A Visit With Royalty
The ornate carriage pulled up to the walls of the palace deep in the Emperor’s compound. The carriage approached the vast and luxurious structure from the back, turning into the service alley behind the palace. It was carrying a passenger who the royal servitors felt was best ushered in discreetly.
Scylla stepped from the carriage, her long, bare legs stretching out, her sandled feet resting on the cobbled marble stones. She looked up at the vast, airy structure rising above her on massive marble columns. She had been to the palace compound many times in the past, but she had never been requested to attend this particular client in this particular place. She had been approached by a royal servant with an intriguing, and very lucrative, offer that also promised to enhance her professional reputation.
Scylla was a beautiful blonde woman. Her long, braided hair was rolled in a tight bun on her head. Her toga was arranged tastefully, leaving her flawless back bare but covering her chest completely. Even so, the loose garment hinted at the size and beauty of the seductive, heavy load shifting easily and enticingly beneath the white cloth. The toga revealed much of the blonde woman’s beautifully shaped and muscled right leg. She was only lightly adorned with jewelry. Scylla’s beauty was such that she saw little need to enhance or distract with baubles.
A lovely young woman was waiting for her at the palace door. The woman moved to meet her and bowed low in greeting.
“Thank you for coming, Lady Scylla,” the girl said. “My name is Lavinia. We were told to expect you at this hour. Please follow me.”
Scylla graced the girl with a cool smile. She followed the woman through the doors and into the luxurious halls of the palace. The interior was decorated with golden statues, jeweled hangings, and expensive rugs. The public spaces they passed through revealed a great deal about the person who called the palace home. Everywhere, there were paintings and sculptures of couples and groups of men and women in various stages of undress, mostly nude, playing with each other. Scylla smiled to herself. It was clear that whoever lived in this palace was sex-crazed. Of course, that was true of many Roman nobles, but this person took it to another level. Given the nature of the offer that had been made to her, Scylla already had a good idea of who her mysterious client might be.
As the two women traveled deeper into the palace, the halls began to echo with a dim roar that soon became the din of a raucous party taking place in the main hall and living area. When they entered a large, crowded room, Scylla was not surprised to see that an orgy was in full swing. Naked men and women were tangled up everywhere in various positions and combinations of fleshy union. The air stank of sex – the pungent and appealing odors of semen and woman cum and mixed sweat. The air was thick, too, with some kind of cinnamon-like incense. The room was well-lit, despite the intimate activities taking place. Scylla saw that most of the partygoers were wearing masks of some kind, supposedly aiding their anonymity.
Scylla had participated in many of these events herself, in a professional capacity. She was a Roman whore, reputed by many to be the best and most sought after in all of Rome. She was credited with having inexhaustible sexual stamina and, even more, a genuine enjoyment of being penetrated in any and all ways by any man, woman or toy. These rumors were largely true. Once she got going, Scylla truly enjoyed fucking and being fucked and she had never been exhausted by any lover or any combination of lovers. She was extremely well-suited to her chosen profession by natural disposition.
Scylla had been called to this palace because of her reputation. She was being asked to put that reputation to the test.
The girl invited the blonde goddess into a smaller room just off of the main party area. In the room were about a dozen men and women, all of them dressed in togas and other items of clothing. They were relaxing on divans and cushions scattered around the floor and their attention was focused on a beautiful woman lounging on the central divan.
When Scylla and the servant girl entered the room, the beauty on the divan looked up. Her eyes locked hungrily with Scylla’s eyes and the blonde prostitute felt a thrill of danger and desire course through her voluptuous body.
The chestnut-haired woman on the divan rose gracefully to her feet. She slipped her bare feet into a pair of jeweled sandals and stood waiting for Scylla to approach her. Scylla appraised the woman carefully. She knew who this woman was, by reputation. This was the Empress of Rome, the Royal wife, Valeria Messalina.
Scylla was impressed by what she saw. Messalina was gorgeous, every bit a beauty who could rival Scylla herself. Her chestnut hair framed a beautiful, wanton face, set by an upturned nose, glowing olive green eyes and ruby red lips. The Empress’ body was equally as impressive. Her toga was somewhat less modest than that of the prostitute. It revealed much of the Empress’ massive, thrusting tits, though the green silk cradled her round, ripe glands and displayed only an impressive cleavage. The woman’s powerful legs were bare, curtained only lightly by the green silk toga.
Messalina was well known in Rome for her voracious – some said insatiable -sexual appetite. The stories of her many trysts and orgies, her many sexual exploits, filled the Imperial City’s gossip mills. If half of what Scylla had heard about this woman was true, then she was a very impressive sexual adventurer.
Scylla bowed her head and waited to be recognized.
“You are the Lady Scylla?” Messalina asked, not waiting for the slave girl to announce her guest. Scylla noted this broach of protocol. The Empress was excited to see her.
“I am, milady,” she intoned. “I am honored that you have asked me to attend your gathering.”
“Excellent!” the Empress smiled. “You are every bit as beautiful as I had hoped. Your toga cannot conceal the very impressive gifts that you bring to play.”
“I am a professional whore, milady,” Scylla replied. “It has been said that I am very well-suited for the job.”
Messalina smiled wider. “I have heard a great deal about you, Scylla. Your reputation certainly precedes you.”
“I am honored, milady.”
“The stories I have heard are that you are an insatiable slut. You can exhaust any man, any number of men, and can walk away from your trysts on steady legs, no matter how many men you take. It is said that you truly enjoy being fucked. That, and your incomparable body, make you the most desirable whore in all of the Roman Empire.”
“I have heard the same stories, milady. I hope you will not think me immodest if I admit that they are mostly true.”
Messalina smiled wider. “Good. I’d like you to put your reputation on the line. I challenge you to a contest: you and I will both fuck as many men as we can, for as long as we can, until one of us cannot go on and surrenders the field. The winner will be crowned the best, strongest cunt in all of Rome! Do you agree?”
Scylla paused. She had expected something like this. “Milady, I am still a professional. As intriguing as I find your proposal, I do not fuck men, women or anything for free.”
“That is understood,” Messalina replied. She gestured at one of the men lounging nearby. “Demetrius, you will be our official witness. I swear to pay the Lady Scylla three gold coins for every man she successfully fucks.”
“I will get the money whether I win or lose, correct?” Scylla asked. She needed to make sure the details were clear.
“Of course,” Messalina waved. “Also, this is not a one squirt and they are done endeavor. We both have to ride these men and be ridden until the man cannot go on. Then we can go on to the next. This is a test of skill and stamina. Any women can be a cum dumpster. What I want to know is how many men can each of us truly satisfy until one of us cannot continue.”
Scylla thought about the matter. It was mid-evening right now. She had an important appointment the next night that she could not miss. She was negotiating to buy a home for her mother and her extended family and she was close to finalizing the deal. But the chances of the Empress managing to compete with her for that long were surely negligible.
“I agree, Milady,” Scylla pronounced. The room erupted in excited cheers. Scylla glanced around at the excited, lust-addled faces of the people around her. “May the best cunt win.” Again, there were raucous cheers.
“Indeed,” Messalina purred. She began to unwrap her toga as she turned and walked towards another room, what was soon revealed as a bedroom and the site of their contest. “Which side of the bed do you prefer?”
“I do not mind either side, Milady,” Scylla replied. She followed Messalina and began letting down her hair. She intended to leave her blonde locks tightly braided but to release the bun. She knew from experience that men liked to have her braid to pull her hair.
