces, gasping at the openly sexual contact. Then, remembering they were supposed to be fighting, they released each other’s erogenous zones. Martha’s hand went to Skyler’s head; Skyler’s hand gripped Martha’s back.

Still, the bartender knew what was happening. She and the curvy bitch beneath her were caught between the urges to fight or fuck. Why not both, she thought to herself? They were already nearly completely nude, their luscious bodies plastered together from head to toe, tit to tit, belly to belly, almost lip to lip. They could feel the other’s throbbing cunt through their soaked thongs. Their hard nipples revealed their mutual desire. She was sure the other girl knew what was happening too.

They glared at each other, nose to nose, hot breath mixing.

“Give me the address,” Martha grunted.

“I’m not giving you the fucking address. You are getting out of my bar.”

Martha freed one of her powerful legs from its lock with Skyler’s leg. Instead of kicking out, she ran the toes of her bare foot up and down Skyler’s calf, rubbing her thigh against the bartender’s thigh. The sensual stroking felt delicious and Skyler quivered with the spike of heat in her pussy as their smooth flesh caressed. Martha was clearly putting out signals that she was down to fuckfight.

“Then, we’ll just keep fighting until I beat it out of you, you cunt,” Martha hissed.

“Good luck with that, you dyke whore,” Skyler replied.

The women shifted their bodies again, the heat between their legs building, the tension in their clits growing. Skyler could not deny the nearly naked woman under her had an incredible body, she could not pretend that her nipples were not throbbing and aching, getting harder every moment. Their nipples shifted, docking once again, nipples holes sucking and sealing with a searing burst of pleasure, and the women grunted loudly as the even more intense sensations surged through their aching, mating tits. They panted into the other, their lips millimeters from kissing.

“Do you know what Alex and Jessica are doing?” Skyler asked, her voice a low purr, her grey eyes lit with excitement and malice.

Martha was confused for a moment, but realized who Jessica must be. “You already told me,” she said, evenly.

“They’re not just fucking,” Skyler continued. “They are settling their differences, woman to woman.”

She paused and rubbed her hard nipples into Martha’s pulsing nips again. Both women gasped and bit their lips to control the delicious sensations. “We can keep fighting and beating each other black and blue until one of us wins or both of us are exhausted. Or… we can take a page out of their book and settle this with our hard nips and… other hard things. Are you willing?”

Martha was familiar with sexfighting. She had done it with Alex, before they had become friendly. She had done it with two other women. She did not consider herself an expert but she had experience in using her amazing body as a sexual weapon and she admitted to herself that she had thoroughly enjoyed the experiences – especially when she won, which was most of the time. She and this bitch could keep beating each other up or they could act on their obvious mutual attraction and settle their dispute much more pleasurably and just as decisively.

“I know exactly how you want to settle this,” Martha purred. “Personally, I think settling this with our hard nipples and other… hard parts is the perfect way for us to figure out who gets what they want.”

“That is exactly what I wanted to hear,” Skyler smiled. She lowered her face to Martha’s gorgeous face and thrust her tongue deep into the redhead’s mouth. Martha responded instantly. The women’s tongues slashed and twined, thick pink probes slickly sliding and twisting. The women’s beautiful bodies became more and more aroused, hotter and hotter, wetter and wetter with every second. The women moaned in mutual pleasure and lust, sharing spit for a minute or two, taking turns sucking the other’s tongue, until they broke the kiss with a shared gasp. The women stared at each other, feeling the sexual fever wash over them, their eyes shining with raging animal lust. Their breathing was hot and heavy.

Martha finally broke the silence.

“Martha,” she said.

The top girl cocked an eyebrow, but responded. “Skyler.”

“Well, Skyler,” Martha said, “When I make you cum first, you give me that address.”

“Agreed,” Skyler replied. “But when I make you cum all over me, you get the fuck out of my bar and I never see your face again.”

The women continued staring, hot breath mixing, excitement building.

“Agreed,” Martha finally replied. She slapped Skyler’s ass hard, causing the other woman to yelp in pain. Martha then gently caressed and massaged the succulent ass muscle, feeding the bartender an enticing combination of pain and pleasure. “But the loser has to admit the winner has the better cunt, the better body and is the better fuck.”

Skyler snorted, but nodded. “Agreed, you insecure cunt. Now, let’s settle this, bitch! Let’s fuck!” She thrust down with her hips, her thong-covered cunt sliding onto Martha’s equally soaked, translucent thong.

“You’re on, fucker!” Martha growled. She thrust up to meet the other woman’s attack, grinding her thong-covered crotch into Skyler’s pudendum ferociously.

For the first few minutes, Martha and Skyler did not kiss. They glared at each other, green eyes locked to grey. They panted, they moaned and gasped as the pleasure built, they fought the intense urge to taste, to tongue, to lick. Their bodies writhed, taut, sweaty flesh rubbing and grinding on equally voluptuous flesh, their genitals burning like furnaces as they rubbed and rubbed, delicious friction feeding the heat. Martha grabbed Skyler’s rippling ass and sank her fingers as deep into the smooth, hard flesh as she could, pulling the other woman into her cunt even as she thrust up to meet the blonde’s downward thrusts. Skyler slipped her hands under Martha’s body and thrilled as she filled her hands with the redhead’s tight, powerful ass. The women locked in a game of mutual seduction and stimulation, open mouth to mouth, panting into each other, glaring hatefully, but still not kissing.

Finally, they could not resist any longer. The panting women touched tongues, they licked at each other. Martha sucked hungrily on Skyler’s tongue. The blonde returned the attack as soon as her rival released her tongue. The women’s mouths closed, their tongues lashed and twined, and they dove into an intense hate kiss. Their arms wrapped around their nearly naked bodies, their hips and asses thrust, cunt pounding to cunt. Both women buried a hand in the other’s thick hair and pushed her rival more deeply into their ravenous kiss.

The pleasure was immense, nearly overwhelming. Martha and Skyler moaned in shared bliss as their luscious bodies writhed and strained, as their hot, aching pussies rubbed furiously through their intervening thongs. Their engorged clits pressed through the two layers of sopping wet cloth, shocks of erotic electricity pulsing through the women’s rutting bodies with every thrust. This was enough to create delicious sensations but still protected their clits from the full intensity of the contact.

The women writhed and twisted in each other’s arms, kissing savagely, enjoying the deliciously erotic sensations as naked body rubbed and ground against sweaty, naked body. Their meaty tits worked against each other constantly, massaging, thrusting, straining. Their hot bellies slapped and slid, powerful abs crushing and flexing. Their beautiful, tanned legs twined, trembling with effort.

