About the Author
Written by Rivals Rapture: There are two ends to the fight fiction spectrum. One being violence and the other sex. And though some writers move from one side to the other, and then back again, there is no writer who has mastered the far end of sensuality better than JB57.
They being the unrivaled and inestimable pen-smith of so many intensely hot rivalries and blisteringly passionate

JB57’s Stories
The Cat and Panther Series
Cats and Claws
The women began to breathe more heavily as their excitement increased. The intimate contact flooded the rival women’s delicious bodies with sexual hormones. Their hearts pounded as their bodies grew more and more aroused. Their pussies became wet and hot and tight. After several erotic minutes exploring the other’s thick, throbbing nipples through their nylon clothing, the Panther finally broke the silence.
“You’ve got a nice pair of tits, Cat. They’re almost as amazing as my own,” the Panther breathed, her voice catching with the excitement of her growing desire.
“You’re no slouch in the titty department either, little kitty,” Jenn replied.“But my girls have no equal.”Jenn’s voice, too, was choked with excitement.
The Panther smiled and licked her lips in the darkness.
“Oh, I think my girls would disagree. Perhaps it’s time for some serious girl talk?”
The Cat nodded and licked her own lips.
“Yes. I think the girls need to discuss whose turf this is. There’s only room for one big boob thief in this town.”
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A Nocturnal Adventure
“Are you ready, Cat?” Miranda asked, her voice trembling and hoarse with need.
“Of course, you bitch,” Jenn replied. “Let’s fuck, baby.”
Miranda did not bother replying in words. Instead, she drew back her hips and thrust out furiously. Jenn’s thrust met the redhead’s thrust half-way. Thick fucklips slammed together, wet meat slapping. The women’s powerful hips and asses began to buck and grind, moving in a slow, hard rhythm as they drove into each other with all their strength, working to spread and enter each other’s twats. Their engorged clits crushed tight, two raw nerves of unbearable ecstasy becoming one. The women’s abdomens rippled, their tits bounced, hard nipples longer, thicker and harder than ever. The Cat and Miranda threw back their heads and screamed in pleasure, overwhelmed by the sensations of their bodies joined and ravaging each other.
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Party Favours
“Yes, fuck, yes,” Miranda grunted, her teeth clenched with effort, her red hair flying.
“God, oh fucking god, yes,” Britney groaned. She threw back her head and rammed herself into Miranda as hard as she could, keeping their cunts glued together, working her hips and ass to spread Miranda’s cunt lips and penetrate the beautiful redhead. Miranda thrust back just as hard, working her hips in the opposite direction, trying to drill her genitals into Britney’s and achieve a deeper lockup. Their tight pussy lips spread under the pressure.
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Whistler Series
These stories are rewrites and expansions on original tales by the writer Whistler.
World War III
Tyler smiled. “Not at all, bitch,” she murmured, licking at Natalie’s beautiful mouth. “This is about who fucks last, not who gets fucked first. If you want to do all the work, that’s fine by me.” She bit Natalie’s neck, forcing a groan of pleasure from her rival. Natalie twisted her hips, penetrating Tyler’s cunt a bit more. Tyler gasped, but continued. “I’m not stopping until I drain every drop of cum from that gorgeous cunt,” she said, throwing back the brunette’s words. Natalie smiled archly in reply, her eyes glowing with lust. She locked Tyler into a deep, probing French kiss. As the women kissed, their hips began moving, cunt sliding on cunt, warm, taut bellies rippling against each other until their navels sucked at each other. Engorged clits swelled up from the women’s twats, eagerly seeking their counterpart.
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Desert Duels
The night fell. The women continued the relentless orgy in the dark, until Cindy turned on one of the LED lamps. By the golden glow of the lamp, the four sexual warriors battled on, their perfect bodies gleaming with sweat and cum. They ravaged each other, bodies on fire, fighting to consume each other with their feminine strength. They matched sexual organs to sexual organs, womanly power to womanly power, their groans and moans harmonizing as the erotic struggle raged, their erotic power fed by the magic of the mountain.
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Barb kicked the silk sheets away from her body to reveal the rest of her nakedness. She licked her lips seductively as the naked brunette stepped up onto the deck. The brunette paused, her eyes roaming hungrily over Barb’s naked perfection. Slowly, teasingly, Barb spread her legs, revealing the lush, thick-lipped vulva between her powerful thighs. The brunette’s smile grew even more ravenous. She climbed onto the bed and straddled the blonde woman. The brunette’s thick, juicy cuntlips settled wet and hot on the blonde’s matching cunt. The women gasped and moaned in unison as spikes of intense pleasure radiated through their incredible bodies as their juiced-up twats mated.
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The Inge Series
Conchita and Inge glared at each other, nose to nose and breathing in each other’s sweet breath. Conchita pumped down on Inge a few more times, but then stopped. She knew what she had to do. “Listen to me, you bitch,” Conchita said, struggling to overcome the intense pressure of the women’s mutual bearhug in order to speak. “I could beat you down from where I am right now, but I think we both know that would not be enough. The only way we can really decide this is to fight each other woman-to-woman, with nothing between us. My shorts have to come off. But I’m not willing to give up being on top. You will have to agree not to attack me while I am taking them off and until we get back into position. Do you agree?”