The room was huge. Expensive rugs covered the floor and erotic sculptures were prominently displayed. In the corner of the room, the splendid stuffed carcass of a Bengal tiger in repose provided a startling sense of restrained savagery and virility. The room opened onto an expansive balcony that provided a magnificent view of the Emperor’s palace and the city beyond. Other than a huge bed in the center of the room, there was none of the other furniture normally found in a wealthy woman’s bedroom. Scylla suspected this room was more a dedicated sexual arena.
The bed was a sturdy wood and metal structure. Scylla supposed it needed to be specially reinforced to handle the kind of escapades the Empress’ carnal appetites required. It was almost three meters in width, clearly built to accommodate many bed partners, and more than wide enough to allow two women to lie side by side with their legs spread.
Messalina stood beside the far side of the bed and stepped out of her sandals. A slave girl helped her unwrap the toga, rolling it up and pulling it away from her lush body. The Empress was nude under her toga and the body that was revealed as the cloth fell away was truly magnificent. Huge, perfectly shaped tits hung without sag from her chest. Her ridged, sculpted abdomen was flanked by her deliciously swelling hips. Her long, powerful legs rippled with muscle and flowed down to her perfectly manicured feet.
As Messalina stripped, so did Scylla. The young woman who had greeted her at the palace door acted as a hand maiden as she unwrapped her toga. The cloth fell away from Scylla’s chest, revealing the incredible pair of tits that had only been hinted at before. Huge, thick-nippled, round and taut, Scylla’s tits bounced as they pulled free of the toga. Her beautifully defined abdomen gave way to long, powerful-looking legs. Her womanly hips curved out like an hourglass.
The two nude women regarded each other from across the expanse of the bed. Scylla had let down her hair and the long blonde braid hung down her back. She cooly examined Messalina’s fantastic body. She had to admit that the Empress was breathtakingly beautiful, even physically perfect. The woman’s heavy tits, flaring hips, long, powerful legs, made her incredibly desirable. The Empress had released her hair and it now cascaded over her shoulders like a waterfall, adding to her exotic sensuality. The woman’s body glowed with a tawny, healthy tan, much like Scylla’s own.
Scylla could see no flaw in the woman across from her. Messalina was her equal in every way, which surprised her but also gave her a little thrill. Maybe this woman would provide her with some decent competition after all.
Messalina’s eyes roamed over Scylla’s incredible body. The Empress felt a spike of jealousy. She did not often encounter women whose bodies were as voluptuous and powerful-looking as her own. She had expected to eclipse the whore with her beauty. Her eyes fixed on the blonde woman’s pussy. Like her own pudendum, it was clean-shaven and thick-lipped. It also glistened with the start of womanly lubrication. Messalina wondered if the other woman was getting aroused, like her, or if she was simply demonstrating professional abilities. Messalina noted the other woman’s long, thick braid.
“Please unbraid your hair, my dear,” Messalina instructed, gesturing at Scylla’s head. “We need to have this competition on as equal terms as possible. Your impressive braid may be used in a number of ways to give you an unfair advantage.”
Scylla started to protest, then stopped. The customer was entitled to set the terms, if they paid enough. She shrugged, then began to unwind the braid. Shortly, her long, luxurious blonde mane hung free on her shoulders. She tossed back her head. The effect was to make the prostitute look even wilder, more untamed. Her tawny, sun-kissed body flexed in the light of the torches.
The dozen or so people who had been in the outer room had followed the women into the bed chamber. They stood silently, arranged in a semi-circle around the bed, watching both women with rapt attention. As the women had stripped and now faced each other from across the bed, the erotic temperature in the room climbed dramatically. Everyone could see that the women were equally gorgeous, their bodies incredibly voluptuous and emanating raw sexual power. The sense of erotic rivalry, of competition, grew much more intense.
“I hope that they test themselves against each other,” one man whispered to his neighbor. He said this just loud enough to be heard in the suddenly quiet space.
The women’s eyes locked from across the bed and erotic power flowed between them. Scylla knew that Messalina was having the same thought expressed by the man. For her part, Scylla was growing very wet. She could imagine herself wrestling and struggling with the Empress’ luscious body, tit to tit, belly to belly, pussy to pussy. She could imagine them fucking each other relentlessly, struggling to exhaust and conquer the other.
Messalina got onto the bed on her hands and knees. Scylla took this as her cue to do the same. Eyes locked, cool blue to olive green, the women crawled across the huge bed to each other, their meaty tits swinging like pendulums from their chests, their flawless backs curved into an “S” that curved to form their thick, powerful asses.
Messalina and Scylla pressed nose to nose and rubbed. Both women had a great deal of experience in bed with other women and they knew when to let natural attraction play out. Their bodies pulsed with heat.
“You are very beautiful, Scylla,” Messalina whispered, her green eyes like fire. Most of her lovers got lost in her green orbs.
“So are you, Empress,” Scylla replied. She easily resisted Messalina’s allure and activated her own, her diamond blue eyes contending with Messalina’s green gaze.
“Let us kiss to seal our bargain. Then, we can begin.”
“Gladly,” Scylla murmured.
The women’s tongues touched. Electricity sparked between them, tightening their swollen nipples, flowing down into their throbbing clits. Their tongues licked and followed into a long, deep, ferocious kiss. Tongues thrashed, spit flowed between sealed mouths. Scylla and Messalina groaned deep in the other’s throat, their passion suddenly erupting. Scylla grabbed Messalina by the back of her head and pulled her more deeply into the kiss. Messalina returned the grip. Their heavy tits swung and bounced against each other, sending more erotic shockwaves pulsing through their bodies. Both women got to their knees and pressed their torsos fully together. Massive tits crushed hard and formed a hot, quivering mass of meat between their bodies. Their taut bellies clapped tight and then rubbed as they pushed at each other. Their deep navels sucked hard. Scylla momentarily lost herself to the delicious sensations coursing through her body. She slipped her free hand around Messalina’s back to grip and dig her fingers into the Empress’ round, firm ass. The chestnut-haired woman slapped Scylla’s taut ass, the whip crack sending a shock of pain and pleasure racing through the prostitute’s rippling body.
Scylla came back to her senses and realized what she was doing. Even as her tongue thrashed and tangled with the Empress’ eager taste organ, she gripped Messalina by both sides of her head and pulled the royal bitch out of their eager, hungry kiss. A line of thick spit linked the women’s red lips.
“Let us remember how we have agreed to compete, milady,” the blonde whore panted.
Messalina’s ravenously hungry eyes cleared. “Yes,” she purred. “Maybe another time…”
“Perhaps,” Scylla agreed.
Reluctantly, the women released each other and pulled apart. They sat on their asses on the bed, side by side but separated by about a meter, plenty of space in which to spread their legs.
Messalina lay on the bed, flat on her back. Scylla followed the Empress’ lead.
“Now!” Messalina called out and clapped her hands.
A door on the far side of the room, directly opposite the door from which they had entered, opened wide. Led by another beautiful slave girl, two massive men stepped into the room and followed the girl to stand at the foot of the bed. One of the men was white skinned, probably of Germanic descent. The other was Nubian, probably from Ethiopia. Each man lined up to one of the gorgeous women lying flat on their backs, their legs spread. The men were naked and extremely muscular. Between their legs hung massive cocks, both of which were rapidly swelling to enormous size as the men gazed at the women’s dripping, pink genitals.
The African man stood before the Empress. The German barbarian lined his cock up with Scylla’s wet fuck slit.
“These men are from the gladiator pits,” the Empress explained to her competitor, her eyes never leaving the Nubian man’s rapidly growing phallus. “They are very fit. Their pricks are huge. I’ve had all these men before, so I matched them up to each other in size. Neither of us should have any advantage over the other.”