The struggling women finally broke their kissfight. Skyler used her cheek to push Martha’s opposite cheek to the floor. The women panted furiously, their red lips connected by strings of spit. Their thick hair was tangled, gold strands threaded with the red. They continued to grip the other’s ass tightly as their hips rolled and their asses flexed.
“I’m going to fuck your brains out, you little cunt,” Skyler whispered, her voice a low growl of pure lust.

“Not before I drain your filthy twat dry, cunteater,” Martha grunted in reply.

The women increased their grinding thrusts, both determined to push the other over the edge first.

Martha felt the pleasure building. Even through the barrier of their thongs, their clits were throbbing and pulsing, getting closer and closer to orgasm with the constant stimulation.

Martha released Skyler’s ass, reached up, and filled her hands with Skyler’s thick blonde hair. Wrapping the strands around her hands, she pulled hard. Skyler cried out as she lost her balance on top of the redhead. Martha used the moment to buck her hips and pull Skyler to the side. The blonde yanked viciously at Martha’s red hair but it was too late. Slowly, agonizingly, Martha rolled Skyler onto her back and took the top position.

“Fuck you, fuck you,” Skyler moaned.

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do, slut,” Martha grunted. Her ass pumped vigorously, driving her cunt into Skyler’s thong ferociously. Her desire to fuck the blonde down, to make the bitch submit to her superior pussy, fuelled her rage and passion. She was determined to get that address but she was also excited by this sudden, vicious rivalry, by the intense pleasure she and this woman had already shared.

Skyler slapped Martha’s thick, solid ass viciously, the whip cracks echoing in the dimly lit bar. Martha screamed with the flash of pain, then Skyler massaged and kneaded the firm muscle, doing to Martha what Martha had done to her at the start of the fight. A moment later, however, Skyler seized the whale tales of Martha’s skimpy thong and pulled them straight up the redhead’s back.

Martha screamed as the thin string penetrated her asshole and bisected her fat-lipped pussy, torturing her swollen, throbbing clit. The redhead could not retaliate in kind since Skyler’s ass was on the floor.

“God, God, let go, you fucking whore!” Martha screeched.

“Not until I’ve sawed your cunt in two, you fucker!” Skyler snarled.

Martha threw herself off of the other woman, trying to get away from the sudden attack. Skyler held onto the thong but she could not pull as effectively. As Martha rolled away from her, the blonde let go of the thongs straps before they snapped.

Martha panted, fury in her eyes, as she sat in the warm, sudsy water and glared at Skyler from three meters away. Snarling, she lay on her back, lifted her hips, and slid the thong over the curve of her ass. She settled her back, pointed her legs at the ceiling and slipped her thong up her legs. She was not going to risk the other bitch using her underwear as a weapon again. She threw away the scrap of cloth and sat back on her ass, her clean-shaven pussy fully exposed. She glared at her rival.

Martha wanted to jam Skyler’s thong all the way up the woman’s pussy and ass, as Skyler had done to her but, as she watched, the blonde lifted her ass, slipped her thong down her thighs and calves, and became completely nude.

“I hope that didn’t hurt too much, cunt,” Skyler gloated.

“You dirty little fuck,” Martha snarled. “I’m going to make you pay for that.”

“I don’t think so, bitch. Come over here. I’m going to fuck your clit out your ass and make you beg me to keep going.”

“Fuck you, whore,” Martha snarled. The nude woman crawled on her hands and knees towards her equally nude, beautiful rival. The blonde crawled to meet her. The women reared up when they were close and slapped together, tit to tit, massive glands crushing and quivering as they mashed. Skyler and Martha grabbed the other by the back of the head. Their free hand slipped between their bodies and, as one, the women slid their questing fingers onto and into their opponent’s juicy, soaking cunt. Martha pressed cheek to cheek with her blonde enemy as she felt the woman’s fingers enter her, tracing the slick lips of her pussy, teasing and caressing her sopping labia, before a strong digit pushed hard and deep into her vise-tight cunt. Involuntarily, her pussy closed around the invader and squeezed, holding it, rippling on it, like it was a small cock. Martha was doing the same thing to Skyler and she rejoiced as she felt the blonde’s incredibly tight twat convulse and suck at her invading finger.

“Goddamn you, you filthy, filthy whore,” Martha moaned into Skyler’s ear. She licked and probed the curved outer shell.

“You cuntfucking slut,” Skyler whispered back. She nibbled at Martha’s ear, then sank her teeth into the redhead’s shoulder, an assault Martha immediately returned.

“I fucking hate you.”

“I fucking hate you more, bitch.”

The women added a second, then a third finger, to their mutual penetration. In the quiet bar, the wet, sucking sounds of eager fingers vigorously pumping hot, wet vaginas and the gasps and fevered moans of two beautiful vixens in heat, each trying to get their opponent off first and claim the victory, rose higher and higher. The women’s steaming cunts dripped cunt juice to the rubber floor, adding to the mix of soapy water. Their powerful thighs trembled with the intense stimulation, their nerves electric, the heat flowing from their aching pussies to tickle and tease their sensitive inner thighs. The women used their thumbs to gently stroke and stimulate pulsing clits, each touch sending shockwaves of ecstasy through their aching bodies. They leaned into each other, compressing their heavy, throbbing tits even harder, and moaned in shared erotic agony.

“God, fucking slut,” Martha sobbed. She did not know how much longer she could last. The other woman was finger-fucking her so, so well, hitting every one of her most sensitive spots inside her cunt, torturing her clit, setting her entire pudendum on fire.

“Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,” Skyler moaned. She could not believe how well the redhead was stroking her, torturing her with pleasure, doing things to her sopping cunt she did not think anyone could do.

The women felt the end coming. They turned their beautiful faces to each other and locked up, their tongues hot and slick as they slopped them over and under each other, as they eagerly pumped spit into their inosculated mouths, sucking it back and forth, trying to stimulate and violate each other just a bit more.

Martha suddenly knew she could not last. Her endurance had reached an end. She could sense the blonde was not quite where she was; the bartending cunt was going to win their fingerfuck contest!

Martha released Skyler’s head, slid her hand down the bartender’s back to her round, firm ass, and slapped that ass sharply. The whip crack sound of taut flesh on flesh reverberated in the room. Skyler’s eyes widened as the sudden shock of pain turned instantly into a surge of intense pleasure and she found herself at the threshold of a devastating orgasm.