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Conchita: The Party
Conchita and Domino were mesmerized by each other. Their eyes locked the moment the redhead entered the room. Each woman could feel the raw sexual power rolling off the other woman in waves. They could feel the challenge that each posed to the other right down in the core of their beings. Conchita felt her cunt flaring with heat and growing uncomfortably wet. Her tits crusted over, and her nipples began to leave visible moist spots on her green gown.
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Inge and Conchita: Duels of Honor
Martina felt her cunt melting, merging, with that of Inge. She felt alive and enraged in a way that she had not before. This jungle whore, this blonde bitch, presented her with a sexual challenge greater than any she had faced in the past. The erotic power of Inge’s fantastic body was incredible, and Martina could tell that the jungle woman’s raw, wild sexuality rivaled her own. But she loved the challenge, loved the risk, and loved the unrestrained fucking in which they were engaged. They would settle which of them was stronger, which of them was the alpha bitch, in the most primitive and primal way that they could. Martina struggled to contain her pleasure, even as she eagerly anticipated breaking and mastering Inge’s cunt.
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Inge vs. Martina: Two Blondes in the Bush
They struggled ass to ass and once even used a thick root as a double-headed dildo to test the strength of each other’s twats. They pounded and ground their cunts together until they could barely walk. Their clits fenced and rubbed and fused tight into unbreakable knots, torturing both combatants with unbearable pleasure. Every night, they fought and fucked each other to their utmost, using all their skill, their strength and their wiles to dominate the other woman, to inflict so much pleasure on the other that she would have to surrender. A few times, both women came close to breaking the other. But every night ended in the same way, however circuitous the route to get there: Inge and Martina fucking each other into unconsciousness, giving each other so much erotic pleasure that their bodies and minds had no choice but to shut down and save them from the extremes of ecstasy.
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Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen
Their cunts locked and ground into each other relentlessly, the heat and wetness of their joining almost overwhelming. The erotic pleasure filled their perfect bodies. Rakara grasped and squeezed one of Inge’s bouncing tits, caressing the hard nipple. Inge eagerly replied, stroking Rakara’s massive breast. The women pulled each other in until they were face to face, nipple searing to nipple, tit mashing to tit. They kept their hips moving, but more gently.
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Inge vs. Conchita: Battle to be Queen
Conchita glared at Inge, hating the blonde bitch more than ever, but wanting hard body contact. She wanted to rip Inge’s beautiful hair out by the roots, but she also wanted to go tit to tit with this whore. With a snarl, she threw herself at Inge, her hands reaching for her foe’s blonde mane; Inge leaped to meet her. In an instant, their sore tits met and crushed, nipple to nipple. Both women seized the other woman’s thick hair and, arms looped around each other’s back, yanked viciously at each other. They staggered around the clearing, groaning with effort and cursing each other, the constant struggle for balance and advantage rubbing their tits together with
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Jungle Fire: Inge vs. Sheena
Both women were transported to another plane of sexual ecstasy. They had waged sensual war upon each other before, had driven each other over the brink of ultimate sexual pleasure again and again, but the erotic connection here, in this sacred temple, in the presence of a true goddess, was unlike anything either had ever felt.
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Jungle Adventure
“Take it, you bitch, TAKE IT, CUNT!!,” Sheena roared at Inge, her beautiful face a mask of erotic rage and ecstatic triumph. She pulled viciously on Inge’s thick hair. She was finally riding this whore, the way she had wanted to from the start. She had every intention of pounding Inge’s cunt into mush, of fucking her blonde enemy senseless, of riding the bitch until Inge begged for more and more.
Desperately, Inge tried to fight back. Sobbing, even as her body was wracked by orgasms, she struggled to clamp down on the dildo and shove it back up into Sheena’s conquering twat. She moved with Sheena’s body. Sheena was moaning in pleasure and triumph, so she was caught by surprise when she suddenly lost control of the dildo and found it driving up into her innards with excruciating force and pleasure. Sheena screamed. Unexpectedly, she found herself on the verge of a titanic orgasm.
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Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat
Conchita licked Martina’s lips. Slowly, the women released each other and stepped back a couple of meters. Then, as one, they lowered themselves to the jungle floor, sat on their perfect asses, and spread their legs. Leaning back, bracing their bodies with their arms, they slid their asses across the grass, arranging their powerful legs in a scissor, their sopping wet cunts closing on each other like hungry, raging maws, prepared to devour each other.
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The Lost World Series
Latischa in the Lost World
The women leaned into each other, panting like bitches in heat into each other’s faces, putting more weight on their dense tits, and slowly and carefully finger-fucked the other. Their nipples throbbed and they felt their milk holes seal and lock. Sweat dripped down their faces and dotted their pulsing breasts, trickling down to spatter on the table top.
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The Queen of Roma Series
Part One
A Night Time Visit
The naked women reached for each other. Karen slid her hands over Yolanda’s smooth, curving hips. Yolanda wrapped her arms around Karen’s upper back, sliding them under the blonde’s meager robe, and pulled Karen to her. The women gasped in shared delight as their lush bodies came together. Bare tits met and crushed, swollen nipples stabbed and twisted into each other, hard bellies slapped tight. Both women thrust a bare thigh into the other’s succulent pussy. Their ravenously hungry mouths snapped together in magnetic lust.