“That is good,” Scylla replied, licking her lips as the barbarian’s enormous cock filled her vision. She felt her insides burning with desire. She wanted nothing more than that enormous shaft all the way up her fuck hole, churning her insides into a flaming pit.
The men climbed onto the bed, between the voluptuous women’s spread thighs. They used their hands to place the heads of their engorged shafts, pressing at the juicy lips of the women’s sopping cunts. The men trembled with lust, holding themselves back until they were given the word.
Scylla put her hands on the German man’s massive chest and leaned back, readying herself for the delicious penetration to come. She tilted her pelvis, giving him a clear shot at her vaginal canal. She estimated he was nine to ten inches in length and she wanted him all the way inside of her in one thrust.
The barbarian grasped her by her powerful hips, aiming his cock, pressing it into her turgid fuck lips just slightly to hold the enormous shaft in place.
“Are you ready, whore?” the Empress whispered. Her voice was hoarse with lust, her green eyes were blazing as they locked on the hungry eyes of her Nubian lover. His prick pushed at her entrance and she could not control herself much longer.
“Yes, I’m ready, you fucking sow,” Scylla hissed. Only the Empress and the men could hear her. She knew that insults could sometimes throw off the competition in contests like this one, but Messalina merely smiled.
“Then let’s begin. On the count of five. One…”
“Two…” Scylla murmured, her body ready, ready, more than ready…
“FIVE!!” the women shouted in unison.
The two men thrust simultaneously, putting all the power of their asses and hips into two powerful surges. The women bucked up to meet them, to aid in their own violations. The men’s monstrous cocks penetrated the women completely, filling their vaginal canals to the brim, stretching their tight, hot twats to the limit, sliding all the way into the women’s luscious bodies as they sheathed their swollen pricks in the women’s juicy fuck holes. All four bellies slapped tight as the men plunged balls deep into the women’s cores, their shafts completely immersed in the women’s succulent cunts. Scylla and Messalina gripped the men’s pumping asses, pulling them in even deeper. Vise strong cunts closed on the driving pricks, locking them in place. Then the women released the men and began moving in rhythm with them, pulling down as the men pulled up, then bucking their hips up to meet the down-thrusting blows. Moans, grunts and gasps of pleasure and effort filled the room, along with the wet, sucking sounds of driving pricks working wet, hot pudenda. Soon, all four lovers were damp with sweat.
Four hard bellies clapped in rhythm. As the men fell onto their bodies, the women rejoiced in the exquisite feel of their meaty tits crushed to their chests, of the solid, muscular weight writhing and grinding on top of their undulating, twisting bodies.
The small crowd around the fucking couples cheered and whooped. Vaguely, through the haze of her lust and pleasure, Scylla could hear people taking bets on which of the men would cum first, which woman would exhaust her man and how. Some were even getting far ahead, gambling on how many men the two women would fuck until one of them surrendered, unable to go on.
Scylla understood that part of the contest was to drain her male lover to exhaustion before moving onto the next. The best way to do that was to give the man riding her all the pleasure that he could handle. She used her vaginal muscles to stimulate and control the barbarian, she moved her voluptuous body to rub her tits into his chest in ways that enticed and teased. Her hips moved expertly, churning up pleasure for both of them. She kissed her lover passionately, her tongue doing things inside his mouth that had him panting with excitement. Scylla kept the barbarian from cumming for more than 20 minutes until, finally, he could take no more. Trembling with tension and need, the man cried out as he rammed himself deep into Scylla’s juicy cunt. He released in a torrent of ejaculate, filling her insides with his emissions. She squeezed him with her twat, cutting off the flow, sending searing pleasure back through his body, before releasing him and letting him continue, then cutting him off again. In this way, she extended his orgasm and his pleasure, until the muscular brute collapsed on top of her lush body, panting.
Scylla experienced a delicious orgasm of her own, her hips twisting in pleasure as she came. Part of her charm as a prostitute was that she rarely had to fake her orgasms. She genuinely enjoyed what she did and her excitement over the night ahead of her began to build.
She wrapped her powerful body around the gladiator on top of her, squeezing him like a snake, releasing the delicious tension as her body quivered in orgasm. As they rested for a moment, Scylla looked to her side to see how her competition was faring.
The Nubian gladiator had collapsed on top of the Empress. He was shuddering with the power of his ejaculation. Messalina’s beautiful face was contorted in orgasmic delight as she moaned and gasped, as ecstasy raced through her entire body. She had twined her legs through the gladiator’s muscular legs and strained in bliss, muscle against muscle, as her body tensed then released in exquisite pleasure.
Scylla was impressed that the Empress had apparently been able to keep her man going for longer than Scylla. As she watched, Messalina’s eyes cleared and the Empress turned to lock eyes with the whore.
“It seems I got a little more out of my lover than you, my dear,” the Empress smiled.
“Gifted amateurs can be quite impressive at times, milady,” Scylla replied. “But the night is still young. You should learn the virtues of pacing yourself.”
The women smiled at each other in mutual challenge.
Scylla braced her body and rolled herself and the German man onto his back. She straddled him, his cock still buried deep inside of her steaming hot cunt, and placed her hands on his broad chest. The German filled as much of his hands with Scylla’s massive tits as he could and squeezed exuberantly. Scylla allowed him to enjoy her tits for a moment, then she slowly pulled herself off of his softened shaft. A gusher of mixed juices splattered onto his groin and belly as she lifted herself free.
Scylla lowered her face to the man’s prick and began to lick and suck deftly at his massive shaft. The engorged member started to tighten and harden, as her hands ran up and down the slick shaft. The German moaned in bliss, his hips twisting, as the fire built in his loins. Scylla took as much of his nine-inch prick into her mouth as she could and began sucking and using the heat of her throat to feed him sensations that made his cock even bigger. She was mindful of not having him get so big in her throat that he would choke her.
The prostitute’s perfect, heart-shaped ass wiggled as she sucked the barbarian back into full arousal. Her perfect tits swung and jiggled deliciously as she put her entire body into the fellatio.
Beside her, Messalina was sucking and licking the Nubian man’s balls, feasting on each delicate bulb. She licked and sucked the juices covering his prick and raised her head over his widening shaft and drooled the entire mess back onto the head of his cock. She rubbed her hand up and down the massive phallus, spreading the slick mess. The man trembled and moaned, his shaft now almost as hard and aroused as it had been only minutes before. He tried to stop himself from writhing in pleasure as the Empress worked his shaft with incomparable skill.
Scylla also had her lover writhing and moaning, his body trembling, as she sucked, licked and bit his cock, setting his entire body on fire. She sucked at and fondled his balls, playing with the root of his shaft, using her expert hands and tongue to keep him from erupting, to prolong his exquisite agony. She was determined that, this time, her man would go off after the Empress’ fuck toy.
Messalina’s skills at eating cock rivaled those of the prostitute. She used similar techniques to keep the Nubian gladiator at the edge of explosion but not quite able to go over. His prick dripped with pre-cum but the Empress kept him from full release.
For more than fifteen minutes, the men twisted and groaned on the bed, writhing and moaning in agony, as the women tortured them with sexual pleasure so intense they both began to black out. Somehow, the women kept their pricks from ejaculating, from giving them the sweet release they craved.
Scylla could sense that her man was reaching his absolute limit. If she did not do something to rein him in soon, he would either black out or let go in a volcanic eruption. Still with her mouth fastened around his throbbing cock, the blonde whore spun her body on top of the man so that her pussy was positioned directly over the German’s face. This contest had not started as a 69 but she gambled that giving her lover something else to focus on would buy her the time she needed.