Martha and Skyler erupted simultaneously. Pushing each other’s heads more deeply into their savage kiss with their free hand, both women continued stroking and fingerfucking even through the intense multi-orgasmic release that shook their voluptuous bodies. They swallowed each other’s deep moans and screams as their lush bodies quivered in erotic bliss. Their hands soaked with cum as their cunts ejaculated over and over, in concert. Gasping, the women broke their kiss and fell together onto the soapy floor, side by side. They released each other’s pussies and writhed in the aftershock of pleasure.

For several minutes, Martha and Skyler lay silent on the floor, their minds floating in the afterglow, both women trying to get their bearings. The fingerfucking had been unexpectedly delicious for both women, the intensity of the erotic pleasure much greater than either of them had expected. Dimly, Martha wondered why this blonde bitch had been able to get her to cum so hard and so long, just with her fingers. Somehow, fuckfighting this stranger was proving to be more exciting and stimulating to Martha than almost anything she had done before.

“You lost,” Skyler said. “Now, suck my cunt like a good submissive, then get the fuck out of my bar.”

“Like fuck! I didn’t lose, you did!” the redhead shot back. She was not one hundred percent sure that she had outlasted the blonde but their orgasms had happened far too close together for either of them to claim victory.

“Fuck you!” Skyler rolled onto her side to face Martha. Her delicious hip curved towards the ceiling. “You’re a cheating bitch! Anyone could see that you were going off like a fire hose long before I went off!”

“You’re the cheating bitch!” Martha shot back. She rolled away from the other woman, then sat up. “You’re trying to gaslight me, fucker, and it won’t work! If one of us went off before the other, it was too close to call!”

The gorgeous women glared at each other from the distance of about two meters. Both women felt the stirrings in their loins as they watched their rival’s magnificent tits rise and fall, quivering with weight and tension. Their legs were spread and their hot pudenda and wet, sex-slimed fuck slits presented deliciously.

“Round two, then,” Skyler cooed. She felt a surge of electricity through her whole body the moment she said the words. Her body wanted to continue this battle, to keep fucking this redheaded vixen, and it was overjoyed at the prospect of continuing the fuckfight.

“Round two,” Martha agreed. “Pussy to pussy.”

Skyler licked her lips and nodded. “Your cunt against mine. Let’s see who really is the better fuck, bitch.”

Martha slid over the slick rubber floor, her legs spread, her dripping pudenda pointed directly at the matching genitals between Skyler’s widespread legs. The blonde moved to meet her. As they closed on each other, the blonde and redhead felt their hearts pound with excitement, their breasts jiggle and bounce tautly, fully engorged with heat and hormones, every part of their bodies on fire. Both women could sense that this was going to be so good. So fucking, fucking, fucking good.

When they were close enough, the women touched toes, rubbing their bare feet for a short time, the balls of their feet and their toes pushing and stroking, stimulating and teasing each other. Then they slid their legs passed and moved into a scissor, naked cunts lining up and readying for pussy to pussy combat. Skyler and Martha leaned back, bracing their lush bodies with their hands, readying their hips and asses for the thrust that would bring them into full genital contact and begin the epic fuckfight that they both craved. Their tits bounced and rolled on their chests, tight and thick and throbbing with arousal. The women’s swollen clits twitched with tension, their clean-shaven twats glistened and dripped with cunt juice, so aroused that they were sopping wet. They stopped their advance only centimeters from touching, twat to twat. The women felt the heat pouring off of their raging fuckmeat.

“I’m going to fuck your brains out, you whore,” Martha murmured, her heart pounding with excitement and apprehension. “You’ll have to crawl out of this fucking bar when we’re done.”

“Fuck you, slut,” Skyler sneered. “My cunt is going to eat your little twat alive. I’m going to grind that hunk of saggy meat between your legs into hamburger!”

The women signaled with their eyes. They pulled back their hips, then drove forward, putting all the power of their asses into their mutual thrusts. Their sopping cunts slapped, the sound of taut, wet meat echoing in the room. The women’s thick, aroused cunt lips crushed and fused, their pussies kissed ravenously, their labia melted into one. Cunt juice sprayed from the impact. Their inosculated cunts formed a strong, wet suction as they mated. Their engorged clits met head to head, the throbbing sex swords joined in surge of erotic electricity that filled their voluptuous, battling bodies with heat.

Martha and Skyler threw back their heads and cried out in shared ecstasy. The pleasure suffusing their bodies and emanating from their jousting clits filled their muscles, their tits, every inch of their flesh, with exquisite sensations. Martha had never felt anything so good. Alex’s cunt had always felt so perfectly matched to her own, so incredibly good. But something about Skyler’s cunt was even better. Its smoothness, its slickness, the way it seemed to merge and join with her genitals in an unbreakable fusion, the way its heat became hers, the way their swollen, aching clits twisted and knotted into one, sending shocks of ecstasy radiating through their bucking bodies…it was almost too much for Martha to take.

“Ah, oh God, you fucking, fucking filth…” Martha gasped, her head thrown back, tears leaking from her eyes. Her voluptuous body shuddered in a mini-orgasms. She forced them back. Martha refused to be defeated but, oh fuck, it felt good, it felt so fucking good!

“You whore, you fucking, cunteating whore…,” Skyler groaned. She, too, was astonished at how good Martha’s pussy felt as it fused to her own. The pure sexual electricity that was rippling through her body with every thrust of her hips, every sucking caress of her cunt to Martha’s cunt, every twist of their grinding clits, was almost unbearable. She felt on the verge of cumming in no time and she had to force it back down with an act of will.

Moaning, grunting, gasping, Martha and Skyler fucked furiously, their hips moving in rhythm, their tits bouncing and jerking, their bellies rippling with effort. They turned their hips to better slot their cunts and sink more deeply into the other woman’s luscious body. Both women gripped their rival’s sweaty thigh and used it for leverage as they pumped vigorously. Their eyes locked over their bouncing tits and they glared at each other in a combination of mutual hate and challenge, daring the other woman to keep going, both wanting to see the moment their enemy broke and surrendered to a submissive orgasm.

The fucking went on and on and on, the women’s cries, grunts and erotic moaning spiraled higher and higher. Their beautiful bodies trembled with sexual tension as they forced themselves to endure more and more pleasure. They gritted their teeth and screamed at each other in fury and frustration as they fucked viciously, determined to ride the other beautiful bitch into sexual defeat.

“Cum, you dirty slut, just CUM, YOU FUCKER!!” Martha screamed. Her red hair bounced on her head like fire, her green eyes were wild with lust and rage.

“Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU, WHORE!!” Skyler screamed, her grey eyes shining with hate, her mind shrieking at her to hold on, to not give into the incredible pleasure filling her entire body, radiating out from the sexual center between her legs.