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The Space Series
Battle in Space
“I’m going to fuck your brains out, Captain,” Valustriana whispered at her beautiful enemy. “I’m going to fuck you and fuck you until your pussy surrenders completely. You’re going to learn what it feels like to go clit to clit with a real woman.”
“We’ll see, you cunt,” Lorena whispered back. “My pussy has eaten bigger, better cunts than yours. I’m going to fuck you blind, then you’re going to eat my pussy. You’re going to find out what I do to arrogant twats who come on my ship.”
With this final exchange of threats, the two goddesses finally prepared to meet in the ultimate combat. Both women pulled their hips back, aimed their hot, open cunts at each other, lined up their massive, throbbing clits, then – with a final glare of hatred and lust – they used all of the power of their hips and asses to drive their cunts together. The clit to clit fuck was finally joined.
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Thorns of Karevi
“Cum, you whore, cum, you dirty, fucking slutty bitch!” Bryanna screamed, her body boiling over with erotic pleasure. She could not hold out much longer. She was on the verge of an absolutely devastating orgasm, but she refused to lose another battle in this fuckwar.
“No, no, you cum for me, filthy fucking cunt!” Klara shrieked in desperate rage, the tension and pleasure in her body trembling, radiating through every muscle in her writhing body.
The women’s long, powerful, voluptuous forms writhed sinuously, bucking and humping as they fucked furiously, desperately. Their nipples were leaking, their bodies were soaked in sweat, pussy juice flowed from their intermeshed cunts down into their ass cracks, down their inner thighs, slicking the mat.
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Visitor From Space
Sobbing and screaming, Dariah and Reena kept their clits pushed hard together. Then, bracing themselves, their hands sunk into the cushion of moss, they thrust hard with their hips and asses, driving at each other. They howled again as their clits crushed, head to head, and struggled to force each other back. The women shrieked and snarled, they gritted their teeth in agony, they panted and howled like animals, but they still kept up the pressure and slowly, agonizingly, their sweat-slicked bodies shaking with pleasure, their tits quivering with tension, forced each other’s massive clits back until their juicy pussy lips touched and kissed and slowly slid together and sucked.
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Earth Girls are Easy
The women raised their eyes to each other. Their gazes locked. Anita could see a touch of uncertainty in Lanara’s eyes. She knew that Lanara could read her nervousness. They were equals in every physical respect. Their rivalry would be decided with more primal weapons- their sexual skills, their willpower, and the raw power of their competing libidos.
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The Spa Series
The Spa
When two beautiful spa-goers catch each other’s eye, they decide to pull back the curtains, press their bodies together, and find out which of them can wield them better.
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The Office Party
(Stand-Alone Follow-Up to The Spa 1 & 2 )
Not at the spa, but elsewhere do Elise and Louise meet again. This time, in a clash that will leave each of them satisfied.
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Au Naturel II
The upstart Veronica returns to lock eyes and thighs with Louise once again.
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Mediterranean Resort
When Veronica goes to Greece she finds herself an olive-skinned rival to battle for sexual supremacy.
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The Spa 2
Elise and Louise meet again, this time, with one hoping for revenge, while the other seeks complete and utter domination.
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Au Naturel
When Louise goes sunbathing, she finds an upstart rival ready to take her to the very edge of her sexual abilities.
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Veronica Goers On a Cruise
With a feud with Louise behind her, Veronica finds a new rival. One to writhe with until one of them has been broken beyond all measure.
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After School Series
After-School Lesson
When a twenty-something seductress (Martha) and an 18-and-a-half-year-old sex-kitten (Teresa) come into conflict over a man, a tale of sexual rivalry explodes for your reading pleasure.
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New Girl
(Sequel to Graduation Day)
When Teresa moves to a new town, a new place, and a new school, she finds herself once again locked in a lustful competition with the girl across the hall.
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Graduation Day
(Sequel to After-School Lessons)
Martha and Teresa continue their war of sexual competition until finally it ends in a flash of orgasm, defeat, and the glory of a metaphorical collar.
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The Kris Series
A Hard Day’s Night
“So, this is your thing, hm?” Kris said to the other woman, as she moved closer, her hips swaying, her breasts quivering as she walked. “Come to a new town, find out which woman has the best tits and cunt, and then go after her?”
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Part-Time Work
“Nope. No wrestling this time. Tonight… they’re howling for a titfight!”
Kris unconsciously moved her hands to her incredible rack and slowly squeezed her breasts together.“A titfight, huh? So… like, you mean boob boxing then?”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to call it. So what do you think? You in?”….
Kris’s eyes grew wide. “Five grand just to smack my tits into some other chick’s boobs?”
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Oil Fight
“The job is oil wrestling. I want to hire you to fight another woman in an oil ring. You’ll both start out in bikinis but, by the time it’s done, you’ll probably both be naked. The ring is a big rubber swimming pool with a layer of baby oil. This whole thing is in the back of a club near here and it’s a private affair, so there are maybe twenty guys sitting around taking bets.”