The barbarian instantly wrapped his arms around Scylla’s hips, spread his hands on her perfect ass, pulling her ass cheeks apart, and buried his face deep into her succulent cunt. He ate her ravenously, his tongue delving deep, his lips and mouth working as he devoured her cunt. He sucked mercilessly on her swollen clit. His tongue ran up her bare pussy to probe and tease at her juicy anus. He spat on her asshole and sucked hard at the dripping orifice.
Scylla moaned with delight. The barbarian was surprisingly good at eating cunt. She rubbed her pussy more vigorously into his face. Her tactics seemed to work. His body’s trembling became a little less intense as his mind focused on devouring the blonde’s tasty twat.
Messalina saw what Scylla had done and immediately copied the move. The Nubian warrior eagerly fastened his mouth to Messalina’s dripping, naked cunt and sucked and licked furiously, tonguing her swollen clit, gripping her powerful, rippling ass and pulling her genitals down to his face. Messalina moaned in bliss as the man’s ministrations fed the incredible heat in her twat. She sucked and tongued the head of his cock as she ran her hands up and down the massive, pulsing shaft.
It was too late, however. The man was too far along his own path to orgasm and the delicious distraction of the Empress’ juicy pussy was not enough to keep the sensations from overpowering his control. With an agonizing groan, his hips bucked uncontrollably as he ejaculated into Messalina’s mouth. The Empress saw what was coming and made sure her mouth completely covered the first few inches of his prick, ensuring that not a drop of cum could escape. The man came and came, unleashing copious amounts of thick, gooey cum into the brunette’s mouth. Messalina took it all, careful not to swallow.
Beside her, Scylla and her fuck toy were nearing the end. When the blonde whore saw that the Nubian warrior had exploded into Messalina’s mouth, she knew that there was no longer a need to keep her German lover from following. A few good, hard sucks on the man’s enormous prick, some gentle, firm strokes on his throbbing shaft, and he was almost screaming in release as his prick erupted inside her mouth, gushing hot ejaculate into the back of the blonde woman’s throat.
Scylla and Messalina took all of the men’s ejaculate, saving it in their mouths. The two gladiators shuddered and moaned through several orgasms before they went still, exhausted, their bodies overwhelmed by the exquisite pleasure the women had given to them.
Scylla sat up, her pussy pressed into the German gladiator’s face, and turned her head towards Messalina. The Empress was waiting for her, her green eyes blazing with hate and desire. The blonde woman knew what the Empress wanted. She wanted it as well.
Both women dismounted the spent men and crawled towards each other on their hands and knees. They rose to their knees and reached for each other. Tawny arms snaked around naked backs and pulled the other in. Massive, sweaty tits crushed tight and hard, bulging and throbbing, four solid, meaty masses trapped between their chests. Hot bellies slapped, muscle rippling. Thick thighs pressed tight. The heat from their engorged genitals warmed their inner thighs. The women slid their noses past the other and locked into a hot, hateful kiss. Instantly, they began sucking the cum filling their enemy’s mouth into their own.
Scylla had fought many of these cum-swapping kissfights in the past. She was an expert at it. The object was to take as much of the cum in the other woman’s mouth into her own. She grabbed Messalina’s thick hair and pushed the woman’s face harder into her mouth. Her tongue lashed out, attacking Messalina’s tongue, scooping at the cum filling the Empress’s mouth. Messalina did the same, sinking her fingers into Scylla’s thick mane, controlling the blonde whore as her tongue thrashed and twisted against the woman’s invading probe. Both women sucked hard, trying to claim as much of the other’s spit and cum as she could. They tried to shove their mouths as deeply as possible into the other’s gorgeous face. Their aggression was equally intense. Pulling hair, sucking and tonguing each other, refusing to break the violent kiss, the women swayed and struggled on the bed, their bodies flexing and rubbing hard, their tits resisting compression, their flat bellies slapping and rippling.
Scylla pushed her mouth hard into Messalina’s mouth, momentarily overwhelming the brunette. The Empress gagged as Scylla pulled her hair and bent the woman over slightly, gaining ground in their cum-swapping battle. The Empress gasped as she turned her head, breaking the kiss in a spray of spit and a dribble of cum. Scylla felt a thrill of victory, of having successfully forced the slut to retreat. She had sucked a big glob of mixed cum out of the Empress’ mouth. Before she could swallow it, Messalina grabbed the whore’s head and re-engaged the kiss, forcing her tongue almost to the back of the blonde’s throat. Scylla had long ago overcome her gag reflex, but she knew that she risked losing the glob of cum in her mouth to Messalina’s insistent tongue. The women’s tongues wrestled, even as their bodies strained and struggled, muscle to muscle.
The women fell onto their sides, their mouths still locked and sucking, tongues twisting and fighting. Scylla managed to roll on top of Messalina and pinned the Empress’ writhing body to the bed, her big tits crushing down on Messalina’s chest, her belly slapping hard. She forced her thighs between the Empress’ powerful legs and shoved her throbbing cunt down on the bitch’s juicy fuckmeat. The women moaned within their locked mouths as their succulent genitals slapped together hard, sending a shock of pure pleasure through both of them. The women froze.
Slowly, Scylla disengaged the kiss. Nose to nose, she glared down at Messalina. The Empress returned the glare. Scylla raised her head just slightly more, then opened her mouth a bit. A thick globule of creamy cum and slick spit came out. Messalina opened her mouth and eagerly accepted the emission on the tip of her tongue. Scylla followed the spit down and the women’s tongues played before they settled into another long, deep kiss. Their tongues split the glob inside of their mouths and both women swallowed it back.
They ended the kiss, Scylla raising her head again to glare down at Messalina. A thick strand of gooey cum and spit connected their lips. They both licked it up, their tongues caressing.
Scylla lowered her mouth to Messalina’s ear, her words just for the Empress.
“You’re still just an amateur, you cow,” she whispered. “I’m going to show you what a real whore can do.”
“Fuck you, you dirty gutter whore,” Messalina whispered back. “The night is still young and we are just beginning.”
Scylla did not reply. She lifted herself off of Messalina, barely resisting the urge to pussy punch the Empress. If she did that, she was not sure what path it would take them along, and they still had a challenge to decide. Scylla knew that her wages from this night depended on how many men she fucked and drained. As much as she wanted to put Messalina in her place, there was no money to be made in doing that.
The two gladiators lying on the bed were both unconscious. The pleasure the women had given to them, the draining of their balls, had been too much. They were woken and led away. Messalina and Scylla settled back on the bed, on their backs.
“Bring in the next ones!” Messalina called out.
Two new gladiators appeared. Like the first, they were extremely muscular. Scylla liked the looks of an Indian man. His dark eyes and well-shaped face appealed to her. She singled him out and called him over with a crooked finger.
“I like this one,” she purred.
“Very well,” Messalina said. “I’ve tried them all before. I will take the other.”
The other was a massive man, a Visigoth. He eagerly approached the bed, his eyes bright as he took in the spectacular bodies of the two women lying before him.
Messalina smiled at Scylla. “Let’s add another challenge. Let’s take these men up our asses, at least at the start.”
Scylla grinned. “I will happily accept the challenge.”
The Indian gladiator approached the bed, his massive cock rising from between his legs like a meaty ram. Scylla smiled and sat up. She gripped the man by his prick and lowered her face to the shaft. She licked and nibbled at the turgid meat, until the man moaned in exquisite agony. Scylla released his cock and then turned around, assuming a position on her hands and knees. She lowered her breasts to the bed and pushed her ass into the air, wiggling it enticingly.