The women’s faces were etched in anger and lust and dripping with sweat. They glared at each other defiantly as their asses pumped, their hips jerked, their massive tits bounced deliciously and infuriatingly in front of the other woman, teasing and tantalizing at the same time. The heat and smell of sizzling, struggling cunts and grinding, jousting clits became more and more unbearable. Martha snarled as she reached for Skyler. The blonde’s jerking, trembling tits were just too much; Martha had to feel those massive glands crushing into her own. Skyler eagerly reached for the redhead, wanting the same thing.

The women spread their legs wider to let their torsos get closer. They moaned in joy as their massive chests crushed tight, the meaty glands squashing and resisting, quivering with tension and pressure. Their hard nipples stabbed deep into their rival’s titflesh. The women immediately rolled their tits until their tight, throbbing nipples docked and mated, nipples holes sucking and sealing, sending spikes of intense pleasure reverberating through their lush bodies.

“Oh God, yes,” Martha moaned. She pushed her forehead hard into Skyler’s sweaty forehead, their hair knotting, their eyes locked in hate and raw, trembling lust.

“Jesus Christ, you fucking cunt,” Skyler whispered, her voice trembling with need. The women touched tongues, then sank into a savage, hate-filled kiss as their hips jerked harder, their clits rubbed and grated with even more force, intensifying the shockwaves wracking their battling bodies. They both slipped their hands down and around the other’s hips to grip their rival’s tight, thrusting ass and sink their fingers into the smooth, hard assmeat.

Their thrusts grew harder, their bodies trembled uncontrollably. Tears streamed down Martha’s and Skyler’s faces. Their kiss grew deeper and more intense. They swallowed the other’s moans and cries, but those began to rise in volume too as the women felt their bodies fuck racing to the finish, getting closer and closer to an irresistible point of no return.

“OH FUCKING GOD!” Martha roared as she came in the most powerful orgasm of her life. Her pussy practically exploded, her hot ejaculate jetted into Skyler’s body and soaked their groins and lower bellies.

“FUCK, FUCK, FUUUCCKK!!” Skyler shrieked at the exact same moment. She came hard, so hard, going off like a firehose. Her toes curled, her muscles spasmed, intense shivers ran up and down through her body as the climax took her.

The shuddering women held each other as close and tight as they could as their incredible bodies trembled and quaked, intense pleasure racing in coruscating waves through their nerves, filling them to overflowing then breaking and cascading again and again. Martha felt herself passing out, her senses unable to endure the massive overstimulation radiating up from her cunt and filling her body with sensations. Skyler hovered on the edge of unconsciousness, her eyes rolling back into her head, her mind threatening to shut down completely. The women released each other and fell away, their tits still joined by strands of nipple cum.

The women’s backs hit the rubber pads. The sudden impact revived them a bit. They writhed and twisted as they screamed, their hips rising high in the air, jerking and bucking as they fucked orgasm after orgasm out of each other. Martha feared she would die, the pleasure was so enormous, so constant. She came and came and came, she was not sure she could stop, and she did not want to stop. When she finally stopped convulsing, an intense heat and throbbing sensation filled her genitals.

Skyler twisted and bucked in ecstasy too, her pussy contracting and ejaculating over and over. Her ass slapped rhythmically on the mat as she jerked like a spitted fish, her eyes rolling back in near-delirium. She had never cum like this before in a life filled with lots of fucking and lots of cumming, and she could not believe that a redheaded bitch who she had just met had fucked her brains out better than anyone she had ever had before.

The women finally stilled. They remained sealed at the cunt, their tits rising and falling with their labored breathing. Their nipples dripped with ejaculate. Their bellies and pussies were soaked. They floated on a cloud of pure bliss for a few more minutes as they tried to regain their bearings.

After several minutes, Skyler stirred. As much as part of her just wanted to lie there, enjoying the delicious feeling of electricity running through her body, of being cunt-locked to her rival, she needed to win this battle. This bitch had challenged her and they needed to know which of them was the better woman.

Martha moaned as she propped herself up on her elbows and looked down their joined bodies to glare hatefully at her blonde enemy.

“Fuck you, cunt,” Martha grunted. She squeezed Skyler with her pussy. The blonde squeezed back enthusiastically and, for several moments, the two women’s cunts trembled as their vaginas wrestled for supremacy. They stopped and, glaring viciously, they pulled apart.

“Another tie,” Skyler snarled. Martha did not dispute this.

“Round three, then,” the redhead rasped. Her eyes glowed with heat. As incredible as the pleasure she and Skyler had shared had been, she could already feel her body reloading. Something about this blonde bitch, the situation they were in, was feeding her libido like nothing else she had felt before and she was ready to keep going.

“Round three it is, cunt,” Skyler nodded. “We’re not stopping until you’re a smear of cum on this mat.”

“Dream on, fucker,” Martha snapped. “I’m going to have you spouting like a fountain before I am done with you. I’m going to milk your cunt dry.”

The women reluctantly separated, their hot, steamy pudenda sucking apart, thick strands of creamy cum connecting the red fuckmeat. Skyler and Martha immediately got on their hands and knees and faced each other, their big tits swinging from their chests. They pushed nose to nose, forehead to forehead, their eyes locked. Red tongues lashed out and touched and pushed and followed down into hot mouths that sank into a deep, probing, passionate kiss. They grabbed the back of the other woman’s head and pushed their enemy’s face deeper into the hate-kiss.

“Ummmmmnnnhhhh,” the women moaned in concert. For several minutes, they kissed feverishly, rising up on their knees and thrusting together tit to tit, belly to belly, the heat from their sopping cunts increasing constantly, warming their inner thighs. Their clits hardened again into throbbing fuck fingers and the need to fuck became unbearable.
Skyler pulled on Martha’s hair, forcing the woman out of their kiss. Spit linked their red lips and they licked at each other’s lips and cheeks, before pushing together nose to nose, forehead to forehead. Their glowing eyes locked, the light of pure desire shining within both women.

“Let’s eat, fucker,” Skyler breathed. “Let’s see which of us sucks and eats cunt better.”

“You’re on, slut,” Martha smiled. “No one can suck a clit the way I can.”

“We’ll see.”

The women kissed and bit at each other a while longer, neither want to pull their tits apart, or separate their smooth, kissing bellies. Finally, they pulled apart. Skyler leaned back, then lowered herself to the floor on her side. Martha did the same, lowering herself right next to Skyler, but with her head pointing in the opposite direction. Both women lifted their upper leg, giving their rival full access to their bare-shaven twat. Panting with desire, their eyes blazing with pure hunger, Skyler and Martha wrapped their arms around the other’s hips, spread their hands on their opponent’s perfect, tight ass, and buried their faces in the other woman’s beautiful, succulent cunt.