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The Hotel Series
The Intrusion
Pat and Marsha clash in a hotel battle so hot, even victory can’t tear the two rivals apart.
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A Long Weekend at the Spa
“Cum, you fucking whore, cum…,” Marsha pleaded, turning her head and gasping directly into Pat’s ear. She used her tongue to scour the inside of the ear and lick Pat’s face.
“You cum for me, you dirty fuck,” Pat gasped, struggling to hold back the incredible orgasm building in her core. Her clit felt like an overfilled balloon, tight and hot and ready to explode. Still, she braced her body with her ankles, pushing into the mattress, and met Marsha thrust for thrust, her ass pumping, her hips jerking, keeping her clit in constant, excruciating contact with its swollen counterpart.
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A Weekend at the Hilton
(Sequel to The Intrusion)
When one soul-searing battle of sexual will isn’t enough, Pat and Marsha come back together to once again tell an irresistible tale of sexual dominance and attrition.
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Winter Retreat
The women moved in an undulating full body fuck, fucking each other with every inch of their skin, refusing to separate, letting their bodies absorb each other. Their tits rolled and mashed deliciously, their hard bellies rippled. More than anything, their steaming cunts locked and sucked, two fuck mouths joined in an unbreakable fuck kiss. Nose to nose, eye to eye, Marsha and Pat touched tongues, but they did not kiss. Both wanted to feel and see the other woman, they both wanted to enjoy every millisecond of their fuck after being apart for so long.
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Neverwhere Stories
Kath vs. Kil: A Neverwhere Adventure – Part 1
Slowly, Kath turned over onto her belly and rolled away. She got to her hands and knees, then crawled back towards Kil. Kil forced herself to sit up. Groaning, the naked women rose to their knees. They came together. They wrapped their arms around each other, they pressed sore tit to sore tit, belly to belly, thigh to thigh. Even with her exhaustion, Kath felt her nipples harden against Kil’s throbbing pair and felt Kil’s nipples stiffen in response. The women pressed nose to nose, forehead to forehead. They stared deep into each other, both seeing, feeling, the intense lust, the mutual sexual need feeding them, consuming them. They had just spent two weeks fucking each other senseless, taking each other as hard and in as many ways and as many positions as they could imagine, and still they were not satisfied.
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For a moment, Duranna wondered if the mirror truly was acting as a distorted reflection, simulating something that looked almost identical to her in some ways but different in others. The woman in front of her was completely nude and her face, while just as beautiful as Duranna’s, was distinct in its features. Her hair was black and straight, the same length as Duranna’s. Their incredibly voluptuous bodies were virtually identical. Duranna’s eyes swept over this gorgeous woman. They were still holding hands, gripping each other tightly, but the woman smiled. Her smile did not touch her eyes. Duranna instantly felt that she was in the presence of someone who had taken an immediate and powerful dislike to her.
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Kath vs. Kil III
The Orb of Erossia
Kath was on fire. She could not wait another moment to start their fuckfight. She spread her legs and tilted her naked, hairless genitals upwards, inviting the Queen to penetrate her. Her fuck slit dripped with pussy juice.
“Get your clit out, you cunt,” Kath whispered at the beauty on top of her. “I want to feel your clit on mine. I want to feel you cumming inside of me.”
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Muuta vs. Kil
Carefully, they spread their legs, aligning their slick inner thighs, and pushed their pelvises forward. Their engorged clits emerged from the crests of their perfect cunts. The pulsing fuck fingers reached for each other and touched, sending ecstatic shockwaves through the women’s struggling bodies. They screamed in joy into the other’s mouth. Spit overflowed, dribbling down to coat their bulging, quivering tits. The women worked their hips, corkscrewing their clits around and around, torturing each other with erotic pleasure. Their asses rippled with each powerful mutual thrust as Kil and Muuta struggled to fuck the other woman down.
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Kath vs. Kil: A Neverwhere Adventure – Part 2
Kil spread her legs and tilted her pelvis up, offering her throbbing, burning clit to her rival. Kath eagerly spread herself and pressed down. Nose to nose and eye to eye, the women stared deep into each other as their swollen clits came together, head to head. They witnessed the unbearable ecstasy that flashed in each other’s eyes as they gave each other the incredible pleasure they planned to use to make war on each other’s luscious bodies. They gasped then let out animal moans of exquisite pleasure as the unbelievable sensations rippled out from their clits to fill their voluptuous forms.
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Duranna vs. Kath
A Hot Night in Paradom
“We fuck. Pussy to pussy. The winner is the one who makes the other cum first. The loser has to admit the winner is the better fuck. The loser has to eat the winner.”
“I agree,” Duranna smiled. She sat back on the bed and pushed herself higher on the mattress, making more room for Kath. She shoved aside the rumpled, cum-stained sheets and spread her wet legs wide, her knees akimbo, her arms bracing her luscious body. Her tits bounced lustily on her chest, now fully engorged with heat, their nipples tight.
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Kath vs. Muutaby
The women’s mouths locked and they tongued viciously, their shared passion and hate empowering their bodies. Kath wanted to destroy Muuta, she wanted to break the bitch’s body by overwhelming her with raw pleasure and sexual power. She was confident she would win this battle. She had the assurance of a goddess that she was among an elite set of women on this world who were capable of achieving divine levels of sexual pleasure.