“Shove it in, my friend. I guarantee, it is tighter and hotter than any cunt that might encompass your manhood.”
The gladiator mounted Scylla, one hand on her hip, the other slipping under her body to grab and knead a spectacular tit. Grunting like an animal, he drove his massive shaft deep into the blonde woman’s tight, wet asshole. Scylla gasped, then grabbed the bedsheets and held on, her hips moving back and forth, meeting the man’s deliberate thrusts.
The Visigoth pushed Messalina’s shoulders into the bed as he rode her ass, driving into her like a piston, grunting, moaning and crying out as his hips jerked powerfully, as his ball-sack beat a rhythm on her glistening, perfect ass.
The pounding and grunting went on for some time, both women using their muscular control of their asses to treat the men to deliciously tight and hot pressure on their sensitive pricks. Scylla sat up pushed herself upright. The man riding her ass reached around her to squeeze and massage her glorious tits, then run a hand down her belly to cup and finger her naked, dripping cunt.
Messalina was on her hands and knees, grunting and moaning with each powerful thrust. She felt like the Visigoth would split her in half as he pistoned away at her beautiful ass, but she loved every second of it. Her tits swung like cannonballs on her chest as her body shuddered under the assault.
More than 20 minutes later, both men ejaculated at almost the same time, their cocks squeezed like vises by the women’s powerful assholes, staggering their releases until the men collapsed onto the women’s backs, all four lovers dripping with sweat. The men withdrew from the women’s assholes, having flooded their anuses with cum, and collapsed by their sides. Scylla and Messalina were not finished with the men. Straddling their lovers, they used their hands and fingers to restore their throbbing shafts to full size.
Scylla impaled herself on the Indian gladiator’s monstrous prick. As he twisted her nipples and kneaded her heavy tits, she rocked her hips back and forth, riding him like a horse, keeping him going and going far longer than he had ever gone before.
Next to Scylla, Messalina also rode the Visigoth’s massive pole. She ran her fingers through her thick, chestnut colored-hair, her mane wild and untamed as she threw back her head and groaned in ecstasy. The Visigoth squeezed and mauled her enormous tits as she carried him to the edge and back.
Almost 30 minutes later, the men erupted in continuous shots of pleasure. The Visigoth started first, just moments before the Indian warrior joined him. The men moaned and jerked under the women, their hips bucking, their bodies shuddering, as they sustained more pleasure and sensual overload than they had ever experienced in their lives before.
Scylla and Messalina pulled themselves off the men’s expended genitals with sucking pops and gushes of hot, creamy ejaculate. The women fell to the bed and rolled on their sides next to the men and next to each other. Their perfect bodies aligned, equally voluptuous, equally tall and beautiful. They rested shoulder to shoulder. Their heavy tits rolled into each other and supported the other meaty mass. Their hips rubbed, their long, muscled legs pressed skin to skin. The women turned to look at each other face to face.
“Are you ready for more, you blonde cunt?” Messalina murmured.
“I’m ready for much, much more, you royal slut,” Scylla replied, her voice a soft purr. She did not want anyone to hear her insulting the Empress, just in case the bitch proved to be a sore loser and decided to use the words they exchanged as a pretext for punishment.
Messalina smiled and slid her hand across Scylla’s body to cup the blonde’s cum-slimed twat. Scylla returned the grip. For a few moments, the two beautiful women simply lay there, rubbing and caressing the other’s hot, wet pudendum, teasing and challenging the other yet again. Scylla deliberately stroked Messalina’s engorged clit. The Empress shuddered and moaned then returned the caress. Scylla bit her lip and grunted, trying to keep the surge of pleasure from eliciting a cry of joy.
The women fingered each other for a while, their invading digits growing wet as their battle proceeded. Beside them, the exhausted gladiators had been ushered from the room by the slave girls who were monitoring the proceedings. In the room around them, many people continued to watch the women on the bed attentively, observing what had become a finger-fucking duel, whispering among themselves. The erotic energy that the Empress and her sexual rival were giving off was truly extraordinary. Everyone in the room could feel it. They were witnessing a sexual contest between two erotic titans and the battle would be truly epic.
The man who had expressed the wish for the Messalina and Scylla to test themselves against each other watched the fingering on the bed with building excitement. It was his fondest wish that the two incredibly beautiful women abandon the idea of fucking men to decide their competition and would, instead, decide that fucking each other into submission was the best way to resolve their contest. He hoped that what was happening between the women now would lead to that realization.
A number of the observers were having sex themselves. The erotic endeavors of the two women had inspired enough lust and desire in the room that many people needed the sweet release of orgasms. The sound of the orgy in the larger room outside continued to filter in. The orgy was becoming even more frantic. Only two hours had passed since Messalina and Scylla had begun their challenge. The night was still very young.
Messalina rolled onto her side; Scylla rolled to meet her. The women’s breasts crushed, their bellies rested firm. Scylla threw a leg over Messalina’s leg and hooked their calves. The women kissed, slow and deep, their tongues caressing and twisting gently. Their hands roamed the other’s body, stroking and rubbing silken, sweaty flesh. They shared spit, sucking it back and forth, enjoying the other woman’s body.
Messalina finally broke the kiss with a shuddering gasp. She and the blonde whore regarded each other through lids heavy with growing desire and shared lust.
“After I defeat you, I want to spend some time with your body. I want to get you in my bed and fuck your brains out.”
“I will be happy to fuck you for as long as you can stay awake, milady,” Scylla whispered. “But I fear you will be in no condition to fuck anyone by the time we are done here.”
Messalina smiled, then pushed herself away from Scylla. The women sat up and regarded each other. Their mutual desire was growing but so was the need to humble and humiliate the other gorgeous woman.
“On to the next round,” the Empress purred. Scylla nodded.
“Bring out the next two!” Messalina cried. Her slave girls opened the far door to the room and two more massive, naked gladiators stepped out, their enormous cocks already starting to swell as they approached the nude, delicious women reclining on the sweat and cum-soaked bed.
The contest continued well into the night. By midnight, the two combatants had each fucked four men to exhaustion. By the time the cock crowed, nearly eight hours later, they had both drained twelve men and neither showed any sign of tiring or slowing down. By the noon time the number had gone to sixteen men each. Scylla was starting to feel a little sore, but nothing that her natural lubricants could not manage. By four o’clock that afternoon, the women had absorbed the ejaculate of twenty two men each and were still going.
The orgy outside had ended but the crowd in the room watching the competition had grown considerably. As each man was fucked to exhaustion, the crowd cheered. The women had kept the same pace, both of them finishing off their lovers at roughly the same time, neither letting the other get any lead.
The women were allowed breaks only to relieve themselves and eat a bit of food and drink. No sleep breaks were permitted, by neither woman needed one. Like true nymphomaniacs, their energy increased the more they fucked.
During one of the breaks, Scylla called aside the slave girl who had greeted her. The blonde whore was starting to worry that she would not be able to defeat the Empress before her important meeting, which was scheduled for nine o’clock that night. The meeting was to take place only a short distance from the palace but that did not change the fact that she could not afford to be late. Too much was riding on the success of the meeting. Much of Scylla’s success as a whore had been due to her gods-given natural gifts and temperament, but if she had a nobler reason for spreading her legs for anyone with coin, it was to provide for her family, especially her mother.
“Lavinia,” Scylla said to the slave girl. She pressed a note into the girl’s hand. “This note is to the merchant Autolycus. His address is on the note. Please give this to him and tell him that I am with royalty and may not be able to make our meeting. Please see if he will agree to reschedule to the same time tomorrow.” Scylla was sure she would fuck the bitch Empress under the table by then. “I promise two gold coins to you if you can deliver this right away.”