Martha moaned in joy as she immersed her face, her nose, into Skyler’s sopping genitals. She loved eating another woman’s pussy, the intoxicating scent, feeling the hot cum jetting over her face, drinking it back and sharing it in spitty, cummy kisses with her lover. She ran her tongue up and down Skyler’s fuck trough, then all the way up to the woman’s anus, where she teasingly tongued the blonde’s delicious asshole.

Skyler immediately reciprocated, and added two fingers into Martha’s tight orifice. Martha retaliated and the women’s fingers began stroking and probing, stimulating the sensitive flesh, even as their tongues moved in and out, up and down their vaginas. Skyler wrapped her tongue and her lips around Martha’s swollen clit and sucked. Martha screamed and immediately replied, causing Skyler to throw back her head and cry out in sexual agony.

The women wrapped their sweaty thighs around their rival’s head and rolled back and forth on the rubber floor, eating ravenously. When they were not sucking clits and licking labia, they licked, kissed and bit the sensitive flesh of their opponent’s inner thighs. Their hands massaged and kneaded thick, perfect asses, their fingers plunged into tight, hot assholes and reamed sopping wet vaginas as their tongues worked feverishly, devouring dripping pussy. Their moans and cries of pleasure, muffled by their opponent’s delicious pudendum, grew more and more desperate as they sucked each other up the pleasure curve.

The women rolled again and Skyler found herself on the bottom. Martha was gripping her ass tightly, but the fact the blonde had her back to the floor limited what the redhead could do. Through the haze of her sexual pleasure, Skyler had an idea. She unwrapped her thighs from around Martha’s head and spread her legs, her heels pushing into the rubber mats like anchors. She redoubled her stroking and massaging of Martha’s inner thighs and round, firm ass. She tongued the woman’s pussy and asshole, building up more pleasure.

Skyler was trembling, the work that Martha had done on her cunt now coming to fruition. The redhead had her lips fixed around Skyler’s burning clit and hummed teasingly, the vibrations sending exquisite pleasure arcing through the blonde. Skyler planned to imitate her rival’s attack but she had to see her own plan to its conclusion. She could feel Martha’s thighs quivering as the woman struggled to hold back her orgasm. Skyler sucked as hard as she could on Martha’s clit, scraping the sensitive nub with her teeth, sending spikes of ecstasy through the redhead’s body. Then, as the final attack, she slapped the woman’s perfect ass sharply.

Martha grunted, then screamed out in rage and pleasure. The sudden shock of pain intensified her pleasure enormously, sending surges of ecstasy through her erogenous zones. She was already on the edge of orgasm. She had no way to return Skyler’s attack, as she could not get at the blonde’s bulging ass. Martha screamed again as Skyler timed her slaps in rhythm with her tonguing and sucking, forcing more and more pleasure on the redhead. Skyler’s leg-spread position prevented Martha from rolling the other woman into a better position for her.

Martha buried her face in Skyler’s twat and used her fingers, tongue and humming lips to full effect. The women knew they were in a fuck race to the finish.

Martha shrieked as another of Skyler’s sharp ass slaps pushed her over the edge. It was finally too much. With a whoop of joy, she felt herself unloading her cum onto Skyler’s face, her pussy contracting and then releasing in a gusher of hot cum.

“God, fucking God!!” Martha shrieked. She threw back her head and moaned in ecstasy as her body quivered like a bow, the incredible tension gradually flowing out of her and onto her rival’s face.

“No, no, fucking God, no,” Martha moaned, her body shaking with pleasure. Skyler’s mouth was clamped tight on her pussy, sucking back and storing all of the cum it could take. Skyler pulled hard at Martha’s red hair, trying to keep the other woman from returning to her own cunt eating.

Determined not to go off on her own, Martha lowered her head to Skyler’s pussy, ignoring the pain in her scalp, and sucked hard and strong, using her tongue, teeth and lips on the woman’s twitching sex horn. Only moments later, Skyler stopped resisting. Screaming, she let herself go, ejaculating hard and long into Martha’s mouth.

For almost five minutes, Skyler and Martha sucked multiple orgasms out of their rival until they were both almost dry. They collapsed in exhaustion, Martha resting her face on Skyler’s twat, Skyler’s head lying on the floor, the redhead’s cunt dripping down onto her face. After a minute, Skyler pushed Martha off of her. The redhead rolled onto her back, panting hard.

Finally, Skyler rolled to her knees. Martha remained on her back, her arm thrown over her eyes. She lowered her arm when Skyler moved and glared defiantly at the victorious blonde.

“I won, you little slut,” Skyler gloated. “I made you cum like the whore you are.” Her voice was distorted, garbled, by her mouthful of cum. “I want my victory fuck, you weak cunt.”

A victory fuck had not been part of the original agreement, but Skyler was sure that Martha would not resist. Martha’s eyes blazed with hate and humiliation, but Skyler could also see the touch of lust, of excitement, in the redhead’s gaze. Martha said nothing but, slowly, she spread her legs, presenting her defeated pussy to the victor. Martha also opened her mouth slightly, her pink tongue extending, and showed Skyler her own mouthful of cum.

Skyler crawled up between Martha’s legs, sliding her inner thighs onto Martha’s inner thighs. Both women grunted at the delicious contact and forced down mini-orgasms as the pleasure surged. Skyler’s muscular belly settled on Martha’s, their heavy tits mated, the thick, taut meat pulsing with heat and deliciously erotic sensations. Their nipples mated, sucking and fusing, sending spikes of intense pleasure through their tits, down their bellies, into their twitching clits. Skyler positioned her mouth over Martha’s. The redhead opened her mouth and the blonde drooled the entire globule of spit and cum into her enemy. She followed it down. The women locked into a deep, angry, cummy kiss. Their tongues twisted and twined inside their inosculated mouths, fighting over the cum and spit, combining their separate mouthfuls into one, sucking it back and forth. They gripped their rival by the back of the head and pushed their mouths deeper as the hateful kiss grew more passionate, more rageful. They writhed and wriggled in each other’s arms, their naked bodies undulating and rippling as their mouths and tongues fought.

Finally, the cum was gone, swallowed back by both combatants, and it was time for the victor to claim her prize. Skyler broke the kiss and smiled down at Martha, her beautiful face and sparkling grey eyes alive with spite and pure erotic lust.

“I’m going to ride your cunt until I’m satisfied, you whore,” Skyler grinned. “You lost our little fight and you’re going to say that I’m the better woman, that I have a better twat and a better body than you, and that I’m a better fuck.”