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The Ginny Series
Sexfight at the Saloon
Rival’s Note: This is JB57‘s take on Corvus‘ story Showdown at the OK Saloon, a story which is also featured on this site.
The redhead and the dark-haired woman lay wrapped together, their limbs twined like mating snakes, their bodies soaked in sweat and cum. Their pulsing clits throbbed together in the aftermath, knotted tightly within their inosculated twats. The women were panting and gasping for air. After awhile, Ginny hauled herself off of her defeated opponent, their luscious bodies peeling apart. Calamity lay on the ground of the pit, an arm thrown back over her eyes, hiding her tears of anger and humiliation. Her chest rose and fell, her magnificent tits shuddering.
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Ginny and the School Teacher
“Let’s eat each other, you fucking bitch,” Julia said to her rival. She lowered herself onto Ginny’s body, her thick tits pressing into the redhead’s firm abs, Ginny tits crushing up into Julia’s belly, both women enjoying the feel of the other’s rock hard nipples pushing into their bellies. The undersides of the women’s massive tits squashed up tight, titflesh flowing into titflesh. Julia buried her face in Ginny’s red pubic curls, her tongue lashing out, scouring Ginny’s dripping slit, her teeth and lips finding and torturing Ginny’s swelling clit.
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The Sorceress Series
Sexual Magic
The women’s warring cunts sucked snugly together and their battle to see which could devour the other raged on. Both women trembled with pre-orgasmic tension, they fucked mercilessly as the pleasure built inexorably. Their hips jerked in rhythm and Diana and Lorelei locked together in a tongue-twisting, biting kiss as they fought to overwhelm each other.
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The Demon Lover
The women chewed and sucked hungrily at the other’s juicy, taut breast, feasting on the other’s body, sucking so hard that they both hoped they could milk the other. Their lips popped off of the other woman’s tit at the same time. Strings of spit ran from the engorged nipples to the women’s red-lipped mouths. Their eyes caught and both women had the same idea at the same time. Their bodies were already wrapped in a fleshy knot. They unwound the knot, an act that left both women’s faces lining up with the other’s wet, burning cunt.
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Fire with Fire
Based on Catharsis‘ Story: The Gift
The succubus leaned her head towards Robin’s, mouth open. Robin’s lips parted and her excitement spiked in anticipation, but contact never came. The demon teased, approaching then retreating, chuckling at her opponent’s building frustration. Below their chins, the embracing females’ perfect tits bounced and jiggled. Aroused nipples thrust and parried, sending electric arcs of pleasure through both women. Their torsos gyrated, aiming ever stronger attacks on their foe’s breasts. Stiffened nubs prodded and poked deeper into supple flesh. Claps resounded in the air as the women slammed their heavy, meaty orbs together again and again. The women’s nipples grew harder and thicker with each moment.
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Sirens of the Sea Series
Queen of the Pirates
Now, both women armed with their daggers, Rhianna and Allara began circling each other in the center of the temple, crouched over, their massive tits almost spilling out of their sweat-soaked blouses, their bare midriffs glistening with perspiration, their belly rings glittering in the late afternoon sun. Both women shifted their weapons from hand to hand, hoping to catch the other woman by surprise. Allara shifted her dagger to her right hand, then suddenly leaped for Rhianna. Rhianna had also shifted her dagger to her right, and she moved to meet Allara.
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The Captain’s Woman
Overwhelming pleasure built in Minerva’s core as the sensation of being rammed full of Reynald’s meat combined with Darielle’s viciously effective stimulation of her burning clit and throbbing tits. Reynald reached up and filled his rough hands with Minerva’s boobs once again and began squeezing and kneading the heavy titmeat, delight and lust shining in his eyes. Darielle used the opportunity to slide one finger up Minerva’s ass, even as she redoubled her assault on the other woman’s clit. Minerva sobbed and groaned. She undulated her deep cunt muscles up and down Reynald’s dick, desperately trying to bring him to his climax before she exploded herself.
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Non-Series Stories
Chained Heat
“So, Ms. Bennan,” Maria began. “I’m the new warden. My name is Maria Jacobs.”….
“You seem to be the most important prisoner at McBride.” Maria smiled. “What will it take to get your cooperation?”….
Can you guess what it takes?
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Armageddon Rag
Cyber-enhancements, bandit gangs, motorcycles and the future? Yup!
Oh yeah, and wicked hot sexual contest and lightning fast battle.
Experience Armageddon.
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Back to School
Again they just stared at each other. Then, the new mom broke the silence.
“You should take a picture, it lasts longer.”
“And that’s supposed to mean what?” Sue replied.
“I mean the way you’ve been staring at me at school and now here at the club.”
“You were the one that was staring honey, but I don’t blame you, everyone stares.” Sue replied.
“Not any more, haven’t you noticed,” the new mom said, slowly shaking her head.
“The only reason they are staring is that people feel embarrassed for you,” Sue snapped back. “It’s amazing what happens to some women’s breasts after children isn’t it.”