The girl nodded and hurried away.
For three more hours, the two women fucked men, riding them mercilessly, grinding and rubbing, squeezing and licking and sucking, filling all of their bodily orifices with more and more cum and other emissions. Neither showed any sign of slowing down or getting tired. The audience was getting more excited, wondering if the two women were truly the inexhaustible fuck machines they were reputed to be.
After having satisfied and drained the twenty-fifth man, Scylla was lying back on the bed, feeling her body. She felt tired, but was more than capable of continuing the battle. Her pussy was a bit sore, but she expected the lubrication from so much cum was keeping her relatively pliable. Moreover, the more she fucked, the more her own bodily lubrications flowed. Her tits were sore from having been squeezed, bitten, suckled and kneaded for so long but, again, it was nothing she could not handle. However, there were no signs that Messalina was giving out either. The Empress’ spectacular body was covered in the same kind of marks as Scylla’s body, they both were soaked in sweat and cum, their hair was wild and streaked with cum. Both women’s eyes were still clear and their libidos remained high.
Scylla saw Lavinia gesturing to her from the side of the crowd. They were between lovers so Scylla slipped off the bed and approached the girl. The girl gave her a note. Scylla read it and her heart dropped. The merchant Autolycus would not reschedule. If Scylla did not meet him at the assigned time, the deal would fall through.
The blonde prostitute thought quickly. The idea of forfeiting to the Empress, of surrendering her reputation and her womanly pride to this royal whore, filled her with bile. In the time they had spent together, both women had grown to despise the other. They had exchanged many secret words, curses and belligerent promises during the course of the day-long fuckfest and to admit defeat to a bitch she had grown to hate was more than Scylla could bear. Moreover, there were professional implications. Being known as “the second best cunt in Rome” was not conducive to business. But she needed to meet Autolycus.
Scylla returned to the bed. Messalina was waiting for her impatiently. As Scylla crawled back onto the bed, Messalina lay back and spread her legs, exposing her juicy pink cunt, the sides of her netherlips a bit reddened by the constant friction and stretching they had been made to endure. The Empress was about to call for the next pair of men when Scylla stopped her.
“Milady, there is something I must discuss with you.”
Messalina looked surprised, then her eyes narrowed, like a predator spotting its prey. “What is it?”
“I have a very important meeting I need to take in less than two hours. I have tried to have it moved but the other party is intransigent. I would like to ask that we take a reprieve from our contest for the brief time I would need to take my meeting. After that, I can promise you uninterrupted time to decide our contest.”
The Empress’ haughty, vicious smile told Scylla all she needed to know.
“Absolutely not,” Messalina replied. “This contest only ends when one of us has conceded or can’t go on anymore. If you concede, if you admit that I am the best cunt in Rome, then you can leave. If you do not make that admission, then the contest continues until one of us is exhausted.”
“You petty little bitch,” Scylla snarled. There was a gasp from the spectators. Insulting the Empress was totally unacceptable. “Is this how you want to win? Everyone knowing that you could not really beat me, that you had to deny me my boon?”
“I am more than willing to keep going, you golden haired cunt,” Messalina snarled back. “It is you who are failing to meet the terms of our agreement! I don’t think that you have a meeting! I think that you are tired out, that your weak, disgusting little twat is exhausted, that your sexual appetite is more than sated, and that you are buying yourself time in the hope you can recover!”
“That is not true,” Scylla snapped. “I can keep going all night, all day, for the rest of the week, if need be. I am offering to do that. But I need to be at this meeting!”
“Enough!” Messalina cried. “Concede or get on your back and spread your legs! Those are your only two choices!”
Scylla detected the hint of imperial steel in Messalina’s words. The Empress was giving an order, one she dared not defy.
Angrily, swallowing her pride and her rage, the beautiful blonde whore climbed out of the bed. She stood beside the cum-soaked mattress and bowed her head. “I concede, milady. Your’s is the better, stronger, cunt. You have proven that you are the best cunt in all of Rome.”
A cheer went up from the surrounding entourage and money began changing hands as gambling paid off for some and created a measure of temporary impecunity for others.
Messalina looked pleased, but she shook her head. “That is not enough, you golden cunt. You have insulted my womanhood and the person of the Empress. I need a show of contrition and penance from you. You must get on this bed, put your dog-face between my legs, and eat my twat as a show of submission and acceptance of my superiority as a woman.”
Scylla looked stricken. This was too much to ask, even for the Empress.
“You slut!” the blonde whore snapped. “That was not part of our agreement! I will do no such thing!”
Messalina leaped up out of the bed. In a moment, she was tit to tit, nose to nose, with Scylla. The blonde prostitute did not give an inch. She pushed back with her equally beautiful body, compressing their massive tits. Their nipples lined up perfectly and disappeared into the women’s dense, merging titflesh. Within the meaty heart of their tits, their nipples sizzled and locked, fusing. Scylla and Messalina pushed forehead to forehead. They gripped each other hand to hand, fingers intertwining, squeezing hard. They held their hands down near their hips. Hot, sweaty bellies pressed tight and they both felt their deep, narrow navels suck and hold. Strong, thick thighs flattened against each other.
“You will do as I say, you fucking whore,” Messalina breathed, her voice a low growl.
“Make me, you filthy cunt,” Scylla hissed back, pushing with her forehead. Messalina pushed back.
The women’s eyes burned into each other, the orbs filling both women’s vision. They could feel their fused nipples pulsing and aching as they mated. Their tits throbbed and burned with pure erotic arousal, the meaty masses pulsing and straining against each other as they struggled to fill the same space. The women felt the muscles of their bellies rippling, firm flesh to flesh. Their bare toes were touching, pressed tight, their thick thighs were slick with sweat and trembling with deep sexual tension. More than anything, their steaming, aching cunts were only centimeters apart, their dripping fuck slits aligned. The furnace heat that burned off of their engorged pussies, the sizzling energy that emanated from their swollen clits, fed an unbearable hunger in both women. Incredibly, even after a whole day of fucking nonstop, the women felt more aroused than they had at any other time in their contest.
They both understood what they needed and how they had to settle their competition.
“The first to cum loses,” Messalina whispered. “Winner take all. If you cum first, you eat my pussy and admit defeat. If I cum first, I eat your pussy and admit you are the better cunt.”
“I agree,” Scylla whispered back.
The women released each other’s hands. Both slipped their arms over the other woman’s smooth, curving hips and then around their backs to grip their opponent’s perfect, trembling ass tightly. Fingers sank into the taut assmeat, getting a good strong grip.
The women spread their legs slightly, matching slick, hot inner thighs. The deep, wet slits of their pudenda aligned, juicy fuck lips almost touching, waiting for the thrust that would unite them in ecstasy. The women tilted their pelvises forward, lining up their swollen, pulsing clits. From this angle, they could not get the deep, firm cuntlock that they both craved, but their engorged clits could meet and battle like swords. The rest of their bodies stayed mated, nipples, tits, bellies all joined hot and hard. The women pressed nose to nose, then slipped their noses past and sank into a deep, deep, tongue thrusting kiss. At the same moment, they jerked their hips forward and brought their aching sex horns together.
Scylla and Messalina screamed into each other’s mouths and shuddered, their fingers clutching their opponent’s rippling, jerking ass as their clits met, head to head, tip to tip, side to side and length to length. The women’s perfect bodies flexed and twisted, their attacks consisting of microscopic thrusts of fuck horn to fuck horn, their battling clits beating more ecstasy into their struggling flesh than either woman had ever felt before.