“Fuck you,” Martha hissed. “You got lucky. That’s all.”

“Little bitch,” Skyler grunted. “It doesn’t matter what lie you tell yourself. We both know I’m better than you are and now you’re going to lie back and take it until I’m done with you.”

Martha held her tongue, but her eyes shone with hate and humiliation. Skyler loved it. She held Martha’s burning gaze as she slowly lowered her dripping, aching pussy onto Martha’s equally hot, wet fuck slit. The women grunted in unison, neither able to hold back, as their slick, incredibly sensitive fuck lips caressed deliciously, as their fat lips pushed and spread and mashed into one. They pushed hard with their hips and felt their aching twats suck to each other, the heat and wet fusing and merging, the overwhelming erotic sensations filling their senses, adding a whole new layer of heat and pleasure to their steaming bodies. Skyler drove her rock hard clit deep into Martha’s fuck trough and plowed the hot, juicy furrow until her throbbing fuck horn rammed into Martha’s equally hard, throbbing clit. The clits caressed and rubbed, they jousted and twisted, staying in constant contact, every moment of contact sending spasms of excruciating electrical pleasure arcing through the women’s mating bodies.

“Oh God, oh my fucking God!” Martha moaned.

“Christ, fucking Christ, yes, oh yes, oh yes…” Skyler hissed.

Both women closed their eyes in ecstasy, their gasps and groans filling their ears. Martha gripped Skyler’s ass and pulled the blonde into her deeper, harder. The women worked their hips, moving slow and hard, keeping their clits glued together. With every deep, penetrating fuck stroke, the fires in their bodies grew more intense, the aching pleasure grew more unbearable. Their thick, compacted tits pulsed with heat and sensitivity, their nipples spearing each other, penetrating and fusing into one, their areola on fire as the meaty glands merged. Their bellies rippled, navels sucked tight. Their legs were twined, Martha’s limbs threaded through Skyler’s, locking the blonde in place. The women forced their eyes open so they could stare into each other as they fucked, as they gave each other more pleasure than either had ever experienced in her life. They shared an agony of pure ecstasy.

Skyler knew that Martha would not accept her defeat, she knew the redhead would try to outlast her even in her victory fuck. That was what she wanted. She wanted this paradise to go on and on, to never end. Panting, moaning, gasping, the women shared hot breath. Tears streamed from their faces as the pleasure became unbearable but still they kept fucking and fucking and fucking, holding back the explosion, refusing to let it end.

When she knew she could not take anymore, Skyler stopped moving, stopped thrusting with her over-sensitive clit. Martha kept moving under her, but the redhead soon realized that her rival had stopped. They glared at each other through half-closed eyes, both feeling the other’s body trembling with sexual tension, with the need for exquisite release.

“Slower, slower, you fuck,” Skyler whispered. “Make it last….”

“Yes,” Martha murmured, understanding. “Fuck, yes.”

The women slowly came down from the erotic edge, pulling back from the verge of the incredible orgasms loaded up inside their voluptuous bodies. After several minutes of holding each other, sharing panting breath, staring eye to eye, feeling and seeing their intimate hatred, the pleasure abated enough for them to resume their fucking.
Stroking, stroking, clit on clit, cunt sucking at cunt, bodies writhing, tits mashing and rippling, bellies caressing and sliding, the heat in their flesh growing, sweat dripping, moans and cries of ecstasy…Skyler and Martha climbed, once more, right to the edge before stopping, pulling back. They sobbed uncontrollably as they tortured each other with unbearable pleasure, but each stop and start filled them with the desire for more and more and more.

It went on and on, the women fucking each other to the peak twice more. On the fifth round, they both knew that they could not endure it any longer. The tension in their bodies had their muscles and nerves singing like wires, their faces were wet with tears, the pleasure in their cunts filled their bodies to overflowing.

“Oh, you dirty little fuck, here it comes, here it comes, you whore, you cunt…” Skyler whispered at Martha.

“Give it to me, cum you little fuck, cum inside me, cum, cum, CUM!!”

Their clits, pressed head to head, fused into one nerve of pure ecstasy. Their hips bucked slow and hard and the women tightened every muscle as they twined together like mating snakes. Their cunts erupted, gushing like fountains, as they pumped cum into each other over and over again, orgasm after orgasm rippling through their bodies, setting their skin and their nerves nova-hot, blasting out their heads, filling them and then releasing over and over again. They clung together, too overwhelmed to even scream, the only sound their choking gasps as their bodies emptied into each other, as they took each other to paradise and beyond.

For several minutes, Skyler and Martha twisted and trembled in each other’s arms as their bodies convulsed in excruciating pleasure. Martha passed out, her mind unable to take any more. Skyler joined her just moments later. For the first time in hours, the bar became silent, the only sounds the hum of refrigerators and lights and the gentle breathing of two women who had fucked each other into comas.

It was some time later before Martha stirred. Her movements woke Skyler who slowly, reluctantly, rolled off of Martha’s naked body and onto her back. For a minute, the nude women lay side by side, the incredible sensations they had forced on each other still reverberating through their voluptuous bodies.

“Say it, cunt,” Skyler grunted.

Martha said nothing for a moment. Skyler rolled onto her side, her head propped on her hand, facing the redheaded beauty. She arched an eyebrow.

“Say it, fucker.”

“You are the better woman,” Martha said in a monotone. “You have the better body and the better cunt. You’re a better fuck than I am.”

“Now, get the fuck out of my bar, you cuntlicking whore,” Skyler rasped. Her throat was incredibly dry. “I never want to see your diseased twat in here again. Just like we agreed.”

Martha sat up. She glared hatefully at the naked beauty beside her. “Fuck you, you dirty cunt,” she managed. But she had lost. Slowly, the redhead got on her hands and knees, then crawled across the floor. She was having some difficulty standing. Her legs felt incredibly weak and her pussy felt like it had been sucked inside out. She reached a chair and used it to pull herself to her feet. A few meters away, Skyler had used a table behind her to brace herself as she stood. She swayed on her feet, amazed at how drained and weak she felt. Her cunt felt like it had gone through the grinder.

Martha retrieved her tank top. She pulled it on over her head, the tight, damp material molding itself to her huge, perfect tits. Her nipples stood out like bullets. She found her skirt in a puddle of what had been soapy water and long since lost its bubbles. She pulled on the soaked garment, grimacing.

Across the room, Skyler had pulled on her equally soaked tank top, which also prominently displayed her spear-like nipples. She found a wet thong on the floor and pulled it on. She was not sure this was her’s but it did not really matter. She and Martha had been wearing identical thongs and it gave her a thrill to think that she might be pushing the scent and juices of the other woman into her pussy. She glanced up and saw Martha retrieving the one remaining thong. Before the redhead could pull it up her legs and over her crotch, Skyler spoke up.