“Actually, mine look even better since I had my daughter,” the new mom replied.
Sue responded, “Sure, that’s because they are bought and paid for I’m sure.”
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Club Wars
Panting, holding each other by the back of their heads, hands twined in the other woman’s thick, dark hair, the women glared at each other in hate. Their tits felt twice their usual size, their nipples were rock hard spikes. Groaning with lust, the women threw themselves at each other, their throbbing, pulsing tits coming together, thick titmeat mashing tight and hard, rock-hard nipples crushing and spearing and grating at each other, sending spasms of pleasure racing through their powerful bodies. The women’s hungry mouths locked together in a lip-mashing kiss, their tongues wrestling and twisting together inside their sealed mouths. Hot spit flowed between the two sex-crazed women.
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Donna and Ms. Jones
Donna shifted her head and began feasting on the teacher’s left tit, while seizing and crushing Ms.Jones’ sensitive right tit with her left hand.
“No, no, fucking whore…,” the teacher gasped. She pulled on Donna’s blonde locks, trying to gain herself some relief from the constant attack. But Donna increased her efforts, doing her best to devour the teacher’s beautiful titflesh.
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Wife vs. Mistress
Jannette and Deanna locked in a lustful, angry kiss. Hot spit flowed between their mouths, their powerful tongues wrapped up and sealed in a juicy embrace. The women moaned and screamed deep in each other’s throats. Tears streamed down their gorgeous faces as they fucked and fucked. The women gripped each other’s rippling ass and continued thrusting, humping, fucking mercilessly. They felt like every nerve in their bodies was on fire, they felt like they had become two woman-sized genitals that were now flowing and fusing into one, pleasure building on pleasure, flesh melting into flesh, clits expanding to fill their gorgeous bodies with unbearable ecstasy.
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The Negotiation
“Mmmmn, yes, fuck, yes,” Jennifer groaned in agreement. The blonde woman was almost beside herself with raw pleasure.
“One more round to go, bitch,” Veronica smiled. “Think you’re up for it, or do you just want to give me my discount now?”
“I told you before, you whore, no one cheats me and gets away with it,” Jennifer snarled angrily. “I’ve played around with you until now, but this time I’ve going to fuck your twat inside-out.”
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Seven Year Bitch
A sequel to Catharsis‘ story: Marrying Jim
For long minutes, the women ground against each other, trying to penetrate and violate one another even through the protection of their thongs. Phoebe’s legs spread wider and her knees bent more sharply as she worked her cunt to Beth’s pussy. Beth continued to grind back, arching her back to force her tits back against Phoebe’s massive boobs. Their gasps and cries built as they slowly slid down the wall, humping at each other.
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The Fate of the World
Alex leaned closed, her sweet breath washing over Brianna’s face. “This is the real reason I brought you here. I needed a sexually voracious woman, someone who I knew could generate the kind of sexual power that I’ll need to get that portal open. You’ve definitely got the juice, baby, and I’m going to enjoy myself fucking every drop of cum out of that little pussy. You’re going to be begging me to fuck you before I’m done with you.”
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Breast to Breast Parts 7 and 8
To Read the Original 6 Parts by Mesmerized, Click Here!
Kate, moving with catlike grace, also pushed herself into a sitting position. Like Angie, she slipped off her wet thong. She paused. Then, with an evil smile, she tossed the sopping green cloth to me, too. Instinctively, I caught it, then froze. My first inclination was to bury my face in Kate’s thong. But I could not do that in front of Angie without kissing my marriage goodbye. Kate and Angie were watching me intently, waiting to see what I would do. I was trapped. But, in a sudden flash of inspiration, I took Angie’s thong and knotted it together with Kate’s thong, tying the two sodden scraps together at their crotches.
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Swamp Fever
“You fucking cunt, you dirty fucking whore!!,” Loretta screamed at her beautiful enemy. She was almost crazy with lust and hate.
“Oh God, you cuntsucking fucker!!,” Debbie screamed back. Her body was singing with unbearable pleasure, her eyes blazed with rage.
The women locked eyes and watched each other intently, each determined to see the look of defeat and humiliation in the other’s eye when this battle was decided.
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The Kidnapping
Ryan slid forward to meet the blonde bitch. Her heart was pounding with anger and excitement. She wanted to feel Riley’s luscious body driving against her own, she wanted to feel the other woman’s cunt and clit down in her sex, matching her and struggling with her own sexual weapons. More than anything, she wanted to feel the blonde breaking against her, screaming in submission and spreading her legs in sexual surrender. This blonde whore thought she was hot shit. Ryan was determined to show this gutter tramp that she was willing to get down in the gutter with her and could do it even better!
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The Voyeur
My mistress snarled into my wife’s face. “You fucking cunt!”
“Goddamn you!” my wife rasped. She punched my mistress’ oblique and traded positions, my wife now pressing her nude body fully into my mistress’ form, pressing her wet opponent into the glass. My mistress’ big ass now made its impression on the shower stall wall.