Scylla could not believe what she was feeling. Her whole body was on fire, every nerve alive with electricity, her flesh sensitive and aroused beyond all measure. At the same time, she felt like she was melting into Messalina’s delicious body. Scylla’s eyes streamed with tears as unbearable sensations threatened to overwhelm her senses. Everything emanated from her clit, its sensitivity exponentially greater than she had ever felt it before, as it wrestled and stroked and rubbed relentlessly, ecstatically, against Messalina’s equally huge, hard clit.
Messalina was crying too, tears streaming down her face. The women remained locked in their kiss, their tongues thrashing savagely, their frantic screams of hate and pleasure melding. Their massive, bulging tits fought furiously, titmeat thrusting and grinding. Their hard bellies slapped and undulated, navels mated. Their thighs rubbed and trembled.
The clit to clit fuckfight raged on, the women’s asses rippling in rhythm, thrusting and thrusting at each other, driving their clits together in an epic struggle of pure erotic power against erotic power. Their mouths overflowed with spit and it began to dribble down to their locked, quivering shared cleavage.
As the fuckwar continued, the entourage watched in tense, lustful silence, everyone in the room overwhelmed by the pure sexual energy radiating off the two passionate fuckfighters. Everyone could see and sense how much the two women hated each other and how much unbearable sexual pleasure they were giving to each other. Even the gamblers stopped, too awed by the fantastic erotic spectacle. As the struggle continued, it became harder and harder for anyone to guess how it might end. The two women ravaging each other seemed equals in every way, even down to the power of their rippling, thrusting asses.
As their effort became harder and harder, Messalina and Scylla broke their savage kiss. They pressed nose to nose, sharing hot breath, glaring into each other, tears streaming down their faces as they strained to hold back the excruciating pleasure beating at the walls of their self-control. Neither women would give the other the satisfaction of victory, both wanted desperately to see and feel the other woman break, to feel her enemy cumming all over her. Their mutual hate kept their asses pumping and the tidal wave of pleasure at bay – but it could not last forever.
“You dirty little fuck,” Scylla whispered at Messalina.
“You filthy fucking slut,” Messalina gasped back.
Their tits felt like they might explode with pleasure, their legs trembled as the erotic sensations filling their bodies threatened to overflow. Their clits worked relentlessly, constantly stroking, corkscrewing, twisting, rubbing, feeding so much sensual pleasure into the women that both of them felt themselves becoming lightheaded. They were disassociating from their bodies, forcing their flesh to accept feelings and pleasure that was almost beyond comprehension.
Pussy juice flowed down the women’s thighs and formed a puddle on the marble tile at their feet. Their nipples were on fire and both women felt the juices flowing out of their tits as they teetered on the edge of a nipple orgasm.
For almost an hour, the entourage watched in excitement and amazement as their Empress fought a long, arduous, indescribably delicious fuckfight against her perfect rival, a sexual warrior every bit as beautiful, voluptuous and sexually voracious as the Empress herself. The room was awash in the smells, moans, cries, whispered curses of the two women.
The end came suddenly. The women’s clits were in constant contact but they hit their limit at once and together. A devastating fuck stroke of clit to clit and the sensation built like a bomb inside of both women. Scylla’s eyes widened as she felt what was coming and knew she could not hold it back. Messalina’s eyes widened too and Scylla knew she and the Empress were now in a fuck race to the finish. She forced her mouth on Messalina’s mouth. The Empress took her eagerly. Their tongues knotted into one as they both sought to stimulate the other just enough to push her over the edge first.
“YOU WHORE, OH GODS, YOU FUCKING WHORE!!” Scylla shrieked as her clit exploded, her cunt contracted, and then ejaculated in a jet of hot, steaming cum, all over Messalina’s thighs and lower body, splattering the floor.
“BITCH, YOU FUCKING, FUCKING BITCH!!” Messalina shrieked at the same moment. Their screamed curses harmonized as the women ejaculated over and over again.
Gripping each other’s asses tightly, they continued to grind and grind orgasm after orgasm out of each other until they both began to pass out. Gripping each other desperately, they fell to their knees, heads on the other’s shoulder, clinging to each other as they struggled not to lose consciousness as their bodies finally hit their limit. They leaned into each other, pulling hair, biting at necks and cheeks and mouths, as milder, weaker orgasms rippled through them.
Panting and sobbing, Messalina and Scylla held each other at the foot of the bed, their bodies now drenched in the other woman’s cum, soaked in sweat, still pressed tight, tit to tit, belly to belly. Finally, they released each other and fell back.
Messalina looked at Scylla with bleary eyes. The Empress appeared almost delirious. She grabbed the side of the bed and hauled herself up just enough to climb onto the bed. She crawled to the center of the mattress and sprawled, supine, on the cum-soaked sheet.
Scylla pulled herself onto the bed too and threw her body flat on her back, gasping and moaning, trying to regain her bearings.
The crowd watched, unsure of what to do. They had all seen that the two women had tied, both cumming at exactly the same moment. Nothing was yet decided. Lavinia, the slave girl, was also concerned. The meeting that Scylla had needed to attend was less than an hour away. She was unsure what to do.
Messalina raised her head and looked at Scylla, who was lying on her back beside her. Scylla turned her head to stare at the Empress. The women’s eyes turned to fire. Their shared hate gave them both a second wind.
Messalina pushed herself up and then turned around to sit on her ass, facing Scylla. Scylla rolled into a sitting position, then sat on her ass, facing Messalina. The women spread their legs to each other at the same moment. Without saying anything, they pushed their bodies together, slipping into a scissor. They paused for just a few seconds, glaring at each other, then closed the circuit. They thrust hard and squashed their fat, juicy pussy lips together. The women grunted and moaned, their erotic cries conveying the profound sexual pleasure they were feeling as their genitals mated. The women braced their bodies with their arms and thrust with all their power, penetrating and violating each other as deeply as they could, flattening succulent twat to succulent twat, until the steaming cunts had formed a luxurious seal of meat and wet and heat. Their swollen clits met within the arena of their merged labia and resumed their duel to the death.
The women threw back their heads and screamed and howled and cursed as they fucked with all their strength. Their massive tits bounced furiously, spraying sweat and cum. Their bellies undulated with effort. Their pussies fought furiously, two wild animals latched onto each other and struggling to consume each other, to devour one another completely.
Scylla and Messalina fucked and fucked, driving each other insane with pleasure, fucking and fucking and fucking, wanting only to merge and become one body and achieve the indescribable pleasure they both knew they could find between the legs of the other bitch.
After nearly an hour, they could take no more. Screaming, shrieking in ecstasy, they came simultaneously. Hot cum jetted up into the air from the intersection of their bodies, where their meaty cunts were merged. Creamy cum leaked from the thick, fleshy join, indicating how much ejaculate the two women were sharing as they pumped cum into each other. They fell flat on their backs and arched their spines, grinding and thrusting, cumming and cumming and cumming. Their screams filled the air, finally tapering off into choking moans as the pleasure finally abated.
For several minutes, the women lay still, neither moving, joined at their mashed and slotted cunts. After a while, Scylla stirred. She looked down her body at Messalina. She hated the bitch more than she had hated anyone in her life, but she also could not deny that the Empress’ fantastic body had given her pleasure unlike any she had ever felt before in her life.
Just when she thought she had won the contest, Messalina’s eyes opened. The beautiful Empress pushed herself up on her elbows and stared at Scylla. The blonde whore could tell that the same thoughts were passing through the other woman’s head.