“No. Leave that thong. That’s my trophy.”

Martha looked startled then angry. After a moment, however, she dropped the thong back to the floor. She glared at Skyler but said nothing. She picked up her shoes but did not put them on. Barefoot, she walked to the table where she had deposited her bag. She glanced at her phone inside the bag. It indicated the time was almost 5:30. She and the bartender had been fuckfighting for almost three hours.

Martha walked barefoot across the wet, rubbery floor. She stopped at the door to look back at Skyler. The blonde beauty was watching her, a malicious grin on her gorgeous face, her hands on her wide, womanly hips, her muscular legs bare.

“Don’t let the door hit your fat ass on the way out, you little losing fuck,” Skyler gloated.

Martha gave the blonde the finger, but she pulled back the door and stepped out. The large wooden portal closed behind her.

Skyler walked over to the discarded thong and picked it up. She held the scrap of cloth to her nose but it had been too long in soapy water. She could not tell if it was her scent or that of the redheaded bitch. Still, it did not matter. She had both thongs now and she intended to use them both.

She walked through the water, her bare feet slapping gently. She picked up her shoes and put them out of the way and picked up her soaked yoga pants. There was a washer and dryer set in the back of the bar. For now, she had some shorts and a t-shirt in her gym bag and she could use those to cover up while she dried off her pants, tank top and thong.

As Skyler padded to the back of the bar, a wave of exhaustion passed through her. She saw the time and realized how many hours she and the redhead had been locked in sexual combat. She had to finish mopping before she went home. She could not stop thinking about the fight. That was not the longest sexfight she had ever had, but it was easily the most incredibly pleasurable fuckfight she had ever experienced. She was used to having incredible orgasms when she took on other women, clit to clit and tit to tit. But what she and the redhead had done to each other was on a whole different level. Thinking about it, she felt herself getting wet again. Her tit bullets pierced her wet tank top even harder.

“God,” Skyler thought. “That bitch was an incredible fuck.” She wondered why it had been so good. Was it the anonymity of the whole situation? Was it just that the redheaded cunt had such an incredible body? Was it because they were so similar to each other, so evenly matched in body and temperament? She did not know. What she did know what that she regretted making the bitch promise to never come back. Right now, she would happily go another few rounds with the cunt.

Sighing gently, Skyler went into the back, stripped out of her clothing, and threw everything into the dryer. Naked, she walked to the staff locker room, found her gym bag, and pulled on a t shirt and a pair of gym shorts. Still barefoot, she went back to the main bar, found her mop, refilled her bucket, and set about mopping the floor.


Skyler moved quickly and efficiently behind the bar, mixing drinks and taking orders, all the while giving the bar’s patron’s the opportunity to ogle her delicious body. She was wearing a bright red halter top that barely contained her perfect, thrusting tits, and low rise jeans that were practically painted onto her perfect ass and muscular legs. Her beautifully muscled abdomen and unadorned navel were attracting a lot of attention. She had started the night with a short jacket, but it had come off as the bar heated up and became more rowdy. She knew that part of her job was showing off her amazing sexual gifts and she was happy to oblige.

It had been two weeks since she had thrown Martha out of the bar after sharing with the bitch the most excruciatingly powerful orgasms of her life. She had been masturbating to her memories of that night every night since, the only exception being the one time she had taken a beautiful redhead home and tired to duplicate what she and Martha had done to each other. As hot as the sex with the other redhead had been, it had not come close to the mind-blowing pleasure she had shared with Martha. Something about the situation that night, something about the stalker bitch, had created a level of erotic excitement and antagonism that Skyler could not duplicate.

Skyler was proud of herself for having won her encounter with Martha, but her regrets about making the bitch promise to never return to the bar had deepened.

Skyler had seen Alex since the fight with Martha. From what she could glean, it looked like Alex had won her fuckfight with Jessica. The hostility between the two women had actually intensified but Jessica was deferring to Alex in all of their confrontations, though usually after some kind of pushback. Skyler could see that Alex found the situation frustrating and she would not be surprised if the two singers soon ended up in bed again, fucking each other to establish dominance for the second time. She had to assume that their fight had been so close that Jessica did not really accept the outcome. Skyler wanted to ask Alex about Martha, but she did not know how to bring up the subject without revealing what had happened between the redhead and her. Alex and her band had moved on to another venue. They would be back, eventually. Skyler was looking forward to it. She still hoped to get between Alex’s legs sometime soon, especially after having defeated the woman’s ex in a ground-shaking fuckfight. She felt it should be her reward.

Around 12:30, Skyler finished fixing some drinks for some drunken frat boys and turned her attention to the newest arrival at the bar counter. She found herself looking into the spectacular, bulging cleavage of a woman wearing a tight black halter. Her eyes appreciatively drank in the luscious sight, drifted down to the woman’s delicious belly, then moved to the woman’s face. She was shocked to meet the feverish green eyes of Martha. The redhead smiled savagely.

Skyler felt her pussy tighten and get incredibly wet. Her breasts swelled, their hard nipples tenting her red halter. It was impossible to hide her sudden, intense arousal. Martha smiled wider as she observed the effect of her appearance on her blonde rival.

Skyler walked up to Martha and leaned across the bar, her big tits almost spilling out her halter onto the counter. Martha leaned into her, her impressive cleavage deep and inviting. Skyler slid her cheek along Martha’s to speak into the woman’s ear over the din of the bar. The women’s tits were so close that their jutting nipples were only a hair’s breadth from touching, tip to tip, through the cloth.

“I told you never to come into this bar again, Martha,” the bartender snarled into her rival’s ear.

“You said never to come back or you would fuck my cunt off,” Martha replied, sneering. “I’m here to see if you can make good on the threat.”

Skyler pulled back until she and Martha were almost nose to nose, glaring into each other’s eyes. The mutual anger and the pure lust that passed between them sent shivers down their spines.

“You cunt,” Skyler murmured. “If you’re still here when the bar closes, I’m going to take you into the back office and fuck your cunt out for the rest of the night, until you can’t walk. Then, I’m going to throw your naked ass out into the street.”

Martha eyes glimmered with hate, but Skyler saw the excitement there too. “Or I’m going to ride your stinking twat into the ground and then make you lick me out until you choke on my cum. Then I’ll drag your naked ass outside and leave you there.”

The women were panting into the other’s beautiful face. Their perfect, massive tits, were taut with arousal, their nipples jutting like spears.