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Mutant Planet:
Julie vs. Alma
Over the next several hours, Julie and Alma fucked and fucked each other to higher and higher levels of erotic pleasure. Early evening turned to night turned to early morning and still they fucked, their clits feeding them more and more pleasure with every orgasmic detonation. Exhausted, the fell flat on their backs, their voluptuous bodies soaked with sweat and drenched in cum. Locked tight at their twats, the women reached down and intertwined their fingers. Holding each other in place, leveraging their grips to pump hard, they continued to move and rock their hips, keeping their clits working and working, feeding more and more ecstasy into their trembling bodies, cumming and cumming and cumming. Their moans and cries of pleasure formed an erotic chorus, filling the night.
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Nun vs. Sorceress
Sorcha finally reached Callandra’s beautiful face. She aligned her perfect, voluptuous body with the equally perfect body under her. She raised her tits over the sorceress’ tits, then dropped her meaty breasts directly onto Callandra’s matching chest. The women’s bellies slapped tight. Callandra arched her back, pressing their bellies even tighter, flexing her abdomen so that their navels sucked into each other. The women rolled their shoulders, massaging their titmeat against the other, shifting their hard nipples within the dense flesh until they met and rubbed and burned before they finally sealed, nipple hole to hole. Mother Sorcha slipped her arms around Callandra’s shoulders and grabbed the sorceress’ head and hair. She glared down into the woman’s green eyes. Their faces were nose to nose, their hot breath mixed, their lips touched as they panted furiously, lustfully.
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Battle of the Cavewomen
The redheaded beauty was just about to fall to her knees and begin the second phase of her conquest when, suddenly, a cry of anger came echoing out of the forest. Rakara and the man were both surprised, and Rakara looked up in bewilderment. To her surprise, she saw Tana racing up to them from out of the forest. It only took Rakara a moment to realize what had happened. Evidently, she had interrupted a lovers’ rendezvous. Jonggar must have been waiting at the old tree for Tana. Still, as far as Rakara was concerned, the man was fair game and she had gotten to him first….
A game that had to be fought for….
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Motel Encounter
All one needs is a motel room and a rival. In this tale, Sarah finds both. But is it her rival or she who turns out to be the prey? Read and find out.
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Bianca Torres and the Minotaur’s Mistress
The women seemed to be hardly moving at all. They lay on the bed, body on body, Bianca’s lush legs spread, Stacia lodged between her thighs. The women were belly to belly, lush tits crushed and swelling against each other like meaty balloons, nipples and areola fused. Stacia’s ass moved constantly but minutely as the clit to clit fuck went on and on. The women were nose to nose, forehead to forehead, gasping and moaning, hot breath mixing, sharing whispered obscenities, but not kissing, not yet, despite their overwhelming urge to suck each other’s tongues, to share and suck back hot spit.
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Fitness Club Rivals
Raquel bit and sucked at Leanna’s shoulder; Leanna eagerly bit back. The women clung to each other, sobbing uncontrollably as powerful orgasms wracked their shuddering bodies. They released each other, falling away, falling flat onto their backs. The chain of climaxes continued. They grabbed handfuls of the bedsheet and arched their backs. Writhing, wriggling, they drove themselves as deep and hard into each other as they could, cunts locked, asses and hips pumping, tits rocking and spraying, abs rippling as their bodies fought to force every orgasm that they could out of the other woman. The women screamed and moaned and gasped. Raquel had never experienced pleasure like this before, she had never before been fucked so hard that she could not stop cumming.
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The Silent Partner
They broke their kiss, gasping for breath as their fuck intensified. Cheek to cheek, moaning and crying out in shared ecstasy, Roberta and her rival rode each other to a devastating climax, both struggling to hold out just a little longer than the other, hoping to ride the other woman into a submissive orgasm. For more than 20 minutes, the women fucked, their bodies trembling with pre-orgasmic tension, their cries of pleasure turning to whimpers of desperation as they tried to keep from cumming, their writhing bodies growing slick with sweat. In the end, the woman under Roberta shrieked in erotic ecstasy as a powerful orgasm roared out of her core. Her cunt contracted hard, squeezing Roberta’s pussy, and her vagina gushed with cum, spraying their lower bellies, injecting hot ejaculate into Roberta’s hungry pussy.
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Lady Death vs. Purgatori — The War for Hell
Even as the rest of their bodies warred, inflicting raw sexual pleasure on each other, the goddesses’ pussies moved together in rhythm, cuntlips locked and sealed in their own French kiss. Their clits were grinding, circling, dabbing, rubbing, their love juices mixed and dripped from their locked, wrestling cunts onto the bed. Squishing, smacking and rubbing sounds filled the air as the battling women humped harder and harder, faster and faster.
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Sword and Sorceress
Indeed, it was Madarath’s movement, the lifting of the beautiful Amazon’s sensual weight from Ravanna’s body, the flash of pain caused by the tearing apart of their enmeshed pubic hair, that had brought Ravanna back to awareness. And, suddenly, Ravanna knew that the battle was not yet over.
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Hot Tub Parties
Laura collapsed on top of her sexual rival. Panting, gasping, the women lay tangled together for a minute, cum trickling into their ass cracks, their wet pussies pressed tight, tits throbbing against tits. Laura finally rolled off of Jesse, her right arm still under the other woman’s body, grasping Jesse’s ass, their legs still overlapping. Strands of thick cum bridged between their steaming pussies. Side by side, the women struggled to regain their energy, their beautiful tits sweaty and wet with nipple cum, heaving with each gasp.