“No one won,” Messalina whispered. “Not yet.”
“No,” Scylla agreed. “We keep fucking and fucking until it is decided…”
“Yes,” Messalina growled.
Just then, Scylla saw Lavinia looking anxious and she remembered what she had forgotten.
“The time,” Scylla cried, “What is the time?”
Lavinia gave her a sympathetic shrug. “It is past 9:30, milady,” the slave girl said.
“NO!” Scylla cried. She pounded the bed in frustration. She had become so caught up in fucking the Empress that she had lost an opportunity for her family.
“Scylla,” Messalina said. “I am the Empress of all of Rome. If I order this person you wish to meet to meet you at another time, I can do so.”
Scylla looked at her rival in surprise. “You would do this for me?”
“Oh yes,” Messalina smiled. “But there is something you have to do for me.”
Scylla expected Messalina to tell her to stay and continue fucking until their competition was decided. She was wrong.
“I want you to eat me, right now. Suck my clit, lick out my pussy. Then I want you to admit that I am the best cunt in Rome. Do it now, right now, without any argument or complaint. In the meantime, I will have Lavinia go and order the new meeting, in my name.”
As she said this, Messalina nodded at a man, her steward. He gestured at Lavinia. The two left the room, no doubt to get the order ready.
Scylla realized she was caught. Even if she did not trust the Empress, this was her only chance for saving her deal.
Without a word, the blonde woman got on her hands and knees and crawled towards Messalina. The Empress lay back on her cushions and spread her legs wide.
“Eat me like you want me, fucker,” the Empress whispered, her green eyes alive with malice and victory. “Suck me like you’ve never sucked anyone before.”
“I will make you scream in bliss, you cunt,” Scylla whispered. Rage burned in her eyes, but this was the only revenge she could get.
Scylla buried her face in Messalina’s juicy twat. She inhaled deeply, loving the pungent odor. She began to eat, licking at the labia, nibbling at the reddened fuck lips, letting her tongue run through the woman’s fuck trough, cleaning out the shared cum, sucking it back. She paused to climb up Messalina’s body. Pressing her tits hard into the Empress’ equally huge, meaty rack, she shared the cum with Messalina in a sloppy, spitty, cummy kiss, one that lasted several minutes. The women swallowed it all back. Their eyes locked in mutual hate when it was done.
Scylla returned to between Messalina’s legs and resumed her eating. She sucked and licked, she used her fingers to trace and probe and tease, stroking deep inner vaginal walls, caressing the swollen clit. Her tongue delved deep into the Empress’ asshole, licking and sucking. Finally, when she had done all she could to stimulate Messalina’s every nerve, when the Empress was quivering and trembling with pleasure, Scylla wrapped her lips and tongue around the woman’s swollen clit and feasted on the most sensitive, delectable organ in any woman’s body. More than ten minutes later, Messalina shrieked in absolute ecstasy as she came again and again, soaking Scylla’s beautiful face and wild, blonde mane in what felt like liters of ejaculate.
Panting, gasping, faint with pleasure, Messalina leaned even further back into her cushions. “Yes,” she moaned. “Oh fuck, yes.”
Scylla watched, her eyes angry. This should have been her. She should have been the one serviced by the Empress, it should have been her clit that was sucked and devoured until she came hard enough to pass out in bliss. It should have been Messalina with her face and hair soaked in her rival’s cum, waiting to be acknowledged.
“Say it,” Messalina finally said. She recovered enough for her eyes to focus. “Say it for all to hear.”
Scylla got off the bed. She looked around the room, at the assembled nobility and their slaves and hangers-on, all the people who had witnessed her humiliation.
“Empress Messalina is the best and strongest cunt in all of Rome. She has defeated me. I acknowledge this.”
A wild cheer went up and more money exchanged hands.
Scylla just wanted to leave. She looked around for her toga. She stank of sweat and cum and her hair was a wild, though still alluring, mess. She found her sandals and then her toga and wrapped it around her lush body. While she was doing this, Messalina’s entourage was swarming their Empress, who had gotten up from the bed. Still naked, the Empress was accepting their congratulations.
Barefoot but now wearing her toga loosely, Scylla prepared to leave. She was holding her sandals and looking around for the steward who would pay her and Lavinia. They both appeared at the same time, entering the room together.
The steward was carrying a small sack. He walked right up to Scylla. “Milady. As agreed, three gold coins for each man. There are 75 gold coins in the bag.”
Scylla took it gratefully. All it had cost her was her pride as a woman and her reputation as a whore. On the positive side, the gold coins would secure the home for her family that she wanted with a great deal left over.
Lavinia handed her an official looking document. “If you give this to the party, the merchant Autolycus, he will have no choice but to meet with you.”
Scylla looked at what was written on the scroll. It had the official seal of the Empress and was written in her name. It should be more than enough.
“Thank you,” Scylla smiled. She took the sack the steward had given her, extracted two gold coins and gave them to Lavinia, as she had promised.
Scylla glanced back at the Empress, who was still accepting congratulations. She hated the bitch. She hated the cunt desperately. But she was just a whore in Rome and there was little she could do to avenge herself.
Lavinia offered to lead Scylla to the back entrance where she had entered the palace but Scylla declined. She did not want to be with anyone who had been present during her humiliation, even if Lavinia had missed part of it.
Barefoot, Scylla left the bedroom and made her way through the giant party room and into the main hall. The route to the back entrance was straight and simple. Lavinia had assured her that the carriage would be waiting to take her back to her brothel.
The palace was quiet as Scylla walked through the vast marble halls, her bare feet slapping on the tile. She had just turned the corner that led to the back entrance when she heard the slap of feet on the tile, approaching at a run. She hesitated, then a deep, powerful sense told her to wait. She stopped and turned around, facing the corner.
Messalina came around the corner. The Empress stopped when she saw Scylla waiting for her. Messalina was wearing only a thin robe, one that was open, so that her nude body was fully exposed. She made no effort to hide her nakedness as she stalked towards Scylla.
Scylla opened her toga, so that it hung loosely around her naked body. She dropped her sandals and the royal order to the floor.
Messalina walked right up to the blonde prostitute and shoved her nude body into Scylla’s equally nude form. The women’s arms wrapped around each other and their hungry mouths snapped together. Heavy, meaty tits rubbed and quivered, pushing and thrusting at each other as the women twisted in each other’s arms, trying to control each other. Their bare bellies slapped and the heat from their steaming cunts radiated from between their legs.
They kissed harder, hungrier, until spit was flowing down their chins. Finally, they broke the kiss and glared at each other, nose to nose.
“This is not over, Scylla,” Messalina whispered. “Now that I’ve conquered your cunt, I’ll be expecting you to service me whenever I want it.”
“Get in line, you little fuck,” Scylla hissed. “If you can pay, you get fucked. Otherwise, you’re just another diseased twat to me.”
Slowly, the women peeled apart. They wanted each other, they wanted to fuck, right now. Scylla half expected Messalina to drag her to some other room, any other space, and begin fucking her. The Empress surprised her, however.
With a savage smile, Messalina turned and walked away, her robe still open.
Scylla watched the woman go, then closed her toga, straightened her hair, and went out to the carriage. As the transport rolled away from the palace, Scylla considered what had happened. She clutched her royal order closely.
Scylla knew she had not seen the last of the Empress. Her tits throbbed and her clit swelled as the thought took root in her head. The next time she met the bitch, she swore to the gods, she would emerge victorious and she would force Messalina to submit to her body, to her superior sexuality. The Empress had cheated to win. Everyone there knew this. The bitch would not have a second chance.
The End