Slowly, Skyler pulled back and reluctantly disengaged. “What will it be?”

“Give me a beer,” Martha replied, brusquely. “Any kind will do.”

Skyler poured the beer, then placed the glass in front of Martha. The women’s fingers touched and lingered on the glass, sending an intense shiver through both as their flesh caressed. They exchanged a final look of shared hate and lust, then Skyler turned back to her duties. She hoped that no one in the noisy, crowded bar had witnessed the confrontation. She glanced around but did not see anyone looking at her curiously.

It was hard for the blonde to concentrate on her work for the next hour. At some point, Martha vanished from the bar counter. Skyler scanned the packed room but could not find her redheaded rival. She was not worried. She had no doubt that Martha would be there come the end of the night.

At 2 AM, the bar closed. The waitresses got rid of the last stragglers. Skyler still had not seen Martha, but she had no doubt the bitch was hiding somewhere in the bar. It was a large building and there were a number of places where an intruder might conceal themselves.

Skyler could not wait to get at the redhead. Her entire body was burning, her nipples were so hard they hurt and were actually twitching with tension. They had been stabbing into her halter every since her encounter with Martha and she knew that a lot of patrons at the bar had been paying her special attention for exactly that reason. It was a little embarrassing, but she was too distracted to care that much. Besides, giving the customers a show was part of the reason she was there.

Skyler helped the waitresses with their cleaning up so they could leave sooner. By 2:20, the last waitress had left. They had gone to the staff locker room and the bathroom and even retrieved keys and personal effects from the office. No one had called out in surprise at finding an intruder. Skyler was glad the redhead cunt was a good hider.

Skyler walked around the bar shutting down the lights. She would take care of the cleaning after she had taken care of Martha. That could be hours from now. She hoped it would take hours to teach the little bitch another lesson.

“I’m going to the office,” Skyler called out. “Meet me there.”

She walked into the back of the bar and opened the office door. No one was there. The office space was an anteroom that opened onto the manager’s office, but that was locked. This room was for the staff, a kind of lounge for them to relax in before and during shifts. It had a nice big couch and some easy chairs positioned around an old carpet and a coffee table. Skyler moved the coffee table off to the side, leaving the carpet free. She looked at it, then went to the closet and pulled out a spare rubber mat and covered over the carpet.

The door to the office opened. The redheaded vixen stood in the doorway for a moment, her beautiful green eyes glittering with lust and hate. Her black halter was still on, but her lower body was bare, except for a tiny black thong. She was barefoot. Martha crooked her finger at Skyler.

“Come with me, fuckwhore,” she breathed. She turned and walked down the dark hall.

Skyler paused, then kicked off her shoes, unsnapped her jeans, and rolled them down her legs. Now equally as undressed as Martha, she followed the other woman, her heart speeding up, her pussy getting tight and hot, her clit throbbing and aching with a familiar hunger.

Martha had stopped outside a supply closet. She pulled the door open, snapped on a light, and stepped into the small space. Skyler followed. The shelves lined the closet on three sides. The space in the middle was about 2 meters long and one meter wide – large enough for two women to lie down and fuck. There was a small window high up on the wall, letting in light from the alley outside. Evidently, this was where Martha had been hiding.

“Why do you want to fight in here?” Skyler asked. There was a far more comfortable space in the office.

“It’s tight. It’s small. It’s hot. It will be the perfect place to lock up and drain each other dry until only one of us can stand.”

Skyler looked around, then smiled. “It doesn’t matter where we fight. I’m going to fuck you into a coma, just like last time.”

“You got lucky, fucker. Last time was last time. This time is this time, and I’m going to ream you out so hard you won’t be able to walk for a week.”

Skyler grinned. She reached up and undid the front clasp of her halter, then slid the straps off her shoulders. She pulled the red halter off her chest, letting her magnificent tits bounce free. The beautiful glands were thick and taut. The nipples looked steel hard.

Martha smiled and removed her black halter. The topless women placed their scraps of clothing on a shelf. Wearing only their thongs, they stepped close. Martha wrapped her arms around Skyler’s upper back, Skyler slipped her arms around Martha’s wasp waist. They pulled each other in and moaned in joy as their meaty tits crushed and rolled, quivering against each other. The women groaned as their hot, smooth bellies flattened, their navels sucking and sealing. Their long, tan legs slid, both women shoving a muscled thigh up into the other’s thong-covered twat.

Martha and Skyler panted into the other’s face, their foreheads pressed tight, their bodies raging with heat, erotic electricity setting them on fire. The desire pounded in their veins, filling their cunts, pumping up their clits, making them both crazy with lust.

Slowly, they touched tongues, then slid into a hot, hard, spitty kiss. They pulled hair as their passion grew, their desire growing exponentially with each moment. Both women knew that what they were about to do to each other would be just as good as what they had done before.

The women broke the kiss and glared at each other. Their hearts pounded into each other through their massive tits.

“This place doesn’t re-open until tomorrow at 4,” Skyler purred. “No one will be here until 3. I’m going to fuck you all night and then fuck you all morning. You’re not leaving here until you surrender to me completely. You’re going to be my fucktoy after tonight.”

“Like hell, you dirty slut. I’m not leaving here until I’ve humiliated and fucked you in every way. I already told you, when I’m finished with you I’m dragging your naked ass into the parking lot. You’re going to be my fuck whore when I’m finished with you. You’re going to be spreading your legs for me whenever I want you.”

“So, it’s a fight to see which of us is the other’s slave?”

“Absolutely,” Martha breathed. “But since this is an all-nighter, it’s got to be more than just one cum and done. It’s best out of…” she paused, considering….”seven.”

Skyler smiled wider, her predatory senses tingling. Tonight was going to be glorious.

Skyler thought for a moment to ask about Alex, but she decided not to do so. Maybe that was a question she could use later in the night, if she needed a psychological advantage against her rival. For now, she was grateful that the bitch was back, that they were in each other’s arms, that they were about to fuck each other senseless.

Martha reached out and gripped the light switch. “Let’s do this in the dark, cunt.”

She clicked off the light. The ambient light from the window provided basic illumination. The women could see the glint of the other’s eyes, they could feel the intense heat and lust building and building between them.

“Loser gets the winner’s thong,” Skyler whispered.

“Agreed. Loser has to admit the winner is the better woman and eat her cunt.”


“Then, let’s get started.”

The women’s mouths locked, their deep moans harmonizing as they pulled hair, gripped asses, slowly turned around in the small, hot space, their bodies growing more and more aroused. Neither woman knew where and how it would end, but all that mattered was forcing the other into submission.

Everything else could wait.

The End

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