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Ginny and the School Teacher
“Let’s eat each other, you fucking bitch,” Julia said to her rival. She lowered herself onto Ginny’s body, her thick tits pressing into the redhead’s firm abs, Ginny tits crushing up into Julia’s belly, both women enjoying the feel of the other’s rock hard nipples pushing into their bellies. The undersides of the women’s massive tits squashed up tight, titflesh flowing into titflesh. Julia buried her face in Ginny’s red pubic curls, her tongue lashing out, scouring Ginny’s dripping slit, her teeth and lips finding and torturing Ginny’s swelling clit.
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The Gypsy Duel
Karen crawled towards Yolanda. But rather than simply diving into the crevasse between the gypsy woman’s legs, she crawled up beside Yolanda, turned herself around so that she was facing down the dark-haired beauty’s body, and then climbed over Yolanda’s body, her pussy directly above the gypsy’s face. Karen was careful to angle her lower body up, so as not to shove her cunt into Yolanda’s face as she dropped her head down between the other woman’s legs. She looped her arms around Yolanda’s hips, seized the queen’s round ass, and buried her face between the other woman’s legs. She rubbed her face around and around in Yolanda’s wet, pungent cunt, moistening her face with the gypsy’s sexual secretions.
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New Neighbors II: The Rematch
To Read the prequel to this story, by the legendary writer Rodman, click here!
With that, the women tightened their grips on each other’s biceps and began driving their tits together in earnest. Lynn’s massive DDs crushed hard into Diane’s equally big, equally taut tits, grinding the woman’s tits across her chest. But Diane pushed back just as hard, rubbing her tits against Lynn’s in the opposite direction. Their four massive glands compressed each other, slipping in and out and around each meaty mass, getting caught between each other as the women’s chests moved back and forth, then up and down.
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Tara vs. Carrie
Carrie lifted her foot over the side of the tub and tested the water with one toe before she lowered her leg into the water. The rest of her body followed. She sat down, sliding smoothly into the steaming water. She arranged her legs with Tara’s limbs, lefts over rights, and slid into the fork of the redhead’s legs, pressing crotch to crotch. The women gasped as their swollen genitals made contact. Tara shifted just slightly and felt the thick hair of her bush twining and pulling against Carrie’s bush, the red and blonde strands already interlacing under the water, flowing together, knotting. Vaguely, Tara thought it would be hard for their cunts to separate, once they had exhausted each other.
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Messalina vs. Scylla
Part 1
The women’s tongues touched. Electricity sparked between them, tightening their swollen nipples, flowing down into their throbbing clits. Their tongues licked and followed into a long, deep, ferocious kiss. Tongues thrashed, spit flowed between sealed mouths. Scylla and Messalina groaned deep in the other’s throat, their passion suddenly erupting. Scylla grabbed Messalina by the back of her head and pulled her more deeply into the kiss. Messalina returned the grip. Their heavy tits swung and bounced against each other, sending more erotic shockwaves pulsing through their bodies. Both women got to their knees and pressed their torsos fully together. Massive tits crushed hard and formed a hot, quivering mass of meat between their bodies. Their taut bellies clapped tight and then rubbed as they pushed at each other. Their deep navels sucked hard. Scylla momentarily lost herself to the delicious sensations coursing through her body. She slipped her free hand around Messalina’s back to grip and dig her fingers into the Empress’ round, firm ass. The chestnut-haired woman slapped Scylla’s taut ass, the whip crack sending a shock of pain and pleasure racing through the prostitute’s rippling body.
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After Hours:
Martha vs. Skyler
Skyler’s juicy, buxom body crashed down onto Martha’s equally voluptuous form. The women’s thick, taut tits crushed together through their tank tops, their solid nipples stabbing and grating. The women released each other’s hair and wrapped their arms around their rival’s torso. Martha twined her bare legs with Skyler’s yoga-pants sheathed limbs and they rolled ferociously, their faces cheek to cheek, both still pulling hair when they could. Cursing and snarling, the women rolled into the mop bucket Skyler had set up beside the dance floor. The bucket tipped and warm, soapy water gushed out onto the rubberized surface. Neither woman even noticed as they rolled through the wet mess, both intent on defeating and humiliating the other.
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I absolutely LOVE your style…thank you!
Hey please post new stories ..
is jb57 still writing
Yes, he is. He posts his stories, as they progress on https://www.hostboard.com/forums/f294/titfighting-sexfighting-forum.html
I only post them here when they are completely finished.
So if you’re looking for every bit of writing he is doing, I’d check over there!
Thank you for telling me that information
I have a question What is the best and longest? kissing seem written. or longest sex fight with no clear winner completely. equal.
I sure hope JB57 is going to continue the School Days series starring Teresa Carlton because she is one of my most favorite beautiful, busty, buxom, full-figured, gorgeous, pretty, sexy, thick, voluptuous, well-rounded and zaftig brunette characters with very big, colossal, enormous, gigantic, huge, large, massive, monstrous, pendulous, sagging and vast breasts.